anderswelten · 3 months
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Disclaimer: I used public recommendations for builds and I adjusted them according to my preferences. However, I‘m not an experienced competitive player.
Usually, I do not post guides for specific Tera Raids, but the ongoing Tera Raid (Mighty Venusaur, Tera Type Ground) is a good opportunity to farm some herbal mysticas. This Tera Raid is live until 5th March 2024 (23:59 UTC) - or longer if you do not go online. Last might not be recommended, because Mighty Blastoise will follow and even Mighty Charizard will reappear the next two weeks.
By beating Venusaur each Herba Mystica has a chance to be dropped by 3% - that sounds a bit low at first, but there are at least three advantages:
1. You have 5 herba roles for each fight. That is more than most of the standard 5 or 6 Star Tera Raids
2. You know exactly the moveset and the Tera Type - you can choose your own Pokémon very precisely and design its moveset according to this specific Raid.
3. You don’t necessarily need Nintendo Switch Online, you can do this either with a RL friend or - if you own two Switches - by yourself. (And honestly, it feels much more satisfying farming herbas like this instead of joining a random bot!)
I‘m using the pair of Chesnaught and Hisuian Goodra. It is very effective and easy to play on two Switches simultaneously. These are the sets:
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Item: Shell Bell
Ability: Bulletproof
Tera Type: Grass
IV’s & EV‘s: 31/31/31/x/31/x - 4 HP, 252 Atk, 252 SpD
Nature: Adamant
Moves: Leech Seed, Seed Bomb, Swords Dance, Spiky Shield
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Item: Air Balloon
Ability: Sap Sipper
Tera Type: Steel
IV‘s & EV‘s: x/31/x/x/x/0 - 252 Atk, all other doesn‘t matter except for no speed investment!
Nature: Brave
Moves: Fake Tears, Protect, Curse, Gyro Ball
The strategy is as follows, markings are for Chesnaught / Goodra:
Round: Leech Seed / Fake Tears
Round: Seed Bomb / Fake Tears
Round: Spiky Shield / Protect
Round: Swords Dance / Curse
Round: Swords Dance / Curse
Round: Swords Dance / Curse
Round and onwards: Seed Bomb / Gyro Ball
A few more notes:
If Leech Seed misses in the first Round, don‘t worry, use Leech Seed in Round 2, Round 2 for Chesnaught is just meant to fill the ability to Tera it
Tera your Pokémon as soon as possible
Instead of using Gyro Ball in Round 7 - 9, you can continue to boost Goodras stats with Curse. In the end it is not necessary to have 6+ Atk on Goodra, because Chesnaught will do the most damage on Venusaur. You can even decide to just use Goodra as a support, but remember that you can use Fake Tears again as soon as Venusaurs Shield is down
I cannot recommend to use 2x Chesnaught, because one will lack of the Leech Seed support - at least I felt really stressed and the second Chesnaught got killed on each try with the result that the I ran out of time…
It is unlikely, but could happen, that Venusaur will again reset your stats + Ability - it is very important to use again Spiky Shield / Protect in that round!
You can beat Venusaur with Chesnaught solo as well, but it felt like on the last second for me.
I wish you happy farming! :)
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z428 · 8 months
Später dann Stille. Hoher, weiter Himmel über allem. Die Höfe ruhen unter Bäumen und Laub. Ein Garagentor quietscht durchdringend, Geisterstimme aus Anderswelten. Dann verschwinden Scheinwerfer inmitten der Positionslichter der Häuser und Straßen, dort, wo die Stadt noch nicht schläft. Noch ein paar Handgriffe, die Dinge ordnen, auf die der erste Blick des Morgens fällt. Flasche verkorken. Dann fällt der Schalter, die Lampen verlöschen, zurück bleiben helle Dielen und der Schein kalten Mondes.
#outerworld #the night and the moon #late city days #city evening
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edelsteinland · 17 days
Mittsommernachtsfest bei ANDERSWELTEN
Am Samstag, den 22.06. ab 11 Uhr findet bei ANDERSWELTEN in Stipshausen wieder das allseits bekannte MITTSOMMERNACHTSFEST statt.
Zwischen 11 Uhr bis ca. 15 Uhr haben alle Besucher*innen die Möglichkeit, in Jennifer Sauers Atelierwerkstatt andersweltlichen Schmuck sowie Malerei zu bestaunen, bei Alexander Wolff im ANDERSWELTENraum (Conceptstore für exklusives Kunsthandwerk) zu shoppen oder einfach nur das gemütliche, friedliche und kulinarische Treiben auf dem Hof zu genießen.
Natürlich ist ganztags bestens für das leibliche Wohl (Gegrilltes, Kühles, Kaffee & Kuchen, Eis, ...) gesorgt.
Und für das bessere Seelenheil wird es in diesem Jahr bei gewohnter stimmungsvoller und gemütlicher Atmosphäre einiges an musikalischen Programmpunkten, angefangen von Blasmusik, Kinderchor-Musik, Rock Pop mit dem Sangeslust-Chor, Folk-Rock mit den "2 Hearts of Gold", über einen Auftritt der Band "Big Moon Circle" bis hin zu einem Konzert der jungen und aufstrebenden Rockkapelle "Lytotes" geben.
Darüber hinaus wird Alexander Wolff die "PERLEN DES HUNSRÜCKS" der 6. Ausgabe seines Magazins vorstellen und kurz interviewen.
Mit Matthias Müller (Honig-Produkte aus Eigenproduktion) und Christa Hochhaus (Kunstobjekte aus Gemüse-Papyrus) konnte man zwei mehr als wunderbare Mitaussteller für das MITTSOMMERNACHTSFEST gewinnen. Und natürlich werden die lieben Sänger*innen des Projektchors "Sangeslust" wieder dafür Sorge tragen, dass es „mittsommernächtlichen“ Blumenkopfschmuck geben wird.
Man darf gespannt sein!
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anderswelten · 11 months
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How to proof
Proofing that an event Pokemon was legally obtained became a standard for many traders. As older as the event is, it is more valuable when it’s proofed. But don’t overrate a proof, because even a proofed event can be fake, cloned, edited, etc. That‘s why trade history is always more important.
But let’s start from the beginning. What actually is a proof? And what counts as a proof? Have different proofs different values? And how do I do a good proof?
To put it simple, a proof is an evidence that an event Pokemon was legally obtained during its distribution period and sometimes location as well. A proof shall show at least a clear hint of the redeemer himself - a note with his username written. The most common words used in context of proofs are „Video“, „Image“, „A Button“, „Wondercard“, „Farming“ and „Attendance“. But it is not limited here, there could be additional proofs as well like emulator screenshots, RNG seeds, etc. - it highly depends on the event and its circumstances of distribution.
Video - a video proof is the recording of the complete redemption process, from entering the code until the final confirmation of obtaining.
Image - same as video proof, but with single images and not a complete recording
A Button - this is a single image (and always part of an image proof) of the obtaining confirmation. The name comes from older Generation (6/7), which was the last image of the redemption process to press the A Button to continue. Nowadays A Button is the image with the text box to check the Pokemon team or Box (for Generation 8) or the last screen after the mentioned text box with the date and time stamp (for Generation 9)
Wondercard - Pokemon, which can be considered as an event, creates a Wondercard, which can be checked anytime after the redemption as long as the save of the game or the wondercard itself is not deleted.
Attendance - various events are only redeemable locally. An attendance proof is the evidence that the redeemer was actually there. This could be an image of a movie ticket, a convention pass, a selfie at the local convention, etc.
Farming - this is a collection of nearly everything if the proof of this exact event is not available. A farming proof should be explained more precisely in its context, e.g. it could be the proof that the trader was actively redeeming the discussed event type when its distribution took place or a generic proof or the proof of the same event, but with another time/date stamp. Farming proofs seem to be very weak proofs at first sight, but in combination of a good trade history, they can be counted as an adequate evidence.
Hybrid - a hybrid proof is a combination of two or more proof types to become in sum a complete proof. The most common example is a recording using the game console itself together with an A Button - using the integrated recording function lacks the hint of the redeemer, but if on the A Button proof is shown a note with the username written, both can be counted together as a video proof, because the date and timestamp match which results in the evidence that the redeemer actually took the recording.
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After we clarified the different types of proof you may ask yourself what actually is the best proof. To make it short: it is not as easy as it seems. Video proofs are the hardest to fake and might be the safest, but if you have lots of events, you may need more storage, because the files are usually bigger. So you may only need Image or A Button proof, which are enough to proof that the Wondercard itself was not injected. Wondercard proofs are the weakest, especially if only one Wondercard is on the game save. Farming and Hybrid proofs highly depend on the circumstances.
Last, but not least, what is important if you wanna do proofs and it is completely new to you? I made a photo of my usual setup. I‘m using my iPhone to record the redemption process, but it could be a webcam or similar as well. My smartphone is installed on a stand with a ring light. Those are really cheap already and you don’t have an „earthquake“ during your redemption process. It has also the advantage that your hands are free, you can concentrate on the redemption and the recording angle is in that way that you are not seen in the reflection.
Beside your game console and the game, obviously, you need a note where you can write down at least your username. Next to your username, you can add the name of the event, the redemption date and, if you redeem multiple of the same event, an identifer (#1, ENG, etc.). Btw. It doesn’t have to be a piece of paper - you can do your setup in a more economical way as well with using a screen with all necessary information on it or a reusable paper, etc. If you do a redemption service for another person, you simply add his username as well.
One important thing, but usually underestimated, is the lighting. The best light source is a natural one like the sun. But whatever light source you are using, pay attention that you don’t have a bad glare on the screen which makes it difficult to actually see the redemption. You should also check the backlit of your console, you can adjust it in the settings to be brighter.
I personally use my iPad while preparing and redeeming. Its tasks are various like looking up the event name. I also organize my codes via a calc sheet which is shown on the display. This is completely optional, obviously.
As soon as you’re done with the recording, you need a storage system. It is not recommended to keep all proofs on only one device. I suffer from a big data loss and many of my original proofed events became proofless. It is better to upload your recording, maybe something what you can also use for proof exchanging when you trade. Many traders use Google Drive, but OneDrive or similar can be used as well. You can upload video proofs on YouTube and image proofs on imgur, etc. You have many possibilities.
Some additional tricks:
* Don’t forget to mute your video proofs!
* Compress your recordings to save storage.
* Always backup your proofs.
* Create an organization system that you easily find the correct proof for the event you wanna trade.
* Use the markings on Pokemon as a counting systen if you redeem multiple of the same type with the same redemption date.
I wish you lots of fun and happy trading!
Btw. you‘ll find a summarised step-by-step tutorial here:
And in case you ask yourself how to organize your collection, check this out:
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anderswelten · 1 month
Graaaah… Veluza!
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anderswelten · 1 month
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anderswelten · 1 month
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anderswelten · 1 month
I finally finished one part of one of my long-term projects: catching all forms of Alcremie in a Poke Ball.
It is part of a LivingDex where all Pokemon have my OT/TID combination and were caught in a Poke Ball - if possible. I‘m doing a light version of an OriginDex if you‘d like to define it more clearly.
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anderswelten · 1 month
You can never catch enough golden Shinx ✨
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anderswelten · 4 months
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anderswelten · 4 months
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anderswelten · 2 months
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The main focus of my collection lies within Event Pokémon. But from time to time, I‘m also collecting Aprimons. Aprimons are Pokémon which are caught in special Pokeballs. You may came in contact with them already. Since all special Pokeballs are not easy buyable, they are valued relatively high in comparison to other items. Especially, if you are collection shiny trophies, you‘ll come to the point that you want your trophy in a matching Pokeball sooner or later. Let‘s see which ways we have to get multiple of those special Pokeballs.
First things first, let‘s declare what can be considered as a special Pokeball:
All Apriballs, which are Fast Ball, Friend Ball, Heavy Ball, Level Ball, Love Ball, Lure Ball and Moon Ball
Dream Ball
Beast Ball
Safari Ball
Sport Ball
Actually, there are more than one possibilities to get most of them in SV. Only Sport Ball is limited to one option. And obviously, we‘re speaking about not-genned items by a random bot…
1. At the marketplace of Porto Marinada you‘ll get: Fast, Friend, Heavy, Level, Love, Lure, Moon, Dream and Beast - BUT those auctions are pretty rare and expensive. You‘ll need to farm money as well…
2. With the help of the item printer, you have a chance to get all - BUT the Pokeball lottery is random and if you’re very unlucky you’ll get nothing. Additionally, the item printer is DLC exclusive and you need to farm the new currency BP (blueberry points) which are way easier to farm if you do it with a group. However, the item printer is the only way to get Sport Balls in SV now.
3. PokeDex rewards include several of those special Pokeballs. If you own the DLC, you’ll get each except Sport Ball. If you do not have the DLC, you’ll get „only“ Fast, Friendly, Heavy, Level, Lure, Moon, Dream and Beast - BUT you have to fill your Pokedex completely and once you’ve collected the reward, you cannot get it a second time.
4. You can trade for them like I do it sometimes - BUT you do not know the origin of those items.
All those options have their own advantages and disadvantages. The most popular option by the player community might be the item printer. However, not everybody owns the DLC or a Nintendo Online Subscription and farming BPs on your own is very painful to get a useful amount of them in the end.
From my point of view, the PokeDex rewards are the most underrated possibility to get those items. Especially if you don‘t want to depend on others. Let me explain you why you should consider to farm special Pokeballs with this option.
If you have not yet, you should really work on a Living Pokedex. You can use random traded Pokemon or your own, whatever you prefer. You will have several advantages if you do it - just to name a few: immediate access to Pokedex rewards, the shiny charm, spotting a specific Pokemon if you have not seen it yet, etc. I own a Living Pokedex since Generation 6 (XY) and it helped me in many cases - but tbf, Pokemon HOME access is not always available with the release of a new game, however, it is available for SV
If you are preparing your Living Pokedex in HOME, you can easily swap the needed Pokemon from one save to another. Btw., it is not necessary to leave HOME and open your SV save so that the Pokedex entries are registered. Just save the changes in HOME and open HOME again to place the next batch into your boxes.
Except for a very small group of Pokemon, you‘ll get all with Let‘s GO Pikachu/Eevee, Sword/Shield, Brilliant Diamond/Shining Perl and Scarlet/Violet.
Some people are doing extra challenges - which are extra fun - like that all Pokemon are self-caught, collecting all different forms (regional and gender) or caught in a Poke Ball. Some even have the rule to catch each Pokémon in their original generation („Origin Dex“). Whatever you‘ll choose, it can be a big challenge with much fun.
Ok, last but not least, we need to clarify how you get all the special Balls to your main save. Unfortunately, this is the most boring part of it. You need to trade them from one save to another one by using a second Nintendo Switch. Fortunately, you can send over your HOME save to your second Nintendo Switch like all other game saves - I have done it here. Therefore, you do not need to subscribe for Pokémon HOME a second time and complete a second Living Dex as well.
And last-last but not least, I want to tell you a little secret. Well, it is not that much of a secret, but maybe not that obvious: Always, when I‘m preparing a save for redeems or Tera Raids, I‘m also completing the PokeDex with the help of my Living Dex. On the same time, I trade a few farmed Events for special Balls (my standard ratio is 1 Generation 9 WIFI Event : 30 special Balls). When I farm herba mysticas in various 5-7 Star Tera Raids, I always combine this with completing my Aprimon collection. And sometimes, I even use my farmed special Balls to just exchange them with Aprimons (my standard ratio is 1 special Ball : 5 Aprimons).
Sometimes, I‘m thinking about to ask straight for 150 Aprimons in exchange for 1 Event I‘ve farmed. But I think it is not reasonable to ask anyone to take that amount of time for breeding…
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anderswelten · 1 year
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25th Anniversary Jirachi
OT: ネガイボシ
TID: 030719
Ability: Serene Grace
Nature: Timid
Proof: Video + Wondercard
Trade history: self-redeemed
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anderswelten · 3 months
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anderswelten · 3 months
My Gallade fears this Smeargle outbreak.? 💦
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anderswelten · 3 months
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