#and thats why hes claustrophobic now!
cinnabeat · 1 year
ANYWAYS im slowly going thru thr kh manga and while i know its mostly the art style sora just looks so TINY like that is a squishy little baby and he is out there fighting heartless and desling with the most traumatic moments of his life like oh my god
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hatchet-boy · 3 months
Judging SPN Seasons By How Messy It Would Be If Sam And Dean Started Having Sex
Season 1: freshly reunited. no one else in their world but them. they are obsessed with each other. they would fuck like feral dogs and it would make them so much worse. also dad is there. unspeakably messy. 12/10
Season 2: dad just died. the grief sex would be more tears than come and at least one of them is probably saying johns name mid fuck. dean might have to kill baby brother (TM) and so the obvious reaction to this would be extremely possessive sex. sam would not like that attitude (with the one exception of if it happens when hes drunk in playthings). messy in even grosser but marginally less feral ways than szn one. 13/10
Season 3: milder. still obsessed with each other but more settled into it now. deans turn to maybe die and sams turn to be uber-doober possessive about it. unlike sam, dean would be extremely into that. and his deal is comin due so he might as well. sad and tragic,, but not that messy. probably still more tears than come. 6/10
Season 4: dean just came back from hell to find sam fucking his new demon girlfriend. the angels are there. they're still hunting but Stuff Is Going On and god knows they need to be grounded with each other to make it through. sex would probably help. would do the opposite than make things messier. would be vicious. definite chance dean might try to feed sam his blood. 4/10
Season 5: apocalypse fuck. oh fuck. ruby is dead. angels and death and demons and god and destiny. sam and dean are the most experienced and secure theyve ever been and yet. the whole damn world is about to explode. and yet they are still tortured and annoyed by the goofy everday hunting horrors. fucking would be nice for them, would remind them they belong to each other. they think theyre gonna die so the consequences wouldnt matter a whole lot. less insulated and worried about holy judgment so the incest thing may be a bother now. 2/10
Season 6: you fuck your brother but its not your brother he's different in ways you cant explain but you havent seen him in months and you thought you lost him and hes not quite right but fuck he looks like him and talks like him and knows everything about the two of you and he fucks like a greek god and hes mean as a motherfucker in bed but you can take it its fine its worth it its sam godammit-
Season 7: stranded up the creek without even a twig for a paddle. both brothers are destroyed and traumatised and forcing each other forward by force of necessity and a brotherly hand on the back of the neck. at least its just them alone together (dean please ignore the hallucination of lucifer sitting in the corner and judging our cock size-). sex would go terribly and be the most unsexy sex ever sexed. but they would probably like the closeness if sam could handle it. messy but wouldnt ruin them long term. there would be a terrible Dick joke. 8/10
Season 8: WHOA BOY WHAT A DOOZY. BOTH BROTHERS HAVE PARAMOURS ON THE SIDE WHOM THE OTHER FUCKIN HATES. DEAN IS PURGATORY FERAL AND HAS ONE EYE ON A VAMP. SAM IS SOFT HAS HIS PINKY FINGER TWINED AROUND SOME RANDOM GIRL. WHY DIDNT YOU LOOK FOR ME?? // YOU TOLD ME NOT TO!! // YOU TRUST A DAMN VAMPIRE OVER YOUR OWN BROTHER?? // YOU HIT A DOG... meanwhile sam is doing the trials losing his mind again and dean is losing his mind about that. letting you down was my biggest sin//there is nothing i would ever put in front of you. messy. 10/10.
Season 9: less than ideal with sam possessed by and angel. dean is rocking with the guilt and confliction. the mark of cain is also making him a bit feral again. theyre safe together in the bunker but thats already claustrophobic enough sex might just suffocate them both. pretty messy. 7/10
Season 10: your big brother is an angry angry man but its not his fault right??? its because of the mark right?? he cant control it and you love him and you want to stay in the safe house/bunker/tomb with him you dont want to leave anymore and you need him. youve both been through enough. you deserve this. there would be minimal messiness caused by sex with your brother rn. exception to those few weeks where he was a demon. 2/10
Season 11: gods sister is here and its the apocalypse again. dean hates what he has with Her. at least his sammy is here. at least theyre together. still crazy about each other. gay incest sex is the most reasonable reaction. god might find out- but then again, he and his sister are pretty wacked out together too, and are we not made in gods image?. 1/10
Season 12: Mom is here and so is lucifer and his kid and also the cunt ass brits. not ideal. minimal messiness so long as no one finds out. and fuck all them anyway its pretty clear sam and dean can only ever really trust each other. sex would be affirming and safe here. they are absolutely fucking in the kitchen to the smell of toast and coffee. dean discovers he has an std because no its not normal that your balls have iched like that for the past four years you need to go to a doctor and dean i swear on the impala if you gave it to me- . 3/10
Season 13 to 15: fellas is it gay to have sex with your brother who you've been functionally married to for over a decade? probably not right ha ha. if they havent already fucked by now theyre not going to. theyre just gonna be intensely platonically married until they die. they both have erectile dysfunction by this point . sex would mean everything to them but change nothing they would still be old and married in their bunker with the devils kid tomorrow regardless. they dont care what people think anymore. fuck all messiness. 1/10
Post Season 15 Finale/Heaven: we deserve a soft epilogue my love sammy. mildly concerned about being kicked out of heaven for incest but with everything else theyve done they still made it there. it would be the least of their sins. lovely soft and nothing hurts. can you make a sex tape in heaven? 0/10
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sanjisblackasswife · 1 year
Telling OP Men More Dirty Pickup Lines (NSFW-ISH)
Part 1
Black Fem Reader in Mind
Ft. Ace, Sanji, Luffy, Zoro, Law,
Zoro: “Are You Claustrophobic? Because I wanna wrap my thighs around your face tonight”
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“Well at least its not a stupid pickup line like last time.”
“I hate you so much right now.”
Zoro does have blush on his face at the thought of your thighs smothering him but it doesn’t stop his snarky remarks
“Matter of fact i am claustrophobic so you cant.”
“Spell it.”
Sanji: “I was ganna use a dirty pickup line, but youre dirty enough lets just fuck.”
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You nearly gave the man a heart attack.
A stroke
A headache
“I-i-i-i um!!??”
His face is pink at how quick you are to just spill put what you want to him. And at first he didn’t believe you actually so he tried looking away but it wasn’t until you turned him around to face you and looked in his eyes so say
“Im serious Sanji…go lock the door.”
It was a dirty night for you both to say the least
Luffy: “Can tonight you show me what the D. In your name really means?”
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I mean what the hell were you even going for with that one.
This mf dont even know what it stands for
“Well actually Y/N I think the D stands for D—“
“Luffy no thats not what i meant.”
At this point you just point at his dick again and he squints
“Why do you always say a riddle and then point at my shorts.”
Law: “Are You a Doctor? I have a throbbing sensation between my legs that needs to be looked at.”
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Hes so sick of you.
“Put some ice on it.”
“What do you want from me, Y/N.”
“Pull out your penis.”
“Get the hell out!”
Ace: “Fuck me if I’m wrong, but fish can fly right?”
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“Well in the United States in the Pacific in the Atlantic Coasts there are—-“
“Why the hell do you know that?”
“I stayed up with Marco watching an animal documentary.”
You both just stare at each other like this 🧍🏾‍♀️🧍🏼
Then all of a sudden your pick up line clicks
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“You wouldn’t have a key to this random door, would you?” 
Flufftober 14: locked in/trapped
You and Leon are stuck in a storage closet at the DSO's headquarters. One problem: You're claustrophobic.
fluff, (obvi) second person pov, gn reader, idiots in love, mutual pining, leon is awkward at feelings, he is also a major simp for you, written with re4 leon in mind but can be read as any, let me know if i need more tags. i don’t think it needs much? NOT PROOFREAD.
word count: 2.1k
i fell in love with leon and subsequently hopped on the fluff train, now i'm writing this nonsense fic. rationale is,, not optimum rn but thats fine, uhh enjoy, simps.
“Ow-!” Leon winced in response to you stepping on his foot by accident. 
“Sorry!” You took your foot off of Leon’s as you tried to look for that damn battery pack Hunnigan told you and Leon to look for, struggling greatly to find it as you shined your flashlight in various directions, trying to find it. 
A blackout had happened at the DSO. Those usually never happen at HQ, due to there being backup generators during city-wide blackouts, but apparently, some idiot electrician fixing something down there had screwed up and caused all the lights at HQ to go bye-bye.
So now you were stuck in a dark, small, storage room only big enough for two people to freely move around in, looking for a spare battery pack for people’s flashlights. 
“Found it yet?” Leon asked, shining his flashlight at the storage racks filled with various chemicals and cleaning supplies. You scoffed in response.
“If I did, I’d be grabbing the thing and getting out of this damn room ASAP. Starting to get really uncomfortable here..” You replied with snark, spotting the battery pack a little bit after. With a feeling of accomplishment, you took it. “Found it.” You turned around and held it up, shining your flashlight upwards.
“Good, let’s get out of here and get it to Hunnigan. Still don’t know why she made us do this..” He sighs, hand reaching out to turn the lever door knob. 
As he does so, the door knob falls to the floor with a clatter. Leon picks it back up and tries to reattach the piece of metal, but fails; and it falls to the floor again. 
Silence envelops the room as the two of you stare at the door knob for a few seconds… and then slowly, your eyes meet each other’s. 
“What did you do!?” You were the first to break the silence with an exasperated remark, questioning how the fuck Leon managed to break the doorknob.
“I didn’t do anything! The knob just.. broke.” He replies, equally as confused as you are. 
Oh shit, this was your worst nightmare put into words. Which was ironic, considering you worked at an organisation that dealt with nightmarish monstrosities on the regular. 
Of all the things you could be afraid of, somehow small spaces were one of those great fears.
You felt yourself begin to panic. The room felt suffocating. 
“Okay, relax, I’ll just call Hunnigan and tell her we’re stuck in the storage closet. She’ll get us out.” Leon pulled out his phone and flipped it open, dialling Hunnigan. Shortly after, she picked up, and he explained what had happened to the both of you. 
As Leon was on the phone with her, you bit the inside of your cheek and began to zone out, trying to keep yourself together. You could barely hear their conversation as a high-pitched ringing drowned out their voices.
“..Thanks Hunnigan. Bye.” He ended the call, flipping his phone closed with a sigh. “Hunnigan called facilities. ETA is in an hour, so we might as well get comfy.” He pocketed the device as he turned to your still form staring at the wall. “Hey, you good?” He reached over to pat you on the shoulder, snapping you out of your trance.
That seemed to work, as your head immediately turned to him. “Huh? What?”
Leon sighed, repeating what he just said to you. “Are you okay?” He added at the end. “You were kinda.. zoning out.”
You shook your head and sighed, your face twisted into a frown. “No- yeah, I’m uh..” 
Leon raised a brow. “Are you okay or not?” 
Figuring that you can’t hide the truth forever, especially not in a room as small as this, you decided to tell him your fear. “I’m claustrophobic. And I’m kinda, y’know, freakin’ out right now-” You laughed in an attempt to stop yourself from spiralling, but it just made you look sad. 
A look of realisation crossed Leon’s face as he tried to think of what to do to help you calm down. He had experienced panic attacks before, and he knew how to deal with them. Maybe that can help?
“Alright, deep breaths right now, okay?” Leon took your hands and sat you down on the cold floor in an attempt to ground you back to reality. He gently took your face and made you look at him, his blue eyes meeting yours. “Tell me five things you can see.” He took your shining flashlight and pointed it up, letting you see your surroundings.
You looked around momentarily, your eyes landing on a plastic container filled with an orange liquid. “Floor cleaner,” Your eyes trailed over to other spots, “Rat poison, white floor, mop, mop bucket.”  
“Good.” Leon tried to remember the next step. “Four things you can touch.” 
You raised a hand and felt around the place, landing on the cold floor. “Floor..” You touched your arm, fabric balled into your grip. “Clothes,” you reached behind you to feel the cold metal of the storage rack. “Storage rack..” 
You then looked down at Leon’s hand on yours, turning your wrist to intertwine your fingers with his. “Your hand..” You mumbled with a little warmth in your cheeks. Leon seemed to share the same heat on his face as well, but you both chose to ignore it.
Clearing his throat, Leon let your hand stay with his as he ran you through the last three steps of the grounding technique. 
“You feel better?” He asks softly, rubbing the skin of your hand with his thumb. 
You nodded, looking up at him. “Yeah, yeah, I’m.. feeling better now..” 
There was a kind of tension in the room as the two of you sat on the floor of the supply closet in silence, hand in hand. Neither of you had ever done this before, so there was a definite awkwardness.
He was just trying to help you calm down, You thought to yourself, rationalising his actions. Nothing more to it. 
Your eyes shifted over to Leon, glancing at his face for a second before looking away.
Shit, they’re probably uncomfortable right now, Leon silently thought to himself. But, they’re not pulling their hand away.. Maybe they don’t mind it?
“How- how much time did Hunnigan say facilities would get here?” You broke the silence with a question.
“An hour, she said. Although, they might get here a bit later because they’re still dealing with the electricity problem. Then they’ll get us out.” He replied with a sigh, leaning back into the metal storage rack behind the two of you. “Don’t worry. It probably won’t be too long.” 
You nodded in response. An hour, huh? Well fuck. What’s two people to do ‘til then?
The two of you sat in more silence as you quietly waited for time to pass by, the occasional clicking of shoes together the only source of sound in the room. Leon’s flashlight was propped up and acted as the singular light source that illuminated everything just enough for it to be visible. With which, you decided to admire your best friend’s arms.
Everyone with eyes knew Leon was a catch. He was blessed with good looks, and a body that looked like it was chiselled by the Gods. Whether he knew it or not, he was dashing. You knew that, everyone did. 
Fortunately, (or unfortunately,) you had the pleasure of knowing what was behind that physical layer and found the treasure underneath. He was kind, endearing, always fought for what was right, and was overall, a really good guy.
And thus, the crush began. You’ve been hiding it pretty well, you’d think. He didn’t seem to notice anything. Besides, if he did, it’s not like you could do anything about it. He probably doesn’t feel the same..
As you went on your little thought train, your mind wandered deeper into the brainrot, thinking about how his arms would feel wrapped around you and embracing you in a warm hug..
“Can you like, hug me?”
Leon turned to you, giving you a look of confusion. “What?” 
Shit, did you say that out loud? FUCK.
Well, no turning back now.
“Uh- can you.. give me a hug?” You asked again, a little more embarrassed this time.
He was a little bit hesitant, but you reassured him that it was fine. And so he finally put his arms around you, gently pulling you towards him and resting your head on his shoulder. The position was not innocent at all. You were facing him, your chest against his as his arms wrapped around your waist and your head rested on his shoulder. 
 A little intimate for ‘best friends’, there. A little voice in your head spoke up, but you quickly shut it down, deciding to ignore it in favour of feeling the comfort of Leon’s arms around you.
Even if he doesn’t like you in the same way, then at least… you can still enjoy the feeling of being his best friend. Enjoy this hug. 
Your shoulders slumped a little at that thought. 
Holy fuck, holy fuck, holy fuck, the holiest of fucks. What in the actual hell am I doing?
Leon silently panicked to himself as he held you in his arms. Was he really doing this? Was this real? Did he or did he really not have his best friend/long-time crush in his arms right now? And you’re the one that asked for the hug? This was a dream come true. 
Maybe… this is a hint that they like me? He thought to himself, before dismissing the thoughts. No.. they probably don’t feel the same way. 
He heard a little yawn from you, betraying your fatigue. “You wanna sleep?” He asked, to which you nod in response to. “Alright..” Acknowledgement comes from him in the form of a soft whisper.
Fuck, they’re so cute when they’re tired.. He raised a hand from your waist to your back, drawing circles to help you fall asleep. He knew you deserved this. You’ve been running around settling the technical things since the blackout, no wonder you’d be just about ready to collapse. 
After about 20 minutes, he eventually feels you relax in his arms, your breathing slowing down to a calmer, more peaceful pace. A tell-tale sign that you’re asleep.
He sighs quietly, deciding to talk to himself as you sleep. “Why did I have to fall for you?” He whispers as he continues to draw circles on your back. “Why did it have to be you?” 
“You’re way out of my league. Stunning, smart, funny… God, I knew I’d never have a chance, but I just couldn’t help falling for you.”
It was really no wonder how he fell for you. You were everything he wanted, but he knew he’d never have you for a multitude of reasons.
“You’re much better off without me. You shouldn’t have to worry about someone who’ll die on you anytime I’m away. But fuck, I want you so bad.”
That was the truth. His job made it hard to maintain a relationship, he knew that, you knew that. In fact, every agent in the building knew it. Though there were no restrictions on having a family, most were either too busy to find love or chose not to for obvious reasons.
Leon held you tighter in his arms, being careful not to crush you. “I love you. So much. I know I can’t have you, but that’s fine. I’ll keep loving you from afar.” 
He sighed, thinking about why he was even spilling his heart out like this. “What am I saying? You can’t even hear me..” He chuckled mirthlessly.  His hand gently cradled the back of your head, a small smile on his face as he played with the hair on the nape of your neck. 
Unbeknownst to him, you were still awake. Half-asleep, but you heard everything.
The lights flickered back on, waking Leon up from his sleep. The power was back, and there was a clattering of the lock on the other side of the door.
“You two okay in there?” Hunnigan’s muffled voice called from the other side of the door. “We almost got the lock opened, just hold on.”
A few minutes later, the door opened, revealing a guy from facilities and Hunnigan standing in the doorway. “Oh, thank God you two are fine-” 
She stops in her tracks, spotting you in Leon’s arms, sitting on the floor. She blinks a few times, trying to connect the dots. “Did you two-” 
“Nothing happened.” Leon got up, carrying you with ease and walking out of the door. He did not want to speak of what happened, lest it caused a gossip storm among the employees. “Don’t tell anyone.” 
Hunnigan just followed along, kind of having this ‘whatever’ mindset. 
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You ever just get the urge to write an essay about errorink??? 
Every now and then I remember that people not into the ship think its just an “enemies to lovers” thing and its like OH BOY ITS SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT 
miniture ship ramble of one reason i love error x ink under the cut
For me Ive always found it a comfort ship because I just find their to be something poetic about the idea of how two people both under the impression that they could never be capable of love managing to somehow find a way to make it work: In a way I find the way people that dislike the ship talk about how “it could never work” to be ironic, cause to me thats like the whole point
like error as he exits his joker peak insanity phase and starts to realize how much hes isolated himself (insert the error clean freak amv) and ink as he slowly learns and tries to understand all the feelings hes been allowed to feel, and its just like, the idea that these indivuals that view themselves as very seperate to the rest of the world, putting themselves on a pedestal of cockyness and having put up walls without themselves realizing, both of them are under the impression that love is a feeling they are incapable of, that there are incapable of true meanigful connection with others, and that even if they were it wouldnt be enough, that ink deserves better than someone who cant express his feelings, and error deserves someone with a soul to share
and that these to indivuals who struggle to communicate are able to form their own social signals and laungauge between themselves and learn to understand each other and learn that relationships are worth the time to learn to understand someone, 
I like stories where error slowly overcomes some haphephobia for ink but I also love stories where ink and error make it work despite that, where ink despite being a very touchy person and not being top tier at expressing feelings for others manages to find other ways to express care for error, and the two are able to be content in their relationship despite it
This is why “love like you” is an errorink anthem to me, error sees how ink is so passionate about everything despite a lack of soul and how he manages to appreciate the muktiverse despite understanding the nilihsim and lack if meaning to it all, its how their both considered godly beings when both of them started out as just, remains of broken worlds, neither of them fully understand how they’ve come to admire and care for the other they just do
I also think theres some neat parallels to make with their “destoryer” and “creator” titles and backrounds, both were trumatized by staying in a blank infinite white space for too long, for error this cause him to be a minimilist claustrophobe and for ink this caused him to find comfort of clutter and fear wide blank spaces, error directly destroys worlds in universe, ink indirectly helps to create worlds both in but also out of universe, while the destroyer error than procedes to delicately hand make dolls and knit and crochet, while the creator ink has quite the talent for destorying his own relationships!
okay on the topic of ink’s relationships I find errorink even better with some past tense drink, (where ink and dream evvuentually reformed their friendship) 
personally I prefer narrative where there were never like, legit enemies, like on inks side it was just the opposing ideals but ink was otherwise always down to annoy chat with him :) and on errors side error hated him before he got to know him, and over time in tsundere fashion annoying traits became endearing ones, and I’d imagine more so than anything what could cause errors feelings to grow is that Ink still stuck around even though error’s not kind to him
It also doesn't necessarily have to be romantic, its top tier as an unlabeled queer platonic type thing as well, I prefer it romantic cause I think they have excellant romantic chemistry but its still perfection as just platonic
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holywolfrebelpeanut · 1 month
Okay so I was thinking of doing this post where I (shockingly) compared kotlc characters to ajr songs, and I decided Im gonna make a whole series. So this is part one, analyzing and giving kotlc characters lines from one song at a time. I won't repeat lyrics like choruses.
Ajr-Kotlc character analysis.
Song: Touchy Feely Fool
Well Im not too superstitious, but I knock on wood a lot. Praying I'll wake up tomorrow, get the guts to tell you off.
This naturally feels like Keefe, hoping he could finally tell his dad off for being a shit dad, but never actually being brave enough.
However this also feels like Sophie! Wanting to tell off the Black Swan or just take her anger on them, considering she's often not thrilled with them.
But I know I'll never get there, you could screm you wish me dead, but I'll crawl back to you tomorrow. Why the hell can't I get mad?
All I have to say is Dex!!!! He's been treated pretty poorly by the whole group pretty often, but he never leaves Sophie's side and is always there for everyone. He's a real one.
Someday won't this be funny? Well I want it funny now, and I wanna laugh so loud.
Keefe. No explanation needed.
Someday won't this be long ago? I wanna feel that now.
VACKER SIBLINGS!!!! They're sick of being compared to the rest of their family, including Alvar and all of his scandals. You can't tell me Biana doesn't want this shit OVERRR WITHHH
Sorry if I can't see how I'm screwed, hey what can you do? I'm a touchy feely fool. I would give anything to not give a shit about you.
Marella honestly. She wanted sooo bad to be apart of the group and they ditched her! She brought so much to the story, really. She acts like what they did didn't hurt her, but you can definitely see that it did.
Life is pretty cruel, for a touchy feely fool. I would give anything to not give a shit, but I do.
Dex. 100%. He cares SO MUCH about what everyone thought of him. He never wanted his siblings making fun of him. He tried so hard to impress everyone with his ability so that they wouldn't look over him. Dex is a complex character you can't change my mind. He's got many layers.
Well I'm not too claustrophobic, but I lose my breath sometimes. Now I can't even talk to you, now your lawyers talk to mine.
Wylie in the first few books and later on. Whether it be not wanting to talk to Sophie, or his capture and torture by the Neverseen. I feel like he could've been so much more interesting than he ended up being.
Could you teach me to be ruthless, could I be unfeeling too? Maybe someday when I'm older, I'll be better off like you.
Okay okay this ones my favorite. I have so much on this line right here. In Nightfall, Vespera tells Sophie she could've easily killed someone and saved her parents or whatever all at once if she wasn't so protective of her friends, or so 'fragile'. In Flashback, she starts wondering if Vespera was right. She wants to start using her power and get shit done!!!!!! I think she definitely saw the pros to Vespera wanting elves to be able to have the capacity for violence, but only to battle the Neverseen, not for Vesperas reasons. This line has so much juicy goods.
I'm better off a stick, I'm better off a stone, I'm better off a jerk, I'm better off alone.
Fitz. Fitz, dont even talk to me. I just know after what happened in Exile that he HATES the fact he can't control his anger. I just know he has so much anger and resentment. I think he hates himself a lot for what he's done, and wishes he could just forget it all. He. Ugh. I love him.
I'm better not feeling stress or feeling bliss I won't feel much at least I wont be feeling this!
Keefe! Obviously. His empath powers really string this whole line together nicely.
thats it folks consider reblogging please I worked so hard on this
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scarisd3ad · 1 year
To the end and back [daryl Dixon x reader]
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Chapter five - everything has changed
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Summary - after the world ended you were sure you’d never find love again but a certain archer catches your eyes and changes the entire trajectory of your life.
A/n - Last chapter of season 1, season 2 coming soon.
Tw- death, mentions of suicide, suicidal thoughts
Season 1 ep 6
tw - death, mentions of suicide, and suicidal thoughts.
It opened it actually opened, I was sure no one was in there, that not one part of the government was left. We all walk in ready to see hordes of walkers, ready for this to be a trap set by some sick fuck that broke into the CDC. "Daryl, you cover the back" Shane orders. We walk in with Rick leading the way. He's got his gun pointed forward, ready to fire "hello? Hello?" he shouts as he walks forward.
"Close those doors. Watch for walkers." We slowly walk through the building. We're all alert, ready to see a horde of infected former CDC workers but there isn't its clean and pristine there's not one drop of blood in sight it looked like the world hadn't ended. every other building I've been in since the world ended had been littered with bodies, and blood stained the walls, but this looked like how it probably looked in the old world. like it was ready to be filled with doctors and scientists trying to figure out cures for diseases in the world. "Hello?!" Then we see him, a guy, a doctor, he has light brown hair, and he looks at least in his forties. At first, we think he's a walker, so we all get ready to shoot. "Anybody infected?" The guy shouts we put down our guns. "One of our groups was...he didn't make it" Rick answers.
"Why are you here? What do you want?" The guy asks as he walks a bit closer, he sounds tired like he's ready to give up. "A chance" Rick replies breathily. "Thats asking an awful lot these days." The guy inches a bit closer. Rick shakes his head agreeing "I know." a chance is a lot to ask for, sometimes even got a hefty price on it these days.
"You all submit to a blood test. That's the price of admission." rick nods and replies "We can do that". The guy lowers his gun "you got stuff to bring in, you do it now. Once this door closes it stays closed." Some of us end up running out grabbing anything we might need.
Dale, and t-dog close the two main doors and the man says "vi, seal the main entrance. kill the power up here" the rolling door closes back. "Rick grimes" Rick says sticking his hand out "dr. Edwin jenner."
The elevator hums as it descends. We're packed in it like sardines. "Doctors always go around packin' heat like that?" Daryl asks referring the the large gun dr. Jenner carried. "There were plenty left lying around. I familiarized myself....but you look harmless enough." He replies. "Except you, I'll have to keep my eye on you" he says to Carl which makes Carl grin a bit.
We're walking down a white hallway; it reminds me of the somehow eerie hallways of a hospital. "Are we underground?" Carol asks, with her brows furrowed up in confusion. Jenner turns around "Are you claustrophobic?" Jenner asks, "a little." Carol replies "try not to think about it." He says Turning back around and continuing to walk.
"Vi, bring up the lights in the big room." Jenners voice echos as he shouts. We enter a large room with bunches, and bunches of computers. computers that are supposed to be occupied by doctors. The lights flicker on. "Welcome to zone 5."
Where is everybody? The other doctors the staff?" Rick asks confusions flooding his face. we hoped for there to be more staff, more doctors trying to figure out what the hell was going on, but it seemed like Jenner was the last one left. "I'm it...it's just me here" Jenner replies which is disappointing to most of us. "What about the person you were speaking with? Vi?" Lori asks as we all come to a stop. "Vi, say hello to our guests. Tell them...welcome." Jenner shouts.
A computerized voice comes over the overhead speakers "hello, guests. Welcome."
"I'm all that's left. I'm sorry" Jenner says as he turns around. We all get blood test. Since we haven't ate properly in the past month or two, we're all a bit woozy afterwards. I'm sitting across from Jenner watching as my blood drains into a small vile. He takes the vile out and retracts the needle. "All done" he says. I dizzily stand up from the chair. Glenn's stood behind me. He grabs both my arms stabilizing me. I've lost a lot of blood in the last few days. "You, okay?" Jenner asks. I nod slowly. "She's lost a lot of blood already; she hasn't eaten in days either. None of us have."
Jenner offers us dinner. He's got so much food and drinks. I haven't seen so much food in my entire life. We all seem happy, for the first time in the last few months. We're actually happy. We're all laughing and chitchatting like we're old friends.
"You know in Italy; children have a little bit of wine with dinner" Dale says as he hands a cup of wine to Lori. "And in France" Dale adds. "Well, when Carl is in Italy of France, he can have some then" Lori says covering up the cup that sat in front of Carl. "What's it gonna hurt? Come on" Rick says trying to persuade his wife to let there 12-year-old have some wine. Lori turns her head towards Rick with a small smile on her face "come on" Rick laughs.
"What?" Everyone's giggling as Lori shrugs. Dale hands Carl a cup with just a little bit of wine in it "there you are, young lad" Carl puts the cup up to his lips and takes a tiny sip we're all staring at carl waiting for his reaction. "Eww" Carl says as he scrunched up his face in disgust. We all burst out laughing again. I'm pretty sure we all remember our first drink and our reaction was pretty much the same as Carls.
"That's my boy. That's my boy" Lori says as she takes the cup from Carl and pours it into hers. "That tastes nasty" he says as he shakes his head. "Well, just stick to soda pop there, bud." Shane says. Glenn hasn't drunk much tonight. Probably doesn't want to be as hung over as he was this morning. I've had myself a few cups. By few I mean like five but I'm fine. "Not you, Glenn" Daryl says. Daryl's drunk as fuck. He's going to be fucked in the morning. "What?" Glenn asks raising his head, a little embarrassed that he's gotten called out. "Keep drinking, little man. I want to see how red your face can get." Daryl says which makes all the men start laughing. The clinking of glass makes us all stop and turn our attention to Rick. "It seems to me we haven't thanked our host properly." Rick says standing up. "He is more than just our host." T-dog says raising his glass.
"Hear hear!"
"Here's to you, doc. Booyah!" Daryl says raising the bottle of wine he had been drinking out of.
"Thank you, doctor." Rick says quietly. "So, when are you gonna tell us what the hell happened here, doc?" Shane asks. Which subsequently makes everyone's smiles fade. "All the uh..other doctors that were supposed to be figuring out what happened, where are they?"
"We're celebrating, Shane don't need to do this now" Rick hisses as he sits back down. "Whoa, wait a second. This is why we're here, right? This was your move—supposed to find all the answers, instead we uh..we found him" Shane chuckles as he points towards Jenner. "Found one man. Why?"
"Well when things got bad, a lot of people just left, went off to be with their families. And when things got worse, when the uh military cordon go overrun, the rest bolted." Jenner explains. "Every last one?" Shane asks as he sinks down in his chair a bit. "No, many couldn't face walking out the door. They...opted out. There was a rash of suicides" that definitely killed the mood. What Jenner just said confirmed my suspicions, this was never going to end. We were just going to have to adapt, adapt to this new harsh reality, adapt to the monsters that have now taken over. If we didn't then we're dead. There was no end to this shit, this was just how we were going to have to live. One day hopefully when we get used to it we can have normalcy, homes, families, pets, but not now we have to learn first. Learn how to survive, learn how to live in this new world, learn how to live amongst the monsters, if we didn't, we'd never live.
"That was a bad time." Jenner whispers solemnly "You didn't leave, why" Andrea asks. "I just kept workin', hoping..to do some good."
"Dude, you are such a buzzkill, man" Glenn groans.
Once we were finished with dinner Jenner shows us around. We follow him down a hallway "most of the facility is powered down. Including housing, so you'll have to make do here." Jenner explains. "The couches are comfortable, but there are cots in storage if you like. There a rec room down the hall that you kids might enjoy." Jenner turns around addressing Carl, and Sophia. "Just don't plug in the video games, okay?" Both kids nod. "Or anything that draws power. The same applies—if you shower, go east on the hot water." Jenner says before turning back around and leaving, Glenn turns to all of us eyes widened "hot water?"
"That's what the man said" t-dog says with a laugh.
I decide to take a shower. I haven't had one in so long; I can't even remember the last time I washed my hair. Yeah, at times we'd go and bathe in the quarry but that was only sometimes.
The hot water feels like heaven. I'm so glad I had collected up shower supplies just hoping one day I'd be able to have a normal shower. I haven't shaved my legs in God knows how long. it's not like I miss having to shave my legs every day, but I do miss the feeling of bare legs under freshly warmed sheets. I miss the soft feeling of my legs after lotion. I miss the aspect of life that us as humans wouldn't think we'd miss. Things we found a hassle at the time but now we long for it. Like washing clothes, or dishes. At the time I hated slaving over the sink washing each dish, but now I miss it.
I shave my legs, and arms just to feel like the world was normal again. I'm sure I spend at least 2 minutes just smelling at the bottle of shampoo that smelt like strawberries and cream. I'm sure I stunk of sweat beforehand, I'm sure we all did. But we eventually didn't smell it our brains tricked us into not smelling it like our brains makes it seem like we can't see our nose even though we can.
I find myself a room to settle into, it's an office but it's got a couch so that's fine. I pull my blanket out of the bag I had brought in it's not clean and kind of smells like wood and fire, but it's a blanket.
Knock, knock, knock.
I sigh as I walk over to the door and unlock it. It's Daryl stumbling over his words like he's trying to practice what to say. His eyes widened as he sees me. "I- um I really fuckin' like ya" I peek out the hallway to see Glenn, and t-dog peeking out from behind a corner. All three are drunk (I'm probably just as equally drunk but we're not going to talk about it). "You like me?" I ask raising my eyebrows teasingly. I don't know when I started liking Daryl, I was scared of him for the longest time, but when did that fear turn into adoration. Maybe when he stayed with me when I was hurt in Atlanta. Maybe when he gave me that package of ramen noodles. "Yeah, I really f-fuckin' like you" I smile as he slurs his words. "I like you too Daryl" I whisper as I place my hand on his cheek and lean in kissing him. He wraps his arms around waist pulling me closer. I can hear Glenn and t-dog trying to quietly celebrate down the hall (there not, there actually really loud) I pull away my hand still on his cheek. He's blushing, it's kind of cute seeing a man so big, and tough be flustered. "You wanna come inside?" I ask he nods rapidly, and I pull him in closing the door behind us.
What I've learned is that drunk Daryl and sober Daryl, are two completely separate people. Drunk Daryl is way more open about his feelings, softer, nicer too.
I wake up in the middle of the night my body halfway on top of Daryl. He's got his arms wrapped around me while he's snoring quietly. We were lucky this couch was able to fit the both of us. I lay my head back against his bare chest and listen to his heartbeat.
The next time I wake up is when Daryl wakes up.
We're both sat on the couch, discussing what had happened last night. "So do you really like me, or was it like something Glenn and t-dog made you say?" I whisper. His brows furrow as he looks at me "it wasn' a lie. I wouldn' lie bout somethin' like that." I nod as I inch closer to him. "Do ya really like me?" He asks I nod. "Yeah, I really like you" he smiles, I've never really seen him smile much. He's always got this stone-cold serious look on his face, but not now.
He leans in close and presses a kiss to my lips. After a while of just sitting soaking up each other's company we get up and head to the kitchen area. Almost everyone's already there, I guess it's a little harder to estimate what time it is being underground and all. Glenn's moaning and groaning about his hangover which makes me laugh. He probably drank more than he'd even drank in his life yesterday.
The rest want answers about the walkers, what's causing it, and shit like that so Jenner takes us back to the big room with the computers. I don't wanna know much about them, I like to know as little as I can, if I know too much it makes me paranoid. I'm happy living my life just trying to avoid them at all costs. He presses a few buttons and then says, "give me playback of ts-19."
"Playback of ts-19"
The big screen in front of us starts to show a video of a brain "few people ever got a chance to see this. Very few." Jenner says. "Is that a brain?" Carl asks, "an extraordinary one...not that it matters in the end." Replies Jenner.
"Take us in for e.i.v" Jenner says. "Enhanced internal view" the video then zooms in. We watch as we get closer and closer into the brain until we see the neurons. "What are those lights?" Shane asks. "It's a person's life..experiences, memories. It's everything. Somewhere in all that organic wiring, all those ripples of light, is you, the thing that makes you unique. And human." Explains Jenner.
"You don't make sense ever" Daryl says. "Those are synapses, electric impulses in the brain that carry all the messages. They determine everything a person says, does or thinks from the moment of birth to the moment of death."
"Death? That's what this is, a vigil?" Rick asks as he approaches Jenner. "Yes" Jenner says "or rather the playback of the vigil." We all watch the screen so interested in what Jenner is saying as well as the neurons. "This person died. Who?" Andrea asks "test subject 19. Someone who was bitten, and infected...and volunteered to have us record the process."
"Vi, scan forward to the first event."
"Scanning to first event."
It zooms back out and fasts forward. the brain stem begins to darken. "What is that?" Glenn asks "it invaded the brain like meningitis. The adrenal glands hemorrhage, the brain goes into shutdown, then the major organs." The brain goes completely dark. They died. "Then death" Jenner whispers to himself. "Everything you ever were or ever will be..gone."
"Is that what happened to Jim?" Sophia asks "yes" her mother replies nodding. It's what happened to Jim, Amy, my brother, and possibly us one day too.
Andrea tries to blink back tears, but it just doesn't work "she lost somebody two days ago. Her sister." Lori explains to Jenner who is looking at her with his brows furrowed together.
"I lost somebody too. I know how devastating it is." Jenner says to Andrea. it is truly devastating, losing someone to this, watching them slowly lose their lives and then become the very monster that took it from them. "Scan to the second event!" Jenner shouts to vi as he walks away from Andrea.
"Scanning to second event."
"The resurrection times vary wildly. We have reports of it happening in as little as three minutes. The longest we heard of was eight hours. In the case of this patient, it was two hours, one minute...seven seconds."
The brain stem flickers back on. "It restarts the brain?" Lori asks. "No just the brain stem basically, it gets them up, and moving." Jenner says it just brings back the basic part like walking, biting, grabbing but not the human part. "But they're not alive?" Rick asks. Jenner walks back to rick pointing up to the screen "you tell me." Rick shakes his head "it's nothing like before. Most of that brain is dark."
"Dark, lifeless, dead. The frontal lobe, the neocortex, the human part that doesn't come back. The you part. Just a shell driven by mindless instinct." Then something goes straight through its brain. "God. What was that?" Carol asks, "he shot his patient in the head, didn't you?" Andrea asks.
"Vi power down the main screen and the workstations."
"Powering down main screen, and workstations"
The lights shut off. "You have no idea what it is, do you?" Andrea asks as she walks towards Jenner. "It could be microbial, viral, parasitic, fungal" he doesn't know. No one does. There's not going to be a cure we're just going to have to suck it up and learn to live this way because life will never go back to what it used to be.
"Or the wrath of god?" Jacqui asks. "There is that." Maybe it was the wrath of God, or Mother Nature, or maybe our time was just up. Maybe human lives time was up, just like the dinosaurs. "Somebody must know something. Somebody somewhere" in times like this when I know I'm destined to die, and I just want to go back. Maybe do something different, maybe it's my fault I'm stuck in this situation. Maybe I did something as a kid to deserve this. I wish I got bit in the early days, died, became one of the walkers in the city because this is hell. Trying to survive, but also keep some kind of normalcy was hell. I don't know what day it is, or the time I'm just going on day to day, an empty shell of the person I used to be. I'm no longer that bright lively person, and I know it. how can you when you're living through the apocalypse. I'm not truly happy I'll never be, not anymore, I don't think I can. No matter how many people I have around me, how many of those I love are around me, I'll always think about the people I left behind, my roommate, my brother, my granddad. They're all dead, they're lucky they got the easy way out. I wish I did too.
"There are others, right? Other facilities?" Carol asks. "There may be some. People like me." Jenner replies. "But you don't know? How can you not know?" Rick asks. "Everything went down. Communications, directives, all of it I've been in the dark for almost a month." Jenner explains. "So, it's not just here. There's nothing left anywhere? Nothing? That's what you're really saying right?" We came here for no reason, we came for answers, and Jenner had none.
Andrea scoffs, we're all finally realizing this is not going to end. "Jesus" Jacqui mutters. "Man, I'm gonna get shitfaced drunk..again" Daryl says as he leans himself against a cubicle "dr. Jenner, I know this has been taxing for you, and I hate to ask one more question but...that clock it's counting down. What happens at zero?" The clock is at 59 minutes. "The...basement generators they run out of fuel." He seems uncertain or as if he's lying. He's not telling us the full truth, and I know that. Jenner begins to walk around "and then?" Rick asks. Jenner doesn't answer he just walks away. "Vi what happens when the power runs out?" Rick asks.
"When the power runs out, facility-wide decontamination will occur."
I sit in the office I had claimed as my sleeping quarters the previous night. Facility wide decontamination. Decontamination, we're going to die. The doors won't open back up that's what Jenner said at the beginning, once they shut, they aren't opening back up. So, if we wanted to leave, we can't. We'll have to die. And I'm fine with it. I'm fine with dying, I'm not sure if I even want to live this life anymore.
The air conditioner has shut off.
I'm becoming more and more comfortable with the thought of dying. If I died, I wouldn't have to do this anymore, I don't want to do this anymore.
The lights shut off next. There's not much time left. Am I convincing myself I'm ready to die or am I really ready to die. I don't really have an option anymore, do I? So, I shouldn't think about it. If I think about it, I'll panic, so I should just not think about it. If I don't think about it will be fast, without any struggle, or crying just death in a flash.
I can hear everyone in the hallways asking what's happening. They're probably talking to Jenner. I'm staying curled up on the couch, I'm not moving.
Knock, knock, knock.
"Come in" I say meekly.
The door opens, and in comes Glenn. "Come on" I look up at him brows furrowed. "I want to stay in here" he sighs "come on just..please come with me" I begrudgingly get up and follow Glenn into the big room where everyone else is. Everyone's confused, and scared.
"Jenner, what's happening?" Rick asks as he power walks after Jenner. "The system is dropping all the nonessential use of power. It's designed to keep the computers running to the last possible second. That started as we approached the half-hour mark. Right on schedule"
31 minutes 28 seconds.
Jenners got a bottle of alcohol in his hands which Daryl snatches from him. "It was that French" I furrow my brows "what?" Andrea asks "they were the last ones to hold out as far as I know while our people were bolting out the doors, and committing suicide in the hallways, they stayed in the labs till the end. They thought they were close to a solution." Jenner answers. He begins to walk father away from us "what happened?" Jacqui asks. "Same thing that's happening here. No power grid. Ran out of juice." Jenner explains. "The world runs on fossil fuel. I mean, how stupid is that?" Jenner says with a chuckle before turning back around. "Let me tell you-" Shane says trying to run after Jenner. Rick grabs at Shane "to hell with it Shane. I don't even care."
Rick turns towards his wife "Lori, grab our things, everybody, get your stuff. We're getting out of here now!" Rick shouts most of us start scattering when an alarm starts blaring "what's that?" Shane asks.
"30 minutes to decontamination" vi says.
Jenner walks over to a desk "doc, what's going on here!" Daryl shouts. "Everybody y'all heard Rick. Get your stuff, and let's go! Go now! Go!" Shouts Shane. Just when everyone was about to run out the door shuts.
"Did-did you just lock us in?!" Glenn stammered out. Jenner sits down not answering Glenn. "He just locked us in!" Glenn shouts fearfully. Everyone else begins to run back towards Jenner.
Daryl begins to run up to Jenner angrily. "You son of a bitch." Daryl barks as he sprints at Jenner. "Shane! Shane!" Rick shouts. Shane chases after Daryl "you locked us in here!" Shouts Daryl as he grabs onto Jenner. "No, stop don't!"
"You lying—"
"No, no, no, no!" Shane says as he pulls Daryl away. "Wait, no! No, don't do it." Shane and t-dog has to hold Daryl back as he angrily punches and tries to wiggle out of their grip. Rick marches up to Jenner "hey, Jenner, open that door now." Rick demands.
I'm leaning against one of the desks my face buried in my hands with my fingers spread so I can still see what's going on. "There's no point. Everything topside is locked down. The emergency exits are sealed." Jenner replies. "We'll open the damn things!" Shouts Dale.
I can't talk, I won't talk to anyone if I do, I'll cry, and I'll change my mind on being okay with dying. "That's not something I control. The computers do. I told you once that front door closed, it wouldn't open again. You heard me say that." Everyone else is stressing, carol especially she doesn't want her little girl to die this young. She wants Sophia to have a life, live a long life even during this mess. "It's better this way" Jenner says. Rick turns his head towards Jenner a little offended "what is? What happens in 28 minutes?" Rick says through his teeth as he walks closer to Jenner. Jenner doesn't answer just begin to type away at his computer. Shane begins to walk up. I guess he could see some tic in Rick because one second later he's shouting, "what happens in 28 minutes!"
Jenner stands up "you know what this place is?! We protected the public from very nasty stuff! Weaponized smallpox! Ebola strains that could wipe out half the country! Stuff you don't want getting out! Ever!" Jenner shouts in both Shane and ricks faces before sitting back down. "In the event of a catastrophic power failure—in a terrorist attack, for example H.I.T.s are deployed to prevent any organisms from getting out." Jenner explains. Rick walks over to Jenner "H.I.T.s?" Jenner doesn't want to explain so he shouts to vi "vi, define."
"H.I.T.S high-impulse thermobaric fuel-air explosives, consist of a two-stage aerosol ignition that produces a blast wave of significantly greater power, and duration than any other known explosive except nuclear. The vacuum-pressure effect ignites the oxygen at between 5,000, and 6,000 degrees, and is useful when the greatest loss of life and damage to structures is desired."
"It sets the air on fire no pain." Jenner says. Carol is crying while holding her daughter close. "An end to sorrow, grief...regret......everything." Jenner whispers. He's right, this is the best way to die, death is almost instant. It's an end to all the grief, and sadness I've felt since the moment this thing started.
Daryl's throwing shit at the door trying to...I don't know break it? "Open the damn door!" Daryl shouts. I stare at my feet, what was there to live for anymore? "Out of my way!" Shouts Shane before he hurdles towards the door with an axe. It makes a noise similar to when you run your fingers nails down a chalk board. Blugh, it makes me want to puke. Both Daryl and Shane are pounding these pickaxes maybe regular axes I don't even know anymore. But they're just hitting, and hitting, and hitting, and all I want to do is curl into a tiny ball, and cry. My brain isn't working, and sound is starting to blur, fizzle out as I stare at my feet.
There was no need to live anymore, we were just going to be stuck in this mess of a world anyways. So why not die right now? Why does everyone but me want to get out? Is something wrong with me specifically? Am I just that fucked up in the head, that I don't want a second chance at life? I'm ready..but I'm not at the same time. Every time I convince myself I'm ready I just begin to think about what I could have in the future, but then I think about what I could've had, then I'm right back at the beginning. I don't want to live my life in constant fear of getting bitten, I don't want to live in the constant cycle of grief, and regret.
I'm not paying attention to anything that's happening. I'm ready, I'm ready. I keep telling myself that. I'm re-
"Come on, hey y/n he opened the door." Glenn snaps me out of the trance I was in. I shake my head "it's for the better" I whisper. Glenn furrows his eyebrows "what?" I let out a shaky breath "I-I don't want to live like this anymore Glenn, I want to stay" he shakes his head. "No, no I'm not leaving you here! I don't care I'm not leaving you here." He says I shake my head again. "I don't want to go" I whisper "I love you y/n, I can't just leave you here." I don't reply.
"Daryl!" He shouts waving him over. He runs over kneeling down next to me. "She doesn't want to leave, help me convince her to leave." Glenn whispers. I shake my head. I don't want to leave, I want to die. "We don' have time" Daryl says picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. I kick and punch at Daryl begging him to let me stay but he doesn't do anything.
"Let me go Daryl" I cry "I want to stay."
We end up stopping at the door. "Hey, we've got four minutes left! Come on!" Shouts Glenn. "Daryl please, please, please. Leave me" I sob. "No, no, no m'not doin' that" he mutters. I can barely hear anything over my thoughts.
You need to stay. You need to stay. You need to stay. it was like a virus infecting my brain telling me that I needed to die.
Then we're running again. That's what snaps me out again. The only thing I notice is that dales, Andrea, and Jacqui are staying. If dales staying, I want to stay too, but Daryl won't let go. He's got a tight grip on me, that I can't wiggle out of.
We're going upstairs, and then we're on the top floor. I'm placed on the ground as Daryl, and Shane try to break through the windows. It won't work. This is a government building the windows are only able to break if there's an explosion. It won't break for axes, chairs, or gun fire.
"The glass won't break?!" Cries Sophia. "Rick, I have something that might help!" Carol says running up to Rick as she dug into the bag she held in her hands. "Carol, I don't think a nail files gonna do it." Carol ignores Shane's misogyny and continues to talk to Rick. "Your first morning at camp, when I washed your uniform, I found this in your pocket." She says showing Rick a grenade.
Rick takes it from her, and everyone begins to take cover.
"Oh shi—"
The windows broken. I'm still set on staying. I'm hoping Glenn, and Daryl will forget about me and leave me here. "Come on" Daryl's kneeled down next to me. I shake my head. "No, I want to die Daryl why can't you just let me die" I cry. "God dammit women ya can't just do this to me" he mutters before picking me back up and throwing me over his shoulder again. I'm being stupid, and stubborn I know, but why can't he just leave me here. I already said I want to die.
We're running towards the cars. Rick, and Shane shooting at walkers at the same time. The bomb definitely was bringing a bunch, so we had to hurry.
We make it to the cars unscathed. Daryl places me in the passenger side of his truck instead of the SUV I was originally in with Rick, and his family. We brace for impact.
3, 2, 1. Boom.
I think it's the most fire I've ever seen in my life. Jacqui's dead, but Dale, and Andrea made it out. Jacqui was a sweet lady. She cared for everyone even people who had wronged her. She didn't deserve to die, but she just ran out of hope. Hope, how can we have hope when we're going through this.
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@e1d0lonk3k @soul4death @furiousheartpoetry @silicone-bonez @nezukos-number1fan
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gregoftom · 9 months
A canon divergence I was thinking about:
Tom, appointed CEO, hand-waves Greg away when he approaches him, planning full-well to do the "I got you" sticker moment in a few days. He just wants to punish Greg a bit for straying.
Greg goes home, all alone in his apartment and breaks. He has finally lost the only person who has ever gave a shit about him. He's the problem--he's why everyone who he loves leaves him. He feels delirious, and heartbroken, and so claustrophobic and just makes the insane decision to flee, booking a flight to Minnesota, St. Paul to be exact (this is the one thing of Tom's he lets himself have).
By some miracle, Mama Wambsgans runs into him and recognizes him--its that tall, but incredibly polite fellow from Tommy's wedding. And Mrs. Wambsgans, a Midwestern woman, was not about to let one of Tommy's friends sit around all upset like this. She takes him home (because apparently collecting strays is a Wambsgans family trait) and makes him a hot meal and listens to him as he spills everything, unable to hold it all back anymore.
Mrs. Wambsgans quickly realizes that this tall young man is utterly in love with her son.
And what do you know it? Her firm recently had a paralegal quit, so there is an opening available. Greg should do fine after all of his assistant experience.
Greg accepts, feeling so thankful that this practically complete stranger would do so much for him. But he begs her not to tell Tom he's here--he can't bear to see Tom's disappointment and indifference. Mrs. Wambsgans reluctantly agrees that she won't tell Tom unless he brings Greg up (and she is feeling a bit petty because he has been dodging her calls).
Two months pass and Greg is actually doing pretty well as a paralegal. He is used to high-pressure environment that is present in the legal field, but now at least he can let work stay at work. And he goes over and hangs out with Tom's parents often, enjoying the warmth that seems to exude from them (and they enjoy getting more insight in Tommy's world in New York).
Finally, the fateful day happens--Tom calls. And mentions in passing that Greg had up and left New York, just leaving him behind.
And Mrs. Wambsgans tells him.
When Tom shows up in St. Paul the very next day, she realizes that he is just as head-over-heels in love with Greg too.
Shenanigans ensue.
OOOGH I LOVE THAT SO MUCHHHH THATS SO GOOD AND SMART AND SKJDLSKJD pls for the love of god write this into a fiiiic bc from your last one you could do it SO GOOD. you write them. so good. <3
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avatarkurukdefender · 27 days
Adhd is still adhding so lets talk about A Literal Team Avatar instead of writing it :3
Aang is NOT gonna have a good time. In fact to quote Sans he's in for a BAD TIME
So you know in the Yangchen books how her past lives would frequently possess her body at the absolute WORST TIMES for example, the past life that had really really really bad claustrophobia possessing her when she was in a tight claustrophobic space and making her freak out? Yeah that. You know how none of the avatars after Yangchen never seemed to deal with this? Well I headcanon that the reason why was because Yangchen actively BLOCKED the previous incarnations for pulling that same awful shit with every avatar after her.
So what do you think is gonna happen when Yangchen has been removed from the avatar cycle (and teenified) and is no longer to keep the others from fighting over Aang like a chew toy?
Lets see how badly this can fuck with the poor twelve year old boy
(aka a bunch of random headcanons I came up with for the avatars we only have names and even a few of the nameless ones)
Szeto first of all had BAD sleep paralysis. Like almost every night, hallucination fo something just standing over him (or in some cases full on trying to strangle him) and he cant move or even speak levels of bad. Also had severe hemophobia (fear of blood) and would literally faint at the sight of blood (hehehehe)
Next is Salai who had severe thalassophobia (fear of the ocean/ fear of deep bodies of water) like he would get full on panic attacks every single time he had to cross the ocean. Even worse since I headcanon that he drowned in a a severe storm while sailing on the ocean. And considering the fact that the gaang presumably spends a few weeks on a BOAT on the OCEAN to get from the Northern Water Tribe to General Fong's base...yeah thats gonna be a really bad time for Aang.
Avatar Gun, aka the one that possessed Yangchen to go on a rant about how humanity is selfish and uncaring, how they expect you to pull of a hundred miracles and then get mad you didnt do a hundred and one, yeah...they're gonna be a fun one (also they are nonbinary now because they were never said to be male or female and the wiki used they them pronouns for them so bite me) aside from...that they also absolutely HATED crowds, like avoided them at all costs unless absolutely necessary, otherwise would be sweating and shaking the entire time until they could leave. (Which means Omashu, Ba Sing Se, literally any crowded town or city is gonna be absolute HELL for our favorite little airbender)
Ok now for the ones without names (I have two of those so far)
This armless firebender who someone on tiktok named Avatar Kazza (I dont remember who named her that though)
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Oh boy :3
So you know how General Fong pulled Katara under the ground to trigger the avatar state in Aang? Well the same thing happened to her partner. Only difference is that her partner wasn't pulled back out. Oh no. Her partner was pulled underground and CRUSHED to death. (When Kaaza bent them back out, there was nothing but blood, broken pulverized bones and completely crushed organs...) Yeah its gonna be a lot bloodier than in canon (None of General Fong's soldiers will die Im not gonna traumatize Aang THAT badly, but they will be maimed very badly.)
Next is this pretty avatar
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I think someone on tiktok named her Avatar Imiq but dont quote me on that
She's the avatar that was absolutely terrified of the Spirit World, to the point that it caused Yangchen's sister Jetsun to get kidnapped by spirits when they went there (because you know the spirits get hostile when you're afraid and guess who decided to pop in at the worst moment?) Luckily this one isnt going to cause too much trouble since I dont think Aang actually goes to the spirit in books two and three unless you count Wan Shi Tong's Library (though Aang is not gonna have a good time when Avatar Imiq starts freaking out because of Wan Shi Tong) but I havent rewatched the show in awhile so I could be wrong
Also you know the avatar that had claustrophobia? That was Wan. With the exception of his tree house Wan absolutely hated small tight spaces. And that is something he was going to make everyone's problem (just like how every avatar inherited Wan's iconic crooked avatar smile, every avatar also inherited some claustrophobia, some worse than others. Unfortunately thats now gonna be Aang's problem)
I just keep coming up with these and thinking "What would suck/be the most inconvenient for Aang to have in this moment" and then assigning that to one of the past lives
(Also here's something funny, you know the air nomad avatar behind Kuruk? They actually used him TWICE in the TLOK image of all the past lives. He's also the second one behind Szeto on the left side)
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nin-jay-go · 2 months
omg ras at shadow dojo....
"sora and jordana's unreciprocated kismesitude"
confirmed catboy can see in the dark
oh shit the mechanic's back as... doc oc?
"riyu cinder noxtide guardian" "yea"
lloyd?????? buddy??????
oh boy he's so sleep deprived
oh no zane passed on his prophetic visions to lloyd
the whost
i love kreel
ok WHY does riyu have eyebrows. thats not good.
hi cinder.
oh his voice is familiar OH ITS ACRONIX
omg destiny she/her
shatters the goodness inside you....
this language looks EVIL
the forbidden five????? hello???????????
elemental master of SPEEEEEN
yep totally expected wyldfyre stowed away
oh no magical darkness. MAGICAL darkness. DREAM DARKNESS.
oh i like the yellow robes on wu
NO NO NO NO JAY........ NOOOO.............
"the wasting????"
"the real jay could never forget me" cue both of us screaming
COLE IS THE CHEF????????????????? NO.
arin autism moment
those dragons sure can master
papa's home!
oh thats actually fun, rontu is voiced by rarity's singing voice :0
oh my god the dragons are rising
family roadtripppppp
the wuorb!
BONZLE??? HUH?????
"ive rehearsed this" bonzle i love you
oh i LOVE these cagehead designs
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you lost track of the children guys
"the children are drift compatible!"
mysterium better not fuck up my magic headcanons
well good thing none of these guys need to breathe
oh no. gladiatorial combat.
oh hey the nonbinary person's back
oh this place is PRETTY
i miss jay.
boys will be boys!
fugitives from madness is the coolest title ever
....oh... the wasting....
bonzle trans :D
link... the blood moon is here... be careful.
the only way to beat madness is to play by its rules!
JAY. HONEY. he SO does not wanna be here
he hasn't told anyone he can lightning power.....
and jay remains unseen forever. his grand reveal is Coming
the poor bounty. she dies so much.
if bonezle wasn't claustrophobic before, she sure is now
omg baby ras :00000
janet..... who is janet.... is it gandalaria's ex
ok i do not like the fact that they just put on the wolf costumes
ok there must SOME kind of supernatural shit healing that leg of wyldfyre's. that's FAST
ok my friend just coined gandalaria x laroe. i'm calling it scimagicshipping.
arin my silly billy
i took a break here and my gandalaria brainrot is infecting me. i love her so much
OH MY GOD ARIN'S PARENTS ah its a hallucination
oh no. the gong. they have the masks on oh no oh fuck
oh thank god wyldfyre hates the masks
raine must be jumping for joy at all this cinder content
zane is always getting shit done to him
ok this guy is immediately pathetic
oh my god nya is now the remaining sibling :( reverse seabound
oh thank god bonzle and kai are together, they're not alone
ninja never quit :)
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hxh chapter 392
This chapter is a little crazy I have SOME WORDS ON IT!!! 
Obviously spoilers ! 
Alright so it starts out normal and continuing from the last chapter, a little confusing cause the guy is still alive.
People thought that the Misha person was the cat apparently, but no, Hinrigh sadly did not name the little guy... but... we did get THIS
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HI MISHA?!?!?!?
This ability is pretty sick and cool and awesome if i do say so myself, and I love the name. It also carries on from her original life because she was a cleaner, and her dedication for the Xi-Yu family must have been pretty strong if she developed this.
I cant wait to see more uses of this ability later on.
We get back to Lynch and Zakuro who are punching these poor people above 6′2 and then once they start to doubt their tactics... GUESS WHO SHOWS UP.
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I WAS NOT EXPECTING THIS AT ALL!? The fact that he has the audacity to dress in a similar fashion to how he did before says a lot. He is definitely waiting for the Phantom Troupe to come and find him, and is most likely not interested in any of the families associates at the moment.
My heart dropped when I saw this scene and I could feel Zakuros fear. He’s obviously grown considerably stronger if his very presence is intimidating.
I really love the depth into post mortem nen in this arc. It’s been a pretty reoccurring thing over all. Iirc the first callback is the fact that the seed urn ceremony was a product of an ancestors post mortem nen, then we have the highlight on the meteor city elders post mortem nen (sun and moon), then obviously here we have hisoka, then we have camilla and the curses AND also kachos nen beast, and NOW we have Misha!! whew. There’s probably more that I haven’t listed... I feel like post mortem nen will be even more important later. (especially with Kurapika really pushing his lifespan) 
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Im begging for him not to kill them PLEASSEEEEE DONT KILL ZAKURO AND LYCNH. PLEASE. 
Also I’m just thinking though. Hisoka is building up to be an unbelievably strong character. At this point after death, I think he has become stronger than all of the troupe members, so that’s trouble when they are the ones wanting to kill Hisoka a lot, and when he is going to kill them on sight. I think thats why he made his desicion, to really test his strength with his post mortem nen... if he thinks hes that strong, he very well may be. 
And I’m just thinking. Who else is unreasonably and inhumanely strong that really no other character (probably other than the chimera ants lol) could compare to?
Tserriednich, of course. We have to tie the threads somehow, don’t we? 
I believe that if Hisoka even lays his eyes on that man he will have a new target. His whole power scaling thing will be out of the roof. 
You could also say Ging, but first of all, he’s completely occupied with another endeavor, so I doubt he would be very interested in fighting anybody, and second of all, if he is going to fight somebody, he most likely wouldn’t be interested in fighting somebody like Hisoka. Unlike Chrollo, he would not let him have his way and let him fight him. He’s already getting under Pariston’s skin by doing a similar thing by getting in his way.
Tserriednich is much different... he’s... interesting for sure, and would probably find Hisoka very intriguing (specimen worthy).
Anyways, Moving on we have even more people looking for Hisoka. I wonder what they’ll do once they realize that Xi-Yu was the first to find him, whether they still have him by the next time we see them. (please let lynch and zakuro live please let lycnh and zakuro live plea-) I wasn’t very interested in that though.
We’re back to Phinks, Feitan, and Nobunaga! It looks like theyve established a back and forth bond of some sort with Cha-R, so the last thing they want to do is kill them, and a search party went out.
Also fun fact I guess, Franklin is probably claustrophobic. I love how we just get these random facts like we didn’t need to know that Shizuku is left handed and that she forgets everything but we do.
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They know of Luini and I really dont think they like him lol.
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Luini is a super fan and I think Togashi was trying to do commentary on toxic fans/parasocial relationships with him which is interesting but im sorry this is just so funny.
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Does this mean what I think it means, that the hunterpedia wiki exists IN CANON?
Most likely not the actual wiki but like still. This implies that there’s like forums talking about characters that we know about, and there’s probably some community of people who fans over and romanticizes the troupe in that world like we have here now for serial killers... oh boy. That means that those Chrollo stans are real. Thanks Luini. I really didnt want to think about that but thanks Luini.
I’m gonna try to get that imagination out of my head. Anyways, I loved this chapter, it was awesome as always and so are you.
Keep being awesome. (I don’t have any image to show you sadly)
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lumin3sc3 · 1 year
Note: So I was trying to write myself fluff but it ended up being too long?! Anw first time writing for Childe, hope you guys enjoy :D
Warnings: Slight cursing at the start. Modern AU You two are in a relationship. Reader's gender is not mentioned so feel free to use whatever you like!
Also i kinda mixed up genshin au and modern au in the middle so if something seems weird in between thats why, sorry!
You and Him
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You and Childe had decided to go to a cafe, considering it was a holiday for the both of you. Plus, your favorite café had a new drink on the menu, and all your friends were busy going on and on about how divine it tasted. So you decided to go out once you two had a free day, and Childe agreed to take you out as his treat! Isn’t that just the sweetest?
Now you two were sitting in the car idly, with the obnoxiously loud car horns blaring even through the rolled-up car windows. You could see Childe’s patience thinning as he tapped the steering wheel, letting out a frustrated sigh. You massage your temples with your fingers on your brow. An annoying driver behind you two was repeatedly honking his horn aggressively.
"Can he just shut the fuck up?! Is he blind, or can he not see the damn traffic? He isn’t the only one stuck in it, fucking idiot." Childe curses as he finally snaps; you were afraid his knuckles would turn white from how tight he was gripping the steering wheel.
"I’m sorry.." You apologize as you put your hand above his that rested on the wheel, stroking it soothingly in an effort to calm him down. You felt responsible in some way.
Childe turns to you and affirmatively squeezes your hand, "Hey! It’s not your fault! None of us could’ve known the traffic would be so heavy, don’t put yourself down for something you didn’t do..!" 
"But.." You lower your gaze.
He sighs before hooking his finger under your chin, pulling it up to meet his smiling blue eyes that resembled azure skies. He gives you a loving kiss on the cheek, assuring you that it’s not your fault. The corner of your mouth tugs into a small smile at the gesture.
Soon the traffic dissipated, and you and Childe were able to continue your drive. Once you two had reached your destination, though... Another predicament fell upon the two of you.
The parking lot was full. It was so cluttered that it made you feel claustrophobic; you let out another exasperated sigh. Childe tries to lift your spirits by making an enthusiastic suggestion.
"How about... we park a bit farther? It’ll be slightly far away, but it's nice to have a walk every now and then!" He chirps.
You smile helplessly, no wonder you fell in love with him. He always managed to make you happy in whatever situation you were in, you adored that about him. You nodded encouragingly.
He soon finds a parking farther away, and you two get out of the car and start walking. A few minutes in, you feel a small drop of water on your face.
You look at Childe and see the same reaction masking his face. You look up to see another drop falling.
Oh shit. Is it raining?
And, unfortunately, your guess was right. It was raining.
You facepalm, groaning. 
"This has been the shittiest day so far, I swear."
"Nono! It’s fine, come on, let’s go back!" You could sense the slight hint of disappointment but he makes up for it with his cheery beam. 
"But isn’t it too far away? We'll be completely soaked by the time we get there." You cast your gaze downward, visibly upset.
"No worries, love! I spotted a bench nearby, so we’ll go there for now, and don’t worry, I think it’ll cover us pretty well. So let’s get going, yeah?" He gestures for you to hold his hand, and you oblige.
His hand held yours securely, the familiar comforting warmth making you feel content. You were pretty tired with everything that happened today, but Childe made it feel much better.
He walked in quick strides once you two arrived at the bench he was referring to. You two sat on the bench, the quiet atmosphere surrounding both of you.
The sky was cloudy, with occasional rays of sunlight filtering through. It was painted a light gray, and the clouds were pouring beads of water down. The wind was slightly chilly; it occasionally brushed past your face, making you shiver slightly. Childe wraps his scarf around your neck, the scent and warmth enveloping you wholly.
"But what about you Childe..?" You ask him worriedly, but he laughs.
"Mere rain can't do anything to me! I’m stronger than I look!" He says puffing his chest in pride.
Your laughter stays prominent throughout the tranquil atmosphere. Childe’s gaze softens; he finds your laugh so endearing. Actually, scratch that, everything about you is so addictive and alluring. If words were to explain his feelings towards you, you probably couldn’t keep count. He adores your gentle laughter, fleeting touches, loving gazes, warm embraces, and—well, he could go on, but don't you think the word count would be much higher than expected?
Raindrops made a soft thudding sound on the trees above you before slipping and falling to the ground with a quiet plink!
Childe sighs as he stares at the kids dancing in the rain from afar, while their mothers were calling out their names in a very concerning manner.
"I’m sorry it didn’t work out how you wanted it to; I really wanted to make sure you would have a good day…" He sighs apologetically, gazing down at his reflection in the puddles formed in the grass.
"No, no! Actually, to be completely honest..." You take a deep breath before continuing.
"Perhaps it's a good thing this happened; it relieved my stress, and maybe this was exactly what I needed, not some drink at a cafe." You laugh quietly. He nods in agreement as the two of your synchronized laughters reverberate throughout, catching the gazes of a few people around you.
Though things didn’t work out as you two had planned, maybe it was for the best. It’s been long since you and Childe had a quiet moment like this. They say it’s the simple things in life, and in this case, you agree. The noises the raindrops made as they fell put you in a state of serenity; it made you feel gratified, leaving you at ease. Slowly, your eyes felt heavy as you drifted further away from reality, and into a deep slumber.
It isn’t until Childe feels something heavy fall on his shoulder that he turns towards you. He looks at you with the prettiest smile adorning his face, it was probably you, and only you, that could make his heart feel such a way.
The warm, fuzzy feelings, the ones that resemble what he feels when he’s at home with his siblings, near the fire, telling tales Or The same feeling he gets when he pulls Teucer, Tonia, and Anthon into a warm embrace. Long story short, it’s a sense of happiness because with you, he didn’t have to hide his feelings; he can be whoever he wants, and he knows you wouldn’t judge. He can be himself.
Though you were still asleep, you took his hand in yours, intertwining your fingers with his. A small smile decorates your face as you sigh in contentment. Childe gazes at you lovingly before pressing a small kiss on your forehead, wishing you a comforting slumber.
It was just you and Childe in the pouring rain. And you wanted nothing more than this.
✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚
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A/n: I keep getting carried away while trying to write short fics, I'll keep it in mind next time 😭. Well aware there isnt much going on for the plot but its just fluff so yes <3. If anything needs to be changed or there are errors, let me know!
Thanks for reading till the end, if you enjoyed the fic, rb's and interactions are appreciated! have a good day and take care <3!!
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pacifymebby · 11 months
if you’re feeling sinister / chapter four
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It was one of those hot, close kind of afternoons. Grey claustrophobic skies gathering over head. The air had that thunderstorm musky kind of quality. It can't have been helping the doomed feeling my insincts were beginning to kindle around.
"Larry!" yelled Van, his voice disappearing further down the coastal path Larry often walked back on. He usually met his secret lass down here, the one he didn't think we knew as much about as we did, they usually dawdled along the the cliff edge, blowing canabis smoke down into the dunes. "Larry!" shouted Van again, no longer leaving any quiet in which we could listen out for his return call.
We'd already walked the path once, earlier that afternoon once we'd done the first circuit of the town. We'd knocked doors and asked around anyone we thought he might have had anything to do with the night before. When we'd run out of people he might have spoken to we started knocking every other door coming up with any excuse to justify disturbing the neighbours day. And because Larry worked Saturdays and Sundays in the local shop he knew most people, so we knocked on most doors.
And we heard nothing, and people looked at us with dusgruntled confusion and sometimes they looked concerned or they said they were sorry and promised to let us know if they did hear anything, but mostly they just shook their heads and said no, they hadn't heard from him. "Out late last night was he?" asked that one like they suspected us of causing trouble, suspected that whatever was going on it was our own fault.
Now we were trailing the coastal path slowly, growing tense. Ignoring hunger, the sweaty grimy skin crawling sensation of having been out walking through the humidity all day. Already knowing we weren't going to get anywhere. Carrying on because we didn't want to have to go back to Larrys mum and tell her she needed to phone him in as a missing person. Didn't want to go back to the girls and tell them that it was all more serious than we'd first thought.
And as Van started shouting for Larry again I let out a sigh, shoved my hands into my jeans pockets and closed my eyes. Wincing when I said it.
"You think we should check the woods now eh Van?" I said knowing that saying something like that, in a town like this, was like signing the death certificate myself. Giving up all for the sake of not wanting to give up.
Van screwed his face up, turned back to me. Almost looked pissed off when he shoved his sweaty hair from his face.
"Why would he be there its fuckin miles from his house?"
"Aye but we've searched everywhere else haven't we..." I said looking over at Benji who had stopped now too and was listening closely with the same wary, knowing expression.
"Fuck, yeah, whatever he's right Van its the only place we haven't looked.."
"Aye but it wouldn't make any fuckin sense... Why would he..."
"If you follow this path far enough it skims along the edge of the woods further down the coast... You know where the trees thin out reet down in the dunes..."
"Thats fuckin miles away..."
"Maybe he was after elongating the evening with his lassie," I tried to smirk, tried to wiggle my brows and ease the tension but I couldn't do that when I was sugesting our best mate might have ventured into those cursed woods at night, with a girl or even alone, ten years to the month that our town had looked out onto something like hell. After they'd found my mum, after they'd found Peppers mum and a little later her dad, hanging - the manner of his death apparently evidence enough to prove him guilty of it all.
"Yeah," groaned Van taking a cig from his pocket and lighting up, "fine fuck it..."
The way I saw it there wasn't anything else we could do. No point trailing that path any longer when we'd already done it and found nothing. No point in knocking doors at this time in the evening because most of the neighbours wouldn't answer their door during the after dinner soaps.
And I didn't want to leave it too long. If something really was wrong then we needed the police to start looking for him sooner rather than later. If something really was wrong, if something was beginning all over again, then I wanted to be by Sukis side and I wanted Pepper to know I was there for her, needed her to know she wasn't going to relive that peril alone.
"Jesus christ," he groaned seconds later, running his hand through his messy hair, "fuck sake man he shoulda just stayed at mine.." but I couldn't let him think like that.
It was how my dad had thought about the night my mam went missing for years now. How my brother had always thought of it too.
She'd been on her way to pick Jimmy up from a football match down at the playing fields which backed onto the woods. Only she'd gotten confused, or my dad had gotten confused, because Jimmy had been going to his pals house for tea and hadn't needed picking up at all, and somewhere within that miscommunication our mam had been left alone in the dusky summer evening, smoking a cigarette at the edge of the woods. And they said that that was probably when Peppers dad had bumped into her. That everything had probably seemed fine to her at first, that he'd probably lured her away from the car, into the forest under false pretences. That by the time she understood what was really happening, what he really wanted, she'd have been out of earshot of anyone. And of course we wouldn't have realised anything was wrong until much later that evening, when she didn't show at Jimmys pal's house to pick him up and take him home.
There were so many angles to view it from that meant you could blame yourself, or blame some trivial detail which really, probably wouldn't have made a big difference. If dad had been on the ball he could have realised she didn't need to go for Jimmy before she'd even left the house. If Jimmy had reminded her before he'd gone to school that morning. And even me, perhaps if I hadn't been such a pain in the arse, always asking questions or needing constant attention... Perhaps then she wouldn't have been distracted, she would have taken it in and remembered later that Jimmy didn't need picking up. That there was no reason to head down to the football pitches that evening.
And if she hadn't gone what then? Perhaps she'd still be with us. Perhaps someone elses mum would have fallen victim to those woods instead. Could I honestly say I wouldn't have traded my mum for someone elses, could I really say that if I was given the choice, I wouldn't choose to kill someone elses mam and keep mine safe and alive and mine.
No. And neither could anyone else if they were being honest.
Even so, it was better not to dwell on things you could have but didn't do and so when Van groaned and tapped his cigarette nervously I had to cut him off and nip his melancholic self loathing in the bud.
"Its just a fuckin walk home Van, should be safe, anyone should be able to do it blind like... Shouldn't make any difference to his life whether he stops at yours a night or walks home alone half cut. Its just a road..."
"Aye,"said Van with dark eyes and a gloomy set smirk, "Ain't just a road though is it..."
And I knew he was right. It wasn't just a road and our little town where the forest met the coast, would never be just some other little town ever again. This was a place terrible things happened, a haunted place. And as I felt a familiar knowing shadow take over inside me, I felt the shudder of dread grip me as I thought about the woodlands we were about to go poking around in. Woodlands I was sure were never supposed to be disturbed.
"Cmon no point being morbid about it, may as well get it over with for fuck sake," said Benji. He'd been chain smoking the same as the rest of us but now he let his fall from his hand, grinding it into the ground beneath his trainer, leaving a print in the sand for someone else to find later if we didn't make it home.
So we picked up the pace, ducking back over the dunes into the woodlands we'd played in as kids until we couldn't anymore. They'd stopped feeling like a playground after everything that went down. After the police dogs, the white suits, the blue lights and sirens, the long days which dragged into even more painful nights, the cups of tea the neighbors made for my dad which were left untouched and curdling wherever they'd been set down.
I shoved my hands in my pockets and fell into step with Van. The floor beneath our feet was soft with pine needles, our trainers sinking deceptively into the top layer as we walked quickly, trying not to walk too quickly through the ever thickening trees.
"Larry!" shouted Van, his voice echoing and then swallowed whole, snuffed out by the evergreens.
He only shouted once or twice, his voice barely carrying, bouncing back to us so quickly that it was difficult to believe the forest stretched out for as far as it did. But we were at the foot of the long slope, the vast expanse of Ash, Pine and Oak which grew all up the hillside through the valley and didn't thin out until it met the old slag heaps miles out of town.
"Keep an eye out for..." I started trailing off because I didn't know what to say. "Well, anythin really..." I hadn't been paying enough attention to Larry the night before, too caught up, distracted by Suki. When I thought about it I couldnt have described any of my friends appearances from the night before because I hadn't really been paying attention to anyone else. Only Suki. And I felt guilty because even upon realising that fact it was her my mind remained revolving around.
I couldn't help myself, wondering what she'd be doing back at Van's, her and Pepper and Mia, perhaps they'd have been playing their video games earlier but now that it was dark and we were still out without them, they'd probably be getting nervous, probably find themselves unable to focus on a zombie game or a shit 80s horror. They'd probably be sitting in that awkward quiet, tension thick between them as they tried not to do anything that would make them look nervous. No one ever wanted to be the first to admit they were scared.
"Fuckin poirot over here..." smirked Benji cracking just enough of a smile to meet his eyes.
"Shit man this is fuckin pointless these woods are huge, even if we split up we ain't gonna cover it all by nightfall..."
"We ain't splittin up," I said quickly, quietly, my eyes meeting Van's through the ever darkening evening, "an its already night..." I shrugged, "so I don't know what you wanna do but if we go back now we have to go straight to his mam... She's gonna have to phone the police..."
"He might be back by the time we get back," shrugged Benji but we all knew it wasn't true. If he'd come back one of the girls would have phoned. We wouldn't still be out there looking for him. We wouldn't all feel so doomed.
"Maybe we should split..." said Van again, "just for a bit, have a wander round, cover more..."
"Fuckin no chance," I said shaking my head, a disbelieving grin cracked crooked as I shoved him playfully, "mr "I've seen every horror movie" and you actually want us to split up..."
"Aye mate am not so sure its a..." started Benji, his thought cut short by a wailing sound tearing through the trees.
The sound seemed to carry over our heads, like a fast moving cloud. Its echo lingering in the mist rolling in from the sea. I looked down to my shoes in the pine and saw the familiar grey vapour curling around my ankles and I didn't like the strange sensation it left on my skin.
For a second we all stood still, silent, looking at our feet, looking up at the thick dark green shadow of pine needles and leaves above our heads. The canopy blocked the evening light but we could all tell there wasn't much light left to be seen.
"Fuck was that?" asked Benji with a nervous twitching smile, "sounded like me demented nan..."
"Probably owls," I said with a shrug not wanting to admit how haunted that terrible keening had really made me feel. It had sounded so eerily familiar to me. A sound drifted in from childhood, the kind your mind forces you to forget until you hear it again.
"Maybe it was a ghost..." Van said with a small smirk, ironic and then suddenly wincing apologetic and embarassed by himself. "Sorry lad," he said quickly, taking out a cigarette trying to save himself, "sorry fuck I didn't..."
"Everyone thinks the woods are haunted," I shrugged swallowing a lump in my throat as my shoulders and jaw tensed tight, "theyve always thought that an all, not just since... You know..."
"Aye," said Van, "am still sorry though..."
And people always were and always would be. Sorry. Always awkward and apologetic. Those kinds of smiles were ones familiar to me after all this time.
"Cmon man," I said with a shudder, "we'll walk back into town, if he's somewhere in here the police will find him quicker than we can..."
"Aye but they won't go lookin tonight," he said, "always wait too long don't they..." he said, his eyes darker still as we all walked in step, each of us glancing over our shoulders every now and then, each of us checking for god knows what doing god knows what in our periphery.
"Yeah well," I said forcing a smile for his benefit, for mine too, "might not be waiting for anythin at all eh, blakes might be right... Maybe he's already home..."
But we weren't stupid and any lies we told to make eachother feel better... We all knew them to be just that. Lies.
The quickest way home however was unfortunately through the trees. It was quicker to head a little deeper into the woods and then veer for the football fields than it was to double back on ourselves and head back down the coast. Besides, there was little point treading familiar ground when were trying to think hopefully.
If we headed towards the footie pitch and the school we would perhaps stumble upon Larry unsuspectingly. I was hoping that my instincts were wrong but I'd always trusted myself more than I trusted anyone else and I knew that in this instance just like every other instance, I was probably right.
We probably weren't going to find Larry that night.
Knowing that fact only made the woods seem closer still. I felt every shudder in the pines like breath on my skin. Every twitch or snap in the trees drew my eyes searching for its cause. I kept trying to block it out, kept trying to tell myself to keep walking and looking straight ahead but it wasn't working to make me feel any less on edge. I wanted to be home with the girls, skip the fucking awful walk home and just be crushed up on Vans settee with Suki tucked under my arm and little Titch where I could see her. Needed everyone I cared about to be close to me. Knowing that it wasn't possible now left me feeling that familiar but ever strange seperation from myself. That hollow feeling in my bones that made me feel like my fingers weren't my own. Made me feel like I'd borrowed someone elses body for the day and I couldn't quite get a grip on the controls.
"Shit..." breathed Van suddenly stopping in his tracks so that I tripped over and into the back of him and Blakes had to stumble to stop himself crashing too.
"Shit..." I said quietly following his gaze. Just a little way in front of us was a car wreck... The bonnet crumpled into the trunk of a conifer. The glass in the pine needles hardly caught the light, it had been there so long it had been weathered by the rain, the dirt had set in and dulled it, muddied it. Only the largest plates remained.
"I thought they cleaned everythin up..." started Blakes trailing off because the answer to whatever question he'd been about to ask was right there in front of us, abandoned and battered, windows shattered, rusty skeleton chewed up. Left to the pines and the woods for them to do with whatever they liked.
"Yeah," I said, my mouth dry, my fingers searching my pocket for my light, "you'd have thought they would..." I said, fingers closing around pine needles and dirt in the pit of my pockets. No cigarettes to comfort me.
"It is..."
"Yeah," I said silencing Van before he could ask the obvious, a question we all already knew the answer to, "thats Titch's dads car," I said glancing over my shoulder. Checking my periphery. The painful sensation of being watched, skin prickling all over as I fixed my eyes on the car. That hollow feeling was rising, spreading through my body slowly so that I couldn't shake the feeling that I was leaving myself behind.
He'd crashed the car, he'd murdered Titch's mam and then he'd murdered mine too... It was the story everyone knew, and here was the evidence, here was the crashed car. Here was the broken glass. The rusting frame. The pine needles and pieces of bark he'd displaced. Like some museum exhibit.
Only Blakes was right. They had cleared the site. There'd been such a fuss in the local paper about it because some of us had wanted it cleared, some of us had wanted the scene disposed of, and others, those who believed Titchs father to be innocent, had wanted the crime scene preserved. So that it could be studied over and over, scrutinised for any new evidence. Anything that would prove something. Because it was one of those cases. The kind where everyone, no matter who's side theyre on, find themselves rooting for the same thing. When answers are in sshort supply people start to care less about the answers theyre going to get...
"Cmon we need to leave," I said struggled to swallow around the dry scratch in my throat... "An lets not tell titch about this yeah...actually lets not tell any of the girls about it eh?"
"Yeah," said Van nodding solemnly, "right blakes?"
But that would be our first mistake.  
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2n2n · 1 year
ch99 LETS GO WOO--!!! this ruled I love it here at the aidairo!! Man I feel like I have such pretty tame expectations of things often as I don't expect 100% of a work to be to my taste and interests, but I get blown out of the water every single twist and turn.... HOO HOO HOO HOO *running around in a circle*
couldn't be off to a better start.. I feel like Aida loves to draw these first person PoV Tsukasa is leaning down to talk to you direct eye contact panels... and I luv to see them (: babygirllll
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Ah... a lovely, shining example of Tsukasa's ability to peer through people... he struggles always, to understand when, and why, people don't act upon their honest desires. Why not do something, if you want to do it? Why not stop doing something, if you hate it?
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He looks so strikingly like Amane here, it's incredible. A rare Tsukasa with semi-lidded eyes, a more shadowed expression, so his pupils are cast in the amount of shadow we see in Amane's (at least, thats what I see it as!)... situationally the Yugi's eyes resemble one another's purely due to lighting conditions, since their eyes only look different 'cuz of how they hold their gazes on things... Tsukasa's natural wide stare... I just love when we get to see him pulled closer to Amane's sortof glance...
Cutting to the point... ugh. LOVE it. Love Tsukasa's interest in intentions and emotions. The truth of you... LOVE IT. Love Mitsuba really looking so crazy... love him being RIGHT!!! You just HATE that you crave it and it's so delicious to you.... mmmm. Ah its a perfect Tsukasa situation ♥
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anyway, I LOVE this setting, what an absolutely scary and atmospheric space to be in, the goddamn tech and sump and whatall backend of the aquarium.... pipes and tubs and gauges and tubs. Really claustrophobic and perfectly 'trapped'. Feels so yabai. yabai yabai. Perfect little box they're sunken into....
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sorry, incredibly funny mitsuba oogie boogies into a pile of bugs. Extremely laughed out loud.
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love this irrational moment of jealousy lol. Why can't you just be grateful someone out there kept Mitsuba together </3 stupid caveman.... </3
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a perfect reveal... couldn't be a more 'oh... oh, gosh' moment... as this all is, it felt like, "how incredibly crazy to go TO the Minamoto household-- if Teru had bolted out the house and not Kou, Mitsuba would simply be kerplooded...." how miserable that Mitsuba aimed for that outcome. Was relying on it. What an interesting feeling, to see Kou, instead, and have to shift gears... the monumental suicidal vibes of the outings... and frankly I love Mitsuba's impatience and fussiness in light of that... it reminds me of suicidal Rasphard Ambrose from AidaIro's old VN ahaha, telling the tsundere neige "comfort me better." lol. Good on you Mitsuba.. you need to boss and bully Kou right now, it is your right...
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could not be a more perfect situation to test Kou. agog at how artfully wonderful. Hey bitch who wants to be an exorcist soooo bad, I'll give you something to exorcise..... ooo how about you think about your dang profession critically for a moment!
I love the 'beat' where Mitsuba tries to read, judge, very carefully, Kou's response. He doesn't trust him to really understand this request. He's not willing to endure humiliation about this! None of Kou's idiocy. Either willing to 'help' or not.
Freakin' reminds me of Rasphard too, with the 'joking' after saying things that belie the real intent, deflecting fast...!
Kou's response... wuh, lol.
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SO funny that Kou is experiencing this epiphany selfishly, processing it almost as a kind of rejection! You lied to me </3 Extremely AidaIro actually.... (well, again reminds me of how Estelio in Narisokonai Snow White takes his twin brother's suicide as a kind of abandonment/rejection of him... and I have a theory that Amane and Tsukasa, and the shinjuu, also may tie into an emotion like that-- that perhaps Tsukasa attempted to kill himself to alter fate, but Amane perceived it as Tsukasa 'leaving' him, and killed them both to stay together....). Its funny that Kou was so fussy and shitty the whole time, but, he's mad to learn you had an ulterior motive and weren't engaged in the same earnest way. The sweetness of the day's been overwritten by this hidden agenda. He feels betrayed-- but it's not really the time for that, now is it? It's not a very sweet reaction to Mitsuba's confession of being self-destructive.
I really didn't know it mattered so much to Kou that it be an authentic experience, and that this taints it. Really funny its his priority, emotionally, here ... it's genuinely interesting though. He's a very childish/immature person, so this being his reaction fits well.
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detour, Mitsuba looks really nice with his hair unpinned and disheveled! My favorite look for him thus far. Nice and raggedy... I don't really like his groomed up look, this messy one's much better....
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he handles all conflicts with screaming, bullying and bullrushing </3 as expected of Kou.... but I like how awful this all is
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really freaking visceral! fighting fuckin hard! Lol, 'I said no!" ... love the claustrophobic setting coming home to roost. Mitsuba's wobbling, haggard, weak, amputated form up against Kou's real wild gorilla tactics. It's so dreadful lol! Grabbing him by the god damn ankle! Slamming him to the ground!
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we here at the Aidairo love to make panels that look like this lol.... you know all I'm thinking about is that shinjuu and how lit its gonna be!! feel like this sorta stuff is 1/10th of what the shinjuu will be....
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like a caveman. blunt brute strength, force, aggression... it makes Tsukasa feel graceful and friendly.
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insulting his very reasons for being ~suicidal.... you suck sooo bad Kou! Screaming and throttling and berating for being stupid, 'so what'ing his reasons for feeling dehumanized and self-hating, HOO you wonder why Mitsuba tells you nothing? Its just like in Picture Perfect... just hollaring like an ape defensively. But this time it's so incredibly horrible it's more interesting than ever. So obliquely a defensive emotion, brought on by insecurity (you don't rely on me), jealousy (you rely on Tsukasa, you talk to Tsukasa), betrayal (you intentionally mislead me). Taking out his anger and frustration on Mitsuba! Its a panic response, but it speaks to Kou's handle on his impulses.
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absolutely incredibly reveal ♥ VORE MANGA VORE MANGA VORE MANGA!!!!!!!! GET BIT, KOU!!!
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What a PERFECT thing to saddle Kou with-- a kaii that is his friend, that is DANGEROUS. That is a DANGER TO HUMAN BEINGS. Its time to learn some sympathy for complicated beings and situations, the very sorts of things your job exists to exterminate!! But it's also crazy human-centric, that Kou just can't understand the problem up until here. As if killing/eating kaii is no problem and easy-- like, geez, Kou, eating live bugs or mice or something would be ENOUGH to make someone horrified and feel like a monster, plucking apart bloody bodies and digging through viscera in excess would make most people mindbroken after long enough! Never mind the sheer amount and the inhuman sensations of desire and need for it going on here, the deep satisfaction and the grotesque nature feeling like its destroying Mitsuba's entire self-image.
WELL, ANYWAY, KOU BEING AN INCONSIDERATE ASSHOLE ASIDE, what a wonderful moment. I find it funny that Kou really needs his own personal little buddy kaii to learn any kind of sympathy for the struggles of being something 'dangerous'. The Minamoto family take it upon themselves to determine 'dangerous' and exterminate it. It's effectively like the friend of a cop revealing they hold criminal intent, lol.... time to see how much destructive possibility YOU will tolerate, how about ;) Nene-chan will put up with quite a lot ♥ is it so simple to determine when someone's 'too far gone' ♥? Mitsuba is trying to tell you he is.... ♥ he's scared of himself.... ahhh its so delicious ♥ decadent situation to put Kou into. We need to put the Minamoto dogma thru tests! YOSH
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jealous that Tsukasa gets access to what he doesn't </3 extremely funny of Kou, and EXACTLY what I wanted to see revealed. All his spite and aggression towards Tsukasa has layers! Ugh, so petty it's funny and delicious. Hoo hoo hoo!
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boohoo </3 you think I'm weak </3 you trust Tsukasa more than me </3 you run to him in danger </3 or maybe its that Tsukasa chases down Mitsuba, has knowledge of what he needs, is willing to do a fat lot of work to assist him, explain things gently and calmly and honestly, while all you ever do is forget he exists, until he shows up in front of you :)? Why wasn't he your first priority after the severence? You want Mitsuba to do all the legwork? You distractible oaf....
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after all that though, I'm glad Kou WASN'T rewarded for the screaming beast tactics! I'm glad that shit got him bitten!! I'm glad that CRYING and whining gets him much farther! I swear to GOD, Mitsuba isn't even so sure you LIKE him! He's really receptive to this...!! But, really, who is ever crying to Mitsuba? Tsukasa, Natsuhiko, Sakura, Nene, Hanako? Who is begging him for attention, who is crying for him? Nobody....! Mitsuba is always sinking fast into a 'victim' schtick and crying and whining, desperate for attention himself... seeing this, its like-- ah!-- it would be so ideal if someone else could be more pathetic than him....
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after all that fuss, I love this for Kou's delayed, final 'crash' response.... his immediate response to it all is just a frenzied high of anger/aggression/violence... I like that finally voicing the root insecurity/inferiority complex (all Kou is composed of....) and upset that Mitsuba relies on Tsukasa (how does it feel to always hear that name from his mouth, time and time again, after a crisis like the Picture Perfect, Severance?), instantly renders him so inert. I like the pathetic crossed legs here lol.
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boy. and I think Hanako is childish with his feelings about Nene-chan. If Hanako is a true blue 13-year-old-boy in his emotional expression and fussiness, Kou is like a freaking 5 year old. Sheesh. He really. Has the lowest maturity. This is the rawest, most vulnerable Kou we've seen!!! He's REALLY been coddled and never challenged for his life! His brother REALLY sheltered him but GOOD. Kou's an absolute mess! It's interesting the extent of it. I mean I'm always here to tell you Kou is The Dumbest One Here, but, awoof. Well I'm satisfied by it all. Its best when things are so extreme (: He makes Mitsuba feel so worldly and respectable lol.... Kou, you kid.... child.. big baby.
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I'm glad Mitsuba can see past the defensive stuff easily at this point... Kou really can't let it go.
I've never really known how the Mitsuba and Kou dynamic could go anywhere-- two tsundere really don't make a match to me, and in every interaction, in the past, they really felt at a standstill with one another's stubbornness, and compulsive rudeness. Both of them don't express vulnerability in a productive way. They both leap to insults and yelling. It often feels like no headway occurs. But I like to see Mitsuba have to interact with someone emotionally wrought over him, even jealous and feeling robbed of a moment/opportunities of closeness. It's really what Mitsuba needs... he needs to see he has an effect on anybody, it's his entire complex. Seeing it all laid out like this, I can see how a guy with an inferiority complex (Kou) and a guy with an attention deficit (Mitsuba) could be interesting and ultimately feed one another, if ONE of them could just take the hit of being vulnerable first. Mitsuba's just so massively socially neglected and feels insignificant. Kou feels insignificant, too. Mitsuba feels nobody seeks him out, or wants him, while Kou also feels nobody seeks him out as someone to rely on. It's pretty fascinating to have one person have such a wealth of attention/coddling, but no sense of value despite it (Kou), and another person with a dearth of attention, with no sense of value due to it (Mitsuba).
I mean, in defense of Kou, Teru has been lying to him so profusely for his entire life, he may as well not know him at all. It's not a meaningfully intimate relationship, despite being his most dominant presense in his mind. It's majorly built on performances and facades on Teru's part, and then Kou meets Teru's undercurrent of pain and suffering with an utter 0 perception stat. Rather than being trusted with being an exorcist, Kou really oughta beg for Teru to trust him with his trauma and the weight of it ... I think Teru tried to in that conversation and, maybe he will continue to. I think Teru realizes how badly he's set up his and Kou's relationship to fail... fail brocon
ahhhhhh all really exciting stuff. I really prefer a Kou chapter like this to the sword-fightan shounen-hero-catchphrase-spoutan ones (: his extremely stunted emotions are an intrigue. Such a busted little idiot. And, I really like how Mitsuba took the first shot with being vulnerable. Proud of him. It's a bit sad Kou met it with a sense of rejection, because it's so beautiful Mitsuba would try to trust Kou point blank with euhrrrr euthanizing him. That really is, in Mitsuba's mind, in this state, begging Kou to help him. It's trusting Kou with his entire existence. It's hoping Kou will be able to understand his pain. Kou,, doesn't,,,, emphatically so, but at least he got somewhere by the end of it all :B and you know. He shouldn't give up yada yada.
Wonder if we'll pop over to a B plot or stick here....
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grimmichi-ao3-feed · 1 year
[New AO3 Fic!] Crushing
by Mothwood
A minute passes, Ichigo busying himself with rubbing at Grimmjow's shoulder and distractedly trying to identify the source of the light in their little prison. It's not like the walls are glowing, but there isn't a bulb or any visible magic causing the illumination either.
He clears his throat. "Claustrophobic?"
Grimmjow nods against him, the finest of shudders working it's way down his spine.
Words: 4246, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Bleach (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Grimmjow Jaegerjaques, Kurosaki Ichigo, Shihouin Yoruichi
Relationships: Grimmjow Jaegerjaques/Kurosaki Ichigo
Additional Tags: Claustrophobia, Panic Attacks, Fuck or die but it's fuck or have a breakdown, you guys have no idea how chuffed I am that I get to reuse that tag!!, Vaginal Sex, Close Quarters, Cramped Spaces, Alternate Universe - Urban Fantasy, Curses, Shifters, Trans Male Character, Trans Kurosaki Ichigo, Mildly Dubious Consent, References to Temporary Character Death, Why is it always Yoruichi who gets the blackmail material, Cock Warming, Large Cock, Literally a crime against me specifically that there is no spiky cock tag, spiky cock, youre gonna do spells and shit and youre gonna be fucking pleased about it, Trapped, Painful Sex, Light Masochism, Post-Coital Cuddling, Thats a tag but no spiky cock rights???, imprisoned
Read it now on AO3!
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tezzbot · 2 years
Osomatsu, Jyushimatsu and Todomatsu (🏳️‍🌈💌💔🧸🪀💬🎃🔊)
not gonna do all of these for all 3 ive been trying since last night my brains gonna melt lmfao
🏳️‍🌈 lgbt hc
osomatsu thats a dyke
jyushimatsu i think w regards to gender probably doesnt give tht much of a fuck tbh. hes just jyushimatsu also woman liker
todomatsu uhhh . hm idk.. theres smth fruity going on there i mean look at it. not sure how id label him hes like a lgbt what all at once type u know HDHJDG
💌 fluff hc
osomatsu has always really loved horse racing even before he had a gambling addiction lol i think as a kid hed go to the library or smth and just Read n Learn about horses and races in general thats the tism baby he knows literally everything you ask him who won whatever race in like 1976 he Knows its like scary impressive (literally how else wld he remember horse racing results from Ten Years In The Past in the movie!!!!) if you gave him a horse he would fully know how to take care of it
jyushimatsu and homura, tho not dating cus i dont think theyre ldr kinda people, they do still stay in contact, they talk on the phone n write each other letters tgey r the world
some of the friends todomatsu has do legitimately enjoy hanging out with him like the barista girls what r their names. aida and s. saachi? they like him a lot! as a friend! he just is in the mindset of im bottom of the social barrel so he doesnt always see it lol
💔 angst hc
do i even need to do this these guys r miserable little freaks as is lmfao
osomatsu. cant think of anythin original just uknow usual. childhood trauma, dependency issues, oldest child 3rd parent syndrome, etcetc
jyushimatsu feels bad abt how he treated ppl in high school, despite the fact tht it was a defence mechanism he didnt Like being so angry all the time :( its why he tries so much to make people happy now. tht anger does still make its appearances but hes better with it now
🧸hurt/comfort hc
osomatsu when he feels like trashgarbage will go and find one of his brothers and if he finds one of them in the house he'll go n sit by them n try strike up a conversation but if hes feeling like considerably bad he'll just sit and maybe lean against them just for the pressure remind him that theyre there keep him grounded
💬 fav line
jyushimatsu - literally all of his big long stupid internal monologues are great but literally the best line in the show is "Samples, my guy" it legitimately made me laugh So loud when i first watched that episode by myself
🎃 sth i think theyre afraid of
osomatsu hemophobia not a fan of blood, why he freaked out so bad in the movie over a scuff
jyushimatsu probably claustrophobic n being restrained fr long not of his own accord, man needs to fidget
todomatsu literally so scared of seeing the hat man in the dark. he watched one five nights at freddys video in 2015 and now his brain thinks hes gonna see bonnie in the bathroom at night he closes the door facing into a room so he has a full view of the room w his back On the door to make sure he hasnt been followed despite the fact he Knows he hasnt. just in case lol (no i am not projecting [lying])
🔊song that reminds me of them
oso - get well city by felix hagan and the family (a lot of their songs make me think Matsus in general tbh lol)
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jyushi- dumb dumb by mazie
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todo is kinda hard to nail down but - secrets by p!nk
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