#and i am Struggling rn ngl
binch-i-might-be · 2 months
one thing about me is I'm uhhhh Tired
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psychlocke · 2 months
what the hell is with the yaoi ship featuring kabru? sorry i can't hear you over the sounds of my tragic monsterfucker yuri?
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feywhimsy · 1 month
trying to decide on a name for my car… top contenders right now are aloth carfiser or vex’ahlia de rollo… also marcille but my gf doesn’t like that one 😔 trying to think of more options still
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Just came to your Twitter so I sent u 20$ :3
You're so fkn pretty and transition goals tbh I showed my hair stylist a picture of you for where I want to grow my hair out to ;P
-a tgirl on her first shot of hrt <3
Dssgfssfs holy shit you did, thank you sm!! I'm glad I could help, in both regards! Literally my favorite compliments from other dolls, "I just came to you" and "I'm using you for my transition goals" 🥺🥺🥺 I'm about to start my injections myself cuz one of my partners just started n not even a month later is getting bigger tits so I'm excited to post those when I get them :3 get ready to be like super horny and sad a lot but also looking like a completely different person in like six months <3<3<3
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scamera-writes · 3 months
the world looks better through your eyes
I’ve started staring out windows more often. Do you notice the casual biker? Do you notice the walker with their earbuds in? Do you notice the couple holding hands and pressing up to each other?
Sometimes I don’t, you can’t see everything. But when I do I am reminded of all the lives we lead Most of us will never interact with each other I will never know their names.
But I will see them. I will think about them. I will wonder what they plan on eating for dinner tonight I will wonder if they go home and call their mom Or maybe they open the door to a lovers arms
I am reminded that we live. I am reminded that we breathe. I am forever reminded that every day- We are surrounded by the mundane beautiful.
The world is beautiful in the smallest ways
I will enjoy myself until the end of time I will smile with my last breath The light in my eyes won’t leave If I have something to say about it
I don’t know what drives me to this passion Maybe it's the way I can see the stars at night Maybe it's the headlights on the freeway Maybe it’s the foliage around me as I walk Maybe it’s just how it’s supposed to be.
I can see that you see it too And when I hold your hand, When I press against your side, When we laugh like no one is watching, I’m aware of the fact that we are living:
In a world of stars, In a world of beauty, In a world of love.
And I’ve found it with you.
-the world looks better through your eyes (By me)
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skrrtscree · 2 years
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Eheeheh krisgender
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Hiiiiii, long time no see!! How have you been?
I’m curious, you’ve written so much over the years (every time I go to your page, I’m always amazed you have like a 100 plus works while I’m struggling to finish my Second Shroob Invasion - I’m so close to the ending). How do you manage the workload of requests/commissions? What helps you when you’re writing?
Thank you so much!! :) You’re the best! (There shall be more Shroobs coming your way).
992nd3 hi there! Sorry I didn't answer sooner lol. It can be pretty damn difficult to manage everything and still make room for myself sometimes, though I manage to get by. I'll have days where I dedicate 5-10 hours to just writing alone, waking up at around 10am-ish and going to bed at 3am. I usually do commissions first at the start of the day, but sometimes I'll need motivation, so I go over to the regular requests or my multi-chapter fics and work on that instead. Though, mainly my friends have been helping me keep on track and motivated (and stopping me from going absolutely insane lmao). As of currently, every other day, I'll spend either 1-4 hours hanging out with them on discord sort of near or after dinner time, then end the day off with more writing until I get tired enough to go to sleep. Sometimes I'll write while on call with them too. The main thing that helps me write is playlists that I've listened to before, or other familiar music. I'll also set a mini goal for myself and try to write that amount in a day (like.. write 2,000 words or smfn). I sort of spread my attention out to multiple fics at once (Dear Detective, AVC, The King’s Jester, Dichotomous Key, the commissions, one or two general requests,) but work on them one at a time (if that makes sense)
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chirrups · 2 years
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a wip with doc-o-gator
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dollhousemary · 11 days
i feel like this amv is going to be 90% just a remix of 4x03 😭
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nanowired-lover · 3 months
i hate when i'm feeling talkative as fuck and want to talk about nothing and everything, i hate when i'm going so non-vocal that i cannot even communicate through writing, i hate when i'm in between bc i feel suddenly too normal to complain about communication, i hate words euuugh
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silverislander · 3 months
i know logically in my brain that i have a disorder that makes it hard for me to focus and do work, the symptoms of which are not gonna go away bc other people need/want me to do stuff, and still like. i'm behind on a bunch of shit for school rn and i'm kind of spiralling over it bc WHY IS IT HARD. this is stuff i like doing and that i want to do. and i can't for the life of me fucking do it and the deadlines are coming up and i NEED TO FUCKING GRADUATE so it has to get done
#i have two assignments due for indigenous lit and i havent even read/watched the materials which is fucking shameful ngl#im so disconnected and behind in that class its not even funny. ive been skating by reading part of the books and doing shit last minute#and i feel awful abt that in particular bc i WANT to give it my full attention. i want to learn. this is important and interesting to me#im also a week behind on my essay which terrifies me ngl#im a week OUT from the next deadline and thats not getting met. which begs the question of when im going to be able to submit it#when i asked my prof for extra time he said he trusts me to 'work conscientiously' which. god. thats so kind but i dont do that#theres an assignment next week for book history that i dont have even started and dont understand#and i cant make myself do fucking anything at all i want to fucking cry#why cant my brain work normally please this one time#why cant literally anyone in a position of authority take me seriously that its a problem i am literally begging rn#im tired of being told that im smart so i can do it bc i literally cant anymore! its been getting worse for years!#i Am smart enough to do this but something else is wrong!! please!! im trying so hard and i know its not this difficult for everyone#im only taking 4 courses! i know people taking 5 who arent struggling as much as me w workloads!!#its gonna take me failing for anyone to care and i cannot fail at this point. im almost done#levi.txt#vent tw#and then i also feel bad bc i blame everything on my adhd#but also. it does fucking affect all aspects of my life#and i feel like i complain too much but that simultaneously nobody is getting how hard shit is for me/how im not ok#delete later#im not asking for attention rn im just yelling into the void dw abt it. ill probably feel better in an hour or two
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saintedbythestorm · 1 year
Had bad thoughts due to bad memories of abuse ass parent. Will now revel in the knowledge of how insufferable they must be rn and how I don't have to deal with it. Thank fuck I got out of there when I did.
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starcchild · 2 years
((as a heads up, I’m gonna be changing how I tag verses on the new blog (dw, not moving just yet - still got a ways to go with rewrites lol), and I’m gonna be changing some au names! 👀 I think the biggest is gonna be “don’t make me be the bad guy” because: 1) that verse name is long as hell; 2) I have to completely change what I have planned for the verse since I’ve changed the way Carter’s arc reactor works in the ikau in general, because the original idea had been banking on the reactor using the precursor to the centipede serum, but since now that’s gonna be default for the ikau, that’s gotta change; and 3) I think the new name, “subject zero”, is a helluva lot cooler sdfkgfgsdhj
overall, for aus, I’m gonna start using “#auv; [verse name]” (so any au of the ikau will be “#ikauv; [verse name]”), since I like the format of it separating regular verses from au verses and private verses! so any au verse that has au in the verse name is gonna be changed so I’m not repeating myself lol
but, I think I’m gonna be over on the new blog working on all that for the night! I’m,,, not really having any luck writing atm ahah, but I wanna do stuff! And I think my brain will like it better doing setup instead of replies fsdgjhksdf
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allisonlol · 2 years
a/n: BRO this is so cute?? picked some of my favorite boys for it. ALSO have y'all seen the season 4 trailer?? literally still shaking from it, i am so so happy :D !! jumped around my room screaming cuz i'm a bit unhinged for it
but what i'm NOT so happy about is my ipad completely breaking out of nowhere?? (chuuya's beautifulness in the trailer broke it) so im writing this with my laptop?? sad but at least i can type faster >:)
warnings: NONE just absolute fluff
(Chuuya, Ranpo, Nikolai, Jouno) When You Hug Your Plushie Instead of Them
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so chuuya had recently bought you a plushie that you'd been fawning over cuz it was the cutest thing ever (after him, ofc)
litte did he know that it would soon replace him-
that night, chuuya smiled at you when he noticed you hugging the plushie while scrolling on your phone before bed
but he quickly got fed up when he realized you just?? weren't going to cuddle with him too??
regrets buying you that thing REAL quick
nudges your arm and tries to get your attention but you just shoot him a smile and go back to your phone
chuuya's patience meter is miniscule so now he's pissed off (at the plushie tho?? not at you)
does that thing where he'll just sit there and keep sighing dramatically until you ask what's wrong smh
once you do, he's like "NOTHING'S WRONG" but avoids looking you in the eye and instead looks past you or down at the sheets?? and that's when you know he's upset 🤕
you move the plushie aside and open your arms to hug him instead
ngl you knew he wanted to cuddle but thought it would be funny to tease him... APOLOGIZE RN
bro glares at you?? he's trying to give you the cold shoulder but fails and smiles softly cuz you look so cute
grabs you and has a vice grip on you the rest of the night- also probably kicks the plushie to the floor when ur not looking
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ranpo is a cuddle bug who wants ALL of your attention on him
so it's safe to say he's not very happy that u have found...something else to hug
ranpo had arrived home late due to detective work, so you'd already fallen asleep while waiting for him
except you struggle to sleep now without hugging something (since you're so used to doing that with him). so you simply grabbed one of ur plushies to hold instead
literally shakes you awake so frantically you think there's an emergency
you're all like "what's going on!! :0" & then bro makes it sound like ur cheating on him??
"i can't believe you would abandon me for...for THAT thing!!!!" points his finger at you all accusingly and everything
snatches the plushie from you and throws it across the room >:0
will then proceed to plop down next to you and just. not speak 😐😐
^ignores your protests as you get up to grab the plushie and gives you the nastiest side eye?? childish i stg
you sigh and prop the plushie at the end of the bed so you can crawl up next to ranpo and wrap your arms around him
he finally stops pouting and melts into ur touch 😽
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worse than ranpo. like significantly
you'd gone to take a nap and had instinctively fallen asleep hugging ur favorite plushie
nikolai was doing who knows what but ended up entering the room about an hour later
stops dead in his tracks when he sees you...hugging...something ELSE?!
doesn't wake you at first. sneaks over to peer over ur shoulder at what you're holding
partially relieved to see it's just a plushie, but also partially mad because um?? why wasn't it him??
doesn't even bother waking you. just straight up yanks it out of your grasp 💀
you wake up in a panic with this mf LOOMING over you
probably rips it's head off???? or at least threatens to
pls you're lowkey about to cry cuz that's your comfort plushie 😥😥
you literally gotta scramble out of bed and beg him not to destroy it
does the thing where he holds it over ur head but dangles it just out of reach. and this mf is tall asf so good luck with that -.-
you end up just grabbing his arm and pulling his dumbass back to the bed to cuddle him instead
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ok ngl you did this on purpose to piss him off
i don't blame you cuz it be funny when he's ticked off
you and jouno had been preparing for bed when u decided to play a lil prank on him
it was mostly just to see if he'd even have a reaction?? cuz we all know this man either doesn't give a fuck or he goes off the rails
you'd gotten into bed first and while waiting for him, snatched the plushie you keep on your side and snuggled up next to it
u close ur eyes when you hear him walking into the room and pretend to be falling asleep
his footsteps stop by the bed and he just stands there like 😑???? cuz he can tell by your heartbeat that you're still awake, yet he's wondering why you haven't acknowledged his presence??
so i mean right off the bat this mf knows something's up
gets in bed next to you but goes OUT OF HIS WAY to make sure y'all are not touching in any way petty asf
can tell by the way you're positioned that you're hugging something else close to you
you peek open ur eyes to shoot him a glance but he has the most unreadable expression i stg
internally he is like WHY NOT ME WHY NOT ME but no one else would be able to tell~
by now he's figured out that ur messing with him and does NOT take it lightly. literally sleeps with his back to you and won't acknowledge you until morning
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taglist: @deadmitochondria @miycutie @scul-pted @chuuyasboots @shy-socially-awkward-intovert @beandaifuku @sonder-paradise @nervousyetconfidentway @beautiful-is-boring @irethepotato @serenareiss
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gb-patch · 6 months
Hi, love your games so much <3 Sorry if this is rude to ask, but do you know when OL1 dlc would be going on Steam sale? I'd like to support you financially and play more of the game, but ngl would like to save up even 1$ bc of how life is rn Again sorry if this is rude to ask, I'm not sure how steam sales work in relation to the developers x-x
That's alright! I'm obsessed with the creation part of game making, but it is a struggle for me to do the other parts of running a game dev company. Most of the time I just forget important dates and never put our stuff on sale when it'd make sense, then don't do it randomly either.
I am sorry since I know people are waiting for those, so you're welcome to remind me! Our games are on sale. And I mean right now, I just put the discounts in. The Winter Sales on Steam and Itch.io have started and everybody can get OL extras and/or our older games at a discount starting today then going forward for the next couple weeks :D
It's great you enjoy our work!
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