#and yes this includes the bonus spectres:
kazoosandfannypacks · 6 months
My favorite thing about the spectres is they're all always telling each other, "you don't have to hide your problems. You can talk about your problems" but they're also always like "No, I cannot talk about my problems." Every single member of The Ghost crew is constantly saying, "well, SOMEBODY here has to start being emotionally vulnerable, but it's CERTAINLY not going to be me." Top tier found family dynamic, 11/10, no notes.
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tinydefector · 2 months
G/N human reader headcanons with Ratchet, Knockout, and Starscream. Reader has autism. Their special interests include roller coasters and horror/slasher content. Bonus points if The Racer (Kings Island) or Space Mountain (Disney World) is mentioned. As for horror, extra points for the any Freddy Krueger mentions. Ehehe, reader definitely will try to pull them into watching a slasher movie, or maybe persuade them to go to an amusement park (in their holoform maybe?). Sorry if this is too specific 😅
Warnings: slight mention of gore
Word count: 2k
Request and ask open, read pinned post
So where I am in Australia, we don't really have a lot of Rollacosters, so I hope I did this alright. I tried to add a mix into this, so I do hope you enjoy it.
- this is a mech who doesn't like horror movies after the experience with the zombie Venicons/ spark eaters
-he does make exceptions for certain movies mainly ones which don't involve undead monsters
- he tends to let you ramble about different slashers but doesn't have much input into it. 
- He isn't fond of human's but he does make an exception for you, he enjoy watching you get excited. 
- he does take quite an interest in your liking for Rollacosters because of the adrenaline aspect of it. 
-he ends up taking you on joy flights quite often. 
"Starscream... I know you have been rather busy but would you be up for watching some horror movies with me?" Their voice calls out as the Decepticon continues walking around his quarters. It wasn't often that they got to ask him.
"Horror movies, you say? Well, this is an unexpected invitation," Starscream replies thoughtfully. "While I do enjoy watching organics squirm in fear on screen, I have several tasks that demand my attention this cycle. It would not do for me to neglect my duties as Air Commander, not with Megatron in one of his moods. Perhaps another time, when our schedules align?" 
He pauses, considering. Entertainment has its and perhaps he could continue his duties while watching. "Very well then, a short viewing session. But only if you have procured films with impressive gore and suspense. None of that formulaic slash and spatter."
With that, Starscream returns his attention to his datapads, he slowly types away on the data pad, optics flicking between watching them and working.  
It wasn't often he actually took the time to spend quality time with you. Over the time you had been under his watch he had slowly grown to enjoy the company. "I can always put on one of the final destination films, I happen to rather enjoy the way the 'deaths' occur in the film. Plus my favourite is the Rollacoster one" they explain while setting everything up to be able to enjoy the movies. 
"Ah yes, Final Destination - I've heard Knockout speak of that series before, after one of his ‘outings’ " Starscream replies thoughtfully. "Let's see if it lives up to its grisly reputation." As the human begins cueing up the selected film, Starscream settles himself in for the viewing, optics gleaming with anticipation. 
"Do press play then, and we shall see if Earth's deathly spectre can outdo the Pit-spawned horrors of Cybertron's gladiatorial arenas," Starscream says with a sly grin. 
They snuggle in against his side despite the fact the bot wasn't overly warm. "Honestly Rollacoster aren't that bad, we do have a few incidents with them every once in a while but a lot of the rides have gotten alot better over the years with safety. I have quite a few I really enjoy going on when I have the money" the begin info dumping while the movie begins playing.
"While Earth's primitive contraptions cannot compare to the aerial mysteries of Cybertron, I appreciate your insight into this...rollercoaster," he rumbles thoughtfully. typing away as he looks up every now and then. "Indeed, your species performs admirably under duress." 
"Stars you go on them for fun, the adrenaline of the ride. The wind against your skin and the loops that make you feel nauseous" they state teasingly "Maybe one day I could take you too one, once your war is over" they hum optimistically.
Starscream chuckles softly. "I understand the appeal of testing one's frame to its limits. In the skies above Cybertron, there was nothing like breaking the sound barrier in a tailspin or outfoxing three Autobot Seekers at once. The rush of battle-joy before the sweet relief of victory...ah, those were cycles to savour indeed." 
His optics take on a distant glow, recalling aerobatic glories past. Turning to gaze upon his companion, Starscream's manner softens. "Your offer is...kind. Misplaced, but kind. “
-he's a bot who has seen to many horrors, and would rather not watch horror movies at all
-he's more than happy reading horror stories and a few times he has actually ready you to sleep. 
-he does take the time to take you back to bed and turn off movies
-Rollacosters are another thing he isn't fond off but he does let you take him on Roller Coaster ride.
- expect him to tell you all about the dangers of Rollacosters 
"Come on Ratchet I promise it's gonna be fun!" The human laughs while dragging the medics' holoform with them towards the Rollacoster. The theme park had been packed full of people. Ratchet's holoform sighed in exasperation, reluctantly following along as the human dragged him towards the roller coaster. The theme park was bustling with people, the sound of laughter and excitement filling the air. Ratchet's optics narrowed, his concern for the safety of the humans growing.
"Look, I understand that amusement parks are meant to be enjoyable, but you should also prioritise your safety," Ratchet grumbled, trying to reason with the human. "Roller coasters can be dangerous if not properly maintained."
He glanced around, assessing the crowd and observing the roller coaster's structure. His holoform crossed his arms, a stern expression on his face. "I'm not going on that thing."
"Ratchet, they aren't dangerous, they have to do that much maintenance and safety check on them. I promise you it will be safe!" They state while lining up for the ride with him. Ratchet's holoform raised an optic ridge, sceptical of the human's assurance. He knew the importance of safety checks and maintenance, but he couldn't help but worry about the unpredictable nature of amusement park rides. Nevertheless, he found himself standing in line with the human, observing the roller coaster as it roared by.
"Fine, we'll give it a shot," Ratchet reluctantly agreed, his tone still cautious. "But if anything feels off or if I detect any potential danger, we're getting off immediately. Understand!" As they waited in line, Ratchet kept a watchful optic on the ride's operations and the safety measures in place. He couldn't help his concern for the human's well-being, even if he tried to hide it behind his gruff exterior.
"Ratch you worry so much you old bucket of bolts!" They press their head against the holoforms shoulder. "You'll enjoy it I promise you, now stop worrying. Come on!" they state while dragging him further up the line. Ratchet stiffened slightly, He couldn't help but feel a flicker of annoyance at their dismissive remark, but he also understood their intention. To lighten the atmosphere and make him let go of his worries, even if just for a moment.
He sighed and allowed himself to be dragged further up the line, reluctantly letting go of his concerns for the time being. "Alright, alright," he grumbled, his voice carrying a hint of resignation. "But remember, I'll be holding you to your promise."
It isn't until after the ride that they are sitting down. Ratchet's hologram looks rather pale after the ride. Their laughter is soft as they watch him come down for his first Rollercoaster ride. Ratchet tries to maintain a composed demeanour, despite feeling a bit disoriented and pale. They noticed the human's amusement at his expense and couldn't help but let out a grumpy sigh.
"I hope you enjoyed that spectacle," Ratchet muttered, attempting to regain their composure. "Though I must admit, that was an... interesting experience."
A small smirk tugged at the corner of their lips, teasing and lightheart remarks passed between them both in that moment. Deep down, he knew that the experience wasn't as dreadful as he initially feared, even if his hologram didn't quite hide their pale color.
"Just don't expect me to become a roller coaster enthusiast anytime soon," Ratchet added, a hint of amusement in his tone. "Now, let's find something a little less... intense to enjoy, shall we?"
Ratchet's holoform listened as the human chartered away, discussing their favourite roller coasters and transitioning into conversations about their other interests and hyperfixations. Ratchet found himself intrigued by the human's passion and enthusiasm.
"Interesting," Ratchet commented, a hint of curiosity in their voice. "I can understand the appeal of the ride but I'd rather not go on another."
- Knockout has always enjoyed human horror movies and he adores getting to watch them with you. 
-he will curl up watching them with you even if they startle him often with jump scares. 
-he loves theorising things about different slashers and horror movies. 
-Rollercoasters on the other hand he doesn't like, he'd rather keep his feet on flat ground. 
- he does find it rather amusing listening to you talk about your hyperfixation. 
- he will actively take you to amusement parks just so he can enjoy watching you have fun. 
They laugh lightly as Knockout's optics widened as the unexpected jumpscare appeared on the screen, causing him to involuntarily jump in his seat. His engine revved in surprise, a faint whirring sound emanating from his frame. "Omg did you get jump scared by Freddy Krueger!" They giggle while eating popcorn. 
His attention shifted from the movie to the fleshy sitting beside him, their laughter contagious and infectious.
He playfully narrowed his optics, a mischievous smirk forming on his faceplate. "Oh, you think that's funny, do you?" Knockout retorted, his voice laced with a hint of amusement. He reached over and playfully nudged them with his servo. "Just you wait. I'll make sure to get you back with an even better scare."
As the movie continued, Knockout couldn't help but enjoy the bonding experience. They lean their head against Knockout while they continue watching their movie, "watch those claws Krueger!" They shoot at him.Knockout chuckled softly at their playful comment and leaned closer to them, his frame emitting a low purr of amusement. He draped his servo over their shoulder, the metal plating of his fingers acting as a gentle caress against their flesh.
"Krueger doesn't stand a chance against me, my dear," Knockout replied, his voice laced with a hint of smugness. "I've got claws of my own, and trust me, they're much more impressive than his."
"Hahaha Knockout he's a Dream demon you don't stand a chance mister!, remember the zombie Venocons, you squealed like a little girl!" They almost shout at him.
Knockout's optics widened in mock offence at their words, his audio receptors registering their playful shout. He couldn't help but let out a laugh, his voice filled with amusement and a touch of embarrassment.
"Hey now, let's not bring up ancient history!" Knockout responded, feigning indignation. "Those Vehicons caught me by surprise, that's all. It was a momentary lapse of composure, I assure you." He playfully nudged them with his elbow, his smirk returning. "But trust me, when it comes to dream demons or any other menacing creatures, I'll make sure to show them who's the real master of scare around here."
With a twinkle in his optics, Knockout grabs them. He chuckled mischievously as they squealed and tried to escape his grasp. His grip tightened ever so slightly, his servos strong and secure, preventing them from slipping away. He relished in their playful resistance, enjoying the thrill of the chase.
"Oh, no you don't," Knockout teased, his voice laced with amusement. "You're not getting away that easily, my dear."  Knockout leaned in closer, his voice lowering to a flirtatious whisper. "You know, you're quite adorable when you squirm like that. But don't worry, I won't keep you captive for too long. Just long enough to enjoy this little game we're playing."
As the movie continued to play, Knockout held them in his grasp, their laughter blending with the sounds of the film. It was a playful and content moment he had in such a long time. a reminder that even amidst the chaos, there was room for laughter and enjoyment. “I hope you know that I'll get you back my dear, just you wait sweetspark, this little game is on “ he hums lightly against their ear. 
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🪄🪄 fuck me UP cast 💜🖤
Oh ho ho ho you're gonna regret this "'Cause you are the question and you are the truth And you are the answer and everything's you Now there's a reason, now there's a light" - Supercollide by BANNERS These might be the lyrics that sparked the start of my obsession with torturing Daddy Dipshit. Because the only thing better than writing burgeoning romance is writing other people being horrified at the romance that they mistake for fanaticism/obsession, apparently. Watching Garry boy make terrible decisions and become infatuated with someone he doesn't approve of who looks like they literally wanna start a galactic war? Hell fucking yes pls it works so well "Up to no good after hours. It's a shame we get so violent. I never thought, we could be so different. I try, I try, oh I try, oh man we tried. We tried so hard but you know what. We can never talk." We Can Never Talk - Greg June Bc man oh man gimme a song that more describes the nasty old birds? It's a shame we get so violent? Imagine the genuine desire they both have to be loved and yet they're both incapable of showing it, so they just fuckin... destroy things instead (including one another's hearts eventually). I never thought we could be so different? I love to put these boys having met in basic - their entire adult lives were on the same damned path until everything went to shit and they ended up on opposite sides of the spectre - c-sec dispute. We tried hard but you know what, we can never talk? If either one of them had a braincell that wasn't wrapped up in traditionally turian angstiness they'd be able to FUCKING TALK THINGS OUT but instead the fuckers just break shit and argue and claim they're not in love even though they co-own a crappy apartment with nosy neighbours who aren't sure whether they live next to an underground prizefighting ring or porn set from the noise. And, bonus! "I go, In this direction I'm sorry that yours is different And it's tearing me up within
I can't keep moving back and forth I go my way, you go yours Lost in the middle of it all Will things be the same when I come back? Don't forget you told me that You'll always pick up, pick up when I call" Love to Go - Lost Frequencies God this one works so well for so many different scenarios that have been percolating through my thick skull and why the hell is this sappy love song intro'd by such a poignant bit of sadness. Just fucking shoot me already.
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flightyquinn · 9 months
Warrior Monk Almost Archetype
So, in the interest of Not Forgetting, I'm going to recount what I did this morning;
Struck by sudden inspiration, my brain conjured up the half-formed spectre of a new Monk archetype for Pathfinder 1e. I then proceeded to tell some of my friends about the idea, and with help from them, to spend a couple hours banging it into a rough shape that could probably be further hammered into a playable design if I was not literally sick and tired right now. The basic premise we ended up working out was as follows.
Warrior Monk - An archetype loosely based around the concept of, "You ever notice how Monks get all these cool weapons that they can use, but never will because their bare hands are better?"
As such, the Warrior Monk loses Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, and scaling unarmed damage.
Instead, they start out having Improved Critical with monk weapons.
They count as having Improved Unarmed strike for the purposes of taking feats, and may use such feats while wielding monk weapons, including if that feat requires an empty hand.
There was discussion of replacing Catch Off-Guard and Throw Anything in the bonus feats, but we didn't come up with anything to replace them with. I currently consider them left as-is.
At 4th, when they get their Ki Pool, they can spend a point to enchant their weapons like a Magus can with their Arcane Pool, except that the Warrior Monk doesn't get access to Speed or Keen, but instead to Repositioning and Heartseeker, and because those are melee-only, to Returning and Anchoring as well.
They also lose having unarmed strikes count as magic at 4th level (since they have another way to make their attacks magical).
Starting at 7th level, however, they do get a new set of "ki strike" effects as long as they have a ki point remaining.
At 7th level, monk weapons they wield deal damage to incorporeal creatures as though they had the Ghost Touch ability.
At 10th level, their monk weapons are also treated as lawful weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
At 16th level, whenever a Warrior Monk scores a critical hit with a monk weapon, it causes any Regeneration the target of that attack possesses to stop functioning, as though it had been hit with an appropriate damage type.
(Yes, that one got fleshed out.)
It needs a lot more polish, definitely some playtesting, and I haven't even tried to adapt this for Unchained, but there's probably enough meat here that someone could turn it into a fully-fledged archetype. Not me, though. At least not now. I'm too goddamn tired.
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otemporanerys · 2 years
Spectre Requisitions 2022 Exchange Letter
Hello friend! First of all, I’m so stoked for the exchange. I’m sure I’ll love whatever you write: please don’t feel like the prompts/likes are limiting you in any way. They're more suggestions than an exhaustive checklist.
Just got a few things to elaborate on in my requests:
What sort of fic do you like?
Good question! I mainly read/write Shakarian: my fics and my bookmarks can be found here. I’d say that my ideal fic combines romance with character. I love smut, but particularly I enjoy it when it illuminates something about the people involved. I love romance/smut fic that doesn’t take itself too seriously and allows for humour/awkwardness: but on the other hand sometimes I just want to read something sordid and dirty. I’m much more of an angst person than a fluff person, but I will not say no to something sweet as long as it’s not, you know, toothache inducing. 
What are your general porn preferences?
I’m fairly vanilla tbh, I prefer more direct references to genitals (cock/dick/cunt/pussy), like a good mix of actually talking about the action and also thoughts and feelings. I like some BDSM but definitely more on the “tying people up/slapping them around” side of it rather than verbal humiliation. I’m very happy with PWP, but I do like the sex to be rooted in character and emotion. 
I’m also fine with Mature/Teen/Everyone rated fic - smut is a nice bonus but not a necessity.
You say you like most AUs. Even high school/human/mundane?
YES ALL OF THOSE. But my favourite thing about AUs is when they kind of rhyme with canon - so I’m probably more likely to appreciate a Mass Effect sports AU than a coffee shop AU, if that makes sense. But honestly, yes, love them. (If you’re keeping the canon setting, I don’t see the point of human AUs, but species swaps are fun!)
Your preferences around Shepard?
I feel like I covered it in the letter, but just to be clear: I don’t really like it when people refer to their Shepard exclusively/mainly by their first names. (ESPECIALLY when Garrus does it, I think it’s different with Kaidan/Ash, but never mind.) I’m fine with different appearances, but that’s the one thing that does throw me out of a fic. 
I do love a good Renegade, but fuck space racism and fuck Cerberus.
What do you mean by feral turians?
My really big squick is the “biting during mating” trope. Really dislike it. Don’t think it’s wrong or anything, just not My Jam. I don’t mind rough turian sex, but I like it to be that and not anything inherent to their species or whatever. In terms of other turian headcanons, I don’t mind knotting, self-lubricated penises, stuff like that, but I prefer not to dwell on it.
I am, however, fully signed up to Team “All Turians Are Subs.” Well, maybe not Solana.
What about “no bondmates”?
I dunno, the word just gives me the heeby-jeebies. Just use spouse/partner!
What do you mean by dub-con?
I realise that this is kind of touchy territory and everyone has different limits! For me, what I’m mainly looking for is what romance novels used to call “forced seduction” - basically there’s a verbal or implied no but they secretly want/enjoy it. I am fully aware that this is a grey area between dub-con and non-con and you are under NO OBLIGATION WHATSOEVER to write it. I included alternative prompts for the requests where I’m OK with dub-con, and really, don’t worry about it. 
Any NOTPs?
I really am not a fan of Garrus/Tali (Garrus/Tali/Shepard is fine) - I’m all right with background references if you must but would rather you avoid. I prefer maleShep/Kaidan to femShep/Kaidan, but if you want to include either in the background that’s OK. 
Again, thanks so much for signing up to the exchange - I’m really looking forward to whatever you gift me! I allow anon asks if you have any questions.
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regressionanxiety · 4 years
From Russia With Love (1963)
Time for that second Bond movie y’all! Like last time it is basically me recapping the movie with my own comments thrown in so you know, spoilers (also one for the last season of Designated Survivor, because I’m like that). 
Ah after a brief look through the barrel of the gun we enter the classic Bond cold open for the first time! Bond is playing cat and mouse with a broad shouldered blond in a fancy garden with statues and hedges and shit. The blond man pulls a wire out of his watch and strangles Bond, oh no! Flood lights turn on and we see many men wearing the exact same outfit (black on black, turtlenecks). The man is congratulated on his perfect time (1 min 52 sec). Then we take a look at Bond on the ground, wait, it isn’t Bond? It’s a mask! It is another man, still dead though.
INTROTIME! This time it is the credits projected onto a dancing woman's body (007 of course gets the breasts). The great thing about this franchise is that it will never let you forget just how misogynistic it is. 
This time we start in Venice. We know this because there are canalboats and a big sign that says that we’re at “Venice international grandmasters championship” A chess tournament then, and on the board of the next match is a reminder that we are a long time ago and that czechoslovakia is still a thing (also the indoor smoking), just like on one of the maps we had when I was a kid in school because they couldn’t afford to replace it. Anywhoo, Venice, chess.
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Scene change, we’re now in a floating lair (a boat or maybe I should say ship, big yacht?), there’s a small aquarium with fish that eat each other, a white cat being petted by hands attached to a man whose face is not yet revealed who is issuing commands to a russian woman. He/they are SPECTRE of course, our old enemy. She is “number three”, he has a hideous ring with the SPECTRE octopus symbol. Number 5 joins them, he is the Czechoslovakian chess player (Kronsteen???) (who won), together they discuss their evil plan. They are stealing some decoding machine from the Russian in order to do so they need a female from the Russian cryptography section in Turkey and British intelligence, they will of course not know that they are being used. Bonus: They may get revenge for the murder of Dr. No. Number 5 has made it obvious that it is a trap because British intelligence won’t be able to resist it. 
Now we’re back at the estate of the opening scene, where fake Bond was killed. Blond Man is tanning on a blanket, a blonde woman is joining him as a helicopter carrying Number 3 arrives. 
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Ah, those lazy bottle bleached days...Nr. 3 is looking for a Grant, ostensibly the Mr. Blond. They walk through the tranining facilites and the guy who met Nr. 3 brags about them using live targets on occasion, because training is well and good, but cannot replace experience. She finds him acceptable. I like Nr. 3, she’s a little subvertive (but of course she is evil *eyeroll*). 
Ah, here appears a Russian woman, presumably the aforementioned “female” Tatiana Romanova (wow, such russian). Nr. 3 has reading glasses thicker than coke bottle bottoms.
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Those subtitles say “I will obey your orders” and so she will, otherwise she’d be dead. Nr. 3 is not to be trifeld with. Romanova has been hand picked to be a seductress, to Bond presumably. Who we meet in the next scene, he’s in a boat with a woman, Syliva, who caresses a scar on his back and asks if it is from another woman who was jealous, “yes, but I haven’t turned my back on one since” he replies. We met Sylvia in Dr. No, he had to leave for Jamaica then. Their little outing is interrupted by beeping that means Bond must phone the office, which of course needs him, and so Sylvia doesn’t get quite as much attenton as she wanted, but he makes time for some “lunch”.
Back at M’s office they realize it’s a trap (Nr. 5 was clearly  correct in is analysis of British intelligence), but Bond is intrigued once he sees the picture of the stunning Romanova, of course. 
Enter Q, Bond gets toys this time around! Not just a new gun like last time, now he gets a suitcase with twenty hidden rounds of ammunition, a secret throwing knife, and AR7 folding snipers rifle, .25 caliber with infrared telescopic sight, some hidden 50 gold sovereigns in the handle, a tin of talcum powder that is teargas that will explode if you open the suitcase in the normal way, instead Bond must first turn the catches horizontally, then open normally. Bond thinks this is ridiculous.
Then he says goodbye to Miss Moneypenny with the traditional flirtation that goes nowhere and gets his plane ticket to Istanbul, gives Miss Moneypenny the picture of Romanova and writes “from Russia with love” on it. Oh Bond...
 He lands in Istanbul and someone is following him already, because of course they are, two mustached men as well as the SPECTRE hired Grant. The mustaches are hunagrians hired by the russians according to the driver, “they follow us, we follow them, it’s a sort of understanding we have.”
The driver takes him to Kerim Bey, who says the driver is is son, so are all his top employees because blood is the only thing to be trusted. I think he is in for a rude awakening at some point. Kerim warns him that it is a foolish endeavor and that he should spend a few days enjoying Istanbul and then go home. 
We see Grant again, with someone gagged and bound in the back seat. Bond goes to his hotel, and it’s no dump, he’s in room 32, and it comes wired with bugs, luxurious! Bond asks for a new room because “the bed is to small”, they agree to show him the bridal suite
Meanwhile Grant dumps the car and the body of the man in the back outside the Russian consulate (I think), so that they will suspect the British, and as Nr. 3 says “the cold war in Istanbul won’t be cold very much longer”
The next morning Ali Kerim Bey’s office is bombed as he’s about to have sex with a woman who moaned his name until he put his papers down and gave her attention. She’s a spy for sure, because he’s not that interesting. Bond shows up later and he and Kerim Bey go down under the building, where there is some underground cave/channel and a boat (and rats). 
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Kerim Bey has a fuckin telescope under the Russian consulate! He runs through who is who, including the beautiful Romanova. They decide it is best Bond doesn’t go back to his hotel. Now they trick their tail and go visit Kerim Bey’s “Gypises” who he uses “Like the Russians use the Bulgars” this is going to be some racist stereotypical nonsense isn’t it?
Some Russians (one of them they saw in the telescope and is probably the guy who made the mine that blew up Kerim Bey’s office) are up to something, seeing Bond & Kerim Bey’s arrival.
Ah yes, two girls are in love with same man and are threatening to kill each other, it will be settled in the “gypsy way” whatever that is. Kerim Bey and Bond are invited to a table with them “I hope you are good at eating with your fingers,” he tells Bond. Ah, of course, belly dancing, a lil throwback to the intro credits that.
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While Bond is being entertained, the Russians are creeping in. Mr. Grant of SPECTRE is also lurking about. The two women who are in love with the same man fights each other, just as one has a bottle over the other’s head the Russians crash the party. Fighting ensues, Bond saunters through with ease, or the secret aid of one SPECTRE agent who needs him alive long enough to aid with the decipher acquisition. Remember Bond has yet to meet Romanova, he’s only been here one night! 
Bond has saved their leaders life, and is now “his son”, and asks if they can’t stop the “girl fight” - Oh Bond, they don’t need you you ass. The man says he can decide. 
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They are delivered to his tent and he is told to decide, it fades out to him saying “this might take som time” followed by a Connery smirk (he’s a very pouty man isn’t he? Also he’s in his thirties here...)
Bond and Kerim Bey go to take out the Russian who attacked the, since Kerim Bey has been shot, Bond has brought his little folding rifle. Kerim Bey insists on shooting even though he only has one arm. Bond lets him. There is a secret hatch in the wall, opening in the mouth of a woman who is postered there, ample opportunity for some jokes about her pretty mouth that...
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Bond is back at his hotel now, doing the most human thing I’ve seen him do, kick of his shoes. Then he orders breakfast for one at nine, green figs, yogurt and coffee, very black. He slowly undresses and makes his way towards the bathroom, he sniffs something strange in the air. THen he hears thumps. He grabs his gun and goes to check it out, wearing nothing but a towel.
Enter Romanova. Naked, in bed. They greet, he tells her she is beautiful, she tells him she think her (very small) mouth is too big, he thinks it is just the right size and they kiss, or rather he kinda rubs his mouth against her. Really, I never enjoy kissing on screen, but Connery is terrible at it. He asks her for blueprints of the consulate, she promises it, but they will fuck first. She’s got one job, lay back and think of Russia. Nr. 3 & Grant are outside filming. It’s a porn now, I’m sure you can track down a recreation of this as an actual porn somewhere, rule 34 and all that. 
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I hope his dick is better than his kisses Ms. Romanova. The next day Romanova and Bond meet at St. Sophia, the Russian’s Ukrainan is following. Tourists are getting a very monotonous tour. Grant takes care of the Ukraininan as she’s about to steal the information left for Bond. 
Bond & Kerim Bey have a chat about how mysterious it was with the Ukraininan, and Bond also says that Romanova will do anything for him, Kerim Bey does not believe that, he’s sure she’s a double agent. Bond says he only wants the dechiffrerer anyway, Kerim Bey asks “is that all?” and they have a chuckle. 
Bond & Romanova meet on a boat, he has a camera that is really a tape recorder and he asks her questions about the decoding machine. She asks if he will make love to her in Englan, he says yes and we see M and the rest of the office listening to the tape. M ends up throwing Miss Moneypenny out of the room, she looks like she’s about to start laughing. She of course can listen in via the intercom at her desk, M. knows this and asks her to send Bond a “cable”. M. gives Bond the go-ahead for the deal over the decoder. Bond tells Romanova it will be on the fourteenth, not the thirteenth, even though it will be.  
Bond walks into the russian consulate, a convenient bomb, set off by Kerim Bey in the tunnels below, causes chaos and he seeks out Romanova and the device. They escape down into the tunnels, but oh no, the rats!
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They must go another way than inteded, Kerim Bey leads the way! They escape the Russians aboard a train, but Gran is of course there, they are playing straight into his hands, oh no! Will Bond get out of this pickle? The question should really be will Kerim Bey and Romanova get out of it.
One of the russians got onto the train after all, Benz, and they seek him out, stuff a handkerchief in his mouth and Kerim Bey sits down with him, to keep him company until it is time to get off. Well, that is until Kerim Bey is murdered. Grant of course, but they seem to think the Russian and Kerim Bey did each other in. Bond takes Kerim’s yellow cigarette holder or whatever, and looks sad. He has lost a friend.
 The train trundles past Kerim’s son who is supposed to pick them up along the tracks and he is confuse. Bond takes out his upset on Romaonova, demanding the truth from her. 
At six thirty-three the train arrives in Beograd. Where another of Kerim’s sons await, getting terrible news. Grant is doing his usual lurking about. Bond gives the son Kerim’s items and jumps back onboard. Next stop: Zagreb, where Bond asked someone to meet him, but Grant takes the mans place. They re-board. Bond sends Grant (maquerading as Captain Nash) and Romanova ahead of him to the restaurant wagon. Then proceeds to sneak into Nash’s suitcase. 
During the meal Grant spills Romanova’s drink, refills with a little something extra. Pretty sure Bond sees it, but lets it pass. Romanova feels unwell on the way back. They put her to bed, then Bond puts a gun to Grant, who smooth talks his way out of it, shows Bond a map and stuns him with the handle of his gun (a lot of that going round in this movie). They’re in the same space as the suitcase with the tear gas, and I’m sure Bond is going to get out of this pickle by tricking him to opening it so that the tear gas booms him. 
Now for the villain tells too much talk! yay! I love these, they’re so ridiculous (spoiler for Designated survivor, in season three when Maggie Q’s character is just killed with a comment about how in real life that’s not how it goes, I was howling, and crying as she was the only reason I bothered watching still, very okay with it being cancelled). Bond is being a classist prick as usual and says he should have known since Grant ordered red wine with fish (PS. I’ve drank an entire bottle of cheap red as I watched this, hence the deterioration in uh, quote accuracy and “proper” language). Bond is all “you SMERSH people” smh, but then realizes that, no of course, SPECTRE! Ah, acronym soup.
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I still can’t believe this guy is in his thirties here. Anywhoo. Grant says “I don’t mind talking, I get a kick out of watching Mr. Bond finding out what a bloody fool he’s been making of himself. We’re pro’s Mr. Bond.” 1. If you were pro’s you would have shot Bond already 2. I’m sure he’ll use that damn suitcase against you! Grant admits that Romanova doesn’t know she’s working for SPECTRE, that she believes she is doing this for SMERSH. Grant also calls Bond “old man” and who is older? I cannot tell. 
Here we go, Bond tricking him to opening the suitcase by promising him the 50 sovereigns. Fighting time! Here comes Grant’s watch wire, but Bond isn’t so easily offed when he’s real aaaand he off’s Grant with the very same wire. Beautiful. Bond then takes his cash and calls Grant’s body “old man”. I’m ded. 
The train starts hooting, there’s a truck on the tracks. Bond grabs the half conscious Romanova and drags her off the train with him. She falls asleep under a bush. He sneaks around some more, looking to get Grant’s men. He knocks one out, ties him up, throws him in the truck. Then he throws Romanova on a literal (truck) bed of flowers before getting in the truck himself. They’re driving off in the night, then the day. A yellow tailed helicopter, suspiciously like the noe nr. 3 arrived in when she picked up Grant comes at them. Bond runds around and let the helicopter chase him. This is terrible. Alright scenery though.
Bond hides in a convenient rock formation and brings out his rifle again. Guy in helicopter is about to throw down a hand grenade, but Bond and his .25 rifle shots him in the arm so he drops the grenade INSIDE THE HELICOPTER
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Once again Bond survives through luck. Now they’ve arrived at a boat (still following Grant’s escape route I guess) and the driver is out of luck, once they’ve reached full speed Bond pushes him overboard. They’re headed for Venice (from Croatia if I’m not mistaken). 
Cut to the floating lair of guy with white cat, where nr. 3 and 5 are meeting with him, and she, of course, gets blamed for the failure, despite having  followed the plan. She says Bond was the reason, but five won’t hear it. That poor cat isn’t being petted right. She thinks she’ll be killed now, but instead guy with cat (number one) gives five a kick with a poisoned blade that came out of his boot. Three is now very keen on getting Bond so she will live. 
 Now Bond is in a boat chase, the chasers shoot out all the fuel barrels. So Bond lets them all plop into the ocean, then makes them go boom with a signal gun. I’m not sure that’s how that works, but okay. They loose their chasers. 
Now we’ve come full circle, back where we started. Venice. Hotel room. Maid shows up, pretty sure it’s number three here to steal something. A time for Romanova to figure out her loyalties. She picks Bond. I must admit I’m a bit sad, three was a good character to root for, but only if she ran her own evil empire.
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“James, behave yourself, we are being filmed.”
“Oh, not again.”
except not quote because James Bond will retur in GOLDFINGER. See ya soon Mr. Bond. 
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hiroasu-akika · 5 years
Yo everybody, here have some VRAINS Fanfic Ideas/Prompts
I'll probably try my hand at these myself at some point, but I'm putting them out for anyone to use because I probably wouldn't write them well. Prompt #1: Yusaku can see and/or summon Duel Spirits. Just a general thing, feel free to do whatever you want with this one. Some of the following prompts are a more fleshed out version of this concept.
One of the thoughts that spawned this idea was what if Yusaku was spirit sensitive during the Lost Incident, and thus was pretty much adopted by Duel Spirits. Fast forward ten years, and he has a Jiraiya of the Sannin-level spy network without anyone being any the wiser. There was also the thought of stern and standoffish Playmaker being Soft(™) with his monsters. Animal-like and The simple machine monsters would be pets. The human-like monsters would range from parental figures, to older or younger siblings to small children. The Code Talkers would absolutely act like how medieval knights would toward their king/liege. His dragons would be the seemingly ferocious guard dogs that growl at anything within 30 feet of Yusaku, but are in reality “the attention span of a sparrow” puppies. (They are adorable and Yusaku loves them, yes he does. Firewall really is a ferocious guard dog with everyone except Yusaku tho)
You could also do a Yusaku slowly awakens to the ability to see/hear Duel Spirits mid-canon (at any point in the plot you want). 
This could be funny: Yusaku being confused(™) until it makes sense, or angsty: Yusaku getting incredibly paranoid/anxious or thinking he's actually going insane while his friends/allies/fans begin to worry as he begins to act strangely.
(I just really want Spirit/Psychic Duelist!Yusaku in any form okay?)
Prompt #2: The one where Yusaku catches the eye of Stardust Dragon, and is subsequently adopted by said dragon without any say in the matter.
(Bonus if Yusei is just there and serenely lets it happen.)
Stardust: this is my son I will vaporize anything that hurts him
Yusei: yea cool guess I've got a little brother now
Yusaku: ...do I get any say in th-
Stardust: shh my sweet child I will protect you
Yusei: no not really
Random Knight of Hanoi #179: *hurts Yusaku, is realizing his error* OOOOOH SHIIII-!!!!! SOL Tech: *sweats*
Note #1 - Yusaku can see Duel Spirits in this AU. They tend to materialize themselves [read: to defend their precious child] in his general vicinity whenever they feel like it. Den City as a whole is pretty much resigned to and somewhat fond/proud of this fact. (Most of its residents have in fact all adopted Yusaku as well. Tourists are usually hella confused.)
Tourist: hey does that kid have a Kuriboh on his head? Den City Resident: that's just Yusaku, don't mind him
Tourist: is that a goddamn DRAGON??? Den City Resident: *serenely, not even looking* that's normal everything is fine
Tourist: ?!??! Note #2 - Yusei can be along for the ride. If so, he and Stardust are pretty much post-5D's immortal gods that watch over mankind while the Crimson Dragon sleeps.
Note #3 - Can be cracky, serious, angsty, or anything in-between, go wild! Prompt #3: How to Train Your [Cracking/Borrel/Stardust/Sky/Winged] Dragon - The one where Duel Monsters wander freely and peacefully around VRAINS when not in use during duels, and Playmaker stumbles across an injured Cracking Dragon. Chaos ensues as he helps and inadvertently befriends the beast. Note - Could alternatively have the Duel Monster be one of Revolver's "Borrel" Dragons, Stardust Dragon, or- for the lols- Slifer the Sky Dragon or the Winged Dragon of Ra. Prompt #4: The one where Yusaku is thrown headfirst from Link VRAINS into the world of My Hero Academia, with Ai along for the ride. (Can be cracky, serious, angsty, or anything in-between, go wild!) Suggestions that don't have to be used - Yusaku's “Quirk” could be his Link Sense, only amplified to the point where he has the ability to connect to/hack the network and manipulate it however he wishes with any electronic device or his thoughts. He can also summon his Cyberse monsters by forming them from raw data. Yusaku can also turn into Playmaker to hide his identity.
Ai can either remain in Yusaku’s duel disk, or leave it in either his tiny or full sized “human” forms. He can also transform into his six-armed monster form, in which he can consume data to either save or delete it. Kaminari could possibly trigger Yusaku's PTSD with his Quirk on accident. Prompt #5: The one where Yusaku is unknowingly infected with a virus, and all hell breaks loose. Can either be pretty-much-drunk/high!Yusaku, or essentially Berserk Jinchuriki!Yusaku, or just angst. NOTHING sexual, please. Prompt #6: The one where Link VRAINS falls prey to a virus/hacker, leaving everyone currently logged in with no way to log out- including Playmaker. Basically SAO, YGO-style. Go wild with this one. Prompt #7: The one where VRAINS and the real world are merged without any warning, and Yusaku is unfortunately smack in the middle of Algebra when his Link Sense goes crazy...seconds before he forcefully glitches into Playmaker right in front of his entire class. (This one was a random thought, and can be cracky, serious, or angsty.)
Prompt #8: The one where Yusaku’s account is hacked so that his avatar has the features of Firewall Dragon, and he can’t remove them. (...It was Ghost Girl’s fault, he just knew it.) Note - Yusaku has Firewall Dragon's halo, wings, tail, and can have some of its armor. He can also have elongated canines and claws. (And yes, the original thought was Ghost Girl pranking Playmaker.)
Prompt #9: The one where Yusaku is blind or deaf IRL due to permanent damage suffered during the Lost Incident, but he has his sight/hearing while in VRAINS because it isn't his physical body. (Conversely, he still lacks his missing sense(s) even while in VR, and is just really good at hiding being blind/deaf.) Suggestions for this AU that don't have to be used:
Note #1 - Can use one of two types of damage as the cause of Yusaku's disability:
Direct Damage: Yusaku suffered damage directly to his eyes/ears, allowing VRAINS to ignore said damage and for Yusaku to temporarily recover his lost sense while logged in. Brain Damage: The electric shocks caused damage directly to the parts of Yusaku's brain that are responsible for sight/hearing, which causes the damage to carry over even while Yusaku is logged into VRAINS. Note #2 - If blind, Yusaku programs his avatar's eyes to automatically track people's movements and faces so that he can “look" at them, and his cards to either have braille text, or an audio feed that only he can hear that reads his cards off to him. May have Ai and/or Roboppi serve as something similar to a seeing eye dog. Or you could throw Prompt #1 into the mix and also have Duel Spirits help Yusaku out. Yusaku can have a specially programmed set of (Ai-themed) headphones that Ai can inhabit that allow the Ignis to speak with him privately or IRL. They are a headset in VRAINS and earbuds IRL.] Note #3 - If deaf, Yusaku knows sign and is mute as well. He has specially programmed text boxes that allow him to read everything his opponent says during duels, and follow whatever is going on easier. Yusaku can have a specially programmed phone that Ai can inhabit to send him text messages when IRL. Ai can also learn Sign.] Note #4 - In either version, Yusaku knows Morse Code and programs his avatar to have a higher sensitivity to vibrations as well. Ai is also quite a bit more protective of Yusaku.
Prompt #10: Playmaker counts out his convictions in threes for everyone to hear. Fujiki Yusaku hasn't spoken in ten years. (AKA The Selectively Mute Yusaku AU.) Prompt #11: The one where the same virus that killed Dr. Kogami traps and fragments Playmaker's consciousness data (mind) in Link VRAINS, thereby rendering him comatose, and his allies are left with no way to rescue him- save for delving into his fragmented mind to wake him up in person. Basically the Danny Phantom's-class-enters-his-mind fic, VRAINS-style. If you've ever read one of those fics, you'll get the concept, but I'll try to explain it a little anyway. [Note #1 - Suggestions for the people who enter Yusaku's mind are: Ai, Kusanagi, Takeru, Flame, Ryoken, Spectre (follows Ryoken), Akira, Ema, Aoi, Aqua, Go (hacks in), Roboppi (brought by Ai), and Kengo (also hacks in).] [Note #2 - The group has to experience Yusaku's memories as they attempt to save him- including those of the Lost Incident- in visceral detail. (I, personally, would serve still-in-his-asshole-phase-Go a nice heaping helping of #Guilt/Remorse/Horror(™) if you have him witness the memories.)] [Note #3 - The facets of Yusaku's personality are fragmented, with each being represented as their own separate version of Yusaku. Some suggestions are as follows (feel free to use them or do your own thing). Anger: Playmaker, and his eyes as well as the glow lines of his suit are red. Fear: Yusaku in his pajamas, as he was when he was shown suffering night terrors. Happiness: Six year-old Yusaku before he suffered the Lost Incident. Sadness: Base Yusaku, but he barely reacts to anything or anyone. His eyes are blue and he is constantly crying in near silence.
Hate: Think pissed off and severely injured Playmaker, but if he also had Vector(Zexal) or Lightning's twisted personality traits. 
Self Doubt: Yusaku as a nervous wreck and blaming himself for everything that has ever gone wrong. Shyness: Yusaku, but if he acted like Reira(ARC-V) or Hinata from Naruto.
Confidence: Playmaker, but friendly and smiling and enjoying dueling.
Selflessness: Yusaku, but his color scheme is predominantly white. Would sacrifice himself for his allies.
Selfishness: Playmaker, but his color scheme is predominantly black. Would cast his allies aside without a second glance.
The true Yusaku can him as he normally appears, or his beat-up six year-old self just before being rescued, or a beat-up six year-old Playmaker.] Prompt #12: Dark Signer AU. The one where Yusaku didn't survive the Lost Incident, but thanks to being a Dark Signer, nobody realizes this little detail. (I need more Dark Signer!Yusaku m'kay? Nemesis by DarkZorua100 is glorious, bUT i neeD mORe) [Note #1 - Angst obviously, unless you can somehow put a humorous spin on Yusaku trying to hide the fact that he's, y'know, dead from everybody. And semi-failing. Takeru: ooooh my god he's f*cking dead yoU'RE a f*CKinG zomBIE-
Yusaku: wait i can expla-
Takeru: *illegible screeches of terror*
(i'm a terrible person who would make this funny heLP)
Can have the temperament of Yusaku's Immortal vary depending on whether you do angst or humor:
Angst: Either a complete asshole that makes Yusaku's unlife hell, or semi-benevolent. Humor: Excited puppy.]
[Note #2 - Stray thought was that Yusaku's Earthbound Immortal could be Ai's monster form? Or at least based on it. (or even be the reason Ai has it, since none of the other Ignis seemed to have alternate forms.)] [Note #3 - In my version, Yusaku was the only Lost Child to actually die. But you can have some or all of the rest of the children be Dark Signers too.] [Note #4 - Yusaku appears normal to everyone IRL- save for the facts that he-
Has no heartbeat and is strangely pale.
Exudes no body heat.
Never eats/sleeps or seems to react to pain when hurt (he doesn't bleed either).
He's a walking corpse and most people just don't connect the dots. In VRAINS, he's Playmaker as normal, but his sclera can change to, or permanently are, black. He also has a mark on his left cheek under his eye that's vaguely reminiscent of lines of digital coding.] Feel free to use any of these! Please send me a link to any stories you may write!
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imagine-darksiders · 7 years
Heyyy. How’s it going? I feel bad for asking again, and if you’re super busy it’s totally fine, but could you possibly write something about War and Death helping their SO through terrible period pain? I’m literally dying right now so it’d be a huge comfort. Bonus points if you include Draven.
Periods are a blight against humanity and I hate them lol. Sorry to hear you’re suffering, but know that I understand. :( 
Imagine how shite it would honestly be to have a period during the literal apocalypse without easy access to any painkillers or sanitary products. MMM NOPE. DON’T WANT TO IMAGINE. MM MM. 
War:The youngest rider of the apocalypse was slowly coming to learn thathumans are fartougher than he’d initially considered. Specifically those humanswho have a uterus. 
“Oh,come on! Shit. There’s got to be some around here.”
Warjerks his head to the side when yet another empty and slightly singedcardboard box goes sailing past his head. He raises a snowy eyebrowdown at the offending object as it thuds softly against a shelf ofmismatched bottles. Upon inspection, some of the oddly colouredcontainers have words like ‘shampoo’, ‘conditioner’and the like. Truly, humans are bewildering.
Thehorseman’s other eyebrow rises to join its twin as he turns to peerdown at you curiously. 
“Y/n?”he pipes up, “What are you doing?” 
Thedeep, rumbling voice of your travelling companion doesn’t disturbyou from your search aside from tossing your head over a shoulder tolook back at him and grumble, “Just looking for something.Won’t be a minute.” 
Warfrown and tilts his hooded head to one side. You’d been ‘justlooking for something’ in every single human supermarket you’d comeacross for the past two days. Something is clearly wrong, but nomatter how much he probes, you seem reluctant to divulge anything to him. 
Anothersmall box bounces uselessly off his chest and he throws it a cursoryscowl before stepping up behind you. He’s about to protest your vague answer when suddenly, you hiss and doubleover, clutching at your stomach and letting out a string ofbreathless expletives under your breath.
That in itself would because enough to alarm the hulking horseman. But what really rankleshim, is that when you’d bent over, he caught a flash of something highly concerning and terribly familiar. 
“Y/N!”the horseman barks, raising his hands calmingly, “Don’t move.” 
Youfreeze in your spot, panic suddenly shooting up from your stomach andinto your chest.
“Oh god. What? What is it!? Is there something onme? War? What’s wrong!?” 
Honestly,you’d fully expected him to pull some kind of hideously mutated bugfrom your shoulder. What you didn’t expect, was for him to huff atyou, equal parts frustrated and concerned. 
“Whydidn’t you tell me that you’d been wounded?” he growls. 
At hisexclamation, you pale and shoot a glance back at him before you spotwhere his gaze is directed. With a curse, you twist yourself painfully around to see if- 
“Damnit,” you seethe, “I really liked these trousers.” 
Warallows his mouth to drop open in a wide gape. Here you are, a small,frail little human, losing precious lifeblood and in obvious pain,but the object of your concern is none other than your clothing. He shakes his headand steps closer to you. 
“Ifyou are injured, allow me to-” 
“Hey!Woah there!” you shout, jumping back from the approaching horsemanand swatting his hovering hands away, “I’m not injured, I’mjust….you know… “ 
Scowldeepening, War grunts at you questioningly and continues his advance. It takes you a second torealise that he does not,in fact, know. 
“Wait….Youdon’t…” you face falls incredulously with a hint of mild agonythrown in the mix as a fresh wave of cramps suddenly thrums in yourabdomen. 
You really do not have the time to explain anatomy to aclueless horseman. 
You wave your hands dismissively in the air. “Okay,look. I’ll explain what’s going on, but I really need you to helpme find a full box of these.” One of the box-projectiles is held upin front of the horseman’s face. He squints at the bright,eye-catching writing on the side and his lips twist around the foreign word. 
Youclick your fingers and point at him excitedly, “That’s theone.” War casts his gaze around for a moment, then, his eyes land onsomething on the very top shelf, set far back from the edge. Hereaches out and takes it up delicately in his large, gauntleted hand then pouts down at it and gives it a gentle shake. Definitelyfull.
Thehorseman passes the box down to you and waits with bated breath as youinspect his find. He almost blanches when you suddenly cry out.
“YES!YES, WAR! These are-” you clutch the prized possessions to yourchest and beam up at him, “-These are perfect. Thank you!”
Hischest swells with pride.
“Alright,”you shove the tampons into your rucksack and place your hands on yourhips, “Ready for when code-red hits. By my calculations, I’ve gotanother day or so left before it arrives.”
“Codered?” War squints in confusion and pulls his lips back, exposinghis teeth when he remembers that, essentially, you are stillbleeding. Humming, you grimace up at his befuddled expression.
“Riiiight,I still owe you an explanation, don’t I?”
He nodsurgently.
“Okay,I’ll explain while we try to find some Ibuprofen,” you rumble,placing a hand on your back and wincing at the ache there. War’svibrant eyes catch the look of discomfort on your face and heimmediately starts to pick up boxes, peering down at the faded littlewords that he doesn’t recognise. “Eye-eyebupe….?” he trails offand stares down at you apologetically. You bite your lip to keepyourself from laughing.
“Comeon, it won’t be here, it’ll be in the pharmaceuticals.” Placingyour delicate hand on his own, metal arm, you steer the gianthorseman out of the isle and launch into what’s sure to be a painfulexplanation.
Thatnight, your period hit you full force. It alarmed War to no end whenyou’d suddenly shot up from your seated position next to the fireyou’d built and went hurtling behind a rusted transit van whilstshouting, “I’m alright! Don’t follow me, I’ll be right back!”
Naturally,War had gotten up to follow after you, but another scream of, “Don’tyou dare come around this van!” had him freezing in place andpacing impatiently.
Afteronly a minute or so, you return, sporting a miserable expression andan exhausted gait.
Youcollapse on the ground once again, turning to look up at War when hethuds down next to you.
“Code…codered?” he asks, testing the unfamiliar phrase on his tongue. Yousimply nod and pull your rucksack out from underneath you, rustlingthrough it until you find a bottle of half-drunk water and a small,white painkiller. War was the one to find it, in the end. Only afteryou’d all but fallen down into a weeping heap before you even made itto the medical supplies. He’d….admittedly lost his cool a bit andstarted to frantically scour the shelves for the odd pills whilst yousobbed miserably.
In theend, he hadn’t allowed you to walk back to the camp.
Now,you honestly couldn’t be more thankful to the Red Rider if you’dtried. He looks on edge, unsure of himself, for once and thoroughlyout of sorts. He wouldn’t admit it to you, but he hated the fact thatyou were hurt and he hadn’t been able to stop it.
He’spulled from his thoughts when your head suddenly rests against hisarm and you sigh tiredly.
“Thissucks. First the end of the world and now this.”
Yourhands fall on your stomach and begin to massage it. “Thanks foryour help, War.”
Hegrunts in reply, raising his arm so that you fall against his sideinstead, then he allows it to fall back to the ground, pinning youagainst him slightly.
“Youshould rest over the coming days,” he rumbles.
Youreyes flicker up to him, “War, no. I can’t ask you to put yourrevenge quest on hold for me.”
“TheDestroyer can wait,” the horseman argues softly, “If you bleedout-”
“War,I told you, I’m not going to bleed out!” you scoff.  Hesimply grumbles quietly, but otherwise doesn’t respond.
Forclose to an hour, you both sit and stare into the fire. War is asalert as ever, ears pricked and hand resting close to Chaoseater,just in case. You, however, begin to feel your eyes droop. Thepainkillers have finally begun to work and the distinct lack of paincoupled with the horseman’s warm half-embrace is enough to tempt youcloser to sleep.
Reluctantly,you make to stand up, hoping to get to your bedroll before youcollapse, but you’re surprised when War suddenly tightens his hold onyou and shakes his head. Surprised, but not exactly complaining, youthump back down into the nook at his side and rest your head backagainst the broad chest.
Waroffers no explanation for his sudden clinginess, nor do you ask forone. Instead, you simply smile up at him, which he doesn’t return,choosing to furrow his brow at you and demand, “Sleep.”
You’reonly too happy to oblige.
Deathand Draven:Well it had to happen eventually. It had been a little under a monthsince you’d literally come crashing down upon the eldest horseman’shead, that fateful day after the apocalypse. But really? TheEternal throne? Certainly not the best location for a period tostrike. Still, as you’d said. 
It hadto happen eventually.
Deathstalks across the courtyard towards the Chancellor, who sneersat the approaching horseman. You, however, manage to make it abouthalfway around the training circle that Draven and his spectreapprentices occupy before you’re suddenly hit with the sensation ofgetting sucker-punched in the gut.
“Holyshiiiiiit,” you whine loudly, “Death?”
Thehorseman pauses mid stride, tossing an irritable look over hisshoulder, but the irate glare quickly fades into an uneasy frown ashe takes in the washed-out pallor of your face. He elects to ignorethe Chancellor’s barked question, instead turning on his heel andmaking his way back across the courtyard.
Behindyou, a gruff voice asks you if you’re alright. Then, a large,spectral hand lands on your shoulder and before you know it, Dravenis looming behind you with his brow bones knit together, concerned.It suddenly dawns on you that the undead warrior used to be a humanhimself. Perhaps if anyone were to understand, it would be him. Youcast the approaching horseman a wary glance and take note of how manyresidents of the Eternal Throne have stopped what they’re doing towatch. You cower self-consciously backwards into Draven’s chest andwhisper up to him. “So, you know that….thing, that happens to awoman every month or so?” Trailing off, you crane your neckbackwards to look up at the undead. He casts you a quizzical look fora moment, tilting his head to the side. All it takes is an expectantraise of your eyebrows and suddenly, it hits him.
“Oh…OH!”The Blademaster’s loose jaw nearly unhinges in disbelief. “Youmean, right now, you’re…?”
You noddesperately as Death finally joins the both of you. If you’d beenpaying proper attention to the horseman and not the excruciating painin your abdomen, you might have noticed how he bristles when Dravenwraps a protective arm around your shoulders and leans close to yourear to whisper something.
“Undercroft?”the man murmurs.
Yousigh with relief and affirm, “Undercroft.”
Dravenhums before giving you a gentle squeeze and nudging you towardsDeath.
“TakeY/n down into the Undercroft,” he tells the horseman, who looks asthough he’s about to object to being ordered around by the undead,but Draven continues, “S'in the kid’s best interest. I’ll be rightback.”
Withthat, he turns to fix a ghostly eye on the onlookers.
“Don’trecall telling you lot to stop training!” he barks fiercely.“G'wan! Get back to it!”
Deathreplaces Draven’s arm with one of his own, draping it around yourshoulders and smirking when the other undead all fall over themselvestrying to pretend they hadn’t been gawking at you.
“Mindtelling me what’s going on?” the horseman mutters in a hushed tone.You open your mouth to reply but bite your tongue when a stab offresh pain lances through your stomach. So instead, you groan andhobble towards the undercroft with a highly confused Death in tow.
Down inthe storage room beneath the Dead King’s throne room, the horsemangently guides you to sit down on a pile of mouldy old cloth. Itsmells like the dead, but then, so does everything in this realm.Besides, right now, it’s the most comfortable place in the universe.
You’dbriefly caught Death up on your anatomy and what’s going on, but youwere surprised when he violently smacks his open palm against theside of his head and hisses to himself.
“Ofcourse, how could I have forgotten. Idiot.”
As itturns out, Death is all too aware of this particular plight.
Hemumbles an apology and slumps down onto the rags beside you.
“Isthere…” he hesitates, coughing before asking, “…anything Ican do?”
Youswing your head towards him slowly and blink, smiling a tired smile.
“Gotany painkillers in your Mary Poppins bag?”
Hesnorts. This isn’t the first time you’d likened him to this ‘MaryPoppins’ character.
Unfortunatelyfor you, he shrugs. “Fresh out, I’m afraid.”
“Ohwell,” you say with a wince. “Can’t have everything, I guess.”
Thehorseman beside you hums in agreement, then turns to face youproperly, shifting around on his knees.
“Tellme where it hurts.”
Youmeet his gaze with a bewildered frown. But, hesitantly, you gestureto your entire stomach. “All over. Head, back, stomach mostly.”
There’sa responding hum, then a large, cold hand is placed firmly over yourstomach and starts to rub in small, gentle circles.  
Ofcourse, you flinch away, mostly due to the supernatural chill of hisskin, but when you recognise that he’s actually trying to beconsiderate, you fall still and watch him, astonished.
Thehorseman doesn’t meet your curious eyes in favour of staring down atyour stomach in mock concentration until there’s footsteps on thewooden stairs.
As ifit’s become a natural reflex, Death suddenly throws his arm out infront of you and whips his head around to the source of the noise buthe relaxes the moment he sees it’s only Draven.
“How’reyou doing?” the warrior asks when he spots you and the horsemansitting at the back of the storage room.
A quickglance at Death, then you look back to Draven and smile up at him.
“Betternow, thanks. Where’ve you been?”
Thepain in your stomach flares up again, causing you to curl in onyourself a little more and snap your legs shut for fear that yourtrousers could be stained without you realising it. Draven shoots youa look of sympathy, replying, “Went to see the old goat. Thought hemight have something that can help.”
Death’shand returns to your abdomen and begins its gentle circling motionsonce again. Meanwhile, you groan and stretch yourself out, trying tofind a more comfortable position.
“And?”you grumble.
Inresponse, the Blademaster holds up a familiar packet, sofamiliar, you could almost weep. You honestly thought you’d seen thelast of them since leaving Earth.
“Hegave me these,” he grimaces, “Not like any clouts I’veever seen, but Ostegoth assured me they were all the rage back onEarth.”
Agiggle stirs in you and bursts out before you can stop it. He looksso utterly out of place, if you were a little less tactful, you’dtell him he looked adorable.
Butinstead, you offer him a grateful smile and hold out your hand toreceive the blessed packet of sanitary towels.
“Draven,you are a Godsend. Thank you.”
TheBlademaster ducks his head and rubs at the back of his necksheepishly with a calloused hand. “Dunno about that, I’m just sorryI couldn’t find something to help with the pain,” he laments.
“Don’tworry about that,” you chuckle and throw your thumb over at Death,“got a horseman for that.”
Saidhorseman huffs. “I can always stop,” he threatens, lifting hishand slightly.
“Actually,”you shift forwards, getting ready to begrudgingly stand up, “Youmight have to stop, for now. I need to put one of these on.” Youshake the packet in your hand and Death follows you up. He moves tostand next to Draven and they both just stand there, watching youcuriously. Peering at them, you clear your throat suddenly. In aninstant, both Blademaster and horseman jump noticeably, spinningaround to avert their eyes and give you some much-appreciatedprivacy.
Youcan’t help but to laugh through the pain and shake your headamusedly. Gazing down at the sanitary towels in your hand, you make amental note to thank Ostegoth profusely and ask him how he managed toget his hands on them at all. You may still be in pain,craving something sugary and wanting to just scream and cry at thesame time, but at least you won’t have to worry about leaking. Dravenassures you that you can take out any of your frustrations on him, ifyou’d like. Death tells you that he can always ‘lend a hand’ shouldyou need it. You smile widely at their backs, glad that they’re sounderstanding.
102 notes · View notes
led123123 · 4 years
if I was playing unranked I would also get more kills. but her aim is really good
is buying damage more effective on jugger than attack speed?
if yes then bf is good item because bf is around 40 damage
imagine.. with bf.. you’d get.. 35% more damage.. out of 40 damage. so that would be. 14 more damage.
with attacks speed.. you would.. get.. like.. the same damage.. so no damage bonus.. but you’d only hit faster
so.. I guess that’s true.. that it’s better to get more damage on jug. because crits increase damage by 35% on average
so you get 35% more damage bc of crits.. and that means.. 35% more dps more
stray likes to play jugger
maybe buying AC against slardar is a good item
how does she get vp9
she needs some attack speed.. she should have gone bf
lol spectre buybacks
she could just get AC instead.. against slardar. and it would be good with basher
if it was easy to get high rank in apex then everyone would have it
ok.. these.. stuff is saved..
it didn’t disappear.. whatever.
it would be more funny if they had died.. xD
I’m using 33 gigs.. not good
I closed almost everything
ok nice.. the normal version of this cpu got sold quite high. higher than the better version on facebook
maybe I can offer high price
there’s some new auction.. with really good photos too.. but the number on the cpu is lower than on my cpu
so it may be older version than my cpu.. my has number 49 and this one has..  48
so it was made on 48th week and my was made on 49th week
and people are already bidding on it already.. the price is already pretty high. 1 day left on auction. I told you guys that on sunday people are gonna be bidding the most guys. I knew that people are gonna have the most time to buy on sunday evening
there’s some other card.. ok.. it’s an OC model.. with the box.. and looks pretty good.. so I guess I know what price I’m gonna set..
damn I don’t wanna pay 3%..
maybe I’ll sell it for 3% less without paying 3% to them..
but if I pay 3%.. then I can get cheaper delivery.. but I don’t pay for delivery.. but.. I can set a bit higher delivery price than the actual one.. or something like that.. I don’t know how it works actually.. I would need to check if it actually works like that
but I wouldn’t save a lot with that.. but delivery woudl be cheaper..
for the customer.. but the customer pays for delivery not me
so like.. the buyer would pay more for delivery.. and.. it also.. be more difficult for him to talk to me in chat.. to tell me where to send it
ok.. I guess I know what price I’m gonna set for this card
this card is with box.. so.. and it’s also OC model.. and it looks.. quite in very good condition
so I can’t set higher price than this one
I mean.. I checked when it was added.. it may get sold fast.. because it was the last card added.. so it may get sold fast
I can just try similar price.. if this one is gonna get sold fast. or a little higher
if I try selling without 3%.. then I will have a bit higher delivery cost.. I won’t get the discount on delivery
if it’s not gonna get sold then I’ll just lower price
omg. one cpu got sold high. and it’s the same week as mine - 49th week
but it’s not used cpu.. it’s the.. you know.. not opened.. so it got sold higher
no lol. it’s actually 2nd hand.. lol..
it’s the same week as mine. 49th
there’s a lot of numbers.. but the 2nd number matches my number.. and this one got sold high.
the same week as mine
49th week
wow.. I didn’t know that I can see the bid offers.. I found a button to check bid offers
and there’s even exact time and date
I will take detailed closeup pictures like on this auction
there were 2 people who bid very high
this is the same week as mine
I was buying this cpu and card cheaper.. I’m checking price again.. I bought it cheap. compared to prices now
the card now a lot cheaper. but cpu price went up more
I know that I can get better cpu from aliexpress for almost same price.. so.. you know.. I would if I were to buy one I would get the one from aliexpress
this one is not worth for me. it’s not good enough for me
one dude.. remove his offer..
oh.. I guess he sold it.. but without paying 3% I guess
I guess somebody contacted him though private message.. and he sold it
maybe I should do the same. and not pay 4%.. I don’t know how he did it though
because cpu is 4%, gpu is 3%
I don’t know how he sold it.. it says “it didn’t get sold” but he removed ad... so he probably sold it to someone. maybe someone contacted him though private message..
I wanna retake pictures.
to show numbers. so people know what they buy
should I test it before selling??
I can test the card and cpu.. but I packed card already.. don’t wanna unpack it again..
but.. it should work.. but to make sure I should just.. check before shipping.. and I can include it on the description that it’s been checked before sending
I will retake pictures.. check printer.. I wish I had wifi on this pc.. I only have wifi on laptop but I don’t use laptop.. I can print it though usb.. (if I find the usb stick..)
how did this dude sell this without paying 4%.. someone contacted him or something I don’t know
there was some update.. so I restarted firefox.. and.. it’s using 12GB less ram.
she looks a lot like vanessa
oh right.. I had another session opened.. I wonder how much 2nd session is using
no. I already have both sessions opened
I’m gonna be running with sniper rifle now
omfg.. I changed.. the.. legend.. to pathfinder.. shit..
it’s changing automatically.. when you browse lengeds
jesus christ.. my teammate died.. then I ran in another squad..
fuck.. there’s dude with 5500 kill in the game
omfg please no.. 4th game.. not on loba..
someone took my loba last game
I have to restart firefox from time to time I guess.. because it doesn’t free the memory.. I guess
just like I was saying before. this is why I quit firefox.. because it wasn’t freeing memory..
lol.. I had 2 solo lucky kills.. but I died to the ring because one dude was camping.. and I ran into him when then ring was closing behind me.. god.. so the ring killed me but I also killed him..
but I got 1 more kill.. and 1 more kill is worth a lot of points honestly.. and +1 place before it was solo
so I got 25 more points for this kill
this stupid shit doesn’t free any ram what the..
she has this.. hairstyle.. it’s like.. some people in cartoon had it and some girl in tv or something. like in a shampoo commercial or something
she has the “cool” hairstyle
she has this asian oven
she’s talking so quiet.. there was this.. vietnamese girl.. and she also talked quiet
they both talk really quiet
she has this hairstyle from cartoons and shampoo commercials
who else had this haircut.
I think I saw it in ice cream commercial
you can get this oven on aliexpress
it’s a lot easier to find all the loot I want with loba
that’s why she’s the best legend
and you can take all the ammo that there is around
I’m uploading my last game but it’s gonna take million years to process
to hd
it’s still processing the trash version
and it’s gonna take like 3 times more time to process the right version
she talks so quiet
trash sorbet
xD broke the box
she has dark hair and dark eyes. and short hair
and her skin color is like she gets a lot of sun
like.. I see.. japanese people.. they have white skin.. and she looks like she gets a lot of sun
0 notes
junker-town · 5 years
Everything wonderful about Tim Duncan becoming a Spurs assistant, ranked
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Photo by Ronald Cortes/Getty Images
We have that and more in Tuesday’s NBA newsletter.
On Monday, the San Antonio Spurs announced two new assistant coaches would be joining Gregg Popovich’s staff to fill vacancies left by Ime Udoka and Ettore Messina. Those two new assistant coaches: Will Hardy, who has climbed the ranks within the organization, and Tim Duncan, yes that Tim Duncan.
How wholesome and beautiful is Tim Duncan joining Pop’s bench in San Antonio? Let us count the ways, starting from the bottom.
11. The spectre of Tim Duncan, future NBA head coach
Is Duncan doing this only to be around Popovich and the Spurs more, or does he have aspirations to become an NBA head coach (maybe of the Spurs when Pop retires in three years or so)? Are we prepared for Duncan arguing calls from the bench, for Duncan giving the in-game interviews? I don’t think we’re prepared for that.
10. The Spurs staff could win the BIG 3 title
I don’t know anything about Will Hardy’s game. But Tim Duncan and Becky Hammon are two-thirds of a killer 3-on-3 squad. What a pick-and-roll duo.
9. Picture Tim Duncan keeping Spurs players from running onto the court during an altercation
One of the most important jobs assistant coaches have during games is keeping players from running onto the court during altercations. (Tim Duncan knows this intimately well, he may owe one of his five rings to the Suns failing to keep their players on the bench when Bob Horry hip checked Steve Nash!) I’m trying to imagine Duncan jumping up to hold back, like, Lonnie Walker. Glorious.
8. DeMar DeRozan bank shots!
”Alright guys, today’s drill is 15-foot bank shots.” “Again???”
7. The Spurs still have guys who played with Duncan
These players who played with Tim are going to bust him so bad. And vice versa. To be a bat on the wall.
6. More Tim Duncan!
There has been a painful lack of Tim Duncan in our lives since his retirement a few years ago. No longer! Now we know we can just put on the Spurs on League Pass and get a dose of Big Fun.
5. Tim Duncan has to wear a suit, like, every day
Bwahahaha no more jorts with long-sleeve tropical print button-downs, my man. (In reality, Duncan became a much more snappy dresser in his later years in the league. I miss island casual Tim, to be honest.)
4. Best assistant coach ever
We ran through the ranks and determined that there has never been a better NBA player than Tim Duncan serve as an assistant coach. Guys like Larry Bird and Magic Johnson went straight into head coaching jobs when they took the bench. Bill Russell was a player-coach. No. 2 on this list might be, like, Patrick Ewing? Think about it: in a league where any number of players have gone straight into head coaching jobs fresh out of the league, one of the five best players ever is taking an assistant coach job. It’s wild.
3. How the Spurs describe Duncan’s path in the press release
The top three most wonderful things about Duncan becoming an assistant coach are all from the Spurs’ master-class press release announcing it. (That’s right: this wasn’t leaked, the Spurs and Duncan got to announce it on their own terms. Spurs gonna Spur.)
First, here’s how Duncan is described in the release: “Duncan, a 1997 Wake Forest graduate, played 19 seasons with the Spurs before retiring in the summer of 2016.”
That’s it! Nothing about the five rings, the two NBA MVPs, the three Finals MVPs, the 15 All-Star nods, the 13-year streak on the All-NBA and All-Defense teams. In a league where every achievement is screamed from the rooftops, this is just hilarious.
2. The Spurs’ press release leads with Hardy
Tim didn’t even get his own press release: the Spurs’ press release -- the headline, the release itself, the tweet promoting it -- all lead with Will Hardy. What a come-up for Will Hardy! Bonus wonderful thing: the URL path for the press release on the Spurs’ website is “spurs-announce-assistant-coach-updates.”
1. Pop’s quote about Duncan in the press release
And finally, here’s Popovich’s quote about Duncan in the press release: “It is only fitting, that after I served loyally for 19 years as Tim Duncan’s assistant, that he returns the favor.” Pure, unadulterated Pop. I love it.
Three cheers to the Spurs for a shower of sunlight in dark times.
Programming Notes
While the NBA has turned into a 12-month sport, we do have about a month here where less is happening and it’s hard to put together a robust newsletter five times a week. So for the next month or so, Good Morning It’s Basketball will be a twice-a-week affair. And, in fact, next week it will take a full break. Expect an issue Thursday and then again on August 6.
If something big happens, you can certainly expect a special edition or two. Thanks for subscribing.
More stars, including Bradley Beal and Tobias Harris, have dropped out of USA Basketball’s quest to defend the FIBA World Cup in China next month. I wrote about why USA Basketball is struggling to get top-level guys to play. Here’s Dan Devine on Damian Lillard needing to save the day.
The Wizards have a front office now. A very interesting one! Kudos for trying something different after being a very static, old-fashioned franchise for so long.
Meanwhile, Wizards governor Ted Leonsis is arguing this could be a quick rebuild (possible, sure) and heralding the importance of depth over star power. Leonsis bemoans his previous belief in the power of getting three stars, as if that strategy were the problem and not the fact that he thought in 2011 that his three stars were John Wall, Andray Blatche, and Jordan Crawford. I’m not making that up. He wrote that.
The talented Kennedi Landry asks a crucial question: what type of basketball does the BIG3 want to be?
It’s the most wonderful time of the year: Grainy Footage of Ben Simmons Shooting Jumpers Season! Can some clips of Markelle Fultz in central Florida be too far behind???
How Russell Westbrook in Houston can work.
Kevin O’Connor on the supremacy of LeBron and Anthony Davis in the new era of dynamic duos.
Chris Herring is worried about the Warriors’ defense next season.
Surprising no one, the Wizards will offer Bradley Beal a 3-year, $112 million extension when they officially can on Friday. It’d be a surprise if Beal took it.
How close is the NBA to fully sanctioning the use of cannabis?
All the big NBA stars have people pulling media and entertainment strings behind them. Meet Stephen Curry’s guy.
Are the Thunder too good?
On Zhaire Smith’s development. I’m going to write about this when we get a little closer to training camp, but Zhaire Smith and Thybulle Matisse are the players that can turn the Sixers into a superteam.
The Lakers claimed Kostas Antetokounmpo off of waivers. People are noting this could be about chasing Giannis in 2021. That’s true. Also, Kostas might be the ninth best player on the Lakers roster even though he spent last season in the G League.
Not basketball but wow do I want the next NBA champion to adopt this high-speed parade format from the Tour de France and please throw sausages too.
Be excellent to each other.
0 notes
softcarecs · 5 years
Meet eSIM - an electronic SIM or embedded SIM
It is a rewritable SIM card built into a cellular device like a smartphone or smartwatch. You don't need to open a slot or tray to put in a SIM as an eSIM never leaves your phone. You just need to simply download a "software SIM" from the provider of your choice.
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While eSIMs can help manufacturers pack more components into smaller spaces, the biggest winners are consumers. If and when eSIM goes mainstream, you will essentially have the option to instantly change phone provider at any time (assuming you haven't locked yourself into a contract). You wouldn't even need to pick up a SIM card from a store or place an order online to port; you'd make the request from your device. If adopted widely, eSIM would almost certainly increase the ease of jumping from provider to provider. This would in turn increase competition, and could also help increase the visibility of smaller providers without a retail presence. In Australia, the Apple Watch Series 3 was the first eSIM device you could buy, and as such, every telco's eSIM offering have predominantly been focused around wearable technology and the ability to share a single number between multiple devices. Telstra and Optus both have limited eSIM support for other devices, however. The iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR all use an eSIM in order to achieve dual SIM support in all markets other than China (where they'll get two physical SIM slots). If Australian telcos come to the party (Optus already has), or if you're travelling in another country with eSIM enabled carriers, you can simple add another plan to your iPhone by installing an app or scanning a QR code provided by your telco of choice. You can store multiple eSIMs in your iPhone, but you can one eSIM plan at a time. At present, these are eSIM enabled devices you can get in Australia: Apple Watch Series 4 Apple Watch Series 3 iPhone XS & iPhone XS Max iPhone XR Samsung Galaxy Watch Surface Pro 4G LTE HP Spectre Folio 4G HP Spectre X360 4G The Google Pixel 2 and Google Pixel 3 also feature an eSIM, but this currently only works with Google's Project Fi network in the United States. At present, the following Australian telcos have eSIM support: Telstra: Wearables and Windows PCs Optus: Wearables and 2018 iPhones Vodafone: Wearables Travel SIM provider GigSky also supports eSIM for the iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR. These plans can be added to your phone through the GigSky app, but they're designed for travel, rather local use. eSIM on Telstra: Telstra has two eSIM products: One Number for wearables, and a second offering for Windows 10 PCs. One Number allows Telstra postpaid customers to share their plan with their 4G Apple Watch Series 3, Apple Watch Series 4, or Samsung Galaxy Watch. Telstra will bill you an extra $5 per month to use One Number. Telstra MVNOs are currently unable to make use of One Number; you need to have a plan with Telstra directly. Telstra also has eSIM plans available for 4G-enabled Windows 10 PCs. These plans are the same as Telstra's SIM-only postpaid and prepaid tablet plans, but are purchased directly through your device without the need for a physical SIM card. Until December 31, anyone with a compatible Windows 10 eSIM device can sign-up for a free 30-day trail than includes 30GB of data to use within Australia. eSIM on Optus: Optus also has two eSIM products: Number Share for wearables, as well as eSIM plans for the iPhone XR, iPhone XS, and iPhone XS Max. Optus Number Share will work the Apple Watch Series 3, Apple Watch Series 4, and Samsung Galaxy Watch. As with Telstra, it's only available on postpaid plans. If you'd prefer to pay your smartwatch off over 24 months, Optus also has Apple Watch Series 4 and Samsung Galaxy Watch plans available. These include bonus data that is added to your monthly allowance, and include Number Share at no extra cost. Number Share currently isn't available via any other Optus-powered providers or on prepaid, but a spokesperson told us the telco is "committed to developing new technologies and is exploring how the Number Share capability could be extended to services offered by MVNO partners and Optus prepaid". If you have an iPhone XR, iPhone XS, or iPhone XS Max, Optus now offers eSIM postpaid plans for the trio of devices. To get one of these plans, you'll need visit an Optus store to get an eSIM QR code. You'll then scan this code with your phone to activate your plan. eSIM on Vodafone: Vodafone's Apple Watch and Galaxy Watch eSIM product is called NumberSync. As is standard, you're only able to setup NumberSync if you're on a postpaid Vodafone plan. NumberSync is billed at $5 per month. Apple Watch owners can get their first three months of NumberSync three if they sign up before December 31. At present, Vodafone has no plans to offer NumberSync to prepaid customers or through Vodafone-powered MVNOs. Setting up an Apple Watch eSIM: When you first pair a 4G Apple Watch Series 3 or Series 4 with your phone you'll be asked if you want to activate its eSIM (provided you're on a compatible plan). If you choose yes, you'll need to sign in with your username and password for your provider, and confirm you want to add One Number (Telstra), Number Share (Optus), or NumberSync (Vodafone) to your plan. It's that simple. If you've already set up your Apple Watch and didn't enable the eSIM, you can do so by opening the Watch app on your iPhone. Scroll down to "Mobile", and then tap "Set Up Mobile". Your telco will send you a text to confirm that your eSIM is active. Your 4G Apple Watch will only work on the same network as your iPhone. Install and open the Galaxy Wearable app Select Start the Journey and choose Galaxy Watch Your phone and the watch will attempt to pair. Confirm the prompts on both Sign in or create a Samsung account Restore your Galaxy Watch from a previous backup if need be The Galaxy Watch will now attempt to connect to a mobile network. If you have a compatible plan, you'll be given the option to activate the Galaxy Watch's eSIM functionality. Your 4G Galaxy Watch will only work on the same network as your smartphone. While the Galaxy Watch works with both Android and iOS devices, 4G connectivity will only work with Android smartphones. Roaming with an eSIM: No Australian eSIM providers currently support international roaming when it comes to wearables. Optus' eSIM plans for iPhones and Telstra's eSIM plans for Windows PC roam at standard plan rates. Credits: https://www.whistleout.com.au/MobilePhones/Guides/what-is-esim Read the full article
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Manga the Week of 8/26/20
SEAN: The end of August, a time when most people think back on the good things about summer. Like manga!
ASH: At least some things were good!
SEAN: We start off with Ghost Ship, which has a 3rd volume of Destiny Lovers.
J-Novel Club debuts Monster Tamer (Monster no Goshujinsama), which comes from the Monster Bunko label, so it’s a specialty. The plot sounds like Arifureta. A lot like Arifureta, honestly. Perhaps a bit less dungeons and more forests, but…
They also have the 4th Demon Lord, Retry! and a 3rd manga volume for Sweet Reincarnation.
Kodansha has quite a bit. In print, we see Drifting Dragons 5; Fire Force 19; In/Spectre 12; Rent-a-Girlfriend 2; and Wave, Listen to Me! 3.
MICHELLE: I’m happy about Wave, Listen to Me! but mostly can’t wait ’til the end of September, when volume four (with material I haven’t already read digitally) comes out!
ANNA: I’m also happy about Wave, Listen to Me!.
ASH: Likewise! I’ve also been enjoying Drifting Dragons.
SEAN: Digitally the debut is ASHIDAKA – The Iron Hero (Tekkai no Senshi). This has been getting a simulpub release, but now the first volume is out. Hope you like metal arms. It runs in Monthly Shonen Magazine, and appears to be very old-school shonen. I’m hoping for big eyebrows.
ASH: Heh.
SEAN: You can also enjoy digital volumes for Abe-kun’s Got Me Now! 3, Altair: A Record of Battles 21, Guilty 6, Hotaru’s Way 15 (a final volume), I Fell in Love After School 7, Kounodori: Dr. Stork 16, Love Massage: Melting Beauty Treatment 6, Waiting for Spring 13, and When We Shout for Love 3 (also a final volume).
MICHELLE: I think this was originally the final volume of Waiting for Spring, too, but now there’s a fourteenth one with side stories and bonus content. In any case, I’m reading a bunch of these.
SEAN: Seven Seas is still doing the “yay, we can print books again!” thing. No print debuts, but we get Accomplishments of the Duke’s Daughter 6, Akashic Records of Bastard Magical Instructor 9, Arifureta Zero 3 (manga version), A Centaur’s Life 18, Magika Swordsman and Summoner 13, My Room Is a Dungeon Rest Stop 3, Neon Genesis Evangelion: Anima 3, Non Non Biyori 13, and Re: Monster 5. A lot of those had their digital version out already.
ASH: I’m not following many of these very closely, but I am glad to see print starting back up again.
SEAN: Digitally there are some debuts. Sazan and Comet Girl (Sazan to Suisei no Shoujo) is a done-in-1 omnibus from LEED Magazine’s Torch, and, despite being a LEED publication, does not appear to be in the style of Golgo 13. It’s a sci-fi story. It’s also in full color.
ASH: I’m curious about this one, though I’ll likely wait for the print volume.
MELINDA: That sounds interesting.
MICHELLE: It does!
SEAN: In light novels, we have The Saint’s Magic Power is Omnipotent (Seijo no Maryoku wa Bannou desu). An OL gets summoned to be the Saint… but gets rejected. Now she’s trying to live a slow life, but it quickly becomes apparent that maybe she is a saint after all.
Also digitally we have Adachi and Shimamura‘s 3rd light novel, D-Frag! 14, and Monster Girl Doctor 6.
Square Enix gives us The Misfit of Demon King Academy 2 and Suppose a Kid from the Last Dungeon Boonies Moved to a Starter Town 2 (manga version).
Tokyopop has a 2nd volume of Koimonogatari: Love Stories.
Vertical has quite a bit. They haven’t publicly announced most of it, but given it’s there on their web page for all to see, I don’t feel guilty talking about it. They’re debuting some digital NISIOISIN novels. We get Owarimonogatari 1 & 2, Katanagatari 1-3, and Zaregoto 1-3. This would catch us up with the print releases… except they’re also putting out the 4th and final Katanagatari omnibus in print only. Oh yes, and a 4th Bakemonogatari manga volume in print.
They also, in non-NISIOISIN products, have The Complete Chi’s Sweet Home box set.
ASH: I still really love Chi’s Sweet Home.
SEAN: Lastly, Yen has some titles that slid back a week. Including The Garden of Words, the latest Makoto Shinkai multimedia emotional gutcruncher novel. Yen On also has Goblin Slayer 10, which is… not a Makoto Shinkai title.
ASH: Nope. It most definitely is not
SEAN: On the manga end, Yen debuts Fiancee of the Wizard (Mahoutsukai no Konyakusha), a Kadokawa title from one of their shoujo fantasy magazines. It’s a reincarnation isekai, but with a female lead, and is based on an as-yet unlicensed light novel.
MICHELLE: This seems pretty romance-heavy, at least by its description: “When a woman is reborn into a world of swords and sorcery as a young girl, her new life takes a turn for the fantastic as she meets an impossibly handsome yet surly son of a wizard. A future of magic, adventure, and romance awaits!”
ANNA: OK, I’m now much more intrigued by this description!
ASH: Potentially promising, for sure. (Even if I am well beyond burned out on most isekai.)
SEAN: We also get A Certain Magical Index 22 (manga version), High School Prodigies Have It Easy Even in Another World 8 (manga version), IM: Great Priest Imhotep 4, Interspecies Reviewers 4, Laid-Back Camp 9, Murcielago 15, School-Live! 12 (the final volume, though there’s a sequel out in Japan), Smokin’ Parade 8, Val x Love 9, and The World’s Strongest Rearguard 2 (manga version).
Typing ‘manga version’ a lot. It’s a multimedia world. What media are you consuming?
By: Sean Gaffney
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mikebrackett · 6 years
Weekend Reading for Financial Planners (January 13-14)
Enjoy the current installment of “weekend reading for financial planners” – this week’s edition kicks off with the news that during the lull of the delayed Department of Labor fiduciary rule, the SEC is proactively working on its own version, and a first proposal could be released as soon as the second quarter of 2018. In fact, in anticipation of the coming rule, the CFA Institute has submitted a somewhat controversial comment letter suggesting that as the SEC proceeds, the best solution may not be to just harmonize with a uniform fiduciary rule for all broker-dealers and RIAs, but instead to focus more on the titles that advisors use and simply require those who hold out as such to be registered as investment advisers (and be subject to a fiduciary rule under current law!).
At the same time, this week’s news also included newly proposed legislation in New Jersey, that would require brokers who are not fiduciaries to clearly and explicitly disclosure that they are not and have no obligation to act in their clients’ best interests, as delays in a national fiduciary rule are leading to a growing momentum for states to take up the fiduciary slack in their stead. And the Wall Street Journal also published an investigative report about how even at discount brokerage firms like Schwab, Fidelity, and TD Ameritrade, which are known for not using commission-based brokers, that their Financial Consultants are still receiving bonus incentives on top of their salaries that introduce problematic conflicts of interest in their recommendations (further supporting the need for a fiduciary rule).
From there, we have a slew of advisor technology articles this week, including: a new cybersecurity platform initiative in the advisory industry called cleverDome; why financial advisors should be concerned about the recent news of computer chip vulnerabilities Meltdown and Spectre (and another reason/reminder of why it’s so important to promptly patch your computer with software updates!); how “robo” tools are coming to life insurance now, both streamlining the process of applying for insurance, and even the time it takes to underwrite the coverage (as algorithms and data feeds begin to replace requests for paper medical records and human underwriters); a favorable review of Advyzon (which provides a combined CRM and portfolio accounting/reporting tool for investment advisers); and a look at some of the financial data startups that are trying to compete with Bloomberg in the independent financial advisor community (including YCharts and Sentieo).
We wrap up with three interesting articles, all around the theme of time management and personal productivity: the first looks at what the research tells us about the most (and least) productive times of day for decision-making or creative work; the second provides a fascinating look at how our struggles with time management may simply be a modern-world iteration of the age-old philosophical question about how to find better focus and meaning in our lives; and the last is a simple but effective technique to help avoid distracting “opportunities” that may come along in your business… just provide a quote that is drastically higher than your usual prices, and let the prospective client either say no (but then it was their decision, not yours), or perhaps even yes (and properly pay you for the off-focus work, giving you dollars you can then re-deploy more productively in the business!).
Enjoy the “light” reading!
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from Updates About Loans https://www.kitces.com/blog/weekend-reading-for-financial-planners-january-13-14/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=weekend-reading-for-financial-planners-january-13-14
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softcarecs · 5 years
Meet eSIM - an electronic SIM or embedded SIM
It is a rewritable SIM card built into a cellular device like a smartphone or smartwatch. You don't need to open a slot or tray to put in a SIM as an eSIM never leaves your phone. You just need to simply download a "software SIM" from the provider of your choice.
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While eSIMs can help manufacturers pack more components into smaller spaces, the biggest winners are consumers. If and when eSIM goes mainstream, you will essentially have the option to instantly change phone provider at any time (assuming you haven't locked yourself into a contract). You wouldn't even need to pick up a SIM card from a store or place an order online to port; you'd make the request from your device. If adopted widely, eSIM would almost certainly increase the ease of jumping from provider to provider. This would in turn increase competition, and could also help increase the visibility of smaller providers without a retail presence. In Australia, the Apple Watch Series 3 was the first eSIM device you could buy, and as such, every telco's eSIM offering have predominantly been focused around wearable technology and the ability to share a single number between multiple devices. Telstra and Optus both have limited eSIM support for other devices, however. The iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR all use an eSIM in order to achieve dual SIM support in all markets other than China (where they'll get two physical SIM slots). If Australian telcos come to the party (Optus already has), or if you're travelling in another country with eSIM enabled carriers, you can simple add another plan to your iPhone by installing an app or scanning a QR code provided by your telco of choice. You can store multiple eSIMs in your iPhone, but you can one eSIM plan at a time. At present, these are eSIM enabled devices you can get in Australia: Apple Watch Series 4 Apple Watch Series 3 iPhone XS & iPhone XS Max iPhone XR Samsung Galaxy Watch Surface Pro 4G LTE HP Spectre Folio 4G HP Spectre X360 4G The Google Pixel 2 and Google Pixel 3 also feature an eSIM, but this currently only works with Google's Project Fi network in the United States. At present, the following Australian telcos have eSIM support: Telstra: Wearables and Windows PCs Optus: Wearables and 2018 iPhones Vodafone: Wearables Travel SIM provider GigSky also supports eSIM for the iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR. These plans can be added to your phone through the GigSky app, but they're designed for travel, rather local use. eSIM on Telstra: Telstra has two eSIM products: One Number for wearables, and a second offering for Windows 10 PCs. One Number allows Telstra postpaid customers to share their plan with their 4G Apple Watch Series 3, Apple Watch Series 4, or Samsung Galaxy Watch. Telstra will bill you an extra $5 per month to use One Number. Telstra MVNOs are currently unable to make use of One Number; you need to have a plan with Telstra directly. Telstra also has eSIM plans available for 4G-enabled Windows 10 PCs. These plans are the same as Telstra's SIM-only postpaid and prepaid tablet plans, but are purchased directly through your device without the need for a physical SIM card. Until December 31, anyone with a compatible Windows 10 eSIM device can sign-up for a free 30-day trail than includes 30GB of data to use within Australia. eSIM on Optus: Optus also has two eSIM products: Number Share for wearables, as well as eSIM plans for the iPhone XR, iPhone XS, and iPhone XS Max. Optus Number Share will work the Apple Watch Series 3, Apple Watch Series 4, and Samsung Galaxy Watch. As with Telstra, it's only available on postpaid plans. If you'd prefer to pay your smartwatch off over 24 months, Optus also has Apple Watch Series 4 and Samsung Galaxy Watch plans available. These include bonus data that is added to your monthly allowance, and include Number Share at no extra cost. Number Share currently isn't available via any other Optus-powered providers or on prepaid, but a spokesperson told us the telco is "committed to developing new technologies and is exploring how the Number Share capability could be extended to services offered by MVNO partners and Optus prepaid". If you have an iPhone XR, iPhone XS, or iPhone XS Max, Optus now offers eSIM postpaid plans for the trio of devices. To get one of these plans, you'll need visit an Optus store to get an eSIM QR code. You'll then scan this code with your phone to activate your plan. eSIM on Vodafone: Vodafone's Apple Watch and Galaxy Watch eSIM product is called NumberSync. As is standard, you're only able to setup NumberSync if you're on a postpaid Vodafone plan. NumberSync is billed at $5 per month. Apple Watch owners can get their first three months of NumberSync three if they sign up before December 31. At present, Vodafone has no plans to offer NumberSync to prepaid customers or through Vodafone-powered MVNOs. Setting up an Apple Watch eSIM: When you first pair a 4G Apple Watch Series 3 or Series 4 with your phone you'll be asked if you want to activate its eSIM (provided you're on a compatible plan). If you choose yes, you'll need to sign in with your username and password for your provider, and confirm you want to add One Number (Telstra), Number Share (Optus), or NumberSync (Vodafone) to your plan. It's that simple. If you've already set up your Apple Watch and didn't enable the eSIM, you can do so by opening the Watch app on your iPhone. Scroll down to "Mobile", and then tap "Set Up Mobile". Your telco will send you a text to confirm that your eSIM is active. Your 4G Apple Watch will only work on the same network as your iPhone. Install and open the Galaxy Wearable app Select Start the Journey and choose Galaxy Watch Your phone and the watch will attempt to pair. Confirm the prompts on both Sign in or create a Samsung account Restore your Galaxy Watch from a previous backup if need be The Galaxy Watch will now attempt to connect to a mobile network. If you have a compatible plan, you'll be given the option to activate the Galaxy Watch's eSIM functionality. Your 4G Galaxy Watch will only work on the same network as your smartphone. While the Galaxy Watch works with both Android and iOS devices, 4G connectivity will only work with Android smartphones. Roaming with an eSIM: No Australian eSIM providers currently support international roaming when it comes to wearables. Optus' eSIM plans for iPhones and Telstra's eSIM plans for Windows PC roam at standard plan rates. Credits: https://www.whistleout.com.au/MobilePhones/Guides/what-is-esim Read the full article
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softcarecs · 5 years
Meet eSIM - an electronic SIM or embedded SIM
It is a rewritable SIM card built into a cellular device like a smartphone or smartwatch. You don't need to open a slot or tray to put in a SIM as an eSIM never leaves your phone. You just need to simply download a "software SIM" from the provider of your choice.
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While eSIMs can help manufacturers pack more components into smaller spaces, the biggest winners are consumers. If and when eSIM goes mainstream, you will essentially have the option to instantly change phone provider at any time (assuming you haven't locked yourself into a contract). You wouldn't even need to pick up a SIM card from a store or place an order online to port; you'd make the request from your device. If adopted widely, eSIM would almost certainly increase the ease of jumping from provider to provider. This would in turn increase competition, and could also help increase the visibility of smaller providers without a retail presence. In Australia, the Apple Watch Series 3 was the first eSIM device you could buy, and as such, every telco's eSIM offering have predominantly been focused around wearable technology and the ability to share a single number between multiple devices. Telstra and Optus both have limited eSIM support for other devices, however. The iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR all use an eSIM in order to achieve dual SIM support in all markets other than China (where they'll get two physical SIM slots). If Australian telcos come to the party (Optus already has), or if you're travelling in another country with eSIM enabled carriers, you can simple add another plan to your iPhone by installing an app or scanning a QR code provided by your telco of choice. You can store multiple eSIMs in your iPhone, but you can one eSIM plan at a time. At present, these are eSIM enabled devices you can get in Australia: Apple Watch Series 4 Apple Watch Series 3 iPhone XS & iPhone XS Max iPhone XR Samsung Galaxy Watch Surface Pro 4G LTE HP Spectre Folio 4G HP Spectre X360 4G The Google Pixel 2 and Google Pixel 3 also feature an eSIM, but this currently only works with Google's Project Fi network in the United States. At present, the following Australian telcos have eSIM support: Telstra: Wearables and Windows PCs Optus: Wearables and 2018 iPhones Vodafone: Wearables Travel SIM provider GigSky also supports eSIM for the iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR. These plans can be added to your phone through the GigSky app, but they're designed for travel, rather local use. eSIM on Telstra: Telstra has two eSIM products: One Number for wearables, and a second offering for Windows 10 PCs. One Number allows Telstra postpaid customers to share their plan with their 4G Apple Watch Series 3, Apple Watch Series 4, or Samsung Galaxy Watch. Telstra will bill you an extra $5 per month to use One Number. Telstra MVNOs are currently unable to make use of One Number; you need to have a plan with Telstra directly. Telstra also has eSIM plans available for 4G-enabled Windows 10 PCs. These plans are the same as Telstra's SIM-only postpaid and prepaid tablet plans, but are purchased directly through your device without the need for a physical SIM card. Until December 31, anyone with a compatible Windows 10 eSIM device can sign-up for a free 30-day trail than includes 30GB of data to use within Australia. eSIM on Optus: Optus also has two eSIM products: Number Share for wearables, as well as eSIM plans for the iPhone XR, iPhone XS, and iPhone XS Max. Optus Number Share will work the Apple Watch Series 3, Apple Watch Series 4, and Samsung Galaxy Watch. As with Telstra, it's only available on postpaid plans. If you'd prefer to pay your smartwatch off over 24 months, Optus also has Apple Watch Series 4 and Samsung Galaxy Watch plans available. These include bonus data that is added to your monthly allowance, and include Number Share at no extra cost. Number Share currently isn't available via any other Optus-powered providers or on prepaid, but a spokesperson told us the telco is "committed to developing new technologies and is exploring how the Number Share capability could be extended to services offered by MVNO partners and Optus prepaid". If you have an iPhone XR, iPhone XS, or iPhone XS Max, Optus now offers eSIM postpaid plans for the trio of devices. To get one of these plans, you'll need visit an Optus store to get an eSIM QR code. You'll then scan this code with your phone to activate your plan. eSIM on Vodafone: Vodafone's Apple Watch and Galaxy Watch eSIM product is called NumberSync. As is standard, you're only able to setup NumberSync if you're on a postpaid Vodafone plan. NumberSync is billed at $5 per month. Apple Watch owners can get their first three months of NumberSync three if they sign up before December 31. At present, Vodafone has no plans to offer NumberSync to prepaid customers or through Vodafone-powered MVNOs. Setting up an Apple Watch eSIM: When you first pair a 4G Apple Watch Series 3 or Series 4 with your phone you'll be asked if you want to activate its eSIM (provided you're on a compatible plan). If you choose yes, you'll need to sign in with your username and password for your provider, and confirm you want to add One Number (Telstra), Number Share (Optus), or NumberSync (Vodafone) to your plan. It's that simple. If you've already set up your Apple Watch and didn't enable the eSIM, you can do so by opening the Watch app on your iPhone. Scroll down to "Mobile", and then tap "Set Up Mobile". Your telco will send you a text to confirm that your eSIM is active. Your 4G Apple Watch will only work on the same network as your iPhone. Install and open the Galaxy Wearable app Select Start the Journey and choose Galaxy Watch Your phone and the watch will attempt to pair. Confirm the prompts on both Sign in or create a Samsung account Restore your Galaxy Watch from a previous backup if need be The Galaxy Watch will now attempt to connect to a mobile network. If you have a compatible plan, you'll be given the option to activate the Galaxy Watch's eSIM functionality. Your 4G Galaxy Watch will only work on the same network as your smartphone. While the Galaxy Watch works with both Android and iOS devices, 4G connectivity will only work with Android smartphones. Roaming with an eSIM: No Australian eSIM providers currently support international roaming when it comes to wearables. Optus' eSIM plans for iPhones and Telstra's eSIM plans for Windows PC roam at standard plan rates. Credits: https://www.whistleout.com.au/MobilePhones/Guides/what-is-esim Read the full article
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softcarecs · 5 years
Meet eSIM - an electronic SIM or embedded SIM
It is a rewritable SIM card built into a cellular device like a smartphone or smartwatch. You don't need to open a slot or tray to put in a SIM as an eSIM never leaves your phone. You just need to simply download a "software SIM" from the provider of your choice.
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While eSIMs can help manufacturers pack more components into smaller spaces, the biggest winners are consumers. If and when eSIM goes mainstream, you will essentially have the option to instantly change phone provider at any time (assuming you haven't locked yourself into a contract). You wouldn't even need to pick up a SIM card from a store or place an order online to port; you'd make the request from your device. If adopted widely, eSIM would almost certainly increase the ease of jumping from provider to provider. This would in turn increase competition, and could also help increase the visibility of smaller providers without a retail presence. In Australia, the Apple Watch Series 3 was the first eSIM device you could buy, and as such, every telco's eSIM offering have predominantly been focused around wearable technology and the ability to share a single number between multiple devices. Telstra and Optus both have limited eSIM support for other devices, however. The iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR all use an eSIM in order to achieve dual SIM support in all markets other than China (where they'll get two physical SIM slots). If Australian telcos come to the party (Optus already has), or if you're travelling in another country with eSIM enabled carriers, you can simple add another plan to your iPhone by installing an app or scanning a QR code provided by your telco of choice. You can store multiple eSIMs in your iPhone, but you can one eSIM plan at a time. At present, these are eSIM enabled devices you can get in Australia: Apple Watch Series 4 Apple Watch Series 3 iPhone XS & iPhone XS Max iPhone XR Samsung Galaxy Watch Surface Pro 4G LTE HP Spectre Folio 4G HP Spectre X360 4G The Google Pixel 2 and Google Pixel 3 also feature an eSIM, but this currently only works with Google's Project Fi network in the United States. At present, the following Australian telcos have eSIM support: Telstra: Wearables and Windows PCs Optus: Wearables and 2018 iPhones Vodafone: Wearables Travel SIM provider GigSky also supports eSIM for the iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR. These plans can be added to your phone through the GigSky app, but they're designed for travel, rather local use. eSIM on Telstra: Telstra has two eSIM products: One Number for wearables, and a second offering for Windows 10 PCs. One Number allows Telstra postpaid customers to share their plan with their 4G Apple Watch Series 3, Apple Watch Series 4, or Samsung Galaxy Watch. Telstra will bill you an extra $5 per month to use One Number. Telstra MVNOs are currently unable to make use of One Number; you need to have a plan with Telstra directly. Telstra also has eSIM plans available for 4G-enabled Windows 10 PCs. These plans are the same as Telstra's SIM-only postpaid and prepaid tablet plans, but are purchased directly through your device without the need for a physical SIM card. Until December 31, anyone with a compatible Windows 10 eSIM device can sign-up for a free 30-day trail than includes 30GB of data to use within Australia. eSIM on Optus: Optus also has two eSIM products: Number Share for wearables, as well as eSIM plans for the iPhone XR, iPhone XS, and iPhone XS Max. Optus Number Share will work the Apple Watch Series 3, Apple Watch Series 4, and Samsung Galaxy Watch. As with Telstra, it's only available on postpaid plans. If you'd prefer to pay your smartwatch off over 24 months, Optus also has Apple Watch Series 4 and Samsung Galaxy Watch plans available. These include bonus data that is added to your monthly allowance, and include Number Share at no extra cost. Number Share currently isn't available via any other Optus-powered providers or on prepaid, but a spokesperson told us the telco is "committed to developing new technologies and is exploring how the Number Share capability could be extended to services offered by MVNO partners and Optus prepaid". If you have an iPhone XR, iPhone XS, or iPhone XS Max, Optus now offers eSIM postpaid plans for the trio of devices. To get one of these plans, you'll need visit an Optus store to get an eSIM QR code. You'll then scan this code with your phone to activate your plan. eSIM on Vodafone: Vodafone's Apple Watch and Galaxy Watch eSIM product is called NumberSync. As is standard, you're only able to setup NumberSync if you're on a postpaid Vodafone plan. NumberSync is billed at $5 per month. Apple Watch owners can get their first three months of NumberSync three if they sign up before December 31. At present, Vodafone has no plans to offer NumberSync to prepaid customers or through Vodafone-powered MVNOs. Setting up an Apple Watch eSIM: When you first pair a 4G Apple Watch Series 3 or Series 4 with your phone you'll be asked if you want to activate its eSIM (provided you're on a compatible plan). If you choose yes, you'll need to sign in with your username and password for your provider, and confirm you want to add One Number (Telstra), Number Share (Optus), or NumberSync (Vodafone) to your plan. It's that simple. If you've already set up your Apple Watch and didn't enable the eSIM, you can do so by opening the Watch app on your iPhone. Scroll down to "Mobile", and then tap "Set Up Mobile". Your telco will send you a text to confirm that your eSIM is active. Your 4G Apple Watch will only work on the same network as your iPhone. Install and open the Galaxy Wearable app Select Start the Journey and choose Galaxy Watch Your phone and the watch will attempt to pair. Confirm the prompts on both Sign in or create a Samsung account Restore your Galaxy Watch from a previous backup if need be The Galaxy Watch will now attempt to connect to a mobile network. If you have a compatible plan, you'll be given the option to activate the Galaxy Watch's eSIM functionality. Your 4G Galaxy Watch will only work on the same network as your smartphone. While the Galaxy Watch works with both Android and iOS devices, 4G connectivity will only work with Android smartphones. Roaming with an eSIM: No Australian eSIM providers currently support international roaming when it comes to wearables. Optus' eSIM plans for iPhones and Telstra's eSIM plans for Windows PC roam at standard plan rates. Credits: https://www.whistleout.com.au/MobilePhones/Guides/what-is-esim Read the full article
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