#anyway sorry to make an example of you anon. i'm sure you were trying to make a joke but you accidentally hit a button that reminded me of
wutheringmights · 9 months
what is wars diagnosed with. I know he has them I just don't know which ones.
I would prefer if we didn't pathologize Warriors
#I neither have the knowledge to diagnose him nor care to do so#on one hand i think people that try to diagnose characters are often applying harmful stereotypes to people with real disorders#on the other i think trying to diagnose Warriors is missing the point of his character entirely#I don't want anyone deciding that he's like this because he has X because then it's too easy to decide that you're nothing like him because#you too don't have X. like that's missing the whole point of feeling sympathy or anger towards a bastard of a character#and like listen anon. you didn't ask for this lecture (one I should definitely be putting in the actual message and not leave in the tags)#and in theory anon you can do what you want and i can't stop you. death of the author and all that#but while i'm here I'll also say this: none of you better be out here diagnosing wars with low empathy because I write him like he#is empathetic. if i was writing a character with low to no empathy you will know. why? because your author (me) has low empathy#I'll spare you my rant about that but i keep putting off a character moment where i was going to establish that a character we know is a#good person discusses how they have low empathy because it's really important to me that people understand that your ability to be#empathetic doesn't make you a good or bad person. you just have trouble identifying when you need to show sympathy. that's it.#anyway sorry to make an example of you anon. i'm sure you were trying to make a joke but you accidentally hit a button that reminded me of#my real sensitive button gosh#me rambling#lu ctb#ask#anonymous#anyway add 'Frankie has low empathy' to your trivia about me
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n3rdy247 · 6 months
HEY GIRL YOU DEFINITELY DONT KNOW WHO THIS IS *WINK WINK WINK WINK* (I'm saying wink out loud everytime btw)
From stranger to stranger *wink* do you by any chance write samgladiator hcs??????? 😊😊😊
Perhaps x reader hcs??????? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
(PROBABLY WILL BE OOC THOUGH since i only watched a few episodes, so I'm really sorry if this doesn't really fit your headcanons anon WHO I TOTALLY DON'T KNOW *wink wink*)
(ANYWAY, these will be (mostly) based off the reboot since idk much and keep in mind that I only watched a few episodes, so I'm really sorry if these HCs seem really OOC)
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❥ Sooo, starting off the bat, since I'm not really writing yandere hcs, let's put all the batshit crimes he committed aside for this occasion..and focus on him being really silly. ❥ If you see him tripping near a trash can, dude, that's on YOU. I imagine he'd be jokingly bragging to someone how he is about to make a 'pro gamer move', then immediately fail a millisecond later before he could even try SHIT
❥ His love language? Well...uh....you could say it's kind of a mix. ❥ For example, gift giving? Absolutely. If you were to mention something specific that you wanted even once (or maybe even when you were talking to yourself while walking back home)? Expect that very thing to appear right outside your doorstep with a poorly drawn rabbit doodle sticked on top of it with a bunny sticker. ❥ Quality time? Definitely! He loves to see you wake up and THRIVE FOR ANOTHER DAY! You BET he stalks the shit out of you though. If you can't shake the feeling that you're being watched at school, on the road back home, and mayybe when you are about to sleep, then that's on HIM. (Sorry, I said I'm not really writing yandere hcs, not that I will never write any.) ❥ Physical touch? ... ❥ DO YOU TAKE HIM AS A MENTALLY WELL GUY? I DIDN'T THINK SO. ❥ You should know by now that he would SCREAM the second his hand accidentally brushes against yours (though we're not sure about the accident part WINK WINK)
❥ I also have a teeny tiny headcanon that he only lets YOU touch his rabbit ears. (and I MEAN ONLY YOU if others even TRIED they'd be thrown to the nearest dumpster) And when you do so? He MELTS. Like don't be surprised if you see him giggle like a freaking teenage girl is what I'm trying to say 🤭🤭🤭
❥ You also cannot tell me he wouldn't also try to impress you, one way or another. Whether it be trying to make you giggle and twirl your hair by saying the most APPALLING pickup lines of all time, or casually talking to you about your interests as if he was already a huge fan of em (bro actually stood up all night looking at every search result on google about that topic, BUT SHH)
❥ He would also tell you about his day BY EITHER LYING OR TWISTING HIS WORDS AROUND. COME ON NOW.
"Sooo..what weree you up to this weekend?" ❥ "Oh, me??? Well, I bought my friend a cat...and I did help a guy raise money for his cancer.." as he recalls what the FUCK happened in his life that went wrong
❥ Now. You know this man would never ever want to leave you alone (as if it wasn't obvious enough with the abandonment issues and the stalking, but I digress) so you definitely would need to reassure his ass. But once you do so? His droopy rabbit ears would slowly, but surely go right back up again. He can't help it though, you just seem to always make him feel better by existing.
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either way, he is a little fucked up bastard someone please put him in a psychiatric hospital (or kiss him, that sounds like a better solution) *DROPS THE MIC AND IMMEDIATELY RUNS*
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flyin-shark · 11 months
I'm the anon who asked all the curious questions about sexuality and gender!
First off, just to answer your question about what it might mean to be "a guy in a girl way" - So this can obviously mean a lot of things for a lot of different people, and if I were to get into the nitty gritty we could be here all day :P
But actually I was trying to express my situation in "cishet" language. So I'm agender. I'm afab. I use he/him and I am most comfortable with being thought of and referred to as if I was a guy.
But for all intents and purposes people are going to assume that I'm a woman if they don't know otherwise. I'm androgynous sure, but I'm petite to a fault, and never transitioned physically in any way, so to most people who meet me casually, they will assume that I'm a slightly androgynous and gnc woman.
I am polyamorous, and one of my partners is a mostly cishet dude. I know that he most likely wouldn't be (sexually) into me if I was a cis guy. But then again, I am not a cis guy. And I don't question his love or attraction, or respect for my gender. But I do insist that him being with me makes him at least "a little bit bisexual".
It's obviously very complicated, and like. I really respect that you sat down and learned about the community and the terminology etc despite how it might not be a huge part of your life. That's very valuable, and in and of itself, it's a very refreshing and healing thing.
I think the value of allyship is too often understated. Up to and including by the notion that if you are a true ally, you must be some kind of queer in denial.
That said, I do think that to be a true ally (and I think you are in this process!) it's necessary to acknowledge (as you do) that the categories and labels are all just approximations. This includes "cis het". It's ok to have these moments of confusion and just take them for what they are, because at the end of the day human experience is messy and complicated. It doesn't have to threaten your identity as such, because the identity is just the label you currently feel comfy with.
So for example if we met and you didn't know me well (as a co-worker or whatever), you might find me attractive thinking I was a cute lady. If you then asked me out and I knew you were cishet I would probably gently explain that I'm not your type/it wouldn't work for me.
If you met me knowing beforehand that I'm a dude who looks a bit weird, you might not feel the same attraction because your brain has put me in the box of "dudes".
But then if you got to know me and we became close or something, you might start to feel attraction based on liking me as a person and me looking the way I do. And then you might feel bad for it, because you would feel that this attraction means you don't respect my gender or something.
Obviously we are likely not going to meet so that's a completely hypothetical example, but in the latter scenario I would actually take your attention way more seriously. And I think so should you (if a similar situation ever arose).
Because attraction based on knowing a person intimately transcends gender and at that point I wouldn't care so much that you wouldn't be physically attracted if I was a cis guy. I'd be like, well he knows me and I know him, we like each other, and if we get to add freaky sex to the mixture it's a win-win.
Because misgendering is more about dehumanizing. The need to reduce me to my physical body. Somehow?
Anyways I'm literally rambling and I'm being embarrassing all over your inbox, sorry ^^""
Anyways uhhh. Keep swimming, little shark. I will shut up, sorry
Honestly these discussions just make me want to abolish gender. Everyone should just be attracted to whoever and have consensual relations with whoever :3
In the meantime I’ll keep trying to be as good an ally as I can be
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scarletta-ruan · 2 years
helloo, how are you? i hope you're having a good week and are taking care of yourself! so, could you do a chuuya, sigma and dazai scenario (+ any others characters you want) where reader cries due to stress? this week was so stressing to me that i just want to rest all day 😭
anyways, take your time to write it and make sure to rest properly! bye bye and i love your works, scar! they're so cute@)#(( also i hope school are going well to you! 💖💖💖
WARNING: OOC, soft!characters, mention of some nicknames (Belladonna, small candy, Vanilla), reader cries over her stress, reader is female btw
TYPE: Scenario + Thought
PAIRING: Chuuya Nakahara || Sigma || Osamu Dazai x fem!reader (seperately)
WORDCOUNTS: 0.5k+ words
NOTES: I'm feeling so sorry to hear that you are stressed, I'm also stressed last week too so I can't write your request. But today I don't have any tests to do because I finished them already. And here is your request, enjoy my work, anon🥺
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1. Chuuya Nakahara
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I think that Chuuya is the kind of person who spoiled you rotten when he knew you were crying because of stress. So imagine that when Chuuya got home and saw you were crying, the first thing he would do was hug and ask you why you were crying. When he knew the reason, Chuuya would calm you down by patting your head or rubbing your back and letting you cry on his shoulder. After that, it was time for Chuuya to do whatever he wanted to cheer you up.
“I’m home-”
Chuuya stopped saying when he saw you were crying on the couch, he gently closed the door then stepped closer to you. He kneeled down in front of you, lifted his head up and asked.
“What’s wrong, small candy? You don’t look well.”
You lifted your head up and looked into Chuuya’s eyes, when he saw your teary eyes his gut twisted a bit. He did not want you to cry like this, Chuuya moved closer to place his forehead against you and you said.
“My schoolworks is too much, I try my hardest to do them all, but… I can’t finish it.”
“Oh, I see.”
Chuuya replied to you, then he stood up and placed a kiss on your forehead. When you wanted to say thank you to Chuuya, he said.
“Hurry up, get dressed and wash your face. We are going to hang out in the evening, putting all of the schoolwork aside. Of course, tomorrow you will have an off day.”
2. Sigma
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In my opinion, Sigma is the kind of man who is really worried about you. Let's take an example: if he sees you are crying, he will hug you immediately and ask for the reason. When he knows the reasons, Sigma will try his best to cheer you up, he is good at baking some cookies (because this man loves cookies if you remember) so he will bake some of them for you but with different favors just to make you feel happy again.
Sigma popped his head out of the door frame just to look at you who were sitting beside your desk, hands up on your hair while you were mumbling something. You had been like this since you got home so Sigma was worried about what had happened to you. He always made himself coincidentally walk past just to look at you.
And now he saw you were shaking, Sigma could hear some hiccups sound which were made by you. He let out a long sigh then put his broom beside the door, slowly stepping inside the room. Sigma wrapped his arms around you who were sitting on the bed, his eyes finally noticed some papers lying everywhere on the bed sheet, they seemed like your work at school, he thought. 
His hand caressed your hair then whispered lightly into your ears.
“What’s wrong, Vanilla?”
“N-Nothing, you don’t have to worry about me.”
You slowly lifted your head up, hands wiping tears which were falling down on your cheek. You still forced yourself to smile when you answered his question. Sigma frowned then said.
“If you keep lying, then I will keep hugging you like this, dear. Tell me, what’s wrong?”
When you knew that Sigma would never let you go if you did not tell anything to him. You slowly shared your story, about how you have to struggle for the deadline at school work, like club, homework or lots of other things. Sigma listened to the whole story of yours, then when you finished telling him he left. 
Again, you were alone in this room now. When you let out a long sigh and thought that there was not anyone here to care for you, Sigma appeared again with a tray of baked cookies and a glass of milk. He smiled and said.
“I don’t know how to make you happy, but… are these sweet and warm milk enough? If you want more, you just go ahead and tell me and I will make more and more for you.”
3. Osamu Dazai
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Dazai always knows that you are crying because of stress, because he pays attention to anything, from your mood today to the clothes you are wearing now. Everything can not slip from his eyes. Dazai will do lots of things to make you happy again, not teasing you, of course. I think he may buy you some sweets like cake or your favorite drinks or food. Then he will cuddle up by your side, murmuring into your ears about the Armed Detective Agency’s funny story.
Dazai recently got home a few minutes ago, then he noticed a familiar figure curling up on the couch. He could see your body was shivering so bad, his mind started playing lots of questions when he looked at you. Dazai did not think twice, he approached the couch and laid a hand on your shoulder and said.
“What’s making my Belladonna cry?”
You turned around to look at his brown orbs, when Dazai finally saw your face his heart dropped. Your eyes were red and filled with tears, while you were trying to wipe the tears from the corner of your eyes, he reached his hand to stop it and said.
“Don’t rub your eyes, love, this will make you hurt.”
Dazai helped you to sit up from the couch as he sat down next to you. His arms wrapped up around you, you leaned your head on his chest and tried to calm down. Dazai was still patient with you when he leaned his chin on your hair and rubbed your arms. You could also hear his whisper.
“Shh, I’m here, I’m here for you, Belladonna. Just cry until you don’t want to anymore.”
“Osamu, I’m…” You hiccuped then started saying. “...My marks at school are not good, the whole marks I tried to get are not good at all. My teacher tells me that, if I can make them better she will kick me out of her class. But… I have tried my very best, but in the end, I can’t make it.”
Dazai now knew the reason why you were crying like that, he already looked after you while you were studying until late at night. But it seemed like all of your efforts did not come true and you were feeling stressed because even though you tried very hard you could not make it. He hugged you for an hour until you stopped crying then asked.
“Feeling better?”
Seeing you nodding your head made himself relieve a little bit, that was when you two both stood up and Dazai said.
“Let’s go out, we should have some sweets or your favorite food, my treat.”
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chrysanthemumgames · 7 months
Hi! I'm so happy for you that you've finished your first draft and so excited to read it soon! (I wish I could finish mine haha). I have a... well it's sort of a question I guess. More of a rambly group of suggestions/requests? It's in reference to the type of bedroom that we can design near the beginning of the game, and the LI's eventual reaction to it.
So, more to the point, I'm the type of person that likes to "match" my LI's and their interests as much as possible. I can't really explain why it makes me happy to do so, it just does. Maybe I feel closer to them? I know it literally doesn't matter at all because they'll like anything I pick, but I still want to match them somehow. Like, for example, with some of them (Hermes and Pyri for sure I think) it mentions that if I pick the option with bright colors and plants, they seem to fit right in into my room, and that made me happy. But then for others (Charon and Hades were some I think) it said they seem out of place in my room, which made me a little sad (even though I know it doesn't really matter and they like it anyway). I would prefer to be able to pick options that my eventual LI will look like they fit into if possible? Like if it was something they would pick? (Are there options currently that I could pick where they would look like they fit right in? If so, could I know which ones? Ah, but if so, some would probably not include the two options with plants, which brings me to my next point...)
So I truly mean this with love and as a suggestion, but it kinda bums me out that only two of the room design options have plants as part of it. Because for me, as someone trying to play a Persephone who's really leaning into her powers, it feels like that means I really only have two options to pick from, since for me having plants is a must. And those two option are either adding bright or soft colors with plants, neither of which really appeal to me personally. I was thinking it would be cool if we could have a dark colors/darker vibe with plants option too. Or maybe even better, would there be a way to be able to make the "add plants to room" option separate, so that we would really be able to choose whichever design we wanted, without being limited to the couple that have plants now, if we are someone that definitely feels like plants are a must?
If not I totally understand, I just thought I'd give my thoughts and recommendations! I really hope I didn't come off as demanding or ungrateful! I'll love whatever it is you come up with, even if you feel you don't want to change anything, don't worry! :) Apparently I'm incapable of being concise, sorry and thank you for reading my wall of words! <3
Hey anon, I'm definitely planning to take a look at the room options again. It's already a lot of variation to write in the scene where people visit, but I will consider some alternate options in that vein, yes. :)
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nogenderbee · 7 days
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕊𝕡𝕒𝕔𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕠𝕦𝕥 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @hayillaaaaaaa request: Was scrolling to see your posts and i think daily anon hates me :<
Since reqs are open, can i have vbs kaito, rui, an and tsukasa with a gn! Reader thats always spaced out? Like everytime someone talks to them theyre like staring into some clouds or not listening, like the type of person to say whats on their mind, the embodiment of ._., please and thankyou♥️(⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡
(if possible, can it be headcanons not oneshot?)
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Nahhh I'm sure they don't ToT
Anyway! I relate to spacing out sm so it was like both, calling out myself and writing comfort for myself lol But okey! End of rambles! I hope you'll like it!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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✧ VBS!KAITO most likely doesn't space out much but he's definitely interested in it! He's more the type to constantly think of something tho...
✧ not to the level when he's like sleeping but to the level he get's some cool ideas!
✧ so you two be sitting next to each other while he's thinking of something or trying to create new beat while you're spacing out
✧ what's funniest, he doesn't even realize it sometimes! It's just someone nudging him and being like "your lover's spacing out" or so
✧ but he usually let's you be in your dreams, he's always worried you may be having some nice idea going on and he knows how unpleasant it is when someone breaks your thinking process
✧ he even tried carrying you once it was necessary since he didn't wanted to wake you up... but he obviously woke you up by picking you up either way
✧ so now, if it's absolutely necessary, he just places his hand on your shoulder and gently shakes you while saying your name
✧ he's still curious tho! So he might just ask you what was it you were thinking of but he's not gonna force you to say it in any way
✧ but if you do decide to tell him, there's small chance you're gonna give him the exact inspiration he needed!
"Y/N...? Y/N...? Oh, you're finally awake. Sorry to disturb you, just MEIKO wants to clean counter you're laying on and... I'd rather not to go against her..."
@bleachtheidiot @hayillaaaaaaa - come get your soft gentleman~
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✧ An may not be experiences in spacing out, but she most likely interacted with people that do!
✧ like in a Weekend Garage for example! She definitely had customers or maybe even usuals that spaced out every now and then
✧ so when her partner's spacing out, she somehow finds it so cute!!
✧ the way your eyes are staring in the nothing, the way that you're so focused... SHE LOVES IT!
✧ definitely tried sneakily taking photo of you just to wake you up from your little dreamland
✧ she's also curious about what you were thinking about so intently! But if she sees it's making you uncomfortable, she'll change the topic and offer coffee for waking up
✧ but if you blush... it might be too much for her poor heart too handle... Because how the heck are you so cute?!
✧ it's easy to say, she loves when you space out and the fact you so that often is like blessing for her! So she's always stealing quick glances at you to see if you're not spacing out right now
✧ she usually doesn't even want to wake you up! But if she absolutely HAS TO... she'll poke your cheek or boop your nose! And if it doesn't work~ she's just like "oh well!" and takes it as a sign to leave you be and enjoy the view <3
"You were so cute! You were spacing out and you were focusing on my nose! Hehe~ I have to take picture of that next time~"
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @bad-the-an-enjoyer @qxmmi - come get your star girl!
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✧ Tsukasa may be suspected of also spacing out... but it's actually just imagination! He's sometimes I'm his world yes, but it's only when he's rambling and who knows? Maybe it's his voice that's do loud even he can't hear others?
✧ either way, he can't tell when you're spacing out and when you're just focusing... but he still wants to help so he usually takes the 50/50 chance!
✧ there are times when he waves his hand in front of your face and guesses correctly
✧ but other time, he does exact same thing when you're just focusing on what he's saying and... it can be a bit annoying...
✧ but he'll apologize if he makes any mistake! And if he guessed, he's gonna repeat whole thought from beginning since he doesn't know where you spaced out and somehow moves back to rambling instead of asking where to start from...
✧ he may get curious about your constant spacing out and ask what you're thinking of, but it's usually very polite, not wanting to accidentally ask you something you're uncomfortable with
✧ he's also always very gentle when waking you up, if talking to you and waving his hand in front of your face won't work... he'll gently place his hand on your shoulder and it's only exception to gently shake you
✧ boy's so worries he might scare or hurt you by accident, he just plays it off safe
✧ it's also pretty hilarious for 3rd party to watch how loud voice suddenly goes quiet just to wake up person that seemingly is sleeping with eyes open when they can't even focus due to how loud his voice is...
"Spacing out again? What are you thinking about so often? Oh! But you don't have to tell me if you don't want to!"
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @bad-the-an-enjoyer @yulikesminori @alicewinterway18 @nenes-numberonefan @hakulivesformusic - come get your future star!
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✧ Rui does that too, trust me. Maybe not as often as you but he knows how it is
✧ except you space out during simple chat, and he spaces out when he works!
✧ anyway, thanks to this little experience of his, he inmidietly realizes why you stopped blinking and why you're focusing on one point
✧ he'll first chuckle before waving his hand in front of your face and saying something like "earth to y/n"
✧ if you apologize after, he'll only find it more amusing, he's gonna comfort you he doesn't mind while in fact he enjoys extra reason to tease you
✧ he doesn't mind repeating himself tho, he usually asks when did you zoned out but he usually guesses in his head the moment correctly either way!
✧ he also likes to ask what were you thinking so much about, but it's your choice if you tell him or not, and he'll respect that decision
✧ if he sees you're not comfortable with him asking that, he'll remember it for the future and quickly change topic back to your original chat
✧ but if you don't mind telling him~ prepare him to go "thinking about [topic] again?" and scaring you as he wakes you up, all that followed by his laugh
"Boo!! Hahaha~! I'm sorry, darling. I just couldn't help myself! But you looked so cute with that shock expression on your face, you can't deny it~"
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @yulikesminori @toyaswif3y @bl4cktourmaline @r4wrclwz @superstar-ethereal @stellas-starry-stories13 @alicewinterway18 @nenes-numberonefan @hakulivesformusic - come get your crazy inventor~
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Oh no I am an anxious wreck once again. What now?
Here are a few tipps and tricks that help me personally to deal with anxiety (plus some I know work for others). Please feel free to add your own coping mechanisms in the notes!!!! Even though I technically know means to calm myself down, I always forget everything when I'm in the thick of it, so while this is mainly a reminder for myself I hope this list can help at least one other person as well :)
First of all: emotions are hard, and they are overwhelming, and shaming yourself will not make it better. Chances are it will make everything worse, actually. So don't you dare feel bad for needing help even with the "easy" stuff, or for not being able to endure as much as your peers, or even for half-assing stuff sometimes. It's fine. Like, for real. I promise it's okay. You don't need to always be at your best. You don't even need to be at your best most of the time.
What helps me personally is imagining that these struggles are affecting another person close to me. If my best friend were to call me because she needs help answering an E-Mail, or even to cancel last minute because she feels too overwhelmed to leave her house right now, I would never make her feel like crap because of it or talk about her behind her back or anything else your brain may be trying to convince you of. I know that she is at least as good a person as me (probably better tbh), so if I wouldn't do any of that, she certainly would never. In fact, believing these thoughts is actually a disservice to her, who did nothing to deserve these mean remarks (quite the opposite actually). Basically, try to twist and out-logic your own brain into being less of a cunt to you. Try guilt-tripping yourself into being kinder. The bad emotions are there anyways, might as well use them to your advantage. I can speak from experience that being anxious is a bit less unbearable if you aren't being a self-obsessed asshole on top of everything else
If the source of your anxiety isn't a particular task you have been procrastinating on, or is something you can't just do whenever (f. ex. a job interview that's two days away), feel free to skip this part ^^
If you are still here: I know it can feel like actual hell to just do the thing. If you immediately want to click away after seeing this title I don't blame you. I mean, I am currently writing a huge ass post about anxiety instead of answering the two (2) E-Mails literally making my hands tremble. But the truth is, doing the thing is actually never as bad as it seems. Here's some stuff that maybe can help:
-> Remember that it's never been the end of the world before, so surely it won't start being it now. If you've already been through a similar situation: remember that it isn't the first time you've felt this way; remember that doing the thing wasn't as bad as you'd feared and, most importantly; remember how you felt after doing it. If this is the first time you feel like that, I'm sorry. I promise you aren't stupid for "overreacting", and I promise it will feel at least a little bit better if you just get it over with. And when you've managed the first time, you can now use that as an example instead of taking some stranger on the internet on his word. Worst comes to worst, you can still anon hate me (jk please don't)
-> Rewarding yourself. Remember that putting yourself down tends to make things worse. Allow yourself to be proud for your achievements, yes even the small ones that most people barely even think about. Because sometimes shit is just hard, but you still did it, and that's fucking awesome !!! For me personally just the knowledge that my anxiety will lessen (and I will probably get some good sleep - emotions are so fucking exhausting) is enough most of the time, but you can also give yourself a little treat afterwards. You've earned it!
-> Hide it in between chill tasks. Like right now, I'm writing this instead of my fucking E-Mail. I am a bit calmer since this is distracting myself from the daunting task of typing a few words. So I am now going to open my mails on another tab, type this shit, and send it. And I know that when I did that I will feel better about myself. And even if I fuck up somehow (how you ask? i don't fucking know), I will immediately have this task to come back to so I don't have the chance to overthink it. I FUCKING DID IT I AM THE CHAMPION OF THE WORLD
-> If you have a bunch of stuff you swore yourself you would do (a bunch can also mean like 2 btw) starting can seem even more daunting (even if it is, as aforementioned, "only" two). So I am very happy to present written lists my absolute beloved. In my experience, stuff is a lot less overwhelming if it isn't only living inside your head. You get a feeling of accomplishment when you can cross something off your list. You don't have to keep panicking about forgetting something (since everything is already written down on your list.) You can even break down bigger tasks into smaller more manegeable ones (f. ex. instead of "clean your room" -> "1. do your bed; 2. fold your clothes; 3. etc etc".) It's great because even if you don't manage the entire big task you still feel less like a failure since you've got proof of all the small accomplishments you did manage. Plus it's easier to continue on another day since you know exactly what you have to do and have proof of everything you already managed as a motivator.
-> Accept help. Be on the phone with a friend while doing the thing (if possible, of course). Ask your friends to be your hypeman before and after doing the thing. Get reassurance from other people. Go to your friend's house to ask them to read your E-Mails, summarize them verbally, and then type an appropriate answer for you (can you already tell me and electronic mail aren't in the best of terms?) Making things harder on yourself on purpose isn't being strong it's being stupid
-> already mentioned it a bunch of times, I know, but the thing that really helps for me is comparing with past experiences. I know I will feel better after I do it because that's always what happens when my brain blows things out of proportion. I know I can do this because I did even scarier stuff and it went well. Or even: if I manage to do this seemingly super scary thing, I will be able to use it as a motivator for smaller stuff in the future. I mean, what even is a fucking E-Mail in comparison to going to a social event on your own ??! (seriously, do it. in my experience it's surprisingly easy to find friends if you look pathetic enough, plus a lot of things seem a bit less paralyzing in comparison)
-> I turn it into a competition, or a game. If I do the thing I win. If I don't do the thing the anxiety wins. And I refuse to let that happen because I'm competitive AND a sore loser <3 so I do the thing. and then I feel a bit better
JUST DON'T THINK ABOUT IT. THINKING IS THE ANTITHESIS OF DOING. (which you can also use to your advantage, à la better to think about that unhealthy coping mechanism and why you shouldn't do it than to stop thinking about it and actually doing it instead. But that isn't the point right now)
Sometimes there just isn't anything you can do. Sometimes all you can do is wait. Sometimes you don't even know why the fuck you're feeling like that. And that fucking sucks.
I know there are some people who need an absence of stimuli in order to calm down. (If that's you, please leave some of your own pointers in the notes! I don't really have any ideas for that one tbh)
For me, the opposite is the case. I can't count the times my mom has told me to "try meditating!" or "don't do more than one thing at the same time it'll only stress you out even more!", unaware that giving my thoughts free reign would make everything so much worse.
I need to overwhelm myself in order to be able to forget about my anxiety for a while. Sometimes doing a task I've been dreading is easier after distracting myself for a few hours (being anxious is very tiring so if you let it run its course in the back of your mind for a while you'll have less energy for it later ^^). Here's some stuff that could help (though it should be noted that a) not everything will work on everyone and b) sometimes it just doesn't work. even if it worked the last five times. Don't ask me why it is what it is):
-> Do something (really anything) while listening to a video essay/podcast/audiobook. That's my go-to classic. Feel your mind slipping away from whatever you're doing? Force yourself to really listen to what is being said. Sometimes it helps to mouth the words along to my audio of choice (while still doing your thing at the same time!!) Speed it up (I've usually got my stuff at 1.75x or 2x). Assume that pretty much everything listed below can be done while having this as a second layer of distraction
-> Learn something new. I was literally just teaching myself the tabs for Every Breath You Take by The Police and 26 by Paramore on the guitar before starting this. I tried learning finnish and irish for a while there (learning vocabulary, trying to translate sth, learning grammar, etc.). Sometimes it can take a bit of time to get into it, but once you're there it's easy to lose yourself in it (in my experience at least.) And you can always start another video essay in the background!
-> Baking. I usually do half or fourth the recipe to a.) waste less ingredients; b.) have less stuff to eat so you can go bake more stuff sooner; and c.) feel less bad if it doesn't turn out how you hoped. Plus you can also make yourself more likeable by giving some to your neighbours ;)
-> Comfort book/series/movie/etc. I'll be honest, this one almost never works for me, but I know that for some people it does so on the list it goes
-> Take a walk. Touch some grass. Go outside. Personally have very mixed feelings towards this one. Used to do it all the time during lockdown (walking nowhere for literal hours while listening to music), but when it doesn't help it makes things much much worse (in my experience) So maybe be a bit careful? If you want to get away from your thoughts this is...bad. But otherwise (like if you just have the feeling of anxiety without a specific reason) it's worth a try
-> Do maths. I'm serious. For a while there I couldn't sleep, so I'd go on the net, search for equasion exercises, and just go wild. Don't look at the answer: this isn't the point. It's something with a fixed procedure and no consequences if you mess up (you won't even know if you mess up). Maybe instead of equations you find long division more relaxing. Just try not to think of school, put the pressure away, and give it a go.
-> Go to your comfort place. This is also a bit of a tricky one. First of all, not everyone has one of those. Or maybe you can't really go there (like, I always calm down when I'm at the beach. I adore the ocean. But I don't have sea anywhere near me, so sucks to be me i guess). But if you do have a place near you it's worth a try. Sometimes after a particular stressful therapy session i just...go chill at the library for a while. It helps :)
-> Blorbo scrolling. I personally prefer looking at a bunch of art and comics (visual stuff) since i don't really have the concentration to read when I'm anxious, but see what works best for you <3
-> Menial tasks. I love them. Sorting stuff that actually doesn't really matter (like taking all your books from your shelves and trying a new way to organize them). The already mentioned maths exercises. Washing the dishes/putting them back in their place (you can combine that one with the baking hehe). Volunteering work can also be pretty helpful: they often need help with menial tasks plus you can feel good about yourself for helping. Recently started helping at my local animal shelter and it's actually pretty great !
-> Sports. I personally hate sports and always feel worse afterwards, but so many people talk about it that it must be of help to someone out there. What I used to do when I got suddenly overrun by emotions is taking my skipping rope and jumping as fast as I physically could til I felt a bit better (and sweaty ew)
-> Sometimes I like starting a small project; depending on the mood either with no pressure to finish (or intention to show anyone ever because eww), or posting it in hope for praise that'll make me feel a bit better about myself heh. Just something else I can focus on. (ex. g. I've got a meeting I'm nervous about tomorrow so I started writing this huge-ass post) Just remember: IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE GOOD!! JUST CREATE! I PROMISE BEING CREATIVE AND/OR DOING STUFF IS AWESOME!! (or if nothing else at least frustrating enough to overshadow the anxiety lol)
-> In the wise words of mother mother: Dance and cry, and cry and dance and cry. (And sing. And scream. Or get out that skipping rope. Just let it out my dude.)
-> Watch a show in a foreign language faster (like 2x speed) and with subtitles (less time to read, more required focus, less brain power to panic)
-> immersive reading (audio + text); especially effective if you do it in a language you are currently learning or one that is similar (but not the same!) to your native tongue (f. ex. portuguese and spanish)
-> Try sleeping. Doesn't always work, but at least it wastes time.
-> Strong sudden stimulant. Like smelling a very strong perfume or taking a freezing shower.
-> Just. Let it wash over you. It sucks, yes, but it'll be over. Try keeping calm. I know, easy to say when you yourself aren't currently going through it, but anxiety about a future attack will not, in fact, make things less worse. Once again, remembering past attacks can help as well? It didn't kill you then, it won't kill you now. (My therapist suggested using a mental image, like huge waves or something. I personally don't do that but maybe it'll help)
-> Cover your ears and listen to your heart. Key point: this is NOT aiming to drown out noise, but to ground yourself by listening to your own body (bloodstream and creaking bones etc) (ty anon <3)
-> I'm not sure whether this'll work with panic attacks as well (according to google one of the key differences is that these don't really have a trigger and just....happen) and it probably won't be viable in every situation. But just. Be enough of a spiteful little shit to turn your breakdown into a powermove. (The distressing emotions are there anyways might as well make use of them). You told your teacher you get extreme anxiety when you have to speak in public and they ignored you because the school system actually hates kids? Look them right in the eyes as you start hysterically sobbing so they feel really bad, maybe be extra subdued the next few lessons. As far as you know it'll get you a few pity points that'll make a difference in your overall grade! (Pretty sure I got a better grade in my arts finals than i deserved) Someone knowingly breaks a boundary you set because "oh you've been doing so well" and "it's an irrational fear so it isn't real anyways" or whatever they tell themselves to justify it? This is your chance to make them really see how what they did is wrong (and hopefully will make them think twice before pulling shit like that again). If you warned them, they are literally asking for it. And it'll seem that much more impressive when you are having a good day for once and manage to get through it without one (you've earned that extra credit). Maybe I'm just a bit of a vindictive person, but reframing the narrative like that in my head gives me some semblance of control, which makes it all a bit less scary.
This is mostly me reminding myself that it's fine tbh. Because it is.
-> Remember that you can just do shit. I don't know how else to say this, but sometimes my anxiety makes it feel like hiding away in my room is my only option. But that's not true! There is so much stuff you can do, I'm always in awe for a while when I get this through my thick skull once again. Like, you can just go to places. You can just write to your friends. You can just start a chat with that cool mutual you're too nervous to directly interact with. You can move. You can change jobs. You can redecorate your house. You can get into a random train and only get out at the last station, wherever that may be. YOU CAN JUST DO SHIT?!?!?! ISN'T THAT FUCKING AWESOME?!!!!!!!!
-> Extreme emotions can have unpleasant physical side effects. Sweating. Body odor. No appetite and/or extreme hunger cravings (sometimes at the same time??). Diarrhea. It sucks (especially when it continues on for multiple days and your oh so kind peers make sure to constantly remind you of those physical symptoms you are already overly aware of). But it's normal and it's fine. It doesn't make you gross, I promise.
-> THIS TOO SHALL PASS (that's it. Sometimes it's good to remind yourself. This too shall pass.)
-> Sometimes I just do small harmless shit to prove my anxious lizard brain wrong. Randomly say hi on that group chat you haven't entered for months. Create something you aren't really happy with and post it anyways, just cuz you can. Go do something on your own. The more you prove your fears wrong with little things like that, the easier it gets (especially if you have to do bigger scary stuff). Spite can be your best friend. (Plus easy way to gain more points in my mental competition hehehe)
-> Sometimes, despite your best efforts, you will fuck up. You will barely be able to say a word in the social event you forced yourself to go in order to meet cool people. You will be so obviously anxious at your friend's birthday that she will still remember that over a year later (despite your best efforts to hide it at the time). You will get an anxiety attack because of something you thought you had already gotten over months ago. And it sucks, but more importantly, it's fine. This too shall pass. This is another reason why the previous point is so important: it's harder to hold these incidents over your head if you have so many other experiences where you managed to prove yourself.
-> YOU get to decide when you want to try confronting a fear. Nobody else can do that for you, no matter how often they mention "exposure therapy" and shit (it's about the control once again. in my experience it's important for it to be your choice). Occasionally hiding away doesn't make you a failure. There are always more chances, it's never too late to start. Already mentioned it a bazillion times, but this shit is exhausting and you are well within your right to stay in your comfort zone and rest.
-> I don't know if it's just a me thing but self reminder to avoid lactose and gluten when overly anxious. (i never do but i am aware of it that should count for something)
-> gender-affirming stuff can help ^^
-> Not viable to everybody, but sometimes I just delete all social media from my phone. You can still go there through browser of course (that's where I'm actually currently writing this) but just not having the icon on the phone can already feel somewhat of a relief (social media in this case also including messaging apps like discord or WhatsApp or fucking electronic mail my beloathed). That's actually what I am planning to do immediately after posting this thing that came out a bit more personal and stream-of-conscousness than initially planned. You won't even be able to tell cuz I never tag my queues hehehe
-> mentally dunking my stupid anxious lizard brain into salt water rn. Fuck you. I'm posting this. I'm leaving my house tomorrow instead of calling in sick. I'm winning.
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psalmsofpsychosis · 2 months
(still the same anon from all those Batman/Joker asks)
Be ready with those empty walls, pal, I'm on my way!! I've already thrown my suitcase in the car and filled up the gas-
You blew every expectation I had with that answer of yours and I don't know if I'll ever recover. I will absolutely respond to your answer but first I need to put my brain back together from being rearranged like a jigzaw puzzle. I'm definitely looking forward to reading that Jesus/side wound meta whenever you post it.
Until then I have a different question. I don't remember who said it but it was along these lines: "There are only three people in the world who find the Joker funny. Joker himself, sometimes Harley and lastly Bruce. And he feels so fucking guilty for it."
They pointed out how Batman does a lot of bad puns, same as the Joker, except he does it with a straight face and serious tone. For example: Bat-terry, Bat-bucket, Bat-arang, saying "hang in there Alfred" while Alfred is dangling off a metal beam. (Those are my rushed examples, not something the original poster brought up, so if they're unaccurate, that's my fault). Bruce will also just say the craziest shit and nobody is sure if he's serious or not. (Happens all the time)
I have a vague suspicion who it was but I'm not sure enough to @ them.
Joker and Batman's sense of humour and how they are somewhat opposed but still similar will drive me into an early grave I swear. Like that post that's still circulating somwhere that mentions how Bruce "lives and dies by the fact that nobody can ever tell when he's pulling their chain" and how Joker "craves to have his comedic genius acknowledged [but he's just not funny]".
I don't know about Joker wanting to be acknowledged as funny because I don't think he considers himself to be in the clown business. He definitely ranted about this to a captured Damian in a comic once. But he does make a lot of bad jokes. Maybe he doesn't think himself funny, either?
Any thoughts?
(Btw I'm not done pestering you yet, be ready to receive an ask about the Batman: I Am Suicide comic and about Martha and Thomas Wayne in the next few days. I still have to gather my thoughts though.)
(Can I just say that every single one of your answers has made my brain release a huge amount of serotonin? Or is that too much? Eh, whatever, it's the truth anyway. You've brightened my week considerably, thank you so much!!)
❤️❤️ hi friend, i adore receiving your asks and getting to exchange interpretations with you, and i can only hope that my superturbonexus unhinged answers have brought half as much joy to you as your questions have brought me 🥰
I kinda took my time with this ask (sorry!) because it's a rather big bite out of an intricate can of bat worms for me, can included. I also found and reread this particular post by @distort-opia , which put more a dozen more interesting worms in my metaphorical can— i'm not sure though if it was the post you were initially referring to.
So! The concept of jokes and generally being a funnyman is a subjective talk, and my personal preferences regarding where Joker and Batman place on the funnyman scale deviate considerably from what the general consensus in batman fandom seems to be (or the lot i have seen of it), so i guess i'll just take this opportunity to do personal talk, probably more than usual 😂 take it all with a grain of salt! (an ingradient that you'll find this answer contains a fair bit of actually—)
I dont think Joker is funny one bit, and i dont think he's particularly trying to be in the general sense of the word; to imply that he's "funny" both in-world and on a meta level would mean that being funny is his core motivation and the heart of his actions, that it's the foundational component, and to me it's not. A bit more a matter of personal taste on my part, but i actually feel lowkey irritated with Joker portrayals that lean too heavily on the "HE MAKES JOKES HE'S SO FUNNY!!!!!" act at the expect of every other significant characteristic he has, because like, funny is not who he is, it's just one of the 500 things he does. Sure he started as a fun character meant to bring in a dash of psychopathic delight to the early Batman works, but he has evolved to become so much more than that, which i like better than the more simplistic "he's a funny fun guy!!!!" characterizations. To me Joker is not funny, he is not supposed to be the way you pour salt on your dish but it's not supposed to taste salty, it's supposed to taste /right/. His jokes aren't the main dish, they're an added flavour meant to bring home a certain act: the performance. He's a showman, he's here to put on a good show, and that show doesn't have the end goal of being "fun", it has the goal of being iconoclastic and real and raw. But he can't exactly do raw, raw and sincere scares him, in a way he's a slave to his fear and tries to cage it and tame it and understand it the way Batman is scared of bats and everything they represent and he made them his very persona. Joker tries to be true and geniune and sincere but he can't, so he infuses his actions with jokes to soften the blow, shift the taste a bit. He also has the genius' disease; he wants to be seen through, interpreted, understood and reimagined, mirrored, and it's an itch only a certain fellow fucked up intellectual can scratch for him.
Batman deeply understands the value of a good performance and a viciously planned persona, he is a performer both as Bruce Wayne and as Batman after all. And he has the expertise to dissect and bring out all the nuance in Joker's performance, it's probably why he finds him funny. He understands the theatre piece, both when it's executed in a stellar fashion and when it falls flat on its face. noone else can bring this level of discernment to interpreting Joker like Batman does because what other villains do is actually less performance and more.... outright insanity. I think this is also the reason why Batman enjoys saying the most insane shit and making weird jokes at weird times and have everyone be confused by him, it's part of the performance. There are these little almost invisible acts that Batman and Joker catch of each other, that they want to catch of each other, "i'm shaking the persona a bit", like when an actor improvises a moment to keep the role fresh, but only the people in on the script catch it, to others it feels in accordance, not off enough to catch attention. It's one of their core points of connection and similarity actually, they both have their performances and they both wiggle in its frame, sometimes threatening to break through the confines.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 3 months
hi. sorry to bug you, but i just learned about the props auction, and i'm a little sad. i know there were people trying to be uplifting about it, but i just can't shake seeing things from the revenge get auctioned off. idk. if it was something that appeared once or twice, then sure ok. but the wall sconces? from outside the captain quarters' main door? :(
it's just not sitting right with me at all. so i was just wondering if you had any advice or had a way to positively swing it. sorry again :(
Hey Anon! I'm so sorry that the props auction is causing you stress. I know it sounds bad-- but the scuttlebutt I'm hearing is that this is fairly normal, as long as they aren't "dismantling the set" we're probably still in a pretty good place. It sounds like depending on the size/cost of the props it can get pretty expensive to house them (like that canon) and I know WB is trying to recover some of their losses right now.
From what I've read... some places will even sell things off even if there is a renewal because for example the prop may cost $10 to make, but a fan / company will pay $100 for it, so why pay to have it sit around when you can profit the difference? I wish I remembered where I read that so I could send you a source. Something else to think about is-- we have no idea what's in store for s3. It could be possible that we don't even see the Revenge for most of the time. Maybe it's focused on Ed and Stede a lot, or maybe Frenchie really fucking hates those wall sconces, or there's some epic battle that damages the ship and they have to rebuild all sorts of stuff.
I don't know if that helps, but I personally am not as much worried about the props than if they very specifically said "The Revenge is being dismantled" because that was such a huge effort and took huge amounts of money to build, and that wouldn't be easily replicable (Ra Vincent went crazy with that set and all the hidden crap).
I hope that helps a bit *hug* I know it's probably just the inner clown, but I am with a lot of other people where I think David Jenkins has been (albeit sneaky about it) pretty open about "who we should go after" and if he didn't think there was any chance, I doubt he'd continue to support us and not just say flat out "It's over yall". We haven't heard much from him lately, but I think that's a good sign, that means he's probably spending his time negotiating, and who knows, maybe he's out there bidding on the props, lol.
Anyway, sending love and hugs, I know it's hard, and it's totally fair to feel concerned. But try not to give up hope! There's so many things pointing towards "positive" still that I think we still have a shot.
Take care anon <3
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opinated-user · 5 months
Catching up on stuff I missed and that whole debacle with Batman’s food just doesn’t make reasonable sense no matter what way you slice. Why do you need to show a receipt for buying cat food? Does this person not know what a receipt is for? It’s mainly for being eligible to return an item if it wasn’t satisfactory to your tastes, but you can’t just do that with food, because you have to have ruined the packaging in some way in order to use it. No store is going to take back a cereal box someone opened up because the cereal turned out to be stale. You keep receipts for shit like buying clothes in case the clothes might not fit, which is actually what happened to me a few weeks ago when buying new jeans so there’s an example right there.
And second, this has to assume that Courtney wouldn’t, you know, feed her cat, like she said she was going to. What kind of person would just intentionally starve their cat, if they weren’t already abusive to their pets? The fact that she considered pawning off her laptop, which is going to have long term consequences in any capacity, just to feed the poor guy shows she clearly was really to take the long term hit just so she doesn’t have to lose her cat.
And third, how the fuck does this relate to Lily using money that was supposed to go to Mikala (not sure if that’s spelled right) immigration fees to buy a new desk. This is a giant stretch to put those on the same levels of seriousness. I can reasonably understand that Courtney’s current situation could mean that she can use some of the money meant for cat food to buy other things, since I can reasonably assume that her Ko-fi was made for that purpose, and Courtney’s character means she would probably be upfront if that’s something that happened, and good on her for doing that anyways, she seems to be tight on money as is. Meanwhile, Lily committed actual fraud. I’m not sure if this could count as charity fraud, but even someone like me, with no law experience, clearly knows taking money meant for something big and spending it on something else is legally questionable.
Sorry if this is long-winded and redundant at this point, but I saw that whole thing when catching up on the LO drama and I just needed to vent my whole frustrations with that.
i have to thank you, anon, for putting everything i have felt about that particular situation so succinctly. after everything was said and done, i have a strong feeling that sparky was behind those messages. just like i'm almost sure that he was behind all the "apparently" messages that LO is getting with archived links of our posts. why? because that's exactly how he used to talk to me just to hear my response. the only times we talked at all was when he wanted to bring some new thing that LO had said or done. that without even bringing up he confessed to Brittany he just likes to stir the pot to see what happens. that's his way to try to sympathize with you, to show you that he is on your side. "i bring you all this stuff that you can use against the people you dislike, so that must mean that i'm good in your eyes, right? only a friendly person would do that!" nevermind that even back then, i'd find weird the frequency with which he did it because... sometimes he'd share completely innocent and small messages from LO and i'd have genuinely no idea of how to respond because they were completely useless to prove anything. that's the exact same thing he is doing with LO, but he has upgraded now to just completely lie or intentionally misrepresent everything to self that distorted version back to LO. LO's being played like a fiddle, just like he played all of us for a while until he revealed his true colors. i have no doubt in my mind that only an individual acting in bad faith would seriously try to take me trying to talk about LO scamming her audience, literally going out of their way to copy my words, spamming me with multiple messages even after i blocked their IP by using a VPN, as somehow Courtney being the one to scam everyone because she didn't show the receipts for cat food. but of course that LO only cares about having something, anything, against the sibling that is dennouncing her, so she won't bother to use reason, logic or even check if the allegations are true before just publish them for her audience to stick only with whatever she tells them. they already believe that a 6 year old can be blamed for the abuse perpetrated by an adult after all!
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psychewritesbs · 7 months
Hi! First of all, sorry if this ask doesn't make much sense since I'm just kinda throwing this all out here, but this has been bouncing on my mind for a while now and I'm not sure how to put all of it together and thought that maybe you could help haha.
So about the whole mind-soul-body plot and how they interact with each other in JJK. I've been having a string of thoughts about this that's been getting bigger:
-The three clans. I don't know where Gege's unpredictability may take this, but the fact that he left the Zen'in's spot in the Big 3 undecided (ch152) + the Kamo clan up in the air makes me think this plot's kind of important (along the three vengeful spirits, tying the past with present, although that's heavy on theory lane so don't mind it much). And I was thinking, what if each clan are meant to represent/relate to mind (Gojo) body (Zen'in) and soul (Kamo)? When were the 3 big jujutsu clans even founded and why are they the ones? Something about jujutsu's pinnacle being the balance between mind-body-soul?
For example, Gojo's DE targets the mind, Gege himself acknowledged how it's interesting that both sorcerers with a heavenly restriction about enhancing one's body are coincidentally Zen'in (+ the clan's techniques having so much to do with body parts) and this is more of an unreasoned relation, but so far people related to the Kamo (including Yuuji through his half-brothers and Kenjaku) have had the topic of one's soul and their own individuality come up — if they're more curse or human, if they're more duty or their family (Noritoshi).
-> this also led me to Jung too. I'm no expert whatsover so I'm not going to expand on this, but I can also kinda see how the Gojo can represent the persona, Zen'in the shadow and Kamo the self. Since you're the expert in this area I'd love to hear your thoughts and if I'm completely off.
-Lastly I (and many more people I guess) have noticed that from the start of the CG, Gege's been putting Yuuji, Megumi and Yuuta kind of in a level of importance of their own. Not only narratively but also visually, with some panels and art featuring the three of them together/in a trio composition. And while I have another whole separate set of thoughts on "Gojo's successor/next strongest", I do believe Yuuta's relation to the Gojo, Megumi/Zen'in and Yuuji/Kamo has to do with this.
So my mind makes this whole relation between the body-mind-soul topic, the three clans, Yuuji-Megumi-Yuuta (something about the future generation who are against the beggining/cycles coming to an end?) and even jungian psychology but idk how to make a proper statement about where this might lead. Like, I see /something/ there but I'm not sure what, and I was hoping you could help as much as you can because it's rotting my brain lmao.
I'm sending you this because I really love your posts and thoughts on JJK. I'm not sure/can't remember if you've talked about something similar to this though, so if you have I'd love to read it if you can link it!
Oh! I see and love to see the wheels turning lol.
This is fun stuff! Thank you for sharing anon.
idk I just feel like, even if Gege does not necessarily expand upon this theme, I think you're onto something there with the whole symbolism for each clan, and that the reason they are the 3 major clans has to do with their relationship to mind is body is soul.
There's something here about how dominating their particular subject, whether mind, body or soul, is what led them to become recognized.
I did try to reframe your thoughts but my agenda sort of failed loooool 🫠. But I'm going to share my logic anyways because my rambling might help you clarify your own thoughts.
Depth Psych mini lecture to taco'bout it under the cut.
Ok so I see it more as:
Zenin is mind.
Gojo is soul.
Kamo is body.
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But first, I think it's important to mention that the way Gege uses mind is body is soul confuses me sometimes.
Thing is, we are ideally meant to think of it as if this holy trinity (3) makes up one whole together (4). This "whole" is called the Self in Jungian terms, and it is thought to be the entirety of our existence (mind (includes the shadow) + body + soul).
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Also, from a numerology and esoteric standpoint, you also want to consider that four (the Self) symbolizes stability and order, where three (mind + body + soul) is harmonious but not balanced.
AND, sometimes it feels like soul is the Self and encompasses mind + body.
Confusing, right?
It only gets more confusing, but I think this maxim itself needs a reframe that is more in tune with the actual Holy Trinity which states that:
The Father (mind) is not the Son (body) is not the Holy Spirit (spirit), BUT the Father (mind) is God (soul), the Son is God (soul), and the Holy Spirit (spirit) is God (soul).
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I do have to say that, if all of these different aspects are indeed aspects of God, then why does the Father ≠ the Holy Spirit ≠ the Son.
If that made any sense at all lol. Thanks for attending this mental gymnastic session and sorry for the late warning.
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Like I said... confusing. It doesn't help that Jung was also sort of contradictory when speaking about what the Self was, although there is a general agreement that the Self is the soul as it guides the mind and body through reality. So perhaps it's more accurate to say that the soul = mind + body + spirit.
Anyways, I'm probably thinking too much into this LOL.
Let's start with mind
While the visual of the iceberg to represent the mind is more popular, in Jungian terms the mind is more akin to a lightbulb or a lit candle, right? Everything the light touches is what you are aware of that you are aware about the world. It's also the personality as it is shaped by the interaction between outside factors and your inner world.
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But then there's the shadow side of the mind, everything that the light does NOT reach. Not only is it everything that the conscious mind doesn't know that it doesn't know about the world, the shadow is also a sort of repository for any traits and qualities that the conscious mind is not able to accept about itself.
Why am I saying all of this? While I totally agree that the Zenin could represent body because of the whole heavenly restriction bit, to me, because 10 Shadows is the clan's most important technique I think I just made this up but I feel like Gege does imply this lol, we're meant to think of Zenin as mind.
I think it's also relevant how Megumi is undergoing ego death and how you can track his development through nuances like his two divine dogs (black and white) becoming one (grey). This is all mind stuff.
@blog-of-hubris has thoughts on the whole heavenly restriction bit that I am not sure I can do justice.
Then we have body
To me, I am interpreting this way because the clan's cursed technique is related to blood manipulation. Although there is also something here about blood symbolizing the animating principle of the body, so I can see how it could also represent the soul.
Not my agenda crumbling to pieces LOL.
I also love the whole idea you mention around how blood is thicker than water and that's what binds us to certain people.
Soul is next
Admittedly, this is the weakest part of my agenda lol. Something about Gojo being all-seeing and able to have access to all information, I can see why you'd think this is mind given how Gojo's technique works. But to me, that feels more like a byproduct of how Gojo experiences the world and makes sense of it with his mind.
I also think it's pretty relevant that Gojo appears to be able to recognize souls.
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Perhaps this even sheds more light on how Gojo knew what Megumi would say about saving Yuji as one anon asked before.
Anyways, that's my shameless agenda.
So my mind makes this whole relation between the body-mind-soul topic, the three clans, Yuuji-Megumi-Yuuta (something about the future generation who are against the beggining/cycles coming to an end?)
This is neat! Anyone reading this got any ideas? I feel like my thoughts may or may not be helpful.
Like if we take Yuji (Kamo), Megumi (Zenin) and Yuta (Gojo)... are you thinking about their character arcs? or the larger picture?
I don't know if this helps you but what I'm getting out of the big picture is the idea that there is a wholeness that needs to be achieved.
I'm thinking of how Gege already told us only one of these kids will survive this ordeal (is mind, body or soul surviving?) and also about how a Gojo and a Zenin ancestor respectively once killed each other in battle. So there's something here about how these factions are at war with each other when in reality they are part of a larger whole.
Which is a neat idea if you think about how Nori once told Megumi he would become the pillar that supports the three families.
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In more practical terms, think about how your body has a consciousness in its own right that your mind might have a tendency to ignore because it has its own agenda.
Another important detail to keep in mind is that in Jungian Psych, the Self is kind of a dick lmao. Ok not really a dick but... let's put it this way: if your mind has an unbalanced attitude that needs to be corrected (i.e. ignoring the body's wisdom), the Self will orchestrate reality so that your mind and body move into specific experiences according to what the mind needs to learn. The Self doesn't care if these experiences cause suffering, it merely has a function and that function is achieving wholeness and the becoming of who you are meant to be.
So whomever survives has a big task ahead of them in terms of making meaning out of what happened in the past, how the conflict even started, and what can be done differently.
Unfortunately, life doesn't always give us neatly wrapped, happy endings. So I fully expect some ambiguity in what Gege wants his audience to take away from his work--after all, he's writing about meaning-making.
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Hey anon! Thanks for the comments and for sharing your thoughts with me. Hope this helped and do keep me updated :)
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fansplaining · 2 years
dear both, thank you so much for your recent disability and fandom episodes, it’s so much appreciated. but the amount of times elizabeth said “not to center myself/my experiences…” only to then do exactly that was a bit frustrating. i know it’s probably to relate to the guests and their lived experience, but why not just say so. anyway, this does not take away from my gratefulness that you two tackled this important topic and centered disabled perspectives.
Hi anon! Elizabeth here. Thanks so much for your kind words about the episodes—we're very glad to hear that they're appreciated. <3
As I was editing the audio, I did notice that I was using that phrase repeatedly, and yeah, I do regret not just...saying the directly relevant thing that connected our participants to my own lived experiences (as Flourish does at one point in part 2 without disclaimers). And I was thinking about why I felt so compelled to couch it that way—I'm still not wholly sure, but I do wonder if it's about a reluctance to claim any part of a "disability" framing when it comes to myself. For the physical difficulties that I share with some of our participants, I always think of them as "this post-concussive shit I have to live with," even when that shit is debilitating or bars me from certain social (and even professional!) situations. For my struggles with mental illness—and especially for my experience in a mental hospital—it's not something I like to talk about, period. Just mentioning it on the podcast, even without a scrap of detail beyond "this happened"...was distressing. Writing about it here is distressing. But Rebecca was describing something directly relevant to my life, so I used that to frame my question, and her answers were very valuable to me personally.
I think there's a delicate balance in these kinds of episodes—Flourish and I do have to situate ourselves to some degree (throughout the race and fandom episodes, we're always popping in with "as white people," which I think is pretty important for a white-person-hosted convo about race) but we also don't want to take up too much space. I don't think we always get it right, but we do always try. And I think this repeated phrase reflected my uneasiness about my positionality—throughout the episodes we discuss not knowing what it's like to use mobility aids, for example, which is also bringing ourselves into the discussion? So why did I feel the need to slap up a big disclaimer when describing something that could actually be framed as a disability? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Idk idk.
ANYWAY, SORRY TO NAVEL GAZE, but you did hit on something that I struggled with putting these episodes together, and I wanted to offer a bit of what I've been mulling over. Thank you again for writing in, and I hope what I write here makes sense.
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maiverie · 1 year
HI DO U HAVE ANY TIPS ON STARTING A TUMBLR BLOG? like how you format your links and everything i'm new and want to start a blog but don't know how 😭😭
hi anon!!! omg sure yes I dooo!!! when I started I didn't have anyone to help me so it was literally such a shitshow lmfao so I HOPE THIS HELPS!!
— (long post below)
disclaimer: this is all based on my experience and im sure there are other users with better tips than me so DONT TAKE MY WORD FOR GOSPEL BAHAHA
(also I'm going to assume you reached out to me because you want to start a kpop writing blog and not smth else, so all these tips are obv specific to writing blogs. I also don't know how experienced u are w Tumblr so I might say some obvious things,, sorry if you already know most of these things!!)
anyway tumblr is actually really intuitive and after about two days I honestly think you'll get it (probably even within a day tbh). here are some quick steps I feel like make sense in my mind:
find a url (if you're starting a kpop writing blog,, most people seem to include the name/a reference to their bias but in my case i kinda just went w my name and played around w it until I liked it 😭 you can also search for "url ideas" in tumblr if you're having trouble!!) keep in mind you can literally change it at any point in time so don't worry about choosing the -perfect- one
set up your blog! most of the time, people have a navigation post (the pinned post where everything is linked so readers can navigate ur blog easily), a masterlist (a post that shows everything you've ever written), a wip list (a post that lists all your works in progress, so fics you're currently writing and want to publish in the near future). additionally, people have a post about themselves (like an about me section with blog rules and stuff. this is my old old one). personally, i have a carrd right now (this is mine here) and you'll find other users have one or the other!
set up your navigation post: hyperlink honestly everyone's different (btw don't worry about taking these tips too seriously bc honestly u should do whatever you want on your blog — it's yours after all!!) but I think most people include their name, pronouns, age (sometimes), timezone (sometimes) and hyperlinks to their masterlist + wip list.
how to hyperlink im sure you've done it before for school, but it's really easy! here's a demonstration — this link will send you to my navi, and this link will send you to one of my fics! to do it, you just need to copy the link of whatever post you're trying to hyperlink (three dots in the top right of the post -> "copy link"), typesomething, double click onto the word you're trying to link it to, tap the 🔗 button, and copy the link into that! (in this example, it'd look like this: something.)
how to make ur navi neat/pretty personally, I used to just search for moodboards (on tumblr) and pick 3 photos that I really liked (obviously give credit to whoever made the moodboard!). what I have now is just something that I designed but you can have one or the other, it doesn't really matter! other tips I think I'd suggest is to keep it as simple as possible; you can embellish it later but make sure it's easy to read and people can see all the links! I really like searching for "symbols" on Tumblr, and then there are cute lil symbols u can add to your post :) or just use emojis! or dashes! this might be a little ahead, but I have a tutorial on gradient text if you really care, but maybe focus on the base first :D just as an example, my moot @.hazyyu has a really pretty navi!
apply the same principles to your masterlist + wip list + about me just search for symbols, add whatever images you think look pretty, search for "line breaks" on Tumblr and there are pictures of links you can use to divide stuff up! making a carrd is easy but time-consuming (just search on YouTube "carrd tutorial")
there are other caveats to a writing blog, but those were just the basics! here are some other things I thought I could mention:
a permanent taglist is a list of people you tag every single time you publish a story/update it (for the purpose of them being notified every time you post) — sometimes people will ask u to "add me to your permanent taglist!" which just means tag them every time you post a story. personally, I have a google form for anyone that wants to be on the permanent taglist, but I didn't do that initially — I used to just wait until people sent in an ask asking to be on it and then I'd have a separate post with everyone who did. for example, this was my old one! doesn't matter whichever approach you do ^^
people also organise their blog via the hashtags I do this too! it's so much easier that way :)) for example, every time I get an ask, I tag it with "#ask" (umm a lot of people are much more creative w their tags but personally icb lmaoo — here's an example of my friend who used a different tag and it's really pretty!). if you want help with organising your blog w tags, here's an explanation I wrote a while back!
if you want help promoting your work, you should consider joining a few networks! these are basically big big blogs that reblog all your work so more people can see ur stuff ^^ here are some of the ones I'm a part of: kflixnet, enhanet, k-labels!
you'll meet other users along the way and call them your moots; most of the time this just means you interact w them a lot via asks/dms. personally I'm not really active and I kinda find it hard to keep track of a lot of moots so I stick to myself and interact w anyone that comes my way!! but bae u can do whatever u want!! go find blogs of people that seem rlly cool and send an ask and just see where it goes; just don't badger people, be nice and I think you'll pick up on sm things naturally!!!
ur blog is gna look great!!! let me know when you finish setting it up!!! I hope this helps 😋💖
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gurugirl · 9 months
I'm an "older" harry fan. I'm not old but in this fandom people look at me like I am. I feel like most of you fic writers are a bit ageist. Not being rude but it's come across that way in things said and written in your fics even.
I'm sorry but a 40 year old man isn't in bad shape suddenly because he's 40.
Try to be kinder to older fans. And it's not just you. It's most fic writers.
So I've been sitting on this ask for a bit. I'm perplexed by it. Maybe you're just venting and decided to tell me of all people?
Gonna respond under the cut cause this gets long and y'all don't want to see me ramble and rant (and if you do then you are welcome to keep reading 😅).
I really wish you'd give me even just SINGLE example of how I might sound ageist in any way. And truthfully, I'm probably older than you, anon so I think you've got the wrong gal.
I'm also an "older" harry fan. I've not revealed my age because it's not anyone's business but also because I do see plenty of ageist comments, even if innocent, by this fandom. By writers, by readers, etc. etc. and so it makes me nervous to think if I'm open about my age y'all will suddenly think I'm weird or not enjoy my work anymore.
You'll never encounter a fic where I write Harry as an older man or yn as an older woman in their 40s with a failing body? Like? I don't think I've ever read that anyway, but to specifically mention that? Where? In what fic? Not in any of mine I guarantee it.
I feel like you selected my blog by random to say this. I will put money on the fact that there's not a single ageist comment or written line in anything I've posted. Ever.
All that to say... I do agree with you. I wish we were all kinder to each other and didn't assume someone in her 30s or 40s or 50s (and beyond) is too old for anything. We're all humans smashed together on this big 'ol planet trying our best to do our best. That's all. A 40 year woman probably still feels the exact same way she felt when she turned 20. She's got more experience under her belt but she's the same girl. And a 20 year old has opinions that are just as valid as those of a 40 year old. It goes both ways for sure.
Hope this clears it up, anon!
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lemony-snickers · 1 year
welcome back, anon. your ask is very long & mentioned an ao3 author by name who i'm not sure would want to be associated with my blog, so i've taken screenshots of the ask and blocked the author & title out. ask & answer below the cut. (text id in alts as usual.)
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anon, i'm sorry, but it's too early for this. some bullet points:
your ask was not motivational, it was pretty mean (or, perhaps, "blunt and negative," to use your phrasing). and while you are entitled to your opinion of me, whatever that is, i also don't understand why you would want to follow someone you find that annoying.
if you are genuinely trying to help in future, an example of someone essentially telling me the same thing in a more motivational way is the ask i received from super-kame-love yesterday which identified the same problem and also provided a resource to try and combat it. you'll note from their ask they never called me names or used demeaning language. if you're trying to be helpful, this is a better blueprint.
to be clear: those screenshots i included in my reply yesterday are not of negative comments sent to me by someone else. they are of posts i made on a private side blog on tuesday after receiving your first comment & the comment someone else (i assume someone else, anyway) sent me accusing me of sending your ask to myself for attention, which, when combined with your ask about how nagging & attention-seeking i am, made me feel like total & utter garbage. like everyone in the world felt the same way about me & hated me for it.
i use that sideblog as a vent space and you have no idea how fucking dark it gets there. i don't need anyone to leave me negative comments because anything even remotely unkind you or anyone else thinks about me, i guarantee i have already thought of & told myself a thousand times over in much crueler language. i seem sad all the time? yeah, i am sad all the time, i suffer from crippling depression & anxiety which ruins my life & i am in treatment for.
you keep repeating how much more popular smut is. you do know that i write smut, right? that the whole reason i started this blog was to write & publish smut? maybe i don't write the kind of smut you like, but i do write it.
and while sure tiktok can be used to promote fanfic (i mean, i guess? idk.), most of the people i am comparing myself to do not, so you can stop telling me about tiktok. i don't use it and i have no interest in it.
if you think i'm just "sad to gain attention," then maybe you shouldn't follow me. it doesn't seem like you enjoy following me very much if you feel the need to send these long asks about all the things i am doing wrong. i'm sorry to have confused you with the screenshots, but i am pretty uninterested in cointinuing this dialogue if i am honest.
the fact is, what you see of me as lemony-snickers is only one tiny fragment of my life. a vague citrus-shaped snippet. when you call people names (and yeah, calling me a nagging girlfriend counts, i think), it has repercussions. i'm an actual person with actual feelings that were actually hurt by what you sent. it would have hurt regardless, but it had a huge & negative impact not only on that particular day, but spiraling through the rest of my week, because of things happening in my life that you didn't see.
and lastly, anon, if you aren't leaving comments or supporting creators that you enjoy by reblogging their work, you are part of the problem. and to tell someone to stop being sad about interactions when you specifically make the choice not to interact is pretty tone deaf, honestly.
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retrovrt · 9 months
“Like for example how I made sure to make it known in my fic that Jonathan has always been reluctant to being hypnotized by Jervis no matter the situation. There's more to that but I don't wanna make this too long.”
Anon from before! If you still happen to be in a rut, and would like to elaborate more on this, I know I’d certainly be interested to hear more! 👀
I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT GETTING TO THIS SOONER!! It's been a busy few days but I can talk about it now.
So talking about Jonathan's reluctance to Jervis's hypnosis/mind control, it goes beyond the anxiety from the lack of control Jonathan would have. Jonathan has been hypnotized by Jervis a handful of times sometimes with him knowing and some without him knowing. But back then especially he would've never voluntarily agreed to that. Jervis used to be (and still is but has gotten a smidgen better) terrible with boundaries. She truly never meant any harm by hypnotizing him but it doesn't matter what her intentions were because the execution was awful. She was only trying to help in her eyes so when Jonathan would burst out in anger at her for such a violation of his mind she would get confused and it was a huge mess. This is when they weren't as acquainted with each other as they are now. Their relationship was very rocky.
Anyway, it's reasonable why Jonathan would be a tad nervous when going under with these past (and less than pleasant) experiences in mind. It's also a huge display of trust in Jervis on his part and I think that's so sweet considering Jonathan doesn't trust much of anyone.
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