#and tbqh all i want rn is someone to hold me. i want someone to actively want me/pursue me. i want someone to choose me & care about me
heyitslapis · 6 months
#haha now im fucking sobbing im my bathroom bc i was texting one of my only 2 friends (not including my ex) about how nervous i am#then i started in about how i actually dont really want to go out & meet people & go on dates but at the same time#im so extremely tired of being lonely/alone & having absolutely no one to consistently hang out with & im so starved for love & gentleness#and tbqh all i want rn is someone to hold me. i want someone to actively want me/pursue me. i want someone to choose me & care about me#it really fucking hurts & sucks being on everyones backburner. im such a loving person. i have such a big heart & so much love to give#ive always been like that. ive always loved people with my whole being. always been happy & happy to make others happy#ive always prioritized peoples happiness & comfort & well-being FAR above my own#ive always heard the universe gives back what it receives from you......so whens it my turn to be wanted fully & loved in an unwavering way#my love has always been give give give...... i just want to receive the affection. the devotion. the loving tasks. for once. please.....#im not even looking for my forever or for my life partner or w/e. i just want someone who's excited to see me & wants to be in my presence#someone who; even if only for 1 day or 1 week or even 1 month; chooses me. chooses to stay.#i think......im tired. im gonna go play fallout nv until i pass out from exhaustion. im tired#emma vents#vent tag#sad boi hours#sad bitch hours#2023 tag
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swordmaid · 3 years
creator tag meme
tagged by the local angel @giuseppearcimboldo thank you so much lizzie!
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
VERY happy i can fill this out because i’ve been so productive this year lol. also this is all gonna be jb bc ive been RELENTLESS and spamming and i would apologize but i wont lmao 
1. jb eros/psyche au.
i am talking about everything i have done for the au btw, because i’ve done quite a handful of things and honestly i really love all of them--even the doodle ones which rarely happens. anyway, i love this au in general. i think the tale is perfect for them, and i’m happy with the works that i managed to put out most esp this one that’s based on canova’s sculpture of eros and psyche. translating sculpture into digital art was interesting since it was all about converting the weight and structure of the sculpture into the screen and i think i managed to do it imo! i love how brienne looks heavy in his arms, i love how strong jaime looks holding her up and i especially love the way i shaded her dress to mimic the lines that the statue has. all in all, this au slapped and i actually want to do more of it but i have no inspiration right now. 
2. jb as classical art series. 
honestly i never thought that this was going to be a series lol i thought it was just a two time thing, but then i did another one, and then another one, and then another one and now here we are. i love all the pieces that i’ve done for it actually. my favourite thing is that they’re all not direct translations of the original art. there are some aspects that i’ve taken and adapted while also putting my own flair into it. i love the reverse colour scheme with klimt’s kiss and my own rendition of it. the gold being the accent highlight in a field of murky brown/black whereas klimt has the black squares present to emphasis the richness of the gold and yellows. i also like the little thing i did where i put the geometric shapes outside of the subject instead of inside (what he did). i put on the tags that i didnt like how it turned out but i actually like it lol i just didn’t like how long it took me i get too impatient with my art i think. anyway. i love this whole series sm i think all the pieces have their own character, and tbh i always get nervous adding another piece into this just because all the ones that i’ve done has been so well received i don’t want to be a disappointment lool. regardless, i love classical art and i love jb and i love being able to put the two together hehe we love to be self indulgent
3. la belle fleur sauvage commission. 
aka THIS commission that was based from SD’s fic, la belle fleur sauvage. some behind the scenes with that one--that one took me SO long to do, like it was taking longer than i had wanted and i felt very bad and i am forever thankful for sd’s patience 😭😭😭. i really can’t be too mad though since i was working on the third year of my degree, but i still would’ve wanted to finish it sooner than i did. but as for the art itself---i actually love it lol. i always say to zoom in on my stuff to see all the details but i WISH folks would zoom in on that because it’s so big and so intricate. i love how everything turned out; i love how rich the colours are, i love the composition for all three panels, i love how the SKY looked like actually that’s the first time i sat down and painted clouds with that technique and i am so happy and pleased with how it looked im using it for everything LOL, i love jaime’s outfit in the 2nd panel---i actually designed a whole outfit for that and he DOES have his pouches and daggers, etc. stuff that he would have with him if he was a mercenary, but because of the cropping, those details were taken out but it’s THERE. i love the colours and the shading on the 3rd panel. it looks so soft and romantic and it’s everything 😭😭. honestly i didnt know if i was able to finish whole three panels just because of how big the project seemed, but tbqh this piece really pushed me as an artist and im really happy that i had the chance to work on it (-’: 
4. early morning.
this one is a more recent piece and i was thinking post canon jaime/brienne married and either living in casterly rock or evenfall hall. originally the sheets were gonna be red with the gold brocade but i just made it green to make their location more ambiguous. they’re in a castle because of the finery, but which castle i have no idea. anyway i love their faces here in particular--jaime because it’s not often that i draw him old (this is the second time i drew old jaime i think?) and i love how he turned out here. i love how he looks like a silver fox and a dilf and we really do love that for brienne. full disclosure, i have no idea how to draw older folks since i don’t have a lot of practice in that area so im glad my lack of experience doesn’t show lmao. i also love how soft brienne looks here! the little smile on her lips is very sweet, her body language and how relax she seems is very telling abt her confidence in this scene also i think i drew her hands hella well haha. all in all i think it’s a really sweet art! and the full version is not so bad either jaime’s ass was referenced from marble sculptures so you know im aiming for Quality. but i love this headcanon of a younger brienne tiring jaime out, i’ve read a handful fics about it and im happy i can do my own version of it hehe 
5. unravel.
wow we love domesticity. someone said that if you compile all my ns*w art of them together it’s like they haven’t left their bed ever since they got together and you know what? love that for them it’s what they deserve. anyway i chose this one because of how sensual and simple it is. their body language really does all the talking ; jaime’s hand pulling on the ties on her shift, her hand on his hair, how soft and lazy their kiss looks--it’s enough to tell the story me thinks! i just love how simple this whole thing is but it’s very effective. there’s really not much to it besides what you see but that’s really enough.
i am actually very proud of myself with how productive i’ve been. it’s really not often that i get as much drive and energy to post so much art. iirc my art tag is nearly 200 content already (i think it’s 180 ish rn?) and honestly that’s a LOT if you told me ill be making more than 100+ content for jb i would’ve been like nah im too lazy for that lmao. but im really proud of myself this year! i think i pushed myself as an artist and i’ve familiarized myself more with my strengths as well as my weaknesses. i have a clear idea on the areas that i need to work on, and i’ve really gotten more comfortable with being happy with my own pieces and i’m trying not to put myself down more if something doesn’t go the way i want it to. also, i’ve had the opportunity to work with more people this year--so for the people who has commissioned me or IS commissioning me rn--- thank you so much for trusting me with your visions 😭😭 ive never expected to get this kind of reception with my art but i am very grateful for all of it. 
anyway as for the tagging i tag -- @na-bruma-leve / @dreadwulf / @dilfjaime / @fawnilu BUT i would highly recommend you to come along and snatch this tag meme up like a little raccoon because we all should start being proud of our own works imo !!
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
July 17 Dancitron Movie Night - Sing
Swoop and Tarantulas got in a small kerfuffle and Prowl sent a flying kick at Swoop, and honestly Prowl jumping into a fight with a Dinobot is easily the dumbest thing he’s done all month.
Soundwave, Tarantulas and Prowl hung out after movie night was over. The contents of said hangout are still being roleplayed out and the chatlog is forthcoming. Highlights of what IS included in this log: Tarantulas has promised to capture a bunch of cephalopods for Soundwave, Bevel, and Prowl to meet. (Prowl doesn’t really care about meeting them all that much, but he decided to come along anyway so that Soundwave gets to meet three more species.)
ItsyBitsySpyers 7:48 pm *Soundwave settles in on his usual spot, props his legs up with one feeler, and uses the other to give himself a head massage.* Swoop 7:50 pm *scampers in smelling like a furnace* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:50 pm [[Please smoke outside.]] Swoop 7:50 pm *which isn't measurably different from how he usually smells, but much more ... immediate this time around* What? Oh! Kehehehhehheh Me Swoop not on fire it okay :> *is a stinky stinker today, be prepared to get ash on all the things* best decepticon leader 7:52 pm ((We don't have Starbuck's here, is it good? FakeProwl 7:52 pm *appears, claims h is usual spot, and then gives soundwave a vaguely semi-concerned look. why headrub?* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:52 pm [[Try to contain your smell, then. We will have other guests.]] ((idk i don't like coffee haha)) Swoop 7:52 pm ((I don't drink coffee but their hot chocolate isn't bad.)) Uhh... how? Keheh FakeProwl 7:53 pm ((same. their ice tea tastes like ice tea, nothing super special. def overpriced.) Tarantulas 7:54 pm (( starbucks is like fancy-mcdonalds of coffee tbqh Bevel 7:54 pm [[starbucks is ok for like fastfood/chain shop coffee. i like their chai [[not much of a coffee drinker tbh Bay 7:56 pm (( *settles into chat* i didn't know who to bring, bc it's been a while. So for now I'm just a bunny 8D )) FakeProwl 7:56 pm ((eyyyy)) ((... i don't think i ever played with you on this account but hiiiiii)) ItsyBitsySpyers 7:57 pm ((fifteen minute warning. y'all get your snacks and drinks and bathroom breaks)) Swoop 7:57 pm ((thanks mom)) Bay 7:58 pm (( WELL idk about tumblr, but we've def played in the chat before -- looong time ago Bevel 7:58 pm [[roger roger, slender Bay 7:58 pm (( *with Prowl, I mean )) FakeProwl 7:58 pm ((did we?? which of your characters?)) Bay 7:59 pm (( I remember I came in as Jazz a few times? Unless there are secretly more Prowls than I'm aware of Bevel 7:59 pm [[all the prowls FakeProwl 7:59 pm ((............ you have too many characters, which jazz are you)) Bay 8:00 pm (( it was just an NPC Jazz on Twincast's blog boomtank 8:00 pm ((gdi bay Bevel 8:00 pm [[...was that my prowl? Swoop 8:00 pm Her Carly make a cake for Sparkplug birthday Chip say it taller than him And them laugh and then Sludge try to touch and it SMASH dead cake Bevel 8:01 pm *oh right here now just in time whoo, trudges over to her seat* Bay 8:01 pm ((...you know, now I'm doubting myself. HM.)) Swoop 8:01 pm *IS A BABY DRAGON sort of* FakeProwl 8:01 pm ((mighta been ur prowl, i don't specifically remember playing with an NPC jazz)) ((was the prowl you played with Aligned or IDW? im IDW)) Clich A 8:02 pm It is I, who is a bunny now apparently. Impact 8:02 pm *nyooms in* What's the moooovie? Swoop 8:02 pm *pretends to cough and pounds his chest so a little flame flickers out* *sparkplug taught him that one* :> Bevel 8:02 pm *makes room for tiny Impact* Impact 8:02 pm 3:D Bay 8:03 pm ((I do not recall. It was probably literally over a year ago at this point. I'mma give it a shrug. I remember them debating Twincast's defection to the decepticons, but that's about it? )) boomtank 8:03 pm -trots in and glances around for a seat- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:03 pm *Soundwave nods to the assorted newcomers and lifts his datapad to double-check the title. Once he sees what it is, he wonders why he even needed to do that.* [[Sing.]] Bevel 8:03 pm [[oh then it was probably definitely mine as it's been over a year since i've rp'd anything Tarantulas 8:03 pm *erring on the wrong side of caution, tarantulas arrives in root size, his usual mess of legs and fur, "sneaks" over to try and surprise prowl and/or soundwave* Swoop 8:04 pm *notices that he has dust, dirt, and/or ash falling off himself* FakeProwl 8:04 pm ((i don't remember that debate so yeah, prob not mine)) Swoop 8:04 pm *proceeds to jump somewhat in place to make a bigger mess* *good job swoop* Bay 8:04 pm ((Then I've had y'all mixed up for that long LOL. geez. this is what I get for crossing fandoms)) FakeProwl 8:05 pm ((i think we probably haven't played since i drifted off of starscream? unless we played on my drift at some point)) Swoop 8:05 pm *fuck clean floors, anarchy for life* Bay 8:05 pm ((I played w/ Drift as Kid. I know that for a fact. FakeProwl 8:06 pm ((THAT'S right. So it has been more recent than starscream.)) ((STILL. far too long.)) ((u jumped to megaman with butters, didn't you?)) Bevel 8:06 pm [[nice seeing you again, bay boomtank 8:06 pm ((Baaaaay what have you been up to? Bay 8:06 pm (( I DID and then to Yugioh & it's been. 8T I have regrets)) FakeProwl 8:06 pm ((lol)) ((how's that anime hell treating you)) Impact 8:07 pm ((i used to highkey adore yugioh but then the original series ended)) Bevel 8:07 pm [[*has been buried in the marvel fandom since leaving tf, so many regrets* FakeProwl 8:07 pm ((marvel's a rough place to be rn)) Bay 8:08 pm ((TBH there's a lot of drama in YGO and it's p elitist. idk. I play a filler character which means few ppl will give me the time of day)) Impact 8:08 pm ((awww, that sucks)) FakeProwl 8:08 pm ((tch. sucks for them.)) boomtank 8:08 pm ((their loss Bay 8:08 pm ((Also, I've had to make a whole new universe/timeline for every new character I encounter ((and I scream rl loud)) FakeProwl 8:09 pm ((ugh god ygo is one of those fandoms?)) Clich A 8:09 pm ((Oh wow, that can go to heckie.)) Bay 8:09 pm ((YEP FakeProwl 8:09 pm ((i can't STAND roleplaying in fandoms where everyone insists on a separate verse for every character interaction)) boomtank 8:09 pm ((that...kinda REALLY sucks Bevel 8:09 pm [[oh geez, i hate that FakeProwl 8:09 pm ((WHAT ABOUT CONTINUITY? WHAT ABOUT CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT??)) Bay 8:09 pm ((there are a few group unis, but it's. ugh &&YEAH. P MUCH.)) Bevel 8:10 pm [[what about the fun of playing with eight different versions of the same character all at once and having to make up nicknames to keep them all straight Swoop 8:10 pm Soundwavwe ItsyBitsySpyers 8:10 pm *If Tarantulas has made his way over to Soundwave, he'll find that the feeler massaging Soundwave's head turns and tries to catch him instead* [[Yes?]] Swoop 8:10 pm This sound like Her Carly sleepy music You put on LOUD FUN stuff!!! Clich A 8:10 pm Got any Miles davis in this playlist? FakeProwl 8:10 pm ((you haven't truly roleplayed until you've made a "Soundwave liked this post" bingo card and couldn't even fit all the Soundwave URLs on it.)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:11 pm [[One something more Swoop's style and then that, as requested.]] Swoop 8:11 pm :> Bay 8:11 pm ((SO YEAH. I mean I've had some fun, but I wouldn't recommend it at all. 8'] I miss y'all regularly Clich A 8:11 pm Would Swoop enjoy "Screaming Jay" Hawkins? This is something I would like to know. boomtank 8:11 pm ((and your tf muses are still mia? FakeProwl 8:11 pm ((ur always welcome back here~~~)) Bay 8:12 pm ((don't tempt me)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:12 pm ((*tempt tempt*)) Impact 8:12 pm ((*teeeeempts*)) boomtank 8:12 pm ((come baaaaack FakeProwl 8:12 pm ((also im trying to bring starscream's blog back from the dead so, yknow, folks to interact with would be VERY welcome.)) Swoop 8:12 pm *is 1000% sure Jazz has played this song while they were training before* :> Bay 8:12 pm ((also I might have to refresh here a sec, bc I just realised there's nothing playing on my end & there probably should be lmfao)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:12 pm *Don't tell him. Someone already ruined Mr. Saxobeat.* FakeProwl 8:12 pm ((yeah, we got music going on here)) Swoop 8:13 pm *you're the one who can read minds, buddy* Bay 8:13 pm ((YEP THERE WE GO ((branch.io is very important)) Bevel 8:14 pm [[i came back as an updated version of an OC I used to play with minor plans for an old blog eventually Impact 8:14 pm ((:D)) Bay 8:14 pm ((fffff. I'd probably just come back as Twincast/his crew boomtank 8:14 pm ((awww Swoop 8:14 pm You Soundwave always do sitty music thing. Us do FIGHT stuff one day! Him Chip show games - Tekken, Mortal Kombat - fight tournament. THAT more than talky movie! Then OTHER dinobots come too!! Bevel 8:15 pm [[but bevel gets focus right now because OCs are a bit harder to establish tbh boomtank 8:15 pm ((boom gets to poke at twin again? Swoop 8:15 pm *JUMPS* Bay 8:15 pm (( /we *we'll see Tarantulas 8:15 pm *yeah, gonna try to dodge soundwave's feeler, probably fails because of the whole mess-of-legs thing* FakeProwl 8:15 pm *what's all this feeler waving abou—? oh.* Hi. boomtank 8:15 pm ((hehehe Swoop 8:15 pm *bounces straight into tara* Ka! Clich A 8:15 pm Ooh, nice, thanks Soundwave! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:16 pm *Also, the mun missed Prowl asking a question, so - a quick private text.* Clich A 8:16 pm WHo wants to big band dance with me? *Brow waggle* boomtank 8:16 pm -is just going to watch this mess of a room- Tarantulas 8:16 pm What's that sm - /ah/ Swoop 8:17 pm *catches onto a couple of tara's legs and just holds them* kehehehhehe Tarantulas 8:17 pm *ptero, meet spide* Impact 8:17 pm *wiggles by Bevel, gotta get comfy* Bevel 8:17 pm *pulls out a rust stick for Impact* Impact 8:17 pm *DELIGHTED GASP* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:18 pm @P: (txt): Sore spot. Backed into Buzzsaw sculpture during transport. Soundwave: fine. Tarantulas 8:18 pm Let go, let /go/, PLEASE. *not a fan. squirming legs will toss the kiddo around if he's not careful* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:18 pm ((ALL RIGHT SO... uh, I think there's flashing lights at some point and... and to be honest I watched this like two weeks ago so I don't remember well but I don't think there's much else?)) Swoop 8:18 pm *IMMEDIATELY clamps down once the wiggles start, it isn't even a thought, just an instinct* Tarantulas 8:19 pm *DEFINITELY not a fan* Lady306 8:19 pm ((wait I remembered a muse I could bring in w/o having to remember too much .u. )) Impact 8:19 pm ((oh?)) Swoop 8:19 pm *eventually all the parental lectures catch up with Swoop's body and he lets go* Bevel 8:19 pm *hopes this is a movie that's actually appropriate for Impact* Swoop 8:19 pm *but .... the setae feel weird on his hands* Lady306 8:19 pm ((306 -- assuming my name changes like it should)) Swoop 8:19 pm *better catch one in his fingertips and bring it with him* Bevel 8:20 pm [[it did ItsyBitsySpyers 8:20 pm ((one sec my audio glitched)) Tarantulas 8:20 pm *gonna get that servo slapped, swoop* What are you DOING. FakeProwl 8:20 pm *DISTRESSED TARANTULAS. Immediately zeroes in on the conflict.* Swoop 8:20 pm *bounces, holds up the yanked setae* Swoop grab! FakeProwl 8:20 pm *If it goes any further he's launching a flying kick at swoop's head* Lady306 8:21 pm *casually strolls in... not entirely sure what's going on, but he's going to get comfortable!* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:21 pm [[Let go, Swoop.]] ((oh ffs chrome... hold on y'all.)) Tarantulas 8:21 pm He can have the seta, for Primus's sake, but Swoop, you can't just - *inarticulate noises* Swoop 8:21 pm *cocks head* boomtank 8:22 pm -well, this is interesting to watch- Swoop 8:22 pm Can. DID! Keheheh. Tarantulas 8:22 pm You OUGHTN'T have Swoop 8:22 pm Why? Tarantulas 8:24 pm Because you don't just JUMP people you haven't - I mean, I /suppose/ we've met, but still Lady306 8:24 pm *if there's room somewhere over by Boom, he'll probably go sit by him, actually. It seems safe.* Swoop 8:24 pm Me Swoop am bomber :> ItsyBitsySpyers 8:24 pm ((OKAY FINALLY... sorry, y'all. my new computer is a glitchy piece of crap :| )) Tarantulas 8:24 pm The only bomber you are is a STINK bomber, by the way Swoop 8:24 pm ((pee on it to establish your dominance)) Impact 8:24 pm Animal movie! 3:D boomtank 8:24 pm Ah. Hello...um? Lady306 8:24 pm Hello, darling Swoop 8:24 pm Kehehehh! Yah. Me Swoop burn stuff *reaches up to try to touch the optics on Tara's forehead* FakeProwl 8:25 pm You might be a bomber, but Tarantulas is neither an enemy nor a target, and should not be treated as such. Tarantulas 8:25 pm *stands up straight for once so swoop can't reach* best decepticon leader 8:25 pm ((technical difficulties FakeProwl 8:25 pm Tarantulas, come over here. *he's going to be an anti-Dinobot shield* boomtank 8:25 pm -there's space, and Boom is probably a safe bet- Lady306 8:26 pm *and a cute bet* Swoop 8:26 pm *grabs tara's shoulder and steps on his knee to try to climb up* KEHEHEHEH Tarantulas 8:26 pm Ah - *don't have to tell him twice, prowl, tara's scrambling over to ya* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:26 pm *Makes room* Tarantulas 8:26 pm *and falling over because he got climbed on* FakeProwl 8:26 pm *THAT'S IT, THAT'S THE SIGNAL FOR THE FLYING KICK* Swoop 8:26 pm *SWOOP WINS* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:27 pm [[SWOOP.]] boomtank 8:27 pm -wait, what?- Swoop 8:27 pm Hi :> FakeProwl 8:27 pm *admittedly there isn't much weight behind a hollow holomatter avatar, but.* best decepticon leader 8:27 pm so dramatic ItsyBitsySpyers 8:27 pm [[Other side of the room or Laserbeak will not visit later.]] Tarantulas 8:27 pm *grumbling in a heap on the floor* Swoop 8:27 pm *is a bigger heap once Prowl hits and tara is the bottom of a pileup* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:28 pm [[Oh, for Primus' sake.]] Swoop 8:28 pm *is used to wrestling dinos so this is nothing* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:28 pm [[This is a movie night, not a brawl.]] Clich A 8:28 pm *Clutches spark* I love this song.. boomtank 8:28 pm ....whoever you are, I think we need to scoot over a bit more FakeProwl 8:28 pm *immediately rolls off and tries to rescue tarantulas from the bottom* Lady306 8:29 pm 306, but, ah, yes I tend to agree Swoop 8:29 pm *holds onto tara but whines at Soundwave* Me Swoop want to play with Bird! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:29 pm [[Then let go.]] Lady306 8:29 pm *quietly obliges the not-request and scoots further over* Swoop 8:29 pm *holds up his hands but makes no other move* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:29 pm [[Now go sit down.]] Tarantulas 8:29 pm Last I checked, I'M not Bird, so go play with HER *grumble mumble* boomtank 8:30 pm -follows to keep out of the way of the pileup- Swoop 8:30 pm Nooo kehehehh YOU not BIRD at aaaaaaaalll Lady306 8:30 pm And... I assume you're a Blaster? boomtank 8:31 pm Yeah, that's me Tarantulas 8:31 pm *gonna use his legs and prowl to dislodge the graspless swoop and try to crawl over to the couch* Swoop 8:32 pm *giggles the entire time* You pokey bot Tarantulas 8:33 pm *nope, a BOPPY bot. swoop gets bopped on the helm crest* Lady306 8:33 pm @boom - I apologise if it's rude to ask, but I take it you're alone tonight? Swoop 8:33 pm :V keheehee FakeProwl 8:33 pm *follows Tarantulas, keeping himself between him and Swoo—* Tarantulas! Don't encourage him. Swoop 8:33 pm You bad at punches Tarantulas 8:34 pm That wasn't a punch! That was a minor tap! *whiny hiss* Swoop 8:34 pm Yah! It suck. boomtank 8:35 pm Hmn? Yeah, no one with me. FakeProwl 8:35 pm *points at Swoop* And you. YOU keep your hands off of Tarantulas unless he gives you permission to touch him. Swoop 8:36 pm *is OVERCOME by a desire to poke Tara* Lady306 8:36 pm *smiiiiles at* Then I suppose we'll have to keep each other company, hm? Impact 8:36 pm *dozes off* boomtank 8:37 pm Yeah? Aren't we already? Tarantulas 8:37 pm /Don't./ *he can see the desire in swoop's optics damnit* Lady306 8:38 pm *pfft* Technically, yes. boomtank 8:39 pm ...? Swoop 8:39 pm *has zero interest in the movie, stares tara down* FakeProwl 8:39 pm @Soundwave «Requesting permission to bridge Swoop out if he lunges for Tarantulas again.» boomtank 8:39 pm -confused tank noises- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:40 pm @Prowl: (txt): Granted. Coordinates here. *Gives* Swoop 8:40 pm *iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinches* FakeProwl 8:41 pm *reaches back to put a hand on Tarantulas's arm* Tarantulas 8:41 pm *squiiiiiiiints* Impact 8:41 pm ((too sleepy for movie night. i'm off guys. night!)) FakeProwl 8:41 pm ((gnight!)) Lady306 8:41 pm ((sleep well!)) best decepticon leader 8:41 pm ((night Clich A 8:41 pm ((SLeep welL!(( ItsyBitsySpyers 8:41 pm ((night!)) Swoop 8:42 pm ((night)) Lady306 8:42 pm @boom I just didn't expect you to be so cheeky. That's all Swoop 8:42 pm *crouches as he leans, getting almost down on all fours* Tarantulas 8:42 pm *whisperhiss* Prowl, can I test how fireproof my webs are? boomtank 8:43 pm Cheeky? Tarantulas 8:43 pm *too bad if you say no because he's gonna do it* Swoop 8:43 pm ((JESUS CHRIST)) Lady306 8:44 pm Yes, cheeky. FakeProwl 8:44 pm @Tarantulas «Unnecessary. If he tries anything else, he's being immediately ejected.» boomtank 8:44 pm What do you mean? Lady306 8:44 pm I was offering you company and you answered that we were already sharing it I'd call that cheeky boomtank 8:45 pm But...? We are? Swoop 8:45 pm *leeeeeeeeeeeeans forward slooooowly and reaches out with one claw tip for tara's leg* Lady306 8:47 pm *would it be rude to pat you? Because he wants to* FakeProwl 8:47 pm *bridge open underneath Swoop's feet* *bye-bye* boomtank 8:47 pm -go for it. he'd only get more confused- Swoop 8:47 pm *squeals all the way to the next location he'll terrorize* Lady306 8:47 pm *Then he will* Never mind. It's not important Tarantulas 8:48 pm *tara already started to shoot silk at swoop's servo - it gets cut off by the bridge when it closes* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:48 pm *Shakes his head. He was really hoping that wouldn't be necessary. And yet, he's not surprised.* boomtank 8:49 pm -more confused noises from the tank- Okay? Swoop 8:49 pm *and it'll happen again, since he's has punched and headbutted people at movie nights before, there is absolutely no way he learned a single thing* *finger guns* Lady306 8:50 pm ...also, have you been following this movie at all? boomtank 8:50 pm ...nope Lady306 8:50 pm Oh good, I was worried that I was the only one. boomtank 8:50 pm -waves data-pad- Been reading Tarantulas 8:51 pm I /had/ him, Prowl *huff* Lady306 8:51 pm You came here to *read*? That sounds rather counter-productive ItsyBitsySpyers 8:52 pm *Well, now that that's over, he'll focus himself more on the film. So much music. Soothing after a rough week and a bump and too much work.* FakeProwl 8:52 pm I'd rather you not need to have him. Bevel 8:52 pm *is following the movie more than anything happening in the room right now* Clich A 8:53 pm That is just impressive boomtank 8:53 pm It's the only place I can go for some peace ItsyBitsySpyers 8:53 pm [[She is a many-talented creator.]] Bevel 8:53 pm *claps* That was awesome! FakeProwl 8:53 pm Besides, he wanted a fight. If he'd got one, it would just encourage him to do the same thing. Lady306 8:54 pm Ah, fair, then... although, I might contest that tonight. *chuckles* What are you reading? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:54 pm *Thinks the word "praise" in honor of Whirl.* boomtank 8:55 pm True, true...and I'm reading reports Tarantulas 8:55 pm He wouldn't have /gotten/ a fight, he'd have gotten wrapped up! FakeProwl 8:56 pm He would have had something to struggle against. Come on. *gonna try to, guide tarantulas to the seat. we're sitting now.* Swoop 8:57 pm ((PFFF okay that was legitimately funny)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:58 pm [[This is either a very power-efficient theater or that was a very inefficient O.]] Lady306 8:58 pm *helm tilt* Should I leave you to it, then? Tarantulas 8:58 pm Nnnn *more whining but he's coming to sit down. can has cuddles pls* boomtank 8:58 pm Nah, I'm good ItsyBitsySpyers 9:00 pm [[He dislikes the... the whatever that is. The pointy creature.]] Lady306 9:00 pm ((they're acting like 100 grand is a really huge amount. Honestly, a super fancy car like that is gonna be more than that)) Clich A 9:00 pm Looks like a Poorr cuiiie pine Tarantulas 9:00 pm *mumbles* Porcupine ItsyBitsySpyers 9:00 pm [[Porcupine. Thank you both.]] Clich A 9:01 pm OH NO YOU RUN OVER YOUR Never mind. FakeProwl 8:01 pm *yes. absolutely. rubs his back comfortingly* You're not damaged, are you? Where did he pull on you? Lady306 9:01 pm *quietly settles in closer to Boom then. Goodbye personal space* best decepticon leader 9:01 pm Wish I could hit Megatron Bevel 9:01 pm It cleaned the dishes. Awesome. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:02 pm [[If you do so, do it with a warp cannon.]] Swoop 9:03 pm ((what was that voice acting)) Bevel 9:03 pm *so impressed with the pink lady* boomtank 9:04 pm -whelp, he's not going to complain- Tarantulas 9:04 pm No, I'm not. *huff* Just because I'm partially organic doesn't mean I'm /fragile/. Lady306 9:04 pm *excellent. He'd pull you into his lap, but that seemed a bit much* boomtank 9:05 pm -Yeah, he'd be so confused if Lady did that- Tarantulas 9:05 pm *arms curling around, he's starting to sulk over prowl worrying so much, but cuddles are priority* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:06 pm *Glances over at the two of them.* FakeProwl 8:06 pm Good. *continues backrubs* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:06 pm *...Doesn't sound like a full-blown argument. He'll let them be.* FakeProwl 8:10 pm *okay. tarantulas is taken care of. looks at soundwave.* FakeProwl 8:11 pm @Soundwave «I apologize for my role in the altercation. It was inappropriate and counterproductive.» ItsyBitsySpyers 9:15 pm *Looks back, tilts his head.* (txt): Next time, suggestion: bridge first. However... Swoop: dangerous. Prowl: protected Tarantulas. Action basis: accepted, approved. Tarantulas 9:18 pm *is totally lost in the movie but there are animals so he's distracted well enough to sit still* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:18 pm *Small cringes at the bad notes.* FakeProwl 8:20 pm *slight nod. yeah. bridge first next time.* FakeProwl 8:21 pm @Soundwave «... How's your head?» Clich A 9:21 pm These are all good things to hear. Bevel 9:21 pm He should leave him there. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:21 pm [[Yes, he should. And what do you mean, good things?]] @Prowl: (txt): Ache decreased. Check-in appreciated. ((also: anyone who says they've never wanted to do this kind of thing in the store is a liarrrr)) Clich A 9:23 pm *Seat dancing* FakeProwl 8:23 pm ((i haven't gone to grocery stores with exciting enough music)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:23 pm ((:o i must tune your store to our store's channel)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:24 pm *Perks. Squid!* Bevel 9:24 pm Oh no. *laughs* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:25 pm ((what the hell is that menu. go away menu)) Lady306 9:26 pm ((butters is trying to steal me)) FakeProwl 8:26 pm ((get revenge. steal butters.)) boomtank 9:26 pm ((hehe ((yes ItsyBitsySpyers 9:28 pm *Scoot scoot* [[Bah. He wished to see more squid.]] Swoop 9:30 pm ((Why would they think he'd keep that kind of cash around?)) Lady306 9:30 pm ((ikr FakeProwl 8:30 pm ((seriously)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:31 pm [[Primus below.]] best decepticon leader 9:31 pm so... how many drown Clich A 9:31 pm apparently...just mike Lady306 9:31 pm None, apparently Tarantulas 9:32 pm I'm terribly sorry about your squids, Soundwave. Hyeh boomtank 9:32 pm .... Lady306 9:32 pm And that was also clearly not a very structurally sound building FakeProwl 8:32 pm ... Are the squid going to be okay in the sewer system? boomtank 9:32 pm That...went badly Swoop 9:32 pm ((omfg)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:32 pm [[...He hopes so.]] Bevel 9:32 pm Aww no. best decepticon leader 9:32 pm Probably not Swoop 9:33 pm ((how did a broken fishtank turn into the flashback from Pacific Rim?)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:33 pm ((the water pipes were still running)) best decepticon leader 9:33 pm Genius ItsyBitsySpyers 9:33 pm ((also: no $$$ for upkeep i guess)) [[Property of-- WHAT property?]] Tarantulas 9:34 pm There you are! Lady306 9:34 pm She's petty enough to claim the rubble just to spite him ItsyBitsySpyers 9:34 pm [[Oh, good.]] FakeProwl 8:34 pm Oh good. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:35 pm *Small huff. Jinx, Prowl.* FakeProwl 8:36 pm *thin smile at soundwave* Tarantulas 9:36 pm *craving cake now. are there treats? he's going to cast his gaze around for some* Lady306 9:36 pm Are we supposed to like the.. koala, was it? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:37 pm *Over on the bar, bowls full.* [[He thinks so.]] Lady306 9:37 pm Ah, pity boomtank 9:37 pm -huffs- Lady306 9:38 pm *yes Boom?* Tarantulas 9:38 pm *zoop goes the thread. that bowl is tarantulas's now* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:38 pm *LOUDER HUFF* Lady306 9:38 pm *..what* Bevel 9:38 pm ... Swoop 9:39 pm ((oh good god)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:39 pm *Doesn't know if this is hilarious or horrifying* Lady306 9:39 pm *horrifying* Tarantulas 9:40 pm *definitely hilarious* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:40 pm *Slowly looks over to Tarantulas* FakeProwl 8:40 pm *is trying to figure out what it is* Swoop 9:40 pm ((is anyone else remembering that scene with skids in the marvel comics and just.....)) boomtank 9:40 pm -just watching the show and kinda...no- Swoop 9:40 pm ((combining it.... with this....)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:40 pm [[...Are you a wash or dry spider?]] FakeProwl 8:40 pm PFF—!! *claps hand over mouth* Bevel 9:40 pm Ah, she is singing! Tarantulas 9:40 pm *FLOOFS UP* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:40 pm *Oh! What a voice.* boomtank 9:40 pm !!! Clich A 9:40 pm *falls prone, trying not to laugh* Tarantulas 9:41 pm I - I'm not dignifying that with an answer!!! *you're lucky he's not shoving you off the couch* Bevel 9:42 pm *giggles* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:42 pm *Dips his helm and places a smiley on his visor. Only meant in good humor, Tarantulas.* Lady306 9:42 pm Should they really be rebuilding on the property the bank repossessed? Tarantulas 9:42 pm *tarantulas hates that smiley so much* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:42 pm [[Probably not.]] Lady306 9:42 pm *also where did they get the money for it, anyway* FakeProwl 8:42 pm *it's an adorable smiley* Tarantulas 9:42 pm *a spider paw lands on the smiley and halfheartedly shoves* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:43 pm *Accepts the half-hearted shove with trembling shoulders* boomtank 9:43 pm -hums a bit and settles to watch the concert- FakeProwl 8:43 pm *... scoots closer to soundwave and tugs tarantulas closer* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:44 pm *Leans in.* Lady306 9:44 pm *also: cute* Tarantulas 9:45 pm *grumbles more but lets prowl pull him in* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:45 pm *PFF* Tarantulas 9:46 pm ...She looks like a cat pig peacock hybrid ItsyBitsySpyers 9:46 pm [[That is an interesting mental image.]] Tarantulas 9:46 pm *squints hard* FakeProwl 8:46 pm ... Getting ideas? Tarantulas 9:47 pm I'm not going to graft multiorganic chimeras, no, if that's what you're insinuating Bevel 9:47 pm They are gonna have like twenty more kids now. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:47 pm [[She can invent another machine to help her with them.]] Clich A 9:47 pm Please invent birth control Roseeta Bevel 9:47 pm Yeah! FakeProwl 8:47 pm Mm. Had to check. boomtank 9:47 pm That was fun boomtank 9:49 pm !!! Tarantulas 9:49 pm (( i love that this movie is basically advocating jailbreak for the sake of family love ItsyBitsySpyers 9:49 pm ((LOL)) boomtank 9:49 pm That...was probably a BAD idea Bevel 9:49 pm [[it also advocates running your family via machine ItsyBitsySpyers 9:50 pm *Looks at Prowl. How's he thinking about the prison break?* FakeProwl 8:50 pm *zero expression* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:50 pm *Ah, well.* Clich A 9:51 pm You cannot deny the power of a lorgee crowd Bevel 9:52 pm 😃 Tarantulas 9:53 pm *giggles a little, it's just like urticating hairs* Bevel 9:53 pm She is awesome. boomtank 9:53 pm These songs are fun Lady306 9:56 pm *um* boomtank 9:56 pm -snickering- Lady306 9:57 pm *is pretty sure the mouse should have been flattened* *not lifted* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:57 pm ((they do such a good job depicting stage fright. i have been her so often)) Tarantulas 9:58 pm *oh dear, tara has sudden feels for meena re: anxiety* Clich A 10:00 pm Wish they had..named..girl mouse. boomtank 10:02 pm Oh! It impressed her! Bevel 10:02 pm Yay FakeProwl 80:03 pm ... With that kind of structural damage, they should NOT be rebuilding on the ruins. They should have torn it down completely, removed the rubble, and rebuilt from scratch. Tarantulas 10:03 pm Oho, did you see the squids? *visor wink* best decepticon leader 10:03 pm they are not smart ItsyBitsySpyers 10:03 pm *Is delighted the squids are back* Bevel 10:03 pm *giggles* best decepticon leader 10:04 pm I would have thought that the squids would have been killed boomtank 10:04 pm That was a fun movie Lady306 10:04 pm It was.. something ItsyBitsySpyers 10:04 pm [[Hopefully it will not break again, then.]] boomtank 10:04 pm I liked the singing I guess I'm a bit biased FakeProwl 80:04 pm *... looks at soundwave* Do squids actually have biolights? Bevel 10:04 pm [[GDIT I KNEW I RECOGNIZED NANA Lady306 10:04 pm Oh, no, the actual singing was fine, but the rest of it... Bevel 10:05 pm [[*FLIPS TABLE* Tarantulas 10:05 pm *huffs, vaguely offended prowl would ask sw instead of him* Bevel 10:05 pm I liked it a lot. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:05 pm [[Some of them have bioluminescence, yes.]] FakeProwl 80:05 pm *soundwave spent over an hour lecturing prowl on a many-limbed earth sea creature. as far as prowl's concerned, he's the expert.* Clich A 10:05 pm Some Cuttlefish have rainbow style lights! Bevel 10:06 pm Can they change colors like that? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:07 pm [[There is a species which uses very tiny creatures living in it to glow based on the levels of light in the area. It is fascinating.]] [[It is a camouflage tactic.]] Bevel 10:07 pm Cool. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:07 pm [[And squid do change colors. Not... quite so neon as that. But others.]] boomtank 10:08 pm -and he's standing up now- Thanks for the movie, but I kinda have to go now. G'night ItsyBitsySpyers 10:08 pm *Soundwave nods farewell to Blaster* Bevel 10:08 pm Bye, Blaster FakeProwl 80:08 pm *... has a sudden realization* *didn't see a single dog singing* Lady306 10:08 pm Take care! FakeProwl 80:08 pm *inexplicably pleased* Lady306 10:08 pm ((LOL Tarantulas 10:08 pm *keeps going in and out of sulking and is considering faking a prior injury, now that he thinks of it* Clich A 10:09 pm Thanks for hosting Soundwave~! boomtank 10:09 pm ((g'night! Mun ahs to sleep! ItsyBitsySpyers 10:09 pm [[Quite welcome, Clich.]] best decepticon leader 10:09 pm ((night ItsyBitsySpyers 10:09 pm ((night! sleep well!)) Tarantulas 10:09 pm (( night! Bevel 10:09 pm [[night! ItsyBitsySpyers 10:09 pm *Now, now, Tarantulas. You know many kinds of organics inside and out. He only favors the one. Let him have his moment.* Tarantulas 10:10 pm *psh, he's catching up on old sulking too from earlier. just give him some pets and he'll perk up* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:10 pm *Very well. Stretches a feeler behind Prowl to gently pat a spide shoulder.* FakeProwl 80:11 pm *has probably been petting him off and on all night tbh* Tarantulas 10:11 pm *moarrrr* Tarantulas 10:13 pm *squints, this is something he hasn't heard of actually* FakeProwl 80:13 pm *oh! educational videos! prowl's favorite.* best decepticon leader 10:13 pm ((I have to go Tarantulas 10:14 pm (( /waves ItsyBitsySpyers 10:14 pm ((aw! thank you for coming 😃 )) Bevel 10:14 pm [[night best decepticon leader 10:14 pm ((night, thanks for the stream FakeProwl 80:14 pm ((night!)) ... Do they have spots that glow? Bevel 10:14 pm [[prowl should to see rock dog, it definitely has singing dogs ItsyBitsySpyers 10:14 pm [[This variety.]] FakeProwl 80:14 pm ((i think he'd be inherently suspicious of the name)) Bevel 10:14 pm [[lol Bevel 10:16 pm *100% into this* FakeProwl 80:16 pm *already knows everything the narrator has said. is pleased.* Bevel 10:17 pm *has armor /and/ camouflage ha* FakeProwl 80:17 pm ... So the glowing ones have luminescent chromatophores, then? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:19 pm [[The ones he showed. Photophores. The others use... what are they called.]] Pause. Viruses? Plankton? [[Bacteria.]] Bevel 10:19 pm Cool! FakeProwl 80:20 pm ... Aren't bacteria like parasites? Do they kill the squid? Tarantulas 10:20 pm *finally speaks up* Generally they're symbionts. Bevel 10:20 pm I think bacteria make humans sick. Not squids. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:20 pm *Perks. Tarantulas knows of them?* FakeProwl 80:21 pm ... Do bacteria only prey on humans? *that one gets directed to Tarantulas* Tarantulas 10:22 pm No, they're quite literally everywhere and prey on mostly things that can't be seen, if they prey on anything at all Tarantulas 10:24 pm They - hm! *is surprised by video* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:24 pm ((one more and then i'll do music lol)) Tarantulas 10:25 pm Soundwave, have you ever actually /seen/ a live squid before? *not accusatory or anything* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:25 pm [[Not the Earth variety. Nevada is notoriously lacking in oceans.]] [[And they do not fly.]] FakeProwl 80:25 pm ... What about an octopus? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:26 pm [[He has not had the pleasure.]] FakeProwl 80:26 pm *that's tragic* Bevel 10:26 pm I want to see all of them. Tarantulas 10:26 pm Well then, I know what my next order of business is, hyeh FakeProwl 80:26 pm You should introduce him to an octopus. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:27 pm [[He can do that?]] Lean. [[You can do that?]] *Looks over to Bevel. He will show you, if Tarantulas does.* Bevel 10:27 pm *would enjoy that very much* Tarantulas 10:28 pm I - yes? Of course I can. *forgets that other people don't just snatch specimens from Earths for science things* FakeProwl 80:28 pm ... Can any species safely survive on Cybertron? Bevel 10:28 pm You could make an environment for them! ItsyBitsySpyers 10:28 pm [[...Oh. Yes. He would not want to terminate a cephalopod.]] Tarantulas 10:28 pm A few, but none you would have heard of, I'm afraid Bevel 10:29 pm My creator has a special building just for Earth plants. FakeProwl 80:29 pm I'm sure a room could be temporarily arranged for one to visit. Tarantulas 10:29 pm Why would we need a room when I have a /lab/? Bevel 10:30 pm A lab is a room. FakeProwl 80:30 pm ... Is your lab set up to support Earth's ecosystem rather than Cybertron's? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:30 pm *Knows very well about the plants. Is hiding one. >> * FakeProwl 80:30 pm ... Oh. Wait. It WOULD be set up for Earth, wouldn't it. *chimera experiments and all that.* Tarantulas 10:30 pm *snickers and shakes head. there we go* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:31 pm [[...Would it harm them if he touched one?]] Bevel 10:31 pm *not following but yeah ok if Prowl says his lab is set up for Earth she'll believe it* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:32 pm *Same. Because if it's not, and the creature(s) die, he'll be irritated* Tarantulas 10:32 pm I could calculate the force necessary to harm one if you needed, but I think you'll be able to tell on your own. That is to say, you'll be fine, don't worry ItsyBitsySpyers 10:33 pm *Slowly growing brighter. This is the best thing. If it happens.* Tarantulas 10:33 pm I don't know why people think organics are so fragile, they're - well, they are, but they're not THAT fragile Bevel 10:33 pm I want to see. Can I see too? Because squish. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:34 pm [[He is not accustomed to handling them.]] Tarantulas 10:34 pm Don't squeeze, and you'll be fine ItsyBitsySpyers 10:35 pm [[He knows how much strength to use to contain a flobster. Not an Earth lobster.]] Tarantulas 10:35 pm OH - but for Primus's sakes please don't electrify them ItsyBitsySpyers 10:35 pm *Looks at Bevel, and then Tarantulas and Prowl. Would she be able to see too?* FakeProwl 80:35 pm *looking back and forth as they talk/"talk", quietly delighted* *... why's PROWL being looked at? he didn't say anything* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:35 pm *He's the one who had the idea.* [[He would never.]] Tarantulas 10:36 pm ......I don't see why not, hm. *if he's letting sw into his lab, why not a mostly-stranger* Bevel 10:37 pm Yay! FakeProwl 80:37 pm *... sudden sharp vent in. oh. wait.* Bevel 10:37 pm *oh no what happened* FakeProwl 80:37 pm @Bevel «Don't visit his lab alone. Go when Soundwave goes.» Bevel 10:38 pm @Prowl <<...Ok.>> Tarantulas 10:39 pm Is there any particular species you'd be interested in meeting? Bevel 10:39 pm *perks at songs* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm *Immediately wants to say "all of them" and has to stop himself. He knows there are too many kinds for that.* Tarantulas 10:39 pm ....Pick three. Top three. Bevel 10:39 pm *wants to say all of them too* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm *His feelers twitch and writhe while he thinks. So hard to trim down* Bevel 10:40 pm Cuttlefish! *c'mon, Bossbot, we just watched a buncha videos about them and they are awesome* FakeProwl 80:40 pm ... Is that three per visitor or three total? Bevel 10:41 pm *hums along to the song while waiting for SW's opinion* Tarantulas 10:41 pm ...I suppose three per visitor, but the more you suggest, the longer it's going to take to obtain them FakeProwl 80:42 pm So that's nine choices. *yes he did just invite himself over.* @Soundwave «Give me your fourth, fifth, and sixth choices.» ItsyBitsySpyers 10:42 pm [[One pacific octopus. One bobtail squid. One pearly nautilus.]] *Pings Prowl with something akin to actual glee. Let him think.* FakeProwl 80:43 pm *carefully suppresses smile* Tarantulas 10:44 pm (( i'm tempted to throw "octopus's garden" at you for the lolz ItsyBitsySpyers 10:45 pm ((i'll do it when this is over 😃 )) Tarantulas 10:46 pm You're starting with some heavy-hitters there, hyeh But of course ItsyBitsySpyers 10:46 pm @Prowl: (txt): Mimic octopus, blue-ringed octopus, stubby squid. Bevel 10:46 pm Mimic octopus. The one that turns into other fish. FakeProwl 80:46 pm Mi— *stops* Bevel 10:46 pm *Bevel can't hear you Soundwave* FakeProwl 80:47 pm @Soundwave «... SEVENTH choice?» ItsyBitsySpyers 10:47 pm @Prowl: (txt): Firefly squid. FakeProwl 80:48 pm *to be safe, he's waiting until they hear Bevel's third choice* Bevel 10:48 pm Are there really big ones? I want to see a really big one. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:49 pm ((what is with youtube not having this)) Tarantulas 10:49 pm That'd be the pacific octopus, as mentioned FakeProwl 80:49 pm ((... are there different octopus gardens?)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:49 pm ((i was trying to find the actual one but i guess it's not on YT)) ((this version will be fine)) Tarantulas 10:49 pm (( oh my god.... beautiful. i/she were referring to the beatles one, but the copyrights are fiddly on the beatles Bevel 10:50 pm [[apple likes to take their songs down a lot yeah Tarantulas 10:51 pm There are larger squids, though Bevel 10:51 pm Really really big? Tarantulas 10:51 pm ...Although I oughtn't have brought them up, I'm not tracking down a colossal squid Bevel 10:51 pm Aww ItsyBitsySpyers 10:51 pm *Damn.* Tarantulas 10:52 pm They're larger than I am - well, larger than I currently am Bevel 10:52 pm ...awesome. [[not sure how big tara is atm but it's probably impressive for an earth critter Tarantulas 10:53 pm (( tara's 32ft, squid can be upwards of 40ft Bevel 10:54 pm [[lol Bevel's as tall as that squid right now Tarantulas 10:54 pm (( xD nice Bevel 10:54 pm [[i love this skit so much Bevel 10:55 pm Something that glows that Soundwave did not pick. *she knows you picked glowy ones* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:56 pm [[Hmph.]] [[He knows what he likes.]] Tarantulas 10:56 pm How about we make it chef's choice~? Pick of the day ItsyBitsySpyers 10:56 pm ((me: what are good classic sesame street bits? me: oh! i know. it's not easy being green. me: nO NO NO)) Tarantulas 10:57 pm (( sdgsfg FakeProwl 80:57 pm ... You're not going to eat them when we're done? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:57 pm [[What do you mean, CHEF.]] Bevel 10:57 pm *knows she'd like to see a huge mcfuckoff squid but reasons* Tarantulas 10:57 pm *snickering* No, probably not. I'm not fond of the texture. Bevel 10:57 pm I do not want that kind of energon either. FakeProwl 80:58 pm If you're going to eat cephalopods, at least don't eat the ones we'e befriended. *is expecting soundwave to make friends with them all* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:59 pm *You bet he's going to. He's going to try listening to their spread out minds too* Bevel 10:59 pm *is going to want to make a robot one for a pet* Tarantulas 10:59 pm You can't really - hyeh. As you wish. Tarantulas 11:00 pm Wh - ItsyBitsySpyers 11:00 pm ((i forgot that was in there omg)) Bevel 11:00 pm *laughs* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:01 pm ((i'm so sorry)) [[...He did not expect this.]] Tarantulas 11:01 pm *hard side-visor at sw* FakeProwl 81:01 pm *extremely neutral face* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:02 pm [[He only knew it was a parody of a human film we have seen. His apologies.]] FakeProwl 81:03 pm *what an important lesson that most Autobots NEVER LEARNED* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:03 pm *The listening?* FakeProwl 81:03 pm *unfortunately, yes* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:03 pm *Perhaps Prowl should anonymously send them that.* ((one more and then back to music)) FakeProwl 81:03 pm *he's sure they wouldn't listen to it* Tarantulas 11:03 pm *alas, if mesothulas had listened either* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:03 pm ((their parodies are usually p funny)) Bevel 11:04 pm ...*starts giggling and probably not going to stop until this is over* Mount Crumb Tarantulas 11:06 pm *...this is strangely uncomfortable for tarantulas, moreso than the ridiculous spider* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:06 pm *Soundwave's quietly dying inside. He didn't know this would have eggs.* *He'll never convince Tarantulas he didn't mean this.* Bevel 11:06 pm *in hysterics now* Tarantulas 11:07 pm *pfft he's not even thinking about the eggs actually, but NOW YOU MENTION IT* FakeProwl 81:07 pm *is it the self control, tarantulas.* Tarantulas 11:07 pm *shh maybe* Tarantulas 11:08 pm *.....he forgot about the snacks he snagged, they're just sitting there in his ding dang lap* Bevel 11:08 pm That was funny. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:08 pm *Is he gonna do it.* Bevel 11:09 pm *he did it* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:09 pm *No, no. Is Tarantulas gonna eat the bowl of snacks.* Bevel 11:10 pm *he definitely should* Tarantulas 11:10 pm ...Are you trying to pull some sort of reverse psychology here ItsyBitsySpyers 11:11 pm [[Not at all. He's simply suggesting that you enjoy the snacks you claimed. He can't put them back now.]] Tarantulas 11:12 pm *is tempted to subspace them just to spite u* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:12 pm *That's fine, too. Just leave him the bowl.* Tarantulas 11:13 pm *he subspaces MOST of them and slips one snack in between his mandibles before plopping the bowl in sw's lap. THERE* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:13 pm *Sets the bowl down. Fussy, fussy.* Tarantulas 11:14 pm (( omg cro (( like GONE gone? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:15 pm ((they're on the dead laptop)) Bevel 11:15 pm [[oh honey Tarantulas 11:15 pm (( 😨 sorry FakeProwl 81:15 pm ((oh no)) Tarantulas 11:17 pm *hm. mandibles. he never DID get to talking to bevel about them now did he* Bevel 11:18 pm *nope he did not, though Bevel's been lectured by Prowl and SW now* Tarantulas 11:20 pm @Bevel : «I JUST remembered. We never did have a proper mandibular demonstration. Might you be interested in popping over early before the cephalopod showing, just to sate a little of my scientific curiosity?» FakeProwl 81:22 pm *... scoots hip against tarantulas's, leans shoulder against soundwave's, and dims his optics* Bevel 11:22 pm *had been about to leave and halfway to standing up when she was pinged. she drops back down into her seat awkwardly* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:23 pm *Contemplates Bevel's presence. Decides he doesn't particularly give a damn if she sees. Gives Prowl's avatar a helm nuzzle and makes sure not to wiggle too much* FakeProwl 81:23 pm *nuzzles back* Tarantulas 11:24 pm *arm around prowl's waist, with his other paw scooping up some snacks from his subspace because you can't eat just one* FakeProwl 81:25 pm *puts a hand over tarantulas's paw.* *this is nice.* Bevel 11:26 pm *...awww, the mystery of SW's Prowl is solved. too bad she's not able to appreciate it since she has to awkwardly navigate a conversation over comms* @Tarantulus «Um, maybe. I got to see if Soundwave has to bridge me over since I do not think you want Blurr to know where your lab is.» Tarantulas 11:27 pm @Bevel : «Oh, there's no need. I have portal technology of my own, I can pick you up at your desired coordinates.» Bevel 11:29 pm *welp* Tarantulas 11:29 pm *welp indeed* Bevel 11:33 pm *ok frag it, she's an adult, even if he is apparently some sort of mass shifter who could outsize her by... a lot.* @Tarantulus «...Just mandibles?» *i'm an adult she says. caves immediately to pressure* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:34 pm *Someone somewhere is making a bad decision. He can feel it in his spines.* *...Probably Frenzy.* Bevel 11:34 pm *definitely frenzy* Tarantulas 11:34 pm @Bevel : «Yes, whatever you're comfortable with.» *in other words, whatever tarantulas can reasonably get away with* Bevel 11:37 pm *mentally decides to show up like ten minutes before Prowl and Soundwave so Tara will have very little time to actually poke too much at her. it's like following their advice except not at all yeah* @Tarantulus «Ok.» Tarantulas 11:38 pm @Bevel : «Lovely! We'll set things up once I've acquired the - cephalopods, then.» *almost said "the other specimens" instead* FakeProwl 81:39 pm ((run bevel, run)) Bevel 11:39 pm *nods and now she is going to leave before she either agrees to more or something else happens yep yep* Tarantulas 11:40 pm *visor winksmile at bevel as she goes* FakeProwl 81:41 pm *... is the coast clear?* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:41 pm *Waves farewell with a feeler. Lots of little wiggly tendrils goodbye.* Bevel 11:41 pm *waves to room and dodges out the door as fast as her big bulk will take her* FakeProwl 81:42 pm ... YOU'RE not the one who sent me this song, are you? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:42 pm *Soft puff.* FakeProwl 81:43 pm ... Is that a confession? *the room is down to three. excellent. pulls his knees up to his chest and wraps his arms around them.* Tarantulas 11:44 pm *little bit of squinting at sw&prowl, but is gonna cuddle real close to prowl when he pulls his knees up* *....while also eating snacks one by one. because why not* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:46 pm [[Consider it signed.]] *Stretches arm behind Prowl's back. It just so happens to also nudge Tarantulas a wee lil lil bit while it's there.* FakeProwl 81:46 pm Hmm. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:46 pm [[Thank you again for the opportunity to meet cephalopods up close, Tarantulas.]] FakeProwl 81:47 pm ... You're welcome to continue sending cheesy police-themed love songs. Tarantulas 11:47 pm *also gotta be conscious of - that. yes. not touching soundwave, except soundwave touched HIM, so. alright then* FakeProwl 81:47 pm Oh. I didn't give you my list of three. Tarantulas 11:47 pm Ah, no you didn't. I figured you hadn't made one yet FakeProwl 81:48 pm Blue-ringed octopus, stubby squid, and firefly squid. Tarantulas 11:48 pm ...You asked Soundwave, didn't you FakeProwl 81:48 pm *poker face* Tarantulas 11:49 pm I SUPPOSE that counts. They're wonderful choices, just not simple to get a hold of FakeProwl 81:50 pm Are any simple to get hold of? Tarantulas 11:50 pm Hyeh, I didn't mean literally, physically I'd be hard-pressed to actually catch one. It's just a matter of commonness And their global distribution FakeProwl 81:52 pm ... Not prohibitively difficult? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:52 pm *Almost suggests raiding an aquarium. Remembers Prowl is there and thinks better of it* Tarantulas 11:52 pm I shouldn't think so. Not the ones we've listed, at least. That's why I nixed the colossal squid. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:53 pm [[Perhaps if you had tanks, and a way to locate them, he could...]] *Trails off. Now thinking about what would happen if he opened a small bridge in the middle of the ocean and ran it past a squid* Tarantulas 11:54 pm Hyeh, no, I can manage on my own just fine. *has plenty of reasons why not to get sw or prowl involved* FakeProwl 81:55 pm ((nice album cover. two thumbs up. A+)) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:56 pm ((LOL)) [[Very well.]] Tarantulas 11:56 pm *nom. nomnom* FakeProwl 81:56 pm ... Don't do anything destructive to the environment or human property. Tarantulas 11:57 pm Tsk, don't worry so much, Prowl. Of course not. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:57 pm [[Or to the creatures you're capturing.]] FakeProwl 81:58 pm *don't say "of course not" like u would actually have compunctions against destroying someone else's property if prowl didn't tell you to have compunctions* Tarantulas 11:59 pm *shush let tarantulas tell prowl what prowl wants to hear* FakeProwl 81:59 pm Or that. We'd prefer them to be cheerful guests. ... Or whatever passes for "cheerful" in cephalopods. Yesterday Tarantulas 11:59 pm Lively. Lively and eating well, I'd say Tarantulas 12:00 am They'll be perfectly cheerful, rest assured. FakeProwl 82:01 am *nods. good. wants soundwave to have A Good Time* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:01 am *Very low, very quiet hum* [[Perhaps we could see more of your lab when we are done with them?]] FakeProwl 82:01 am *a sound!!* *leans on a little more* Tarantulas 12:03 am *wavers* ...Mmmaybe. We'll see. I'm not sure what of the lab you even COULD see, safely. Best not to worry about that now though ItsyBitsySpyers 12:04 am *Now you have his attention* [[Why? What is unsafe about it?]] *Doesn't want to move and dislodge Prowl; peers around him with feeler* [[Surely there are precautions he could take.]] FakeProwl 82:05 am *usually would be peering with soundwave. can't work up the giveafuck for it.* Tarantulas 12:07 am *it occurs to him he could invite sw in holo like prowl and avoid quite a few many things that way, hm. more thoughts he'll keep to himself* Tarantulas 12:09 am Not so much for you as for everything ELSE. There would simply be so many things to take into consideration, and depending on which hallways we choose, it just - it's /complicated/ *half true* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:10 am *Considers this. Shockwave's lab moves its insides around and can be dangerous to roam unattended. Maybe the "depending on which hallways" means something like that.* *...He'd better not try to sneak off after the cephalopod meeting.* [[He understands. Just this, for now.]] [[Though if there is anything else you wish to show off, he might be curious.]] FakeProwl 82:11 am *assumes tarantulas means that a few hallways exploded and are now too dangerous to travel* Tarantulas 12:12 am Of course you would be. *he knows that curiosity well by now* *ok what. he can't not hear rihanna* ...Soundwave, are you still in charge of the playlist? ItsyBitsySpyers 12:14 am [[Why? Is there something you'd like to request?]] FakeProwl 82:14 am *... if soundwave is going to be staying after the cephalopod meeting to explore part of the lab, then it would be inappropriate for prowl to not stay as well, since he's the one who's into that stuff. which means he'll be staying longer.* *is suddenly exhausted about a social interaction he hasn't even gone to yet.* Tarantulas 12:16 am Nnnnot in particular, but I - am... questioning that song choice ItsyBitsySpyers 12:16 am *"The one who's into that stuff," as if he doesn't like learning about everything Shockwave does too* FakeProwl 82:16 am *okay, the OTHER one who's into that stuff* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:17 am [[Ah. It's against your musical tastes, then. He'll be sure to find other artists in the future.]] Tarantulas 12:17 am *hard squint, but sure, he'll... go with that* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:17 am *He knows full well what Tarantulas means and is having a bit of fun* *As can be currently heard by the continuation of a theme* FakeProwl 82:18 am *nudges Soundwave* Puppet Man is good. Similar theme, different genre than the first two. *has picked up on the theme; hasn't realized it's being used as deliberate teasing* 5th Dimension. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:18 am [[He does not know this one.]] *Immediately puts it on.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:20 am *...Vaguely uncomfortable with this one.* FakeProwl 82:20 am *well PROWL likes it* Tarantulas 12:20 am *is just going to eat, because that's always a stabilizing thing right. gonna turn his head and pop a dozen snacks in where they can't see well* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:20 am *It's good, it's just - he wouldn't have thought of it as being part of the same theme if Prowl hadn't said. His mind went somewhere else first.* [[He knows you have the snacks. You don't need to hide.]] FakeProwl 82:21 am *look on the bright side: you probably just learned something new about prowl's sex life* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:21 am *Yes. Yes, he has.* *And in that respect, he is interested. And maybe wondering if Tarantulas shares it.* FakeProwl 82:22 am *... and it's a good thing prowl isn't thinking too hard about the song right now or else HE would be uncomfortable too* Tarantulas 12:22 am *tara wasn't paying much attention to the lyrics so he's chill rn* FakeProwl 82:23 am *but he decided he liked the song before it acquired what would have been very negative connotations, so as long as he doesn't listen too hard he's safe* Tarantulas 12:26 am *well, maybe not entirely chill, he did just give an awkward twitch and laugh some as he swallowed* Hyeh, I'm - not hiding the /snacks/, that'd be silly ItsyBitsySpyers 12:26 am ((that is not the song i was remembering oop)) ItsyBitsySpyers 12:28 am [[...Ah. Do you not consume fuel in public? He apologizes.]] *Immediately withdraws the feeler* Tarantulas 12:29 am *snickers some, actually* No, not generally, but - I was considering /your/ comfort here, not mine FakeProwl 82:30 am That's good. *uncrosses one arm to pat Tarantulas's... knee? yeah, knee works.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:32 am [[It is not as....]] *Fishes around for a word. Can't find it.* [[He knows to expect the noise. It is less distracting that way.]] Tarantulas 12:34 am *nudges more into prowl at the touch, touch is good* Tarantulas 12:36 am *smol helm tilt* Hm, is it just the sound that might disorient you then? Because I was considering the entire - well. You call them mandibles, but I've more than mandibles technically FakeProwl 82:36 am *more touch? thigh. thigh touch.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:37 am [[It is both, in truth. But he should try to become accustomed to this sooner or later.]] Tarantulas 12:38 am *paw touch on thigh touch* Tarantulas 12:39 am I see. *restraining urge to click his mandibles now, heh* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:45 am [[...You are not required to, of course. You may eat in unseen peace, if you wish. He was simply - commenting. On it.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 12:47 am *Wasn't sure how much contact was permissible in this shared couch sort of situation; going to test the example set by Prowl and curl the feeler he withdrew from Tarantulas' vicinity up and around Prowl's lower leg. Maybe absently pet the armor with the tendrils.* Tarantulas 12:48 am Hyeh, not required to - ? Would you /like/ to see, then? *genuinely wasn't sure, is also very much looking at prowl too* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:49 am [[...................................Yes.]] FakeProwl 82:49 am Yes. *doesn't even know he's being looked at, he just felt like throwing that in* FakeProwl 82:51 am *shifts a bit to get a better view if tarantulas is going to—something's on his leg. glances down. hmm. puts his other hand on soundwave's thigh.* Tarantulas 12:53 am *can't help but laugh a bit at soundwave's hesitance, and shifts while they move around too* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:53 am *Fluffs the armor a bit to make more room for seam stealing and joins the watching* FakeProwl 82:54 am *not going to be as adventurous tonight, there's another person here* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:55 am *As he wishes. Soundwave's thigh armor comes with sizable gaps anyway, pff. Either way: he is, notably, pleased.*
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nintendo-666 · 7 years
killing time while I wait for my bf with a questionnaire I rememeber doing back in like middle school lol
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? My phone has been dead all day and therefore I cannot recall whom I have texted most recently. 2. You talked to an ex today, correct? Ye me and Dylan still talk most days, he’s like my bff 3. Have you taken someones virginity? lol yeah. like too many times. idk I became sexually active really early in life so yeaaa. 4. Is trust a big issue for you? Yes actually. Which you wouldn’t expect because I overshare so much but ye. 5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently? The love of my life visits me for his lunch breaks every day that he’s working and I’m not so yeah I saw him a few hours ago c: 6. What are you excited for? Doing some more xtc and doing a d with my baby tonight. 7. What happened tonight? Nothing yet tonight, but last night I also rolled pretty hard and stayed up too late lel 8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? Fuck no. Let girls do whatever they want, let people live their lives, drinking is fun, stop being judgmental. 9. Is confidence cute? This is a very insecure and weird question to ask. I don’t think a person’s cuteness is defined by their like self esteem and social skills. 10. What is the last beverage you had? I’m drinking a fruit punch rn!! 11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? I don’t have an opposite sex and I don’t trust a lot of people. 12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? lol I only have one pair of pants that are not skinny jeans. 13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? ooh that’s tonight! so yeah my night plans are the same, except now I’m also gonna check out kk slider on my new save file on acnl. 14. What are you going to spend money on next? electric bill lol 15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? Yes!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? I mean I’ve been growing up a lot lately so I’m hoping that’ll continue. 17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? uhhh Gary, Dylan, or my Mum 18. The last time you felt broken? pretty much constantly tbqh 19. Have you had sex today? Ugh no I had multiple surgeries on my reproductive organs in the last two weeks so like I’m not supposed to have anything happening down there for some days or weeks still. tragic. 20. Are you starting to realize anything? That’s so 2016 21. Are you in a good mood? Yeah I suppose! 22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? YES 23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? Nah. Somehow his eyes are brown and my penetratingly bright blues powered through them dominant genes. 24. What do you want right this second? Status report of my night lol 25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? :^///// 26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? Nope, never again. 27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? Oh absolutely not 28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? I cannot remember :o 29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? Yeah dude I miss all my friends in different states and countries pretty badly. Mainly my Massachusetts bff Jamie and my dad. 30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? Not everyone. 31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? Lol yeah but I also love that lil shit 32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? Yep! 33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? Oh god no way I drink it at every opportunity. I love soda. 34. Listening to? Bob’s Burgers is on in the background 35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? I mean not really. 36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is? Yeee 37. Do you believe in love at first sight? No. However sometimes you can immediately be attracted to someone, and you just so happen to also have very compatible personalities and this develop feelings for one another quite quickly. 38. Who did you last call? da boifwend 39. Who was the last person you danced with? Oh god I have no idea. #toocooltodance 40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? Because I’m in love with him and his lips make me happy. 41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? Uuuuuhhhhhh whenever the superbowl was? 42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? No :c I don’t see them like all the time these days. Which is a TRAVESTY. 43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? Oh constantly. I’m in an endless state of crippling embarrassment. And combine that with my very obvious social anxiety and mild clumsiness, I’m always doing things that are impossible to live down in front of people I very much like. 44. Do you tan in the nude? I do not tan under any circumstances. 45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? Hell no. 46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? uhh yes and no. We basically talk until we decide we’re too tired, then quietly cuddle to sleep. 47. Who was the last person to call you? I haven’t the slightest. Probably my insurance or something boring like that. 48. Do you sing in the shower? Yeah dude I’m a superstar in there 49. Do you dance in the car? YEAH DUDE I’m a superstar in there 50. Ever used a bow and arrow? Tragically, no. 51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? I have no idea. I do casual photoshoots with pro photographer friends kind of a lot. 52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? Fuck no I love musicals. 53. Is Christmas stressful? Only if you let it be. 54. Ever eat a pierogi? This question has always perplexed me. But yeah. Just the cheese and potato ones tho. 55. Favorite type of fruit pie? I mean like I want to say raspberry or strawberry, but they always end up too acidic. So I guess like apple, cause it’s always sweet and hard to fuck up. 56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Astronaut, actor. 57. Do you believe in ghosts? It sucks like I can’t reasonably justify the belief with everything else that I think and feel, but the thought of ghosts is just so fun, you know? 58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? Yeah it’s so weird I dun like it 59. Take a vitamin daily? Nope 60. Wear slippers? I don’t think I own any 61. Wear a bath robe? Sometimes Gary drapes his across me in the mornings if I get cold. 62. What do you wear to bed? naked when I’m with Gary, shirt and underwear while I’m alone. 63. First concert? I saw Say Anything with two of my friends in middle school!! 64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? Target fosho but Wal-Mart for food and sometimes Kmart is best for clothes shockingly. 65. Nike or Adidas? I really don’t care 66. Cheetos Or Fritos? Cheetos all day, Fritos are gross. 67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Peanuts are way more fun 68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? Ugh 69. Ever take dance lessons? I did Irish Dance briefly as a small child. 70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? I want my spouse to do whatever makes them happiest. However I do sincerely want to be with Gary forever and I know he’s very good at his passion, which is recording and audio mixing and stuff for bands. Also his drumming skills are insane. 71. Can you curl your tongue? I’ve never met a human being who cannot and also it has nothing to do with kissing skills so who cares? 72. Ever won a spelling bee? UGH NO I came in like 3rd place because I had to pee really bad and I misheard the word. 73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Mhmm 74. What is your favorite book? I really don’t like reading, man :/ I got a focus issue. It’s really sad actually. 75. Do you study better with or without music? I don’t studyyy 76. Regularly burn incense? Yeah c: 77. Ever been in love? Yeah, a few times. 78. Who would you like to see in concert? I just need to see Marilyn Manson again. 79. What was the last concert you saw? Marilyn Manson in Boston lol 80. Hot tea or cold tea? idk both are great, it really depends on the mood. 81. Tea or coffee? generally coffee for effectiveness, but tea for enjoyability. 82. Favorite type of cookie? I don’t too much care for cookies, but oatmeal raisin soft cookies are pretty tolerable. 83. Can you swim well? Yeah dude I grew up in Florida. 84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? I actually really struggle with it lmao 85. Are you patient? Not at all man 86. DJ or band, at a wedding? Ohhhh that’s a tough one. I feel like both would be cool. They’re just so vastly different, you know? 87. Ever won a contest? omg yeah recently I won a $600 Epiphone Les Paul Custom Pro from work for signing people up for the same prize in a sweepstakes. 88. Ever have plastic surgery? Nah but I’m not against it by any means. 89. Which are better black or green olives? Green olives can go and fuck themselves 90. Opinions on sex before marriage? lol it’s so stupid not to 91. Best room for a fireplace? idk I guess like a living room or something???? 92. Do you want to get married? Yeah tbh
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jinhobbit · 7 years
Because I would LOVE to read an essay about Jinho, how about A and B??
I’m  shook that you really asked HAHAHA Disclaimer: it’s 4 am rn, maybe some things dont make sense.. it didnt turn out to be an essay..  imma fake stan orz
A: Something really attractive that your bias does?
omg tbh i dont even know where to start… BUT ANYWAY let me try to list as much as I can since you wanted an essay1. The way he talks!! When jinho talks he always moves his mouth a little bit the side and everytime he looks at his members.. until now there hasn’t really been any interviews that i saw where he didn’t look at any member at least once and when he doesn’t look at his members he nods to himself!! LIKE YEAH YOU GO BOY YOU DID GREAT!! 2. when jinho speaks english!! HE’S SO SHY ABOUT IT AND EVERYTIME I JUST WANT TO HUG HIM AND SAY “IT’S OK YOUR ENGLISH IS WAY BETTER THAN MINE BE CONFIDENT!!” “YOU GO BOY!” yeah… but he never hears me ;;;;3. HIS HANDS MOVEMENTS WHEN SPEAKS ARE JUST A LIVING REASON FOR ME .. his gestures are just I LOVE THEM?? like when he talks he moves his hands a lot and i’m dead everytime and idk I’m probably just weird .. and with that also how he holds his chopsticks.. HE HOLDS THEM SO CUTELY LIKE NOT HOW OTHER PPL HOLD THEM HE HOLDS THEM SO CUTELY AND WHEN I FIRST REALIZED IT I WENT ALSDKJAL 4. His “hyung-mode” omg thats one of my fave things of jinho… like when he sees that  one of the members struggle somehow he will help them immediatly and its just where my melting point is when jinho is all “hyung” like and serious and i go “bye world”5. his selfie game is hella strong6. WHEN HE DOES SOMETHING EMBARASSING LIKE AEGYO THEN HE ALWAYS CRINGES AND I CRINGE WITH HIM BUT ITS ALSO SO NICE TO SEE OMG I LOVE HIS CRINGE ITS SO CUTE AND CRINGY and idk how to explain its just super weird ……. i dont even find his “aegyo” cute tbqh its just so cringy hahaha BUT HES SO GOOD AT NOT FORCED AEGYO LIKE WOAH BOY HES A NATURAL TALENT AND HE KNOWS BUT CANT FAKE 7.  his love for his mom/religion… like … when he isn’t shy to talk about his religion and somehow i really like that???? the funny part is he tries to drag kino in it too and kino is all “aah………..” and I LOVED HOW IN THIS ONE PENTAGON MAKER EPISODE WHEN THEY WENT TO SHOP FOR THEIR HOME JINHO WAS LIKE “I take the flower, i’ll give that to my mom” like he thinks about her and if this isnt the cutest thing ever then what is???8. His resting bitch face.. I know he doesnt do it on purpose but .. as someone who also has that kind 9. tha fact that he doesnt want to do finger hearts because he thinks thats awkward and thats also the reason why he never did them10. THE FACT THAT HE HATES TO MESS UP NOTES SO MUCH THAT HE WOULD LITERALLY STOP CRYING AND SING (you are debut showcase)11. that he didnt give up on his dream.. as someone who did.. it makes me happy that he didnt.. and succeeded!! he made his debut!! AND HES HAPPY WITH THE PTG MEMBERS!!!12. HIS QUOTES!! ARE!!! LIFE!!!! IM LVING FOR THEM!!!there are some more… that i forgot…imma fake stan.. orz
B: A favorite physical feature of your bias?his height.. lmao SINCE I’M ALSO SMOL I LIKE SMOL PPL WITH GREAT VOICESFun Fact: Jinho has a mole on his upper lip.. don’t ask me how I know……
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shinkei-shinto · 7 years
Season Two.
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] I mean they can still Live over There
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] i just also wanna do Magic rn
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] the problem was
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] I was actually going to ask 'how do i completely tear apart and rework my established species into something i'm happy with now?'
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Taza] That's a pretty heavy question. What are you unhappy with about it currently?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] I feel trapped, and 2-dimensional
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] like I've backed myself into a kind of corner where I can't actually insert anything new and good and Fun to play with
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] like it's a very small, limited time-space thing, where there isn't room to figure out overarching themes or time-based things like overthrowing a reigme (not what I want to do but An Example)
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Taza] And if you were going to just edit out those parts you dislike currently it wouldn't be the same anymore so it's easier to just rebuild it from the ground up?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] I feel like I have a finished product, almost, like I'm holding something beautiful and complete and pretty in my hands
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] and to just jam, say, magic in, would ruin the entire structure I've built -
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] I don't feel like I can tear out just what I like about my own story, without disrespecting the things I already have that - once - I cared about and loved
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Taza] So rather than rework, you kind of want to immortalize the current species as is and make a new one?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] like I need an AU where some of it is the same, but I haven't just torn out this whole structure that I already had
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] It's like -
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] Like I tried. and I got somewhere, I built my thing, it stands on its own, it's pretty good.
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] But I know I could have done better /with them/
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Taza] But you can't do that as it is now because the details are already all there?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] yeah, there's no room for the cool shit I wanna put in, because I built things too watertight, too little loopholes
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Taza] Then wouldn't the easiest way be just to make an alternate timeline? With the same origin, but perhaps certain key events unfolded differently so that you now have the room to add in the things you want. It doesn't invalidate what's already there, and it seems the perfect setup for being able to keep what you do like
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] yeah? probably?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] all the answers I've gotten so far have been like, "why don't you just redo it entirely" "why don't you just cut out what is dissatisfying you"
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] and that, feels like it's Wrong
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Taza] Because it would sully the original?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] it's dishonest to the work I've done
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] the same reason I have left my dA gallery alone for nearly 8 years now
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] sure, it wasn't Great, there are lots of concepts I made happen Better, I redid and did nice and stuff,
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] there's things I will never touch again and am very embarrased by
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] but I Let It Stay
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Taza] If any kind of rework of the original would be a disservice, then it sounds like the only real solution is to make something new entirely, that has no bearing or relation to your old work
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] the alternate timeline thing sounds like the best option I've been given so far, because it lets me respect the fact that I did work, old work, good work, it can Stay There
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] without making me backed into a corner on my own designs
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Taza] Since they're separate timelines, they'd never need to interact, or technically have any relation to each other aside from the similar origins
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] because like
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] I have ideas, things, solid things that have basis in the structure I have already built - things like species limits, or their lack of ability to have sparks/fire on their planet -
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:40] [Forwarded from Shin 🐐] but don't fit in with the social and lack-of-magic structure that was there, before
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:41] so, I don't want to destroy/remove s1
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:41] but s2 is where I wanna Work bc s1 feels Done
Gray, [07.05.17 21:14] so u get ur loyal warriors with the knowledge one day they're prob going to try 2 best you? (but like u'll know its coming)
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:14] mhmm, exactly
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:14] there's no old-and-fat-kings
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:14] if you get your ass beaten, you either graciously step down and advise them, or demand that they kill you and release your soul to the metallics
Gray, [07.05.17 21:15] NICE
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:15] there's probably some empires that're like "yeah no we all advise the new kings, he's got an honor "guard" of like 15 prior kings"
Gray, [07.05.17 21:16] tbqh thats p badass thoh
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:16] and then some that have a bloody line of single kings
Gray, [07.05.17 21:16] like. conceptually i REALLY enjoy that
Gray, [07.05.17 21:16] and tru
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:16] plus
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:17] then you get the advice of all of those who were beaten - and you probably had to fuck up at least a couple of them yourself
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:17] and they're gonna respect one another, likely have some kind of balance/order of their own
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:17] very little infighting
Gray, [07.05.17 21:19] tru!
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:21] but also, consider:
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:23] you enter the throne room of your leader, your king, the monarch of monarchs. there is some kind of a throne, it varies to every one, but across the floor - a wonderful, polished, well maintained surface - there are shapes.
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:24] dark, at first, hard to make out, until you realize what they are, until you step next to one on your way into the true space of the throne room, flanked by two guards that look so fierce you would not want to glance at either to see any closer.
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:25] there's a name, written out in a deep russet color. The next is blue. The third, a vibrant and yet dark green. All of them lie next to pools in various shapes; some are tagged with scrapes and scratches, some are huge and circular, and some have written poetry, sayings, or pawprints.
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:25] They are all that remains of the former kings, their last moments and last words immortalized, carefully kept under a thin layer of sheen, to preserve them for all eternity.
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:26] And although his claws are no longer stained, the brilliant blue that resides just to the left of his throne room has a haunting message written in the freshly-laquered blood: Good luck.
Gray, [07.05.17 21:26] LORD
Gray, [07.05.17 21:26] thats gonna be interesting when they run outta floor space
Gray, [07.05.17 21:26] or if someone wants to redecorate
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:27] probably make a new throne room, tbh
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:27] just bc fighter chose to sit in that one, that lineage, doesn't mean they all do
Gray, [07.05.17 21:27] fair enough
Gray, [07.05.17 21:28] tho i feel like by that point making a new one would feel almost like desecration
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:28] How do you make that decision, huh?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:28] maybe when the bloodstains start to obscure one another
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:29] can you imagine walking that room, as king, picking where you want to die?
Gray, [07.05.17 21:29] places a reserved sign on the floor
Gray, [07.05.17 21:29] 'perfect'
Shin 🐐, [02.08.17 23:24] Cakes trying to imitate humans in greeting and just sneering their lip up off of their DISGUSTING MESS OF JAGGED RASP TEETH
Gray, [02.08.17 23:28] PLEASE
Gray, [02.08.17 23:28] FUCK THAST GREAT
Shin 🐐, [02.08.17 23:28] Cakes, who greet one another with carefully sheathed claws, bc they do not want to point things at each other,
Shin 🐐, [02.08.17 23:29] "oh, humans just. they just hurt one another as greetings. uh. okay."
Shin 🐐, [02.08.17 23:29] half of cakes: fuck this i'm out
Shin 🐐, [02.08.17 23:29] the warrior descent half of cakes: YES HELLO HOW DO WE ENGAGE
Shin 🐐, [02.08.17 23:29] FLING OUR ENTIRE BODIES W sPIKES OUT?
Shin 🐐, [02.08.17 23:30] listen i love the "FIGHT TO FIGHT" cakes but theyre
Shin 🐐, [02.08.17 23:30] stupid
Gray, [02.08.17 23:34] OKAY MOOD
Gray, [02.08.17 23:34] theyr ebeautifulf
Shin 🐐, [02.08.17 23:38] i lvoe them
Shin 🐐, [02.08.17 23:38] but they would absolutely say 'hi' by turning into a miniature tornado at someone else
Shin 🐐, [02.08.17 23:38] "CATCH ME" and all 7 of my flailing limbs, with spikes attached
Gray, [02.08.17 23:39] I LOVE THIS
Gray, [02.08.17 23:39] I LOVE THIS WITH ALL MY HEART
Shin 🐐, [02.08.17 23:40] these kind stil exist in s2
Shin 🐐, [02.08.17 23:40] they never went away
Shin 🐐, [02.08.17 23:40] fighter is probably one of them
Shin 🐐, [02.08.17 23:40] "finally home" he says, sighing with relief, bc he can at least catch these ones instead of being smushed
Shin 🐐, [14.05.17 20:36] S2 Cakes and storms
Shin 🐐, [14.05.17 20:36] Storms that come screaming in from the water and pull at their very homes
Shin 🐐, [14.05.17 20:37] Homes built for it, that sway and whip cakes around like it is a game
Shin 🐐, [14.05.17 20:37] Chasers who try and bottle storms, bottle eyes, bottle rain and wind and the anticipation of a break in the clouds
Shin 🐐, [14.05.17 20:38] Cakes who live where there are hurricanes, and build homes with iron in the wood to withstand the winds, who all gather outside in the eye of the hurricane to see if they can catch a glimpse of a constellation that will tell their future
Shin 🐐, [14.05.17 20:38] Magic cakes who make storms their focus, who summon or dismiss or gentle storms against their own, and make those against their enemies ferocious and deadly
Shin 🐐, [14.05.17 20:39] Cakes who call storms to channel lightening into their bones, thinking it will help their magic, and the madness that ensues when it actually hits them
Shin 🐐, [14.05.17 20:41] Cakes who try to reproduce the feeling, the image, the idea of storms in paintings and magic to bring to their inland Kings, hoping for something in return
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:02] mmmonster designs?
Gray, [08.05.17 00:03] theeee place fighter washes up
Gray, [08.05.17 00:03] they hunt water monsters rite?
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:03] yeee there's been some
Gray, [08.05.17 00:03] : 0!
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:03] weird speculations on monstershapes
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:03] /tagged/nova-23-6
Gray, [08.05.17 00:04] I WILL LOOk
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:05] they probably have some way of luring the things to hunt them more effectively
Gray, [08.05.17 00:05] -chucks a pal into the water w a rope tied 2 'em-
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:05] kjdhfgksjhfgskjdfhg
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:05] more like
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:06] 'steals the eggs, raises them, intentionally causes them harm in order to make them cry for help'
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:06] 'kills the help'
Gray, [08.05.17 00:06] how do they get the eggs?
Gray, [08.05.17 00:07] cake that owns a tea shop +v+ ANYWAY
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:08] their whole thing would love focus on this kind of consumption
Gray, [08.05.17 00:08] IM SYKED TBH
Gray, [08.05.17 00:08] i think i knoe what my first s2 cake will b,
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:09] lmao what do u want u think
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:09] huh huh
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:10] rn all I can tell you is: longer, short 2L are rare, lots of SPikey, intricate patterns and markings, lots of scarring/weapons/armor/things that are just Attached like permanenetly, carrying bags etc
Gray, [08.05.17 00:11] OOOO NICE
Gray, [08.05.17 00:12] no idea what their design might b but Probably a tea cake
Gray, [08.05.17 00:12] pun actually unintended
Gray, [08.05.17 00:12] until now
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:12] tbh
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:12] i think drugs are big there
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:12] hasbrown cakes, tea cakes, liquor cakes
Gray, [08.05.17 00:13] 2nd cake character, ur local drug dealer,
Gray, [08.05.17 00:13] does s2 have sugar?
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:13] totally possible
Gray, [08.05.17 00:14] 'do u have The Stuff' '-opens trenchcoat to reveal cookies-'
Gray, [08.05.17 00:15] so a bakery is where ud get Ur Drugs
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:15] a Bakery is probably a place to chill drugged
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:15] find em buy em have em made
Gray, [08.05.17 00:16] tea shop right beside th bakery >get thirsty after consumin that sugar >pop over for some tea
Gray, [08.05.17 00:16] >realize u can put sugar in tea and have ur mind blown
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:17] those that make other edible goods probably have a good relationship with the Bakeries
Gray, [08.05.17 00:17] true!!
Gray, [08.05.17 00:17] are bakeries kind of like bars?
Gray, [08.05.17 00:17] bars but for Cake Weed?
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:17] like, a bar + hookah joint + smoke shop?
Gray, [08.05.17 00:18] makes sense!
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:18] literally go there to sleep lie down calm down meditate, maybe to sharkpen your magic some
Gray, [08.05.17 00:18] by bar i mean like not so much in terms of atmosphere so much as Socially Accepted
Gray, [08.05.17 00:18] bc ppl will sideye a hookah place but not a bar
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:19] gotcha, yes
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:19] way more like a bar
Gray, [08.05.17 00:19] so sugar in s2 has the effects of a drug but like the social acceptance of alcohol? :0
Gray, [08.05.17 00:19] tho i mean alcohol is a drug
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:20] there's different levels -
Gray, [08.05.17 00:21] theres munching on a brownie and then theres snorting powdered sugar,
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:21] alcohol for us is like yeah whatever, and for them, liquor cake-stuff and then hashbrowning and then sugar
Gray, [08.05.17 00:21] ok explain hashbrowning bc im thinking of like
Gray, [08.05.17 00:21] the potatoe
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:30] i
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:30] did not actually have a fucking way that it worked lmao
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:30] all i have is fuckin
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:30] a doodle of a hasbrown'd out cake holding something smoke-making, and what they look like, and a hashbrowned Ryker
Gray, [08.05.17 00:31] hasbrowned?
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:35] but I'd love to have drugs be a large part of this, bc if they have rec' drugs, they've got medicine and science
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:35] but I'd like for Ryker to bring Runners to them
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:38] alcohol is mostly a breath-thing, although it could also show up as a drink-thing
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:38] but idk about weed/smoke/MJ
Gray, [08.05.17 00:38] Brownie joke here
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:39] that means it must be grown, somewhere
Gray, [08.05.17 00:39] Is there a special kind of fruit they extract it from?
Gray, [08.05.17 00:40] Or r u doin sugarcane
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:40] most of my sugar stuff has been fruit
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:40] distilled fruit has gone to the alcohol thing
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:40] rather than baked sugar, which is somehow more dangerous
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:40] so a soda, while a FUCKING DRINK, would not be as bad as a sugar cookie
Gray, [08.05.17 00:41] Could the smoke/steam from burning/caramelizing sugar get a cake high?
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:49] ssshrugs?
Gray, [08.05.17 00:49] I'll Google like. How much sugar goes up
Gray, [08.05.17 00:50] Tomorrow
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:50] but also: i want to keep it all sugar? or not?
Gray, [08.05.17 00:50] Sugar the most accepted but there are probably other drugs
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:50] cause like
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:51] slightly less accepted, but still Okay, drugs like weed for us
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:51] just, rooms where there's smoke
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:51] and they go and chill and breathe and focus
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:51] meditation style
Gray, [08.05.17 00:51] Sauna,but a High sauna
Shin 🐐, [08.05.17 00:51] yeeeeeee
Gray, [08.05.17 00:57] NIce,
Gray, [07.05.17 16:48] also: the hollowness of ganache chests are there like how is it structured would u be able to cut it open and like store things there
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:49] I mean, it'd be like cutting another hold into ur lungs or ur womb
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:49] and while Runners do cut holes into their lungs, successfully, somehow
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:49] idk that u could Put anything in there?
Gray, [07.05.17 16:50] i mean you technically could if u tried hard enough its jus not
Gray, [07.05.17 16:50] advisable
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:50] u could totally cut holes in, like runners
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:50] but it wouldn't....... be worth anything?
Gray, [07.05.17 16:52] OK i think i was thinkin abt the ganache hollow chest area weirdly ive got a better idea now
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:53] it's like a womb/lungs but without an exit
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:53] there's possibly air, or fluid more likely? maybe? something in there, to make it hollow -
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:53] or their lungs are able to expand further because they lack the gestating stuff that ever happens
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:54] (msot Cake Cakes have a vertical line from heart patch to about belly where the skin can open, it's not Fun and doens't work Well but it works GOOD ENOUGH DAMNIT)
Gray, [07.05.17 16:54] S T O R E  S N A C K S  I N  Y O U R  L U N G S  F O R  M A X I M U M  S N A C K  C A P A C I T Y
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:54] lkdfgs;fgjhSDFLGJHSDLFJKGH
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:54] tbh, you could, insert a nutritious slurry in there, and it would work
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:54] idk WHY YOU WOULD But
Gray, [07.05.17 16:55] lbr theres probably somecake that just
Gray, [07.05.17 16:55] 'i wanted to see if i /could/'
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:55] kjdfhgskjdfhgkjsdfhgdjkshfg
Gray, [07.05.17 16:56] F E A S T  O N  M Y  N U T R I T I O U S  S L U R R Y,  F R I E N D S
Gray, [07.05.17 16:57] actually you know how theres like. play productions and stuff probably? i think we talked about that that would be a good way to have an actor Fake-die Oh No Theyre Bleeding, Look At Them Dying
Gray, [07.05.17 16:57] (its rly n u t r i t i o u s  s l u r r y)
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 16:58] kfjhskldjfhgskdjfg h uh
Gray, [07.05.17 17:00] also the reason i asked in the first place is like. idk extra storage space when travelling  thru somwhere (if it worked like i thought it worked but it doesnt work like i thought it worked tbh- i was thinking more like w/ tissue or skin or something seperating it from other organs) ? load up the ganache or s/t & also store things in the hollow
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 17:24] [In reply to Gray] you could, in theory, just like stuffing something in the stomach of a human being - but whatever you put in there, it's gotta be in there
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 17:24] so unless it was, like, wet sacks of something, biologically okay with the GGod
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 17:24] it'd cause infections and problems
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 17:25] cause it isn't like a stomach, so no digestive food, it's more like a Womb, which still could be slightly acidic and will  be Wet
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 17:25] bc baby slime
Gray, [07.05.17 17:25] ooohhhh
Gray, [07.05.17 17:28] safe slurry lookin like blood for theatrical purposes
Gray, [07.05.17 17:28] or a /really dedicated prank/
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 17:29] like, as long as they were pretty safe for eating/fucking/etc, you could mush up fruitshit and use that
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 17:29] in a normal cake, at least -
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 17:29] in a GGod, the natural flap that Cakes have from their Heart Patch to their belly is missing
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 17:29] so they'd have to cut that open artifically
Gray, [07.05.17 17:29] a /really/ dedicated prank
Gray, [07.05.17 17:30] BUT YEAH THAT MAKES SENSE
Gray, [07.05.17 17:31] also how does the magic in s2 work? is it Within? is it Around, but cakes can be attuned to it? is magic associated w nature and does a resource drain (i.e. LP) affect it, or is it simply that the s1 just Forgot
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 17:35] ggestures at the last story I wrote, it's intrinsic to Cakes somehow, but something abotu concentration something about breeding something about the diseases that killed off so much of their people ruined it
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 17:35] broke it
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 17:35] the Ancient One remembers some, can stir it some, but concentration is big -
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 17:35] there's a mass to it, you can't start it with nothing, but make too much and it starts to implode
Gray, [07.05.17 17:35] ooooo :0
Gray, [07.05.17 18:00] what are the limitations of the magic? whats the #flavor like Make This Charm And You'll Influence Your Luck or more of a physical manifestation, i.e. LOOK MOM I CAN MAKE FIRE W/ MY HANDS
Gray, [07.05.17 18:00] are there curses?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:14] think physical; it's a lot like "believe this hard enough and it Works" the one good concrete example I have is the "summon a fire in your soul and you can Burn Out the metal poison"
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:14] it's focused on making the impossible and unreal, real and possible, bringing it into their life
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:14] so metallic trees grown from seeds carefully breathed on
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:14] growing things into homes together by belief and basically meditation
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:14] you could probably curse another cake. but they could undo it, or get a friend to undo it, and I have a feeling tracking it back is Really Fucking Easy
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:15] and if they find you
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:15] however there's "curses" and there's "*curses*"
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:15] and turning your friends' tongue into the shape of a fish for a day isn't goign to get you anything but literal jelly bean toes for a week
Gray, [07.05.17 18:16] NICE
Gray, [07.05.17 18:17] are there some curses hardedr to reverse than others?
Gray, [07.05.17 18:18] i.e. someone cursing some1 else w/ their dying breath in vengeance using everything theyve got left for it ?
Gray, [07.05.17 18:18] do moments of extreme emotion amplify magic?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:38] [In reply to Gray] probably; but it's likely based on the individual rather than the curse itself? whether they were strong enough to push the curse, or you are strong enough in belief to break the curse.
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:39] [In reply to Gray] death is Big because they want to skip the steps and go straight to Metallics, so being a dick while they die is like, the biggest no, unles s they were SO BITTEr and then idk what happens to magic when the source is Done, death goodby gone
Gray, [07.05.17 18:39] theres always someone Bitter Enough
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:40] [In reply to Gray] PROBABLY? I feel like most magic is the calm kind, the growth kind, the living stuff is more for the calm strength working to gether but then there's WAR MAGIC , which is deffo big anger energy death kill war and probably, things like, funny magic, where u just REALLY wanna get ur friend SO BAD u know those moments where like u fuck up and say the wrong thing bc ur SO EXCITED TO PRANK UR FRIEND that probably makes for a pretty sticky "curse"
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:40] [In reply to Gray] bitter enough to try and expend their shit cursing someone instead of ascending to magic that u literally see, throughout your life, when your magic may or may not even exist after u die?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:41] like I feel like it would try, and then go away,and then come back when they reincarnated, which wouldn't matter unless the other one was also reincarnated at the same time and also not a metallic
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:41] so I mean u could get multiple friends like wanting to be together FOR GOOD and so they, as they die, fuckin shove their energy-magic at one another to do something Stupid like turn one ear white or something, and it ties them together through rebirths until the both die at once and Ascend
Gray, [07.05.17 18:42] i live for funny magic
Gray, [07.05.17 18:42] i need a prankster cake
Gray, [07.05.17 18:42] THIS IS REALLY COOL
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:43] this is what I Wanted 2 do with them like
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:43] these are the Cakes that Escaped and continued growing their culture
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:44] and I think, like, they're just warlike - disease of the body is uncommon, so one of the ways that they naturally regulate their population is to literally kill one another
Gray, [07.05.17 18:44] would gladiator-esque type matches exist?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:45] yesssssssss
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:45] there's big fucking fuck-off wars, probably mostly over territory, resources, and HONOR, but also:
Gray, [07.05.17 18:45] in lieu of th festival ganache battles
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:45] there are Cakes that get older and go "alright itme to fucking die" and when enough of those happen
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:45] they get together and tournament-style to the Last Living One who is expected to either die from their wounds or probably self-sacrifice
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:46] and the hope is that during the tournament each of the other cakes, the ones that die, turn Metallic and rise
Gray, [07.05.17 18:47] would this be similar to the old norse sort of concept of heroism/ideal death? i.e. highest honors 2 those who die in combat + the concept that true heroism is knowing the odds are impossible but fighting and dying anyway?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:48] sorta a little bit? rather than honor through valor, it's a little different, it isn't like
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:48] "kill the most and you win" it's like "live a good life and do well and Fight Good because you know how"
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:49] and sometimes that "fight good" is "literally beat the shit out of someone else" and sometimes that "fight good" is "meditate into a tree"
Gray, [07.05.17 18:49] Cake Valhalla
Gray, [07.05.17 18:49] i, for one, would love to meditate into a tree
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:50] bc part of how they Do is by growing tree-things into big ass tree-home-city-things, moving the natural world
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:50] and there's a infection thing, the thing that the Ancient One has, where you can turn into a fucking tree that just Happens
Gray, [07.05.17 18:52] in terms of holidays what would there be?
Gray, [07.05.17 18:52] are there holidays involving a mandatory truce?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:53] I don't think so, I think everything is really mobile and weird and your loyalty is mostly to the head head batch topper Cake, like Fighter, who rules your entire section of the continent(s)
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:53] you can Defect and such, and there are alliances and truces and stuff all over the place, but those are mobile too
Gray, [07.05.17 18:55] Oooo :00
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:55] but the only way that will stop is if the entire species is ruled by one individual
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:55] and that,,, probably will never happen
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:56] there's no real, rhyme or reason for it, there's no like "we have this difference", I think it's just encoded in them
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:56] Cakes just have a fire in them and some of them try to suppress it but many of them just Feel it roar and need to do something
Gray, [07.05.17 18:56] Gotta Punch
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:58] and they don't force anyone into the battles or the wars;
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:58] others will leave Cakes alone who wish it, and won't kill unless they're also being killed
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:58] but they have no hesitation for murder when murder is on the table
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 18:59] there have absolutely been times with warring parties entering cities and fucking things up and they run into caretakers, who are curled around their charges or the young or the weak and pass them by, times where cuppups come running at them with claws extended and they pick them up and put them out of the way
Gray, [07.05.17 19:00] so theres sort of a code of honor thing? (either unspoken or spoken)
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:00] yeah, you don't kill the young, you don't kill the nonfighters
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:00] it's also probably gross/dishonorable to kill someone who isn't as "good" as you
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:00] easy prey is not a worthy target
Gray, [07.05.17 19:02] how far does that extend? would they ransack a city of its resources? bc inadvertantly that'd probably impact the nonfighters negatively
Gray, [07.05.17 19:03] are all leaders exceptional at combat? if they aren't, are they still a valid target seeing as they hold command?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:04] Leaders, toppers, whatever, have to be the best - have to fight their way to the top - the Biggest Ones, like Fighter, are a bit different, but the smaller ones - ones that run warring parties and the like
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:04] they just have to be good at fighting; there's a strict lineage, uh uh uh words
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:05] smaller leaders, the ones that would invade a city, are absolutely gonna be some of the best - have an elite guard - and are going to be after the other leader
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:05] disorganization isn't gonna stop them, though, part of the whole 'fire in your soul' thing
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:06] and even noncombatant Cakes are expected to be able to survive without cushy resource-rich cities, if they're ransaked or taken over
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:06] warring parties are more likely to take control, establish victory, than to destory anything - they're not interested in harming or ruining what is built, only owning it
Gray, [07.05.17 19:08] what about cakes that are highly charismatic, but not necessarily a fighter, but ones that know the Right Things To Say to get someone rallied into action (like. a leader's aide or something, gives themm the words or s/t)? or is it more, you have to back everything up wiv battle prowess before anyone will rallly up?
Gray, [07.05.17 19:08] or strategists that, again, arent the most physically abled but definitely have a hand in coordination/setting up an attack?
Gray, [07.05.17 19:09] would they also cound as a noncombatant? or since their actions lead to a battle/fight/bloodshed, theyre accountable as well?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:10] They're accountable to a degree; someone like the first example is going to be heavy in the magic side, and so would be expected to be met with another magic-heavy fight. A "standard" "footsoldier" is goign to want to knock them the fuck out and let the high-er-ups deal with it. they don't wanan deal with what would happen if they killed the less-fighty, but still valuable cake, but they sure as fuck don't want them to be running the scenes, either
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:11] The best way to survive things would be to be REALLY BAD at fighitng, REALLY GOOD at something else, and afucking turncoat as shit
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:11] passed between two or more Big Groups like a pretty gem, never worse than harmed or knocked out, but no loyalty so no getting higher up in the ranks, never get close to a Big Boss
Gray, [07.05.17 19:12] :Ic sOUNDS LIKE A FUN CHARACTER TBQH, i want 2 make/buy/repurpose a cake 2 use as,
Gray, [07.05.17 19:15] are there groups that makes use of spies? or is that Too Frowned Upon
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:17] Spies probably come in two flavors, 1: I literally just walked into your town and walked the fuck back out and everyone knows but no body fucking CARES 2: we had a spy but they stopped coming back so, uh, guess they're on their side now
Gray, [07.05.17 19:17] KDFKJDFBGJKD
Gray, [07.05.17 19:18] how important is loyalty to s2?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:20] depends on the level -
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:20] small family groups, batches, are going to be intensely loyal, very well tied together, knit like a cloth
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:20] the bigger it gets, the looser the association, up to the point where some of it matters and some of it doesn't -
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:21] some warring parties will flip flop or be easy to grab, others will have a topper who was once part of the Big Boss's batch or family or something and will DIE FOR THEM before they let even one of their party defect
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:21] Fighter has this down to a science, all of his general=types (down to anyone who controls more than 3 other cakes) are either born of him or were raised with him
Gray, [07.05.17 19:22] NICE
Gray, [07.05.17 19:22] whats more important, societally? honor or survival?  how acceptable is survival as an excuse?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:31] honor, really, survival would be mostly considered cowardly - there's survival of noncombatants, which is an exception
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:31] but the base rules are: honor above all, duty to keeping the rules of combat above all, too
Gray, [07.05.17 19:31] nice!
Gray, [07.05.17 19:34] are there mercenary groups? or would it be more like small warring groups ud make a temp alliance with
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:38] definately groups that have lost allegiance to the current kings, i dunno where they would sit physically in the continent, maybe small forgotten or abandoned towns
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:38] and there's... not "neutral", but
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:39] towns that have a Function, like sea-monster-killing, which will be Taken Over (someone shows up and goes and puts a New Flag on the tall tree town hall) but not, no one does anything.
Gray, [07.05.17 19:40] oooohh :0
Gray, [07.05.17 19:40] if u ever wanna rp s2 cakes i would be interested btw i rEALLY LIKE THIS SOCIETY
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:41] eventually, once I have a little More,
Gray, [07.05.17 19:43] moving away from wartime stuff (though ill prob come up w more questions) whats s2 like in terms of like. making things. is it magic-reliant? tool-reliant? mix of both? whats the highest form of technology they could have?
Gray, [07.05.17 19:43] whats used as currency? is it trade-based?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:43] because I know they look somewhat physically different so I gotta figure That out before I go Doing them
Gray, [07.05.17 19:43] YEAH
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:44] the tech question is Cool bc I can do basically whatever the fuck I want
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:44] I don't think they do cars/planes/things/stuff, but beyond that it's fair fucking game
Gray, [07.05.17 19:45] /Nice/
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:45] currency is probably based on favor and a bit of 'credit', anything that can be immediately done in the moment is the best - you need rations? haul a buncha fucking things for me and I'll kit you out for a week
Gray, [07.05.17 19:47] not cum this time
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:47] nah, they got too big anyways -
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:47] there's gotta be something with inherent value, but i'm not sure what
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:48] and like
Gray, [07.05.17 19:48] that will always b me favorite injoke tho
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:48] the monster hunter town that Ryker washes up in probably deals in monster parts as currency, they all understand the inherent worth — but that becomes way way more valuable the furhter you go from their town
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:48] in-town, other shit will be more valuable, but go a bit out of town and you're gonna want those "useless" scales
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:49] you could load up you and your friends and drag a literla fucking life-making fortune to the capital city
Gray, [07.05.17 19:50] cake caravans?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:51] possibly, yes
Gray, [07.05.17 19:51] bc that sounds like a p good way to make a living, if you could get yourself started
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:52] mhm, youand a couple other noncombatant merchants, drag a big ol' carcass escorted by some good fightin friends, bring it to the big city and sell it for all you can get
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 19:52] come back home rich in everything else
Gray, [07.05.17 19:55] how big of a risk for bandits?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 20:04] reasonable; bandit isn't the right word - it's more likely that you'll get attacked by other King's units/groups/things, trying to harm your King, so there's lots of running without banners and trying to barter your way out
Gray, [07.05.17 20:05] makes sense!
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 20:05] and it depends on the locale; where you are in a kingdom(s) is gonna determine how likely a warparty is
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 20:05] the kind of, disrupting commerce and fucking up the small ones, gurellia warfare, is super frowned upon
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 20:05] you want to Take That Shit, not hurt it before you can claim it
Gray, [07.05.17 20:10] also makes sense
Gray, [07.05.17 20:10] are t here any big kingdoms that participare in guerilla warfare?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 20:11] I'm gonna vote that Fighter doesn't let that happen
Gray, [07.05.17 20:11] time 2 fite the Big Kingdom
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 20:12] he raised a miniature army of cannibalistic massive walking gods
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 20:12] he has this shit down so fucking pat
Gray, [07.05.17 20:15] trUE
Gray, [07.05.17 21:08] whats the benefit of being the monarch of  a city? do they make laws? how are they enforced if so? or it is more about money/prestige?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:09] You're the Best, and your prestige earns you a lot of leeway; laws are followed, if issued, so long as they are within the lines of belief already extant; great change would have to come from the ground up
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:10] But a monarch will live in comfort and something resembling excess
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:10] smaller batches or towns will flag to them if they can provide protection from others; stability is the greatest asset a King can provide
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:11] if you can make your lands, people, batches, warriors, relatively stable and encourage commerce trade and infrastructure
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:11] you're gonna last a looong time
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:11] (giving up your life to protect your monarch is one of those "sure fire" ways to get metallic)
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:12] (it's probably based on a lotta other things, too, but unlike many other attempts to get metallic, this one has a much higher turnover rate)
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:12] (so there's lots of data, and so much of it is positive, it's seen as a Good Thing a lot of the time)
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:12] but to do that, you have to earn their loyalty and fierce protectiveness - which can be done best by beating the shit out of them, usually, at least the warlike ones
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:13] anyone who survives your fights or duels becomes your subordinate, and while they too want to best you eventually, they'll get in to the line of "I can do it LEGIT" and anyone who tries to best you not-legit, like an assassin, will be punched in the nose and sent home
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:13] (or just murdered. it depends.)
Gray, [07.05.17 21:14] so u get ur loyal warriors with the knowledge one day they're prob going to try 2 best you? (but like u'll know its coming)
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:14] mhmm, exactly
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:14] there's no old-and-fat-kings
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:14] if you get your ass beaten, you either graciously step down and advise them, or demand that they kill you and release your soul to the metallics
Gray, [07.05.17 21:15] NICE
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:15] there's probably some empires that're like "yeah no we all advise the new kings, he's got an honor "guard" of like 15 prior kings"
Gray, [07.05.17 21:16] tbqh thats p badass thoh
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:16] and then some that have a bloody line of single kings
Gray, [07.05.17 21:16] like. conceptually i REALLY enjoy that
Gray, [07.05.17 21:16] and tru
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:16] plus
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:17] then you get the advice of all of those who were beaten - and you probably had to fuck up at least a couple of them yourself
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:17] and they're gonna respect one another, likely have some kind of balance/order of their own
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:17] very little infighting
Gray, [07.05.17 21:19] tru!
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:21] but also, consider:
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:23] you enter the throne room of your leader, your king, the monarch of monarchs. there is some kind of a throne, it varies to every one, but across the floor - a wonderful, polished, well maintained surface - there are shapes.
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:24] dark, at first, hard to make out, until you realize what they are, until you step next to one on your way into the true space of the throne room, flanked by two guards that look so fierce you would not want to glance at either to see any closer.
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:25] there's a name, written out in a deep russet color. The next is blue. The third, a vibrant and yet dark green. All of them lie next to pools in various shapes; some are tagged with scrapes and scratches, some are huge and circular, and some have written poetry, sayings, or pawprints.
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:25] They are all that remains of the former kings, their last moments and last words immortalized, carefully kept under a thin layer of sheen, to preserve them for all eternity.
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:26] And although his claws are no longer stained, the brilliant blue that resides just to the left of his throne room has a haunting message written in the freshly-laquered blood: Good luck.
Gray, [07.05.17 21:26] LORD
Gray, [07.05.17 21:26] thats gonna be interesting when they run outta floor space
Gray, [07.05.17 21:26] or if someone wants to redecorate
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:27] probably make a new throne room, tbh
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:27] just bc fighter chose to sit in that one, that lineage, doesn't mean they all do
Gray, [07.05.17 21:27] fair enough
Gray, [07.05.17 21:28] tho i feel like by that point making a new one would feel almost like desecration
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:28] How do you make that decision, huh?
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:28] maybe when the bloodstains start to obscure one another
Shin 🐐, [07.05.17 21:29] can you imagine walking that room, as king, picking where you want to die?
Gray, [07.05.17 21:29] places a reserved sign on the floor
Gray, [07.05.17 21:29] 'perfect'
0 notes
pwesident · 7 years
all of them
1:Something I fantasize about
the day i get my degree!!
2:Zodiac sign
3:Three fears
the dark, heights, and being forgotten
4:Three things I love
music, food, and my @omgitsthatgingergirl
5:4 turn ons
uhh biting, volume, dunno what else
6:4 turn offs
degradation & a few others things that i don’t remember
7:My best friend?
i have a lot of those!!
8:Sexual orientation?
9:My closest Tumblr friend.
a few!!
10:How tall am I?
im 6′1″
11:What do I miss?
university actually lmfao
12:What time was I born?
like around 8 I think??
13:Favorite color?
i have a lot
14:Do I have a crush?
im lov @omgitsthatgingergirl
15:Favorite quote?
i have a number of quotes i appreciate
16:Favorite place?
anywhere i consider home
17:Favorite food?
UGH a lot
18:Do I use sarcasm?
too much
19:What am I listening to right now?
the fifth hp movie!
20:First thing I notice in new person?
what kind of person they are
21:Shoe size?
9 wide
22:Eye color?
23:Hair color?
24:What do I like about myself?
i can be funny sometimes!!
25:Ever done a prank call?
26:What color of underwear I’m wearing now?
27:Meaning behind my URL?
im a Child and i like cherry flavors
28:Favorite movie?
29:Favorite song?
again too many
30:Favorite band?
done do this to me
31:How I feel right now?
32:Someone I love
my gf!!
33:My current relationship status
happily taken
34:My relationship with my parents
love my mom, hate my dad
35:Favorite holiday
i like the majority of holidays but probably the spookiest one
36:Tattoos and piercing I have
37:Tattoos and piercing I want
i want like two tattoos
38:The reason I joined Tumblr
i hate myself
39:Do I and my last ex hate each other?
they’re one of my closest friends actually
40:Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night” texts?
no but i love them :(
41:Have I ever kissed the last person I texted?
42:When did I last hold hands?
weeks ago now :(
43:How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?
maybe half an hour
44:Have I shaved my legs in the past three days?
not in the past three years
45:Where am I right now?
my room!!
46:If I were drunk and couldn’t stand, who’s taking care of me?
prob the people I’d be out with
47:Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
48:Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
only my mom but I’m staying on campus for school
49:Am I excited for anything?
the next semester!!
50:Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
51:How often do I wear a fake smile?
too often
52:When was the last time I hugged someone?
around a week ago
53:What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?
id be fucked up
54:What I’d do if I won in a lottery?
treat my friends for putting up w me
55:What is something I disliked about today?
ugh the temperature 
56:If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
dunno tbqh probably LMM
57:What do I think about most?
how much I hate myself lmao!!
58:What’s my strangest talent?
i can dislocate my shoulders kinda
59:Do I have any strange phobias?
60:Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
61:What was the last lie I told?
im fine
62:Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
lemme text
63:Do I believe in ghosts?
64:Do I believe in magic?
65:Do I believe in luck?
66:What I’m really bad at?
being a functioning adult
67:What was the last book I’ve read?
im rereading hp!
68:Favorite pizza topping?
extra cheese or pepperoni
69:Do I have any nicknames?
no :(
70:What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?
broke my arm!
71:Do I spend money or save it?
72:Can I touch my nose with a tongue?
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?
i wanna say yes???
74:Favorite animal?
75:What was I doing last night at 12 AM?
dying inside
76:What do I think Satan’s last name is?
some rich white last name
77:What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?
!!! redbone
78:How can you win my heart?
food & kindness & patience
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?
“Died doing what they loved, dying.”
80:One of my scars, how did I get it?
81:Play any musical instrument?
no :(
82:If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
“what’s up everybody it’s critikal here with another cs:go unboxing video” ironically
83:Where do I want to live when older?
anywhere the water is clear
84:What super power would I want?
85:What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
dunno honestly
86:What is my current desktop picture?
it’s a thing for the witcher!
87:Had sex?
88:Bought condoms?
no but I have them
89:Gotten pregnant?
90:Failed a class?
91:Kissed a boy?
probably once?? dunno 
92:Kissed a girl?
93:Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?
94:Had a job?
nope not yet
95:Favorite TV Show?
not a tv show person tbh
96:Bullied someone on the Internet?
no gross
97:Had sex in public?
98:What was my favorite toy as a child?
i had a cool ass action figure and I still have it somewhere
99:Smoked weed?
100:Did drugs?
101:Smoked cigarettes?
102:Drank alcohol?
103:Am I a vegetarian/vegan?
104:Do I like my handwriting?
not especially it’s ok
105:Was I named after anyone?
some character in a book
106:Been to a wedding?
gay and straight!
107:Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?
yea :(
108:Watched TV for 5 hours straight?
109:Been outside my home country?
110:Gotten my heart broken?
111:How many kids do I want and what will be their names?
at most id ever want two probably
112:Broken a bone?
my arm
113:Cut myself?
114:Been to prom?
115:Been in airplane?
many times
116:What do I want for birthday?
money BLEASE….
117:Been rejected by a crush?
118:Had a crush on someone of the same sex?
119:Learned another language?
learning German rn
120:Had a surgery?
on my arm and one or two others
121:Lost my virginity before I was 18?
122:Had oral sex?
123:Dyed my hair?
no but I wanna
124:Rode in an ambulance?
125: Been fishing?
like three or four maybe five times
0 notes