#and then i just feel like making a new mc for the game but it feels like betrayal because you were here first babe
iceinwhb · 3 days
Thank you for posting a bit of Lucifer's new card. Yet again PB tosses any sense of player agency out the window. If they want us to like MC, or feeling like we're part of the story as MC...then they're doing a bad job of it.
Ohw, you don't have anything to be thankful for. I would like to bring you more stuff about it, but unfortunately I am part of the people who don't want to buy a nightmare pass card.
I would like to advise that if you want content like this, follow an awesome account that allows us to have a little more information about the Lucifer card; Hikifans (I recommend you to follow the account because there is always whb content that most of us F2P people don't have).
Well, I've already reconciled the idea that Mc is so silly and insipid that sometimes can… work, and sometimes it doesn't, but its change comes with the course of the main story, because the cards are solely for the purpose of fuck with demons.
And I wouldn't want to disagree with PB, precisely because my content goes specifically to this, but I do tend to think it's a company like any other, and all they want is money, regardless of the players.
The price is truly another level compared to other gachas, both new and known, and yes, it seems unfair to me, I also don't feel they want to do it differently when they see the opportunity to make more profit than they didn't have in their other games.
And I want to add that I don't really understand the reason for making it so expensive, if the highest price of LU for a pack is around 26 dollars, and in Doki Doki, 15 dollars the most expensive of the week, then PB does know how to manage affordable prices for their players, and they can also sell the cards separately, and it would be dozens of times better, but no. I know they are aware that the players only pay for the card, not for the materials that can be obtained for free in the game.
So yes, you are right when you say they are doing it wrong, but only for us, the players.
And from this, I can give you even more bad news. There will be cards with the same position as Lucifer:
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And I don't have the slightest confidence that it will be free.
On the other hand, if you wonder where all the money you spend on the game goes, I think PB is trying their best to stay afloat, that's why I don't think that for the moment, they are going to address players' complaints. In fact, they themselves said that they were “too busy” developing whb that it was impossible for them to reply to every single comment.
(And what I actually believe they were developing:
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And I am sure that if they made a Raphael, there is also a Gabriel and a Michael.)
And I'll try not to contradict myself by saying this, because it depends on how you see PB and if you still believe in it to keep playing. On my more intimate side, I'm just here to bring you nice content and continue in the fandom, because it's one of the nicest fandoms out there.
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kdelarenta · 11 months
i hate disconnecting from my ocs 😭 it's like having an estranged child, i gave birth to you but i don't remember what you act like.
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dexaroth · 6 months
godddd i WANT to like minecraft so much but theres fucking nothing going onnnnn the biomes are boring the geography is def better than was before but still theres so little variation and even then the core gameplay is just. nothing. the inventory management sucks so much ass ive straight up stopped playing vanilla without bundles and the way you progress in many areas is so dumbb like teehee go find a jungle biome that could be 200 blocks or 20000 blocks away from spawn just so you dont implode of anger trying to build something decent without wasting time on countless dirt pillars. oh and also the only things that look good are structures from the outside because furnishing stuff is practically impossible since theres no furniture. lolz
there are of course many mods that adress this sort of thing but each take it in a new direction and sometimes you just want a branch of the river yknow?
ive been trying to find datapacks for this sort of thing but it doesnt seem like they can accomplish much so it leaves everything to need to be mods.. sigh
#ive said it before and ill say it again. with the amount of creativity minecraft allows it should not be the type of game you need >#>to pump full of mods to flesh out#literally the most basic thing. a pixel. now make it 3d. it doesnt get easier than that to add things to! for fucks sake!!#i keep considering learning how to make datapacks or resource packs to add my own stuff to it#but then i remember. whats the point in building a house if danger can be avoided entirely by spamming torches everyone#literally the only two things you ever need to worry about is a basic ass food meter -> just kill animals#and health -> make everythign sun bright and have an automatic beef cooker for if you do lose health#AND THEN WHAT MY GUY. THEN WHAT!!!!!!!!!!#god everytime i think about mc i feel like making a mod myself but then it loses any personal value bc you know how everything works#and you'd have to test the shit out of it too so at one point it solidifies in your memory and poof. it aint new anymore#i hate this game with the fiery passion of someone who knows how great it could be. it hurts so much. *whimper*#i was gonna say it almost surpasses the pain i have for what watchdogs could have been but wd is a much smaller scale#and its like. sad. but i genuinely feel angry at how basic minecraft is. i look at it and go are you fucking kidding me. what the fuck man#is it too much to ask for a survival game where building a house has a fucking purpose and isnt a painful process to achieve. fkin hell#dextxt
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timegears-moved · 1 year
okay back to rejuv i don't wanna any fucking see pokeani discourse
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strigital · 3 months
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got to run around Hogwarts Legacy for approx. 8 lvls and so far I've very successfully fallen victim to Sebastian and Ominis's charms, MC's cootie-patootiedness and the overall magical school audio-visual feast for the autistic creature inside my brain. Anyways here's my shy on the outside menace on the inside Gryffindor half-blood who grew up in a workhouse in Whitechapel as Ellie Fairchild and was educated for domestic service, but then discovered her magic by making her latest employer's kitchen explode and after getting a scar on her face and turning her hair grey, spent a few years in Wales with her witch aunt and Professor Fig, then ventured to Hogwarts, now under her real name of Elowen Pendragon (listen, i just love the Arthurian legend way too much ok? tho not as much as i utterly enjoy victorian era and everything to do with it (bless Dr. Ruth Goodman for her bombastic book on the subject!!).
#my face when I read a smutty Sebastian fic and the author mentions bras and panties: 💀💀💀#my face when I read another smutty Sebastian fic and the author mentions chemises and corsets: 😍😍😍#and before you say bUt ThE wIzArDs CoUlD'vE iNvEnTeD mOdErN uNdErGaRmEnTs#first of all unlacing a corset is the sexiest thing in the world just right after untying ribbons that keep lady's stockings above the knee#second of all... easy. access. bloomers. enough said#also i feel really freaking weird simping over these menaces in boy shape cause they're like 16/17 and im a grown ass granny twice their ag#but their fictional?? and shipping them with a fellow 16/17 year old mc shouldn't be considered bad??#especially considering that the age of consent in britain is 16 but who the hells know if its any different in wizarding world??#so anyways#my fav part of the game? running around like a headless chicken cause I'm lost and being late to class all the time just like in real life#I'd like to believe that when ominis hears frantic tapping of heels behind he immediately expects to hear a quick 'hi ominis' whizz past hi#and seb enjoys sometimes volunteering to show her to the classroom and then leads her on a wild goose chase across the castle#just because he wants to spend some time with the new girl#i mean common you really gonna listen to the way he talks talks to mc and assume he's not flirting?? man's saw new girl walk in and said#'imma girlfriend her ass'#anyways#tho I'm utterly peeved how much this game likes to crash#besides that I'm also peeved there's way too little classes and no consequences for skipping or breaking curfew#also apparently me personally i belong in Hufflepuff???#first of all i hate yellow second of all... yeah Hufflepuff makes sence#my art#sketch#traditional art#ballpoint art#hogwarts legacy#wizarding world#man it do be nice to sketch at work in outdoor garden center hee hoo#she also has a pet barnie owl!! 🦉 man do i looove barnie owls like goddamn make me into one when i reincarnate please#also low-key high-key Tear You Apart by She Wants Revenge is SUCH a Seb/MC song I'm crying#harry potter universe
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thingswhatareawesome · 8 months
#sorry i'm feeling mentally shitty tonight#think it's hormone fuckery combining with a medication i'm on#and that feeling of being a failure at making friends with someone#and someone on masto jumped on a convo ppl were having about something that was a huge love of mine when i was younger and shat on it#and if that isn't the story of my life that things i really liked/like just get smacked down or sneered at or considered freakish#which yay really kills the enthusiasm for everything#and i'm still missing the sr fandom content on twitter bc there's still so much less here and outright next to nothing about caelus#ie my favorite so i miss those 'daily character' twitters like damn the only 'daily caelus' thing here is on hiatus#bc they're not bothering if there's not new content LIKE WHY NOT FANART THEN oh right bc there's no caelus fanart out there#i love the characters of sr don't get me wrong but i hate they all overshadow the mc#oh except stelle like stelle players love her but caelus players ??? idk what love other characters more i guess#i kinda wish we'd get to the storyline where caelus/mc mattered again bc it's starting to feel like it's been a damned long time#don't get me wrong i love dh and dhil but remember the end of jIV? when we the player were FUCKING AWESOME?#haven't felt like the game's remembered that in awhile#also i'm bitter the weather is shit we're 4 days from october and looking at 6 days in the 80s but also this weekend? two days AT 90#what the everliving fuck other than yeah the world is burning and frying and we're stuck in august and i'm GETTING NO FUCKING FALL#all i look forward to all fucking year is autumn and nope all we're getting is summer nothing but summer#if i have to live in summer forever frankly i'd rather be dead thanks.#just fucking tired of it all rn
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alsoyooraiyah · 1 year
Kinda feel like I’m gonna go insane
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he-calls-me-kitten · 6 months
Dirty Dozen (ft. +2)
GN! MC x Pervert! OM Characters
(Cause y'all seemed to love the first one omg. Also TW: I made everyone wayy more sleazy and nasty than before so read at your own risk. MInors DNI)
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Pervert! Mammon who likes to ask you for something specifically when your hands are full. "MC, lend me a few Grimm could ya?" He asks when you're in the middle of cooking.
"My hands are covered in cake batter, just take some from my back pocket."
"Are you sure it's there? Let me check both pockets." He isn't so much searching for coins as much as he's feeling and practically groping your ass. Seriously you start to wonder how it's taking him 20 minutes to find something that's right there.
Pervert! Solomon who keeps his room colder than usual when you come over for magic lessons.
"Is it too cold for you MC? I apologise, I kept it this way because some of the potions have bad reactions to heat but if you'd like-"
"I'm absolutely fine, Solomon. You worry about me too much." You smile at him reassuringly, not noticing how his eyes are so eagerly trained at your nipples perking up through your thin t-shirt.
Boner Bonus points if you allow him to hug you for some warmth. His fingers will definitely brush against your chest more than once.
Pervert! Beel who seems to make a mess whenever he's trying to help you in the kitchen. "I'm so sorry, MC. I didn't mean to spill it on your hands!"
"It's okay Beel, it's just some cream and syrup. I can just wash it off right away."
"But it's such a waste. Please allow me." He starts to thoroughly lick your fingers and you shake your head and let him knowing his fixations on food.
But he can't help it - you taste so good. He secretly wonders what you might taste like down there, drooling at the thought.
Pervert! Levi who has taken to sitting on pillows Japanese style while gaming and offers you the same. Sure enough you don't even suspect an ulterior motive.
"Did you get inspired by some human world anime again? Careful though - your legs and butt will start to cramp after a while."
"MC you're too gracious! Caring so much for an otaku like me!"
After you leave, he promptly takes the pillow you were sitting on and puts it in his bathtub. He's going to sleep on it ofc. Your scent on it helps him jerk off better.
Pervert! Belphie who now asks you to rub his belly till he falls asleep. "What's so funny?" He asks as you giggle at his request.
"Since when do you need help falling asleep?"
"I care about the quality of my sleep. And I sleep better this way."
Fortunately you believe him and don't suspect that it's because it's the closest he can get you to fondling his dick. He has such a difficult time holding in his moans and hard ons, every time your hands go even a bit lower than usual.
Pervert! Barbatos who got into sewing clothes as a hobby and specifically likes making them for you now. But you never understand why he needs to take same measurements over and over again.
"Oh? This is a different kind of design, MC. So the measurements will vary from before."
"Always making new things aren't you? You never fail to suprise Barbatos." You smile at him admiring.
The tightening of the tape around your chest and crotch are subtle. He can hardly keep it together when you praise him after all. But he has to if he wants to skim his hands over your body like this again.
Pervert! Diavolo who takes you on such long drives that you always doze off in the front seat, waking up apologetic for missing so much of the journey.
"Hahaha, it's okay, MC. We've been on this same road lots of times. I assure you, you didn't miss anything. And I like that you feel safe to sleep in my presence."
"But still, I'm so sorry, it feels disrespectful..." You apologize, not even knowing how hard he is in his pants right now.
Afterall, he can keep squeezing your beautiful thighs, maybe let his hands wander between them and imagine himself fucking you in the back seat as much as he wants, when you're asleep.
Pervert! Simeon who will have noone except you as his muse for art classes. And the themes just keep getting more erotic each time.
"Are you sure you're okay with this, MC? You don't have to do it if you're not comfortable-"
"Nonsense, Simeon. I feel super comfortable if it's you. You're a true artist after all." You say as you lay on his bed wrapped up only in bedsheets, exposing your entire back and legs.
If only you knew, this angel has thoughts dirtier than most demons. How he's practically fucking you with his eyes. How he's definitely going to jerk off into those bedsheets, moaning your name.
Pervert! Satan who loves teaching you things - standing right behind you, guiding your hands to make latte-art, or trying a new style of painting.
"That's it, nice and slow. Look how much you've improved, MC." He beams at the cute kitty in the coffee cup.
"All thanks to you, Satan. I can't wait to learn more from you." You smile at him earnestly.
He almost feels guilty for tricking you this way, but the way your hands feel in his, and your ass feels against his groin is so addicting. One of these days, he wishes could teach you to be on all fours and take his length in your pretty little mouth.
Pervert! Asmo who loves keeping your eyes on him and noone else. From elaborate performances to petty staring contests, he cannot have enough of your gaze.
"Oh you're turning red in the face, Asmo. Did I manage to flutter the heart of the Avatar of Lust?" You lean forward smiling.
"You're my only weakness after all, MC. It's your fault for making me this way." He almost moans.
You laugh and mock apologize at his antics but you don't know he's been grinding like an animal on his seat, and creamed his pants under your innocent gaze. Your undivided attention just turns him on so much.
Pervert! Lucifer who makes his desires too obvious sometimes. He'll regret it in the morning and take you to dinner to apologize but not until he's already done something dirty.
"Lucifer, it's 2 am. You need to throw away that coffee and sleep." You're practically dragging him to bed.
"Fine. I'll go sleep if you'll stay in my room tonight." He says knowing you'll comply. You care too much for your own good. He's not even going to let you sleep on the couch, no you have to stay wrapped up in his arms.
You might wake upto him groaning your name in his sleep and you might mistake it for a nightmare - not knowing how he's balls deep inside you in his dreams.
Pervert! Thirteen who likes how excited you get over her newest inventions and keeps making more things to call you over.
"And this little baby and can throw pie at people's faces without ever missing. Guaranteed headshot." She smiles proud.
"This would be so useful in a cafeteria food fight and then get banned right after its glory. But I so wanna use it!" You whine.
She loves how much you appreciate her inventions. She is secretly working on a 'pleasure' device scented like her to give you - she hopes you'll like it just as much.
Pervert! Mephisto who is actually taken aback by your duality. You're such a mischievous little imp usually but turn so well-mannered in front of Diavolo's esteemed guests.
"So even you can be prim and proper sometimes? If only you could maintain this on the daily." He huffs.
You laugh and mock-bow in front of him. "Of course, anything for you my dearest lord. Would you like to dance with this proper human while you can?"
He blushes at the sudden offer. Why you little- how dare you tempt him like this. You can't complain about him gripping you somewhere improper or too tight. You deserve this for your attitude.
Pervert! Raphael who is still navigating new feelings of lust he's never felt before he met you. Why his heart skips every time you fall asleep on his shoulder or why he felt a sudden warmth at the pit of his stomach feeling you breath so softly into his neck.
"Thank you for helping me tidy the classroom, MC. I didn't even know where the cleaning supplies were."
"That's alright. It's more fun with two people anyway and wait Raphael there's a bucket over the-" The fresh bucket of water already spilled splashing all over both of you.
You immediately fetched a towel to help him dry up but he couldn't stop staring at you instead. With the uniform sticking to your body like and the water glistening on your exposed skin - why was he so enthralled? Why does he feel a strange pulsing between his legs as you hover over him?
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hallowxiu · 5 months
How the Brothers Would Deal with MC's Mortality
You casually brought it up as a joke
Probably something like “i’m here for a good time, not a long time” or “why should i care what happens in 100 years? It’s not like i’ll be around to care”
Would probably confuse Mammon at first as to why you wouldn’t be around, but he would put the pieces together in the middle of the night when trying to sleep.
A whole, eyes snapping wide opening and flinging out of his bed kind of moment.
Mammon would worry himself sick
Yes, he knows humans can die, hell, he used to mock you for being so frail when you first came to the Devildom, but now? 
Well, now things are different. How he feels about you is different
He's spending all his money on ways to keep you kicking longer. 
Anything he can think of that’ll help, he’s buying it. Vegetables, fruits, protein powder, comfortable clothes, a nice pillow, vitamins, shampoos- anything. He has no idea where to start, so he just starts grabbing everything. 
I mean, something will have to help, right? 
If you notice he looks panicked, don’t point it out, it’ll only make it worse. Unless you want to be smothered to death from his affection and worry, then by all means. ;)
Look, he can barely handle his favorite anime characters dying, so you? Yeah, no, that’s way too much. 
Nothing actually popped up to remind Leviathan of your mortality, it was because of Satan throwing his books all around the house that did it. 
Suddenly, it was all he could think about. How did he not think of this before? 
Leviathan is no Satan though, and he’s certainly not Lucifer. Researching medical documents and trying to think of things to keep you alive longer are a little over his head. That being said, there were some things he could do.
Leviathan dove into his own research that would be within his realm of understanding, studying that humans who have more positive mindsets and who are less exposed to depressing forms of media, may live longer than the average person. This- this was something he could work with. 
Suddenly, you were constantly being invited to his room, Leviathan having a variety of slice-of-life anime for you to watch with him, all of which had happy endings to boot. If an anime was even remotely depressing, he made sure to keep that out of reach. 
Video games? He’s keeping it safe; he’s not risking anything here. If it’s not similar to Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, Dreamlight Valley, or The Sims (which must be on a good day), you’re just not playing it. Kingdom Hearts if you’re lucky. 
Would do an insane amount of research 
Likely overheard the topic on a news segment about the tragically short lifespans of humans before it all clicked together.
Satan, unlike the other brothers, has never experienced death before, so while it sounds silly, he never had reason to think of you dying.
Looks up humans who had long lifespans to see how he can implement those things into your lifestyle.
Books will be littered everywhere (although that’s not really unusual, but what is would be the topic of said books- The Long Lives of Humans, Human Lifestyle for Dummies 101, The Road to Human Immortality, etc. etc.)
This is when Satan learns just how easy it is for a human to kick the bucket.
Heart attacks, brain aneurysms, strokes, seizures, cancer, the list goes on and on and it’s starting to scare him. He didn’t know humans could just drop dead. 
He’s going to start researching curses to increase your lifespan, or at the very least he’s going to make sure you’re careful as hell. 
You won’t even get as much as a cut without him being aware of it; he’s going to hover around and mother hen the absolute shit out of you. 
Try not to get too annoyed with him though, it all stems from good intentions. 
He’ll be damned if his shopping partner for life is going to die on him.
Asmo isn’t stupid; if anything he’s pretty emotionally aware. He's known for a long time just how short the lifespan of humans is.
But still, it came in the form of a nightmare. One where he couldn’t save you, despite giving his best efforts. The way you died was tragic, long before your life should have ended. 
This sent Asmo somewhat into a frenzied state trying to find things to keep you alive once he woke up. 
Vitamins, vitamins, vitamins
Humans benefit from vitamins, right? Surely you’d benefit from Devildom vitamins then. If it’ll increase the lifespan of a demon, he sees no reason why it wouldn’t increase your lifespan. 
Of course, it really only gives you nicer nails and shinier hair. 
He’s 10x more intense with your morning and night routines. 
He will be unloading all his facial creams on you, and telling you the benefits of each one and how it might add a few years to your lifespan. 
You want to stay up late at night to finish homework? Maybe watch a movie? Yeah, no, not on Asmo’s watch. 
Your ass is going to bed every night at 10pm, right along with him. You do realize you’ll be getting exactly 8 hours of sleep each night, too, right? 
Regarding his trauma with Lilith, it came as no surprise when he started to fret over your well-being. 
Poor Beel saw an article that discussed how tragically easy it is for a human to die. The cherry on top? How they could die from simply overeating. 
Overeating isn’t a concept Beel is overly familiar with (because to him, it’s never overeating), and while he knew most people couldn’t keep up with his eating habits, he didn’t think it could actually cause harm to a human, let alone kill them. 
Grocery trips are now a more anxiety-inducing event. 
He’s suddenly paranoid that any of the Devildom food could and will kill you. Are you allergic to anything? How would you even know? 
What if one day he serves you his favorite boiled dragonhead and you just drop dead at the dinner table?? No, that will never do. 
There’s a list of Devildom foods that he knows for sure you can have without dying, but then comes the issue of portion control. How much is too much for a human? 
Beelzebub swore he would never lose another loved one again, and it’s a promise he intends to keep. From now on, you will only eat what he deems safe. 
You want to try a new food in the Devildom that you’ve never had before? You better get some seriously good convincing skills if you want him to cave in. For someone who only ever thinks with his stomach, he’s surprisingly stubborn. 
He’s still plagued with nightmares about Lilith, especially since he still thinks it’s his fault. Tack that on to the way he blamed you and the rest of the human race for it? The man is walking trauma. 
 Like Asmodeus, this was brought on by nightmares about you dying. Different from Asmo’s, however, you usually died by his hand. Naturally, considering your tumultuous history. 
Belphegor, unlike his brothers, takes a different approach. He just doesn’t approach you at all. 
What better way to keep your lifespan long than by staying away from you altogether? 
Is it something that he wants? Of course not! But how can he trust himself to never hurt you again? To never kill you again. 
He can’t. 
So, he locks himself away in his room, sleeping most of the day or just avoiding the areas you normally like to lounge. 
On a normal day, almost everyone in the household, including yourself, would notice this behavior change. However, since you’re now being cornered by all the brothers and their concerns about your lifespan, it’s easy for Belphegor’s absence to slip your mind. 
This hurts Belphegor, but at the end of the day, he believes this is for the best.
Lucifer didn’t need a reminder of your short lifespan; if anything, it’s something he’s thought plenty about. 
Lucifer has trauma, we all know that much. After Lilith, he’s absolutely terrified of losing another loved one to something outside of his control.
And your lifespan is not something that’s out of his control. At least not how he sees it, anyway. 
If you thought he was overbearing or overprotective before, brace yourself. He’s going to step it up several notches. 
No excess of junk food, no more pulling all-nighters, no more sitting around the house gaming all day, and definitely no more overexerting your use of magic. He’s no fool, he knows the toll your magic could eventually take on your body. 
Honestly? He wasn’t this bad until his brothers started to panic about your mortality, and though Lucifer told himself he was above such nonsense, he quickly found himself taking all the precautions they were taking (and then some). 
Fortunately, if you find yourself becoming overwhelmed, they’ll be more than willing to listen to you (granted you take some of their concerns into account).
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devildomcuties · 2 months
When MC Climbs into Bed With Them
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🕷The Demon Brothers x gn!reader 18+
🕷wc: 1439
🕷summary: Unable to sleep, you sneak out of your bedroom into the dark, empty halls of HOL.
🕷warnings: one spank, food mention
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“What is it that you think you’re doing?” Lucifer’s words are soft, but annoyed as you pull the covers back to climb into his massive bed beside him.
“Sleeping,” you answer with a roll of your eyes. 
Lucifer spanks your ass sharply, “Did you just roll your eyes at me?”
You hum, rolling over to face him. It’s late and he looks exhausted. His hair is ruffled and his bare chest distracts you for a moment. You’re one of the few who could ever see him not put together.
“Couldn’t sleep?” he whispers as he pulls you close, ignoring the yawn you release as you drape your leg over his hip.
“Nightmare,” you murmur as you settle into his side, melting underneath his hand as he strokes the top of your head.
“Sleep. I am here to protect you from all dangers, even those in your sleep.”
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“Wah! What?!” Mammon is startled awake when he feels his bed dip. “Asmo, I swear if you’re trying to do my makeup in my sleep again for your Devilgram, I will end you right where you stand!”
“Ooh, so threatening,” you giggle as you get into his bed.
Mammon instantly relaxes as he turns on his side to face you. “What are you doing here, Treasure?”
“Can’t I come sleep with you when I please?” you smile as you bite back a yawn. Mammon nods, too tired to put on his ‘too cool’ facade. 
“Of course, Treasure. But you shouldn’t be roaming the halls so late at night. Call me next time and I’ll go to you.”
“Shh, sleep,” you giggle, wondering if he’s noticed you’re wearing a shirt you stole from him earlier when he was at a gig.
“And don’t think I didn’t notice you stole my shirt, you little thief,” Mammon murmurs as he falls asleep once again, pulling you close to his chest.
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“I’m sleeping!” Levi huffs as he tugs the blanket up to his chest. His computer was still whirring as it shut off, and you knew he must have just climbed into his tub.
“It’s just me, Levi, not Lucifer,” you shake your head as you tiptoe closer and make him scoot over. He does so, muttering something unintelligle.
“I couldn’t sleep,” you state as you tug the blanket from him and he groans as he makes room for you. He had stayed up 36 hours playing a new game and now he needed some rest. Levi was just realizing he hadn’t seen you much during the day and he’d missed you.
“Plus, I wanted to see you,” you whisper, feeling him go rigid before he turns to face you.
“Yo-you did?” he stutters. His cheeks are warm and pink and he hopes it’s dark enough in his room to hide them.
“Of course, I did. That pillow you gave me isn’t enough for me, Levi. I needed you,” you admit as you drape your leg over his hip and guide his hand to your waist. 
“Didn’t you miss me?” you ask as you press your forehead to his. Levi ignores the wild pounding of his heart as he locks eyes with you.
“I-I did,” he whispers, closing his eyes for a moment as his cheeks burn hotter from embarrassment. 
You don’t say anything else, simply lean forward to kiss him goodnight.
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Satan briefly looks up from his book when his bedroom door opens. The small light attached to the hardcover allows him enough light to read. 
“Go away, Mammon!” Satan huffs when nobody enters after a second. He knew Mammon liked to sneak around late at night to see what he could take to sell. Satan was still owed for his cursed book on transmutation. 
“It’s just me,” you chuckle as you close the door behind you. You head straight for his bed, climbing in beside him.
“What are you doing up so late?” Satan asks as he shuts his book. The kitty ears of his bookmark stick out from the top, and you smile warmly when you realize he uses your gift quite often.
“I couldn’t sleep. I figured you’d still be up and welcome me into your bed,” you whisper as you snuggle into his side. 
“You were correct,” Satan states as he raises his book and opens it to the page he left off. “Get comfortable.”
You do so, your head rests on his shoulder as he reads aloud. You soon drift off to the sound of his voice and Satan smiles to himself when he notes the cute way you sleep.
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“Beel, I already told you, you can’t eat my-” Asmo blinks when he spots you. “Oh, I thought you were someone else.”
“What did Beel want to eat?” you ask curiously as you climb into bed with him. Asmo giggles as he raises the covers and you spot his matching pajamas.
“My new avocado mask,” Asmo sighs heavily. “He came in here saying I was hiding food and raided all my new skincare products. I barely stopped him from eating my mask.”
“Whoops!” you giggle as you settle in beside him. Asmo admires you for a moment, his arm draping over your waist to pull you close.
“I see you did your skin care routine for once,” he smirks as you wiggle your butt toward him. Your back meets his chest and he kisses your shoulder. “I knew you could be good for me.”
“Asmo,” you huff, but soon lose all annoyance when his hand slips under your t-shirt. 
“Shh, darling. Get some sleep.”
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Beel had his back facing the door when you opened it slowly. You figured he’d been sleeping for a while as you noted Belphie wasn’t in bed.
Carefully, you life the covers and nearly scream when Beel rolls over to face you. You thought he’d been asleep!
“What are you doing here?” he asks as he stuffs his hand in a bag of chips. 
“You scared me!” you hiss as you get into his bed, making sure there’s no crumbs beneath you. If Lucifer knew he was snacking in bed, and you knew of it, he’d have you sweeping the floors with a toothbrush.
“You’re the one in my room, Cupcake,” Beel chuckles as he eats a handful of chips. You hope he’s almost done with them because you came here to get some sleep. You had grown tired of tossing and turning in your bed. You need Beel’s large arms wrapped around you to keep your bad dreams away.
“Couldn’t sleep,” you murmur as he pats his fingers on his sweatpants. His bare chest gets your attention as he tosses the empty chip bag onto the nightstand.
“I’m here now, Cupcake,” he assures you as he pulls you close, his arm draped over your waist as he pulls you close. You nod, yawning into his broad chest as he places his nose over your head. He inahles the scent of your hair, smiling softly.
Though you couldn’t cure his insatiable hunger, you definitely dulled it. He was glad you had sought him out tonight.
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“Levi, go away!” Belphie huffs as he hugs his pillow closer to his face. He was trying to sleep after a long day and only five naps. Levi had asked him to play some new game Belphie had no interest in and promised to cook dinner tomorrow so he could get another nap in.
“It’s just me,” you whisper as you get into bed with him. You figured he was hiding from Levi up here.
“Oh,” he responds as he opens his eyes a tiny bit. He raises the covers for you to climb in beside him. 
“Why are you up?” he asks with a yawn. His hair falls over his eyes and you gently push it away. You hadn’t seen him all day and now you realized how much you missed him. It was hard going about your day when he slept for most of it. Often you’d join him on his naps, not getting out of bed except to eat and shower, but today he’d been holed up with Levi.
“Missed you,” you admit as you replace his pillow. Belphie rests his head on your chest as you gently stroke his hair.
“I missed you, too,” he says as he blinks owlishly. He knew he should try to stay awake but he was just too tired. “Tomorrow we’ll go out. Just the two of us.”
“I’d love that,” you grin, meeting his gaze for a moment. “Sleep tight, Belphie.” 
Belphie kisses your cheek before he snuggles closer and falls asleep once again.
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©devildomcuties - I do not allow reposts or translations of my work on any platforms.
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valsdelulucorner · 14 days
What if MC got turned instead of the brothers
So if you've been in the obey me fandom for a while, you should know about the event that turned them into animal boys. But what if MC was given a potion by Solomon and now they are stuck with raven wings, eyes, and tail feathers.
Of course the brothers are absolutely pissed off at Solomon because not only did he use a potion on you without your knowledge, but he made you into a demi human! But their focus was more on you now, you were freaking out. Your wings and tail feathers smack into the brothers and other objects as you try and grab at your wings, your eyesight was a lot different aswell so that made you extra confused.
It took a while but they managed to calm you down, now having you sit down on one of the sofas in the living room. Lucifer sat next to you and helped you preen your wing feathers as they got scuffed up when you were freaking out, the others were not happy about this. You were like this for 3 week but during those weeks, it wasn't to miserable as you thought it'd be.
Because you were part crow now, you started to find yourself drawn to more shiny things and little trinkets, bringing them back to your own little nest that you made out of pillows and blankets. You started to get used to your new vision but you started to feel the urge to nest, the brothers would find you in little piles of pillows and other materials around the house. once they found you making a nest around belphie and just laying on him, another time they found you using satan's books to make a nest. He wasn't the happiest about that.
One thing you didnt like was how often you had to preen your wings and tail. Lucifer did it most of the time because he also had feathers but he also taught you how to do it. Sometimes the other brothers would help you and it was a nice bonding experience with them, though it was embarrassing how many feathers you plucked when you first got the wings. With the discarded feathers, you liked to leave them places where the brothers could find them. Not in a annoying way however, more in a endearing way. If levi hadn't left his room all day, he would find a nice little message written on a sticky note stuck to his door, a raven feather stuck behind it. The little things like that
I think any of the brothers would love to have you cuddle them in one of your make shift nests, one time making a cuddle pile out of all of them while you lay ontop, your wings spread out to try and cover your treasure. Sometimes when you got tired, you just flopped against one of the brothers and wrapped your wings around them, doesn't matter what they were doing, making dinner, gaming, working on homework, live streaming, doing make up, reading books, counting grim, doing paperwork, it didn't matter.
Ok, i know this isn't the best and i know it isnt exactly like a crows mannerisms so i just leaned more into MC's human side more
This was alot of fun to write, i am doing all of your requests dont worry<3 But if you want to see something, please ask in requests
What should i do next?
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books-and-catears · 8 months
Solomon: I have been having a strange feeling lately...
MC: What feels strange?
Solomon: For the past few days, people have been nicer than usual lately, even Barbatos is quiet rather than insulting to my face like usual.
MC: Is that so?
Solomon: Yes even Lucifer and the others seemed less irritable when I asked if you could take a few days off from working at HOL, usually they make such a fuss!
MC: That's great news, isn't it? Finally they are treating you with the respect you deserve. Now you relax your head while I get dinner started.
Solomon: *staring at MC* How odd....
Luke: Solomon, psst! Solomon!
Solomon: Luke? What are you doing at the window? At this hour??
Simeon: No worries I'm with him.
Solomon: Simeon too? Goodness...what is going on?
Luke: MC got angry is what happened! They cast a spell on the entirety of HOL, RAD and even the Demon Lord's Castle!
Solomon: What? But I didn't detect any malicious magic in any of those places.
Simeon: Yes well...that's because the spell is meant to affect anyone else but you.
Luke: MC cursed anyone who dares to badmouth you to lose their voice for 3 days. And if they still try to communicate something bad about you, they will immediately get a sharp stinging pain within their throat.
Solomon: ...
Solomon: *blushes and bursts out laughing* MC! Ahahhaah!
MC: *annoyed* Have things gotten so bad at HOL lately that the angels have come to rat me out?
Simeon: MC please you have to lift the curse. Luke, Raphael, Asmo and I are the only ones who can talk in the house.
MC: Wait even Beel?
Simeon: No he still has his voice, he's just silent to be in solidarity with Belphie.
Luke: And every time anyone else needs something, it turns into a game of charades!
Luke: Yes! Only yesterday it took us an hour to figure out that Mammon was asking us to hide him from Lucifer and not a huge five horned monster with large nails and teeth!
Simeon: And Asmo who is actually faster at understanding his brothers asks them to do his errands in exchange for help. It's an utter mess.
Solomon: Pfft-
Luke: And the other day we accidentally gave Satan salt instead of sugar for morning pancakes and he destroyed the kitchen so we could only eat takeout!
MC: *smiling triumphantly*
Simeon: And uh...we also have a letter from Diavolo who is currently in detention. Apparently he has been misinterpreting Barbatos's orders of finishing his work on purpose and sneaking out of the castle!
Luke: Please MC, living in a house with 7 demons is already hard enough!
MC: ... alright very well. I'll go dispell the curse tomorrow morning. You can eat here today, I'm making dinner.
Luke: Yaay! No more instant ramen!
Solomon: *leaning on the kitchen door watching MC work*
MC: *humming happily*
Solomon: Hey MC
MC: Yes Solomon, from outside the kitchen please.
Solomon: ...I love you too.
MC: *blushes and looks away*
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flwrstqr · 4 months
hybe games with niki
pairings: idol!niki x fem idol!reader | genre: fluff | wc: 300+ | prompt: niki and you are secretly dating but you have to hide it at the event | warning: not proofread| LIBRARY FOR MORE...
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i feel like niki is the type to suck at hiding his expression when seeing you. like when you're walking down the field for your introduction, he is so close into bursting into laughter on how cute you look.
when your song is on during the performance of the introduction , he would like dance it quietly but try to make it unnoticeable. he would like also kind of lip sync it but he would make it seem like he's just talking not lip syncing.
during red light green light, niki would like see you next to a txt or svt member holding onto the coffee table. he would get like kind of jealous but of course he remembers you prioritize him over anyone else
during the game where you have to run and find someone, you would find a challenge that says to find someone good at dancing. as expected you run to niki. when you guys like stand in the line, he reads the challenge and he laughs at how quickly you went to him.
the challenge was for him to memorize a dance within only 1-2 times looking at it which he got it right.
the mc asks why you chose niki which you said in return that you saw a performance of him dancing (which you lied cause you always seem niki dancing). which sparks excitement in the fan community on how you were an engene.
during the lunch game, there wasn't that much interactions except when niki purposely was behind you throughout the line. you got the meal in one try so thankfully you didn't have to wait that long.
lastly, the random play dance. you were a #1 kpop stan so obviously you dominated the whole game. when blessed cursed came out, you "pretended" you didn't know but ate the whole challenge.
when your song came out, niki did get eliminated but he was sooo close on coming out to just dance it but he held it in. T-T
lastly you asked niki to film a challenge of your new song which is what you do with him. but in the desc you say, "with my dance prodigy" which later starts a whole rumor 😭
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lovetei · 9 months
Hi i just read the current fic you wrote about the brothers seeing sheep mc turn into human in front of everyone and was wondering if i could request a fic/headcannon where sheep mc turn into human when they are alone with the brothers.
Thanks for reading 🥰🥰🥰
Eyy, I knew someone would request this sometime. So as the poll result, I'll make this request first. I actually do requests in a "first come, first serve" manner before but I guess I'll do what you guys want to see first :b
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Their reaction to Sheep!MC turning into their human form, naked, in front of them
Warnings: Suggestive, Vulgar words, might not reach your expectations, your gender is not specified, wrong use of tail, wrong use of desk, wrong use of car hood, wrong use of library, wrong spelling, wrong grammar
Versions: Demon brothers, Side Characters
Links: Masterlist
Tags: @commets-space @ikevampharem
Parts: Their reaction to Sheep MC changing into their human form at the end of the exchange program
You were on your small form
Sitting on top of Lucifer's desk, discussing some things about school
"I'm sorry, Luci. Can you give me a break..? Somethings wrong with me-" Is what you said before your small hands touched your forehead.
He asked you what's wrong but you just remained silent
Then you started glowing
And there you are
Sitting on top of his desk, naked, with both of your legs on each of his sides
He looked at you in shock, his hands trembling, having a hard time trying to stop them from pulling you close to himself "Well, well, well..." He stood up from his seat and pinned you on his desk.
He climbed on top of you with his knees in between your legs "I guess I'll be opening my christmas gift earlier than everyone else." Is the last thing he said before the doors of his office remained locked for the rest of the night.
You're out with, in a cliff, looking at the stars late at night
Sitting on the hood of his car as you two looked up at the sky and point out the beautiful constellations visible
When suddenly a shooting star passed by
Mammon kept on giggling and told you to make a wish and so you did
"I wish I can have my real body back..." Is what you said.
And after mere seconds, you're glowing, brighter than the stars.
Mammon looked at you, shocked, not believing the view in front of him "MC..?" He asked and you looked at him flustered, knowing that you're fully exposed "Are you okay?!" He asked panicking.
You just assured him that you are but then he smirked "You are?" He asked his voice deeper than before as he got on top of you "Then... How about if I do this?~" He teased as his hand hiked up your inner thigh.
You and Levi are in his room, exploring the new event that appeared in your favorite game.
Sitting on his lap, you started to feel something wrong, like your blood is rushing and you're starting to feel hot even if you're close to Leviathan.
"Levi... I don't feel good... Can you hand me that water?" You asked.
Before he can even think about doing so, you started glowing which caught him off guard.
Right after the light dimmed down, your naked figure that is slumped on his desk while sitting on his lap appeared right before him like some reward.
"I'm so sorry, Levi let me just..." You tried to get off his lap but he held you down, his nails digging on your waist.
You tried to look back at him but his tail appeared out of nowhere and kept your head in place, he then stood up "What are you doing..?" You asked. It's not weird that he stood up, I mean he could be uncomfortable.
But what's weird is that he brought your hips together, his grinding behind yours "H-How could I stop myself..?!" His voice is whiny, even sounds like he's the one getting bent over.
"How can I stop myself when y-you're already in the position..?" He asked as you felt his fingers slowly entering you earning a loud gasp "Urgh!-" You chocked as soon as you gasped as his tail forced it self down your throat "Be good please... Just be g-good..!" He begged.
Studying inside the Library with Satan will always be one of the best times
But this session will sure be one of the most memorable
In one of the hidden corners of the library, Satan is teaching you about the books only HOL can have.
When suddenly, a light lit up, brightening the dark corner of the library
But that wasn't a light
It was just you
Satan panicked as he thought that maybe he accidentally activated a spell while reading the book titles but... It seems that he's panicking for nothing.
He asked you a few times if you were okay and when you reassured him that you were, he can't help but smile as he watch you jump up and down out of pure happiness, seeming unaware that you're naked in front of him.
Just when he thought everything is perfect, someone just has to barge in 'I'm not letting anyone else see them like this.' is what he thought before he pinned you on one of the shelves with one of his hands covering your mouth and the other one caging you.
You asked "T-This is a good news... Why are you s-shutting me up?" like his good little slut, not even talking about how your legs is starting to quiver after he put one his in between yours, grinding them against you just right.
"Hmm... Do you want them to see you like this?" He leaned in closer to your ear as he licked your neck. He kept his hand on your mouth as he humped you up and down his leg, muffling all the sounds you're making.
"Shh... Control yourself and don't make a mess. You don't want to mess up all these books just because you're being a slut now do you?" He teased before you heard him unbuckle his belt.
Being a sheep sure is hard...
You can't wear anything else other than the clothes Asmo makes you.
And by most of the time the only thing you need to wear is some white collar with a tie to look presentable.
And so that's what you had Asmo make you for your formal presentation next week.
"Wow, Darling. Your skin is really... Glowing..?"
You looked at him shock, not knowing what to do after you saw yourself naked with only the white shirt collar and the black tie "Asmo-" "Stand up." He ordered.
He look stressed... His hand is covering his eyes as he he slowly turned around while you stand up. He then stand behind you, looking at your body through your reflection.
"I can't look at you face to face dear..." He explained as he plays with your hair from behind, and that's when you noticed how the pink of his eyes glow brighter than ever.
"But I can't let you go too..." He whined as his hands dropped to your waist "So what should we do..?" He asked as he went down to suck on your neck.
"Ah... And I'm not asking you to go out or anything..." He added "I just want to know what position you want to start to with~"
You're on top of the kitchen counter as Beel eat the dessert you created
He's clearly enjoying it too, smiling so bright as he eats
"Beel can you check if I turn off the oven..?" You ordered as you started to feel hot
Beel looked at you in shock as you started to glow thinking you got caught in fire.
You looked at him in shock as you remained still "MC?" He called out and you just nervously said yes.
He remained silent as he looked at up and down "Is there something wrong..?" You asked while smiling nervously and he shook his head.
"No, I just... Got hungry." He commented making you confused, earlier he told you that your dessert made him feel full for once and now he's hungry again?
"Yes, yes... I feel full after eating those desserts but I'm hungry..." He repeated "For the one that cooked them." He added which caught you off guard.
It was late at night and you're cuddling with Belphie
It's usually cold during night time in the Devildom but you're feeling unusually hot for some reason
You looked to your side and saw that Belphie is not even sweating
The room suddenly brightened so you thought that someone opened the room and turned on the lights
But Belphie is here and Beel is out for night work out
Oh... It's coming from you...
You looked around and realized that Belphegor is still asleep, you also realized that you're naked, completely, and so you tried to get off the bed to at least put some clothes on and get back to cuddling him.
Wanting to surprise him as soon as he wakes up, the thought makes you giggle constantly but when you're about to get off the bed someone grabbed your wrist.
"Fuck..." He groaned out, his head thrown back and his eyes glowing purple "I want to elt you do what you want and wait until the morning so that your little surprise plan will work but..." He explained.
"But you just have to make me so damn hard." He teased, even chuckling a little before he picked you up and put you on top of him, slightly grinding you against the obvious tent in his pants.
"Move." He ordered "And maybe if you satisfied me enough I'll let you get off this bed and pretend that I don't know about your plan the next morning." He mocked.
"That is if you can still walk after this." He grinned.
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etheries1015 · 11 months
Twisted wonderland characters : Would they wait until marriage? Shit post 18+ minors dni
Featuring: trey, leona, epel, vil, malleus, Lilia, Idia, Azul, Cater, Jade, Floyd, Rook
Warnings: 18+ , not proofread
Trey- probably not, thinks about it, but in the end it doesn't matter if yall wait or not he knows you're the one he WILL marry, so doing it now, doing it then...makes no difference to him
Leona- no
Leona- okay but seriously be probably told his family that y'all are waiting (being apart of royalty or whatever I guess) but no, the second you have an opening he is tearing your clothes off and having his way with you.
Epel- I'd say yes because it seems like maybe it'd apart of his family values, I dunno. But you could probably convince him otherwise ngl, his resolve isnt too strong in this aspect
Vil- Is very gentlemenly but doesn't wanna wait. He loves going to down on you after a rough day of work, taking the days stress out on your body
Azul- not waiting one bit. He loves to study you, your body, your legs, your other extremeties. Also possessive as fuck, so will leave light marks on your body afterwards
Malleus- Probably says he will, until he gets into a heat (a dragon thing that I decided is cannon) and loses control. Haha yeah no, he has such a breeding kink he is stuffing you to the brim. But he apologizes profusely afterwards and pouts "are you sure you still want to marry such an impatient fae such as myself?" ...shut up and breed MC again.
Lilia- prolly won't get married ever, so he's down for it whenever. He's playing video games and you get the horny? "Lilia pls" "after this raid hold on" "but I can't" you guys are so open sexually that you can honestly not be embarrassed asking to try new things with him either.
Riddle - absolutely waiting. His pride. Won't. Let. Him. He must practice being patient and refuses to allow himself upon you until he feels confident in his future and your relationship.
Idia- you see that pile of hard dried socks next to that anime body pillow? Yeah. You're his sock replacement.
Cater- Nope. Probably asks to record it too. Maybe sell it on only fans and get some money
Jade- also probably asking to record it. I have no basis for this but I think he genuinely would.
Floyd- Hahahaha no and I will not elaborate
Rook- Actually maybe. I think he would hold out for like, two years, but not without giving him a few blowjobs and handjobs, and he using his skilled hands on yourself...but not actually inserting himself until marriage. I dunno. Just feels right for him.
Thats all thanks for reading tell me ur thoughts in the comments like and subscribe and share ur own headcannons
Also here's my masterlist for more of my works
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ciel-yuu · 10 months
"I have something for you."
Scene: You are sitting bored when suddenly remember a trend in the Human World. It is intentionally saying that you have something for them and then rummaging through your pocket and them giving them a heart shape from your thumb and index finger. You get up and immediately go find him to try.
Pairing: The Demon Brothers x gn!reader. Warning: None
You run to his room and politely knock on his office door before entering because you know Lucifer will get angry if you barge in. You are not very interested in being punished right now.
"What's wrong, MC?"
He looks up when you walk in, still holding a fountain pen, mentally preparing to go back and finish the paperwork after he's done with you.
You walk up to his desk with an amused face that makes him raise his eyebrows slightly, he's suspecting that you're up to something no good.
"I have something for you!"
He watches intently as you begin to carefully rummage through the inside pocket of your jacket, braced for some curse or magical device you might throw at him.
"Ta-da! It's my little love for you!"
He was totally taken aback by this, he was prepared for something more of a prank, he couldn't have guessed that you will give him something as adorable as this. The cuteness from your smiling face and the small heart in your hand makes him feel like he is being overloaded with cuteness. You truly are the death of him.
"Oh Luci, are you blushing?"
He doesn't realize he's blushing but you do and of course you have to poke fun at him because seeing The Avatar of Pride blush is not an easy thing to do.
You giggled while turning your head to run away when he noticed.
Catch you before you can run out of the room and make you stay in his office with him for the rest of the day because of this. (And he wants to spend time with you too)
You burst into his room causing Mammon to jump from his sofa in shock and look out the door in a panic, when he saw you were the one to rush in he let out a breath of relieved.
"Why did ya barge into my room like that?! I thought you were Lucifer!"
This makes you roll your eyes slightly because he's obviously the one who often bursts into your room without even knocking.
He was about to nag you again when you ran up to him with an amused smile on your face, it made him just shut up, how can he continue nagging you when you smile like that!
"I have something for you!"
He looks at you rummaging through your pocket with an excited look, thinking you're going to give him something precious. (Actually, as long as it is your gift, he will think it is precious.)
"Ta-da! It's my little love for you!"
Blushing and starting to stutter when you show him your heart finger with a big smile. Telling you stammeringly that he will accept your love so you should be honored when the Great Mammon takes it.
You pretend to put it back in your pocket to tease him saying you've reconsidered and don't want to give it anymore. This make Mammon quickly grabs your hand and tells you that once you give it to him, you can't take it back!
He blushes a second time because he realizes he's holding your hand now but won't let go for fear you'll want to pull it back again. The fact that you giggle and call him cute doesn't really help much.
Hold your hand and don't let go for the rest of the day while you both watch movies in his room all day. He wants to be near you as much as possible especially after you give him such an adorable gift ^^!
You knock on Levi's door and after reading the password he lets you in. You see him sitting on the floor playing game.
"MC, do you want to play along? I just bought some new two-player games!"
He happily tells you when he sees you walk in, only to be surprised to see that you are smiling the same big smile and walking quickly in front of him causing him to quickly blush.
"I have something for you!"
Pause the game and look at you curiously as you start rummaging through your coat pocket.
"Ta-da! It's my little love for you!"
Leviathan.exe has stopped working.
How can you be so cute?? It overloaded his little otaku heart you know?! Are you trying to kill him with love? If you are, then it's working because his heart is beating so fast it could fly out of his chest and come hug you!
Blushing fiercely while stammering how a useless and introverted otaku like him is worthy of your love before being interrupted by you saying that you are the one to decide who is worthy and you see how great he is.
Crying out of happiness and wondering how he can have someone as amazing as you by his side.
He give you a handmade Henry plushie as a thank you <3.
He's sitting in the library when you go to find him, a thick book in his hand. He seems to be aware of your presence as he immediately looks up as you push through the door and greets you with a gentle smile.
"MC, you seem to have come across something funny, don't you?"
He commented when he saw your grin face, from his point of view you now look like a cat that just stole something precious and brought it to its owner to show off.
"I have something for you!"
Eyebrows raised in amusement as you rummaged through your pocket and closed the book that he were reading after putting the bookmark in. He has a feeling that what you are going to show him will be much more interesting than this book.
"Ta-da! It's my little love for you!"
That is the sound of the Avatar of Wrath's heart skipping a beat at the cuteness of the human before him. You really know how to make him fall in love with you deeper dont you? But he didn't complain either.
He gives you a sweet smile and takes your hand gently, thanking you for the wonderful gift, that he'll cherish it and placing a light kiss on the back of your hand.
He invites you to go on a date with him at the cat cafe as a thank you for your lovely gift.
You go to his room and find him sitting reading a magazine by his dressing table. He gives you a lovely smile when he sees you coming to his room.
"MC! I'm glad that you came to see me hon, I'm starting to get bored."
You nodded and happily walked over to him. Your happy smile makes him happy too because he knows it's your "I have something very interesting" smile.
"I have something for you!"
"Oh what is it?"
He watches you rummage through your pocket excitedly, trying to guess what it will be when he finds you searching for a long time in your coat pocket. Is it perfume or some magic item that Solomon gave you?
"Ta-da! It's my little love for you!"
Squeal! He squeal happily before rushing to hug you in a tight hug. Why are you so cute! This is truly the cutest gift in the world!
Fill your face with little kisses while thanking you for this sweet gift. Tell you that he'll appreciate it and that he loves you too. Love you very much - he said while rubbing his face against your cheek.
Posting on Devilgram to brag to everyone about his human cuteness.
Take you shopping with him right after, let him spoil you all day as a thank you gift MC!
Beel is emptying the fridge for the nth time of the day when you run to find him. As soon as he heard someone coming, he quickly turned his head thinking that you were Lucifer, but when he saw that the person coming was you, he immediately greeted you with a small smile.
"Oh MC, did you come here to get some snacks too?"
You shook your head and walked up to him with a cheerful face.
"No, I have something for you Beel!"
He looks at you curiously as you start rummaging through your pockets, he doesn't smell any food so he can't guess what you're going to give him. But for Beel, he's happy to receive a gift from you, so he doesn't really care what it is, as long as you're the one giving it, he likes it all.
"Ta-da! It's my little love for you!"
Beel will blush and almost drop the dish in his hand when he sees you pull out the little heart in your hand with a sweet smile for him. And in an instant you're wrapped in a warm embrace by this giant orange teddy, who spins you around for a moment before dropping you off.
Put on the sweetest smile in the world and take your hand seriously, telling you that he appreciates your gift and promises to protect it well.
He won't let go of your hand and hold your hand all day protecting it (and you) like he promised.
He'll invite you out for a meal at Hell's Kitchen as a thank you ^^!
You find him sleeping soundly in his bed in the attic. Everyone knows that whenever the Avatar of Sloth sleep he won't wake up even if there's an earthquake, so it takes you a long time to wake him up.
At first he was quite annoyed at being woken up but it quickly disappeared when he realized the person who woke him up was you.
"Ah…so you're the one who called me up MC. What's wrong?"
His sleepy face makes you chuckle and pat his head a bit before backing away a little with a grin.
"I have something for you!"
He slowly sits up when he sees your smile, something he knows usually shows up when you're about to tease him. When he sees you start rummaging through your pocket, he thinks maybe you have a new toy from Thirteen or something.
"Ta-da! It's my little love for you"
Blink in surprise at your cheerful smile and the heart of your finger then giggle. You're just too cute for your own good, making him want to keep you in the attic so no one can see your cuteness but him.
Taking your hand and pulling you down to the bed, he said he would gladly accept your gift and that he would keep it forever and then hugged you tightly.
Congratulations, you've captured the sloth demon's heart and your reward is a nap with him. You won't be able to escape his iron grip anytime soon so making yourself comfortable is the best thing you can do right now.
If you're not sleepy, his warm hug and soft hum will also put you to sleep quickly.
Whisper softly he loves you when he saw you fell asleep with a gentle smile and fell asleep soon after to meet you in the dream world <3
master list | thanks for reading ^^!
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