#and ugggghhhh i hate it
merihn · 10 months
I love how I've complained multiple times about kids spraying deodorant and perfume in class and how it makes me fucking sick, and yet a couple of my coworkers keep fucking spraying their shit IN THE STAFFROOM. ARE YOU SERIOUS.
I just walked in and got a fucking faceful of perfume and my head is now hurting. What a great way to start the day
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so-am-smyme9540 · 26 days
What is this House show I keep seeing?
MAJOR SPOILERS!!! If you are genuinely interested in the show, watch it. It's best experienced when you have no idea what you're in for.
My newest fandom, it seems. It's supposed to be a medical adaptation of Sherlock Holmes, but everyone in the cast are terrible people and the medical stuff is wrong most of the time. They break into people's houses to confirm a diagnosis, intimidate patients into signing consent forms for insane procedures, or sometimes ignore consent all together.
That's not even talking about the characters. I can't even begin to describe them. House is the main character, he's an asshole but he's REALLY good at his job so his boss can't fire him. He has chronic pain in his leg because his girlfriend at the time waited until he went into a coma to go behind his back and have him get a surgery he didn't want. Then she left him. He's also addicted to pain killers and has to use a cane just to walk.
Wilson is his """best friend""" and potentially his only real friend. He has a massive savior complex, and since House will never heal, physically and mentally, they're a perfect match. Wilson is also terrible at staying married. He finds damaged women, helps them, and once he can't help them anymore he loses interest and ends up cheating. Most of his wives at least sort of blame House for the marriage failing, since Wilson is infinitely more loyal to him than he ever will be to them. But they're not gay. Even tho Wilson's best romantic relationship was with a woman who was basically House with tits. But then she died in a bus crash (it was sort of House's fault, and he almost died too, but whatever)
I don't rlly get why this show has such a chokehold on me, but it DOES and it's not going away. I could ramble for DAYS but this is long enough and I've only talked about two characters. I haven't even scratched the surface of their ship. Or the other character, or how my favorite character is dead out of nowhere, or or or-
I need to stop ._.
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watmalik · 11 months
So ao3 is still down and not me coincidentally receiving a notification from wattpad that they have a special 33% summer sale going on…hmm, nah it’s fine. Think I’ll be sitting this one out yall. Ao3 will prevail
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Art block :(
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me accidentally sleeps for almoossttt 12 hrs:
me wakes up filled with self-loathing, hates everything, cannot walk without feeling dizzy: NEVER DOING THIS AGAIN! WHO THE FUCK SAID SLEEPING FIXES THINGS!! NUH-UH! I WANNA THROW UPPP!!
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loverboybreakdowns · 11 months
goddddd i hate my mom shell ask a question like an objective question and ill give her the factually correct answer which i just looked up to check that i remembered correctly and shell be like “hm maybe! thats a possibility” and the thing is. the THING IS. she literally does that w me and w small children (like. under 10.) and nobody else its absolute fucking bullshit
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
...cool. Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool.
This is fine.
Yeah, this is fine.
Definitely no need to panic.
There's not some terrible horrible skin disease just making it's way around the school.
Don't worry about it.
Everything's fine.
ALL good.
That said, as an aside, do people just, like, call the CDC if they see a weird disease? I didn't know you could just do that. I mean, I guess it makes sense, 'cause it's like calling your doctor, but on a larger scale, so that tracks.
Also with that in mind, shout-out to Natalie Martin (side question: why isn't Lydia taking this test with them? Maybe she took it early? I wouldn't put it past her lol.) for being so on top of that and so quick to react and keep other students out of the building. Maybe she knows something we don't and recognizes this as something really bad and that's why she's calling the CDC.
So...that's great. Can't wait for this to be super freaking dangerous and terrifying.
Positive little things I loved before I keep watching.
Loved the chaotic little moment at the beginning of the episode where Scott and Stiles try to hide the money when Malia starts running up the stairs. The way that Scott just shoves it under the bed and Stiles is practically slapping him to hurry up and then they both just stand up like everything's fine. We love them. XD
Loved the little pack moment where they're all trying to build each other up right before the test (oh Stiles...you're not helping, honey XD).
Loved Stiles and his three pencils and two hands, only to drop them all when he gets to a question he's confused about and just stare at it in slight horror.
Loved all of Malia's facial expressions with all of her worry about the test, and even though I feel sooo bad for her, I bet she's gonna do better than she thinks she is.
Loved Scott and Stiles being literally incapable of just focusing on their test once there's another problem in the room, and I love their matching facial expressions.
And last, but certainly not least, loved the way Scott just gave that last little look to Natalie before shutting the door behind the rest of the students as they all filed back into the classroom.
Oh also, as an aside, even if we hadn't gotten that opening with this PSAT proctor clearly doing something evil, I would've guessed he was evil just because he played a really awful serial killer on Criminal Minds.
Let's figure this out, shall we? (Please let them re-take these tests, because they're all distracted as is at this point and deserve a second shot. XD)
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(He's so adorable and relatable I cannot. Me too, Stiles. Me too. XD <3)
Update Part 3: Melissa and Noah's concern for their kids has me all kinds of emotional and the fact that one of those kids is PARTICULARLY AT RISK and ACTIVELY HAS IT makes me even MORE emotional and I just--- As a positive aside, love Deaton's "not something, someone" because THIS is how awesome it is to have parental resources in all corners of Beacon Hills. Anyways SOMEONE CURE THIS PLEASE!
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ineloquent-tumbling · 9 months
Me: *closes an incredibly engaging fanfic with five chapters left while still knee-deep in the climax in order to turn out the lights and try to sleep because it’s a work night and it’s already thirty minutes past my bedtime*
Me: … I hate that I chose to become a responsible adult.
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steevejr · 1 year
interview went fine. stumbled over my words. supposedly they’ll schedule me a real interview next week. but whatever. 17hr full time still better than 22hr 15 hours a week 😑
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anarchoarchie · 2 years
i would actually kill myself for a shitty bootleg right now
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miauwing · 11 months
ugh when i was awake last night i wrote a long stream of consciousness about loving my friends from high school and wishing i could kiss them and show them how much i love them, and ofc the creepy guy in the group chat had to be all like ‘wow what beautiful 5am poetry’ dude shut the fuck up
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wizardclown · 1 year
i dont want any team to win, but the fact that florida, and vegas are both 1 game away from sweeping their series is wack
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tortademaracuya · 1 year
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seidenbros · 1 year
Of course I have to get sick right before my birthday. Like... The day before it, iit knocks me down. Couldn't have happened a week earlier or later, nope has to be this weekend. That's what pisses me off most. I just feel like shit and want someone to cuddle me and watch movies with me till I fall asleep, thank you
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snotallgoodman · 1 year
I really want a hug :(
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theoneandonlyailat · 2 years
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