#and i don't think i would've lasted in that server anyway
apeiron-trolls · 2 months
maybe being an rp blog isn't my thing
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ask-caine · 2 months
ok ok what’s yours and moons love story. Beginning to end
It's a bit of a crazy story, actually!
We originally met online through TADC, when she messaged all the Caine accounts she could find for a shitpost "wedding" thing. We ended up hitting it off and talking about random things for a while. It started with my random fact about Kentucky marriage laws and how a couple used them to get married by cocaine bear (hence the below picture)
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We ended up learning about a shared interest in plague doctors, as well as discussing several very random topics. Anyways, she invited all the Caines to a discord server, and I ended up being the only one who actually showed up. We would end up talking for hours upon hours day after day there. It was genuinely shocking how much we had in common.
At this point, I had been kinda been picking up on some of the flirtatious undertones behind some of the things she was saying, but I wasn't 100% sure about it yet and was still kinda testing the waters. I'd heard the term love at first sight, and looking back on it, that's pretty much what it felt like. I had been developing a crush on her up to this point, and I kept thinking about her as I was getting ready for bed. I had to keep stopping myself from falling head over heels, reminding myself we barely even knew each other and telling myself "no, she's just being nice. Don't be weird, there's nothing behind this, she's just being friendly."
...As it turned out, she wanted to be a little more than friends... Given my feelings up to this point, I was a little overwhelmed when she told me. I had to take a minute to collect my thoughts, to process everything (hence her jokes about me pulling a Caine and running away). But I liked her, too, and was willing to try a long-distance relationship. So, that's what we did.
It was only a few days after we first got together officially that I told her I loved her. It just felt right. Apparently I caught both of us off-guard with it, since she was sure that she'd be the one who would've said it first. ...We both dived in a little too headfirst from there. From my side of things, it was just so exciting and exhilerating to have this feeling I'd been searching for all my life, and I wanted more of it. We took a step back and both agreed to try and take things at a more reasonable pace from here on out.
We ended up learning a lot about each other. It was like we were the same person, split apart and put in two entirely different situations but turning out the same way anyway. ...This similarity became concerning when we realized we both had the same last name, as well as the fact that we both had Scottish ancestry. But, one family search check later, we confirmed that we are not, in fact, related. Just another insane coincidence that further proves that we were made for each other...
We shared a lot with each other. Our interests, hobbies, ideals, feelings on various topics. Our experiences throughout life, good and bad. The darkest parts of us. Every day, we grew closer. There was no denying that there was something special between us.
That isn't to say everything was perfect. We both still had a lot to learn about ourselves and about each other. There were ups and downs. Things were far from easy. There was a lot of avoidable pain both ways. As time went on, we started to become a little more distant...
Eventually, the stress of life and school and worries and everything going on got to be too much, and she called for us to take a break from the relationship. This hurt, of course... But, taking a break and being done are very different things. I was okay with taking a break, since we would still hang out and such sometimes, just not as romantically.
But, that still wasn't enough. Everything continued to be really stressful, and she felt like she wasn't a net positive in my life and was dragging me down (though the truth was exactly the opposite). So, she decided to fully end the relationship. Which... Really hurt me. Badly.
I kind of fell into a depressive state for a while. I had opened myself up like never before, let myself be more vulnerable than at any point in my life. I had finally found love, the one thing I'd truly wanted all my life, the only thing I've ever needed, and then it was just taken right away. The one thing I feared more than anything else in the world had come to pass.
We would still talk occasionally, but not like before. I already hurt so much, and just talking with her without being able to say the love I still felt was torture for me. So, I distanced myself a bit. I dealt with things on my own. I learned a lot about myself as I came to terms with how things had ended up.
Eventually, I started to feel a little more okay. I knew I could never stop loving her, so I decided to try and turn that love from romantic to platonic and still try to be a friend. Because while I may have lost her, she didn't want me out of her life completely. I could make do as just friends.
But, when I started to come back and we started to talk more again, she realized how much she had been missing me while we were apart. She figured out that some of the things she'd been feeling had been more than she'd realized. She learned that she actually was happier when we were together, and that she still really enjoyed being with me.
So, she began to give little hints again, like before. And, again, I picked up on them, but I didn't want to believe them 100% because of how much I'd been hurt last time. I told myself that she was just showing platonic love, the same way I was. Things would never be the same again. They couldn't be. If I was good for her before, she wouldn't have left...
It was actually Randy who got us actually talking again, first on our blogs, and then regarding what we were being sent. This eventually led to us talking just in general, about all sorts of things... Including what had happened between us. It was emotional, but we both came out of it feeling better about things.
That said, it took until this post before I realized she still loved me and that it was okay to love her back, the way I'd been holding in all this time. We had a heartfelt reunion, though we weren't officially dating again just yet. It still took me a while after that to fully accept everything and let down my guard again, after how much I was still hurting from last time...
But I didn't like the feeling of keeping her away. Of having a barrier between us. I desperately craved that deep, personal connection of love with her again. So, I opened my heart up again. And I'm so incredibly grateful that I did.
Soon after that point, Randy showed up and all those shenanigans ensued. But they only managed to get us talking more about things and uniting against it, which actually brought us even closer together. So, I guess if one good thing's come out of that dumpster fire of stress and stupidity, it's that.
Things have been absolutely wonderful since we got back together. We both learned a lot about ourselves in our time apart, and things have been much better between us. The rocky, uncertain road from before the break had smoothed over. And we fell so much deeper in love the second time.
Add in the stress of the past several weeks, with all the Tumblr drama with these blogs and the hiatus and everything (which I'm not getting into because you can see all that for yourself by looking through our blogs), and you're caught up to the present day. Life is still very stressful for us both, but a lot less so than when we first got together. We understand ourselves and each other so much better, which helps us make less mistakes and treat each other more tenderly and personally in the ways that we need most.
As for the future, immediately after finishing school, I plan to find work and save up to visit her in Canada sometime in the summer. After that is a little hazy at the moment, but we'll figure out our lives and put together a plan to find stable jobs and create a good life for ourselves up there.
And that's it, that's our story. From when we met all the way to the present day. You said beginning to end, but I'm afraid there is no end to our love. The story's still being written. Our lives are still being lived. I hope to be able to add to this years into the future, when we're living together and when we start our own family. But it might still take a while to reach that point.
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gothic-thoughts · 7 months
Date Night
Nanami Kento x Black Fem Reader Fluff
DatingAU, DomesticAU
CW: disrespectful waiter, jealous Nanami, Nanami spoiling you(😫)
Word Count: 1043
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The elevator doors open, anticlimactically releasing a few people before revealing my beautiful date. She was slightly taller now, courtesy of the blue heels that matched her knee-length dress. My lips parted slightly, knees weakening as she looked up from her watch, displaying the purple lipstick that compliments her bracelet. She grins brightly and strolls out, readjusting the purse strap on her shoulder.
"Take a picture, Kento." (Y/n) giggles, "It'll last longer."
"I was considering it," I chuckle, "I was just wondering how you manage to look so beautiful on every date we've been on."
"Black girl magic."
"Well, tonight, I have some magic of my own."
I take out a small box and open it, displaying the golden necklace I bought; my way of making our relationship more official despite it only being our 2nd date. She gasps, mouth remaining open as she gently takes the box and pulls out the chain, finding an elliptical pendant with "Darling" engraved in tiny diamonds.
"Kento, oh my god." She all but whispers, "Already? I mean, you don't think--"
"It's too soon?" I finish, gently taking the necklace to put it on her, "No, I don't."
"I mean, I'm not denying but more gifts? I feel bad, you already gave me flowers on our last date and we're at another fancy restaurant."
"Who said pretty women stop getting pretty things?" I wink, holding out my arm for her, "Shall we?"
After ordering, the waiter gently sets (Y/n)'s food down with a wink in her direction before setting mine down more roughly. I raise my eyebrow at him as he walks away but ultimately refocus on the beautiful woman before me, copper skin glowing in the warm light of the place when he returns with a bottle of wine. 
"More wine, beautiful?"
(Y/n) chuckles, caught off guard, "Uh, yes, thank you."
He looked her in her eyes as he slowly poured the crimson liquid into the stemmed glass, a flirtatious smirk was very much present on his lips before fading to a grimace when he reluctantly filled my glass. I'm noticing a pattern. Am I inconveniencing him? I shake my head from my thoughts again and sip my wine, watching (Y/n) as she blissfully took another bite.
I smile softly, “Seems like you're enjoying yourself."
"It's so good." She groans, throwing her head back slightly, “I heard the food was delicious here, but I never had it."
"I know, my love. I have pages and pages of texts with you gushing about it." I chuckle, "That's why I scheduled a reservation."
"But I never thought you would, much less for a 2nd date." She looks at me with awe, lowering her fork, "Thank you so much; you didn't have to do this.”
“No need to thank me, love. All you have to do is ask."
"But I didn't even ask, Ken."
"Then I guess you don't have to ask." I wink, "Maybe I would've spoiled you like this anyway."
"On our 2nd date?"
"This could be our 10th date and that wouldn't stop me from treating you like the royalty you are."
The upper portion of her cheeks pools with dark red as she plays with her necklace. She's just so....god I hope I don't get a call. After talking and laughing with her for about half an hour, our bold server returned and placed a platter of slices of various cakes in between our empty plates. Oh great. Maybe I'm just being a bit jealous. How could I already be acting like this when we met only a month ago? Maybe cuz I know I could be called away for a damn curse at any minute.
"Uh..." (Y/n) pointed to the cakes, "We didn't order this."
He winks at her yet again, "It's on the house, ma'am." 
"Oh..." She looks at me worriedly, "Are you s--?"
"No, it's fine, gorgeous. Thank you, my date and I appreciate it. We'll take the check now though."
And another eye-roll. I mean, it's only natural for him to stare; she's the most stunning person in here. But I don't like him flirting with her like I'm not sitting right here. I think his nickname even made her uncomfortable. I look up at her to read her face only to see her take a bite of strawberry-topped cake with a satisfied moan. I smile when noticing the frosting at the corners of her mouth, but it fades when the waiter takes out a napkin.
As he reaches for her face, I stand abruptly and delicately wipe away the frosting at the edge of her mouth and I wink at her just to see those chubby cheeks flush for me. I glare at the waiter as I set the money on the check before firmly taking my date's hand and quickly guiding her out the restaurant. In the parking lot, she tugged on my arm forcing me to stop walking and look at her.
"Ken, I'm alright."
"I'm sorry, he was going to touch you and I just...You noticed, right?"
"Yeah, at first I thought he was being sweet but then he was doing a little too much. Especially with all the winks and stuff."
"He couldn't take his eyes off you for more than a second the whole time."
"And believe me, I know I've done the same but it's different. Of course, I would spend as much time as possible focusing on my date."
She steps closer, "Nanami...."
"But when I do it, I look with awe at how charming you are. The worst part about it was he was so obvious. It was like he trying to pretend I wasn't there."
(Y/n) grabs my tie, and my eyes widen as her lips softly link with mine. She makes me moan in surprise when she tugs downward, pulling me closer to her shorter stature to deepen the kiss. My hands rest on her waist before I slide up the left one up her back to hold the back of her neck before she pulled away with a smile.
"I know, that's why I shut you up."
"I'm sorry, jealousy's not something that usually consumes me like that."
"You wanna...." She walks her fingers up my chest, "Go somewhere reserved?"
I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, "I think some alone time could clear my head."
"You think it's quieter at my place or yours?"
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sulatni-flerida11 · 6 months
My mind's returning to Secret Life's Session 7, specifically about how Etho told the other boogeys that they'll probably fail their task anyway so there wasn't a point in killing Cleo and Grian.
(more under the cut)
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The thing is, even if they did kill one more between any of those two or Scott, I still don't think they would've successfully kill the remaining anyway because of how loyal Etho, Cleo, and Scott are to their alliances.
It's confirmed that Etho would defend Cleo and Grian no matter what, even if it makes him enemies and causes an overwhelming majority of the server to fail their tasks. That's already a challenge on its own - having Etho cover for them. It worked pretty well (and I'm both excited and scared to see the effects of his decision next session).
And if Etho failed to cover and the boogeys got to one of the three survivors, I feel like Grian would be willing to kill either Scott or Cleo (but would prefer killing Scott, of course), Scott would be willing to kill Grian (to honor Widows Alliance), and Cleo wouldn't be willing to kill anyone at all (since they're allied with both Grian and Scott). As seen from previous seasons, Cleo and Scott would go to the ends of the earth for their allies, and in this scenario, Etho seems to be willing to do the same. Not sure about Grian, but I can see it happening.
The flaws in the boogeys' plan was that they left the worst people to kill for last and underestimated how loyal these people are to each other.
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kissesforsatoru · 2 years
dazai and aphrodisiacs make my brain go brrrrrr
𓏲 ˖. pairings. . . dazai x fem! reader
𓏲 ˖. summary. . . dazai giving his darling aphrodisiacs
𓏲 ˖. warnings. . . general yandere themes, aphrodisiacs, non-con, semi-public sex, coercion, drinking.
𓏲 ˖. notes. . . i apologize if this is bad, i only recently started writing smut and i don't think i've quite got the hang of it yet. ahh. i'm also writing this at like 3 am so i'm kind of tired too.
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it had been such a long and tiring week at work that all you wanted to do after your shift ended on friday was go home and sleep — that's exactly what you would've done if not for the taunting voice of dazai begging you get drinks with him as you left the ADA. for an adult, you were still quite susceptible to peer pressure, and dazai sure liked to take advantage of that, you noticed.
he practically dragged you to the nearest bar upon hearing your reluctant agreement to go out with him, his grip painful around your wrist as the two of you walked down the streets. and upon arrival, dazai ignored your protests of refusal to drink alcohol and ordered four shots to split between the two of you.
he held the glass cup up to your lips, urging you to take a drink from it while also downing a shot of his own. dazai was usually pretty pushy, but today it made you uncomfortable how eager he was to get you to drink — especially since you made it clear that you didn't want to. but you ignored it, brushing your unease off as annoyance about being here when you just wanted to be cuddled in bed.
"do i really have to?" you frowned, taking the glass from his hand. "dazai—please, i don't wanna wake up hungover tomorrow, you know how much of a lightweight i am." your pleads fell on deaf ears, though, because dazai rolled his eyes while directing the glass up to your lips again. you frowned, but downed the shot anyway.
your face scrunched up and you gagged at the horrible flavor of the drink. you whined again, muttering incoherently about how much you hate drinking. dazai shoved another glass in your face before you could even finish your little rant. again you felt uncomfortable by his persistence, and again you ignored it.
"last one, i promise." he smiled, taking your hand and placing the glass in it. not having the energy to try refusing again, you downed the second glass. somehow, the second one was worse than the first, and it drew an even stronger reaction out of you.
"fuck, i seriously hate this stuff. i don't know how you can drink it with a straight face." you said, waving at the server so that you could ask for some water. you already felt your body tingling and you quickly wanted to wash the alcohol out of your system so that you could go home and finally sleep.
dazai chuckled at your remark but didn't say anything. he sipped on the glass of whatever it was that he ordered while staring at you intently, like he was waiting for something. you didn't know what it was exactly, but something was beginning to really feel off and you didn't like it.
before you were able to question it further, a wave of heat washed over your body and down to your pussy that you now realized was aching. you groaned, crossing your legs and wiggling in your chair as you tried to relieve the feeling of need that you suddenly have.
you heard dazai hum beside you as he placed a hand on your thigh, rubbing your skin softly with his thumb. you had to fight back the urge to moan at the sudden touch.
"is something wrong?" he asked sweetly, but something about the question seemed condescending. you didn't care, only focusing on the way that his hand slid further up your thigh, dangerously close to your increasingly aching cunt. your breath hitched as you anticipated his touch.
"c'mon, let's go to my car. i'll drive you home." he said, retracting his hand from your thigh and placing it on your back instead. your legs shook slightly when you stood up, and you found it hard to keep yourself stable enough to walk. dazai wrapped an arm around your waist and held you closely to his body while he guided you out of the establishment.
when you got to the car, you expected dazai to leave you in the back seat while he got in on the deivers side so he could take you home. but instead he sat down with you, closing the door behind him and pulling you into his lap so that you were straddling his hips.
"my, you're soaked already and it's barely been ten minutes." he smirked. despite understanding that what he said was weird, you were too dazed to really understand the implications.
you felt his hands trail lightly up and down your body, causing you to shiver under his touch. you panted softly, wiggling in his lap and enjoying the sensation of his dick grinding into your pussy ever so slightly as you did so. but soon it wasn't enough, and you were holding onto his shoulders as you grindes yourself roughly into him haphazardly.
"needy, aren't we?" he teased, placing his hands on your hips to hold them still. you whined, weakly tugging on his arms so he'd let go and you could continue pleasuring yourself. "be patient, baby. i'll give you what you want in a second."
he wrapped both of his arms around your waist before flipping you down on the seats of the car. you watched as he pulled out a small silver package from his pocket before taking off his pants, and getting the hint about what's going to happen, you lifted your dress up and pulled off your panties.
"such a good girl." he hummed, positioning himself above you. "want me to fuck you now?" he asked, but he didn't even have to finish talking before you were nodding your head and grabbing his cock to shove into your needy cunt.
you sighed, body relaxing into the pleasure as he pushed himself deep inside of you until his hips met yours. quiet little moans escaped your parted lips as he began thrusting in and out of you, consistently pulling all the way out and then burying his cock right back into you. and when he leaned down to kiss you, you happily reciprocated, opening your mouth so that he could easily slip his tongue in to explore.
"shit, if i'd know the aphrodisiacs chuuya gave me worked this well i would've done this so much sooner." he muttered, nestling his head into your neck to lick and suck little marks.
his words didn't really register at the moment, but in the morning everything from the previous night would make you dread ever being persuaded to go out with dazai again.
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© 2022 by hheizoukiss ━ all rights reserved. plagiarism is strictly prohibited. comments, likes, and reblog are highly appreciated.
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beemers-hell · 2 months
Wait, so your latest post, what you're trying to hint at is that Ben and Namgi are survivors?
[obvious content warning]
Yeah exactly!! It's something I've been debating on if I wanna tackle with them for a couple of years now, but I only settled on it sometime last year. I haven't brought it up (at least outside of my server) like Ever cause I still don't feel Super confident about how I would've even brought it up or talked about it with them? Like as in I don't feel like I know enough about how that affects someone to actually make anything that shows its effects on neither Ben or Namgi just yet.
Most of the traumatic shit I give to my characters is stuff that I've experienced and therefore understand what possible long term effects on the person could look like, or it's some form of trauma that's very similar to something I've experienced, so I can do research into it and also fill in the gaps a bit with what happened to me. However, like I mentioned in the post, I haven't experienced any form of Sexual Abuse so I have absolutely no experience in how that affects the person, so I've been putting Extra effort into reading about other's experiences and what respectful ways of discussing it/displaying it's effects on a person could look like. I don't think I'm quite there yet with my understanding of the subject, which is why I haven't brought it up in like, comics or doodles focused on Ben or Namgi, you feel me?
Anyway yeah they are, it's something that definitely is going to be talked about/explored(? feels like the wrong word for this but) in their individual stories, I can already promise you now that you're not gonna actually ever See what happened though! It'll be more focused on what their lives are like living in the aftermath of it.
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aprillikesthings · 3 months
OKAY last one tonight
and it's a doozy
s5 ep5 Save the Cat
I always wonder if people get the joke in the episode title? There's a famous book about writing scripts called Save the Cat. I kind of assume at least one person in the writer's room for She-Ra has actually read it.
Also Daci got me Strawberry Oatly (vegan ice cream) hell yes
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she tells them she's alone??? hm
oh the others were clinging to the outside of the ship in space suits lol
roll intro
okay Entrapta and Bow are gonna fuck with the computers and Glimmer is gonna find Catra
god it must be weird for Glimmer to be on the ship again???
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okay so Adora tells Horde Prime: hey you're gonna let me leave with Catra okay?
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"The Heart of Etheria. And if you don't do what I say, then I'll use it...and destroy you and your empire for good."
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"You would never risk the safety of your Catra."
(Ever noticed he always says this? Your Adora. Your Catra.)
Adora: "You don't know me. And you don't know what I'm capable of." Horde Prime: "Oh...but I do." Horde Prime: "I am old, far older than you can imagine. My brothers lend me their life force, and when one vessel fails me, I simply elect another."
(Like a Time Lord but WAY creepier)
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"There is something so...familiar about you, Adora."
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"Not since I faced your ancestors, and crushed their once-mighty empire beneath my heel. You call them the First Ones. And you are one of them, are you not, Adora?"
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Meanwhile Entrapta thinks she's spotted her boyfriend
She's got the little chip she gave him ;_;
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not good!!!
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BAHAHAH oh right that's how this guy starts. Anyway this poor clone is panicking because the jolt removed him from the hive mind
he starts SOBBING. "how will Horde Prime see my thoughts?? how will he know I am faithful???"
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but then:
Entrapta: "Can you open this door?" He does Entrapta makes a happy little squeaky noise
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Entrapta: "But we broke him! We're responsible for him now. Pluuuus, he can open doors!"
He says he'll take them to the server room, and Bow gives him his nickname of "Wrong Hordak" lolol
Glimmer went back to her old cell, and Catra's not there
And that's when Glimmer realizes their little earbud comms aren't working
Horde Prime: "I thought the First Ones were all gone, but clearly...some faction remains. That race of tyrants...abandoned you on a forgotten planet in a shadow dimension. They made you their weapon, their...She-Ra."
I mean, it sounds bad when you say it that way (because it is, actually)
Adora: "I don't fight for the First Ones. I fight for my home, for myself, and for my friends. Now for the last time, where is Catra?"
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oh, god
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he's not...wrong
Horde Prime: "As she would've said, 'You are so very predictable.'"
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I knew this was coming, I knew it was this episode, and it still makes me want to crawl out of my own skin
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Horde Prime: "I have made her anew. I saw her mind...so ensnared in grief and rage and pain...and I brought her to the light."
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(okay but if he saw into her mind did he see all the times Catra thought about kissing and/or having sex lol)
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Adora's absolute horror here is so relatable
Adora: "Catra, you have to fight it!" Catra: "My place is with Horde Prime, Adora. I don't want to leave." Horde Prime: "Tell her what I've done for you." Catra: "Prime has given me peace. Something you could never do."
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"But he has made it whole again."
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"I'm happy here. You could be happy, too."
(It's genuinely hard to rewind this to get decent screenshots because hearing/seeing Catra act all weird with the chip is just SO UNCOMFORTABLE)
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And there we see it--the first hint that Catra is actually being actively tortured and forced to say/do this shit like some kind of sentient puppet, having to experience her own body doing/saying these things without her permission. Her eyes even keep twitching.
Horde Prime: "I will give her to you, if...you want her... But first, you must do something for me. You...will give me She-Ra." Adora: "Never." Horde Prime: "Very well."
He snaps his fingers and everyones in-ear comms shriek with static and electricity
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(okay I gotta stop just copy/pasting the script)
He squeezes poor Catra's neck and for a second her eyes go back to normal, she looks at Adora, and then they start glowing again. Adora notices!!
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aaagh look at poor Catra
but yeah Adora can't bring out She-Ra on command right now (and he knew that)
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OH SHIT THAT'S RIGHT oh god oh fuck
okay so Glimmer's in the trophy room thing and she kicks the ass of a couple of clones, that's cool
but also
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"I know you're still in there. I'm not leaving without you."
Catra gets a good slice into Adora's leg
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Adora: "I don't want to hurt you!"
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asaxophony · 15 hours
So finished the Final Shape campaign, or idk? act 1 or whatever. putting my thoughts on it below a read more to avoid spoilers. So spoliers ahead you've been warned.
I am of course going to mention the $100 dlc. I'm going to do this everytime. I'm never going to shut up about how much I hate the seasonal activities/fomo shit, it's why I stopped playing in between lightfall/final shape. I could write an entire fucking dissertation on it. I don't like it, I think it's a poor way to write a developing story. Not that I don't understand the content drip model and the reasoning behind it, I dislike it and I don't think they always do it well. I don't like when games become a chore. I shouldn't end up resent playing to stay up with the fomo. That's all for another post. Just know, I disliked Lightfall. I wrote an entire thing on Lightfall as well, where I went over similar points, I'm not going to rehash them. You can find it here: [link]
The servers never work the 1st day, surprising absolutely no one. it's not worth complaining about. Moving on.
These made and broke the campaign for me so. The 1st thing I'm going to talk about is mechanics.
First lets talk about the...sort of puzzle mechanics? If you count being able to identify shapes a puzzle. The dials were a fun, novel experience, maybe a bit tedious but they only show up once for some reason? And then oh look! We get to find and shoot shapes and then we got to kill enemies to find shapes and run through them. Weird it's almost like I've done this 5 billion times before in the last two raids. Now don't get me wrong, Vow is my favourite raid and I was very excited to see more symbols. But I was hoping we would do a little bit more than kill enemies to find symbol than run through it, especially bc vow had more interesting mechanics involved with the symbols. I also kind of lost interest when I realized it was only 4 new symbols and that we'd only be killing enemies and running through things. Over. And over. And over again. But whatever I like identifying shapes and giving them funny names.
And we got our acorns and balls of light back from Root. Maybe because I've done Root so many fucking times grinding nez for his exotic and I had so many abysmal runs getting people through it for the first time. But I really hate those orbs and acorns. Maybe it's because I'm always the runner? Suffice to say, seeing those acorns and balls triggers a deep seated dread into my entire being. I see them and I just know whatever is about to happen is going to be annoying. And I was not wrong. The mote sections were passable, it was a fun mechanic in Prophecy I won't really complain about them. I liked the aegis turning some to light and others to dark. But oh dear god, the rest of the mechanics with the acorns were horrific. That poison debuff? Evil. But whatever shooting acorns to get a buff to avoid a debuff and or an attack that will kill me. Familiar.
I personally would've preferred some newer mechanics. Not like I don't understand the thematic callback or anything but it just would've been nice. Perhaps more dials? If you've never done the raids and these were new and exciting mechanics to you, I do envy your ability to look at balls and acorns with awe and excitement instead of going oh these fucking things again? But if you liked looking at symbols, killing enemies to look at symbols and looking for symbols and running through them, Vow is right there. And you get to memorize 21 more of them! And give them funny names! Who doesn't want to play with people who's ability to use words to describe visuals is somehow worse than your average elementary student's! And if for whatever insane reason you liked running to acorns and shooting them to not wipe and die, Root is also there but you will have a worse time. Anyway go do Vow. Go lfg it right now.
AAAAnnnd onto the bosses where all of these fun mechanics combine into their own special kind of hell if you're playing the legendary campaign and a little bit less hell if you're playing normal.
When you're designing a boss encounter, there's some criteria involving the context in which the boss is functioning. In what type of content is the boss fight? Casual, campaign, end-game skill level, a raid? A strike? A dungeon? No one wants a bullet sponge but It's acceptable for a raid boss to be one. It's the raid boss. It's an end game bad guy. There's 6 of you. But if you're in a strike? Where people don't normally coordinate OR communicate? Things can't be that hard. Dungeons, a little bit more high tier. The campaign though? Something that needs to be able to completed on solo, having encounters taking the length of a raid boss gets tedious and boring very fast.
Bungie designs their boss encounters in 3 ways:
The Open Health Bar. You never have to stop shooting the boss, it's always damageable. This leads to power creep causing your strike team of 3 to insta one shot strike bosses such as the servitor from the prison of elders.
The Damage Gate. Everyone's favorite. Once this boss reaches a certain damage threshold, it becomes immune or leaves the arena. A mechanic or add phase must be completed before it returns. Commonly seen on strike boss. Occasionally a damage gated boss can be pushed past the damage gate if enough concentrated dps is given out, this usually bugs out the boss bc you're reaching multiple thresholds at once and causing multiple mechanic phases to trigger. A great example is the hobgoblin boss in the former prymidion strike, who would be in its immune phase but also in it's final phase at the same time where it teleports around and kills you. This is of course more from power creep, and could be avoided by adjusting light level entering an activity etc.
Timed DPS. A mechanic must be completed to get a specific limited time period to dps. This leads to highly concentrated and coordinated dps. Every raid boss ever. High dps is rewarded by having no damage gates ie. single phasing/two phasing a raid boss. Damage gates may be present due to final stands or implemented by players using specific strategies.
This campaign consisted purely of damage gated bosses for the most part. Some of them, once you had the initial shield/immune off were free game but I can only think of one encounter where that happened. Which....is also bad. For me, all of the bosses just blur completely together. The ones that stand out? Zavala's cabin and the final Witness fight. There's...the ogre. The knight who I only remember because he was the one boss who wasn't damage gated, The fanatic. Was there another ogre? That's like all I can remember, which considering I was stuck on some of them for like an hour or so is uhh hm. I guess also the tormentors but they don't really have mechanics that aren't "run in a circle and take pot shots". So all the bosses (besides the tormentors) share this, I am immune you must kill something, perform some mechanic to unshield me where then you can damage me, but also I am damage gated so you will always have to do it more than once.
Each damage gate may have different mechanics but all of them involved killing something to get the aegis to drop. Where you'd do the same thing (shoot the barrier). Sometimes the adds you had to kill to get the thing to drop to break the bosses shield were also immune and you had to break THEIR shield. How fun interesting and varied. Occasionally you had to kill things to get symbols to look at to get the shield to drop instead of just killing subjugators. At least I can say the bosses where you had to teleport to go somewhere were like slightly more interesting encounters? I felt like I was doing busy work in there.
Honestly the best I can chalk it up to was. It felt bit like I was doing seasonal content. Go do a mission, fight a boss that uses the mechanics just little bit different, come back to camp talk to everyone to get the next step, go back out there to kill another boss that has the same mechanics.
So I found most of the the boss encounters fairly lack luster. I never really had a "Wow" moment (even on the final encounter. Oh look subjugators again!). I think not developing unique bosses added to this. They were all reskins or things I've killed 5 thousand times before. Like we did get new enemies not like a lot of them but they were there. Why wasn't one of the bosses like a giant grim or something. Or one of those horrible hive knife creatures. Why not reskin the doggies into something knew and make a giant one one of the bosses? I don't know. Like especially after Savuthan's bossfight. I mean that shit was intense.
While playing Legendary I also encountered a few run ending bugs, such as the tormentors somehow grabbing you without touching you and leaving you suppressed and stuck only able to spin in a circle while several feet away from it. Which was such a fun way to eat a rez token. Also the dying light counters being extremely fucked up. We'd have the counters start at like 3 seconds for no discernible reason, leading to a wipe when there were still rez tokens.
The Final Encounter (I never want to see an acorn again)
It wasn't great. It sucked on normal. It sucked worse on legendary. Also the witness kept bugging out and getting stuck in the center. I've never had to google how to solve a campaign boss fight in destiny but I had to here! When you pick up the aegis and your ghost shouts, use the light! It never occurred to me there'd be light elsewhere in the arena. This is because in prior usage of the aegis voice lines suggested using it's light to do things and such which made me connect the light to the aegis (the aegis is light, use the light) and also no other boss fight or any other encounter in the campaign had us charge our light with the light fissures. Yeah we communed with it once to get a super but again once and it was to communicate with the traveler and I suppose there's prior story stuff that involved standing in wells of light but that's vaulted now so hey it doesn't count. We also never used it in context of the aegis. I realized after I did it correctly that a waypoint pops up, but it literally only popped up for me once. This could've like very easily been avoided by including like the ghost mentioning light fissures or light pooling up. Or seeing light fissures in that spot as you walk into the arena. But whatever! Sure introduce a new mechanic with a three word voice cue and nothing else. And I know what you're thinking, you didn't look around the arena when you had the aegis? No! I didn't think I had to! I also never realized how bad the field of view is on Destiny until I was playing games with adjustable fields of view. You are so fucking zoomed in. There was no way I was seeing it unless I was actively walking, looking or running around, which I didn't think I needed to do because it was a raid wide. I was mostly looking at the Witness thinking I had to time the shield at the correct cast time. Anyway the final encounter was hellish I never want to back in there again thanks for coming to my TEDtalk.
Section ii. PRISMATIC
Perhaps I'd like it more if I didn't need it to make enemies not immune. Who knows. I think I honest to god would've preferred just an actual new super.
Overall, felt underwhelming to me. I liked the mixing and matching but it was fairly restricted considering you need to find aspects etc in the campaign, some are just locked by default so you can only mix and match so much. Some really good synergy with other builds. I can say for hunter the healing options were fairly limited, if I didn't feel like I needed to keep it on for the prismatic enemies I would've kept my golden gun build or used my void survival one. New blade dancer is....javelin throw the second? I would've preferred a roaming version, or well I mean you can fire it off more than once I guess so its sort of roaming. Who am I kidding, I just want the old one back, do you have any idea how gross I was in crucible with that thing? We'll see how it does with exotics. Will probably good in pvp at least.
Section iii. DESIGNS + VISUALS
Bungie is once again good at designing things, yay! Even if a lot of it is reused assets.
And I know everyone's like yaaaay new area! And the new area is very nice and pretty and has some really interesting unique designs and forms, I would've liked to see....less reused assets? The whole reflection of the outside thing is. It's fine. And I mean knew it was coming from all of the developer sneak peeks and what not. It just would've been nice to have some more alien-esque areas that were perhaps more weird and traveler-esque like the Root of Nightmare plants and such. I really liked the plant life aspects and a lot of the Witness/Pyramid ship areas were killer, I LOVED the ahamkara strike. I just think they should've gone weirder AND creepier.
As usual cohesive visual designs. Would've actually preferred less pre-rendered cutscenes. A lot of them were very jarring and took me out of the game quite a bit. It was pretty frustrating to see our guardian come upon scenes, people, characters etc and then have them just missing in the cutscene? It never really felt like anything was happening to our guardian some of times. Also what the FUCK is the point of having killer fashion when my guardian doesn't show up in any cutscenes so I can take screenshots of them!!??? >:(
I already talked about enemy designs. Could've been more of them. Meh. I do like horrible blade hive creatures. Extremely creepy.
Section iiii. STORY
Overall good, much better than lightfall.
Not a lot to complain about besides Cayde obvi. But meh he has some stupid annoying one liners, the unnecessary comment about Eris that I guess Bungie was like well he needs to make at least one mean comment about Eris or else he's not Cayde despite idk the only reason we're in the Final Shape moment is from things Eris has done in the seasonal stories. I will coincide he has some good story moments that don't make me hate him (as much). Zavala has a fantastic story arch. Targe was great. Loved the infighting between the vanguard. Crow is as usual a hit or miss for me. He never really bothers me. I don't always like his one-liners with Cayde. LOVED LOVED the big titty statues finally becoming relevant. Loved that entire thing. race of big titty aliens apparently. I think it would've been a little bit more impactful if in the final encounter they let the guardian just go ham smashing those statues. Loved the Micah introduction. The hunters are winning in this expansion. Yeah not really a lot for me to super talk about here, they definitely had a strong story, I am excited to see where it goes. Loved the unique hunter based lines you got from Crow and Cayde. In tears over our ghost. I will say I did miss having Eris' and the Drifters inputs on things. I also am again not fond of the lack of guardian in the cutscenes it just again took me out of story, I feel a little bit of a struggle to feel apart of the story.
So act 1 thoughts complete, there's probably more gameplay wise I'll touch on especially in relation to prismatic. We'll see how it goes from there. Excited to do the raid.
Think before you leave an annoying overly aggressive or passive aggressive rant in response. Thanks <3
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prjctstarfall · 1 month
I don't know If I could be one of her last victims but happened directly yesterday!. Let me give context because it will sound like is a prank and you will be like 'The fuck'. From the beginning. I was in a server with her and Toastie. Okay cool. from there nice. There server was mine. It was a little server. Okay. From there nothing much, after the fight of her and Toastie. I deleted it because I don't want bad vibes not deal with problems that are not mine I have my own problems to deal with other people problems. Understandable. I was roleplaying with her, but her reply never came back, But that's not it. The thing is that yesterday she was vague posting, like always. But there was a post THAT SHE DELETED Because probably she knew she fucked up. About children muses and pedophiles. My muses are adults but I have a ship with someone and my muses had children with them And we both agred on that. But my point is. WHY AFTER WRITTING THAT POST YESTERDAY, she blocked me on discord and everywhere? Like. If she is acussing me of that. Without proof. And I was supossed her friend. That I didn't have much contact with her or Toastie anymore? (Because I am fucking studying and I have energy for some things and others don't. I don't want to be hearing of cries all the time) Sure! Don't have the contact anymore. But Acuse someone of Pedophilia because you get bored.... I don't know. But at least have recieps of it. Because having a ship muse FOR ONE PERSON BECAUSE IS THEIR KID. Logic? Where? If it was a missunderstanding, she would have approached AT LEAST I HOPE SHE WOULD. What a minimun of education and respect to do that. At least to apologize if it was a missunderstanding. But I think it was to to try to get attention again. And I am glad that she showed her true nature with me. Because if she tries to say shit, she better own it, not was she the one that says 'I say everything on the face' Yes of course An I am a victoria Secret's angel. But you know what? It was my fault for being a fucking idiot. I am the only one to blame here for being nice. But not anymore. Anyways that was my two cents. Thank you for your time and sorry this is as big as the fucking Quixote, but yeah this needed context. And I am not asking for callouts or anything, no. I'm not like that, but she must own her words and to not acuse people of things like it because she will harm someone one day or she could anger the wrong person and then she will regret it.
Hi Bel / peavhypessa ! Been a while since we've heard from you since you called actual victims of horrible things the slur "Gringo", not all of them being white! Would've been really peachy if you had apologized for that first instead of coming only to "speak out" against Star! :) You know? Would've been really appreciated since you were just a tad bit racist over people rightfully calling out Star and Loke!
Also didn't you kick Star out of your server without warning before she soft blocked you ( after she found out gringo was being used as a slur by you )? Also are you referring to this post over the pedophilia stuff because she didn't call anyone a pedophile. She just pointed out a very real issue folks who rp minor characters face. I know your english isn't good so I'm just going to clear that up. She said OTHER people tend to do that sooooo yeah!
Maybe you should contact @hxllishrebuke since our ims don't work due to there being multiple mods for this blog! But they're willing to try and help you understand the situation. :)
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edogawa-division · 9 months
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ARB Birthday Special 2023: Kaoru Shinozaki
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~~ September 15th ~~
“There is no great genius without a mixture of madness.”
Login Lines:
“Zzzzzzz…. Gah! I'm up! I'm awake! Oh shit, you scared me! Don't do that! I can feel my heart pounding! Huh? Is this a present?” 
“Why are you even giving this to me? It’s not like my birthday is anytime soon. Wait, what do you mean today is my birthday? Athena dammit! I forgot again!” 
Voice Lines:
“I can't believe I forgot about my birthday for the second year in a row. I mean, I did spend the last few days working on an invention. Oh well, I might as well see what chaos I can get up to today.” 
“Alright! “Operation: Birthday Bash” is a go! Mwahahaha! Major intelligence agencies all across the world are currently waking up to a malware virus that I just sent to their servers!*giggles* It's nothing too bad. All it's going to do is forcibly take control of their speaker systems and play “Never Gonna Give You Up” on repeat all day. Take that you fuckers!”
“Hi Mama, Papa, Nii-san. It's me. I’m doing alright, just turned 23, but I'm sure you all knew that.*sighs* Lately, I've been thinking about what my life would be like if the accident never happened. I think…I would've been miserable, and isn't that a horrible thought? I never said this, but for all that you loved me, none of you ever bothered to understand me. How could you? I was too different. What? You don't think I heard you talking at night? That you thought I walked the line between genius and insanity. That you thought I would grow up to be a villain? That some days you were even afraid of me? Ha! A part of me resents you for that even now.” 
“You know A.D.A is usually the first one to wish me happy birthday, but I haven't heard from her all day, which is pretty strange. I think she’s planning something because she asked me a while back if I had any plans for my birthday all while looking like the cat who ate the canary. Ehhhh…I should probably prepare for the worst. A.D.A can get pretty vindictive when the mood hits her.” 
“Yurikoooo! What did you get me? Noooo! Betrayed by my own mother! Next thing you know I’ll be left out on the cold streets to fend for myself. Oh, the horror! *wheezes* Okay, okay, I’m done! Oh, come on, Yuriko! It's my birthday. Let me live a little! Anyway, did you not really get me anything? Hahaha! I knew you’d never let me down! So, whatcha get me?” 
“A string of numbers? Wait, are these what I think they are? Fuck…Yuriko that place is literally one of the best guarded networks in the world. I could spend years attempting to hack it as Delphi, and even then, I would only be able to make a dent in their firewall. Literally, the only ones allowed to have access to that place are the top and, I mean, top dogs of the underworld. So why? Why give this to me? Why give me access to… somewhere where I make the worst of my genius blossom to life with no consequences? A storm, huh? You can count on me, Yuriko. I promise.” 
“No wait Kanra! *crunch* K-K-Kanra it seems like your birthday hugs get stronger every year huh? My ribs certainly can tell. Oh, what are we waiting for then? You know I love your cakes Kanra! Hahaha! Okay, then what did you get me?” 
“Pfffffftt! Kanra that thing is nearly as tall as you are! Hahaha! No, but seriously Kanra thank you. I've always wanted one of these. How did you even get one anyway? This thing is kinda of expensive. *wheeze* Kanra please! You can't treat a fight like it's a Pokémon battle. Hahaha! Never change Kanra.” 
“A.D.A! There you are! You're even in your android body, too! So I can only assume you have something special planned for me today. A.D.A…your grin is kind of scaring me. The last time you grinned like that, you didn't let me have coffee for 2 weeks. Oh gods, you are banning me from coffee again! A.D.A, please! I need coffee to survive! A.D.A…you’re still not filling me with confidence, but alright, what did you get me?”
“Uhhh…A.D.A? This is just a piece of paper with a time and a set of directions on it. Of course a…A.D.A WHAT DO YOU MEAN DATE??? Y-y-you…dinner…him…error…error…asdkhgkjiwenfkdklyyxgsitzfzjfzkfoxyoaryhdftwehadghffnjkelfhewnejwnjb…*faints*”
Yuriko Lines:
“Happy Birthday, Kaoru. *raises eyebrow* Does it look like I'm carrying a gift for you? *sighs* Are you done with your little charade Kaoru? Birthday or not, please do not wail like you’re the ghost of a Victorian child. Really?  Do you truly believe I would get you anything? What kind of mother would I be if I didn't get my own daughter anything? Now I'm sure you’ll find this quite interesting.” 
“Not just any set of numbers, Kaoru. I had to pull quite a few strings for these numbers. As you know, there's the black market which even a regular citizen can get access to if they look hard enough and then there's █ █ █ █ █ █ █. A global network of various dealers and brokers, hidden behind a series of codes and unknown numbers. Where only the truly dangerous lie, both people and items. It’s so well hidden that not even the various governments are aware of its existence, or if they do, all they know is rumors. Kaoru, I won't lie. A storm is brewing and heading our way. I’m not sure when or how, but I’ll be damned if I don't do everything in my power to make sure the three of us survive. If that means giving you access to someplace where you can be the worst version of yourself, then so be it. I know Kaoru, I know.”
Kanra Lines:
“Happy Birthday Kaoru! *hugs* Eh? Sorry! Guess I got a little too excited. Ah! Nevermind that! Come on Kaoru! I have your birthday cake in the kitchen! First I have to give you your present! I hope you like it!”
“Ta-da! Your very own giant Mareep doll! It is not! I can see over it! Hm? Oh right. So every time I beat someone unconscious I rummage through their wallets and steal all the cash they have on them. Why not? Winner’s rights! If people wanna pick a fight with me they better be prepared to fork over some cash when they lose!”
Bonus! A.D.A Lines:
“Kaoru my dear! Happy Birthday! Oh, I have just a little something special for you today. *grins widely*  Hm? Hahaha! Don’t be so scared, Kaoru, it's nothing like that. I will admit that it was a bit hard to work on the plan without you noticing, but I succeeded. Now, here I have something for you!”
“Why is it the time and location for your dinner reservation for your date with that pretty goth boy! Of course! He seemed surprised when I asked him. He was under the impression that you would be spending your birthday with Yuriko and Kanra, but I waved off his concern and told him you would love it if he took you out for dinner! Oh dear, her mind is erroring. Are you alright, Kaoru? Kaoru? AHH! SHE FAINTED!”
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foaming-sea · 4 months
Hey, remember when I said I was sleepy at 8pm but you sent me to eat? Well, now it's 6am and I haven't slept at all, and I blame you personally /j /lh
The thing is, I've been using this insomnia time thinking back about the whole cherry thing, and I honestly think I could've done it better. Like the Winona clue could have been a sentence instead of just a list random words. "when I needed one nobody asked". That's good, right? Kate wouldn't have deciphered it so quickly. And I could've find a better way to lead you to decode by Sabrina.
^^ That would've been genius, if I may say so myself.
Also using a strawberry emoji instead of a cherry in reference to my url (fresa means strawberry in Spanish)
Like if I had been more organized and planned the clues with more anticipation it could've been so much better. I want a second chance, I'm sure I could make it last more than 3 days.
Gonna have to join another server and re do it.
Now that we're married you can expect insane insomnia asks like this one, you're stuck with me now. Anyways, where are we going for our honeymoon??
Oh and let me know how you do in your exam.
Hey love, I'm sorry I made you stay up all night. Well when i eat I always feel more sleepy, so I thought it would be like that for you too. You can blame me, but I personally blame that second cup of coffee you had /j
I'm sure You could have made this whole thing much more cryptic. I already told you you're freakishly smart. Maybe even the smartest person I've known ever. yes the Winona line is genius. So is the Decode one. But honey, I don't think we could've ever found you out at all if it went even the tiniest bit mire cryptic than this. And Everyone in the server might have start to pull their hair out. Yeah the strawberry emoji could have helped but I don't think anyone would have looked and the emoji and wondered what the word for it was in Spanish XD
Well it would have been fun for me too if it lasted more than 3 days but think about the general people.
Yeah when you do join a new server to redo it, invite me too, I wanna see it unravel.
Well, I look forward to you sending me ask at 3 am for the rest of my life and promise to reply to every one of it with pleasure. Idk, we could go to paris, or somewhere tropical. I always thought Venice was beautiful plays to vist.
The exam went well, thanks for asking <3
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samsspambox · 11 months
*shoves face in hands* aAAAAAA
(if you wanna read about my personal woes, feel free!)
so. uh. hi!
i know i don't do much of updates or much on my personal life bc doing it here kinda feels like i need to explain myself while on twitter it's more like a tweet and go situation but eh, i ran out of tweet rations LMAO.
anyway! i started working about two months ago in a library and it's been fun! but that's not what i'm here to talk about (or what you're here to read lol)
i ended up catching feelings for one of my coworkers. and let me really define feelings bc it'll make me feel better and bc i've recently discovered i have attachment issues LMAO
i really like this person's smile. that's what started all of this mess. i've caught myself daydreaming about the possibility of spending more time with them. i'm excited every time they walks through the door. they make me laugh, I make them laugh. we exchange memes on the server we made for all of our coworkers. lately we've been exchanging ai song covers and mashups (they... really liked mine which made me preen internally) imo, not quite there yet, but certainly not something to ignore. so a mishmash of emotions. hell, it took me a while to admit that my feelings had spilled into something more than friendship.
"sam just ask them out" i hear you say.
counterpoints: i suck at this. i have no experience whatsoever. im always the one who asks people out. i don't even know if they have a partner and i could overstep. i like being their friend and i don't really have my feelings cemented and i wouldn't want to do that to someone. i've come out burned several times. i don't know when people are flirting or being nice. using body language queues i think they don't like me like that. i want to be asked out for once.
i like the current arrangement. they would come in on the day we were both scheduled, along with another coworker, and we'd laugh and joke. i beat them in mario kart once (it was a thing for the library.)
and well... they got a new job. their last day is tomorrow. i'm most likely never gonna see them again.
i'm kinda sad, in a sense. they're leaving and well,,, i would've liked for something to happen. (this lowkey hits me in the 'never had anyone ask me out' feels and it makes me wonder if there's something wrong with me, if i'm attractive enough or if they like my personality, but that's for another day.) it also makes me happy in a sense? they're moving up in the world and i wish them the best. also happy for myself bc it's been such a fat while since i've had feelings like these. the last time was my sophomore year of hs. (im also incredibly loyal to my crushes, which is funny. that person i liked till the end of hs) i thought something was wrong with me (turns out you can't force emotional connections even if you want to LMAO)
but yeah. the saga of me pining for a person. (i guess i also don't wanna ask them out bc it's something i'm more used to? i'm always the one pining, eternally waiting to finally be picked. and when i do try to get out there, i get rejected. i feel safer at a distance.) they leave tomorrow and i'm just gonna stand there and watch.
anyway have some songs that i've been obsessed with bc idk how to end this lol
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Hermitcitizens inspo from @ink-ghoul
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I've been loving seeing all people's ideas and thought about my lil regular slime skin, I've been on a role play server before where she was a baker and gardener but I don't think I want any part in the long hours at the cookie factory, so on hermitcraft she'd be in Twinkly Trash, taking on various duties though as a more mysterious volunteer than formal employee.
She may be caught skulking round the twinkle trash shop, and might hitch a lift on the back of a garbage truck every now and then, but is more active at night. Despite slime's oddly nocturnal nature she is always ready on Fridays to help pickup from various based, bright and early too, she says she's just eager to help but really the trips round are a great way to see the massive progress being made on all the bases, and you can kinda gather this since on the rounds she gets off and gawks a bit before actually collecting anything.
Slime stays up all night though because she loves mob farming the manual way, finding an unlit area, setting a respawn, and going wild on any mobs that appeae. The pleasure she takes in mob-killing had at first lead her to consider working at a mob farm full time, and the job is quite high paying due to the saftey risk and long hours, but it was too dull so she just kinda wanders about killing creepers and spiders etc dropping the drops in the exchange in twinkle trash, being there in the mornings anyways just meant it was easy for her to volunteer. Slime'd been offered a post collecting membrane but is no good with phantoms.
Aside from twinkly trash and mob-killing, she's been looking for a place to truly set up with a village but finding a village has always been difficult on hermitcraft as the villagers usually move in with hermits after a while, at heart slime wants community but since the hermits moved out of the spawn village it's been kinda empty, she hung round the empires Christmas village and considered leaving but she'd been thru to empires and the different textures were too jarring. Sometimes she just moves with the villagers like in season 6 she went to stay with cub's villagers, but often the lack of freedom for villagers makes it unappealing, she'd considered scar' s village in season 7 but just ended up staying in the shopping district. Season 8 slime took a break from staying on hermitcraft since it'd been hard to get comfy and she's thankful for it, the gravity effect from the moon would've been terrifying, but also regrets being off server for the most communal season yet.
Suffice to say, slime doesn't have an official home, she's doing part time work in twinkle trash but is looking to settle down somewhere. Ofc though she does have friends but it's never come easy to her, she sees everyone around, the hermits, the other slime, the villagers, the empireans while they were there, and all the other people working for the hermits too, but she's found it hard to be social this season.
Missing the last season meant her relationship with her old friends kinds deteriorated but she knows the peeps at twinkle trash so well and is excited for the city to be fully ready in Pearl's base, her and a couple others will move in even if there are widespread saftey concerns everyone trusts the trash lady will at least dispose of any contagious waste properly, slime and a bunch of others who struggled to set up their own bases are excited to move in there.
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claudiajcregg · 1 year
I love these! (Doing and asking :) 🙅‍♀️ 🤔 🏅☀️
Grrr. Tumblr ate the mostly written post because of course it did. Thank you for asking, Mia 💕 These were really fun to answer (and also hard). For someone who's really her worst critic, I do enjoy talking about my process and whatnot. I'm sorry in advance for all the rambling.
(If you want to ask me more, the questions are here ✨ )
🙅‍♀️ What is one trope you refuse to ever write?
I just don't see myself doing incest or bestiality. If we're talking more general things, I can't see myself writing cheating (with the asterisk of this being one member of the couple straying, and that there are possible situations where I wouldn't mind). Also, anything extremely violent, mostly because it's not something I often consume in media.
🤔 What’s one genre you’ve never written that you’d like to try?
Oh, maybe action and/or suspense? My writing style (intimate moments, conversations, just vibes) is not the most compatible, but if the situation arose... Sure! (I guess that, in a past life, I wrote around mysteries and crime and whatnot. I was too young then 😬 )
I also would love to be better at writing stories-within-stories. I absolutely do not have the talent to convincingly seem like the talented writers I'm doing. (Once again thinking of the fluffy memoir fic. And another one, which has a super fun premise, but my writing is failing it with this aspect, I fear.)
And not a genre specifically but collaboration? Again, I have super talented friends. I'd stick out like a sore thumb. I think it'd be fun!
🏅 What is the fic you’re most proud of?
I am my own worst critic but I would still probably say all of them, maybe? I saw something in them that I thought might connect with others and that's why they're out there. Even the ones that aren't (so many of them) and might never see the light of day. Writing isn't easy. It makes me nervous and makes me crave validation.
Anyway. The pageant answer is still true but as for actual ones, but using the way I would mentally refer to them, lol.
Big Block of Cheese 2008. I just saw it's at almost 100 kudos... excuse me what. I just felt it was something special from the moment I wrote it. I think I always would've posted it at some point, even if I hadn't made friends. None of my fics come close to it in terms of "love" and tbh, I'm fine with it.
St. Augustine. Just because it came to me so fast (I think it was mostly written in a morning?) and IDK, I love the scene. This one has broken out from most of my other purely CJD stories, whether it was timing or it getting recommended by the right people. It was nerve wracking writing something pre-canon but I think it went well! It was fun to write. I haven't read it in forever so I reserve the right to remove it from the list.
Obviously, star shine started it all but if I had a third spot... Portland. It's probably one of my flops (everything is, but this one especially) and yet. I recall being so proud right after I finished it and wanting people to read it. (It obviously grew since then because I can't shut up.) It's long, maybe unnecessarily so, but god does it get to me. I was in a writing rut (see next answer) and challenged myself to write 'canon' stories, and I think the two are good.
But... To be honest, the answer has to be my unposted multichapter. I always think it's bad until I read it, and it kinda hits, all imperfections aside. 150k words in 5-and-a-bit months (26/3 to 2/9?), 33 chapters. I wrote 2/3 of that in two months (with 19 being the last one I wrote before 19/5), until my muse decided she was done and I decided to actually change jobs. (I also wrote now-published fics like haunted by the notion or don't want you to go, as well as a bunch of other smaller ones, in between! WTF was I on in 2021? I think the mini reunion altered my brain chemistry.) I've considered just dropping a link to the unedited, unbetaed drive on the server one day, ngl.
ANYWAY. Too long-winded!
☀️ Has anyone ever left you a comment that made your day? What did it say?
UM. All of them? real talk here, I don't get many comments so I love them all. I write for a show that ended 17 years ago, for a small (and surprisingly divisive) ship (their loss - there's so much talent) so I should've known going in. It took me some time to internalize it. I'm also not that good a writer, so I'll take it. Comments mean the world to me, even if it's a "lovely" or "great job." Just taking a few seconds means a lot and writers aren't kidding when they say it's motivating. It's also how I've made friends in the fandom so yeah! comments!
To highlight some rather recent ones!
Haunted by the notion got so many from so different people, and they were all so incredibly nice when I was terrified. All of those broke me, and might be the reason why I've been struggling with a followup! (And why I've been wanting to post again soon, rather than wait.) From the other stories, I have two ~recent ones~ I actually bookmarked because they broke me.
miabicicletta's (💕 ) on St. Augustine. I woke up on a Saturday and I remember reading it from bed and crying. It was so incredibly kind and lovely and I couldn't remember the last time anyone had written anything as long. I still think about it all the time. 🥂 (I've now realized Steph also wrote another lovely one ♥️ That story and the love it got, man.)
krazykitkat's on all's well + her comment on St. Augustine because her stories are some of my favorites. I couldn't believe that someone whose work I adored and have read countless times since I finished the show six years ago had read one of my stories, but had liked it???? Didn't compute. Doesn't compute. She's read many since (see St. Augustine, the most recent one), commented and left kudos on a bunch, and it still... blows my mind. (This one happened while I was flying back from Stockholm and was the first thing I saw when I landed.)
But really - so many people have left so many kind messages over the last couple of years, and I've probably gotten emotional at all of them. That there are people out there who are reading the silly little stories that have come out of my brain... wonders never cease.
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hikari-ni-naritai · 2 years
I feel weird for making all my ff14 girls have Japanese names but hikari was unavoidable and it's not my fault that raen au ra usually have Japanese names. Anyway as far as aoi goes, she's a much more balanced person than hikari. She traveled from kugane to limsa, where she became a fairly casual adventurer. Hikari met her early on working a job together, and they became friends because they were both immigrants from othard. Aoi liked hikari's outwardly sunny disposition, and hikari finds her to be massively soothing. Hikari pretty quickly outpaced her in terms of adventuring prowess, but they kept in touch and eventually hikari hired her on as a retainer, mostly just as an excuse to see each other more often. Over time she definitely would've noticed that hikari was like , Not Okay, but she's not a very bold person so she just resolved to be there for her if hikari ever needed her. And I think, at times, hikari does confide in her. Not openly, like she wouldn't tell her about the awful things she did in the past, but she talks about things that are troubling her in vague terms, and takes some measure of comfort from aoi's calm maturity. A staple attendant of nap piles. She has to be careful of her horns though.
It's a shame I don't have anyone for her to date. I think she's bi. She doesn't feel like a lesbian and I'm not out here to make straight girls. I'll probably pick a last name by running the character creator name random generator a few times and seeing if I find one I like. Anyway I should get to sleep good night!
Oh wait actually she could date the au ra my friend made to run through the European server with me. That would work. Anyway good night
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vespurrway · 2 years
it's been 2 months and i'm still thinking about mr. hbomb94's fruit draft video. this is your sign to watch it btw.
anyway i am still thinking about how everyone in that video is WEAK SAUCE (/lh. my outrage throughout this entire post is exaggerated for comical effect).
1) punz saying (and hbomb agreeing!!) that "pears are just worse apples" like WHAT SHIT ASS PEARS HAVE YOU BEEN EATING.
2) i was cheering antfrost on for saying lychees are goated but then i think he said that it's a good flavour like OUGH. that hurt me right in my soul. what about the fruit! the og!!!!!
3) georgenotfound. british (derogatory). i literally complained about what he said to a discord server where they don't know about mcyt and they were like. has this man never shopped for groceries. every time i, with my ego problem, think: I WOULD'VE BEEN A BETTER JUDGE!!!! I ACTUALLY APPRECIATE THEM. he actually asked "what are plums" like PLEASE...
4) durian was left for last but that's understandable :/ these are westerners after all. and sam picked kumquats second last because haha cum... which i. can. slightly, very slightly respect. only a smidge. he's on thin ice.
tl;dr these fucking westerners don't have good enough taste in fruits. i'm foaming at the mouth & crushing a stick with my teeth. perish in despair. in DIS PEAR, EVEN
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