#and you’re such a sweetie hehe <33
inkykeiji · 1 year
waaa ik you hate/don't write stuff involving anal so i'm sorry if this ask makes you uncomfyyy bmb tomura and dabi have fucked around before if i remember correctly, but what exactly does that mean? like, have they had full-on sex before, or was it more just favors like handjobs, blowjobs, and anything else that doesn't involve anal shtuff? and how exactly was the dynamic when it was just the two of them? was tomura always daddy? again i'm rlly sorry if this comes across as disrespecting ur boundaries or makes you uncomfortable, i promise it's not my intention but ik it can be hard to convey tone/intention through anon asks so i'm just clarifying, i love your work btw!! <3
hehe thank u for the heads up + preliminary apology!! i really appreciate it <33
yes, they have! okay SO!!!
what exactly does ‘fucked around’ mean?
it means everything, from shoving their tongues down each other’s throats and desperate dry humping to tiny sexual favours and big sexual favours to full-on anal sex. the full-on anal isn’t something they’d do often; it’s only happened a handful of times in total, but it has happened. mostly they stuck to blowjobs and handjobs and the like, though.
just because i don’t/won’t explicitly write butt stuff, doesn’t mean my characters/iterations haven’t done it before! it just means that it isn’t for me and, additionally, i’m so inexperienced in it that i wouldn’t feel comfortable attempting to write it either way.
how exactly was their dynamic when it was just the two of them? was tomura always daddy?
oooh anon i love this question!!! so their dynamic will be explored on a deeper level in my bmb christmas series whenever i finish that monster of a series but it’s also important to note that reader has now, obviously, been thrown into the mix which changes their dynamic a little more (aka dabi pushes back more than he used to). when it was just the two of them, tomura was definitely still in charge, in control, and The Boss, but they were on much more equal footing than tomura and reader are when it comes to dom/sub dynamics. dabi isn’t exactly a sub, but when it comes to tomura, he will submit; does that make sense? he challenged (and challenges) tomura a lot; he will absolutely shove back against things he doesn’t agree with/want to do and dabi fucking hates being told what to do (serious issues with authority), but if it’s tomura, if it’s his boss, and he can’t punch or push or weasel or wiggle his way out of it, then he will do it. it won’t be without a serious fight, though.
all of this is to say: there was a slight power imbalance present in this dynamic at this specific time, with tomura fulfilling more of a dominant role and dabi fulfilling more of a submissive role. for the most part, though, they agreed on sexual matters between themselves, and tomura liked dabi’s playful snarkiness and the challenge he would occasionally present. it was definitely a lot of tomura telling dabi what to do and dabi being like ‘yeah, fuck you’ (in a teasing sort of fashion) and doing it anyway because he wants it, too, and he just can’t help but respond with that sarcastic tone when given something resembling an order.
tomura was definitely not Daddy towards him when it was just the two of them. their sexual relationship was extremely casual and there was little to no romance to it. they were just close, in the most basic sense of the word. they got along well, they understood each other on a deep level, they had the same interests and hobbies (killing n drugs), etc.. tomura obviously still enjoys exerting power and control over dabi since that’s just who he is through and through, straight to his core, and he technically is his boss, but it wasn’t nearly on the level that Daddy tomura exerts extreme control over reader. tomura didn’t care what dabi wore, who dabi fucked around with, what dabi did, where dabi went, how much sugar dabi ate, when dabi went to bed, etc etc etc (tho obviously some of these things change once he’s in an actual, official relationship with him; cue pushback from dabi). it just didn’t bother him at all. they weren’t exclusive in any sense of the word and aside from sex and work duties tomura didn’t care/have much interest in controlling dabi to this extent.
aw anon it doesn’t it doesn’t!!! oh please bb you’re so sweet hehe <3 honestly, to me personally, when someone begins an ask acknowledging that this might potentially make me uncomfortable and explicitly states that they know there’s a chance i just won’t respond (because that’s all i do to asks that make me uncomfy hehe) i find it really thoughtful and compassionate, and i appreciate it a lot.
especially in this case, your questions were really great (and it totally makes sense that you’d be curious about these things!! i was purposefully vague within the series itself) and i’m glad you asked them! you were really respectful, don’t worry <33 and thank you so much!! i’m so glad to hear it!! c:
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signedmio · 3 months
Hi Hi Hiii!!
I just came across your blog for the first time and OMG YOUR CONTENT IS SO SILLY I LOVE IT AHENEGSNWVDBEGDEE (the aesthetic is <33)
That 300 thingy was so cute,too bad i missed it 😭😭
May I ask for some platonic! Alastor,Rosie,Zestial,Carmilla,Vox,Adam and Husk (don't be afraid to shorten the list if it's too many 😭 I usually give a lot so you can write those you have more inspiration for) with a child!reader that is stereotypically childish and just very energetic and happy? Like,they love bright colors,plushies,running around,climb on stuff,always are happy but overall is a very nice and polite kid and will behave if kept occupied? Maybe one day the kid isn't all happy like always and the character worried? (Idk you do you,I just want a silly little chaotic kid!reader 😭😭)
I love platonic stuff so yeah :3
Anyways,I hope you can and enjoy writing this!!
I hope you have a really nice day! Don't forget to drink water and have rest!!
Stay proud!
-Nina <3
AWEEE TYSM !! i’m glad you enjoy my content (as well the aesthetic of my blog hehe), dw tho!! i’ll def have more events similar to my 300 celly in the future ~
as of now, i do not write for zestial or carmilla, but other than that i can do the rest ! enjoy !
Adam, Alastor, Husk, and Rosie + Chaotic!Child!Reader
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He literally loves you to pieces bro, it makes him consider kids later on in his afterlife
Wrestling is constant with the the two of you, he’ll let ya beat him up for fun, he’ll swing ya around, anything ya want!!
Although, if you start swearing at a young age, now it’s thinks to him!
If he sees that the chaotic and fun kid he knows just isn’t feeling it today, he’ll plop down next to ya, try to make you laugh or smile, but if he gets no response? Crushed bro.
He’ll just be like “What’s wrong little bro?” with a 🥺 look on his :’)
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Alastor wasn’t much of a kid person, well.. until he met you.
You were fun to be around - energetic, but also still polite, as well as entertaining
He would have you do some tasks, giving him less work, and it kept you occupied
Although one day, his charming little kiddo wasn’t their normal happy self.
Al would bend to your level, a soft smile on his face, “Young one, you’re never fully dressed without a smile!”
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To be honest, kids weren’t really Husk’s thing, teenagers? Sure. But young children, eh…
Well, until he met you, you were polite, but still had a lot of energy and were fun to be around — but also knew when to shush.
He would especially love it when you would say the most out of pocket shit, and just not know, cause you’re just a kid!
But when he sees his little stinker without their usual smile, he’s concerned.
When you come to the bar with your little soft frown, Husk will lean over the counter to face you, whispering a small ‘Keep pushing tiger, ya got this.’
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Rosie adores children of all ages, she’s a very motherly person, so it’s safe to say when you first stumbled into her emporium, clueless, she was more than delighted to help you!!
Once she got to know you, she was in awe about how a child could be more perfect, you were so grown yet so innocent, it was cute, really.
So when she sees you stumble back to her parlor, looking like you had just cried, her heart broke for you.
She’ll take your hand, and lead you off to your usual talking spot, giving you a cup a tea, “C’mon now, sweetie, what’s got ya in a funk? What can I do?”
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euaphoric · 11 months
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୭ৎ ࣪ ׅ ⊹ pairing — painter!jungkook x f!reader, best friends to lovers
୭ৎ ࣪ ׅ ⊹ warnings — fluff, diet smut, body painting, jk is such a sweetie pie (Uᴖ⋏ᴖU) <33, jk loves boobies hehe
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
he told you this would only take an hour max, but here you are 2.5 hours later still sitting in the same position that you were obligated not to move from. “koo, how much longer is this gonna take?” you sigh out of boredom, hugging your legs while your head rests between your knees. jungkook was taking his sweet little time with this painting, he needed everything to be absolutely perfection. he really thought an hour was all he needed but during the process he realized his eye for detail was much more critical than usual. “just stay still and look pretty for a tad bit more please, almost done i swear.” he says, darting eyes focused solely on the creation he’s making in front of him. gliding his brush along your spine, the softness of the bristles struck you with a tingly sensation from the paint he was layering onto your back. you were letting him use you as his final art project, he wanted to deviate from the norm and use a human body as his canvas and who wouldn’t be more perfect for that then his beautiful best friend? he’s known you for years, since as long as you both could remember, even going so far as to attending the same university. as time went on you’ve grown to be more than comfortable with him; but this was on another level of intimate. you felt too exposed with your bare back facing him but he didn’t make you feel weird about it which put your mind at ease. you were completely at his disposal to fulfill the vision he wanted and you couldn’t let him down no matter what. you’re not quite sure how you ended up agreeing to this but he was pretty good at convincing you to do things for him. “you’ve said that for the gazillionth time now, im getting hungryyy.” you whine. “shh, you’ll get to eat soon! i told you i would treat you to a meal right after this didn’t i? patience is key sugarplum.” there he goes with that damn nickname, he used to say it to make you cringe but now you find yourself endeared by the term. he took his angled brush to pick up a shade of lilac, adding a grey-ish pale blue tint to it, fluorescent pigments of yellows and oranges adorned your bleak skin.
surprisingly you didn’t mind this at all (minus you being super hungry), you didn’t mind the feeling of the brush against you, it was almost relaxing in a way. he was being really gentle with you as he promised, he didn’t talk much during it since he was so highly engrossed in his artistic endeavors. at least he was kind enough to play music in the background, you softly hummed the lyrics to ‘nights’ by frank ocean. you had no clue what the end result will be be and the wait was only getting longer and longer, the curiosity was killing you. “okay, donee you’re free to go now bub.” he announces, “you did so great for me!” giving you a head pat with traces of dry paint still on his fingers. “whoo! fucking finally, i’ve been starving!” you attempt to leap off the bed but he pulls you by the arm “wait, wait need to take some pics first!” he says, stopping you from going any further. he pulls out his phone to snap a few shots of his artwork, “this is probably the most beautiful piece i’ve ever done by far, thank you so much for letting me do this with you y/n.” you giggle at his immense amount of gratitude he was showing, “of course kook, that’s what homies are for right?” “right, homies…” his voice sounding a bit sulky when he said that. “can i see the photo you took?” you ask, you’ve been waiting for this reveal since he’s talked about it. he nods and hands you his phone, “let me know what you think.” your eyes set on the screen in front of you, it was no secret he was a highly talented artist but this was absolutely absurd. you couldn’t believe how intricate and beautifully he was able to capture such an image — his work was otherworldly astonishing. the scenery was of a deep indigo sea below the falling sunset, blends of periwinkle, magenta, and ivory in the sky; the silhouette of a woman’s body in the forefront, looking off into the distance. it was better than anything you’d expected, his work deserved its own showcase within itself.
“wow koo this is…” you had trouble finding the right words to even praise him, “this is stunning, how are you so talented at literally everything you do?” he chuckled, “thanks love and i’m only good at it because i practiced a lot over time, i wouldn’t have been able to do this without you though sugarplum.” he uses that little name yet again. “so, when can i put my shirt back on…?” you wonder, feeling a tiny bit awkward still covering your chest. “it’s still drying, it’ll dry fast though just give it like 5 more minutes sweetheart.” what the hell is his problem today, what’s with all the pet names all of a sudden? you turn to face him, a wide smile plastered on his face as he still looks at the photos. you could sense how proud he was through his mannerisms, you could read him like a book. “you know what i’ve always wanted to paint on?” he asks you, glancing up from his phone. “what?” “breasts, they’re so pretty!” of course he’d say that, your best friend could be a total perv sometimes. you slap his arm playfully after that comment, “you’re such a dork!” “yeah but i’m your dork.” he smirks. he was so cute it hurts. “could i try painting on yours?” he wasn’t meant to actually say that out loud. you paused for a minute, thinking whether or not he’s just joking with you but by the tone of his voice it didn’t sound like he was. “you.. wanna paint on my boobs?” you definitely understood him the first time but shock was getting the best of you. “pretty much, yeah.” he openly admits, “only if you’re comfortable with it though of course!” he felt his cheeks get hotter the more he talks. “i mean- this won’t be weird for you at all? you’re my best friend.” i guess now was a good time to finally come out with it, “i love you y/n.” “awe, i love you too koo.” “no, no, not like that… for fucks sake i’ve been in love with you for so many years!” there was no use in hiding it anymore, it was either this or live the rest of his life in pain and suffering. “and you’re just telling me this now?” you said, dumbfounded by his confession. “you didn’t ever think it was obvious? i was waiting for the right moment but it just never came.. well, until now.”
you should’ve known all along if you’d actually paid attention but your oblivious nature would blind you to believe it be something else. he’s always been your ideal type, even though you’ve never explicitly said it, you know once you do this there’s no turning back. “okay, i’ll let you paint on them.” “wait- really?” his eyes lit up with solar systems in them, feeling like he just struck rare gold. you nod, slowly unveiling your arms from covering your chest. jungkook watches you in awe, he thinks you were handcrafted by the angels above themselves, everyday you manage to make him fall even harder. you were sat near the edge of bed as he admires your figure, taking in the very sight of your raw beauty. “you’re so gorgeous y/n..” he husks, grabbing your hand to pepper butterfly kisses along them, all the way up to your arm. “everything about you is art to me.” he brought you closer in his distance, pulling you into a deep kiss as he gropes your thigh. your hands wander down his back while holding you firmly, sliding his fingers gracefully up and down. giggling into his mouth from the ticklish feeling on your thighs, taking that as an opportunity to slip his tongue in. in this moment, you still couldn’t believe you’re kissing your best friend, but oddly enough it felt natural. you both stayed like that for ages, kissing and enjoying the way you both taste, this all feels like a fever dream to him. once jungkook pulled away he left both you and him breathless, panting heavy as he brings his hands to fiddle with your perked breasts. he sensed a second pulse in his pants, it didn’t take much for him to be turned on by you at all. “so perfect..” he breathes against your neck tauntingly, “just for me.” he’s always loved physical touch but this was foreign to you, you’ve never imagined the hands of your best friend wrapped around your breasts, playing with them and sucking on your hard nipples. cute moans escape your mouth from it being agape, you run your fingers through his blonde mane as you look down at him taking your whole titty in his mouth. he looks so pretty underneath you. when he breaks away your chest glistens with his spit and saliva, however, it’ll soon be covered up with more paint.
jungkook found you so breathtaking. that’s why he scrambled to the idea of making you a part of his art project, he wanted to create something unique and special to him. after you’ve been making out for what seemed like hours, he shifted his attention back to the task at hand. he grabbed his palette with premium paints and squeezes just enough out to make sure none of the colors goes to waste. he dips his inked finger into the fiery crimson hue, applying the cold substance to your left breast, making you yelp. he smirks, biting his lip at your etherealness. he twirls his finger around your nipple, creating intricate patterns with the saturated varnish. you’ve never felt more beautiful, his love for art and you combined gave him a life worth living. another color gets added to the mix, a bright turquoise, this time dragging his fingers across the side of your non painted chest. you shiver from his touch easily, the sensitivity of it all being too much for you. your eyes close at the feeling, vibrational frequencies leave your whole body quivering. “fuck koo…” you moan as every molecule in you feels shaky. “yes sugarplum?” he asks, looking up at you with doe eyes. “i love when you call me that..” your breathy pants were giving jungkook all the more reason to want to smother you right now. “i’ll always call you that beloved, don’t worry.” he assures, “and to think you used hate that nickname, tchh i knew you secretly liked when i called you that.” his fingers smear more bold paint onto your breasts, he could do this all day if he could. the sounds of your moans coexisting with the music was a harmony in heaven. jungkook loved you so much it hurt, “you mean so much to me, you have no idea..” he said, placing another kiss to your delicate lips, “i’m beyond crazy about you y/n, i’ll do anything for you.” his lips travel over to your chin, pecking the sides. “hmm really, anything?” you question the validity, watching him mix more colors together. “yes babydoll.” he coos, eager for your response. “oki, i’ll tell you but you’ll have to feed me first— then want you to paint something else after.”
@genkima ִֶָꨄˎˊ˗
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foullegacyslut · 2 years
Ohhh request alrighty how aboutttt
Giving them head?
With Kazuha Venti Xiao and anyone else you like~ <3
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gotchaaa!! kinda short since yknow more characters= shorter sorry soweyy T^T i will write more venti soon hehehe! anyways kazuhas is so.. omgg i need to just be in his lap and nuzzle my face against his cock bulge omggg i wantt <33 also new. theme hehe
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cute little head pushes and thrusting up, he just can’t control himself!! his hands sneak onto your cunt, rubbing you as you suck him off <3 heehee so cutie baby i wuvv him
Kazuha gently pet your hair as you laid your head in his lap as he worked at a desk on the crux, quill in one hand jotting down ideas.
You nuzzled your face on his bulge, gently looking up at him like a little puppy.
“Hm? What is it?” He smiled, caressing your face. You snuggled up to it, rubbing it with your cheek, trying to send some signal to him. He flushed pink, letting out a breathy moan.
“Go ahead.” He said, pulling down his hakama. You smiled, gently looking at his cute, big, cock, the way it curved slightly. You started gently kissing the tip and licking at it. He moaned, then placing a hand on your head, gently petting your head.
“You’re so cute..” he mumbled, letting you continue to put your mouth around the tip. As he went back to work with you under the table sucking his cock. His gentle breathing getting faster, moaning slightly every so often when it hit the back of your throat when you put it in halfway.
He pushed your head down delicately, getting tears to form in your eyes. “Sorry sweetie.. I couldn’t control my urges. Excuse me if i accidentally lose contro-oh!” He moaned as you started to bob your head, adorable little eyelashes batting at him, how could you look like such an angel while deepthroating his cock like that?
“Archons you are beautiful. I could write haikus like this all day.” He smiled, before he heard a little “ghk!” from under the table. You had tried to take him all the way to the base of his cock. He chuckled a bit, as he wiped tears off your cheek.
“Don’t over exert yourself, my muse. You are doing perfect.”
But of course you still did your best work, suckling on the tip and stroking the shaft, always looking up at him for reassurance you weren’t doing anything wrong. Archons you weren’t! Kazuha was in heaven.
“I’m going to cum in your mouth, OK?” He asked, smiling at you. You’d simply pushed his cock deeper in your mouth, he moaned and threw his head back, before thrusting up into your throat and filling up your mouth with his seed.
You swallowed it all, a small drop dribbling off your chin.
“You did so well. Take it as a treat, don’t waste a drop.” He wiped the droplet and brought his finger to your mouth so you could lick the cum off of it.
“So much for being productive.”
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EHE?1!1! Horny mf… blatantly just goes “suck me off ” LIKE HUHHH but anyways he whimpers and also has a monster cock cause he’s an archon i take no arguments i’m RIGHT <3 muah muah venti
You stood there in shock. Did he really just say that? Venti was standing there smiling, eyes half lidded and not even drunk. He only drank non alcoholic apple cider.
“Well? Can you pleasee suck me off? I want to see how cute you are doing it! Cmon traveler!” He giggled, watching you stutter over your words and blush.
“Alright. I-I will!” You placed your hands on your hips in a teasing manner as you got on your knees and gulped as he undid his belt and his already hard cock revealed itself. It was long and girthy, not at all what you’d think of when you saw him.
“What? Cant handle it?” He teased, pinching your cheek.
“I can!” You shouted, before taking it in your mouth to prove your point.
“Oh-Oh my archons! Please warn me, windblume..” He mumbled, gently holding the table behind him.
You didn’t pay any mind to that as you took his cock deeper down your throat, gently licking and sucking around the most sensitive part. He whimpered gently and threw his head back.
“God.. I’m gonna cum.” He said, paying no regard to a gentle bell ring from the door.
You didn’t either, so you continued to suck until you got to the base, tears forming in your eyes. And as he came in your mouth and you swallowed it all, Kaeya entered the room.
“Well my word, I had to let myself in, i rung the doorbell like 4-“ He nearly dropped bis drink seeing ventis cock 7 inches deep in your throat.
You took it out, a little bit of cum dribbling from your chin.
Kaeya laughed so hard at dinner with you guys
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He blushes n stuff… kinda cute but like bro… but anyways yeah i’m incapable of writing him being nice T^T i cn only do mean xiao <3 i hope you still like mean to soft xiao..
Xiao had caught you talking to Kazuha.. Uh oh! You’re in big trouble now..
“Who was that? I know that’s not Aether. Fess up. He’s not one of those friends i know.” He hissed, making you double back a little.
“He’s just a friend. I know people use that excuse all the time but really. He’s dating someone else!” (the author)
“Bullshit. Maybe i’ll mark you up. Remind you who you belong to hm?” He brought you closer to him. “I want you to get on your knees, Xiaoníao.”
So you complied. You got on your knees and pulled down his pants. You knew what he wanted you to do.
“Good.” He smiled.
You licked the tip making him sign in pleasure as you started to suck him off. You gently put your hands on the shaft and started stroking.
“Oh Xiaoniao..” He moaned, gently petting your hair as you went faster, smiling and licking his cute tip. It twitched only your mouth as you started to take it all in your throat before stroking it again.
“I’m gonna cum.. Oh my archons..” He moaned, before pushing your head down as his cum filled your mouth, thick and hot.
“Swallow it.” And you did. It coated your throat as the bitterness kicked in.
“I’m sowwy.. Ish bitter..” You swallowed harder, letting his pet your face.
“Don’t hang out with him again unless i’m there. I don’t want you doing anything with him.”
“You can come cuddle with me.. or whatever mortals like after this sort of stuff.”
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xhdream · 4 months
HIIIII <33 I HOPE UR WELL!!!! I’ve come to present my thoughts that have been running rampant in my brain for almost an entire week 🫵🩷
I was thinking about fwb Jungsu; the secret dates and fucks behind the other members backs. The pure desperation almost every time the two of you see each other— it doesn’t matter if the rest of the boys are right there because he wants you now! Jungsu has little to no self control when it comes to you; lucky for him, neither do you. So there’s sneaky touches, hidden moans behind the wall of your hand. Jungsu sneaking his fingertips under your skirt while all of you are out at a restaurant, Jiseok and Seungmin giggling loudly over a joke the two of you couldn’t be bothered to acknowledge. Jungsu is feigning a smile, eyes on you as he rubs his fingers up and down the growing wet stain on your panties <3. And meanwhile, Jooyeon is just rambling about Legos or something 💀 all the other boys completely unaware of the sinful touches beneath the table.
Movie nights with the boys; Jungsu has you laid on his chest, Seungmin on your side, completely unknowing of how Jungsu has his hand tightly gripping your ass beneath the woolen blanket. He’s sneaky like that, whispering into your ear every time the movie gets loud enough for his words to be hidden; “Wanna feel your pussy so bad… gonna let me fuck you with all the guys around? Gonna be a good little slut for me, baby?” And you’re nodding softly as his fingers trickle into the loose fabric of your shorts. He’s touching you so good, but he won’t just put it in like you want him too, and it’s making you pout into his chest.
“Be Patient… Wait Till everyones asleep…” and sure enough in the next 10 minutes everyone is practically knocked the fuck out. Now you’re really begging, tugging at his shirt and kissing up and down the veins along his neckline, little breathless begging because he got you all riled up in the worst way!! So of course he’ll fuck you now, just be quiet! We can’t have anyone seeing you getting fucked by your closest friend <3
i was well until i read this now i’m having a breakdown 🥲 /hj
you always got me sweating with these… now all i’m gonna think about all day is how the only thing that’s gonna fill the room is the wet sounds coming from you and his soft grunts and moans bc everyone is sleeping :(
hehe hope you’re well too ~ have a wonderful sunday sweetie 🩷 ty for the delicious meal as always!!
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tender-rosiey · 10 months
I JUST NOW REALIZED WE ARE MUTUALS and I am fangirling, yelling, screaming into my pillow, jumping up and down, buying a mortgage, throwing a fit
I've been a really big, big fan of you for years - even when I was a silent little blog with no posts and your writing has always been so, so special to me and a sweet comfort on bad days you are TRULY amazing
ok im done rambling about how much I love you, I hope you have a wonderful, wonderful day sweetie pie!!!
I am so honored and happy that you like my posts and that I am able to provide you comfort through my works truly <33
and just so you know, I am a BIG BIG BIGGGGG fan of your gojo as taylor swift songs THEY’RE ALL SOO 🫶🫶🫶
in general though, all your works are absolutely wonderful (i think one my favorites is soccer players hehe) <333
I hope you have a wonderful day as well MWUAH 💕
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kuroosdarling · 2 years
tag all of your mutuals and put beside it the kind of person they are im really curious :)
oh boy !!! buckle up bc i am ready to pour out my love <33 i love all of my talented moots so i’m just going to say a few things about them and hopefully it answers your question !! hehe they’re all wonderful people and im super glad to know each and every one :’)
i have a lot more newer moots that i’d like to gush about too but i am v shy when it comes to interacting !!! so if we are moots and you’re not here it’s just bc i’m shy about tagging you !! :(<3
@myheroesaretired nesi !! she puts up with all my shit i stg lol she gets so many of my unfiltered thoughts … sry nesi </3 i feel like i’ve known her forever even tho it’s been a couple months pls!! she’s so easy to talk to and i’m v thankful for her support :’) literally think we were twins in a past life tbh !!
@sookisaurus risu !!! one of my first moots hehe risu is so incredibly welcoming and she looks after everyone <3 i love chatting with her any chance i can bc she’s so funny n always has something good to say <3 also whenever we start talkin bout kuroo it’s game over 😵‍💫🤍 we feed into each others brainrots and im always here for it !!
@mattsunkawa echo !! my bubs hehe omg she’s so funny n chill and i love talking to her sm <3 i bug her all the time PLS !! anytime we watch a new anime it’s tradition to yell to each other about it at this point. from aot -> op -> csm + bluelock lol !! i love when we share bits of our writing with each other just to rile the other one up lmfao !!
@oooohno nana <3 literally the sweetest person ever !! anytime we chat or interact i get so so happy!! she’s so kind and literally always tags me in the best stuff 🤧 so incredibly thoughtful to everyone on here <33 she’s sm fun to talk to :) especially when we dive in about our fave characters !
@ohtokki WAH laura !! <3 such a friendly and warm person fr her energy just makes everyone feel at home !!! the type of person i’d love to sit and have some tea with and talk about anything !! (esp video games lol)
@1812p4n K🥺 one of the kindest people on this site!! always spreading love and happiness to everyone on the dash <3 what did we do to deserve her fr 🤍✨
@crescentkaze KAZE !! such a sweetie but also her MIND !! pls anytime i wanna rant about railing fictional characters i run to her immediately !!! we always end up building off each other and idk those convos always make my day :’)
@discordkittenjoestar - kendall pls !! she’s so so funny and i love all of her shitposts sm <3 also super sweet n supportive hehe and im excited to talk to her more O:
@akisbrew SOBS !!! aims !! she is seriously so funny and so down to earth!! such a chill person and incredibly supportive !! she’s someone i would love to sit down and vibe with, chatting bout life and our her mans (jean<3)
@taintedsorrcw milo bby <33 queen of events methinks !!! she always creates beautiful themes, events n masterlists !!! she’s also so so sweet and sm fun to talk to !! :)
@soshiina ina !! SOBS !! so incredibly funny and has such a vibrant energy !! chaotic in the best way possible that makes you wanna just talk to her for hours on end fr !!! <3
@writingbymoonlight luna :)) i always love whenever i get to interact with luna because she is just so sweet !! i feel like she has the best book recs tbh bc anytime i see her post about a new book she got it makes me want to go read it too O:
@satisfactooru bay !! pls !! literally could gush about her all day 🥺 she’s so nice and welcoming !! i feel like she’s good at making others feel heard and appreciated <33 such a kind soul fr hehe
@oomiya anyone that knows haley knows she super sweet 🥺 anytime we interact i feel so warm n fuzzy !! she has a way with words and making everyone feel safe tbh <3
@wakatshi - anytime i think of the word lovely i think of daria hehe she’s so nice and her aesthetic is gorgeous !! (just like her pls!!)
@daiception nini !!! she’s so so gorgeous and i luv her style !! we are newer moots but anytime we interact it brings a big smile to my face <3
@kurootosis lem 🥺 lovely lem !! i always luv seeing her on the dash hehe but i still get shy reaching out to interact sometimes lol !! she has such a cool vibe and she’s someone i would love to sit and talk to at a cozy lil cafe !!
@kurooandkenmasslut nat !! i think we became moots like yesterday lol BUT i love her energy !! she seems like sm fun and im glad we are interacting bc i always need more people to gush over kuroo n kenma <33
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sebsxphia · 2 years
happy monday my sweetie!!! i hope you have the most wonderful day and week i love you so so much!! i hope you had a good weekend as well <33 thinking about dilf rhett on this beautiful morning hehe
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happy monday my sweetie!!! thank you so muchhhh you’re so very lovely as always 🥹 i hope you have a wonderful day and rest of your week, and!! you had a good weekend as well!! i love you so so so much my love!! 🫶🏼💖
we’re always thinking about dilf!rhett in the morning!! the scenario where he’s either your husband and a dilf or divorced and a dilf are both equally deadly and have disastrous consequences for feminism. i just wanna tease him for his grey hairs and then have him fuck me into the mattress because i need reminding that dilfs can still fuck <3
hee hee
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inkykeiji · 3 months
Hazbin hotel is dubbed in other languages too, it’s not an ESL issue(from someone who is ESL). Anons just trying to be a jerk. Hang in there Clari
aw hehe thank you for letting me know this anon <33 you’re a sweetie!! i can see where that anon was coming from, definitely, but like i said, when we’re discussing media literacy we’re of course not talking about someone who understandably misconstrues something due to a language barrier or very poor translators. that isn’t at all a media literacy issue, nor is it the viewer’s fault, and a misunderstanding like that says nothing about that person’s literacy! <3
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kitten4sannie · 1 year
NAUUURR! You're so sweet truly! I've been good with my school, finally off the stress lol. And pleaseee I relate too- it's been a roller coaster of emotions recently and finally can get off the anxiety. How are you sweetie? 👀
(And that cat pic was SO CUTE- I LOVE CATS)
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[Me right now! Sending you lots of love cause you DESERVE IT]
yay i’m glad you don’t deserve all that stress :( i hope you’re able to relax and do some self care <33 yeah i feel that… anxiety is no fun :< i’ve been going through some health related stuff but i’ve been doing physical therapy so i’m finally at a point where i can start looking for a job so i’m relieved :) also i’m very proud of you for getting through all your homework and exams and classes (ik it’s not easy) so great job lovely and keep it up 💜 I LOVE CATS TOOO i have two actually hehe. awwwh i’m sending you lots of love too 💕💕💕💕
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nightlychans · 2 years
hii jena !! 🌹 hehe i hope you’re having a good day so far <33
Hello Beck my sweetie!!!! My day was a bit tiring but at least I’m done with my work now, thank you! I hope your day is going/went great too 💛
Since you gave me for reasons wretched and divine (a masterpiece that i still think of to this day), I think it’s only fair if I give you a Chan piece in return hehehehehe
It was like a twisted tango: a dangerous dance that, tonight, started as soon as he pulled you into the empty lecture hall and slammed you back into the closed door, of which you answered by moving him into the wall next to the door not so gracefully, and then it just got repeated and repeated until you reached the windows on the walls opposite of the door. By the time your back was against the glass, both your lips had begun swelling with all the accidental bites and nips upon being pushed. He was, also, vigorous as ever, a small jolt of pain moving along your spine every time he pushed your back into the cold surfaces of this big, cold room. “What about below the neckline?”
“I don’t... Just— take off your fucking shirt, Jesus.”
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kpophubb · 2 years
Hi honey🍪 ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶🥛how are you doing today ?^^
Aww your replies are so sweet I saw them the day you posted , but only today I got my internet back 🤧 sorry for late reply 🥺; also I love all the pics you attached
I’d be only happy to stick around if it’s okay 🙈🤍
I made screenshots of all your replies , they are so sweet I wanna read them again and again <💗
I think I will reread camp imagine again today hehe 😁🔥🥰🥰
Just wanted to wish you a lovely day(⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃ , send some positive energy (・∀)人(ェ・。U and maybe make you smile ?😅ヾ(^ω^*)
Also eat good and smile smile ~ I’m sure you are beautiful when you smile 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Your 🐁:) + song recommendation for u :3
hihi my sweetie 🐁 anonie🥰☺️ I am so delighted to hear from you again <3 awww🥺 I also re-read your asks a lot of times because they make me smile so much!!🙈👉🏻👈🏻 tysm omg I was just sitting rn, all dressed up today haha and reading a book from my favourite series!! I’m sure you’re just as beautiful when you smile and I believe all smiles are equally precious, so me being the cause of yours makes me feel so worthy. 💖 and TROYE SIVAN!!! Aweeh!! I love this song and the lyrics <33 what is your genre in music?? So I could suggest you some too 😚 listen to the song below, I hope you like it ♡
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diorsbrando · 2 years
SOSA MI AMOR ! ! hru doin today < 3 i was eating a cookie n it kinda looked like ur pfp n i thought of u hehe 🤭🫶🏽 ilysm babie mwah
coco my sweetie pie sugar lumps 💖💖 im doin okay yk just drinking apple juice n watching my shows <33
you’re so sweet for thinking of me like that 🥺 what flavor cookie was it ??? & i love you pup mwah MWAH
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Girl i love ur energy wthh and i’m sorry you had to have this crisis in the middle of the class and in front of your colleagues omgg😭😭 plus i will gladly send more pins to you but with a warning lmao just learned my lesson.
Anyways i hope you are doing alright sweetie 😔✋♥️♥️💓💕💕
I LOVE YOUR ENERGY TOO PINTEREST ANON pls don’t feel the need to add warnings i’m just joking hehe :33 it’s kinda like a fun lil surprise!! .. except the surprise is always a hot sugu pin. which makes it better!!!
I HOPE YOU’RE DOING SO WELL BELOVED…… i’m picking you up and spinning you around 🫂🫂 your master plan worked btw that pin DID end up giving me inspo and now the priest!sugu fic is in my wips 😔😔
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sheraayasher · 8 months
No worries! College has been... demanding to say the least! No I totally get you! Finding time for all of my assignments and being able still like properly function is a bit of a struggle! I've been better tbh, I've been trying to take things one step at a time. Grief has snuck up on me and demanded I feel it, so that is always fun. But other than that its alright! I'm trying to eat okay lol, and drinking lots of water.
The same goes for you! I know how hard it can be to find time to eat amongst all the work! <33
Gracie sweetie I so understand you. I’m so sorry everything is happening at once with you but I do know that you’re very much capable to get through it bc you’re my spirit animal and someone I really adore and look up to. You’ve got this girl <33
I’ll try not to forget to eat well hehe
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I LOVED IT <3 (I'm the one who asked for the Matt hearing you touching yourself hehe)
I'm not gonna lie, I was expecting more smut only because I was kinda horny when I requested it -I'm sorry, don't judge me 😔-. BUT IT WAS REALLY AMAZING, so I'm more than happy with how it turned out.
Now I want a part two with them being a little shy in their next interaction, like Matt remembering it when they talk AAAAAH. You don't have to write this, this is just my deluxe me in love with a fictional character (unless you want ofc ;) )
I'm gonna reblog it and like it now, I just wanted to stop and thank you before anything so THANK YOU SO MUCH SWEETIE <3
hiii!! AHHH that’s so sweet of you!!
I knoww me too, im sorry!! I wanted to write more smut, but I think I got confused how to write it since they’re not together (like together in same area) and id never judge you, I feel that way 99.99% of the time
I think I was a little burnout when writing so it’s not my best, but you’re a babe for saying that, so thank you!!
and you’re very welcome, thank you for being so lovely!!
I think I might do that part 2 ;) are you able to send in an ask of that so I can reply to that with the fic, if that makes sense😭
thank you again <33
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