#and i think ive heard very very minor whispers about s5
liloinkoink · 2 years
so the bush thing is from the s6 prank war, after it escalated. grian and tango go a heist and steal things in the vault, but also add grian heads to docm's bush in the office, which he was really mad about (which is why the first hermit gang verse is "listen grian nobody touches my bush") - doc discovers it in HC VI ep 61 (9min for the bush), and retaliates in ep 62. the final teams are finalized from the allies/enemies list from docm's retaliation if i recall correctly
ill be honest with you anon, my friend, i think some base assumptions about my knowledge of season six are being made here that i do not measure up to. i am so sorry to say this but i dont know if ive ever actually watched an episode of season six. i think ive watched a few random bits of maybe? three episodes? but i dont think ive ever watched an entire episode of season six start to finish
which is to say. what vault? why was there a heist? i know vaguely that there was a prank war and then nothing about it at all (is this when grian was? stealing doors? i think i heard something about dressing up like a chicken and stealing doors??) what is significant about this bush? is this a bad time to admit ive listened to hermitgang once ever and it was on a clip of an inthelittlewood stream and i didnt even get through the whole song
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