#and yes that is sushi with coffee for breakfast
midnghtprentiss · 1 year
dating emily prentiss - headcons
pairing: ssa emily prentiss x pediatrician!femreader
warnings: fluff content, sugestive smut, cm horrors (children abuse), emily being a softie
no descriptions of hair, skin color, body shape
i'm thinking about making this idea a series. what you guys think?
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You meet Emily for the first time because of Hotch. She drove him and Jack to your office in the middle of the night 'cause the poor child had a bad fever. She wasn't expecting to find you. Pink scrub with flowers and bees all over it, white shoes and a funny tiara in your hair. 
"Dr. Y/L/N. This is my coworker Emily, she drove us here." You nod, taking a quick glance at her. 
"Nice to meet you, Emily. Shall we go Jack?" 
That was the first time she was hypnotized by a woman like you. How you treated Hotch and especially Jack. She wouldn't mind spending hours watching you work. 
The second time she saw you was during a case. They were rescuing abused children and the pediatrician the BAU chose was you. Reid, Morgan and Emily stayed at the clinic while you did your best to save those children.
"Excuse me. My team stabilized four of the seven children, they're severely dehydrated and malnourished. With the right work and care everything will be alright." You lead them to the rooms. "If you're going to make them talk, be gentle and calm. No loud voices and movements. Remember, these children just experienced a lifetime trauma. If you need me I'll be in the other room."
"Yes ma'am." Emily answered quickly and received a smirk from Morgan. 
"Ask her out, Prentiss, don't be so shy." 
"That's inappropriate Derek, we are working." 
She asked you out after the case was over. She stopped by at your work to thank you for your help and asked if you wanted to have a coffee next time you're free.
You learned that Emily was addicted to coffee, that she loves fudge brownies and most of her clothes have cat hair. You were so entertained by the way she rambled and how her brown eyes sparkled when she got excited.  She laughed at your 'no sex on the first date' — you failed so bad. When both of you noticed you were breathing heavily in Emily's car. 
"I don't know why that's funny. This rule used to work every time." You gave her a look.
"I'm just too hot for this waiting thing and you weren't even complaining thirty minutes ago!"
The months were passing and you two got very involved. Phone calls when she's away, dinner at her or your place, waking up tangled in the sheets. The schedules work just fine, the cases were longer like your shifts. There wasn't pressure on labeling the relationship that was building, but was serious. This woman had you wrapped around her finger.
Long phone calls or voicemails when she's at her hotel room.
"Hey, I can't even imagine how rough the shift is today. The case is evolving to the right direction, we got different clues today and are close to catching the unsub. I saw a bookstore next to the precinct with the book you told me about, so I bought it to discuss with you on the next date. Reid said the book is fantastic and he told me a lot of curiosities about the author, can't wait to tell you everything. Anyway, call me when you can. I miss you." 
She surprises you with your favorite food when she picks you up at work. You commented that you wanted to eat sushi and the next day she showed up with sushi just for you. Or when you slept at hers she makes your favorite breakfast (with Rossi on the phone just to make sure she's not giving you food poisoning).
Emily is a morning person, you're not. Waking up with this woman looking like a golden retriever, walking around, rambling and trying to make you wake up. 
"You know Ems, if you're doing this to get into my panties you are not getting. Let me sleep." 
"It's a beautiful day, sugar. Let 's go!" She comes closer, stroking your messy hair.
"I hate you so much." You looked at her with the most evil smirk ever. 
When she started to think about the idea of marriage, kids and white picket fence she almost had a stroke. She changed her whole life plan since she met you. The idea of a love that is so light and free wasn't even a real thing in her head. The greatest part of her day was talking to you, thinking of you. You were the reason she was more caucareful at the field, she was being more open about her feelings to her closest friends. 
Girls night!!!!!!! Penelope and you bond right away. She was so excited to see the girl that was making Emily look like a love pudding.
"You are so made for each other, look at that! The way she looks at you!" 
"Penny, calm down!" You drunkenly laugh at her and pass your arm around your girlfriend.
"I think we should get shots for this moment. Y/N help me!" You give Emily a kiss on the cheek and follow Penelope. 
"How do you feel?" J.J asked Emily that answer with the brightest smile.
"I am in love with that woman and it hurts that she has no idea of how much it is." 
"She feels the same way, the lovesick gave. I'm happy you found your half." 
"I bought a ring." Dead silence between them. 
"What? Oh my God!" 
"Keep this down, ok? I'm waiting for the right moment and right now it's not. Hotch went with me and yeah, that's it." 
You slowly moved with Emily and started to have a life together. You share bills, you do chores together, buy things together. Even adopted another cat. Life was amazing, couldn't be better. Until the day she proposed.
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garmmy · 14 days
2024 jp trip report (food edition)
i had originally planned to visit tokyo in 2020, but covid happened and...finally this year i managed to go on the trip! ;w; i rarely go overseas but it was really fun just walking around and stumbling upon things. i want to save up for the next japan trip already...
i'm making the post mostly to remember where i've been! i'm splitting up the food and the sights because of tumblr's image limit per post 🙄 will be posting the food here!
(sights edition here)
Day 1 (13/5/2024)
we arrived at night so pretty much everything was closed, but before i went to bed i had some cold haikara udon...i love cold udon so much and wish there was a way to get it cheap back home 😭 i also added some chilli oil with garlic, but it wasn't spicy..only the first day in and i miss singapore's spicy food 😂
Nakau なか卯 (chain store, multiple outlets)
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Day 2 (14/5/2024)
we spent day 2 at ikebukuro and nakano...mostly browsing weeb shit 😭
started the day with some breakfast at komeda's coffee, they have a morning set and auugfhjhghh the bread used in japan cafes' toast is always so soft and fluffy..obsessed
Komeda's Coffee コメダ珈琲店 (chain store, multiple outlets)
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at nakano broadway, the basement had some supermarkets/grocery stores and one of them sold sashimi. i didn't end up buying from here, but...LOOK at this sashimi, for 580jpy?? omg 😭😭😭 i want
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we had lunch at a hayashi rice place near nakano broadway! i had curry omurice myself while my friend got the hayashi omurice. the omelette was sooo good...society if i could cook an egg like this on my own
Hayashi-ya Nakano-so ハヤシ屋中野荘 164-0001 Tokyo, Nakano City, Nakano, 5 Chome-55-15
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and for dinner we had monjayaki at ikebukuro..we've never tried like, actually cooking the monjayaki before? so it was a fun experience!
Monjaya Mon もんじゃや紋 170-0013 Tokyo, Toshima City, Higashiikebukuro, 1 Chome−12−10 ヤンズビル 3F
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Day 3 (15/5/2024)
on my morning walk i decided to try a canned drink from a vending machine. satsuma-imo milk! so in singapore, there was recently a 'nutri-grade' rating introduced mandatory for all drinks to indicate the sugar level in the drink. i didn't think i would miss it in japan LOL i'm sorry but drinking this drink was like drinking sugar syrup T_TT i think as i got older my sugar tolerance has drastically dropped..
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we started at akihabara, and had brunch at niku no mansei (yes the well-known building with like 10 floors of meat before it closed, i think it split into a couple of places?) we went to the akiba place branch for their hemborger hamburg steak...how am i supposed to go back to eating it in singapore after this?? 🫠 IT'S SO GOOD (i'm also laughing at the token broccoli though)
Niku no Mansei Akiba Place 肉の万世 アキバプレイス店 101-0021 Tokyo, Chiyoda City, Sotokanda, 3 Chome−15−1, Akiba Place, 3F
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after akiba we went to asakusa, and since it's asakusa we had to have some tendon..we just went into one of the tendon places we spotted but i didn't realise it was akimitsu!? we have akimitsu in singapore too 😂 but loved the tempura eel!
Akimitsu 秋光 111-0032 Tokyo, Taito City, Asakusa, 1 Chome-29-11
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Day 4 (16/5/2024)
i got some plum onigiri from famima for breakfast on my morning walk. oughgkhghjh i already miss conbini onigiri so much...affordable yet tasty! i really love onigiri, but our convenience store onigiri in singapore is a bit overpriced, which wouldn't be so bad if the onigiri itself wasn't also terrible with cold hard rice :')
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we started the day at tsukiji outer market. SEAFOOD..... we finally got some sashimi today, my beloved,,, we had engawa truffle salt sushi and also a sashimi bowl of the day. and also it was my first time trying shiokara! apparently it's squid in a kind of sauce made from fermented fish/sea animal innards. i'm not sure if it might be an acquired taste, but for a seafood lover like me it was so good 🥺 the lady serving us food was also really nice and we had a little chat even with our terrible spoken japanese lol.
Taneichi たねいち 104-0045 Tokyo, Chuo City, Tsukiji, 4 Chome-9-5
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i also found shirako in the market! it was my first time eating it (i think it can be found in singapore? but not particularly common). other than the shiso leaf it was served plain though, while i like the taste i kinda wish i had rice or something to go with it.
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also we got some matcha latte from the market before leaving! i got the 'less sweet' which was perfect, when a lot of times the least sweet (without being zero sugar) option from drink stores are too sweet for me..
Matcha Stand Maruni マッチャスタンドマルニ 104-0045 Tokyo, Chuo City, Tsukiji, 4 Chome−14−18
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some ramen for dinner at ryogoku! admittedly i'm not a super into ramen person 😅 but butter in noodles is always such a nice combo!
Tadokoro Shoten 田所商店 (chain store, multiple outlets)
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and some parfait for supper. look at their logo!! so cute 🥹🥹🥹
Mayonaka Farm (Ryogoku Yokozuna Yokocho outlet) 真夜中牧場 両国横綱横丁店 130-0026 Tokyo, Sumida City, Ryogoku, 3 Chome-22-8
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Day 5 (17/5/2024)
started the day with some zaru soba. it was nice but cold soba was kind of a mistake because it was raining that morning and so COLD lol
Yudetaro ゆで太郎 (chain store, multiple outlets)
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we started at shinjuku today and walked our way down to shibuya. with my friend's recommendation we tried blue bottle coffee? the latte was nice and even had this natural sweetness(?) to it despite not adding sugar.
Blue Bottle Coffee ブルーボトルコーヒー (chain store, multiple outlets)
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and then we went to takeshita street. i think marion crepes is the most well-known one, but the queue..??? so we ended up going to another crepe store. it's still a treat and has a variety of flavours! i got the regular strawberry whipped cream.
Santa Monica Crepes サンタモニカクレープ 150-0001 Tokyo, Shibuya City, Jingumae, 1 Chome-16-16-8
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late lunch at yomenya goemon! i had the tarako butter one and i really liked it...i think i could try buying some mentaiko from donki back home and trying it out myself..
Yomenya Goemon 洋麵屋 五右衛門 (chain store, multiple outlets)
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Day 6 (18/5/2024)
conbini haul for the morning. i would like to shoutout to famima's pudding in particular; i feel a lot of store-bought pudding tend to be closer to the jelly-like consistency, but i prefer my pudding to be closer to the creamy? eggy? like consistency and famima's pudding is perfect for the price ;w;
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we went to miura peninsula in kanagawa for the day using the misaki maguro ticket (it's so worth!! highly recommend if you want a day trip from tokyo). for breakfast we had some coffee and toast at coffee house poem. their signature blend (kaigan blend) in particular was really unique and nice..kinda regret not ordering that for myself 😂 love the rustic interior too!
Coffee House Poem (Miurakaigan outlet) ぽえむ三浦海岸駅前店 238-0101 Kanagawa, Miura, Minamishitauramachi, Kamimiyada-3130
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nearby there's a souvenir shop selling mainly jams, and pickles (including daikon, one of miura's specialties). did you know that i hated eating radish until japanese daikon changed my life 🤣 i also got some persimmon jam to try since i'd never really heard of it! and also some honey+daikon candy.
Temiyage Iroiro Miura Store 手土産いろいろ 三浦ストア 238-0101 Kanagawa, Miura, Minamishitauramachi, Kamimiyada-3255
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and finally we got SUSHI...i could cry the maguro here is so good 😭😭😭😭😭 the place is called 'kaitenzushi kaisen', but the sushi does not actually 'kaiten'/revolve, the chefs just serve it 😂 we used the maguro ticket on this so we got some maguro and some local catch!
Kaitenzushi Kaisen 廻転寿司 海鮮 238-0101 Kanagawa, Miura, Minamishitauramachi, Kamimiyada-3372-18
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we then took the train to misakiguchi station, and the bus to misaki port. there's a market there called urari marche, which sells seafood and veggies mainly. we got some skewer hotate (scallop) and maguro karaage there! i was not a big fan of the maguro karaage though..i still think maguro is best as sashimi lol
Urari Marché うらりマルシェ 238-0243 Kanagawa, Miura, Misaki, 5 Chome-3-1
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right next to the port was a cafe i used my ticket on, for some danish loaf with pistachio ice cream and a coffee drink. the ice cream goes so well with the fruity loaf!
3204 bread&gelato 238-0243 Kanagawa, Miura, Misaki, 3 Chome-12-10
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Day 7 (19/5/2024)
went for a short walk at ueno park in the morning. there were some food stalls there! we tried some of the freshly roasted hojicha, and also some mitarashi dango. there's some skewered fish that looked good but i didn't try because i was scared of the bones 😅 and other kinda matsuri-like foods such as kakigori and yakisoba, a bit higher priced i guess because of the tourists there but i'm not a fan of yakisoba so 😆
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also there was an asian food festival going on near shinobazu pond! i didn't try the food (it seemed largely SEAsian food, we can get cheaper thai, viet food etc in singapore anyway), but also for some reason there is a food truck for US food? and the representative food is 'american long potato' 😂 is that a thing in US? (ok but i know US is huge)
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i met up with a friend for lunch at akiba and they recommended ootoya! a restaurant chain for teishoku. i got the recommended fried fish and veg in sweet vinegar sauce and 🥺 the taste mix is so good! i also wanted to randomly bring up something i'll miss about japan: pretty much every eatery, whether cafe or restaurant, serves free water, or even green tea! you rarely get free water in singapore eateries even though we have friggin drinkable tap water here 🙄 (except in japanese chains like saizeriya or sukiya..lol) you'll have to buy overpriced bottled mineral water or something even if you just want water to go with your meal.
Ootoya 大戸屋 (chain store, multiple outlets)
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after some walking around akiba (i.e. combing weeb stores), we stopped for some thick fluffy toast and drink (mine was cinnamon toast and almond cafe latte) at vault coffee. true it was a sunday, but we were surprised that it was some random cafe hidden in third floor of what looked otherwise like a normal commercial building on the outside, and it was still soo crowded, we had to wait a little while to be seated!
VAULT COFFEE 101-0021 Tokyo, Chiyoda City, Sotokanda, 4 Chome−5−1 3F
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and this marks the end of our week-long food journey in japan 😆 i had to save a lot of funds for my splurging on weeb and stationery stuff LOL, but i hope the next time i come i can focus more on sightseeing and food maybe! but for now it's back to capitalism to save up first 🏃
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canirove · 20 days
Broken Hearts Football Club | Bonus chapter 3
Author’s note: I managed to do it, and here you have the last bonus chapter! Though writing has been a bit stressful, because I thought I wasn't going to finish it on time 😅 Anyway, hope you like it, and thank you very much for reading and being part of June and Ben's story 💜
First chapter | Last chapter | Bonus chapter 1 | Bonus chapter 2
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🚨 On this chapter there are mentions of mental health struggles and infertility. 🚨
A couple of years after the previos chapter...
“Pepper?” June murmured.
“What are you doing… here?” she yawned, slowly opening her eyes.
“Meow, meow” he replied, curling next to her. 
“You shouldn't be here. Who let you in?”
“I did.”
“Good morning, Maxwell” Ben smiled from the door, a tray with food in his hands. “Fancy some breakfast in bed?”
“Always” she smiled, sitting up. “Thank you, husband.”
“You're welcome, wife” he smiled back, kissing her cheek and sitting next to her and Pepper.
“Peach juice and coffee, toasts, chocolate cookies, some fruit, a rose that I suspect has come from the garden… To what do I owe this honour?”
“Today is a special day, June.”
“Is it?” she said, picking one of the cookies.
“Here” he said, giving her an envelope.
“What is this?”
“Open it and you'll see.”
“Happy retirement?” she laughed.
“Happy football retirement” Ben corrected her, pointing at the word he had written on the card. 
It was happening. June was retiring from football, her career coming to an end that very same day since Chelsea were playing their last game of the season. 
She had thought about it for months before making her final decision, many times regretting it and then telling herself it was the best thing to do. But it actually was the best decision. Her muscles had already started to say no more, and in her heart she felt it was time to start a new chapter. 
“I can't believe you got me a card” she laughed again.
“I saw it in the supermarket and couldn't resist myself” he shrugged. “Anyway, eat. We don't want your toasts to get cold and soggy.”
“Yes, of course. But what about you?”
“What about me?”
“Aren't you eating breakfast with me?”
“Pepper and I already did, don't worry. Today is all about you, June” Ben said, caressing her cheek. 
“Thank you” she replied with a small smile. “Are you ok, tho?”
“Yeah. About today, about me retiring. Is it… Are you…”
“Am I?” he said, his hand still on her face.
“Is today bringing you bad memories? From when you… from when you had to retire.”
“Don't think about that now, June.”
“But are you ok?” she insisted. She knew how hard it had been for him, how much he had struggled. And now that he looked happier than ever with his new job training a kids team, she didn't want him to go back to all that. 
“I am, that's in the past.”
“I promise” he smiled. “Now eat, Maxwell. I want you to score tonight as a goodbye, and for that you need your energy.”
“I need to recharge” she smirked.
“Exactly” Ben smirked back. 
“But one last thing…”
“What” he sighed.
“I love you, husband.”
“And I love you, wife. Now eat” he repeated.
“Yes, mum” she replied, rolling her eyes and making them both laugh.
“Finally, Lauren. What took you so long?” Vittoria complained.
“Traffic. How is my niece today?” she asked her, touching her bump before letting herself fall on one of June's sofas. 
“Good” Vittoria smiled. Like June, she had retired the previous season, announcing her pregnancy just a few months later. 
“Your beer, Lauren” June said, giving it to her and also sitting down.
“Urgh, beer. I miss it so much” Vittoria said. “I can't wait for the little one to be here so I can finally drink a very cold one. And eat jamón.”
“What?” Lauren laughed.
“You can't eat it while pregnant. Or sushi, though I don't like it.”
“I don't envy you, then. What about you, June?”
“June, are you ok?” Vittoria asked her. “You look a bit… off.”
“I'm fine, don't worry” she said, forcing herself to smile.
“Are you sure?” Lauren said. “Because you look like you were about to cry.”
“What? No, no. It's just that I looked out the window because I thought I had seen something, and the sun blinded me, nothing else” she said, still smiling. “So, tell us. How was training today? You are the only one who is still playing, make us jealous.”
“I… ok” Lauren said, her face giving away that she hadn't believed June's excuse. “Today they had us doing some strength exercises, so it wasn't the most fun thing to do…” 
“Hello, wife” Ben smiled, kissing June's cheek and sitting next to her. 
“How was your day? Did the girls come around?”
“They did.”
“Did you have a good time?”
“We did” June nodded. 
“And Vitto? How are she and the baby?”
“Good” she said, getting up from the sofa and moving to the kitchen. 
“June, is everything ok?” Ben said, following her. 
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, Chilwell. I'm sure” she smiled. Or forced herself to. “What about you? How was training with the kids today?”
“Oh, it was the best” he said. “We’ve got a new kid who also is called Ben and who would not want to leave my side, he was super shy. But then I convinced him to join the others after playing some games, and he is so good, June. You have to watch him, he reminded me a lot of myself and… June. June, are you ok?”
“Yeah, yeah” she said, looking away.
“June, you are crying. What happened?”
“Nothing” she replied, quickly wiping away her tears.
“June” Ben said, taking her hands on his and making her look at him. “Talk to me. What happened?”
“Nothing, I already told you.”
“I know you and something is bothering you, June. Talk to me, please.”
“I… I…” she mumbled, hating the way he was looking at her, how worried he was. “It’s just that I got my period today, and you know what that means.” She wasn’t pregnant. They had started trying even before she had played her last game, and nothing. 
“June…” Ben said, letting go of her hands and hugging her by the waist, pulling her closer to him.
“I noticed not long before Vittoria arrived, so when I saw her looking all happy with her bump, it wasn’t the easiest thing. Then when we were talking she was telling us about certain things she can’t eat or drink, and I couldn’t stop thinking about how jealous I was. About how I would give anything to be in her position, about how I would be ok with not drinking alcohol ever again if it meant that I was pregnant. And now you tell me about a mini you, and I… I…”
“I’m so sorry, June. I’m so sorry” he said while hugging her, June crying on his shoulder.
“What is wrong with me, Ben? Why can’t I get pregnant? What am I doing wrong?”
“You aren’t doing anything wrong, June” he said, hugging her tighter. “You know you aren’t. And there is nothing wrong with you either, the doctors already said it.” 
They had told them that this was normal, that it would take her some time since her body had to adjust to her new life, to the stress of playing football at the level she had for so many years being over. And at first that had stopped all the thoughts that had been crossing her mind, but when Vittoria had gotten pregnant so early and so easily…
“Then why am I not getting pregnant?” she cried. “Why, if we both are healthy and everything is fine, nothing is happening?”
“I… I don’t know, June” he sighed while she kept crying, trying really hard to not do it himself. He hated seeing her like this. “But there are other options. Do you remember Barbara, my mum’s neighbour?”
“Yes” she said against his shoulder. 
“Both her kids are adopted, and they’ve had the happiest life together. And the eldest actually works helping other kids find a family, so I’m sure that if we asked him, he would help us with anything we may need. I know your dream has always been to get pregnant, but not being able to isn’t the end, and it won’t make you less of a mother.”
“I know.”
“Then don’t lose hope, ok?” he said, cupping her face and making her look at him. “Promise me that you won’t.”
“I won’t. I promise” she sobbed.
“I love you, June. I love you and will always do, no matter what.”
“I love you too, Ben” she said before resting her head on his shoulder and starting to cry again.
“Happy Valentine’s day, wife.”
“Happy Valentine’s day, husband” she smiled.
“Your breakfast, my lady” he said, putting the tray with all the food on her lap.
“Thank you, sir” she giggled. 
Getting breakfast in bed had become their new thing for the past few months. June had struggled a lot, some days not wanting to leave their bed, crying so much that Ben feared she was going to dehydrate herself or get sick. So he had kept making special breakfasts for her, always adding a different flower from the garden or that he had bought, and a little note where he would write one of the many reasons why he loved her. That usually made her start crying even more, but it also managed to make her smile and leave their room, so it was worth it. 
“You're welcome” he replied as Pepper jumped on the bed and took his place next June. He had not left her side for the past few months either, following her wherever she went. They had even allowed him to sleep with them in their bed since he would spend the night meowing and calling for them. “But there is more.”
“It is Valentine's day, Maxwell” he winked before leaving the room.
“Ben” she gasped when he walked back in, the biggest bouquet of red roses she had ever seen in his hands. 
“What do you think? Too much?”
“Maybe” she laughed. “Where are we going to put them?”
“I don't know” he shrugged. “But my beloved wife deserves this and much more.”
“Thank you, husband” she smiled again. “Aren't you going to join me?” June asked, patting the spot on the bed next to her.
“Not yet, there is something else I need. But you better start eating, we don't want…”
“My toasts to get cold and soggy. I know.”
“Exactly” Ben said. “Now eat, I'll be back in a minute” he said, kissing her forehead before disappearing again.
“Do you know what he went looking for?” she asked Pepper.
“Meow” he replied, sniffing her food. 
“I can't give you anything, Pepper. The doctor said you are getting a bit fat.”
“Meow!” he replied again, sounding as if he had understood what she had said about him. 
“I'm sorry, darling” she smiled, scratching his head. 
“You better not be giving him part of your toasts” Ben said, joining them again.
“I was actually telling him that he can't eat them.”
“Good” he said, sitting down on the bed.
“Why did you bring your laptop?” June asked him as he opened it.
“Because there is something here I want you to see.”
“Something like what?”
“Eat and I will let you know.”
“Urgh” she groaned.
“Love you too, Maxwell” he said, kissing her cheek. 
“Can you show it to me now?” she asked after finishing her toasts.
“Ok, fine” Ben said, moving the laptop towards her.
“What… what am I looking at?”
“A house.”
“I know it is a house, Chilwell. But why am I looking at one?”
“Because this house, isn't just any house. It is a bed and breakfast.”
“And?” June said, giving one of the heart shaped cookies a big bite.
“And? Seriously, Maxwell?” he said, rolling his eyes. “You are the one who came out with the idea of getting our own bed and breakfast and moving to the countryside.”
“But it was just an idea, Ben. A dream. Something to think about to help you feel better and forget about the real world for a while.”
“And isn't that what you need right now, June? Somewhere where you can feel better and forget? Somewhere where you can disconnect?”
“Look at this” he said, taking the tray from her lap and putting the laptop instead. “The house is like 100 years old and needs some fixing, but we could do that together if we are brave enough. And there are some rooms that seem to have gotten stuck in the 70’s and that you could redesign” he said, showing her the different photos. “And look at the garden. It is so big we could have an area to throw parties, one just for flowers, one to grow our veggies, and one just with grass where we could set some goals and play football. I know it needs a lot of work, but I also know I would love working on getting everything ready. And, look at this” Ben said, showing her the last photo. “Cats. We've been thinking for a while about getting another one so Pepper won't be alone, and here he wouldn't. And according to what the owner told me, it is a safe place for them.”
“Wait, you've already spoken with the owner?” June said.
“I… Yes” he replied with an innocent smile. “Her name is Mary. She is about to retire and move to the city to live with one of her sons, and since they don't want to keep the family business, she has to sell it. Cats included.”
“The son she's moving with apparently is allergic” he shrugged. “But look at it, June. This place is perfect. It is in a little town that if you check a map, is like half way between London and Milton Keynes, which means that we will be close to both our families and friends. And it has all the basic services we may need, we won't be living disconnected from the world despite feeling like we are living in the middle of nowhere.”
“It does look great…” June said, biting her lip. “But what about your football team? What about… your kids?” she said,the last two words making her feel a pang in her chest.
“Mary isn't moving until the summer and the paperwork will take its time. I can end the season with them.”
“And then? You were loving this new job, Ben. I can't ask you to give up on it just because of me.”
“June, I won't be giving up on anything” he said, taking her hand on his. “There is a school in the town nearby and they have a football team, I could ask them if they need help. Though if the house needs all the fixing I think it needs, I don't know if I'll have enough free time for both things.”
“See? You would be giving up on something important for you just because of me! And I can't do that to you, Ben. I can't” she cried.
“June… June, look at me” he said, caressing her cheek. “You, June Elizabeth Maxwell, are the most important thing in my life. You and only you. And I would do anything to make you happy, to make sure you are ok.”
“But Ben…”
“And it's not as if the idea of the bed and breakfast is something that doesn't interest me. I actually am really excited about it. About the garden and all the possibilities it offers, about coming up with new recipes and cooking for new people. You know how much I've been enjoying that and having our friends and family coming over to try them.”
“You've turned yourself into a little chef, yes” she chuckled, wiping away a tear. “But Ben… are you sure? Like, really really sure this is what you want? To leave London and start again?”
“Only if you want it too, June. You have the last word.”
It could work. Moving somewhere new, with new people and new surroundings, while also keeping her mind busy, could work and help her with everything she was feeling and going through. And she loved the idea of the bed and breakfast, it had been a dream of hers since she had been young, always telling her parents that's where she was going to invest her money once she retired from football. And now, she could actually do it, and with the man she loved by her side.
“Let me think about it.”
“Ok” Ben smiled. “But today actually is a beautiful sunny day, just a bit chilly keeping in mind that it is February. Why don't we go on a little road trip and pay Mary a visit?”
“Unless it is too much and you feel like I'm pressuring you into saying yes to all this. Which is not what I'm trying to do, and if I am making you feel like that, I am very sorry, June.”
“No, no, it's ok. It's just… I'm still trying to process it all.”
“Yes, of course” he nodded.
“Why don't we stay home today and celebrate Valentine's day by cuddling in bed and watching some tv, and leave the visit to the bed and breakfast for another day?”
“Is that what you want?” Ben asked her, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear and caressing her cheek.
“Today, yes. I want to cuddle and be cuddled by my husband” she smiled.
“Then that's what we will do” he smiled back.
“And thank you for all this, Ben. The breakfast, the flowers, finding that house, and just basically being there for me. Thank you for loving me.”
“Thank you for letting me love you, June.”
“Urgh, you are the best, Chilwell” she said, wrapping her arms around him and hugging him. “The very very best. I love you.”
“I love you too, Maxwell” he replied.
“And? What do you think?” Ben said, hugging June around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder.
“I think we could also have a swimming pool.”
“What?” he laughed.
“Yes, over there.”
“Maxwell, we live in England. We can't build a swimming pool, we will barely use it.”
“But we can always buy one of the prefabricated ones and put it over there.”
“Is that a yes, then?”
“What?” she said, moving on his arms until she was looking at him and resting her hands on his chest, one of them over his heart. That broken heart that, as he loved reminding her, she had fixed with her love, making it be healthier than it had ever been.
“If you are thinking about putting a swimming pool, it's because you are already thinking about our future here. About all the things we could do. Though if I'm being honest, your face when Mary showed us the attic and you got to meet the cats, had already told me everything I needed to know” he smirked.
“And what is that, if I may ask?” 
“That you already love this place as much as I do, June.”
“I… Who am I kidding. I love it, Ben” she smiled. “With some changes here and there, this totally is what I had in mind.”
“I know” he smiled back. “Should we go tell Mary that she can take down the on sale sign?”
Besides the house being what June had imagined so many times, and having everything to bring her Pinterest mood boards come to life, there was something about the town and the people living there that so far they had had the chance to meet, that had made her feel safe, calm, at peace. Almost at home. And with everything that had been going on in her life the past year, with all the thoughts that had crossed and were still crossing her mind, it was exactly what she needed. And Ben, that man that loved her unconditionally, had seen it. He had seen that this was what she needed to get out the dark space where she was headed, and had found the perfect place for her. For them. 
“Yes” June said, her smile growing wider as she looked around one last time. “Let's go find Mary.” 
A couple of years later...
“I've missed this so much, girls” Vittoria said. “We seriously need to meet more often.”
“We do” June agreed.
“Maybe next time we can do it at your b&b and ask that husband of yours to make us dinner. Who knew Chilly cooked so well!” Lauren chuckled. 
“One of his many talents” June smirked.
“I don't want to know about the others, tho.”
“Neither do I” Vittoria laughed. “But I do love seeing you like this, June. Smiling, making jokes and just… happy” she said, reaching for her hand and giving it a squeeze. 
“Thank you, Vitto” she smiled.
It had not been easy, but leaving London for the countryside had been the best decision she and Ben could have ever made. Renovating their bed and breakfast had kept her mind busy, the slow pace living and just being surrounded by nature doing wonders for her mental health. She still had had bad days, days where she didn't want to leave her bed. But now it had been months since she had felt like that, and she had even managed to meet Valentina, Vittoria's daughter, without feeling like someone was opening her chest in half and ripping out her heart. 
“Should we ask for the bill and go clubbing?” 
“What?” June laughed.
“Like old times!”
“My bed and my husband are calling me, I'm sorry. Not in that way, tho” she said, pointing at Vittoria and the smirk on her face. “And yours and your daughter probably are too.”
“They can survive a night without me. What do you say, Lauren?”
“June, have your boobs always looked like that?” she blurted out.
“Lauren!” Vittoria gasped. “Though now that you mention it…”
“Stop checking out my boobs!” June laughed, covering her chest with her hands. “Though I've actually noticed that lately I've put on a bit of weight, and most of it seems to have gone there. I guess that not having the lifestyle I used to have when I was playing football, and eating Ben's amazing food, has finally caught up with me” she shrugged.
“I mean, you look great, don't get me wrong” Lauren said. “It's just that I've known you since your ladies started growing, and they've never been that big.”
“Oh my God!” Vittoria suddenly said, startling June and Lauren and the couple having dinner on the table next to theirs. “Sorry” she smiled at them. “But oh, my God, June.”
“Oh my God what?” she chuckled.
“This may sound crazy and I'm sorry for bringing it up, but…” she said, biting her lower lip.
“Could you… Could you be… Have you and Ben… you know…”
“Vittoria, you are making no sense.”
“June, could you be pregnant?” she said, whispering the last word.
“What?” she laughed, the couple sitting next to them giving them another disapproving look.
“I'm sorry if this makes you uncomfortable, I don't want to hurt you, June. I truly don't. But… It is one of the signs.”
“I can't be pregnant, Vitto.”
“Can’t you? Have you stopped trying? Are you using protection again?”
“Yes. I mean, no. Like… We've obviously kept sleeping together, and we aren't using any kind of protection. But we don't do it thinking about what could happen.”
“What about your period? Are you late?”
“My… wait” she said, checking her phone. 
She had always been quite regular, even while playing football. But when she was stressed or too worried about something, it wouldn't be weird if she missed a month. And lately, she had been stressed. They had had a leak on the roof that had taken them ages to find and fix, someone had tried to break into their London house, and Pepper had been sick, which in her head, made missing a month kind of normal and she hadn’t paid it too much attention. The problem was tho, that she currently was almost two months late. And that, had never happened before.
So could she… Could she actually be pregnant? Like she had told Vittoria and Lauren, they had stopped doing it with that goal in mind. They just wanted to enjoy and love each other, let things flow. If one day she got pregnant, good. If she didn't, good too. There were other options and possibilities for them to start their own family. 
“Girls, I… I… Can we please go home?” she said, her chair making a horrible noise as she got up, the couple next to them once again giving them a disapproving look. “I… I think dinner hasn’t sat too well with me.”
“Do you want to go to the bathroom? Are you feeling sick?” Lauren asked her.
“No, no. It isn’t that. I just… I just need some fresh air, I'm too hot.”
“Oh, of course” Vittoria said as she and Lauren also got up. “I'll pay for the bill. You two can wait outside and start googling where the closest pharmacy is.”
“A pharmacy? Why do we need a pharmacy?” June asked.
“Because we need to find out where those boobs have come from.”
“You mean…”
“You need to take a pregnancy test, June.”
“Chilwell… Chilwell, wake up.”
“It’s time to wake up, c’mon,” June said, kissing his cheek.
“I’m tired.”
“Of what?” she chuckled.
“You couldn’t stop moving last night, Maxwell. Are you nervous about something?”
“That has sounded so suspicious…” Ben said, slowly sitting up on the bed. “And you made me breakfast? Is that why you couldn’t sleep last night?”
“Busted!” she said with a nervous laugh. “I wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done for me since we moved out of London. I… I don’t think I could have left that dark place without you.”
“June, I love you. I would do anything for you.”
“And I for you” she smiled. “That’s why, today, I am the one bringing you breakfast in bed.”
“You didn’t have to, June.”
“But I wanted to” she said, getting up from the bed and picking up the tray she had left on the bedside table.
“Thank you, wife” Ben smiled.
“You’re welcome, husband. But wait!” she said when he was about to lift the lid that was covering one of the plates. “You must leave that one for last.”
“Because I say so. First you drink your juice and eat your toasts and your fruit, and then you can open that.”
“Did you plan a surprise for me?” he smirked.
“Maybe” June shrugged. “Now eat. We don’t want your toasts to get cold and soggy.”
“We don’t, no” he laughed. “Am I allowed to open this now?” Ben asked once he had finished all the food June had brought him.
“You are, yes.”
“June, you look so nervous… Is it bad news?” he said, taking her hand on his. “You are shaking.”
“Chilwell, I’m fine! Open the damn thing!”
“I’m fine.”
“Ok…” he replied, giving her one last concerned look before doing as she had asked him. “What… What is this?”
“Don’t you know what it is?” 
“It looks like a… June” Ben gasped, his eyes wider than she had ever seen them. “Is this yours?”
“Yep” she nodded.
“Are you… Because this is… June, are you…”
“I’m pregnant, Ben” she said, tears already rolling down her cheeks.
“No!” he gasped again, the trail with all the plates and glasses rolling down the bed as he moved to hug her. “June, you… Oh my God, June.”
“I’m pregnant, Ben” she repeated while hugging him back. “That’s our baby.”
“You… Oh my God, June.”
“You already said that” she chuckled.
“I’m sorry, but… Holy shit, June” Ben said, moving his head to look at her face. “You are pregnant.”
“But… how? I mean, I do know how, I’m very familiar with it. I mean… Now?”
“The doctor said that sometimes when you stop trying and just relax, it’s when it happens” she shrugged.
“The doctor? You already… Of course you already visited one. You wouldn’t have the scan if you hadn’t visited one” he chuckled, reaching for it. “Is this why you wanted us to stay a bit longer in London?”
“They actually are the ones who realized there was something going on. Had you noticed that my boobs were bigger?”
“It is. After doing a test the girls wanted me to visit a doctor and be 100% sure.”
“Wait, the girls know?”
“Your boobs?”
“It apparently is what gives it away with many women.”
“I… I don’t know. You know I prefer peaches over melons” he smirked.
“Chilwell!” June laughed.
“Sorry, I’m sorry” Ben chuckled. “But… holy shit, June. You are pregnant. This here…” he said, looking at the scan. “Is our baby.”
“Our baby” she said, taking his other hand and placing it on her stomach. 
“I love you, June. I love you so much” he said, the tears that he had been trying to control finally being free. 
“I love you too, Ben.”
A few years later...
“Guys, lunch is ready!” June called from the kitchen.
“Mummy!” the little boy said while running towards her and hugging her legs, the cats behind him. “Mummy, I didn't mean to.”
“Benjamin Maxwell!” Ben shouted from the garden.
“I swear I didn't mean to, mummy” he said again, tears coming to his eyes.
“What happened?” she asked him, running her hand through his curls to try and comfort him.
“What do you think happened, June?” Ben said, joining them in the kitchen.
“I don't know” she shrugged.
“He hit the flowers with his ball. Again.”
“Did you?” she asked her son.
“It was an accident, mummy. I didn't want to hit daddy and his flowers.”
“You hit daddy too?” she said, trying not to laugh. 
“First he hit my head, and then the ball went into the flowers.”
“Are you ok?”
“I am, yes. My flowers, not so much.”
“At least they haven't bloomed yet and he didn't ruin them.”
“Yeah, I guess” Ben sighed.
“I'm sorry, daddy. It won't happen again, I promise.”
“It's ok, little man” he smiled. “But you have to be more careful, ok?”
“I will” he promised. 
“Ok, now that you've made up, it's time to go wash your hands” June said.
“Yes, mummy!” he said before running away, the cats following him again.
“Did he seriously hit your head?” June asked Ben.
“He did. And it hurt like hell.”
“Aww, poor Chilwell” she teased. “Do you want a cuddle?”
“That would be very helpful, yes” he said, hugging June and resting his head on her shoulder. “I don't understand how he can hit the ball so hard. He's just three!”
“Maybe his football manager should work on that with him. I've heard he is this hot ex Chelsea player who then became a pundit and used to say a lot of shitty facts on tv.”
“He sounds like a twat.”
“You have no idea” June laughed. “Oh, shit.”
“Are you ok?” Ben said, lifting her head and looking at her.
“Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. She just kicked my ribs. She must be a fan of that guy.”
“That, or that we have another football player in our hands, Maxwell” he said, caressing her bump.
“Poor flowers, then” she chuckled.
“And poor me” he sighed. “Though maybe April will be a bit more chill than her older brother.”
“April?” June laughed. “When did we decide we were going to name her like that?”
“We agreed on it when they told us that she was going to be born in April.”
“What is she chooses to come early, uh?”
“June, April is in two days and your due date is the 10th.”
“Then what if she takes her time and is born in May?”
“The doctor said they will induce you if she takes longer than a week, so still April.”
“But what if…”
“Nothing, June” Ben interrupted her. “You will say yes to calling her April just like you said yes to Benjamin. That's how good at persuading you I am” he smirked.
“Yeah” she scoffed.
“I am, Maxwell. Do you want me to show you?”
“I… Ben!” she giggled when he started kissing her neck.
“I’m here, mummy.”
“Oh, hi, darling” she said, moving on Ben's arms to look at her son while he kept kissing her neck. “Did you wash your hands?”
“I did, mummy. Look” he said, moving them so she could see them.
“Good job. Now go sit down, daddy and I will join you in a minute.”
“What about them?” he said, looking down at the cats. They had become his shadow and not left his side since the moment he started moving and crawling, kind of making sure he was ok. “We haven't given them their lunch yet, mummy.”
“You are right, darling. Go get their bowls.”
“Ok” he smiled before running away, the cats following him once again.
“And you, Chilwell” June said, moving again to face Ben. “You are the worst.”
“What did I do know?” he laughed.
“What did I do know?” June repeated, making fun of him. “You've made my life confusing as hell by convincing me to name him after you. Now I can't say your name without having him reply too! 
“Lucky you, you can still call me Chilwell. Or husband. Or love of your life.”
“I can do that now, when my brain is properly working. But did I tell you that the other day he asked me if I have nightmares where something bad happens to him, because one night he heard me calling his name?”
“No!” Ben gasped. 
“Yes. We were so lucky he didn't come to our room to check what was going on…”
“Yeah, try to explain to a three-year old why his daddy was between his mummy's legs” he chuckled.
“Not funny, Chilwell” she said, hitting his arm.
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry.”
“Mummy, the bowls” Ben said, running back to them.
“Great. Let's go feed the cats while daddy finishes setting the table. Though first wash your hands, Chilwell. You also were in the garden.”
“Your wishes are my commands, Maxwell” he smiled, letting go of her and doing an over the top curtsey that made her roll her eyes.
“C'mon, darling” she said, taking her son's hand, Ben not being able to stop smiling while looking at them, at how the little version of him was helping June with the cats’ food, offering to do it for her because her tummy was too big and she had to be careful so his little sister was ok, something he had definitely heard him say before. “Chilwell!”
“Stop smiling like an idiot and go wash your hands.”
“Mummy, don't call daddy an idiot! That isn't nice.”
“I'm sorry, darling” she said, running her hand though his curls once again, just like she had imagined so many times. “But when I call daddy an idiot, I do it with love. Because I love him very much” she said, looking at Ben.
“I love you too, June. Very much” he replied.
“And because you do, you are gonna go wash your hands, aren't you?”
“I'm going, I'm going!” he said as he left the kitchen, looking at June and Ben one last time. At the way she was smiling at their son while he told the cats to eat slower, feeling like his heart could burst of love for them and the little addition that was on her way. 
His heart, the one that wasn't that broken anymore. The one June had mended with her love, same way his love for her had mended hers. 
Because like that quote she had once found on Pinterest said:
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hotvinimon · 8 months
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Bokuto Kotaro x Reader
A/n : "You are annoying prank" Images are not mine. Credits to the owner. Likes, Comments and re-blogs are appreciated. Please don't steal my work. Enjoy ;) Warnings - English is my second language, tears, kisses
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Before saying yes to a commited relation, you always wondered what love looks like or feels like. Is it all pink like in movies ? Or totally unexpected like in dramas.
You couldn't stop chuckling to yourself as you whipped up some grub for your beloved boyfriend of 3 years, the bathroom rockstar.
Imagine this: a sunny summer day, Bokuto belting out tunes like he's on a world tour in the bathroom. While you made your Inari Sushi masterpiece, you stuck a cute flag in the tofu, thinking he'd devour it like a hungry legend.
Your kitchen shenanigans turned breakfast into a daily concert, and you were here for it, front-row seats and all!
Chilling on a kitchen stool, you snuggled up, scrolling through your phone and killing time. As you swiped away, you got hooked by a hilarious prank video of a couple.
Just then, the bathroom door clicked open, and Bokuto emerged, attempting an elegant pirouette, until he saw your unimpressed look from your kitchen perch.
He pulled off an epic gasp, covering his mouth with flair like a melodramatic actor and shouted, "Oh, behold the grand entrance! My precious! My drop-dead gorgeous darling baby!" With giant strides, like he's auditioning for a comedy troupe, he sauntered over on the wood floor, leaving just enough room for an over-the-top bow. You couldn't hold back your giggles.
"Wowza! Check out the size of that Inari sushi! Just what the doctor ordered! I must've won the karma lottery. Now, what else? Hmmm... Oh, I know! A good morning smooch to kickstart the day!" Ignoring any objections, he grabbed your face with his big hands and planted a juicy kiss. "As a token of my thanks, I'm whipping up some coffee, my sweetie pie!"
Late mornings are rare in your apartment due to both of yours busy schedule. But due to graciousness of your manager and Meian, you finally got some time to catch what's slipping up.
You watched his coffee-making skills, both of you sipping from cute matching mugs, and that coffee scent filled up the kitchen. He plopped your mug down, and you gave him a quick kiss. As he sat in his chair across from you, he eyeballed the yummy breakfast you'd whipped up with an eager grin.
He zeroed in on the sushi like a ravenous sushi monster, his lips dancing with excitement. Taking a huge bite, he made sure that sushi didn't stand a chance. You couldn't help but soak up his dramatic, operatic hum, followed by an award-winning moan.
It was like a foodie's Shakespearean theater! As he devoured, you remembered that prank video from earlier. You leaned in, resting your head on your left hand, grinning mischievously.
"Listen, babe, you know I adore you, right? But..." Bokuto's eyes locked onto yours, begging for more. Despite his heartstring-pulling expression, you kept going. "Maybe, just maybe, ease up on the childishness. It's starting to get a tad bit... well, you know, annoying."
His eyes got as big as saucers, and he froze mid-bite, never breaking your gaze. He blinked once, then twice, and a puzzled frown crept over his handsome face. He practically inhaled his food, trying to get words out, "You think I'm... annoying? Really?" His voice quivered, barely louder than a whisper, breaking your resolve.
Your hand reached out for his, but it was game over – tears welled up in his eyes. Panic mode activated, and you sprang up, cursing your snap judgment. "No, no, no, my bad, baby! I was just messing around! None of that was for real. I watched this dumb video of someone pranking their partner, and I thought it'd be hilarious to see your reaction…"
You pulled back and gently grabbed his chin. "Hey, look at me." You swiveled his head to lock eyes with you. "I'm so sorry, babe. I'm head over heels for you, you know that, right?" He zipped his lips for a sec, steering clear of eye contact. "You're so cruel! Why'd you do that to your lovely boyfriend? I really believed you were going to leave me..." His lip wobbled, a cute pout forming on his lips.
"Like, never ever would I want you to change! I'm all about your goofy vibes, you get me? I'm genuinely sorry, honey... Can you find it in your heart to forgive me? Cross my heart, I'll make it up to you!" Your thumb stroked his cheek, sending a silent plea.
"Okay, but swear you won't pull something like this again!" He crossed his arms and huffed. "I swear!" You nodded big time, showering his face with kisses. You started with his forehead, then both cheeks, and finally, a smooch that lingered on his pouty lips. You milked that last kiss a little longer, feeling the corners of his lips curl up. When you finally pulled away, your grin was on fleek, and your way happier boyfriend looked back at you.
"Well, now that you promised to make it up to me, can I cop some of your sushi too?" you deadpanned. Maybe this was all part of his plot to score extra breakfast, and you were totally down with it, especially when he gave you that cheeky, smug grin.
Before saying yes to a commited relation, you always wondered what love looks like or feels like. Is it all pink like in movies ? Or totally unexpected like in dramas.
Maybe this is what love looks like. A drama queen hogging your breakfast with dried fat tears on his blushed cheeks.
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V-Chan's Dilly Dally
You can skip this part.
I really hope you guys would like it. I kind of changed the theme. I'm working on an akaashi fic and a gangster fic.
If you have any request, I would love to serve.
Comment down for tag list 😉
Love you all
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Our Love Story
Nanami Kento x Reader
Part 4: Trust Me, Trust You
Chapter 1: Coffee And Baked Goods
Chapter 2: Sushi, Movie, And A Kiss
Chapter 3: Always Prepared For My Lady
(Song Inspiration: I Believe by The Jonas Brothers)
You heard the front door unlocked. You turned around from your computer and smiled to see Nanami enter inside.
It was only a week ago when he asked you to be his girlfriend. You remembered coming home from work and he was already there, a small breakfast made on the counter with a cup of hot herbal tea. His surprise woke you up from the tiredness, as if you had just woken up for the morning despite your all-nighter. He couldn’t help but kiss you nonstop, until he called you his girl. Officially.
When you looked at him, your head cocked to the side. Hair was messy unlike its usual perfect groomed self. His sleeves were already rolled up and his tie was wrapped around his hand.
“Kento-kun, are you okay?” you asked worriedly. Nanami looked up at you with a soft smile.
“I am,” he answered and walked up to you. He kissed you softly on the lips and looked over at your computer. “Busy semester?” You nodded.
“It’s my last one,” you replied.
“How’s your schedule like?”
“Lecture on Tuesday in the afternoon and my clinical day is on Thursday,” you answered. “They’re going to provide reviews that I have to attend. It’s all for the big exam to get my license after school.” Nanami took a seat next to you by the kitchen island.
“If you need anything, let me know, okay?” he offered as he held your hand. You smiled and nodded. “I mean it. You don’t have to do everything by yourself. Let me help you.”
“Okay, Kento-kun.” Your eyes then widened at the time. “I forgot I said I’d make dinner.” Nanami chuckled and stood up. He kissed your lips.
“I got it, sweetheart,” he said. “Focus on nursing stuff.” You shook your head and stood up from your seat. You pulled his wrist and sat him back down.
“No. You sit. You just came back from work,” you said and ran to the fridge to pick out the ingredients. He didn’t stop you, letting you spoil him with dinner tonight.
“Thank you, sweetheart,” he said. You smiled.
“You’re welcome.” He sat down in content, unwrapping his tie as he watched you cut the veggies and meat. You yawned while cutting the onions. And suddenly winced in pain. Nanami immediately stood up and walked over to you. “I’m so clumsy.” You put the knife down. Nanami turned the kitchen sink on and held your hand so your bleeding finger stayed under the running water.
“Now you sit down and rest,” he said. “I’ll finish up. Are you just cooking these all together?” You nodded. Once he bandaged your finger, he placed you by the couch and covered you with a blanket. He brought your laptop and placed it on your lap. “Now study.” You chuckled.
“Yes, sir.”
From the couch, you watched him cook. Your eyes never left him, admiring the man you get to call yours. You get to feel like the luckiest woman in the world. You got the chance to become friends with him and now he’s really yours.
“Stay over there, I’ll bring a bowl over for you.” You smiled and he smiled back. After dinner, he cleaned up after continuously and gently pushing you back on the couch. You pouted, feeling bad that he’s been doing all the work at your place after his shift.
“Kento-kun,” you called once he sat down next to you. He hummed softly in response, his eyes resting on you. “You really need to tell me what you do for a living. It’s eating me up and I don’t want to doubt you. I don’t want to fight over it in the future because I will argue with you.” You were sure of it and he took note of it. He nodded and sat back on the couch.
“If I tell you, you can’t tell anyone,” he said. “Absolutely no one.” Your heart raced at his serious and stern tone. Nonetheless, you nodded. “I choose to trust you too.” With that statement, you smiled. “But after I tell you, you have an option to stay or bail. And if you bail, I will respect that.”
“Kento-kun, are you like some gang leader?” you guessed. Nanami couldn’t help but laugh at your question. You pouted at his reaction. Nanami leaned in and kissed your forehead.
“No, I’m not a gang leader sweetheart.” You sat closer to him, your legs now resting on his lap. You held his hand and played with his fingers. He softly smiled. “I’m a sorcerer. In this world, there is cursed energy that comes from stress and negative emotions from humans. I have a vast amount of cursed energy where I can see cursed spirits. Kind of like ghosts.” He paused and looked at you. He watched you process the information as you stared blankly ahead of you. Once you looked at him, he continued again. “We work in secret for Japan. We even have our own schools to train new sorcerers.”
“And you did all that?” Nanami nodded.
“So that’s my job. I work for the government to save society from cursed spirits.” You nodded. Then you thought about why he gave an option to leave but it suddenly clicked. “It’s a risky job. I never planned to be in a romantic relationship until I decide to retire. However, as cheesy as it sounds, you changed that.”
“Psh, you wanting to be in a romantic relationship with a college student. Wait, how old are you? I am almost 22.”
“So you did this for a while.”
“I actually recently returned. I worked as a salaryman.” You lightly chuckled.
“I can see that job suiting you more.” Nanami chuckled in return. “Must’ve been a crappy job.”
“It is but it did make good money.”
“Then why did you stop?” You were curious.
“My best friend was killed. My views changed but after helping this baker, I felt as if I had meaning to be a sorcerer again. So I called a friend and here I am.” You can see it was a topic he wouldn’t freely talk about. But you loved that he was open about it. “Sometimes I think they purposely put us against stronger cursed spirits. If it never happened…if I was stronger…” He paused, struggling to continue. His best friend’s death still triggering him.
“Kento-kun, you two were young,” you said. “You never would’ve known. It’s not your fault at all.” He looked at you softly, showing you his vulnerability. You wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. “Thank you,” you said softly. Slowly, he wrapped his arms around your waist, bringing you on to his lap. You slowly pulled away and looked at him with a smile. “So do you guys have, like, powers too?” Nanami chuckled. For the rest of the evening, he talked about his technique and talked about his friends and their techniques. You sat there happily, as you were able to learn more about Nanami Kento.
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avatarofseshat · 2 years
To Take Care of You
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Pairing: Jack Russell x fem!reader (mentions of Ted)
Words: 753
Summary: How you and Jack spend the morning after a transformation. Lots of fluff.
A/N (10/23): Made an edit with the readers relationship to Jack. They’re now married, it made more sense as I’m writing part two.
With a sigh you leaned against the closed door of your vehicle as your gaze shifted to the full moon that begun to disappear in the distance and the long night gave way to a new day. You knew that no matter how long your night shift seemed to feel it was not nearly as long as Jack’s night was. You hated the very thought of what he had to undergo during each full moon. Some one has kind hearted and good as he was didn’t deserve such a thing.
As soon as you had slung your bag down in its customary spot by the door, you begun your own full moon ritual. You gathered up some fresh clean clothes for Jack before starting up a fire and firing up the coffee maker. It wasn’t long after that you spotted a unclothed Jack and you could instantly tell by his dropping posture that it takes a lot out of him to transform. You gathered a throw blanket from the sofa before you rushed out the back door to meet him.
“Gracias, what would I do without you?” He mumbled in appreciation as you draped the blanket over his bare shoulders. He sighed and leaned into you as you placed a tender kiss to his temple as you wrapped your arm around him.
“Driving Ted crazy,” you playfully bantered back as Jack just shook his head in mock disapproval “I’m joking, I love you. You know that.”
“Mmmm…yo tambien te amo querida,” he tiredly mumbles back returning the kiss.
Once he was settled on the sofa by the fire you had him a steaming hot cup as you settle in beside him. He shifts his cup to the other hand as he gets the blanket resituated around his waist so he can hold you close.
“Want some breakfast?” You ask as you mumble into his shoulder as your own fatigued threatens to overtake you.
“Later. You need to rest first. Yes? You’ve been working,” Jack was always the sweetheart and always made sure you were taken care of. “We can have sushi with Ted. Yes?”
“Hmmm…sure,” you mumble as you drift off. Luckily Jack’s reflexes were vastly quicker than your own as he placed his own cup down to quickly grab yours before it spilt everywhere.
When you woke Jack wasn’t with you but you didn’t have to wonder where he had gone for long as a warm kiss was placed to your neck as he inhaled your scent and another to your lips as you rolled onto your back.
“So handsome,” you mumble into his kiss as you opened your eyes not wanting to part just yet as you breathed in the scent of his aftershave and body wash.
“You’re just with me for my looks.” He deadpanned in response to your compliment.
There was no denying how handsome Jack was but that was not the sole reason you were with him. He has the biggest heart of anyone you has ever known and it often gotten him into trouble, especially when it came to helping Ted, “and your heart,” you suddenly notice the heavenly scent of food that wafted into the living room “what is that? It smells delicious.”
“Breakfast…molletes and scrambled eggs,” he explained before retreating back to the kitchen not wanting to burn the eggs. You adored Jack’s cooking as it didn’t get more authentic than home cooking.
“I’m supposed to cook you breakfast,” you banter as you find a seat at the kitchen table.
“You worked all night,” he responded placing a fresh cuppa in front of you as he placed his lips at your hairline and you could hear the sound of his inhale “you smell so good…like home.”
You smiled contently into your cup as you closed your eyes enjoying the taste of the brew and the tender sensation of his lips on your skin. Suddenly a burning smell reached both of you causing Jack to retreat with a curse. You simply took in the sight of your husband finishing breakfast as you continue to sip on your coffee.
Your eyes widened when you were presented with a plate full of molletes and the most delicious scrambled eggs you have ever seen “I don’t need that much!”
“You’re going to need your strength,” he gave you a knowing grin before fetching his own plate. You knew how he usually was the morning after a transformation and the thought caused heat to spread.
Part Two
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sexykatsuki17 · 8 months
Endeavor’s Mistake
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Coming home from a mission was tuff as it was but returning home hungry from a mission was something completely different.
Endeavor was starving as he walked in through the door his stomach growled loudly as he rubbed it. Oh man Endeavor moaned as he looked through the fridge and he didn’t see anything. With a huff he closed the Fridge door he walked upstairs to take his shower.
Soon Shoto and Fuyumi came home from the grocery store. They put their stuff away and Shoto noticed that the Sushi he brought was expired. Hey Sis This sushi I bought is expired. Shoto said Oh no put it on the Counter I’ll throw it away Fuyumi said okay Shoto said he placed the Yellowtail Sushi on the counter. He continued to put the rest of the stuff away. When they finished, Shoto and Fuyumi went to their rooms.
Enji soon came downstairs, his stomach still growling Loudly from hunger. I Can’t Believe there is not a single thing of food that I can eat Enji said until he spotted the Yellowtaill on the contour. They really were listening. Enji said as he wasted no time in opening the container and eating the Yellowtail sushi he continued to consume the food. It tasted a little funny but Yellowtail usually has a Mild Slightly sour taste to it anyway so Enji finished eating it and threw the container away when he was done.
He went to bed. The Next Morning Enji woke up with a bit of a bloated Upset Stomach and he didn’t know why he didn’t eat anything bad did he. So he went to take a shower. After his shower Enji got dressed and his stomach Growled sickly as he was buttoning up his jeans. Ugh I feel awful Today Enji said. As he was walking downstairs. The smell of Coffee hit his nose, his stomach churning sickly as he placed his hand on it. He saw what food Fuyumi had put on his plate and it made him gag.
Good morning Daddy Fuyumi said, smiling at him. Good Morning Enji said You look like shit Natsuo said What’s wrong with you? Shoto asked Enji rolled his eyes as his stomach growled uncomfortably. Aren’t you going to eat breakfast dad? Fuyumi asked No I’m not hungry Endeavor said. You probably should eat something old man Natsuo said as you always told us training on an empty stomach will lead to no good, Shoto said.
yeah I know but I don’t feel like myself Enji said as he turned on his flames to his hero costume. But? Fuyumi said just leave him be Natsuo said Fuyumi nodded.
When Enji got outside he started to burp loudly. Oh excuse me Enji said as he began to walk. With every step he began to fart he farted loudly. Enji moaned, excuse me he farted again, this one being wet and loud. Oh my goodness Enji said. He held his upset belly. What in the Hell is going on with me? Enji asked in pure Malaise. His belly began to cramp, he bends down in pain he was sweating.
This must be from stress and me overworking myself. Enji said as he started farting loudly still. Ugh I have work to do, enji said so he stood on his foot and he began walking to his agency. His belly was gurgling loudly and he began to feel really nauseous.
Oh boy, why now? Enji said as he began throwing up. He threw up for a while. He began to feel weak and tired. Oh Fuck Enji moaned loudly. He got up on shaky legs. He wiped his mouth as his belly gurgled loudly still ugh I don’t feel good Enji moaned. Good morning sir Burnin said smiling you don’t look good Burnin said I’m fine just get inside and do your work Endeavor said yes sir Burnin said as she walked past Enji she heard his belly growling.
Enji moaned as he walked Into his agency and went straight to his office where he sat down. As he sat down he began to fart loudly oh my goodness, endeavor moaned as he got up to open the window. But when he got up his stomach had other plans and it gurgled loudly. Oh shit endeavor said his stomach cramped and before he knew it he started having diarrhea in his pants.
It began to come out in waves. As he farted more came out he was literally farting out his diarrhea.
Oh shit endeavor moaned loudly. Endeavor sir? His secretary asked yes? What is it? Endeavor said in pain I got some reports that some villain activity was reported Asuka said okay endeavor said anything else? Yes your squad left without you sir Asuka said okay thank you Enji said you’re welcome sir Asuka said.
Enji groaned as he started to not feel good. Why is my body going against me? Enji asked, his stomach growled loudly as he gagged loudly. He threw up in his waste bucket.
A few minutes later Enji was really pale and sick but he got up to join his team out on the battlefield.
As he got there he started farting again loudly and boy was it smelly the smell alone was enough to make endeavor gag once more. His bloated belly was quite upset and he felt cold. His vision was beginning to get blurry and he felt dizzy. Sweat was getting into his eyes as he kept going he placed a hand on his bloated organ as he got to the battlefield.
Burnin? Fill me in on what’s happening? Endeavor asked well sir, we have a small-time criminal and his thugs who decided to rob a bank. When we arrived here the police were here trying to talk to the criminals to convince them to drop this but to no reason Burin said any hostages? Endeavor asked 3 women and 2 men with their children burnin said has the Criminals started making commands? Endeavor asked not any at this time Burnin said alright let’s do this smart and calmly endeavor said.
His stomach would not let him be for anything. It started growling again oh no endeavor said as he quickly made his way to a nearby bush where he let out the loudest and watery farts ever and with that out came loose watery diarrhea. Endeavor started to feel faint and embarrassed. He let out a chunky belch that led to him puking. Oh my Burnin said as she ran to endeavor but before he could know what was going on he fainted.
When Endeavor woke up he was in hospital. He was hooked up to machines and he had a IV in his right forearm. What the heck happened To me? Endeavor asked. You passed out on the battlefield Burnin said oh yeah now I remember endeavor said yeah the nurses said that you have a fever Burnin said yeah I feel very hot endeavor said. Burnin nodded.
After a few days of being in the hospital Endeavor now knows not to do what he did last time to cause him such an awful illness.
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coffeepurpleu · 1 year
On a Sweet Night, Be My Lucky Star (01)
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Pairing : VampireTaehyung x WitchReader x DemonJungkook
Genre: Supernatural, Smut, Angst, a little of violence,Fluff (I'll try go with all lmao)
Serie: (still don't know how many longer will be, like chapters, but I'm going to make you enjoy it),about updates (there's will be not a specific day to update, *wink).
This will be my first fanfic here, English It's not my first language, so, if you have any suggestion I'll try it🏃🏻‍♀️.
Teaser (if you want to see it) CH02
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"Darling, here's a present for you" I saw my grandmother with a small purple bag in her wrinkled hands.
"What is this grandma?" I asked looking at her curiously
"It's a quartz, it will protect you from everything bad" she replied.
I looked at the orange quartz sticking out of my grandmother's fingers, before I received it, everything went dark.
"Grandma?" I whispered looking for her.
I saw a dark shadow pointing at me, water was surrounding me.
I wake up shaken from sleep, looking around, looking for my phone to see the time, 5:55 A.M.
"Well Sunhee, time to start the day" I yawn to look at my dog sleeping comfortably in her bed.
I head towards the bathroom to shower, already dressed, I decide to eat breakfast on the way, I head downstairs grabbing my stuff stuff stuffing it in my bag. I grab my keys, open the door to find Jin. He is my best friend, he has a popular restaurant in town, human, I would say immortal because at 26 years old, he doesn't look that age.
"Jinnie, it's too early for you to open the restaurant, what brings you here?" I ask with an innocent tone.
"You know why I'm here, since lately you go to work without breakfast, I make you breakfast, Yah what a brat you are" he furrows his eyebrows a little.
"So considerate, thank you but I don't need it" I chuckle.
"Sure you do, remind you of the last time you were in the hospital? Besides my food is the best" He strikes a funny pose, where they both end up laughing.
"I'll still have my morning coffee," I say.
"Sure, your caffeine routine I won't take it away, then you get mad at penguin" he laughs squeezing my cheeks.
"Just because you're taller, doesn't give you the right to make fun of me, ugly" I run to my car before he chases after me.
"Who do you think you're talking to? and you can't leave without me" he climbs into the passenger seat, holding my breakfast steady in his hands.
"You started it!" I yell
"Don't you recognize a good joke? you're too sensitive" he rolls his eyes.
" Well, here I leave you, good luck today, I will come at 8, today I want sushi" I mention opening the door and getting out of the car to say goodbye to him.
"Again?, don't stress today, are they going to interview someone new?" he gets out of the car, arranging his clothes.
"Well you pick the food, yes, we need someone at the planning station" I sigh hugging him.
"Everything will be fine, today will be a great day" He pats me on the head before turning and opening the doors to his restaurant, I turn around to go to the company.
I enter the company walking slowly, receiving the good morning greetings from everyone there.
"Excuse me, boss."
I turn to see where the voice is coming from, it's from my receptionist, Lisa, an elf very good at her job.
"Do you need anything?" I ask her
"My mother just died,would you give me 3 days off?" she murmurs.
"Sure, be careful" I hug her before heading to the elevator.
As the elevator doors open, my secretary, Soyeon is revealed with some folders in her hands.
"There's already the new guy for the interview" she mentions bowing giving a smirk.
"Is there something funny I should know about?" I arch an eyebrow.
"It's nothing, it's just, the kid's a nervous wreck" she mutters.
"Oh come on, we were all like that for our first interview, I remember I kept fidgeting in my chair, and I couldn't find something to look at" I chuckle with embarrassment.  
"That must have been cute to see, and funny" We both burst out laughing. "Well, I'll go set up the meetings, you should go to your office, I'll send the boy over" She smiles before turning away.
I walk to my office, take a seat in the swivel chair, taking the folder on the table, I swivel in the chair for a while until there is a knock on the door.
"Come in" I say in a loud voice.
"Good morning, my name is Hoshi, I come for the interview" He mumbles with blushing cheeks.
"Have a seat, so you know what the position is about right?" I look at him intently which makes him shrink a little.
"Yes ma'am, I have been a scholarship holder from the best university in seoul, I would like to put my acquired knowledge into this job" He smiles shyly.
"Good, I will give you a week trial, show your skills" I stretch my hand which is taken by his, he smiles brightly before standing up and bowing.
"Thank you very much, you won't regret it" He leaves the office, with instructions to ask Soyeon for an induction.
I'm in the boardroom, surrounded by partners, we're brainstorming new ideas. 4pm and my eyes are going, a migraine is coming on.
"Well gentlemen, any suggestions you can send them with my assistant Soyeon or to my mail" I smile to go straight to my office, I throw myself on the couch to close my eyes.
"girl, it's 7:30, aren't you going to look for Jin?" I hear Soyeon say
"later, I'm sleepy" I mumble
"I have no other choice" She pulls me from the sofa making me fall on the floor.
"Ouch!" my eyes pop open, I stand up with a frown, wave my hand as a sign that I'm saying goodbye and go to the car.
I turn on the radio to listen to some news, the same old news, fighting over clans, for context.
A long time ago there were fights between different types of species, each with their life partner or destiny, nowadays, even though we live comfortably, there are some types of "clans" that refuse to believe that life partners of different species are not equal to the same (type, an elf with a troll to say something). But clarifying that, being a witch, I have learned to live without a companion, I have my best friend Jin.
"Where's my omma?" I ask getting out of the car walking into the restaurant. "Yah! You know you shouldn't talk like that" Jin mentions, I managed to dodge the incoming punch.
"Come on now! It's funny anyway, it's almost eight o'clock, are you closing up? Remember that tomorrow you will accompany me to Paris" I wink at him.
I usually focus on work although lately I've been tired, I'm CEO of 5 companies, I took 2 weeks off, since Jin's birthday is coming up, and I thought I'd treat us to a trip.
"Yeah, just let me lock up" He mentions taking off his apron, looking for the keys. At that, we hear the door open and see a gray wolf. "Jin?" I say, "What...?" he replies.
Before we can say anything the wolf falls to the ground, we approach him, we see his ribs sticking out with a bruise on top of them. I carefully move him with telekinesis to one of the nearest tables.
"My tablecloth-" Jin reproaches.
"I'll give you a new one, it needs to be healed" I glare at him.
I start to heal it with magic, the bruise was slowly disappearing, sounds of rain were coming from outside, we exchanged glances.
"Let's go before the weather gets worse" I look at Jin "But you're carrying him" he says.
We get in the car, I put on soft music, almost getting home we hear a growl behind us.
"Y/n I think he's awake" Jin whispers.
I look through the mirror to see the wolf's eyes analyzing both of us, I decide to speak as I look back to the road.
"I heal you, you must be hungry, surely there is something you can eat, jin will prepare something for us right?" i look at him.
"Sure, I could make bibimbap" he smiles slightly.
The wolf decides to lie down as soon as we get to the house. We get out of the car, as we enter I get sunhee jumping into my arms, the wolf snorts.
"I'll be in my room, let me know when the food is ready?" i say before yawning, releasing sunhee on the floor.
"Sure, and take a bath you smell nasty" Jin laughs.
"liar!" i go upstairs to lie down on the bed. I close my eyes, falling asleep, when I feel water being poured on me.
"Food is served downstairs!" i see jin running, i go after him. As I sit up, I see the wolf still being cutelicious, he's finished his meal.
"Everything ok? if you have nowhere to stay, you can stay with us, well, in my house, there are many rooms" I smile, he looks at me with astonishment after going to lie down on the sofa.
"Hey are you calling me poor?" Jin frowns.
"Of course not, otherwise I wouldn't put up with your ugly jokes "I grimace.
"Oh come on, you have no sense of humor, sourpuss" he mentions.
"Yes I do, right I do sunhee? come on let's go to sleep" I hold sunhee in my arms, bowing. "Rest"
"Well I'll go to sleep buddy, see you tomorrow" Jin mumbles.
With the lights off, the wolf turns into a man, he goes through rooms to take a bath, he found a library with a big purple armchair, plants adorning the ceiling, even though he still didn't trust them, he could rest well, just like before.
The next morning, the wolf fell asleep in the library, he had found some old clothes, so he put them on and went downstairs to make himself a cup of coffee. What he didn't expect was that Jin was in the kitchen.
"Y/NNNNNNNNNNNNN!" Jin yells out.
"Hey man calm down, I'm the wolf, my name is Namjoon" he bowed.
I walk down the stairs with the sheet wrapped around me.
"Why are you guys making noise so early in the morning" I complains
"Because he appears just like that" Jin mentions pointing Namjoon up and down.
"It's normal, I'm a hybrid" Nam shrugs, turning around to make himself a coffee.
"Well, we have to get used to it, we have to buy him clothes too" I walk over to Nam. "Let me have some coffee please, and Jin, it smells burnt"
"Go ahead, it's your house anyway" Nam takes his cup of coffee to sit at the table.
"My pancakes! Can't you use magic and redo them?" Jin complains.
"Oh come on! It should be for life and death situations" I mentions
"This is life or death! It's our food!" he shakes me.
"Well well, next time we can make dumplings" I wiggled my fingers making the pancakes perfectly cooked. We hear the light laughter coming from Nam.
My phone vibrates, it's Soyeon.
"Hey girl, how's it going? You know they have a flight today right?"she mentions. "Shit, I knew something had to be done, wait" I hang up quickly to turn around to see the guys.
"Well Nam, I scheduled a trip for me and Jin since his Birthday is coming up, it's today, but I don't know if you would be ok here alone, and Jin, would you agree for him to come?" I look at them waiting for an answer.
"For me, no problem" Jin looks at Nam.
"I don't know, I don't want to cause any trouble, besides isn't it your gift for him?" he purses his lips a little bit
"Yes, but you can also see it as an opportunity to buy clothes and have fun, then" I pat sunhee who is beside me.
"That's okay, I guess it'll be fun" he murmurs.
I call Soyeon to tell him to tell the driver that someone else is coming, then chat with Elizabeth, an old friend.
Crazy witch🐙: Hey bitch, are you there?
The Coolest👾 :Taking care of Sunhee? Why not Flor¿😯
Crazy witch🐙:Because I love you and you love me😁
The Coolest👾 : Well, leave her to Shiro😪
Crazy witch🐙:Are you still in the fashion show?👀
The Coolest👾 :Yes, Flor mentions if we can make a camping trip soon.😶‍🌫️
Crazy witch🐙:Sure when I get back from Paris✈️
"Are you done yet?" Namjoon appears behind me.
"Man, take it easy, you scared me" I put one hand on my chest.
"I'm sorry, but Jin is already out with the bags, I've already bathed, I'm changed but you're missing" he smiles apologetically.
"Yes I'm coming, get in the driver's car when I arrive, I won't be late" I snort to go upstairs to take a cold bath, I decide to wear a jean skirt with a grey croptop with flowers on it and my boots. I walk over to the mirror I have, I hear a car beep.
"I'm coming!" I yell to grab my purse, I put on a knitted beret my grandmother made me, the quartz necklace, and my holographic earrings. I walk downstairs to see Mr. Lee greeting me.
"How are you Miss?" Between his light wrinkles I see a warm smile. "Ready for a break, how have you and your family been?" I ask tapping his shoulder.
"Very well, now come on upstairs it will be late" he opens the door for me.
"Girl, what took you so long?" Jin asked.
"Wait! Sunhee, god I almost forgot" I quickly get off to look for Sunhee and her things, I get back on next to her. "Mr. Lee, how much time do you pray you have? I have to leave sunhee with Elizabeth" I look at him.
He puts on a pair of dark glasses before saying "Hold on tight".
"Why leave her with that Elizabeth?" Nam asks.
"Because she is a friend we are like family, she is a demon, besides sunhee if I leave her alone at home she makes disasters, believe me, she has eaten the socket protectors, sometimes I feel like she is immortal" I sigh.
"She's mommy's baby" Jin speaks in a baby tone.
"Obvious" We all laugh
"Ready, here we are" Mr. Lee mentions.
"Thanks, I'll be right back" I get out of the car carrying sunhee.
Knock Knock
The door opens, a guy in pajamas gets out.
"Hey Y/N, long time no see" he greets
"Don't get excited Shiro, I talked to Elizabeth, she's going to do me the favor of watching Sunhee until I get back from paris" I hand him Sunhee's things, and her leash. "You know her schedule, good luck, and don't let her eat socks!" I turn around to run to the car, get in it.
"Ready, let's go" I smile. "I'm going to call my aunt Jessi to let her know, I haven't seen her in a while."
"You become an old lady when you talk to her" Jin laughs.
"Oh come on" Before I dial my aunt, an incoming call from my mom interrupts.
"Hi ma, how's your vacation going?" I ask her.
"Wonderful here in Jeju with Goonie" She says.
"Ugh, too much sugar ma, I'm going to Paris with Jin, and a new friend, I plan to stop by my aunt Jessi's house" She laughs a little bit
"New friend? Who is it?" she speaks in a mocking tone.
"Not like that! it's not my destiny, we've already talked about it" I mumble, watching Jin and Nam talk.
"I know, but I want to see you happy, and I want grandchildren" She speaks excitedly.
"Don't even think, I'm going to cut myself the-" she interrupts me.
"Watch your language, assface" We laugh.
"Here we are" I hear Mr. Lee
"See you later ma, kisses" I hang up to grab my stuff and look for the private jet, Nam's eyes widen like saucers. "I'm humble" We laugh lightly.
Getting on the plane, I almost fall to the ground. I hear the laughter behind me. "How rude not to help a lady" I pout, they look at each other and sit on the plane's couch, putting on seat belts.
"I brought cards" Jin says
"I don't remember the rules well. Namjoon scratches the back of his head.
"You ignore me? fine, I'll go to sleep, please wake me up when we arrive" I go to bed indignant.
"ONE!" shouts Jin
"Man, I'm bad at this" Namjoon sighs.
"It's lack of practice" Jin shrugs his shoulders.
"Fine, I'll show you how to play" I get up from the bed
"Weren't you sleeping?" Jin asks
"I couldn't, give me space". He gives me a space to sit between them. "Thank you."
After 4 rounds in a row, I won.
"NOOO, treacherous" Jin complains.
"I guess I'll win someday" Nam laughs.
"We have arrived at your destination" I hear the voice in the jet, as it slowly lands.
"Let's go!" I get up running excitedly.
"So fast" Nam asks.
I say goodbye to the jet driver to find the chauffeur who will drop us all off at my aunt's house.
"Bonjour, Madame" The chauffeur greets me.
"Bonjour! Take us to my aunt please" I smile, looking around the airport.
"With pleasure, Madame" Smiles the chauffeur.
After 15 minutes we arrive at the house. I knock on the door.
"Girl, long time no see" My aunt hugs me.
"Princess!" My uncle joins us in the hug.
The hug is undone, because my uncles go to greet Jin, Namjoon just looks, I signal him to come in, my uncles look at him.
" this is Namjoon, new friend" Nam bows with a shy smile.
"Welcome to the family, Namjoon" My uncle smiles.
"Thank you" Nam replies shyly
"Well, where is Haerin?" I ask.
"Well, she's coming soon, she said he has a surprise, I guess, do you want coffee?" my aunt asks.
"I do, you know I can't refuse coffee" I smiled.
"Could I make myself a tea?" Jin asked.
"Go ahead dear, I don't know why you don't want coffee" my aunt laughs.
"I do want some" Namjoon mentions.
"Let's settle them upstairs boy" . My uncle lifts my suitcase, Namjoon follows him with the other suitcases in his hands, they lose sight of each other on the stairs.
"So where are you coming from?" uncle asks.
"From the mountains, north side, it was just me and dad" Namjoon mumbles somewhat nostalgically.
"Oh boy, I'm sorry, but look here we always have room for more" tio slipped his arm behind Nam's neck to hug him. Let's go downstairs and then the fire gets cold.
The door opened revealing Haerin with her boyfriend Heechul, they were laughing, until Haerin saw me, she runs to hug me.
"You're choking me, help-" I move into his arms.
"Didn't you miss me? You don't call me" She says in a childish voice"
"Well you don't answer either" I frown.
"We're even" We laugh. "Mom!, Dad, I missed you" she comes over to hug them.
I see Jin with two cups in his hands, he walks over to me, then walks over to Nam to give it to us.
"You didn't pour anything in it, did you?" I ask holding back laughter.
"YAH! Aunt Choi say something to her!" Jin complains.
"You're all grown up kids, anyway, let Haerin tell the news" My aunt smiles, we all take a seat.
"Ready honey?" Haerin asks Heechul who nods. "We're getting married! and there's a surprise coming" this last she mumbles.
"What the-" My uncle turns pale.
"He's getting his blood pressure down" I say running into the living room.
"Congratulations daughter, you know how dramatic your father is" My aunt hugs them.
"Congratulations!" Jin says, elbowing Nam who is concentrating on drinking his coffee.
"Congratulations" Nam mentions
"Well, we should have a party before we go" My aunt mentions, handing a glass of water to my uncle.
"Leave?" asks Jin
"Yes, we are going on a trip" My aunt smiles.
"When?" I ask
"Tomorrow morning" manages to answer my uncle.
"Shall I order food?" asks Haerin
"I can get the drinks" I mention.
"I think there is a store near here" Heechul mentions.
"Well, anyone coming or?" Nam steps forward, we grab our coats to go.
Word count: 3.1k
I was a bit sick 😭(I was anxious to upload it), but here it is at last, tell me what do you think, what changes or additions can I make?
my friend is helping me to organize ideas, because I have too many that I-
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Thanks for the love you give to the serie, ch 2 on the way chu chu🚂.
I will soon make the masterlist to organize this🍵
All rights reserved to @coffepurpleu
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carmenlire · 5 months
Content warning for mentions of disordered eating.
read on ao3
Sometimes, Alec wonders when he’ll finally be free of all this.
Things have been difficult lately. Work at the firm has been overwhelming. While he’s no stranger to working his ass off– he didn’t make partner before thirty by resting on his laurels– the past autumn was the most stressful period of his life, he thinks.
Alec said yes to mentoring a new intern– and while Simon is a quick learner and surprisingly funny, it’s been a true test of his time management abilities to balance his own workload while making sure that Simon’s experience is valuable and that he feels equally supported and challenged.
Alec’s been working through lunch more often than not– or, well, he’s tried to find that balance that he’s learned he needs. So, he’ll have a sandwich while pouring over obscure law texts. He replies to emails in between bites of a spicy tuna roll from the sushi place down the street.
It’s conscious effort, but Alec’s trying. Sometimes he thinks all he does is try.
Still, Alec can read the warning signs.
Things have reached a head, lately.
It’s a little surreal to realize that Alec hasn’t really eaten four of the past six days. Eating feels like so much effort– he’s so tired all of the time– and it’s easy to skirt when he really does have a busy schedule. Alec wakes up with a dozen things on his to-do list and no matter how many hours he puts in or how many of those tasks he crosses off, he still ends the day with fourteen things waiting for him the next morning.
It’s a vicious cycle and Alec’s felt like he’s spending all of his energy just trying to survive lately. He doesn’t have time to worry about pesky little things like whether he’s eating balanced meals– whether he’s eating meals, at all– not when Alec’s felt like he’s been thrust into survival mode for months.
He’s staying at the office until near midnight half the week. Running on endless cups of coffee wasn’t really in his plan but it helps, a little. It makes Alec feel like he’s doing something– both a help and a hindrance.
Because Alec knows that relying on coffee is a red flag. But he also knows that it’s something to fill his stomach while it still works to suppress his appetite.
Alec told himself that he’d get it together at the start of the year. The holidays hadn’t wreaked as much havoc as they usually did but with so much on his plate, Alec’s vigilant self-care had went a bit by the wayside.
Which brings him to now.
It’s midmorning and Alec is up to his elbows in court briefs. His asshole client is scheduled to come in late in the afternoon and Alec already has a headache brewing at the thought of how much he needs to kiss this company’s ass, the obsequious fawning and sugarcoating the CFO requires while everyone else in the room rolls their eyes at intermittent periods.
He ignores the fact that his headache hasn’t really left since the weekend, since the first twenty four hours he went with nothing but an iced coffee half melting on his desk.
When Alec has a few minutes to spare, he’s filled with a sick apathy. He wonders if this really is his bed, if this is him laying in it– sure, he’s always had tendencies but things were so terrible a few years ago and he’s still reaping the consequences.
He can be doing so well just to hit rock bottom overnight. It’s like a switch has flipped sometimes and even if there is no trigger, Alec can still be laid low for days or even weeks. His bouts of depression since he was a teenager taught him that recovery absolutely is not linear. Still, he can’t help but wish that this didn’t have to be so hard.
He wants to wake up every morning and eat breakfast without thinking about it. He wants to casually accept dinner plans without immediately feeling a prickle of unease, without obsessively, almost compulsively, reading menus. He wishes that a colleague offering a snack in the afternoon lull didn’t make his gut twist with anxiety.
Phone buzzing somewhere under a stack of folders, Alec absently reaches over and unlocks it.
Glancing over, everything calms for the few moments it takes to read the texts and send a reply.
This is your reminder to eat lunch, darling. Don’t let work distract you <3
Also, this is me promising I won’t fall asleep before I get to kiss you goodnight tonight! I refuse to fall asleep at 8pm like a man twice my age. It’s extremely unbecoming, Alexander.
Huffing out a laugh, Alec shakes his head as he lets his full attention fall to his phone.
Thank you for the reminder, babe <3
I’ll try to get home at a decent hour but you know that even if you’re not awake, you always get your goodnight kiss <3<3
“Now who could possibly be distracting The Alec Lightwood from work?”
Alec doesn’t startle, merely flicks his gaze up at the doorway to his brother. Unimpressed, he just asks, “What are you doing here?”
Jace is just gearing up to answer with his customary dramatic– annoying– flair when Isabelle elbows him out of the way, stepping into Alec’s office and falling into a seat like she owns the place.
“We’re here to kidnap you for lunch! You’ve been ghosting us so we’re taking matters into our own hands.”
Alec smiles a little even if internally, he’s seized with panic. All he can think of is, oh this is terrible.
And it’s not because he’s drowning in work. It isn’t even because they’ve surprised him and caught him off guard.
No, Alec is almost overwhelmed with irritation, with dread, because he absolutely cannot eat right now. Just the thought of it is enough to fill him with an irrational surge of anger.
Alec knows it doesn’t make sense and he knows that this isn’t healthy. He also doesn’t give a shit, not when he’s been mired in this for days now.
Nothing feels as important as keeping up his streak. It feels like it’s the only thing he can control right now and he’s loathed to relinquish it.
Unfortunately, he hasn’t made it a clean streak. A few days, he'd eaten some crackers when he came home late. Yesterday morning, he ate a piece of toast. Still, with the way time stretches out, with everything else on his plate, it’s been easy enough to skip meals, to eat just enough for passable subterfuge.
Being confronted by two of the closest people to him, though, wasn’t in his cards.
Even after all this time, he’s never told Jace or Isabelle about his– issues with eating. They never noticed before and he really has gotten so much better in the past couple of years.
Just his luck that they do this now, here, where doesn’t have the room or time to escape.
And Alec knows that while he can be easy to annoy, true anger isn’t so common. Alec also knows that his irritation doesn’t even really stem from the impromptu lunch date. He’s been pissed off for a few days now, temper on a hair trigger.
It still doesn’t make any of this any easier, though. Again, for the hundredth, thousandth, millionth time Alec wonders just when this will all be behind him. When he’ll finally be better.
“I’m actually really busy right now so if–”
He’s cut off before he can finish rattling off his excuse.
Leaning in the doorway, Jace crosses his arms and stares Alec down. “I know you have a lot going on right now but all that means is you could use a break. Come on, let’s go to that diner down the street. It won’t kill you to leave your desk for an hour, you know.”
Alec grits his teeth, jaw grinding with the effort to tamp down his first and second responses. Things like what a pity to eat now when I’m not even hungry, when it’s been almost a week and I’ve lost nine pounds.
Things like this is the only thing that’s keeping me sane right now.
“I don’t really want to go,” Alec says, honest and only a touch apologetic.
“And we don’t really care,” Isabelle replies cheerfully.
So Alec grabs his coat and nods to Simon as they head towards the elevator. The intern is watching the livestream of some case, tossing back popcorn every few seconds. Half of it lands on his desk. Alec is reluctantly fond.
The diner is packed, half the tables claimed by students while professionals in suits and dresses occupy the other half. They wait a few minutes for a table and Alec almost feels like he’s preparing for war.
It’s trite even to him. It still doesn’t stop unease from pooling in his stomach.
The waitress is harried and mostly disinterested as they’re seated. She tosses a few menus down along with the same number of straws and glasses of water and declares she’ll be back in just a few moments for their orders.
Both Jace and Isabelle immediately throw their coats over the back of their chairs and settle down, reaching for the worn-out menus with a delicious-looking selection of pancakes and sandwiches.
Alec carefully peels his coat off, takes a few extra seconds to gently fold it and place it over the back of his own chair. Sitting down, he stares at the menu Jace moved into his place with a mix of irritation of trepidation.
“What are you guys getting,” he asks and keeps an ear out for their response as he starts looking over his options.
“I’m thinking about the huevos rancheros, breakfast potatoes on the side and a double serving of bacon,” Jace regales enthusiastically, clearly starving and a little impatient with it.
Alec stares down at the entire page that lists their assortment of crepes, mostly unseeing, as Isabelle offers, “I’m in the mood for a strawberry waffle. I might go for an iced mocha, too.”
Alec smiles a little, hums along. “Those sound good,” he murmurs and tries to find something on this diner menu that doesn’t make him want to crawl out of his skin.
His attention catches on what he’d like to have, first, though. Sometimes, it feels like half of Alec’s life is spent wishing he was a different person, someone not tethered by frankly disgusting metrics of health and wellness.
He used to be like that, he thinks. In college, he enjoyed meeting his friends for brunch after a night out. His go-to breakfast after a night spent drinking is still a short stack and scrambled eggs– at least when he allows himself, which is so rare as to be unheard of these days.
“What are you getting, Alec,” Jace asks as he twists his straw wrapper into a knot.
Alec shrugs, looking down at the sides section on the back of the menu. “Probably the oatmeal,” he offers.
He doesn’t really care, especially as it’s the only thing on the menu that even vaguely fits into his list of acceptable foods right now.
Alec is trying to ease off meat right now and half the menu has more sugar than he’d like to consume in a week. The oatmeal– if he does deign to eat it– will at least have some fiber, will be filling, could keep him satiated for another twenty four hours. There’s fruit served on the side, too, so there’s his sweetness and something fresh to complement the meal.
If it was another time, Alec would even be happy to order oatmeal. He actually does enjoy it– it’s a regular food in his rotation, his go-to easy lunch or breakfast.
When he’s good, he likes to experiment a little. Add some seeds and nuts, try some yogurt mixed in or granola, include different fruits.
This isn’t one of those times, though, and Alec is almost overtaken with a pervasive sense of disgust at the thought of breaking his fast.
It doesn’t matter that oatmeal is a safe food; it doesn’t even matter that he’s with Jace and Isabelle. Even if Alec doesn’t usually like an audience to his fucked-up dietary dilemmas, there’s a very large piece of him today that just can’t find the wherewithal to care– to care about what they think, what they say, what they might infer.
All that matters to him is keeping tight control over things. He feels a little manic with the desire, in between the lethargic apathy. It feels like the only thing keeping him going is the vague gnawing of his stomach, the headache that beats steadily in his temples that reminds him that he’s in charge, that he has a handle on himself.
Any threat to that immediately puts Alec on the defensive.
The waitress returns just in time to hear Isabelle offer an impassioned, “Boring,” and soon enough they’ve all ordered and have had their menus neatly collected.
Small talk ensues and Alec joins in, hearing about Jace’s early morning spin class and Isabelle’s disastrous run-in with an ex over the weekend.
For his part, Alec bitches about the client he’s meeting with later– keeping care not to divulge too much information– and it does feel good to catch up with his siblings.
The past several months have been increasingly difficult and Alec has felt a little out of control with it all, like he’s been swept up in a tide he didn’t choose. It feels like the warmth of the summer plunged right into a cold, strenuous fall and Alec didn’t even have a chance to catch his breath first.
An hour with Jace and Izzy are welcome after all and Alec enjoys himself. But that isn’t really anything new.
Briefly, he remembers that this used to be common enough– Alec might enjoy eating and trying out different restaurants but when he gets like this sometimes the best thing for him is to be rounded up and brought out into company. Being around those he loves is a balm to his nerves starved raw, offers a reprieve that Alec didn’t even know he needed until he’s laughing way harder than he should be at the way Jace complains about his commute and the oddly passive-aggressive seatmate he had to deal with two mornings last week.
He doesn’t need to eat to be in good company. He learned that in college. And the memory of those meals– where he brought his own food or just had water while he soaked in fond company– eases at least a little of his current anxiety.
The waitress brings their food out quickly and Jace and Isabelle are immediately tucking in with gusto.
Alec, for his part, adds the sliced banana and tiny cup of almonds to his oatmeal. He stirs everything in conscientiously, letting the task absorb more of his focus than is strictly necessary.
While Isabelle talks about a paper she’s been working on recently, Alec looks down at his oatmeal and it’s almost frighteningly easy to just. . . not eat.
After a few minutes, Alec looks up and glances around the restaurant. Things seem to be calming down a little, a few tables opening up and staying vacant. Turning his attention to Jace, whose plate is half empty, Alec asks, “How’s everyone’s food?”
Isabelle offers a thumbs up while she’s in the middle of biting into a glazed strawberry and Jace starts talking with his mouth half full.
“So good,” Jace says, absolutely not chewing before talking. “Want to try?”
Alec’s nose wrinkles in disgust and Isabelle laughs. “No, thanks,” Alec replies deadpan.
“Is your oatmeal not any good,” Isabelle asks, noticing that he’s just stirring it around halfheartedly.
Quick to shake his head, Alec smiles. “I’m just not hungry,” he replies easily and it helps that it’s not even a lie.
“Oh, did you already eat?”
Humming in thought, Alec resumes his casual study of the restaurant. “I’ve had a lot of coffee. Plus, I don’t really like to eat before noon.”
Isabelle frowns at that, looking down at her plate. “It’s only a few minutes to noon. You might as well go ahead and eat.”
Alec waves her off. “I’m really not that hungry. You know I just came here to catch up with you two.”
Finishing off the last of his coffee, Jace sets his mug down and leans his elbows on the table. He looks right at Alec and Alec feels the tiniest prickle of discomfort. “I guess you have dinner for tonight then, yeah?”
Alec smiles a little. “Yeah,” he agrees easily enough. “It’ll probably be another late night and it’ll be nice to know I have something waiting at the office.”
They’re interrupted by the waitress bringing the check by and Alec breathes a slow, steady sigh of relief. He knows he’s feeling more defensive than he needs to be but he can’t help that any questions about his eating, any attention paid to it, always fills him with irritation and an underlying sense of dread.
Alec grabs the check and asks for a to-go container and it’s just a few minutes later that they’re all tumbling out of the diner and onto the bustling sidewalk.
“Well, I need to get back,” Alec says, starting to slowly walk backwards towards his law firm.
Isabelle waves, weaving her arm through Jace’s. As they start turning to head in the opposite direction, she calls out, “Try not to work too hard, Alec.”
Alec laughs, more of a huff of breath than anything else. With a last, “See ya,” they go their separate ways and Alec hunches against the bitter wind.
The little bowl of oatmeal is heavy in his hand. Just the thought of eating it is repugnant. He can’t find it in himself to care.
Rounding a corner, it’s only another block to his office.
Alec doesn’t know what the rest of the day will bring except a chronic headache and frustration that’s been ebbing through his veins for weeks now.
It’s barely a thought before Alec’s tossing the bowl of oatmeal into a passing trash can. He feels a little bad but he knows that he wouldn’t have eaten it, that the reminder that he had something he could eat but refused to would weigh on his mind.
As he enters the building his law office is in, Alec feels a little guilty but more than that, he feels a tendril of contentment.
He knows this spell won’t last forever, that in a few months he’ll think back on this time with regret and a wince. For right now, though, he figures there are worse places to be.
Simon greets him with a salute when he exits the elevator, waiting on him with a stack of folders he needs to review before his meeting in an hour.
Settling back at his desk, Alec’s stomach grumbles. Alec likes to think that he can feel the emptiness and it propels him forward.
“Hey, Simon.”
Looking back from where he was about to leave Alec’s office, Simon smiles, expression open. “Yeah, boss?”
“Can you grab me an iced americano? And get yourself whatever you want while you’re at it.”
If possible, Simon’s expression brightens further. “Can I use the–”
Alec smiles and is reaches his eyes. “Yes, use the company card.”
Simon’s exuberance provides some much needed levity to Alec’s days and it’s compounded by how capable Simon really is– quick to learn and willing to put in the work.
Simon returns just before the meeting with Alec's iced coffee and Alec loses himself in the rhythm of his work. It’s steady, predictable enough after years.
He sips on his drink and when he comes home at a downright early 10pm, he finds Magnus waiting on the couch.
His boyfriend’s in his pajamas, some crime show rerun playing on the television. He look extremely comfortable under a blanket.
He’s out like a light.
Chuckling a little, Alec leans down to kiss him hello and takes a moment to study Magnus in the light of the lamp in the corner.
Kissing him on the forehead again for good measure, Alec quietly drops his briefcase by the hallway and gets ready for bed.
Twenty minutes later, he’s padding back into the living room, hair just a little damp and in his own sweatpants.
This time, his touch is a bit more firm as he tucks a strand of hair behind Magnus’s ear.
“Babe,” he murmurs, voice low. “Come on, let’s go to bed.”
Magnus is slow to rouse and Alec feels a little bad, knows the early mornings this semester are kicking his boyfriend’s ass.
“Alexander,” Magnus’s asks on a breath and Alec feels his heart catch at the warmth, the quiet joy laden in the syllables.
“Yeah, it’s me,” he answers softly. “Let’s go. If I let you stay on the couch, you’ll wake up with horrendous back pain.”
There’s some grumbling but Magnus doesn’t resist Alec’s gentle urging up to standing.
As they go to bed, Magnus falls almost immediately asleep, but not before mumbling, “Goodnight, I love you, Alexander.”
And as his boyfriend shifts a little, Alec stays awake a few minutes more, the ache in his stomach persistent now that the day has wound to a close.
It’s a familiar feeling, though, and not unpleasant. Turning over, Alec lets his exhaustion from the day– from the past few weeks– seep into his soul and numb him to sleep.
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Ahhh life is so good today i have done so much :)
Drawn today? Yes
Studied? Yes (for two hours … thats a lot for me ok … no hate)
Found any good drawing references? Yes all ready for when i wanna draw next
Got any good fics to read? Yep started a great one last night and still reading it :)
Written anything for posting? Yes sir all lined up in my drafts just needs editing
Got up before midday? Yes ma’am 8am, bright and early (for once)
Been productive? Sir yes sir … Done a lot today
Left the house today? Uh huh … went to the shops , looked at art supplies, did the grocery shopping and bought lunch
Good weather? 100% my fav … Rainy and cold just how i like it (I can wear my hoodie!)
Eaten real food? Yeppers … i had sausages for breakfast and a donut as a snack
Eaten lunch? Yassss … avocado sushi w soi sauce (i probs spelt that wrong haha)
Had something to drink? Why yes… yes i have (coffee and juice)
Spoken to my lovely Anons? Why yes i have
Heard from friends? Texting and happy (making plans to hang out)
Stressed? No who’s she? (Feeling ready for exams and happy)
Made the tags on this post unhinged? Of course i did
Im so proud of myself rn :))
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xyeolx61 · 1 year
The bed is covered in blood when you wake up, your brand new pyjamas stained with the sticky substance. You inmediatly look at your sleeping boyfriend, relieved he is asleep and you can clean yourself and the bed in the mean time. You have not been together for a long time and this is completely embarasing.
"Babe?" His husky voice scares you as you thought he was asleep. He cannot find out about this. "What happened? Are you okay?"
You cover the stained bedsheets with a blanket but he frowns, pulling them away.
"My period came tonight" you finally explain, looking away from him. Chanyeol lifts your chin, giving a sweet peck on your lips as he strokes your cheeks with his thumb.
"Don't worry, babe, why don't you go and take a hot shower as I handle this?" Chanyeol is still half sleep, only one of his eyes open and his voice a few octaves lower than usual. "Come on, go clean yourself"
"But this-"
"I got this" he smiles, leaning to peck your lips for a second time.
When you get out of the shower, covered only by a towel since your clothes are hung on the shower after washing them, you cannot help but smile at the sight. The bedsheets have been changed, he has left some of his cozy clothes for you to wear and some pads and painkillers next to it.
You quickly change, wanting to find him to cuddle and kiss him. Do you have the best boyfriend in the world? Yes, you do.
The coffee table in the living room is full of snacks and sweets, two glasses with white wine in the middle. The sofas are covered in fluffy blankets
"I was going to make breakfast but it's lunch time already so I ordered tons of sushi, snacks and netflix are ready, cozy blankets to cuddle and I have this hot bag for the pain"
Chanyeol's smile calm your nerves. 
“You are the best” 
“I know” 
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seroothincs · 1 year
Hello! Are there any headcanons on the wise guys' taste in food like what their favorite food is? Anyways I love your Account!
Okay I posted like separate things in certain posts so I'm gathering it all together into this one- Aight, so --- food.. Not a favorite of mine but I do anything for the wiseguys. In several scenes where they can be seen eating at Luigi's they mostly order spaghetti, types of pastas and you know usual italian dishes. But I wanna add on to that of what I think their favorite types of food are. Don Vittorio = I have already said this but the guy is a very big meat lover, he takes his steaks properly roasted and only ever orders Braciola (Even if some restaurants don't serve it, he will threaten them.) Fat tony = Personally he's a meat lover too but it really all depends on what Michael cooks up for dinner and breakfast. Ever since "The Mook, the chef, the wife and her homer" I like to imagine that Tony became more supportive towards Michael's little "Hobby" (At least He just thinks it's a hobby and not something Michael would want to do as a career) and so let's him take over the kitchen as head chef. Speaking of Michael. Yes I'm including him into this. Michael = He takes very good care of himself so usually just goes with plain salads. He's studying to become a chef, yes. He brushes his teeth two times a day, yes. But that still doesn't stop him from being a kid and enjoying the sweet taste of chocolate and other sweets. Legs = Guy works a lot, not just for Tony but also for some other more legitimate businesses, so he usually goes with take-out food. Take out like sushi. Though aside from coffee and take-out food, whenever he's at Luigi's he likes to order noodle dishes like Penne and Tortiglioni pastas. Favorite dessert is Panna cotta.
Johnny = Ahh, Mr. Tightlips. Not even Frankie knows what his favorite dishes are. That's Only between him and his wife, so Johnny is just your normal average family guy. Dinner with his family and it's usually his Wife's choice of what they'll have. But he does really like Lasagna. Favorite dessert has to be cherry cake. Frankie = I always imagine he gushes like a little child when someone asks him what his favorite food is. Guy really likes pasta but also sea food like lobster. Matter of fact he can't even choose between what he loves the most. Loves Strawberry cake over everything and is his most beloved favorite dessert.
Louie = Guy's got a sweet tooth. He has a serious problem but does he care? no. If bad why does it taste good? But he does have to go along with the others on this one, he really likes mini fusilli. But other than that. Huge candy lover.
His favorite dessert? Oh he doesn't even know where to begin with that question -- it's tiramisu.
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thelaundrybitch · 2 years
Little Blue Hearts Update - Chapter 28
Happy Tuesday Turtle Doves!
Whew! It has been one hell of a ride so far 😅
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who read and enjoy all my work, especially Little Blue Hearts. It's closer to my heart than you know💕
With that being said, this chapter brings us full circle and starting with the next chapter, we will be delving into some interestingly weird and dark shit. Hold tight. 😬
Soon, you will be meeting some new characters and villains *gasp*
BUT DON'T WORRY! There will still be lots of fluff, romance, and adult time 👀
PLEASE NOTE: concerning this chapter - there are potential triggers. Sexual assault is mentioned but it does not go any further than a mention.
18+ content - for mature audiences only!
Reblogs only, please!
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Little Blue Hearts cover art by the lovely @leosgirl82
Redeemed... Kinda
Leo's had us doing guided meditation with Sensei for FOUR FREAKIN HOURS.
With sandalwood burning the whole time. NOT MY FAVORITE THING.
You know, the point of this guided meditation was to calm everyone's nerves and help rid unwanted energy from the night's events, but I'm fairly certain it's having the OPPOSITE effect on me.
"Michelangelo," Master Splinter speaks my name softly, pulling me from my internal bitchfest.
"Yes, Sensei?" I ask, opening my eyes.
"Would it be rude of me to ask you to make a meal for everyone while I finish up the last hour with your brothers?" He asks with a knowing smile.
"Not at all, Sensei. Any requests?" I ask him.
"Something big and delicious," he whispers to me, eyes wide in emphasis.
I get up and bow to him, with a big appreciative smile, before heading to the kitchen.
About an hour and a half later, I have the entire island full of different breakfasty foods.
Freshly cut fruit salad with a yogurt dip, cinnamon french toast, pancakes, eggs- scrambled, fried, and deviled, corn beef hash, bacon, sausage, bread hot out of the maker, some breakfast sushi, chicken adobo, jasmine rice, and my specialty breakfast vegetable stir-fry. The condiments are spread out on the island as well.
Plates are set up at the breakfast table that I've added the leaf to, so it's big enough to accommodate everyone.
Coffee for Donnie, Mocha Latte for Raph, green tea for Leo, Oolong tea for Dad, and a glass of milk for me.
-I don't like how caffeine makes me feel, hence the milk-
Everyone comes filing in looking more exhausted now, than they were before they went into the dojo for meditation.
I give Leo a questioning look, and he mouths "Later" to me.
Dad is full of praise and gratitude for the amazing meal I've prepared. Honestly, it feels a little too much, but I'll take the praise over getting bitched at for beating my girlfriend's attacker.
While we're eating, Ashley texts me that she found my radio under her futon and will bring it to the lair later.
"Hey guys, Ash says she and Liv will be headed here around 4:30 this afternoon - after they take a nap. She says they're gonna have a bite to eat at that little cafe down the street from her apartment before they come, though. She doesn't want Liv getting all hangry when she's here," I tell them with a chuckle.
"Good," says Sensei. "You will all go to sleep and relax until it is time for the girls to join us. Michelangelo, I would like you to order some pizza for dinner tonight, please," he instructs me.
"Joe's it is!" I exclaim. "I'll call after breakfast is cleaned up, to put in the order. I'll pay over the phone and set up for contactless delivery at Ashley's after the ladies leave the apartment," I tell him.
"Excellent, Michelangelo. Thank you. Now go get some rest. All of you," he demands.
Everyone leaves the kitchen aside from me and Leo, who I can tell needs to talk.
"What happened after I left the dojo?" I ask him as he helps me put everything in containers to be refrigerated.
"We were put in strengthening poses for reprimanding you this morning," he says solemnly.
"Wait, what?" I ask, looking at him in confusion.
Leo sighs, "You know how Dad likes to watch Donnie's monitors when he's worried? You know, his 'gut feeling' thing?" He asks.
"Yea, ok," I say.
"Well, he watched us all night. He saw the whole thing with Ashley's attacker…" says Leo, looking at me, my eyes going wide.
"Oh, no…" I whisper.
"He was both amazed and proud of your actions," Leo says, looking a bit shocked.
"He told us it was a completely normal reaction to have. First, coming across someone who almost killed you while you were trying to save a woman being raped. And second, finding said rapist who was trying to finish what he started, with your girlfriend, a year later - by sneaking into her apartment during sleeping hours. With a knife," he finishes. "Jesus, Mikey, I didn't even know he had a knife," he whispers, fear flashing across his face.
I nod. "So was he proud that I took the guy out? I can't imagine he was proud that I almost choked him to death," I say, feeling a bit guilty.
"He was proud that you put him down. You did the right thing, Mike. You caught the guy, then kept your emotions in check," says Leo. "Actually, I was really proud of you too. AM! I am really proud of you!" He corrects himself.
I give him a cautious smile, "Thanks," I say, feeling a bit better about the whole situation now.
"Alright. Time for sleep. I hope," Leo says, rolling his eyes as he puts the last of the leftovers in the fridge.
"Still geekin’ out?" I ask him with a smile.
"Yes. I don't even know how to pull myself together anymore," he sighs. "But I'm out. Before I get in trouble with Dad. Again," he says, flashing me big eyes, as he turns and leaves the kitchen.
I finish putting away the clean dishes and head to my bedroom, where I call and place an order for four pizzas from Joe's to be delivered to Ashley's at 4:30 this afternoon. Then I crawl into bed for some much-needed sleep.
*Bang bang bang*
"Mikey! It's four o'clock! Get ya ass up!"
*Bang bang bang*
"YEA, YEA! I'M UP!" I yell to Raph, who is beating the shit out of my door.
I lay in bed for a few more minutes until I hear the signature Leo knock, followed by the click of my door opening up.
"Did you sleep, Prince Charming?" I ask him, smiling, with my eyes still closed.
He chuckles, "What's with you guys calling me Prince Charming, anyway?" He asks.
I sit up on the edge of my bed, facing toward where he's standing.
"Bruh… you could charm the spots off a leopard, for crying out loud!" I tell him. "Seriously? You're like the world's biggest flirt, and NO ONE CARES because you're so good at it. You don't discriminate either! Men, women, relatives, animals… I mean, for real!" I exaggerate.
He chuckles, leaning up against the dresser by the door. "I think that's a little much. And I'm not a flirt. Well, not purposely, anyway," he says, furrowing his brow ridge. "Gentleman, yes. And everyone should be treated with respect," he says.
"May God have mercy on any person you purposely flirt with. We might end up needing to call the coroner," I say, smirking and winking at him.
"Oh, come on. Now you're really blowing smoke up my skirt," he says, picking up one of Ashley's hair-ties off the dresser and sling-shotting it at me.
I catch it before it hits me in the face and stand up to stretch. "Alright, Prince Charming, let's go figure out who's getting dinner," I say, still teasing him.
"Oh, Dad says you, me, and Donnie are to go over to Ashley's to get dinner," he says. "He wants Raph to help him with a bath before Liv gets here."
"Poor Raph," I whisper, wide-eyed and horrified, as we walk to the lab to get Donnie.
After fighting with Donnie, and needing to give him the ultimatum to either come with us or help bathe Dad, we're all off to Ashley's. 
Ashley texts me halfway there to let us know they're already at the cafe enjoying their late lunch - which would've perfectly lined up for us to get back to the lair before them, but the friggin pizza guy was like 15 minutes late! I had to call Raph to go get the girls in the SUV, and boy was Donnie unhappy about that.
We're on our way back to the lair, and Leo is losing his mind. He's doing an excellent job of looking composed, but I can feel the anxious energy rolling off him in waves.
"Chill, dude," I whisper, and he just gives me a pleading look.
I can hear Ashley's voice up ahead as we're getting closer to the lair, and Leo looks like he's ready to either pass out from anxiety, or run away screaming and crying in the opposite direction.
Double shits.
Donnie is far enough behind us, fiddling with his PDA, where I take a chance to whisper to Leo.
"Everything is gonna be fine. Perfect, even," I say, trying to convince my poor older brother.
"Mikey, I can't do this. What if she hates me?" He says, slowly unraveling.
"She won't," I say confidently.
"How do you know?" He questions me.
"Oh good lord in heaven, I can't believe I'm doing this," I breathe out quickly, making a cross over the front of my body.
"Doing what?" Asks Leo.
"Look,'' I say, lowering my whispering voice even lower, "She likes you."
"Nice try, Mike. That doesn't work anymore. We aren't kids, you know," he says, looking annoyed.
"Leo. She knows who we are - don't ask how. Just believe me. And she likes you. Like LIKES you, man," I say softly.
Time has stopped for Leo.
I'm fairly certain I just saw fireworks erupt over his head, the same time while hearing my sex life being flushed down the toilet. 
I can't let him meet her in the state he's in. I love my brother too much to see him suffering when I know I can help.
"I'll swear on anything you want. Ashley told me. But if you tell her or anyone else that I told you, I may lose my manhood," I mumble. "I've probably just kissed my sex life goodbye too, to be honest," I mutter.
We've made it to the lair, and I can see Ashley has Liv by the hands, so Liv's back is to us.
I look at Leo, and everything about his demeanor and energy has changed. 
He's a new man.
I turn back to my girlfriend who's smiling at us from where she's holding Liv.
"Hey, Baby!" I say to her with the biggest smile I have in my *I'm in so much shit* arsenal.
Thankfully she doesn't pick up on it.
"Hey, hun. Just. Can you guys stay there for one minute? I want to introduce you to my cousin." She says.
Leo decides he's gonna hang back a bit in the shadows, and Donnie goes right in.
"Oh, hey, Ash!" 
"Is everything alright?" Asks Leo when he sees how Ashley is holding Liv, Ashley's face visibly concerned
"Yeah. Actually, I think everything is." She slowly lets go of her cousin's hands, letting them drop down to her sides. 
"Liv, I'd like you to meet my friends..."
Little Blue Hearts Master list HERE
@leosgirl82 @turtle-babe83 @drowninghelll @chicchanmooshy @roxosupreme @mysticboombox @nittleboo @post-apocalyptic-daydream @xanadu-702 @xanadu702 @pheradream15 @mistyroselove @ashleighclark98 @jurikyu-blog @sewerninno @tmntspidergirl @raphielover @zombiesnips-blog @raphslovemuffin80 @brightlotusmoon @superneko-chan
*If you aren’t on this list, please let me know if you want me to tag you in my other work or if you prefer me to not tag you 😘
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reinabeestudio · 2 years
That Obyn post got more love than I expected, so I’ve decided to share all information I got related to him. But that’d make it a short post, so I’m sharing my other favorite Heroes as well (Quincy, Benji and Captain Churchill)💌
I wrote down everything I could find, but I might have missed stuff or got something wrong. And don’t take these too seriously, this is something I did for myself. Nothing is set in stone!
The spirits he uses to attack return to him.
“Nature’s spirits will never be diminished, only transformed.”
Ocean Obyn is called Ocyn apparently (idk bro)
Bigger than dart monkeys!
Much older than he looks (old as the forests)
Likes taking long walks along the beach during Summer.
Second most cuddly
Goes hiking a lot
Very fuzzy
His pet (the spirit wolf cub) is called Fluffy
Likes mint ice cream
Raised by wolves??? (a mess at the dinner table)
Likes philodendrons
Favorite color is green
Likes to make fresh salads that he brings to eat at his friends’ places
Tends to supervise Gwen's visits to the forests
MIGHT do knitting and macrame (not sure of this one tho)
Tells a lot of puns.
Has a crush on Gwen! Think she’s very cool (Might be one-sided…)
Implied he already confessed (again, one-sided??)
Practises with his bow in his free time.
Or hang out with the other heroes!
Fourth most cuddly
Biggest crybaby
Needs a hug… (yes this is vital canon information)
Still hunting for that DDT (Cyber Quincy lore ig)
Has the biggest wardrobe
Loves a good photoshoot and likes to practice by striking poses lol
Gets real sad when somethings gets past his bow (F in the chat)
Tried to teach Pat how to use his bow but it was a too small.
Surprisingly buff! (Due to the draw force of his bow)
Does his own haircut
Sometimes like to use darts
All the dart monkeys like him!
Cries the most out of all the heroes
Eats banana porridge for breakfast
Favorite color is orange
Hosted a party on New Year’s Eve (everyone came!)
Apparently the best athlete (he’s very talented)
Thinks crossbows are lazy (lmao)
Shaves his eyebrow to look cool.
Big PC gamer, loves MOBAs
Wears formal clothes because likes to feel fancy
Likes to work out
Might not have went to school???
Has his own mixtape as a DJ
LOVES karaoke
Makes synthwave music, also listens to dubstep
Favorite type of sushi is California Roll
Favorite color is silver
Seems to like anime?? (apparently he watched Sword Art Online)
The Biggest Narcissit™
Hides in his room with the AC up in Summer
Might secretly listen to Mariah Carey (All I Want For Christmas is- )
Has many computers/mobile devices at his disposal
Sixth most cuddly
Yells BENJAMMIN IS IN THE HOUSE when he’s home (based)
Likes shawarma
Has a private yacht
Did helpdesk at some point!
Funnels his anger through memes (LMAO)
Captain Churchill
‘Passionate devotee of the surfboard, first monkey to ride the River Severn’s 5ft tidal bore. He even designed his own board!’
That is to say, he enjoys surfing
Bonds over old military movies with Striker Jones
Really likes driving his tank around lol
The best at chess
Uses all limbs + tail to operate his tank!
Likes black coffee with tons of sugar (sweet as him)
Third most cuddly
Wields the power of comradery (?)
Likes to play World of Tanks (lol)
Friends with Admiral Brickell! Trained together
Enjoys manga and anime (favorite anime: Fullmetal Alchemist)
Favorite color is green
Has a huge underground bunker full of tanks. Or so he says!
Tank has a secret banana stash (and who knows what else)
Third shortest, barely taller than Etienne (confirmed as a MANLET)
Sometimes plays cards with Striker Jones and Brickell
Great poker face!
Lives fairly close to Admiral Brickell and Striker Jones, tends to carpool to the army base with the latter
When he doesn’t feel like talking, he’ll slowly slide into his tank and shut the lid... funny to watch if you aren’t the one trying to talk to him.
His tank got many modifications!
Seat height adjustment, flexible antenna, a built in goggle finder (usually points to his head), and full transformation upgrades
He made the sand sculpture in Resort
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survey--s · 1 year
Tumblr media
What is in the back seat of your car right now? Just the hammock that’s on there for the dogs.
What was the last thing you threw up? Probably just water. It was when I had that awful bug back in February and was basically in bed for three days. It was horrendous and I felt so unwell.
Menthol or regular cigarettes? Neither.
What is your favorite episode of Friends? The One Where Ross Got High.
Does anyone have any blackmail on you? Nah, I don’t think so, my life really isn’t that interesting lol.
If you could marry any celebrity today who would it be? Nah, I’m good.
Have you been to a strip club? No.
Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? My toenails are painted pink.
Are you wearing socks right now? No, it’s really warm and humid still.
What was the last thing you had to drink? Iced Coffee.
What are you wearing right now? A black sleeveless jumpsuit.
Last food you ate? Chicken Ramen.
Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? No.
When is the last time you ran? Yeah, I don’t run lol.
What’s the last sporting event you watched? I have no idea, probably football.
Last person’s house you were in? Aside from my own, Sarah and Ella’s.
Last movie you saw? Alice in Wonderland - the original Disney cartoon version.
Who is the last person you sent a message to on Facebook? Susie - we’re planning on going out for breakfast tomorrow and we’re just organising the timings.
Ever go to camp? Yeah, day camp as a kid - I absolutely hated it.
Were you an honor roll student in school? We don’t have those here.
Do you like sushi? It’s okay but it’s not something I’d go out of my way to choose.
Do you have a tan? Yeah, from working outdoors in the heatwave for three weeks.
How old do you want to be when you have kids? I don’t want children.
Have you ever drank your soda from a straw? Sure, all the time in restaurants etc.
What is your age? 34.
Are you someone’s best friend? Personally I find it really strange when adults have best friends.
What are your siblings’ middle names? I don’t have any siblings.
Where is your dad right now? I assume he’s at home - probably eating or showering after his daily run.
What was the last thing you said? “I won’t be out all day”.
What color is your watch? I don’t own a watch.
What do you think of when you think of Australia? My family.
Ever ridden on a roller coaster? Yes.
Favorite gemstone? Rubies, emeralds, amethysts, sapphires.
Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? It depends on how long the lines are and how much parking there is.
Do you have a roommate? I live with my husband, two cats and a dog.
Do you have any bad habits? Yeah, drinking too much caffeine, spending too much time online and being addicted to my phone/the internet in general.
What is your favorite number? Thirteen.
Do you know anyone named Lori? Nope. That’s not really a very common name over here.
What color is your mom’s hair? Grey nowadays, but it was brown.
Do you have a dog? Yeah, a beagle. He’s upstairs snoring his head off after an 8-mile hike yesterday.
What happened to you in 1993? I turned five and started school.
Does your first memory involve your dad? It does, actually.
Do you remember singing any songs as kids? All the time. I used to put on plays and concerts for my parents ALL the time hah.
When was the last time you went swimming? Last summer at the beach.
Has your luggage ever gotten lost? Yeah, twice. Once it was only delayed by a few hours and I got it the same day, just later on, and the second time it arrived maybe 3-4 days later. 
Biggest annoyance in your life right this minute? The humidity is really annoying.
Have you ever thought it would be cool to smash a guitar? Nope.
Do you like watching a bonfire? I love bonfires.
Are you allergic to anything? Nickel and aspirin.
What is one thing you miss about your past? Not having to worry about bills or money or responsibilities.
Do you ever get flu shots? No.
Favorite shoes that you wear all the time? I practically live in Skechers for work as they’re so comfortable.
What is one thing you’ve learned about life recently? People are generally pretty decent, all things considered.
Are you jealous of anyone? Not really.
Is anyone jealous of you? A lot of people have said they’re jealous of what I do for a living. They probably wouldn’t feel like that if they joined me on a day where it was howling wind and pissing it down with rain lol.
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sparklingichigo · 2 years
Double Honeymoon
Part 2
The alarm is ringing in Haruka's room as she wakes up in...Simeon's arms?! Haruka blinks confusedly at her condition. She remembers that she sleeps on her side, but why is she in his arms now?? The angel? He's asleep soundly and has quite a grip on her. There goes her changes to move away.
Haruka: Simeon? Simeeeeooooon?? Heeey?? Hello?? Hey! Wake up!!
Simeon: ....Yes? [blinks awake]
Haruka: Let go. I need the toilet =_=
Simeon: Do you have to?
Haruka: Yes?? I want to pee! Let go of me!! Do you want me to pee here instead?!
Simeon: Of course not! [lets go of her]
Haruka: [sigh and goes to the toilet] Either you're a demon or angel... they're all the same. Did he pull me closer by chance? I remember sleeping on my side of the bed???
Simeon: [casually listens to all that and answers her question] Yes, yes, I did^^
Haruka: Stop eavesdropping on me!!
Simeon: Oh, no, I wouldn't! I just heard it
Haruka: .... is this guy for real- [sigh] Hey, I'll take a bath while I'm at it!
Simeon: Okay! Unless you want some he- [hears the bathroom lock] ah, I'll take that as a no-
Meanwhile, Beel is the first one who wakes up while Ichigo is still asleep.
Beel: Sugar? Ichigo? My love? Hey, wake up-
Ichigo: Whaaat? Let me sleep =="
Beel: It's eight, and we still have things to do today...
Ichigo: urgggh.... [rolls away] Just go do your thing, let me sleep!!
Beel: Nope, let's clean up. Want me to carry you all the way there?
Ichigo: Whatever... [sleeps anyway]
Ichigo expects Beel to leave, but no, he actually carries her to the bathroom with her frickin blanket.
Ichigo: Beel, what the heck?!
Beel: [puts her on the sofa] There, wake up, let's clean up, okay?
Ichigo: .... just go first already! I'll go after. I'm not that slow when it comes to bathing...
Beel: Fine...
Beel: You do remind me of Belphie, by the way-
Ichigo: ... [randomly grabs a room sandal] Wanna die?
Beel: Then who are you gonna marry if I die?
Ichigo: JUST GO!! [Yeets the sandal as Beel walks fastly to the bathroom]
After Haruka and Simeon have done with their morning routine, they walk out of their room and see Ichigo looking like a sushi roll on the couch.
Simeon: Oh, Ichigo^^ good morning
Ichigo: ….morning.... :")
Haruka: [hears shower noises] Wow, Beel did take his time in there... :o
Ichigo: yeah, that's why I am here :3
Haruka: do you want to use my bathroom instead?
Ichigo: Yee... guess that'll work too
As Ichigo baths in Haruka's bathroom, Haruka goes to the balcony and records the morning view to devilgram. It is the most beautiful view, it also has a river view and some boats going here and there. The first one to see this is Asmo, who's always on his phone.
Asmo: Wow! That's the most beautiful view I've ever seen...besides the Maldives, of course [sips morning coffee]
Lucifer: ...Asmo, why are you on your phone during breakfast?
Asmo: Why not? Haruka updated something, and it's so pretty! Look! [shows it to them]
Mammon: Whoa, it is pretty! Hmm, how much cost would it take to get there??
Asmo: Probably more than your whole bank account-
Mammon: Hey! >:(
Lucifer: You'll be late for your modeling meeting. Just eat your breakfast
Asmo: I'll be fine. It's no big deal~
Satan: I'm not responsible for your own lateness. Don't you dare come whining to my room for not getting that job-
Asmo: I'm the most beautiful being here. Of course, I'd get that modeling job [rolls his eyes]
Mammon: Speaking of which... Where's your boyfriend?
Asmo: Who? Solomon? Michael lock him in for more work-
Mammon: pfft-
Satan: Wow, I'm impressed- [sarcastically]
Asmo: ^^ [grabs a sandal]
Lucifer: Asmodeus Morningstar!
Asmo: [yeets the sandal away] Okay, I won't. Hmph!
Levi: What's the modeling job about anyway?
Asmo: Some fragrance... definitely a high brand one
Lucifer: Oh, that's good then. You better hurry for it
Asmo: Stop rushing things, Lucifer. I'll be fine
Mammon: You have 15 minutes for the meeting, Asmo-
Asmo: What?! Oh, sht- [runs out of the frickin house] [returns] mY BAG!! [runs out again]
Lucifer: [sigh] Oh, to have Ichigo here to control you kids- [facepalms]
Satan: Can I say the same- [gets glared at by Levi and Mammon]
Satan: What?
Levi: What? So you can drag her away from her man? Yeah, she better be in Greece with him, alright-
Now back in Greece, everyone's ready for their adventure! Their first destination is to get breakfast in Little Tree Books and Coffee. Once they get there, they start discussing what they should order.
Haruka: So which one do you want? [to Simeon]
Simeon: [reading the menu] Hmmm.... breakfast... [to Ichigo] Is eating pie included as breakfast?
Ichigo: [blinks confusedly] I think so?
Simeon: Hmm, I'll just go with a smoked sandwich^^. How about you guys?
Beel: Turkey sandwich, I'll go with that! +w+ it looks yummy
Simeon: I can see why- [sess the huge sandwich from the menu book]
Simeon: How about you, Ichigo?
Ichigo: A very good question- [still reading the damn menu] Let Haruka order. First, I'll be fine
Haruka: I did, with the butter croissant-
Ichigo: Ah... hmmm [continues to read] Hmm nachos-
Haruka: Are you sure? Is it filling?
Beel: Sugar, that's a snack-
Ichigo: And?
Beel: You need to choose something else or something more than just nachos-
Ichigo: Hmmm, I'll go with dessert
Beel: fair enough
Ichigo: Chocolate brownies-
Haruka: Oh yes that's good-
Ichigo: exactly-
Simeon: How about the drink? I'll go with fruit tea
Haruka: Ice green tea for me!!
Ichigo: Sweet ice tea for me!
Beel:...strawberry juice-
Haruka and Simeon instantly stare at him for the mention of strawberries.
Beel: What?
Ichigo: Good choice-
Haruka: How unusual of you to drink juice
Beel: for once in a while-
Simeon: [casually prays for his dirty mind]
Haruka: Simeon, get your mind out of the gutter! You're an angel!
Simeon: Let's just order-
As Simeon orders the food, Haruka and Ichigo are now in the telepathic chatroom again as they cover themselves with the menu book.
Haruka: He's ordering juice? How unusual-
Ichigo: It's strawberry-
Haruka: And?
Ichigo: And what is strawberry in Japanese-
Haruka: Oh- Oooh, that demon- right right-
Ichigo: [sigh] Never saw the day he'd be as lustful as Asmo-
Haruka: Congratulations-
Ichigo: Yee-
Once the food comes, Haruka puts in on her devilgram story, and oh boi once they see it, they all know what Beel means-
Asmo: Nice, nice-
Mammon: [peeks in] What?
Asmo: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) We all know what this means-
Mammon: Whaat? Tell meeee
Asmo: Ignore it! Whatever!
Satan: So based on the Japanese language, her name means strawberry-
Mammon: And?
Satan: He orders strawberry juice-
Mammon: ...
Asmo: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Mammon: oh, that perverted demon- imma-
Asmo: They're together-
Satan: pfft-
Levi: hshshshshshs that sounds like something a male lead would do >:3 good job, Beel! Go live your anime dream! Mwahahaha-
Asmo and Satan: [distances themselves from Levi]
Levi: Why are you guys moving away??
Mammon: Reasons- Anyways- [sees more] Damn, that's one big sandwich!!
Levi: Guessing that belongs to Beel
Mammon: Of course it is. Are we even surprised- =w=
Lucifer: [steps in] And what are you all doing slacking off in the living room :))
Mammon: sht- [runs off]
Levi: Gotta go [runs to his layer]
Satan: [shrugs and goes to his layer]
Asmo: [fades away]
Belphie: [looks up from his sleep] Sup-
Lucifer: .... ^^
Belphie: too far-
Lucifer: NOW!
Belphie: ugh... [drags himself to his layer]
Lucifer: [rolls his eyes] Where's Beel when you need him the most...
Belphie: On vacation [still there]
Lucifer: =_=
Belphie: Okay, geez, I'm going!
Now back in Greece, they enjoy their breakfast and decide to read some books as they eat. They're also planning to go to Athena's temple to see what's there. The only beings enjoying themselves are Simeon, Haruka, and Ichigo since they love books. Beel is definitely there just for the food.
Of course, despite it being morning, chaos will definitely happen here because why the frick is Satan tryna get to the frickin cafe again? Yes, like he actually uses a portal to get there. The four of them blink confusedly as soon as they see him.
Haruka: I have so many questions for you right now-
Beel: Why are you here?
Satan: The books, obviously
Simeon: …. [sigh] Lord, give me patience-
Ichigo: …. [grabs her phone]
Satan: don't you dare-
Ichigo: [dials Lucifer's number]
Satan: No, no, please do- [hears dialing] damn it-
Ichigo: Ayo, Luci. Your son is in Greece-
Lucifer: Why would he be there?
Ichigo: Books, he said, who knows
Lucifer: His layer has a lot of books-
Ichigo: I don't know either-
Beel: Either that or he's here with an ulterior motive
Satan: Can you just let me be here for just a day, and I'll go home, please?
Beel: [glances at Simeon]
Simeon: [glances back]
Haruka: Sis, what do you think?
Ichigo: It's a date, obviously, so you'll third wheel the whole time-
Satan: I'm fine with that-
Ichigo: Hon.... no-
Haruka: Not in this restaurant!
Simeon: [shakes holy water spray] Do you want me to spray you or leave?
Satan: That's unfair-
Simeon: [sprays Satan]
Satan: What was that for?!
Simeon: Leave! [continues spraying until Satan returns to his layer]
Ichigo: He's back now-
Lucifer: I know. I'm in his layer
Ichigo: Perfect-
Ichigo: [sees Satan returning] For now, I'll just... [creates a protective shield for them, but it's invisible]
Simeon: As expected for a demon witch
Ichigo: Of course~ [hair flips]
Simeon: Hey! [gets his face slapped by that hair]
Haruka: pfft- [records it to her devilgram story] Nice, Sunsilk commercial-
Beel: …. [sigh] my patience... :")
Simeon: There there [pats Beel's shoulder]. I know how that feels
Beel: [sips juice sadly] :((
Ichigo: At least he didn't take your juice-
Beel: and my favorite fruit-
Simeon: [sigh] Lord, have mercy on me... [proceeds with his book]
Haruka: Woo! This is cool :o [reading an animal book]
Ichigo: ehe- ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Haruka: Ehe your head-
Ichigo: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Haruka: What even are you reading??
Ichigo: [shows the cover of a smut novel] ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Simeon: .... why?
Beel: What book is that?
Ichigo: [gives it to him]
Beel : [reads it] [looks at Ichigo] Ah, is that so-
Ichigo: What- no!
Beel: I see, I see
Ichigo: [sigh]
Haruka: This is why don't read those kinds of books in public-
Simeon: [nods in agreement]
Ichigo: It has a good storyline, though-
Beel: Oh sure, a good storyline-
Ichigo: [steals the book again] Get your head out of the gutter. That's not what I meant-
Beel: Is there a way to borrow that book-
Ichigo: ….what-
Haruka: Why would you do that??
Ichigo: [returns the book to the shelf] Nope, not this one!
Beel: I thought you liked the story line~
Ichigo: [puts it back anyways] [sips her ice tea in embarassment]
Simeon: [reading the book until it's finished] :o that is such a good story! So cool!
Haruka: What book is it?
Simeon: This one :D [shows a fantasy novel]
Haruka: Ah, yes, that novel is really good. Great choice^^
Simeon: How about you?
Haruka: Animal books :3
Simeon: [sees the book] Oh, that kind of book
Simeon: I thought you're reading a kids' book-
Haruka: Of course not!
Even when they're going to the next destination, that book will never leave Ichigo alone. Because now Beel has something to blackmail her....yes, with that sexy novel.
Ichigo internally: I regret everything-
Haruka internally: pfft-
Ichigo internally: shut up =_="
Haruka internally: You can just read other books, not that-
Ichigo internally: The cover looks pretty, so...
Haruka internally: Now he might take that as references-
Ichigo internally: And we thought he's the most wholesome-
Haruka internally: Not this time
Beel and Simeon confusedly stop in real life because their lovers are suddenly frozen in place. Definitely the telepathic chatroom.
Simeon: This is gonna take a while
Beel: Yeah...
They wait for Haruka and Ichigo to get back to the real world. As they wait, Simeon decides to look around the streets. The trees are around, and there are lots of people walking around, yet it seems peaceful. On the other hand, Beel didn't finish his juice, so he decided to finish it as he waits.
Ichigo: Okay, I'm done! Let's go!
Beel: You took quite your time there
Ichigo: Is that a bad thing?
Beel: Oh no, of course not. Why would it be a bad thing?
Ichigo: I took a long time there...?
Beel: Nah it's fine [pats her]
After that they continue walking around the streets looking at stalls here and there until they hear someone shouting about some kind of festival going on that night. Simeon took interest and ask about the festival.
Simeon: Festival? What sort of festival is it?
Person 1 : Oh it's cultural festival, there's food as well. Lots of games too!
Simeon: I see...
Simeon: [looks to the others] What do you think?
Beel: Food...
Haruka: Let's go there tonight, it might be fun!
Ichigo: ...should we go home first?
Simeon: Of course! It's tonight right?
Person 2 : it is! [gives Simeon the brosur]
Simeon: Okay! We'll see you there! [gives them a friendly smile]
That night, they all went to the said festival. There are many food and cultural stalls, the venue is decorated festively, and they also hear music in the background as they walk in.
Ichigo: This is awesome!
Haruka: Oh, look! There's a food stall. I think we should try that! Let's go! [literally drags Ichigo there]
Ichigo: But- [gets dragged anyways]
Simeon: Should we follow them?
Beel: [shrugs] sometimes the ladies need time for themselves, don't you think?
Simeon: True. Wanna look around and get some drinks?
Beel: And food?
Simeon: Of course, and food.
With that, Simeon and Beel look around just like how Haruka and Ichigo did. The boys end up in one of the pubs there to drink, surprising for an angel to actually go there.
Beel: Simeon, are you sure this is a good idea? You're an angel, aren't you?
Simeon: I'm only there for the music, I won't drink anything alcoholic.
Beel: Okay, considering how you angels are not supposed to drink earth alcohol...
Simeon: We are allowed, just not for drunk reasons. We can drink just a certain amount.
Beel: Oh, that's cool. Does that mean you can consume Demonus?
Simeon: I've had a taste of that once in a while...
Beel: You did?! Did you get drunk?
Simeon: Hmm, I don't remember much. Hopefully not 😬
Bartender: Welcome, boys! What'll be your drink today?
Simeon: Is there anything non-alcoholic here, miss?
Bartender: Oh? It's the first time I have heard a non-alcoholic request from you! Are you sure?
Simeon: I'm not risking it. We walked all the way to this festival, so ordering alcoholic drinks with my alcohol endurance would be risky.
Bartender: I see. Alright then. You can read this list. They have all the non-alcoholic drinks you want. Let me know if you've chosen your choice, okay? 😉
Simeon: Sure^^
Beel: [reading the alcoholic menu] Can I have this one, miss?
Bartender: Sure thing, handsome!
Meanwhile, Haruka and Ichigo went on a food tour of the food stall. They went from one stall to the other, buying food here and there. Everything at that festival is so delicious they can't help it!
Ichigo: Best night ever!
Haruka: Yes! Oh, look, a pub! Should we go there?
Ichigo: No alcohol, though. It'd be too risky
Haruka: Nah, we'll be fine
Ichigo: Haruka! What'd your parents say if they knew their only daughter is out here drinking till she's drunk?!
Haruka: ...fine :(
They finally enter the pub, and Haruka can already sense something off with the bartender. She keeps on attending Simeon and Beel a lot, but she does not say a thing.
Ichigo: Miss Bartender, is there anything non-alcoholic?
Bartender: Oh my, are you sure? You don't want anything alcoholic?
Ichigo: I don't drink. Can I please see the menu?
Bartender: Of course
Ichigo receives the menu as Haruka gives the bartender a dirty look. The other side of the table looks at them, and they are shocked.
Beel: They're here too?
Simeon: I mean, this is the only pub in that festival
Beel: True
Simeon: Let's call them over.
Beel: Good idea! Who's gonna do it?
Simeon: I'll do it, just stay put. Guard my drink, won't you?
Beel nods as Simeon stands up, approaching the girls who just finished ordering. Haruka is still skeptical about that bartender and keeps giving her a glare until Simeon pats her shoulder.
Simeon: Hey!
Haruka: Oh my goodness! [looks back] Oh, hi, Simeon!
Ichigo: Oh, hey Simeon!
Simeon: Hey...
Simeon: You ladies wanna join us?
Haruka: But will your table fit?
Simeon: We can move to a four-seated table
Haruka: Deal!
The four of them finally sit on the four-seated table. Beel is the only one having an alcoholic drink since Simeon isn't risking it, Ichigo doesn't drink, and Haruka is a princess. Drinking will only ruin her reputation until...
Beel: Sugar, that's my drink
Ichigo: Huh?
Beel: That came from my beer glass. Your strawberry mocktail is this one...
Ichigo: Ah... no wonder it tasted so bitter... never again!
Simeon: I'd also add some bad news to that. It's mixed with soju
Ichigo: Never again.
Beel: Please don't. I don't wanna risk drunken Ichigo.
Haruka: Oh yeah, it's not a good view.
Simeon: What happens if she's drunk?
Beel: One word, chaotic.
Haruka: Yeah...
Ichigo: What's that supposed to mean?! What did I do?!
Beel: Many things, dear. Many, many things...
Ichigo pouts because she has no idea how she acts while drunk, but from Beel and Haruka's words, she seems like a chaotic drunk. She hopes she doesn't do anything horrible when she's drunk.
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