#ive watched decked out stuff
liloinkoink · 2 years
so the bush thing is from the s6 prank war, after it escalated. grian and tango go a heist and steal things in the vault, but also add grian heads to docm's bush in the office, which he was really mad about (which is why the first hermit gang verse is "listen grian nobody touches my bush") - doc discovers it in HC VI ep 61 (9min for the bush), and retaliates in ep 62. the final teams are finalized from the allies/enemies list from docm's retaliation if i recall correctly
ill be honest with you anon, my friend, i think some base assumptions about my knowledge of season six are being made here that i do not measure up to. i am so sorry to say this but i dont know if ive ever actually watched an episode of season six. i think ive watched a few random bits of maybe? three episodes? but i dont think ive ever watched an entire episode of season six start to finish
which is to say. what vault? why was there a heist? i know vaguely that there was a prank war and then nothing about it at all (is this when grian was? stealing doors? i think i heard something about dressing up like a chicken and stealing doors??) what is significant about this bush? is this a bad time to admit ive listened to hermitgang once ever and it was on a clip of an inthelittlewood stream and i didnt even get through the whole song
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howoffcentre · 8 months
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POV u are the dungeon master
I just KNOW he stares at people
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moomoorare · 8 months
Oh u know what Im gonna draw esmp 1 Lizzie actually now
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jihyoruri · 6 months
I feel like nobody has asked this but can we get some wow!yn and aeri moments I know for sure they have questionable but cute friendship moments on camera
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warnings: idol au, wow!yn, you can also find more wow!yn stuff in my masterlist <;33
“I’m meeting a friend.” aeri said to the camera as she walks, “most of the time we see each other like everyday but we’ve been so busy lately so I’m excited to see her.” she continue trying not to say the persons name for suspense but everyone knew who she was talking about.
“we always meet at this hangout place that we discovered there’s just a bunch of seating and music and they sell records as well, it’s pretty cool.” the girl rambles as she walks up to the place opening the door the indie music playing loud enough for aeri to wince at the camera.
she scans the area and her eyes lights up when she spots the certain someone sitting in the corner with her face in her phone, her managers sitting a couple seats away from her.
aeri quickly gives the camera to her manager and speed walks over to the girl her manager walking closer behind.
“ynnnn.” aeri sings walking over to the girl with a wide smile on her face, she stands above yn as the girl looks up from her phone and adjusts the backwards cap on her head looking at aeri with a small smile.
yn takes aeri’s hand in hers swinging it slightly, “aeriiii.” she mocks before taking a quick glance at the camera in the mangers hand and sends aeri a teasing look, “using me for veiws?”
aeri rolls her eyes before sitting on yn's lap muttering a “shut up”
yn wraps her arms around the older girl and looks up at the camera singing the lyrics to the song playing in the background, aeri also joining in.
both yn and aeri laughed their heart out at the most dumbest things that came out of each other’s mouths, both girls were on live after aeri spammed yn to join her live.
fans enjoy watching the two girls cause it’s like watching two best friends on a facetime, “wait wait I can’t breathe.” yn said taking her face out of the camera and tilting her phone to said causing aeri to laugh harder but the girl took notice of the lump under a blanket beside yn the only thing being shown was hair.
“um, what’s that?” aeri asked trying her best to be serious but the way she asked it had the girls laughing again.
yn tilted the camera back to her, “oh, that’s wonyoung.” she said nonchalantly after another giggling fit.
aeri raised an exaggerated brow at yn causing the younger girl to do one back sending them back into another laughing fit.
somi turned the camera so it showed yn, aeri and her all there girls decked out in chrome hearts in an alley way, “the trio is back.” she said to the camera with a serious face, yn making a serious face as well but aeri ruined it by bursting out in laughter, leaning into the girls shoulder as the taller girl looked down at her unamused.
“you ruined it.” she groans as somi explains that the girls have been trying to do with intro for like 15 minutes but it constantly got ruined by the aespa member laughing.
“don’t talk to your elder like that.” aeri said pointing up at yn’s face with faux seriousness.
“I’ll talk to you however I want.” the ive member says with attitude.
“guys she’s so disrespectful to me.” aeri says to the camera as somi turned it towards the two girls.
aeri shoves yn and tries to run away but is stoped by the younger girl grabbing into her hood and pulling the older girl into her, she lets out a scream as yn laughs, somi’s laughs also being heard in the background.
“she thought she could get away.” yn says into the camera wrapped an arm around aeri’s neck pulling the girl closer to her.
both girls sat beside each other on the floor their legs crossed as they answered fans questions on the live.
“have you guys ever dated someone?” aeri reads before laughing and turns to the younger girl who unbottens her flannel a little acting like she didn’t hear the a question.
“yn I know you heard me.”
“huh?” the girl asks only to be met with a teasing face from aeri.
she sighs and innocently looks at the camera, “I’ve never dated anyone, I’m too innocent for that.” she says causing aeri to let out the most biggest laugh ever heard.
yn tries her best to be serious and not laugh as aeri laughs her heart out.
“I only belong to my fans.” she says scratching the back of her neck.
“starship training.” aeri says between laughs finally causing yn to burst out in laughter.
aeri stands on the stage alongside many other idols waving fans with her members.
she lets out a startled sound when she feels someone wrap both of their hands around her from behind.
she turns around and slaps yn’s shoulder, scolding the younger girl for scaring her.
yn laughs and interlocks her hand with aeri before both girls walk together on the stage, waving at fans and talking to each other.
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buckyarchives · 1 year
Metal Arms and Short Skirts | Bucky Barnes [2.]
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summary: waltzing in as the new head of the Avenger's medical division, impressing everyone, and... scaring Bucky with your incredibly short skirts. while bucky's having a hard time looking at his arm as anything other than a deadly weapon, you're more than happy to help him.
words: 4.3K
warnings; creepy men (+bucky fending them off) slight body dysphoria on buckys end
author note : HI I KNOW THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE UP LIKE & DAYS AGO... aib came out and ive been hyperfixaed on that and my brother got frostbite so wump wump was at the hospital on chrimis. i have mixed feelings on this chapter, but i hope you enjoy. and im still taking request.
READ ON AO3 | masterlist
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Bucky wasn't going to pretend to be completely oblivious and say he wasn't finding every and any excuse to visit you. Whether it be a tear in his muscle or the sound of the metal whizzing sounding off, something bucky would have ignored with absolutely no thought. Bucky maintained a comfortable distance between you two, physically and emotionally, staying at arm's length. But something about today seemed to be different. 
Bucky shifted nervously in his seat, he watched your stride around your lab. You finally got your own area after 2 weeks of staying at the compound. It almost put Tony's lab to shame, it was huge and decked out with technology far too advanced for bucky to even understand. 
Today, You wore a black bustier that seemed to shape your form, thick and sturdy paneling sewn into the shirt, if that is what you can even call it. The neck hung low, low enough to leave very little to the imagination. Bucky practically had to tear his eyes away from your neckline when he first walked into the lab.
Bucky's excuse today was a deep cut on the side of Bucky's flesh bicep. Coming back from a quick and easy mission, but Clint needed to watch his arrows since one slit past bucky’s arm on the way to the actual enemy behind him. Bucky had a sneaky guess it was on purpose. 
You gathered the plaster and made your way back to bucky, footsteps echoing as you walked. A sigh escaped your lips, but bucky only caught a small smile. “You know, bucky. You can't come in here every time you have a small cut.”
“Isn't that what you're being paid for?” bucky snarked back, watching your hands as they gently grabbed at his lower arm. Your touch was always so delicate, like you were going to break him rather than heal. 
“Ha, ha.” you mocked. “I could have been making some ground-breaking discovery or invention before you walked in.”
Bucky's eyebrow quirked up eagerly. “Were you?”
A closed-mouthed hum escaped your lips. Your all too perfect pedicured hand wrapped the white bandage around bucky's arm, he was just watching your face as you worked. Couldn’t– wouldn't tear his eyes away. 
“Not really, just researching some stuff about scarring and skin stuff,” you spoke, dumbing it down for bucky. 
During bucky's visit, he’d always ask about everything, trying to catch up with the technology of the 21st century, or maybe just to hear your voice. He didn't understand half the things you spoke about, though he never mentioned it, but you figured it out soon enough and started to simplify it the best you could.
“Helen has some idea about how to better rid of scars.” your hand smoothed against his bicep as you finished, and your touch sent a good burn through him. Giving him a warm smile like you always did when you finished.
Bucky's eyes glanced down to his left shoulder for a moment, the ugly scarring that single-handedly destroyed most of his bodily confidence. The permanent mark of what Hydra did to him as they chopped it off and made him part machine. Bucky scoffed to cover up the obvious self-depreciation in his voice, “need a test subject?”
You flinched at his words, surprised, being taken aback by his response. Only then when you looked him up and down, settling on his clothes shoulder, your face fell and a sympathetic look flashed. It was covered by his tanktop but you knew what was under there, you'd seen the photos, you'd seen him. 
You sat back down on your little rolly stool. “I'm surprised you’d suggest that, based on your history, I'd expect you to not be so keen on being poked and prodded.”
Memories flashed Hydra's methods at tearing his humanity, mind, and body apart, all those experiments. But they quickly subdued, how could bucky think of something so cruel when you stat right in front of him, which in bucky's opinion, is perfection. 
“I think I'd be okay with it if it was you.” bucky said quietly, honestly– a confession even. 
A fond smile rose to your face, one you quickly bit back. Narrow eyes met him when you tilted your head slightly, shying away. “Good to know you trust me.”
“But–” you sighed, “I'm going to have to decline, Bucky. For now, you'll have to live with what your shoulder looks like. Sorry.”
Bucky dramatically groaned, trying to mask the obvious pain and disappointment he actually felt. “You're killing me, doll.”
Your ears warmed at the nickname. Averting your eyes for a moment from shyness. You knew bucky despised the scarring that painted his left shoulder, the one that connected the man to metal. You could only lend him some comfort in the situation, no amount of medical technology right now could completely ease his worries.
His head perked up, a hum escaped his lips as he put all his attention on you.
“You wanna see something really cool?” you smirked.
Bucky noticed the slight smirk tugging at your lips, he could only react by biting back a smile of his own. “Sure, doll.”
You leaned down to the hem of your right pant leg, slowly hiking up the baggy jeans that hung low on your waist. Slowly revealing a large and messy scar on your kneecap, nothing as bad as bucky's many scars that littered his body. But something definitely bad happened for you to have that, even fully healed now.
“When I was a kid, I used to skate a lot.” you started, bucky's eyes bouched back up to your face. “I got on a gravel road and fell down and my knee landed right on a huge sharp rock and just logged itself right into my knee.”
You laughed looking back on the memory. “Hurt like hell for 14-year-old me and I had to get so many stitched, it was the worst.” a cheeky smile grew as you spoke through a laugh. “Especially for my dream of becoming a knee model.”
Bucky laughed with you as you dropped your pant leg, sitting back up to look at bucky. Bucky didn't say anything and hung his head low when a silence grew in the lab, only the sound of lab tech whizzing in the background. Bucky mostly just wanted to bask at this moment with you, letting himself enjoy the light-hearted nature of your conversations. The way you and he feel warm inside, lighter than ever.
You smacked your lips as you rose from your seat. Bucky's eyes begrudgingly followed you, “you have to learn to love every part of yourself, despite the bad memories. Because it makes you…”
Stopping in your place, turning to him as your eyes traveled up and down his body, the gesture weirdly didn’t make bucky cringe and crawl into himself the way most gazes did. 
“... you.” you smiled again and bucky felt dizzy. “And I think you're pretty cool.”
You turned away to continue whatever you were doing. Bucky muttered your statement under his breath, loud enough for him to hear it again but quiet enough so you wouldn't.
Bucky rose from his place on the workbench, after many visits he practically claimed this spot. As it sat right in the middle of your lab. Despite everything inside of him wanting to stay near you and soak up your presence. He headed for the door.
“Thanks, doc,” Bucky called out.
“Anytime, bucky. I'll be here when you come in with another excuse to see me,” you spoke coyly. Bucky's eyes widened and warmth crept up to his face. 
He sputters for words to save his pride, stumbling over his poor excuse of an explanation. “Maybe I just wanna see your cool outfits.” bucky's face scrunched up, cringing at his own pathetic words. He wondered what the 40s version of himself would say now, probably something sly and confident that’d knock you off your feet.
“Whatever you say, Mr. Barnes.”
“Bucky.” he corrected, again. But maybe it was just an excuse to linger longer at your door.
You smiled at him and repeated, “bucky.”
“You're going on a date with her.” 
Bucky's eyes widened, his head snapping towards Natasha. “I’m what?”
A frustrated groan leaves Natasha's lips as she shifts in her uncomfy office seat. Half of the Avengers team sat in an office going over a mission coming up, but - like most things - it turned into them talking about anything but that, and successfully annoying the hell out of Steve. 
“I set you up on a date with her.” Natasha spoke, referring to you. “I cannot keep watching you get beat up during missions just so you can see her, so you're going on a date.”
Bucky was dumbfounded, to say the least, lost for words as he stared at the woman in front of him. “Why would I go on a date with her?”
Over the past week or two, Bucky began to deny his fondness towards you when you interrupted a meeting to talk to Tony, or popped into the common rooms to talk about new tech, or how you practically strutted through the compound like you own the place. 
or when you slowly build up bucky’s confidence without either or you realizing it. 
Always in short skirts, or colorful and dramatic tops, and in heels or boots that echo loudly throughout the halls. Bucky denies the way his eyes drag along your figure, always lingering on your face longer than he needs to, the way if you look close enough, Bucky's eyes light up a little when you enter the room. Bucky denies it, but he can't fake it.
And Natasha clocked that quickly. 
“the way you look at her tells me you want to,” Natasha spoke coyly. She always read bucky better than anyone else in the room— similar background and all. a defeated groan comes from bucky in return, followed by a slightly pouted lip. Natasha gives him a friendly slap on the shoulder
A scoff was heard from the other side of the table. “Is the cyborg cable of feelings?” Tony snarked, his head down looking at a sheet of paper. Chewing slightly at a pen. 
“Ha. ha. Very funny.” Bucky mocked. “How do you even know she wants to go on a date with me? I can’t imagine she agreed to this?”
self-consciousness slowly crept up bucky's spine, he can’t face rejection if he denies, denies, and denies.
Natasha went to speak but Tony Stark does what he does best and interrupts her. With a hefty laugh coming up from his chest, he dropped the pen and papers down on the table. Leaning forward to face bucky. “Are you kidding me? You’re like a wet dream to her, always injured and part robot. Hits all of her boxes''
“I'm surprised she hasn’t mounted yo-”
“Okay Tony, I think that's enough talking.” Steve interrupted before he could finish his sentence. Tony’s comment earned a choked laugh from both Natasha and Sam.
“Anyways.” Natasha continued. “I know because she already agreed to it. Everything is already set up.”
Bucky rolls his eyes, hoping his hair covers his growing red ears. Steve spoke up, “Just give it a chance buck. You might enjoy it.” oh steve, hopeful as ever.
“I’m sure you'll enjoy it, it’s very much your style,” Natasha spoke, her infamous smirk growing on her face. 
“That scares me.” 
Turns out Natasha was right, it is very much Bucky's style. Natasha had planned (with the help of Steve, because of-fucking-course) a date at a fancy, old-style diner, and every Saturday night they clear the floor and play some old music for some swing dancing. Just bucky’s style, he knows this was Steve’s idea. more than sure after years of watching plenty of girls swoon over Bucky with just one twirl and one short dance, Steve would think this is right up his alley. And it was.
Now Bucky stands outside a busy and bustling diner, upbeat 40s music echoing to the streets. Flowers in hand and a nice black collared shirt under a vintage jacket (it was from the museum and Steve name-dropped at least 12 times to get it back), waiting patiently for you to arrive. Bucky fiddled with his hands a little, his eyes kept darting to his watch— is he too early? When are you arriving? Bucky’s now convinced you wouldn’t show up. Because who would honestly want to go on a date with h–
“James!” a cheery voice broke through his very self-deprecating thoughts. Bucky turned around and swore his heart stopped beating, just for it to speed up even faster when his sights landed on you.
You wore the same boots that caught Wanda's eyes in the common room that quiet day. His eyes followed up your legs, past your thighs as he saw the dress you wore. It was stripped and sparkly, bucky would see the shine from down the street. It felt like you wore the entire rainbow and more as every stripe was painted differently. It was sleeveless and high-necked. And of course, very short.
An excited smile greeted him as you waved your hand. Your pace sped up as Bucky met you, he wondered how you didn't trip in those high heels constantly.
 “Hi,” Bucky said, wanting to hit himself for how awkward he sounded. 
“Sorry for being late, I didn't mean to make you wait.” you stood before him, and he noticed your makeup. You painted your lips with a darker shade than usual and you had little shiny gems glued around your eyes. 
“Don’t worry about it, I just got here too,” Bucky spoke softly, bringing the flowers up to you. “For you.”
Your eyes instantly lit up at the sight, taking the bouquet from him “thank you! you didn't need to get these for me, James.”
 Bucky's heart fluttered slightly at the name, it was rare for people to use his first name nowadays. You brought the flowers to your nose, smelling them with a blissful look on your face. Laughing to yourself.
“What's so funny?” the super-soldier asked.
“Oh no, it’s nothing.” you looked back down at the flower. “I don’t think anyone has ever gotten me flowers before.”
Bucky’s eyebrows furrowed, “really?”
“Mhmm.” you rocked back and forth on your heels, “thank you for being the first.”
You smiled warmly up at Bucky as you did so often, but the aura of everything made it so much more this time.
“Let's head in?” Bucky cocked his head towards the diner. 
Nodding, “yes, please.” you threaded along, catching Bucky off guard when you swiftly grabbed ahold of his hand. Your fingers wrapped around his flesh hand, the warmth made Bucky feel funny in his stomach. Yeah, Bucky might have a crush on you.
You lead him into the diner, confident in your walk like usual. Your eyes spotted an empty seat and the both of you settled yourselves in a booth. You make quick eye contact and Bucky's mouth gaped like he's going to say something but is stopped when the waiter comes up. The waiter looks like she blends in with the scenery, with pinned-up hair and a bright red lip. She asks for your order and you both get water, and a milkshake. 
“I can imagine why Natasha picked this place out of everything,” you say, eyes off into the distance, Bucky follows your gaze and sees the dance floor of people together with large smiles. “Though, I don't know how to dance.”
Bucky's lip quirks up slightly, “I can teach you.”
“Perfect, let’s go then.” your smile widely, and your already getting up, standing next to bucky's seat and holding a hand out. Bucky’s surprised by your sudden willingness but despite the nervousness in his stomach - he takes your hand. 
Bucky may have been nervous standing outside the diner. May have been nervous as he greeted and met you outside. May have been nervous as you led him inside and watched you from across the table. But once he stepped out onto the swing floor, the soft sound of 40s music playing in the background. The sweet-talking James Buchanan – that seemed to flirt with every girl that met him – came back from the dead, and he had his arm around your waist in no time.
You noticed the sudden confidence and glint in his eyes suddenly, reaching up to grab his neck. Bucky held you at your waist, then he noticed the gold chain hung around your hips. His fingers grazed over them for a moment before they rested at the smallest part of your waist.
Your wide eyes met his and bucky swore for a moment, he couldn't breathe. “How was the mission?”
A groan escaped Bucky's mouth, playfully he rolled his eyes. Trying to sound annoyed, but his smile said otherwise. “Oh god, I don't wanna talk about work.”
Bucky’s hands stayed planted on your waist. You smiled as you continued to sway together along to the soft jazz in the background. You tugged nervously at your lip, “you know, I was getting worried when I heard you guys weren’t getting back on time.”
“You worry about me?” Bucky was stunned, an unfamiliar warmth shot through him as you averted your gaze. He took one hand to pull at your chin, so you were looking at him. Your mouth gaped open for a moment and your brain studdered before you just shrugged in response, a slight nod.
The familiar sound of the music speeding up, the upbeat sound of Harry James filled Bucky’s ears and for a moment Bucky was in the 40s again with a girl in his arms ready to be shipped out to war. A sentimental smile grew on his face.
“You ready to learn how to dance.” Bucky beamed down at you and before you could even respond, Bucky pushed your body away from him abruptly. Just to grab your hand before you could fall, twirling you around and back close to his chest. 
It all happened so fast and you yelped once your back hit his chest. His arm wrapped across your body and held your hand. You breathed and smiled widely. “I might step on your toes.
“I can handle it, doll.”
A few songs later and a couple of toes crushed, followed by a slew of apologies from you. You and Bucky ended up breathing heavily and slightly sweaty from dancing. Bucky swung you around like you weighed nothing - which to him - you probably did. Lots of music ranging from the 40s to 60s played throughout the diner, to which Bucky snarks at the fact he didn’t recognize the songs, always followed by light laughter.
The dancing came to a slow, but you two remained on the floor still. It was getting late and you hadn’t even eaten yet and most couples and groups of friends had gone back to their seats. You swayed comfortably in Bucky's arms still, your head laid on his chest listening to the soft beat of his heartbeat. 
Bucky Barnes is a more than qualified trained assassin with heightened senses. He's very aware of his surroundings at all times, so when he notices the man peering at your thighs and ass, his eyes narrow toward the man. A glimpse of the winter soldier showed, but the creep didn't seem to pay any attention to Bucky's gaze.
Every so politely, Bucky attempted to tug at your dress without it seeming like he was trying to grope you. Also, swiftly and smoothly twirling you around so the man's gaze would be fixed on bucky's broad shoulders. Effectively protecting you from perverted stares as his body towards over you.
You noticed the way Bucky's body stiffened when he spun you, looking up at him once again. “You okay?”
Bucky nodded and gave you a reassuring squeeze around your waist. “Let’s head back? I'm hungry.”
You agreed quickly and grabbed Bucky's hand, pulling him off the dance floor and guiding him back to the table where your two drinks sat warm now. You slid into the booth with a large exhale, sitting across from Bucky. The waiter decked out in 40s apparel and took your orders, your food coming in no time. It was a poor excuse for dinner per se, only ordering fries and cheese curds to simply snack on. 
“You make a good dance partner.” Bucky mutters, mouth muffled with fries. 
Buckys recoils in embarrassment and covers his mouth, face tinted red from dancing. He swallows and lowers his hand. “sorry.”
“Thank you.” you sigh, pushing your food away from you. “You did most of the work, but I'd like to keep practicing.”
Bucky stopped, and looked at you as you stared intently into him. Bucky flustered mix. 
“Are you gonna keep blushing or accept my offer on a second date.” you shoot back and Bucky feels the air leave his lungs. His ears are definitely burning red.
“I'm not bushing? What are you talking about? This is me worn out from all the dancing.`` Bucky plays dumb, throwing a fry into the basket between the two of you. Slowly pulling out his billfold from his jeans.
Your eyes roll dramatically, as a scoff escapes your lips. “Yeah, okay. Super soldier.” 
Bucky narrows his eye’s toward you, a grin plastered on his face. “I'd love to go on a second date.”
You bite back a grin. “Ready?” you asked, bucky puts down the money to pay and nodded. Bucky gives you a boyish smile that you'd only recognized from old war photos. It warms you to the core, leaving you flustered. He grabs at your hand as you let him drag you out of the diner, a secure arm around your waist.
The light breeze of new york hit both of you, your hands instantly going up to your arms to warm yourself. Bucky notices all too quickly and instantly wraps his jacket around you. 
“Oh, thank you. Are you cold?” you ask, seemingly genuinely worried.
“Doll.” he stares down at you, and bucky speaks like the answer is obvious, which– it kinda is. “I hiked through Siberia in less.” 
“Whatever.” you scoff and roll your eyes, tugging the jacket closer around your body. the corners of your mouth slowly creeping up.
The faint scent of bucky comes off of it, sandalwood and pine mostly. You're used to the smell when he's not coming into your lab sweaty or bloody from missions and workouts. A comfortable silence falls between the two of you, filtered out by the busy city around you.
“So… I’ll see you tomorrow?” you speak awkwardly, unsure of where to go from here.
“Yep, tomorrow.” Bucky strings on the word, are also awkward. 
You could cut the tension with a knife.
“Or…” your voice raises a few octaves as you turn on your heels to face him, barely a foot between the two of you.  
Bucky's eyebrow quirks up, “Or?” 
“Or you could come back to my very, very nice and cozy apartment that isn't full of agents and superhumans.”
You flashed your best and greatest grin toward Bucky, and the way you were looking at him made Bucky want to crumble beneath his knees. You shouldn't have this effect on him, his heart tugged towards you in a weird, mysterious way that Bucky wasn't familiar with yet. He wasn't going to lie and say it didn’t stress him out a tiny bit.
Bucky let out a heavy, pained exhale and stepped a little closer to you. “Not tonight, doll. sorry.”
“It's okay.” your face dropped slightly, but then you looked up at him and a flash of something came across your feature and soon a smirk was replaced. “Then let me have this.”
Bucky was cut off by your warm hands cupping his face and lips as he received the most gentle kiss he's ever had the pleasure of experiencing. Initial shock ran through his body at the suddenness, and just as he accepted the feeling and went to melt into the kiss— you pulled away. Bucky felt so cold without you against him, he hated feeling cold.
“Wait, no.” he eagerly grabbed your face to pull you back in. Bucky didn't care if he sounded needy, because he did need this. noticing a glimpse of your more than satisfied grin before he shut his eyes and let himself feel your touch.
It was like you were meant for bucky, the perfect puzzle piece as your lips molded against each other. Slow and passionate, his hand ghosted above your waist before he pulled you full against his body. If it wasn't for your wedged heels, Bucky wasn't sure if you'd even reach his lips with the way you stood on your toes. 
Pulling away, Bucky felt dizzy, like he was drunk off of you. He swears he saw stars in your eyes, the street lights reflecting off your irises. Soft laughter came from you, you bowed your head as bucky stared at you. Practically mesmerized. 
To you, Bucky looked like he was in some sort of shock. Which wouldn’t be too far from the truth, which scared you slightly.
“Everything okay? Did I do something wrong?” you asked innocently, a pang of worry laced your tone.
Bucky frantically shook his head, “no, no– god no. just not used to that.”
“I mean.” Bucky thought for a moment, collecting his mind. “Being kissed. I've always been the one to initiate.”
You smiled sweetly, seeing hints of a flustered, young boyish version of Bucky. One that he, and everyone else swore was long gone. You had always thought otherwise, and tonight proves you right.
“I hope it wasn’t too jarring for you.” you nervously chuckled. 
“It was perfect.”
tag list;@matchat3a @sebsgirl71479 @heavenswrld @ivywasmaroon
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icycoldninja · 6 months
Fluffcember #24 (Soldier boys x reader)
SOLDIER boys spending Christmas with their S/O
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-Sephy is surprisingly well versed with Christmas traditions, unlike how he is with Thanksgiving, though being a SOLDIER means he doesn't get many chances to take time off and really celebrate.
-Knows all about decking the halls, decorating Christmas trees, exchanging gifts and so on, but has only really ever gotten gifts (from Genesis and Angeal) and has never had a place of his own to decorate; the SOLDIER barracks were too small and too overcrowded with weapons for him to put up a tree.
-It is therefore your responsibility to teach him how to untangle those annoying knots that somehow always form in the Christmas lights no matter how carefully you store them. Once you give him a task, he is surprisingly proficient at it. The man managed to untangle 100 feet of Christmas lights in under 4 hours. He was very proud about it and puffed his chest out pridefully when you praised him for his good work.
-When it comes time to cook the Christmas dinner, he insists upon helping you, much like an exuberant 3 year old, and refuses to leave the kitchen until you assign him a task. Should you choose to ignore him, he will stand there in the corner and stare at you until you get so distracted and uncomfortable, you've no choice but to give him something to do, even if it's something as simple as stirring sauce or holding a tray for you.
-He's tall enough to put the star on the tree (and is probably taller than the tree itself) without a ladder. Consequently, he is now in charge of hanging the mistletoe--a power that he is abusing.
-He purposefully hangs the mistletoe under doorways and other places you're likely to stand under, just so he has an excuse to steal kisses from you.
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-To Genesis, Christmas is all about getting things and getting drunk. He has no festive spirit; he just wants to laze around, drinking all the time until it's time to open presents--and he expects lots of expensive stuff. (It's not his fault, the poor boy just wasn't loved enough)
-This dude is like Scrooge; all he cares about are things. That is why it is your duty to show him the true meaning of Christmas. Explain to him why decorating the tree is important; why you give each other gifts, and how price isn't everything--that it's the thought that counts.
-He will soon grow to enjoy Christmas traditions, specifically listening to Mariah Carey songs and helping you ice cookies. Bro may not be good at cooking or baking from scratch, but he's very talented in terms of food art. He can turn plain sugar-cookie shapes into gorgeous works of art.
-Will definitely do his makeup in Christmasy colors (red, gold, green), paint his nails to match the occasion, and wear a skintight Santa suit around the house during the entirety of Christmas day.
-When Christmas Day rolls around, he puts a bright pink bow in his hair, wears literally naught but red ribbons, and waltzes into your bedroom, declaring that he couldn't find anything you'd like, so he decided to gift you himself.
-That was a lie, of course. Not only did he give you himself for Christmas, he got you a selection of fashionable clothes so you can "dress as a Goddess should: elegantly".
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-This one knows everything, from how to properly baste a turkey to exactly where to drill a hole for the Christmas lights. Because of this skill, and his honor, Angeal can often be found outside on the roof during the entirety of Christmas Eve morning, hanging Christmas lights on the trim.
-Will definitely help you cook, bake, frost, ice, whatever you need, he'll help you with it.
-Loves classic Christmas songs like the Burl Ives Christmas songs, Frosty the Snowman, etc.
-Loves curling up with you on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn and just watching movies till like 4:00 A.M.
-Angeal is living proof that you're never too old for Santa--he bakes cookies and leaves a plate out one the counter with a glass of milk, and puts a bunch of carrots on the driveway.
-Also dresses up as a reindeer and walks in hoof shaped slippers, a whole-ass carrot stuffed halfway in his mouth.
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cranewivess · 8 months
hello! please have my offering for day one of hermittober. this took me ten hours im ngl but im super proud of this one, especially because i decided to experiment, especially with details i would not have before!
its a little blurry i think, but thats only because this is one tiny drawing from a big canvas, which i will post when done :D
Day 1: Frost
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sure cleo may be going through the icy caves of level one, but shes a zombie! she doesnt need winter clothes, so she continues on with style.
cleo is so fun to watch decked out runs of. i also have been imagining since the beginning that the hermits go through level one with ice skates. maybe they appear and disappear when needed idk. i almost drew the empires and hermitcraft christmas stuff but i could NOT figure out anything for the life of me.
as a bonus have little pictures i took from my phone of my tablet when i was freaking out about my artistic abilities to my friends
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the first one was me freaking out because um hands are hard to draw how did i do that and the second and third are the flat colors of her exposed ribs and then after the painting i did. ive never done like little details and stuff like that before and typically just keep everything with flat colors, so i was really proud
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cerseimikaelson · 3 months
It is such a funny book, my fav jokes being the 'shrek, fiona, donkey' joke and an underrated classic in my mind, the scene where percy is like "There was screaming, crying and running in circles, and that was ✨just me✨" when talking about blanche's story (its so brutally honest and funny in a vulnerable way, which I will expand later on with the vulnerable part of it). It had so many iconic moments
It was a very low stakes, slow plot. You can tell Rick wrote it for the experience of reading our fav characters again (adding on to the fact that rick was made to write it by disney as additional marketing for the show, you can tell the plot wasnt thought of much), and ive seen people get mad over it, id love to know what you think!
This is a bit of a touchy topic. I've seen the people on the internet calling percabeth abusive with the constant name calling and the physical ??violence?? ( i obviously dont agree, but thats another topic), but something I've observed that everything that anti percabeths pointed out was toned down in the book?? Another post confirms that the majority of seaweed brains in the book was from percys pov and not annabeth actually saying it (like when hes looking at her expression and saying things like 'she looked like she was trying to say,....') and also when it comes to physical 'violence' (it feels so wrong to say bc i cant find another word lolol), the only things i found while rereading were 'lightly pinched my arm' and 'nudged me with her toe' which is wayyyy more toned down than ricks usual 'swatting my arm' or 'punching me' or 'judoflipped me'
One thing I admire so much about this book is the way he's written the characters vulnerability. percys way more open when he talks about crying whereas in the books its brushed over a lot, which is something the lovely @demigods-posts pointed out. annabeth tearing up when sally compliments her on something small like a cupcake, grover scared of percy and annabeth leaving him, and ofc percy. i saw someone interpret the river god scene as a ptsd induced panic attack, and i admire how rick has written it with so much angst, but still kept it light for the tone of the books.
another thing i love is how the characters dont revolve around percy as a main character (which is probably something rick learned while writing the tv show). annabeth has hobbies of her own, she's in her dream school, she is a busy woman and good for her. grover regularly goes to camp, and has his own conflicts with his gf and stuff. sally and paul are on their own arc with the baby on the way.
the fluff needs a special mention. every moment is so cute and sweet, there are way too many instances, especially with grover and percy which there was a severe lack of in hoo. them turning to seven year olds, percy and annabeths daily night iris message routine, the domesticity of the jacksons family
As usual, I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions too, im so happy i get to talk about it with you :))
Heyyy friend, how are you? Thanks for the ask!
Since you mentioned her, I LOVED Blanche. Iris is one of my favourite goddesses, so it was great seeing her. And I loved watching a god actually be ignored by their teenage child for once instead of the other way around. Blanche being a propel rebel with the monochrome was golden. (also, pink hummingbirds? lol)
It is obvious there wasn't much in terms of an actual plot with real structure, but it was fun and light-hearted and it does set the foundation for something in the future. Not all quests need to be high stakes, all-hands-on-deck, the world is coming undone. I liked watching the trio have semi normal lives (meeting up for smoothies after school) instead of constantly being on hero mode.
I genuinely had no clue people were upset about Percabeth's interaction in this. But seriously, violence? Did those people forget Annabeth judo-flipped Percy in New Rome, or was it okay then because it was a grand romantic gesture? How is punching someone in the arm to tell them they are being an idiot (provided you don't turn them black and blue of course) abuse? Percy and Annabeth are in a relationship, obviously they are going to be tactile with each other. Not to mention, people often nudge each other in real life and nobody shouts abuse then. I am rambling now but honestly this is the first I've heard of this and I have opinions.
I know Rick wrote the PG version, but can we talk about Zeus literally objectifying Ganymede at brunch and nobody but Hera (and Percy silently) batting an eye? Honestly, I am not a hardcore Zeus hater (although he is an a**hole) but the way Rick writes him he has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. I officially volunteer to be Hera's divorce attorney.
I really liked the idea of Annabeth having a secret fan club and having dinner with Sally, Percy and Paul every night. That was excellent.
I am already brainstorming theories about what the third book is going to be. Does it matter that WOTG isn't even out yet? Absolutely not. I kind of want it to be about Athena because her interactions with Percy are always 10/10, but that probably won't happen.
Feel free to send me asks about your favourite gods and goddesses, any headcanons you may have or anything you wish to discuss about PJO. You can also find me on ao3!
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akwolfgrl · 2 months
I'm a great fuck but better lover part 7
Sanji steps out of his pantry after making room for the jars of tomato sauce, only to see his boyfriend dipping his finger into the sauce and sucking it off his finger.
“What are you doing!?” Sanji hurried over to the stove. “Please tell me you at least washed your hands first!” Sanji was panicking who knows what could have gotten into the suace! Maybe it was just sweat, but it could be sword oil!
“Yah I don't have a death wish,” Zoro grumbled, leaning against the counter. “Besides its already ruined its bland shit cook,”
“Well of course it is,” Sanji gave him a weird look as he turned the burner off and took out the hot cans from the large canner pot. “It's tomato sauce. It's a bace product. I add the seasoning to it when I cook,” Sanji didn't have to argue as he began to open the lids to jars. He placed a funnel atop a jar and began to fill.
“Oh…” Sanji continued to work as he glanced over at his boyfriend, who was definitely pouting. The swordsmen would deny fervently, but it was the truth.
“Were you trying to start a fight?” Sanji asked him, he could put him to work.
“Yah. We haven't had a fight since before Loguetown. You haven't been put for your morning stretches, ethior,”
“Ive been busy trying to get some things done, but if you give me some time, who's on the deck…other than Luffy?” He would not trust Luffy to watch his timer. Their captain would lose it.
“The w…Nami,”
“Great, let me make her some tanghulu and a quick cocktail, get the tomato sauce in the canner, set the timer, and ask her to watch my timer, then we can fight till it goes off. What I need from you is to get me, strawberries and grapes from the fridge, a minka from the pantry, the candy thermometer from the third draw, sugar in the middle canister in the cupboard to left of you, a small pot, and little Sophie,”
“Who the fuck is Sophie?” Zoro asked before compling.
“Yah, shit, she's the smallest knife a paring knife, I'll introduce you to my ladies sometime later,” Sanji wiped the rim of all jars with vinegar before seeling them finger tight. He then placed them on the rack and in the pot. When he turned to Zoro, he had managed to gather everything he had asked for. “OK one last thing. Grab a handful of the jerky and give it to Luffy it's his snack time. I'll meet you on the deck when I'm done,”
“You better or i'll drag you out,” Zoro grabbed handful of jerky as he walked out the door.
Sanji got to work, he quickly made the tanghulu and a cosmopolitan for his Nami-swan and headed out the door sliver tray in hand.
Nami was purning her trees when Sanji showed up. His cat was draped across the canvas bag she kept her tools in. She wiped the sweat from her brow and looked up at him. Even with a smuge of dirt on her face and a few straw leaves in her hair, Nami was as stunning as ever, her smile as radiant as the sun reflecting across the water.
“Good timing Sanji! I was just about to take a break,”
“Ah I'm so happy to serve you, my dear…however I am afraid I have a small favor to ask of you. The walking cactus I call a boyfriend is asking for a fight. However, I have cans of tomato suace in the canner that needs to come out at some point. I fear that I won't have time later on to fight him. I am only asking you to watch my timer and let me know when it goes off. Of course, I have a special treat for you as payment. It's tanghulu it's simply furit coated in a sugar glaze that it is clear and crisp, a cosmopolitan to go along with,”
“Sure I can do that,” Nami gave him a smile before nudging his cat off the bag and putting her stuff away before taking the tray from his hands.
Sanji made his way back down to where Zoro was waiting.
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hey you seem to really know your stuff with titanic and im curious if you can tell me more about that night? a lot seem to think everyone either just drowned or froze too death, but i have a feeling it was a lot more awful than people realize, considering all the jokes people make about the sinking they seem clueless to the fact this was a very bad and awful way to die, for everyone on that ship, especially the third class :/
you know, ive always thought i didnt know that much about titanic but as ive sat here parsing through what i do know, turns i know a lot more than i thought.
and unfortunately, anon, youre very right, it was a horrible way to die, especially so for the third class.
quite a lot of people did drown or freeze to death which are horrifying ways to go by themselves.
at the time, evacuation plans for big oceanliners were shit so a lot of people wouldnt have gotten their lifesavers on, and off the top of my head, i wouldnt be able to tell you how many people could swim back then, but it was certainly less than today. it was only in the 90s that swimming became a compulsory part of the curriculum in schools in the uk, so unless you had reason to know to swim, you probably didnt know if you were british.
and i dont think i need to go into the biology of drowning to tell you its not a fun way to go. its fucking painful, for one, and two, you would have been terrified if you drowned during a fucking shipwreck.
it was also very cold, unsurprisingly. its the north atlantic. it was about 28°F or -2°C which is a lethal temperature. for some reason, a lot of people think that freezing is a relatively peaceful way to die; its not. i cant speak myself for how awful being so cold youre shivering is (i cant really feel the cold because of nerve damage but thats beside the point), but everyone ive spoken to about it resoundingly says its fucking awful. you also experience disorientation, muscle stiffness, excruciating pain in your extremities as your body pulls circulating blood from them to keep your vital organs going, and if youre very unlucky, you might also get frostbite (which can kick in under 30mins) which will add some burning pain.
an added kicker to the cold is that even if you can swim, the shock of cold water might make it harder. im pretty sure shock also likely killed people outright.
another way of dying if you made it out of the boat and into the water (spoiler: several people didnt) is if you were too close to the funnels when they collapsed, you would have been crushed by 62ft tall metal funnels. dozens died that way and if the crushing didnt kill you, you would have either drowned or frozen to death soon after.
you could have also been killed by any number of things that fell from the ship, especially as the stern (the end bit) began to lift up before the ship finally broke in two.
mind you, all of this happened in almost darkness. the engineers kept the lights on as long as they could but eventually they cut out and part of what made the iceberg so hard to see was the fact that it was a new moon.
one of the other things that made it hard to spot is one of the few not good things, but better: the ocean was relatively calm. it made it hard to spot icebergs because you can normally watch out for the foam of the water as it splashes on them. although it led to the sinking itself, it did make launching lifeboats possible (its hard as hell to launch lifeboats in violent ocean today let alone the dinky little wooden ones back then) and those in the water werent being thrown around as much as they could have been. though thats not saying much.
and of course, there are those who didnt make it out of the boat. movies did not lie to you about that although they did lie to you about the specifics.
historical record suggests that they did not purposefully lock third class passengers below deck like many movies show. testimony from the few third class passengers who survived indicates this which is why im likely to believe it. they were able to get up on deck, but it also wasnt easy to do that.
now, crew have said in the haste of the evacuation, they didnt remember to tell the third class passengers the plan. now is that true or is it just a more favourable story to tell during the inquiry? i cant say, for sure. either could be true and both highlight how we treated the poor in society back then (and as a poor, its reflective of today). as such, many third class passengers simply left the cabins and waited outside to be told what to do and that didnt happen. eventually, they made their way up themselves, some due to the fact that they could see the rising water.
and not all of them made it to deck. some chose not to, and again, going off third class survivor testimony here which is why im willing to believe it. theres a specific story about a woman who put her baby on her lap and simply played the piano until the atlantic rose to meet her. another of a man who told his brethren that he was too old to fight the atlantic, and simply lit a cigarette and waited.
others got lost because titanic was a large ship and it was very easy to get lost. especially in the panic of a sinking ship and under lights that are getting dimmer. luckily, some crew remembered oh shit the poor people exist and went down to help any that needed it, so some were led out but that doesnt mean they all did.
also, sadly, it probably wouldnt have helped. similarly to the engineering crew that kept the engines going as long as they could before evacuating themselves, there simply werent enough lifeboats and they were all or almost all gone.
additionally, there were no lifeboats on the third class deck space so they had to make their way to either second or first in order to get into a lifeboat. dont quote me on this because i might have the wrong place, but this is where there was a locked gate for third class. luckily, they snapped the lock off of it and got the fuck out.
anyway, back to those inside. now some of the people trapped inside likely drowned, especially those trapped in the bow as it slowly filled with water and began to sink into the water. the risk of drowning also got worse, once things like walls and doors gave out and in comes a rush of freezing cold sea water.
but that isnt the only likely fate. a rush of water can push quite a lot of things and terrifying speeds which meant people would have been killed via blunt force trauma or being impaled on something. especially for those in the stern (again, the back bit) as it lifted because gravity is not helping here. those still trapped inside would have held on for dear light as the light slowly dimmed and became redder before finally cutting out as the ship broke in two.
now if you were in the stern and escaped death via drowning, blunt force trauma or impaling, you would have definitely been killed by water pressure. see, the bow was able to fill with water relatively slowly and equally which is why its still decently intact on the seabed because it sank relatively slowly. the stern did not and thats why the stern looks like an underwater crash site. as the stern sank, it sank quickly which meant there were still air pockets inside as it sank. and as it came down, the pressure built and soon the people above water could hear what sounded like explosions. it would have been a quick death, but thats the most i can say.
i cant speak for if any kind of sealife killed anyone. i havent heard of any testimony of that and i dont know whats there in the north atlantic to kill people. i assume theres something there, but i couldnt tell you what.
im also sure i missed some forms of death, but off the top of my head, thats what i got.
and yeah, it wasnt pretty and most of the people who died were third class or crew members.
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kuivamustekala · 8 months
so like basically all of hermitcraft tumblr ive been watching too much decked out 2 stuff lately but the upside is it makes its way into my dreams in very funny ways
like last night i had a dream i was in a grocery store, debating between two different kinds of bread, and suddenly a loud
plays over the store speakers and everyone who wasn't standing still tripped over their feet in unison. i huffed in amusement and went back to my bread decisions
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deareststars · 1 year
General relationship hcs for Morty, Steven, Wallace, and Volkner with gn s/o?
similar to the last one, i'll be splitting this into 2 parts. first will be morty & volkner bc i wanna keep our fave gen iii boys together :,)
characters: morty (gen ii/iv), volkner (gen iv).
content: gn reader, established relationship, feel-good stuff all the way through. reader is a pokemon trainer, but their full occupation is unspecified in both morty & volkner's hcs.
tw: none.
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the two of you meet in ecruteak city at the bell tower. morty sees how stunning you are, and immediately uses his world-famous pickup line: "i'm able to see the future, and what i see is the two of us together."
he's absolutely a cheerful, flirty partner who never relents on pickup lines no matter how long you've been dating. everyday is a new adventure because this man has so much energy.
"morty, where are we going?" you ask, exasperated as he pulls you along the cobblestone paths in ecruteak. it's autumn, his favorite season, and his partner pokemon, gengar, is running alongside you. he looks over his shoulder and grins. "there's a new place i want to show you! it's almost as stunning as you, my will-o-wisp!" as he watches your lips curl into a bright smile, he laughs and begins running faster, excited to see how you'll react to seeing this new place in person.
even though he's obvious with his feelings (the man thinks he's smooth, but when he's in love, he can never stop nervously laughing at every joke you make and always finds an excuse to touch you), you have to make the first move. i imagine his confidence is a facade; deep down, being groomed to take over the gym after his parents, and many people generally being suspicious of him because of his love for ghost-type pokemon, has left a lot of scars and trust issues.
but when you do start dating, physical touch becomes his go-to love language. draping himself over your shoulders, holding your hand, wrapping an arm around your waist—PDA has become an integral part of your relationship.
of course, tell him if it makes you uncomfortable, and he'll tone it down in public. but when you're in private, cuddling is a must.
gengar becomes an integral part of your relationship, too. the pokemon is actually more mischievous than his trainer, leading to more than a few...incidences.
you stand in the kitchen, humming to yourself as you cut up some vegetables for dinner. morty is directly to your right, boiling water on the stove and dancing to the song you're singing. a chill runs down your back, and you look down. you shriek as you see your shadow begin moving around, jumping back into morty, who catches you. "gengar!" you yell, scowling as the purple ghost-type leaves your shadow and appears in the kitchen, snickering and pretending to act innocent. morty laughs, and despite your annoyance (the surprise made you drop the knife, meaning you'd have to spend extra time cleaning it before you could finish dinner) you couldn't help but laugh, too. "one day, i'll get used to it!" you exclaim. "i mean, i don't mind being your knight in shining armor," morty teases. gengar makes kissy noises behind his stubby little hands.
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you meet volkner in the midst of his burnout. after a lot of prodding and poking, he finally agrees to battle you in a friendly training match—and is electrified by your presence.
he's not the most cuddly person in the world. PDA is incredibly limited, and when you're home, you have to initiate most of what you do. what he does enjoy, though, is taking care of you: cooking you food, giving you massages when you come home stressed, making sure laundry is folded and put away as soon as it finishes.
i imagine you have to pull him away from his work often. having made so many things in sunyshore, volkner is out late at night, making sure everything is still working.
you walk into vista lighthouse, and finally find volkner on the observation deck, overlooking the city. "hey, it's getting late," you say, coming over to him and putting a hand on his back. "i know," he replies. "just...thinking. i'll be back home soon." you shake your head. "no, sir," you tease. "'soon' is going to turn into coming back at sunrise. let's get you some tea and a good book to read, okay?" he stares at the moon, high above the ocean. "but what if something happens?'" he asks. "and what if i'm not here to fix it?" "dear, you've got to stop worrying about things like that. eventually, something will happen, but you can't fix it if you're not in fighting shape, right?" with that logic, he finally relents and lets you guide him back down. he kisses your cheek, apologizing and promising to make you breakfast first thing in the morning.
volkner is someone who appreciates intelligence. even if you're not as well-read as him, he likes talking things out with you: schematics for new projects, battle strategies, new inventions he'd like to make someday. listen to him ramble, ask questions, and give him your input if you feel confident. he'll appreciate it no matter what you do.
when flint comes by and they have their occasional battles, it's like a totally different version of volkner. he's energetic and passionate as he comes up with different ways to catch flint off guard, and every time he does, he immediately looks to you like he's trying his best to impress you.
"luxray, use thunder fang on magmortar's arm!" flint's eyes widen as volkner's partner pokemon grabs magmortar by the arm and crushes it between its electrified fangs. magmortar grunts and tries to throw luxray off. "now, throw him to the ground!" luxray goes back onto his hind legs, managing to pull magmortar with him, and throws him down. the force is enough to crack the floor, and flint chuckles. "you never run out of ideas, do you?" volkner's not paying attention to flint, though. he stares off into the stands, making direct eye contact with you, and grins. you roll your eyes and cup your hands around your mouth. "pay attention to the battle!" "right, right," volkner says, turning back to the field as magmortar gets back up. "don't worry! i'm just getting started!"
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mahoushoujotechsupport · 11 months
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hey its time for episode 4
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starting off with one of the funniest fucking scenes in this whole show with suletta just fucking hauling ass right out of there after guel just surprise proposes to her
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just want to juxtapose this with her wild feelings speech in 17 about buying rings and wearing the prettiest dresses
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this shot just reminded me of a random detail from the manual for chuchu's demi trainer - it says earth house can't afford their own demi trainers so chuchu's is a modified older version because thats the best they could do.
suletta pilots a demi trainer during the whole field test thing so like... does she own or have a demi trainer loaned out for school use or something? i honestly forgot chuchu pilots her own suit in this scene cuz i had just accepted that the demi trainers for practical exams etc were like just there for the students to use whenever
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i know this was like probably the easier way to write suletta becoming friends with earth house but lmao why didnt she just ask miorine from the start to help for the makeup exam. baka suletta.
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suletta please.
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till will forever go down as bestboy in the series tbh. like someone needs to write a fic where he wingmans for suletta while nika does it for miorine
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suletta, you naive little baby
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there really was absolutely no reason for miorine to get all handsy and possessive here lmao like she could just stood infront of suletta or even right next to her and still had the same confrontation and warning about the other houses being bad news
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the 2nd light novel picking up from here and highlighting miorine's jealousy over el4n during this whole arc is perfect lmao
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kinda fun to speculate on how suletta saw miorine during the beginning. like she was completely surprised miorine didnt belong to a house. suletta's so awkward and socially inept she couldnt tell she was dealing with the one other person at school who was equally socially inept
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i feel like there's a lot of frames i never paused on to read like this one lol. i never realized suletta got so many questions wrong. well "wrong" cuz reading through her answers it almost sounds like she just didnt give the benerit group approved answers lmao kinda like when you get stupid training stuff at work and they're just chockful of anti-union propaganda
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never forget the first time we saw miorine's room
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i know so many people don't really care about the class conflict in ad stella, but god, i wish they really hadnt dropped the ball on this. like in the 1st cour they had something really good here
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obligatory shot of chuchu's dads
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miorine rembran will not let anyone insult her woman
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does anyone know what this gold gate/door thing was supposed to be? after the second school shooting, there's a shot shown where it's the only thing left standing in that area and i dont think ive ever seen anyone talk about it before
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see like even this is good re: class politics. like its not this cut and dry all spacians are evil capitalists thing. mercurian miners were pretty much lured out by the benerit group to be exploited for their labor and then left to dry once a cheaper source for permet was found. bless the fic writers who've turned that into appalachian town suletta because it's such a perfect analogy
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suletta mercury literally got decked in the face and we all just focused on the chuchu punch
imagine miorine sitting with her in her room just helping her ice her face
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by the way how excited do you think suletta was to call someone senpai just like in her fair use mangas lmao
ok all set with episode 4. ive gotta say, it is super jarring to go back to these slice of life school episodes after everything we've been through in the second cours. like yeah that was kind of the point in having the first half of the series have pretty much no stakes since these kids are about to be thrown into war
you know for all the complaining a lot of losers did when the show started about this not being a "real" gundam series, the only difference between watching suletta's journey versus say amuro's... is that we got to see suletta's life before everything got wrecked. with amuro we just immediately start off at the point where Everything Goes Bad
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hulahoopsoupgroup · 11 hours
good evening everyone. i have decided that i need to write more, so ive made a list of ships/other platonic dynamics from genshin and hsr that i like, and i'll be writing some short blurbs about them over the next month or so
day 1: cyno x tighnari
tighnari quietly peered over the book he was reading, some 500 page tome about plants that nobody else in the house except himself understood. cyno stumbled into the living room, his red eyes dim with fatigue as he put his bag down beside the front door before going straight to tighnari, flopping down on the couch beside him and leaning his whole bodyweight against him.
tighnari put the book down onto his lap and brought one hand up to gently comb through cynos hair.
"rough day at work?"
"just very tedious. people are stupid sometimes," cyno muttered, sitting up to grab the tcg deck that he always kept on the coffee table. he quietly shuffled through the cards, arranging them on the table in different teams. tighnari could practically hear the gears turning in his head as he mulled over the best teams at his disposal, eventually pulling out a sketchbook and messily scribbling the shapes of a few exotic plants.
"how was your day?" cyno asked after a while, "hows that new class youre teaching?"
"its alright, i suppose," tighnari muses, eyes not leaving the page, "much less stuffy than the akademiya, thats for sure. less pretentious, too. i think itll turn out alright."
one of tighnaris ears twitched at the sound of quiet footsteps coming down the stairs. a timid collei crept into the room, eyes landing on cyno and tighnari. she nearly walked right back up the stairs, something the botanist had learned was a habit of hers from her old house, but tighnari softly called to her,
"hey, its alright. you can come down here if you want." he watched as the girls body language started to become more relaxed, and he began to relax as well. the past month had been quite rough on all of them, especially with the legal battles of getting custody of the 13 year old and putting her poor excuse for a father in prison. however, moments like these provided even the briefest moments of respite and glimmers of hope of a future that needn't be plagued with anxious tremors or jolting flashbacks of the past in the dead of night.
collei quietly made her way over to the couch, sitting on the side opposite to cyno and tighnari.
"how was your day, collei? did you do anything fun?" cyno asked, trading his tcg deck for a regular deck of cards and beginning to build a tower out of them on the coffee table.
"it was...good? im learning a lot of science-y stuff from mister tighnari," the girl mumbled quietly.
"your handwriting is getting quite good," tighnari said, glancing at her with a soft smile before returning to his sketches of plants that now littered the page in front of him, "almost better than cynos," he added with a chuckle.
cyno glared at him, adding another tier to his house of cards. "your handwriting is a slew of cursive, not much better than mine." tighnari elbowed him in the ribs, but cyno remained steady, and his tower of cards stayed upright.
"oh, by the way, what music were you playing in your room earlier?" tighnari asked.
"oh, i- uh," collei stuttered, "i can turn it down if you want. sorry if it was too loud..."
"no, it wasnt at all. it actually sounded familiar. i liked it a lot."
"oh. it was a lot of stuff from the 1950s, like," collei paused to remember the names of the artists, "nat king cole...frank sinatra...louis armstrong."
"i have a cd of frank sinatra in our bedroom," cyno mused as he added yet another tier to his card tower, "do you want to borrow it?"
"s-sure...by the way...is there any food in the kitchen i could use to cook? i didnt eat dinner earlier..."
"yeah, of course," tighnari said, already moving to get up.
"...i didnt have time to eat at work, either," cyno quietly said.
"then come on, you too. looks like im going to be the chef again tonight."
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aesrot · 11 days
I’ve been playing so much inscryption and I’m getting SO like obsessive over the gameplay mechanics… it’s simple enough that I can easily do that… I’m sitting at the map playing Kaycee’s mod and going Hmm… what’s gonna be the best for my current deck. I’m awful at deck builders but I have had some really overpowered decks bc if u play ur cards right u can get some really powerful cards. I am going to ramble so much about gameplay stuff.
Kaycee’s mod is a base game add on that you get when you complete the game for the first time and it’s got a bunch of challenges that you can do it’s also like stupidly difficult and I think I’ve put in at least 5-6 hours so far and haven’t completed one challenge even tho the challenge I’ve been grinding is like *easy* (you don’t get the angler’s fishhook which I never use anyway!)
Forever thinking about my child 13 card that I gave the 3 blood sigil (so child 13 is an infinite sacrifice rare card but when you sacrifice it once it’ll transform into a beefier more powerful version. But sacrificing it again makes it go back to its weak baby state) and that would’ve been such a powerful card and I KEEP making that card bc it’s surprisingly easy to get… but I never get the chance to use it.
I also decided to go back and replay the base game bc I was getting very frustrated with Kaycee’s mod and I had been struggling so much with it the base game feels like so easy in comparison and I blazed through the bosses so easily and got the “too fast too soon” wall of bears on I think the angler! (Basically if you’re progressing through the story too fast without dying… bc dying is an important part of the game to progress the story, the game will “glitch” Leshy will say too fast too soon and then a wall of 8 grizzly cards will spawn on the other side of the board and those are basically 4 damage 6 health and they also have the flying shield on them. It’s basically an insta death). And that scared the hell out of me bc I forgot that’s a thing and the game glitches out when it does it.
I died the first time and then the second round through I got all the way to the trapper and trader (the final boss before Leshy) and it gave me the wall of bears AGAIN. I didn’t even KNOW you could get the too fast too soon on the trapper boss it was crazy. But I actually managed to BEAT THE WALL OF GRIZLIES. I had a really overpowered deck where I had a No Cost death card that did I think 6 damage because it had the bifurcated strike (so it strikes diagonal twice instead of directly forward) which had the bee hive sigil and the undying sigil. So everytime it got hit I got a bee in my hand (which is also no cost and undying bc of the sigil of the base card) so I was able to place the bees down to block the bears while my death card chewed away at the bears and came back to my hand. I was so proud of myself for this and then I died to Leshy first combat round in his boss battle so </3
im so sorry bestie but i got none of that 😭 im gonna revisit this ask after i watch the videos and then i'll give you a more appropriate answer. but honestly tho, from what ive seen of the gae, the regular game already looks complex af to me, adding a mod that makes it even harder?? its actually impressive
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Juleka vs. the Forces of the Universe ch 14
Juleka vs. the Forces of the Girl Squad iii
Juleka vs. the Forces of the Universe (AO3)
It has been such a long time, and I wanted to start by saying thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all of your kind words and the support you've shown me. I didn't respond because honestly, I get so flustered over compliments and such things when they're reacted at me, so all of the wonderful and kind things you all said to me had me hiding under the covers. But I read every single comment. I reread them actually, when I was feeling really stressed about school they provided me with comfort. Ive actually taken pictures of them to keep on hand for when I need a reminder. But I cannot thank you all enough for the care you have shown me, and I want you all to know how much it meant to me 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Now for a little bit of house keeping. The next chapter will probably take a while to go up because my break between semesters is relatively short (I finished my first semester a week ago today, and I start up again next week). Especially if it ends up being as long as this one did. I have also updated the chapter count! In all honesty, I meant to do this ages ago but I kept forgetting 😅
With all that said, again, thank you so much and I hope you enjoy 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
She rolled her shoulders as she made her way below deck, trying to work out all of the kinks that had made their way into her muscles as she had fought. It hadn’t been a particularly difficult battle, but it had been… annoying… Just how many times had M. Ramier been akumatized into M. Pigeon now? In the grand total of the two weeks since she had first donned the tiger miraculous, she had dealt with M. Pigeon three times now. He had to be well past fifty akumatizations by this point.
She sighed as she made her way into the kitchen, her attention laser focused on the fridge. It hadn’t been a hard battle, just a long one. And she was hungry. The light of the fridge was bright, but once she had blinked the stars from her eyes, her gaze settled on a box of pizza Luka had brought home from work the other day. She had just lifted the lid of the box when a voice broke the silence. 
“Where have you been?” 
Blindly, she grabbed a slice, then pushed the fridge door closed with her hip, and with the coveted slice of pizza in hand, glanced in the direction of Luka’s voice. He was sitting up on the sofa, watching her over the back of it. But as she made her way into the living area, she saw his legs were still stretched out along the length of it, like he had been sprawled out on it. He had his acoustic in his lap, and it was only then that she realized that the tv was on, the screen displaying what looked like a recap of the akuma battle. But the flickering image was silent. As was the guitar in his lap. 
“It’s on mute?” she asked, ignoring his question as she glared at his legs, which were occupying the majority of the sofa. 
“All the commentary was just Nadja’s usual tosh,” he said as he shifted to make room for her. “Y’know, the ‘Ladybug and Chat Noir are in love’ stuff and all that.”  
“And you’re not playing?” she asked before taking a bite of the cold pizza. 
Luka shrugged. “I was for a while….” He said, his voice trailing off as he began plucking at the strings. From the way his gaze drifted down to stare pensively at his guitar as his fingers deftly moved across the strings, it was obvious she was going to have to wait.  
She chewed slowly as they sat in silence. Well, silence apart from his music. It was clear in the music his noodling was eliciting that he was trying to work out something he wanted to say. That was something most of her friends didn’t seem to understand about him; they all seemed to think he always knew exactly what to say. To be fair, when it came to music, he did. He was a complete and utter dork that way. And a nerd—well, music nerd— to boot. But if he needed to say something that wasn’t about music… he needed music to figure out how to say it. 
It was something Marinette had understood pretty quick though… 
 “I’m just- I’ve been trying to figure out this song…” he finally said, his gaze still firmly on his guitar and his fingers still dancing across the strings, a familiar smile playing at his lips. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what song it was he was trying to figure out. Especially given the way his cheeks were turning pink. For all the ways Luka was different from their ma, they were similar in a few key ways. Namely, their lack of subtlety. “It’s just… I thought about what you said- what you’ve been telling me-”
“About the song.” 
 His hands stilled as he looked up and offered her a sheepish smile. “You were right.”
Finally, he was figuring that out. It had taken him long enough… 
 “But now…” he shrugged helplessly as he glanced back down as his guitar. Idly, he trailed his fingers across the strings as he stared at it thoughtfully. “I know what notes I want to play. How I want- how I hope the melody will go.”
“But you’ve committed to the notes you want to play next?” she asked, half afraid for his answer. It wouldn’t be the first time the idiot had found an excuse to designate himself to playing second fiddle. And given it felt like the Universe trying to tell him to take a backseat… 
He looked up, his eyes flashing with an intensity that was strictly reserved for all things Marinette. “I didn’t want to pressure her.” A noble notion. A gallant one even. Even if he had been an idiot in the way he had gone about it. “But, you were right.” That felt nice to hear. “But then she was just so stressed. I didn’t want to be another thing for her to worry about. And now… now I’m trying to figure out the tempo of it. I don’t want to rush it. Especially not the next few notes.”
She would hardly say he was rushing things… 
“But I think…” he said slowly, ducking his gaze in what appeared to be a futile attempt to hide the dopey, lovesick grin spreading across his face, “I think it’s time I asked her how she would feel about a duet.”
“‘Bout time, if you ask me.” Actually, it was way past time. In her opinion, anyway. 
His head snapped up to protest, his eyes even more intense and bright against his flushed cheeks and his dopey, lovesick, Marinette smile. She couldn’t stop herself from smirking, and he seemed to immediately recognize his mistake. He ducked his head to try and hide his face, but it was too late. 
She had seen the smile and the flushed cheeks. It wasn’t like he had ever done a good job of hiding that smile. 
She sank back into sofa cushions, and grinning widely, took another bite of pizza. And immediately screwed up her face in disgust as a vile taste filled her mouth. Had she thought to grab a plate, she would have spat it out, but as it was, she had no choice but the swallow the offending bite. “Olives? Why did you bring home stuff with olives?” 
“Serves you right,” he chuckled, though he was still trying—and failing—to hide his flushed face by inspecting his chipped nail polish.
“For what?” 
“Teasing me.” 
“I didn’t say anything!” Ok, maybe she had… but could he really blame her? 
“You didn’t have to. You never have to,” he added as he rolled his eyes. “But you totally did.”
Ok, fair. He had a point. But still… “Rude.” 
“Didn’t you check it first?” 
“No, you distracted me.” 
He furrowed his brows. “Y’know, you never did answer my question.” 
“Hm?” she hummed as she began picking the olives off the pizza.
“Where were you? And stop that!” She just raised a brow, and then flicked another olive at him. 
“I was out shopping,” she said off-handedly as she inspected the pizza for any olives she may have missed. 
“I thought your big shopping trip was tomorrow…” he said. Her ears perked up at the sudden, entirely too casual tone of his voice. 
“It is…” she said slowly, watching him through suspicion-narrowed eyes. “The pharmacy’s having a sale on nail polish and lipstick. I thought I would check it out.” It wasn’t a lie. She had been on her way to check out the sale when she had gotten the akuma alert. As soon as she had seen it, she had hightailed it back to where the Liberty was moored and snuck back on deck to wait in case Purple Tigress was needed. Which she had been. 
“You didn’t get anything?’ 
She shook her head. “Probably best to wait until I have my dress before I decide on makeup and all that.” Technically, that was true too. 
He hummed, and nodded as he listlessly plucked at the strings of his guitar, eliciting a tune that betrayed his casual facade. 
“And you’re all going on the shopping trip.” It was obvious that wasn’t what he was really asking. Why he still insisted on beating around the bush when she knew how he felt about Marinette was beyond her. 
Especially after he had just admitted he was finally going to stop being an idiot. 
Well, about Marinette at least. 
“Yeah. Well, the guys aren’t coming. I have no interest in dragging Kim around to look at dresses.”  
Luka snorted. “That’s something I’d pay to see.” She rolled her eyes, but he just chuckled. “So…” he said slowly, drawing the word in a clear attempt to sound casual. “Marinette’s decided to go to the dance after all?” 
“Why don’t you ask her yourself?” she asked, nodding to the coffee table, where his phone sat before shoving the last bite of pizza into her mouth. 
He looked at it thoughtfully, and she barely fought the urge to roll her eyes. Luka wasn’t the type to ask someone to a dance over text. Especially when that someone was Marinette. Because him going to a dance with her actually meant something to him. 
But maybe that would at least get the ball rolling. 
“I’m going to go have a shower,” she announced, rising from the sofa. Her muscles were still stiff, and she didn’t want to be any more subjected to Luka’s lovesick sighs and dopey smiles. 
The shade was cool on her face, and provided a much welcome refuge from the afternoon sun. It was warm, bordering on hot with only a slight breeze to keep the edge of the heat off. The sound of laughter and a Saturday in the city mingled with the coos of the pigeons that were scattered around the park. It was evident in the air that the end of June was fast approaching, and with it, the dance. 
Alix drifted past her, her bored humming and the ever so slight squeak of the wheels of her heelies joining the sound of summer in the park. Slowly, she let her gaze drift down to the open group chat on her phone.  
Mylène 🌼 : Running a little late!
Mylène 🌼 : The rally one overtime 
Mylène 🌼 : went 
Rose 🌹💗: no problem!! 😊😊😊
Mylène 🌼 : on my way now
Mylène 🌼 : meet at the park?
Alya 🦊?!: sure meet you there
She sighed as she settled herself more comfortably against the tree she was leaning against, and let her gaze drift up. Rose was scrolling through her pinterest board of her vision for what she would wear to the dance, asking for Marinette’s opinion on the various ideas she had posted to it. Marinette was animatedly pointing to things on the screen of Rose’s phone, and though she hadn’t caught all of it, from the sounds of it she was explaining what silhouettes and shapes would best suit Rose. 
She couldn’t help but smile at the sight. A couple of weeks ago, she hadn’t been sure when she would see Marinette smile again. At times, it had felt more like a question of ‘if’ than ‘when.’ She could tell Marinette was still stressed; her friend, though much more lively ever since Tigress came onto the scene, was still bit quieter than usual. More subdued.  
But still… 
She was smiling again. And that was a victory in and of itself.
And if Luka was finally getting some sense into that thick head of his… hopefully, Marinette would have a lot more to smile about soon. 
Her gaze drifted from Marinette to take in the vivid greens of the park before stopping to land on Alya. 
Alya was furiously typing away on her phone, her brows furrowed in concentration. She had said she was working on her next post for the Ladyblog… Part of her really wanted to give her fired the benefit of the doubt. And it was entirely possible that she was typing that furiously because she was writing another article. Chat Noir had been mentioning he and Ladybug—with a very pointed lack of mention of any other heroes—should do another interview with the Ladyblog. Ladybug had been noncommittal, but maybe she had ended up agreeing to it. 
But no matter how much she hoped that was what Alya was typing, she wasn’t feeling particularly optimistic. Especially given Alya’s reaction when Marinette had announced she would go to the dance after all…  
“So,” Alya said with a definitive air as she looked up from her phone with a smile. “I figured we would start at Genevieve Consignment, that way we can work our way down the street and hit all the best second-hand places first. Then we can go to the department and specialty stores as we make our way to that fabric store you like, Marinette.”
“And we’re getting dinner, right?”
“Yes, then we can grab dinner. Sound good?” 
“Sounds perfect to me!” Rose chirped.  
Alix shrugged. “As long as we’re getting dinner, I’m good.” 
“We can skip the fabric store this time, though.”
“Oh, already found the perfect fabric for your dress?” Alya asked, the beginnings of a knowing Cheshire smile spreading across her face. 
Marinette shook her head. “No, I’m not making one.” The grin quickly dropped from Alya’s face as Marinette continued. “I was just going to buy one.”
 “What?” A group of passing tourists shot Rose bewildered looks at the sound of her shriek. “But you always make your dresses!” 
Despite knowing what she knew, she couldn’t help but be surprised herself. Not to the degree she would have been if she didn’t know certain secrets. But still… 
Before she was able to muster her words, Alix cocked her head to the side and said, “But at the Winter Formal you were all excited about making your dress for the next dance.” 
“What about Adrien?” Alya cried, “He complimented your dress at the Winter Formal. Don’t you want to impress him with another design?” Forget Adrien, what about the fact that one of Marinette’s favourite things to design was formal dresses? “Just think, he’d see you in a beautiful dress you made and he would see how incredible and talented you are and it would be perfect!” Yeah. Sure. Just like the last three dances… “It’s going to be the nigh, I just know it! It needs to be special!” 
“Hey girls! Sorry I’m… what’s all the commotion about?” Mylène’s voice trailed off as she drew closer to them, her brows furrowing as her gaze darted between their faces.
“Marinette says she isn’t making her dress for the dance!” Alya announced. 
“What? But why?” 
Finally, the obvious question. 
Marinette shrugged. “I don’t have the time. The dance is in two weeks.”
“But what about Adrien?” 
An odd look flickered across Marinette’s face at Alya’s question. But before Marinette could say anything, Mylène gently bumped Marinette with her hip. “Don’t worry, Marinette,” Mylène said comfortingly, “I’m sure we can find a dress that’ll impress Adrien.” 
Marinette blinked at Mylène. “I don’t want to stress about impressing anyone, I just want to find a dress I like.” 
“We’ll make sure we find you the most perfect dress ever, right girls?”  
“That’s the point of this trip, isn’t it?” 
“Hey,” Alya said as she slung her arm around Marinette’s shoulders, “Maybe it won’t be as amazing as something you’d make, but we’re going to find the perfect dress! Adrien won’t know what hit him!” 
Taking that as their rallying cry, Alix glided ahead. “C’mon slowpokes,” she cried over her shoulder, leaving the rest of them no choice but to follow. 
She tried to catch Marinette’s eye as they started out, but she was sandwiched between Alya and Mylène. Marinette had said she wanted to find a dress she liked. But she had a sinking suspicion the search was going to end up binge for a dress Adrien would like. 
“This is going to be so much fun!” Rose squealed as she sidled up beside her. 
Despite the rather sour thoughts swirling in her head—and her suspicions that were quickly sinking toward the pit in her stomach—she couldn’t help at smile at Rose’s infectious enthusiasm and sunny smile. “It’s going to be a big day,” she agreed.  
She was looking forward to spending the afternoon with her friends. Despite her ever-growing frustrations and resentment toward their habit of shoving Adrien into the epicentre of most of their hangouts, they were still her friends. And she was never one to say no to a shopping trip. Especially to second hand places, which they were hitting first at Mylène’s insistence. You never knew what treasures you could find in them. 
She bit back a sigh. She was glad Marinette was going to the dance; she had been really worried when Marinette had shown so little interest in it. She understood why Marinette hadn’t been focused on it, but she had still been worried. Marinette loved school dances. She loved any chance to celebrate something. 
So it had been a relief when Marinette had announced she would go to the dance after all. 
But it seemed the question of what Marinette was going to wear to the dance had brought a whole new host of problems… 
“What about these?” She looked up from the box of gloves she was rifling through, looking for the match to the black lace opera glove she had found, at the sound of Alya’s voice, just in time to see her push a couple of dresses into Marinette’s hands. 
Marinette looked down at the dresses in her hands. A look of apprehension settled over her faces as she held up the two dresses. “I don’t know, they’re not really my style-”
“It never hurts to try new things, right?” 
“I guess…” Marinette said, eyeing the dresses dubiously as she meandered toward the dressings rooms with Alya trailing closely after her. 
“Besides,” Alya added slyly , “If you try something new, Adrien will have to notice you!” 
Marinette froze in the entry to the dressing room. With the curtain still open, she could see the mirror inside the dressing room. And in the mirror, she caught a glimpse of a grimace twisting its way onto Marinette’s face before her friend slid the curtain shut behind her.
If Alya noticed the lack of response, she didn’t say anything. Instead, all she called out was, “Make sure you come out and show us!” before whipping out her phone.  
She bit back a groan as she turned her attention back to the box of gloves with a scowl, though she did her best to hide it. At least if any of the girls noticed, she could blame it on having a hard time finding the matching glove.   
She should have expected this. She should have planned for this. Because of course, the question of what Marinette would wear would end up being focused on Adrien. Especially given the hints Alya had been dropping about how Adrien didn’t have a date for the dance yet and how his father was actually allowing him to attend were as subtle as akuma costumes. So far, Marinette had brushed those hints off with hummed acknowledgements and deflections. But she wasn’t sure how much longer that would last. 
And, much to her frustration, she hadn’t been able to do much about it. 
Every time she managed to subtly redirect the conversation to a different topic, it would eventually—inevitably—circle back to Adrien. And it wasn’t just Alya, though she was definitely spearheading the efforts. The rest of the girls were dropping hints too. If it could even be called that at this point…  
But the point of the matter was, she was completely outnumbered. 
Honestly, she had been for a long time. 
Yeah, Aimee had been able to help her with the photoshoot scheme. But Aimee was busy with her own stuff, especially now that she was working for Marinette’s parents as their social media manager and photographer. Aimee helped her when and where she could, but it wasn’t often. And even when she could help it was still just the two of them. 
Her ma didn’t mind running interference when she was on board the Liberty, but that was as far as she would go. Besides, involving her ma would be like setting off fireworks in a library.
She sighed. If only she was able to get more help. But there wasn’t really anyone else she could go to… 
The guys… she grimaced. Kim was an obvious no; the whole Ondine debacle had made it clear Kim wasn’t the most… in touch with the nuances of romance. Add in the fact that Kim was the opposite of subtle… 
Max wasn’t an option either. While he could probably make a great spreadsheet of all the reasons why Luka and Marinette were so much better for each other than Adrien and Marinette were, somehow, she couldn’t see him being super into the scheming and meddling. 
Nathaniel was a no too. He was too busy with his comic. And weirdly, he seemed to like the idea of Adrien and Marinette getting together. 
Ivan? Marinette had helped him get together with Mylène. She wouldn’t be surprised if he wanted to return the favour. But while he was friends with Luka, and in the band to boot, the problem was that he was also Mylène’s boyfriend. Which meant she had definitely told him all the ‘reasons’ Marinette should be with Adrien. No, Ivan was too close to this. 
And Nino? Nino was an obvious no. Even if he at least had the decency to look embarrassed—hopefully he actually was—every time he was involved in a plot, he was still involved. And if push came to shove, she knew he would side with Alya over common sense. 
Adrien- she wasn’t even going to go there. 
But that was all the guys in class. And none of them were even close to being potential allies. 
She sighed again as she let her gaze drift over the consignment store as she blindly rifled through the hodge-podge of gloves. She was losing hope fast. 
Her gaze landed on Alix, who was picking through a bunch of shoes displayed in a bookcase with an air of disinterest. 
Alix? Alix was a tough one. On one hand, she wasn’t afraid to say it like it was. If she pointed out how bad Adrien and Marinette would be together, she might actually listen and come to the same realization she had. On the other hand, Alix, while being the least invested in the plots, was still invested. And even if Alix did decide to jump ship, there was no guarantee she would help her. And if she did, subtlety would be out of the question. 
No. Alix wasn’t an option. 
Her eyes found Mylène just as her friend was going into a dressing room with a few dresses draped over her arm. There was no way Mylène would stand up against Alya. And Mylène fully supported the Adrienette ship in her own right, so it was a double no for her. 
She glanced at Alya, who was still standing by the dressing rooms, grinning down at her phone screen. There was no point even considering Alya, given she was the one who led the charge on all the Adrien schemes in the first place…
Which just left Rose. 
She sighed as her gaze dropped back down to the box of gloves. 
She loved Rose with all her heart, and she wanted nothing more than to bring her in on her plans. And there was no doubt in her mind that Rose would fully support Marinette and Luka if she knew how they felt about each other, and how much happier they would be together. But there were two problems; she couldn’t bring Rose in without betraying Luka and Marinette’s trust, because Rose would ask questions. Rose would want to know all the details, even the ones she had sworn to secrecy. Even the ones Marinette didn’t know she knew… 
The other problem was that Rose was in love with love. Yes, she would undoubtedly support Marinette and Luka. But she also still fully supported Marinette and Adrien because she was blinded by the romance. Blinded by the ‘made for each other’ narrative that Alya sold with every breath she took. 
Halfheartedly, she pushed the last few gloves around not expecting to find anything. A flash of black half buried under a chartreuse suede glove caught her eye. Carefully, she shifted the mass of gloves to unearth the match to the glove. 
At least she had found one of the things she was looking for… 
“What do you think?” She snapped her attention up at the sound of Rose’s voice just in time to see Rose burst out of one of the dressing rooms, wearing a pink sequinned romper. “Is it too much?” she asked as she struck a pose. 
Despite her heavy thoughts, she couldn’t help but smile. “For you? Never,” she murmured, eliciting a blinding beam from her girlfriend. 
“Good, because I love it!” Rose squealed with a shimmy that made her and her outfit sparkle. “Those are cute,” she said, gesturing to the glove in her hand. “Are you going to get them?” 
“Yeah. I-”
“Marinette!” She and Rose both turned at the sound of Alya’s voice. Marinette had emerged from the dressing room. Wearing her own clothes and with the dresses in hand. “How come you didn’t come out to show us?” 
Marinette shrugged as she deposited the dresses on the rail for cloths to be returned to the shop floor. “They weren’t right.”
 The metallic sound of hangers sliding against metal filled the air as she and Marinette rifled through the racks of dresses. They were on their fifth shop now, and neither of them had found dresses yet. A little further down the aisle, Alya was rifling through a display, muttering something to Rose and Mylène, but her words were lost in the distance between them. 
Something between a sigh and a groan escaped Marinette as she slid a few more dresses along the rail, the hangers clattering together from the force with which she had shoved them. “This is hopeless!” 
“Can’t you just wear something you already have?” She and Marinette both glanced up as Alix rolled toward them on her heelies, carting a silver and green windbreaker and a pair of ripped jeans along with her. “It seems like a simple fix if you can’t find anything you like. Didn’t Adrien say he liked that purple dress you wore the other week?” Alix asked as she stopped to pick through the rail opposite the ones that held the dresses.
 Alix, her back turned and her attention on the row of clothes opposite, missed the way Marinette’s face soured at the mention of Adrien’s name.
“That’s a day dress, it’s not really an occasion dress.”    
“Ok, what about one of the things you made for your shop? Or the dress you wore to the winter dance?” 
Marinette shook her head. “All of that is too casual. I don’t want to be underdressed! And the dress I wore to the winter dance is made of velvet, it would be way too hot.” 
Alix shrugged. “Well, if you’re not going to make yourself something or wear something you already have, keep looking. I’m sure you’ll find something. You’re the one that said there’s all sorts of hidden gems in these places,” Alix said, turning to motion to the racks of clothes in the thrift shop. “I found these,” Alix added, holding up her finds as if to prove her point.
“Those don’t look like dance clothes.” 
She turned. Rose had come up behind her, and was surveying the clothes Alix was holding, her head tilted to the side and her brows furrowed. 
“I’m wearing the suit Mari made me for the fall formal.”
“But you’ve worn it to the last two dances!” Rose cried. 
“Yeah, cause it rocks. And black is a classic.”
“Thanks,” Marinette said quietly, her words almost lost to Rose’s squealed protests. 
“I’m ditching the jacket and wearing a different shirt, so it’ll look different. Oh, by the way, there’s a sequinned bag back that way.” 
The allure of a glittery accessory was too much for Rose, who darted in the direction Alix had nodded, throwing a hurried thanks over her shoulder. 
“Well,” Alix said matter of factly, “I’m going to go try these on.” And then she was gone, rolling toward the dressing rooms. She watched as Alix’s shock of pink hair disappeared behind a rack of clothing. 
“I guess she’s right…” Marinette mumbled. She turned back to look at her friend, who was looking at the rail of dresses with a rather gloomy expression. They had been going through the entire rail, ignoring the size categories as the inventory was jumbled together . And there had been plenty of nice dresses, some really nice ones that were in Marinette’s size that had been in the wrong section. But Marinette had taken them rather reluctantly, and without her usual enthusiasm that came with shopping for clothes. 
Slowly, Marinette began flicking through the dresses again. 
She opened her mouth. And then closed it. Right from the get go, Marinette had insisted she wouldn’t be making her dress for this dance. When pressed by the girls, had said she just didn’t have time for making a dress. That was unsurprising, given everything. But that didn’t explain why she was so unenthused about the whole shopping process. She doubted all the Adrien comments Alya—and the rest of the girls—kept dropping every time Marinette even so much as picked up a dress were helping matters. But she couldn’t help but feel there was something more to Marinette’s disinterest in dress shopping… 
 “That one is nice,” she said quietly, nodding her head to the floral chiffon dress Marinette was examining. It was nice. It was a perfectly nice dress. The design was a little bland and the colour was a little boring, but it was nice enough for a dance. 
“Yeah, it’s fine,” Marinette sighed noncommittally. 
Marinette shrugged listlessly as she took the dress off the rail and went back to flicking through the dresses. “I guess I won’t know until I try it. It’s just… it’s silly.” 
“I bet it isn’t.” They were nearing the end of the last rack of dresses, and they had pitiful results so far to show for their effort. Marinette had taken only three dresses, and none of them had been met with much enthusiasm. She had grabbed a couple, but to be honest, she wasn’t all that concerned with what she would wear. She had a bunch of black dresses she could wear to the dance. It wasn’t like anyone would notice if she wore an old dress, given she always wore black to school dances. It was a classic for a reason. 
Marinette bit her lip as stared steadfastly at the rail as she continued to search through the dresses. She could tell Marinette was weighing her words, trying to decide how best to say whatever it was she needed to say, by the way she stared so intently at the clothes on the rail. “Well…” she said slowly, a faint flush creeping up on her face, “it’s just that- it’s- it’s perfect!” 
“What-“ she was cut off by Marinette’s squeal as her friend pulled a dress from the rack. And then shoved it into her hands… 
She had been hoping Marinette had found a dress for herself. But… 
Looking at the dress, she had to admit, it was perfect. Even if she was a little peeved Marinette hadn’t found a dress for herself. Slowly, she ran a hand along the silky fabric. Sprays of thorny roses had been woven into the fabric; the subtle black on black design almost seemed to shift under the store lights. It would look incredible under the lights of the dance.
“Oh, are you going to try that on?” She looked up from the dress to see  Mylène wandering toward them, her arms laden with dresses. 
She  glanced back down at the dress. “Yeah, I am.” 
“What did you find, Mylène?” Marinette brushed past her to look at the dresses Mylene had selected. “That one is really pretty!” 
“Yeah,”  Mylène sighed happily as she held up the dress. “Sunflowers are my favourite. Ivan’s too. So I’m hoping the fit will be good.”  Mylène settled the dress back over her arm. “What did you find, Mari?” 
“Not much,” Marinette sighed, her enthusiasm instantly waning the moment the topic shifted to her dress selections.  
“That one is nice,”  Mylène offered tentatively as Marinette shuffled through the scant few dresses she had found. 
“It’s ok,” Marinette said half-heartedly. “But I guess we should go try things on. Unless you’re not done looking, Jules…” 
“No. No I’m good to try things on now,” she mumbled, her brows furrowing as Marinette and  Mylène both turned and headed in the direction of the dressing rooms. Judging from the way  Mylène not so subtly kept looking at Marinette, it was obvious Marinette’s lack of enthusiasm wasn’t lost on her either. 
She trailed after them, chewing her lip as she went. Marinette’s enthusiasm had quickly dwindled throughout the afternoon. Usually, Marinette adored thrifting and shopping in general. But she had been… listless. Or at least, when it came to shopping for herself. Every time her attention was turned to what someone else might try on, Marinette was bright and excited. But the second it came to her outfit… 
“Look at what I found!” She emerged from the end of the aisle in time to see Alya rushing toward them, with Rose quickly trailing after her. Rose’s arms were laden with her own shopping bags, and what looked like dresses Alya had pulled for herself. Alya was brandishing two hangers; from one hung a swirly looking skirt the colour of ripe tangerines, and from the other hung a matching crop top. “Isn’t it great? I saw it on the rack one of the employees had just brought out from the back!” 
“That colour would be gorgeous on you!” Marinette gushed as she reached out to examine the fabric of the skirt. 
Alya preened. “Thanks. I mean, I still have to try it on, and I’ll try on the rest of the stuff I found but… I think it’s  going to be the one! What did you find, girl?” 
“Oh, you know, just a couple dresses. Should we?” she asked, nodding toward the dressing rooms. 
“Absolutely,” Alya said as she shifted her newest find to one hand so she could take the bundle of dresses from Rose. “Thanks. Now come on!” 
“You all have to come out and show us!” Rose squealed, already pulling her phone out, no doubt to summon Alix. 
 Mylène and Alya were already heading into dressing rooms. As she and Marinette headed toward the last free ones, she shot Marinette an encouraging smile. Marinette returned it with a smile of her own that wavered only a little before turning to fully disappear into her dressing room. She tugged the curtain of her own dressing room shut. 
She made quick work of changing out her own clothes, and then she stepped into the dress. She tugged up the zip before stepping back to examine her reflection.  The skirt was slim but… she gave an experimental swivel of her hips; it still had enough of a flare to flow nicely around her legs with a satisfying swish. It would be perfect for dancing. She turned and looked back over her shoulder to examine the reflection of the back of the dress. The narrow straps separated at the top of her shoulders, turning from single straps to three thinner ones that criss-crossed over her back in a woven pattern that reminded her vaguely of a spiderweb.
She turned to fully face the mirror again, and let a slow smile crawl across her face as she fished the gloves she had bought out of her bag. She slipped the gloves on, and her smile turned to a grin. 
 It was perfect. 
All she needed was shoes and… she tilted her head side to side. A choker would be the perfect touch. A lace one maybe… 
That was something she could do easily enough herself. 
Her smile grew as she heard Rose squeal from the other side of the curtain. Quietly, she drew back the curtain. Alya was wearing the crop top and skirt set, and she was positively glowing as she struck a pose. 
“What do you think?” 
“It looks amazing, Alya!” Rose gushed, her eyes sparkling. 
“It looks really great on you!” Mylène offered quietly. She hadn’t seen Mylène emerge, but she was standing there in the floral dress, her usually shy smile wider than usual. 
“You look awesome too, girl!” 
“You both look great,” Alix piped up from where she was sprawled on a bench by the entrance to the dressing room area. 
“Yeah,” she said quietly as she stepped out of the dressing room. “Those really suit you both.” 
The second the words left her mouth, four pairs of eyes snapped toward her. They were all silent. She could feel the weight of their gaze on her. A couple of months ago, with so many eyes trained directly on her, her shoulders would have been hunching and curling in, and her hands would have been itching to fidget with her skirt. But now- 
“Bijou!” It was fortunate there was no glass nearby, Rose’s squeal was so high-pitched. “You look gorgeous!” 
“That dress is perfect for you!” 
“You look incredible!” 
Her cheeks were growing warm under the force of their praise. “Thanks,” she murmured. 
“Hey, Mari!” Alix shouted, ignoring the looks of other shoppers nearby, “get out here and take a look!” 
Marinette poked her head out from behind the curtain, and her face lit up. “I knew it! I knew that dress would be perfect for you! You look incredible!”
“Thank you.” She couldn’t stop the grin from crawling across her face at Marinette’s praise. 
Marinette’s gaze drifted over to Alya and Mylène, thought she remained awkwardly hidden behind the curtain, with only her head sticking out. “You both look incredible too!” she gushed. “Please tell me you’re all getting those!” 
“Girl, I don’t know if I’m even going to take it off!” Alya laughed as she twirled. “I might just have to wear it out!” 
“But then it won’t be special!” Rose protested. 
“I’m definitely getting mine!” 
“So are you going to come out, or what, girl?” Alya asked, still laughing gleefully. 
“I’ll be out in a minute,” Marinette promised before snapping the curtain closed. 
She frowned. The look in Marinette’s eye at the mention of her coming out of the dressing room… 
She hadn’t been particularly optimistic about any of the dresses, given Marinette’s reaction to them. Still, she had hoped that Marinette would like something. At least enough to show the rest of them. 
But the sound of the curtain of Marinette’s dressing room sliding open dashed what shreds of hope she had left. 
“Nothing?” Rose asked, her face falling. 
Marinette shook her head, looking both disappointed and defeated as she hung the rejected dresses on the rack by the end of the line of dressing rooms. “Let’s check out the shoe store around the corner, I think I could do with a break from trying on dresses…” 
The second she had pushed the door open to the shoe store and made room for the rest of their group to enter, Alix made a beeline for the display of sneakers. Rose took Mylène by the arm and hauled her toward the back of the store, where there was a display of glittering party shoes. Alya was hot on their heels, already exclaiming over a pair in the display. 
Marinette hung back, lingering by the display stand right by the entrance. So she hung back too. 
“Those are fun,” she murmured, nodding to the pump Marinette had picked up, and was absently turning over in her hands. 
Marinette shrugged. “It’s fine,” she said quietly, before putting it back down and drifting toward one of the side walls. She trailed silently after her. Marinette stopped in front of another display, this one made up of scrappy sandals in a rainbow of colours. Marinette picked up a silver pair and smiled at them before putting them back down. “What about those?” she asked, pointing to a pair of black sandals. 
“For you or me?” Marinette raised a brow, and then rolled her eyes and smiled in mock exasperation . “They’re cute. But I already have a flat pair like that. Honestly,” she said, dropping her voice, “I probably didn’t even need to come on this trip. I have a ton of stuff I could wear, and it all goes together.” 
“The beauty of black,” Marinette said, nodding sagely. But then a little grin worked its way onto her face. “But if you hadn’t come you wouldn’t have gotten those gloves. Or the dress…” 
“Though…” Marinette hummed, “there’s no way I would have left that dress on the rack. Not when it’s so you.”
“That’s why you’re the best.” Marinette waved her off, smiling as she picked up another heeled sandal to examine it. “But honestly, I don’t need to buy any shoes. Not unless they’re something special. You know?”
“Yeah,” Marinette sighed as she put down yet another shoe before heading toward the next display. 
She followed closely behind. They examined the next two displays in relative silence. The others drifted by, toting boxes of shoes to try or teetering past in shoes they were testing out. After another rejected pair of shoes, and once the coast was relatively clear, she leaned in a little closer beside Marinette. 
“You don’t really seem to be all that into this. Is everything ok? Back at the last place, you were saying something when you found my dress. What was it?” she asked quietly. 
Marinette looked up in surprise, but then her face softened and her cheeks flushed. “I’ve been thinking about what you said, about what I want…” 
“I want to go after it. I want to design my own dress and go to the dance with-“ Marinette cut herself off as she ducked her head. But she didn’t miss the deepening flush in her friend’s cheeks. It was kind of cute how Mari and Luke were still so bashful talking about their feelings with her. It was infuriating. But cute. “But I have this… this vision of what the night would look like. What I would wear, who I would go with…  Assuming he would would say yes.” 
As if he would ever say no. If anything, the thing Marinette should have been worrying about was the likelihood of Luka accidentally skipping the whole ‘first date’ thing and  proposing to her on the spot. But given Marinette’s past experiences with romance and her brother’s noble yet idiotic attempts to not pressure Marinette… she could see why her friend was feeling apprehensive.
“Were you- were you going to ask him?” she asked quietly.
Marinette gave a shallow nod of her head. “I was thinking about it. I want to. But it’s just-” Marinette turned to look at her with a wry, half-smile, “it’s scary, you know?” 
“Yeah,” she agreed quietly. She did know. If Rose hadn’t made the first move, she probably never would have worked up the courage to ask her out herself. And she had had it so much easier, compared to Marinette. No one had shoved a supposed soulmate in her face while she was pining after Rose. “But if it’s any consolation,” she continued, weighing her words carefully. Her brother may have been more obvious that flashing neon lights, but he had still admitted his feelings for Marinette to her in confidence. “I don’t think you need to worry about him saying no.”
“Maybe…“ Marinette sighed, her eyes drifting toward the other side of the shop where the rest of the girls were and a frown twisting on her lips.”But even if he does say yes, I don’t have time to make my dress and…”
“Nothing is living up to your vision?” she offered. 
Marinette nodded. “It’s just, nothing is quite right,” she groaned as she picked up a silver shoe. She had picked that one up three times already; it was a silver kitten heel with an open toe and a small crystal embellishment on it. She had been gravitating to that pair for a while now. 
“Those seem to be telling you they’re right,” she quipped, quirking a half grin at Marinette when she glanced down at the shoe in her hands and then back up at her. 
“Yeah, I really like them.”
“But I don’t want to get a pair before I have my dress-“
“Oh, those are cute, Marinette!” Mylène said as she made her way over, only wobbling slightly in the wedges she was wearing. “I bet Adrien would think they are too!” Marinette had been doing a pretty good job so far of hiding the sour look that came across her face every time the blond came up, but cracks were starting to show in her facade. “What do you two think of these?” 
“I like them,” she murmured, looking down at the woven wedges. 
“Me too. But you might want to try a pair with ankle straps, they’ll stay on better when you’re dancing.” 
“Oh, good point. Thanks!” She watched as Mylène went back to the other side of the store. Once all of her friends were out of ear shot again, she turned and dropped her voice. 
“I take it the Adrien comments aren’t helping.” 
Marinette shook her head. “I told them I didn’t want to try and impress anyone but…” 
“They’re committed,” she sighed. 
Speaking of committed… 
“What did you find, girl?” Alya asked as she sidled up beside Marinette. “Oooh, those are great!” she added as she picked up the matching silver shoe from the display. 
“Yeah, I really like them,” Marinette said, a wistful note in her voice as she smiled down at the shoe in her hand. 
“You have to get them! Just think, Adrien’s always wearing that silver ring of his and…” Alya trailed off as he whipped out her phone and began typing. As Alya’s fingers flew across the keyboard on her phone screen, a pit began to form in her stomach. A second later, Alya’s phone dinged and her face lit up like the sky on Bastille Day. “Look!” Alya said as she shoved her phone into hers and Marinette’s faces. “That’s what Nino said Adrien is going to wear to the dance. You could match!” 
She had to bite back a frown as she stared at the picture on Alya’s screen. It was of a suit spread out on what she assumed was Adrien’s bed. The jacket and pants were black, and the shirt was a stark, crisp white. Beside the suit was a pair of black dress shoes with silver buckles in the shape of the Agreste logo and a matching belt. 
“If you wear these,” Alya continued, waving the silver show she was holding, “you can match Adrien. Even better!” Alya gasped. “You wear these and-“ 
“I’m not buying shoes until I have a dress,” Marinette said crisply as she put the shoe she was holding back down on the display with a note of finality. 
“But Marinette-“ 
“I don’t want to buy shoes until I have a dress.” Marinette said emphatically. “I don’t want to end up with a dress and shoes that don’t go together.” 
“But if you get a white dress you could match. And white would go-“ 
“There’s no guarantee I’ll find a dress to go with these.” Marinette said, her voice firm. 
The fact that Marinette had left out the mention of a white dress did not escape her. Though it was hard to tell if Alya had noticed as well. 
“Not if you keep shutting down everything you try on before you give it a real chance,” Alya groaned. 
“I’ve been trying stuff on…” 
“Yeah, but you haven’t shown any of the things you’ve tried on to us!”
“Nothing was worth showing.” 
“See! This is what I mean! You aren’t going to make your own dress, but you’re not giving any of the dresses you’ve tried a proper chance… I still can’t believe you aren’t going to make your dress!” Alya said as she held up a pair of black pumps, frowned, then put them back down.
“I don’t have time. And, I don’t have a design!  Even if I started now and kept the design simple, two weeks isn’t a lot of time.”
“But you have a sketchbook full of designs!” 
“None for a dance though.” 
“Whatever you say,” Alya sighed, with a rather disbelieving note in her voice. “But you need to wear something.” 
“I know…” Marinette grumbled. 
Something between a sigh and laugh escaped Alya. She wrapped an arm around Marinette’s shoulders, he face softening as she did so. “Don’t worry girl, we’ll find you something amazing to wear that’ll be sure to catch Adrien’s attention. And knock his socks off while we’re at it.” Alya looked away from Marinette to meet her eyes. “Right, Juleka?” 
She hesitated. Just for a moment. A second, really. It wasn’t like she was going to agree with Alya. Well, not word for word at least… Something flashed through Alya’s eyes. It was so quick, she would have missed it if she hadn’t been looking. 
“We’ll make sure you have something beautiful to wear,” she said carefully before smiling encouragingly at Marinette. 
“Thanks, guys.” 
Alya grinned. “Don’t worry, I promise Adrien won’t know what hit him!” 
Marinette smiled—what seemed a pretty forced smile that didn’t reach her eyes— but said nothing. 
“Alya!” They all looked up and across the store at the sound of Rose’s voice. Rose was haphazardly waving a shoe around, oblivious to Mylène’s attempts to get her to stop shouting and waving. “You have to come try these on! They’ll go great with your outfit!” Rose cried, brandishing a gold shoe. 
“Coming!” Alya called, taking a step toward the rest of the girls before turning to look back over her shoulder. “You two coming?” 
Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Marinette trying to think of something to say. 
“In a minute,” she said quietly. “I want to finish checking out the stuff over here.” 
“Same. We’ll let you know if we see anything else you might want to try on.” 
“Sounds good,” Alya said with a smile that didn’t quite meet her eyes. And it definitely wasn’t her imagination. Alya’s gaze lingered on her for a second before she turned to hurry over toward Rose, Mylène, and Alix. 
She watched Alya go, her stomach sinking a little with every step Alya took. That had been… 
She shook her head, and turned back to Marinette. Marinette had started wandering further toward the back of the store. With a sigh, and another shake of her head, she followed. 
Marinette had said that she didn’t have time to design and make a dress. It had to be because of Ladybug stuff, right? She definitely seemed less overwhelmed than she had a couple of weeks ago.  Marinette was calling on her a lot for akuma battles, which were now taking way less time than usual. So that had to be helping. But… 
It couldn’t just be the akuma battles that were eating up her time. 
But what other duties there were that was keeping Marinette so busy. She knew there were the patrols Ladybug did to keep an eye on the city… She bit her lip. A couple days ago, after they had wrapped up a battle, she had caught the tail end of an argument between Ladybug and Chat Noir. He had been complaining about how things had changed ever since she became the ‘guardian.’ It sounded important, but she didn’t really know what being a guardian entailed. Or how much it was adding to Marinette’s already overflowing plate. 
Surreptitiously, she glanced around the store. Alya, Rose, and Mylène were at the far, front corner of the store trying on shoes. Alix was listless wandering around looking at the sneakers. All of them—and what few other shoppers were in the store—were all out of ear shot. 
“Your job still keeping you busy?” she asked quietly as she picked up a shoe and pretended to examine it. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched as Marinette cast a quick glance around the store before nodding.
“Yeah. I took your advice. I was able to bring in another t- coworker. And she’s doing really well. She’s helping a lot.” She willed the flush beginning to brew in her face to subside. Marinette didn’t know that she knew what her job was. “But it’s still keeping me busy.”
“Oh?” she asked casually as she put the shoe down and picked up a pump that she didn’t even bother to pretend to look at. 
“I’ve still got a lot of shifts I have to cover. I… I want to see how she handles more responsibilities, but I feel like it’s too early to ask more from her. She’s still new, and I don’t want to rush her or throw her in the deep end.”
“Would it hurt to ask? I mean, worst case scenario she isn’t ready.” But that wouldn’t happen. She would be ready for anything if need be.
“I guess… but even if she said yes, two weeks still isn’t much time… I would have to make the design and draft the pattern. And I don’t like using new patterns without a mockup first. And I would have to find fabric…” 
She smiled at the sight of Marinette’s face, which was already morphing into the dreamy yet laser focused smile she always wore when slipped into the her own little world of designs and dresses and fabrics. 
 “I bet you’d pull together something amazing, even if it is only two weeks. You always do.”
Marinette blushed. “Thanks. I’d have to see if she says yes,” she hummed.
Of course she would say yes. But, “If she doesn’t, you know can always ask me for help, right?” It couldn’t hurt to remind Marinette she and Ladybug could rely on her. 
“I know,” she said quietly, “and I don’t think I can ever tell you how much it means.” 
She shrugged. “It’s what friends are for.” 
“Well, you’re the best,” she said, leaning against her in an approximation of a hug before she bolted upright. She took a few hurried steps to the next display over and grabbed something—a pair of shoes she presumed though the store also sold bags—before whirling around. “What do you think of these?” 
“They’re awesome. But I didn’t think those would really be your style-“
“Not for me! For you!”  Marinette laughed as she held the shoes out to her. 
Tentatively, she took them. They were incredible. They were open-toed sandals with straps that laced up around the ankle with straps made from a sheer black mesh, embroidered all over with black roses and twisting, thorny vines. Little black rhinestones were scattered across the straps, and packed onto the heels of the shoes, catching the light and glimmering. They were gorgeous.  
“I don’t know, I don’t really wear heels…” She had always felt out of place, being taller than so many of her classmates. And yeah, boys thinking she was too tall was the last thing she was worried about, but… she frowned. She had never really known how to carry herself; being so tall tended to draw a degree of attention—and comments—she had never really been comfortable with. And so she had always slumped and hunched her shoulders, and avoided adding extra height at all costs.  
She had… 
“Oh, that’s ok then. I just thought they would look amazing on you-“
But a tigress didn’t care what other people thought. 
“But it wouldn’t hurt to try,” she said, kneeling down to look for a box in her size. Once she had the shoebox in hand, she sat on the closest bench, kicked her shoes off, and slipped the heels on. Once she had secured the straps around her legs, she stood up. The heel wasn’t too high, but between the heel and the platform… she was towering. 
“Bijou!” Rose squealed, tottering over on sparkly pink heels that were far too tall for her girlfriend to walk in without risking breaking an ankle. “You look amazing!! You’re so tall!”
Tentatively, she took a few steps in them. They were comfortable. She would still be able to walk and dance in them. And… Tigress didn’t wear heels. Fighting akumas in heels was just asking for disaster. But somehow, they still felt like Tigress’s boots. They were grounding, but agile. 
They were powerful. 
“Those really suit you,” Marinette said, grinning. 
“Yeah,” she said quietly as she took a few more steps, a smile forming on her own face as she watched the light bounce off the crystals, “they do.” 
“C’mon girl, what’s wrong with that one?” 
Marinette glanced at the reflection and wrinkled her nose. “It’s just… it’s not right.” 
Personally, she had to agree with Marinette. It was a nice enough dress. It looked nice on Marinette. But it just wasn’t anything special. It couldn’t even hold a candle to the dresses Marinette usually made for herself for school dances. 
But at least Marinette had come out of the dressing room to show them this one. 
“I still don’t get why you aren’t just making one.” 
“I know, I know, you don’t have time. But can’t you reuse a pattern or something? You need to wear something.” 
“I know-“ 
“What about that one?” Alya asked, pointing to the floral dress she had found and shoved into Marinette’s hands. “Daisies are Adrien’s favourite flower…” Alya sang as her words trailed off, her grin wide and the promise of yet another scheme in her voice. 
“I don’t like daisies very much. And-” 
“I still think you should just wear the purple one,” Alix said from where she was sprawled in one of the chairs by the dressing rooms. “We already know he thinks it looks good on you.” 
“It’s not formal enough though. Besides, I-“
“He’s already seen her wear that one. If she’s going to get his attention, we need something show stopping. Something that will make him notice. Like his favourite flowers, or-“
“He likes cats, so what about this one?” Rose asked, holding up a bubblegum pink dress with white cats printed all over it. 
“I think that one’s more your style, Rose,” Marinette said. “And I don’t-“
“Oh good, I was worried if you got it you wouldn’t want me to borrow it later since you’ll be wearing it on such a big night.” Before anyone could say anything more, Rose zipped into the nearest open dressing room. 
“What about this one?” Mylène asked from where she had been rifling through the rack of clothes that hadn’t been returned to the shop floor yet. She was holding up a white dress that had horizontal black stripes running across it, except for at the bottom hem where the stripers were thick, short and vertical. Almost like-
“It’s perfect!” Alya cried as she rushed over the Mylène to take the dress from her hands and inspect it. Oh no. “It’s like sheet music and piano keys! And it matches what he’s going to wear!”
The door to the changing room Rose had gone into burst open, and she emerged in a flurry of pink and white cat-printed skirts. “What’s perfect- oh! Oh, that is perfect! And it would be so romantic if you two matched!” Rose sighed dreamily. 
This was not good. 
 “It’s actually pretty cool,” Alix, who was now sitting up properly, said. 
This was not good at all. 
“You have to try it on!” Alya said. 
She watched as Alya rushed toward Marinette with the dress in hand. She needed to do something. Anything. But she was completely frozen. It was like watching a car wreck about to happen, knowing that disaster was about to strike but not being able to do anything. 
“Actually,” Marinette said, setting her shoulders as she stepped back from Alya,”I was thinking, maybe we could check out some fabric stores after all? There’s a few not far from here…” 
“Of course we can, Marinette!” Mylène said. 
“So you are going to make a dress?” 
Marinette’s gazed darted to land on her before flickering back to Alya. “Yeah,” Marinette said, nodding, “I think I figured out a way to make it work.” 
She frowned down at the two spools of lace in her hands. One had a floral pattern that would compliment the roses in her dress and shoes nicely, but the other was embellished with little black seedbeds that would catch the light like her new shoes. Her frown deepened. She liked both of them. She could just get both. But she didn’t really need two new chokers. And she would still have to decide which went better with her outfit… 
She was going to need a second opinion. 
She started making her way back through the store to the approximate area she had left Marinete when she had decided to go check out the lace options. She found her in much the same spot, by the section of dressier fashion fabrics. 
But Marinette wasn’t alone anymore. 
“-absolutely perfect!” Alya exclaimed, brandishing a bolt of green taffeta. Maybe she shouldn’t have left Marinette alone while she went to go look at the lace… Marinette was staring at the bolt with a blank expression, and Alya looked like her birthday and Christmas had all been rolled into one. “Just think, when Adrien sees you in a dress that matches his eyes, he’ll have no choice but to notice you!” 
Alya was already moving to push the bolt into Marinette’s hands. She needed to think of something. Fast. She needed to-
“That shade of green doesn’t suit me,” Marinette said coolly, taking a step back and away from the offered fabric.
Alya froze, still holding the bolt out to Marinette. She blinked. But she didn’t say anything. None of the girls did. 
Marinette shifted her weight between her feet, her cheeks flushing as her gaze darted around at the other girls.
“But-” Alya started to say. 
 “I’m going to go look at the clearance section,” Marinette said quickly before turning on her heel a disappearing between two shelves overflowing with fabrics. 
They stood there in silence for what felt like forever, but was probably less than a minute. 
Mylène hummed thoughtfully, picking at the green fabric as she looked in the direction Marinette had disappeared to. “She’s right. This wouldn’t look very good on her.”
“Plus, it would put an instant target on her back,” Alix snorted. “Imagine Chloe’s reaction if someone other than her showed up wearing a dress that matched Adrien’s eyes.” 
“I- I guess you’re right…” Alya sighed, her disbelief still evident in her voice. But then Alya shook her head, and her eyes cleared. “We just can’t let her end up wearing pink.” 
“What’s wrong with pink?” Rose asked, crossing her arms and glowering at Alya as if her honour had been insulted. Which… it kind of had been… To even imply anything negative about the colour pink was a personal affront to Rose. 
“Nothing!” Alya said, taking a step back as she raised her hands. “It looks great on her! And you!” Alya added hastily. Rose’s face softened ever so slightly. “It’s just that she always wears pink. If she wants to catch Adrien’s attention then she needs to stand out! Change up her look a bit! And just think how romantic it will be when he sees her in a new light at the dance…” 
Alya’s words had their intended effect; Rose’s frown melted, mollified by the mention of dances and romance. And the reassurance there was nothing wrong with the colour pink. 
“I guess you’re right. And it would be romantic…” except for the fact that no one should need to see Marinette wearing different colour for them to notice her “…but if she won’t wear green to match his eyes…” Rose lit up like a lightbulb, squealing in excitement. “What about red! It’s such a romantic colour…”
Oh no.
“You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her wear red before…” Alix said thoughtfully.
Oh no. 
“And I bet it would look great on her!” Mylène added. 
Alya was grinning now. “It would! And… Adrien is a big fan of Ladybug… if she wears it, there’s no way he’ll miss her!” Alya crowed, already taking off in the direction Marinette had gone. “Red will be her lucky colour, for sure!” she called over her shoulder. 
Oh no no no. 
With a curse directed at Alya,  the colour red, and the Universe for good measure muttered under her breath, she followed Alya and the rest of the girls further into the store. 
Thankfully, Marinette left the store empty handed. 
Which was not what she would have called a win an hour ago. But…
“I still can’t believe you didn’t get it,” Alya griped. “It was perfect!” 
Alya was too busy carrying on to notice Marinette’s grimace. “I don’t want to wear red. And I told you, I don’t want to buy any fabric until I have a design,” Marinette sighed. 
And she was sure that was true. Marinette always liked to have a plan. But she had also noticed Marinette had gravitated toward the soft, fluffy, cloud like tulles and the gauzy organzas and chiffons while they were in the store. And, she had noticed the colour Marinette had gravitated toward. 
Basically the exact opposite of the scarlet satin Alya had shoved in her face and loudly declared as the ‘perfect choice for making a dress to impress Adrien.’. 
“It’s ok Marinette,” Rose beamed, “there’s still time before the dance! I know you’ll finish your design in time!”
She mumbled her agreement. She had no doubt in her mind that Marinette would pull something amazing together in time for the dance. Especially, because she had also noticed the spark in Marinette’s eye when she had seen one bolt of fabric in particular. 
She wouldn’t be surprised if Marinette went back tomorrow with a finished design in hand. 
“So are we getting dinner now?” Alix moaned. She had been complaining about dying of starvation for the past half-hour. She had looked ready to rip her hair out when she had seen the inside of the fabric store, packed with shelves that went almost to the ceiling and were crammed with bolts of fabric. “We’ve been at this all afternoon.” 
“Oh, come on Alix. This is fun! And it’s the last dance of the school year!” Mylène chided. 
“And we only have a couple more shops left to go to! I still need shoes,” Rose chirped. 
“There’s one more fabric store I want to look at. But, it’s still a bit of a trek. So that’ll be our last stop for the day, which means,” she said, cutting off Alix’s groan, “that dinner is the next stop!” 
“We should go to Pierre’s!” Alya said as she glanced down at her phone. 
“But I thought we were going to get kebabs?” Marinette asked, her brows furrowing. 
Her stomach began to sink. The image of Alya furiously typing on her phone throughout the afternoon forced its way to the forefront of her mind. 
Alya was up to something. 
Something fishy. 
“Pierre’s is closer.“
“That works for me.” Alix was already ahead of them, walking so briskly she was basically running. 
“I guess Pierre’s it is,” Mylène sighed before moving to follow Alix. 
She cast a surreptitious look in Alya’s direction. Alya was grinning widely, looking thoroughly pleased with herself. 
 Something fishy indeed. 
She needed to do something. 
But what? 
She wracked her brain, trying to think of any possible way she could send Alya’s scheme off the rails. But she couldn’t think of anything. She glanced around at the rest of the girls. None of them seemed to put out by the change in plans. Alix actually seemed thrilled by them. But that was probably more to due with the fact that she was ‘literally dying of starvation,’ than anything Alya had planned… 
And just what did Alya have in store? Was she going to try and set Marinette and Adrien up to have dinner alone? Or was she going to pull another movie theatre scheme, where Marinette would be forced to sit next to Adrien? It was possible there was another option she wasn’t even thinking of… 
But it didn’t really matter what Alya had planned. 
All that mattered was the timing. 
She glanced down at her phone screen. 
Luka would have just finished his shift a few minutes ago. 
One of the great things about Luka’s job was discount—and sometimes even free—pizza. But what was even better about the pizza place he worked at, was its location…
Queen of Darkness 🦇: hey
Queen of Darkness 🦇: trouble clefts is having a sale on strings
Idiot 🎸: yeah 
Idiot 🎸: i got the email
Queen of Darkness 🦇: can you get some for me?
Idiot 🎸: why can’t you?
Idiot 🎸: you’re literally out shopping
Queen of Darkness 🦇: alix is hangry
Queen of Darkness 🦇: I don’t have a death wish
Queen of Darkness 🦇: plus u owe me
It was true. He did owe her. A lot. And that wasn’t even counting the favour she was currently trying to do for him and Marinette. 
Idiot 🎸: for what?
Idiot 🎸: what are you up to?
Queen of Darkness 🦇: who said Im up to something?
Queen of Darkness 🦇: u going to get me the strings or not?
Queen of Darkness 🦇: I know u need more too
Queen of Darkness 🦇: don’t pretend u don’t
Idiot 🎸: fine
Idiot 🎸: youre always up to something
Queen of Darkness 🦇: just hurry up and get the strings
She bit down on her smile as she slipped her phone back into her pocket.  To get to Trouble Clefts from the pizzeria, Luka would have to pass by Pierre’s. And if he left now… there was no way he would miss them. 
“You coming, bijou?” Rose was looking at her over her shoulder, her hand held out to her. She hurried to catch up the rest of the girls—she had lagged a little behind while texting—and intertwined her fingers with Rose’s. “What were you doing?” Rose asked as they followed the rest of the girls. 
“Oh, nothing. Just checking my email…” she fought back a frown as Alya shot her a suspicious look that was so quick, she almost missed it. A frown of her own began to crease her face. Alya had been… not weird. But something felt… off. Before she could delve further into her thoughts, she was abruptly shaken from them by Rose launching into an animated debate with herself over whether she should wear the sequinned romper or the cat-print dress to the dance. 
The rest of the walk to Pierre’s was filled with idle chatter, mostly about their success so far on their shopping trip and the dance in general. She would say it was uneventful. If not for the fact that she kept catching Alya glancing at her. That wouldn’t have been anything noteworthy, if not for the fact that every time she caught Alya looking, her friend looked away… 
Add in the way she had looked at her in the shoe shop when she had asked for her agreement on finding something that would impress Adrien… 
Her frown fought to return as Alya abruptly looked away for her for what felt like the dozenth time. But it was difficult to keep it at bay. The comment had been a bit too pointed for her liking. And the looks…. 
 She shook her head. Now wasn’t the time to overanalyze that. Especially given Alya’s attention had returned to her phone, on which she began furiously typing. She didn’t know what exactly it was that Alya was planning, but she knew that there was no way she was going to let it happen. Whatever it was. She just hoped Luka would get there in time. 
They rounded the last corner and Alya noticeably slowed to an amble. 
She was stalling. 
“C’mon,” Alix groaned from up ahead, halfway between the rest of their group and the doors to Pierre’s. “I’m dying here.” 
“We’re coming,” Alya placated, still moving at a leisurely amble. 
“Not very-“ 
“Hey, babe!” She turned at the sound of Nino’s voice. Nino was standing at the other end of the short street with the rest of the guys from their class in tow. Nino was grinning awkwardly as he waved. “What are you all doing here?” Nino was a great director. And he had a good eye for acting. But he was not an actor himself. His voice was stilted, like he was reading from an invisible script and though his smile was obviously meant to be casual, awkwardness permeated it. 
But Alya just grinned. “We were going to have dinner,” Alya said—much more effortlessly than Nino had said what she imagined were his lines—as she nodded toward the doors to the cafe. 
“Cool,” Adrien said brightly with a sunny smile. “We were all on our way to grab some dinner too!” 
“Really?” Alya called, “Why don’t you join us?” 
Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a thousand emotions flicker across Marinette’s face before it settled into a nervous frown. The rest of the girls were nodding and smiling. Well, Alix wasn’t smiling, she was too hangry for that. Her gaze darted back to the guys. Nino, Adrien, and Kim were already making their way toward them. But she didn’t see-
A flash of blue caught her eye as Ivan shifted to make his way toward Mylène. Luka caught her eye as he ambled toward them, trailing after Max. Lightning quick, his eyes darted to Alya, then back to her before quirking a brow.  
“Luka!” The second Marinette called his name, his face softened and his attention was wholly focused on her. 
“Hey, Marinette,” he said quietly as he shoved his hands in his pockets, coming to a stop in the loose little group they had formed. The idiot was trying so hard to be casual. But he was so obvious—hopefully not to Alya—what with the way he was smiling at Marinette like she was music personified. It was his Marinette smile. “It’s great to see you.” 
Marinette’s smile was bright and wide, but somehow soft at the same time. Her Luka smile. “Luka! What are you-“
“Luka,” she watched as he slowly and deliberately turned to Alya. “What a surprise, what are you doing here?” If she were so inclined, she would have pointed out that it shouldn’t have been anymore of a surprise to see Luka than the rest of the guys given the scheme had obviously been staged to be a ’casual bump in.’    
But now didn’t seem like the time or the place. 
He shrugged. “I was out buying strings and we ran into each other. They were just going to grab dinner and invited me, and you know I never turn down a meal.” 
“What a coincidence,” Alya said lightly through gritted teeth. Alya’s eyes darted to her again, before flashing back to Adrien, then Marinette. “Marinette!” Alya said, suddenly much more brightly. “You had something you wanted to ask Adrien,” Alya said, gripping Marinette’s arm, “didn’t you?”
What was she supposed to do? How was she supposed to stop Alya now? Luka was here! But it wasn’t like she could just tell him to do something. Not now! Not with everyone watching. Kinda. More or less. Everyone was watching Marinette and Adrien. But if she did anything now, that would definitely draw attention to herself. 
Marinette’s eyes went wide; Alya would probably say it was because she had gone off to Adrien-land, but she thought Marinette looked more like a deer in headlights. Her gaze was darting around at all of the expectant faces of their friends. Her hands were wringing the strap of her purse. 
Shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot-
 “Actually, Marinette,” Luka said casually, his gaze flickered to her. Something flashed in his eyes. And just as quickly as his gaze had darted to her, it returned to Marinette, and his entire face softened all over again. “I was going to call you later, but since we’re here now; if you aren’t going to the dance with anyone, maybe I could take you? Or I guess,” he had that lopsided and lovesick grin on his face, “you could take me? Since it’s for your school and all…” 
He had done it. 
He had actually done it. 
He had finally done it. 
Silence overcame their entire group. It suddenly felt like she would be able to hear a pin drop.  
Marinette’s eyes were still wide. But they had suddenly decidedly less ‘cornered wildlife’ quality to them. In fact… they were practically sparkling. And her face was melting into a dreamy smile and she- 
“Yes, I’d- I’d like that Luka. To go to the dance. With you.” 
Just as suddenly as it had seemingly disappeared, sound returned to their group. Ivan said something about how it would be nice to have Luka at the dance too, while Kim loudly challenged Luka to a dance off—a challenge she doubted her brother had heard given the look on his face—and Rose was chattering excitedly about how great it would be to have the entire group at the dance. Nino cast an uneasy glance at Alya, which he tried to cover in a cough.
Alya shot a glare at her behind Marinette’s back, and she had to remind herself to stay cool. She offered Alya a tiny shrug and an innocent look. But Alya just narrowed her eyes. 
“Great,” Alya said. If she were gritting her teeth anymore, they would likely shatter. “It’s always nice to go to dances with a friend.” 
Her idiot brother didn’t say anything to disagree; given how dazed he looked —or too far off in dreamland, thinking up music that would go with Marinette’s dress or something—she doubted he had even heard Alya. He probably wouldn’t have noticed if a parade of akumas went by. 
At least Marinette was too busy smiling at her feet to notice. 
Baby steps. 
And she could always give Luka an earful about it later. All that mattered now was-
“Yeah! It’ll be nice to have all my friends there!” Adrien agreed brightly before turning to Marinette. “So what was it you wanted to ask me, Marinette?” 
Marinette jumped almost a foot in the air, the dreamy smile gone from her face. “Oh! I-I-You! Hair! Your hair!”
“My… hair?” 
“I need to buy my dad some more shampoo- he doesn’t like the one he bought- what do you recommend?” 
She dumped her shopping bags on the floor and flopped onto the sofa, stretching out to take up its entire length. Despite the rocky start, the shopping trip had ended up being successful.  
Very successful. 
“The rest of the shopping trip was a success?” Luka asked as he looked up from his guitar. They had parted ways after dinner; he had still needed to go get the strings for his guitar and her bass, and she and the girls had still had a few shops they had wanted to get to before they closed. “You get a dress?”
She smiled to herself. Between talking with Marinette—and the rest of the gang but really Marinette—and daydreaming, he hadn’t seemed to notice her shopping bags. “Yep.” 
“Cool,” he mumbled as he fiddled with one of the tuning pegs. She watched him as he fiddled with the instrument. Luka was quiet. Not as quiet as her. But still quiet. 
And the opposite of subtle. 
It was obvious he had something on his mind. Or rather… someone, given what had happened outside Pierre’s… he probably had a lot on his mind. 
“Marinette hasn’t gotten her dress yet. In case you were wondering.”
“I wasn’t!” The flush in his face betrayed his lie. 
“So…” he ducked his gaze and continued to tune the guitar she knew for a fact was already perfectly tuned. “She isn’t making her dress? I know she’s been busy but-“
“We’ll see.”
“She’s going to look amazing…” he sighed wistfully, his dreamy gaze wandering up toward the ceiling. 
“She is,” she murmured in agreement. “And you’re actually going to get to see her in her dress and everything. It’s about time you asked her out,” she said. She smirked his cheeks flushed bright red. He ducked his head to hide it, but she had already seen it. 
“Yeah, well…” he said, drawing out his words. She could hear the smile in his voice. “I would have done it sooner…” 
Her smirk softened into a smile. “I’m glad you finally got to this note in the song,” she said quietly. 
“Me too.” 
 She ribbed him with her elbow, and smiled when he looked up at her again. “You sure were her knight in shining armour back there.”
His cheeks turned an even brighter shade of red. His face was bright enough to rival Ladybug’s suit. “I don’t know about that-“
“You’re right,” she sniggered, “More like her dork in ripped jeans.”
“Jules,” he groaned. “She just seemed put on the spot. She didn’t- Alya isn’t subtle.” She snorted. Truer words had never been spoken. “And… you were right.” If had felt good to hear that the first time. And it sounded just as good the second time. “And I’m tired of stepping back.”
Truth be told, he hadn’t stepped back in a while. Sure, he hadn’t asked Marinette out before today. But the past few weeks he had been there for Marinette. Really, he always had been. And now that she was in a place where she didn’t look like she would crumble at any minute… He had stepped in when she had been put on the spot. And he had asked her out in a way that was, if not impossible, at least difficult to read as completely platonic. Despite Alya’s best efforts. And while he had ended up asking her to the dance in front of everyone—something he wouldn’t have done if the circumstances hadn’t been dire—he had done it in a way that put as little pressure on her as possible. It was typical Luka… “Way to step up.”
“She’s worth it.” She wasn’t sure if she was supposed to have heard that. But she had to agree. 
“So what are you going to wear?”
“To the dance.” 
“Oh…” He shrugged. “I guess my good jeans and a nice shirt-“
“You can’t wear jeans!” 
“What? Why not? I always wear jeans to school dances.”
“Because you’re always playing them. But you’re going to this one. And, you’re going with Marinette!” 
“Ok, yeah… maybe I need to rethink that.” She raised a brow and glared at him. “I will definitely not wear jeans,” he amended. 
She nodded, but couldn’t resist the urge to roll her eyes. Just for good measure. Honestly! At least he hadn’t suggested he wear sweatpants. 
Once Luka had gotten his new strings on his guitar and launched into noodling the sappiest and most lovesick music she had ever heard, she bailed. She had dumped the bags with her dress, gloves, and the laces—she had ended up getting both because a girl could never have too many black lace chokers—into her room and made her escape to the greenhouse with the copy of ‘The Art of War’ she had borrowed from the library in hand.
The air was still warm and the sun hadn’t quite dipped below the horizon yet, but the evening was definitely approaching its meeting with the night. Which mean it was the perfect time to relax in the greenhouse and get some reading in before the group chat for plotting schemes inevitably blew up. 
She had just gotten to the section on adapting to shifting circumstances when her phone pinged. Of course. Just when she was getting to the interesting part… She groaned; she had known this would be coming. But she had hoped it would take Alya at least a little longer to pick up the twins from their friend’s house.  
But it seemed luck wasn’t on her side. 
Which meant Alya was back at it again. 
Because she did. 
Because her wonderful, idiot brother hadn’t been an idiot and used the word friend. 
Rose 🌹💗: she does have a date!!! 🥰🥰🥰
Alix 🛼 : u should know
Alix 🛼 : ur head looked like it was gonna pop off when he asked her 🤣🤣🤣
Mylène 🌼 : that’s not very nice alix 
Alix 🛼 : it’s true 
Alix 🛼 : 🤣🤣🤣
Alya 🦊?!: this is SERIOUS 
It looked like Alya was in a full blown panic. Which wasn’t surprising given her ship was sinking. Fast. And she was floundering for ways to bail herself out.  
Mylène 🌼 : why do they have to get together before the summer?
Alix 🛼 : can’t it wait til I’m on vacation?
Alix 🛼 : then I won’t have to see any of the gross mushy stuff
Rose 🌹💗: it isn’t gross!!!!!
Alya 🦊?!: I’m serious guys!! This changes the whole plan!!!
She should have known Alya would have some kind of elaborate plan for the dance, besides getting Adrien to ask Marinette or vice versa. But this was the first time she was hearing about it.   
Alya 🦊?!: @Queen of Darkness what was Luka even doing there??
 Queen of Darkness 🦇: he said he was getting strings
Alya 🦊?!: But y tonight??? Y from that store? Aren’t there others?
 Queen of Darkness 🦇: idk
 Queen of Darkness 🦇: I’m not his babysitter
Just his wrangler 
Alya 🦊?!: But y would he ask her????
Alya 🦊?!: he knows they’re meant to be!!!!
Only because Alya kept telling him that. 
Rose 🌹💗: don’t worry Alya
Rose 🌹💗: we can make a new plan for the dance!!
Alix 🛼 : I still don’t see what the big deal is 
Alya 🦊?!: WHAT DO YOU MEAN????
Alix 🛼 : So what if she has a date?
Alix 🛼 : exactly
Alix 🛼 : wasn’t that our plan for the fall formal before Adrien got strep? 
Oh no. 
She had completely forgotten about that scheme. 
That very ill-advised scheme she was glad they hadn’t ended up enacting. 
Mylène 🌼 : so he’s helping her make Adrien jealous?
Rose 🌹💗: we’ve never actually gotten to try making him jealous!! 
Rose 🌹💗: maybe they thought it would work???!!! 
Like Luka or Marinette would ever play mind games like that.  
Alix 🛼 : See? 
Alix 🛼 : they go as friends and make Adrien think its a date to make him jealous 
Alix 🛼 : like I said 
Alix 🛼 : no big deal
Mylène 🌼 : I guess I would also feel pretty left out if I were him too
Mylène 🌼 : since he would have been the only one not going 
Never-mind the fact Luka wasn’t a fan of school dances, he did have his own friends.  
Rose 🌹💗: and we can always make backup plans 
Rose 🌹💗: in case Adrien is too polite to act on his jealousy at the dance 
Rose 🌹💗: we’ll make sure  
Mylène 🌼 : we can meet at my place day after tomorrow 
Rose 🌹💗: we’ll come up with the perfect plan!
Rose 🌹💗: and then Adrien and Marinette will live happily ever after!!!!!
Rose 🌹💗: right girls?
Alix 🛼 : sure
Mylène 🌼 : of course!
Quickly, she typed out her response. It would look odd if she didn’t agree. Of course, she wasn’t going to agree. Not word for word at least.  
 Queen of Darkness 🦇: everything will work out 
She would make sure of it. 
Dots appeared, indicating Alya was typing. But they kept disappearing and then reappearing. Until finally…
Alya 🦊?!: K
What was all that about? It wouldn’t have taken Alya that long, or that many tries to just type that response. And it was too blunt. Too curt. 
It was suspicious was what it was…
She frowned at the screen. Waiting for Alya to say… well, something. But there were no more dots on the screen. After another fruitless minute of waiting, she tucked her phone back in her pocket and flipped back to the page she had been reading when she was interrupted. 
But she couldn’t concentrate on the words. All those little looks and glances…the comments… and now Alya’s curt response to her—sure, it had been sent to the group chat, and maybe she was reading into it too much, but it felt like it was directed at her—they were niggling at her brain. 
She didn’t like it. 
Any of it. 
A shadow passed over her head, and she was immediately on her feet, her book brandished like a weapon as she dropped into a fighting stance. You could never been too careful in a Shadowmoth infested Paris. 
The figure who had cast the shadow dropped to the the deck in front of her. 
“Ladybug?“ she asked as she straightened up. 
Ladybug nodded and smiled. 
“Is it an akuma…?” She had told Marinette to ask her—well, her ‘coworker’—for help. But she hadn’t expected her tonight. Given the look on Marinette’s face when Luka had asked her to the dance, she would have assumed Marinette was going to spend the whole night designing her dress for the- unless there was trouble which meant- but Ladybug didn’t seem to be in a rush. There was no aura of urgency in the air around her. But there was an embarrassed little smile in her face, and a dreamy look in her eyes coupled with the spark that was always there when she thought up a new design… 
“No, no!” Ladybug waved her hands as if to calm and placate. ”No akumas or sentimonsters.”  Ladybug bit her lip, flushing as she wrung her hands. Knowing Marinette was Ladybug was one thing, but it was so weird to see Marinette’s bashfulness on Ladybug. “I want to preface this by saying it’s no pressure and you can absolutely say no. But, I have a favour to ask you.”
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