#and that means that a lot of players will thus want more ut content after finishing the game
infizero · 1 month
i think one of the things that makes toby fox's writing so great is his ability to tell a compelling narrative AND metanarrative at the same time. undertale isn't JUST about how people play games and the need for completionism, and it isn't JUST the main story that you play through. it's both! and both are equally important.
and i think the same will be true for deltarune. some people tend to think of it as black and white when theorizing, either focusing too much on the meta aspects without taking the actual plot and character arcs into account, or doing the opposite and saying that the meta aspects aren't important and won't end up being relevant to the story. it's both! it's always been both!!!
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How would UT,UF,US,and SF react to their S/O being a roller derby queen but hiding it from them because they didn't want them to worry about them? Bonus points if they manage to catch a game of them being amazing, DOUBLE POINTS IF THEIR DERBY NAME IS BONE RELATED!!!! I mean if you want to...
I would love to answer this! I imagine that I wouldn’t be very good considering my horrible balance and brittle bones, but imaginary me would kick some major butt!!
“wait,” Sans is taken aback. “really?”
Once you admit to this lazy bones again, he leans back in his chair, bemused. “huh…” He trails off, nodding his hid coolly. In all honesty, he’s mostly shocked that you were actually able to hide such a significant detail from him for so long. “so that’s how you roll, huh babe?”
Oh, and don’t forget the puns that come with your pastime. He’s always racking his skull for new content.
When he attends his first match of yours. he absolutely nervous, buying two large containers of stress popcorn to chow down on. “what if you get hurt? oh asgore, please don’t get hurt.”
He watches you skate out and almost chokes as he reads the name on your back:
For some odd reason, this comforts him just a bit and he has to keep eating in order to stop his laughter.
Once the match actually starts, its like he’s watching a completely different person. You’re plowing people down left and right, and with every person that fell before you, he would relax more and more and actually start to focus on the game. 
You’ve got this smol skele’s support and he’s definitely treating you to Grillby’s afterwards.
“SO… IT’S LIKE ROLLER SKATING, BUT WITH A LOT MORE VIOLENCE?” Paps is pretty confused when you first admit this fun fact about yourself. Sure, he’s heard of the usual roller skating and heck, even figure skating. But roller derby?
It doesn’t ring a bell.
Once you explain the basic rules of the vigorous sport to him, jammers and all, he seems a little concerned. So that’s where all the bruises came from, huh?
You startle. That’s one of the loudest volumes you’ve ever heard him use. It takes a bit of calming down and reassurance of your skill in the sport to ease Pap into the subject. After a bit of coaxing, you even manage to convince him to go to one of your matches just so you could assure him of your safety.
“W-WELL,” Pap fiddles with his gloves, still a little embarrassed from his last outburst. “IF YOU SAY SO.”
When the day of your match arises, Pap is a nervous wreck. Like seriously, the poor tol brought a first aid kit and everything. He wants to be prepared IF and WHEN you get hurt. As much confidence he has in you, there’s an even bigger part of him that just wants to protect you.
So the instant you plow some poor competitor out of your way, his jaw literally drops. What. Just. Happened??? As you skate around the rink, he finally notices your name, ‘THE GREAT S/O’, and his mind = blown.
He profusely apologizes afterwards for ever doubting you and treats you to heapings of his famous spaghetti. Bless him.
“aw. you wanna go roller skating with me? how cute.” Uh, I think he misheard you.
When you tell him that 1.) You said roller DERBY and 2.) You didn’t want him skate with him, rather have him watch you, he freezes up.
“what?” He chortles. “y-you’re fuckin’ joking, right?” The laughter is taking over him as your anger does to you. He really doesn’t believe you, does he?
You huff angrily as you sweep your duffel bag of gear. “I’ll be at the rink. Don’t follow me.” And with that, you’re out the door. Your offer for him to watch has officially expired.
He sniffles a bit of his cry-laugh tears away, still recovering from his laughter fit. Once he realizes you’re gone, he stiffens up. “crap.” Maybe he shouldn’t have been such a dick.
He teleports to the rink just to make sure you didn’t get yourself killed. His eyelights scan around and as he passes by the concessions, he overhears a particularly interesting conversation.
“Yo dude, hurry up!”
“I’m trying, I’m trying!”
“That Skull Slayer girl’s probably ambushed like, 5 girls while we were here! Hurry up!”
Red grins at the name. His curiosity has been peeked as he enters the crowded arena. Being the little cheater he is, he managed to shortcut his way to the front. Just as he’s about to settle himself in a seat, he has to dodge an oncoming player.
His glare instantly burns from the girl to the shover and in an instant, the prophesized Skull Slayer skrts by. Oh god, that’s one angry skater.
Oh wait, its just you.
His sockets are widened immensely and he has an awful impulse to laugh at how oddly things were playing out. A part of him also feels a little guilty for ever doubting you, but he ignores the feeling and settles with watching you do your thing.
Before you could see him, he vanishes. This is a secret he’s keeping to himself.
He’s also a little titillated, but shhh.
Edge places a gloved hand on his chest. “ARE YOU SERIOUS?” He asks with a gasp.
When you nod your head in affirmation, he gives you an odd stare as he does a double take. He scans you up and down. Is your body type suited for that sort of vicious activity? BY ASGORE IT WAS!! The resilient bones, the stubborn attitude, and that spunk in your eyes…
“S/O!! I DEMAND THAT I ESCORT YOU TO ONE OF YOUR MATCHES!!” You were going to invite him anyways, but it looks like he’s already put it upon himself to do the ‘asking’.
The big day comes quicker than anticipated, for Edge at least. He had been prepping your body with nutritious meals and vigorous exercises, but a self-conscious part of him felt like that wasn’t enough. A week wasn’t enough to mold you into the perfect roller derBEAST and that made him absolutely nervous as he watched you.
Well, at least he got you to change your stage name to ‘THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE S/O’. That gave him some sort of solace.
The thing about Edge was that he wasn’t necessarily nervous about your safety. Hey! You should’ve known about the dangers that came with stepping into the rink. What set him off edge (hehe) was the possibility of you making a fool of yourself, thus making him look foolish.
His ego suddenly overflowed as you smacked two skaters out of your way. A big childish grin slapped across his face as looked around at a few visibly disturbed fans from the opposing team. “HA! DID YOU SEE THAT?! YOUR PUNY FIGURE SKATERS NEVER POSED A THREAT AGAINST MY GREAT AND TERRIBLE S/O!”
After the match, for some odd reason, Edge seems a bit more clingy. He won’t let your spunky self escape him as he keeps referring to you as “THE RULER OF THE RINK”.
You nod, giggling at his odd use of the word ‘funsies’.
“OH…THAT’S COOL, I GUESS?” Gosh, he feels so awkward. He wants to tell you something like, ‘THAT’S SUPER DANGEROUS!!’ or “HEY DON’T DO THAT!!’, but he wisely figures that something so passion filled must mean a lot to you. “C-COULD YOU INFORM ME ON YOUR NEXT GAME OR MATCH OR WHATEVER THEY’RE CALLED? I WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOU PLAY!” He manages to play off his concerns, albeit in a not so subtle way (to him at least).
The day of your next match comes and golly, he’s not ready. Like Tale! Pap, he’s got his whole diaper bag of medical supplies, but he takes it a step further and has 9-1-1 on speed dial. Never has Blueberry sweated so much sitting down, like seriously, I think he’s burning more calories here than he ever will in his entire life training with Alphys.
His fingers are crossed and he’s praying to whatever stronger force there is out there to keep you safe. Sure, he’s sparred with you before, but he takes it easy on you. For someone as “GREAT AND MAGNIFICENT AS HIMSELF” would be too much to handle at full force. But what about these random beefed up ladies?? They don’t know that they should be gentle with-
He flinches as you zoom by a flock of opponents, making them all fall with a single swipe. 
I think you broke him?
When the match is finally over, you have to shake him back to his senses. Like really, the place’s empty already. Once he breaks out of his shock, he is showering you with praise and skelekisses.
Such a sweetheart.
“its always the sweet ones with the oddest hobbies, isn’t it?” Stretch wonders aloud as he reclines in his seat.
He strokes his chin, immediately getting himself lost in thought. “now that i think about it, that actually makes a lot of sense.”
You tilt your head. What kind of reaction was this?? “What do you mean?”
“what?” He seems quite amused at your question. “you didn’t think i was oblivious to all those bruises, didya? plus, the skates in your room were a dead giveaway.”
Welp, you kinda suck at hiding things.
You figured you might as well invite him to one of the darn matches to make up for your obliviousness.
“sure i’ll go, honeybun. i’d skate to see you go alone.”
Dumb puns aside, he does attend your match. For some odd reason, he’s the least concerned of the skeles. He sits up in the stands with a bundle of lollipops and is pretty content with the environment, save for the loud set of opposing team supporters beside him.
“Oh yeah! That other team is fucked!” One man yells.
The man besides him notices Stretch and grins, making full eye contact with him.”All they have going for them is that Femur Fever bitch! That’s it! We’ll win for sure!”
Stretch’s smile tightens. That was the same name he had laughed at the whole car ride up here. He doesn’t say anything. Instead, he continues watching you do your thing.
‘please do something cool.’
‘please prove these asshats wrong.’
As if the stars above had aligned in his favor, you overlap the other team with ease and the opposing fans go silent.
Now its Stretch’s turn to smile like an idiot. He has that face that only the smuggest of bastards wear as he stares at the men who had pulled some passive aggressive BS on him
‘yeah. how do them apples taste, asshole?’
Like UT! Sans, he’s very supportive of your interests and treats you to a bite at Muffet’s afterwards.
You had him at derby. That would imply that its a competition.
Uh okay, you’re going to pretend you didn’t hear that.
“SO TELL ME, S/O. WHAT DO YOU DO IN THIS SO CALLED ‘ROLLER DERBY’??” He inquired with a quotation of his hands.
Once you explain to him the jist of the sport, he’s beaming at you. Actually, that’s probably one of the happiest faces you’ve seen him make.
You let out a confused ‘huh?’. “Really? Like right now right now?”
Blackberry is a little disgruntled at your hesitance. “YES! LIKE RIGHT NOW RIGHT NOW!”
Before you had a chance to respond, he’s dragging you out to the car with your gear in hand. “WE MUST LEAVE NOW OR YOU’LL BE LATE FOR THE MATCH!”
“Wait, what match?”
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT MATCH?? I MEAN THE ONE I SIGNED YOU UP FOR RIGHT NOW!” Oh lord, he has his calendar pulled out and everything.
And so, you had to mentally prepare yourself for the derby match he had instantaneously  signed you up for. Fortunately for you, it was an amateur match he had thrown you in. Afterall, what organization would’ve accepted you so quickly?
You knock on your covered head. “Definitely.”
“ALRIGHT THEN.” He’s about to turn you loose when you suddenly see him go all fidgety. He seems to be contemplating something.
“Sans? You oka-” He stops your concerns with a kiss to your cheek. His skull burns a bright purple and he quickly looks away. “D-DON’T HURT YOURSELF TOO MUCH, S/O. SOMEBODY REALLY CARES ABOUT YOU.”
His words stick to you as you speed by a group of competitors. What? They don’t call you Askeleration for nothing.
Meanwhile, Blackberry is yelling in the stands and is clinging for dear life onto the seat in front of him. “GO S/O! FIGHT THEM WITH YOUR UNDYING FURY AND PASSION! SHOW THEM WHAT IT TRULY MEANS TO BE THE ALPHA SKATER!!”
Once you’re done absolutely obliterating the others, Blackberry has this grin on his face as he marches you over to the car. He won’t stop recalling the match play-by-play.
Stop him now or surrender your sleep.
“roller derby, m’lady? really?!” Rus stares at you with amazement.
The sudden level of praise made you blush, but you stutter out a ‘yes’ anyways.
“oh boy,” His wonder quickly washes off his face as he takes your forearm. “you’re not hurt, are you love?”
You shrug. “It’s a part of the sport, but I really am okay.”
His smile is tight as he drags his phalanges across a few old bruises. “oh no,” It sounds like he’s talking to himself. “well, at least these look older.”
You start to feel a little guilty for making him worry. “Sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.” Bringing your arm up to your face, you place a gentle peck on his knuckles.
He seems flattered by this gesture. “s’fine, love,” His other hand makes his way to your face. “jus’ a little concerned about you, s’all.” As he cups the side of your head, you lean into him.
“Does this mean you’re gonna watch my next match?” You look up at him with innocent eyes, a smile creeping on your lips.
“next match?” He deflates. “oh love. i don’t think i could ever handle watching all those people attempt to hurt my mistress.”
“Its just a game, Rus,” You huff. “I’ll be fine. Trust me.”
Rus eyes you up and down. He’s never been so unsure of something so…spontaneous. One one hand, you’ll be able to do what you love, but risk the chance of getting hurt. On the other hand, he declines and you’re mad at him for 5ever.
“i…” Rus scrapes his skull for an answer. “i-i guess i’m watching you then, huh?” Oh stars, he’s already regretting his answer.
But that excited expression you made silence his protests.
On the day of your match, your coach’s protest fall on deaf ears as Rus seats himself on the team bench. After a while, your coach stops her nagging as she starts to use his 6′8 presence as an intimidation tactic. He was silently refusing her demands, so why not use this to the team’s advantage?
Rus has this unreadable grin every time you sweep by him and he’s absolutely humored by your stage name: Skullface.
Its so suave and skeleton related. Its so you.
And he’s only further elated as you dodge and parry every charging opponent, yelling out commands to your teammates at 100mph.
Afterwards, he takes you out to a restaurant with bountiful amounts of food. I mean, how else is he gonna keep his little jammer healthy?
The tol only falls further for you.
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