#and theyre allowed to write people however they want…………..
bi-writes · 3 months
i see people on here getting angry because of how cod writers can make cod men angry, toxic, mean, etc, and idk how to tell people this but…they’re not real
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catboycompetition · 6 months
welcome to the catboy competition!
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is your blorbo a wet cat? do they meow or go nya? were they born in a wet cardboard box? this is the tournament for them! submit your blorbo to see them face off against catboys from across tumblr in the ultimate catboy showdown!
Submissions will close on December 31!
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additional information
can i submit real people? yes but it has to be funny
is mcyt real people? no theyre roleplay characters asshole. dont fucking debate me i will block on sight. real people are allowed anyways so submit whoever you want
are ocs allowed? go wild. write me essays about blorbo from your brain is the most pathetic sopping wet cat ever i will read it
can i submit [x] as propaganda? is it yours? then yes. did someone else create it? then no. it is that simple.
there's no canon art of my catboy!! what should i do? fanart IS accepted, however it must either be yours or you must prove you have express permission to use it.
about the mods! we're mod loki (it/splash/tide), mod gumy (she/her) and mod felix (xe/xem). loki and felix are in a qpr of over 1 year!! 🎉 we were previously mods on @qprsmackdown.
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divider credits: [1] [2].
Tags for reach!! @browneyedtournamant @girlboss-malewife-gauntlet-melee @battle-couple-battle @tournament-winners-tournament @who-do-i-know-this-man @baldguy-fight @sexiestpodcastcharacter @doyouknowthischaracter @the-babygirl-polls @morally-grey-girlbosses
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dearshelby · 11 months
hi! i saw your writings and theyre sooo good i love them! i was wondering if u could write about protective tommy please? idk how it would b, mayb him fighting w someone who flirted or take things to anotehr level w reader? sorry if i spell bad english its noty native too 😭
thank u! 🩷🐇
Hello, thank you so much! I'm gonna offer you a jealous!Tommy drabble and I hope it fits your taste bc is the first one I ever wrote hehe
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Definitely not jealous | T.S
The party carried on loudly as the hours went by, both the Shelby and Lee kin were relieved a marriage was settled to end the war. Ironically, John, who had nearly ran away, was in a dark corner with Esme on his lap. Peace it was.
Ada's laugh was muffled by the concertinas, fireworks and gunshots, the families and guests celebrated united in a happy crowd and the bonfire burned warm so no one felt the cold nightly breeze of the last days of winter. Tommy and Zilpha sat together at a certain distance, watching the party like their own personal kingdom.
The smoke of his third cigarette filled his lungs as his icy eyes wandered through the crowd, whiskey wetted his lips and his mind worked fast, putting the momentary happiness aside to plan his next move on the chess table Small Heath had become since the end of the great war.
However, an unexpected sight stopped the gears of his head in an abrupt move, his jaw clenched, eyes squinted and hands closed in a fist. His wife danced with a Lee boy, a beautiful smile decorated her face as she swayed in his arms.
Tommy's breath got heavier while he tried to rationalize his feelings. It was a wedding, people normally dance, the boy looked drunk, he mustn't know who she was to boldly ask for a dance like that.
But also, Y/N hated to dance, it took months of bargain to allow him to teach her when they were younger, she never smiled like that except when she was extremely happy and she wore her best dress for the occasion. Did she know the boy before? Did she doll up for him? Why didn't she ask her husband to dance before going to some random boy?
Before Tommy could stop himself, his feet took him to them, pushing the other dancing couples in his way.
"Lee boy," he spat out.
"Tommy Shelby I assume," the boy offered his hand, "I'm Gilbert,"
Tommy sized him up, only looking away when his wife whispered his name, she arched her eyebrows in a silent warning. Usually Tommy dealt with his jealousy silently, but his posture told her he could put up a fight at any moment.
"... can you excuse us, Gilbert?"
"Alright, nice to meet you, Y/N,"
His icy eyes didn't leave the Lee boy until his wife's hands rested on his shoulders. A cocky smile decorated her face as she asked, "May I ask what was that about?"
No explanation was needed as his jaw clenched and a deep breath left his lungs, before her humorous eyes he couldn't put up a scene, he needed an explanation though.
"Do you know that bastard?" Tommy asked.
"Not at all,"
"You looked so fucking happy-"
"What are you implying?" she quickly interrupted, "John just got married, your plan worked right, why shouldn't I be?"
Tommy's hands met her waist bringing her closer, he was never the one to display affection in public, but that situation demanded it.
"Are you jealous?" she continued.
"Good, I'll find another lad to dance with then,"
"Oh no, you're not," he forbid, "you'll take a break for now,"
"Are you sure you're not jealous?"
"I just want to sit down with my wife, is that a crime?"
"No, it's not, it's flattering even," she pecked his lips, "but y'know, if you were to be jealous I'd say you don't have to, you're the only man I want,"
"Good thing that I'm not then, eh?" he insisted, his features softing up.
"Yeah, it's great," she giggled, allowing him to guide her to their seat.
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mistydeyes · 9 months
Oh god- so yk graves is alive and well they announced it 
Could you write a fic where like his partner gets the news that he dead and she can’t believe it yk so she’s grieving and trying to move on till months like (cause he had to stay low) he knocks on the door how would you picture that :)?
Ikkk it’s a bit cliche but come on.. everyone hates graves I love him
a/n BRO I LITERALLY SCREAMED WHEN I SAW THEYRE BRINGING HIM BACK like yess my problematic southern love is back baby ;)
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back from the grave
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summary: It's been 1 year since you lost everything: your friends, family, your beautiful house, your signature hair color, and most devastatingly, the love of your life. However, as you're drinking yet another bottle of cheap wine, there's a knock at the door and someone who you didn't expect.
pairing: graves x fem!Reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of violence/death, GRAVES haha
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The last good thing General Shepherd did for you was to make you disappear. You became an immediate enemy due to your husband and the Shadow Company and Shepherd presented you with a way out. One dye job and plane ticket later, you were living out your widowed life on the busy streets of Manhattan. Your meals consisted of pre-prepared dishes from Trader Joe's and you accompanied that with many bottles of cheap wine. You sadly swallowed your food as you mourned your husband and your new lonely life. There was no funeral and no closure for you and you were forced to act as if you didn't lose the love of your life.
It was about a year after his passing when you got off the subway and entered your apartment. You put the groceries away and poured yourself another bottle of Barefoot before sinking onto the couch in despair. The sweet Moscato mixed with your salty tears as they fell from your face. Your melancholy moment was disrupted by a sharp knock at your door. You dropped your glass on the table and approached it cautiously. No one knew you lived here and you cut ties with all of your friends. You armed yourself with pepper spray as you slowly opened the door.
"Hi sweetheart," a voice called on the other side of the door, and you almost discharged your weapon in a mix of emotions. "Phillip," you whispered as tears flowed from your glossy eyes. You cautiously opened the door fully, still in disbelief at the man who stood in front of you. When you saw him, he was how you remembered when you saw him before the fateful mission to Las Almas. He looked more tired, with a few more scars and burns to his appearance, but nonetheless, he was still yours. Your Philip was here in front of you.
After the initial shock had taken its course, you approached him slowly as he stood in front of the closed doorway. "Is it really you?" you hesitated as you grabbed and held his face in your hands. You dragged your fingers along his jaw, remembering every curve, wrinkle, and crease on his face. "A little older and more rugged than before, but I'm still the same good ol' Southern boy," he smiled with that award-winning smile. You fell in love with how his eyes crinkled when he smiled and his Southern charismatic drawl. As you finished your observation, you gently lay your head on his chest. There was a slight surprise in his breath but he readily wrapped his arms around you. You fully allowed yourself to crumple as you were back in his arms and the tears flowed like a flash flood. "Shhh, don't cry darlin'" he reassured as he gently rubbed comforting circles into your back. You looked up slowly in your blur of tears. "What are you doing here?" you sniffled out and he led you to the couch.
"It's been a hell of a year, doll," he chuckled as he helped to brush the tears from your face, "do you want to hear the long or the short?" "Either one," you stated as you placed your head on his lap. "Well, if we put aside all the people trying to track and kill me," you grimaced at the thought, "then I've just been hiding out wherever possible and trying to find you." "I think I'll need a better explanation," you began to say, getting up, but he gently laid you back down. "Can we save that for tomorrow?" he asked kindly, "I just want one night knowing you're safe." You gently shook your head in agreement and resigned to put aside your myriad of thoughts. As you laid your head into his lap and looked up, you wondered if this was some cruel dream that you would soon awake from. But for now, it was reality and he truly had returned back to you.
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z-and-the-space-child · 7 months
my head is all currently midnight burger podcast so here's everything i like about this wonderful piece of media:
it's pretty fun and very funny!! i smile like an idiot on public transport and on my way to class at least once a day listening to this.
the characters are so. idk how to describe them but theyre so full of life and you can tell that they are loved greatly by the creator(s)
the WRITING. i could seriously pluck a quote from damn near every episode to carry me through the day. i don't need affirmations i need gloria to talk me through my problems.
i was doing a lil analysis of the themes in this show and i came up with "the best thing you can ever do is the best thing you can do right now" and it is FUEL, babey.
The el triste monologue. also just gloria being a POC and being proud of herself and her culture. there's a lot of cultural mish-mash in podcasts, so this is very refreshing.
It's very, very sweet and heartfelt. kind of like wolf 359 if they communicated more instead of dodging their issues until they came to a peak (love them for it.)
the PHYSICS of it all. i'm a physics/astrophysics major because i think space and looking at the stars is my lifeblood so i won't shut up about it. i don't want ava and leif (certainly ava) to shut up about it ever. HOW much reasearch did they have to do to get this kinda grasp on it. im in awe, i'm LEARNING actual things from them. i could go on. the gravity waves, the stellar nuclear fusion, the time dilation of it all. and all without using over-flowery language!!! i can actually follow a good chunk of the time. are we sure ava didn't take one of those science communication seminars. maybe 5 phds does it. when she and leif talk i vibrate like an electron in a lazer. wonderful.
star sequencing??? stellar nucleosequencing??? right up my alley. thats my kinda stuff. the romanticization of space, i've seen. the romanticization of physics, however, is not something i haven't seen in such a beautiful modern fashion. (Ie, not oppenheimer or even richard feyman)
and it's not too science-y to the point that they think they can't have fun. yes they discuss the implications of gravity waves and wax poetic about space and pulsars. (it beats for you, berts) but they have FUN! they meet their parents because they can. they get a plant drunk. there's an atmosphere(?????) around the diner that allows them to fly around and mind-numbing speeds and look at the curvature of spacetime and also sit on the roof. (I imagine the entire place is the temperature of a summer night.) they have a whole wild west planet. leif builds things inexplicably. how? where does he get the materials??? shhhhh don't question it just let him have the gravity wave detector. nobody actually knows what engineers do, not even engineers. let him be. also time crystals??????
ALSO ava being a woman in stem and being so blunt yet covert about it. she's been dealing with it for so long. why are all (recognized) physicists a)white b) men c) both. it's such a sucky thing to work into because of the outward appearance. ava is a proud mad scientist which i aspire to so much. i am keeping her in my little arsenal of people to think about when i don't want to study. (picture the do it for her meme but it's pics of ava) I don't think i aptly put how much i love her. i'm not all the way finished yet but i've heard she was forced to marry someone? i think it would be a thing for sure if she cheated on him. so many physicists cheated on their spouses (wives ): ) and i think ava should also do it. as a treat. if that's what she'd like.
when people have done bad, bad things but show/are capable of redemption upon reflecting on their past/current shortcomings is just something that gets me so much directly in the heart. the hiddenness of people. the tragedy. we contain MULTITUDES and this show demonstrates that so well. how they support each other! they are everchanging and that's good for them. Leif the engineer the ex criminal the diner cook.
leif exploding a man in cold blood. if i could draw i'd draw that. maybe i will anyways.
food as a form of affection/way to bond. grief. doing your best. making amends. using the time you have. death is inevitable but that's okay.
And if time and tide roil you too harshly, or diurnal courses leave you with no safe havens, just remember we’re out there, somewhere, lookin’ for ya’
they open at six
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itsbebebe · 4 months
So I got bored and decided to binge rewatch some deltarune theory videos and now I'm writing this i guess. I dont hang out too much in the deltarune tumblr tags so idk how much of this is spewing well agreed ideas already but...
Its interesting to me how susie and noelle have this sort of order v chaos thing in terms of their narrative roles. (This is looking like a long post so ill be kind and add a cut here)
Susie is like the character that drills the "your choices dont matter" concept into you (the player - if im referring to kris in this post ill use their name). Not only is she the first to say it but the main times where you make a choice and it doesnt matter are because theyre stopped by susie. Iirc, the only power you have over susie in her segments in both chapters are in puzzle solving (something that actively aids her in her goal). During both the lancer battle and the ferris wheel scene you cannot change what happens. You just have to sit there and watch. Not only that, but susie also can straight up override your decisions in moments like when you try and decide who to go with at the crossroads in chapter 2. You also cannot stop Susie fighting at the start of chapter 1. Some of the few choices that you do make (how you design the thrash machine in chapter 1, speaking to onion san in chapter 1 in hometown) are specifically done when susie isnt around to stop you.
Susie, intentionally or not, forces some order upon the story. She helps force the beads down their designated path, or whatever that metaphor in the hospital is.
However, in chapter 2, susie, by her own choice, leaves for a while and its our new party member who allows us to make a big choice that will matter. Snowgrave. Ive seen people point out before that the snowgrave route really parallels noelles history with game bugs (shown mainly through the sweepstakes blog posts) as the route feels like a game break. In fact it is a game break, considering you are supposed to not have any meaningful choices and do the normal route. It sort of makes it seem like Noelle herself facillitated the route. Not only that, but Noelle (likely due to insecurities in her relationship with Kris) lets you make a lot of choices when you are with her. (I think it could even been argued noelles presence allows you to override susies tendency to stop you making choices in the cutscene at the start of chapter 2).
So Noelle allows you to make the choices, allows the chaos. Susie keeps you on a set road, enforces the order.
This is a fun frame on their relationship. If you told me there was 2 characters, one of which was a girl who was a known rulebreaker and bully and the others was a girl who was top of her class and the mayors daughter, and asked me to tell you which one was chaos and which one was order, i would get it wrong! (It also seems like a good framework to throw some tragedy upon their relationship but lets not think about that rn)
But now if you are anything like me you will be thinking "where do ralsei and kris (as our other 2 established main characters) fall onto this chaos v order paradigm we have established?"
Lets start with kris, as their position feels more quantifiable. Kris does what you tell them. By our established parameters that should make them more chaos leaning. However, Kris will actively stop you from affecting how each chapter ends. This suggests that they want some sort of order, or control over you but will allow you most of the time to make decisions, and allow chaos.
This suggests Kris is order leaning but chaos permitting.
Ralsei, meanwhile, i dont think sits on the paradigm as we have established it. He wants the prophecy to be fulfilled but he wants us to make changes that lead there. He gets upset when Kris is unable to make choices but firmly believes we must fulfill the prophecy. What ralsei does and doesnt know about Kris or us is vague and unknown, and therefore by extension how he feels about Kris and us is vague and unknown.
So is he more order - forcing us to do specific things and stopping us from having meaningful choices in the story? Not really... But then is he more chaos - allowing us to make big changes? In a sort of apathetic, not really bothered way maybe. All in all, i think Ralsei falls outside of the scale, as he has a very unique relationship with us and Kris.
Generally, choices and chaos and order are all very big themes in deltarune. So i think its interesting to link the two together like this.
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defiantdreemurrs · 4 months
homestucks are some of the worst because of how ridiculously conflict averse they are to the point of clutching their pearls the MOMENT anything even SLIGHTLY not good threatens to happen to their blorbo
not only can so many of them not handle actual conflict in their own lives theyre so afraid of any kind of conflict at all that they see anything bad happening to their favorite characters as just bad writing
so they spend their time coming up with shitty fluff fics where nothing bad ever happens between the characters they like and all potential conflicts are solved by everyone using therapyspeak at each other as the authors use the characters as little more than hollow mouthpieces for them to soapbox thru towards the kinds of people they think are "bad" and "wrong" (most often this equals anyone who even remotely resembles vriska)
and like on some level i get it. especially when youve gone thru years of abuse conflict aversion can become your safety mechanism. you try as hard as you can to avoid any conflicts happening because conflicts usually mean more abuse. but thats not ALL conflict means.
we thrive on conflict. were all different from each other. we all have different wants and needs and desires and dreams and sometimes these will come into conflict with others and THATS OK. THATS NORMAL. THATS GOOD. the problem isnt the conflict, the problem is in the resolution of it.
resolving conflicts in a healthy way (that may sometimes involve getting upset with each other and arguing!) helps us to grow closer to each other and helps forge connections and regularly trying to avoid conflict will only end up hurting those connections if not outright breaking them. ive been thru multiple relationships where deep amounts of conflict aversion on their parts made me feel small and broken and worthless because if anything DID ever happen between us it was always ignored and whatever hurt may have been there was allowed to just fester instead of being heard, to the point of ending in nasty breakups that still harbor plenty of resentment.
all of this to say your shitty fic where nothing bad ever happens to your blorbos is at best uninteresting and at worst promoting ever more dangerous levels of conflict aversion that might be ruining your relationships. am i gonna tell you to stop writing that way? no. write however you want. but just as youre allowed to write about it im allowed to bitch about it.
also high key stories and narratives revolve around conflict. like if you dont have some kind of conflict then you dont really have much of a story. even something as simple as "two characters misunderstand each others feelings and keep self sacrificing for the others sake only to realize thats what they were doing and that they dont have to keep hurting themselves" is conflict. it doesnt have to be massive earth shattering world ending conflict. just let the characters have trouble with each other and let them come to a resolution about it. and not just therapyspeak at each other either thats fucking lame and amounts to little more than soapboxing.
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
a modified list of rules for requesting for TADC! for the most part its the same as the original post, but with some important modifications! The inbox part is especially important as I will likely close and reopen requests several times depending on how many are sent in! While I did have loads of fun doing all the requests last week it was very overwhelming and extremely taxing on my mental and physical health <\3
That said, yahoo, I'm back!! Not sure how active I'll be today (11/4), since I'll be spending a lot of the day drawing and prepping for tonights dinner. But !!!
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How to request!
sending in a request is simple! you can go into my inbox and send in the character(s) you want! you can describe what kind of reader you want, as well as put in any scenario you want! If you are unsure on whether or not my requests are open, you can refer to my bio, which i keep up to date with of the request status! What all you can request will be detailed below!
What you can request/What I will write!
Please note that if you send in a request while they are closed it will not be answered**, so its best to hold on to your requests until theyre opened or to find another blog !!
**anything sent in while requests are closed will not be answered even after they were reopened; otherwise there wouldn't. Really be much of a point of the open/close system, yk?
you can request most anything so long as it is not listed in the will not write section! if anything slips by and makes me uncomfortable i will let you know!
romantic, platonic, and familial hcs are all welcome here!
the reader is GN by default, you can request a gender if you want, however due to the style of my writing it wont make much of a difference
you can request anyone from the entire TADC cast (save for bubble and Kaufmo), however i will note that occasionally some characters will be left out of full cast lists due to the admin not having any worthwhile ideas for a character. this is less of a "dont request certain characters/less characters" and more of a "hey this is headsup and this is a case by case thing but overall i do do the entire cast"
readers that are similar to existing characters! just a headsup that if i dont know the character i will rely on a character wiki or a friend who knows about the character! So theres a solid chance I may do a disservice to the character in question, heed this warning (/lh)
im also down for character x character! again if the ship makes me uncomfortable i will let you know so you dont have to wait on a request/can move on to a different blog to answer for you,,, should note I rarely do character x character so quality on these will be especially shotty
What you cant request/What I will not write!
no NSFW or kink related asks, please. this blog is SFW, anything that is NSFW or kink-adjacent will immediately be denied
no yandere. while i do write for jealous partners and readers, full yandere stuff is where i draw the line as i am not personally comfortable with the trope/the romance stuff surrounding it
general no no stuff (ab^se of any kind, active** SH, ect ect)
SH is allowed so long as its about healed wounds rather than the act itself being written
full fanfics and oneshots
I have the right to deny any request for any reason, be it discomfort or feeling underqualified to write about a certain topic. It is nothing against you, there are some requests I simply may not be able to complete. I urge that you respect that and to not push me to answer a request I have already denied
please do not spam or try to push me to answer your request sooner, i tend to answer requests in the order they have been sent; so while it may look like im answering a bunch of people and ignoring you, it is likely not the case! as well as this, sometimes tumblr eats stuff so sometimes it could also be that and i am unaware that you have requested something
my posts tend to be a short paragraph per character or a list of bullet point hcs, i am not at all confident in my skills of writing actual. fanfics, so uh uh .. yeah
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hyukalyptus · 7 months
Do u mind explaining what cnc, dub con and non con exactly are. Google doesn't help
not at all!
cw. cnc, non con, dub con, mentions of drugging, rape all in order to explain. no scenes are written. answered after cut!
cnc stands for consensual non consensual. it is very important to note this is essentially a role play kink.
it’s something that is clearly discussed before hand between all parties involved. but basically- it’s an agreement between a Dom (D) and sub (s) where the s has “waived” all consent. keep in mind, this is discussed beforehand. it’s where the importance of a safe word rly comes in in my opinion. because the s is most likely not giving consent during sex, theyre “fighting back” or saying things like “no, stop” as part of the play. but the D is allowed to continue in this instance. HOWEVER! once the safe word is said, the D must stop.
an example that i like is a D/s decide on a necklace that the s wears that silently lets the D know they can “have them in whatever way they want” later and the role playing begins at that point (after a discussion has been had). so s wears a necklace signaling D they can essentially have sex with them and s has “given up” consent and the D doesn’t need to obtain it to have sex with them later. that signal is the consent. BUT the D or the s can back out of play at any moment if their mood changes.
dub con is where both parties are consenting in the moment, but they’re consenting for “dubious” reasons, hence where “dub” comes from. so for example, a boss (D) kinda pressures an employee (s) to have sex with them and threatens to fire them if they don’t. perhaps the s wants to have sex with them and they fully consent, but it’s dubious because of the power dynamic at play.
to me, in the case of role playing and fantasy, cnc and non con are the same. HOWEVER, in real life cnc and dub con are NOT non consensual.
it is very important to understand if you do engage in these in real life, every thing is discussed prior to play with all parties involved, including safe words, boundaries, expectations, etc. AND to understand it is role playing and it is not real and that it is consensual.
for writing: it’s basically that role playing at hand. for cnc, to me, those boundaries that have been discussed are written as part of the writing. for non con or dub con, it might be skipped over or implied.
for example, a D drugging an s and forces them to have sex with them is straight up non con. writing isn’t real and is fantasy so that’s why some people are okay writing and consuming it. if this happens in real life, this is rape and should be treated as such.
edit to add: just because someone may be interested in engaging in cnc play does NOT mean they’re interested in actually raping someone or being raped. pls don’t kink shame. IF they’re obtaining consent and discuss it beforehand and all parties are excited about this role playing, it is good to go :) a D or an s should never feel pressured to engage in cnc role play if they do not want to.
hope that clears things up!
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honkowo · 1 year
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revamped a few things regarding gut stuff + a taste of angels' fuckass technology heehee ^^
angels have a completely liquid brain thats contained in a thin membrane, supported by a sheet of cartilage thats absolutely PACKED with nerve endings. having a liquid brain allows them to take a lot more damage to the head without fear of brain damage. theyre fucked if their skull gets pierced however, as once air gets in their skull, the membrane will pop and send brain soup everywhere. luckily for them though, their skulls are both thick as hell AND have a layer of fat and muscle to pierce through first.
their sails can fold down now, as well as their front teeth now being able to move similarly to a parrot beak(LOOK UP PARROT SKULLS THEYRE FUCKIN WILD) allowing them to grip onto prey better. angels eat rocks in order to strengthen their bones so i changed up the coloration of their bones to reflect that. depending on what minerals they eat, angel bones can vary in colour as the colour of the original rock gets mixed in with the original calcite bones. old angels will also eat gemstones and other sparkly minerals so that when they die, their bones(mainly the skull) will be extra sparkly for funerary reasons. some angels will eat gemstones regardless of age just because they like the idea of their bones being extra pretty, even if no one can/will see them.
ever since angels figured out how to harness the processing power of their liquid brains, theyve been using it in almost all technology ever since.
rather than writing things down, angels will use this liquid to store information in a computer-like fashion, and by sending off specific signals into it they can program the liquid to do just about anything. depending on the amount used, these "brains" can record and store memories, open doors, pilot ships, and even replicate and store whole entire people! as long as they have a constant stream of nutrients and regular monitoring, these brains can live almost indefinetley. in order to activate/talk to it, you must be touching any exposed part of the membrane. the tech may not work correctly with other aliens however, due to it being so closely connected to angel biology.
brains that have a consiousness integrated into it are called BUIs(bio-unital intelligence), and are the angels' equivalent to sentient AIs. not gonna go too much into detail about them now since i wanna make a separate post on them, but theyre often created to do more complicated tasks, such as governing highly populated ships and running ground settlements, but theyre also made when an angel's body has been life-threateningly damaged and they dont want to die just yet. this is only done if said nearly-dead angel agrees to it beforehand, as the integration is both painful AND permanent. BUIs dont need to be touched directly to function, and will perform tasks independently of other angels.
gif stills under the cut like usual :3
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vtoriacore · 2 years
✧ a push in the right direction
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note: idk what possesed me to write this but my friend was rambling about how they were dreaming of deuce confessing to them a week prior so the inspiration truck came full force and this. this is coming straight from the notes app. also also also i haven't written much for epel and jack yet so they're on my radar to either suffer horrible angst or be happy (ig).
synopsis: in which, after an awkward encounter with your crush which you ran away from, your friends decide to help push you in the right direction. one, which will finally end the (very tiring from their perspective) pining on both your ends.
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"Are you gonna kiss me prefect?~" Ace, in a very mocking voice, circled his arms around you with his lips all puckered up as you sighed out for the nth time this evening. Clearly staying in Heartslabyul and telling your group of friends about the awkward encounter was the wrong move.
"How childish, will you ever let Deuce and the prefect live this down?" Riddle, despite wanting to sound serious, was really failing to hide his own smile behind his hand. And oh boy you know it’s bad when even the Riddle Rosehearts himself, someone with zero romantic experience, finds this situation funny.
"Ahhh!! I can't believe I didn't catch that on video! It would've made for a perfect Magitok pov . . . I can just imagine the reactions of people, 'Oh how cute!' or 'Me and whoooo?' oh, oh, oh! Or, 'ughh theyre so dreamyy and for whattt'. What a wasted opportunity! 100% SRS! Everyone would've ate that right up!" Cater's voice rang out through the room as his little monologue sent the red headed first year still clutching onto your arms into a fit of laughter. You had to admit it made you want to laugh just a little bit, but your conflicting state of mind didn't allow you to.
"Aren't we being a bit too harsh?" Trey, finishing up the cake he was decorating for tomorrow's unbirthday party, hummed with a tilt oh his head.
"Finally! Thank you Trey! He was trying his best- if anything you should be mocking me! Looking at you Ace," you smiled slightly, recalling the way the cobalt haired boy accidentally let that slip of the tongue pass through. As sweet a moment as it was, you did accidentally ruin it. Your smile fell at that thought slightly, although no one seemed to catch it.
"Aww, look at you smiling and all! You got a lil' crush on Deuce too? How cute~!" with a huge grin, Cater took his phone out with a mischievous glint in his eyes. You did not like where this was going.
"Cater . . . What are you doing?" the colour drained from your face as you watched him type something. When you tried to move however, Ace held you back with a very much wicked grin of his own as he spoke up, "ah, ah, ah! Not so fast prefect! Today is gonna be your lucky day and you'll have us to thank for it!"
"I must agree this once, and with Ace of all people no less. It is very exhausting seeing the two of you clearly be romantically interested in one another and not doing anything about it," with a little shrug, the Heartslabyul dorm leader leaned on the counter top as he observed Cater's work. You couldn't even begin to describe how nerve racking this really was.
"It's for your own good prefect, so please don't worry. Want a cupcake? I made extra this morning, it might help a little with your nerves," you really appreciated the strawberry flavoured pastry Trey handed to you at that moment, as a loud 'ding' noise reverberated throughout the room, signalling a message must've come through.
You thanked the baker and quickly took a bite, intently observing Cater's expression as his face morphed into one of delighted anticipation. Although it eased you at first, your heart nearly stopped when he furrowed his eyebrows.
"W-what . . . What did he say? Is he still upset I ran away? I already apologised- did my message not come through earlier?" your ramblings quickly made the apricot haired boy snap his head up to look at you.
"Oh no, no! Nothing like that don't worry~ He just said he'd love to hear the confession coming straight from you hehe!" that damn grin came back onto his face, and you wanted to scream.
"A CONFESSION? WHAT DID YOU SAY CATER??" and scream you did, as anxiety filled your entire being to the brim. You weren't really surprised things went this way because of course they did. Expectations of anything semi-good happening were low in this world for you!
"Woah calm down, it's all good! We all agreed for Cater to send a simple 'the prefect's also got a thing for you', nothing more," the crimson haired boy from behind you put his chin on your shoulder, sighing out soon after at your panicked form.
"For the record, we do feel apologetic for having to do this. But as Trey mentioned earlier, this really is for your own good," Riddle nodded his head in your direction. It might've been the thought that counted but it didn't necessarily make things any easier to face.
"You should go see Deuce by the way, he's most likely waiting in his room," finally finishing up the vanilla cake, Trey eyed your form and beckoned for you to go.
"I can't believe you all planned this . . . Not like I can back out now. Well, wish me luck at least," your voice came out feeble as you started heading in the direction of the door, hearing Ace snicker and Cater mumble something to Riddle as Trey clicked his tongue at the remark. You sincerely hoped it wasn't directed at your situation but by now, you knew differently.
"It's okay . . . Deuce clearly likes me back. They wouldn't lie to me about that. I hope he saw my apology message. Why did I run anyway? Must I always panic and make things so awkward?" you ran a hand through your hair as you navigated the dark corridor, it didn't help that the lighting was dim and the sun was already out of sight. The nerves came back tenfold as you thought about Deuce.
When you finally reached the end of the corridor, you almost gave out a shrill shriek as you felt yourself walking directly into someone, "sorry- my bad!"
"P-prefect? I didn't know you were . . . Sorry," your eyes widened when you recognised the owner of the voice. After some silence ensued (mostly on your end), you heard the teal eyed boy clear his throat, "I was . . . I was actually looking for you."
"Oh- You got that stupid message from Cater right? I was just making my way to your dorm room," you bit your lip, trying to avoid eye contact the best you could.
"About that . . . Do you really- I mean, of course I don't doubt you or anything but- I just want to hear it straight from you and well," with a harsh swallow, Deuce cut his sentence off as he observed your reaction.
"Yes. I do, you know, really like you. I didn't mean to run away after you asked to kiss me, really! I just panicked because I didn't think you were serious, sorry," you finally looked up, seeing just about the most beautiful sight yet.
You doubted even the starry sky of this evening could comapre to the way Deuce's eyes shone as a crimson red hue overtook his face. It looked so ethereal that you couldn't help but gaze longer and longer. And by the Great Seven, the longer you stared, the harder it was to tear your gaze away from his lips. You couldn't even feel yourself drawing closer and closer in until reality finally came back when you felt his lips meet your own in a delicate yet passionate kiss that threatened to overtake your senses and clarity -or whatever remained of it.
"I . . . " his voice came out meagre when you two finally separated to catch some air. Your knees almost wanted to buckle under his intense stare, as that hypnotising pair of sparkling, turquoise eyes remained glued to your lips. It was clear Deuce was finding it hard to look away, wanting nothing more but to continue this endeavour and yet, he felt the urge to pour his entire heart out to you. Right here and right now, and he didn't have the patience to keep his feelings locked away any longer.
"Listen, I just . . . I really like you too. I mean it, and it would mean the entire world and more if you could do me the honours of becoming my significant other. I know I'm not the best at this romance stuff but, I would love to try . . . with you, if you'd let me?" small, nervous smile gracing his lips, the boy sheepishly rubbed his neck, awaiting your answer. And he didn't have to wait long, "I'd love that Deuce. I'm so happy you feel the same way."
He supposed he got the answer to his original question in the very end too, and it turned out asking to kiss the very person who stole his heart was the correct choice after all.
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doeblossom · 6 months
What was it like for Doe Whispers growing up with Raine as a parent?
this is an excellent question! ive been wanting to write all of this down so this is an excellent opportunity :D (please excuse how long it took for me to answer this, i spent a long time writing and double checking things to ensure they align with canon haha)
all of the following is headcanon about raine too. because theyre so cool and swag and i love them. warning: this is kinda long, but i wanna be thorough! but TL;DR, they try their best and are very loving, but being a busy single parent doesnt leave much room for quality time
Pre-Parenthood Raine wanted to be a parent; not only to start a family with Eda, but also just to experience raising a kid of their own and being a parent. After breaking up with Eda, they joined the Bard coven and started their teaching career. Rather than staying in Bonesborough and starting a career at Hexside (which is apparently located on the right arm), they moved closer to the castle. I imagine this is somewhere around Latissa, if not exactly in Latissa. Once their career was stable, they had Boe. Boe wasn't conceived through traditional means. Her conception was magical, and while there was outside input for her genetic makeup, Raine is the only involved parent. (Side note: Doe and Boe are both very similar, and it's debatable which one is her real name. "Boe" is fun because "Raine" + "Boe" = "RaineBoe", but this is still an insert character. For the sake of consistency through the post, I'll be calling her "Boe", but either works.)
Early Life Boe was raised with as much love as a parent could provide for their child. Up until she was about 4, Raine gave her all of their attention. Based on this post quoting Avi Roque, Raine's voice actor, there are two specific headcanons I have about them as a parent: 1) They would go by "Papa" (I wanted to match the term "Mama Eda", and feel like they would be more comfortable with masculine terms.) 2) There would be a lot of holding, handling, hugging, etc (Raine's love language is touch, so there's a lot of physical affection) Around when she was 4-5, Raine was offered a teaching position directly under the Emperor himself. And at this point is where things get VERY busy and difficult.
As a teacher, Raine wanted to be the primary one with a hand in Boe's upbringing and education. That, along with Bards having a less-than-stellar reputation, And Boe being one of those kids to easily get sick, led to her being homeschooled in bard magic. Unfortunately, a single teacher's salary can definitely not afford daycare (Belos is cruel and unjust) so Boe spent a lot of time in the faculty lounge, doing her homework, drawing, reading, etc. However, the flow of new people and students allowed her at least a little bit of interaction with others.
While Raine climbed the ladder, and learned more about Belos's corruption, Boe was left mostly to her own devices. Unfortunately, their busy life led to their relationship stunting. Yes, they still love each other as family, and they know each other very well, but from around 10-14, Boe started keeping a lot of things to herself. Throughout all of this, Raine's been busy starting a rebellion. And does Boe know? No. A lot of things rebellion related, she simply assumes is part of Raine's "Work".
Joining Canon Once Raine is elevated to a high enough status where they are set as Scooter Crane's replacement as Head Witch of the Bard coven (a couple of months before the show begins; Boe is just under, or has recently turned 16), they move into the castle permanently. The Emperor, in all his grace, provides Boe boarding as well, provided she follows in Raine's footsteps or studies to become a part of the Emperor's Coven. With all of her schooling, it's fine, but she doesn't really know if she wants to be a Bard. Sure, it's what she's most proficient in and trained to do, but there's a million different options out there to explore. Raine is very good at their job, and vocal about the need for Bards to be respected, so imagine how awfully disappointing it would be for their own, only child to pursue something else. So she just says nothing.
During Canon Working at the castle is so incredibly busy. Obviously. Raine tries to see their kid at least daily, but it's still a difficult thing. Most often, it's a wordless hug or a passing pat on the head as they rush off to another meeting (coven related or otherwise). Around this time, Boe finds out there are TWO (count 'em: two) other kids in the castle. And she wants to be friends with them SO bad. But that's a story for another time; let's just say it eventually happens.
Yes, Boe realizes something's happened after Eda's Requiem. It's subtle, and weird, but a lot of Raine's mannerisms on the surface had changed. But when they interact, nothing's different, so she brushes it off again.
Hollow Mind Heart There's a reattempt of the mind spell. But through some shenanigans, rather than Hunter and Luz going into the Emperor's mind, Sol and Boe end up in Raine's. And they see everything. And it goes about as well as you expect. Sol, understandably, runs away from the coven much like Hunter did, but in less of a "my life will end if I stay" manner; more of a "I cannot work for this man anymore" way. Boe, however, stays. She's quiet about it all, and the rift between her and Raine widens even more. She does stay at the castle, if only for a sense of stability. But best you believe she's doomsday prepping in there. Packing all of her important things in a single bag, hoarding whatever snacks she can snag, and not talking to anyone.
aaaand that's about where we are right now! i'm currently writing stuff for post hollow mind + human realm era. but in the epilogue, i imagine they become close again! but being isolated from them right after finally being ready to talk again is difficult.
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aristotels · 5 months
What do you think the outcome of the AI debate will be? Does this differ from what you think it should be?
Do you consider it worth engaging in/with at all?
i dont think there will be any actual outcome because the debate in *this* form about whether it is or isnt art is useless precisely because its philosophical and doesnt have an actual answer. it also doesnt rly change anything in context of art being "expression of human emotion" or whatever. the only context i can see where ai status as art matters is the context in regards to art as a profession and that doesnt affect people making gay sex cats on their laptop or hobbyists who make art out of love. im talking about things like if ai should be allowed in applications for state fundings for visual artists, if it could be basis for joining artist guilds etc.
(p.s. you cant actually just show up and join the guild, at least not in my country - you need to have like 5 years of public activity as an artist, certain number of solo and collective and juried exhibitions completed with documentation, and your art has to meet some standard for you to be accepted.)
these are things concerning visual art as profession, not human soul or whatever. i think people keep using artist as a professional status and human activity interchangably, and it creates confusion. art as expression is humane and holy and all that, art as work and a profession is simply a category defining labour and has no moral value. same way like teaching, nursing, etc are job descriptions. artists shouldnt be above the working class. thats how arts were treated in ex-yugoslavia, where artists werent separated or holier than other people, but were a part of proleteriat. a lot of funding was being given to artists because art was supposed to be for everyone and cultural soul and food for people. (the "art is a luxury" argument has genuinly been getting on my nerves; idk who the fuck came up w it but art is a service like any other. i also believe artists have duties to their own compatriots, to provide art to the public and not just burgeoise. this is going to be taken out of context btw, but it does make sense under a communist state).
i think that this whole ai discussion is trying to elevate artists to something "grander than ordinary humans" when its rly not. the yearning wish to be acknowledged as an artist instead of prompter is a part of it as well, making the "artist" status to be the only way creativity can be recognized as worthy. i think the same of people who talk about art needing to have SOUL btw. in both cases the artist status becomes something soo special and important, when it rly shouldnt be.
the individualism of artist as an independent creator instead of a part of proleteriat collective is problematic.
anyway why do i care if ai art has art status or not? the closest example i can come up with are comics in croatian national funding, where things arent very clear. comics belong both to visual media... and literature. so for example, instead of applying for visual arts, we are required to apply comic books to the literary works funding. however, the commission prefers writers - so you have more money allocated to the writers than comic book artists, and theyre disproportionately granted. the grants are also the same amount. you get 21,000kn to write a book or draw a long form comic.
then, for example, i have an official artist status in croatia. comics are my primary activity - but see, there is no category for that. i can only be a sculptor, a painter, or a multimedia artist. and the closest thing to a comic artist is........a painter. and the requirements for the painter status require a set number of solo and collective juried exhibitions - in gallery and all. why should a comic artist who draws comics be required to participate in juried gallery exhibitions? the commission doesnt care about hundreds of pages ive drawn and the publications ive been a part of - they want exhibitions.
anyway sry for a horribly long post, but my point is that the art status of ai needs to be defined for *things like these*. in context of creative value it doesnt matter, but in context of craftmanship it might.
this might ALSO be because "umjetnik" (artist) in my language is mostly used as a defined status, while hobbyists will usually say "i dabble in art/drawing" instead of assigning themselves the label. its rarely used by someone who just likes to draw on the side. my official academic title is "diplomirani umjetnik", my national status is "samostalni umjetnik". to me the word "artist" is simply a descriptor of my job, so thats how i see and understand that word, but im realizing it might be different in the english language.
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chloeangelic · 9 months
thoughts re: Rendezvous series and forgiveness
ive had some thoughts recently about how people might react to part 5 of rendezvous when it comes out, ie the final part, and i wanted to share for no real reason
discussions about forgiveness, infidelity and such below the cut
firstly, i want to say that zero iteration the word "forgive" appears in part 5. there is no discussion about forgiveness really at all, and i dont think there needs to be. one of the reasons is that i think the concept of forgiveness can oversimplify complex situations, as well as assign unnecessary value judgments to things. i often feel like being forgiven for something means that you have to label that thing as 100% bad and terrible, and theres no space for what sort of positive change it couldve initiated. this is often the case when it comes to infidelity - which is a whole different can of worms.
on the topic of forgiveness, however, whether its mentioned explicitly or not, ive noticed an extreme allergy to joel being forgiven for any indiscretions towards the MC in fics on this website. it seems like the MC herself can do anything and nobody really questions it when joel takes her back, we can cuck tommy into oblivion, joel can cheat on his wife etc, and all of that is cool and hot and encouraged until joel is the one making dumb decisions. people will literally forgive him for being a mass murderer but not for fucking someone else.
the discussions of morality, which are a huge focus in tlou, seem to stop short when it comes to fictional relationships between joel and MCs. we can all discuss why he merked that hospital full of fireflies, and most tlou fans will justify his actions, saying he did it for a good reason, but any relationship related indiscretions do not get the same treatment. i understand that people are sensitive about cheating, being cheated on is awful, but its unproductive to shut down all discussions about it
just to make it clear: i do not consider his actions in rendezvous cheating, not on katy and not on the MC. the MC feels more cheated on because she has an unhealthy attachment to him
am i defending his actions in rendezvous? no. do i think they need to be defended or condemned? also no. i choose not to see things as binary good/bad - even if i thought everything he did was terrible, whats he supposed to do? be alone forever because of indiscretions towards one person? i know this is fic, and i could write him living under a rock for eternity if i wanted, but this is supposed to be a realistic (in my definition) series, and realistically, thats not what happens to people who fuck up in interpersonal relationships. they move on and live their lives. we all hurt people at some point - its juvenile and delusional to think that just because someone hurt another person, theyre bound to suffer for all eternity.
i think there are a lot of nuances when it comes to relationships especially, and trying to label what hes doing in this series as cheating on the MC/katy, and then saying CHEATING BAD is an oversimplification and ignores the scope of emotion im trying to cover here. even calling it cheating ignores the depth of unlabeled relationships. i think the MC deserves more than that, cause if we say hes cheating on katy, were basically calling the MC the other woman, and the other woman is ALWAYS vilified - except in this case where shes the "reader" character. what if i wrote this entire thing in a different perspective, and katy was the reader?
im in the brainstorming stages of my next big series after love me back, and if i go with the idea thats simmering in my head right now, its gonna be a completely infidelity focused series, about when its acceptable to cheat, who is allowed to cheat and why, etc. joel will not be fucking anyone else in that series or cheating on the MC calm down
this might not be very interesting, and its not addressed to any anons in particular at all, ive just been thinking about it as the parts have been posted and thought id share my thoughts in case anyones interested. its hard to give my full thoughts without spoiling ch 5, so after thats posted i might write another reflection on it for anyone whos interested in my thought process behind the decisions ive made.
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okthatsgreat · 9 months
hiii okay i just started reading opddmh and i was wondering if you have any thoughts about komaru and toko's relationship and udg in relation to the virtual reality au you're writing? :3c they are so precious to me and if u dont have any thoughts on it thats fine!! just wondering <3 have a good day!!
OOOO DEFINITELY !!! nothing too complex or thought out but ive definitely got some thoughts on it >:)
first things first ultra despair girls is most certainly some kind of spinoff in this universe! so its not considered a main storyline/killing game however it is still on ongoing series! i imagine after 53 seasons the danganronpa timeline has been seriously fucked up and udg is absolutely one of the main reasons its so wonky, you can IMAGINE all of the conspiracy youtube videos trying to piece that shit together lmfaooooo. but yep udg is a running spinoff series starring toko, komaru, and the warriors of hope (who are teenagers in this au at this point!!). it also features a range of other villains and side characters that were introduced later on :] udg definitely isnt as popular nor is it as consistent in its production as the main danganronpa story is (while danganronpa has at least one season per year, udg has one maybe every three), but it still gets a whole lot of views !! which means toko and komaru are unfortunately in it for the long haul </3
they live seperate from each other however they're over at each others apartments so often that they basically live together LMFAO. they rely on each other SO so heavily. i personally think they have romantic feelings somewhere underneath their fear of losing each other to the mental trauma of danganronpa however there is NO WAY danganronpa would ever let them be a couple. the most theyre allowed to do is queerbait ghfdsjkghjkdf. if they confirm anything between the pair they are destroying an entire market of fans they can profit off of and also likely losing hella sponsorship money. its extremely difficult navigating a relationship like that, where they have become so heavily codependent on each other not only because their wellbeing relies on the other being healthy and well but also because they've grown so close it's impossible to imagine a future where the other isnt involved somehow. everything danganronpa has put them through, it has usually been TOGETHER, which means they've bonded through those experiences. is that healthy? absolutely the fuck it is not however there is no time or space to navigate that or to spend time away from each other (even if they wanted to, which they don't)!!
the pair stay relatively close with the warriors of hope-- or at least komaru does lmfaooo. like i said before the warriors of hope are teenagers at this point (honestly theyre probably mius age!! which sparks a lot of hypothetical interactions LMAO) so they dont really need babysitters or anything like that but because there are not very many people who could possibly understand what they've gone through they tend to stick together!! a few of them, at least. i imagine nagisa is a lot more distant and kotoko probably has other friends she talks to a whole ton :] people that arent constant walking reminders of her current and past traumas lol
komaru also doesnt talk to makoto as often anymore! they kind of keep in touch and definitely see each other at press conferences and all that, but the relationship has become somewhat strained. its a bit awkward knowing they arent actually related!! theyre still kind to each other and care about each other like actual siblings but its hard not to feel sad around the other unfortunately :(
and toko definitely doesnt talk to byakuya much anymore besides the occasional promotional material LMFAO. they dont despise each other but both have done a lot of growing and a lot of that included distancing themselves from each other
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delusional-mishaps · 1 year
hey... hey.. im dropping a new au... haha...
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so eyeah! based off the soldier/poet/king song, particularity the trend on tiktok based off of the test!! i got poet when i took it, then had many thoughts... as u can see LMAO
version of nightmare with a crown and without bcs i couldnt decide which one i liked more
close-ups (and lore??) under the cut!!
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lore time :3
nightmare's a very... controlling ruler of his kingdom. as he feeds off of negativity, the people of his kingdom must be miserable. his soldiers enforce this rule of negativity however they can.... the people in the village know they cannot publicly show positive emotions
enter the poet.. they're actually a travelling bard! they happen upon this particular kingdom, and thus they don't know the rules of the kingdom... so they start a performance and gain quite the crowd. people are happy and it causes a great big deal. the kingdom's soldiers are sent out to fix this mistake.
cross ends up arresting the poet, and brings them before the king to decide what to do with them. nightmare's like "um... obviously lock them up??? girl fym you dont know what to do with them.."
the poet, obviously not wanting to go to jail for simply being a silly happy lil guy, decides to attempt to strike a deal with the king!
"excuse me, your highness, but i cannot help but notice that you are a very miserable man running a very miserable kingdom. allow me to spark joy and spread whimsey :)"
and despite the king having a miserable kingdom for a reason, he is slightly enthralled by the idea... so, he accepts the poet's suggestion, though, that makes them basically his property
they don't really care because they're free!! (sort of.) and also he's paying them :) and if a king is paying them, then they must be getting a good deal of money right??? right! so they're happy as a clam!
meanwhile cross is standing there like 🧍 because this... this gay ass CREATURE is just... allowed to be happy in the land of misery? just bcs the king finds entertainment from them???? he's kinda salty...
anyway poet decides to flirt w him when theyre not being forced to entertain the king because he's the one who "got them the job" technically??? so they write sonnets and little songs for him to show their appreciation but theyre all lowk flirty cuz they think he's cute and they all fluster him
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