#and if we don’t see him again I’ll still be sad bc..I want more 🥺
itstimetodrew · 7 months
Could you fix him? Could you fix the green goblin?
The real question is would I even want to? 🤨
I could not, though. He'd have to want that for himself too and he absolutely has not for like... multiple decades. Maybe he wants it now. He could be lying. We just don't know... but I do know he's a doomed person and it's sexy. :)
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jaeyunniesimp · 1 year
I'M A FOOL TO WANT YOU (s.jy) part one part two
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pairing: badboy!jake x fab!reader
tw: angst, mentions of alcohol, mentions of drugs, family issues, kissing (?), mentions of food (lmk if there’s more!)
wc: 2.5k
a/n: hi loves! i was at a total creative block, but then i was listening to frank sinatra’s song that inspired this title, and a lamp lit up in my brain nshdjsjd hope you enjoy it 🥺 luv y’all / this is not proofread so ignore any typos or grammar mistakes :p
synopsis: you weren’t exactly the most famous person in school, but you weren’t a total loser either. You’d say your presence was unremarkable, which somehow feels worse than being hated. He, on the other side, was the most adored person amongst other students. The popular, don’t-give-a-fuck type of bad boy anyone would fall for, and as much as you’d like to say you’re different, you couldn’t feel otherwise.
“i’m a fool to want you, to want a love that can’t be true, a love that’s there for others too”
You’d fallen for Jake Sim a long time ago, probably in middle school, when he was still a no one, a nerdy kid. That was until high school, where his looks matured and his attitude changed. Now, that both of you are in the same college, he never failed to grab other people’s attention, including yours.
Making new friends was certainly difficult, specially when everyone around you is so different from you. Sunoo was at this point your only true friend, the only person you could count on and rant about your problems without the fear of being judged, not just a fun-to-go-out-with friend.
Today wasn’t exactly the best of days. Your parents were fighting again, so you’d be better off staying at the dorms once more this weekend, your brother was drowning himself in drugs and partying a lot, just to numb the sadness he felt from witnessing your family crumbling apart, which made you worried. Although it pales in comparison, the day was also gloomy, which defeated all your hopes to be optimistic about what was yet to come.
Friday mornings used to be your favorite, now you can’t wait for them to end, knowing everyone probably has nice plans besides you. You’re already dressed in your grey sweatpants and your Metallica shirt (ride the lightning bc it’s the best and you got ✨ taste ✨), turning on the kettle to boil some water for your morning tea, when you feel your phone buzzing.
— Hello? — You answer lazily.
— Y/N! Please tell me you haven’t had breakfast yet! — Your best friend pleaded from the other line.
— I was just boiling some water, but I can turn it off. Why? — You replied, pressing the “off” button.
— I found this really cute café and they have bear shaped donuts, we have to go! It’s right beside campus. I’ll send you the address and we meet there, okay? — He asked, excitedly.
You agreed and hung up the phone, feeling kind of sad that you didn’t comply with his excitement.
Hugging yourself, you try to hide from the wind, mentally swearing at yourself for not bringing a coat. You see a little excited figure hopping with their arms up, signaling for you to come closer faster. You can’t deny, that even with all the gloominess you were feeling, seeing Sunoo made you just a little warmer.
Smile spread wide along your face, you hug your friend and quickly get in the store, protecting yourselves from the cold. You ordered a cup of milk tea and some cookies, while he got the infamous bear shaped donuts he was fawning over.
— Are you going home this weekend? — He asked, sipping his coffee.
— Nope. Tryna’ avoid conflict, don’t really wanna see my parents right now. Nor my brother. — You answered looking down to the cup you were holding.
— Hm, I see… You never talk about your brother, though, I don’t even know his name! — He argued.
— Yeah… We’re very different people, and he pretends he’s an only child to his friends, so I might as well just don’t give him that type of attention to mine. — You replied, annoyed.
— Why does he do that?! — His mouth was almost theatrically open, in utter shock.
— I don’t know — You shrugged — He puts on this facade, pretending to be someone he’s not, I guess that includes pretending our family isn’t completely fucked up.
After eating, you both gathered your things and went to your designated classes. Today was Friday, though, which meant Jake had the same classes you did in the morning. God, how do you pay attention to anything math related when Jake fucking Sim is sitting across from you?
You were entering the classroom when you felt a strong bump on your shoulder, almost knocking you down on the floor. You turn around and see no one other than Lee Heeseung, your brother. Not alone, though, he was with Jake. Since when did they become friends? You had no idea, but he was even crashing his classes.
He bumped into you on purpose and you knew it, which meant he was mad at you for whatever reason. You looked at him from across the room with burning eyes, which made him roll his and switch his gaze back to his friend.
You sat on the desk next to Jake’s, watching your brother’s eyes fall upon your figure as you did so, burning into your soul with anger. He wondered what were you trying to do, what moves would you pull, sacred you’d expose him. You couldn’t care less, though, you just knew that if you sat close to them he’d be worried and paranoid the entire time and that was enough revenge for you.
The day went by very slowly, turning every now and then to glance at Jake, pretending you were trying to look at Heeseung instead. He looked extra good today, with his black leather jacket draping over his shoulders, his blonde highlighted locks falling ever so gently on his forehead, your brother had to be really angry to not realize how your eyes were filled with adoration when you looked to your side.
But it kind of made you sad, though. That wasn’t any boy you were admiring, it was Jake. He never hooked up with a girl more than once, and he still managed to get many, and they were all WAY out of your league. They didn’t wear sweatpants to class, nor showed up everyday bare faced. They were just as admirably good looking as him. You really were longing for someone who couldn’t dare to even look at you, less be yours only.
The bell rang after what felt like an eternity, and to your luck, your best friend was already waiting for you outside. You went his direction and started chatting, but your eyes were wandering somewhere else. He was quick to pick up on it, though.
— No fucking way. — He said, mouth open.
— What? — Your gaze suddenly moved back to him.
— You? Fawning over Jake Sim? — He was just speechless.
— WHAT?! — You jumped off your spot, closer to him, almost palming his mouth for him to shut up. — I’m not!
— You we’re staring at him like he was a piece of food! Y/N, don’t get me wrong, he’s handsome as hell, but he’s a fuckboy and you know it. — He explained.
— I’m not simping for him, Sunoo, get over it.
— Okay, sorry — He held his arms up in sign of defeat. — But if you’re in for a one night stand, we could give you, like, a glow up montage so he would look at you…
— Oh thank you, I feel flattered. — You said ironically.
— That’s not what I meant and you know it! You’re gorgeous, but right now you’re kind of following the depressed core style, and it’s not doing anything for you.
He was right. You barely dressed up properly to go out anymore, and you can’t even remember the last time you wore makeup. It was tempting, but should you do this just because of a guy? It felt wrong.
— Sunoo, I’m not gonna do that just because of some guy. — You said, despite your inner urge to actually do it.
— Okay, sorry, just pitching ideas.
“i’m a fool to seek a kiss not mine alone, to share a kiss the devil has known”
The weekend finally came, and you were unexpectedly excited. Sunoo had a birthday party to attend, and he asked you to go with him. You would usually deny or feel uncomfortable going, but it had been so long since you’d had some fun or even dressed up nicely, you were excited to do so.
There was no point going back home anyway, your parents decided last minute they were going on a business trip, leaving the house empty. Partying it is!
Your makeup looked gorgeous, and your short black silky dress hugged your body perfectly. Sunoo was shocked at the sight of you, feeling happy for his best friend who was finally going to have some fun.
The party was packed, a lot of students from your school were there, getting wasted and making out with each other. You and your best friend had a couple of drinks and were just having a good time. You played board games, despite your brains not being at full capacity at the moment, which only made it funnier, did karaoke, and just gossiped all night long. You certainly hadn’t been this happy in a while.
You didn’t even pay attention to the people who were at the party, only sticking around Sunoo and his other friends. About 4am, you decided it was time to leave.
— But campus is so far away from here, we’d have to walk! — Sunoo argued.
— We can go to my parents house, it’s only a mile away and they’re not home anyway. Please, I need to sleep! — You suggested.
He gave in and you two were quickly on your way. It took you a little longer than usual to get there, with your dragging feet and drunk steps, but once you’d made it, it made you feel victorious. You opened the door quietly, out of muscle memory, forgetting that there was nobody home.
You both quickly got in, still taking feather light steps, Sunoo going straight to the bathroom to wash his face, while you went to the kitchen to grab some water. You grabbed a cup, and as soon as you turned on your heel to go around the counter, two bodies appeared out of nowhere, one of them holding a broom, and the other a lamp (?), ready to throw hands.
You screamed, surprised, dropping your glass on the floor, and they screamed at the same time, only to realize it was your brother, who was also at that party and had the same idea as you. But he wasn’t alone. Of course he had to bring Jake Sim to your parents house. Perfect.
A terrified Sunoo ran over your direction and turned on the lights, to meet the weirdest scene he could’ve pictured. Two of the school’s jocks in front of you, holding “weapons”, and glass shattered on the floor.
— What the fuck is wrong with you?! — You screamed, pushing your brother’s chest.
— Me?! You should’ve said you were coming home! — He argued.
— Oh, so now you care about me or what I do? Do you still tell other people you’re an only child? That’s why you needed the heads up? — You mocked.
He let out an annoyed scoff, rolling his eyes.
— That’s your brother? — Sunoo finally spoke up from across the room.
— You have a sister? — Jake asked, with a smug grin on his face.
His eyes landed on your thighs immediately, causing you to adjust your dress, trying to cover yourself up a little more. You were angry. Fuming. You couldn’t care less about Jake Sim right now.
— Oh great, you’re ready to clean this up! — You went up to Jake and stated sarcastically, pointing at the glass on the floor and the broom he was holding.
You left the kitchen without saying a word, despite your brother’s protests, and quickly grabbed Sunoo’s arm and led him to your bedroom.
— So you never bothered to tell me your brother was Heeseung? Lee Heeseung? THE Lee Heeseung? — He asked, plopping down on your bed.
— Okay, I get it! Whatever, he’s popular, but he’s an idiot. — You answered, removing your heels. — You can sleep here, I’ll take the couch.
— No it’s okay, you should sleep on your own bed. — He got up reluctantly.
— No, really, I hate it here, you can have it. — You argued.
— If you say so… — He mumbled, before drifting off almost instantly.
You let out a small chuckle at your friends action, then poorly removed your make up, put on an old oversized t-shirt, and made your way downstairs, desperate to get some shut eye. You were almost throwing yourself down on the couch, only to squeal lightly when you realized someone else was already lying on it.
— Fuck! You scared the shit out of me! — You whisper-yelled. — Great, I’ll sleep on the bathtub.
— What? You don’t like to cuddle? — The guy answered you, drowsy.
That’s when you realized it wasn’t your brother, it was his really handsome friend lying there.
— Oh shit, sorry, I thought you were Heeseung. — You suddenly became shy, and quickly turned on your heel to go wherever, as long as it wasn’t the living room.
But before you could make a move, a hand grabbed your wrist, making you go back and accidentally sit down on the couch.
— You can sleep here, I don’t bite. Don’t tell me you’re actually sleeping in the bathtub because you’re nervous around me? — He asked, his eyes still closed.
— I-I’m not! I don’t even know you — You answered, trying to let go of his grip.
— I see you looking at me in class, I know you know me. Just lay down and sleep, for god’s sake. — He argued.
You sighed in defeat, after a few seconds of silence, not knowing what to say. His arms draped around your waist, hugging you, as you laid with your back against him. You could feel his warm breath hitting the back of your neck and it made your heart race.
— Relax — He chuckled, resting his face further down your neck, which only made you feel more nervous.
You decided that you should fake it until you made it. You started telling yourself that it was alright, relaxing into his embrace, letting your hands fall on top of his. Your heart was still beating out of your chest, but you were acting like you were used to him.
That was until he started softly kissing your neck, trailing down near your shoulder, holding you tighter. A part of you wanted to let him continue, but another part of you felt so used. You knew you’d be only another girl he slept with, and you couldn’t allow yourself to go through that.
— What are you doing? — You asked firmly.
— Hm… Kissing you — He said in between kisses.
— Really, I just wanna sleep. — You said, taking your hand off his.
— Alright. — He answered, a cold tone in his voice.
He took his arms off you and laid on his back, facing the ceiling. You felt cold and somewhat empty, you wanted more of him, but you know you shouldn’t. You fell asleep right after, hoping that when you woke up, things wouldn’t fall apart like you felt they would.
taglist: @loves0ft
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nacrella · 1 year
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Okay I just woke up into another chaos and I need answers WTH IS GOING ON ARE YOU SERIOUS SVU?? 
I've been crying since I woke up and I'll keep crying for some more time. Did Muncy actually leave? And your reason is that fans hated her?? Fans just started to like her!! Have you seen the hate for churlish? And what will happen to my dear veluncy 😭 I was expecting them to end up together. How could they do this to us? At the end of the day, all the bensler fans are happy... but we'll never get more scenes of our ship again. I'm sooo mad and sad at the same time. Veluncy was the only reason I kept watching svu but now I'm done with it. I didn't even watch the episode. And frankly, I'm not planning to watch it bc I know I'll cry AGAIN. The only thing they care about is bensler... I think bensler was Dick Wolf's tactic to keep fans hooked on the show for years. I thought that the fans would get what they wanted in the season finale and that veluncy would be paved the way. We didn't deserve this ending... I won’t believe it until Molly explains. I want muncy back! I want my veluncy back 🥺
And the terrible things don't stop there. Whelan's dead? Is he really? I can't get over how they write terrible endings to all my favorite characters. Duarte, Whelan and now Muncy... Whelan didn't deserve such an ending and so much hate. Most of the fans have so much hatred for the new characters and don't give them a chance. Then they say they're glad they're leaving and it drives me crazy. I think we would all be happy if a separate series for the bensler and a separate series for the side characters 🫠
What about those deleted scenes? I don't really care about the deleted scenes after Muncy's departure and Whelan's death, but they deleted the scene with Velasco working with Reyes. Everything I was excited about about this crossover has turned out so badly. Looks like I will keep crying for a while 🤧 Depression mode: on.
I just want to wake up again and see that it was all a nightmare. I’ll never be ready to watch these episodes. Unless Muncy comes back next season saying "hey I'm back", I won't be in a good mood. What will Velasco do without her? She was the only one who really trusted and loved him. As he said, Muncy was his “only real friend”.
I’m also sad about Jet and Jamie… they could make a cute couple 🥺 There might be an open door for Muncy but Whelan is gone forever now. I still don’t want to believe. He was baby Stabler. My tears will become a fountain when I watch the scene he dies (if I can watch it) Svu writers are really good at ruining good things…
I think it’s time for Benson and Stabler to retire.
Let's talk about what's on our minds. None of us seems to be able to get out of this depression for a while. I’m open to any comments 💔
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tutuandscoot · 1 year
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📍Worlds 2017 Post FD
I don’t think I’ve ever seen this moment.. discussed, and as I was watching this comp to make another post recently I got stuck on this moment I’d seen several times, but it hit me in the feels more significantly this time round.
First let me set the scene (which you can go watch for yourselves on the full video here starts at 3:30:40).
Once the competition has finished, VM make their way from backstage under the stands to the k+c/ marshalling area for the medal ceremony. But before that they are to give an interview. A camera person has followed them out to this area and there are a few different people wanting their attention. First, someone from the US fed/team who shakes their hands (says congrats) then one of the competition officials asks them something, then the lady who congratulations them and tells them she will do their interview. They can’t go straight to the k+c yet however because the team who competed last (right after VM), HD are still there (and after a disappointing skate are still being consoled by their coaches). So VM patiently wait off to the side. Then it’s here when this gif starts.
TS only had Marie with them in the K+C, however both Marie and Patch watched their skate and knew they had won- despite not being the last team to skate, they had a large enough lead after the short to essentially render them unbeatable (even with his misstep). When they left the K+C after their skate, they unlikely watched the final team or knew the final result as it pertained to HD, so as they came out for their interview they were probably not fully aware of what was happening in the K+C- obviously they saw they were sad but maybe didn’t know their final placement. Both Patch (and that other coach I don’t like) were with HD in the K+C, so Patch comes from there over to VM.
Now, let’s not kid ourselves, we all would like to admit that there is nothing ‘wrong’ with two men embracing like this- and we’d be right- there absolutely is not. But inevitably just bc of.. society (more so social norms of the past- it’s hopefully changing now) this is not the most common thing to see, and therefore, at least for me and I would assume many others, illicits more of an emotional reaction just bc we don’t see it all the time. It shouldn’t be weird- it’s not weird, but it’s still not something you see everyday.
So with that out of the way… what a truly beautiful moment this is.
I’m not gonna go all on again about Scott and what he was dealing with personally that season (iykyk if not hmu and I’ll tell you/look at some previous posts), he’s said even by earlier 4CC that season he was emotionally wiped, so by now, with the relief of the season finally being done, they had won, there was no needing to hold it all together for the sake of competition anymore. You could tell in the K+C after their skate how drained he was, at least to me it seemed it wasn’t just exhausted from the skate or the misstep, it was a culmination of things.
We’ve looked at previous posts the wonderful way T took care of him in those moments in her own quiet way and just being herself- being there with him was everything he needed (being with her (holding her hand/looking in her eyes) was the only time he felt ok 🥺).
But of course they were not alone in this comeback- and they made sure everyone knew that. The support they had from their team was as important as the support they gave each other, and it’s interesting the different ways that support is displayed- the similar yet different ways between T&S and either of them with a coach.
As I said-in the k+c, he was so obviously drained of energy, emotion, I felt so bad for him but also so proud of him and them for achieving what they did that year, and bad that it wasn’t as excellent as they wanted that final skate to be. Here waiting off to the side, it may be the lighting on his face but he almost looks like he’s about to cry, just so depleted of energy. It may have been that he saw Patch walking over and that was the look of near tears.. The way P seemingly doesn’t even say ‘congrats’ to him/ them. Obviously all skaters/athletes in general have special relationships which their coaches so it’s not like this is whole exchange is unique, but just the way there is communication without words- same thing S has with T but in a different way that is unique to them. The way S almost falls into P, like he just needs someone to hold him up bc he’s so exhausted. P goes to him like ‘here, let me hold you’- that’s what S needed to ‘hear’ in that moment rather than ‘congrats’. Also to see two men embrace like that (& esp when you know the relationship in this case is very special). It’s not a hug of ‘congratulations’ because he doesn’t really need to congratulate them, they don’t need that from their coaches, or more they don’t need it verbalised in that way. They have a deeper connection with them and for P+S, P knows what S needs in that moment is to just be cared for as a human.
I’m so freakin attracted to S for this reason- that he’s so open with his emotions and accepting and giving of affection. Describing him/them often as ‘soft’ isn’t a joke- it’s what they are and it’s an umbrella term to describe their affection and sensitivity.
Then if all that wasn’t beautiful enough, the way T just gently steps back a little to give them space. She is not being excluded, P is of course going to hug her as well, she does not find this awkward. She knows S needs a hug from P and so she gives them that space. I’m really not explaining it very well but I know what it says when I watch it and I’m just hoping y’all reading are getting what I’m trying to put into words.
This all goes back to TS’s just unbelievable level of knowing of one another and now having coaches who they trust enough and want them to be on some sort of level of knowing with them. The way she can be part of that hug without being part of that hug. How they can support each other with out being the one hugged/doing the hugging. The way they are so gentle with their emotions towards each other and create a safe space for each other to feel what they need to feel.
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leossmoonn · 2 years
okay okay back to regular scheduled programming
god forbid you ask matt to take care of the kids bc you know for a fact that this man will do literally ANYTHING they ask
"daddy we should go get ice cream!"
"daddy can we go to the pool even though it's 40° outside and it's closed?"
"daddy can we eat from that fancy restaurant you took mommy that one time?"
literally the two of them cld ask for the moon and he wld figure out a way to get them the moon (which i guess isnt a bad thing but it's not a good thing either)
tldr matt spoils the kids bc theyre too smart for their own good and you eventually have to put a hold on your credit cards bc of it😭
Matt and Jack Pearson have the same energy
Matt cannot stand the kids being disappointed. Especially his little princess Jackie. She’s the reason why Percy and her get anything they want.
And you know abt Matt’s soft spot but you two don’t want to pay for a sitter and plus, Matt wants to spend time with the kids. You just have to hope that you still have money in your account and your husband comes back the same way you left him lmao.
Omg imagine the kids ask him to go to the humane society and adopt a cat🌝. This might end up being a very important concept post as I might add another member to the murdock family hehe
Matt is kinda on the fence abt this. You guys don’t live in an apartment anymore since you have a family now, but he’s not sure of your stance on cats + he doesn’t know if Buddy will like it
But again, he hears the sadness in Jackie’s voice and he can’t stand his little girl being sad, especially if he was the cause
So he takes them to the humane society or like a nearby shelter.
“Hi, are you looking to adopt?” The woman at the front desk asks
“Um maybe. My kids just wanted to look at the cats. We probably won’t adopt anything since my wife isn’t there.”
“Alright, no problem. Here are our cats.”
She leads them to the cages where the cats are and OMG THEYRE SO CUTE. Most of them are like almost a year old and there are some that are like 8 and just two months.
“See any you like?” Matt asks.
“This one!” Jackie exclaims. “What does it look like baby?” Matt asks.
“It’s an orange tabby with green eyes!”
He can hear the excitement in his daughter’s voice and he grows afraid he won’t be able to say no
“How old is it?”
“She’s about seven months old. She’s litter box trained, too,” the woman said.
“Can we hold her?” Percy asks. “If it’s alright with your dad,” the woman says.
“Yeah, that’s fine.” Lmao Matt is diggin himself into a hole
The woman lets the two hold the cat and he can just tell that Jackie is falling in love
Also I just wanna say, I feel like Buddy is more Percy’s dog in terms of which child bonded and takes care of him more. Jackie adores Buddy, but she just feels like he’s more of everyone else’s dog and she wants a pet for herself. Anyways
“Wanna hold her, dad?” Jackie asks.
“Um, sure.” He holds his hand out, first petting the kitten. Ugh her fur is SO. SOFT. He then holds her and the kitten curls up in his arms and starts to purr suuuper loudly. He himself cannot take the cuteness
“What’s her name?” Matt asks.
“The shelter calls her Baby, but you can name her something different.”
“Baby, huh? I can see why,” Matt chuckled as the cat is literally clinging to Matt and rubbing her scent glands on his clothes.
“Would you like to change it to something else?”
“Oh, Im not sure if we are getting —"
“NO DAD PLEASEEEEEEE!” Jackie exclaims. “Jackie, use your indoor voice,” Matt says.
She’s like 🥺🥺🥺🥺 “please dad. I promise I’ll take care of her. She’ll be my baby.”
He knows she’s not lying but he’s so scared you’re gonna kill him…. But ah what the hell. You only live once right
“We’ll take her,” Matt smiles.
Jackie is so excited.
Okay but Matt is nervous when he gets home. He literally cleans the kitchen like 2 times and your guys’s bedroom. He makes Percy clean the living room and he has Percy and Jackie help him with making dinner 😭
You come home, pleasantly surprised. “What’s the special occasion?”
��Oh, nothing. Just wanted to show you how much we love you and appreciate you,” Matt says as he kisses you.
“Mmm,” you hum happily into the kiss. “Well, thank you. I love you all, too.”
“We have something to show you!” Percy exclaims
Matt is ready to throw himself and Percy out the window lmao
“Oh, really?” You raise your brows. “Percy is just kidding,” Matt laughs.
“W-Well, he’s not. But we can show you later. Are you hungry? We made your favorite and —”
Then you spot the little tabby cat roaming around the floor. Jackie is trying to catch her lol
“What the hell?” You frown.
Matt looks at you helplessly. “I’m sorry. The kids wanted to see the animals, and Jackie wanted the cat, and I just couldn’t…”
“Couldn’t say no, yeah, I know,” you roll your eyes. You put your coat and shoes by the door, walking over to the cat and successfully catching it. “What’s it’s name?”
“Her name is Baby,” Jackie smiles. Lowk Jackie isn’t even that scared bc she knows this is technically her dads fault (😭😭😭)
You hold the cat up like Simba in The Lion King and study it. “Well, she’s cute.”
“You think?” Matt smiles, hoping you won’t kill him.
“Yeah,” you nod. You bring Baby to your chest and you can’t help but smile as she melts into you. “So, who is taking care of it?”
“Me!” Jackie grins. “Okay. Well, you’re eleven so, I guess you’re old enough,” you say and hand the cat back to her.
“So you’re not mad?” Matt asks.
“No! Not at all!” You laugh.
Yep you’re mad.
Matt nervously eats dinner and when you guys kiss the kids and the pets goodnight, you have a talk w Matt.
“You let her get a cat?”
“I-I —”
“That’s a big responsibility! She doesn’t even do her own laundry!”
“Babe, I know, but —”
“I’m putting a hold on your credit card.”
“You heard me. You or the kids want to buy something, you’ll have to run it by me first.”
“Sweetheart, I’m sorry.”
You sigh and you can tell he is. And you know he’s just trying to be a good dad and give his kids everything because, well, he didn’t get that luxury when he was a kid. You walk over to him and hug him, kissing his cheek softly.
“I know you are. I’m not terribly mad. Honestly, this could’ve been worse. But next time if we want to add another member to the family, or you want to take the kids to the zoo and buy a shit ton of animal plushies, please just wait for me to come home and let me know. I won’t always say no.”
“Yeah,” he nods. “I know.”
You smile and kiss him again. “You’re a great dad, Matt. You have a generous heart. That’s what I love about you.”
He smiles, “I’m glad.”
“But just know, if the cat pisses on our bed or gets into the food, you’re cleaning it up,” you say.
He laughs, “Already was prepared to do those things.”
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vic-chaos · 3 years
ok on the special.... I’ve only seen it once and some bits cut out from bad connection, so I might have more to say tomorrow when I've rewatched and been able to pay closer attention. But here is my jumble of thoughts so far (under cut for spoilers):
okay.......... the ending fucked me up so badly that its hard for me to focus on anything else jsjdsjdjsd.... so i’ll talk about that first 😭
my main issue is that I don’t really understand why they broke them up at the end despite everything, especially after it seemed they had reunited??? like when they finally got the vaccines to the teachers and Cartman had that line about how “their broship could survive anything”.... it felt so much like that was the resolution and they were back together. But then the final scene came out nowhere anyway, why?? 😭 it makes no sense to resolve something then unresolve it at the last second?
I don’t think they will stay split up though... I’m sure it will get fixed eventually. It’s too sad, and also wouldn’t make sense for the show in general to keep them apart??? My first guess is that the next season (hopefully a season and not another special) will be beginning the process to get them back together. I think one possibility might be that as soon as they start going off with different friend groups they will realise it’s not the same and that they miss each other too much....... or another possibility might be Kenny intervening? Because even though they were trying to do everything for whats best for him, they never actually consulted him about any of it?? Plus even though they were putting him in the role of their child for the sake of the joke, he is actually the most emotionally mature of the boys. So I wonder...
That said though the stylennyman content is still making me scream, Cartman bringing his boyfriends to couples therapy.......... and (even if they got “divorced” by the end ;_; ) the way it was framed as if Stan/Kyle/Cartman were married is gonna be making me crazy for weeks jsdsjdjsdjsjdjs, all of Cartman’s dad/husband behaviour with the custody schedules PLEASE lmao.....
And the kenman at the beginning with them being little shits together jsdnsdsdjsd I love them so much aaaaaah.... I need to add that scene to my compilation video of kenman laughing super hard at each other’s jokes while everyone else is like 😐 lmaooo
Ok I have been complaining a lot, but OVERALL I thought it was actually really good and I loved it actually. The very last scene like obliterated my heart, but everything before that was so good, and we got SO MUCH good main 4 content fucking finally 🥺 I’m so happy to see them joining forces again and being adventurous. And we even got more Kenny screentime too!!
The jokes were legit funny and I think it made me laugh more and was just generally better written and just overall better than SP has been in a while. I’m relieved they didn’t depict qanon as being sympathetic in any way (since I made some posts before worried abt that lmao... and I forgive Butters for being part of it bc all he wanted was be out of his house/away from his dad and didn't care what they believed as long as he could escape, so it didn’t mean anything jsjdsmdsdsd) I’m also glad we have confirmation that Cartman would never believe in like the alt right or any of that garbage, so please no more depicting him as any kind of n*zi in fics ever again thanks 🙏
The scene with the 4th wall break and all of the animation stuff was really good too, it was wild omg.... also all of the little cameos and stuff at the end, I’m weirdly so happy to see background visitors again omg!!! It reminds me of old school SP 🥺 I did straight up think Stuart and Kanye were gonna make out for a second though LMAO
UHHHHH a few other things:
There were some scenes from the trailer that didnt appear in the special??? Cartman threatening Stephen and him giving that speech in the boy’s bathroom..... I wonder what happened to those, cut for time maybe? Give me the buttman content 😭 they better release that as a deleted scene 😤
Garrison..... IDK........ I know some people are happy to see him back but I hate him so I’m kind of 🥴 about it, though he was more tolerable in this ep than normal so maybe he’ll be ok in the future lmfao.
And finally...................................... NO RANDY!! 🎉 We did it guys. I’m actually kind of surprised they didn’t try to resolve any of his storylines that were left open or anything lmao, but I also don’t care about him at all so god bless.... we finally got a break 😔🙏
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(💜 oh thank you guys for being so nice! Maybe I’ll come off anon soon if I make a side blog but I totally do not have the skill or creativity needed to write an actual fic lol!) First before I get into Alex and Reggie lol, just imagine Luke feeling lonely for the first time basically ever because he’s never not had Alex and Reggie to talk to and he crawls into his mom and dad’s bed that night and he’s way to big but they let him anyway because he’s feeling so bad because this is the first time he’s ever felt like he can’t talk to Luke and Reggie and he just needs his mom 🥺 ok back to Alex and Reggie! I love the idea of them going on a DATE before they sleep over! Like Luke stays with Bobby and Reggie doesn’t really want to go home until much later because his parents are always arguing and they don’t care if someone stays over or whatever because they’re too busy arguing but it just makes him upset to hear them argue so he wants to wait until late and they’ve gone to bed, so Alex and Reggie have a little date where they walk along the beach and get ice cream and it’s getting dark and there’s no one around so they can hold hands and Reggie is blushing the whole time and they take their shoes off and go into the water and watch the sunset and they kiss as the sun sets. Maybe Reggie trips over lol and cuts his knee and Alex has to clean it with bottled water and he’s just so close Reggie can feel his breath on him and he’s blushing again and he really just wants to lean over and kiss him again but he doesn’t know if that’s okay and he whispers “hey, this is what made me fall in love with you you know…” and Alex is like “what?” And Reggie says “remember the time I was getting picked on by those asshole seniors? And Luke tried to help and ended up getting thrown on his ass? And you punched the guy? I’d never seen you angry before…” and Alex is laughing a little and saying “yeah and Luke showed me the huge bruise on his butt the next day” and Reggie’s like “it figures that would be the last you remember” with a little laugh and Alex asks why and Reggie says “you were head over heels for him and I was head over heels for you so when you hit that guy… I wanted it to be for me but I knew it was for Luke…” and Alex cuts him off and is like “it was for both of you Reg” and Reggie rolls his eyes and smiles and says “well whatever, when you were in the bathroom cleaning up my face I wanted to kiss you so bad” and Alex says “like this?” And kisses him 🥰
god it's been ages since you sent this i'm SO sorry!!! but i've got a bit of time right now so let's do this!
ugh right off the bat Luke feeling lonely??? 🥺🥺 I'M SAD. WE HAVE TO MAKE IT BETTER!!! i bet the following morning Emily makes Luke's favorite (idk probably pancakes or something) and gently encourages him to call Alex or Reggie (or maybe even Bobby?? who knows) and when he's still reluctant to she just reminds him that they're his best friends and they'll always be there for him. UGH. i love them 🥺
BUT OMG ALEX AND REGGIE GOING ON A REAL DATE??? HOW CUTE IS THAT!!! I love that for them. especially a beach date!!!!
and ofc Reggie trips over something and scrapes up his knee, this clumsy idiot. he was probably too busy staring at Alex's mouth to realize he was walking on an uneven part of the ground and never even had a chance.
but 🥺🥺🥺 Reggie falling for Alex bc he just takes care of everyone and loves them So Much is just.... the sweetest.
i can def see them like going under the pier in Santa Monica to make out bc it's darker under there and nobody goes there after dark anyway so they're totally alone but still in public so it feels even more exciting to be kissing each other. and like maybe ever since Alex said that he and Bobby went further than kissing, Reggie's been thinking about going further too.
and why not do it with Alex?? he loves Alex. Alex makes him feel safe. so maybe as they're kissing Reggie starts touching Alex a little more, getting a little more deliberate as he goes further down Alex's body and at first Alex is like "wait wait what's going on what are you doing" bc like... he wants this, obviously, but they're in public. PUBLIC!!!
and Reggie's just so flushed and he looks so good, esp when he looks up at Alex with those big puppy dog eyes of his and just says that he wants to make Alex feel good, like - how is Alex ever supposed to say no????
so he lets Reggie touch him and like, it ends up not being too scandalous bc it's not like they get naked on the beach - Reggie's hand is just shoved into Alex's jeans. but it feels like the craziest thing they've ever done, for sure.
and when Alex is finished 👀 he does the same for Reggie.
(then imagine the two of them having to take a bus home, all sneaky glances and flushed faces bc they're both thinking about what they just did and how bad they already wanna do it again.)
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lovlettres-moved · 3 years
HEY HEY HEY! AHhh the NEWEST HQ EP!!! I’m so happy karasuno won like I was holding breath the whole time and that moment where kagehina both blocked the ball together :0 they really said ❌no that is OUR quick not yours ❌ but like I’m also kinda sad for inarazaki boys esp for Kita because like isn’t this the last game for him as he’s in 3rd year? But also for Atsumu :( but I’m wondering who karasuno will go against next like I think it will be nekoma right ..!!! I can’t wait !!!! But I hope we see them again I love the twins a lot!!! Also hinata best boy like the smile he had on his face and how he always keeps going.. 🥺🥺 I love how in this game we saw more of the other characters (BABY NOYA IS SO SMALL I LOVE HIM 🤧) and their drive.. tanaka outdid himself in this game !!! And that moment where the ball was in the air and like everyone just breathed :0! I really want karasuno to win nationals.. they deserve it and I think maybe they could do it!!!! it’ll be so interesting seeing them go against the cat boys for real.. but who am I meant to support like... I don’t want either of them to lose 😔🙃 I also miss kiyoko where has she gone :( Ok I hope you’re doing well and having a good day .. pls look after yourself and rest as much as you can since it’s winter!! Hinata says ms lovlettres best girl.. it’s true!! ❤️💕❤️- hq anon!!!
I’m sorry I’ve sent you many asks these last few days :/// but I’m excited hhhh !!! The finale ep happened today!! And !! I’m so excited that they’ll be against nekoma .. idk what I’ll do like who do I even root for .. I know I’ll be so sad whichever of them loses :/ but it’ll be interesting since kenma really wants to win against hinata and 🥺 also I really want to see more of fukurodani and them playing like :0 bokuto seems so determined that’s my owl boy also the ending where they were just laughing and resting 🥺🥺😭 they all worked very hard im proud also kageyama has my entire heart truly he does 😔 can’t believe haikyuu gave me this serotonin boost every week wow the power they hold 😭 ok I hope you’re ok and resting during this time.. please rest as much as you can since you’re working hard.. I hope things get easier for you soon ❤️💕- haikyuu anon
okay first of all HI HAIKYUU ANON!!! i love your long asks fjjefje they always make me so happy
omg last week's episode was truly something else, the animation for the entire season was a bit disappointing but last week's and this week's somehow made up for it idk how
and yes!!!! i know kitas speech made me cry fr bc..... his approach towards life is so gentle but also firm.... i love how his character adds another layer to the entire story 🥺🥺
omg all the flashbacks of the characters, esp noya and the miya twins made me so happy... and like i said the whole inarizaki match adds something entirely new to the story like hinatas hunger to rival everything and catch up with tobio ( and vice versa) and the twins approach towards the game and how kita said they would've had fun playing against tobio and hinata bc their hunger to play matches the others.... it's all so neatly wrapped up
omg no don't apologize for the asks... sharing my love for haikyuu with someone else is such a nice feeling!!! so you can always send me asks whenever!!! 💖
omg you'll see the miya twins somewhere in the stands in the future episodes, it's not for very long but they do appear with kita
omg i think you'll adore the match between nekoma and karasuno bc it's stretched out so differently from inarizakis and nekomas dominant style of play as defence and karasunos dominant style of play as attack makes the ball stay in the air for so long....
(also a little spoiler but you said you wanted to see more fukurodani and they'll appear after nekoma, i think... my memory is failing me rn gjejjfjw)
and right!? haikyuu was a happiness boost for the last 2 months.... even though half of the episodes were gmwkfjgjekeifikwe :/ but i still had something to look forward to
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yassidabrat · 3 years
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I started a new job on Monday I really like it so far it’s up my alley and it’s not very hard I’m definitely getting the hang of it. My family per usual is driving me crazy I shared a bit on tiktok ( yassitheedollxo) and made it friends only bc it 10k views of my family just being ridiculous. If I don’t laugh at my pain I’ll cry about it. I just really hate my family I should’ve been swallowed and not in no suicidal shit even though I wouldn’t mind dying at this point not much is happening in my life I could go in my sleep and be fine. It’s just don’t have children just bc we aren’t just babies we are people that will be adults. I don’t feel like my mom loves me I feel like she tolerates me and my dad loves me more than I even like him I’m the light of his world and I could go the rest of his life w out talking to him. He’s ruined so many aspects of my life I’m 22 still trying to get it together. I’ve been taking my podcast serious LINK IN BIO OR SEARCH WHERE YOU LISTEN TO PODCAST “ The Bimbo Zone” I have 2 more episodes planned out and I’m actually staying on schedule idc if 3 people listen to it someone likes it! Still relying on seggs work to survive till I get paid ( $yassimua) LOL JKJK but yeah it’s rough unlike the girlies who are fucking on camera for money others like myself are doing it bc we have to eat and survive cough cough Bella Thorne , Trisha and tana stupid ass. I was talking to someone and I was told after a week they still had unresolved feelings for they ex that CHEATED on them W A MAN. I hope she gets cheated on so bad it sends her to grippy sock land. Then my friend called me bc the LGBTQXYZ is very small in my town we all know if eachother lol and my friend said she was going out on a date or whatever and it kinda hurt bc it wasn’t really the ex it was me she didn’t want. Which was fine it only kinda hurt bc I had sex w her which I definitely wouldn’t had done it would’ve known it was going nowhere or she didn’t have the same intentions as me. I felt used still kinda do and I will not be having romantic feelings for anyone ever again that shit is ghetto and white trash and EMBARRASSING and everyone’s like no don’t say that blah blah blah I’ve been rejected by everyone I’ve really wanted or been cool enough to duck but not date or didn’t want to be seen in public w me I’m not doing this shit to myself again I rather be alone like I have been then ever allow someone to hurt me again. I cried for 4 days over a masc lesbian that doesn’t care that I exist it’s embarrassing even talking about it but y’all like it when I’m funny so I doubt y’all will read this whole thing 😂😂but it’s fine I just needed to vent bc I cabt see my therapist this week bc our day falls on thanksgiving . I’m nkt excuted for that I have a broken family I usually eat wawa in my car by myself and cry bc I don’t have anything close to a family unit . I don’t like Christmas bc after I was 8 they just gave me money for the present instead of buying it so now I’m weird about accepting gifts bc no one took the effort to get it for me. Also we aren’t a rich family and Christmas isn’t a priority we don’t even decorate bc what’s the point no one is getting a present . Idk my life is just sad I feel like my deck of card is constantly a draw 4 or uno reverse and I’m tired. I don’t want to be here anymore but I’m too pussy to do it so I’m just existing . I’m applying for gov assistance to get a place by myself bc I can’t live w my parents anymore they are a cancer to my life. Hopefully I can get out soon and get a second job or get into school so I’m never home. Sorry for being sad these are just my thoughts . I love you Bimbo babes 🥺💗
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