#angel dust; y’know from tv?
a-hazbin-spider · 7 months
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@arachn0philia is here to serve in the cunt wars once more.
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spider-in-a-fedora · 9 months
That may or may not be a dizzy blanket bundle stumbling over to find a spot next to his brother. Ah yes. That spot should be something perhaps dubious at best, but, he felt it to be the best place he could think of. Especially to rest his head. @a-hazbin-spider
Niss watched as the blanket creature made its way over to the couch next to him of course the boots gave the creature away.
“Hello Anthony, What did ya do this time?”
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Surely it comes as no surprise anymore, but without boots? Angel pads along silently near effortless. Perfect for balancing on the back of a sofa and reaching down to steal from Baxter’s snacks. What a horrible little brother this is!
@a-hazbin-spider >:3c
Seeing as it had been a few months since he had spent quality time with his little brother because of work (and definitely not also dating Arackniss privately), he had decided to call him and invite his honorary brother over for some fun. The fish had been gone not five minutes to use the bathroom, thinking everything would be normal and his little brother would check his phone or something!
Instead, he came out to this, deciding to film the entire debacle on his Hellphone and stopped it before cackling out, “Mio fratello, you know all you had to do was ask for snacks! You know I have way too many and you’re free to eat them! It’s not like this is Mission Impossible for the Pentagon!”
The doctor then sat beside him and kissed his little brother’s cheek, sighing, “Oh, I miss this! Just you being you, Toni! I’m sorry I’ve been so caught up in work lately, but at least it’s looking smooth and light from here! Should leave plenty of time for me and my favorite little bro!”
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olddumbasstomcat · 11 months
“ no matter how many hits i take, i always find a way to come back. “ or/
“don’t you dare finish that sentence! Don’t do it! I’m sick of it!”
@a-hazbin-spider 👉👈
(Aghhhh I love it! Sorry it’s been a sec on my main!)
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence! Don’t do it! I’m sick of it!”
“What, sick of hearing how you’re too good for the shit you’re put through? Too talented to be wasted as a fucking hooker and porn star? How you’re too damn hard on yourself for shit outside your control?” Husker growled, fed up with all the shit this kid put on his own shoulders.
“Well guess what, ya Atlas wannabe? I’m not stopping shit until you learn to fucking stop, you understand? Or do I need to put it in another language for you to understand, kid?”
(I know probably not everyone will get the Atlas joke so lemme explain for those in the back. In Greek mythology, Atlas was one of the Titans, forefathers of the Gods. Basically since he led the Titans in a rebellion against Zeus, he was punished to wear the weight of the heavens/sky on his shoulders for eternity. TLDR: Husk is calling out Angel for being a jerk to himself more often than not)
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jinkiezzsstuff · 3 months
Hello! Can I plz request Alastor x Doe! Reader where he meets Charlie's best friend who's the reader and becomes possessive over her, maybe his instincts tell him to mark the reader as his mate. The reader is a white doe. :)
Yessss i love this idea teehee i maybe got carried away and also i unintentionally made this sort gender neutral and a teeny tiny speck of smut, i hope that’s okay if not it’s at the very end so it’s skipable, hopefully i did your idea justice and hope you enjoy!! thank you so much for this xx
At first sight
Word count: 3.5K
Warnings: SMUT 18+, doe reader only describes white ears tail and pink nose rest is ambiguous, possibly corny ahh dialogue, love at first sight kinda trope, angel/hellborn reader, slightly OOC Al y’know smut love, reader cooks, biting & briefly blood, penetrative sex, reader makes deal with al to give themselves to him, swearing, NOT PROOFREAD I think that’s it lmk if i missed anything!!
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Charlie ran manically around the hotel, fixing various things and studying the entire building under a microscope to ensure it looked its best. Zipping her way to the lobby, she caught the gaze of Angel Dust, who was in the middle of sucking down a frozen popsicle.
“Be nice today! Look your best, oh oh! No porn on the TV!” Charlie shouted rushed and frazzled as she came up beside Angel to fluff out the couch cushions. Husk watched silently ears zeroed in on the conversation unwillingly, focusing mainly on Angel. “Geez toots, what’s got your feathers in a bunch?”
Angel smiled amused by Charlies odd demeanour. “My best friend since, like, forever is coming here today! To see the hotel!” Charlie exclaimed lurching forward to grip Angels shoulders. Smirking at her Angel continued to suck on the popsicle. “So what, is this broad special or something?”
Charlie leaned back pulling her hands down her face, an exasperated groan crawling out from her throat. “Yes! Her mother was friends with my mom when they first came to hell, her mom ended up falling for a hell spawn and we born around the same time,” Charlie explained ringing her hands while pacing.
“She’s my best friend we grew up together, i’m worried she won’t like what i’m doing here.” Charlie finally confessed with a sigh, her body deflating as she herself came to terms with the fact she was afraid. Vaggie lingering in the background finally approached Charlie sticking her hand out to message her arm comfortingly. “I’m sure it’ll be fine toots! Plus she’s a born sinner! Ain’t no way anything here’s gonna be shocking her.”
Despite her worry she could admit Angel Dust was right, AND you’re her best friend there’s no way you’d be unnecessarily cruel to her dreams, you were always supportive and imaginative along with her. Smiling down at Angel, Charlie then plopped down beside him, resting her hooves after hours of hecticily running around. “You’re right Angel, thank you.” Angel hummed out an arrogant ‘you’re welcome’ while Vaggie circled the couch leaning over the back of it.
“So how long has it been since you’ve seen them?” Vaggie asked poking Charlie’s cheek. Looking away she counted on her fingers before turning to look at Vaggie. “Four years, they stayed with me while I tried getting over the absence of my mom; they live in wrath though and eventually went back.” Clapping her hands Charlie stood from the couch her brief moment of hoof rest over, the three sinners watching as she muttered to herself about everyone being on their best behaviour while walking off, clearly the talk only did a little to hush her nerves.
Standing outside the hotel doors your ears twitched at the sounds coming from beyond it, it’s clear as day that Charlie was instructing people to behave, be nice, and- not show you porn? Suddenly the door opened startling you slightly but that quickly wore off when you were greeted by the joyous face of your best friend Charlie. Tugging you into a bear hug, Charlie squealed about how excited she was, you naturally fell into her giving her a warm tight hug right back.
“I am so glad you’re here! I’m so happy to see you!” Charlie exclaimed pulling back and examining you. You hadnt seemed to change much to Charlie, the white tail you had wagged behind you happily, your equally platinum ears relaxed occasionally twitching at the sounds around you, your pink deer like nose that was perfectly contrasted with your skin colour.
It was clear you were half an angel, and Charlie lemented, when you two were younger, that she was jealous you had a more animalisitc appearance in comparison to her, but you reminded her that it didn’t matter because she was still as gorgeous as ever. “I’m so glad to be here! I was starting to think you’d never end up inviting me.” You laugh warmly.
Charlie beckoned you inside linking your arms together, the two of you walked inside. Vaggie was punctuated and ready to great you as you came further into the room. “Hi, I’m Vaggie-“ Vaggie was cut off promptly by Charlie who excitedly pulled her into a bear hug, cheek to cheek. “My girlfriend!” Charlie finished with a shout.
Your ivory tail flicked behind you happily as you grinned. “Holy shit! You’ve got a girlfriend? Damn we really need to catch up! Its so nice to meet you Vaggie.” You smile shaking her hand as she stuck it out, Vaggie only nodded smiling seemingly quite reserved.
After some rushed introduction of those around the room including Husk, Angel, Nifty, and Sir Pentious, Charlie took you to your room to settle in. Closing the door behind the two of you Charlie watched as you laid your suit cases down by the bed, unzipping them and pulling out your clothing. “Sooo,” Charlie trailed hands tucked behind her back as she wandered around the vacant room.
“You remember Alastor right? The radio demon?” Charlie questioned, sounding suspicious. Looking up from your folded laundry you quirked a brow fearing where this might be heading. “Yes… i do.” You say slowly, fixing your posture waiting for her to turn to you, but she seemed rather interested in the wallpaper. “Well… y’know… this hotel takes a lot…. and when i first started…” Charlie trailed off gazing out the open window, stepping towards her you carefully placed a hand on her shoulder.
Looking at you she knew there was no sense in keeping such a prominent part of the reason this hotel was possible secret. “Alastors here, he helped since the start. He hasn’t asked for anything in return and he’s already fought for us!” Charlie spat the words out so fast you barely had time to comprehend. You and her were raised around each other meaning you had the same interactions with many of the princes’, sins, and hellborn, but human overlords were always were more…. well they weren’t used to power and immortality so they often over did it, Alastor was no different from what you were aware of.
“Are you sure having him is a good idea? Does your dad know?” Charlie nodded confirming her dad did know. “Yeah he doesn’t know who Al is, and to be fair none of us did! I promise he’s not that bad. Give him a chance?” You hummed looking away as she looked to you, you didn’t want to upset her by the discomfort that would be evident in your eyes. You didn’t enjoy brawls and fights, and you fear the demon would initiate that.
“Well i suppose i could trust him if you do, but i am skeptical; you’re always seeing the light in demons, even when it’s not there.” You laughed out recalling some things of the past that ended poorly because of a Charlie’s trust in certain sinners. And though at times foolish it was still an admirable trait and you aspired to be as kind hearted as she could be. “Where’s the guy anyways?” You asked after a short moment of pondering.
Charlie shrugged looking as if she was trying to recount the day. “Well he did say he had a meeting with Rosie,” She muttered quietly, although you didn’t know who Rosie was, you didn’t bother questioning it instead you pat Charlie on the shoulder, telling her that you’d like to get some rest, and you’d worry about Alastor later.
And so you spent a bit of time unpacking your things and settling down, you always preferred to be more in touch with the animalistic parts of yourself so your belongings held a lot of earthy aesthetics to them. Sitting on your bed, stripped of the hotels sheets and remade with your own, you opened your laptop and began typing.
You had forgotten about Alastor for the most part but you remember Charlie brining it up as he began his tyranny after his death. Charlie had always been pretty involved with her people, mainly focusing her energy on human sinner so you weren’t surprised that she knew of him, you were however surprised she was so willing to let him in when he massacred her people.
After a few minutes of light research about the demon, you established with how long he was gone perhaps he would be willing to change however you’d keep up your guards just to be sure.
Humming to himself Alastor got ready for the day, though he rarely slept he did occasionally get into evening outfits if he was staying in. He fixed his hair, ensuring not a hair was out of place and with a finally dust of his sleeves, he materialized his microphone and trotted his way out of his room.
A new scent hit him the minute he got to the staircase, the reaction was instantaneous, his ears perked, his tail stiffened thank the hellions no one was around to witness his discomfort, because it was evident. Fixing his posture, and his smile, he pretended nothing was up and continued his way downstairs. He greeted Husk as usual, and like usual Husk only grunted at the demon.
Making his way into the kitchen Alastor was stunted in place by the sight in front of him. There you stood deer tail wagging, singing along to music as you mixed a bowl of who knows what together. Alastor observed you quietly as ever, and definitely not checking you out because that would be rude- however your tail was very much distracting.
Clearing his throat the static spitting out behind his voice, you jumped slightly at the sound of him, looking over your shoulder to where he stood at the kitchen entry. The two of you simply stared at each other for a moment, the song in the background seemingly quieter than before, as if the two of you were in your own little zone.
Alastor couldn’t describe the gravitational pull he had toward you, he would’ve been a fool to deny your beauty, but he’d never had issue admitting when a demon or person was beautiful, it didn’t matter to him, so he couldn’t grasp why you seemed to have an immediate effect on him.
You too felt similarly gawking at the sight of him, i mean you’d never seen pictures of him, only art or depictions, which really didn’t do him any good. You were honestly a little embarrassed, you thought he was incredibly handsome, contrary to your beliefs prior to this moment, and you felt a little silly to suddenly feel like going back on your apprehension about him simply because of how attractive he was.
Deciding to finally break the intense yearning gaze the two of you held, Alastor perked up stepping close to you swinging his hand out to shake. “Alastor darling, pleasure to meet you, quite the pleasure.” Going unnoticed by you, Alastor’s voice involuntarily dropped lower, making it come out more sultry than he’d ever done during an introduction. Of course Alastor was aware it wasn’t his normal voice and wondered why the hell he decided to modify his tone to come out as seductive as it did; was it just by nature?
“I’m YN, Charlie’s best friend. I don’t know if you knew i was staying but i am, surprise! Heh,” You say a little nervously sticking out your hand but quickly retracting it, as it was covered in dough. “I’m making bread and breakfast, do you like french toast?” You finish finally gaining the courage to meet his gaze properly.
His eyes were lidded, and he looked down at you only with his eyes keeping his head forward, which made you feel some type of way. He had such a big presence, height aside, that would make anybody on the receiving end of his heated gaze, shrink. “I suppose i wouldn’t mind a little bite to eat, tell me little doe, how do you make such a meal?”
Of course Alastor knew what french toast was, but he’d much prefer to play stupid so he could listen to you speak, and have you look up at him so deliciously. “Well, i’m making some homemade no yeast bread, and then i’m gonna do the egg and frying, normally i mix some cinnamon and honey in, but i might not since i don’t know what you guys like. A lot of people put syrup, but i can’t stand it; too sticky.” You explained mixing all of your ingredients, turning to him you smiled.
“Would you mind greasing the pan for me, please?” Alastor nearly purred at you with how you requested his help he would’ve bent himself backwards if it meant you’d ask him like that again. The way these emotions hit him in the gut; the undeniable feeling of desire he was trying to fight against was incredibly intense and oddly, he liked it. “Of course my dear, whatever you wish, i shall see to.” With the snap of his fingers his hair had been pulled back, suit jacket gone, leaving him in only his white button up, and a pink apron.
Shamessly your eyes roamed his figure watching as he began to grease the pan with his hand. His eyes still lidded and smile relaxed. You enjoyed how he stood tall and relaxed, and it was only now when you caught a peek of his red tail that you realized; “You’re a deer?”
Alastor paused momentarily, eyes lazily difting toward you. He didn’t mind that you saw his tail, and he was a little surprised you lacked to notice he was a deer. “What did you think i was sweetheart?” Alastor exclaimed his entertainment persona peeking through as he did. You peeled your eyes away feeling a little bad for staring at him, instead you focused on placing the bread into the bow greased pan before responding. “Maybe a fox, but to be honest i didn’t think too much about it.”
Alastor hummed in agreement, watching as you placed the bread in to the oven. There weren’t many does Alastor has seen, many bucks but does were more of a rarity. The two of you made breakfast, bantering about things here and there and getting to know one another.
“What’s earth like?” You asked watching him prepare dough for beignets which he insisted you tried as it was a lousiana breakfast staple- but also because he wanted to have you to himself just a bit longer, and show off his cooking skills. “What do you mean dear?” Alastor questioned brows furrowed slightly, but his inquiry came soft with no judgement. “I’m not human, moms an angel, dad was one of the few hell borns that kinda just popped up, we don’t know where he went to though, anyways i’ve never seen the earth.”
Now that, was news to him. He suspected you were something special based off the tugging feeling he had toward you, but being a literal angel wasn’t something he would’ve bet on, but should’ve guessed on. Without a worry in his mind, Alastor happily told you about his home in new orleans, what it was like being a radio host, how in got into voodoo, how he new some cajun french, as well as his mother.
Leaning on the counter head rested on his hand, looking at you dreamily while the beignets fried. “My mother was an angel, she was my biggest supporter at the time, the reason i kept pushing. I have the upmost respect for mothers like mine.” You, as equally lost in the dream like bliss Alastors presence brought you, smiled at his story’s ogling at the man who spoke so highly of his mom. “That’s the sweetest Alastor, I wish i could’ve met the woman who made you into such a gentlemen.” You flirt subtly gently patting his arm.
Alastor hummed a lovesick smile on his face his tail wagging happily behind him as the two of you continued to yap. Tails syncing with the way they swayed unnoticed by you two as you lost yourselves in eachother, also going unnoticed was Charlie giddy as could be, in the background jumping up and down. Slipping away to Vaggie, Charlie gripped her like she was her life line. “YN and Alastor are totally going to get together! Ahh!” Charlie squealed shaking a limp Vaggie back and forth.
“Mhm Alastor please please please,” You chant wrapped tightly around the demons waist, as he pressed you up against your dresser. After a full day of being alongside Alastor the tension snapped between you two, although it took a few things to get there. First Angel hitting on you right after breakfast, it made Alastor seethe the symbols and static materializing as he watched Angel hit on you. It made Alastor realize such a sweet doe like you must be marked, can’t have other buck or demon filth thinking they can just put there hands on you.
The second thing that egged him on was when the two of you went for a stroll together, and while in a store witnessed a demon repeatedly harass you while you simply tried to pick out a dress! Alastor apologized for the blood shed, but he professed he needed to obliterate that demon to protect you and that would be the only time he would ever put you in a position to see such things. Which made your heart flutter, you felt the desire to have him protect you, it’s not like you couldn’t do it yourself but it made you weak in the knees to have a demon like Alastor jumped to protect you.
Thrusting into you needily, Alastor growled like a mad man his hand climbing up your body to grab your cheeks gently fixing your gaze up to him. “You’re mine,” Static laced his tone as he hissed out at you, pushing his body flush to yours. Moaning like a whiny porn star, you nodded in your head in a daze. “My mate,” He muttered again breathing deeply as he clenched his teeth.
Reaching your hands up to grab his antlers that sprout, you couldn’t help the way your body shook and the way you lewdly moaned. You felt so electrified and couldn’t contain the pleasure Alastor was making you feel. “Please Al, I love it so good,” You whined against his lips, his smile closed and strained as his lips brushed against yours, your breath tickling him as you whined.
Smashing your lips together Alastor picked up the pace feeling like a wild animal. He wanted you, forever, he wanted you to be his one and only, his only doe. Making himself hornier with the thought of having you all to himself his static crackled loudly as he thought up something mischievous. Pulling back from your heated kiss, you whined begging him to kiss you, touch you and fuck you, smiling at you in your disheveled state, a green huge suddenly engulfed the room.
The two of you lit up like neon as symbolize shined in the background. “Give yourself to me little doe, be my mate for entirety and the world is yours, anything you or your friends want i will give you. I can’t let such a thing like you go, i need you.” Alastor statically said, it sounded quite ominous but you were too horny to pick up on that, you could only pay attention to the need you had between your legs and in your heart. Alastor wanted you to be his forever, linked to you for eternity. Perhaps it was the fact that you were both deer that you two had this simultaneous connection, but regardless you couldn’t care you just wanted him back as much as he wanted you.
Thrusting yourself upward into him, you gripped his hand, while clenching down on him at the same time. “Yes, always i’m yours only; it’s a deal.” You moaned. Growling demonically Alastors green disputes like electricity, escaping this room and flowing through the hotel like wave. Feeling his heart bloom Alastors ears clipped back as he jackhammered into you, the dresser slamming against the wall while you squealed a little giggle bubbling out from how needy he became. That giddiness left as a violent hot mass washed over you, screaming out a moan you clutched Alastor, singing out his name through moans of appreciation as he coaxed you with praises through your orgasm.
It shook your body, and soon after Alastor came to a halt inside you, biting down hard on your neck. You moaned his name, not even feeling pain as he sunk his teeth into you down to the gum. After a few moments of licking up your blood he pulled away gazing into your fucked out eyes. As you were about to tell Alastor that you needed to figure out why you were both so suddenly connected, Charlie bolted in.
“YOU MADE A DEA- FUCK IM SORRY!” Within the span of two seconds Charlie had two separate panic attacks, one because she saw the green deal making light shoot through the hotel while you were alone with Al, and the second right after she closed to door from seeing the two of you intertwined at the hips.
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bella-goths-wife · 2 months
Angel and Charlie talk about pet reader
Warnings: mentions of abuse, mentions of SA, mentions of death, mentions of drug use, mentions of body image and starvation
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“Heyyy angel” Charlie said with a try hard nonchalant tone that only showed her clear desperation as she sat next to him at the bar “how’s it going?”
Angel dust raised one questioning eyebrow before giving a subtle look to husk with the clear intention of getting him to leave for a moment. The barkeep let out an annoyed huff before placing angels drink in front of him and leaving to lock himself away with a bottle of whiskey for the night.
“You wanna talk ‘bout her” angel asked but his tone made it sound more like a statement “about pet”
“Whattt” Charlie exclaimed with an overly exaggerated disbelief “noooo”
Angel narrowed his eyes at Charlie with a very clear unconvinced look before taking a swig of his drink.
“Okay, maybe I want to talk about her” Charlie admitted with a sigh before looking at angel dust with a more hopeful look “will you tell me about her”
Angel thought it over before sighing and taking another drink.
“Okay” angel said hesitantly “what do you wanna know?”
“Is her name really pet?” Charlie asked quickly, glad for the opportunity to satisfy the curiosity that had built up in her for a few days now since she met you
“No” angel answered with a shake of his head “that just what the Vs call her”
“What’s her real name?” Charlie asked curiously
Angel goes to answer but something stops him as his mouth hangs open for a moment before closing and opening again.
“Y’know, i actually don’t know” angel realises with a confused look “no one does I think, we all just call her pet or kid”
Charlie has a look of disbelief at the lack of knowledge of your basic information before asking a question.
“What’s she like?” Charlie asked carefully, treading carefully after angel dusts fragile realisation
“…..quiet” angel answers after a few moments thought “but not in like the usual introverted way, more like a scared child way”
“Scared?” Charlie questioned with a confused look “scared of what”
“The Vs, Charlie” angel answers with a sigh “she’s scared of the Vs”
Charlie thinks about it for a few moments before her expression turns somber
“What do they do to her?” Charlie asks carefully “do they hurt her?”
“That and more” angel answers with a scoff “let’s just say their preference for her doesn’t make them less cruel”
“How do they hurt her?” Charlie asks with a concerned tone “is it similar to what happens to you”
“No thank fuck, their relationship with her stops her from going into my situation” angel says with he a grimace “Vox and velvette stick to the usual slappin’ around and so does Valentino, but let’s just say he doesn’t let her being only eighteen stop him from bein’ gross with her”
“That poor girl” Charlie sighs out with a sympathetic expression “how does she cope?”
“Rumour has it round the tower that every time she has a breakdown, they lace her food or drink with something to ‘relax’ her” angel says with a scoff “I’ve seen Valentino pop a few pills in her drink whenever he’s feeling like she’s due a punishment”
“Is there anything we can do to help?” Charlie asks helplessly
“Unless you can figure out how to break soul contracts, there’s nothin’” angel states with a shrug “they have eyes on her all the time, the girl can’t even go to the bathroom without tellin’ one of them”
Charlie sighs and leans her head in her hands as she thinks about the situation before having an idea pop into her head and turning to angel dust with an excited expression.
“She could come here” Charlie says with an excited smile “like you did”
“And how you gonna do that?” Angel asks sarcastically “go into the tv station and ask Vox to pretty please let his pet move here?”
Charlie stays quiet but her excited smile gave all the conformation angel dust needed. He turns to Charlie with a desperate expression
“No, no, no, no” angel dust said desperately, his Italian accent becoming more prominent in his tone “you can’t Charlie”
“Why not” Charlie asks stubbornly
“That’s only gonna make things worse for her” angel tried to explain with a worried expression “you don’t understand Charlie, they have these rules in place for her-“
“I’m sure I can convince Vox to at least let her stay here at night and work during the day like you do” Charlie states, but she’s so far in her own mind concocting a plan that she might as well have been talking to herself “I could assure Vox that she would be safe here, and then they couldn’t hurt her”
“Charlie your not listening-“ angel dust tried to reason with her but is cut off
“Angel I can do this, I’ll be able to convince Vox” Charlie stated with a sure of herself expression “I’m gonna go there tomorrow! And who knows, she might be able to be redeemed”
Angel dust threw his hands up in defeat before finishing his drink and leaving for his room, he knew there was no getting through to Charlie when she had a plan in her head and she was determined.
But god did he hope you wouldn’t be punished to severely for her actions.
Unbeknownst to either of the two demons, a certain radio demon had been listening to their exchange for some time now with a tight lipped grin.
He knew that the princess’s plan was foolish and could only end up with more severe isolation for you, it was extremely difficult to believe in the possibility that Vox would place you in the same facility where his nemesis was staying.
But he knew Charlie was blinded by her own desperate need to help and fix the demons around her problems, and while it was a lovely trait to have this was a delicate situation.
But no matter, the radio demon had already begun planning his own act of helping you escape the Vs thumb and place you under his instead.
He just needed time to figure out the logistics, and then you would be all his.
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Tag list so far
@the-faceless-bride @lilyalone @repostingmyfavs @buttercupfangirl @corvid007 @fandomaddict505
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royalvelvette · 2 months
and love will bring us freedom
Read on Ao3 (or reread part 1 on tumblr)
Rating: M
Characters: Charlie Morningstar, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Alastor, Mammon, Fizzarolli, Niffty, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Husk, Cherri Bomb Mentioned: Glitz, Glam, Loona, Vortex, Lucifer Morningstar, Sir Pentious
Warnings: Canon Typical Language, Minor Violence (not on purpose), Mammon's Canon Treatment of Fizzarolli, Not Beta Read or Edited
Word Count: 2222
The robo-fizz advertisements passed in something of a blur. Charlie distracted herself by explaining more about the pageant itself – anything to not pay attention to the way Mammon was currently talking about how you could fuck the Fizzbots. Vaggie’s hand was a familiar weight on her knee, keeping her from growling at the tv or accidentally hitting Cherri with a too-emphatic gesture.
“-so they show off some clown skills first – stuff like juggling and balloon animals, y’know? And then there’ll be an intermission for us when the in person meet and greet is happening, then there’s some more... general performing. Singing, dancing, acting – really anything-”
Vaggie squeezed her thigh, and Charlie took a breath. “It’s cool,” she finishes lamely. “Fizz always does a big musical number, you’ll love it.”
Angel tilted his head up to look at her. “You sure you ain’t just sayin’ that ‘cause you like singin’ and dancin’?”
“Watch it,” Vaggie snapped.
“It’s okay,” Charlie said. “I mean, Fizz has won the last ten years running, so it isn’t just me, but you’re probably... not wrong that I’m biased.”
Alastor half-tuned out the conversation happening beside him. He was watching the picture show intently – more specifically, he was watching the Mammon and Fizzarolli now on screen. The distasteful advertisements were almost at an end, for certain, as these two iterations seemed more recent.
“There’s a Fizzy for every occasion!” Mammon shouted, gesturing widely. “All thanks to my old brand, Fizzy!”
Fizzarolli was dragged against Mammon’s side. He covered his discomfort remarkably well, but the subtle wince – something Alastor was intimately familiar with, whenever somebody touched him – belied his true feelings. His antlers were beginning to hurt.
“That’s me, folks!” Fizzarolli said, better at keeping the discomfort from his voice than his body. “And the Fizzies’ll keep coming, unless you think you can beat me-
“At Mammon’s Annual Clown Pageant!” Mammon cut in at the same time as Fizzarolli.
Alastor lifted his lip. Perhaps now, it wasn’t quite so shocking for Charlie to be unable to hide her dislike of Mammon. Alastor had no idea who Fizzarolli was, until this day, and yet... something about Mammon’s treatment of the jester set every nerve on edge. The manhandling, especially.
Niffty began to wiggle on her perch beside his head when the prices finally faded from the screen, overtaken what was presumably a live broadcast directly from the Greed ring. Mammon, of course, was front and centre. How... distasteful.
Niffty knew she was going to be in trouble later, swinging her legs and rocking so close to Alastor – it was just so hard to sit still when there was such a delectable bad boy right in front of her! An actual bad boy, too, one even Miss Charlie didn’t like! One who wasn’t secretly lame, like the snake guy or Lucifer, either!
(Lucifer being so... like that had been the only unpleasant discovery ever since he moved in. He was the king of hell! He should have been the ultimate bad boy! Instead, he was even lamer than Pentious had been. Almost as pathetic as that stupid TV head guy who used to follow Alastor around like a puppy, urgh, saved only by the fact he was leagues more powerful.)
Though... Mammon did violate one of the rules Alastor had given her, when he first brought her to the hotel. Upsetting Charlie was a no-no, no matter how many funny colours she turned or how spiky Vaggie got. It was really the only new rule she had gotten, so it had to be extra important. Did that mean Mammon was off limits?
Niffty pouted, legs stilling. Of course, the only real bad boy in the entire place, and he was somewhere Niffty couldn’t even go and not someone Alastor would approve of. Ugh.
One thing Mammon had always been good at, for as long as Charlie had known him, was showmanship. He’d used it to great effect when she was young, enchanting her with simple magic tricks and silly songs and dances, announcing everything with so much aplomb that Charlie had been practically begging to eat all the vegetables on her plate at family dinners.
That very same showmanship was on full display as Mammon introduced the contestants for this years pageant. The first four, even with Mammon hyping them up (he always did this, always, like any of them actually had a shot against Fizz – none of them did and he knew it, because he was the one who trained Fizz) passed her by quickly – though she did hear Cherri snort when Pierrot was introduced.
It was the duo, introduced just before Fizzarolli, that made Charlie nervous. There was a sort of... easy confidence to them, and they definitely had the whole ‘please step on me’ vibe down – that would definitely get them past the first few rounds with pretty high scores, and that’s if they didn’t perform well. If they were any good at clowning – or even just performing in general – there was a pretty high chance they’d make it to the finale with Fizz.
(Part of Charlie hoped that they did – the further they got in the competition, the longer Charlie could oogle – possessors were just always so pretty – but part of Charlie hoped they didn’t, with the way Fizz was constantly looking at them out of the corner of his eye.)
Angel winced when Charlie’s cousin fumbled the juggling act. As a performer himself, there was nothing worse than fucking up on the very first take. Even though he was the only one to mess up the first trick, he still shot up to second place – just behind the pair of sisters up on the wire, while the imp in full clown getup was given the boot. Brand recognition did a lot, something else Angel was intimately familiar with.
(He couldn’t help but wonder if Fizzarolli dealt with the same sorts of creepy-ass fans, despite being in a different sort of gig. He did work at some sort of sex club for the sin of lust, so... probably.
Was it weird, to relate to someone he didn’t even know existed until today? It was probably weird.)
Fizzarolli recovered nicely in the second act, at least. And his balloon figure – Mammon, presumably – was impressive. Angel could twist himself into all sorts of fun shapes, but balloons? Fuck no. That shit would pop on him so fast. Sucks that it didn’t give Fizzarolli the lead, especially because the sisters just added to his instead of making their own fucking thing, though at least it was tied up.
Charlie frowned as the curtains opened for the final performances. It hadn’t been Fizz first, like she was expecting, like it had been for the last ten years – instead Glitz and Glam took the stage. It made Charlie... nervous. Mammon always did Fizz’s act first, always showed off his biggest asset when he did anything – something was wrong.
She let go off Vaggie’s hand to get her phone out of her pocket, shooting off a quick text to Uncle Oz. She would text Fizz himself, but if he was prepping for his show – she wouldn’t distract him. Not when something was already wrong. She tried to settle herself, taking Vaggie’s hand back and watching the sisters perform.
They were good. Like, good enough to be actual competition. The song was catchy, and they definitely knew how to work their attractiveness to their advantage. She gripped Vaggie’s hand tighter. Fizz wouldn’t lost – couldn’t lose, this was his thing – but actually fighting for the win... shit, he was probably having a panic attack. All Charlie could do, though, separated by several rings as they were, was hope that Oz was with him, somehow.
Then something exploded into blue smoke behind Mammon – who had been stammering as Fizz failed to appear – and Charlie settled. Ozzie was there. Fizz would be okay.
Charlie’s nails – not quite her claws, not yet – were painfully sharp where they dug into Vaggie’s thigh. She was leaning forward, eyes fixed on the television – the same position she had been in ever since Fizz had come onto the stage. Admittedly, Vaggie was more concerned with keeping Charlie from leaning forward enough to faceplant off the couch than paying attention to what, exactly, Fizz was singing about as he bounced and swung around, but even she noticed the finale.
“-Mammon you sad sack of shit, fuck youuu-ouuu-ouuu, you bitch! Yeah!”
Vaggie jumped as Angel started clapping with all three sets of arms. Cherri whooped loudly, and even Husk was smiling – wider than she had ever seen. It almost distracted her from the pain as Charlie’s claws sliced her skin when Charlie leapt to her feet.
It did not, however, distract from the way Charlie’s tail was whipping nervously behind her as she watched the screen.
“Babe,” Vaggie started.
“Mammon’s not going to take that well,” Charlie said.
“What’s he gonna do?” Cherri asked, cackling. “The crowd loved it!”
Charlie’s stomach twisted the longer Fizz talked. She knew what was coming even before Fizz finished his farewell speech – and she knew, more than anything, that Mammon would flip. At least he would have replacement talent ready to go, with Glitz and Glam – and the sisters were good! But Fizz had been his brand for ten, nearly eleven years. There was no universe Mammon would take him quitting well.
(Pride burned hot in her chest despite her unease. Fizz was finally quitting. Mammon’s prime moneymaker was leaving. Good, something in her purred. Let his cruelty burn his empire to ash.)
And then, the grand finale – not the one Mammon had been hoping for – came. Fizzarolli looked up, directly at Mammon (yes, that same voice hissed, yes) and said,
“I quit!”
“Yes!” she whisper-shouted, punching the air, even as she kept her eyes fixed on the screen, even as every nerve-ending in her body practically sang with be careful Fizz.
It only got louder as Mammon jabbed his staff at Fizz. Her horns were out and she was growling at the TV – someone was saying something behind her, but she was too furious-anxious-furious to pay attention to the words. Fizz’s words were tinny and faint through Mammon’s microphone, but there was no mistaking the second ‘I quit’ or what came after.
Then the mic exploded and green smoke filled the arena.
Vaggie was moving even before Charlie screamed. Her wings were flared, protecting Cherri, Husk, and Angel from the blast of heat that shot out from her girlfriend – Alastor had managed to bring up one of his shadows to cover him and Niffty.
“Jesus Christ!” Husk shouted. “Why is she hulking out?!”
Vaggie didn’t answer, couldn’t answer – the air itself was pressing down on her, forcing her down-down-down to her knees as Charlie grew, snarling and growling at the television.
“Babe-” she gasped. “Charlie-”
Charlie whipped around to face her, nearly taking her head off with her tail. Her eyes were bright and gleaming red, redder than Vaggie had ever seen, but clear. She looked at Vaggie silently for one beat-two-
Then Charlie started to shrink back down. Her horns remained, as did her tail, but she returned to a more normal size and the pressure she had been emanating receded, allowing Vaggie’s lungs to expand fully. She coughed once, weakly.
Charlie rushed to her side immediately. “Ohmysatan, I’m so fucking sorry-” she babbled, holding Vaggie’s face in her hands. “Are you okay?! I didn’t hurt you, did I? Is everyone okay?”
Vaggie’s answer was cut off by Asmodeus appearing on screen.
The shame was going to eat her alive, Charlie knew, but her self-recrimination was derailed when she heard her uncle shout,
“What? That I love him? Well, I do!”
The rest of the confrontation passed in a blur after those words. Her horns and tail receded slowly – Ozzie would protect Fizz. Ozzie could handle Mammon. Fizz was safe, he was loved, he was free. She let go of Vaggie’s face to wrap her arms around her shoulders instead, burying her face in her girlfriend’s neck as all of her nervous energy and anger drained away. It was over.
Fizz was free.
She stayed like that, holding Vaggie, trying not to cry, until her phone rang. She was pretty sure someone had been trying to get her attention before then – or at least, the others had been moving around them, dispersing (thank fuck, she hadn’t hurt them, she hadn’t wrecked everything) but it was only the ringtone she had set for Bee that snapped her out of it.
Charlie let go of Vaggie, answering on autopilot. “Hello?”
Bee squealed. “Charlie!!! Babe, did you see- did you see?” she shouted, flying around her chandelier.
“I saw!” Charlie said, strained.
“We need to celebrate!” Bee said. “You should come down-”
Charlie laughed. “I can’t, I can’t, remember? I got the hotel now-”
“Then I’ll come up! Ooh, ooh! I’ll bring Tex and Loona – you’ll love her, she’s great! - and you should ring Oz- I can meet your friends! Oooh, this is going to be great!”
Charlie laughed again, the earlier strain gone from her voice as she responded, “Give me like, an hour tops to get things ready, okay?”
“Okay!! See you then!!”
Bee hung up, immediately dialing Loona. “Hey, hey, you remember me talking about Charlie...”
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You Meet Michael Langdon…He Saves You From A Scuffle!
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Rating: PG-13 for…Brief abuse, a corpse burning, angst but real fluffy in the end!
First Fanfiction post! (Michael Langdon X Fem Reader!)
Dragging you through the dark woods, your wannabe boyfriend, Arnold, has his grasp on your wrist in a tight hold as he pulls you along this dark pathway. “Where are you taking me?”, you asked him firmly, seeing he wasn’t letting go of you. “Don’t worry, we’re almost there!”, he replied to you. You sigh to yourself, feeling like this was going to end badly and not anytime soon. You soon come upon this big oak tree as Arnold pulls you into him, starting to kiss you on your neck in a forcible manner. You tense up even more as you try to push him away, making him fall to the ground. He lands with a grunt as he looks up to you in an irritated way. You step back, feeling your heart racing. “I TOLD YOU NO!”, you yell at him. You can hear Arnold groan as he stands to his feet and grabs you by the throat, pushing you up against the tree. “Y’know, I sometimes can’t stand you…but that’s what makes you so special…”, he whispers that in your ear as you could feel every muscle in your body start to ache. You can feel your breath hitch as you start struggling against Arnold’s hold. Without warning, he hits on you, making you fall flat to the ground. You gasp for air as you try to sit up, slowly catching your breath. You look up to see Arnold was laughing at himself finding it quite amusing to see you suffering. He comes closer to you, giving your stomach a quick kick as you wince and groan in reaction. He was about to do more to you when a voice behind him spoke out, “Leave her alone…”, You see Arnold turn around as you look as well to see a man standing there with a long black trench coat of a suit, black pants paired with boots.
His hair looked silky and long, touching his shoulders and has a strawberry-blonde color to it. He looked almost angelic! You see Arnold laugh as he walks up to him. “And who the hell are you?”, You sit up on your arm to get a better look at what’s happening. You see the man smirk in a sly manner as he replies, “Your worst nightmare…”, With a flick of his wrist, Arnold goes up in flames. You felt instant fear flood inside you as you heard him scream in agony as he attempts to put out the flames on himself, but to no avail. One minute, he’s burning, the next he’s gone. You feel your heart pounding in your chest as you scoot back in fear. You see the man turn to look at you as he walks over to you. “Are you alright?”, he asks, holding out his hand. You were hesitant to take it, but you were able to as he helped you to your feet. You dust yourself off of debris as you look to him. “Y-yeah…who are you?”, you asked him, still shaken up slightly by what you just saw. The man smiles his sly smile. “My name is Michael…Michael Langdon…and you are?” “Umm…Y/N”, Michael gently takes your hand as he places a light kiss to the back of it. “It’s a pleasure to meet you miss Y/N…”, You felt heat envelop in your cheeks as you gently pull your hand away. You look behind him to see a pile of ash on the ground…Arnold’s remains. You then look back to him, connecting the pieces of who he’s supposed to be. He’s the so called “Anti-Christ”. You step back slightly. “Wait…you’re him!”, Michael chuckles to himself. “So, you’ve heard of me…don’t worry, I won’t harm you…”, He steps closer to you, moving his hand as he gently brushes a strand of your hair away from your face.
Oddly, your fear for him completely dissipates. You look to the ground feeling flushed. “Well…thanks for the save…I guess…”, You look back to him, seeing his sly smile grow wider. “Of course…”, he takes a small bow as you chuckle slightly in response. You take a look in your surroundings before looking back to Michael. “I’m needing to go home now…”, You see Michael nod. “You live at that village nearby, right?”, You nod to him. He offers his hand to you. “I can take you there, if you like…”, You look to his hand for a moment before looking back to him. “And how exactly?”, Michael’s smile is still wide as he quickly disappears in front of you. You look around, trying to spot on where he went. He then reappears behind you whispering, “Boo!”, It made you jump a little as you turn around to see Michael having a smug smile. “You teleport?”, You ask, seeing Michael chuckling at your reaction. “I do many things…”, He offers his hand again. “Well?”, You look to his hand, not hesitating this time as you grab onto it. One minute your vision turns dark, the next your vision comes back to normal, and you see you’re at the front entrance of your village. You look to Michael who was standing next to you with your hand in his. He also looks to you, smiling his sly smile. You gently pull your hand from his grasp as you turn to face him. “Again…umm…thanks for the save…”, Michael nods again. “If I may ask…who was he to you?”, You sigh as you look to the ground. “He was my…boyfriend…of sorts…”, You hear Michael sigh softly too as he takes your chin in his fingers, forcing you to look at him. He had seriousness on his face. “You shouldn’t have a man of any kind treat you with such disrespect…I on the other hand, will treat you like no other…like a queen…who deserves her throne…”, You could feel your cheeks get warm at what he says. You look to him a little confusingly. “And how will you do that?”, Michael’s smile returns. “It’s only a matter of time really…you’ll eventually understand…”, Without warning, he kisses your cheek before disappearing.
It caught you off guard as you step back, feeling the air escape your lungs. You look over to see your village was right there, seeing the gates were closed. But they opened up to reveal your friend, Alice, behind them. She rushes up to hug you. You hug her back, feeling your heart rate start slow. “Are you okay? What happened to you?”, She had asked those questions as she releases you, her face full of worry. You gave her a nod as you gave your surroundings a quick look, seeing Michael was nowhere in sight, as you look back to Alice. “I’m fine…really!”, Alice furrowed her brows. “Where’s Arnold?”, You only shrug. “He just…ran away…I’m not sure why or where…”, Alice shakes her head. “Yeah…I knew it…”, She grabs your hand. “Come on…let’s get you cleaned up…”, She leads you into the village, leading you back to your small makeshift house where you safely belong.
The full moon shines high in the night sky. You’re sitting by your window, looking out into the dark terrain, seeing nothing but black. It was apparently Midnight, and your insomnia was taking its toll on you. You sigh as you sink into the chair more, trying to get yourself more comfortable. “Enjoying your night?”, a voice speaks out. It makes you jump as you look over to see Michael standing by your bed. You sigh a relief as you sit up in the chair. “Oh, hey, um…yeah! I guess…”, You see Michael smile at your response as he walks over to where you are sitting as he gazes out of the window too. He then looks over to you. “How have you been holding up?”, You shrug at his question. “I’ve been alright…”, You look away from the window and to the floor. Michael notices your demeanor as he squats down in front of you. He moves his hand, taking hold of your chin as he forces you to look at him. “I want you to know something…”, You nod for him to proceed. Michael smiles as his eyes glaze over your face. “If…and I mean IF…another man threatens you, touches you or handles you in any way…you let me know…and I will burn his corpse to the ground…if not that, I’ll take his heart straight out of his chest…and burn it that way…”, his smile turns smug. Him saying those words though made you feel slightly uncomfortable. You swallow nervously. “Yeah…sure…”, Michael could tell that you were freaked out by what he said as he rubs on your chin softly with his thumb, trying to attempt to make you calm down. He then stands as he takes a small bow. “Until then, miss Y/N…”, You smile slightly as he bows. “When will I see you again?”, Michael chuckles. “In time…”, Michael proceeds to leave your room as you quickly get up to follow him out into the hallway, only to see he was gone. You sigh to yourself as you go back into the room, shutting the door behind you. You go lay yourself onto the bed as you attempt to get some rest, with Michael on your mind. This had to happen by fate. Maybe for a purpose OR for a reason. Either way, you’re just glad he stood up for you. Guys you’ll meet will probably want to rethink their strategy!
The End!
Notes: Please tell me what you think! Like it if you do...I would REALLY appreciate it! Believe me when I say I tried...😊
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idolatrybarbie · 6 months
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pairing: @wannab-urs x fem!reader
rating & word count: explicit | 1.1k
tags: friends to lovers, canon divergent(?), crackfic taken seriously, RPF duh, smut - thigh riding, coming untouched, dom!gin (this is where the canon divergence comes in), this feels weird to type up but here we are. unedited, we die for the bit.
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notes: i uhhhh. hm. well, gin and i have talked about this once or twice before and i am not one to fall short on a bit (was so committed to the bit of being "straight" that i retconned being a lesbian and for a year i screwed men so this is uh...easier than that.) above is gin's express permission. don't like don't read etc. merry early christmas.
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You set your bags down at the door, taking in the grand front entryway.  Snowflakes continue to fall outside, lofty banks of packing snow arranged in small mountains around the concrete driveway. Gin makes her way up the steps to her own home, a scarf pulled tight around her throat. The two hour drive from Nashville was quiet aside from the low hum of the radio. The flight wiped you out, that long layover in Chicago an endlessly loud nightmare.
When she makes it through the doorway, you say, “The place is beautiful.”
“Thanks,” she smiles. Shutting the door on the cold, Gin toes off her boots. You mirror her, leaving them on the boot tray in the front hall.
She helps you carry your bag and purse up the stairs. You follow down the hall and to the left. The guest room is cozy, if a bit lifeless. No one’s been here for a few months, and otherwise you figure it doesn’t get much use. The first thing you do is move towards the window, pulling the curtains apart to open the window a crack.
When you look back, Gin is leaning in the doorjamb watching you.
“What?” you ask. “Worried about the heat?”
“Nah,” she shakes her head. “Not worried about that.”
You scrunch your brow in confusion, but she’s too busy moving down the hall again to take notice.
Downstairs in the living room, you and Gin sit with the dogs. They curl around her like snakes to a charmer, some milling about calmly or settling in by her feet.
“I still can’t believe you have seven of ‘em,” you say.
“Me neither,” Gin sighs. She shakes her head, petting one gently. “I love them though. So that makes up for it.”
“You love a lot,” you say.
“I’ve got a lot to give.”
You can’t imagine caring about anything that much—nevermind so many things. Pets. People. Most of the time, it’s hard enough for you to muster up a little care for yourself. You have to keep your eyes on the prize, your head in the game. Follow the bouncing ball. Relationships don’t quite fit into that equation. Friendships do, here and there. That’s why this trip is so important. Why Gin is so important to you.
Dinner is phone-ordered pizza, hot out of the box while the two of you eat it. The plate sits in your lap, crusts uneaten, as some space show flickers across the flat screen television. You’re trying to grasp it—Gin’s told you that you have to watch it, it’s really good. You squint at the screen. Something just isn’t quite clicking with you.
You look over, expecting to see her staring at the TV as you are. Instead, you meet Gin’s eyes again. You take in a quick breath, slightly startled. A laugh escapes your nose at your own reaction. There is no boogeyman. It’s just Gin.
“What do you think?” she asks.
“You know, I’m not too sure. I really want to like it,” you say.
“I guess I was expecting more.”
“More, like…” Gin trails off.
“More badassery. More space stuff. More shit I could understand.”
“That’s fair,” she says. “It’s not for everyone.”
She takes the remote, pausing the show and backing out of the streaming app. “So, what do you wanna do now?”
“I don’t know,” you say. “S’all that snow out there…we could make some pretty snow angels.”
“But you’re already gorgeous,” Gin says.
Your face warms at the compliment. “Thanks,” you smile.
Snow continues to fall outside the back patio doors, dusting the back lawn in frosty white.
“Y’know, I haven’t given you the Kentucky welcome yet,” Gin says.
“The Kentucky welcome?” you repeat. “What’s that?”
“Why don’t you come over ‘ere and I’ll show you.”
Slowly, you crawl across the long length of the couch. You kneel on the cushion next to Gin, waiting for something. She continues to stare at you, eyes roving over your form in examination. She looks like she wants to eat you; a predator sizing up its prey. You can’t help the fire that thought stokes in your belly, squeezing your thighs together the slightest bit.
Before you know it, Gin is sliding her hands along your hips. She guides you into her lap, both of your legs on either side of her right thigh.
“That’s me,” she smiles.
“What are you doing?” you ask.
“Givin’ you a Kentucky welcome,” Gin says. “Come on. Let me make you feel good for a sec.”
You want to say no. Should say no. Gin is your friend, and you’ve known her just long enough to see this bond lasting a lifetime. One mistake like this could screw all of that up in an instant, and that is the very last thing you want. But it’s been so long since someone’s touched you like this, felt you in a way that makes you feel real. You are a person, not a machine. You aren’t superhuman, you’re not a doormat. You are you, plain and simple. Gin can see that. That’s why you care about her.
You move your hips carefully, the seam of your jeans rubbing against the growing wet spot in your underwear. Gin happily guides your movements, warm fingers playing with the bottom hem of your shirt. Every time she dips her hand under the fabric to touch your skin, you let out a small gasp. The trace of her thumb is feather-light, gripping you the slightest bit harder when she lifts her knee up and into you.
“Fuck,” you whisper.
“You like that?” she asks.
“Mhm,” you nod, words escaping you.
“You think you can come just like this, darlin’?”
You nod again, more frantic this time.
Your hips pick up the pace, the gusset of your underwear drenched and sticking to your pussy. You can feel the wetness spreading against the denim that separates the two of you. The sensation is rough and grinding, quick and dirty to get you off. You suddenly wish you’d warn a dress, even in the cold air of the plane and the frigid winter of the Bluegrass State.
Imagining the feeling if you’d been able to slip off your panties and rub your bare pussy against Gin’s thigh sends you over the edge, a pathetic cry passing your lips as you lean forward into her shoulder.
“That's it. That,” Gin says, “is a Kentucky welcome.”
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a-hazbin-spider · 2 months
@overlordhusk "oh, excuse me..."
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“Ex- oh.” There’s a few owlish blinks before the spider smooths himself over, looking a little less like his appearance had been seasoned with GangBang. This one looked… fancy. “Heya, handsome. Ain’t get a lotta fellas classy lookin as you. You lookin’ for a good time?”
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a-hazbin-spider · 3 months
"why hello there, Angel dust! How might you be today?"
-@radio-demon-on-air (we've never interacted before but you seem cool and I wanna rp with more people so here I am :)
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“Huh..? Oh, shit. ‘Mornin, Al.” Hold on, he needs to straighten out, run a hand through his hair. After his back crunches he’s up to function. Is it morning? Noon? Night? He has no idea, he was passed out up until a little bit ago.
“You know me, I’m pretty much excellent all th’ time. What c’n I do for ya?”
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a-hazbin-spider · 3 months
"Fuck my head, how much did I drink last night"??
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“Shit, you’s finally up huh? You were poundin em back like a fuckin monster dude. It’s a wonder any a’ that face paint stays on.” Leggy bastard has made himself at home on the table top. At least for talking smack, he’s given the guy a glass of water.
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a-hazbin-spider · 7 months
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“But, would dressin’ as a pumpkin- wit’ pumpkinfuckers, would that make ‘em wanna fuck me more?”
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a-hazbin-spider · 11 months
@nebula-gaster || Asked For A Starter
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It’d been a little while since their last hanging out, and Angel had somehow convinced himself not to cancel another planned get together. After his shoots, he’d taken a cold shower and some over the counter painkillers in hopes it’d cancel out… well- what had him with. light flush and squirming for the past twenty minutes, now.
“Nnh- nah, I’m listening..!” He’d insisted, probably an umpteenth time since he got here. “Just- erm- restless. Tell me about that thing you was makin’.”
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a-hazbin-spider · 6 months
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Look, @strikers-saloon was being funny, and I had to-
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a-hazbin-spider · 1 month
Mother Nature decides to punch Angel in the gut. Enjoy menstruation. (Delete if this isn't ok)
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Ah shit, more of this? Guess it’s time for a bitch to hate his afterlife a little more than usual!
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