#andreas schnaas
videoreligion · 1 year
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Violent Shit III: Infantry of Doom (1999)
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grindhousecellar · 3 months
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darktripz · 8 months
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noxhell · 1 year
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badmovieihave · 10 months
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Bad movie I have The Violent Shit Collection It has Violent Shit 1989, Violent Shit II: Mother Hold My Hand 1992, Violent Shit III: Infantry of Doom 1999 aka Zombie Doom, Violent Shit 4.0: Karl the Butcher VS. Axe 2010, and Zombie '90: Extreme Pestilence 1991
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izmooi · 2 months
🎥 izi's Random Movie Reviews 🎞
Nikos the Impaler 👤 dir. Andreas Schnaas
This post contains spoilers.
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"There is one scene, though, where Niko's sword makes an airplane sound as it moves through the air - gold star to the sound guy overall."
Alert: Good, bad movie! My friend and I randomized a movie to watch, and we landed on this piece of cinema. This movie is a Z-grade splatter film, meaning it's not that great of a budget, but it sure does have lots of killing in it. The mix of pros and cons of this movie fell to the unexpected end of the spectrum.
I became fond of all of the characters, which typically, with these movies, isn't the case. I thought the main character focus was the two college boys, but it's not; it's the teachers. I didn't grow attached to anyone in a super heartfelt way, but the dynamics among the characters added to the fun of this overtly violent film. The beginning of the movie in the gallery is drawn out for a long time without much going on, but it allows for the characters to bond for survival while yelling at each other for a third of the movie. Nikos, our dear titular star, was a funny character to watch run around and slice through people like butter. He never had any hesitation in making his large, gaited strides toward people and using his comically large sword to smite them where they stood. They don't call him the impaler for nothing.
Some of the audio mixing and music volumes were wild at times. It didn't help that we watched this movie in 144p on YouTube, and everything was shot in the dark so we couldn't see a whole lot. There is one scene, though, where Niko's sword makes an airplane sound as it moves through the air - gold star to the sound guy overall.
As is the case with a low-budget movie, there are occasional scenes that have wild camera cuts. There are lots of tangential headshots, where the tip of the head to the bottom of the chin is the only thing in view. Folks are often standing way too close to the camera. Kudos to them for shooting in the space they reserved for the gallery, which seemed like a tight space to record all of these random shots in. 
A common scene in these Z-grade films is the Booby Scene, where a woman gets full-body naked for no reason other than to show boob. This turns into gore porn quickly, and while these scenes are always of bad taste, this one gets an even lower rating for its poor execution in exposition and delivery. 
My friend and I were unsure about what the guy sneaking into the backroom to find Nikos' helmet in an unpadded crate had for a goal that led to his resurrection. It was very confusing at the end, too, when Nikos suddenly developed superpowers and summoned Hitler and a low-budget Elvira to serve under him.
Upon researching more about this movie, we discovered that it is meant to be the fourth and last movie of Schnaas' "Violent Shit" movies. If we had watched the previous three, then maybe more would have been explained, and the ending may have been a bit more satisfying. I could imagine the other three films are just like this one, though. Before seeing the movie, we found DVD listings for around the $40 range. After watching, we determined the price tag might be worth it at the risk of it not getting a better resolution.
Read this review on Letterboxd!
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beer69 · 1 year
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Zombie 90: Extreme Pestilence (1991) dir. Andreas Schnaas
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iamcinema · 3 years
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Violent Shit (1989)
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vhsorifice · 6 years
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texaschainsawbabe · 5 years
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Soooo happy to have this shitty movie in my collection now!! If you ever get the chance to watch the English dubbed version it's a must see 💯
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videoreligion · 1 year
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Violent Shit III: Infantry of Doom (1999)
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grindhousecellar · 3 months
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darktripz · 8 months
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cultfaction · 3 years
Violent Shit (1989)
Written and directed by Andreas Schnaas and filmed over four long weekends on a rented camera, Violent Shit follows a young boy named Karl (Karl Inger) who after being abused and beaten by his mother one too many times decides to murder her with a meat cleaver! We then fast foward to twenty years later to the mid-1970s where Karl is being transported somewhere by the Police. Unfortunately for the…
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dlsreviews · 5 years
NEW REVIEW: Splatterpunk Zine - Issue 8 (2017)
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Next up for dissection over at DLS Reviews is the latest issue of Jack Bantry’s highly-revered Splatterpunk Zine.  ‘Splatterpunk Zine – Issue 8’ (2017) contains interviews with both David Agranoff and Ray Garton, along with a piece by author Sean Leonard’s in which he looks over the gore-filled B-movies of German filmaker Andreas Schnaas.  There’s also short stories by Bracken MacLeod, Nathan Robinson, Ryan C Thomas, and Gabino Iglesias.
It’s another blisteringly good issue of what has become absolutely essential reading for Splatterpunk connoisseurs and horror fiends alike.
I believe copies of this recent issue are still available directly from Bantry’s Splatterpunk website (link provided at the top of the review), so head on over there if you haven’t already got yourself a copy.
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shiningwizard · 2 years
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Zombie '90: Extreme Pestilence (Andreas Schnaas, 1991)
"Who sprayed all this offal and red shit around our forest?" - Hamburg Parks Department Kommissar, 1991.
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