#i just have no idea what like anyone was doing in s6 at all. esp doc. this is greek to me unfortunately
liloinkoink · 2 years
so the bush thing is from the s6 prank war, after it escalated. grian and tango go a heist and steal things in the vault, but also add grian heads to docm's bush in the office, which he was really mad about (which is why the first hermit gang verse is "listen grian nobody touches my bush") - doc discovers it in HC VI ep 61 (9min for the bush), and retaliates in ep 62. the final teams are finalized from the allies/enemies list from docm's retaliation if i recall correctly
ill be honest with you anon, my friend, i think some base assumptions about my knowledge of season six are being made here that i do not measure up to. i am so sorry to say this but i dont know if ive ever actually watched an episode of season six. i think ive watched a few random bits of maybe? three episodes? but i dont think ive ever watched an entire episode of season six start to finish
which is to say. what vault? why was there a heist? i know vaguely that there was a prank war and then nothing about it at all (is this when grian was? stealing doors? i think i heard something about dressing up like a chicken and stealing doors??) what is significant about this bush? is this a bad time to admit ive listened to hermitgang once ever and it was on a clip of an inthelittlewood stream and i didnt even get through the whole song
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figureofdismay · 1 year
Screaming about your tags on that post - they are so on point re why Morse feels as betrayed as he does this time. But also tell me more about the Venice fic pretty please? 🙏
I was thinking just as I was walking to work this morning that one good heart to heart after the s7 finale and their relationship would have been on the most rock solid ground it's ever been - they were so close... Plus so much of Morse's s8 angst could be avoided. But of course the only way anyone gets that heart to heart is via forcing it out of them via plot lmao .
sorry for taking a million years to answer this, it's turned into a whole thing where I was like, oh maybe I should look at the notebook where I was writing this because I've had a whole year in succession fandom between now and the last time I worked on this. And despite the fact that the notebook must be somewhere in my house, it is nevertheless comprehensively lost 🫠.
BUT. the idea was basically Morse and Fred getting released from police custody on a 'don't leave town while we A) read through the documentation you brought B) investigate for ourselves and C) try and fish Talenti's body out of the canal so we can verify all this, also please refrain from shooting anyone else' order. And they've been up all night in questioning, and since Fred came straight there, he has no accommodation, so for at least the first bit he's going to be stuck sharing a room with Morse. On the back of a year long feud and that letter that had undertones of a suicide note.
I do think that at very least they were going to have the the "were you going to let talenti shoot you because you got tricked by the girl and because I was mad at you" conversation because i think it's actually out of character for Fred to let that go, given how they talk in earlier seasons after other crises. Esp Trove and Ride.
now, because I'm a dirty shipper, there was going to be dirty shipper backstory because it was how I was trying to rationalize the s7 feud after the s6 reunion. I had come up with the idea of a morse/fred affair that happened while win had left him, spurred partly by morse's jealousy of box's interest in fred driving him to force a confrontation where an 'acting on previously simmering but never acknowledged feelings' moment or series of moments happened. but that when fred and win reconciled it was 'understood' that what passed between morse and fred was over and would never be spoken of again (in theory) so even though morse needed him to be the 'good man' who valued his marriage the most of all, he still resented fred's putting him aside, and thus the extreme bitterness of s7... and they were going to have to talk about that baggage, too, given enough time stuck in italy.
i have a feeling that's not really what most of the morse and thursday fandom wants to read about though, which is why I didn't go very far with it. it might be worth carving something less partisan out of though, idk. I'm trying to push myself to widen my appeal to mainly the platonic relationship. It's tough though, because deep down I am just a dumb dirty shipper at heart 😅🙈. i know there's a lot more to their relationship than that though! there's a lot to dig into from a lot of angles! Affair and subsequent bitterness is just what I could come up with at the time, bc the contextless shift in the relationship in s7 was such a shock.
also i really need to find wherever I tucked the notebook with my draft ahead of anything else 😭
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cutemeat · 2 years
you are so fucking correct for your interpretation of the orgy dream and reading it was not only cathartic and validating but also enlightening. the themes of dennis being the glue of the gang carry on throughout the entire show so this reading makes a lot of sense, not to mention charlie’s unavailability is a rly underrated part of his character when ppl talk abt him imo (or maybe i’m just an aro charlie truther </3). i love unreliable narrators and getting more insight into the other characters/relationships from a one-sided pov, and we rarely get such an explicitly isolated perspective. and not to rehash old topics, but i think you handle fucked up subjects (particularly the family aspect of this) really well. it’s hard to ignore bc of how intrinsic they are (for lack of a better word) to understand these characters, but it’s hard to talk abt when ppl don’t want to discuss those topics for actual analysis reasons. the way dennis reacted to dee showing up did not come off as a freudian slip at all to me, i enjoy your interpretation of his feelings of entanglement in the gang so much more. so thank you as always for sharing your thoughts, it’s a relief hearing abt these things in a way that feels respectful to the characters
Danny I'm SO glad you also feel the same way about charlie's unavailability!! it does feel like such a major aspect of his character that often goes overlooked, i don't think it's just a matter of u being an aro charlie truther cuz i rlly do see that super clearly in his writing! even if rcg dont kno what the term aro means or used it to describe charlie, i think that's basically what they were aiming for. he is written to be a pretty romance-averse character for sure!!
It doesn't seem like Charlie rlly has any desire to be in a long-term romantic relationship with anyone. But the thing is that doesn't mean he is not an interesting and substantial character cuz he cannot be paired up with anyone. N that's why he's worked best within Sunny's framework... over time ppl wind up annoyed w all the other characters cuz they have Foresaken the Formula of not making the show all about love n relationships-- which is one of the whole metaphors of s15 and esp in the finale!
Charlie seems to really enjoy the chase and the reward aspects (i.e. stalking the waitress, getting the idea in s6 from Dee to berate someone n break them down repeatedly so they sleep with you, eventually getting to do just that and then get her in bed after all that time before subsequently ghosting her when she wanted to get serious afterward) ... like he is really the only one who has successfully "D.E.N.N.I.S."d a woman lol... cuz he truly enjoys the 'conquest' more than the love. but he really doesn't like the commitment in the long-term. Even aside from DDL, he has shown this pattern of behavior long before that.
Like I said... I really don't think Charlie wants to be in a relationship with anyone. But also why would he?? He's never had an example in his life of how a committed romantic relationship in itself could be fulfilling. And the love he did have growing up from his mother was smothering, or he was made uncomfortable and violated by people like his Uncle Jack. He does not have a great track record with this shit seemingly until having met Mac?? And in the end.. Charlie n Mac become less compatible over time as adults than they were as kids, cuz as they grow up-- Mac has that desire to 'settle down' n have a romantic relationship with someone, whereas Charlie still doesn't n hates that Mac is seemingly "betraying" him by pursuing that kind of connection w someone instead of their constant n typical ways of scheming. It's just like where Frank was at when we met him in s2. (I sense Sunny taking the Gruesome Twosome in a direction where Charlie will reach a point like where Frank was at in s2 ep1 where he needed a change ... but instead of getting a sort of 'route to somewhat-redemption' like Frank, he gets one that takes him down a worse path) I mean, after a certain point you do begin to wonder why someone like Frank would enjoy Charlie's company in the first place lololol.. N that is made even more apparent as soon as Mac comes out, the way Charlie's demeanor towards him turns more and more sardonic. But again that's what makes it compelling in the first place, cuz it's actually pretty honest and accurate. It's a very realistic depiction considering this group of people they're working with.
I grew up around a side of my family that had a very similar type of dysfunctional dynamic that had this core of fear that revolved around trying to gain the approval of one person who was 'at the top of the pyramid' so to speak.. n how that could manifest on different levels so all this shit is super interesting to me n I'm rlly flattered that u thought my reading was a sound explanation for their behavior!!
Cuz sometimes it rlly does feel like all I'm doing is projecting rather than being able to just take from those experiences n use them as a point of reference to make some sense of this group of fictional assholes' behavior, so it's reassuring n honestly rlly rewarding anytime someone else gains something from my reading of the gang. <3
Like that evidence of Charlie being turned off by the thought of being engaged in a romantic relationship is so present so again I also don't understand how it constantly gets ignored?? Charlie gets extremely stressed out by dealing with other people's feelings and emotions, which is basically the foundation of relationships .. the ability to express those things and not feeling shut off or being shamed for doing that! So tbh it feels sort of disingenuous for me to pretend like Charlie would be this overly tender and caring lover or whatever lol. Cuz that doesn't mean he is not still an interesting and entertaining character?? Charlie doesn't need to be a viable love interest to be interesting.
I mean.. He created one of the most fan-beloved episodes of all time by being calculating n manipulative about a relationship. He wrote the entirety of The Nightman Cometh just so he could try to paint himself as this ultimate tragic figure with a traumatizing childhood who Waitress should just accept... Like yeah, yeah, he's a piece of shit but be with the poor guy anyway cuz 'oh look his life was just Really hard so can't you show him a little sympathy??' n had to put her in a situation where he thought she might just feel pressured enough into accepting his proposal in front of a huge crowd... Like... He is a piece of shit but that's what this show is about and it has created some of the most iconic episodes n storylines within it so that doesn't discredit Charlie as being a good character for this show LOL.
Cuz the other thing that I like is.. Charlie is not the "bad guy" for not having romantic feelings for anyone... He's the "bad guy" cuz he chooses to be an asshole repeatedly, but it has nothing to do w any of that low empathy/lack of desire to have romantic relationships. cuz Mac n Dennis are two very sensitive/emotional ppl at their cores and both are capable of having a romantic, loving relationship n yet that doesn't inherently make them better people. They are still huge assholes like Charlie is in their own ways, and end up deciding to just be bad people... Together. How romantic. LMAO...
and i lov how throughout the narrative, Dennis has consistently made a series of bad decisions that have only contributed to Charlie feeling worse and more alienated from people all bc Dennis can't stop projecting his own emotional experiences onto Charlie (tho tbh i'd say all of the gang does this... as they all are def more emotional than Charlie on a pretty consistent basis). Dennis refuses to see the world through Charlie's own individual pov which prevents him from being able to analyze Charlie's behavior in any meaningful or substantial way or in a way that could've maybe genuinely helped him in time. (i.e. just sending Charlie off with another rat stick to keep bashing rats in King of the Rats instead of trying to help Charlie in any way that stopped him from doing the type of labor that was clearly creating this very serious issue in Charlie's psyche n was making him become more n more detached emotionally all cuz the gang didn't wanna be the ones who do the Charlie Work..)
Like it's all a very simple theme at its core! But it's presented in very realistic ways even thru these very fucked up and over-the-top, satirical characters n thats so interestingggg
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merinelsa · 3 years
Hello! Why do you like the Hummelberry friendship so much?
ngl , i was a bit worried what had prompted this question since i've not encountered much of a positive outlook towards hummelberry in this fandom except for a very few , but then i remembered about the hummelberry post i had queue'd and this question makes much more sense now
now to the question , why do i like hummelberry . a simple answer would be that they were supportive friends who became a constant in each other's lives whether by choice or circumstance .
most people who dislike hummelberry , either hate them due to their dislike towards Rachel or due to the fact that kurtcedes was replaced by this friendship .As you know , i really do like Rachel and find her extra dramatic behaviour actually endearing and relatable in the way that makes a human act when they put too much of their confidence in their talent and don’t believe their whole personality could be a factor anyone would like them . i used to be part of the second group since kurtcedes was , and still am , my favourite friendship/characters . But i’ve learned to love and appreciate both the friendships and have understood the fact that both the friendships have contributed to Kurt becoming the complex human he is by the end of the show. 
Now . i’m not going to sit here and say that hummelberry was the best friendship or were perfect for each other . each of them had their own faults , and there were times i wanted to knock some sense into them . like s3-4 acted as if kurt was Rachel’s gay best friend which pushed him a lot to the sidelines and made his every storyline revolve around her . and if you look at s1 , there are many instances where kurt wasn’t the most understanding of rachel mostly due to the storylines revolving around finn and treated her in not the most kindest way 
but they really did grow up and became each other’s support system and hyped up each other when the other was down . they still got irritated by each other’s certain behaviour  . But i feel that is one of the things that makes a friendship special . In lady or gaga , when Kurt was doubting his uniqueness and taking it out on elliot , rachel was the one who confronted him and told him he was one of a kind and that his uniqueness is the factor that is going to take him to success . Kurt always does the same for Rachel whenever she doubts herself and her talent . In Glease , both of them where feeding off support from each other to face their  exes ( esp the scene where finchel and klaine have that awkward moment in the auditorium , rachel was the one  speaking in behalf of kurt to blaine when kurt couldn’t even get the courage to look at blaine and kurt doing the same for rachel telling finn about rachel’s broadway audition and hyping her up infront of her ex ) . 
In swan song , when Kurt was relying too much on props to show off his talent , Rachel was the one who reminded him that his voice alone is enough to capture the crowd and told him to dedicate the song to himself and the struggles he had to go through to get where he is today . Kurt was the one who was always beside her when she went through her first broadway show nerves and even genuinely got excited with her when she got her callbacks . 
also they are genuinely such a comedic duo , like in end of twerk coming up with stupid ideas to live carefree ( they are the worst rebels ever ) and in s6 , them as teachers was so hilarious to watch ( people don’t truly appreciate the comedic timing of both these characters as individuals and duo and get a bit caught up in the angsty nature of them ) . and them trying to recruit new members to the club was such a cute and hilarious plotline. 
Their duets are just too good , like the only one i don’t listen to constantly is Get Back . their wicked duet tradition , the happy days mashup are two of the things that bring me so much comfort . And Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead and Popular duets accentuate the comedic brilliance of these characters . 
And hummelberry in s6 deserves a special shoutout , they were at their absolute supportive and best selves in it with a much more balanced friendship as both of them lifted each other up from the rock bottom they’d reached . the scene in llm in rachel’s bedroom where the moment she sees Kurt in a devastated state , she rushes to hug him and give an ear to him forgetting all about the stuff she personally was going through . Her first thought was to give comfort to her struggling friend , look how much of a growth that is ( maybe even a parallel to the s1 bedroom scene where they were pretending to be friends and actually was fighting over finn ) . she’s the one who helped to arrange a meeting with blaine and was with him giving him comfort during that moment in Home gcv where they are looking at a cuddling blainofsky .  and in transitioning , kurt called out all his friends ( even blaine ), to help rachel with the big transitioning she was going through and made her feel less alone to take that big jump . and when she was contemplating about whether to go back to college or take the new broadway show , he is the one that reminded her  about the big second chance they were getting to be back in the crossroads of their lives and choose the path that they’d neglected the first time. 
and atlast the surrogacy , they grew up to trust each other so much to give such an important decision of his life in the hands of rachel . 
so yeah , this became quite long , didn’t honestly think i had this much love for this friendship and i feel like i haven’t even scratched the surface of the good parts of their friendship. Theirs were the only friendship the glee writers didn’t forget about by the end of the show and constantly gave development to it through all the seasons . Again , i’m not saying they don’t come with their faults but it is honestly understandable in a situation where both of them are part of the same industry kind of the same deal with klaine 
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janiedean · 3 years
I feel bad for all the nice J*nsa shippers who like their ship for whatever reasons (tropes, pretty art, aesthetic appeal, whatever) and know it's not canon but get associated with the misogynistic Dany hating crowd who act like Jon being attracted to Ygritte is J*nsa foreshadowing because red hair (I guess Jon should fuck Edmure Tully too? Omg give me Dark!Jon getting revenge on Catelyn by seducing her brother!) Tell me something. I'm new to the fandom but was J*nsa popular before the show? And I've heard something about the OG J*nsa shippers being alienated by the new shippers who insisted it had to be canon and acted like the series is called, "A song of J*nsa #danysux." I don't find that hard to believe because I know people who are now ashamed of calling themselves J*nsa shippers. Like, at this point, it's not only rival shippers who hate it. Even Gendrya/Braime/Jon stans/etc have started disliking that ship. You know your fandom is a problem when people who have nothing to do with Jnsa have a problem with it.
me: reads this ask
me: iwastheregandalf.gif which I can't find now but
okay anon buckle up because I am sadly well-equipped to answer this ask but before I do lemme tell you dark jon seducing edmure to take revenge on cat is LITERALLY THE BEST THING I'VE EVER HEARD but *clears throat* ALL RIGHT THEN.
disclaimer: as anon says I have no issue with like the shippers mentioned by anon in the beginning and ngl I agree, I have ABSOLUTELY ZERO FUCKING STAKES in the j*nsa vs j*nerys war and the only het jon ship I gaf about is jon/ygritte and we all know where that ended up I just... have been here since 2011/adwd was over and all the fic around was just for the books under secret lj communities and asoiaf qualified for yuletide and I have... seen... things.... and I actually have like uh had... beef... with some people in there and I know things bc ppl who hated those others told me stuff so anyway *sigh* buckle up anon I'mma tell you the story of jon shipwars through the years
in order, the old gods help me here, under the cut bc this is long as fuck
when I got into fandom also given what numbers were on ao3 one ship was popular and it was sansan. no like sansan was lit. the only asoiaf ship on ao3 with more than 200 fics. jb had twenty when i checked first. jc had like around 100-ish because of the show but sansan dwarfed anything. I posted the first jon/ygritte fic on the ao3 tag and the fourth throbb fic and like the others were all reposts from lj kinkmemes. nothing was popular before the show except for sansan when it comes to huge numbers bc grrm doesn't like fic and it was all hush hush until the show made it impossible to control and that ship was the one with a huge enough fanbase it actually had numbers, so like... j*nsa wasn't popular in the way nothing else was popular until it got screentime on the show
now, that stated, j*nsa had a... fair amount of fic for a rareship which was mostly book-based and from og shippers that were there from before the show and liked it for what it was but literally none of them thought it was gonna be canon, like it wasn't huge or anything but it had a small but dedicated fanbase who did their own thing and thought it was fun/liked the idea but that was it
that fandom had their own niche of hcs that they cultivated and shit except that like... at the end of S5/beginning of S6 there was a surge in shipping for... well obvious reasons bc it was obv sansa was getting to the wall and that would have been all nice and good but a) it was the time puritanical shipping was starting to take root and the 'shipping sansa with sandor or tyrion is hella problematic' rhetoric had started to circle coming from sans*ery shippers mostly but I'mma not open that fucking can of worms here, b) while the ending of S5 had more of a theon/sansa spike, the j*nsa stuff started getting big
now here we have to mention my villain origin story ie: j*nsa fandom had this one stan whose name I won't make because honestly it's been years and if she's still around I don't want her to remember I exist who was a bnf, wrote for... the website that created the whole larry/carol thing etc who was really fixed on this thing that j*nsa was actually canon and started writing extremely popular meta about it. now you're gonna ask how do you know, I know because this person once wrote a meta named 'why robb stark is a dick' and I told her that it was really fucking bad meta and she took it so badly she kept on trash talking me on her blog/her podcast (I was apparently the insane robb stark fangirl l m a o good lord) and like that was when some sane ppl who argued with her informed me in pvt that she was basically harping on the CANON thing when they'd have been okay with like... it being crackshipping and that she was basically cultivating a hoarde of followers who were harping on them/the ogs and basically ostracizing them;
I would like to add that this person - before her tumblr got 'accidentally deleted' and remade it therefore deleted most receipts for, er, her so-called meta which included stuff like ned and cat raised sansa as a sexual object and only wanted to sell her like cattle - had at some point started a round robin fic thing where... some of the characters mocked openly said stuff that some of the og fans had said specifically targeting them and people in that side basically went harassing anyone who didn't agree with that specific notion
now never mind that this person basically coined an entire term to describe ppl who liked white guys and excused all their wrongdoings out of my conversation re robb basically lying about everything I said as if I didn't have the receipts and tried to sell shirts with it and it didn't work and like then she got kicked out of her own website because she was telling her commenters disagreeing pretty shitty insults (considering I was called psychotic for disagreeing with her that time I don't doubt it) I think at some point she stepped back from fandom bc idk wtf she's up to these days and I don't want to, but basically at that point the dam was broken and there was a bunch of puritanical shippers harping on anyone who didn't agree with j*nsa is canon endgame stuff
this also includes an incident when those ppl were like... passing themselves as throbb shippers and ended up trying to tell t*hramsay shippers off the theon tag based on moral reasons and I ended up arguing with all of them (and they were all from that crowd) which in turn landed me in contact with other og j*nsa shippers who were like detached from that fandom bc those same people harassed them away as well ssooooo fun
anyway when S6 happened everyone was high on it and whatnot but I wasn't gonna begrudge them that I mean... you shipped it for years, canon is delivering you, good for you, but then j*nerys happened
god j*nerys happened
aaand basically...... I mean personally I was there like are y'all seriously arguing about the best incest jon ship out there but like basically the j*nsa endgame side was like AH JON IS PLAYING DANY SEE IF IT DOESN'T HAPPEN, the j*nerys obv got defensive af and both sides were sort of alternatively shitting on jon/ygritte anyway and depicting any other romantic rship jon could have as abusive™ and during S8 it just got worse and like I tried to stay out of it but basically from what I'm seeing now idk how the j*neryses are doing but on the j*nsa one it's ah jon's gonna play dany anyway and she's going to go insane like in the show so SHOW TRUTHING EVERY OTHER WAY and like again denying that sandor exists or that tyrion exists and like I barely touch my corner (sansan) but I ended up arguing with j*nsa/th*nsa people on twitter who were antis and is2g it was white-hair inducing and I know for sure the sansa/tyrion shippers were harassed to hell and back throughout so FUN
and even if the show didn't go there now since everyone there banked on the jnsa endgame thing and admitting you're wrong is like... not a thing, they still haven't let go of it and attach to that ship any shred of evidence which honestly is grasping at straws half of the time (like... the sansa/alysanne parallels like guys please no) and which is why every other ship is starting to get fed up, attaching canon proof of stuff from other ships onto theirs see that batb argument and jb is platonic but jonsa is not nvm taking all the sansan stuff and throwing it on j*nsa but then denying that sansan has canon evidence (like guys I had to read sansa touching his shoulder when saying gregor wasn't a true knight wasn't meaningful and we were seeing things please) and blah blah blah
this also goes hand in hand with the fixation on like... villanizing dany at all costs and like is2g I have zero investment in dany or her storyline I don't even remember it and I don't particularly care abt her either way and sure af I'm not for j*nerys endgame but like.... some stuff I read is completely excessive esp when fixing on how she's a completely mad tyrant who's gonna have to be put down and like... guys no
(also there's some srs stannis hate in that corner which I honestly don't get why they even care abt stannis but I had to read stuff like ppl don't recognize that dany and stannis are the real villains in this saga and like........ idek)
I think most of the og shippers are gone or don't ship it openly bc they don't want to be attached to the drama but like I also think they're pissing off everyone else bc like... I mean a bunch of them also were down with sansa being paired with other ppl as long as it meant a good ending for her except those ppl were... like everyone but the ppl she has actual contact with in canon which meant that at some point sansa/gendry was a thing and like.... you can imagine why arya/gendry shippers & arya stans were fed up, and there's also this tendency to behave like sansa is the center of the entire saga which like these books is named a song of jon snow basically can we pls make peace with it and personally I've had it with both j*nsa and j*nerys people since they started with that dumbass JON/YGRITTE WAS AN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP rhetoric but I'm also fed up with the total ignoring that sandor exists/depicting us as delusional and honestly I also was by proxy fed up from the harassing of the sansa/tyrion shippers soooooooooooo
there were also instances of 'well theon is an acceptable choice other than jon bc he can't threaten her' which... i mean we all know what that meant and I'm not even commenting it bc it's one AM and I have no force to but I don't have to explain why it's not a progressive take now do I
there were also metas about how cousin incest being legal in half of the world means that jondany is a worse incest and j*nsa doesn't count as such and I was basically there like guys please just fucking own up to it but honestly I chose to forgot where I read that and I couldn't find the link if I tried
tldr: no one wants to admit that it's not gonna be endgame which considering the amount of fic they have on ao3 is imvho useless bc they have more content than like.. anything I ship that's not jb or that's actually like canon *cries in joncon/rhaegar but I mean renly/loras is canon and has less fic than them* so idk what's the problem with enjoying that instead of insisting it's gonna be canon when not even the show validated it while show truthing anyway when the only show truthing that can be truthed is the small council made of minorities and possibly jon eventually fucking off with the wildlings but not like that but like most people who thought it wasn't gonna be endgame had left/were made to leave by the time S7 rolled by and at this point since wow isn't out yet everyone is fandom-grasping at straws to find stuff to discourse on and we're here beating dead horses *shrug*
so that's... how it is but I would again like to point out that I don't judge ppl on their shipping, I don't particularly care about this entire feud bc I only ship jon with ppl he's not related to in whichever way and I try to stay out of this mess bc I don't really care to argue with ppl who have already decided to bend canon to whatever they want and will have to realize that it's not what grrm wrote at some point but like I have a very good memory and the above rant is as objective as possible also bc again I don't literally have a stake in that race I just think romantic/endgame j*nsa is not a thing and that ppl should stay in their lane and not harping on other ppl who ship whatever in general but especially when their ship is the most popular thing in fandom in the first place /two cents
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canonicallyanxious · 3 years
i’m v tired but i just started my first full druck s6 rewatch and i got through the first five eps tonight [hoping to get to the rest tomorrow] and just have a couple of thoughts i wanna jot down:
idk who it is but either sira or nhungi is lying about their height there is no way there is only two inches’ height difference bw them you cannot convince me otherwise [this is not a serious point i just kjnfksjnfsd]
character work in this season fuckin slaps, even the first five eps hit differently knowing where all the character arcs are going esp for kieu my and ava and mailin, also very gratifying to see some of the earliest foreshadowing - fatou’s first line in the entire season is literally her recounting the money!
for real tho kieu my in these first few eps i remember watching them live wondering what was going on in her head and to know now that she was overthinking things and not sure about anything that was happening bc she’s never had anything serious with anyone before makes scenes like when she answers the door in the fries/milkshake clip or sends the cat gif and proceeds to type and never send a message or encounters Fatou in the hallway and clearly has no idea what to say so she takes her first opportunity to bail Hit Different
Sira’s acting is phenomenal i cannot stress this enough she has even more solo clips than i remembered her having but she nails the emotions in every single one of them
i love the way fatou sees the world [actually still kind of gutted we’re not still seeing the world from her eyes :’[[[ maybe this is why it took me so long to start a rewatch sknfksdjfns i was in mourning] but she just exudes this warm and empathetic energy with everything she does and the things she finds delight in i too find delight in just bc of how she reacts to them, like Fatou with Maike never fails to make me incredibly tender, also her certainty in her own actions versus her uncertainty in how her actions are perceived by other people - the good shit!
Fatou being Known as the attentive listener to her friends but slowly losing focus as she herself becomes quieter and quieter about her own feelings versus Kieu My hearing everything she says and remembering all of it... relationships/listening are a two-way street and if you don’t let other people in then it’s hard to be there for them as well... the good shit...
one thing i noticed is they did a wipe cut b/w the matching on tinder clip and the next morning texting clip which??? idk if i’ve ever seen anything like that in the skamverse b/w clips???? i mean i guess i don’t hate it i just find it a bit baffling like why there and nowhere else lol
do wish we could have gotten more material with her family dynamic - it’s so fascinating to me! - but i think what we did get with her parents and Ilai is very, very good
watching fatou and kieu my fall for each other and remembering what it was like to watch this happen in real time and feeling myself fall for their love all over again :’] :’] :’] can’t explain how often that actually doesn’t happen to me
i thought about doing ep 6 tonight as well but i’m not strong enough to experience an emotional roller coaster like that right before i go to bed rip
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anamatics · 3 years
so i’ve been watching rwby
and as I’ve been doing so I’ve been posting reactions to my friends. After S5, S6, and S7, in particular, I had a lot of thoughts and opinions. More under the cut. I’m going to write fic aren’t i?
Season 5:
1. Where is the first/autumn relic?! Like, we've established that Ozpin hid it well, yet for some reason it doesn't feel like that's the whole story - given where the relic was hidden this time, in some sort of n dimentional desert (where, if you looked closely you could see similar ##chemtrails - could people just walk through that desert to get to all of them? 2. I find it hilarious that Weiss just got out of Atlas only to go back, I'm very curious as to what sort of ~~damage this reveals about her in the coming seasons, but I'm also very intrigued by how reintroducing her to her father with the rest of team RWBY will shift/alter the narrative of powerlessness that he seems t be pushing toward her. I'm esp. intrigued as to what his reaction will be to Blake (as he seems very anti-faunus). 3. WHAT DOES THIS ALL MEAN FOR THE #YANGST. 4. The show has been pretty constantly showing us that most of Ruby and Yang's family seems like chill folks, but the ##absentmother trope is strong here. Given that it seems like only Blake has a mom, does Blake's mom adopt everyone? 5. Blake having a fairly functional nuclear family is fascinating to me, because it makes a lot of her choices seem way more political (at a very young age) as opposed to just a kid who got in over her head with a boy who was a bit older. I'd love to know more about this. 6. as a multishipper, I hurt all over.
Season 6:
Item the FIRST: Weiss barely making it out of Atlas only to be dragged, albeit somewhat willingly back to the source of all of her ~ trauma & family drama ~ I am curious to see how this plays out and generally hope that Weiss somehow stabs her shitty dad and Draco Malfoy rip off brother while being reunited with her 100% Cooler Than U sister. Also that Cooler Than U sister works on the unresolved sexual tension she CLEARLY had with Qrow.
Item the SECOND: The show's thoughtful handling of Qrow's alcoholism and Ruby's gentle efforts to push toward sobriety without like being annoyingly moralistic about it. It could have been handled so differently and I really, really enjoyed that it was handled in the way it was.
Item the THIRD: Weiss' new red scarf. adsfajshfaksdjfhthatsgayweissaksdfhaksdjfh
Item the FOURTH: The various Poor Life Choices Salem made during our brief sojourn to the Department of Backstory. Also Jinn is amazing let's keep her around. She can join Jaune, Ren and Nora as a 4th member of their team and just hilariously be naked all the time. 10/10 would watch for hijinks adventures.
Item the FIFTH:  Ozpin sulking that he got all his relationship drama put on main like that
Item the SIXTH: Jaune's gay sister and sister-in-law and their baby and and and and (idk I just loved this).
Item the EIGHTH: My multishipper ass saw that moment between Weiss and Yang when they were stuck in the basement and I'd just like to say I would be happy to see that too.
Season 7:  Item the First: Weiss has a mother. Which we all logically knew she did but that scene with her in Jacques' office was just... a lot. Also raised some very interesting questions. When will Weiss and Ruby bond over alcoholic parental figures, I ask you. On this front, I am also now supremely, supremely curious about Winter's relationship with her mother. 
Item the Second: Leftist Weiss. Well we all knew that Weiss wouldn't have voted for her dad anyway, but I think the tension between Weiss's clear orientation toward helping people and government for good and her father/sister's appealing to/embodying other forms of authority (corporate/military). This also raises an interesting point of contention between Weiss and Winter, as Winter's sort of this embodiment of what I'd maybe call a conscientious soldier – where she’s clearly in possession of independent thoughts and opinions, yet also seems to want to appeal to a higher authority whenever she feels conflicted (e.g. “Ironwood is making the hard decisions so we don’t have to.”). This actually draws a very stark line between Winter and Weiss – as Weiss has always been a freer thinker, who can and does think for herself and operate from her own moral compass. The moment at the end of the season between Weiss and Winter was just so delicious as I hope (HOPE HOPE) that they’re setting up for a ~~moment of clarity~ for Winter where she has to make a decision on her own that defies orders in some way for the greater good that Weiss can see so easily. (Also, please, my good gay sisters: Hug. It. Out.)
Item the Third: Leftist Bees (well really, leftist Yang, Blake was always a revolutionary). I absolutely loved the Everyone Is Lying moments in this season, and I do hate that the Bees were the ones caught out in it first. Black and Yang telling Robyn the truth also struck me as something that the pair of them would do anyway – the only other character I could see possibly slipping and letting info get to Robyn is Weiss, but I also got the sense that Weiss understood the politics of the situation better than anyone else and because of this was playing it pretty close to the vest. The Bee’s decision really jives with their partnership. As did getting to watch them fight together so much this season, they’re evolving together, and seeing them fight in tandem is a delight.
Item the Fourth: Splitting whiterose. I like Penny. I actually love Penny. I love Penny and Roby’s dynamic. And their friendship. And how ridiculous they are. But it really struck me that how the whiterose partnership kept on getting split until the final fight against the Spice Force Five. I’m sure there’s a reason for this but I don’t like it and I won’t hear it or respond to it.
Item the Fifth: The Not Spice Girls/Spice Force Five. Love these idiots, but they’re all cops. Marrow is the most delightful of them and seems like he’s about to go on a journey similar to Winter, Harriet sucks a lot, Clover was a delightful almost rip but also mmmwhatchusay. I sort of hated the juxtaposition between team RWBY and them, with the ‘just following orders’ mentality and the lack of friendship/cohesion between these guys. I guess now Winter can join them and they so they can have their Posh Spice.
Item the Sixth: Schneewood Forest. I feel like I could write a whole elaborate backstory with these two. There’s something there – the unstoppable force meets immovable object of it, plus the idea of someone who challenges Winter’s entire belief structure just by being an okay person ~with a merry band of queers~. I feel a lot of things. I want to explore this. Stop me I am in a PhD program. 
Item the Seventh: The Tinman’s Heart. Having read all of the Wizard of Oz books, as well as the Wicked series, I actually appreciate that this series is taking nods from both sources for these characters. James’s decisions are … not great but I can see his logic – well right up until the part where he shoots poor Oscar. That was just rude. Also I do love watching him fight because he’s so very, very good.
Item the Seventh: Bisexual Bobs. How very Bi of you Blake. And how useless lesbian of Yang to be all flustered about it. Please kiss.
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bellamyblake · 4 years
I saw your tags and I agree! s6 was peak romantic Bellarke. I think the problem with the season is that it left a bitter taste. I was so good and after s5 kinda restored our souls but then there wasn't a payoff and jroth...well...was jroth and downplayed it big time. So all that excitement went away.
My personal opinion is that a lot of bellarke, like strong bellarke fans with lots of followers, and mainly creators of all sorts (giffers, fanfic writers) left in season 5 because they didn’t enjoy the season and as much as we as fans write and talk about angst, I guess we can’t handle watching it? So that was one reason. 
Another reason was that much like in season 3, in season 5 people have big expectations about the bellarke reunion, and when that wasn’t met, they kind of stepped back. 
Also, as much as I love our fandom, I think a very big portion of it just don’t get bellamy (or clarke for that matter) as INDIVIDUAL characters. Many people used the hash tag not my bellamy at the season 5 time and that hurt me personally a lot because I am one of those people who loved seeing bellamy grow as a leader, as a person, as a human being. 
The more I watch and rewatch, the better I get the characters but I just think that a very big part of the fandom is very much in love with the idea of the rebel kind bellamy and the bellarke from season 1 and I can see where this appeal comes from, though I personally prefer their relationship in later seasons because for me it grows and gains substance and just makes them THEM, you know? 
But I think a lot of people were just in love with this idea of angry, spontaneous, rebel king, whatever-the-hell-we-want Bellamy that they just...wanted that? And nothing else. Whilst I think it was most necessary that he grew as a character, that he grew as a leader. It is what Clarke wanted for him. Now I always think he was head AND heart before just like she was head and heart too before that monumental talk in 4x13 but I think the pain of losing clarke just sent him to more of THAT head extreme than anything.
However season 6 truly realizes him as he IS and should be- a very well rounded leader, a very well-balanced mix of head and heart. That is so clearly showed in 6x06 memento mori when he talks to Murphy and first he just wants to act his GRIEF out, the grief form losing Clarke AGAIN but then he gets to think about it and he slows down, takes a breath and realizes that-she’s gone and yet again it is up to HIM to take care of THEM, all of them and that THIS is what she would want and THIS is how he honors her. It’s not the first time it happens and it hurts even worse but he has to do this.
Bellarke is amazing in season 6 because it has all these amazingly awesome tropes that we talk and write about in fic but suddenly they are right there for us and we somehow skip them? Which is unbelievable for me.
We have the Bellamy figuring out it’s not her and then going through the grief of losing her YET again whilst in the meantime Clarke is in Jo’s body and tries to fight for herself but GIVES UP WHEN SHE FIGURES OUT HE THINKS SHE’S DEAD and then we get him realizing she’s still IN THERE and he FIGHTS FOR HER and he actually truly brings her BACK using the same old but golden
Head and Heart
And I won’t lie it hurts me that some of those fans who gave up in season 5 and again I’m not blaming them but sometimes I feel like they are just unncessesarily evil cause they say-oh lord they touched lips in that cpr scene are we really fawning over that?
And I’m like-do I gotta remind you guys, that YOU died when she kissed his cheek in 2x16?
So somehow one is better than the other? And somehow those of us who saw all of their potential and all of the amazing stuff that happened for them in season 6 (from bellamy figuring it out to thinking he lost her YET again, to fighting for her in the cave, and then literally saving her and then REFUSING to let her risk her life yet again but knowing he doesnt have a choice to her HUGGING Him when she lost her mom???? all the tropes literally...all the fics you write IS that but you can write it yet not see it and recognize it?) are...I guess wrong? LOL for the general fandom esp on twitter.
Tbh the reason why season 5 was so bad for me was because of fandom and most of all it was because of people claiming the hash tag-not my bellamy.
I came into this fandom in the worst time possible. In season 3. When bellarke and bellamy fans hated Bellamy much like they did in season 5 and when I was so confused as to what I think and I read all these meta and thoughts and all those stuff. Much of the same is happening now in season 7.
So I told myself, I won’t listen to anyone, I won’t read anything and I’ll just blacklist. But it still hurt. It hurt like HELL. But now I’m smarter, and i make my own thoughts and I know what I love about my favorite character and I know when I can judge the writing, when I can judge his actions when I can love his actions, all of it.
But I do it, myself.
I think a lot of people are just influenced by fandom. And that’s horrible. My friend who’s not in the fandom LOVED season 5, hated season 4. I love season 4 because of many things I wont get into now but that’s just my point. People can ruin this for you.
However I will never forget the not my bellamy tag. And people still use that shit. and I just never will get it. I love this boy. I love where he is now. And I am sorry but as cool and as awesome he is in season 1 and I love him there too, I just love the well-rounded person that he is now, the growth he went through.
Do I find injustices? Yes, I do. I definitely do. I have thoughts about things that I find wrong when it comes to Bob and Bellamy. And I can criticize that. 
but I love Bellamy Blake. That I am sure of. And no amount of hash tags and people telling me touching lips aint shit in cpr scenes or casual glances are nothing and on and on about how pathetic I am, can change my mind. 
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t100ficrecsblog · 4 years
an interview with @mobi-on-a-mission (she/her)
what are you working on right now? I'm in between fics right now after posting The Cockroach recently for Chopped! I'll likely start something new soon (I'm thinking of a canonverse forbidden lovers fic?), but we'll see where the muse takes me! When I'm not busy writing fic or being a human disaster I like to beta read. I beta read several fics for the Bellarke Big Bang, and I'm really excited to read them in their final form once that comes out! Beta reading may not be the first thing people think of with writing, but it's really elevated my experience with fanfic. It's a great way to let out my inner critic, participate in the writing process from a different angle, and read new fics before anyone else (hehe!) while helping out other writers. Going beyond 'this doesn't work' to 'this particular aspect isn't coming through right and here are some ideas on how to fix it' is the crucial step and has really made me a better writer!
I'm also excited to be accepting prompts for Bellarke Writers for Black Lives Matter. Send me a prompt and a donation to an organization of your choice which supports the BLM movement, and I'll write you a fanfic!
what’s something you’d like to write one day? I usually write whatever I want to write! One thing I've never tried though is an ot3. I enjoy them but at this point I don't think I could do that sort of relationship justice.
what is the fanwork you’re most proud of? Honestly I'm proud of all my fics. Each one carries its own challenges and rewards, so I never get in a rut! The work I'm most proud of, though, has got to be Revive. It's a canon compliant through s6 Memori pregnancy multichap that I wrote during hiatus. It's by far the longest fic I've ever written, and I wrote it at a time when I was still very uncomfortable writing fic. I must have had my eyes closed half the time I was drafting it, I was so nervous! But I finished it and posted it and from there on writing was just that much easier. I haven't looked back since.
why did you first start writing fic? I wrote my first "fic" in 2014, when I was 14 years old. Then I came back a year later with a really short oneshot. Both of those were for Supernatural, and they're still on my ao3. I was extremely nervous about writing, especially with the fear that my family would find out what I was doing. That fear kept me from writing for years and years, pining to write something. That is, until last July. I'd had enough. So I sat myself down and made myself write, every dad for three days until The Best Back Rubs (my first fic for The 100) was written. Again after that fic I had trouble writing. Four months later though I started writing Revive and like I said earlier, I just kept writing after that!
what frustrates you most about fic writing? The most frustrating thing about fic writing is lukewarm reception. As much as I hate to admit it, validation is important to me and I like to feel like people are enjoying what I write. When I spend a lot of time on a fic and get excited about posting it, a part of me is expecting a whole bunch of comments and kudos and hits. Sometimes that doesn't happen though! Usually that doesn't happen. I have to remind myself that those responses are not reflective of my value as a writer. My friends are a huge help with this!
what are your top five songs right now?
Sweet - Cigarrettes After Sex Foreigner's God - Hozier One More Hour - Anthony Ramos Combustible - Cœur de Pirate Undrunk - FLETCHER
what are your inspirations? My inspiration is a little bit different for every fic I write. I tend toward canonverse, so I pull from interesting aspects of canon and then let my imagination run wild with *what if*s. My own life inspires my writing as well. This helps me to add in little details to make the story feel more real. I've been inspired by writing prompts and movies and songs and other fics and snow falling outside my window!
The one thing that's constant is other writers. I learn so much from reading, beta reading, and of course talking to my friends! They help to give me ideas as well as motivation to keep going. Writing can be a lonely pursuit, but it doesn't have to be. There's only so much going on in my brain—connecting with others is what brings things to the next level.
what first attracted you to Memori? what attracts you now? From the first time they locked eyes, I shipped it a little! But in the beginning, I wasn't that invested in Memori. I kind of took them for granted until s5. But more on that later. What first attracted me to Memori was how non-traditional they are in that they're not standard cut good guys yet they were allowed to meet and fall in love. Add on top of that how they make each other better in a nuanced and imperfect way, and I'm hooked! I also really liked how they didn't beat around the bush with getting together. In a world where slowburn is seen as peak romance, it was refreshing to see a couple that was just like 'you? I like you' and then they got together and eventually became what is (in my possibly biased eyes) the strongest couple on the show at this point. Getting into s5, that's when I really became invested in the ship. It hurt to see their relationship problems like that, but it allowed them to grow from it in a beautiful way. Through it all, they have so much love for each other. They're imperfect people and they make mistakes, but at the end of the day they learn from it and become better as a couple than they are alone. Their devotion to each other really is something else!
Besides Memori, what character or pairing do you like best on t100? Funny story: I actually decided to start watching The 100 after reading Bellarke smut on ao3! It was a non-traditional introduction to the story, but something must have clicked with me and I was a Bellarke shipper from the start (even though I frankly detested Bellamy in the beginning). I still ship them, even though Memori has taken my heart! Oh yeah and I got to give a shoutout to Niytavia as well because apparently canon isn't going to feed us with content for them.
why did you decide to start writing for bellarkefic-for-blm? It's pretty simple, really: Black lives matter should not be a controversial statement, and this is one of the ways I can help make our world a little less sucky for Black people.
what’s your writing process like (esp for prompts, chopped!, etc)? Every fic I write begins with a hodge podge of ideas. Sometimes I scribble them in a notebook and sometimes I use the computer, but it's always a creative mess! Recently I've been using Notion, a free editor which has a great desktop app. A writer friend turned me on to it and now I use it for writing as well as other life stuff too! It's easy to drag and reorganize ideas, so it really helps take a brainstorm mess to a working outline. Once an idea starts taking form I organize my ideas into related pieces and some end up getting thrown out. I craft "scenes" out of this and soon it becomes clear what pieces I'm missing. I fill in those pieces, throw out or rework stuff that doesn't work together, and pretty soon I have an outline.
I absolutely love getting prompts! I haven't gotten one through Bellarke Writers for Black Lives Matter (yet!), but I've written in a few rounds of Chopped. Most recently wrote for Chopped 3.0 Round 2 and won 1st place for best overall with my Memori fic The Cockroach. The biggest difference that comes when writing from a prompt like that is I need to make sure the fic not only fits the prompt but breathes life into it!
what are some things you’d like to recommend? Remember how I mentioned I beta read? Yeah. Right now my friend Kara, aka @queenemori, is writing a slowburn Memori actors au called We Don't Need To Say It. It's out of this world amazing and I am so hype to be a part of the process. The first chapters are up on ao3 and I cannot recommend it enough. ed’s note: this fic just updated!
For writers who are looking for a push, I highly recommend participating in Chopped. Fandom events are fun, the prompts make you get creative, and writing deadlines inspire you to actually get them finished and out there!
I know some of you need to hear this: drink some water! It's good for you and it's yummy yummy in your tummy!
The best place to find @mobi-on-a-mission is right here on Tumblr. Her AO3 is here. Request a fic written by her via @bellarkefic-for-blm.
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dodgergilmore · 4 years
1: Oh yeah I always read your tags. I love anyone who rambles in the tags about stuff since usually people are more honest there, but it's also nice to see someone express their opinions over this show after some time. And yes I def agree with you on the half-baked ideas. I think that at that point Amy just lost interest in the overall story, esp when you compare her writing for the revival to Ms Maisel that seems more upbeat in its own way. But then again, s6 also feels 'off'
Oh, that’s a really nice way of thinking of it!
Yeah, there could be a loss of interest! I suppose to her credit, though, her revival episodes were better than Dan’s?? It still floors me though that she said something about Lane having children (which supposedly wouldn’t have happened in her season 7) limited what she could do with Lane in the revival because Lane and Zach would look like absent parents or whatever – I mean, the lack of imagination!!!!! We already knew this but it cannot be stressed enough.....Lane Kim deserved better!
Narratively I like the whole ‘Rory drops out of Yale’ saga for two reasons:
1) A Rory/Lorelai separation story was kind of inevitable??? or maybe not inevitable but it was a conflict I was interested in watching; the focus on their relationship had been shifting for a while at this point and by virtue of separating them, it felt to me like their relationship was the focal point again even though they weren’t interacting. The emotional beats during all of that really hit for me, which lacked for me in seasons four and five.
2) Rory’s foray into the high society world of her grandparents was also kind of an inevitable story, I thought. Rory doesn’t reject this world in the way her mother does, and it’s understandable that Rory would eventually develop an interest in exploring this world because Lorelai had tried to keep her from it for so long. During the beginning of season 6, we see that this world starts to lose some of its shine in Rory’s eyes and from that point on she is, pretty consistently, less enthralled with this world though accepting of it. To me, it really affirms that Rory is between the worlds of her mother and her grandparents so I find it........interesting........the way some people insist Rory is all in on the high society world, which, whatever that’s fine! We obviously see these characters differently ((I think there’s commentary to be had there about how you view Rory and shipping preference)). Also: I love getting more Emily and Richard!
But yeah season 6 reeeeeeally takes a dip about halfway through. Such a shame!
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boglog · 6 years
HoC Onion !
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[TW mention of sexual abuse/violence]
I’m foregoing the pros/cons format here but generally-speaking my negative points are still gathered at the top w the highlights near the end.
Obviously, between letting a sex offender have a platform in mass media and potholes, I’d choose the latter. My below crits absolutely are not a demand for Spacey to be brought back and he can die in a fire for all i care. I just wish his character’s absence was not the nº1 reason for this season not making any sense
as far as i can gather, this season’s primary arc is as much about Frank’s death (in lieu of Doug’s) as it is Claire’s emotional and political divorce from Frank while she undergoes your traditional postbreakup analysis of who she was pre Frank and post Frank and were Frank actually there this idea might have legs
...but instead we have Doug ://
the level of intensity that the plot demands cannot be carried by forcing Doug into being a deeper character than he was intended, all the way until the end, he truly just reads as either a pitiful sadist or a henchman. It’s disharmonious and dangerously close to bad. 
Frances Underwood makes more sense if Frank dies in episode 8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She’s literally going to be his reincarnation!!!!!!!
literally...who cares if Doug gets stabbed by Frank’s letter opener? whomst?
Doug can’t be Frank’s proxy, but sans a certain pedoph*le, the plot will just have to suffer. 
Other side effects of Doug’s undeserved promotion include but are not limited to: 
forcing Doug to share the role of antagonist with the Shepards, yet another New Villain © that feels totally unnecessary and confusing (the Conways at least got two seasons)
Frank’s diary feels forced and out of character for someone decidedly so unsentimental  
How does Claire have a bun in the oven when she clearly didnt sleep with Frank for all of season 5 and locked herself in her room while he was being assassinated? How is a Dramatic paternity test not going to be insisted upon in the show’s universe?
fixation on Frank’s will as a McGuffin is really... I don't know boring considering no one cares for the guy? What property of his does claire stand to lose? I’m sure the rich people fandom can speculate but i honestly needed this manifested in the show via some examples instead of the grand abstraction that is The Will bc losing Frank’s assets would set Claire back but it would not directly threaten her presidency. Not to mention that i’m not entirely sure Frank’d have Doug of all people as his sole heir if it didn't serve as revenge against Claire, which just lowers Doug’s importantance even more
Frank never cared for Doug, a largely unlikeable character, which we already knew from the beginning, so Doug’s entire arc is pathetic at best as well as his tangential inclusion in the Cliare v Frank arc
My major problems with Doug’s character began as early as season 4. 
Did not understand why they didn't actually have Doug switch sides by joining the Dunbar campaign in earnest in season 4. Like... it’s such an obvious opportunity to Thicken The Plot © that it’s reached this gif levels of dropping the ball:
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P much everything about Doug’s character since then is just so.... lacking, while for the last few seasons they give him depth when he magically has empathy for one (1) woman before she dies (possibly as a direct result of his actions). This entire plot about him evaluating why he was so loyal to Frank could've been unpacked whilst he avoids Dunbar finding out about the murders he did commit. I’d rather him having agency than be a flat, troubled underling.
Aright I'm going to stop complaining about Doug. In season 3 and 4, his insecurity over being replaced and his sacrifices for Frank (and subsequent guilt) came close to giving us a real Moment with him as we delve more into how colourless his life outside of work really is. But beyond that, when his character started getting repetitive, there’s very little to compensate for his alternating acts of extreme narcissism/violence versus his childish confusion / self pity when he doesn’t get what he wants.
Anyways I'm basically at a point where I’d be okay if Frank’s long-lost cousin replaced Doug replacing Frank 
I’m appreciating the writers’ distinct refrain from plot formats and that the seasons progressively move towards the Underwoods but what if just for circularity and added balance we return to having a full-on reporter B plot in s6? More emphasis on Janine and Tom’s sleuthing, culminating in Tom’s assassination and Janine publishing the tell-all expose against Frank---including a reference to Zoe---that becomes the magnum opus of her career (and Claire using that against Frank). I just think the season needed more balance that Doug, the Shepards and Tom were not offering 
The Shepards and Tom, meanwhile, are decidedly banal. First of all, I had a hard time even telling Bill and Tom apart esp given that they were introduced one after the other. All white guys are the same.
Bill just kind of sits around until he has a platform to reference his favourite action movies doesn't he?
Moreover what does Tom do!? he doesn't want power, he doesnt seem to want anything. He’s just kind of there?
Unlike the Conways, the Shepards don’t have a clear goal and are not often in direct conflict with Claire the way Frank and Conway were. They want to control the presidency for money and Claire is always bouncing back from reliving her girlhood to political rivalry w Anette, yes, but what does that mean? What are the consequences? The logistics are so indirect and complicated, what precisely does Anette want? And why does anyone care? The Shepards are extremely boring.
Frank’s asides were purple and long af so I appreciate Claire’s succinct style not to mention her fantastic screen presence. I’m left to wonder, though, if maybe hers and every other aside in HoC is a little too on the nose. Like, they didn't hafta spell it out that the bird in the wall was a representation of Frank’s shadow trapping her, I think we got that 
The artistic intercuts to Claire’s troubled childhood wherein a group of bullies coerce her into stripping naked through the forest, while visually stunning and clever for its self-explanatory nature, feel really passive. They don't visually show us any reason for her not to resist, the bullies even let her keep her clothes after cutting them off her so we’re left to wonder why she does nothing....
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Claire was raised to be ~proper~ so her resistance (likely) comes in the form of biting, passive-aggressive poise which is hard to get across in a silent montage but it just feels.. weird
Frances Underwood is going to have a very sad childhood
nearly all the Claire flashbacks are cinematic masterpieces and as much i think Claire’s backstory deserves more attention, i also appreciate the minimalism and the choice humanising moments of her adolescence 
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listen I'm sure we all agree Robin Wright is peak acting but the actor for young Claire, who has the arguably harder task of copying Wright is fantastic 
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Of all the characters who crop up every season seemingly out of nowhere only to disappear once more once when the plot the Underwoods are done with them, Jane is one of my favourites and possibly one of the greyest characters alive. Smart, mysterious, worldly, a bit of a hippie despite her job, severe despite her sense of humour. Really loves her extremely pedestrian surname. We stan.
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Secondary characters rarely get anything close to a backstory on this show, esp ones that were introduced so late. Still, her motivations seem more complicated then others (i.e. betraying Cathy, one of two people she cares about) and I wonder if they deserve a bit more of an explanation. Especially seeing as she has a relationship with every major character.
If anyone deserves a spin-off it might be Jane and her name-dropping career/social life
Cathy faking her own death with a terrible french accent? On stan !!!
Seth teasing Doug even while he’s completely undervalued by everyone around him is a power move
Impressed that they managed three characters named Tom, their distinctly different appearances and the fact that they're almost never in the same POV shots works to separate them.
Claire using the word “female” even facetiously is cringe
Whenever they use the cinema room, the movie they watch is always symbolic. Before the 2017 election, Frank and Claire imitate the characters in Double Indemnity, and this season a pregnant claire watches Rosemary’s Baby. Clever.
i liked the whitehouse tour guide’s inclusion and the cameo from _____ though this season was especially white without their usual token secondary character
So overall i liked season 6 as an exploration of Claire’s character even while it did v little justice to most of the other characters and unfortunately spacey’s absence did affect the storyline
and finally: that cinnamontography !
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Not that the series should be pushed past its prime, but wouldn’t it be interesting to see Claire as a mother?
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beenote-blog1 · 6 years
hi, i have a question! my memory is really sketchy on lore now but wasn't heaven powered by human souls or something? since when was it powered by angels? decided to watch the 13x19 and this one thing really stood out to me, so i just wanted to check if i forgot or missed something x_x thanks!
My memory is honestly a bit sketchy as well, but I’m going to answer as best I can without having had the time to brush up on soul lore! (Though, now this entire thing is driving me up the wall and I intend to hunt down all of the soul lore as soon as I have time).
I don’t have any knowledge of it ever being explicitly said that souls powered heaven, but if anyone remembers what episodes & who said this, please feel free to chime in! I’ve wracked my brain and the best I can come up with is that this might be something that came up around the Metatron/breaking out of heaven storyline? This isn’t a piece of information I’ve ever personally thought about. I figured heaven was just… heaven. That could be a result of me missing something essential while watching episodes or just not asking enough questions about the SPN universe. However, without being able to recall anything in canon that explicitly stated souls power heaven, the best I was able to gather from reading through my dash the other day was that it seems like the issue is that we know for certain that souls are extreme sources of power and can be used as weapons/batteries, while angels don’t seem to have this same sort of power. So, the possible thinking (?) is that it made sense souls were keeping heaven charged, so to speak, and that it makes no sense for its functioning to rely on angels if they need to use souls, themselves. Considering Cas had to take in as many souls as he did to become so powerful in s6, I’m guessing that people are positing that angels just don’t have the generating power to keep heaven on? My only issue with this thinking is that we (possibly?) don’t have canon confirmation that souls power heaven and I don’t personally see the angels normally using souls for their power within the structure of heaven (Cas doing so was for the sake of the civil war in heaven, so I’m not saying that it’s beyond their capabilities to ‘use’ souls). But, within heaven they  primarily appear focused on doing their jobs and being guardians/custodians/whatever weird… thing.. heaven is where souls are just sort of shoved behind doors into their own personal happy places (something I really wish they would have explored more!). I’ve seen suggestions that it might just be the way things work? Heaven takes in souls, souls live in their happy place, the energy from souls keeps heaven running - but I’m curious as to whether this is headcanon or actual canon information. 
While this didn’t really stand out as a huge concern for me for those reasons, it was one of the moments in the episode that sort of stood out as being the weakest in terms of storytelling. I’ve noticed Yockey, especially, likes re-weaving old canon and I think it runs the risk of being jarring, not interesting enough, or just wrong - which I don’t entirely blame some writers for (esp. the newer ones). To clarify, I love Yockey and I think he’s done great things writing for SPN, but they’ve all had their moments. SPN has so much lore and it’s shifted a lot over the years, I think at this point building on it or redefining it is going to work for some people and not work for others. Again, because I can’t personally bring up when or why the ‘souls powering heaven’ idea came into being, it’s hard to give a more thorough answer. ;A; If anyone remembers anything or what episodes to glance at, it would be terribly helpful to know where to look. For all I know, it was explicitly stated somewhere/or hinted at enough that it’s basically canon - in which case, yeah, a misstep/or rewriting of canon like that is frustrating/comes across as lazy/can really take you out of an otherwise good episode. Again, I didn’t enjoy that bit of plot, less because of the ‘souls powering heaven’ idea and more because it all just seems a bit silly (I’m just. picky. and heaven’s lights flickering/the entire ‘angels are dying out!’ idea seems silly to me, but I know others are enjoying it and they have to keep writing interesting things, so)! If this switch from a previous ‘souls powering heaven’ logic to ‘angels powering heaven,’ is what took place, I can see how this contributed to putting people off of the episode or this particular piece of information. With how much time and energy fans put into keeping track of SPN lore and canon, it’s frustrating to feel like the writers - who are getting paid - aren’t doing the same/or are just changing it at will without really thinking it through. Until I can find further confirmation on why the souls powering heaven idea is a thing, though, I personally marking this as “eh, that’s not really working for me, but whatever.” Maybe I just need to do another watch-through to appreciate it. In the mean time, I’ll try to get more information. :) 
I’ll reblog any posts I come across that talk about this/that manage to come up with a better answer than this (because this is a terrible response)! I’m sorry that I couldn’t give a better breakdown, but this is currently being ~elusive~ for me. It seems to have stood out for quite a few people, though! So I’m hoping I can find better answers. :)
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