#and he was probably a lawyer
caffeine-high · 1 year
i have two different reports to start and finish in two days and about five exams to study for, but i just finished rewatching a full minecraft SMP probs gonna go for another rewach with a different POV tomorrow and am looking through burial records for people in suffolk who died sometime between 1553 and 1600 looking for a lawyer who practiced magic
no i am not ok thanks for asking
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ghostreblogging · 2 days
Ok ok so hear me out Twins au. Danny and Damian are twins. And you know the whole story. Danny gets "killed " moves in with the Fenton's and becomes phantom. Ad Damian doesn't know that. Well the magician summoning Damian's dead brother to enact his revenge on him has a very bad timing
"Oh robin. Dont you know the dead can have fangs. I've heard of a little tale. Of how you killed your own brother. Your twin in a quite a cruel and merciless way don't you think?" The magician drawls on over the horribly over used repetitive lines.
But it still stops Damian in his tracks. He can see as his family stop and look at him. With the look of horror and well concern. And he hates it. He can feel their gazes on him and it burns his skin.
He stops and tries to yell at them. To do something. To stop dawdling around.
Until a right flash of green stopped him. The circle lit up as a clawed hand grasped the edge from inside.
Unfortunately the magician wasn't a phony.
The being slowly crawls itself out. It's wearing striped prison clothes with conically oversized shackles? Huh.
Damian muses to himself as he prepares for battle . Must represent his or rather their lives in the league of assassin's.
The being finally looks up and shouts
"Ghost crimes exist? What even are ghost crimes???" Dick whispered to Jason
"I don't know but I am so angry at the implications of ghost cops. " Jason replies
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kobitoshiningneedle · 3 months
AA localization is something that in most cases enriches characterization, but sometimes the context on the original Japanese script gives something really intriguing as well
We all know Manfred von Karma is a perfectionist, and in almost every his line we are reminded of it. He even set his ATM card number to 0001. So an ummovable object in terms of superiority complex
I like the Japanese version of this moment as well if not more, though. There, Manfred's card number is 4649 which by the rules of Japanese wordplay means yoroshiku or "nice to meet you". He also points that this is not an actual date (thanks). It makes him look like a lot more whimsical guy who just isn't 100% of time serious, which I'd personally take over the "hee hee I'm number 1" thing (because let's be real, it's not that funny and falls a bit flat)
It's a really minor detail, but where else people are gonna pick up some bits about Manfred's personality aside from being a perfectionist asshole? Even for a cartoonish villain MVK is often positioned as it's really interesting to peek into other sides of his personality
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merakiui · 4 months
since heartslabyul has a courtroom, i wonder if any of the students ever have danganronpa-style debates in there. stealing riddle's tart is tantamount to homicide (pre-overblot), so now it's the most convoluted debate ever just to prove your guilt/innocence. T_T
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saeraas · 5 months
higuruma being able to finally look yuji in the eye before death after not being able to since their first fight..... I'm not okay
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wrensog · 1 year
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can you tell ive spent this week rewatching ethos’s last life series *laughs evily*
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nerdy-hyperfixations · 2 months
To me, the biggest difference between comic Wallace and Anime Wallace is that Comic Wallace is like a normal guy who (imo) is very obviously still just a 25 year old making stupid decisions and working in shitty jobs and barely getting by, and he just looks more competent when standing next to massive boy-failure Scott (and because hes sassy and carefree). and Anime Wallace is beloved by the universe, so he just gets an acting job for being Wallace, with 5 stunt doubles (that he bargained for with a lawyer Comic Wallace probably could never afford. Seriously, where did he get that money??? Did he seduce a lawyer???????) and a millionaire husband, and lives in a millionaire mansion where he drinks all day and never has to work again. And like good for him, I guess? Slay.
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tumblhurgoyf · 1 year
Can you explain for my friend why wotc actions after the leak are bad?
This is gonna be a bit lengthy but first I want to establish a timeline. Note the only real info we have is from the Youtuber in question, so it's not unreasonable that some of this is wrong, either intentionally or just because this guy likewise doesn't know all of what happened.
A Youtuber with about 5000 subscribers, oldschoolmtg, ordered booster boxes of March of the Machine.
2. The person he ordered them from mistakenly gave him boxes of March of the Machine: Aftermath.
3. oldschoolmtg cracked the Aftermath packs and posted videos of that online. It does sound like he was aware of difference between MOM and MOM Aftermath before he posted the videos. He said he doesn't believe the person who sold them was aware as that person isn't really into Magic (I personally know a store like this--the owner is really into Warhammer but does Magic stuff too because it pays bills).
4. Wizards says they tried to contact him but couldn't reach him. As far as I know we have no context for how they tried to contact him, how many attempts they made, or how long they waited before hiring the Pinkertons to shake him down.
5. I believe Sunday April 25 in the morning the Pinkertons showed up at this guy's house to recover "stolen" product. They threatened jail time and the Youtuber refers to them as "law men" in his video so I'm not sure if he misunderstands their role or if they misrepresented themselves.
6. After getting the cards, the Pinkerton agents provided a phone number to a person at Wizards for oldschoolmtg to call. He said this person was apologetic and cordial and said they don't believe anything was stolen but they needed the product so they could figure out how this happened to prevent it in the future. oldschoolmtg also says they said they'd send him some product to compensate for the cards the Pinkertons just took from him.
7. oldschoolmtg removed the Youtube videos of him opening the Aftermath packs. They also asked him to ask everyone else to take those vids down, claiming some sort of copyright infringement.
That's all the info I'm aware of, mostly just straight from the person who experienced this.
So why is this wrong?
First, MOM Aftermath is an embargoed product. Which means Wizards ships it out to retailers (be they big box store or LGS or online space or whatever) under a contract that they won't sell it before a certain date and time. oldschoolmtg believes the person he purchased from simply mixed up the two sets because of the similar names. He says he purchased the product and according to his recollection of the phone call, the rep at Wizards likewise didn't think he had stolen it.
That's important because the embargo agreement is between retailers and Wizards. oldschoolmtg had no contractual obligation with regard to the embargoed product. It leads me to believe the Pinkertons were involved because they'd willingly insinuate the product was stolen and oldschoolmtg had committed a crime when in actuality there was no grounds to take any legal action against the man. There was no grounds to get a warrant to search for the product. He had committed no crime. He bought Magic cards from a guy who sells Magic cards. The only actual recourse Wizards would have had if the cards weren't stolen was to pursue the guy who sold them for breaking the embargo.
The only theft that actually occurred was when the Pinkertons raided this guy's home to take cards he purchased.
That's my take given what info we know. The Youtube videos aren't actually relevant in a meaningful way--that's just how Wizards found out.
But it's actually even worse. It would have been shitty to seek out a warrant or just sic lawyers on him. Of course I don't think they had grounds for it, so instead they went extrajudicial instead. That is they took a course of action that didn't involve courts.
For those who don't know, the Pinkertons started in 1850 and operated largely as violent strikebreakers. They're still helping break strikes today. They've been hired by Amazon and Starbucks within the last three years to spy on unionization efforts. Their history is bloody and murderous. No exaggeration. Their response to workers striking and unionizing in the past has been to beat them and shoot them.
I think you can put two and two together here. What does it say for a billion dollar multinational company to send these violent thugs to the private home of a small a guy operating a small Youtube channel?
It's a threat to this guy and anybody else; if you leak our cards we will find where you live and we will come after you. Specific use of the Pinkertons is part of this intentional message. There are other security firms without the history and notoriety. And while any such action would be just as disturbing, I doubt using almost any other agency would have had quite the effect as hiring Pinkertons.
tl;dr Based on what we know it's unlikely this guy did anything actually wrong or unlawful and Wizards sent agents from a firm with a violent and notorious history to his home in an act of intimidation
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churbo · 2 years
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look at my lawyer dude im goin' to fuckin' jail
(design by @sboopie)
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sesamenom · 8 months
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some ideas from an au where maglor just keeps living in britain (/himring?)
especially in the earlier eras he had to put a lot more effort into styling/dyeing his hair to cover his ears & the blueness/Elf Sparkle. he also wore glasses for a while to dim the Treelight Eyes (because even as badly faded as he is, it's still really obvious with how old he is).
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suguwu · 10 months
...modern au and an accidental (drunken) vegas wedding with diluc
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cosmo-64 · 8 months
So, I just watched The Good Fight and would just like to leave this here:
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More specifically:
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Depicted: The precise moment I fell in love with this absolutely unhinged character
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saeraas · 8 months
everyone watching this sukuna gauntlet so far
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months
In the name of Lawyers, what's your Ace Attorney knowledge?
I know the first game pretty well, so I'd say 5. However, with the combined knowledge of my Ace Attorney loving friends, I'd raise that to 50.
However, if you are looking for some MDZS x AA crossover content, check out these posts by @lazycranberrydoodles! They're an amazing artist!
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sugar-konpeito · 1 year
yuusaku is so good at solving mysteries because he has the one technique shinichi does not (breaking and entering)
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lazycranberrydoodles · 8 months
every time i make a post that is kind of specific i get so happy when the target audience finds it. yes, i made this especially for you, the 3 people that have gone insane in the tags
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