#and it ends up bursting out of him in a firey explosion that destroys his body and deals aoe damage
rwbyvein · 2 years
Firen Lhain: Chapter 1109: Landfall:  Part I / III
Nora fell downward with her hammer shouting, "SSWWOOOOOOPP!" She crashed into the ground, causing a great, pink explosion that knocked the clustered Beowulves away, at least the ones that survived. The next to land immediately beside her was Yang, who crashed into a cluster of Ursa, a firey explosion happening a moment after she landed. Ruby's scythe landed on the neck of a Giant Nevermore, and a shot later she had taken it off. Weiss, and a swarm of Lancers following behind, damaging a dozen Griffins as they swarmed down. Ciel was striking one, and disappearing, only to reappear attacking another. Blake was striking and swinging through them and Ren landed on the neck of another Giant Nevermore, using his Aura Palm to destroy it's head. A swarm of Lancers approached the group, only for an intense red beam to erupt from Tyrannosaur's mouth and sweep through the group, utterly incinerating them. Hyperborea, it's nacelles having active Hard-Light Dust turbines, and a barrier of Wind Dust around them flew through another wing of Griffins. Schwartzesonne had a dark glow as it slowly floated down. It pointed it's right arm at another cluster of Lancers and opened a small singularity, crushing them all together. Jaune hit the ground hard, with Penthesilea landing much softer behind him with Ilia craddled in her arms. She then kissed Ilia on the side of the face and serenly put her down as all hell was breaking loose around them. Hecatoncheir landed hard beside them. She aimed her heavy, underhanded line rifle as the four White Knight hands on her right arm gripped the four triggers of the heavy autodusters that surrounded it. One shot of the line rifle racked out, ending 8 Lancers. She turned her weapon to the side, and the four HAD's started, ending another swarm. Midsummer Knight floated down, surrounded by his pixes, hand on his rapier's hilt.
When he landed, he gestured over, and his pixies flew over. They formed a ring, creating a barrier made from Hard-Light and Gravity Dust just in time for a swarm of Lancers to strike into. They bounced off the barrier, which quickly disappeared as the pixies flew back to him. Ilia lashed out with her Thunder Lash, but stopped when she saw the pixies carrying Midsummer Knight towards the Lancers. He ended them with a few swipes of his mighty rapier.
Ilia looked over to see Tyrannosaur's barbed tail crashing through a dozen Beowulves. Hecatoncheir was alternating beween Line Rifle shots and bursts from the 4 H.A.D.'s. She looked back to see Midsummer Knight on the ground, taking out Ursa with his colossal rapier, the pixies, in groups of threes, creating small barriers to deflect their attacks. Tyrannosaur turned around and let out a colossal breath of fire, burning a large group of Beowulves to cinders. She felt a wall of incredibly hot air hit her. and momentarily paused. She looked around but saw nothing but scorched earth, cinders, and dissolving Grimm.
Qrow flew down, and took the head off the one last Giant Nevermore as he came crashing down. "You need to keep your eyes open, kids." he voiced.
"I was going to get it!" Ruby insisted.
"Uh-huh?" Qrow sarcastically asked. Before he realized it, Ruby was on all fours in front of him, sweeping his legs out.
She stood up triumphantly as he fell, "Ha!" she exclaimed.
"Man, you've really gotten good." Qrow said, as he laid on the ground.
"You... just going to lay there?" Yang asked. "Your eyes a little fuzzy?"
"Just the oppposite." Qrow stated, and quickly flipped himself up. "It's weird falling over when not drunk."
Midsummer Knight walked over, looming over them, before turning to look at Jaune, "You can continue to your destination. We will hold the ground until the tinmen can take it over."
Hecatoncheir loomed over them, "I'll join you guys, if you don't mind." the vocober stated.
"That's cool." Yang replied.
Nora eagerly raised her hand.
"Yes?" Hecatoncheir's vocober asked.
"Can you carry me?!" Nora eagerly asked.
Hecatoncheir reached out with her left hand, the four White Knight hands reaching out as well. Nora held her left hand out. One of the White Knight hands grabbed her. The four others move out to cradle her, lifting her up to it's shoulder.
* * *
Hecatoncheir walked along, with all of the Huntsmen walking around them. Nora looked at the White Knight head on the front of the Paladin, "So, is this weird?"
"Such a force has not been assembled since the Great War." the White Knight stated.
"No, I mean, being in the Paladin." Nora stated
"I do not follow." the White Knight stated.
"Because, you're in a Paladin." Nora stated.
"I am." the White Knight replied.
"And most White Knights are not." Nora stated.
"How many White Knights have you known?"
"Oh, just Hugh." Nora stated. "Good guy, kind of uptight."
"Well, now you know two." The White Knight head added. "I have always been this way. They had to rewrite the movement protocols, but they are written."
"Wait, you can walk?" Nora eagerly asked. "Where are your legs?"
"The legs that are moving me." the White Knight head simply stated.
"YOU'RE THE PALADIN?!" Nora asked.
"The body at least. The heart is Lady Citrine."
"I told you not to call me a lady!" the vocober shouted.
"You are the very reason I fight." the White Knight head replied. "If you are not a lady, I am not a baronet."
"You're my Paladin!" the vocober stated.
"Verily." the White Knight head stated.
"You guys are awesome." Nora stated, and the Paladin simply stopped, neither the White Knight head nor vocober saying anything. "What's up?"
"N-nothing." the vocober voiced.
Nora then looked at the White Knight head, "What about you?"
"Touched beyond measure." the White Knight head stated.
Yang turned around to shout at them, "You guys comin', or what?!"
The White Knight's head blinked a few times before moving to catch up.
* * *
The first to drop were the 4 Ironman Paladins, followed by 2 Dullahans. The spread out. The next to drop were the 2 Cormorants, followed by 4 Phalanxes, each Phalanx with a lance of White Knighs in it's small battlement. Next the Knights 2A2 started to drop in groups, quickly spreading out. Last but not least was an 3 small airships dropping the infantry.
* * *
Jaune stopped near the edge of the cliff, looking down at the valley below them and over to the giant cave in front of them. The others started spreading out to have a look around as Hugh as his Knights fell behind them, Hecatoncheir looming over them. "I can overwatch from anywhere." it's vocober stated. Jaune then turned to Hugh.
"Find a place that let's you aim at the cave mouth, as well as anti-air protection."
Hugh saluted. "M'Lord." he stated, and they moved up to the cliff, two mid-centre, two off to the right, the Huntsmen moving to make room for them. Jaune stood next to Hugh, with Ruby standing up beside him. He drew Black Prince while she drew Crecent Rose. Behind them, Ironwood dropped like stone, Winter more elegantly landed beside him. Susan rode the wind in while Gog dropped like a mountain behind them. Belle dropped beside Yang,
"Enough group hugging." she said, as she pointed her sword over at the Grimm hordes rushing towards them. Beowulves and Smilodons rushing straight at them on the ground, the Ursas looking to find a way up the cliff towards them. Centurions rolled out of the cave.
"Pen, Belle, group hug." Jaune said. Before he had finished, Penthesilea had quickly jumped in to hug him. He touched her shield, and his Aura flashed. He then looked at Belle. Her eyes switched from his eyes to Penthesilea's shield, and quickly ran over. Jaune touched it and his Aura flashed, causing the shield to glow. He then did the same to his own, and the three lined up along the cliff with their glowing shields. The Centurions deployed, pointing their spines at them before firing. The spines deflected off of the shields.
"Sweet." Yang voiced, while Penthesilea let out a giddy laugh. Jaune felt Ilia pressing up against him from behind.
"You've got a place to be." he said without looking back. "Can't give you a kiss to send you off." he said, and Weiss quickly kissed her on the cheek. Blake appeared and Weiss kissed her on the cheek. Ren nervously looked at Nora, whom dipped him back for a powerful kiss.
Jaune then spoke, "Ruby, Hugh, start firing. Uh, Hec?" he asked.
"Just don't want to drown out the lovey-dovey moment." Hecatoncheir's vocober spoke as she opened up on the Grimm below them. Most of the Beowulves and Smilodons on the cliff began to dissolve after the initial volley.
"Don't see them in the daylight too much anymore." Qrow stated.
"Are you planning to help?" Winter harshly asked from behind him, and he looked at her.
"Just waiting for the right time, ice queen." he said, and turned to step off to the side.
"Leave him." Ironwood stated, and she steeled herself before looking at him with love, "We'll have more than enough Grimm for ourselves."
Hyperborea landed, blocking sight of Qrow, and when it moved, Qrow had simply vanished. Tyrannosaur landed on the other side, with Schwartzesonne landing behind them. Midsummer Knight floated in afterwards before elegantly landing behind them. "Citrine, continue." he dismissively voiced.
"Thanks for persmission." her vocober said between volleys.
Midsummer Knight turned around at the others, "We'll wait until the stage is set for the rest of us."
"Always so dramatic." Schwartzesonne dismissively voiced from beside him.
"Coming from our drama queen?" Tyrannosaur asked.
"That means something completely different when talking about alleged men." Schwartzesonne uttered.
Tyrannosaur's fake dragon head looked at Midsummer Knight, "You going to say something to that?"
A brief paused followed before it answered, "Wouldn't you like to know about how plays used to be run."
"Wait, what?" Tyrannosaur and Yang asked at the same time. Yang then looked at Weiss, who refused to look her in the eyes.
"I'll tell you when we get back." Blake said with a cheshire grin.
"Oh, NOW I'm curious." Yang uttered.
Jaune slapped his shield with his sword, "Focus!" he shouted.
"Ehn?" Yang asked, "Uncle Qrow did say something about waiting for the right moment. Maybe we should do that?"
"That's... a good point." Jaune said with a visible sigh.
"Yes, well, perhaps a middle ground is in order?" Weiss asked, as she summoned an Arma-Gigas that stood taller than any of the Paladins. It leapt forward and then slid down the hill, bracing against it's sword behind it. When it got to the bottom, it started cleaving Grimm in twain. It paused as the Centurions were taken out by Hecatoncheir's line rifle.
"Yang?" Jaune asked, "Why don't you go left of the cave entrance?"
Yang immediately ran off, "You got it, Sugar Daddy!" she shouted before jumping off.
"Sugar?" Jaune asked.
"The daddy part does not bother him?" Winter asked, as Tyrannosaur took off behind her.
"My - fellows." Gog's deep voice said back to them as he jumped to follow.
"You coming, Ice Queen?" Belle asked as she walked up to the edge of the cliff.
"I will remain." Winter replied.
"Got to stay with iron daddy." Belle said, before jumping off.
"Iron what?" Winter asked, her colours a mottle of dark and light blue.
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vamprnce · 5 years
Gatboss Week Day 4: Loyalty
It went to Playa and Johnny to Boss and Johnny to Chris and Johnny. They were an odd pair that easily fit
here's day 4 I skipped before, it's really short so sorry also I didn't like how it came out so much but I wanted to post something anyways;;
It went to Playa and Johnny to Boss and Johnny to Chris and Johnny. They were an odd pair that easily fit, two psychopaths destroying everything in their way. Even Julius Little saw and regretted it.
Way in the beginning they didn't think much of each other, Playa didn't look much as Johnny said and thought. Playa thought Johnny was loud and annoying, he never said it though, well to his face at least.
After awhile they went on missions together to tear down the Vice King's, both of their opinions changed. Playa was a fucking wrecking ball, just coming into battle, some times alone, destroying everything and everyone in his path. Johnny, still annoying and loud -- that never changed, was badass and a crazy motherfucker. Playa loved it. They both fit together, it just worked. They eventually became fast friends, even best friends. Playa saving Johnny after he got his knee shot and he sacrificed himself and Johnny rescuing Playa after getting fucked up by some crazy Carnales and saving his live, they're bond was strong and solid, it just couldn't be tampered with.
Even when Playa went on that boat alone that night and getting blown up, suffering severe burns and long lasting effects of the trauma after, their friendship and loyalty never was questioned.
Johnny tried to avenge him, he got sent to jail and put on death row. Even after all of that he had hope for the kid, he never believed he died, that kid survived getting stabbed and having his throat sliced plus getting shot, shoved in a trunk and almost drowned while witnessing another lieutenant die right next to him. How could he possibly die from a boat explosion if he survived all of that?
His belief of the Saints coming back never wavered. He just knew.
Playa now Boss coming to rescue him from death row proved that, he was never surprised he would come. It's like he gained a sixth sense or something being friends with him, it was unnatural.
Taking the city back was a challenge, losing friends on the way and hit by grief ten times as strong. But Boss had Johnny's back and Johnny had Boss'. Losing Aisha was devastating and broke Johnny, but the love and care Boss shown for him after was something else, not only he took him to the hospital gunning down Ronin on the way he went out of way to hunt down the bastard to killed her. There was something in Johnny that he never felt before. Was it appreciation? No. Admiration? Maybe. There was loyalty, though. That never left. But, maybe, just maybe there was love.
Did he love the Boss, hell yeah, he's his best friend. Was he in love? That was something he couldn't figure out, he was delusional.
They had this certain bond, a bond that kept them strung together. Soulmates.
After taking over Stilwater, their love started bubbling, started exploding like police cars after a rocket launcher was shot at them. They're undying loyalty shifted, they started loving each other.
It went slow, months of pining and teasing, flirting and making questionable jokes about each other's feelings. Ones you ponder and analyzed over and over, wondering did they actually meant that? Then it crashed like a runaway train, flirting turned to touching, touching turned to kissing, kissing turned to sloppy make outs. It was good, fucking amazing actually. It felt right.
Reality crashed down and that runaway train turned into a firey blaze.
Johnny sacrificed himself for the Saints but more importantly for him, he gave away his life for him. He was devastated, heart shattered in a million pieces. His best friend was gone, his so called boyfriend, his soulmate, gone forever because he was selfless. He questioned why exactly he did that, why Johnny Gat deserve to die and not him. He knew he was loyal to him and the feelings were mutual but Johnny didn't deserve that, he deserved to be with him, alive with the Saints. Boss couldn't forgive himself after that, it was his fault. He ran away like a coward while his best friend took on enemies alone. Why should he not feel guilty, if he did something Johnny would be alive.
His grief turned into anger, depression and revenge. People will pay for his death, and they did. Even after all the bloodshed, he still felt empty, he was still alone and heartbroken. His lover and best friend was gone and couldn't do anything about it, he was completely helpless. He went absolutely crazy.
Years pasted but the feeling of emptiness never left his heart, being the president was an unfamiliar feeling to him. It was different, being the Boss all the years now people called him president. Johnny couldn't see this unbelievable achievement and he couldn't see him sitting in that big office. He felt alone still, it was permanent feeling in his bones. He hated it, dispised it.
He ended up getting a bust of him on his desk and a portrait that hanged across from him. It didn't make him too alone after.
The shit show of getting abducted along with the others was something he didn't see, even with Kinzie's warnings.
On the way saving his crew from their nightmares, the possibility on Johnny being alive surfaced, and he clinged desperately to that thought like if he let go of it it'll disappear in to dust. Even with everyone's voices saying he's dead and he shouldn't rescue him, he ignored them. He knew they were wrong, he knew it in his heart. Johnny is alive and he promises to walk through hell to get him back, no matter what.
And he did, he walked in that simulation where Johnny was stuck repeating year after year, possibly going insane. And walked beside him, fighting virtual fakes of the Vk's and Ronin, and even "saving" Aisha at the end. But really at the end he saved Johnny. He couldn't believe it still, the butterflies in his stomach and his heart skipping a beat seeing Johnny in the flesh -- and in the nude.
He is here and he is alive.
Boss had no words, years being alone without him wishing he would return to him and he finally did. Boss was ecstatic. All he wanted to do was hold him tight to never have him leave again and kiss him. Just to touch him all over and try to convince himself he is real and alive.
After awhile, lost feelings bubbled over, anxiety filled his body. He wanted to tell Johnny everything that happened over the years, so much shit he missed. He wanted to talk about the past and all its glory. But importantly he wanted to tell him his feelings, his deep and genuine emotions, ones he held inside what feels like forever eating his insides. He felt like he wasn't able to have the privilege to do it.
He walked up to Johnny, whole body a wreck with so many emotions running through him at once. Next thing Johnny knew Boss just spilled his guts to him, he was surprised but at the same time he wasn't. He knew how he felt even before everything but they didn't have much time to explore it. He was surprised that Boss was open to say all of it, he was so proud of him. His love and adoration soared, heart basically bursting and every feeling flooding him at the same time.
Johnny didn't hesitate, he went in and sealed his lips over Chris' in an instant, hungry for waiting. Desperate to touch and kiss him all over him.
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galacticgarlic · 5 years
Peter connected the end of his web to the nearest wall, propelling himself away from Molten Man. They fire was unbearably hot, and beneath the skin-tight suit, his body was drenched in sweat. He felt as if He couldn't breathe, his lungs filled with smoke and his airways blocked by spandex.
The monster let out a deafening growl and swung its massive hand at Peter. The teen leapt away, hitting the roof of another building.
"Night Monkey! Come on, Night Monkey! You got this!" Betty screamed, in hopes that her encouragement would somehow speed up the process.
Peter decided he'd have to curse Ned for that later. Like, seriously, come on. Night Monkey?
He didn't have very much time to think, though, as the firey fist came down next to him again, destroying the roof, sending the adolescent tumbling.
Human fingers gripped Peter's wrist and hauled him to his feet.
"Let's go, Spider-Man! You always get back up, remember?"
"Beck!" Peter couldn't help a smile.
Quentin smiled back; that calming, proud, almost paternal half smile that always grounded Peter.
"Let's get this guy," Beck said, pushing off the roof and hovering next to Peter.
"Hell yeah!" Peter shot a web, dragging himself towards another building.
"Distract him! I'll get your friends!" Mysterious called over the coms, flying closer to the Ferris wheel.
Spider-Man gave a thumbs up, swinging to the beast's other side, guiding its eyes away from Beck.
"Help! Help us!" Betty cried, waving her hands.
Quentin's eyes bulged. "Don't move! Don't move!"
The Ferris wheel was creaking, and it bumped farther to one side, causing Ned and Betty to fall against the cart.
"Help!" Betty repeated.
"I've got you, kids. Just stand still. I'm on my way," Beck replied.
"Hurry, Beck," Peter said, swinging away again. "I can't hold him much longer! 'm gonna run outta web fluid!"
Mysterio floated close to the cart, slowly, cautiously reaching out his hands. "I'm going to levitate you both. I need you to stand as still as humanly possible."
Ned and Betty both froze. Beck lifted them out of the cart, into the air. They both stared down at the ground, eyes wide, trying to stay still for him. He dropped them off in a nearby alley.
"Okay, go! Run!" he instructed.
Both the teens made a hasty getaway down the alley, squeezing each other's hands.
Peter stopped swinging instantly. "Whoo! Nice job!"
"Thanks kid," Beck said with a smile. "Now let's finish this."
Peter gave a short nod before flinging himself nearer to the monster. Beck was close behind, shooting the beast's chest over and over again. It was slowing down, and getting weak.
"Keep it coming!" Peter yelled.
Beck cringed as the sheer power he emitted ricocheted off of Molten Man. "Got it!"
Peter zipped around in circles, distracting the mindless creature, while Quentin continued to blast it. It's body was depleting, as was it's stamina, and Beck was convinced they would win soon.
He kept pushing, fighting, shooting. Peter was much more graceful than him but, Mysterio would always be stronger.
He would also always be older, with less to live for. So, when the time came when he realized they'd have to hit the enemy from the inside, he decided it would be him. He didn't warn Peter, glancing to be sure there were no civilians in the danger zone, and took flight for Molten Man's chest.
"Beck, what are you doing!?" Peter screamed over the crackling coms.
"I'm glad we met!" Beck replied, not slowing down. "I'm sorry!"
As he crashed into the beast, he could hear Peter calling out for him again, begging him to stop. His heart shattered. The fire consumed him. Molten Man filled with the magic Mysterio gave off, and eventually burst.
Peter was momentarily blinded by the explosion, and quickly ducked behind a dumpster.
Peter woke up as usual in his dramatically cold bed room; he hated the heat.
He pushed away his blanket and glanced around. His graduation gown was still draped over the closet door and all of his nineteenth birthday gifts were piled in the corner. He's have to remind himself to put those away.
As he stood to go to the bathroom, Peter turned down the three picture frames on his dresser. He didn't want to think about his dads today.
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