#answering seriously. uhhh between... lust. sloth. and envy.
skeletalheartattack · 6 months
If you jouned a 7 sin thrmed group what sin qould you beee?
i'd be the brand new 8th sin: this thing
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atamascolily · 3 years
lily watches fma:b eps.48-52
My default emotion for this show continues to be bewilderment, between my worldbuilding headache and confusion about how the final battle can possibly take 10 episodes to resolve. But at least Hohenheim actually does something for once, and so does Yoki, so there’s that.
greed LOVES lan fan - OT3 ACCEPTED!!
so chi lets you see in the dark... or comes with being a ninja, okay.
oh, hi, Roy's at Madam Christmas's again [ngl I love her]
pride sets the woods on fire so he can't be defeated by the darkness trick (which for the record IS still so weird to me)
wait, Madam Christmas is Roy's foster mother? What??
oh, I see why Pride is out of Central - narratively speaking, it means Mustang and Company can work without his interference. Seems like a poor choice on #TeamHomunculus, though.
(or do they just not care? or is it all plans within plans? I got nothing)
I love how Kain Furey is the cutest of the bunch
Pride eats Gluttony for the philosopher's stone, which is SUPER DUMB. he should have gone for greed (also, gluttony being eaten by a bigger monster is just... ironic.)
Gluttony's last words are for Lust, which just makes me sad.
okay, hohenheim finally stepped in and literally moved heaven and earth to trap pride. FINALLY.
both pride and al are out of the fight, but overall a net win for team good, at least temporarily if they can starve pride's human body.
greed decides to take advantage of this and kill father
Scar stops to ask for directions from random strangers and it's like "oh, you sure you didn't commit terrorism? seems like something you would do"
Kimblee kills a bunch of people and is mad that his suit gets dirty MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T WEAR ALL WHITE YOU ASSHAT
al: lol ur plan was dumb, we could have just run away. pride: but you didn't ;););) *drum beats*
and the sun rises on the Promised Day as Ed retrieves his cloak and swings it dramatically over his shoulders... beautiful shot there.
and we still have like 15 episodes to GOOOOOOOOO, so idk about pacing here.
mustang and co. kidnap mrs. bradley, only for the central troops to order everyone's deaths BUT mustang (b/c sacrifice). Mrs.Bradley breaks down realizing she's expendable (though bradley himself loves her, father doesn't give a shit about a random human)
They only shot the soldiers in the knee with the line of "if we were briggs soldiers, you'd be dead," lol. olivier herself chides mustang for being soft when she finds out. 
central is SO PERPLEXED when they realize that none of their men are actually dead as the battle continues
Rebecca shows up in a ice cream truck with a cartoon bear on it with more ammo.... and Maria Ross, back from exile.
(because sidelining her in Xing for most of the show was a mistake)
I think Rebecca's going to end up with Havoc, but we'll see. (especially since they bought all the supplies from Havoc's General Store, heck yeah!!)
Hohenheim re: Father - "if we smash his container, he'll die" uhhh, dude, why didn't you do that, like, YEARS ago??
also, what the hell are in all the pipes connected to the throne?are we ever going to find out what’s that about?
well, some of them are full of philosopher's stone juice because an army dude uses them to revive the zombies in the basement.... all of whom wake up screaming. #relatable.
time for a new opening! lots of rain, tears and blood, with winry watching ed sleep. and it looks like scar and bradley face off?
[ngl, I STILL have no idea how the pacing is going to work here]
So are the new zombie soldiers "homunculi" as well or is that only if they get a cool name/association with a particular sin??
The zombies rip the throat out of the military guy who woke them up - seriously, I don't get why he thought this would end any other way, especially given the lab-coated scientists pleading for him to stop, it hasn't been tested yet
oops ed just let the zombies out
someone sent sloth to kill olivier,  although why the fuck him I have no idea. (guess father has no one left??)
pride keeps banging on al's head and I'm sure it's for a reason BESIDES being as creepy as hell - its morse code to summon... kimblee!
[though why the FUCK this works and why the FUCK kimblee gives a shit, I have no idea]
one of the zombies eats envy, so this can only end well
yup he eats all the zombies so now he has more lives
pride says something really interesting when kimblee chides him for eating gluttony (a "nakama," or companion). pride says "we are not nakama. we are a collective"... so they really are just different personality attributes from father in different vessels.
seems like it causes more problems than it solves - see exhibit a, greed, who is here to cause problems on purpose
Heinkel remembers that damn philosopher's stone he pocketed ages ago - DUDE IT'S BEEN SIX MONTHS YOU THINK YOU WOULD HAVE REMEMBERED IT BEFORE NOW!!
kimblee has such a hard-on at the thought of fighting an alchemist with a philosopher's stone
that was a damn good fight, al! I'm so proud!
al rejects kimblee's false dichotomy and dudebro philosophy
who would have guessed sloth had superspeed?
okay, anyway lots of battles. Yoki hits pride with kimblee's car, I'm very impressed. 
roy does the ‘use alchemy to transform the outside of a vehicle so soldiers don’t look for it’... clearly those NPCs have no imagination whatsoever, lol.
oh, hey, it’s sergeant broussh - I remember in 03 you were actually relevant and here you are a poorly explored background character.
pride eats kimblee - either gluttony is having more effect than I realized or  pride is just always Like That
anyway, roy shows up to help ed fight zombies.
[gotta be honest, I'm getting kind of bored with 3 episodes of fighting and STILL ZERO ANSWERS about various things.]
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