#and the personal blend does Not cause illusions!
Hey do you think ya can explain Barnaby and his illusion smoke a bit? It seems really cool and I don't remember if ya talked about it in depth before
sure! this got a bit longer than i expected!
so i was thinking that Barnaby seems like more of a hands-off kinda guy when it comes to altercations. would rather sit back and make funny commentary! so if he Had to get involved, i imagine it would be from a distance and still in an Entertaining Way!
thus - illusion magic! for this au i've been picturing that he got his paws on some illusionary herb in his early teens. for making people laugh, you know! and help out with the farm - illusions could distract animals, convince them to move on to different pastures, calm the chickens for egg-collecting, etc!
Ms. Beagle didn't really approve, since smoking is harmful, but lucky for the both of them this particular plant doesn't deal as much damage when smoked as normal smoking materials would - like tobacco! something to do with the magic properties! so Barnaby mostly used it for chores (when his mama wasn't paying attention, ofc - it's still a bad habit in her eyes) and entertainment purposes.
how it works: on its own, it doesn't do much when burned. it's not like illusions will waft out of the pipe's bowl, or that sniffing it will give someone hallucinations. in order for it to work properly, the user has to inhale properly, form the Intent of what the illusion should be / look like / behave, then purposefully blow the smoke out with that thought firmly in mind. the reach of the smoke depends on the force of Intent, and the intensity depends on the amount inhaled. those that breathe it in / are surrounded by it will see hallucinations of whatever Barnaby - or whoever the user is - wants them to! it can be literally anything! whether or not the target is fooled depends entirely on the individual, but the herb is potent enough that most are convinced that what they "see" is real (auditory hallucinations only occur if the target breathes in the smoke)
upsides: this form of magic is great for distractions, cover, deescalation, and that kind of thing. if needed, Barnaby could stop a fight with one exhale! it's a pretty powerful trick! it also means that Barnaby has built up a tolerance to illusion magic over the years, so where most of the party would be tricked, Barnaby would be unfazed. the only one with total immunity to the form of magic is Wally!
downsides: if Barnaby uses too much in too short of a time, it will get to him. and since he breathes in the largest amount - undiluted at that - it can fuck him up! using it sparingly / using repeated small amounts doesn't do anything. the most it will do is make him feel slightly untethered, but he has an easy time ignoring it / shaking it off.
in mild cases of the magic getting to him, it's like a bad trip. his proprioception is messed with (basically he gets uncharacteristically clumsy & off-balance), he feels like he's falling, anxiety spikes, and his vision is just... off! there are blind spots (im talking actual blind spots, not spots of black), things are moving in ways that they shouldn't, he has mild auditory hallucinations. the others can help ground him by talking to him, touching him, and confirming what's real and what isn't.
in bad cases, it's like that but 10 times worse. on top of all of the previous symptoms being worsened, he gets extremely vivid hallucinations, and they're very often not fun! it's a simultaneous feeling of dying, going insane, and not knowing what the fuck is going on. Barnaby loses sense of where he is, who's where, what's happening. he can get lost in the hallucinations - he has no way to know that they aren't real. in these terrible trips, no one can really help him. they can't get through the hallucinations, and if they do, the magic morphs Barnaby's perception of them and they end up adding to the effects. honestly the best thing for him is to let him rest somewhere with as little sensory input as possible & leave him be until he starts to come down. physical contact does help, since Barnaby understands on an instinctive level that illusions can't touch him, but it doesn't help half as much as it does w/ the mild trips. and again, the presence of someone can make the hallucinations worse.
so! suffice to say! he doesn't like using the herb all that often, and it's why he Stays Out Of It unless absolutely needed. he has two pouches of the herb - one with the strong stuff, reserved for emergencies / one with just a tiny bit of it mixed in with Barnaby's own personal blend for recreational/everyday use. (he also has an emergency tobacco stash in his pack, but that's only for when he's completely out of his usual blend <3)
extra lil scribble that didn't make it into the lil doodle post... i broke his wrist...
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#the undiluted one is the blue/purple/pink smoke#while the personal blend changes color depending on his mood#and the personal blend does Not cause illusions!#the herb is included in the blend for cosmetic effects - colorful smoke! - and it has calming affects#so its. yeah its rgb weed last person nailed it on the head#rambles from the bog#wh fantasy au#the other day i was thinking about howdy's first adventure with the neighborhood#and i was like 'ok situation where barnaby has to use a tad too much of the magic'#and i amused myself imagining howdy's shock and panic when barnaby - steady graceful barnaby#staggers a little. looks up at the trees/skies. goes 'oh no' and promptly stumbles and falls on his face. and then just does not get back u#he has to go get poppy to make sure he isnt hurt / also howdy would Not be able to half-drag barn back to camp on his own#that dog is dead weight and staggering all over the place - if they can even unstick his claws from where he's anchored himself#sometimes barnaby will feel the unpleasant trip Incoming and he'll just. lie down right there and then#facedown. gripping the grass like his life depends on it - and also whoever's closest#frank always leaps out of the way when barn starts to Sway bc he does not want to sacrifice his arm for a solid few hours#usually wally is the one to sit with him and happily get his arm bones squeezed into dust <3#a common thing is barnaby will be like 'the trees/sky is melting and the ground is turning inside-out'#what does that mean! no one knows! he cant explain it when he sobers up!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 months
Could I get a ScarVio Latios, whichever, Reader who pretended to be human to attend school? He can do what the Latias from the anime movie could do “bend light” to make himself look human. The Latios does have to be careful of anything accidentally bumping into him could go through the illusion (he isn’t a zoroark), but otherwise he has been enrolled for a few years. He already caught himself and hid his own Poke Ball so that worry is gone.
Latios can speak the native languages through telepathy.
Can you do Clavell, Arven, Kieran, or Penny’s reactions to being invited to the Latios’ dorm and he decided to reveal himself? Maybe he looks up to Clavell as a second uncle while the other three remind him of his sister who’s on the other side of the world. The point being he decided it might be time to finally tell someone he was actually a Pokemon, in case y’know the government looked closer at his records.
I just think it would be funny.
Waahh I love that movie!! I was hoping for a request like this!
Couldn't think of anything for Arven and Penny so hope Clavell and Kiki are okay!
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Director Clavell
For years you've been able to disguise yourself as human to attend Paldea's academy, having always wanted to experience the daily life of one.
Aside from your red eyes, inability to speak (at least verbally), and your hair looking like the fins on your true form--you'd say you've blended in pretty well!
Not a single teacher nor student suspected you were a Latios, and you had every intention to keep it that way..
Until one day, a few months into your treasure hunt, you overheard Director Clavell discussing something with a few teachers..who claimed they saw you flying over Mesagoza.
Of course...you may have been chasing after something that day and forgot to turn invisible.
With telepathy, you're able to hide and hear their full conversation...and your heart drops when he suggests finding and capturing you so no other student risks their life trying to do the same-
It damn near terrifies you into almost breaking the illusion as you bump into a table whilst fleeing (you keep forgetting that you're no Zoroark, who are master of illusions).
It hurt a little to hear that from Clavell especially, who you looked up to like an uncle ever since he personally reprimanded the same bullies that the former director failed to punish for harassing you (the latter basically said it was your fault for never speaking up).
You've been attending this school since that huge fallout between Team Star and their own bullies, and you wanted to believe Clavell could be better than him in every way.
You just didn't wanna be shunned, expelled, and/or caught if he did find out about your records..and the lies you told on it.
But after he learns the truth of Team Star and allows the leaders back into the Academy, you find enough courage to request a meeting outside your dorm room, insisting you knew about the Latios that was recently sighted.
Although you quickly insist that he comes inside, and he grows concerned.
Surely this discussion could have been done inside his office..
However, Clavell soon realizes why you wanted him to come here specifically, as you revealed yourself to be that Latios, telepathically sharing everything:
Why you wanted to disguise yourself as human, the passion you had as a student at his Academy, how you admired him ever since he defended you and spoke up against Team Star, how you caught yourself in your own pokeball, etc.
You were fully ready to be expelled for this.
Not only have you lied to him and everyone else in the Academy..but you've also caused an uproar within the student body over your presence around Mesagoza.
Plus...surely he'd never believe a Pokémon could be a student. Something like that couldn't and shouldn't happen..
But while Clavell did have his suspicions when he looked at the records you submitted for enrollment...
Now he sees that even a Pokémon could have the same dream as a human student: to go on their own treasure hunt.
And to deny you that would make him feel guilty.
In the end, he allows you to continue your studies and promises to keep your identity a secret.
He only asks that you don't go flying around the plaza nor skip any classes.
Having attended BB Academy for a few years and being a League Club member, you'd see Kieran from time to time, struggling to make a name for himself and hiding behind his sister 24/7.
He keeps assuming you never spoke to him because he did something to make you mad...
Until one day when you defended him from some bullies and patched up some minor injuries he got from a Pokémon battle gone wrong.
In a way, he reminds you of your sister Latias..who lived on the other side of the world, yet was always in your heart.
He opened up surprisingly fast afterwards, and you became his first official friend! The one he'd always ramble about Ogerpon to, alongside some other legendaries he's read about.
He mentions Latios, which makes your heart skip a beat as he mentions dreaming about flying across the sky on one some day--but meeting Ogerpon is his greatest wish.
However when he left for Kitakami on a trip and came back less than a week later....he changed. Not for the better, but for the worst.
No longer did he cry to you about any bullies..but rather became just like those bullies.
The moment he walked into the club room with his hair up and jacket open, you sensed a strong shift in his aura.
It was dark, foreboding, cruel..anguished.
You already saw into his mind: being rejected by the Legendary he idolized, his dreams crushed by an outsider, being lied to over and over again...and a constant whisper that he is weak and has to be stronger and stronger and stronger.
He was hurting. But..what could you do?
Now he looks at you as just another club member, asking if you've been training your team and getting annoyed when he remembers you don't talk.
When Drayton says something snarky, he slams a hand on the table and startles you into nearly dropping your illusion.
Somehow nobody else sees it--except Kieran.
And he looks shocked, but you rush out of the room and flee the Academy, diving into the water as you turn into your true self.
You don't come back for a while, afraid that he saw who you truly were and believed he'll despise you for keeping this secret from him.
Eventually, though, you find yourself flying around the academy entrance again, invisible as you overhear him give a humble apology to Florian/Juliana...and you realize he has changed again--for the better this time.
It warms your heart, as you sense his aura is good.
Soon you invite him to your dorm, promising to explain everything to him.
And Kieran is surprised by your memorabilia of Latios and Latias, along with photographs you managed to take of the legendaries.
"Wowzers..you got to meet them both? You must've been a huge fan of them! Haha, kinda like how I was a fan of Ogerpon.." He chuckles.
You realize he's not fully understanding, so you ask him if he remembered the day you suddenly fled the club room..and it finally dawns on him.
"Wait, I remember..you did kinda look like Latios for a split-second. But I'm sure my eyes were just playing tricks on me. No way could you be-"
In a small bout of frustration, you show him that you are indeed a Latios, and he's absolutely stunned when he sees your true form and hears your actual voice inside his head.
He almost yells (out of amazement, not anger)--but you keep him quiet...and then he just starts awkwardly gushing and stammering like he used to about Ogerpon, but instead it's about you and the shock that he's been friends with a Legendary after all this time.
He feels bad for nearly exposing your secret, but you forgive him, answering any and all questions he had to the best of your ability.
You trust him enough to reveal the pokeball you caught yourself in--having managed to "cheat" the system by registering yourself as a trainer so that your Latios-self couldn't be caught by anyone.
Kieran just finds you to be SUPER cool fr.
Since he's always wanted to fly on the back of an Eon Pokemon, you decided to fulfill his dream and take a small flight around Unova's ocean.
He's terrified as HELL but at the same time couldn't be happier, clinging to your neck and grinning.
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blonde-and-cat-suc · 1 year
27. it’s the least you could do
rating: m
wc: 1k
cw/tw: manipulation, mild dehumanization * 
desc: Catra is having a hard time settling into life in Bright Moon after the war. It doesn’t help that Adora does not want to stay in with her. 
Sometimes it was easy to forget that Adora was once doe-eyed and scrappy, something like a loyal puppy, following wherever the highest powers would go... Eventually, that power, the glamour, the promise of victory—that was what had pulled Adora into the Rebellion.
Sometimes, Adora was redeemable. She was only doing what she thought was best at the time. She was only sucked into the illusion of becoming a true hero. There was no happy ending when Prime was defeated. Not really. When all was said and done and the weeks have passed, Etheria's moons are still rotating, the villages that have been destroyed are still destroyed, the scars where the Chipped had been inflicted are still soft and pink, unable to forget the damage for good.
Catra spent a lot of the new free time doing nothing more but relaxing in the dip of their bedroom's window sills, one of her legs and the tip of her tail hung on the side of the outer wall. Spring had come to Bright Moon all at once, the air thick and heady with fresh dew, tangy-sweet flora pouring onto Catra's face, on the tips of her whiskers... It was a really good day to stay in and not have to worry about getting ticks buried in her fur. Maybe sleep on the floor and try not to think about anything else but the heat simmering through the window. Catra spent so many days just like this until they all blended in together. Long, dull, meaningless days in Bright Moon.
Adora didn't like staying in all day like that, though. She was always moving. Too jumpy, her heart beat rabbiting when Catra pressed her ear against her ribs, trying to forget her own bad dreams in favor of Adora's reality.... They've always been like that. They were always bound to be together, feeding off of each other. Sometimes Catra was flustered at that thought. Sometimes she was pissed. She was not sure what to think of that. Not ready to unpack it.
They fought each other for years. She hated Adora. Sometimes it was like her body forgot that Adora was an ally now, and it would shudder and tighten and go madly hot with everything she swallowed away for Adora during the war. Before the war, even. 
That was miserable.
And this was... confusing.
The war was won, but Catra's head wasn't even clear enough to actually enjoy it.
"So... You're leaving?" she finally asked Adora, who stood akimbo at the door, pointedly.
"Just for a few hours."
Catra fought to keep the venom out of her tone. "And...you're going to hang out with Glimmer again, right?"
"Catra, why do you always—"
"It's okay if you are. Just go. I'm just going to stay here all day, and not cause any trouble, okay? ...That's what you want, isn't it?"
"Why don't you just come with us?" Adora was slightly flushed, never one to make Catra angry and leave her like that. Yeah. Adora was sweet. She even gave Catra those I'm really trying right now eyes, and Catra could almost believe her. "You guys can't have this fight forever. Honestly, you two just have different opinions, it's not enough to end an entire friendship—"
"Yes, it is", she snapped. "You don't get to tell me who to be friends with, Adora!"
"No, that's not what I mean! I just—"
"You just want everyone to get along because it'll make you comfortable! And that's always it, isn't it!? 'What's going to make this comfortable for me? What do I want Catra to do to make her better to meet my standards!?' God, Adora, you—you don't ever actually listen to me when I talk, do you?"
Adora was wide-eyed, her teeth working down on her bottom lip, trying not to speak too soon. That was so annoying, when Adora would hold out on Catra like this, still. She had always been the most frustrating person to argue with, because she had always been the person that Catra would forgive, eventually. If anything, the end of the war and the start of their romantic relationship together was as good a sign as any that Catra and Adora really couldn't be without each other. They really were just two halves of a whole, and maybe that's why Catra had hope that Adora would come around eventually. She would be that good, loyal puppy that followed orders again, like she used to. Catra had to figure out how to get that from Adora, like she once had. Then, she would really sink her claws in. Never let this relationship go, ever again.
Finally, it seemed that Adora had collected her bearings and the gears behind her eyes started working. But then, she only uttered, "Look. I'm sorry. I didn't know that you feel that I don't listen to you."
"You don't listen to me."
"I'll stay with you a little longer", Adora said hurriedly. "If that's what you want."
Catra rolled her eyes, "What do you think?"
That was all she had to do and say for Adora to come crawling back, shrugging off her jacket, the bright blue of her eyes looking at Catra for some other kind of approval. She patted the side of her leg, tail flickering wildly at her hip. Here, here girl... come back over here.
Adora was almost too easy, now. The war being over made her soft, so quickly. She wouldn't even kick off her boots before she met Catra at the window, frowning, shoulders squared, attention placed here and only here. Adora was no longer young, and no longer blind to the worlds around her—but she was ever loyal and obedient, still. 
For a moment, it was almost like they were kids again... Catra looking down at the only person she had ever loved, and Adora looking up right at her. For a moment, it was almost like they were back on opposite sides of a war again, and Catra wanted to kick Adora's face in again, just to get her to stop looking like that. So wide and blue and trusting. Adora was not that totally innocent, loyal girl that she used to be, all of those years ago, in the Horde, in the war. Now she was only a stark reminder of the worse parts of Catra's life... and sometimes the best.
"Good", was all Catra could bring herself to say, swallowing back her love for Adora. Her rage. "Staying with me... Finally. Thank you, Adora. Thank you."
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nurllius · 5 months
Hey 📌
I'm Nurllius/Julian [he/him], and this is my Gw2 blog. You will only see gw2 related stuff here. I've been playing for about four years and so on and off, but this game is something I always come back to with great hyperfixation. You'll find me wondering around on NA servers mostly on my main blorbo Aahrtur. Speaking of, some introductions about him and the others for those curious:
Aahrtur [he/him]
My main ranger, the commander, dragon slayer, god stumper, death denier, canach crony, etc. 10 years old and trying to stop the world from falling apart. Aahrtur’s personality consists of what you might think legendary “The Commander” would act like, stoic, calculated, constantly observing and planning and such. While he does have these characteristics outside of when he’s in his “commander mode” he also is a man of dry humor, lover for all kinds of beverages, a violin player and he loves to whittle. Though only few know of the last fact. Aahrtur also has a huge soft spot for animals and any beasts varying from to ones as small as a kitten to as dangerous as a wyvern (why dangerous if friend shaped?).
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Miheangel [he/they]
An awakened sylvari mesmer, Miheangel is one of two secondborn twins. Early in their life, the two were drawn away from the safety of the Pale Mother's roots and towards the everlasting desert. Being first of their kind so far away, the journey wasn't easy. Migeangel, more curious and eager towards new experiences, had found a place amongst human friends where he learned the magic of mesmers, and in return, he taught the other of his people. He was fascinated by humans and their way of life. Of course he was .et with many dishonorable people as well, like the Inquest where they tried not once to capture him for experiments and whatnot. In the end, it wouldn't be the Inquest that would reach that goal but his brother. He saw that world in a different light, inevitably causing Miheangel's suffering and later death that wouldn't last long upon being awakened once more. He manages to escape the clutches of Joko’s demands by piercing his own ears and inevitably becoming deaf. Escaped from under his brother after a few years, Miheangel now wanders the desert using a human illusion to blend in once more.
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Railvia [he/him]
A secondborn sylvari thief, Raivia, was the second of the twins. He felt the calling towards the desert as his wild hunt as much as his brother disagreed with him. Railvia, much like Miheangel, was curious and eager for knowledge, however of different kind. Palawa Joko. That was a name common on the humans of Elona's lips, either with fear, anger, or admiration. Upon learning of the unkillable lich, Railvia wanted to know more. Never seeing magic so powerful his interest and eagerness to know more led him to study the awakened from afar, at first. Unlike his brother, who was drawn to the Elonian people, Railvia was drawn towards the awakened. Not familiar with such powerful necromatix magic, Railvia's hunger of that knowledge drew him to try and talk to the lich despite his brother's pleas not to. Many would end dead and awakened if they were to do such a foolish thing as to approach the lich willingly. However, Railvia thought of some leverage. Being able to gain knowledge of the lands outside of Elona without raising suspicion and serving as a prime assasin with his upsanding skills as a thief, Railvia managed to get a place in Joko's army. He was a researcher and eventually learned doctorine practices as he studied the awakened and the magic within them. Eventually, this would lead down the road of him killing his own brother to see how his own people would react to being awakened, continuing to do further research and experiments on his own twin before escaping.
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holly-natnicole · 2 years
Destiny Squad Fighting Styles
Destiny Squad (regardless of whether a member of the squad is alone, or together with a fellow squad member or with someone else) in 'Kingdom Hārts' – my A.M. (Alternate Multiverse) of K.H. ('Kingdom Hearts' franchise which debuted in the year 2002) – when battling:
Naminé fights with their magic-enhanced fists & feet for powerful melee attacks and with Enchantments for powerful magical attacks. Latter are most often painted or drawn onto cards; but sometimes get painted, drawn, carved, or made appear onto various surfaces or onto enemies. Illusions, memory manipulation (if the person has a Heart & is friends with Sora), and status effect spells are Naminé's forte. They is able to use both Light and Darkness, but rarely does so in battle. Naminé prefers to carefully plan strategies ahead with any information they has gained from observation or from others.
Kairi uses a rapier – which is a 'sword with a slender and sharply-pointed two-edged blade' – for her canon fighting style of magical attacks and fast melee attacks that cut down a lot of enemies with many strikes that individually might be medium strength yet by the sheer speed of Kairi delivering many of them cause a lot of damage. Her most cast elements are flora spells, fire spells, Meteor, Meteor Burst/Meteor Crash, Gaia Break/Geo Impact, and Quake. Kairi also uses Light attacks. She & Naminé both have low endurance, unable to take many hits. Kairi tends to not think things through, but learns to become more patient & think ahead and to become able to make a plan mid-battle instead of jumping into a fight with no idea what she’ll do.
Riku uses his canon fighting style of powerful melee attacks with his Keyblade, magical attacks, Light attacks, Darkness attacks, and Harmony (blending Light & Darkness without either canceling the other out, resulting in a sorta Yang & Yin look). His most common element is fire spells. He has the best endurance in this squad, able to take many hits from enemies. The ones he can't endure get dodged via some acrobatics. Riku is as impulsive as Kairi, but learns to become a long-term planner very similar to Naminé.
Sora fights with her canon fighting style, using a lot of acrobatics (he’s the fastest and most agile member of this squad) in combination with her Keyblade’s speedy melee attacks and powerful magical attacks. He also uses Light attacks and (after mastering Anti Form into Rage Form) Darkness attacks. Sora is the quickest thinker in this squad, able to change tactics within seconds mid-battle; he also is the most adaptable, able to plan how to best handle various situations when Sora already finds themself in the middle of those situations.
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firefoxdemon · 2 years
About Kitsune!Kyojuro Rengoku
Taking place after Mugen train where Kyojuro survived after he recovered by training Kyojuro was outside as he was done with the training exercise fully for his recovery as he was going home from the training exercise when his crow Kaname had given him a message saying that there was a demon sighting near the forest where he was so of course Kyojuro went to check out the forest once he did he was walking he soon realized it was a trap as it wasn't just one demon, but many of them as they attacked Kyojuro as he tried to fight them off but one of them got him on the side so Kyojuro was bleeding a lot from his side as he continued to fight the demons. After beheading the last demon Kyojuro collapsed from the blood lost as he was slowly losing consciousness he collapsed onto the ground before losing full consciousness as a few hours went by as he suddenly woke up gasping as he sat up looking around seeing that he was still alive though he didn't know why as he checked the wound he saw the wound was gone as he was confused before Kyojuro noticed a tail he got up as he saw more tails Kyojuro didn't understand what was going on as he saw a nearby lake he went to it and saw he had been turned into a demon. Kyojuro was shocked when he realized he had become a demon he didn't know what to do he was lost and confused as he didn't know what to do since he became a demon he couldn't just go home and act like he wasn't just turned into a demon as he realized he wasn't, no normal demon but a kitsune as he was still able to remember his family, friends and where he lived as he stayed away from home he soon did realize that he wasn't hungry for humans as he saw humans bleeding from demons attacking them the smell of blood didn't make him go crazy like it did for normal demons, but he still worried about how the other hashiras would react to him being a demon along with his father and brother.
Although Kyojuro is a demon he still maintains all his personality he had when he was human, however he is not as loud as before as turning into demon has actually recovered his hearing from the mission he had before he even became a hashira, so he was thankful for that but other than that his still the same friendly person that he was always when he was human.
"Blood demon art"
Although Kyojuro is unable to eat humans so technically speaking he does not have "blood demon art" however, he does have powers of his own due to being a kitsune he does have some abilities as eating normal human food does not actually give him blood demon art like how Nezuko sleeping gives her own blood demon art.
Illusion: Kyojuro is able to create illusion/hallucinations where the target can see, hear, touch, and smell he normally uses this on human as he doesn't want to hurt humans so using this against slayers wouldn't hurting them.
Shapeshifting: Kyojuro can change himself mostly to blend in his environment when his Illusion don't work although he can use this to play with children.
Fox "Holy" fire: Kyojuro can create a mostly holy fire to hurt demons as this type of fire does not hurt humans but it is very painful for demons such as himself since kitsunes can form fox fires with their tails or mouth this can cause Kyojuro a lot of pain.
Fox "Hell" fire: opposite to Fire "Holy" fire Kyojuro can create hell fire this is used to hurt humans as it doesn't hurt demons including himself (although this ability would be mostly used if any demons can actually corrupt Kyojuro)
While Kyojuro still has his long bright yellow hair with red streaks akin to flames along with two shoulder-length bangs and two chin-length bangs on the side of his head along with fox ears to match his hair, his right eye is still olden eyes that fade to red with white pupils however his left eye is corrupted, Kyojuro still wears his demon slayer uniform as of right now but he will switched to a kimono later on as his tails also match his hair color.
Fun fact
Kyojuro's hair can actually burst into flames if he gets mad enough which when you put it out his hair actually turns black this can weaken him for a short time with can give a slayer the opportunity to cut his head off as he can't regenerate when his hair is black only when its bright yellow with red streaks. (Although as of right now Kyojuro is on the demon slayer's side still but doesn't mean a demon won't corrupt his mind.)
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katherinasells3 · 5 months
Newspaper Headlines: 'Putin The Pariah' And Asteroid Strike
3. The quantity three level is legislation enforcement. The primary is what you need to build your ways around. If it does come all the way down to a crisis the place the SWAT workforce actually has to enter a construction or a automotive or one thing like that, it's vital to get to those hostages earlier than they get injured. If the suspect will get in the best way of doing that, which does occur, then that particular person will be handled in the extent through which that person has risen to. If a workforce can get in and can get the hostages out without having to deal with the suspect, then that’s a victory. A SWAT group can all the time deal with somebody in the house by themselves. They can take their time on that, however, there could also be elements affecting the duration. Weather or local weather may be a factor. A SWAT operator in southern California where it never gets below a sure diploma has much more time. Some man in Wisconsin that’s a SWAT operator coping with 20 under zero temperatures has to construct their tactics round that. What Law Enforcement Job is true for Me? What is a Physical Agility Test?
"No child should ever die because a police officer or anybody else mistakes a toy gun for a real weapon," Boxer mentioned in a information launch at the time. The bill stalled in committee. Twelve states and the District and Puerto Rico have banned the guns or imposed restrictions on their use, in line with the National Conference of State Legislatures. Within the District, real looking-wanting toy or air-powered guns can't be possessed in public. In 2012, , Washington, D.C., police seized about 450 imitation guns, according to the most recent information available. Baltimore’s City Council this month passed the same ban, responding to an April taking pictures and wounding by police of a 14-12 months-previous carrying a BB gun. In 2015, Boston outlawed imitation firearms in public. The legislation permits police to confiscate those guns, and they have seized 139 this year. Boston Police Commissioner William Evans stated if a facsimile gun has been used in a crime, police will charge a suspect with possession of an actual gun.
We can't improve a weakening financial system within the face of rising waters, famines, and the attainable want for mass migration away from coastal areas. Honestly, I’m undecided about the future; I’m confident of exponential advances in know-how, medicine, and more, but I'm fearful about the way forward for our planet’s environment, political local weather, wars, and poverty. After all, I can’t predict the future, however I might say that I've blended feelings of it. Although there's hope for the longer term, with all the dangerous going around on this planet seemingly on a regular basis, it can be hard to regard the longer term in an optimistic mild. After all, advancements in science, expertise, and medicine are increasing drastically which has many benefits… However, there are numerous negatives that additionally arise with the increase in expertise. Children are capable of entry the web at a younger age, which could cause plenty of harm. As Lorraine Nduta said, "The worst part of being a younger person is social media.
Matthews would spend 5 years in prison within the 1980s on robbery convictions. Released early in recognition of his work in opposition to gangs within the penitentiary, he has continued that effort within the a long time since. This month, in response to the Cleveland shooting, Matthews is main toy Orbi Gun smash-ups and buybacks at state capitols across the South, and he’s organizing a boycott of shops that promote BB guns. "I’d be a fool to think we’re going to get rid of toy guns on this violent society," he says, "but they serve no objective. Matthews is under no illusion that any amount of parental resolve will cure boys of their passion for guns. "Kids will nonetheless shoot," he says. "This isn't any panacea. But mother and father have to be a trumpet to start the means of eliminating them. We’re up towards the NRA, the manufacturers, mother and father who say it’s nothing unhealthy. Police in Illinois last week confiscated a lime-inexperienced and cherry-pink Super Soaker and a equally colored toy pistol, both of which had been transformed into working firearms.
Some manufacturers fought the orange-tip requirement, designed as a sign to police that a gun is just a toy, "because it delegitimized the enchantment of their product," he says. Toy gun sales soared after each world war. When gangsters became a staple of Hollywood films in the ’30s, gangster guns became common toys. Cap guns blew by way of gross sales information in the ’40s, thanks in part to the Lone Ranger film serial. When science-fiction became a staple on the moviehouse and on early Tv, Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon ray-guns nudged aside Tommy guns. But even within the golden years of the toy gun trade, there have been indicators of social unease. Within the ’30s, mothers’ movements tossed toy guns onto bonfires to protest the notion of constructing toys just like the weapons gangsters used towards police. "This was a classic ethical panic," Cross says. New York City has banned black, blue and silver toy guns since 1955. In recent times, towns and cities in a number of states have passed outright bans, or supplied to buy toys again from the citizenry.
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What is Paramedical Tattooing?
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What is Paramedical Tattooing?
Paramedical tattooing, also known as medical or micropigmentation tattooing, is a specialized form of tattooing that aims to address various cosmetic and medical concerns. Unlike traditional tattoos, which are often for decorative purposes, paramedical tattooing is focused on restoring or enhancing physical features that may have been altered due to medical conditions, surgery, or trauma.
 Paramedical tattooing, post-surgery tattooing, or reconstructive tattooing are all terms used to describe tattoos created to help clients heal from experiences that may leave them with a changed physical appearance.
A relatively new approach to tattooing, it developed from permanent makeup techniques, but paramedical tattoo artists have taken this to the next level.
Creating realistic areola tattoos for people who have undergone mastectomies or gender-affirming surgeries, restoring skin pigment in scarred areas, or even camouflaging or even reconstruction of a belly button after surgery,  these paramedical tattoo artists help their clients to heal psychologically from physical procedures and can really help a person feel more whole again.
Common applications of paramedical tattooing:
Scar Camouflage:
Paramedical tattooing can be used to conceal scars resulting from surgeries,                   injuries, or medical procedures. The Paramedical tattoo artist carefully matches the pigments to the client's skin tone, helping the scar blend more seamlessly with the surrounding skin.
Areola Reconstruction:
Individuals who have undergone breast reconstruction surgery, particularly after mastectomy, may opt for paramedical tattooing to recreate the appearance of the areola and nipple. This can contribute to a more natural and aesthetically pleasing outcome.
Stretch Mark Camouflage: 
  Paramedical tattooing can be used to conceal stretch marks resulting from         pregnancy, sudden weight gain, puberty stage. The paramedical tattoo artist carefully      matches the pigments to the client's skin tone, helping the stretch mark blend more seamlessly with the surrounding skin making it less visible.                         
Vitiligo Coverage:
Paramedical tattooing is sometimes used to camouflage depigmented areas caused by conditions like vitiligo. Pigments are strategically applied to match the surrounding skin, providing a more uniform complexion.
SMP-Hair Loss Solutions:
For those experiencing hair loss due to conditions like alopecia or undergoing medical treatments like chemotherapy, paramedical tattooing can simulate the appearance of hair follicles on the scalp, eyebrows, or eyelashes.
Cleft Lip Corrections:
Paramedical tattooing can be employed to improve the appearance of the lip line in individuals who have undergone cleft lip repair surgery.
Alopecia Treatment:
People with alopecia, an autoimmune condition causing hair loss, may opt for paramedical tattooing such as Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) or any permanent makeup procedure to create the illusion of eyebrows, eyeliner, or hair on the scalp.
Skin Conditions:
In some cases, paramedical tattooing is used to address skin conditions such as hypopigmentation (lack of skin color) or hyperpigmentation (excess skin color) by adding pigments to affected areas.
The process definitely has some differences. There are certain emotions that can arise when being a part of a moment that may have such a big impact on that person's life. Whether it be cancer, gender confirmation, auto-immune disorders, plastic surgery, there is a level of empathy and compassion you need to have when discussing these topics with your clients. Keeping the environment comfortable when your client may be feeling very vulnerable is extremely important.
The process consists of designing  hand-drawn on the client. Because we are restoring what may have once been on the body, we want it to form to them and feel natural- which may not always be something you can stencil on.  Another big difference is the skin being worked on, some skin will be more scarred, gone through radiation, or even cadaver skin. These will all respond differently while being tattooed. Each client brings a new unique (and welcomed) challenge to be worked with. 
The emotions right at the appointment, and even after, can be overwhelming!
We definitely see a fair amount of happy tears, and I'm one to easily end up joining them. From what clients tell us, getting to have a piece of them back, even though it is purely visual, means more than words can describe. We have had clients go from telling us  that they don't like looking at themselves after a shower, evolving to checking themselves out more than ever post restorative tattooing.
Restorative work can help bring closure to clients after going through various experiences. The mind is truly so powerful, seeing a part of your body look physically 'complete' as it once was, can really help healing mentally. It is a really beautiful experience to be a part of. We are always so grateful to be welcomed into someone's healing journey in this way.
Becoming a paramedical tattoo artist is more than just a career choice; it's a journey of compassion, creativity, and positive impact. With every stroke of ink, you have the power to transform lives, making this profession a canvas of both artistry and purpose. Embark on this unique journey and discover the ink and impact that await you in the world of paramedical tattooing.
For the entrepreneurial spirit, independence beckons. Operating your own business opens doors to a world of opportunities. Manage your schedule, nurture your artistic vision, and watch your client base grow, turning your passion into a flourishing venture.
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emystic · 7 months
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q’s for a multimuse! / Accepting!
@electricea sent some q's: 3, 14 and 19?
3. what is your process for creating a new muse? 14. which of your muses second guesses themselves the most? why? 19. which of your muses has the funniest story from childhood? what is it?
3. what is your process for creating a new muse?
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A lot of times I will have a OC established from either a drawing or a concept. However, I will admit only like 30 to 40% of those OCs become muses, because I once I start developing stories I start asking myself questions. Are they able to go around to place to place or are they set in one spot? Are they actually interesting enough to me to explore more or they just a fun idea without much else? Do I think they will stand out among the crowd?
Cause I never want use muses that I purposely made stationary, like if they're stuck in one spot I know for a fact I don't wanna budge from that. Also, they have to be more than just a "neat idea" I had but isn't that invested in and I try to avoid having too characters that kind of blend in the background or hit too similar beats to another one.
14. which of your muses second guesses themselves the most? why?
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I was a bit pickled on who to pick, but I went with Joaquina for this one. Her indecisiveness though purposely hidden in interactions, is one of her defining traits. Where she presents herself as this person who have all the answers and the one to fix things, but in reality she only does this because she's the oldest. She constantly wondering what she is doing with her own life, does she even enjoy her life, how she should handle her family situation, what is she's even doing to help, and who does she even go to trust. She got a lot of thoughts and feelings, but she don't go to anyone for advice and is so stubborn of seeming like the one with all the answers.
19. which of your muses has the funniest story from childhood? what is it?
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I think the Moralez family as a whole might when in general, just for having childhoods lol (half are kids, good chunk of those kids are dead, and the other half are miserable). It is a lot of funny stories I think I just constantly thought about. I can't really think of what's the funniest, but funny one I did write for them is that not stated here yet.
Their mom use her psychic powers to trick all of her kids into drinking medicine by making it taste like juice or using illusions to make it look like a treat. However, so they didn't wise up sometimes she would give them non-illusion icky medicine. She taught it to Joaquina who do it Lucy and Paye, then to them and they would to Myesia and Zinnia. Just a whole family of tricking kids that cough syrup taste like strawberry soda lol
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walkfromhome · 11 months
2.2 Questioner: Could you tell us something of your historical background, your earlier times in the illusion and the time state[?] contact, possibly your incarnation on this planet that you spoke of before, and contact with earlier races on this planet? Then we would have something to start with in writing this book.
Ra: I am Ra. We are aware that your mind/body is calculating the proper method of performing the task of creating a teach/learning instrument. We are aware that you find our incarnate, as you call it, state of interest. We waited for a second query so as to emphasize that the time/space of several thousand of your years creates a spurious type of interest. Thus in giving this information, we ask the proper lack of stress be placed upon our experiences in your local space/time. The teach/learning which is our responsibility is philosophical rather than historical. We shall now proceed with your request which is harmless if properly evaluated.
We are those of the Confederation who eleven thousand of your years ago came to two of your planetary cultures which were at that time closely in touch with the creation of the One Creator. It was our naïve belief that we could teach/learn by direct contact and the free will distortions of individual feeling or personality were in no danger, we thought, of being disturbed as these cultures were already closely aligned with a[n] all-embracing belief in the live-ness or consciousness of all. We came and were welcomed by the peoples whom we wished to serve. We attempted to aid them in technical ways having to do with the healing of mind/body/spirit complex distortions through the use of the crystal, appropriate to the distortion, placed within a certain appropriate series of ratios of time/space material. Thus were the pyramids created.
We found that the technology was reserved largely for those with the effectual mind/body distortion of power. This was not intended by the Law of One. We left your peoples. The group that was to work with those in the area of South America, as you call that portion of your sphere, gave up not so easily. They returned. We did not. However, we have never left your vibration due to our responsibility for the changes in consciousness we had first caused and then found distorted in ways not relegated to the Law of One. We attempted to contact the rulers of the land to which we had come, that land which you call Egypt, or in some areas, the Holy Land.
In the Eighteenth Dynasty, as it is known in your records of space/time distortions, we were able to contact a pharaoh, as you would call him. The man was small in life-experience on your plane and was a… what this instrument would call, Wanderer. Thus, this mind/body/spirit complex received our communication distortions and was able to blend his distortions with our own. This young entity had been given a vibratory complex of sound which vibrated in honor of a prosperous god, as this mind/body complex, which we call instrument for convenience, would call “Amun.” The entity decided that this name, being in honor of one among many gods, was not acceptable for inclusion in his vibratory sound complex. Thus, he changed his name to one which honored the sun disc. This distortion, called “Aten,” was a close distortion to our reality as we understand our own nature of mind/body/spirit complex distortion. However, it does not come totally into alignment with the intended teach/learning which was sent. This entity, Akhenaten, became convinced that the vibration of One was the true spiritual vibration and thus decreed the Law of One.
However, this entity’s beliefs were accepted by very few. His priests gave lip service only, without the spiritual distortion towards seeking. The peoples continued in their beliefs. When this entity was no longer in this density, again the polarized beliefs in the many gods came into their own and continued so until the one known as Muhammad delivered the peoples into a more intelligible distortion of mind/body/spirit relationships.
2.3 Questioner: We are very interested in the entire story that you have to tell and in getting into the Law of One in quite some detail. There will be several questions that I’ll ask as we go along that may or may not be related directly to understanding the Law of One. However, I believe that the proper way of presenting this as a teach/learning vehicle to the population of the planet that will read it at this time is to investigate different facets of what you tell us. You spoke of crystal healing. (One other thing I might mention is that when the instrument becomes fatigued we want to cut off communication and resume it at a later time after the instrument is recharged.) And if the instrument is suitable at this time I would like a little discussion of the crystal healing that you mentioned.
Ra: I am Ra. The principle of crystal healing is based upon an understanding of the hierarchical nature of the structure of the illusion which is the physical body, as you would call it. There are crystals which work upon the energies coming into the spiritual body; there are crystals which work upon the distortions from spirit to mind; there are crystals which balance the distortions between the mind and the body. All of these crystal healings are charged through purified channels. Without the relative crystallization of the healer working with the crystal, the crystal will not be properly charged. The other ingredient is a proper alignment with the energy fields of the planet upon which you dwell and the holistic or cosmic distortions or streamings which enter the planetary aura in such a manner that an appropriate ratio of shapes and placement within these shapes is of indicated aid in the untangling or balancing process.
To go through the various crystals to be used would be exhaustive to this instrument, although you may ask us if you wish in another session. The delicacy, shall we say, of the choosing of the crystal is very critical and, in truth, a crystalline structure such as a diamond or ruby can be used by a purified channel who is filled with the love/light of One in almost any application.
This, of course, takes initiation, and there have never been many to persevere to the extent of progressing through the various distortion leavings which initiation causes.
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boundforwarp · 1 year
It is as if many different voices call for control, the differing thoughts of action colliding and creating chaos. This element of human nature becomes an issue with everyday life, the shifting society that calls for convenience has turned the convenience into inconvenience, and inconvenience into total madness. There is no shortage of the kaleidoscope of personality that exists within the one true self, as it may be portrayed that the true self is a collaborative effort between our memories as a species, and the reaction into those memories from other memories. It is hard to pinpoint the psychology behind such things, the slew of disorders that are beginning to engulf this digital age is in a cause and effect relationship with the minds of young people everywhere as it seems, an interesting phenomenon that one could say is in tandem with the illusion of grounded reality. What is reality? Is it a collective perception? Is it information that will be agreed upon in a fashion similar to instinctual movement? How do we define what is and what isn't? It is believed that human boundaries cannot answer these questions, but as an ant to its colony, we may be able to follow a trail of sorts in order to make sense of things. Is modern reality something that is no longer tangible? It seems as if the personal spaces that coexist alongside physical spaces will blend together as time goes on. In some dystopian future, could we see humanity's end not on terms of war, but on terms of peace? As the human psyche tends to drift into the absurd as boredom becomes dominant, it is in question that as a species, would humans simply choose to remove themselves from this world? To what events could transpire such a thing, what is there beyond instinctual survival that could hold a value that isn't ethereal to humanity. Maybe some day humanity will summit the convenience towards its natural peak, only then can we wonder if this arbitration of convenience will inevitably cost our demise. It is an interesting notion that intelligence could reach a limit that is so insanely high, that a natural commitment to halt progression would be agreed upon. It would be as if humanity would simply turn to stone after an evolution that has lead to a nihilism that has evolved only after millions of years, in short, turning our very alive species into a functionally dead one. To what does the edges of human ability serve to us other than this stark realization that it would be like comparing the speeds of differing rain drops. Is there any hope for the information age?
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violettelueur · 3 years
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↳ featuring : itadori yuji + fushiguro megumi + kugisaki nobara + gojo satoru + nitta akari from jujutsu kaisen
↳ warnings : mention of violence + mention of curses + EXTREME grammar issues
↳ form : story
↳ published : 22 may
↳ pronouns : she/her
↳ word count : 3.5k
↳ synopsis : within the jujutsu world, there were three famous clans to be aware of, the Kamo clan, Zenin clan and the Gojo clan. However, unknown to many sorcerers there was one last family that was known to be apart of the three, only for them to disappear after the golden era leading some to speculate that they had died in battle after the sealing of ryomen sukuna, but….
↳ previous episode : the origin of blind obedience 2
↳ barista’s notes : so here we are for the final episode of season one of jujutsu kaisen for my series, it’s been a long journey since i started this in early feburary and now it is late may ʕ ꆤ ᴥ ꆤʔ wow times does go really fast, doesn’t it? well, i hope you enjoy this cup of special classic black coffee and prepare for the jujutsu strolls that are going to be coming soon when you ask for a bit of milk in your coffee ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡
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1. the whole story belongs to Gege Akutami and the credits go to them and them only.
2. the spell curses used belong to Tite Kubo due to them being the ‘Kidos’ being used on the manga and anime ‘Bleach’.
Hakufuku : 10:19-10:32
2.5. for the ‘cursed spells’/kidos (bleach) i will link this video here and tell you the time stamp to check out what i am intending to show - remember i add a few twist here and there by adding the katana to link with Y/N’s cursed technique : hopefully this video is slightly better…
3. if you are confused on anything, please don’t hesitate to message me since i know this whole thing is so confusing.
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“Here you go, you’ll need this”
Turning his head to look up, Fushiguro quickly noticed someone standing over him with their hand stretched out in front of him leading his eyes to peer down, only to notice a bandage wrap within the palm of their hands causing him to turn away as if he was looking away in disgust.
“Here you go, you’ll need this, you drag,” you repeated with the insult causing an irk to appear on Fushiguro’s forehead before turning to look at you with an annoyed expression present on his face.
“Go away, I don’t need it,” Fushiguro mentioned with some hint of annoyance and irritation within his tone causing the same irk to appear on your forehead as you then turned your head to look at the pile of beaten bodies that were behind him - an unsightly common sight since you enrolled into Saitama Urami East Junior High.
Sighing out loud, you suddenly grabbed the back of Fushiguro’s collar and began dragging him across the floor towards the bench that was close by (much to Fushiguro’s annoyance) and threw his body slight causing his upper shoulder area to hit the wooden side of the bench which lead him to hiss in pain.
“I don’t need it~ well sounds like you do,” you teased in a nonchalant manner causing Fushiguro to give you a sharp glare only to see that you had no reaction to it. Reaching into your blazer pocket, you took out a box of painkillers with some plasters in different sizes and a small pot of ointment before placing them on the outdoor bench.
“Don’t bother your sister too much...okay?” you rhetorically asked your classmate before turning back to walk away from the situation since you knew Fushiguro was going to question you on your knowledge about his sister even though he - on the outside - never really took the time to appreciate her or showed that he cared.
“What a drag,” you commented with another sigh before stretching your arms down to release the act that was slowly creeping its way to your shoulders as some students began to exit out of the school building to eat their lunch causing them to notice you as you gave them a little wave.
Ever since that day, Fushiguro couldn’t help but begin to notice you slightly from the corner of his eyes as each day went by. At first, you sort of blended into the crowd in the sea of uniforms that was travelling around in the hallway, seeming to not want any attention from the teachers nor the students alike yet you seemed to somehow attract them leading you to offer the same small smile that he had somewhat gotten used to.
On the other hand, Fushiguro couldn’t help but get slightly annoyed at how your name was being called by the second, it was always “Y/N” this or “Y/N” that since you hated your last name being called. As in a matter of fact, he didn’t even have any acknowledgement or a hint of a clue of what your last name was at all. However, when you would say your name in your own tone, Fushiguro slowly began to notice how he then wouldn't get irritated causing a wave of confusion to hit him every time he would wonder why.
“Y/N, aren’t you going to participate in the elections for the student council, the teachers have nominated you?” one female student asked in a light tone causing Fushiguro to peak slightly over his arm as he was taking a nap for this lunch break, only to see you holding a book with a few other female students surrounding you.
“Nah, it’s such a drag...I don’t like taking responsibility for things,” you commented softly as you placed your thumb over the last word you were reading to keep a hold of your place causing the students around you to become confused before asking more questions causing some of your answers to perplex the erratic haired boy himself.
“I’m not good at organising things”
“I don’t have the time”
“I don’t like helping people”
“Liar,” Fushiguro muttered under his breath before closing his eyes again to fall into a quick nap while repeating the last words you had said to the students around you. 
“I don’t like helping people”
If you really didn’t like helping people, then why did you help him a few weeks ago? As well as leaving some first aid kit items on his table at the end of lunch to restock shall he say? Sure, you had helped other people here and there from letting them copy your notes to little study sessions during lunch to help the other person concentrate but he was wondering why you would help a delinquent like him...but further yet, why didn’t you ask for anything in return.
“Y/N, I found you,” someone shouted, causing Fushiguro’s ears to spike up once he knew the familiar tone to the voice that decided to enter the conversation.
“I wanted to apologise for Megumi’s behaviour for the past weeks and wanted to pay you back for the medical items you had given him,” Tsumiki informed you causing Fushiguro to slowly open his eyes again to see Tsumiki’s arm outstretched with some cash within her palm while you looked down on at with a hint of disappointment in your face.
“Don’t bother your sister too much...okay?”
Placing your bookmark on the page you were on, you gently placed it down before folding Tsumiki’s fingers over the money she was kindly offering you as payment, leading her to give you a surprising expression since, with that action, she instantly knew you were declining.
“Don’t worry, you don’t have to repay me...Just take care of him, okay?” you mentioned with a soft tone before smiling up at your senior leading Fushiguro’s curiosity about you to heighten up even further than it was at the beginning.
“I don’t like helping people”
Walking in the school hallways, Fushiguro couldn’t help but notice how the gloomy and mundane weather was reflecting everyone’s mood as it seemed as if everyone had a lack of energy this morning and to be honest, he couldn’t blame them one single bit.
It was the day after, Tsumiki decided to attempt the test of courage at Yasohachi Bridge causing her to become cursed as she fell into a sudden coma causing guilt to begin eating him almost wholly as he took each step in the hallway. 
From what he recalled, Gojo had mentioned that Tsumiki was somewhat saved by a cursed technique leading her to not become physically injured at the attempt of jumping off, yet that didn’t save her from the curse that fell upon her since the lingering reverse cursed energy that was surrounding her body wasn’t enough or effective on her and the other students that decided to tag along with her leading him to wonder who was the person that tried to save his sister and her friends from that night.
Suddenly, Fushiguro heard something drop from behind causing him to turn his body completely, only to discover a fallen student leading him to widen his eyes on the sight before crouching down to check the pulse of the person only to discover that they were fine, as he then processed to turn his head to the side where more students from the classroom beside him began to drop one by one leading him to become more panicked since this was just the day after Tsumiki’s curse.
Unexpatantly, Fushiguro heard someone beginning to run towards his direction causing him to turn his head once again, only to find you running towards him with a somewhat worried expression on your face as you began to look at each classroom to see all the students within them passed out.
“Fushiguro!” you shouted in a panic leading him to quickly stand up on his feet as he reached out to you so he could rush you out of the school building to get you to Gojo to ensure your safety. If you were able to help him multiple times, maybe this time he could help you as his repayment.
Grabbing your hand, Fushiguro turned to his feet to begin running but for some reason, you weren’t running with him due to the halt of his movements when trying to pull you towards the exit of the school.
“Y/N, what are you doing? We got to run!” Fushiguro shouted in anger as he turned his head to face you eye to eye, only to come into eye contact with dark but glowing purple eyes causing his body to slowly become limp as his vision began to become gradually disorientated as an illusion of purple cherry blossoms began to fall around the both of you.
Suddenly, Fushiguro began to lose his footing causing his body to quickly fall, only for you to catch him in your arms as you slowly lowered yourself to make sure his body didn’t harshly hit the floor due to any injuries he had gained from yesterday’s fight as you laid him on his side.
“Sorry, Fushiguro,” you whispered with a hint of regret before rapidly standing back up to run the other way which seemed towards the school’s computer’s system leading him slowly turn his head as he struggled to reach out towards your direction before the same arm dropped completely while his mind began to grow blank while your figure steadily disappeared from his sights while his memories of you began to gradually fade as he tried to maintain them with such difficulty.
“You’ve been reading those books for quite some time, you know”
Turning your head away from the book placed upon your lap, you discovered Gojo in front of you with a teasing smile on his face as his body was leaning on the side of the doorway he had entered from.
“Well, there are quite a few to go through,” you muttered as you turned your head to the other side to see two piles of stacked up books that were somewhat in equal height right now with one pile of the books that you needed to read while the other was the books you had finished reading during the past weeks since you had moved into the Gojo’s clan estate.
From what you could recall the day you stepped foot into Gojo’s house, he had surprisingly guided you into a room that was filled with bookshelves that had books comfortably sitting in its place causing your eyes to widen at the sight only for him to inform you that all that books had belonged in your name.
“All of them belong to me?” you remembered asking leading your adoptive father to giggle slightly at your confused and flustered state as you began to roam around the pathway the bookshelves had given you, only to land on a particular shelf that had books written from your clan to which seemed to be addressed to you.
“I see you found the books, your mother was really smart to lock them and make sure you’re the only person who could read them,” Gojo mentioned to you when he had found you staring at them leading you to turn to him with a perplexed expression only for him to further explain that whenever he tried to touch the weathered spine of the book he would feel an invisible barrier blocking his movements and even when he attempted to use his infinity, there was no use.
However, when it was you, it just seemed like a normal book due to how easily you pull gently and carefully pull it out of the shelf and open it, only for Gojo to comment that all he could see what blank pages yet sense the linger cursed energy that was coming through the paper-based artefact. While on the other hand, you were able to view the elegant black brush strokes gracing the paper which was slightly confusing since you weren’t able to fully comprehend the poetic and outdated Japanese due to how influential the Chinese language was during the Heian era.
“I can’t believe you are technically older than me~” Gojo teased while wiping a fake tear from the corner of his eye, causing you to immediately snap out of your daydream to fully turn to him with a completely annoyed expression painted on your face.
“I DIDN’T AGE ONCE DURING MY SEALING, YOU DRAG!” you screamed in irritation causing the servant who was coming to serve you some tea to stumble slightly before regaining her balance as she let out a sigh of relief, leading you to deeply apologise to her before rushing up to your feet to help her on carrying the wooden, circular tea tray that she was holding on for you.
“I wish I got to see you grow into the woman that you are by the time you are reading this, but may you bloom into the sorcerer that you dream to be” - Your mother.
Slowly, from the loud shouting that was going on, you began to groan in annoyance while opening your eyes to find Itadori and Kugisaki kneeling in front of you with panicked expressions residing in their faces before steadily turning into relief once they noticed that you were smiling at them.
“Good job,” you whispered to them before resting your head back on the tree you were leaning on causing them to smile brightly back at you before high-fiving each other as they shouted on how relief they were as they already had a fright when they discovered Fushiguro laying on their ground before trying to find you.
“Did you collect the finger?” you questioned your classmates leading them to all freeze in a panic since they didn’t expect you to know about the issue with the special curse that was lingering within the domain that you were all previously in. As a matter of fact, you had already sensed it a few moments ago as well those three years back when you were in middle school.
“Ah...about that...Itadori ate it…” Fushiguro muttered in embarrassment, causing you to look at him with a blank stare before turning your head towards Itadori, who was now looking at you with a ‘trying to be innocent’ expression on his face as he scratched his cheek with his index finger.
“Sorry, Gojo...It was an accident,” Itadori stuttered in a light tone, while you continued to give him the blank expression before hitting his head with the handle of your katana causing him to hold the area while wincing in pain as you began to stand up on your feet.
Due to the sudden shouting, everyone head’s to shot up to find Nitta screaming at you and your classmates from above while waving her fist in such an erratic way, trying to emphasise her anger to all of you at this current moment in time.
“What have you four been doing? You wouldn’t answer my calls!” Nitta yelled, causing her voice to echo throughout the entire area causing you to wonder if anyone had turned on their lights due to the loud interruptions from their sleep.
“Oh, Nitta-san,” Itadori called out in surprise as he stared up at the irritated woman.
“She’s lost it,” Kugisaki mentioned, as she too was observing the shouting fit that all four of you were enduring right now.
“Well, shall we go home?” Itadori asked as he turned around to face you, leading the other two first-years to turn to look at you as well causing your eyebrows to raise up
‘Ah...I guess I did think about running away for a second....’
“Yeah, let’s go home,” you answered back before beginning to walk forward leaving Itadori and Kugisaki to talk about having Spendud Sushi as dinner while Nitta was continuing to yell at all four of you from above.
“I know as time passes, the more the Earth will push its fangs upon your shoulder and it’s completely my fault and I deeply apologise from the bottom of my heart. I knew the day that I was blessed with you that I desired nothing more than to give you the easiest route away from all the troubles the Zenin clan had put on us, away from the Jujutsu world and away from the loneliness that you will come face to face once I and your father are gone. I adore you with all my heart and want nothing more than your heart to be blessed with trust, happiness and comfort. Wherever you are, just know that I will always look after you, no matter how long I have to wait, I will always be the mother that I wished I could be for you” - Your mother.
“Why did you leave?”
Turning your head to the side, you found Fushiguro standing on the wooden terrace that you were sitting on with a stern look on his face while you just blinked at him before turning your head to face the garden with a book laying upon your lap as you tried a way to figure out how to bring up the topic that you tried to avoid since coming into acquaintance with the shikigami sorcerer.
“What do you mean?” you asked before closing the book in such a gentle manner, worried that you could damage more than it already was - even if it was such in a good condition after enduring itself for 1000 years.
“Why did you leave? Why did you erase my memory? Why did you go?” Fushiguro queried once again, as he decided to take a seat next to you causing anyone who would see both of you and Fushiguro to notice the contrast in your outfits. At this current moment in time, you were wearing a simple yukata due to being at Gojo’s estate - it was common/courtesy to wear traditional clothing - while Fushiguo was wearing a white jumper with what seemed to be black joggers along with some trainers causing you to come to the assumption that he had either can to talk to you or train with Gojo again like he did last time.
“I’m sorry Fushiguro...but I had to do it,” you answered before grabbing the cup of tea that was sitting right beside you as you then took a sip of the warm drink leading some of your nerves to calm down as you also took a deep breath.
“Why didn’t you stay?” Fushiguro questioned again in a low tone while staring down at the ground trying to compose himself as more memories of you began to steadily flow in.
“It was too risky,” you answered again as you continued to stare at the garden that was blooming in front of you before turning your head to look at your classmate, who seemed to be in deep thought about the response you had just given him.
“I never got to repay you back from the kindness you had given me,” Fushiguro mentioned as he turned his head up to look at you, only to make eye contact leading the memories of your technique to come into his mind.
“I don’t need a repayment, I just did what I wanted to help you,” you replied back as you placed your cup down onto the wooden tray before laying your upper body down on the terrace while your legs were handing off to the side causing your hair to splay across the wooden platform the both of you were sitting on right now.
“But you don’t like helping people,” Fushiguro quickly mentioned as he turned his head to face you, causing your eyes to move from the sky above you to the boy that was now looking at you with a somewhat small smile planted upon his face causing you to remember the conversation that you had with him and Kugisaki about not telling Itadori the reason why numerous amount of cursed fingers that have been popping up recently - making you come to the realisation that he was technically asking you and Kugisaki to help him keep the guilt away from the vessel of Sukuna himself.
“Yeah...I don’t like helping people,” you answered with the same smile as he was presenting you, causing a light giggle to arise from the both of you.
‘I’ll recommend them for a promotion later...’
“Whoever you fall for the sky for, my dear. I wish you nothing but the world’s blessing to fall upon the two of you. May all the flowers that come to bloom will bring you grace and tenderness that you deserve, the same feelings that I wish I could provide to you as a mother like how the sun gives you its warmth” - Your mother.
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© violettelueur 2021 : written and published by violettelueur - do not steal or repost
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ottogatto · 3 years
I am currently reading a book on Asperger Syndrome, and boy do I see Severus in there. It’s complicated to explain but such books are very useful to finally put into words the subtilities of autism (particularly autism with high IQ).
I’ve just realized that Severus’ drama—as in, his tendency to resemble an actor playing a theatre play, which we witness at least four times in a spectacular way (when meeting lily, in his first potions lesson, his meeting with bellatrix and narcissa (such presence!), his first defense lesson) and many other times as a habit, could be his way to manage social settings. He, as an actor, can wear the mask of the person he wishes to be: the boy who introduces lily to magic and of whom she’s not afraid, so they can become friends like in a fairy tale (and boy did it fail); the potions master who turns potions into poetics; the dark arts and defense expert who can show off his mastery and love for the subject. There is no double interaction, only he as the focus of attention, in his element, planning and playing a scene, and the spectators, silent but admirative (hopefully). He is in some way in control. Though of course it all crashes down some time later.
His devotion to a childhood friend seems also very innocent, idealistic, romantic like autistic people love. His Patronus became a doe, very beautiful and quite harmless.
The clothes he is wearing, all for comfort and to drive away potential enemies, because he knows he is vulnerable under the shell. It must also be incredibly soothing for sensitivity to touch stimuli.
Occlumency as a shield to protect his psychological/mental vulnerability.
His need to speak softly and for the class to be silent, a blessing against sensorial overdrive—school must be hell otherwise. His emotional collapses throughout the years.
How he never fit, how while lily was in a group of popular girl friends and the marauders constituted the group of popular jocks, he was unpopular and visibly lonely at best, a lapdog to groom at worst with illusions of love and protection. He is the obvious, easy target for bullying, and of course the teachers will prefer the more social, flamboyant, shining bullies over the hopeless victim.
He is abandoned and betrayed by everyone, his teachers, his friend, the death eaters, until he decides he doesn’t want to be hurt anymore and thus becomes hostile, attacks first so he can protect/defend himself.
And of course, he is used to and willing to abandon having a social life, all ideas of having friends, and that comes useful when as a spy in his last year. Although he can still feel lonely, since that loneliness wasn’t entirely by choice at first.
The way he blames himself for fucking up his friendships and probably his whole life (internalized guilt common to autistic people).
His devotion to protect people.
The friendship with lily that is "intense" and blends between fraternality, friendship and romance.
His heavy link with femininity (he’s quite androgynous), his soft (although strict) ways to live, his affinity for women over men (men who do abuse him a lot). His interest for poetry, the fine ways to speak, the delicate and subtle science of potionmaking (which breaks stereotypes of men who must be talented in physical subjects such as quidditch or "foolish wandwaving").
His unkept body (greasy hair, sallow skin, probably underweight, yellow finger and yellow crooked teeth), which stems from 1) poor self esteem thus poor self care, 2) not knowing how to take care of himself further than the basics, 3) it’s very tiring and why would he care? Intellect >>> physical appearance (a typical thought for autistic neurodivergents).
I don’t know, it’s all about those details and the character they contruct that appeal to you as neurodivergent. Little things that could be caused by anything else but that are striking for someone who knows where it all comes from.
Ah, and autism is comorbid with social anxiety and depression (wink wink sneep)
I might try to build a case for Snape as very probably autistic in the future.
(EDIT: More in the reblogs!)
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ballorawan740 · 3 years
SCP Scenarios: When they get scared by the reader (REQUESTED)
Main Masterlist | SCP Scenarios Masterlist | My Works Masterlist | Rules | Request | Socials | My Original Post
Requested by: @_Milla_7849_
SCP 073 (Cain)
I feel like Cain normally wouldn't be scared
Like if you made him watch a horror movie, he might flinch slightly but wouldn't be terrified of it
So when you try to scare him like a prank sort of way, he would flinch a little more than usual but would recover seconds later
Like that one time when he was alone walking down the hallway looking zoned out since he was thinking of something
And you just crept up to him like the sneaky little child you are and jumped onto his back
He did get a load yelp but realised it was you
Luckily for you, Cain didn't give you a lecture like before and actually laughed with you
However, if you were kidnapped or taken hostage or used for an experiment, it would obviously frighten him and he wouldn't forgive himself
So to prevent this, he would keep you within his line of sight at all times
Anyways, as I've mentioned before, Cain would probably also give you a tight hug after your little stunt and unbeknownst to him, the researchers recorded it for a laugh
Cain did give you a lecture but forgave you since you were so young and he couldn't resist those eyes
And the researchers did give you some sweets
SCP 076-2 (Abel)
Now, a warrior like Abel wouldn't be so easily frightened
Especially if it was a child, even more so if it's you since he knows you too well and has personally trained you from the age of 5
Basically, Abel would notice your movement and body language well since you're both stuck together
So you have devices a plan with your scientist friends to try and scare him
And yes, it's working
Because Abel got extremely distracted by Iris
Iris basically got yahooted into this mess and was told to wear a lingerie
Yes, you did scare him by shoving him into Iris
I wouldn't say he got a scare, but more like a surprise
Poor girl she just wanted to sleep
SCP 999 (Tickle Monster) 999 would most likely be scared the easiest out of everyone on this list
Aside from Glass
He's like a close second
Back to 999, you both were just chilling and wandering around the facility aimlessly
Because yall are boring (TBF you're both trapped in this giant mf blop of a building)
Anyways, let's just say that it was Bright and Clef who introduced you to the world of pranks and you guys thought it would be funny to scare our 999 here
Basically, yall decided to play dead and then pretend to turn into zombies with some makeup
Yes, it did work since you've managed to scare the living daylights out of 999
And he was about to have a cardiac arrest (if he even has a biological heart)
And yes, it almost ended in another breach
And 999 did give you a lecture on how to not scare people like that
He does sound like a grandpa though XD
SCP 682 (Hard to Destroy Reptile)
I would say that scaring 682 would be difficult, but I won't since he's already terrified of that rabbit
You, along with the other researchers, thought it'll be fun to pull a prank on 682 in form of a magic trick
It's a classic rabbit in the hat trick and yes, you did pull SCP 524 out of the hat
But, little did your tiny brain know, that rabbit basically eats everything, including itself
So you just watched 524 approaches the already terrified 682 and nibble on his feet
And yes, you and the other researchers laughed hard since he crawled up the wall to get away from the rabbit (I'm now officially adopting 524 as my other pet)
Sadly, 524 didn't stay for long since another doctor needed him for a test with Josie (yes, the cat)
682 basically shouted at you for doing such a thing on him, your dad
But you ignored him anyways since you knew he never meant what he said and he wouldn't be mad at you for long
SCP 049 (Plague Doctor)
Our bird boy here is pretty much neutral when it comes to being scared
Like, he can be quite unfazed by many things, so it's no surprise if you or any other SCPs tried to jump on him
So as part of an experiment, you and your friends had decided that you would try to play dead and see if 049 would be terrified
Well, 049 was somewhat concerned and when you carried on playing dead, he became scared since you weren't so conscious, or so he thought
Since you played dead extremely well for such a young child, he tried to see if he could fix you
And before he could do anything, you jumped up at him like Bonnie from FNAF
Yes, he looked like he jumped out of his skin and was so stunned that he just sat in the corner with his head down for an hour
You all had to check up on him and he said he was 'fine'
He wasn't
049 gave you a lecture about playing dead like that unless there's a dangerous SCP
SCP 035 (Possessive Mask)
Now, since 035 is a mask and is very much a master manipulator and an award-winning actor/actress, you would most likely be able to take on those traits from him
When you were younger, you were eager to learn from 035, who you see as not only your best friend but also an idol, so he taught you everything he could
As you got older, you've gotten better at manipulation and acting, so much so that even 035 couldn't tell if you were just being you from time to time
So one day, you've decided to prank your dad because you were hella bored (like you always are :((( cuz yall never be productive and just sit on your flat bum all day and watch YouTube, Netflix or play games then sleep)
You basically produced a fake body of yourself and wrapped it in a black bag and sent it to 035's cell
Then, you've got one of your researcher buddies to write a note of your passing and that you do love him very much
035 did receive the message and made sure that there was a dead body in the package
He was pretty much convinced that it was you since you were able to disguise the fake body like bone and flesh
Which of course scared him to death because he was about to attack everyone on site
Luckily you got there on time to stop him which freaked him out and yes, you've gotten a lecture about being such a prankster (You got grounded for life but that didn't stop a rebellious child like you)
At least everyone at the facility has gotten a laugh about it for the next 3 months
SCP 105 (Iris)
Pranking Iris wouldn't be hard, but that doesn't mean she's fazed, but not in a sense like 049 who wouldn't get a good scare from some SCPs which could do him harm
Iris is very much a self-aware and open-minded individual who has common sense (unlike you, who don't even move out of your bed or even use your non-existent brain cells)
She's very much like every other person you'll meet on the streets who wouldn't just believe the first thing that she hears since she is very much a rational person
So, if you want to devise a plan to scare her, it'll have to blend in with everything or be quiet out there with realistic effects
You'll have to use your head to think of a good prank to scare her, which you did since you've inherited her intelligence (that's a lie because you don't have any intelligence left in you)
As her child, you have decided to prank her by making her a fake copy of her camera but instead of her being able to control objects within the photo, she would end up destroying it
You gave it to her as a gift and she accepted it with suspicion since you don't normally get her anything and encouraged her to try it (you're such an ungrateful child)
Cain, Dr Glass, Dr Kondraki and a couple of others wanted to see as well, so they stayed and watch
Much to everyone's horror, the illusion camera did exactly how you designed it to and Iris was furious and saddened
Later on, you told her about the prank since you feel bad and she was extremely mad
So instead of grounding or lecturing you, she decided to have revenge
SCP 106 (Old Man)
Now, scaring this old man would be rather interesting because he doesn't seem too fazed by the other, more dangerous and unpredictable, SCPs
But, you can still scare him to a certain degree
I mean, he is an old man after all, so scaring him would be fun
As long as you don't give him a heart attack then it's fine I guess (cuz yall be evil for scaring such an old man)
So, you have decided to scare 106 by giving off little bits of harmless pranks at first so 106 would let his guard down for a moment
Like, giving him a box full of spiders (he's quite disgusted by them just like how he sees your face every time) and popping an air-filled bag (Don't lie, you've all done it and it's hella fun)
Later on, you would gradually move to play with the more dangerous things, such as getting him to look at a picture of 096's face (Probs ugly like yo-)
As time moved on, 106 seemed to be relaxed and expected you to bring him random things and soon realised that there was something off
You didn't show up to him for almost a week and he was ready to get his dad mode on
Luckily, some of the guards caught you with Abel and got 106 involved since they were afraid of causing a massive breach
106 panicked and picked you up, giving you a lecture on how you shouldn't be with other SCPs like Abel
You managed to tell him that you've befriended Abel and he was stunned and gave him the dad glare (you know the one where dads would give to warn others to not hurt their kids right?)
And because it's Abel, he would even make sure to be with you whenever you were with him which made it difficult for you to play with Abel because he might steal you away (Yes I'm looking at you right now kiddo, don't play with Abel)
So in conclusion, if the prank involves you being in a dangerous position, he wouldn't necessarily be scared but would start to panic about your safety
SCP 096 (Shy Guy)
I think 096 would be similar to 106 in a sense but less logical and unfazed
It's more like he would be pretty panicky every time you weren't there with him and his anxiety would act up (like you every time you're preparing for your exams where you didn't even revise)
Like if you were with Safe class SCPs, he would be more relaxed than you being with a Euclid class, but it kinda depends on who it is
If it was Cain then it would be fine, but if you were to be with 173, he would be quite wary at first and would tell you to try and avoid being with that peanut
So if you wanted to scare him, it wouldn't be too hard
All you had to do was to be with another Keter class SCPs and play with them
He would be extremely cautious and terrified if you were with one and knowing this, you've decided that playing with 682 instead of playing with Walter the rabbit (SCP 524 | He's my other pet), you've decided to go up and pet 682
When 096 got a hold on the commission on you being with that lizard, he ran out of his cell, causing a huge containment breach on the way like he's bulletproof, and went yeehaw with 682
All you did was sit there in confusion as they entertained you with some pole dancing
Basically, if you scare 096, he would go from anxious to paranoid to berserk then to we're all going down to hell and back again
Dr Jack bright
This mf right here is unpredictable af
Like in his own body, he would remain unfazed and would even go as far as pranking you back
I mean he still would act all fun and games but since he can possess multiple bodies, the outcome of him being scared would vary which would surprise him too since he wouldn't know
Unless he decided to possess someone he knows well, but he knows better than to do that
Dr Bright would most notably be scared, like everybody else on the list, if you were to put yourself in immediate danger, but since you were just as crazy as your dad, he would most likely go along with it until you deliver your prank
Like, you could be juggling knives while standing on top of 682's head while singing 'Painted Smile' by Madam Macabre (If you haven't heard it, you should, it's amazing)
Also, he would sometimes find you having your back faced towards peanut and still be fine after having your neck being snapped (Yall be like surprise mf)
Anyways, one time Jack had made a promise to you to meet you at a certain place and he was late
So you stormed into his office (like the entitled little nugget you are) and went 'tick-tock mf' to your dad
Well it worked and you showed him your trick with the Keter classes
By causing a containment breach and somehow you managed to bribe the Keter classes to perform with you
Let's just say that just because you've inherited his craziness doesn't mean that you could go as far as doing this prank
Bright was about to drop dead from a heart attack and he banned you from doing such things in the future
Dr Simon Glass
With Simon Glass, you could give him a fright relatively easily
Just because he's a psychologist and can read people rather well, he still would be terrified and paranoid about whatever you were planning on doing
Even if he told you not to
Like that time when you were told to not make toast because you can't cook and you almost burnt the whole facility and Glass stood there and said "I told you so" (he did ask for toast, as in toasted bread, not toasted humans)
Anyways, being the child of Simon Glass meant that you would learn a lot about the human mind and behaviour
He would teach you everything you were curious about and would sometimes ask Diogenes, Light, Kondraki, Cain and Iris to help teach you the things he wouldn't have much knowledge on
And sometimes Clef and Bright would appear and spoil you (not that Glass doesn't, he's just busy and trying to be the best dad he could by being anxious about you being alone in the facility with so many dangerous SCPs)
So this often meant that you, Bright and Clef would pull pranks on each other, usually on Kondraki and Iris
Except for this time, you've decided to pull a prank on your dad, Dr Glass
You've handed him over a realistic model of SCP 058 and he freaked out and called the MTFs
They've checked the model and realised that it was all fake and poor Simon had a heart attack from you
Simon was about to yeet that spider looking thing but it was able to move so he planned to carry you and yeet you both out
He did give you a lecture on doing that stunt and you did shed a few crocodile tears
And yes, Glass gave in and comforted you
He then went to grab Clef and Bright's ears and lectured them about helping you make the prank
Dr Alto Clef
I feel like Clef would be similar to Bright but without the whole process of changing bodies because of some curse
Like Clef wouldn't be all that scared since he's dealt with SCPsbefore and dies an extremely good job at it
So for Clef to be scarred for life, it'll either be an extremely dangerous SCP, he's drunk and/or high, he must care about you a lot and you must've been out of your mind to do something seriously stupid or you're evil enough to piss off a Simon Glass (Or all of the above if you're evil enough)
You would most likely want to take the easier and quicker route out of all the ones mentioned on the list which is to put yourself in an immediate danger
So you had asked Dr Bright for some help and so he did
Moments later, midway through preparing your prank, Clef came to Bright asking if he saw you and he did
However, they heard a familiar scream from down the hallway and they both rushed to your aid and soon realised that it's you
You were about to get eaten by 939 and they had to signal for the MTFs to help (Because you mfs didn't ask me for permission when you wanted to pet 939 D:<)
Clef gave you a big lecture and comforted you after he cooled down
Bright on the other hand wasn't so lucky as Clef wanted to murder him (But in his defence, you didn't tell Bright how dangerous the prank was cuz yall are as stubborn as a rock)
Dr Benjamin Kondraki
Kondraki would be pretty much average when it comes to being scared but with a little more logical since he works with the Foundation
He's that type of dad who would let you go to sleepovers every now and again as long as they weren't of the opposite gender (Unless yall are Bi, Gay, Lesbian, Pan, Alien, Basketball etc then he's screwed)
We support BLM and LGBTQ+ in this community and anyone who says otherwise must leave now
Heck, even our friends here, especially Kondraki, Glass, Bright, 999, Cain, Iris and Josie (SCP 529, my new pet) supports them
Anyways, back to the main plot
Depending on what age you're at and whether you were planning to prank him with the Foundation staff or SCPs will lead to a different outcome
Like if you told him you were dating someone he would've died right there and then
No dating until you're 50
Anyhow, you've decided that it'll be funny to scare your dad with Clef and Bright by getting his Bootyflies to shapeshift into various Keter class SCPs and acting like it
And yes, you somehow managed to persuade the Bootiflies to do just that
And no, Kondraki didn't know about this even though he found it odd that his bootiflies didn't obey him that day
You got Kondraki to sit down in a room with Clef while you and Bright was setting up everything
The bootyflies shifted into the Scarlet King and boy sis Kondraki called the MTFs and was boutta shoot him
Everyone in the room had to get him to stop and that it was just a prank (And by everyone I mean just you, Bright and Clef)
Kondraki did manage to stop and was boutta drag you out for a big girl/boy lecture
Well, he did but not before kicked Bright and Clef in their privates first
Needless to say, nobody wanted to prank Kondraki again (Shush, no you don't, yes I'm looking at you from behind the screen and I know that you'll do it again)
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terrence-silver · 2 years
How would Terry in any era feel about beloved being overwhelmed, not because the don’t love him, but because they are nervous about their new life with him and finding it hard to adjust? beloved didn’t come from money and feels out of place.
Thing is, Terry's life as a Billionaire functions a bit like Westworld.
Think about it like that.
He has settings.
He can afford to have settings.
The Malibu beach-house setting pertaining to a certain lifestyle and persona? The gothic, castle-like Beverly Hills Glendower mansion of the 80's pertaining to a certain lifestyle and persona? Him behaving like the struggling, humble Karate teacher living in a run down studio while striving to trick Daniel --- which yes, was also a persona. You name it! What I mean to say is; if beloved with a class distinction vastly different from his own finds it hard to adjust right away, which is understandable and something Terry would predict and ponder, he can give them any setting they'd feel more comfortable in while learning how to navigate, research, enjoy and even understand the in's and out's of his elite background and all the money it inherently comes with. It is a sort of game to him. Finding pleasure in beloved’s little pocket world he designed for them. Skins exist so they can be shed accordingly. Chameleons exist to blend in. Terry gives beloved a space they can blend with, seamlessly so.
Personalities are masks sometimes.
Revenues are dollhouses to him.
They want a cozy, furnished sea-side patio that is tactically and very deliberately equipped to look, what is in his opinion 'ordinary' while actually costing ten million dollars due to the beautiful, exclusively exuberant location alone? The type of stuff the famous wait years to get? Yes, sure. They want a commonplace rental apartment he covers the expenses for and which he owns...alongside the rest of the building and probably half of the surrounding block? Okay. Done deal! They want to live in an actual cabin he has especially commissioned to encompass a certain rustic charm beloved prefers and finds solace and a sense of homeliness in? If beloved wants it, beloved will get it. Illusions can sometimes be more real than reality to the one enjoying them --- Terry should know. Basically, he is wealthy enough to afford beloved the illusion of their own life, their own habits and give it to them on a silver platter all while at the same time still holding them in the gilded cage of insurmountable riches.
Beloved can take their sweet time getting used Terry being a Billionaire.
Why? Because he'll makes sure the rules are adapted in their favour.
Doesn't just stop with a habitat or a personal dwelling place from an aesthetic point of view. Bleeds into everything beloved does. Craves. Needs. Wants. Likes and dislikes. Terry can ensure they never even notice or outright feel the weight of his own wealth in the classical sense if it truly causes beloved distress. It is always there and the safety net it provides, but never in beloved's face. Terry surrounds beloved with things they themselves enjoy in abundance (and things Terry enjoys through them), essentially lavishing them, while for the time being, avoiding to do so under the guise of sheer materialism pertaining to the mega-rich (imagine the difference between Terry gifting beloved a red Lamborghini versus a car they actually like and feel comfortable driving), meaning that beloved will always be happy, feel his devotion, never lack a thing, but also --- never feel like they don’t belong because his world is made theirs.
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dessarious · 3 years
How the Sirens Adopted a Ladybug Pt4
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Ivy was only half listening to Harley and a green Kwami detail various calming techniques, such as meditation and breathing exercises. Being around so many creatures radiating power was extremely uncomfortable, especially since she was fairly certain Ladybug’s Kwami was annoyed with her. That comment about her being able to feel that something was off in Paris seemed rather pointed. In her defense she had no idea a kid was involved. She just wanted to stay away from problems that weren’t hers, and it’s not like she wanted to be able to feel the disturbance.
She looked back to the girl and thought about her reaction. It likely meant she couldn’t feel the Miraculous either, which meant she couldn’t sense the ones that were missing. That explained why she was still fighting in the first place.
“You seem awfully interested in something.” Tikki appeared in front of her and Ivy flinched at the glare. She’d zoned out but it probably looked like she was studying Ladybug. Given how protective the Kwami were of the girl she was glad it was only a nasty look.
“She said that she’d never come across anyone who could sense the Miraculous. All of you put off different amounts or types of power and I assume the person you’re fighting would give off their own variation. Perhaps I can help find them.” Tikki just blinked at her for a moment before a grin broke over their face.
“It’s possible. We’ll have to test if you can feel the Miraculous in different states and how close you have to be to feel them. But since you can sense Ladybug transformed, worst case scenario you can try and move throughout Paris during Akuma attacks and see if you can feel Nooroo.” Well at least she wasn’t being glared at anymore.
“Different states?”
“Well you can obviously sense us when our holders are transformed and when you can see us, but we don’t know if you can sense an inactive miraculous or a Kwami on their own if you don’t already know they’re there.” Ivy nodded. Yes, she’d felt the power Ladybug radiated but she hadn’t felt different sources. She wasn’t sure if it was because Tikki was so strong or the other’s had been dormant. None of the Kwami were on her now though and that raised a different question.
“Does your power rub off on her? Because she’s emitting a similar energy but it’s not the same as any of you.” Tikki narrowed their eyes at her. Great, she was on the shit list again. Didn’t seem to take much.
“It’s possible you feel the Miraculous themselves but more likely you’re simply sensing her natural gifts.” Ivy sucked in a sharp breath.
“She’s meta?” That meant she wasn’t registered. France was pretty particular about keeping track of them, especially in large cities. If they had one as a hero the European Justice League would be all over it.
“No, at least not the way you mean it. Any true Miraculous holder is innately gifted depending on which Kwami they’re attuned to. Once paired with that Kwami those gifts become more and more pronounced. Also anyone who holds a Miraculous for an extended period of time will develop abilities. The most common being longevity and intuition.” Yeah, that still sounded like a meta. Wait… they said gifts.
“You mean like a savant?” Tikki gave a thoughtful hum before nodding slowly.
“I suppose that’s a good comparison. It’s not usually quite to the extreme most people think of with prodigies but it is enough to be noticed in the general population.” The creature looked at the girl sadly. “She had an amazingly bright future… before the imbalance destroyed it.”
“Imbalance?” The question came from Selina. Ivy hadn’t even noticed that the other’s were paying attention to their conversation.  Plagg was scowling but Tikki just let out a weary sigh.
“It isn’t pertinent to the current problem. If she wants you to know, she’ll tell you.” Selina looked like she wanted to argue but a knock sounded at the door. All the Kwami just disappeared. At least they wouldn’t have to explain a bunch of tiny gods to the delivery person. Selina went to grab the food and the second she closed the door the Kwami all swarmed her except Tikki. Ivy couldn’t understand anything they were saying.
“Tikki!?” The startled shout caused all of them to look back at Ladybug who seemed about to have a panic attack. Tikki was trying to reassure her but the girl seemed not to hear as her eyes bounced between Ivy, Harley, and Selina. Finally Plagg flew into the girl's face, pulling her focus.
“Calm down kit. Trixx has an illusion covering you. They still only see Ladybug, I promise.” Her eyes darted to the other Kwami who were all nodding and smiling at her, then she focused on the table where the creatures had eaten and her face went red again. Ivy wasn’t certain if it was more embarrassment or anger.
“Plagg, what did you do?” Ivy cringed at the girl’s tone. It was an odd blend of rage, exasperation, and shame. Plagg’s ears actually drooped.
“We all need to be ready if you need to use us kit. Using more than one Miraculous at a time is hard enough without us being drained at the beginning. I understand why you don’t want to give us out to others but I won’t stand by and watch you kill yourself because you’re too stubborn to ask for help. You shouldn’t have to deal with this alone. You were never meant to.” The anger in the last few words was obviously not directed at the girl but she flinched anyway.
“I had to take you back. The power difference… and him revealing himself to the others forced my hand.” She sounded close to tears and all the Kwami swarmed her, offering comfort.
“You did the right thing and none of us think otherwise. My point is that you shouldn’t have had to. You shouldn’t have to be the only responsible one and you certainly shouldn’t have had your entire life destroyed for doing the right thing. Those brats left you to defend yourself even before they renounced their Miraculous. I still can’t believe they tried to blame it all on you.” The Kwami was getting more and more agitated and Ivy could feel their power pulsing.
“We all do what we can with the information we have.” More than one of the Kwami let out a frustrated breath at Ladybug’s defense. Selina looked ready to do murder at this point. So much for keeping their emotions in check.
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@asrainterstellar @scorchdragon88 @arty-shadow-morningstar @toodaloo-kangaroo @solangelo252 @smolplantmum @jayjayspixiepop
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