#anyway thank you for the ask anon. idk if i really answered your question. maybe the thing has a better answer.
skeletalheartattack · 6 months
If you jouned a 7 sin thrmed group what sin qould you beee?
i'd be the brand new 8th sin: this thing
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jymwahuwu · 2 months
Hi! Really love your stories they always scratch my brain (*≧∀≦*)❤️, so I got an idea and wanted to ask what you think about it
I got this question with Sunday on the minigame/event (idk what to call it lol)
"Just as you're about to pull a dusty hard-leatherback book, you hear a gentle whisper within earshot, "Averoy Rosewood's works are notorious for their obscurity," the Oak Family Head Sunday faintly smiles at you. "Perhaps you need more elaboration."
(I couldn't put the image since anon asks don't allow me to put images😮‍💨, but it's from a Board Encounter in Cosmodyssey)
and when I read it my brain immediately went WHAT IF SUNDAY FILLS THE READER WITH A VIBRATOR ON THE LIBRARY, and him just watching in amusement as he talks about books and asking her questions about them while he plays with the levels of vibrations with a control on his hands and she just struggles to make sentences, so he goes and asks "What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?" To tease her and remind that she's in a public space and can't make much noise unless she wants everyone to know about what they're doing.
Hmm... I wrote this about Sunday, but I feel like maybe it could be about Jing Yuan or Aventurine 🤔, anyways sorry if it sounds weird my brain sometimes goes into unga bonga mode when I think about these men.
An unhinged anon.
Thank you for telling me. I experienced this event and read the content of Sunday helping us in the library!! Wrote a little bit, I hope you like it 💗🫶
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cw: yandere, non-con, abuse of power, abuse of credit, vibrator, harassment
How about you being the librarian at The Family Library? A nerdy librarian. The Family claims that this is a library open to everyone to read and borrow, covering a variety of books and hologram collections.
Sunday, the leader of the Oak Family noticed you. He can accurately talk to you about your interests, hobbies and ideals, and encourage you…but one thing is that you are not religious enough in your belief in harmony. You are too withdrawn…and cannot integrate into The Family. Sing hymns, participate in activities, and protect The Family, others can do it, but what can you do? He cannot allow you to continue in this position under these circumstances. You panicked, grabbing his sleeves and pleading with him through tears. "W-what, I really believe Lord Xipe…I need this job badly! Please Mr. Sunday…"
He offered a plan. He used his gloves to push a delicate small box in front of you. You must put two vibrators in your underwear while on duty to test your professional abilities. If you can tolerate sinful sexual pleasure, you qualify for this position.
"But… Mr. Sunday, can I-can I take a break?"
"Of course. I'm not here to torture you. This is for your and everyone's happiness and harmony, I hope you understand." His words ignited the hope in your heart. "You have 2 hours a day to take them down. Allocate your own time. After get off work, you head to my office and I will check on your progress. You must do this every working day."
"Check?" Your heart sank into the starry sky and was crushed. "Okay. Mr. Sunday..."
These two vibrators… are pearl white and have an angel wings pattern on them. It's silent, but it delivers a surge of pleasure to your private parts, sometimes fast and sometimes slow down. It's not much better when it's slow - it's a long, quiet torture that gives you no relief. You kept your legs still and sorted your books and documents, your underwear getting wet. Every half minute, you check like a hawk to see if you have wet your clothes, fearing that it has become a joke in the eyes of others…
He occasionally wanders into the library to check on your work and ask you to recommend books in a certain category or answer questions about the collection.
"What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable?" Sunday approached you with caring eyes and ruthlessly pushed the controller frequency to the highest level. You lowered your head, holding back tears, your legs trembling. "I-I'm fine. Mr. Sunday. Thank you for your concern."
This kind-hearted gentleman and leader offers to take you to another secluded corner of the library to rest. On the road, Sunday dials down the vibration frequency and doesn't crank it up until you get to the corner. The intense ecstasy immediately hits you to the extreme and stimulates your nerves. You endured your moans, trembling in Sunday's arms as you reached orgasm. His hands caressed your hair like a lovable pet. He commented that your ability to endure needs to be improved.
After you get off work, Sunday asks you to take off all your clothes in the office and fold them on the table. He uses white gloves to inspect and rub your private parts, circling them with his thumb. In the watery light, those fingers slowly inserted between your legs and twitched. He clicked his tongue in disappointment when he realized that his fingers were already wet enough to slide into the inner walls before being inserted. "Not religious enough, are you? What are you thinking about? You're letting pleasure take over your body."
"...I'm sorry!! Mr. Sunday, Please give me a chance…" you begged with a sob, then cummed hard at his disappointed sigh.
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Hi Charmᵕ̈,
I wanted to dm and ask but then thought more people could benefit from your answer so my question is...
How do you feel in your day to day life knowing something your peers don't? Or rather, having done something most people will die without ever experiencing (getting into the void and waking up somewhere completely different)
I'm just really curious what it must feel like! Seeing people struggle in day to day activities when you know, experientially, you could change your life just like that 🫰🏻; I'm imagining there must be a general ease with which you live now that wasn't there prior void?
PS. Your blog is lovely, thank you so much for all the involvement and the fact that you're still here to give advice 🕊🏹🤍💌
Hi bb ty for this ask, bc this is something I struggled with for a while. I used to feel so bad and it was so unhealthy for me. I felt like I was some beholding omnipotent being and I could help so many people and that was my job. But the truth is even if you spoke the law from the rooftops in every city and home , no one would care unless they had the will to.
1. I talk about the law to everyone who meets me tbh. It’s not a secret trust me. Maybe not the same way I talk to people here but everyone knows me as the manifesting astrology delulu girl. When people ask me how I have straight As without studying, I straight up tell them I manifest it. I tell people I use to practice driving while lucid dreaming and that’s how I overcame my fear. When people ask how I don’t have a job in college, but spend a lot, I tell them money always come into my account and it never hits 0, so I don’t worry about that. I straight up tell tell them how I write all my desires down and they come to life just because I say so. Most people either don’t care, don’t believe me, or assume i was just born privileged even if I explain I wasn’t.
2.you’re not special. And not the way you think. You are a special bright star, as a person and I love you of course, but you’re not special about knowing the law. Most people know about the law whether they know what it’s called or not. Some people even know about the law and still don’t care or apply it differently to their lives than now we do, and that’s okay.
3. Some people know the law and don’t care, simply because they don’t. Maybe they already like their life, maybe they don’t believe it, maybe they prefer to follow their religious practices. Idk but a lot of time I tell friends about the manifesting practice I’ve been using and it’s not like they make fun of me.. but they’re just not into that stuff like I am, and they don’t care. I will go on rambles about how we can have whatever we want in this life, and they’re just like “okay nice .. anyways I hate matthew so much” That’s okay! it doesn’t make you special or enlightened nor does it make them dull and ignorant. Just makes them, them, and you, you. We are god. If they wanted to utilize the law like you have, they would have already. Maybe not today or tomorrow, maybe in another life time, or maybe never idk but that’s not my reality or problem.
4.we as a community gotta drop the hero complex. Trust me I had to work through this in therapy. (Void/manifesting or not, therapy has benefited me in so many ways guys! Get therapy no matter how good your life is. If I were president therapy would be mandated for everyone that’s how hard I ride for it!) but anyways, you’re not going to save the world. Accept that now, it’ll save you the trouble, guilt, and doubt later. Just trust me I could elaborate all day but we all know it’s not realistic or mentally healthy for us. Btw anon this is a shot at myself. not you or anyone else who feels the same 💗
But thank you for your kind words. The point Is don’t compare yourself to other people or try to see your past self in them! It’s not healthy and most people given the chance won’t care or want your delulu advice. In fact most people will make fun of you, it’s just the life we’re in. But I believe the law finds.. well Moreso your will find whatever you need, given who you are. Which is even more of a reason to not give up. Not only did you find the law, you’re still here even with your trials and tribulations, even with the doubt and uncertainty you know it’s real, so that’s really the only thing you should take from the given situation you asked!
But yes life is on easy mode for the most part. But generally it feels the same because I keep myself fulfilled even here! Especially as a shifter it’s easy to feel more grounded here remembering it’s also a reality with amazing people, foods and things to explore. And I will make the most out of it otherwise what’s the point.
*also I use delulu as a positive adjective towards myself everyday. I have reclaimed it in a cute slay way. Being delulu has gotten me my dream life, so yea I’m gonna use that word happily contrary to societies perception of that world <3! Just clarifying bc I know how people get with that word
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ticklystuff · 3 months
halloo hope you've been well!
i would like to submit my genshin team for the genshin/honkai team ask game: gaming, xiao, wanderer, kazuha
ask game is closed!
oh hello anon, i've been well, thank you! i hope life has been treating you splendidly~
oh you've assembled a baby boi squad for me ehehehe
who’s the most ticklish character
nooooo the hardest question for this team ummmm do you think that maybe they like switch off depending on the day of the week? like gaming is most ticklish on monday, scara on tuesday, etc.. for a serious answer though i want to say it's kazuha bc he just seems like he'd be so soft and sensitive everywhere which is the same for the rest of your team but kazuha just a smidge more
who’s the character that most people would assume isn't ticklish, but actually is
nahhhhh bruh like how do you look at this team and think any of them aren't ticklish aksldjfds like maybe people might not think scara is ticklish when they find out that he's a puppet but like this is me spitballin idk what to put here LOL
who’s the character that everyone gangs up on and tickles
XIAO like to me scara and kazuha are switches and gaming would go with the flow and xiao is like -2% ler so he's always the default lee when scara is in a tickly mood and kazuha and gaming would just follow along also scara because he can be really mean when it comes to tickling but gaming and xiao need kazuha to initiate the tickling or the two of them are going to get their shit wrecked
who’s the character that somehow knows everyone else’s tickle spots and reveals them to others
none of them! but i think kazuha would be super good at guessing everyone's spots. he has a lot of experience as a lee and ler so he can just tell by how people act around or react to certain stimuli and he's right like 80% of the time. he doesn't go around announcing anyone's spots but he's definitely not opposed to it if any of them manage to tick him off
who's the character with one specific tickle spot that only one other person knows about
imagine gaming feeling bad for xiao that he's always losing tickle fights so he let's him on a secret and tells him that the little mole on his neck is ticklish and he even invites him to try tickling there. xiao isn't the least bit interested but just does it for gaming's sake LOL
who’s the most likely to win gang tickle wars
ookay well xiao would be the biggest loser because he just cannot tickle someone. like his body just does not move and when it does, he has to put so much concentration into it that he loses awareness of things around him and soon he's back to being tickled again. also gaming is one of those characters that starts laughing when you wiggle your fingers at him so he's out of the running i actually really like the idea of kazuha and scara both being good lers. like yes they're top tier lees but also can really wreck someone if they wanted to. kazuha just has a lot of experience as a lee that he learned how to be a ler and scara is just really sadistic. anyway i think it'd come down to these two and i think scara would win because kazuha sees how hard he's trying and just taps out to give him the win
which character has a kink for tickling
omg kazuha like i think he just loves how fuzzy and warm it makes him feel in the moment when as the lee and so many of his erogenous zones are super sensitive. and then when he's the ler, he'd be so gentle if it's his partner's first time and constantly checking to see how they're doing. he also loves the more intense kind of tickles, but he'd always triple check to make sure the other person is actually okay with proceeding. oh, and i feel like he'd be good with his mouth, like tickly kisses and nibbles ehe
which character didn’t even know they were ticklish until another character tickled them
mmmmm none of them! gaming would be one of those characters that is somehow accidentally tickled by everything, kazuha gets wrecked by beidou and the crew all the time, aether makes sure to give xiao plenty of tickles when he visits him in liyue, and nahida tickles scara whenever she feels like he's acting up lol
which two characters have tickle fights all the time
KAZUHA AND SCARA because kazuha can be such a little tease and knows just how to drive scara up the wall and he does these things on purpose just so he can have an excuse to tickle scara back. like ya he has to suffer scara's wrath for a little bit, but it's all worth it just to hear his laugh
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jjks-dodo · 9 months
no drawing/doodles just simple answers for the asks i've got
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these 2 questions answer each other out lmao but they'd be sooo cute... like while geto and cato just sitting at the couch doing their own thing, satoru and catoru having a chaotic moment would be so funny lol satoru yelling at catoru puking hairball (and it's all black because he's been grooming cato every so often) on his bed lol.. maybe i'll doodle them at some point...
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that'd be really cute but at the same time poor thing... geto will have to break the fence to save him..and give catoru a treat uwu...
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sorry anon, i didn't fully understand your question but thanks for loving my art <3
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thank you for loving the animal au <33 the last question really made me wanna draw something and i'm kinda working on it but we'll see if i finish it.. lol i like to think geto being venomous since he is still one of the strongest duo uwu.
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i knoww especially riko and satoru have such a strong sibling vibes... and the way they are treated similarly as special in jujutsu society is so (chef kiss).. if they were to stay together, geto and gojo prob had to ask riko's opinion before they leave okinawa...and just leave japan entirely instead of going back to the school. this means becoming curse users all together, but at least they might be still together :c..
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sorry anon, i couldn't control the wind blowing but you got his boob lol
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LOL i love 'make it everyone's problem' part lollol but for real tho... in jjk universe, it's basically, "there were THEM in the beginning." and it all started... lol i still remember when I first watched jjk 0 in the movie theater, a random audience laughed when gojo killed geto... i hope she now knew what it meant for gojo to do that now we got the past arc animated.... anyway the funny thing is even in the anime, we only got like....less than 3 ep that are actually them being happy, and it's been a cycle of suffering. but we all forget about it because op and ed always depicts how happy they are??? ugh.. idk... i don't want the op and ed to change tbh ;m;... Well GOOD JOB propagating them lol now we can all suffer together as a team..
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criminalskies · 10 months
Hi Rome! I wanted to reach out to you because I feel this is a safe space and I know it’s stupid because we don’t even really know each other but I feel like I can trust you and that I have your support. Anyway, I wanted to kind of ask for advice on my sexuality if that’s ok. I’ve been kind of questioning it the last few years but am not really sure what I identify with. I always used to think I was straight but now it feels like I don’t belong in that “category”
I don’t like s3x. I don’t find it to feel good or be fun or anything like that. I don’t mind reading smutty stuff sometimes but when it gets too descriptive, I’m out.
I mostly find men attractive, but I sometimes find women attractive as well. But I don’t really feel sexually drawn to either of them. Like the most I feel is fantasizing about holding their hand or cuddling or maybe making out but certainly nothing past that. I mean I’ve had dreams (not like fantasizing but literal night time dreams) about being with both a man or a woman, but idk if that means anything. And I’ve found that some of the people I find attractive aren’t your typical “hot” people and it thinks it’s because I might care more about who they are than what they look like? Idk
I sometimes fantasize about having a relationship, but in reality I don’t want one. I think I more just like the idea of it and how they are in books and movies, but not the real life situation. Especially when I think about being with someone all the time. I prefer to be on my own. Which I guess is why I wonder if this even really matters, but I feel like I need to know even if it’s not applied?
Anyway, sorry, I’m rambling!! I just wanted someone to discuss this with I guess and I don’t really want to go to my family yet, which is why I wanted to reach out to you (and I guess the tumblr community if you decide to answer this and it’s on your feed lol) and if you do choose to share any advice, thank you, I love you, I love your writing, and the nasty anon people who share their evil words can kindly piss off! <3
Hi baby! Let me start this off by saying there’s no reason for you to feel silly at all, I say that this account is a safe space and I really mean it. I’m glad you feel comfortable and supported by me because that’s a goal of mine to have people always feel that way on my page.
Now, I’m assuming you’re here bc you’ve seen me talk about times in my life when I’ve thought I was asexual or even aromantic? and that stays true. admittedly when you sent me this ask I went full dad mode googling the aro/ace spectrum lingo and terms to make sure I’m giving you the best information. I also researched this stuff a bunch myself because as you say it’s all a bit confusing when you feel you fall between the ‘categories’.
But that’s an important point for me to make here: asexuality and aromanticism are fluid and exist on a spectrum. All our life experiences and ups and downs and mindsets and the people in our lives can change or skew these things, and that’s okay! I don’t expect to identify the exact same way forever. Honestly, when I first learned what aro and ace were, I was a bit lost because doesn’t everybody feel like this sometimes?
So with my newfound research let me try to talk you through what you’re saying?
You don’t like sex, not fun, not desirable, that’s completely valid. I’m finding more and more myself that I maybe fall somewhere under that umbrella, but an interesting term I found online helped me here:
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All the different niches of asexuality get a little confusing, but I resonate a lot with this one. I find myself with very little desire to actually partake in sex, but enjoying the fantasies or hypotheticals to be really interesting. I enjoy reading smut and even writing it once in a blue moon, but yeah, in terms of the real thing, I’m becoming increasingly unsure it’s my cup of tea.
I notice you said sometimes smut can be your cup of tea, if it’s nondescript or just implied etc, but usually isn’t. I completely understand what you mean. I think that’s a completely valid stance. You aren’t completely repulsed by sex but you’re also not aroused by it, I totally hear you!
Now you say you find yourself attracted to men and to women, but not sexually. I feel that. I fantasise about having someone to hold hands with and play with their hair, cuddle up under blankets to watch movies, all that fun jazz all the time! so it sounds to me like you’re existing somewhere on the ace spectrum, but you’re not aromantic. That is, you do feel romantic attraction, you do want a partner in some things outside of platonic life. Again! Man!!! I hear you! I want the quiet days and the running errands and having someone who knows me like the back of their hand, but I’m not sure I want that person sexually or at least not all the time.
And the people you’re attracted to, it’s less because of that primary attraction (this term comes up a lot in ace literature, it’s that feeling non-ace people get when they see someone and immediately a fire is lit in their belly, they want that person) and more because you get to know and love them as a person. You are preaching to the damn choir here.
Secondary Attraction is a term for that feeling that slowly grows over time, particularly romantic feelings for someone. It’s mostly coined by Demisexual people, which I feel like maybe you’re fitting into, only not in the sexual way, but in the romantic way. Like you might be asexual but demiromantic where all of your attraction comes from getting to know the person underneath. Sorry if it sounds like I’m making up words at this point but i think it helps to have some language to help describe how you’re feeling. But again! There’s no necessity to define these things. Just saying you’re asexual but you feel romantic attraction can cut it, or saying nothing at all is fine, too. You don’t have to fit into any little boxes sweetheart. Although it can be comforting to know that others fit into the same one, that you’re not alone. But let me tell you, you aren’t 💕💗 I’m right here and I feel you!
Now the part where you say you don’t want a forever relationship, I can understand too. Now it sounds a little like you might exist somewhere within aromantic because you don’t have that desire to have a romantic relationship. That is so okay too.
there are some ace-aro people who are referred to as greysexual or greyromantic (I know this sounds so made up but it helped me feel seen) who can feel some degree of sexual attraction or some degree of romantic attraction sometimes, but for the most part they fit under the general umbrella. Remember, time changes all. We aren’t going to be the same people we are today forever, so we can’t expect one identity to withstand the force of time alone, things change and that’s okay.
Please please remember that being ace or aro does not mean your life will be any less fulfilling than people who have partners. I know that in media, romantic love can be shown as being something a level above platonic love, but really truly your life can be just as marvellous without it my dear.
Please do not apologise for rambling, Rome loves to ramble. My inbox is always open for rambling sweetheart! I have definitely doubled the length of your ramble at this point anyways so I’ll cut to the chase. I threw a lot of labels o it there for you to try them on and see what feels right, but truly, labels aren’t a necessary part of being a human being. You are no less interesting or less important or less understood if you can’t make yourself fit into any one of these categories my love. You’re human, humans are complex and every single one is an anomaly of something. That’s what makes us so damn interesting, okay?
I see you and I understand you. Thank you for coming to me to talk about this, I hope any single thing I’ve said helps. There is no need at all to run to people with a definition of it, it’s perfectly okay to just tell them what you’ve told me, which is how you feel.
Now I love you too my sweet summer child and I’m so glad you enjoy my writing and my blog! And I agree, that anon was a whole mess but for the most part it seems to be over now. I’m so glad I didn’t disable all anon asks now though because then I never would have gotten this from you. I hope I have been of any help at all! The bottom line is you are loved and you are you. There’s no need to change that. ❤️🧡💛💚🩵💜🩷
also I have about eleven more screenshots from this site if you want them but it’s just all the terms I tried to describe.
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yenqa · 1 year
It's the season of love! and you know what that means, time to find yourself a valentine! and who better than one of your beloved mutuals? answer these questions, and the mutual with the most mentions your tumblr valentine:
Mutual you can always rely on?
Mutual who never misses a post?
Mutual you share the most interests with?
Mutual you were most surprised to become moots with?
Mutual that gives the best advice?
Mutual you have the most in common with?
Mutual who has the best jokes?
Mutual you look up to or admire?
Mutual you'd run away and live in a cottage with?
Mutual you most want to be classmates/friends irl with?
Spouse material mutual?
Mutual with the best personality?
Mutual that never fails to make you laugh?
Mutual with the prettiest theme?
Mutual you'd have a crush on if you knew them irl?
Mutual you absolutely cannot live without?
Mutual you want to get to know better?
hi anon! i was actually waiting for someone to send me this so thank u!! anyways
Mutual you can always rely on?
i havent really asked for any advice much (i think..) but i think @redm4ri and @hanniluvi are soo sweet (sometimes) ☹️☹️
Mutual who never misses a post?
ok i think we all know its @haknom like have u seen them… very scary sometimes
Mutual you share the most interests with?
idk??? maybe @gfksn bc we both like beabadoobee and cats 🤞🤞
Mutual you were most surprised to become moots with?
i have like a whole ass list but @soobnny @amakumos @kynrki and @delcakoo bc they r scary tbh…
Mutual that gives the best advice?
again i bet @redm4ri or @ddenoudepression give good advice :)
Mutual you have the most in common with?
ok based off personality i think me a @urszn are pretty alike (idk tho 😭😭) also idk but i feel like me and @jwonsociety have a lot in common just a hunch 😜
Mutual who has the best jokes?
@soov bc i said so! and @taejays bc they always have the best timing with things!!
Mutual you look up to or admire?
all the ppl in the “surprised to become moots with” and @son4taa @wonieleles
Mutual you'd run away and live in a cottage with?
all of walmart enhypen !! but also i think @hannikz would be nice to live with !!
Spouse material mutual?
@badmuni have u seen them?? they r so sweet and are so good with words :)
Mutual with the best personality?
me #selflove is the best love
Mutual that never fails to make you laugh?
@trsrina sadly… (🤮🤮) and @soov and @haknom bc they r funny!!
Mutual with the prettiest theme?
ok @tzyuki bc i just love it idk… @soov bc its just so organized and nice!! and @imhuh/ @vuiom bc have u seen their posts and stuff???? idk how i wouldnt put them
Mutual you'd have a crush on if you knew them irl?
@badmuni ….. and @sunoksunny bc they have such likeable personalitys and sunny is super pretty!! im sure muni is too but ive seen sunny’s face :))
Mutual you absolutely cannot live without?
@byhees ok i cant live without their writing but also @redm4ri (again 🤮🤮) bc they talk to me a lot and we’re like this 🤞🤞
Mutual you want to get to know better?
def @keikeu @fragileanti @scyllawon @byuqi (thats a lot and im sorry 😭😭)
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6yuns · 2 years
Hi can I req a knights x reader who is very cold and mean to males but very sweet and nice to females(this includes arashi). Lol idk it's just funny to see reader change attitude so fast. Anyways thank you ♪⁠~⁠(⁠´⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠)
pairings ; knights ( Leo, ritsu, tsukasa, arashi) x gn!reader
umm idk if u wanted seperate s il do sebpreatryasuy ayayay IM SO HAPOY
warnings ; idk , homosexuality ( sarcasm pls please )
extra notes : okay wait what if knights was full of homosexual people!?!??! transfem tsukasa? or nah.. maybe? I'm so tired I just wanna eat☹️I love SEVENTEEN , I love you anon thank you ( thus is chaod ) why is this not making sense help me how do I write☹️ saving best for last! I'm removing Izumi idk how to write for him [cry]
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TSUKASA SUOU + being hit on ( reader receiving :3 )
you two were walking to a store, just a normal day with no idol work. tsukasa moved his hand closer to yours and held it softly. Very very cute moment till... A group of boys ( 16-18 yrs ) walked up to both of you and tsukasa and started to basically.. hit on you, Of course. You ignored their antics and gave them the cold shoulder. And glared at them. tsukasa chuckled at your reaction to them hitting on you, the group of boys laughed it off and left you alone. tsukasa and you continued your date
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LEO TSUKINAGA :33 + autographs
sitting at the park with Leo, Having fun till a stranger (danger) comes up to both of you and asks for your autographs, Of course he got Leo's. but not yours, He realized he wouldn't get it. so, he mentioned his daughter and called her over, and you agreed immediately, but still giving him your autograph reluctantly. Leo giggled at your change of attitude. and you laughed it off, The two left and you and Leo continued on with your picnic date
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RITSU SAKUMA + interview
ritsu sat down while you stood next to him. two interviewers came up to where you were and began to ask questions like ' how is it in The idol group Knights? ' or 'what's it like being in knights?'. There was this question asked by the male interviewer, 'are you knights producer? if so, Could you Share your experiences with the group?' let's just say.. he got brushed off by you, that kinda hurt. Ritsu whispered to you about how funny you were acting towards him. Then the female interviewer asked you the question and you immediately answered, leaving both males shocked. the lady laughed and thanked you for your answer and you shook her hand, Literally blushing.
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ARASHI NARUKAMI + photoshoot
in a photoshoot with arashi, Another model came and asked you if you wanted to model with him on his next shoot, completely ignoring arashi. And he got ignored himself, He got the hint and left you alone. arashi and you continued your shoot til a really cute girl asked if she could model with you two because she was nervous, And you agreed faster than you could ignore the guy, Speaking of him. he watched with a shocked and confused expression, arashi laugrd at your quickness to say yes to her question and changeof attitude. Arashi nodded her head to the girl as an agreement to help her with her shoot.
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I have a feeling ill hate this later on.
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agentnatesewell · 1 year
hey there! generally speaking I'd come off anon for this but it's been a while since I've properly been on tumblr and I'm too lazy to recover my login info lol. but anyway, I just wanted to say that I really enjoy your blog and it's always a pleasure to read your thoughts and theories about N, as a fellow N mancer! hence why I'm sending you this ask, I haven't seen anyone bring this up yet so I'd love to know your thoughts!
but to get to the actual point of the ask, I've been replaying the N route in book 3 and exploring different choices and picked up on something interesting, I think. 👀 so when you're on the "no one learnt about the supernatural" branch, if you're sober when you come back to the warehouse, you can kiss N. and it really piqued my attention because the text describes the kiss as tasting metallic, which I feel was definitely an intentional choice of words. especially because from what I've noticed, Mishka generally doesn't often include descriptions of how the detective's LI "tastes" when describing kiss scenes and usually the descriptions focus on other sensations and emotions. in addition to this, the other aspect that really made me go hmm here is also the fact that if you ask N what they've been doing while waiting for the detective to come back, they ofc deflect the question and turn on the charm/suaveness and say something along the lines of "even a vampire has to have secrets".
so both of these little things combined really makes me wonder wtf they were doing?? now of course I'm not trying to jump to any nefarious or malicious conclusions or anything like that lol. but it's still definitely something to think about. like idk I wonder if they were drinking blood or doing something with blood?? it could be nothing ofc but I just can't seem to let go of the description of the metallic tasting kiss, it's been on my mind since I read that scene and it definitely feels like a very purposeful hint for something, I just don't know what. now I feel mildly unsettled lol, who knows what N route, X tier related angst Mishka has in store for us!! but idk maybe I'm also just focusing on it too much and overthinking stuff haha.
Hello friend!! If you ever do log in, please drop me a message! Thank you so much for being so lovely and nice! So happy you like the blog - crying about N is seriously one of my favorite things to do.
Going to put my answer being a cut since it’s long + spoilers
It’s so cool that upon replaying and trying the routes, that there are all of these pieces that really start coming together to create this multifaceted story. I’ve only done the Verda dinner with N, Tina dinner with A, and Verda/Tina with F (so, will be a similar scene to what you got! Curious how it’ll go with F). Luckily, a friend had sent me some screenshots of your detective comes home drunk so I do have some context!
I like where you’re going with this, I do the same thing - look at anything for a clue to what their tier x power is. And definitely see where you’re going here!
It seems to me that the detective caught N post-meal (and maybe slipping a bit, blood tastes differently to them, like something pleasant vs the more metallic taste the detective tasted). And N’s kiss was described in the beginning of the book but you’re so right, the way the kisses taste isn’t necessarily a feature of the scene. So, I think you’re also right that it’s deliberate - that usually N tastes like nectar but in this scene, they taste metallic.
With N’s whole … discomfort of being seen/known as a vampire, their wish for humanity and to be seen as human, I can see how maybe they’d not want to being up that their dinner was actually what is necessary to sustain them - their half ration of blood (they were hungry!). Now, we did have the breakfast scene but I’ve never noticed how N drank their blood (tell me where I’m missing it though! Just haven’t seen it!) … F is made to put it in a glass, A in the wine glass, M out of the pouch, but N? Idk!
And I think it pulled into their whole conversation about being a mystery and having their secrets (if you got that in your version!) … something they’re just not ready to fully commit to and share with the detective YET. Which is a parallel to speaking with Verda and Tina about it at dinner time. Since they were asked, and they were willing to answer the really uncomfortable questions to help the detective and their friend.
All such good thoughts!! Thank you so much for sharing them with me! It was really fun to think about. Let me know or you have anymore things to discuss! Hope you’re having a great day!
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casualbystander98 · 6 days
I just wanted to drop by and say that I really like reading your interactions with other anons. It somehow brings a smile to my face ☺️
I was also curious bc I've looked through the stories you posted on AO3... idk why, but Fallen Star made me squirm in the best and most embarrassing way possible. However, I wanted to ask about Choose Your Own Rape-venture story - is there a continuation of it that you maybe didn't post on AO3? I've tried to look on your blog, but with no success :( And I have a soft spot for "choose your own adventure" stories and I really liked how you went about with it by posting the polls - that was really fun (even though my chosen option sometimes didn't win 😅)
Anyway, sorry for the long letter. I hope you have a good day~!
awww, thank you! that's very sweet of you, darling. no need to apologize, I enjoy long asks!
to answer your question, CYORV is NOT continued anywhere else. I just stopped uploading chapters because I lost motivation. when I start uploading again, which I will be trying to do this weekend, I will be starting with the next chapter of CYORV. after that I'll be beginning the sequel to The Cabin, Peregrine. after that will be the next chapter of Daycare. sorry to keep you waiting!
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pebblysand · 2 months
🎲🪐☁️ for the writer's game. ty for sharing your work, it's gorgeous.
hello! see, all i apparently needed to get the castles juices going yesterday was to ask for a distraction, because i ended up writing anyway, haha. but now, i'm here! 🥳
🎲 ⇢ what stops you from writing more in your free time? 
i mean, life? i suppose i know that generally, i'm a lot more productive, writing-wise, if i write in large chunks of time. i find it very hard to dip in and out for 15/20 minutes like so many people do. it takes me a lot of time to "warm up" and get the juices going, and then when i do, i don't want to stop.
so, typically, i won't write unless i have at least 4 hours of uninterrupted time ahead of me, which obviously reduces my writing opportunities a lot. this generally means that i can only really write at the weekends. 1) because that's when i have the most uninterrupted "free" time and 2) because that's also when i'll have the most energy. i have the "disadvantage" that both my day job and writing are tasks that are "brainy" and require me to sit in front of a computer at home, at my desk. i guess maybe switching between the two is different if you have a more physical job (where the tasks are very different so maybe it's easier to feel the split between the two) but for me, if i wrote after work in the evenings, i wouldn't even move, i'd just have to switch out computers. it's a bit depressing and honestly my brain is tired, so i'd rather do something else.
now, that doesn't mean that i can't do write-y things after work. sometimes, i'll edit. sometimes, i'll answer anons or hang out on discord. but i don't write-write.
and then i guess, the rest of it is like: lack of inspiration, wanting to see friends, family, traveling, life-admin things, etc. i'm "lucky" in that i live alone and don't have dependents so i can afford right now to put quite a big amount of free time into writing, which wasn't always the case in the past.
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
my health, my god, my country? 🇺🇸🤣 is that what americans say? nah, honestly man, idk, we're on a burning floating rock right now and i'm not finding anything very uplifting. on a micro level, i am very grateful for my, my friends, and my family's health, i'm happy that i'm going to be finished with castles soon and excited for you guys to read it, and for having a job in this economy.
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
i feel like i've answered this before but i come from a place where the beach has pebbles, and i now live in a place where it has sand. it's not that #deep 😅.
thank you for your questions! if you want to send me more, here's the post!
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lostfracturess · 3 months
Hey! This is the Anon who asked shy!Reader's question from Symptoms and Causes, and sorry for bothering you again.
I really like the dynamic between professor!Gojo and medstudent!reader that you write about, about how they are both proud, stubborn and have strong personalities.
But when I asked you that question, it was more about how Gojo would react to this type of personality. And you answered me well.
There is something fascinating, even perverse, about this kind of dynamic. As you said it would lead to complete chaos and both would be condemned.
I would like to thank you for answering my question honestly. And good luck finishing your fanfic.
(And don't worry about the headcannons, they were just a silly idea.)
don't apologize, you don't bother me at all! i've been thinking about your message just earlier, because I'm writing the next chapter currently and have a scene in which satoru just (as always because of his avoidant attachment style) is pushing the reader away and i had to think about it, how that would have turned out if the reader had a more shy personality in this scene and honestly it would be like:
satoru pushed the girl away -> the girl leaves.
or something like this. i think a shy person would make it too easy for him to push her away, if you know what i mean. or maybe i just can't get my head around it. idk.
anyway, wish you a great day or night <3
edit: i think, that a shy person would even reinforce his avoidant behavior even more (without wanting to of course), because it would be an involuntary confirmation of his behaviour when he has no counterpart to correct him.
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pictureamoebae · 5 months
Hi! Maybe this is a really stupid question idk. But do you have like, any tips when it comes to hotsampling in BG3 (with Otis Camera and DOF-addon) when using two pairs of screen monitors?
I noticed I couldn’t really hotsample like I used to when I played the game in window mode and then tried to hotsample (because when doing that, the WHOLE screen including the reshade menu were trippled/hotsampled, which meant I couldn’t reach the render button) so I reverted back to playing the game in fullscreen, then it worked like it should and like it’s been before. The thing is, I had one monitor when I started with hotsampling and then I got another new one recently (this is also why I had some trouble getting it to work and also not having the reshade menu hotsampled too, because it didnt happened when I had only one monitor).
Sorry this got long but just wanted to give some background info, anyway - When hotsampling, and when it works, is there a solution to only hotsample the one monitor? When I do it the pic stretches to the second monitor too, I know I have them aligned and its a setting but I would like to be able to - hotsample on one of my monitors, so i can use the second monitor for other stuff like Spotify, Netflix, youtube etc WHILE hotsampling. Is this possible? Hope this makes sense and sorry this got very long! Thanks a lot!!
Hi anon!
I'm really sorry, I don't know anything about using more than one monitor, I wouldn't know how to advise you. I know lots of the really good screenshooters out there use multiple monitors, so it must be possible.
I suggest asking this in Otis' ReShade server, the people there will be a lot more knowledgeable about it than me! I hope you find your answer!
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tortoisebore · 1 year
silly question, maybe, and I'm asking it anon because I don't want you to feel obligated /at all/ to answer (or to feel pressured to read my fic, lol) but.
my question is, how do you deal with the "pressure" of posting on ao3? I reckon for you it can be quite a lot of pressure to have so many people reading your fic / waiting anxiously for new chapters, and feeling that pressure when you're writing.
for me it's kind of the opposite - I post my stuff publically to ao3 but I barely get any hits/kudos/comments, which I know isn't the be-all-end-all of fic writing (I loooove fic writing and would continue to do it either way for my own enjoyment) but it can feel a bit daunting sometimes to post something and not feel insane pressure to /live up to high standards/.
like, I'm not delusional (most of the time), I won't be the next zeppazariel or moonymoment or whatever, but it does feel like a lot of pressure to write something PERFECT in order to be "allowed" on ao3 and receive comments and feedback and word of mouth, you know?
idk this became really rambly but I just figured you might have some good insights into this as you /seem/ really smart and I value your thoughts? anyway hope you're having a good day x
hi!! this is NOT a silly question 🫶 i’m speaking from my own experience so please take it all with a grain of salt and know that those feelings of pressure and discouragement and that need to meet a certain standard are reeeeaalllll and we all feel that at some point when doing anything in the realm of creativity
i have a very specific mindset when it comes to not just writing, but literally everything i create. i went to an art school and had all of my work ripped to shreds in public critique from age 17 on, so i built a very thick skin early and learned to separate myself from my artwork and designs. it sounds very cold, but it was/is necessary in my career and i’m thankful for it now!
all that to say i’ve carried pieces of that mindset into my creative hobbies. when i do something like write fic or make art just for the sake of making something, i’m coming at it from a place of “this is for me and me only.” i don’t find myself looking to other people for confirmation that i’m doing well because if i’m enjoying what i’m doing, that’s all that matters!
i feel like it sounds kind of arrogant to say this, but because of that, i don’t feel pressure surrounding writing fic. i write when i want, i write what i want to see, and no amount of comments asking for updates is going to change my process or make me feel guilty for taking “too long” between updates. i have a whole entire life outside of this (as do you!) and for the most part people understand that you’re a person with a hobby just trying to do something fun.
i’ve also been in fandom spaces since i was a very young teenager and i feel very familiar with the way people act surrounding fic and fic authors, so i knew what i was getting myself into when i posted the first chapter. i expected it to not be seen by many people, i expected negative comments, and i expected lots of backlash about the story not being finished when it was posted (for some reason people hate wips now????). i just got extremely lucky that someone liked it enough to post about it on tiktok, and then on twitter, and it took off from there.
i also don’t really keep track of hits/kudos other than getting the kudos emails (but i do read every single comment i get on ao3!). those numbers don’t mean much in the grand scheme of things and i try not to let them get into my head when i’m writing. i’ve also been extremely lucky in that i think i’ve had one singular kind of negative comment on the entire thing?? and it was someone that just didn’t seem happy with the slower pace of the story. i was able to look at that and be like “great, it’s my story and i don’t care <3” and move on from it quickly.
i know that this is not a universal feeling and that most people do not feel this lack of pressure and anxiety surrounding posting their work. i have such a specific set of experiences that’s led me to this level of comfort surrounding sharing my creative endeavors, and i know it’s probably not helpful to hear, but that’s how my brain has worked behind the scenes about this!
if i had any actual helpful tips to give, i think the biggest one would be to write from a place of self-indulgence! you’re going to be most passionate when you’re writing things for you, and that’s going to come through in your work. other people are out there looking for the exact things you want to write, they just haven’t found it yet.
((also use ao3 tags liberally 🫶))
this was so so so rambly and probably not very helpful i’m sorry fhfhffhfjfh if you ever want to talk more pls dm me or send another ask if u want to stay anonymous!! 💕💞✨🫶
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yandere-daze · 8 months
On another note, the self-aware AU kind of inspired me to sort of flesh out two ocs I kinda had abandoned mid creation??? Idk how to phrase it but like the N/A twins kind of gave me the inspo (except I forgor to make the ocs in question twins 💀) so maybe one day I may or may not actually draw them. Anyways thanks for reading, I really enjoy your writing!- 🎃 anon (once again, sorry for the mini spam lol)
Ooh N/A twins, that's a name I haven't heard in a while! I'm really happy to hear that they managed to inspire you to continue with developing your ocs, I'm sure they're really cool ☺️
If you do ever want to draw them I'd definitely be interested to see, if you feel comfortable with that!
And ahh don't worry, you definitely aren't spamming me! And no matter what, I will always choose to answer asks when I feel up for it so there really is no need to worry ^^
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arunikas · 1 year
I really want to know Hinata(or Hanami) and Naruto backstory and how was their relationship in the past because Naruto seems so fond of her???? But if they know each other in the past, shouldn't she recognise him too? Idk idk ughhhh or was he a secret admirer of some sort???? Plssss I'm itching to knooow 😭
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But I'm so sorry to inform you that, maybe, there wouldn't be any update for the month being. I already wrote half of the chapter but ramadhan came and our daily routine changes so much during this month that it's kinda packed now. I barely have time to sit and write so the progress is super slow. I'm sorry! 😔
To address your question, BINGO!!!! You pointed out the important details!!!! It's something I already took a bold, italic note for later explanation in the upcoming chapter. So, if I'd answer this honestly, I'd spoil a lot of things that would come in the future HEHEHEHEHEHE so, please wait? All I can say is, they did know each other in the past. But why Hinata doesn't recognize him is something I gotta save for later 😗✌🏻
ANYWAY, thank you for dropping by!!!!!! It always boosts my mood to know that somebody out there is excited to read more of my story. THANK YOU!!!!!! 😭❤️❤️❤️
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