#and lavi and lenalees's are a set
arimiaromage · 11 months
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finally all together in high quality ✨
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mer-birdman · 1 year
hi i’m bored does anyone wanna talk about d gray man
#i reread the manga over the weekend#still need to watch hallow sometime#having some interesting feelings about the like. religious source material (now that i am 1. older and 2. know more abt jewish history)#but also like it’s neat i’m vibing i like these fucked up clerics#the brainworms are having a Time abt link as of the current arc and i cannot for the life of me put into words why#i love his vibes but also i’m like. WHY the loyalty to rip-off hitler predecessor#where is this going hoshino#what is the DEAL#also damn where is lavi huh??? boy’s milk carton worthy at this rate#also johnny is the best boy actually fight me about it#he’s the true power of friendship /hj#OKAY BUT SERIOUSLY WHAT IS THE SERIES COMMENTARY HERE ON XTIANITY AND JUDAISM AND JUST. WHAT. WHAT IS GOING ON#like the entire black order’s regalia is so xtian but they never mention jesus like once????#i want to pick apart the religious worldbuilding in this setting So Bad#also i would die for miranda lotto fyi she’s wonderful and i adore her#the true mid-twenties experience trust me i’m 25 i can say that now#also GOD allen rly is just like. Baby.#like it’s a great way to set him apart from everyone but like. dang even the other teens are all 2-3 years older than him???#unless lenalee’s 16 i can’t remember BUT MY POINT STANDS LIKE#UNTIL TIMOTHY SHOWS UP ALLEN IS /DISTINCTLY/ THE YOUNGEST PERSON THERE#and idk why but that strikes me as such an interesting choice#… anyways does anyone wanna chat i’m bored and my discord friends are asleep
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ihateyukanda · 7 months
Tbh I think the main 4 of DGM represent the four loves (eros, philia, storge, agape) in different ways that frequently intersect.
Kanda is eros, romantic love, because of his motivation to find "that person", his lover from a previous life, who turns out to be Alma. As much as he doesn't want to admit it, he also experiences philia in regards to his bonds with Lenalee, Lavi and Allen.
Lenalee I'd say is storge due to the way her family is literally her world and what she will prioritize above all but like. Also philia, as she grants a similar importance to those she deems to be friends. She isn't agape because she lacks the love for mankind, as the Order literally beat it out of her thanks to the training and experimentation she was subjected to.
Allen is storge because of how defined he is by his relationships with his father figures but also agape with his firm love for humanity and akuma.
Lavi is philia and agape, as his most important bonds are his friendships with the other 3 and agape because of his position as a bookman. He is supposed to stay neutral and avoid friendships, which is what makes him closeness to the others all the more interesting.
These aren't set in stone as they all demonstrate philia, storge and agape in different ways, it's just that Kanda is the only one who seems to experience romantic love and have it as a key motivation in his arc.
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faeriexqueen · 1 year
University/City AU (DGM)
Going off of this post, I’m now thinking of what some DGM characters would study in general in a university/city AU setting (maybe taking place somewhere like NYC?). These ideas are mostly just for fun and I’m not actively thinking of writing anything with it, but I figured I’d share what’s on my mind. :3
Alma Karma — Starting with him because I’m biased and he is a favorite, but he’s majoring in fashion and textile design! Alma loves playing with different colors and fabrics to create vibrant outfits. He definitely doesn’t ascribe to certain gender norms, either, and likes to have a lot of freedom with his designs. (He also loves making clothes for his friends, and always wants to recruit them for modeling. XD) He’s also pursuing a minor in photography.
Lenalee Lee — She’s majoring in fashion design like Alma, but specifically, she’s focusing on shoes! She’s probably in a lot of classes with Alma, and they tend to partner up for projects and photo collaborations. Lenalee is probably also focused on accessories like handbags, and is working toward an internship with Anita (who is a well-known fashion designer in this AU >.>). Lenalee also likely minors in business, since she’s the type to want to know how to manage things. 
Allen Walker — Originally, Allen likely planned to pursue a degree in criminal justice. His altruistic nature makes him want to do good and make things better for others, but I can see him getting disenchanted with that field. So, he likely switches to political science to given him a broader scope of things to work with. (He lands on wanting to do youth outreach, which I think suits him. :3) He hasn’t decided to pursue a minor, but tends to get busy helping his friends with their own projects. (He loves to taste test whatever Link bakes. XD)
Lavi Bookman — Double major in library sciences and history! Lavi comes from a background of library and museum archivists, so he’s one to follow that path. He’s super fascinated with book collections and history (especially with the broad scope it covers), and is working toward an internship at a large, well-known library in the city everyone lives in. (Since he’s double majoring, he’s not planning to get a minor at the moment — but he probably has some English literature classes he opts into. He’s a fast reader with an eidetic memory.)
Kanda Yuu — He’s majoring in botany and minoring in photography! Kanda isn’t exactly a science-oriented person, but he likes working with plants and gardens in his free time. He doesn’t like to admit it, but he does have an artistic eye for floral arrangements (he’s very particular about organizing things), and likes to take photos of them. Because of this, he works part-time as a florist when he’s not overloaded with classes. (Since he’s minoring in photography, he also shares some classes with Alma.)
Howard Link — His family likely expected him to go into law (and he considered it), but Link ended up doing a culinary arts program! Specifically for baking and pastry making. While it has always been a hobby of his, he’s ended up taking it very seriously and wants to eventually open his own bakery shop one day. With that in mind, he’s double majoring in the culinary program and business (and probably shares some classes with Lenalee).
Johnny Gill —Biochemistry! Johnny has always been interested in the sciences, and decides to pursue biochemistry. He’s likely contemplating pursuing biotechnology (specifically industrial as opposed to medicinal) in the long run, and is really interested in innovation and improving things in day-to-day life for people. A lot of his classes cross over with Kanda’s, actually, so they interact a lot. (For whatever reason, in this AU I imagine he’s Kanda’s roommate. XD)
That’s all I have for now! I might add more if others are interested about this AU, but wanted to get this out of my system while it’s fresh on my mind. ^^
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mirandabarma · 1 month
Panic room.
Just a lil something I thought of after trying a 5 minute meditation....yeah.
Cw: anxiety symptoms, fem!reader, sap
If you had realized the kind of day you were in for, you would never have gotten out of bed.
For one thing, you had woken up with a migraine that pounded when you took a step. You had stayed in your dark room for an hour until you lost hope and went to eat and take medicine. But, of course, your companions at headquarters had chosen today to throw a raucous party for whatever arbitrary reason they came up with this time (Komui was always planning parties). When you were recruited to help set up, you had refuse, only to find Emilia and Miranda pouting at your rejection. You had sighed and allowed yourself to be dragged into the job. Lenalee and Lavi shot you apologetic looks and Allen, who didn't know you well, had merely teased you about how rare it was for you to appear without your friend Kanda. You failed to understand this, gritting your teeth and resisting the urge to clarify Kanda as your friend, and nothing else. Besides, you thought, this would only egg the naysayers on, including Allen, who stepped back as irritation seeped from your very pores. Good, you thought. That'll teach him.
And so, you helped obligingly with decorations, cringing with each and every loud crash and screech and stupid mistake made by your companions. No matter, you thought. You'd slip out when the festivities began.
Your close friends had left you decidedly alone once the party started, sensing your drab mood and opting to let you sneak away. But others such as Gigi and Komui and even Reever, who liked you but, like Allen, didn't know your telltale signs of nervousness and irritability, encouraged you to join the festivities. In fact, Gigi had drunkenly dragged you back into the dining hall as you attempted to leave, claiming in a slurred haze that there weren't enough women at headquarters for any of them to be skipping parties.
Your eyebrow had twitched at that, but you kept quiet, though whether it was out of exhaustion or true compliance you weren't actually sure. A mere hour into the party, though, you found yourself sitting in a corner with a glass of water, watching people mill about as your knee bounced up and down nervously. You'd given up on leaving by then, and thought you'd be content to just sit.
You were not.
Your head ached, your heart did backflips, your stomach churned. The noise and movement that engulfed the room had become too much. You felt like you needed to run, but you were glued to your seat in fear, as if leaving were just as bad an option as staying right where you were.
And now, hours later, you have managed to drink a full glass of water, and sit anxiously for an unknown but far too long amount of time. Too shy to go refill your glass, and too lightheaded to remain in the room, you decide then to take the opportunity to sneak out the large double doors that lead into the overflowing room.
One step out the door, two, then three. By the fourth, the fifth, you're jogging. The ninth and tenth steps become more like a run, and by the fifteenth, you are sprinting through the halls of your vast, strange home towards a location unbeknownst to you.
Finally, you reach your mystery destination and slam open the sliding door, panting and startling the room's one occupant. You dont look at him, though--you can't, you're sure you'd cry if you did--as you smack the door shut again and flop onto the mats of the training dojo next to him. You let out a long, shaking huff of air and Kanda stares at you, his sharp eyes watching you intently. His expression holds only the slightest hint of his shock at your dramatic arrival.
"They got you, huh?"
You grumble. Of course he knows exactly what happened! He always manages to escape the torture of social gatherings. You glare up at him upon realizing it.
"You got out of it," you point accusingly, although you're half joking. "How do you always do that?"
"Welcome to the panic room," he mutters. "I just hole up in here and ignore them when they talk to me. But anyway," Kanda narrows his eyes in scrutiny, his gaze scanning your features for signs of distress. "You should meditate. You're obviously tense."
"I'm not tense," you drawl. "I'm pissed."
"Meditation is good for that, too."
And with that, he's back in his cross-legged position, his hands resting on his knees, back straight and eyes closed. You frown. Once he's in that pose, he's going to ignore you; he's proven this many, many times. So instead of poking and prodding at him to elaborate, you simply sigh with a good, intentional amount of drama and settle in next to him, in the same pose.
Truthfully, you've never understood meditation. You try to focus on your breathing, concentrating on deep, full inhales and long exhales. Inhale, exhale.
But your mind wanders several times to several places. How will they manage to clean up after the party? Will you have to help? Hopefully Cross won't be there to cause any trouble for the women. And what about--
"Your breathing is shallow," Kanda whispers so that you can barely hear him, but you swear you feel him scoot closer. "You're distracted. Every time that happens, let it go and focus on your body again."
You scrunch your eyes shut, trying to follow his instructions. For the next few minutes, any time your mind wonders, you inhale deeply again, attempting to center yourself once more.
You open your eyes.
As if sensing something, Kanda peeks at you from one open eye, still in his meditating position. "Better?" He mumbles, and you're sure this time that there's an affectionate undertone in his voice, one you never hear unless he's speaking to you. It makes you feel special somehow.
With a long sigh, you lean your head on his shoulder. "Yeah," you whisper. "Thanks."
Kanda doesn't respond.
You wake up in your bed the next morning, in the same clothes and unsure how you got there. I must have fallen asleep in the training dojo.
(The second you exit your room, you're met with the news that Kanda nearly skewered Lavi the night before, and you realize that only one person could have carried you back to your room--and was obviously caught in the act and thoroughly teased).
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jeidafei · 2 years
Komui's Lounge: Vol.28 (Part 3/4)
>> Part 1
>> Part 2
Q11: Lavi was of the impression that Kanda’s case file reads suspicious from the start. What was the thing that hit you as odd?
Lavi: Hm? Well, you only had to keep an eye on Yu and you’d know. You know the face of a man carrying something heavy when you see one. Besides, those records are pretty detailed alright, but they still give off this air like something fabricated by the government.
Reever: Guess you can’t pull wool over the eyes of those from the Bookman Clan when they devour such vast amounts of books.
Kanda: Who the hell cares.
Lenalee: But, ever since I was small, I’ve always felt that Kanda definitely has a secret as well. And at the same time, I felt it was probably beyond someone like me to do anything about it, too.
Allen: So, you both had your suspicions? Looks like I was the only one without a clue, huh…
Lavi: ……(Well, to tell the truth, I’m suspicious about Lenalee’s records as well).
Allen: What’s the matter, Lavi?
Lavi: Hm? Nah, nuffink (offhanded).
Q12: Miss Anita had said that General Cross loves the rain. Is there an anecdote behind this?
Lenalee: Really? I had no idea.
Allen: Aaaah. Yes, he really did seem to like it. I vaguely remember him musing about it back in my apprentice days.
Lavi: What about it, exactly?
Allen: Hmm. What was it again? Pretty sure it was something about the sound of the rain…
(T/N: Allen's brain prolly too filled with memories of running from Judgment to remember lmao)
Kanda: Isn’t that the rhythm of the rain? Heard it from General Tiedoll. Said it’s like the rhythm of the heartbeat of living things and it calms him.
Reever: Whoa, really? So, you do remember General Tiedoll’s every word, eh, Kanda? (pat pat)
Kanda: Don’t touch my head!
Allen: I’m getting this feeling, like I’ve stumbled upon an unexpected side to my master. And now, I’m feeling somewhat sick……
Lavi: How come?
Q13: How does everyone in the Science Division even keep themselves awake?
Reever: With all the coffee and tea Lenalee brought us, obviously.
Lenalee: Liar. I know full well you guys spike your drinks with some mysterious liquid, so don’t bother.
Reever: *jolts*
Allen: Mr. Reever, let’s come clean about this, shall we?
Lavi: We’ve witnessed it countless times, you know…? The truth will set you free, brother.
Reever: M-my bad! Truth is, we occasionally slip in a drop or two of these energy drinks for fighting off drowsiness. We each have our own recipe…but we created them to be tasteless and odorless so they won’t affect the taste of your tea, so…!
Lenalee: That’s not the thing here, Section Chief. I’m not worried about how my tea tastes; I’m worried about you guys overdosing on drugs…! What if the side-effects land you in some trouble again? You don’t want that, do you?
Allen: I for one don’t ever want to relive that Zombie Incident ever again.
Reever: Yeah, nah, that one's definitely a whole ‘nother level. Like, no-one but the Supervisor could’ve pulled off something of that caliber, I’d say.
Lavi: And I'm telling you, you Science Division folks aren’t that far behind on the screwed-up meter yourselves. Have you forgotten Bunny Gramps?
Kanda: Hire more people, dammit. You got the money, don’t you?
Reever: We are hiring more. It’s just that they rarely stay…(sobs)
Q14: What has enabled Lenalee, who has been traumatized by Central, to warm up to Link, an Inspector from Central, to the point where she enthusiastically discusses tea-brewing with him?
Lenalee: Hmmm, you’re right...Yeah, I was super uncomfortable at first. But then, day after day, I watched the Inspector bravely taking care of Allen-kun’s every need, and I kinda…should I say wound down?
Lavi: He’s a mom personality, that one.
Allen: Yeah, Link does make heavenly sweets, after all. Wish he’d tone down the nagging a bit, though.
Reever: At first, I was worried, too. Then I realized, huh, so there are folks like this even among Central officials, too. And I’m a bit more relieved.
Kanda: Tch. What a bunch of Pollyannas...
Q15: Who has the best penmanship between Allen, Kanda, Lavi and Lenalee? I also would like to know whose mission report is the easiest to read?
Allen: I don’t like this question…(sullen).
Lenalee: You’re getting better and better studying with Inspector Link and Krory, aren’t you? Gotta keep your spirits up, Allen-kun!
Reever: She’s right, Allen. Your reports are much easier to read now!
Kanda: Learn to write a goddamn report at the least, Beansprout. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?
Allen: Oh, bother!! I apologize for not being well-bred!!!
Reever: Alright, alright, enough! Back to the question. Lavi has the best handwriting. And his report is also the easiest to read.
Lavi: Huh, really? I’m actually half-arsing it, you know.
Allen: Grr!!! (rage)
Lavi: Mr. Allen, your eyes—your eyes are freaking me out. I actually like a good old scribble with a unique style like yours, you know~?
Lenalee: Lavi’s handwriting is just beautiful. Like, straight out of a textbook. Don’t tell me you’ve even memorized all the lettering styles?
Lavi: Yup. Gramps’ handwriting is the same, too, right Reever?
Reever: Yeah. You both have this beautiful, textbook-like handwriting, it’s impossible to tell who wrote it between Lavi and Bookman.
Allen: No fair…
Lavi: Well, on the flipside, you could say it has no interesting feature at all, so stop scowling at me, Allen!
Lenalee: Section Chief, so who’s up next in both?
Reever: Hmmm. Handwriting goes to Lenalee, easy-to-read’s probably Kanda. Wait...Crap! We’re fast approaching the word count limit!! (sweats profusely)
>> Part 4
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poupeesdecirque · 1 month
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Incomings, WiPs and Doll Plans Update!
Here it is... I made up my mind regarding some plans, some current dolls, I got updates in for almost all my Incomings and ... well let's start. (What will happen with my Past!Allen Doll ... if you are curious ... scroll to the end).
First of all, I can announce the newest additions:
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Asleep Eidolon Klaus will be Lavi's new shell. I am set on this idea, the head is super close to what I originally wanted for him and I feel better with this decision already.
As AE has an event ongoing in which you can add a head to your order ... Asleep Eidolon DingDang was on the list to be my choice for Johnny! I'm excited to build up the range of supporting characters.
Along with that I have new plans what resin will come in the next months...
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Of course Johnny needs a body, for now I have my eyes set on the V1 from Fatemoons as it's a rather small MSD body and Johnny is smaller than Allen.
Then I fell for Xagadoll Nicole and Xagadoll Luca (both MSD variants) ... I will yet keep for myself for which characters I want to have them in case I change my mind. But I very rarely saw a doll and was "Okay, YOU ARE MOVING IN" within seconds in the last months, so I will take this motivation. Kinda feels nice to have someone on my wishlist again.
Then updates on Incomings/WiPs:
Howard Link - Charmdoll LaiKa
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For Link there is none, Charmdoll is around 6 months so he has time.
Level 4 & Ling Tai Zhu Hong (Lavi's old Shell)
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Level 4's head has arrived and the body was ordered, I decided for Coral Reef and here is the other announcement... I will keep Lavi's former shell. And will try my hands on it to turn it into a Level 3 Akuma. I know this is a quite insane project but building an Armor for a doll is a challenge that is not only sewing and I will gladly take it. I was pondering around how to make a Level 3 doll or sculpture anyways. I have to come up with a design for the Akuma though and I will keep the Doll as Lavi until his new shell is here & done so far.
Maple & Janet - LenaRuiiz Pallu
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Maple got her body in, working on her is pushed back though as Kanda had priority and next I want to start on the biggest Cosplay Project I have left, but when that is roughly done I will see when I can fit her in. It's possible that I push her back even further as I want to redo Lenalee's uniform badly and there is another doll in progress... I will come to that in the last part.
Then Janet... long story short, the current Pallu batch is stuck in the mail since November and Lena now have her casted again, I am not even sure if I am in that batch (but as I paid her off I might be?) so, she will maybe happen this year, we will see.
Ally (Past!Allen) & Adam - Conarium Wuhan
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You maybe have read my former entries about this certain character and the dilemma I am in right now. To be honest he is my absolute favorite doll because of the fanfic I am writing, and still working on DAILY(!). Being crushed by the fact this character basically doesn't exist was hard. Well, there is a past version of Allen but he looks completely different (and there is too much open about him so I will refer from making the "new" Past!Allen into a doll or plan anything regarding that as I have some doubts, I have to wait until details are clearer).
I have Allen from that AU as doll. I have the Millennium Earl (healed) variant from that AU as Progress doll and I still love the character...
so I will - for now - keep him as my AU Variant, he is now more OC than a true character from the series but I just love him too much as character to scrap him.
For the Earl/Adam (aka healed Mana), I got the head last year and ordered the body in November. I have asked Stacy yesterday if there is an update and Conarium just got back to her and the body will shipped next week.
So for now after the cosplay (or maybe inbetween) Adam will get priority in doll regards as I want my AU Family to be complete as soon as possible.
Long story short:
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My current incoming List updated :)
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fluffykitkat · 1 year
Allen: Hi, could I ask how exactly does one accidentally set a lemon on fire??
Lavi : Microwave for 40 minutes. 😔
Lenalee : Why were you microwaving a lemon???
Lavi : I read boiling lemons helps cover up up bad smells (I wanted to cover up the scent of burnt oranges) but I didn't own any pots.
Kanda : Did you burn an orange too? How???
Lavi : Microwave for 40 minutes. 😔
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alienaiver · 1 year
For your sentence ask game, how about “I’d love to, but only with you,” and Howard Link? Thank you so much! Hope you’re having a good day <3
KLAWDJKAFA HELLO HOWARD LINK IS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE !!!! THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING HIM IM !! <33333 and im having a mixed day, theres been some bad news but writing all these scenarios are really bringing up my mood so thank you so much again for requesting !! <3333 i hope you enjoy this !! <3
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Dating Howard Link doesn’t always come with the label easy. He’s very attentive to your needs and he likes to take care of you.
However, he’s also childish. Incredibly so, for a man so mature and level-headed. Alas, he has his moments where he doesn’t budge no matter the circumstance. You’re draped over his lap with him running circles into your scalp, giving you a little massage that is sorely needed after a long day of work.
Your pout deepens as you let out another dramatic sigh, signaling you’re not happy about what he’s saying. “But it’s Allen’s birthday and it’s all he wants to do!” you argue, flailing your arms in the air. You’ve been trying to plan what to do for Allen’s birthday for a few days now, everyone interested in doing different things. Lenalee assured you that she’d be happy with whatever Allen and you planned but Kanda had a long list of no-goes. Lavi was on the other end of the spectrum with a list of suggestions that frankly just overwhelmed you and Allen – how would you even be able to go rock-climbing or rappel down a waterfall?
Allen had then decided on ice-skating. They’d set up an ice rink in the local park for the winter season and you’d been so happy that the birthday boy had had a suggestion himself – it wouldn’t have been the first birthday you’d planned for him because of his humble nature.
“And I said”- Link straightens his back – “I’d love to, but only with you.”
You sigh again and look up at him with a half-hearted glare. Can’t he just cooperate with you? You let your hand run up his arm and the way a shiver runs through him doesn’t go by you. You then grab his collar and pull him down into a kiss, “please?”
His lips turn into a thin line as his brow furrow, “please refrain from seducing a yes out of me.”
You laugh and kiss him again, “will it work?”
He groans and drags a hand through his hair, obviously frustrated. “It most certainly will not.” he states matter-of-factly but there’s no real fight when you sit up and kiss him again, “why won’t you go with the others?”
He looks pointedly away, avoiding any sort of eye contact before he clears his throat, “I don’t need to divulge that information.” He’s clearly trying to will down a blush but the bright red on his ears seems to stay. You chuckle, “you’re right, you don’t. But I’m going to guess it anyway.”
He straightens his back once more as his hands leaves you. You poke his waist, “are you afraid of falling in front of the others?”
A squawk leaves him before he tries to regain his neutral composure.
You laugh and lean your head onto his neck, feeling the way your cheeks flush warm, “but you’re not afraid of falling in front of me?”
He sighs deeply before wrapping his arms around you, “of course not. You’ve seen me burn my hands on the stove from sheer stupidity and you’ve even watched me mess up a Baked Alaska, what more can I be embarrassed about?”
You snort, “can’t believe that’s your measure.” You kiss his nose, “but please, I promise they won’t laugh.”
He sends you a leveled look, the kind that signals he smells bullshit. You laugh a bit, “okay they might laugh a little bit but I promise I’ll bite their ankles, so please?”
Link sighs deeply, his eyes screwed shut, “will it please you?”
“Of course it will, that’s literally why I’m begging,” you laugh and kiss his forehead, straightening out the frustration wrinkle sat there. He nods then and kisses you on the lips, “but I demand that the two of us go there an hour before the rest so I can practice!”
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send me a sentence + character and ill write a little scenario where the sentence’s included!!
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kandayuu · 2 years
post war stuff where, once a year, on the aniversary of the final battle, lavi sets aside bookman traditions to visit lenalee and take her somewhere extraordinary...so she doesn't get the chance to be sad about anything while they're together....
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arimiaromage · 4 months
Strange house - DGM doujin fangame guide book scans
so in January I found a physical copy of a 2010 d.gray-man doujin visual novel called Strange house by the doujin group MOONLIGHT CAFE. the game is a romance visual novel where you play as Lavi and can date Kanda while out on a mission with him to, you guessed it, a strange house.
the game is completely in Japanese and almost all mention of it online has gone away as it's a 14 year old game, so suffice to say finding anything about this game has been difficult. it won't be a complete mystery now though as I have the game and the guide book!
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so... let's look inside this guide book!
before we crack it open, here's the scans of the DVD cover slip. the outside is similar to the guide book (see above) but the inside is an adorable collection of chibis.
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now let's look at the guide book! all of these scans are at a high dpi so open them up in a new tab if you'd like to see them up close. also, most of this is in Japanese and I won't be able to translate a majority of it. if you'd like to translate it, please feel free to and add it to the post!
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D.Gray-man LaviYu Only
Windows only sound novel type adventure game
(side note- visual novels are usually called adventure games in Japan. sound novel is another term for them that was more popular to use years ago)
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The next two pages go over the system menus- the main menu, the CG gallery (where you can view cut scene artwork), in game menu, save & load, and the options menus.
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Now that we've gone over the system, it's on to the character bios! Lavi is up first as he's the player character followed by Kanda and the finder Doma.
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(somehow Kanda ends up in a bridal gown in this game)
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(she has doll arms and legs? it says she's the other guy's sister)
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(I have no clue what her name is suppose to be. Yuno Moreta? Yunoo Moreeta?? I'm guessing it's trying to be like Yu Kanda??? Allen's bio here mentions him being the 14th and that he doesn't appear much as he wasn't assigned to this mission)
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(Lenalee's basically says that she's an exorcist and Komui's younger sister, but mentions that she might be seen on the mission in front of Lavi? the guy on the right was apparently meant to be something like a love rival in the MVP [think beta build] for the game)
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after the character bios is the route guides!
while not every visual novel has choices or multiple endings, visual novels that do have multiple endings refer to them as "routes" or "scenarios", i.e. the series of choices you make to reach each ending. this game has 4 routes, each with a different artist.
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scenario A is called Dolly and written by 響夜 and illustrated by Guriko.
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scenario B is called Coming Home and written by 響夜 and illustrated by Seiko and others.
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scenario C is.... something about a bracelet? it's written by 秋吉 and illustrated by Bonnu.
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scenario D is called lonely travels / loneliness while traveling and is written by 木花 and illustrated by ネコ科ノコ.
to be honest this is a lot more than I was expecting! we're already at 7 team members and haven't touched the programming or music aspects. I also have no clue how long this game is - there's only a few choices listed here to get each route so each ending could be 5k words (short) or over 50k words (long).
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now onto staff!
sadly, I won't be able to translate these as it's a majority kanji, but here they are.
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and that's it! there's a lot of cute art here that I hope will be saved on the internet now that the sites for MOONLIGHT CAFE's games are mostly defunct.
personally as a visual novel developer I find it amazing that they were able to not only make such a good looking fan visual novel in 2010 with multiple endings but to get so many people on board and make it all work out. and then to make a physical release of it! (side note- I'm still unsure what engine this was made in! I'm thinking kirikiri but I'm not sure)
I have the game set up and am able to play it, so at some point I'll share some footage of it on this tag on my blog. I'm hesitant to put the exe online as this was a paid game at one point and the doujin circle seems to be disbanded, but I might if there's interest (is this considered a no-no for doujins? I'm unfamiliar on etiquette for doujins, so some advice on that would be appreciated if you have any)
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Ok brats I need feedback
So one of the new chapters I'm working on involves a very olderish teen Lavi (like gonna graduate high school age) pining after Tyki in my modern AU...
Of course Allen and the rest of the gang (Alma, and Lenalee and also Kanda os there but he's indifferent) are making fun of him...
So far I'm taking the stance of Allen being fine with Tyki as a person but not supporting him being with Lavi because at this point in my AU Tyki is still kinda trashy. Sexy but a hot mess.
Now reminder this is just a funny chapter altogether to kinda mess with the friend dynamic for once and letting everyone be goofballs...
Do I let Lavi get Tyki's number? Do I keep Allen's disapproval for a future conflict to be resolved? I mean I set up tiny Lavi having jealousy with Link...what if the tables were turned (despite Allen being with Link now).
What do you think?
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ihateyukanda · 8 months
answer whatever 3 questions you want to answer from the ask game ^_^
HAIIIII alright 3 questions!
Question 1: Outside of any incest/pedo ships, Yu/llen. Never understood it. Never will understand it. They never had any chemistry outside of like. A slowly developing friendship? I especially don't understand people shipping it pre-Alma Karma arc because like they barely even liked each other back then. Also it's very boring in terms of ship tropes, just edgy guy x cinnamon roll and white hair x black hair. It feels like people wanted their trope yaoi rather than the actual dynamic these two have. Also there's too much of it in the Yulma tag and it pisses me off.
Question 2: Basically any ship that isn't Yulma I'm so sorry I'm really boring that way !Σ(×_×;)! I really think DGM has some really fascinating platonic relationships that deserve a lot more attention than they get (Komui and Lenalee especially) and I find most ships to be a distraction from that. Maybe if their fics were set postcanon but the question is if anyone's surviving long enough postcanon for that. Putting my bets on Lenalee and Lavi surviving and Yuu and Allen dying. Not ready for it.
Question 14: Tbh since the fandom is so quiet there isn't really much for me to say but I guess the usual thing about shipping and character misinterpretation. People focus too much on ships and the tropes they associate with them sometimes instead of the actual characters. However, I think the fandom has vastly improved as now we don't see Lenalee hate for getting in the way of an M/M ship and are more willing to explore her complexities (can you tell I love Lenalee. I love Lenalee.)
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faeriexqueen · 1 year
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Written for Yulma Week 2023. Day 5 (Fri 6/9): Gold — Sunlight | Luxury | Reunions | Victory | Glamour  Title: Reunion. Fandom: D. Gray-Man. Pairings: Yuu Kanda/Alma Karma. Rated: Explicit. Words: 6.3K+. Tags: Omegaverse, Alpha/Omega, Modern Setting, Reunions, Past Relationships, College/University, Lemons (Please see AO3 for full list of tags and warnings). Chapters: 1/1. Summary: Kanda was never big on house parties. And he especially wasn’t big on house parties that his ex-boyfriend also attended. Excerpt:
Something buzzed in Allen’s pocket, distracting the omega. Pulling out his phone, Allen checked it, a surprised look flashing across his expression. Lavi noticed. “What’s up, Al?” Allen looked up. “Alma texted me…he said he’s coming?” Kanda’s attention snapped to Allen, the alpha caught off guard. He didn’t say anything, though his mind immediately latched onto the name. “Oh — I had mentioned we were having a party,” Lenalee said, though she also sounded surprised. “I wasn’t sure if he’d be back in town today, but let him know he could come if he wanted. We haven’t all been together in so long…” She trailed off, her violet eyes flickering to Kanda. However, Kanda didn’t say anything, the alpha averting his gaze.
Read on AO3.
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lapetiteshippeuse · 1 year
D. Gray Man Backstage #4 : Funny moments on set
Krory, *coming* : Happy Turkey day.
Lavi : Yes ! Right out the gate.
Krory : What ? What's going on ?
Lenalee : We're playing "Kro' Bingo", Thanksgiving edition. Everyone filled out their cards with possible Krory-related scenarios. First to "BINGO" get a hundred bucks.
Lavi : I had "Kro' calls it 'Turkey day'" in the Center Square.
Krory, *takes Komui's sheet, reading* : "Krory explains that there ate lobsters at the first Thanksgiving", they did ! Back at the time, they called lobsters 'Ocean Bugs'. I'll just mark it off for you.
Lavi : I think I got the winning card here, "Kro' tells us that he played Pocahontas in his third-grade play".
Krory : All the girls were too big.
Fo : This is a fun one, "Krory says "Gobble, Gobble, Gobble".
Krory : Well, now that I know you want me to say that, I'll just say it with two gobbles. "Gobble, Gobble"
Fo : ...
Krory : ..."Gobble" -- God ! It just sounds right that way ! Ugh. I don't like this game.
Road : Ha ! "Krory objects 'Kro' Bingo'"
Krory : Come on, guys !
Komui : Krory says "Come on, guys !" That's two for Komui !
Krory, *moves back to seat* : Well, guess what. I will spoil your little game by sitting over here quietly all day and doing nothing.
Krory, *falls* : Aah !
Lavi : Anybody has "Kro' falls on the floor" ? No one ?
Krory, *gets up* : That's a victory. That's a victory for Krory. BOOM !
Everyone : KRORY SAYS "BOOM" !
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poupeesdecirque · 11 months
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Time to build stuff!
Preparations for the newest cabinet here, building the cube, installing the glass door, moving the first display. And rearranging a part of the other dolls.
Yes I will have two complete dgm themed doll cabinets then. The bottom one will be Black Order themed and will have Kanda, Lenalee and later on Lavi and Bookman. Still a bit to go until I will start working on the dolls and their displays but basement is set now :)
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