#and hitting- or rather being percieved as a certain age
memento-mariii · 1 year
I'm not scared of getting older, I'm scared of new opportunities getting shut off from me :(
#hey fun fact! did you know that in South Korea they require you to put your date of birth gender and photograph on your résumé?#and how just COINCIDENTALLY it's near impossible for you to start a new career in a new field if you're above 30?#well! it sucks!#I'm not in my thirties yet (mid-twenties) but. the pressure is on.#'do I look old' not as in 'is my skin smooth am I pretty do I have wrinkles'#but as in 'do you think I could theoretically get away with lying about my age on a résumé if it ever came down to it'#mmari rambles#mmari rants#vent post#also this is only tangentially related#but in general and not just in Korea people (especially women) are so concerned about looking old because#society is so weird about certain life experiences as this universal 'life stages' and 'milestones'#that absolutely everyone has to go through#and hitting- or rather being percieved as a certain age#comes with a bunch of societal expectations and restrictions on what's acceptable behavior#so if you haven't yet hit a certain milestone or don't feel ready to hit a certain milestone#or don't wan't to go near that milestone at all ever in your life#you feel like it's in your best interests to appear younger#and ofc there's a layer of misogyny in this too because for women the window of acceptable time to figure yourself out is much smaller#it's 'girl' when you're a kid then 'young woman' in your twenties then maybe 5 years of 'professional working woman'#and from then on it's 'MOTHER MOTHER HOMEMAKER MOTHER GRANDMOTHER'?#so if you're a woman who likes her career or just likes being financially independent or just don't want to be married#or is married but don't want children#of course there are women in their 40s and 50s who want to still look like they're in their 30s and 20s#(and of course there are other factors to this#like society teaching women & fem-aligned people that their value is intrisically tied to their looks etc etc#but this is getting WAY too off topic)#*but I think in general and not just in korea people (esp women) are so concerned about looking old because#forgot to put 'I think' in there lol
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mbti-notes · 3 years
Anon wrote: INFP with social anxiety here. I have a therapist but we're focusing on some other issues right now. In the meantime, I was wondering if you had some advice for me. I know you're not a professional (you say that multiple times in your posts) and of course I'm not asking you for a fix for my social anxiety with this - I'm just asking your help to understand what part my cognition could be playing in all of this cause I'm really curious.
Basically, my problem is the time frame right BEFORE I meet someone and, sometimes, immediately after. I don't really have problems socializing in the "middle", if you get what I mean; I'm easily adaptable and once I'm relaxed, once I realize no one is there to attack me, my mind starts getting ideas and I kind of know what to say, even though I'm a bit out of practice and I still have problems convincing other people of my emotions (like, mirroring their emotions so that they know I agree with them and stuff like that; for some reason they never ---believe me when I say it with words).
When I make plans, anyway, and I still haven't met the person, I get this anxiety: like I would rather stay home than go there because it's going to be "boring" and I'm probably going to feel like an idiot or make some sort of social gaffe. I mean, I do kinda get bored after a while anyway, but I also know I tend to overestimate that level of "future boredom" to the point it hurts me to even think about showing up and forcing myself to think of stuff I can-- say.
I get anxious because I start thinking about the way people used to treat me in the past (I've always been the black sheep of my family and/or my social circles and I vividly remember some bad things they used to say to me) and I start worrying that, deep down, they still think of me like that and they're never going to forget that "preconception of my identity" and open their eyes to who I am now, or I guess to who I've always been.
I do realize it doesn't make much sense, this "who I ----really am" part - but I've always had the impression that I was a bit different than the "me" they percieved, maybe because after many, many years of being accused of "selfishness" and "inability to tune in with the emotional atmosphere" I learned that in order not to ruin the "social mood" I should've adapted myself to the group - but the problems is that I suppressed "myself" in the meantime (and with myself I mean, like, my real interests, the things I'd like to talk about for ages without-- having to be interrupted or looked down on because, quote unquote, "ok, cool, but we don't really care").
I understand now that if they don't give me hints of actually caring about the subject I should stop rambling like a fool, but this is making me feel like I have nothing "useful" to offer them and therefore bringing the anxiety I'm struggling with. It makes me scared that I'll never be able to be myself around them because of the "social rules" I want to respect to be accepted, & to make----it worse I'm out of practice like I said before and sometimes it just gets too awkward and I want to get out of there.
I bet I'm doing something wrong because friendships and relationships in general are not supposed to be "boring", am I right? And yet until I don't get distracted by the actual conversation, I feel like it's going to be really boring and uncomfortable and sometimes going through it is SO horrible... most of the time I end up making up some excuse to go home earlier and talk----my internet friends instead (thank God for the internet!!!!). Anyway, thank you if you'll answer! And have a good summer vacation c:
The first thing I notice is that your thought process bears a very striking resemblance to many INFJs who struggle with social anxiety due to poor Fe development (see past posts). As a general rule, if I have good reason to suspect that someone might be mistyped, I won't provide info about function development until they undergo a proper type assessment. Otherwise, they might adopt the wrong method of improvement.
You say you want to understand what part your cognition plays in the social anxiety you experience, so I will mention the aspects of your cognition that seem most significant:
1) No Chill: You overthink things to an extreme, to the point of self-sabotage, perhaps even creating a self-fulfilling prophecy (i.e. when expecting the negative actually makes the negative happen). Overthinking means that you're not confronting the real obstacle getting in the way of your socializing. You're constantly trying to envision, imagine, or predict what will happen in a social interaction? WHY? What's the point of that overthinking? It's how you avoid confronting your fear head on.
2) Insecure: Your "predictions" are too often faulty because of being tainted by your underlying insecurities. You're insecure about being attacked, being accused, being misjudged, doing something wrong, being deemed of no value or unworthy of care, not being accepted or acceptable, dying of awkwardness, feeling bored, feeling uncomfortable, and on and on. You've described your thought process in detail. But nowhere do I see you confronting your insecurities, digging deeper into them, in order to understand the root of them. Insecurities are a manifestation of fear.
3) Control: Irrational anxiety is oftentimes about trying to control things that you shouldn't be trying to control or cannot have any control over - it wastes mental energy and leads to futile behavior. As long as you're trying to control social situations and their outcome, you are either trying too hard to make reality match up with your expectations or you're fumbling whenever reality unfolds outside of your expectations - you become rigid and frail. You claim to be "adaptable" but everything you say after that only proves you don't know the meaning of the word. You can't handle unpredictability, hence, the attempt to be in control by trying to "predict" everything. Do your attempts to control actually work? Do they help or hinder you? If they mostly hinder you, then isn't it time to change your strategy? Anxious people often believe that having more knowledge or control is the answer to their fear. But, in your case, the huge cost of being controlling is being incompetent. What's worse, the fear is still right there running the show.
4) Unresolved Trauma: You attribute your troubles to your past. Fair enough. Growing up in a social environment that did not respect and appreciate you is painful, even extremely traumatic for certain personality types. It also makes people too hungry for validation. It's natural that you wouldn't want to feel the pain of it again. However, if that pain remains unexamined and unresolved, you will unconsciously keep seeking to resolve it, which means re-enacting the trauma over and over again throughout life. The proof? Every time you meet someone, your first stance is defensive, because the first thing that comes into your mind is that you don't want to be attacked or invalidated. That old pain is running the whole show because you are deeply afraid of experiencing it again, yet you don't realize that YOU are the one calling it back up and rehashing it. What are you doing to resolve the pain rather than indulge the fear?
5) Self-absorbed: Social anxiety makes people too absorbed in their own thoughts, feelings, hopes, and expectations. They are too preoccupied with what they want, what will happen, how they will be perceived, how they might make a mistake, how they might be attacked, etc. This means they're not truly present with people, so the relationship can't really go far. Driven by fear and insecurity, they are always behind a wall, too difficult to reach.
Even if you happen to meet the right people, do you make it easy for them to befriend you? It seems that you can't open up with ease, you can't go with the flow of the other person when they don't live up to your expectations, you can't keep your emotions in check and misjudge situations, you get bored when it's not about you, you run away instead of making things better. Looking at yourself objectively from the outside, would you want to be friends with someone like that?
If you want to have good friends, you first have to BE a good friend. You want care, love, and validation? We all do. The best way to receive it is to be the first to give it. By being more aware of other people's needs and doing more to show that you care about them, you put them in a better position to care about you and meet your needs in return. This is the difference between actively trying to "make" a friend vs passively wishing for a friend to drop into your lap.
Being a friend isn't about what "value" you have, as though you're some kind of object being appraised and sold. Being a good friend is quite a simple matter of putting out the energy to care and show that you care. When you meet someone who's moved by your care, they will care for you in return. When you meet someone who's unmoved by your care, figure out the real reason why, in order to determine whether you should keep trying or put your energy elsewhere.
You never really know who you'll hit it off with. One of my favorite experiences in life is making a friend in the unlikeliest of places. As an adult, meeting new people is a numbers game. All you can do is keep pushing yourself to meet new people. The more people you meet, the greater the odds of clicking with someone. If you're looking to meet like-minded people, go to places that are likely to have people who share your interests. If you don't hit it off with someone, simply move along. You don't have to be friends with everyone, do you?
Yet, you take every little social interaction so seriously that each step is like life or death - that's what makes socializing tiring, laborious, and unfun. Why not enter into every social interaction with an open mind and an open heart? Why not truly go with the flow, without having to undergo the repetitive ritual of predicting what will happen or fussing over what did happen?
6) Poor Emotional Intelligence: This point is the common thread that runs through the previous points, which is why I keep repeating the word "fear". You have extremely low tolerance for negative feelings and emotions, which means you really need to work on learning how to deal with your emotional life better. Any little sign that things won't turn out the way you want and you start to panic, overthink, blame, or flee. Why do you recoil from yourself and your own feelings and emotions? Why are you so easily shaken by boredom, awkwardness, invalidation, failing, other people's negativity, etc? Why do you react so badly to these things (when others just brush it off and keep going)?
7) Low Self-Awareness: It's not enough to just name the fear ("I'm afraid of____"). Does the label explain why you have this particular fear and not some other fear? It's not enough to blame the past ("It's because of ____"). Why did someone else with a similar past as yours not develop this fear? To get to the root of fear, you have to identify, in exact terms:
what aspect of you has to change to overcome the fear
what aspect of your identity has to "die" (i.e. be let go of) in order to evaporate the fear
Until you answer the fear properly, it won't go away.
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ho-ods-blog · 5 years
If we reduce everything to information do we lose the aesthetics, empathy and much more in life? What do you think?
To understand my current perspective and create the desire within you to pursue your personalized & positively balanced, productive quest for understending is to imagine what what isn’t possible by being easily done yet not in fact impossible - the sentence explaining all conspiracies as well as  what I’ll be explaining through the example of a chip - which isn’t one of the conspiracies at all.
Imagine if we all got chipped, for the sake of mutual understanding imagine it like a tiny memory card inserted, let’s say behind your ear which works because it connects, duplicates then mimmics each neuron and then replaces it by removing the original   with the technological components also within it.
Imagine that the heart keeps our body and mind alive and the chip our brain.
Now imagine that chip contains the whole of information from the main central computer which had collected all of searches and statistics along with the feedback itself in a matter of seconds upon laying your eyes on the person, home etc as well is still providing the same procedures and updating everyone each decided period of time.
Would you want to live in a world which now defines you insane/and/or questionable because you googled dick cheese around your friends for a joke and tried to understand sexual preferences as a kid? Nobody would. But that would be inside the mind of the person who would lay their eyes upon you a.k.a. it would get the information from the chip on another and that person would get your information just the same.
Do we then lose the aesthetics, empathy and much more in life? 
Okay, I am definitely writing this particular chunk of sentences to also signify I no longer give a shit about privacy because the groups of supertechs could come at me at any given moment, disrupt my algorithms to make my content visible to less users and there really isn’t much I can do as an average citizen with some interesting hobbies so therefore a couple of people from my hometown judging me for actively pursuing my interests in a way I choose really doesn’t even come to me as a negative thing anymore because there’s far more going on which I want to focus on and direct my maximum positive potential and impact on.
Now that that is out of the way,
That transhumanistic viewpoint(the chip example) is what I chose because I’ve read too much about it, seen too many films which lead to more research and read too many insights but today that example of the chip is just a prolonged and complicated version where the chip is the computer, the phone, the laptop and the human can find out information just not fast and easily or without extensive technical literacy and trial and error.
That is why this cybernetic connection was implemented with the assistance and constructive creativity of the groups of supertechs for the agendas long as the existance itself. I can write about this in another post extensively.
What matters to me more than my own privacy and social justice within my own experience is a positive change I can contribute by sharing not the information I am learning but the way I work my mind and actions around it because throughout the past year I have come to terms with the exceptional components I was once scared to share.
Today, I am conscious of my voice and more so confident in it’s validity because I see no negatively directed energy consciously or unconsciously motioned my way as anything which could ever be stronger than God, no weapons forged against me prosperous and no truth which I speak less legitimate than somebody’s illusion of theirs despite them percieving it as truth.
I now resonate with the ideals which bring in no obligations for accusations to prove what is already truth as well as no pointed fingers but rather everyday courses of action from healed individuals of own controlled mindsets because keeping a positive vibration is in fact what should matter right when you wake up, while you are brushing your teeth, making lunch, going to school, work etc. what matters is to use the internet, web and social media consciously as well as choosing what you want to think about and what gets to hurt you and keep you stagnant.
This simple piece of text is made with the intent to serve it’s purpose on it’s own.
It isn’t done so that at a certain point in the future when there’s plenty of them as well as other endeavors it’s author gets money, status, recognition, fame, etc, nor is it the goal of any of my visionary creative endeavors.
I had made enough of regretful decisions in my life to innerstand, understand and overstand as well as define the emotion of it without words necessarily that I must use the remaining time of mine on Earth for the greater good.
It is fortunate for us to be alive at a time where doing something as simple as writing a micro-blog post can offer some people a chance to start controlling their thoughts in hopes of maintaining a safe space.
What I had gathered from merely a couple of videos on youtube in which Jaron Lanier ( computer philosophy writer, considered the funding father of virtual reality, visual artist, was in the first company which sold VR goggles, was in Atari, worked on apps for internet 2, visiting scholar at Silicon graphics, works at Microsoft research since 2009 as thhe interdisciplinary scientist etc) is speaking about the contents of his book “you are not a gadget” as well as information since the digital age took place was more than enough for me to try and find the appropriate place to channel it constructively.
I decided to use the notes I make along the way as I watch the videos and read the material as a tool I can shape into something for those who aren’t necessarily willing to sit and watch youtube videos all day long, clean their house and listen to them, drive and audio it or perhaps even read the books ( which I want to highlight still ARE much-MUCH greater sources for everything I will ever be speaking on because through the information I share I am still secluding a paragraph to explain how I choose to deal with the information instead of turning it as a weapon for my own stagnancy and misguided lack of faith.)
It is still the biggest tragedy to me to see this cybernetic connection we share done in the utmost negative way and the knowing it hadn’t even started to take place at it’s maximum potential is truly what could be terrifying to a point of episodic daily nausea if only us and in this case myself were to base our mental states upon people and actions which are outside of our control.
The computer can send information to another bundle of information in a set of bits and it is analyzing them mathematically and, yes - it does not matter to a computer what the information says.
”Meaningless disorder is to be challenged and not fear because we can choose to be overwhelmed or emboldened.”
The strength from within is omnipresent and the fear of failure, lack of constructive impact or whatever the individual might use to shape their own low vibrational perspective for not making an active shift in their own life -are all illusions because the purpose of the negativity is to achieve sustainability of itself as it is. That is why it is important to understand you either sink towards the end of your life or swim towards it because as you can see the finish line is the same yet the pathaways different.
It may be easier to keep the sinking mindset yet it isn’t even remotely as joyful, courageous, rewarding, fruitful, positive, needed and surprisingly positively influential to those around you (as well as much, more I can write about) than the swimming.
In this life you can choose to think finishing highschool and  pursuing a degree, finding and maintaining a job with or without a carreer, finding, accepting, returning as well as nurturing and maintaining love, travelling and friendships are the peak you need and want yet the sinking mindset still bears the low vibrational tendency to show up uninvited and subtle as it hides within outcomes you learned how to disregard positively and label it swimming.
Whatever you choose, the information presented remains existant and true.
Anytime two people connect to the internet is universally financed by a third party who believes they can use behavioralist techniques to manipulate the first two people without them undestanding whats up.
In regards to the talks by Jaron Lanier -
the WE is the global cyber net in which those who built it, are making the most money off it as well as keeping it existant are somehow above the circumstances and the average citizen are still modern day workers to keep it going and developing into whatever the purpose of the behavioralist techniques really is while it is disquised as solely statistics to better consumerism and the user experience.
“We’ve created a society based on universal trickery and deception and therefore developed an already flawed society into a universal community of individuals who do not believe election votes, routinely expect to be bullied one way or another and made to feel terrible. That is the society which does not believe in truth anymore.” we're all connected, from seemingly all perspectives.
A manmade connection would be computers which had done another interconnection and way back in 1938, a man by the name of Burrhus Frederic Skinner decided to present an idea of treating computers as a tool to remove individuality and by experiments alter the human nature by getting them to change by the reward/punishment stimuli a.k.a. positive/negative feedback loop(social experience) and the negative ones are more common actually because of that feedback loop between the dopamine hits. The person contributes their motion, eye movements and facial expressions to the statistics.
The experiment is a human version of keeping a rat in a box and providing it some food when it pulls down the tiny lever inside that box .
The cybernetics are naturally a negativity machine. The likes, comments, the interaction people get on social media is what provides them the small dopamine hits which keep them using it in the ways which highlight education last.
Skinner was about using digital networks to transcent idiosincracy(a mode of behaviour or way of thought peculiar to an individual!) He was the first there to have something to say about peoples “weird and felatious ideas about freedom) the first time it crossed paths with computing was through Norbert Weiner who was the first generation contribute when the ideas for altering started.
He was the first who started changing others’ perceptions on how the computers are being percieved. The idea is to use a computer to make it into much more than it is,as well asmuch more complicate and Weiner coined the term for it from the Greeks which is the now famous “cybernetics”)
the scientific study of how information is communicated in machines and electronic devices, comparing this with how information is communicated in the brain and nervous system / Too often a simplistic cybernetic control model underpins performance measurement systems. -cybernetics was trumpeted as a universal science of government that would help to guide the social organization necessary for modernization.
DEFINITION OF CYBERNETICS BY DICTIONARY.COM: the study of human control functions and of mechanical and electronic systems designed to replace them, involving the application of statistical mechanics to communication engineering.
What if you have a computer watching a human being, his moves, looks etc and then what if that computer provided stimulus. Couldn’t this computer gradually become an automated behavioralist who controls the person?
This is a human use of human being and if everybody has these computers with themselves always then these little computers can measure everything about those people, who they talk to, what they search, their locations, and in return give them some sort of reward/feedback - texts, sounds, art etc.  but what we neglected is the radios connecting all of those small computers to a big computer which is modifying a computer like a behavioralist who could pull statistics and change society without you knowing it is happening to you, too.  
This all goes into depth just like anything and the particular planted seed had developed itself stranded into one probability for salvation in a clusterfuck of mass destruction of probabilities because despite the good and the bad within for example Artificial Intelligence, those of us who consider it’s positive aspects are on the same page as we speak of it the like we speak of  humans who, naturally, aren’t all good with good intentions and the technological advancements are not yet well balanced with anything else in our world which is behind it.
Instead of rescuing people, natural resources, animals, finances, jobs, security etc. we had massively shifted to a world of subtle, reliable shades of different types of horror in which ignorance serves as a peace of mind, heard, body and soul which still is mostly low vibrational and contributing to the madness in any way the technology pleases.
The culture of digital technology and it’s strong movements back in the 80′s and 90′s served to commerce the idea of making everything free and open. The culture, the software, the music, the encyclopedia, the anything.
The idea was to use a certain special group of people considered the supertechs to change the coutse of history with the advertising model as the meeting point.
The surface experience for people is about business of advertisements where the biggest are the wealthiest and at this point Mr.Lanier had already confirmed that he is actively supporting Google and had sold his company once to them.
What interests me about Mr.Lanier is why he thinks that nobody truly hears what he is saying because most people do and the only reason nobody is doing anything to actively pursue the most productive courses of action towards the biggest change is the fact we think we will be met with death or disappointment because one broken down middle class individual is nothing to a group of elite supertech at the Silicon valley type of hubs around the globe.
Mr. Lanier says the right way to proceed is to change yet he bears such friction when he is saying that what we would be doing is unimaginable yet achievable if the act of trying actually takes place. So, is he saying that the dominant power considers the change unimaginable because they had created this agenda which does not deem it fitting but speaks on what could be done if we were to actually do something which nobody within that elite community actually wants if the advertisement model is still not in their infrastructural ownership?
The experience of our lives is much more deep and valuable than certain wordings deem it out to be.
“Social experience” sounds like two words you read and go on yet what we rarely consider is what it all means.
It is your entire living experience and it matters because we’ve created such an easy way to unconsciously shift our energy to motion due to feelings and where we direct it and using words as energy signatures which help and to further explain just understand that we even think with words and the manifestation is a path of directed energy. (Emotion, E=energy, energy in motion)
The bizarre solutions of the supertechs as I had already stated were to make everything open and sharable without much knowledge of behind the scenes.
The differences between advertising , adjusting and finetuning(a.k.a manipulation a.k.a behavior modification without the consumers knoweledge) because:
companies=behavior manipulation modifiers,
engagement =addiction
The changes this creates are small, broad and statistical which is how you achieve a goal without mass disturbances.
The companies sales pitch example is: We’re targeting this group of two million consumers. We can get 3% of this part of our consumer whole to change by 5%.”
You could say: Who cares? We get free shit for these tiny shades of difference.” but what I must state once more is the importance of what Jaron is saying is that the reliable shades of difference carefully applied consistantly have a compounding effect/like compound interest over time and the results are a significant change which CAN make shit really ugly like overturn elections, disrupt the society.
One important thing to mention is that Mr. Lanier defines the process of placing the whole world through a central computer would be mass insanity yet he states that it is not feasible which he used to say it isn’t impossible yet not as easy.
All of those fast samplings capture what drives you fastest - the responses. The negativity which makes the most money is between the dopamine hits. These include startle responses, becoming scared, arising fast and decaying slowly.
BEHAVIORALISM BY WIKIPEDIA: Behaviouralism seeks to examine the behaviour, actions, and acts of individuals – rather than the characteristics of institutions such as legislatures, executives, and judiciaries – and groups in different social settings and explain this behavior as it relates to the political system. BEHAVIORALISM BY GOOGLE: the methods and principles of the scientific study of animal (and human) behaviour.
BEHAVIORISM BY GOOGLE: the theory that human and animal behaviour can be explained in terms of conditioning, without appeal to thoughts or feelings, and that psychological disorders are best treated by altering behaviour patterns.
DEFINITION OF CYBERNETICS BY CAMBRIDGE DICTIONARY: the scientific study of how information is communicated in machines and electronic devices, comparing this with how information is communicated in the brain and nervous system / Too often a simplistic cybernetic control model underpins performance measurement systems. -cybernetics was trumpeted as a universal science of government that would help to guide the social organization necessary for modernization. DEFINITION OF CYBERNETICS BY DICTIONARY.COM: the study of human control functions and of mechanical and electronic systems designed to replace them, involving the application of statistical mechanics to communication engineering.
So we have to find a way to be sane throughout the paranoia one could encounter. To be optimistic despite the realism pushing itself with logic by default.
We have to face up to climate change.
We have to define our fear of A.I and transhumanism,
We have to stop genetically modifying food and people,
We have to start filtering our tap water,
We have to stop painting another false image over mass murders, dissapearences and the already painted picture of peace,
We have to find a way to stop deforestation, habitat loss, poaching,
We have to implement a steady course of action to limit the amount of technical illiteracy,
We have to find a way to create money which isn’t from trees, fix minimal pay where it exists only on paper, remove the governments maximum involvement and keep it a normal percentage,
We have to be aware of the extinction of animals which are actively happening each year,
We have to find a way of dealing with trash outside of the ocean because it is killing the beings meant to live in it not be murdered in it,
We have to find a way to deal with our natural resources again which are sunlight, atmosphere, water, land along with vegetation, animal life that naturally subsits upon or within the identified substances, coal, oil, natural gas, phosphorous, other minerals, iron, soil, timber which are all exposed to destruction.
We have to start purging out egotistical issues from our hearts and choose education and a multiversal mindset through local actions and sharing this post would actually be a gigantic first step.
We have to find a way to remain sane despite the world.
Never stop believing in our own purpose because of low vibrational people who mask out the words of yours in a humoristic set back which always work around the same groups of people who value popularity amongst their friends and social media than actually working on becoming a better person with an active role in shifting the world as a small, reliable shade of difference simply because they found a way of pushing out their own content without making a fuss about their own awareness.
What is the measure to which we measure empathy these days, asked the deceased Alan Turing, who will be the next topic on ho-ods.
Would we be in a position to proclaim equal rights to a machine if the machine could pretend to be a person undistinguishable from me and you.Do you agree with what the C.E.O of Google is actively sharing when you realize that it comes about the internet coming alive as a big living thing in which we are neurons/thoughts and the personalizations we make don’t allow personell forgetting.
Ask yourself why shouldn’t you trust the promise of artificial intelligence?
Who is the civilization for?
How to be a humanist and pro technology at the same time?
What is a person in todays age?
Are we really cyber liberaterians because we haven’t gotten passed anything new due to the fact we have chosen to give everything of ours for free as we are portrayed as liberaterians?
Who owns the future?
What about misdirect angry people who grew up in a less functional world than it ought to be given due to our technological capabilities?
The next essay will be posted sometime on march 16th. Be sure to check out You Are Not a Gadget by Jaron Lanier either on youtube or pdf.
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valjar · 6 years
Some thoughts about JASPER and Ignys Jasper  -Part 3- A comparison
In Part one and two of this trilogy, I have written down some thoughts about JASPER and Ignys Jasper. About their nature, who and what they are. Now here is why I started this in the first place. How Jasper and Ignys are similar and why Ignys could be called a character analysis on Jasper in her early stages.
(Part 1 - JASPER) HERE
(Part 2 - Ignys Jasper) HERE
As the other posts already indicated, there are striking similarities between JASPER and Ignys. Some were intentional when I wrote Ignys, but most were not. We don´t even know that much canon meta about JASPER after all. Sadly. Not yet. So, this post will also lean a bit into theory territory and can be debunked by canon, but I have the feeling that some of these hold some water in the end. First, I´ll list the similarities, then I´ll write a bit about them and then the differences. Then I´ll look on what drives the two and what makes them the most powerful and how that is linked between them.
Similarities between JASPER and her descendant Ignys Jasper Firewalker:
1. Both have a long and decorated and eventful military past
2. Both have quartztypical bodytypes and fighting skills and styles.
3. Both are extremely strong.
4. Both possess indomitable willpower
5. Both ALWAYS keep going. No matter what if they must.
6. Both are strongly influenced by their emotion.
7. The (red) Jasper is regarded as “the supreme nurturer” and both have abilities and traits in that direction.
8. Both had an extremely abusive and toxic relationship with a Lapis Lazuli. Jasper with the gem Lapis Lazuli and Ignys with her descendant Lapis HOPE Lazuli.
9. Both are linked to the ocean in powerful and mysterious ways.
10. Both have lost a Diamond they cherished deeply and suffer from it greatly.
Ok, here´s the list. Let´s get down to detail. The topics are in no intended particular order.
1. Ignys and JASPER have both a long and decorated military past. Both have been in positions of command and both are hailed as heroes by certain people and gems. While Jasper is a gem and has been in the military over 5000 years, Ignys is a hybrid and served for 25 years. Jasper is hailed as “the ultimate Quartz, who took out 80 crystal gems before sundown upon emerging” (see PART 1). Ignys is hailed as an ultimated unit, too, but in different ways. Where Jasper is hailed for her strength and strategy, Ignys is hailed for her adaptability, strategy AND strength. Ignys is much more finetuned and refined. What kind of commander Jasper was is not quite known, but there is a popular headcanon/theory that she has been some kind of general. Ignys WAS a general. She was the youngest general to EVER exist. Due to her tremendous physical strength and, more striking, stamina and adaptability and her strategy and intelligence, she flew up through the ranks.
She helped improving the army and the Red Fortress, the elite force she served in for 20 years of the 25, much to the delight of all and was overall a very good and charismatic leader with a strong codex of honor, like for example to not hurt non combatants/those not involved in the fight. Jasper shows the same trait. In "The Return", she shows no interest in harming Steven, because, to her, he was a human non combatant. Only after he reveals himself as a gem hybrid and in possession of the gem of THE Rose Quarz, she attacks him, but only knocks him out. Ignys would do the same. She would in a fight/battle rather subdue or incapacitate her opponent than seriously harm or even kill them. Both adapt to the environment they fight in quickly. Example: Fighting in and around water. Normally gems, that are not water gems, don´t really have anything to do with water and therefore probably not too much experience with fighting with/in/under it. JASPER adapts to it through the whole Malachite situation to a point, where it´s very hard to make out, who of the two is steering the fusion at the moment and Jasper appears to find her way and target under water swiftly and efficiently (see Alone At Sea) and has no longer any problem with going into it (see Crack The Whip). Later this will only deepen, despite a short period of Malachite related PTSD reactions around water (wether it happens in the show or after it is not yet known, but I root for in the show, like late season 5 or season 6). Ignys on the other hand is made and born for fighting in/around and under water. As already mentioned in PART 2 multiple times, Ignys is a diver with tremendous abilities and paired with her military elite training, she is a highly valuable and sought after type of unit, what makes her word gain weight and her raise through the ranks as well and is a major contribution to how she could be the youngest general of all times (usually generals are 60 years and older and have most of the times at least 30 years of military service under their belts). Both JASPER and Ignys will be matriarchs of an own court-like structure at the peak of their power, which they fiercely protect. More to both´s role as matriarchs later.
2. Ignys and JASPER share bodytype and a lot of their fighting style. Both are very tall, muscular, massive and percieved as beautiful. They also share a lot when it comes to fightingstyle. Both remind of the Quartz they are. Jasper fights with massive power, but also with strategy, but the strategy can be overriden by anger or distress. The quartztypical fightingstyle has a lot of kicks and punches and yanking and shoving around. Both are not afraid to tank away a lot of hits and damage, making both very resilient and tough. If they would have to pick a martial art, they would both pick kickboxing and would both excel at it. Even though, they share basics and quartztypical patterns in their fighting styles, there are also clear and striking differences: While Jasper prefers to stay on land, Ignys prefers the water more and more, the older she gets. Ignys blends in with her environment and fights along from stealth, JASPER prefers to face her opponents rather head on, the moment the fight has begun. She uses her strength and speed to her advantage. Ignys relies more on her endurance, adaptability and dexterity and then puts a lot of strength in to, preferably, one, well placed move. Ignys has a much wider palette of styles than Jasper. She also shows patterns of Pearl, where her fighting looks almost like dancing for example. The biggest difference between JASPER and Ignys is, that JASPER is an almost total land unit and Ignys can do both, but is more a water unit, given her talent in it. JASPER is offense/tank, Ignys is defense/tank, at least strength and resilience wise.
3. Both are extremely strong. This one is self explaining. Ignys is part JASPER and Diamonds, so she possesses tons more strength than a normal human her size/age/sex would. Ignys can lift twice her bodyweight. With a body weight of 551 pounds, that would make 1102,31 pounds, so, A LOT! This strength shows in their fighting and in their mastery over their body/form a lot. Further, they share trememdous mental strength, that can further amplify their physical strength.
4. Both, JASPER and Ignys are known for their willpower. Once they want something done or deem it right, they WILL get it done, especially when it is in sync with their codex of honor. This willpower allows them to bear and endure even the impossible and in Ignys´ case allows her go WAY past her limits. Both cannot be controlled via psychic means, nor can they be seduced. There was a period in both´s existences where they could, but as they both get older and more in sync with themselves, they can less and less. Especially Jasper will get her mental and emotional autonomy by season 6 and beyond, which will make her effectively immune to seduction and bribing and mind control, much to the dismay of Lapis Lazuli and homeworld, who still lowkey want that. In Ignys´ case, the person, she has to free her psyche from, is Lapis Hope Lazuli, her abusive ex. She falls less and less for her traps and lures and both, JASPER and Ignys, end up standing rigidly behind their codex of honor.
5. As their will already indicates, Ignys and JASPER keep going. No matter what. No matter how hard and how bad and no matter how painful. JASPER goes through millenia of grief, Malachite and abandonment, without really showing it caving under it. Only in Earthlings, we see Jasper broken and vulnerable to the point of no more self restraint, something that had already taken form in Alone At Sea. Ignys goes through decades of grief, through the horrors of war and the aftermath of an abusive relationship and wrestles with the horrid current of Dark Rock Cave this way. Ignys sees her student in a life threatening situation, after latter has fallen into the currents off Dark Rock Cave and despite those being so strong and despite them being cursed and inescapable, Ignys goes after her student. And she fights and fights and fights and keeps going, until she has saved her student. No matter how hard and dangerous it is, no matter how out of breath Ignys is. Especially the(free)divers among you will know, how hard it is to keep going when you are out of breath and how dangerous that is. JASPER even says in Crack The Whip: "Jaspers don´t give up. Jasper keep going until we get what we want!", so it DEFINITELY runs in the JASPER lineage to be willstrong, which is amplified by the Diamond information in Ignys (see PART 1 and PART 2). Ignys´ will will be put to the ultimate test when LEVIATHAN, a demon from both, her and JASPERs past appears and threatens everyone. JASPERs test will be much less flashy, but not any less deep, meaningful, interesting and hard.
6. JASPER and Ignys are both strongly influenced by their emotions and their mindscape. It can either be their greatest power or their greatest Kryptonite, depending on what is going on inside them at the moment. When JASPER feels triumph or a good reason to fight, she gets empowered by it. Even by a temporary good feeling. Something, she believed Malachite would give her and she deemed worth fighting and searching the whole ocean for. For Ignys it was and is saving lives. The first time we see that is in "Rising Tides - New Skies", where Ignys saves her student from drowning in Dark Rock Caves horrid and cursed waters. Ignys and JASPER are both strengthened by the feeling of doing the right thing and weakened by the feeling of help- and/or powerlessness. Jasper, when she was forced to see the corrupted gems run away in "Earthlings" and Ignys, when her ex, Lapis Hope Lazuli comes back and intrudes in her life uninvited after 30 years. Lapis Hope Lazuli is Ignys´ biggest Kryptonite, as well as being reminded of her shot mother. JASPERs Kryptonite will be Lapis, Malachite and the reminder of her past, probably directly Pink Diamond and her own self loathing and doubt.
7. Coming back to what makes Ignys and JASPER strong, it´s important to know the spiritual meaning of the gemstone Red Jasper. The Red Jasper is called "The Supreme Nurturer" and that means, that it provides energy, stability, to an extent healing and of course protection and grounding to the ones around them. That is the ideal and natural state of this Jasper´s energy. So it´s for JASPER. After the events in the show, or mid/late in season 6, JASPER will discover this side to her. She will find herself at her most powerful, when she protects or helps others. A thing, that will make her a matriarch later on to a lot of Quartz gems and others, who find protection with JASPER and her new allies in the homeworld/earth conflict and finally live around her in an almost courtlike structure. Ignys discovers, that love is her greatest enhancer every time she protects or saves someone. Especially children and her students. When she saves her student, Ignys feels an immense surge of power in her. This becomes stronger and stronger, as she gets her girlfriend Imogen Morganite, who she will protect from LEVIATHAN. Her love for Imogen will ignite a global love for every living being, a nurturing energy, that will be so strong, that Ignys reaches her ultimate power. A power that allows her will to be overcome the process of actively dying and allows her to fight herself back. JASPER lacks this ultimate, because she can´t die the way people do. Ignys, even more than Jasper, is willing to go through literal hell to protect her loved ones. Love gives both, especially Ignys, unfathomable power.
8. Both had an extremely abusive relationship with a Lapis Lazuli. JASPER had one with Lapis Lazuli, the ocean gem and riptide queen herself and Ignys with a descendant of said Lapis Lazuli, Lapis HOPE Lazuli. While Lapis the gem trapped JASPER in a fusion in the ocean, Lapis HOPE Lazuli "trapped" Ignys much more lowkey and non physically. Both had a really hard path with communication, openness, gentleness and respect and in both cases the "big and strong one" was the victim. Yes, in both relationships both were abusing each other, but JASPER and Ignys ended up on the recieving end of the abuse MUCH more often. In both cases, unspeakable things were done to the Jasper part, that barely even get mentioned, because both Jaspers are barely capable of ever really talking about it. Unlike JASPER, Ignys will find a way to talk about to Imogen and both abusive relationships are intertwined with each other. Ignys and Lapis HOPE Lazuli are the second generation to this relationship and those two will have to work on it to bring the demons of the past to peace at last. Unlike JASPER, Ignys completely embraces this duty to the past and does her hardest to resolve it and is ready to forgive Lapis HOPE Lazuli. The big showdown between Ignys and LEVIATHAN is the point where the fate of their intertwined fates will be decided. Either, Ignys, the dragon will win and Malachite/LEVIATHANs energy will find peace or LEVIATHAN will win and cause unspeakable chaos and calamity. Both JASPER and Ignys are deeply traumatized by what they experienced, but somehow both find a relationship, that is not abusive and they are happy with. Ignys and Imogen´s relationship is the good, healthy and happy counterpart to this relationship and that one is linked to the relationship between JASPER and Laura Tiger´s Eye, a very early 10% gem hybrid.
9. JASPER and Ignys are linked to the ocean/water in mysterious and powerful ways. This one should actually be evident from what is mentioned in PART 1 and 2. This link started with Malachite and is possible because Lapis has "written" a "code: ocean" onto Jasper and Malachite has passed on some "codes", too. To understand this, you have to imagine gems as a kind of mobile, sentient supercomputer. Their gem is their hard drive and their "Lightbodies" are their screens, that are actually more of holoscreens. This allows them to be tachnically immortal, independent from organic needs and to shapeshift swiftly and to have a wide variety of powers. All these attributes are like "Apps" written on the gem during the creation process, like the knowledge of your purpose and who to be loyal to. These "Apps" or "programs" set limits to the gem of what they can do. They can only shapeshift to a certain extent and only reform with (slightly) different clothes, but not with different bodies. Normally, those "codes" barely get changed at all, so the gem doesn´t get to change either. No growing up, no change of purpose and change of mindset is extremely hard. Fusion on the other hand CAN add different codes to a preexisting "App" or write an entirely new "App" altogether. Such a new app can be a new power or a perspective and of course a different appearance. They create a new "model" of "computer". The longer those two gems stay fused, the more likely it is that new information gets written onto the gems of the components and those keep these changes even after fusion. Example Garnet and Malachite. In Garnet, two complementary gems with clashing abilities live in a permafusion. They have created the new "app" electricity-type power and have a different appearance to the two gems Ruby and Sapphire. Also the "app" of Sapphire, future vision, gets changed. It shows now many possible outcomes of a future, unlike Sapphire, who only gets to see one outcome. Ruby gets to use Sapphires "App" future vision and has so built it into her life and mindset, that she doesn´t really want to live without this perspective andymore (see Jailbreak, where Ruby sits in the cell and is pretty desperate). Garnet is a fusion of extremely rare and extremely common and is a healthy fusion. Malachite on the other hand is a toxic and not very stable fusion. She is a fusion of JASPER and LAPIS LAZULI, both perfect individuals of their gem type. JASPER has the "Apps" spin dash, extreme strength, endurance and durability. Lapis has the "Apps" flight through water wings, extreme hydrokinesis and experience in the/under water. Malachite is held together by Lapis´ tremendous willpower and hate and her information is forced onto Jasper, who is held underwater 24/7 for a whole year. That made Jasper adapt and she began to percieve the water-information as a rush of power and after unfusing, she wants it back. JASPER totally takes in the experience and and confidence in/under water and claims this power and learns to love the deep more and more. If Lapis misses anything, is not known. It´s only known, that she lowkey missed JASPER as a grand total, but I think she rather misses the feeling of being able to take out her stuff on an other. This information of this past fusion now sits in the gems and can be passed onto hybrids. And so Jasper did, but not every hybrid individual actually displays this information the same, if they display it at all. Same for Lapis Lazuli. But Ignys and Lapis Hope Lazuli do. They display talent, confidence and experience in/under water perfectly. Due to them being more than 60% organic, they display this power much differently to the gems themselves. They display this as extreme diving talent and capabilities. So, all in all, organic beings (hybrids) display the same ability much differently as a gem. Ignys experiences this link with the water as an intimate relationship of love, trust and respect. For Lapis Hope Lazuli, the water is just a power. Her relationship is not as deep as Ignys´. Same for Jasper and Lapis Lazuli the gem. Actually, Ignys´ relationship with water and the deep is unique. She gets from water power, strength, refuge and inspiration. To a point, where Ignys, under certain circumstances, can reach and enlightened-like state for a certain period of time. That shows in "depth´s clarity" and "phoenix" (a power, that makes her will so stubborn, that she can save herself from actively dying or even actively bring herself back from death. It only works, when she hasn´t been dead for too long and she can remove herself from the situation quickly. It causes terrible heat and exhausts her massively and she describes it as very painful.)
10. Both have lost a Diamond who they cherished deeply and they suffer a lot from it. JASPER lost Pink Diamond and Ignys lost her mother, Magenta Diamond. Pink Diamond got shattered during or shortly before the gem war/conflict. Who actually shattered her is not quite known yet. Magenta got killed by a, for a very long time, unknown person, too. She got shot. Both, Ignys and JASPER were helpless witnesses of their Diamond´s/mother´s demise. Jasper searched for the guilty and thinks it was Rose Quartz, like many do and tries to cope through revenge plans, but those backfire horribly. Ignys on the other hand swore, that no one would ever die through violence, if she could help it. Both made, motivated by those deaths, questionable and too many times, wrong life choices, that lead to their suffering and that of many others. Both finally realize, that trying to revenge violence with more violence won´t lead them anywhere but into a downwards spiral. Both discover a different job, outside their decorated military life, where they can protect, nurture and save life instead of killing it. Unlike Ignys, who becomes a teacher at the Beach City Capital School and stays one, JASPER changes her "jobs" many times, before she finds that one for her.
So, that has been an awfully long post and one or too many times I have drifted a bit astray, but I needed to write that down. To all those, who have read to this point: Thank you so much!
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