#and rex doesn't buy it lol
jessicas-pi · 11 months
I conducted a vote on which fic snippet to share, and you chose the shipfic I'm writing out of spite!
(Sooo, just for a little context: this is from a short fic set in the same setting as my main Medieval AU, but not in the same universe/continuity as my main Medieval AU. Kinda like what SW Legends is to canon, yknow?)
Ahsoka’s flailing arm nearly hit Rex in the face, but he dodged, and caught her around the middle, stopping her tipsy swaying. “Yes, Your Highness, we know.”
She threw an arm around his neck and squished her cheek against his pauldron. “I’m prettyyyyy.”
“If you insist, Princess.”
“Do you think I’m pretty?”
She swerved wildly, and he redirected her. “It would be unseemly for me to answer that, Princess.”
“Seemly. Seeeeeemly. Stupid Seemley Ress,” she said, slurring his name, then trying to correct herself. “Stupid Seemly Ress. Resss. Ressss! My tongue’sss not workin’, Ress!”
“So I hear.”
“I’m pretty. And I’m strong.”
“As everyone knows.”
“And I’m tall!”
“And I’m orange!”
“AND I’m… I’mma walk on my own now!”
She shoved him away and took two wobbly steps forward before he had to catch her again.
“I can do it!” she whined. “I’m a lady. I’m twen’ny yearssss ol’. I can walk!”
She very clearly could not, so with a sigh, Rex bent over and lifted her completely, carrying her down the hallway. “All due respect, ladies do not get sloshed at formal dinners.”
“Isss no’ my fault,” she muttered. “Issstupid Korkie’s fault.”
“Right,” Rex said, ignoring her and the looks he was getting. Mostly sympathetic ones; everyone knew the Princess was trouble and was used to her getting into worse predicaments than this.
“Korkie says you liiiiike me,” she continued, singsongy. “He says you’re—you’re not sssaying an’thin ‘bout it cause of, uh. Uhhhhh. Clones! People don’t like you. Stupid people don’t. Good people do. Korkie says I like you.”
“That would be surprising, considering the amount of complaining you do whenever I’m around,” Rex deadpanned.
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cometrose · 3 months
Say, what do you think Zhongli struggled with the most after he started full-time cosplaying a mortal?
it’s kind of weird cause i feel like he struggled with everything and nothing at all
Obviously the first is not having unlimited money at his disposal to buy whatever he wanted. Zhongli lives a very elegant lifestyle. He wears outfits created by the adepti, he only takes the finest birds on walks he eats at the finest restaurants and he buys whatever he lays eyes on.
Then there is the fact that “Zhongli” is a permanent human and not a body Morax uses whenever he wants before transforming into another one. It would be funny if he woke up one morning wanting to shapeshift and having to stop himself mid transformation because humans don't normally grow floor length hair or swap genders overnight.
I always imagined Zhongli struggled keeping his Morax knowledge separate from his Zhongli knowledge. Morax knows the day everyone was born in Liyue, Zhongli does not. Morax knows the day each building was built, the day they built a pond in the harbor, he knows every business owner that has ever worked on his land but Zhongli should not.
But the thing about Zhongli I feel like he just learned to work around these problems without changing too much of himself lol. Like he cant buy everything he wants? Just get a wallet or get someone else to buy his things.
Too much knowledge? Great all of Liyue knows him as the all knowledgeable consultant who knows everything but nobody knows where he came from.
he’s too adored by the population for anyone to bother him about it.
Hu Tao mentions that Zhongli knows so much but has no worries so I think he just doesnt care? I think Zhongli just gets to stay the same cause everyone accepts his weirdness.
But seriously I think he struggles with contracts. He doesn't have the same authority to enforce contracts as before but he is still the god of contracts. So I think he has some dissonance in that regard, like he sees someone break a contract and if he were still Rex Lapis he would punish them but Zhongli has no such control. Considering how he worked around those fake archeologists in his first story quest, I think he if still wants to "punish" someone he has to approach the situation very differently.
Its funny to imagine Zhongli sees someone break and contract and chills run down his spine he feels faint but he can't do anything about. But then again Liyuens is pretty particular about contracts, so even if he cannot enforce them there are countless others (the qixing, the millelith, hell even yanfei) who will maintain order in his stead. i think it will work out
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is-the-owl-video-cute · 8 months
okay so dinosaur blog is like an objectively bad person for how they handle things (and the whole prosh*p thing that just came up 🤮) but I fail to see why them saying inaccurate portrayals of dinos in media misinforms people is a bad take?
Like it's sad that people will just straight up believe movies made in the 90s but it absolutely does happen.
Iirc in the past youve even talked about how stuff like the hp movies made a lot of people want pet owls and etc. How exactly is the dinosaur thing much different?? (Other than the fact that dinosaurs can't be hurt by this stuff lol. I'm talking about like, the misinformation aspect of the whole thing.)
I hope this doesn't come off as rude or accusatory btw. I'm just genuinely confused lmao. Hope ur having a good day/night.
The difference is that dinosaur species that are used in media such as Jurassic park no longer exist.
Harry Potter leading to people impulse-buying and abusing owls has a tangible impact. Jurassic park making people think that velociraptors are big and featherless doesn’t… actually impact anything because they cannot encounter a live velociraptor to find out that it’s a bad idea to ride a motorcycle with them.
I don’t actually care about people thinking things like “owls can spin their heads 360°” or “owls can roll their eyes”. Yes I’ll correct that if I see it, but it doesn’t have a large impact on people or animals. I have issue with people thinking “owls are just like cats and make good pets” because that is dangerous to the animals and people who bring them home and let their toddlers or puppies play with them.
I take issue with an ornithologist spreading inaccuracies about owls and I would similarly have issues with paleontologists making false claims about velociraptors in a professional setting because those who specialize in a type of animal should actually know what they’re talking about and people respect them as authorities on said animals. Bobby Sue drawing a purple T. rex eating a pineapple isn’t pushing science back or spreading misinformation, and even if Bobby Sue thought that’s what a T. rex was like it would not hurt the paleontology community.
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uncxntrxllable · 4 months
@wexarethewalkingxdead sent:
WHAT - 7. What’s the first thing we’d see in your fridge? WHY - 13. If you could live in a movie or movie franchise, which would it be? Why? 20. Why are you really RPing? WHO - 26. If you were a superhero, who would be your archenemy? 29. Who are your favourite characters? 30. When you go for a meal with friends, who pays? How do you split the bill? WHEN - 31. When was the last time you did something for someone and what was it? Did you have a motive behind it or was it something you did out of being genuine? WHERE - 42. Where would you go for a holiday if it was your last chance to on this earth? 48. If you could time travel, where and when would you go? HOW - 53. How would you respond if someone is rude to you or has done you wrong? 57. Name one or two other hobbies apart from writing you have. How did you get into them?
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What’s the first thing we’d see in your fridge? Eggs. The egg cartons are like right there in your face. It's always the first thing my eyes look at when I open the fridge!
If you could live in a movie or movie franchise, which would it be? Why? How To Train Your Dragon because, dragons, need I say more? I want a dragon.
Why are you really RPing? I love writing, I love making up characters and I just... Love it. All of it. It's so much fun, it's a great escape from my horribly boring very human life. I really love writing stories with people, even if it's just tiny threads, small things, but sometimes it's the little things that mean the most.
If you were a superhero, who would be your archenemy? Anyone and absolutely everybody who is cruel to animals. I am coming for you. You have a one way ticket to the sun.
Who are your favourite characters? Oh, a toughie... Alita - Alita Battle Angel, Stitch - Lilo and Stitch, Katherine - The Vampire Diaries, Malia, Lydia and Stiles - Teen Wolf, Spider Man but I like the one in The Amazing Spider Man, REX THE BEST BOY on Hudson and Rex, Daenerys - Game of Thrones (season 8 doesn't exist). I could keep going but I'll stop there!
When you go for a meal with friends, who pays? How do you split the bill? Uhhh well, I don't have any friends to go out with for a meal so... But back when I did have friends to do that with, everybody paid for their own food. We ain't got money for one person to pay for everybody, we on disability lol, you want it you buy it. If it's cheap enough I have occasionally paid for something small but, I really don't have the money to cover other people's meals.
When was the last time you did something for someone and what was it? Did you have a motive behind it or was it something you did out of being genuine? Haha. Funny story actually. Well it's not funny at all but... Just bare with me here. TW: dog in danger but is saved. I was on a hike with an ex-friend with our dogs during winter, both of our dogs are our service dogs. Her dog went down to an ice covered river (like half the river was covered in thick ass ice and the other half not) and her dog fell through the ice. I yeeted myself instantly into the water to grab her 50-60 pound dog out of the water before he went underneath the giant sheet of thick ass ice. I froze my butt off, I had cuts everywhere, but her dog was safe so that's all that mattered. Her dog would have definitely drowned if I hadn't reacted so quickly. The motive was "save the fucking dog." Well, not long after this, she turned on me, like just so suddenly became so rude towards me, and she called animal control on me TWICE because I opened up to her about struggling to afford a $4000 surgery for my dog. Among other things. So yeah, ex-friend. That's what ya get for saving the life of someone's service animal at your own expense. And I'd still do it again, because? Obviously. But the ex-friend can personally yeet into the sun.
Where would you go for a holiday if it was your last chance to on this earth? A beautiful lake side cottage with a nice sandy beach entrance to said big lake because I am a simple bitch, and if I can't bring both of my dogs, then why would I even want to go tbh.
If you could time travel, where and when would you go? DINOSAURS. I mean is this even a question? I wanna see them dinosaurs.
How would you respond if someone is rude to you or has done you wrong? I shall use the example of when I was yelled out of a fast-food restaurant because of my service dog. Bro literally yelling at me to get out because no dogs. After politely trying to educate this bro about service animals, I left and reported the location to headquarters or whatever you call it. Then I got a free meal out of it as an apology. Now if it's a friend being rude to me........ It's harder for me to stand up for myself don't ask why it's a thing, I am the matt that people stomp all over.
Name one or two other hobbies apart from writing you have. How did you get into them? Playing video games, I have always loved gaming and it's a coping mechanism of mine. It's something I am actually good at, learning how a new game works and how to play is something I can learn very quickly and with how much I struggle due to learning disabilities, adhd and autism, it means a lot to me to be able to take pride in learning something so fast. AND also art, like, painting and drawing. I'm not great at it but I still enjoy it. It's a pass time, it's relaxing, it's distracting. I mostly got into drawing during school when I got bored as fuck during class so instead of listening to the teacher I'd sit at my desk and draw random shit instead.
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How about s/o taking skeletons out to Jurassic park before the dinosaur outbreak
Undertale Sans - He's the annoying guy who's talking science with everyone and got offended when he saw the velociraptors because clearly they are not velociraptors they have no wings! Where did those scientists had their PhD? He's just angry now! That's bullshit! The security couldn't intervene because the T-Rex got out of their enclosure. You are so embarrassed you wish a pterodactyl kidnaps you.
Undertale Papyrus - You made the mistake to go in the shop first. Papyrus saw all these dinosaurs action figurines and... You lost him. Papyrus doesn't care about the real dinosaurs anymore, he just want to complete his collection and OMG is that a Archaeopteryx?! He never saw a figurine like that before! Please, please, please, can you buy it for him? Welp. This is where your bank account dies. You can say no to Papyrus.
Underswap Sans - You and Honey are screaming after Blue who is running in the triceratops pen, chased by the security. He is faster than anyone. He jumped on the nearest dinosaur, which panicked and ran at full speed, Blue laughing hysterically on its back. You and his brother decided you don't know him and that you saw nothing. If he is arrested, he did that to himself.
Underswap Papyrus - He's the only grown up sitting in the baby dinosaurs enclosure, and he has dinosaurs babies and human children everywhere around him. He could get used to it. He's staying there all day long, petting cute babies and playing with kids. You found him asleep at the end of the day, waiting for you to pick him like all the children.
Underfell Sans - He was confused why there was a goat in the T-Rex enclosure and suddenly, the goat disappeared and the huge head of the T-Rex appeared in front of the glass. He jumped out of fear so hard his intincts kicked in and he ran out of the attraction like his life depended on it. Lol, when he learned the T-Rex escaped, he fainted. Thank god, skeletons are not that interesting for huge dinosaurs.
Underfell Papyrus - He's not impressed. He could clearly take all of these dinosaurs in one-vs-one fight. That's just giant Alphys. He's sure they are all cowards. The only species to gain his respect were the saber tooth cats. He thinks they are cute.
Horrortale Sans - Uh... A pterodactyl thought he was an egg cracking and took him back to its nest. Now he is just sitting with eggs, a pterodactyl cuddling against him and he's confused. He can hear Willow screaming somewhere, so he just waits. Someone will come and fetch him eventually, right?
Horrortale Papyrus - He's feeding the diplodocus and since he is taller, all of them comes to eat in his hands. Everyone is jealous but Willow is having the time of his life. These are just very big cows, but they're nice like them. He wants one in his farm, but he doesn't know how he could carry it there. He needs to think more.
Swapfell Sans and Papyrus - "bro, look at this one." "YES, IT HAS... LOTS OF SHARP TEETH. AN ALLOSORUS IT SAYS." "pfff, it looks like the queen when she's pissed at you. must be her mom or something since she's so old." "IT LACKS OF FUR. AND EARS. IDIOT." "well, i mean, we never saw the queen without it's fur. she can be a reptilian for all we know." "I am what now?" The two skeletons jumped when two huge strong hands closed on their shoulders. The Queen doesn't look very please. Rus laughs nervously and teleports out of here. Nox just sighs. Welp. That's enough dinosaurs for one day.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He's beating up tiny orange dinosaurs while laughing like a psychopath, claiming "TAKE THIS STUPID ALPHYS ANCESTORS, I'LL MAKE SURE YOU NEVER HAVE LINEAGE YOU STUPID REPTILIANS!" The security guards and the keepers are watching blankly, wondering how they could even stop him because he looks very scary. Suddenly, the mother spinosaurus came out of the bushes, extremely pissed off. Wine is not laughing anymore. Lots of sharp teeth. Shit. He's going to get beat by Alphys grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-mother, isn't it?
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He's crying in shock as he's looking the big bad T-Rex crunching the cute baby goat. He needs to find the goats. He's going to save the goats. This one won't be dead for nothing.
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glittter-vamp · 9 months
Help me piss off my racist, homophobic, sexist, misogynist, anti-vax, anti-medicine (until it helps him live), pretty much anti-science deacon uncle.
So, I purposely buy very lgbtq+ friendly Christmas cards (holiday card that mentions nothing of Christmas to piss him off).
I need help deciding which stamps to buy that’ll piss him off.
Options as follows from the USPS website: Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Women’s Soccer or Rowing, Title IX, Hanukkah (I’m half Jewish), Piñatas, or OSIRUS-REx asteroid mission thing
RBG always seems to do the trick! Also don't forget to mention that you donated to a cause he doesn't support in his name 🖤 (even if you didn't lol)
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I want to be better.
WORK Ever had a feeling that you hit a dead end? Like you had a simple routine, but it's no longer effective? And that it brings more bad than good? Yeah, I'm right there. As mentioned, I work 5 days a week in the office and my offs fall on the weekend. Great right? Kinda ideal. When I first started here, it was all good. I've had fun and learned a lot of things. Had a blast with the year end party and Christmas party. We eat in the office when we have a celebrant and whatnot. But recently, things have been kinda stale. Like everything's turning to black and white. The worse part is, I'm not the only one who feels this way. Apparently, people in my team also feels the same. What's worse than that? There's no solution to it. I can't help but feel as if I'm the burden by summing up all of my mistakes. Heck, I don't even feel worthy to take a 15 minute break or ask for a leave. I don't know. It's been really draining these past few months. I've always hated this feeling and hoped that I wouldn't go through it again, but I've been dragging myself lately. And I know that it's one of the signs that a person is no longer happy, no.. willing to do whatever it is needed to be done. I want to feel the excitement I had before. But how can I if I'm being micro-managed? They tell you one thing and it becomes a different thing quickly. A backhanded compliment. Favoritism. Being frustrated with you not knowing a certain process they didn't even teach. No proper training. I used to think that the people are worth the stay, but apparently that reason's starting to deflate.
(I wish I finished school instead.) Meh, hopefully one day we'll all find our spark again.
-- FAMILY Coming home to them brings me comfort. Sometimes I come home to my boy sleeping on the sofa and my wife working. A quiet afternoon. Relaxing. OR I'd come home and see my boy riding his bike in the yard, yelling "Daddy!" as I walk to the gate. I feel that the stress I have from work drops. And I squeeze out the remaining energy I have to play with him. I love weekends. I get to spend the whole day with them. May it be just at home, relaxing or out at the mall. Sometimes we'd attend a birthday party. Literally takes off the stress you had for the week before. Recently, I feel like I've lost my touch. Or is it just that they're growing up? LOL. He has his own feelings now. He knows what he wants and what he doesn't. That's great and all, until my wife told me something. Apparently, they went to the mall on a weekday (I was in the office), and Rex wanted this piece of gummy something from the candy shop. She said "No", because she didn't have extra cash on her and Rex took the candy and ran off. Kinda alarming, right? (Bet it is). She ran after him and took the candy back to the store. So fast forward to yesterday, we went to the mall since it's a weekend. To be honest, I never had a problem walking into a toy store with him. He never splat himself to the ground just because I couldn't buy something he wanted. He never cried, never yelled, never had a tantrum because we couldn't buy what he wanted. But yesterday, he was trying to get a chocolate egg with a toy inside (You know those little KinderJoy surprise eggs? Those ones.), and I said we couldn't because we haven't eaten dinner yet. I was holding the one he was holding and then he let go. I thought, alright, he understood. But, Alas.. his hands were fast to grab the egg next to what I was holding and ran off. So I ran after him and caught him. I'll admit. It wasn't cute. I was actually angry at what he did and I think he felt that. We walked for a little while and his mom was looking at clothes. I took this opportunity to talk to him. With all my might not to raise my voice, I told him that it wasn't right. It's bad. And that's how a person would end up in jail. (Come on, it is, right???) He looked up to me with the most sorry eyes I saw in my life with a bit of tears on the side and he said "Sorry" and hugged me. I think to myself, "If I didn't need to go to the office everyday, this wouldn't have happened". I don't blame my wife, because she already has a lot on her plate. She works from home, takes care of Rex, fixes his school bag, school lunch. Sometimes she does the laundry while working. She even cooks for their lunch. So, yeah. She has a lot already. I blame myself. I haven't been there for either of them. He had trouble breathing recently. We thought it could be Asthma, since I had that, too when I was a kid. He would breathe in deep and exhale, like a very deep sigh. But according to the doctor, it's actually psychological. The simplest example the doctor gave is that when we (adults) think about something that bothers us, or remember something really sad or when we were afraid, we tend to do the same thing. In this case, it's the same with children.
I feel sad. I should've done better. I should've been there.
I should've had more patience. I want to be better. Not just for me. But for my family. Because they deserve the best and I want to give them the best. I want them to be happy. We don't come from a wealthy family. There's a life I want them to have. But how can I, if I'm not even at my best self? Honestly, I don't know where to go from here. I'm just going with the flow. Until next time.
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meandmyechoes · 4 years
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chemicalbrew · 2 years
Red (Transistor) VS Rex (XBC2)
ANON YOU'RE A GENIUS HOLY HELL (also thank you for specifying which Red you mean, even if I don't play Pokemon or anything else with a character named Red, it's still appreciated)
Who I think would win in a fight? (tl;dr: if Red doesn't neutralize or distract Rex immediately, her chances of winning are low IMO)
okay, so to be really honest, I feel like it could be a draw\mutual forfeit very easily, because IMO, Rex would rather befriend the kind of person Red is and assist her; and Red to me never read as a person eager to do unnecessary fighting either. It would probably be like the intro to Land of Challenge with Shulk where they just shake hands and either warm up to each other somewhat easily (platonically) or stay cautiously optimistic about each other. I feel like Auden\the man in the Transistor would also pitch in (with words, since there's nothing else for him to use, ha) to prevent weapons from being drawn.
But I know that's not what the spirit of the question is, so let's ignore their personalities for a bit and look at everyone's abilities instead, even if only briefly (god it's been like 2 years since I played trna)...
If Rex has his blades by his side and especially if he's the master driver\in tune with Pneuma, he wins this somewhat handily. Pneuma is just OP and can (probably) rewrite history, ignoring even Turn() (I mean, remember how they overcame ""control over elementary particles""? besides, Pneuma's specials are so powerful and last so long and cover so much space, Red would have trouble dodging with her Jaunt() being finite and needing time to recharge), so he wins, lol.
If we ignore Pneuma, Mythra's agility, speed and Foresight alone make Rex pretty formidable as an opponent across all universes (and if you want to get more technical, he can just Double Spinning Edge crit recharge his way to victory without letting the opponent so much as breathe lol). However, I feel like a lucky Turn() could be enough of an opening for Red to get (or even Get() ) her way with Pyra\Mythra alone.
If we ignore the Aegis altogether, but let Rex use every other Blade... iono, this might be a 'strength in numbers' situation. This would depend on who exactly is out, and there are lots of options for that.
If Rex is completely on his own while Red has the Transistor, it's weighing more heavily in Red's favor, but even if it's a certain victory, it's not an immediate one (salvager suits are implied to be quite sturdy, and he can still use his anchor to trip her and buy him time. Considering how the Transistor's functions can overload and break, whereas Rex never loses his Arts\Specials (just the charge on them, so all Red would get is a smidge of time... which might help, but who knows), he might even win this way!) And of course, Red is all but helpless on her own.
I think what Red has going for her is Switch() \ Help() \ Mask() \ passive!Spark() - moves meant to provide distraction. This might prove to be less helpful if Mythra (or possibly Azurda, even) is around, considering she's a fucking supercomputer that could feasibly detect threats at light speed, but it's the first opportunity I thought of :') Switch() especially could be key to victory, assuming it hits Blades as well.
Get() could also help, since it forcibly draws the target right next to Red, but since Rex can fight from basically all ranges (depending on what blades you consider), and with Aegis he obviously prefers fighting up close... that too is only valuable for the surprise factor\getting in if Rex is using an ether cannon or another ranged weapon type.
Purge() is a viable option, but might take too long to actually weaken Rex enough.
And then there's Kill(), which actually gives Red a 1-in-4 shot at victory (assuming it doesn't deal just 500 damage to Rex and actually insta-kills, since in XB2 500 HP is pitiful and in Transistor it's not). Who woulda thunk?
And okay, I know what you're thinking. 'You mentioned Turn() basically once, but it's something on par with Foresight and however you interpret "rewriting reality"! Isn't that the key?' And to that I say... have you seen Foresight having a cooldown? The only way it got overpowered is through pure speed, not a proper opening in defenses. At best it would be even with Mythra, and no match for Pneuma, solely because of the recharge during which Red is the most vulnerable.
so uh... congrats, Rex?
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fandom-blackhole · 3 years
Now that I have time and some motivation let's get down to business.
Paz also has tattoos for you,
One of your name in mando'a,
Second of the star constellation that you spotted on your trip, we love our wiccan king,
He'd 10000% be the guy to get his child's birth date tattooed,
Paz posting his precious doggo on instagram?,
Oh or Paz starting a culinary YouTube channel???,
And also showing his of the grid lifestyle?,
showing his animal rescue and promoting adoptions!,
He is buffy, handsome, funny, loves children and animals, dresses good and is the best chef, so there are many fanboys and fangirls in his comments thirsting over him,
When the comments asking if he is single get too overwhelming, he asks you to tune in for some vlogs,
You'd definitely film a mukbang video!!,
And also these crazy spicy noodle challenges,
Boba accidentally disliking all of Paz' videos?? (we are still onto tech-grandpa Boba? 😂),
You have to make sure that he doesn't post any pictures done by his hand,
He'd retweet funny clips of cats and cute pictures from Jango Investigation company's official profile,
Also him leaving embarrassing comments on your profile?
Or not knowing that there is function to dm you on instagram,
So he comments on your recent holiday trip picture ''you looked good in this swimsuit princess, shame on me I tore it apart'' or ''looking tempting babygirl, be ready, sir will be home soon'',
Din doesn't really care for sm?,
Like he used to be a casual user,
But one day people were flooding his comments and dms, spamming him with @pascalisapunk,
He noticed that you were watching youtube kids with Grogu,
(oh now I hope you will know what is going on) Grogu really likes watching cocomelon,
So Din tricked him to watching PewDiePie instead,
You don't like it tho, thinking these videos are too edgy and stupid for both of them,
''Din you've watched too many of these videos and you became a brain-rotten himbo I don't want the same to happen to our son!'',
Din and Grogu playing Minecraft together? 🥺,
Also Paz has the best town in Animal crossing for sure!,
Surprise, surprise Boba actually likes and knows how to(!!!) play Mafia game (well it's from 2002 so maybe that's why lol),
But he is the king of board games,
Especially Monopoly!!!
Also not to mention cars games,
He made you play strip poker with him 😳,
Paz and you doing a baby shower at his restaurant!!,
Imagine big daddy bear Paz with a little babygirl 😍😍😍, (Bummer that we don't have an official name for the Armorer, could be honored by Paz naming his baby after her 😭),
Grogu telling his friends at school that his daddy is also an actor lol,
Few days later bunch of 5 year olds are asking him if this is the way to the restroom, if he can bring in some hot chocolate, and doing the baby yoda batuu sound at him lol,
Poor Din, but he secretly loves it, he just loves children,
So imagine his combustion when you tell him that you are having a little Djarin 😍,
Paz helping with babyshower??,
And Boba is totally on buying you a new, bigger apartment as a gift lol,
''What, Djarin? Can't have my little nephew and favorite sister-in-law who is pregnant living in your excuse of an apartament'' lol Boba has no chill,
Grogu gets addicted to bubble tea,
And it isn't because of your introduction, you knew better not to let him drink too often,
But everyday, after coming back from the kindergarten Din and Grogu would stop by your favorite bubble tea shop,
Grogu totally wants a little brother!,
And Din is thinking about a little babygirl or better, why not both, or even better two little boys and a little girl and Grogu being their big bro 😍,
You better be ready for some intensive wrestling sessions,
You and Din have no idea why, but lately, he seems to cum A LOT MORE,
When Boba carries out the tradition you are pregnant,
Pregnant with twin boys,
And the look identical, like they were literally cloned 😉,
Boba wouldn't throw a huge babyshower,
He is too afraid after the incident involving you and the rival syndicate,
Actually Boba decided that you should move from the downtown, to live in a more low-key area,
So you are now living in a palace 😉 in the suburbs
Boba gets you a private driver and a bodyguard,
But most of the time he tries to drive you to work since you both have offices in the downtown area,
Your daily commute can get really pleasurable for both of you 😳,
Boba has his own shooting range lol, king of extra right?
One day when you were babysitting Grogu at your place you found out that Boba was teaching the kid about shooting,
You were furious,
''C'mon princess, haven't I told you about me and my father? He showed me how to use a gun when I was even younger than Grogu'',
Srsly, this man,
Giving him a death glare you take Grogu and treat him for some bubble tea
Oh yeeesss let's get to business....
Paz's tattoos 😭😭😭 so cute (kind of reminds me of my dad, he has all of our names)
Paz totally has an Instagram dedicated to Ad'ika
Paz being thirsted after on his YouTube is so cute
But his followers also really ship the two of you, because you both are just couple goals
Paz makes you the cutest anniversary video and posts it to his YouTube
Paz is a total gamer, he absolutely loves Animal Crossing and he makes a whole section of his town dedicated to you
Paz throws the absolute cutest baby shower and anyone and everyone is invited
You both decide to wait until after the baby is born to find out the gender, and Paz has a raffle going on at the restaurant where people can guess the gender
Armorer = Amira? Amara? Andromeda??
He makes you both cute matching sweaters for your characters
Paz is the one that introduced Grogu to minecraft
Boba cause so much havoc on social media
He totally is leaving thirst comments under your pictures on Instagram not realizing everyone else can see them too
You have a Instagram set up for Fennec too because she is just so photogenic, at least when you take the pictures
I think Boba is actually pretty proficient at using Twitter, and its more or less because he uses it to stalk people 9/10
You have a tumblr where you tease and make fun of Boba, mostly posting quotes or the silly pictures that Boba takes
Boba totally dominates at any board game, but especially Monopoly
That game of strip poker did not last long at all, and you think Boba quite literally was hiding aces up his sleeves
Boba makes sure you are always thoroughly satisfied before he drops you off at work every morning
When Boba finds out you're pregnant he celebrates, and its huge
He starts going all out buying anything and everything he can/wants
When he finds out its twin boys he is over the moon
Names for the boys, Jango and Jaster? Rex and Cody??
Boba totally buys some big house outside of town, that has anything and everything you could ever ask for
It also has a panic room and state of the art safety because Boba isn't taking chances with you or the boys
Also, bringing the babysitting saga to the modern au 😭😭
You walk in on Boba handing Grogu a gun and you flip out, yelling at him
He just shrugs and you take Grogu away and say that your kids WILL N O T learn how to do any of that stuff until they are atleast teenagers
Boba pouts because you ruined his and Grogu's bonding time
When Din comes to pick up Grogu, Grogu looks him in the eye and says "cocksucker"
Din has a heart attack and Boba laughs as you yell at him asking where he heard that
Grogu says that he heard uncle Boba say it while on the phone
Din tries to follow Paz’s recipes from his YouTube, and it always turns out badly and you have to come in and save it
Din totally loves Pewdiepie's humor
Din gets frustrated with social media and ends up just making an empty account so he can follow you and watch videos, but after the whole Pedro Pascal disaster he never posts anything
Grogu and you are his profile picture though
When Grogu goes around telling the kids at school he is the mandalorian he just sighs
And when all of the kids start quoting the show, he just starts quoting them back so they will stop bothering him
When Din announced the pregnancy Paz got so excited to have another nephew/niece
Paz lets Din hold the baby shower at the restaurant and he makes all of the food, including little gender reveal cake pops
Paz gifts the two of you a photo album at has pictures of the two of you and grogu, but it is still half empty so you can add more memories of your expanding family
Boba just hands Din house keys a day says the place is paid off and he's covering the bills for the first year (he also had a nice play set built in the backyard for Grogu)
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Star Wars Rebels Season 3 recaps
“The Last Battle”
I'm up to Chapter Six in @gondalsqueen's accompanying fic, Fade to Red. Just left comments there, and here's the notes I took rewatching the episode. Rex fights old ghosts, bad memories, and some all-too-surviving clankers; Ezra learns some respect for veterans of old wars; and Kanan quietly looks out for both of them. But how will Kanan deal with the memories dredged up here? Well, that's what the fic is for :)
We open on a question from Hera ("You sure you don't need help?") and backhanded reassurance from Kanan: "I'm sure everything will go horribly wrong." (Subtext: As usual. And as usual, they'll handle it.)
Ezra jauntily reassures her that they'll be fine cause they've got Rex the Clone Wars veteran with them. In fact Rex does seem to be falling right back into old patterns, calling Kanan "general" and talking about clankers. They're visiting the wreck of an old transport in hopes of salvaging munitions.
Ezra makes the mistake of saying the old droids don't look very dangerous, and Rex blows up at him. "Rex has been through a lot," Kanan counsels. "Battles leave scars. Some you can't see."
They let the old soldier do the recon and are rewarded with a cache of proton bombs. Unfortunately, some rusting battle droids are also still around! They're still fighting the LAST war. "Roger roger!"
Ezra: "Wait, who's Roger?" Lol.
The Rebels fall into an old ray shield trap and are disabled. Rex starts having flashbacks. The group is hauled before what both Kanan and Rex pretty immediately recognize as a "super tactical droid," a fancy one with three glowing eyes and artsy designs on its chassis. Wookieepedia assures me super tactical droids are a real thing that were first introduced in season 5 of The Clone Wars. Totally forgot about them, but okay, sure, fine, whatever, makes sense. The name is dumb but I buy the concept.
So we got a bunch of our regular stupid droids being led by a Super Tactical Droid (STD? For sure. It's an STD.) It was smart enough to save their little group from the original shutdown command spread after Order 66, and has been pursuing the original mission ever since. Which I guess mostly meant guarding the proton bombs.
And now we have two vets who never quite left the old war in their heads, trying to convince a "clanker" that it is actually over. The STD doesn't care, it's gone full GLaDOS and wants nothing more than to run some war games with authentic vintage Clone Wars soldiers.
Ezra doesn't take the threat seriously and volunteers them all for the scenario: Jedi Rescue. (The STD amusingly notes it's a recurring one.) Zeb is assigned the role of hostage. The terms are agreed: if the Rebels succeed, they get Zeb and the proton bombs. It's not specified what will happen if they lose? I mean death presumably, but nobody seems to feel the need to ask.
Chopper, meanwhile, has so far evaded capture and is VERY SMARTLY working on getting a shuttle operational so the Rebels will have an exit plan when they manage to escape. Chopper is so good! I have to pause the episode because I get a little emotional for a second about Chopper, and how Hera is the only one who could ever possibly deserve him, because she's perfect too.
SNiff. Okay we're moving on. Hera and Sabine are pinned down under fire and Sabine lampshades the fact they won't be able to get to Agamar soon. OH! OH MY HEART! They THEN proceed to have a little conversation about how great Chopper is:
"If Kanan needs help, he'll call us."
"Since when?"
"Fine. If Chopper's over his head, he'll hide and call us."
"That's more believable!"
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 #droidrightsnow
Ooh it's time for a spooky Imperial scene. Kallus is playing a dangerous double-agent game at Governor Pryce's shoulder. Both of them are informed that Chopper's distress signal from Agamar has been intercepted, and Pryce orders the nearest Imperial forces to respond instead. Fun, how will the droids respond to a new faction joining their wargame?
As the scenario begins, Kanan defers to Rex's battlefield experience. Rex counsels a blitz attack to gain surprise. As the droids deploy, Rex calls for "a sword and shield maneuver"--and Kanan knows exactly what he means.
I like this scene because Kanan had so much trouble working with clone troopers again after the trauma of Order 66. But we see here that he has really resolved that. He is able to calmly access his memories, his experience, and use it to TRUST Rex rather than doubt him. This is again showing a Kanan who has really "leveled up" in Jedi wisdom. He knows where he needs to go, and what he needs to do. Sometimes--often in fact!--he knows that the thing to do is to ask someone else what to do.
So he asks Rex, and does what Rex says, and makes sure Ezra does it too. "We block, he fires," he explains to a confused Ezra. The three of them work in sync to defeat an oncoming army of clankers. Action! Inspirational music! Kanan surges forward, slow and steady, but Ezra dashes out front. Rex calls him back. "Ezra! Form it up! We've gotta stay together!" Again underlining that what Ezra needs to learn from Kanan now is not lightsaber shenanigans, but patience and restraint.
We get yet another note in this theme as they get inside the hangar. Ezra wants to charge forward: "The hangar looks clear! Let's go."
But something's off, and Rex the old soldier twigs to it. "Waiiiiit. That's not how it usually goes...The droids usually keep coming, wave after wave."
Kanan trusts Rex's gut. "That tactical droid has had a long time to think about this. And remember, he wants to win."
Rex gets a couple poignant lines of dialog comparing the clone army to the clanker one: both, he says, were programmed to ceaselessly fight. Kanan moves them all along with a clap on Rex's shoulder, and doesn't correct him when Rex calls him "commander."
The inevitable trap is sprung: oh no, destroyers! No way to breach their shields! But Ezra swiftly comes up with a plan. No surprise--it involves Ezra rushing into danger alone. But it's clever, and takes the environment into account, and this time the two vets are inclined not to hold him back but to support the kid as he's deployed. They both counsel him to be quick.
"Ah, the Jedi have split up, as they do 76 percent of the time," STD observes from his command center. Wookieepedia is telling me STD has a name and his name is Kalani. I don't understand this or remember when it was established so I'mma keep calling him STD. But still #droidrightsnow
Chopper makes contact with Ezra, delaying him on the anti-destroyer mission. Now it's Rex's turn to be impulsive and mistrustful! Not knowing what the holdup with Ezra might be, he ignores Kanan and surges forward, only to be immediately gunned down. Kanan takes up a defensive position over his fallen form.
I really like this for Kanan. He's no longer the one out in front doing flashy shit--that's Ezra now. But Kanan is, quietly, the one ensuring the success of all their missions. He compensates for both Ezra and Rex, at different points, and ensures that neither of their worst mistakes become catastrophic. He is the one who holds back until the moment where all hope is almost lost, and then steps forward to stave that moment off.
Meanwhile, Ezra is still very much in it to win it. He completes his part of the plan, and Rex gets up to cough and brag about "generation one armor." Ezra wants to brag too but Rex rounds on him. "That plan was based on timing and execution. And you took too long!"
Ezra protests about Chopper. Rex isn't hearing it. "This is not a game! This is life and death! Every move you make affects the rest of us. If we're gonna survive this, we're gonna do it with strategy! And discipline!"
It was interesting focusing on what Kanan was doing in the background during all this. He was focused on Rex, listening, and he paced forward. Closer. But he let Rex get the whole thing out, and only then went to offer Ezra reassurance and a literal pat on the back. "It's not you. He needs to finish this battle, his way."
"Just like that droid," Ezra murmurs, IN CASE YOU MISSED THE PARALLELS EARLIER.
Ezra and Kanan sandwich Rex protectively as the destroyer droids move in. Kanan calls a maneuver to deal with the shields: "Push and fire! Now!" in a nice callback/mirror of the same moment earlier when it was Rex calling plays that they both remembered. Then they get a lucky break when the old droids' shields overheat.
Rex busts in to the command center, all "Well. Looks like we win!" Ezra gets a very nice moment to shine then, when he blocks Rex from firing on STD and points out that the group didn't cleanly "win" the wargame scenario, due to the overheating shield malfunction.
"If they hadn't, we'd be goners!" Ezra protests, which does two things: a) it shows us that Ezra has learned to respect the threat these old forces represent. He was scoffing at the clankers at the beginning of the ep; he's changed his mind. And b) it allows Ezra to finally fill the role that the Jedi should have, all along, in that old war: not as soldiers, but as peacemakers. Ezra points out that the Clone Wars weren't won by any of the armies that actually fought in it.
And so, although none of them will ever realize it: if the purpose of wargames is to refine strategy, then the final victor in this ultimate scenario is...Padme Amidala. It's her viewpoint that's vindicated in the final analysis. Ezra wins "The Last Battle" through diplomacy.
Helped along by the fact that Imperial forces show up, and everyone suddenly realizes they have a common enemy. So in Act III, our Rebels team up with the antiquated Separatist droids to resist the Empire. Again, Ezra pitches this alliance: and Kanan merely smooths his way, quieting Rex when he would have interrupted and reassuring STD when he seems to falter.
There's a cute moment when Kanan and STD talk strategy: "What about the bombs we came here for?" Kanan asks, to which the droid replies:
"We have no cannon to fire the shells. Otherwise, I would have used them on you."
I just really like the way Freddie Prinze Jr. delivers Kanan's "Oh thanks!" riposte. It's funny, and the old sardonic Kanan is definitely still around.
They come up with a plan to have the droids fire on Kanan and Ezra, who will redirect the bolts with their lightsabers to hit the proton bombs as they're rolled across the hangar. Oh...kay? This feels unserious somehow but sure. The idea is that the droids are not precise in their targeting, and the Jedi are. But Kanan and Ezra could ALSO just shoot at the bombs? It's not like they don't use blasters themselves when they want to attack at range. So I guess we are simply being told that a Jedi can achieve a more rapid, more accurate rate of fire while deflecting a barrage of bolts with their lightsabers than they could using blasters directly. Sure, fine, I buy it, I guess. It's an elegant weapon for a more civilized age, if your idea of elegance involves filling the air with superheated plasma.
Pew pew, explosions, big music, and we get the themes of the episode restated a few more times. Did you GET that Ezra just did what an army of Jedi and the full Senate could not? Rex says he ended the Clone Wars! "Rex, all I did was point out that none of you were meant to win. You couldn't," Ezra says. And then everybody claps! Not literally, but emotionally they do. Okay, okay, it's good that Ezra took the Light Side path here and he deserves to bask in the moment.
STD takes his surviving droids off...somewhere. Ezra has a new respect for Rex's war stories and Rex is delighted to tell more. And Kanan... Kanan just wants to hear about Hera's day. Awww.
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zinzinina · 3 years
Congratulations Sam! I'm so very proud of you 💖 You deserve all of these followers and more! Also, this is a super adorable idea! Thank you for doing this for us!
Here's my information:
1. I'd definitely want to be a wolf or some form of k-9
2. Ideal night out: Good food, good drinks, and good music. As long as I have those three it's a perfect night out. We could be out at a fun diner or sitting around a fire under the stars, it doesn't matter as long as it's not too crowded. Ideal day in: lay in bed together first thing in the morning. Preferably it's raining or snowing. Maybe we watch a movie together or I read some of my book in the early afternoon while I get something cooking low and slow for dinner that night. In the evening we eat the hearty home-cooked meal and watch a movie with all the lights turned low.
3. Main qualities? They need to be a good person, kind. Responsible but can also let loose and have fun. Or at least let me bully them into having fun. Loyal, smart, brave, respectful... just a, good person lol.
4. Hands by Barns Courtney
5. Personal hell: too hot, hungry, thirsty, overly crowded, no place to sit down, too many people
(Please don't set me up with like, Yoda or Jar Jar or Chewbacca. I don't think you would but it doesn't hurt to ask lol)
Hi Tess! Here’s your match:
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There’s no other man in the entire galaxy who matches all the qualities you described quite so perfectly. Braver than most of us could ever imagine needing to be, yet endlessly compassionate and unwavering from what he knows to be right, Rex’s loyalty is the thing he values most about himself. He knows he’s not perfect, but it doesn’t stop him from holding himself to incredibly exacting standards when it comes to being a good man. This includes in all of his relationships; he needs to know that he’s done everything in his power to be worthy for the people he loves. Healthy? Not always. Exhausting? Definitely. He’ll benefit from a kind and patient partner who can gently reassure him that he’s loved and needed and worthwhile even when at rest, and even when he fucks up. Which is why I know you guys are going to be perfect together.
Now, for your date. Rex is pretty old fashioned. He doesn’t have a lot of credits to spare, but he’s using his meagre rec stipend to get you a decent bunch of flowers, damn it, and taking you out for the nicest meal he can afford. You might be surprised to learn that he can be a tiny bit nervous at the beginning. He’s confident and assured in his position as a soldier, but he’s probably going to make some awkward jokes when he’s not sure how to break the ice with you. He’ll want to hold doors and pull out chairs for you; probably best to let him, so he can start to feel like he has a handle on the situation. Once he’s a little more relaxed, he’ll be more receptive to you caring for him back, so after dinner it might be nice to buy him a drink, somewhere lowkey (maybe not as wild as 79’s this time) before heading home. Rex is going to want to walk you to your door, just to see you inside safely, but if you invite him in? That part’s entirely up to you.
Thank you for using Sam’s Star Wars Matchmaking Service™️! Please be advised we do not offer transfers or refunds at this time. May the Spires Keep You!
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cartermarcian · 4 years
4Kids Korner - Season 2 - Episode 2
Welcome back, everyone! Today we have two special items to showcase: Paleo Patrol Raphael (2006) and the G.I. Joe Sigma 6 comic book volume 1 (2006).
Let's start with Sigma 6, since I've had that one longer
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Among books based on 4Kids shows, this one is more unique as it features original stories written for the book. Each mini-story stars one of the G.I. Joes and one of Cobra's elites. For instance, the fourth story is about Tunnel Rat infiltrating a Cobra base and facing off against Overkill. There are 6 stories in all, giving each of the original 6 field agents a day in the sun. I only have one minor complaint, and that's that there's blood visible in one panel coming from a mouth. Take that away and you've got a perfect Sigma 6 book.One thing I liked about that same story, though, is how they represented Spirit's family. You see, in the show, Spirit is portrayed as the Native American stereotype known as the "peaceful savage," meaning he's at one with nature and serenity. He also wears a headband and war paint, as well as tribal-looking tattoos on his arms. In his story of the book, however, hemoces the war paint and wears regular clothes to go to a family reunion. All of his family members are normal people and act like normal people, free of the same racial stereotype, and I think that's a step in the right direction. Overall, this is a fun book that I'm glad I bought. There are more out there, too, so I'm gonna get to work finding them.
Next up we have the star of today's episode, Paleo Patrol Raphael!
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Thanks to power rangers, I've gained a bit of interest in dinosaurs as a children's entertainment icon. That's one major reason I bought this awesome figure. The first thing to mention is that before even opening it, you'll see that it has a sticker advertising the TMNT 100th Episode, which had it's own sweepstakes attached, as you'll see on the sticker to the left, so already this toy is a piece of history. Second, is the figure itself. Raph's livin' it up in a Dino-hyde armored vest, complete with a T-Rex jaw around his neck for additional awesomeness. He comes with three prehistoric weapons: petrified wood sais, a staff with two more said made of bone marrow on either end, and two "sure-fire shurikens," because I guess they ran out of ideas for that one, ha! And finally, there's the demo dvd you can see in the photo on the left, said to contain 1 of 2 "unaired episodes," which isn't actually true since promos for the episodes in question could be found on Youtube at one point. Still, that doesn't make them bad additions to the toy package. Along with the episode, it the disc comes with "4Kids TV previews" and "toys information." The 4Kids TV previews only includes two promos: one for the TMNT series as a whole, and one for the DVD "Mutants and Monsters." The toys information includes two commercials for the entire Paleo Patrol line, and the Shell Kickers series of figures. Really fun commercials, and they give me ideas on what to buy next, lol. Overall, this is a purchase that just radiates kid-energy for me, and that's it's greatest feature hands down. Great product, will add more of the line DOWN the line. Heh, see what I did there?
0 notes
rockcandyrebels · 7 years
Hair Reaction
Memphis-Rex:[makes an undignified sound]
Memphis-Rex:I don't know what to say-
CaraBanned: EXACTLY
i've been imagining her with pastel/white hair but like
i never thought that she would look good with it
but now
Memphis-Rex: WTF Cara I've been weak for this dark skin white hair combo ever since Kida showed me the way, how can you ever doubt it?!
because i might,,, keep it
i wish i knew that sooner
at least for now- or go back and forth because why not
either way, i love it
Memphis-Rex: Kysme's jaw would almost drop to the ground upon seeing it- (though ofc he'd quickly try to cover it up
CaraBanned: sajhdskjdsh
fucking GOOD-
be awestruck kysme. She'd probably laugh about the reaction, saying that a fly might fly into his mouth if he keeps that up, but then ask what he actually thinks about it (like "use your words my dude") (That's it, aaliyah bleaching her hair is now canon-)
Put it on the rock candy rebel blog SO THAT I HAVE IT HANDY FOR FUTURE REFERENCE.
And he'd probably lean against the nearby wall tryna look unbothered and casual about it after recovering for a second of sheer shock before saying "what are you doing now, impersonating an Instagram model?" (it's a.... compliment? he doesn't know how to give them)
I WILL let me just,,, fix it up a tiny bit!
Kysme,,,pls. I guess that's the closest she's gonna get to praise though huh. Liyah just does a little smug smirk and crosses her arms like, "Oh yeah, totally. I'm planning on making my own profile too. You know, to see if i can hit 1k followers in a month. I really think I have what it takes." Then she'd chuckle a little bit, because kysme is kind of ridiculous.
Memphis-Rex: Kysme IS ridiculous. But she knows that lmao.
"I'd like to see you try," (not a good comeback but he does mean it lmao) and then he just shuts up or brings the conversation to some crazy new food Instragram trend where the thing is absolutely colorful looking and diabetes-giving but he wants to drag her along to buy it.
CaraBanned: NICE swerve, Kysme. Smooth.
Like sandpaper
(Also it's UP)
shit though im kind of imagining that this was a bit of a mistake for aaliyah to do lmao, bleaching her hair and all that- since kysme is kinda notorious for not keeping his hands to himself, and white hair tends to have that shimmery thing going on in the right lighting-
Memphis-Rex: LMAO-
that was exactly what I was imagining during the first five minutes of looking at that picture.
I was thinking of how I'd draw it, and then Kysme shows up poking a finger into her hair-
CaraBanned: LOL at this point she's probably just like 'whatever'. But then he runs his fingers through her hair when she's not really noticing, and accidentally snags one of said fingers in the locks in the process.
He loses his hair touching privileges after that.
Memphis-Rex: GDI Kysme you dun fucked up.
"why's there a tangle gdi" "that tangle made me lose my hair touching pass" "damn it do you even brush your hair smh" "i have a comb at hand i can help. one time offer"
Plot twist she takes it, reluctantly. And its either the worst choice or best choice depending on what happens. Though I feel like kysme might be oddly meticulous with that sort of stuff-
Memphis-Rex: LMAO-
You might be right-
(after all, what fellow carries a comb on his person if he isn't)
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