#answering this on mobile was a MISTAKE
luimagines · 1 year
You have a huge point on Twilight crying about Houndstone's Pokedex, I think part of it reminds him of the Hero's Shade in an opposite light. As for Fierce and Wild, I'll be going over that here.
The Chain find out about Starter Pokemon when they find a counter full of awards and photos specifically a picture of 12 year old Reader with two unfamiliar Pokemon, a white rabbit and a pink imp. Everyone haven't gotten a full grasp on Pokemon evolution but have an inkling about who the imp is.
Sky: Is that your Grimmsnarl? They look so small back then!
Reader: Yep, that's my buddy back when they were an Impidimp. The other Pokemon is Scorbunny, the Starter Pokemon I received from to start my journey with.
Wild: *eyes gleaming* You can be given a Pokemon?
The Pokemon Trainer then explains the concept of Starters to the 9 Links and Fierce. How each region offer three different Pokemon for new trainers to choose from and the set always being Water, Grass, or Fire. Reader began their journey in Galar so they were offered the Scorbunny(Fire), Grookey(Grass) and Sobble(Water). They been best friends with their partner since childhood so the Dark/Fairy Type was caught right after receiving the Rabbit Pokemon.
Legend, of course, asks where their Scorbunny is. Reader decides to lead everyone outside in the more open section of their backyard. Neither Link or Fierce were ready to see an intense sparring match between two Pokemon. A massive 30' steel snake and a 4'7 rabbit with a soccer aesthetic.
Reader's Pokedex: Cinderace, the Striker Pokemon and the final evolved form of Scorbunny. A Fire Type. It's quite prideful in both its offensive and defensive abilities that cheering pumps it up, albeit showboating will put it in a tough spot. Cinderace can juggle a pebble between its feet to turn into a fiery soccer ball that leaves opponents scorched from its powerful shots.
Steelix, the Iron Snake Pokemon. A Steel/Ground Type. Tempered underground by high pressure and heat, it's body became harder than diamond from the accumulation of iron in the soil it swallowed. Steelix chews its way through boulders with its sturdy teeth while its eyes can easily see through the darkness.
Reader: They evolved a long time ago and usually trains the other Pokemon, specifically ones with issues against fast opponents like Steelix over here. You can consider my Cinderace 'The Coach' of my true team.
They aren't kidding as the Striker Pokemon is a speed demon easily outrunning even the fastest horse. Weaving past Steelix's attacks and striking the blindspot with a flaming Pyro Ball or a powerful kick. The Iron Snake's attacks are nothing to sneeze at as one move literally conjures a large Rock Slide from thin air. Both stopped their spar when they notice the audience.
Cinderace immediately felt the fellow rabbit vibes from Legend cause he's the first one the Fire Type greeted. Our dear Vet is mix between proud and slightly jealous. Proud cause there's actually a very powerful rabbit while the jealousy is cause his rabbit form isn't so impressive.
Like with Tinkatink, I can see Four absolutely adoring Steelix too. The sturdy tempered body makes him think back to perfectly forged steel that can only be made through hard work, skill and dedication. Steelix is quite gentle since it didn't topple anyone when it want to be petted.
Although the Iron Snake Pokemon might've purposely knocked Fierce on his ass cause Reader's other Pokemon made a challenge about who could knock down the 'walking steel wall'. They are sneaky little shits like that.
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FD probably wouldn't even be mad. He'd laugh and stay on the ground, making himself comfortable. I'm sure he woukd have caight on that the pokemon want to mess with him but he's purpises made it hard for them to get what they want.
But he was taken off guard this time. So he'll let them have this round.
Legend being jealous though? XD
It's Legend meets E.Aster Bunnymund all over again.
But soccer is involved and there's no boomerangs. 😅😅
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asummersday · 9 months
I need to kill and be violent
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deathdxnces · 11 months
there's little established about irelia's magic, and nothing really touches on how it works. the only concrete things lore establishes is her dance is tied to how she wields the blades, and her grandmother always said their dances had a "mystical connection" to the spirit of ionia. other than that, the most significant thing is that after severe emotional distress and in traumatic circumstances she watches the noxian soldiers shatter her family crest, and it is right after it is broken that her magic first manifests, when "the shards of metal began to twitch, to twist, moving seemingly on their own" and she feels the connection to them.
considering that, my personal take on it is the magic is hers, not that the metal was in any way magical. moreover, i think it's probably a distant remnant of a power that manifested in her family long before (hence the traditional dances and their supposed mystic power) and that, not knowing about it/being in a traumatic situation that triggers her powers, that connection was innately made to the shattered crest that became her blades. considering that, it's possible maybe, if she knew what she was doing, it could've been directed to something else, but it wasn't conscious on her part at all - which is in line with her impulsive attempt to take the crest from the soldiers, it being a symbol of the fsmily she just lost, the break being the last drop
her sentinel skin suggests her powers can be used with other things, though: she shapes relic stones into the light blades she uses in her recall, showing that not only she is capable of wielding the weapons, she can give shape to the materials she can control, with the two seen so far being stone and metal. considering that, i believe irelia is also capable of shaping metal - which is why her blades are so perfect and symmetrical in shape, despite the pieces resulting from her family crest being violently broken.
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ingolds · 1 year
there is no fear, she will happily extend her hand out and into the wolf’s maw
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the wolf watches her closely, transfixed, great maw held open as she extends her hand between the cradle of his teeth. the side of her thumb just brushes jagged bicuspids, her fingertips touching to the flat of his tongue, and beast dips his head, eyes narrowing into a grin. his lips pull back, nearly an ear-splitting smile, to allow the sun to reflect gold and glittering off his fangs. theodosius meets her eye, the stare of a hunter gleaming sharply, expectantly, and the question is clear - how much further does she dare to go?
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clochanamarc · 1 year
but i'm also thinking abt how aisling loving people so much is something that inevitably will lead to tragedy and devastation. like she stands between her loved ones and any enemies that might try to harm them, and that message alone is one that begs for the universe to retaliate. aisling being an obstacle in the path of ruin and destruction for so many threats against the universe, and those threats inevitably combining forces to erase the obstacle for good. furthermore, aisling knowing that the moment she loses the people she loves, is the very moment she becomes that deadly threat to the universe.
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jerichogender · 1 year
I almost unfollowed you sending this 😔✊
i love listening to your rants about hal + you do so much to bring people together in this fandom + i’m so glad we’re friends
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poisonedfire · 2 months
╰┈➤ tag drop !
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incestousduo · 11 months
Darla spotted Andrew’s penis pump while he was away.
Darla would wait till her brother came home to confront him. Really, this wasn’t as bad as the time she found his porn stash, which contained big breasted women with thicker bodies. A body type she was clearly not. Compared to that, this wasn’t that a big deal. She wasn’t mad at all at her twin. Well, maybe a little bit in the sense he’s yet to use it with her. A fact she was very intent on changing.
She wanted to catch him off guard first. So, when he came home, she waited till he was relaxed first. Laying down on his bed before he changed into more comfortable clothes to laze about the house in, she was quick to pounce. Sitting on top of him before leaning down to share a heated kiss. Andrew was quick to grab her ass and squeeze. Fingers sinking in as he forced her hips down as he rubbed his quickly growing hard on against her crotch, even with the layers of clothes between them. By now, he would get ready to prep her, fingering her pussy till she was begging for more. Darla quickly stops his wrist before he could bring a hand to her folds.
“This time. I want to please you.” She said, slightly out of breath from the deep kiss they shared.
Andrew certainly wasn’t going to say no. He pats the top of her head.
“You’re such a good girl for me, go ahead.”
The way she ground her hips against his was all he needed to know to tell his words had turned her on.
Her approach to sucking his cock was always slow but, worth it. First giving it featherlight kisses from base to tip. Once she made it to the tip, she’d give it a small kiss before then giving it a more wet kiss.
She always made sure to give his tip a little special attention. Loving the taste of pre-cum. She then swirled her tongue around the tip before using the flat of her tongue to give him long licks from base to tip. Really, he suspected his twin loved sucking cock with how slow she could be about it.
She then went to a mix of sloppy kisses and long licks, broken up by the occasional sucking up and down. Darla then went to give his balls the same treatment. Once her twin's cock was covered in her saliva, she finally pulled away and started to slowly stroke him.
“Big brother?” She pled in a deceptively cute voice.
His cock twitched. “Yes?”
“Why didn’t you tell me about your new toy?” She then stopped stroking, and he finally opened his eyes in response.
“What toy?” Andrew asked, mind a little too hazy to think clearly right now.
“This?” Darla then pulled out the dick pump.
"U-Um, well-" He never got to come up with an excuse as she was quick to put it on him and start pumping.
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agonizedembrace · 1 year
Morality for the word association game
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tyquu · 2 months
Ah I remember my question now!! Since Ezra is a growing boy, how does that impact his prosthetic use? I'm assuming they can't just go get him refitted like normal... do they help him resize? Do they build new parts? Or help him find some?
Hiii!! :D) So I doodled out my thoughts as I pondered this question but my handwriting is ass so… I’m also gonna write a little summary too!
Ezra's first Prosthetic was given to him by the same people who performed the amputation on his leg in the first place. Some concerned Lothali citizens who couldn't bare to watch him hop around on his severely infected leg any longer. 12 year old Ezra was pretty pissed about it though (understandably). It didn't help that his first prosthetic was old as balls and awful to walk on.
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Thankfully, using bits n bobs he'd collected out on the streets, Ezra was able to tighten the loose hinges at the joints and modify the top to fit better. Alas, he ended up loosing this leg after bopping Kallus over the head with it pretty early on into joining the spectres.
Hera set him up with a pair of crutches and then devoted herself to finding him a replacement. She was determined to find something that was better than his last prosthetic and thought she'd struck gold when she figured out Vizago had one sitting in storage. She haggled hard but eventually managed to pocket the rarity, and delivered it back to Ezra. Sabine helped modify it fit to properly, and to Ezra's delight he discovered that the hinges on this leg were motion activated, and could pack an even better punch (or kick) than his previous one.
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Ezra hadn't really manage to curb his habit of using his leg as a weapon on occasion, and during such an incident ended up losing leg 2 (much to Hera's despair). Thankfully, Sabine had helped Ezra do enough maintenance on his last two legs that she was confident she could fix up some similar prototypes using her engineering skills. The spectres all contributed to a scrap box that would be used to build replacement legs whenever Ezra ended up losing or outgrowing one. All of them were very dedicated to scouting out parts for him and happy to help with maintenance.
At some point the rebellion had gotten large enough to start having a more organised healthcare system, and Ezra was offered a spot on the surgery waitlist for cybernetics. Ezra was initially hesitant, however, post the incident on Malachor he eventually agreed.
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The cybernetic, although not the most advanced for it's time, is connected to his nerves giving him full mobility over the prosthetic. However, it came with it's own new quirks that took some getting used to. Detaching and Reattaching the cybernetic takes between 2-5 minutes to do, and often requires tools to help, rendering it no longer an option as a spontaneous mid battle weapon. As a result there was no longer need for him to cut holes in the left leg of his trousers either.
Ezra doesn't sleep with the cybernetic (same as one wouldn't with a prosthetic) cause it would be hella uncomfortable. On lazy days, he often goes without it, opting to use crutches around base instead. The cybernetic is waterproof, however, in both snow and sand it can sometimes become clogged and stiff, and may need extra maintenance after the mission is complete. The ghost crew is always willing to help pitch in with their engineering expertise (mainly Hera, Sabine and Chopper) or spare part gathering.
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Anywho,,, yeah. I hope that sort of answers that question?? I'm not 100% familiar with how prosthetics and cybernetics work in the Star Wars universe so forgive me if some of this info doesn't check out. ( also if u see a spelling mistake,,, no u don't)
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hal-assan · 2 years
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@caractacvs​ to Yvair: "No offense, but it really smells."
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Yvair paused as emerald hues finally look up and away from the small flask he'd been toying with— an arrangement of ingredients piled around him within easy reach. At the others words a grin paints the elf's features, before Yvair carefully raises the flask and swirls the mixture it currently had.
"I suppose it does smell rather bad, doesn't it?" Yvair hummed, unbothered by the factor, "But considering it's intended to eat through the skin of anyone stupid enough to incite my ire, I suppose it's one downside I'm wiling to overlook."
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
hello hello I hope you're having a wonderful day/night! Request for TADC!!
Okay so jax x bunny y/n? what if y/n was like lola bunny?? I really don't know how to describe her personally so I would base it of like the one from space jam 1? Like the first movie?? (IF yk what I mean😭) And I imaged if y/n was called doll/toots/ect by jax or anyone (like how bugs bunny did to lola in that one sence) she would get the most heaviest thing near them and throw it at jax or like punch him or something!! 😭😭
Jax x Bunny!reader
Imma admit I'm mostly going off what I heard ab Lola's original personality as well as this ask; typically I would do a quick look over in a fandom wiki (not always reliable, I know) but my eyes feel like they're full of soup (it's getting late 😭😭)
Writing this on mobile! So typos and mistakes are likely to be more.. dudjdkf??
This one is more platonic/neutral since I wasnt entirely sure how to make this romantic! Sorry if that's what you wanted ^^;
This was originally gonna be longer but I'm eepy and tumblr (on mobile) wont let me save half answered asks in my drafts 😭😭
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Honestly he LOOOOOVES teasing you and calling you those endearing names, even before you two foster a relationship, if at all (romantic or otherwise)
He thinks your reaction is funny and more often than not he can dodge whatever it is you toss his way (I mean, did you SEE how fast he ran in the pilot?)
Doesnt feel much in regards to you also being a bunny, since he knows it's not your guys' actual.. real bodies, so why would he feel anything about it...?
Actually... he might use that as ammo for teasing you...
"We're like a match made in heaven!" *side steps a flying book shelf*
He uses the names you mentioned in the request but I feel like he would also get very creative/sickeningly sweet with them to further annoy you
"Schnookums" "my pookie wookie bear" "my sweetheart with whipped cream and sztra sprinkles on top", progressively gets more obnoxious
Stuff like that !!
I just imagine you running after him, throwing things at him while he just has this smug look on his face
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dubiiety · 2 years
tag drop !! 
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moviecritc · 2 months
easiest conversation ⋆ carlos sainz
pairing: carlos sainz x fem!oc (named Angelique)
tropes: strangers to lovers
summary: carlos and angelique sat next to each other in a tennis match in monaco, leading to an endless conversation.
a/n: english is not my first language, sorry for the mistakes and poor storytelling. maybe a part 2 if you like it?
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Everybody was focused on Carlos' future in Formula 1, he tried so hard to not be worried about it, but every thing he does, the media somehow made it about his career as a driver. So, at the end, he couldn't do anything except being worried too. Many what ifs were in his mind anytime he thought about it.
The past weekend wete the Masters of Montecarlo, a tennis match, and taking advantage of the fact that he was in the city and most of he's teammates were also watching it, he attended as well.
Carlos didn't have the opportunity to talk to any of them, they were seated in different places in the public. Either way, seeing George, Charles and even Lando with their partners made him feel a little bit more miserable than he already felt. No seat and no girlfriend, that's not a very cool situation to be involved.
And there's even more, he doesn't even know a shit about tennis. He played paddel a few times with Lando, but tennis? He had no idea. So he just sat there, gasping when other people gasp and checking his phone once in a while.
"You seem lost," someone said.
Carlos lifts his head that exact moment, connecting looks with a light brunette that was looking at him above her sunglasses.
"Are you talking to me?" he asked, totally confused. Since when that woman was sitting by his side?.
"Yes. You look bored, maybe you just need someone to explain tennis in a cool way," she smiled. A beautiful smile.
Carlos also smiled a bit, in a weird way. Sometimes he forgots that there's people who can effortlesly talk to strangers in a cool and mysterious way. This woman was one of them.
"Yeah, sure. If you can,"
"If I can?" she seemed dramaticly offended. "You don't think a woman can explain tennis to you, man?"
"Oh, no, no, no. I didn't mean it in that way," he said quickly. "Please, go ahead."
She smiled and started explaining all about tennis in the most interesting and funny way possible.
"How do you know so much about tennis?" he asked.
"Well, I'm a tennis player," she explain. "I thought it was obvious."
Carlos noded a bit, noticing a few mobile phones and cameras pointing at them. He didn't realised it until now, and now he was wondering how many pictures and videos of him and that woman would be around the media.
"Uh, well... I mean, I have no idea about tennis," he said, nervously.
"Yeah, I could tell that," she laughed and she infected Carlos with the laughter. "I'm Angelique, by the way."
"Beautiful name. I'm Carlos," they shaked hands with smiles in their faces. He saw some redness on Angelique face after he complimented her. "So you are a tennis player?"
"Yeah." she simply answered.
"Are you good?" Carlos didn't want the conversation to die.
"I try to be," she said. "I'm fifth in the Women's Tennis Association, I don't know if that's enough for you."
Angelique pursed her lips, making a funny face that made Carlos smiled.
"That sounds really good," he said, truly impressed. They were both athletes, maybe that's why it feels so easy to talk to her.
"What about you?" she asked, raising her eyebrows.
"I'm a race driver,"
Angelique raised even more her eyebrows and wide-opened her eyes "Ok, that is so fucking cool!" she remarked. "Which team do you drive for?"
"Ferrari, but..."
"No way! That's even cooler!" she boasted. "I mean, I have no idea about Formula 1. But Ferrari? That is cool guy material, undoubtedly"
Carlos was too invested in Angelique's voice and eyebrow game that wasn't able to tell her that he isn't staying in Ferrari for too long. But they've just met, and being unemployed isn't something to say to someone right off the bat.
He realised that it was the first conversation in a while that he didn't have to mention anything about his future in Formula 1, another reason of him being this comfortable around Angelique.
"And, how did you became a tennis player?" Carlos asked, leaning a little bit to her.
Now, she was focusing on the ball and the movements of the players.
"My brother used to use me as a ball picker when he played tennis, then he broke his arm and I kept his racket," she explained without divert her eyes from the field.
"He stopped playing tennis after that?"
"Well, yes. When he could come back, he was too old and unexperience to achieve something," she said. "But he wasn't very good anyways."
They both laughed and Angelique take off her sunglasses so she could see Carlos better.
"Have you won something in tennis?" he curiously asked.
"Yeah, of course. Matchs and all those things,"
"Have you beaten Serena Williams?" he wondered, with a smirk.
"Not yet," she admited. "But I've won against people who beat Serena."
She smiled proudly. The match was about to end, and none of them were paying attention to it.
"Okey, that's pretty awesome," he said.
She crossed her legs and accomodated her long brown hair to one side, which left Carlos eyeing her in a romantic way.
"And you? How someone decides that he wants to drive really fast cars?"
"My father has been involved in motorsports for a long time,"
"It's always a family thing, don't you think?" she said. "It is hard to find someone who started in sports by themselves."
"It is!" Carlos agreed with her.
He was going to say something else, but they announce the end of the match, everybody standed up to give an applause. Both of them copied the rest of the people.
"Wait, who won?" Carlos asked, totally confused.
Angelique lean into him, whispering "I've no idea,"
They laughed and kept applausing. That was the end of the match and the end of their conversation. Angelique's agent rapidly came to her to take some pictures with the winner.
"Wait, wait," she insisted to her agent and then walked close to Carlos. "It was lovely talking to you, Carlos,"
"Same, Angelique. You seem an interesting person," he complimented. Carlos was willing to ask her for her number, or something.
"Are you coming to the finals tomorrow?" she asked, praying for a yes.
"I don't think so... I have a race soon in China,"
"Oh," she seemed disappointed. "Well, good luck for your race and..."
"Can I asked you for your number?" he said unexpectedly.
"Yes!" she realised that maybe she was too effusive, so she lower her tone. "I mean, yeah, sure. If you want."
Carlos laughed and Angelique did it too, in a more ashamed way. He gave her his phone so she could write her number.
"There you go," she said and her agent was already near her to leave the match. "Text me!"
Carlos laughed and waved at her, when he looked at his phone, he could do anything but laughed again. Angelique saved her as "That cute girl from the tennis match".
He wondered what was about that girl that made her so unique and easy to talk to her. Carlos didn't think about it very much, instead, he texted her right after she left the field.
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happilyhertale · 5 months
Missing you – Modern Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader
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Summary: You have been separated from your boyfriend Aemond for some time now. But that doesn't mean you won't find a way to sweeten the time until Christmas.
Pairing: Modern Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader
Warnings: Smut; 18+; NSFW;
Author’s note: My last Smuff Story! I really enjoyed writing all these little stories and sharing them with you! Thank you for reading and for your kind reactions!
English is my second language, please forgive me if I made any mistakes (:
Word count: 1k
Other stories of mine
12 days of smuff
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You find yourself in the warmth of your bed, wrapped in the embrace of your duvet. The room is in darkness, but your senses are wide awake. A soft glow emanates from your mobile phone, which you hold to your ear. From your phone comes the familiar voice of Aemond, your boyfriend. December envelops you with anticipation, the prospect of returning home for Christmas and being reunited with him fills you with a certain sense of anticipation.
Separated by the distances of the various universities you attend, maintaining the flame of your relationship requires effort. Despite the challenges, these nightly phone calls have become a cherished ritual for the two of you.
Your voice pierces the silence, "Will you be home in time for Christmas?"
The question hangs in the air and you wait patiently for his answer. Silence reigns, which only heightens your anticipation.
"Aemond?" you break the silence again after a while.
"Oh, sorry... I nodded," he mumbles as realisation dawns on him. Your soft laughter fills your room, bridging a little the gap between your distant places.
"Of course I'll come home in time," he says quietly, "...but I'd like to come now," he adds after a short while.
Your laughter fills your room again, "Wow, Aemond, that was really bad," you say.
Aemond is laughing now too, but you can hear the slight undertone that sounds so familiar.
"Oh, come on! I miss you so much... And your body... Your soft hands... And it'll be a while before we can see each other again," he says softly. You smile, but hesitate to answer him.
"And my hand is already slipping into my boxers..," he suddenly murmurs and tries to engage you in a naughty conversation. You blush slightly at the thought of his fingers slipping under the waistband of his boxers and touching the shaft of his hot manhood. Your teeth dig slightly into your lower lip.
"Aemond..." you start, but he interrupts you.
"My hand is cupping my cock... Can you imagine how it twitches when I think of your hand touching me now... how your delicate fingers grip it? How they move up and down?" he murmurs.
And suddenly the familiar warmth between your thighs, which have been longing to be pleasured by Aemond, makes itself known.
In the meantime, Aemond slides his hand up and down, waiting for your reaction, or at least a word. But just before he's about to admit defeat and come to terms with the idea that he'll jerk himself off right after the phone call, he hears your soft voice.
"Does he twitch when you think about how wet I already am for you? How much I long to be home for Christmas?" you whisper, running your fingers over your panties to find your sensitive bundle of nerves – and Aemond's cock does indeed twitch.
He moans slightly, closes his eyes and imagines sliding the tip of his cock through your wet folds, only to slide into his warm home. His hand grips tighter, smearing the already leaking precum along its length.
"Gods, yes... He twitches so much... Baby, I need you so much... I need to feel your warmth... I need to be inside you..." gasps Aemond as his hand slides faster.
Your hand is now inside your panties, rubbing the wetness that is already dripping from your hot entrance along your folds to finally tease your clit. You moan softly and make Aemond's cock twitch again at the other end of the line. Slowly, you let two fingers slide inside you and imagine they are Aemond's.
"Aemond... I wish you were here... could thrust into my tightness..." you whimper and with each word your fingers slide into you a little faster. Aemond moans again and feels the pressure spreading from his abdomen to his balls as his hand increases the pressure and slides faster.
"Oh Love... I'd thrust into you so hard you'd scream... you wouldn't be able to walk for weeks," he moans as he imagines your hand sliding up and down his cock and the other starting to massage his balls. His mobile phone slips into the crook of his neck, but he hears you breathing heavily, hears your moans, which he answers with his own moans.
Your thoughts are focussed on Aemond. You listen to his deep voice and hear his moans. You can't help but imagine him gripping you, not letting go and thrusting into you, turning you into a moaning mess.
"Yes, baby... spoil your pussy for me," Aemond growls suddenly and you can't help but obey him. Your fingers thrust into you faster as your palm smacks against your pearl with each thrust. You can feel the pressure building up in your abdomen.
"Aemond... I... I..." you stammer as your warm walls tighten around your fingers. You moan into the phone, closing your eyes and breathing heavily as you hear Aemond moan. Your moans do the rest and Aemond feels the twitching, the pressure pulling from his balls into his cock.
He comes with a long moan as he hears your familiar whimpers and moans. He dresses his belly in white, pumps his hot member a few more times and watches as all his juice is pumped out. He moans and breathes heavily and lets his head fall back onto the pillow, exhausted. You can't feel his heat, you're not lying in the same bed, but the same contented smile adorns your faces, your hearts beating wildly as you listen to your heavy breathing.
"I love you," Aemond whispers and your smile widens.
"I love you..." you reply.
"And I can't wait to hold you in a few weeks' time..." he adds.
You giggle softly and turn on your side to continue listening to his deep voice.
"Just holding me?" you whisper breathlessly into your phone.
"Mmhm... maybe a little more..." he mumbles.
"I'm looking forward to it..." you whisper and Aemond replies with a soft smile as his eyes slowly close.
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@hoshi-miharu-blog @arryn-nyx @aemonds-eyeball @praline357 @melsunshine @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @lauftivy @valeskafics @bl4ckph0enix @autumnhymns @fan-goddess @msmorningstaarr @believeinthefireflies95 @snh96 @echos-muses @bellaisasleep @aemondsbabe
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Unpacking in the Infirmary
Summary: Restock day in the Infirmary has always been important for those who live in the Fortress. Especially with it being that place to go if something were to happen to an inmate or one of the staff members. With the amount of times Wriothesley has gotten hurt over the years, it's not surprising he ended up in there on one of those restock days. Though he didn't think he would also help with unpacking things as well.
Words: 3,038
AN: Once again I wrote a majority of this on my phone. I honestly can't believe how much I've written on my phone this year already. Hopefully, this doesn't become a major habit. Thank you @milkstore for reading over the fic. You caught so many mistakes due to my phone thinking capitalizing mid-sentence is a normal thing to do.
Warnings: Blood, Minor Injuries, Cleaning a wound. I personally wouldn't consider it too detailed but if you find any of that uncomfortable please go check out one of my other Wriothesley fics.
“You two should go take your lunch break already. I ate a late breakfast.” Y/N lifted a box of supplies from the surface and placed it on the table. Restock days had become important for her to be there for. It was easier to have someone who was not a Melusine to do any heavy lifting.
“You look tired. Are you sure you don't want to take a break now?” Sigewinne asked. Although her ask was more of telling her to take a break.
“I'll take a break when you or Ottnit get back. I promise.” She reassured Sigewinne. “Plus if we time breaks right we can get this done fast.”
Ottnit looked at Y/N before looking at Sigewinne. “She has a date.” She guessed.
Y/N rolled her eyes hiding a small smile. “Three days from now.” She answered before giving the real reason. “I promised I'd help my mother move her art studio into her new house after work.”
“It's more reason to take a break. You could have requested someone to take your place today.” Sigewinne reasoned.
“I know but I wouldn't have been able to give you those stickers for another week. It's been pretty peaceful down here lately. Let me have work as an excuse to see you two.” Y/N looked back to the box and grabbed a boxcutter to rid it of tape. “Just go enjoy lunch. You're just delaying how long till I take a break.”
Sigewinne accepted fate not wanting to argue it creating more of the delay. She and Ottnit left the infirmary for lunch. The room was left quiet while Y/N took inventory on the restock.
All the things that needed to be under a lock had been put away already. Next would be anything they kept out in the infirmary that should be easy to grab. Lastly, restocking the various first aid kits that were around the Fortress. Any mobile ones had been brought in already in the morning. The large stationary ones would be the last thing for today or one of the first things in the morning.
It was mindless work to her at this point. Open the box, check the inventory slip in the box, count to see if the amount matches, and mark off on the checkbox of what was requested if it matches. And if it didn’t, make a note. It was always easy to fall into the rhythm of this work.
Though a bit annoying that the monthly restock day had to line up with her mother's art studio move. There really wasn’t much she could do about it since she wanted to be there for both. Say she did request someone else to go down to the fortress instead of her. Y/N could imagine her coworkers on the surface asking if something was wrong with her and Wriothesley’s relationship. And as funny as it was to watch some of the older ladies try and make threats about if he dared hurt her, there really was no reason to rile them up with nothing.
Y/N finished up the box she had been working with. It was just bandages of different sizes. Luckily everything was all in there. She picked the box back up off the table and placed it within the pile of boxes that had already been checked. She picked up a new box, beginning to repeat the process all over again.
She lost count on the box filled with sterilized gloves when she heard the all-so-familiar knock at the wall. It was a firm but gentle knock that echoed throughout the infirmary.
“Hey.” Wriothesley introduced himself as he made his way down into the room. “By any chance is the hydrogen peroxide already out?”
“The current bottle doesn't have a lot in it but it is out. What happened?” Y/N turned away from the box and moved to get out what he asked for along with some cotton balls and bandages, opting for what was already out in the infirmary.
“There was a fight that broke out and I went to break it up. One guy was upset I was breaking up the fight, so he tried taking a knife out on me. I broke a knife. Now the guards got an eye on the two of them.” Wriothesley explained. He was peeling off the blood-soaked wraps that were around his right hand.
Y/N blinked. “You can't say you broke a knife so casually.” It was moments like that where she knew she still wasn't fully used to his behavior. It didn't matter how long she had known him before they began dating, it wasn't normal to hear anyone say they broke a knife in a fight. She moved into washing her hands.
“No, ‘Are you okay’?” He threw the wraps away in a bin that was meant for Anything that came in contact with any sort of bodily fluids. Also known as the bloody cotton and bandages bin to most of the Fortress. All because they were however many miles under the ocean didn't mean they got to skip important procedures to help keep things safe.
Y/N rolled her eyes. “Oh, I'm sorry.” She spoke sarcastically as she dried off her hands. “Your Grace, does your wound cause you great pain? Whatever will I do now that you are gravely injured?”
“Gravely! Shit. It's just some cuts on my palm. Where did you get ‘gravely’ from? It won't kill me.”
“Oh, so you can handle it yourself.” She teased as she pulled gloves on getting ready so she could examine the wound.
“Some nurse you are. I thought going to the infirmary was supposed to be welcoming.”
“That's what you get for asking a pharmacist to be a nurse. I'm nowhere near as welcoming.” She joked. “Go sit on the bed.” She moved fast grabbing a clean pair of tweezers.
“Already sitting down Miss.” He spoke in a smug tone she was all too familiar with.
“If you can recognize that you should already be sitting down I would hope you should recognize that you should be more careful.” She turned around and moved towards Wriothesley. Y/N grabbed his wounded hand. She began picking out any small shards of the knife that had gotten stuck within. Luckily not too many. None were deep within the palm as well.
“I can only try to be more careful so much. If you think about it, I helped you not have to deal with an inmate who had a stab wound on restock day. While everyone but you is out for lunch.” Wriothesley reasoned. He looked at the wound already wondering if the count of scars on his body was about to go up.
“I'll give you that.” Y/N finished up with the first part of cleaning up the wound. She had thrown any remnants of the knife in the trash. “You know you are very lucky that Sigewinne wasn’t here to fuss over you. If I had to listen to her ‘I helped raise you, the least you could do is be careful’ lectures while trying to count and move things around, I might go insane.” Wriothesley rolled his eyes as he laughed. “Yeah.” He drew out the word with a bit of tiredness. “I guess I should thank you for not telling her.”
Y/N raised her eyebrow as she began to dab the hydrogen peroxide onto some cotton balls. “I never said I wasn't going to tell her. If I remember right, which I know I'm remembering right, I still have to write this up in your medical file. No exception for staff. Even if you are the Warden, she’s going to find out regardless.”
“Shit.” It was half a response from the hydrogen peroxide touching the new wound and half from what Y/N had said. He thought he was more used to the sting of his wounds being cleaned by now. “Can’t you just let this slide?”
“You created more work for me on restock day and think I’m gonna let this slide. After I’m done with this I get to go move a whole art studio.”
“Don’t I get special privileges?”
“Everyone with a title is gonna get the same treatment from me. You forget that?” The blood had been cleaned off his hand. And with the wound clean she could begin focusing on wrapping up the wound on his palm.
“I was going for boyfriend privileges.” Wriothesley continued to try and wiggle his way out of Sigewinne learning what happened.
“I am on the clock and not on break so no special treatment. You lost special treatment the moment you walked into the infirmary. If it's serious enough to seek medical care, it's serious enough to be written in your medical file.” 
“Usually I'm very glad that you take your job seriously.”
“Cause it's my job and it would be inappropriate to change procedures just because the patient is you.” Y/N finished wrapping up his palm leaving him plenty of room to move his hand around but keeping the bandages tight enough to stay on throughout the day. “Change the bandages 3 hours from now. You can either do it yourself or have Sigewinne do it for you.”
Wriothesley moved his fingers around testing how much movement he would have. “Thanks, doll. You sure I can't get you to change it instead?”
“I just said I have to go move an art studio later.” She began putting away anything unused that was okay to keep before throwing everything else out. “Or were you not paying attention to what I was saying?”
“I was. You know I could go and help you if you want.” Wriothesley offered. 
Y/N looked at him, raising an eyebrow. “Art Studio. As in my mother's art studio.”
“Yeah. You managed to get a photo out of me and you've been saying that your mother wants to meet me. Every time you’ve tried to set up, something has always come up and if I go with you, then you won’t have to worry if I’m using my right hand or not.” He reasoned. It may have also been a bit of quick thinking to avoid disappointing Sigewinne over that he got hurt again. Two birds with one stone kind of thinking.
“But I was thinking like a dinner so we could all get to talk.” She threw out her gloves before moving to sit on the bed on Wriothesley’s left side. “How are we supposed to talk if we are just packing and moving boxes Ri?”
“I’ll just have to take you two out to eat after.” He offered. “I’m already going to be tired after this and I’m just going to be exhausted after helping her move. I’m not going to want to sit down somewhere for dinner.” Y/N argued.
“I could help, go pick up some food for everyone so you don’t have to sit at a restaurant.” He put his arm around Y/N pulling her closer and placed a kiss on her forehead. “Plus it’s my non-dominant hand that’s hurt so I can still help you.” 
“What if I’m so tired I don’t even want to talk while we eat?”
“I’ll just carry you to your apartment afterward if you are so tired. Quit worrying your pretty little head over it. You need the brain power for more important things.”
It was a well-needed reminder for her. Sometimes it was just too easy to get caught up in worry. “You must really like me a lot if you are willing to carry me like a sack of potatoes.”
Wriothesley laughed. “I was thinking more like a piggyback ride but if you want to be carried like a sack of potatoes, I can. We really should talk about how you not so secretly want me to manhandle you.” He teased.
Y/N rolled her eyes. “I have work.” 
“I’ll get you after your shift then. We can go up together.” He gave her a quick peck on the lips before standing up from the bed. “You can't go on about how much you want your mother to like me and when the perfect opportunity for a good impression comes up, try and stop me from meeting her.”
“But what if it ends up not being perfect?” She looked up at him. “I really care about you. I want my mother to like you. I want my family to like you.”
“Which is why I’m offering to help with a move. Even then if you keep planning for perfection, nothing will get done. You know that.”
“I know not everything can be perfect. I’ve made my peace with that. But I want this to be perfect.” She stood up looking at him. “I want something good for you outside of here as well.” 
“Don’t worry about things like that. Life is good for me now.” He sighed. “It’s not like anything is forcing me to be here all the time. I know there’s good outside. What's bothering you?”
She sighed. “You remember when I said I was volunteering as the person to come down here to help was just to try something new right?” Y/N started as she began to give the real reason.
“Yeah. It's kind of what we encourage here.”
“Well, I got out of a really bad breakup. And my family was just telling me that person wasn't good.”
“You never told me how bad.” He did remember a mention that she got out of a relationship around two and a half years ago when they first met. She never said much about it and who was he to press her about it back then? 
“I was engaged. I almost signed a lease on a new house with them when everything went down. I just feel like I got blindsided by the show they were putting on. If I listened to my family then everything would have been better for me.” She took a deep breath. “So if they like you, nothing like that will happen to me again.”
“And here I was thinking you were just worrying to worry.” Wriothesley shook his head at himself. “Look, I can't control how people are going to view me. And you can't control if your mother will like me or not.”
“I know that. I just want this to be good. I mean I wanted her to like you even before we started dating. You kind of started to become important in my life.” Y/N looked away from him. “Like I think even after I got that breakup, you were definitely part of the reason I stayed.”
“It's going to be okay. It may not be some storybook picture of perfection but it's going to be better if you try and focus on the good.” He placed his left on her shoulder trying to ground her back to reality. “What did you say a few weeks ago? I think you said she would steal a single mora to get thrown in here if she didn't get the chance to meet me at this rate.”
Y/N laughed. “Yeah. I had to tell her that's a horrible idea.”
“It's going to be okay.”
She nodded as she spoke. “Okay.” She looked into his eyes falling into the comforting gaze that looked back at her.
“I'll get you after your shift. I still have to fill out paperwork cause of that fight.” Wriothesley kissed her forehead. “I know it's easier said than done, but try not to overthink it.”
“And if I do?”
“Then we will have to find a way to stop you from thinking about that specifically.”
“It better not be by giving me work. Cause I'm going to be so tired tonight.” She looked at him, raising an eyebrow.
“I’m not cruel. I was thinking of making sure you aren’t alone so you don't fall back into your worries. At least so someone can pull you back out if you do.”
“Well, Sigewinne and Ottnit should be back soon. So I won’t be alone for too long.”
“You ate lunch already?” Wriothesley asked.
Y/N looked away again. “I ate a late breakfast so I was going to eat lunch once they got back.”
“In here?” He asked concerned. “What happened to only eating in here when there is only one person available?”
“I was actually going to go out to the cafeteria. I didn't bring anything down for lunch today.” It was a break from her normal habit, mostly because she forgot to grab her lunch before leaving her apartment in the city. The sandwich that she made that now sat in her kitchen would be dearly missed.
Wriothesley sighed. “Guess I'll have to take the important job of keeping you company during lunch.” 
“Don't you also have work?” She raised an eyebrow at him.
“For one, I’m in charge of this place. And two, I still have to eat lunch myself. Also, I think the Fortress can handle itself while I take care of you. I think people know well enough to only disturb me when I'm with you if it's important.” It was something that he noticed was happening long before the two of them got together. It was already common for people would keep their distance due to their various reasons. It must have been learned to give the two space after people had noticed that Wriothesley’s mood would sour when he had to leave for something that didn’t even require his attention.
“Makes me wonder what your definition of important is now.”
“At the moment, it's keeping you out of your worry spiral. Generally a mix of other things, but the only thing taking me away from you is if something requires my attention to be handled. You are at the top of the list at the moment.” Oh, she just wanted to be in his arms after that. 
“The top of the list?”
“Yes.” He nodded.
“Are these girlfriend privileges?”
Wriothesley laughed remembering what he said not so long ago. “You can call it that if you want. I would have done this for you regardless though.”
Y/N gave in, finally hugging him. Maybe things would be okay.
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