#and i still don't consider myself a particularly good artist or anything lol
vonnebenan · 7 months
It's been ten years since I started drawing fanart, and I thought this would be a good occasion to share some of my first attempts:
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... I like to think that I've improved a little since then.
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muselin · 2 years
I lived in Germany for just half a year, first near Frankfurt and then in Berlin.
Yk, all I have is a couple theories. One of them is that guys who have that natural inverted triangle body shape also have a natural talent with their hips.
I didn’t found any pattern or type yet. If I think about it, there are some physical features that attract me a little bit more, but if I think about real life, the guys that attract me and the ones I dated are SO different. Like from a chubby bald guy 2cm shorter than me but with amazing green eyes to a blond 5’11 tall slim fit guy who is my ex.
Here comes another theory: I grew up in Brazil - a multicultural racial mixed country - and close to art, so experiencing it and studying both of these, especially after experiencing portrait and fashion photography in studios, there are so many features that attract me in so many ways that I’m lost.
At the moment, I’m broke, dreary and fuming. I’m looking for jobs all day, digging old projects, doing interviews, trying to do something creative for mental health, and using some time to understand who I am now, after more than 10 years in a monogamous relationship and in the same career. Yeah, life sucks sometimes.
Psychology careers must be equally gratifying and tiring. How do you deal with emotional worn outs? Do you have some breaks? Writing helps you? Btw, how did you end up writing fics?
It's so cool to have another worldly friend :) I'm an expat, I'm from Southern Europe and have lived in the US for 1 year and now in the UK for 9 years. What are your best and worst memories of Germany?
I can see how living in such a multicultural and racially diverse country like Brazil would make it less likely to have a "type". What sort of features attract you in people? For me I've found that I don't have a "type" either, but things like a prominent nose and prominent lips make me notice a guy more. Regardless of whether he's white, black, latino or mixed. And actually I've dated all of those lol.
It sounds like you're making the best of a bad situation! It's so hard to not have secure employment. At the same, like you said, using the time to figure out who you are is just about the btst thing you can do, it can be comforting when you can't control much else in your life at the moment. What's one thing you've realised about yourself?
On my pinned post I have something called Muselin 101. At the bottom of that post it says how I got into writing. It definitely helps me, yes. I can't feel happy without having something creative in my life, even when my career is not in a creative field and I don't view myself as a particularly artistic person. It's still very important and adds meaning to my life.
At least for me, a psychology career has been challenging and tiring. It is definitely rewarding on a very high moral level, but the day-to-day often sucks. Or at least it does when you're still my age, where you're considered too young and too idealistic and ambitious for your own good. After 9 years of working towards it I haven't got tired of it. The thing I've found is that it's never the patients or clients that wear me out, it's all the red tape and operational stuff. The system around the clients is what is hard to deal with. I've had two low points, once in my previous job and once in my current one (so far). They weren't serious breakdowns but it was a very cynical time where I was thinking "Does anything I do really matter?" And that's even if I've literally stopped a suicidal person from ending their life the previous day. It didn't last long though and I stayed true to myself and the people I was looking after, so I consider myself lucky
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
3 I don't think jk feels that way. He loves to protect jm why would he want jm to take even more heat by making things clearer to the fans? Not to mention except nibbling on jm's ear, tatoos & gcfs are not a clear indication of what jk feels he also hides behind art (wich is very subjective) to express his feelings and even denied jm being his main model. Even V has been more direct about writing songs about jm. So for him to be frustrated with jm would be unfair & hypocritical which idt jk is.
This post you mean??
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I didn't feel the need to get into it directly because everything you said in here is based off of a misinterpretation of my post- the post in response to the Anon who said there seems to be a strain on Jikook's relationship, for context.
I never said or implied your premise, ergo your entire argument is pointless? Lol. If I had to respond to it, it would have been 'No. You didn't understand it correctly.'
Maybe you should read over it again?
I mean, no one else seem to have had that impression in the comments apart from you?What is it in that post that gave you that impression? Maybe I should read over it too... Damn.
I simply pointed out in response to the Anon, that JK seems much reserved in the way that he expresses himself towards Jimin mostly post JM's birthday. Which may or may not confirm my earlier suspicions about the whole JM birthday saga- which as I said, again, I don't want to make conclusive statements on because it's an on going phase and so it's a bit hard to reconstruct the timeline.
I said and meant and intended to mean, that if JM and the company or even BTS had expressed disapproval on JK wanting to post on JM's birthday then JK choosing not to express himself openly in regards to JM in the aftermath would be understandable. Jk seems like the all or nothing kinda guy to me- I've been saying.
They are either treating the glass closet as a glass closet or not. Which would mean JK stops his bold gestures and expressions towards JM and JM stops publicly doting on JK and expressing himself towards him in the way that he does.
But if JM is going to dot on him openly and express himself openly with regards to JK, then JK should be allowed to do the same- however way he prefers.
I didn't say I felt JK is frustrated because Jimin does whatever you are saying. All I said is I feel he gotta be frustrated if he cannot express himself the way that he wants to- especially given his personality and his background.
He often talks about not being censored much growing up as a kid and so he is used to having his way and doing things the way he wants.
My point being that Jimin expresses a certain level of 'nervousness' sometimes with the way JK expresses himself with regards to him. Especially since JK's 'bold' moves often times scratches against their glass closet to the point it can be considered 'outing.'
Jk posting on JM's birthday when he hasn't done that for anyone in the group since Jin's birthday last year would have been borderline "outing" considering. And as I said, I don't think that would have sat well with either Jimin or the group or even BigHit because it would raise a lot of brows and have people questioning whether there's more to Jikook's relationship.
Frankly, as I pointed out, given the circumstances people would raise questions over whomever he chooses to post for next regardless, especially if he doesn't post for anyone else after that- it would be world war Z up in these streets I tell ya. Lol.
JK has had his passions sabotaged over the years- his GCFs I mean, and this was one of the means he had to express his authentic self and his raw feelings as a person and as an artist. Expressing his feelings clearly is important to him as much as recieving.
And if he cannot express himself with regards to the person he loves in the way that he wants then that's got to be frustrating to him, in my opinion.
And when you think that the person he loves can get away with blurting out things like that 'the best thing in his life is waking up to see his boyfriend's face in the morning' in a middle of an interview then you'd understand what I mean.
The members booed at JM for that yes, but I don't think had JK said that, that they would have had the same reaction to him- did you see their reaction when Jk blurted out 'arrest me' when Jimin said he wanted to be a police officer or something?
That doesn't mean JM doesn't make similar bold moves that are equally risqué in regards to JK. Just saying he often gets away with it because majority of the fandom don't take him seriously at all, lol. They often dismiss his moves towards JK as fanservice or tie it to his "naturally kind and affectionate" personality.
As to whether that is fair or not- honestly I don't care. Lol. I'm more interested in observing their interactions to try to understand the motivations behind their actions and behaviors- which again, are all just theory and assumptions.
Honestly, I don't impose my judgment on Jikook's actions in that way. If I had to, I'll just say they are both wrong and they are both right and all is fair in love and war. Because I sort of understand the motivations behind these actions even if they are just theory.
But I don't do the JK vs JM business- which is what it seems you are doing here?
I keep saying they both have valid needs. JK's needs are not less valid than JM's needs. Neither is JM's needs less Valid. They both have valid motivations for the choices that they make. From my perspective.
They both have downsides and upsides and I am well aware of it. I just don't mind. I mean, they are human in every sense of the word.
JK fuming whenever someone breathes near JM but he himself being Mr roaming hands premium is double standards. If you don't want Jimin touching others don't touch others. It's as simple as that. JM playing Mr 'I'm available never been wed' when he knows damn well he is in a committed relationship with Mr double standards roaming hands premium is foul play.
They both suck. Lol.
Yet I don't mind at all. I love them regardless.
Besides, as I said, from the feed back I got it seems you were the only one who had that impression? I would have made a post to clarify it sooner if I sensed from the responses that two or more people had had similar impressions of it.
I usually don't hold myself responsible for other's comprehension skills and it didn't seem like you were asking for clarification either? May be next time ask for clarification if you are uncertain about anything instead? I don't know. Just do whatever makes you happy I guess.
There were certain statements you made in here that I found interesting regardless- the part dismissing JK's means of expressing himself but claiming V exresses his intentions better through his art....
You think may be V is able to talk openly about writing songs inspired by Jimin because there is nothing there to hide and his song lyrics aren't indicative of nothing?
I'm sorry but Friends seems like a very friend zoned conversation than a confession of romantic feelings to me.
I don't think JK wants to write a song about how Jimin is his bestfriend- Jimin would skin him alive. In my opinion. Lol.
Plus, when Tae tried to make a duet with Jimin the company (producer) allegedly didn't green light that project- I wonder why. Smirk.
Even as friends, there seems to be a limit they are allowed to go with their artistic expressions.
In JK's case, well Jimin have said he isn't really good at expressing his emotions and JK have admitted in recent times- in his Be Weverse Magazine interview that he is not particularly great at writing everything he wants to express.
Personally, before I heard him say this, I often felt he seemed to hold himself back a lot from fully expressing himself through his lyrics. He has a broad range of musical experience and honestly a rich lyrical palette from his various song recommendations throughout the years and I expected more from him when it came to his lyricism and expressions.
I don't take his lyrics for granted though because it is still one of the means through which he expresses his authentic self and after reading this bit about him, chilee I'm gone treat his lyrics like the gospel. Sorry Jesus. Lol.
I don"t know but perhaps he waters down on his expressions through his lyrics too- I mean there is only so much he can say without letting people into his inner psyche?
Dude had to sneak Stay past JM. Lmho. He's so cute.
The point I'm making is, you can't claim it is unfair for JK to use his art as cover to express his feelings for Jimin and then in the same breath praise another member expressing his feelings for Jimin through his art.
And the part about JM going out of his way and taking risks to break JK"s walls in their earlier dynamic... who asked him? Lol.
No seriously, who put him on that mission? He has his own Jikook agenda. I don't think he was doing JK a favor. Do you? I find that narrative problematic. Jimin is not a charity case. JK is not his 'console"ation price.
I don't think JK feels indebted to JM and I don't think he should. That's not love. I don't think Jimin wants his pity either. Again, that's not love.
Then the bit about JK protecting JM. I think I addressed it already. JM has a duty to protect JK as much as JK has a duty to protect him.
If him expressing his love for Jimin the way he wants to is him not protecting Jimin, then JM equally openly expressing his feelings for JK is him not protecting JK.
I won't hold this over you though because your response is based off of a misinterpretation.
Please let's not do the whole JK vs JM thingy next time. I get that a lot from my fellow PJMs here. Jikook are not enemies.
I had to respond to this because you said something about it not being fair that I didn't post the original Ask.
Please bare in mind you are Anonymous and it's hard to ask for clarification and stuff from y'all when I don't understand anything about the posts and comments you send in.
But at your end, I think you are in a better position to quote me and ask for clarifications if you want one. You don't have to. But I think it makes it easier to have certain conversations.
I enjoyed your thoughts. I haven't read them all yet but I will.
Stay safe. I purple you.
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ghostlyheart · 3 years
Thanks for tagging me @lesbian-in-leather !! It was a 30 questions tag game, the thread was really long so I just made my own post, my answers are under the cut!
Nickname: Hannah Banana (not so much any more, I absolutely HATED it when I was younger but it's kinda cute lol), my mom calls me Han
Gender: Girl
Sign: Scorpio (I know there's also like moon and rising or whatever but I don't really get astrology akshgk)
Height: 5'5"
Time: 1:10 am
Fav bands: I don't listen to specific artists a lot in general, but I really love Kings of Convenience. Their music is just so chill and gentle, I don't listen to them consistently but I always enjoy their stuff when I do go back and listen
Fav solo artist: Same as the last answer, I don't really listen to anyone suuuper consistently, I kinda just organize playlists into moods lol. However, I like Phoebe Bridgers, Rina Sawayama, Mitski, etc etc
Song stuck in my head: ICU by Phoebe Bridgers, also idk if you know I Did Something Bad by Taylor Swift, but there’s this one part where she goes “raDADADADADADdyadya” (its literally impossible to convey it typed out but if you’ve heard the song you’ll know what I’m talking about) and its Ridiculously catchy, sometimes I just walk around repeating it to myself aksjk
Last movie I saw: I just watched The Mummy for the first time and it was so much fun
Last show I watched: Wellington Paranormal
When did I create my blog: either December 2020 or January of this year, I can't remember
What do I post: I think this is pretty self evident aksjsks but mostly wwdits, sometimes bbc ghosts!
Last thing I googled: the word "gratuitous", I think about half my search history is just looking up the definitions of words to confirm that they actually mean what I think they mean
Do I have any other blogs: not really, technically I have one more but it's just to save a url I might want to use someday, I'll never post on it lol
Do I get asks: occasionally yes!! I really enjoy them whenever I do, i got a few anons recently which was really fun, I just like talking to people lol
Why did I choose my URL: I didn't know I was going to be a wwdits blog when I first joined tumblr, I couldn't think of anything so I'm pretty sure it was something stupid like "froggingabout." Once it became clear I was mainly going to be posting wwdits I changed it to fangingout because a) vampire pun and b) it was similar enough to my old url I figured people would recognize it was still me. It's still kind of a silly url, I've considered changing it, but I'm attached to it at this point lol
Following: 110
Followers: 404 (which is absolutely crazy to me like, how)
Average hours of sleep: on a weeknight, anywhere for 7 to 1. On the weekends... like 14 akjsks
Lucky number: I'm not really sure?? 13 I guess
Instrument you play: ukulele (poorly) and piano (poorly). Like, so poorly you can't really consider it playing akshjs
Dream job: Oh gosh there's so many. Maybe a librarian or an archivist or a literature professor (particularly someone who gets to study Shakespeare) or a lawyer. The one that's really out of reach is an editor, I really enjoy video editing even though I'm super amateur. I would love to be something like the person that makes the little promos and compilations for wwdits
Dream trip: I'd love to visit the UK or Greece one day!
Fav food: gosh this is hard, there's a lot I like but when I have to pick something it's like I've forgotten everything I've ever eaten. There's a Moroccan stew recipie I really like, I have no idea how authentic it is but it's gooood
Nationality: American
Fav song: I'd Rather Dance With You by Kings of Convenience is my favorite song in the whole world. It's just so much fun, it never fails to put my in a good mood
Last book I read: (technically a play but I read it in book form so I'm counting it) The Merchant of Venice. It's such a complicated work, it was really interesting to study. I'm taking a Shakespeare class which I LOVE and we finish a play every two weeks! Next is Richard III
Three fictional universes I'd like to join: wwdits, bbc ghosts, and star trek!
If you've made it alllll the way to the end, I'm just tagging anyone who wants to do it :)
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I just started following you and your post about welcoming all fans of Tolkien really made me happy bc I just joined in the fandom after an artist I like drew some Angbang. That was the beginning of the end lol. I have been reading wiki articles but I know that is not near enough and is it exhausting for me but from what I know there are loads of books too and I don't know where to start. Where should someone start? Is there a reading order? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Angbang has yet again pulled the unsuspecting victim straight into the void. I don’t think Tolkien would have imagined that the love of his two main villains would bring in readers, but anyway, however you got here: welcome! We don’t have cookies, but we do have feels and literal decades of writing to sift through. Your stay will be as long as you choose, and that may be a long, long while. I have been in the fandom for nearly 20 years and I still have not read everything or explored everything yet. 
One thing I would like to impart on you though is this; reading Tolkien is hard. Yes some people will counter this with a sniff and a scoff and insist that it is not, but most will find his work daunting and overwhelming. If not in how it is written then in the sheer volume of information and variations of his legendarium. What helped me profoundly was reading it not as a fun casual fantasy but as a historical subject. When you put your mind in a state of what to expect out of it really helps your understanding of the text I feel.
As for reading order I personally think you should tackle it as so; 
The Hobbit (keep in mind this is written before much of his own lore was settled and is meant to be a children’s book). 
The Lord of the Rings (one tale, three volumes with the Appendices which are a great resource and gear you up for some HISTORY).
The Silmarillion.
Reading these five books first I feel is a great basic start and they are more or less consistent and are most “in sync” with each other. Don’t shy away from taking notes, however, particularly with The Silmarillion because from that point on it is delving into his legendarium, and the difficulty increases with each one. 
The next round of books you might want to read are as follows;
Unfinished Tales
Children of Hurin
Letters (you can choose to read these here or after everything else, I know many people who saved the letters for last thought that it would have made better sense to read them during their first readings at some point.)
The rest of your journey should be the collective Histories of Middle Earth, all twelve volumes, and these are not for the faint of heart. Be prepared to take notes, be prepared to have a lot of contradiction and don’t come into them thinking that everything you will then read is gospel. If you are anything like me you will create a mosaic of what you like and sort of mush them together to make your own appealing version of events. 
I. The Book of Lost Tales, part 1
II. The Book of Lost Tales, part 2
III. The Lays of Beleriand
IV. The Shaping of Middle-earth
V.  The Lost Road and Other Writings
These first five go over a lot of the events of The Silmarillion (the first and second ages) and contain some of the earliest writings of Tolkien.
VI. The Return of the Shadow
VII. The Treason of Isengard
VIII. The War of the Ring
IX. Sauron Defeated
These four, as you may be able to tell from the titles, focus mostly on the events of The Lord of the Rings and the later second age through the third age. 
X. Morgoth’s Ring
XI. The War of the Jewels
We’re back to The Silmarillion. These two books are cited a lot in Tolkien analysis partly due to the interesting information he provided in them (LACE is in volume X) and they are comparatively newer writings, so some fans like to consider these as more close to what the professor was going for in his legendarium. 
XII. The Peoples of Middle-earth
The final volume is a lot of miscellaneous writings that spans all ages, it’s like the kitchen junk drawer for the professor’s writing. 
Of course we also have new books as well to add to the list that are profoundly useful such as; 
Beren and Luthien (2017)
This is a nifty book that focuses entirely on Luthien’s epic adventure and the drafts Tolkien wrote of it. It is a great resource.  
The Fall of Gondolin (set to be published this year 2018)
Will also be like Beren and Luthien in that it centralizes on writings concerning this one event making it easier to study. Whew. Thank you Christopher Tolkien! 
There also are a plethora of writings other people have done to supplement Tolkien’s writings intended to be good resources. Some are. Some are questionable. And others I just don’t even understand how they even got published. 
My personal favorite supplementary resources are; 
The Atlas of Middle-earth (revised edition) by; Karen Wynn Fonstad
This is a guide to the geography of Arda through the ages and so much more. A great resource to the change in landscape and military movements and general data about the landscape and the people who live there. 
The Languages of Tolkien’s Middle-earth by; Ruth S. Noel
Short and sweet but it provides a quick and easy way to look at a glance the rules of each language. Dictionary is really pathetic but you can find better ones online, this book however has the language guides such as sentence structure and pronunciation. I like it because it is in one small book so looking things up is convenient. 
Flora of Middle-earth. Plants of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Legendarium by; Walter S. Judd & Graham A. Judd
Tolkien was a great admirer of plants and these two compiled an entire book of each and every plant species mentioned in his writings, fictional and non. An interesting perspective. Has a fantastic section on the two trees of Valinor that for that part alone is worth buying. A love song for Yavanna. 
The Science of Middle Earth (revised 2nd edition) by; Henry Gee
This book. This is my absolute favorite book anyone has written about Tolkien, period. This author goes into the possible science for HOW Tolkien’s world could function; as it is clear that Middle-earth is not a playground for magic but something much more fascinating. A great perspective. 
This of course is my personal opinion for how to tackle reading, if you wanted an order. I did NOT read the books in order at all, and I admit I have not read some of these myself to completion. 
If you are going to read anything I would definitely read the first five then from there on if it is just too daunting/overwhelming I would supplement yourself with select books focusing on what interests you the most. Also, engage in conversations with other fans, that alone helped me most of all when it came to understanding the writings. If you are lucky your university or college might even have a course on it. If anyone else has an input it would be appreciated, as always. 
Welcome to the fandom, happy reading. 
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madstermojo2000 · 3 years
sdfcgv so you're pretty much at the same point with Ateez that I was until early this year.
I first looked Boyfriend because I saw Bounce floating around and it was incredibly catchy, so I found the whole song, which led me to Witch and Janus, and that was all I knew from them for a good 3 years or so, but I started actually looking into them yesterday and think they seem really cool! I actually just finished listening to their first three releases right before sending this ask, and I plan on listening to more tomorrow (if I go too fast I'll forget everything)
Since neither of us seem to have burning questions based on our last exchange, I'll just keep going with the prompt. After Pentagon and Ateez, the next of my ult groups I got into was Oneus. They were another case where I liked their music from the beginning (I was obsessed with Twilight when it first came out), but for reasons I myself cannot fathom, I didn't listen to all their music and start actually trying to learn more about them until early this year, when No Diggity came out. They're a particularly funny case, because my sister (the one who got me into Pentagon), was into them since some time between their third and fourth releases, and I still didn't get into them until their sixth. As for why they're my ults, I don't know what I can say besides that they never miss. I love intense, dramatic concepts with a lot of theatrics, and Oneus always deliver on those, and I love all their voices and personalities. (also their Heroine performance with The Boyz on RTK makes me tear up, and if music makes me cry, I consider that a good sign)
How and why did you get into your other ults? - multi anon
Oneus is another group that I casually listen too! I really liked twilight as well!! I really like some of their b sides too!!!
I'll answer about Seventeen, TXT, and Sam Kim in this response because their stories are going to be longer compared to the rest. With seventeen I was trying to find other groups that I might like after getting into Boyfriend and none of the groups I had liked really got to stan territory for me until seventeen. I was following debuts at the time and just looking at anything that was coming out and I saw the teaser photos for seventeen and went "these people are cute I'll check them out" and then I watched 17 project and listened to their debut and just fell in love. Once you slip into the diamond life there's no coming back.
For TXT it was sort of a similar story. I was keeping an eye out for new groups to listen too and I saw that Big Hit was debuting a new group so I was interested. I saw Yeonjun's teaser and instantly thought this group is going to be YOUNG. I wasn't sure if I wanted to stan a group with members younger than me, or at least the majority being younger than me, so I was a little worried. But the members ended up being around my age and only the youngest members being at the age I personally find weird to stan (my sister is their age which is why it's weird for me) because it's not the same as my usual stan behavior. But as the teasers came out and their debut dropped I was like "YEP THIS IS A GROUP I STAN NOW" and proceeded to fall in love once again.
For Sam Kim I first found a video of him singing with Eric Nam and Eddy Kim. They were singing songs about love on some show and I was like "okay this guy's voice is GREAT" so then I looked him up more. And this was around the time he was releasing Think About 'Chu, and I found a video of him singing it in a car and for some reason the way he sang along in the car and his playful personality dragged me in. Now he's my favorite solo artist. Everything he does is GOLD. I can pick out his osts when I watch dramas because his voice is so distinctive. He truly has one of the best voices in kpop.
I said a lot, geez. I did say they'd be long stories lol
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