#anti peta
orcinus-veterinarius · 2 months
Reminder that PETA uses donations from well-meaning animal lovers to buy stock in corporations they deem “cruel”—including racetracks, slaughterhouses, SeaWorld, Prada, McDonald’s, and Facebook. This is something they openly admit on their website.
Please do not donate to PETA.
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Another fine example of our friends at PETA blowing normal orca behavior way out of proportion in an attempt to sell their agenda.
The video does indeed show a small amount of blood in the water, though hardly a bloodbath. It appears that Kalia, the park’s dominant female, raked 57-year-old Corky. Although Corky is significantly older than Kalia, Kalia’s late mother Kasatka was the previous matriarch, and she appears to have inherited the position. Corky has been with Kalia since the day she was born. They are not “incompatible.”
Contrary to PETA’s claims, raking is an extremely common behavior amongst all dolphins, both in the wild and in human care. Anyone who has worked with wild and stranded dolphins can tell you that their bodies are covered in old rake scars. Orcas are incredible animals, but they are not the gentle, peaceful creatures we’ve made them out to be, and just because something makes us uncomfortable doesn’t mean it’s not natural.
Rake wounds bleed superficially, but are not life-threatening in any way. Animals in human care also have the benefit of receiving first aid after a rake. Due to the incredibly high rate of skin turnover in orcas and other dolphins (skin is shed 2-3 times a day) wounds heal very quickly.
So there’s your daily reminder never to trust a single word from PETA on anything related to animals or their care and behavior.
EDIT: It’s come to my attention that the whale raking Corky in the video is in fact Shouka, not Kalia. What we’re seeing here is a small social squabble. Tensions were running high after Nakai’s passing, as the social order of the pod shifted in his absence. Corky let Shouka know she would not be bullied, and they resumed swimming together after the video ended.
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jinxedshapeshifter · 10 months
Does PETA not understand how animals work --
If you don't milk a cow, they end up in physical pain. The same thing can actually happen to humans; if a human is producing milk but the milk isn't being expelled (whether that be via nursing or pumping) then it can cause a blocked milk duct and eventually mastitis.
If you don't shear a sheep's wool, they'll overheat and in some cases the wool will be too heavy for the animal to even support its own weight. Wool is basically just a different version of fur, which means it never stops growing. Shearing a sheep is best for its health, as is removing the fur of other animals that are in a similar spot (alpacas, some rabbit breeds, some goat breeds, etc).
Domestic dogs were literally bred for human convenience and companionship, and some breeds are more susceptible to separation anxiety. Dogs are basically emotionally wired to desire human companionship. Fear towards humans is almost always a learned behavior in dogs. Even feral dogs depend on humans for food, which is why feral dogs are always found in and around human settlements.
Sometimes a wild animal can't be released into the wild, for a variety of reasons. For example, a bird which would need to be able to fly to survive in the wild might not be able to fly, and so wouldn't survive in the wild. Most orphaned animals are kept on sanctuaries or in zoos because they weren't able learn to survive on their own by a member of their own species, making survival in the wild next to impossible.
Feel free to add more/correct me on any of this, I'm just sick of PETA acting like they know what's best for animals when they clearly do not.
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weaselbeaselpants · 4 months
In light of iilluminaughtii's canceling,
I think the antiPeta and autism communities need themselves some better whistleblowers, or people who can summarize what's controversial and evil about these companies and why they shouldn't be trusted by those passionate about autism support and animal rights.
I especially don't trust Blair after learning she recently made a video called "vegans are killing the planet" or some shit like that.
Contrary to what some are going to think of me anyway, I am not antivegan. I know vegans who have been personally victimized by org like PeTA for not being vegan enough- and also it doesn't have to be a harmful thing if you know what you're doing and you're able to safely turn vegan if you want to. Vegans aren't the problem; people being bad faith actors about veganism is.
Disgustingly, I think I can guess exactly the kind of concerns Blair bring up in that vid: 1) soy and meat substitutes are environmentally taxing to grow and destructive, especially soy farms ,about as much as sometimes more than regular farming is destructive, and 2) synthetic wool is accelerating litter and microplastics.
I feel like, especially for vegans, these problems need to be known and dealt with before they get any worse-- but yeah I kinda DON'T trust that or really any PeTA counterfighting from a person who makes veganism itself out to be the problem. Bad sign. I don't know if he's pro-peta or even vegan but I hope Cid Dwyer steps up to the plate on this front. He's much better and more passionate about calling out bad animal care.
On a more personal level - we need a real video essayist to tackle autism speaks.
Blair's videos about Autism Speaks were what I linked my job specialists to in order to show them "no, it's not just me being untrustworthy that makes me hate that company. These people are hurting us, not helping us. Please don't support them"- and my specialists listened to that. Even if Blair's work is just regurgitating articles that state this better, it's one of those instances where people are never going to know the basics because they never are going to really look into it for themselves if they don't have someone else explain it to them.
Same thing goes with Salvation Army.
We need legitimate, well-sourced whistleblowers to help gear the winds of change. We don't need abusive grifters who are just content mills.
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lewishamiltonstuff · 11 months
Now that I have sorta recovered from the pics, a big FUCK YOU to PETA. Lewis is not responsible for all the dogs in the world.
If you really want to take action, maybe start saving the dogs instead of harassing people.
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dougielombax · 1 year
Everyone should send junk mail to Autism Speaks (they sure as shit don’t speak for people like me, or any other autistic folks in general, that’s for DAMN sure!), PETA, and the Salvation Army.
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Btw people who are super invested in animal rights but don’t put that same energy into advocating for human rights racial justice reproductive rights LGBTQ visibility etc don’t actually give a shit ab animal rights they only perform empathy for those they feel the least threatened by those who can’t contradict them those who they have complete control over those who hey would you look at that don’t have any rights or any voice there are actual conversations to be had about the value of animals beyond human consumption and these people set that conversation all the way the fuck back
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cryptidanathema · 7 days
I really wish there were more reputable groups criticizing SeaQuest Interactive Aquariums cause like 90% of the results about it are from PETA. They're right to go after a company that sees animals as amusement park rides and treats them accordingly, their motivations are just animal liberation based (which I still don't support despite everything) and they're mostly deservedly known as being extremist attention whores
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brilliancetheory · 1 year
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Now feels like a good time to go down memory lane back to the time when Evanna Lynch was posting pro PETA shit on instagram and urged me to do ‘half as much good as PETA has’ when I brought attention to the fact that they are in fact incredibly unethical
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thegreatcrowdragon · 2 years
Peta has been putting out... Interesting ads. One of which is some barn owls “screaming in fear”
Do not be concerned. That is what a normal barn owl sounds like. They are not afraid. Do not let PETA guilt trip you.
Go get mauled by the animals you “fight” to protect so much.
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cringywhitedragon · 3 months
A highlight of my PETA trolling (Don’t support these pathetic excuses of “Animal-rights activists”, they only do more harm then good)
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The post
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The 3rd degree burn
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orcinus-veterinarius · 2 months
Apparently PETA is going after Steve Irwin’s zoo.
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kawaiimiraclewitch · 3 months
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turns out the bodywash I’ve been buying on-and-off these past few years now has *this* on the front label, and I said ‘oh god… oh no’ out loud in the shower when I noticed
well, I unfortunately don’t collect the receipts for non-perishable items, and it was on sale anyway, so I might as well use it and never buy it ever again bc ewww peta
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nocakesformissedith · 5 months
whenever PETA does some dumb shit I always feel like a mom whose kids are running around, acting out in public— like, if y’all don’t stop making me look bad in front of all these people….
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weazelsfeazels · 11 months
Peta is literally shaming people into giving them money
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Geez, they've been doing this for decades thoooooo.
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