#and won’t stop. touching.
barklikeagod · 2 months
following up the are you gay question with are you a virgin is already crazy enough but. That’s Good? i need to shake benson around like a snow globe and see what floats out of his head
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shortnotsweet · 6 months
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— The Killers, Hot Fuss (2004)
Princess Rhaenyra’s insolence is wearing her stepmother’s patience thin. Queen Alicent is not ten years her senior, but even during her own sixteenth year, she cannot recall herself behaving so brazenly. She would never burst into courtly discussions in nothing but gilded armor and the underskirts of her riding leathers, awash in blood. (She would never be spotted in blood that was not her own, anyway. Alicent has never picked up a sword, not one that belonged to her.) Nevermind that Rhaenyra is attending to diplomatic affairs with bared teeth and scales, no—the crux of the matter is just that, her affairs. Rhaenyra is the Realm’s Delight, a beauty incomparable to any fair maiden, Alicent included. She indulges herself with appetite of a spoiled child, the confidence of man, and the pickings befitting only to her royal blood. Criston Cole. Daemon Targaryen. Harwin Strong. Laena Velaryon. She’s full of love, isn’t she? That selfish, foolish girl. What does Rhaenyra Targaryen know of love, of duty? She is a child in so many ways—she thinks killing makes her a man, thinks the throne is hers despite being a woman, thinks she can have her knight and her uncle and her protector and Laena Velaryon in one fail swoop. She’s wrong. She doesn’t know herself half as well as Alicent does. Alicent, who sees her for what she truly is, who wants to see all of her and more of her and none of her. Alicent has been stolen into the Keep by her own father—both of their fathers—but Rhaenyra is the key to this place, is the window to everything barred. Rhaenyra Targaryen has a dragon. Rhaenyra can fly.
That’s what Rhaenyra had promised her once, with her lips pulled back in a grin, exposing the white of her teeth like the violently radiant creature she was. “Perhaps when you grow tired of plotting against me, we shall ride on dragonback together,” she had said. The tease.
Alicent had yanked her into an empty corridor by the silk of her sleeve, ready to chastise her for her ill behavior. Conversing with the lords and ladies of the court at a feast was one thing, but chattering about her bloody encounters in battle over the pudding tureen were another. The lord at her elbow was going green. Alicent’s own face was likely red; her heart raced whenever Rhaenyra got like this. Alicent had never seen the battlefield—only seen battered men in dented armor and the slumps of corpses lined along dirt roads in the aftermath of war—but her own imagination terrified her like nothing else.
(Rhaenyra is better with a sword than half of the knights in Westeros, and more lovely than the lot. Her reign has not yet begun, but already the commoners flock to her—lured in by tales of her beauty and fine hair—and soldiers would follow her into battle. Alicent would not follow, but she would watch and bite her nails down to the quick.
She thinks of the figure Rhaenyra cuts in full armor, the heat in her gaze underneath the slots of her helmet. Alicent remembers the weight of her own hand in Rhaenyra’s—which was gloved—when the princess rode up to the spectators box and grasped it in her own, bringing Alicent’s knuckles to her lips. She thinks of Rhaenyra murdered in the sky, skewered with another man’s sword, plummeting to the ground, torn in half, streaking crimson across the clouds. Alicent would scream, or cry. She might laugh. She would throw herself from the window of her tower. Rhaenyra’s bloody exploits terrified Alicent for reasons she could not identify, and excited her for reasons she refused to.)
“I’d sooner be confined to the castle for the rest of my days than get on the back of that bloody lizard,” Alicent scoffed. Rhaenyra only tucked her hand over Alicent’s, where it was resting on her forearm. She flexed her fingers, moving to release her grip on the dark fabric, but Rhaenyra intertwined their fingers and held them fast.
“You’re confined already. You are already accustomed to such a thing. I know you. But—”
“But you forget yourself. You think you’re invulnerable, Rhaenyra. You don’t know who you are.” Alicent intends for it to be a sneer, but instead it comes out quietly, and too gentle for disdain. She can’t know. Rhaenyra is as trapped as she is, but they’re trapped together. They belong together. She belongs with Alicent.
“I am Rhaenyra Targaryen, Heir to the Iron Throne and all of Westeros. I am a dragonrider. I am—I am your daughter. In a way. Your sister, too. Your enemy. Your sword, your shield.”
“And what am I?” What else is left for me? Alicent wonders.
“My Queen. For now.” Rhaenyra cocks her head, and the gleam in her eyes burns like fire raining down. “When I am Queen, you will be my lady.”
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mihaelkeehl · 4 months
RIP Light Yagami you would’ve loved cocaine
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pinkerpick · 19 days
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i still hear ur voice when u sleep next 2 me
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werewolfrevenge · 3 months
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I wanted to do more text post edits but my hand slipped and most of them are just Casey…..related sorrry
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I mean, really, what’s better than a hissed “Don’t fucking touch them!”
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sylkiddsey · 4 months
The amount of tweets I’ve seen saying that Brettsey will never be ****** are insane!! Like, yes that’s the whole point! You mean Matt’s not going to be left behind and lied to all the time? They aren’t going to end in divorce? Sylvie’s not going to plan on leaving her husband without a goodbye?
They are not them because their relationship is nothing like what Matt had with Gabby. Yes, there’s history but Gabby made a choice. She divorced Matt because she wanted to. She also left Sylvie (her so called best friend) without a goodbye. I honest to god don’t think they owe her anything. It’s not like Sylvie jumped Matt the second the divorce fell through. If we’re being honest, Sylvie respected that marriage more than Matt did in terms of moving on. She’s the one who pulled back. She’s the one who wouldn’t let herself be with him until she knew he loved her. She even pushed him back to Gabby multiple times.
The vilification of her is so exhausting. Especially from accounts who have definitely never seen the show and just hate her and them because they can. She is the one who stayed. She is the one who committed to long distance instead of ending it right away. She chose to love the Darden boys since he did. She stood by him through everything. She put him first. She is the one leaving behind her life at 51 and Chicago to marry him and raise a child with him.
She is not Gabby. They are separate characters. Because truthfully, Gabby was always going to choose herself. She never would have committed to the long distance with him and the boys even if they stayed together. Gabby is not an awful character either. She just wasn’t right for Matt. Plus, god knows she has probably moved on in Puerto Rico after SIX YEARS. She’s probably remarried too.
It’s so exhausting. That fandom is so exhausting. Funny thing is, not one character on the show has ever had a problem with it. Jesse, Kara and the other actors definitely don’t think it’s wrong either. The only people that do are the fans who can’t let go of a dead ship 🤷🏼‍♀️
Okay, rant done 😂 we are getting a wedding most likely by the end of the month!!! Plus, Matt will be back and we see little Julia next week. We’re winning 😌😌😌
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dykecubes · 7 months
Can I be fully honest at this point I’m genuinely just so fucking tired of the fact that nobody with a platform will speak out against dream, not even commentary YouTubers, dude fully gets caught exchanging nudes with a 16 year old and those motherfuckers will be like “this niche tiktok drama nobody fucking cares about is insane” like it’s actually disheartening that no one will talk about it
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mai-komagata · 10 months
Since people seem confused on this issue
“Regarding the origins of the Vulcan gesture involving touching of two fingers with two fingers, Leonard Nimoy explained in his book I Am Spock that the gesture was not meant to be the Vulcan equivalent of a Human kiss, but rather the Vulcan equivalent of holding hands in public: "The question came up as to what public sign of affection, if any, Sarek and his Human wife would display. Handholding was clearly out, but perhaps finger-to-finger contact of a ceremonial, dignified nature might work. Mark [Lenard] and Jane [Wyatt] took my comments to heart, and came up with the wonderful gesture where Amanda rests her first two fingers lightly upon Sarek’s two fingers. It worked beautifully, and added to the texture of [the episode]." Nimoy also described Vulcan finger-touching as "the beginning of the Vulcan mating ritual", "the Vulcan two-fingers-touching 'embrace'", and "the Vulcan version of foreplay". (I Am Spock, hardback ed., pp. 71-72, 237)”
1) hand holding was clearly out — why? Because handholding would be more intimate for a Vulcan than a human. To convey the same meaning as hand holding Vulcans touch *only their fingertips*
2) read the last sentence then watch the enterprise incident. That is foreplay. Spock is being a James Bond type character and using sexual wiles to distract the female romulan commander. The scene is sexy I’m not sure how this is confusing. Vulcans and romulans have the same basic biology.
3) watch the pon Farr scene in search for Spock. Again. This is a sex scene. Vulcan hand stuff is there to be foreplay and to indicate sex without showing sex.
Obviously not every finger touch is foreplay. There is a range from handholding to more. But it is there to show Vulcan sexuality as alien and different. It is not a 1-1 parallel with human mores. And yea fanfiction embellishes this — if you are writing erotica you exaggerate things. I’m pretty sure adult human men over 40 can’t orgasm that often either but nobody writing posts on that being fanon.
As to why snw doesn’t include it? Idk probably because they have emphasized Spock exploring his humanity not his Vulcan side. Or maybe the authors forgot or think it’s confusing to new audiences. This isn’t a documentary, writers aren’t perfect and we know writers have had shitty work conditions of late. Or maybe in a world free from the hays code they wanted to be spicier. Who knows.
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quietwingsinthesky · 2 months
Drabble 84/366 - Doctor Who
This has never been a problem before, but then, the Doctor has never had a companion whose legs were so tiny.
One moment, Amelia is on his heels. The next, he looks back to see her at the end of the hallway. His screwdriver is in one hand, unlocking the door, but she won’t make it.
The Doctor careens back down the hall, screwdriver between his teeth as he scoops her up, and runs.
A bolt of energy clips his ear. He tucks Amelia’s head down.
“You need longer limbs,” he tells her, “or heelys.” Amelia, safe and sound, laughs.
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marisatomay · 1 year
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even thinking about casting a 6’2” actor to play young al pacino is shortkingphobic
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omfg i really hope u finished sk8 the infinity bc that is the most fun, colourful, draindead show I have ever watched and I would sell my soul to the devil for a s2 to come faster.
but like, who’s ur favourite character? langa will always be dear to my heart bc of just how dense he is sometimes. like he genuinely cannot comprehend most things that happen around him and that just adds to his charm.
also am i the only one who was super fucking weirded out by the way adam interacted with the kids?? the dub is just so much more creepy than the sub and he’s just so much worse around these children- the way he speaks to miya, the nicknames he gives reki and the way he behaves with poor sweet langa is so uncomfy to watch???
I finished it and I LOVED it.
Langa’s my favorite character for much of the same reason. Oh my god he’s so dense and so good. My beautiful boy. All he knows is Board and Love Reiki. He’s so chill. He was just like “I have Never Skateboarded in my Life. The first try should be on this Death Mountain in an event with explosives involved. I will destroy the competition.” I simply adore him. I think we should just keep putting him on different types of boards to see if he can qualify on an Olympic level in them within the span of months. Surfboard. Wakeboard. Other types of board. He is so beautiful and so good.
Oh Adam is so uncomfortable to watch during this, especially his entire thing with langa. He’s always giving him roses and touching him and calling him his Eve. He has an entire wall filled with video footage of him. He had cameras following him when he wasn’t even at S. He openly calls Reiki the third wheel as if Langa doesn’t go into immediate depression if his boyfriend is not there to watch him skate. If the post-credits montage is accurate, then he parachuted from the sky with a bouquet of roses when Langa turned 18. Like this is fully stalking and deeply upsetting please go away.
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girlmadeofclockwork · 7 months
I think the potential hilarity of Durge/Karlach is not capitalized on enough, cause imagine being Gortash, the subordinate you sold to the devil ten years ago is back foiling your methodically laid out plans and out to kill you in vengeance for what you did, and then just to add insult to injury she stole your murder-girlfriend as well. L’s up on L’s for this man.
#bg3#it’s in my brain because I’m doing my Durge run and romancing Karlach as well so#I sure look forward to Karlach being hit with the information that her GF fucked her former shitty boss#(will be news to Sirris as well but ah)#there are certain things that is very nice because I’m playing a repentant Durge so Karlach being so unrepentantly good is influencing her#and having godly entities controlling the course of the their lives and taking away their bodily autonomy#forging them into weapons who can never be close to anyone ever#(Karlach by literally not being able to touch anyone and Sirris (my Durge) being pushed to kill anyone she’s ever had fond feelings for)#it’s something they got in common and while no recalling her life some part of Sirris heard oh I can’t be with people from Karlach#and whent “man I don’t know why but same hat#I have many feelings about them#and then old Gortash is in the sauce as being a guy they both at one point we’re close to and trusted but also he’s the representation of#like a dark time in their lives and I think killing him wont be as satisfying to them as either of em hope#killing him wont make it so Karlach won’t die and it won’t undo all the hurt Sirris has brought on the world#also in the bad end when Karlach dies I think Sirris would legit just off herself rather then live on and potentially becoming#as much of a monster as she used to be and she believes she won’t be able to be as good without Karlach at her side#anyway I will stop rambling now
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mrsmiroir · 2 years
wait nvm im back on my bullshit. remember how inej refused to meet with the ravkan delegates because of their association with the monarchy (which was deeply oppressive to suli people). like personally i feel like she wouldn’t have attended zoya’s corronation, regardless of zoya’s heritage or identity, and i feel like she wouldn’t change her mind on the matter until things actually changed. i still don’t think she would be a monarchist in any situation though, no matter how lovely the monarch is. i also think she would hate nikolai.
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villainsidestep · 2 months
got sad abt fawn’s little motel room again 😞
#gideon shut the hell up challenge#we were thinking abt it in canon but then thought abt it in v3/v3au so. now we have to talk abt those#themmy who gets to be the first to get invited over. it takes a bit to build up to it and then even after they all think they’re ready#it takes another few days to actually Work Up To It. themmy gets first pick bc they’re the least intrusive of the group#the ortegas are close to the group ofc but they are nosy and pushy but this is The Becker’s space. so they get told no when they ask#if they can tag along. (they ofc get approval later after a few times of themmy getting to visit#bc 1. they won’t stop asking but 2. they’re more comfortable w the permitted intrusion that they get a test run)#honestly I feel like one of the ortegas would offhandedly ask Whose room it is (bc they expect them each to have their own)#and the siblings are like no it’s Ours. plural. and then the topic gets dropped bc they’re skittish enough already they won’t push more rn#ohhh the besties giving them little house warming gifts to help spruce the place up but next time they go over it still looks just as plain#except u ask ‘hey what happened to [xyz]?’ and they retrieve it from wherever it’s squirreled away#solo!survivor au…. imagine having to go back to the motel room alone for the first time#you know where the traces of your siblings are hidden. but they aren’t in immediate sight so it feels so Empty.#digging out all of their belongings just to have them closer to you even if it goes against everything you’ve all done this whole time#maybe you don’t stay alone. maybe you invite an ortega over. maybe you invite both.#maybe they show up with a bottle of wine each and none of you say anything bc you don’t know what you even would#maybe they help you pack up everything to move apartments. maybe you don’t let them touch anything. maybe them just being there is enough
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margaetyrell · 8 months
if i suddenly deactivate please know that i’ll be fine and will always carry you in my heart. i’m so sorry i’ve been such a bad friend lately, i still have messages to respond to and i’ve barely been able to check the news. but my entire life is falling apart and to disappear completely will only confirm that my worst nightmare came true and i just cannot go on with my life as i’ve been doing until now. i’ll keep trying my best and perhaps one day we will meet again
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