#and if youre one of my mutuals who ive like
charmac · 2 months
i don't think people hcing charlie as transfem are trying to dismiss the transmasc charlie hc! i think it's more of a projection thing for a lot of people, since i know at least a few of the main people who enjoy the headcanon are transfem themselves!! i don't think you have much to worry about in terms of people dismissing the tmasc or other genderqueer charlie hc anyways, since it's already much more popular! i think you're perhaps being a bit too critical.
I've literally never said anything like this at all, I think you've either misinterpreted something else I've said or have the wrong blog.
All of my Charlie gender-based posts or reblogs I've stated/tagged that I think any interpretation of Charlie's gender can make sense, be it transmasculine, transfeminine, nonbinary, agender, whatever you want.
I am one of the ~3 blogs that has access to The Bathroom Problem script and who posted and pointed out that you can make out/slightly hear the Joyce cuts in the episode itself. I would not have excitedly shared that for open-interpretation if I was "worried" people are "dismissing" transmasc Charlie headcanons. (Which, again, I've literally never said, but in any case, I believe it's valid for anyone to dismiss a headcanon they don't agree with, fandom is a sandbox.)
What I personally don't care for are genderbends and, almost by extension, analysis/meta on canon scenes that rename/re-gender the characters with no basis (or, one that comes off wrong). Both topics I've literally never publicly spoken out against here, nor have I said anything bad/negative to everyone who personally enjoys these things, so there is no way for me to possibly be "too critical" in that regard. I keep most of my opinions to myself and my close mutuals, almost exactly for what you're saying: I personally don't want to harsh or dismiss anyone's headcanons.
I have never said, and have never meant to imply, that anyone interpreting Charlie as transfem is attempting to dismiss anyone else's headcanon (which again would be a non issue to me anyway).
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unopenablebox · 2 months
i admit that i find it a little bit frustrating how Wildly Astonished other antizionist jews act when i tell them my israeli jewish family have lived in the region since [some unknown length of time before 1800 when there start being records about it]
#and then they're like ''ohhh they're mizrahi!'' [connotation nonwhite‚ virtuously indigenous]#and i have to be like. no. it's just that‚ as palestine was in fact ottoman-administered greater syria for most of the last 600 years‚#you could get there from other parts of the ottoman empire. such as the part of now-ukraine your ashkenazi family is also from.#it wasn't actually a hermetically sealed arab-only ethnostate that evaporated immigrants on sight. it was a pretty decent place to live as#a jew by at least some accounts. or better than the front of the hapsburg-ottoman war anyway which is where they were coming from.#i'm not sure who you think it's serving exactly to believe that there were literally no ashkenazim in the middle east before the 1st aliyah#however there were some. and this information does not actually threaten a modern anti-state of israel position like at all.#but since apparently you've constructed your new Diaspora-Centric Identity around the idea that 'palestine' and 'diaspora'#are the two mutually exclusive nonoverlapping regions and the former is ontologically a no-european-jews-allowed zone#i guess i can give you a minute to try to figure it out.#ugh sorry this is nothing it isn't anything. for one thing it's fantastically unimportant#and for another thing i don't know how to like talk about it in a way that doesn't make me sound at least kind of like im trying to justify#myself as being somehow less complicit or something. i mean i think my complicity as an american dwarfs the rest of it honestly but.#i just feel really insanely alienated where the rhetoric of my theoretically most closely politically aligned group is not really built to#like. accommodate the facts of my family history.#sorry. i have honestly no idea why im so obsessed with articulating this concept ive just been chewing on it pointlessly for days#box opener
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minuutti · 1 year
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call me little sunshine
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sugarsnappeases · 17 days
kara i need to know more about rodolhov plsss
fae my darling this is my favourite can of worms in my collection thank you so much for asking me to open it <33
okay so a bit of antonin backstory… for me he’s like ten/fifteen years older than rodolphus (who’s around bella’s age imo. born early 1950s) and he comes from a long line of russian pureblood aristocracy so his family lives in russia and he went to durmstrang. so when tom was on his little world tour, post borgin and burke’s hepzibah smith debacle, he meets antonin, like circa 1965.
and antonin obvs is big on the dark arts (which is cultivated at durmstrang) and i personally think he’s super into like spell-crafting and digging into Magic itself and the way it works (source: the unidentified purple spell he uses on hermione in the battle of the dept. of mysteries. i think he made it himself) and that would’ve appealed to tom who wants to know Everything Ever so they like keep in touch. and when tom is back in england and putting pieces into place for his war, i reckon he gives antonin the pitch and it works, so antonin is also one of the earlier death eaters, roughly around the same time as rodolphus…
now getting properly into it!! i think by dint of them both joining around the same time there’s just this immediate tension between them, immediate visceral hatred. like antonin thinks that rodolphus is an entitled, talentless wanker who’s only been allowed into the death eaters bc of his surname and his money. rodolphus thinks antonin is a stuck-up, pretentious arsehole who’s sticking his nose in places where they don’t belong (namely wizarding britain’s politics).
so everything they do starts just being in order to one up the other. they’re making snide comments about each other in all the death eater meetings. they’re fantasising about killing each other whenever they’re out on raids etc etc (and we’re gonna ignore the like. secrecy vibes of the first war and the fact that most of the death eaters wouldn’t have known who else was a de. to me ant and rodo both climb the ranks fairly quickly and in the inner circle there would’ve been less emphasis on the masked vibe bc basically everyone would know each other anyway)
in my little canon one-shot that i’ve been very slowly writing since like. october. the catalyst that turns their enemies into enemies who fuck is voldemort sending them on like an extended mission just the two of them. and they’re trying to make each other look bad the entire time, maybe trying to kill each other a little (‘i can say you just died on the mission, you’re replaceable sweetheart, the dark lord won’t mind’) and eventually, inevitably, the tension reaches a boiling point and they just have to fuck it out
it’s very violent, and bloody and obvs a complete secret, and in many ways for rodo it serves as another little outlet for his anger, and all his suppressed desire yk the vibe, and it’s about the power dynamics and who’s winning their game, and antonin has this whole thing about bella (‘does your crazy wife fuck you like this, roddy?’ <- calling him roddy bc that’s what bella calls him, always mocking) and rodolphus always punches him when he insults her, and it’s all very sadomasochistic and it drives me insane they’re my boyysss. my actual boys. they’re like my main mlm ship i think and i’ve been keeping them in my heart for so long, it feels so good to let them be free
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SPEAKING OF WHICH are there like any chill wizard101 discord servers or group chats that I could join. Or if anyone just wanna add me on discord shoot me a tumblr DM because I'm lonely and I like you guys :)
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antisocialgaycat · 3 months
Someday tumblr is going to be gone, or I will, and that's ok. It's sad, yes, but at least I will have known you. At least I'll still be able to quote terrible posts with my friends, at least I'll be able to look back and remember all these people who are closer to me than anyone I knew before. This site has gotten shit, but at least we've been here together. At least I met you.
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surlifen · 10 months
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appalachy · 1 year
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#like in general#but also last weekend was literally like a skins episode what the fuck im still processing it#we went to see a football match#then spent over an hour getting back to our dorms on foot bc the trams were packed#we were JUST abt to reach the dorm building byt there were these 3 guys standing and they were like#'hiii girls look we reallyREALLY urgently need to get to the club but we re too drunk to call for a taxi wchi means you gotta walk us there#so we were like no fucking way obv we didnt know them AND THEN WENT WITH THEM ANYWAY#we stopped by this one place where young ppl usually meet up to drink bc our friend was partying there#drank her beer lool the boys convinced their friend to go with us qnd this girl turned out to be our mutual friend which is jdjeisbwjkw#so anyway on our way to teh club theres fierworks and ppl shouting celebrating the match we watched#we get to the club we get drinks we start dancing#THE GUY WHO I WENT OUT WITH ONCE AND WHOS OBSESS3D WITH ME BUT NOW PRETENDS I DONT EXIST IS IN THE VERY SAME CLUB AT THE SAME TIME#man#thinks get heated between me and one of these guys we just met#long story short we made out (s&m by rihanna in the background)#at like 3am we left the club and got back and i was glad to finally go to sleep BUt my friend just had to mention that she had whiskey#so we stayed up till 6am in front of our dorm building drinking and being stupid in general#ive got photos of me braiding one of the guys hair and laying on teh ground lol#so anyways#oh also one of the guys lost the fucking thingy ? they give you when youre leaving your stuff in the cloakroom or whatever#so while we were waiting for the cloakroom guy to return with his jacket he was like 'listen i lost the fucking thing#'the moment he returns with my jacket you grab it and we fucking run out of here you hear me?'#and we fucking did 💀#most importantly i got told im a good kisser that night 💯💯💯 but still all that kissing and touching did nothing for me like i said#felt bad for the guy bc he was ..... hmmmmm eager and he was fukcing trying ok so i was out there fake moaning so he doesnt feel bad lol💀
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firebuug · 25 days
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paradisecas · 2 years
i think it’s so nice that marie included adam in her little play. i haven’t seen the episode in a hot min so i cant remember if she really believes that sam and dean are sam and dean but it’s really funny to think about her accepting and processing that her favorite characters are actually real people and then remembering them being confused about adam in her play. who’s that, they asked, and she’s like damn! he wasn’t even ignored because the series ended! he was Forgotten forgotten!! au in which marie and some teenagers stage a jailbreak because if sam and dean won’t save their brother, someone has to.
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The huntlow ship is blander than flour and has less chemistry than tap water from a white suburban neighborhood. But because it involves an angsty white boy, 70% of fans, who needed to have the words "representation" and "subtext" taken away until they knew how to use them properly, immediately started foaming at the mouth to beam their self insert into the brain of willow park to be hunters tradwife, neoliberal edition.
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theloopus · 2 months
ahhh that fic author game all my beloved mutuals are doing is reminding me of how much i'd like to try my hand at translating a fic someday...
the problem is that ideally if i were to take on a project like that i'd naturally like the fic to be from one of my (current) fandoms (even better if it's written by a mutual!), but all my fandoms are so niche that i don't think there'd be an audience for it? like i already know p much everyone who speaks spanish in the MASH fandom and we all just read fics in english if at all lol. though at the same time it's like, "okay, but you should focus on the process, not the reception, it's for practice" but at the same time i don't actually super enjoy the process of literary translation (←is going for audiovisual) and the reason i got into translation at all was to be able to make art accessible to audiences who wouldn't get to experience it otherwise... so... much to ponder!!!
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demadogs · 1 year
i think im the only person who doesnt want a full on makeout session for bylers first kiss
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snekdood · 5 months
me, on the one hand: its weird to gatekeep people identifying with characters just bc they don't share their same race
also me, upon watching a video of someone wanting the saiyans to be in ssj form 24/7: you just want them to be blonde with blue eyes all the time bc you're mad that otherwise you can't project on to them since they're likely asian 🙄
#ig these aren't mutually exclusive stances but still#in fact if anything it bolsters my former stance bc why tf cant you just identify with them as they are#anyways ive been holding this back bc of whiney people on here but yes i kin with bruno from encanto and theres nothing you can do#to stop me.#if i relate to him in every other way ASIDE from being fuckin colombian then thats a very stupid and arbitrary line to draw im sorry and#i also dont care about your weird gatekeeping#its almost like familial abuse isnt restricted to ones race and also race is fake but anyways#fuck your weird ''white' people cant imprint on these characters' shit like. you're literally trying to stop ppl from seeing themselves#in other races. how tf do you think thats beneficial to stopping racism like AT ALL?#me when i hate when 'white' ppl put themselves in my shoes and try to empathize with me#me when i reinforce the racial binary and act like its real and not made up by white supremacists and pretend im not contributing#to white supremacists' delusion that race is real#theres literally a woman who would conventionally be recognized as white in the movie but ig gingers cant imprint on her at all or w/e#bc they dont speak spanish or something idk. is it about skin tones? bc babe give me a couple of days on the beach and ill look like bruno#dsjhfsvdhjvgfhdsvhgdf#and no i dont believe you if you try to say that the abuse he faced was somehow unique to colombian culture or something.#if anything that kinda abuse was prolly passed down from europeans who colonized the lands so i have even MORE of a reason#to feel like i can identify w it since im mostly of 'european' decent ._.#at least as far as ik.#('european' is in quotation marks bc its a place w a lot of different types of people some of which aren't recognized as white by#some white supremacists even and idk what im mixed with so)
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bunnyb34r · 1 year
Outlasted another manager 💅 lmao
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sundropsystem · 1 year
Ngl this new mutual culture on tumblr scares me so much. I feel like any mutuals i have arent actually mutuals because mutual clearly means very good friend and also most people will get mad at you if you reblog their post and youre not seen as a mutual by them and of course mutual doesnt mean mutual it means friend and if youre not mutuals and you interact people will think youre strange and invasive and annoyinf and creepy and
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