#and i love rambly asks dw about it at all 🫶
satsuha · 4 months
hi!! correct me if i’m wrong but you played octopath traveller 2 in japanese, right? if so then you might be able to clear up some confusion for me and if i am mistaken then i at least wanna hear your opinion. i’m a fellow hikari/temenos (hikanos? temehika? whatever people call it) shipper!! i love their dynamic. just putting that out there so you know where i’m coming from.
i don’t really like the hikari/agnea ship. i just don’t like the idea of pushing them as a romantic couple just because they have a shared story (which barely even supported them being a thing in the first place imo) and i find the idea of them being supportive friends so much more sweet.
you know that travel banter in agnea’s chapter 2, the one where hikari calls her dances hot? everyone seems to interpret that as romantic and it’s constantly written as a scene that pushes their relationship in that direction. i just don’t get it? because to me that scene felt like a very obvious demonstration of “hikari is awkward socially and he’s just copying what someone else said because he can tell it’s a nice compliment when coming from that person and wants to imitate it”. i don’t know if it’s just the fact that i’m aromantic and autistic so i prefer to put neurodivergent meanings to these things but that was so clearly what it was to me. and then everyone made it romantic? idk i just hate that, i feel like it takes so much away from both of their characters to force a relationship from that.
i’m wondering if it’s a translation thing. does it read as a more romantic interaction in japanese? if so then i’m far more willing to accept it. but if not then i’m just so confused about this and i wish people would talk more about hikari being a neurodivergent icon (also hikari/temenos is sooo underappreciated it makes me so sad so maybe i’m just biased idk)
sorry this was super long i hope you’re okay with me rambling like this!! if not feel free to ignore it
hi thanks for the ask! and i'm happy to see a fellow temehika enjoyer 🥺
i need to preface this with the fact that i don't have a japanese education, and though i have picked up on things on social media and such, i could definitely still get things wrong! with that being said, here's my take on it under the cut:
anyway yes! i played octopath2 with japanese voice, and am now replaying it in korean text (has a vocabulary and is grammatically similar to japanese, and a language i can actually understand)! i also cross-check a lot of stuff with the original japanese text, so i did that for the banter you're mentioning just to make sure.
funnily enough, the japanese actually pushes it in the opposite direction... gil uses the english word "hot" in his speech, hence hikari's (and agnea's, initially) confusion at it since it isn't a word that exists in the japanese language. and as far as i can find, "hot" (the english loanword) doesn't have the same connotations as english of being "sexy". the sources i can find online list "new, trendy", "spicy or hot (food/drink)" and "intense" as definitions, but i can't find anything that matches the common english interpretation.
in gil's case, i would say he's either going for the "intense" or "popular, trendy" definition, and given that he treats agnea like a kid (literally calling her "kid" in english and "嬢ちゃん" in japanese, something like "little lady"), i don't think his intent was romantically or sexually charged when he used the word to refer to her.
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(sources: weblio and goo)
now, you've probably seen that i'm biased against this ship as well so there's that to keep in mind but... yeah, in my opinion this was absolutely not supposed to be a romantic thing, and while i can't fully speak on the localization's decision to just keep the word "hot" as is, it bothers me that they either failed to realize or were trying to push the added connotation in english.
at the same time, i know a lot of english fans tend to not care about the original text at all and the localization is meant to work as a replacement for it if you don't know the original language, so i can't completely fault people for taking it that way... unfortunately i am a nitpicker and also a translation nerd and in this case i blame the english version for having that added nuance which did not help!
also i complained about this enough elsewhere but none of their later banters have any kind of interesting topic that tells you more about either of the characters so i don't even think this one works as a turning point for their relationship ...
but yeah anyway again, thanks for the ask! i don't always feel very comfy with analyzing japanese since i don't actually speak it, but unfortunately there isn't anyone else doing this kind of comparison so... i'm always happy to answer and look into it if anyone is curious about anything!!
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tortoisebore · 1 year
Very on board with the fluffy domestic year long fic idea! Could we possibly get a sample..
okay good same me too. i’m thinking so much.
y’all rly put me on the idea with all those little ramble requests 👹 writing random specific boring little snippets of their lives made my heart go 🥰💕💞🤲🫶🤭🎊😁💗 and now i need to write that kind of domestic fluff constantly and forever.
here’s a list of all the rambles so u can get a taste of what it might be like if i write it! like imagine this vibe but it’s an entire year. month-by-month. very boring. very sweet. very nothing by bruno major. very lover by taylor swift (i already have an untitled playlist for this & those two are basically the theme songs)
what would remus’ contact name for sirius be and vice versa
what do they love most about each other
domestic sunday!!!
love languages
how do they sleep
what are their favorite movies & shows
coffee orders & music taste
what would they order for saturday brunch
((there are a few more of these requests in my ask box i’m going to get to!! if u sent me one i haven’t responded to yet dw i’m still planning to answer!!)
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for the ask game.
jasmine, sage (woo it’s my name), orchid, and cactus. i wanna know u about u bestie 🫶😻
jasmine: do you have a movie or book you loved but will never watch/read again?
hmm, i don’t really have anything that comes to mind other than “the gilded ones” by namina forna. i just finished reading this book and its sequel a few days ago. i LOVED the first book, but the sequel, “the merciless ones” was absolutely horrible and kind of tainted the universe for me sadly :((
sage: what medium of art is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
POETRY!!! reading, writing, whatever… i really like psychoanalyzing the shit out of stuff and poetry almost always has some deeper meaning and i love it. all of the poetry i read and write always comes from the root of some emotion or memory and that just makes it mean so much more in my opinion
orchid: what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
okay, i have a few.
phantom love - zach callison: my #1 vent song lmao, i love it so much and the lyrics connect with me a lot. i am a bit biased, though
drive - the mad ones: this musical is where my url is from, actually! i have been obsessed with this musical for three(?) years now and almost every song from it is perfect, but this one always stands out! my mutual @anordinarysenioryear (sorry for the tag) did an amazing analysis on it and i recommend checking it out!
there are lines - death note the musical: who would i be if i didn’t put a death note song here? i always have and always will be infatuated with this song. it’s such a perfect portrayal of the yagamis and how much of a BITCH light is. we all need a hero also applies for the same reason.
cactus: something you’re currently learning (about)?
i would list the numerous languages i’m working on learning, but i haven’t been on duolingo in literal months (my family is safe dw) so that doesn’t really count imo. i guess i’ve been doing some medical research for my fics? both mental and physical. my search history is probably very incriminating…
tysm for letting me ramble 🙏🙏🙏
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dearbraus · 2 years
everything about the nobleman childe fic has me convinced youre actually some sort of literary god. like EVERYTHING about it fawn! from the characters to the descriptions of the settings to the pacing and the dialogue ,, it was pure perfection :,) the side stories and relationships too! LIKE MY HEART WAS ACHING FOR LISA 😭 but oh boy can we talk about.. mr ajax bc the BANTER?? THE TEASING?? him in the fucking CARRIAGE I WAS LOSING MY MINDBDHDVDV. and and in the last chapter when he’s painting the wedding present and removes his outerwear.. it was only a sentence long but the image that formed in my brain had me fucking kicking my legs out. IM DEAD SERIOUS. i had to take multiple breaks and just walk around to digest what i just read. i was so excited to read it and it just went above and beyond all expectations i had. it’s such an incredible piece of work you should be super proud of yourself bby, you made something truly beautiful 🫶🏽
hi zehr you are so sweet, thank you for reading and i'm so glad you enjoyed my fic <3 i was going to hoard this ask in my inbox forever but instead i took a ss and it will be in my favourites folder. the rest is going under the cut bc im going to ramble abt this fic sorry in advance !
first of all the idea of me being seen as anywhere near a literary god has me screaming and crying because i am just some guy but also i'm actually very insecure about my writing lmao. but i worked so hard on this fic FOR FIVE MONTHS and im so glad that all my hard work came across in the fic :,)
i told myself that i was gonna cap the fic at 30k (well aim for it and see what happens) but i so badly wanted to keep exploring the side relationships !! and i will be ... in another fic heheh so dw dw lisa will be getting her happy ending eventually <3 but it fr hurt me to make her so sad bc i love her sm!!
okay so that scene where ajax is painting reader was actually the first scene i ever wrote for the fic, i had an idea and just wrote it out and then piece by piece figured out the plot and stuck it (and a few other scenes) in and i was so worried it wouldn't flow well bc it was like a patch work but im glad you liked it hehe im not gonna like i forget exactly what he said bc it was written so long ago and when i finally got to that section i just chucked it in and transitioned to the next scene lol so im glad it was memorable bc it started it all
anyways ur so sweet and this ask makes me wanna cry <3 mwah <3
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hueningshaped · 2 years
STOPPP!!!!! me reading your replies to my asks = best part of my day (also very much genuine and serious!!!)😔😔🫶🏻💗💗💗 it's okay!! i completely understand you're busy, i barely even glance at my phone whenever i go on vacation so i'm happy you find the time to reply at all🥹🥹 you: i'm sorry for picking two me: literally chose four😭😭 but amor. you actually have to be kidding me those are my favorites TOO signal will ALWAYS have me like 🤙🏻🤙🏻JJIRIT JJIRIT JJIRIT JJIRIT🤙🏻🤙🏻 and WHAT IS LOVE!!!!!!! oh my god where do i even begin to describe the love i have for that song :( the melody + the bittersweet lyrics + their vocals are just perfect and i'm so happy that the mv was so amazing as well song of the century truly🧎🏻the feel my rhythm classic version!/!/!/!-!!- the EXHILARATION i felt while watching🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 i love that they had a whole story to the mv and that they actually made it look nice, feel my rhythm deserves the world i love her so much😔 i never would have even SEEN those behind the scene photos if you hadn't mentioned them i owe you my life💓💗💖💘💕💞 also this was in the recommended tweets below it and i just had to share it with you tyun acting like blinking is a limited resource that needs to be used sparingly is on my very long list of things i love about him😭 omg a question i have a definite answer to!!!! it's 10000% moa diary because i loveeeeee everything about it especially how soobin could not stop smiling when he saw that the mask they gave him was twisted🥹 and it's the first dance practice i watched from them too so i'm even more attached to it!! as for performance that is something i unfortunately cannot answer i'm not even gonna attempt because they pour their heart into every performance so every time i watch one i'm like omg this is the best thing i've ever seen🫶🏻 what about you!!! omg i totally understand ghosting is such a tearjerker and i've never even been ghosted😐 that along with anti romantic and run away💔 TEARS. and they have so many more too😭 those songs are so very dear to me i will always love them</3 and omg our summer!!! it has such a happy melody but it does sometimes make me feel like☹️☹️ i've never actually tried milk tea before because it's not really something we do here??😭 i've never seen anybody put milk in their tea but i'm kind of curious now🤨 does caffeine keep you up at night or is it something else!! because omg. i never drink coffee but my parents drink some multiple times a day because it's a huge part of my culture and one day they made me drink some with them (horrible experience😐) so i was like "this better not make me unable to sleep tonight😾😾" and around the time that happened i would always fall asleep at like 3am but that night i was out COLD by 11pm😭 also me whenever your ramble😌🎧🎶🎵 even if you wrote a 10k essay about your favorite beverages i would read it and ENJOY it please do not ever worry about talking too much🫡 omg very good taste in weather conditions!!! and tbh i kind of miss snow because even though we do get it sometimes it's so little☹️ when i was a kid there used to be so much of it💔 beffie wdym if i'm okay with interacting with you off anon once i actually open the blog i am RUNNING to your blog you will not know peace again😼😼 i love talking to you🥺 i'm kinda boring so i rarely watch any movies😐 i usually only watch horror movies with my cousin when i go to see her and we get bored but other than that.... nothing :// also i JUST realized that when you asked me about my favorite shows i literally forgot about my no. 1 all time favorite show?/?!/!/ i may be stupid. i am so emotionally attached to atla!! best animation best music best storyline best- ANYWAYS what about you!! do you watch movies and if you do what's your favorite!!! and the tiktok omg😭😭 i LOVE edits like that dw your humor is fantastic (just like everything else about u)🫶🏻🫶🏻 also please look at this why am i so emotional over this😔😔 stay hydrated and happy and safe!!! have a great day!!!!💗💗💗 -🧃
my answer was TOO LONG APPARENTLY so i’m linking my message HERE <3 [ 1 and 2 ] — i luv u here are some gyus FOR U
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starseungs · 2 years
as promised, i dropped by here on your ask 💃💗 i must say, the story's plot was something i haven't encountered and read before, and it's very 🥺💗 also villain minho but not really a villain because he's a softie and i 😞💔 i literally live for that trope 😭💗
oh but that bit with the book of legacy, that was really ಠ︵ಠ like sjfhsjfhd tf were they thinking when they had to pass down the ceremony through generations 😭 sounds a lot like a dystopian au would be 🤧 (but i still enjoyed it oafndjvjsn i really do 😭🥺💗)
[also, some footnotes?? ig? as a fellow writer, i hope you don't mind (。ŏ﹏ŏ) i learned it from a friend of mine back in senior high, she was one of the literary editorial chief in our school newspaper, and i was beside her when she was proofreading one of her colleague's writing, and she said to always separate two people's dialogues in paragraph (like no two persons' dialogues should be in the same paragraph).
i enjoyed your writing very much because you use such colorful words🥺💗 but ig i did encounter some confusing parts in the dialogues since you've put two in a paragraph, i had to pause and retrace back. (don't worry it wasn't too much of a trouble!💗) but yeah, i use to write the same way too, until my friend's advice 😭 again, i hope you don't mind ajfhdhsuchdd hnnngg]
okay again, let's get back to business 🕺✨ I'm very much curious if you'll ever write with the other members in the same plot or universe? but it's okay if you're not up for it! 💗 you're entitled to write when you want, so don't feel pressured! i just really find this whole plot and storyline very intriguing 🥺💗 (also not me forming some sort of attachment for our evil king mimo who's not really evil ☹️)
aifhdhsh ig that's about it for my ask???? i hope you don't mind, i ramble a lot sometimes 😭😭😭 i hope you're also staying safe and healthy and hydrated 🥺☹️💗 have some mimo pics, i love him 💗
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long answer !
omg yes thank you so much for the constructive feedback!! i rlly appreciate it and will def keep in mind what you just said in future works 🤩🙏 im still looking to improve my writing since i never actually had like proper writing lessons (the most i got is the basic stuff in english class) i just kinda learned from observing the stuff i read so your suggestion is vv helpful 🥰🥰🥰
AAAAAAA im so glad i brought smth new to the table to you, tho i must admit its not so much of an original idea since its heavily based on an existing cartoon series but i did make a lot of tweaks in the story/world building to make it a lot more suspenseful in a way (ever after high is more of a childrens show so the concept was approached more lightheartedly) /// and totally kinda dystopian but i didnt know if it was dystopian enough for me to add it to the genre tags so just kinda let it be lol
and yes!! i actually have a whole thing planned for jisung (like his pov on stuff) cz he also has a love interest mentioned in minho's fic tho its just like a small mention during the lake scene,, but there was def meaning behind it + me mentioning his character's crush on pinocchio's daughter 👀👀 i originally made it just so i could have more backstory to base on and make his role in the story more justified in a way but another reader encouraged me to make it too so i will soon <3
if i can think of other stories to do with the other members i might make one for all of them, but so far i only have jisung's planned so maybe like a side by side kinda thing
and oh yeah same 😭😭 i kinda formed an attachment to written on paper minho too i was so invested in writing him to the point i was smiling crazily while typing in my laptop 💀 i love the minho pics btw he's so cute huhuhuhu
DW ABT THE LONG ASK!! i enjoyed reading it and i appreciate the time you took to send one 🥺🫶 i ramble alot too so things like this make me happy
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