#as that tweet once said
Me, a casual viewer of BFU: True Crime and Puppet History, clicking on the Making Watcher playlist: Oh, its so nice that the boys got to start their own company :)
Me, 40 minutes later, no longer a causal viewer after seeing Ryan Bergara talk about his anxiety and then almost cry on camera because he is so happy that his friend agreed to work at his new company: 
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financeprincess · 6 months
don't let your priorities get out of whack. don't go out and buy luxury items or a fancy new car if you have other things to do like make sure your health is right (regular checkups, full panel bloodwork, the dentist, etc.), getting your dream body, paying off high interest debt, working on your career and education, and investing aggressively (especially if you're in your 20s, this is the best decade for compound growth). it's very tempting to buy things for instant gratification (speaking from personal experience!) but the joy you feel doesn't last long. If I could do it again, I would use big ticket items like bags, nice clothes, silk scarves, huge extravagant trips, cars, jewelry, etc. as a reward for when I hit other milestones, such as graduating college, getting a job that skyrockets your income, hitting a certain number in investment accounts or business profits, hitting your goal weight, etc. and trust me, you will value it a lot more when you have put in the work to set yourself up for success.
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baker-chan-senpai · 1 year
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it's miku day and serizawa knows it
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amfmrdo · 1 year
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soapyakships · 10 months
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do you guys think his bones are made of rubber ?
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joansblondells · 2 years
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hellcheer + textposts (pt 2/?)
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francy-sketches · 8 months
that thing people do where they write essays and post book quotes to prove how hot their favorite fictional little girl of choice is but it's me pulling out receipts of everytime joffrey and tommen are described with long beautiful curls bc someone said they 'canonically have fuckass bobs' and I'm drawing them wrong
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shiemihazas · 2 months
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miku :)
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twst-mer · 2 years
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leona & jamil
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oddberryshortcake · 9 months
I still don't entirely understand how Jamil is the oldest of the 2nd years while having a late birthday (September) that should make him, logistically going by year, a few months younger than Kalim.
For him to be older, he'd have to be 18 at the start of the game because the game starts in September at the school year. But his profile is listed as him being 17.
What does this mean for the other September bday? Is time just backwards in TWST and the year (not school year) DOESN'T begin in January
People kept getting on me on age consistency when it doesn't make sense. I am begging you to make it make sense.
I am a September birthday (same bday as Ace) and I'm younger than my peers.
hOW IS JAMIL STILL 17 BUT ALSO OLDER THAN EVERYONE WHEN SEPTEMBER IS A LATE MONTH. Please give me a logical answer I'm desperate, this has been bothering me
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supersunshine10 · 2 months
Random rant,
But why have Snoopy fans on Twitter become so obnoxious nowadays when it comes to comes to obvious jokes?
It’s so bizarre but more than once before I saw someone makes a small tweet just like “haha Snoopy’s doing drugs” and tons of quotes will be people jumping at them?
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Like the internet makes jokes abt cartoon characters doing non-innocent stuff literally all the time (and the OG tweet is pretty tame tbh) yet now if it’s Snoopy suddenly thousands of quotes jumping at them like “WTF Snoopy would NEVER DO THIS, he likes friendship and love LEAVE HIM ALONE and KYS you DEGENERATE SCUM!!”
It’s not hilarious or the greatest joke in the world, but this is basically the type off-hand remark you make to your friend while watching this special on the couch or something. Yet there are literally thousands quotes on this that are so corny and pretentious over nothing and yet they have tons of RTs/likes? Seriously?
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queerbauten · 6 months
It’s supremely weird that the Tally Hall fandom sent Ross hate for apparently posting pro-Israel things (things he has taken down, mind you) but is just… staying silent on Andrew continuing to like pro-Israel (and outrightly anti-Palestinian) content
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akkivee · 9 months
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happy four years to their very first appearance ever lol 🥳🥳🥳
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insidiousclouds · 8 months
It really bothers me that people won't even fact check when told that someone is a terf or something. The fact that people will blindly follow. Sure it's not that much of a problem when you just block them. It's not like that's hurting anyone. But what really bothers me is the blind trust. "Go block OP because they are a terf and proshipper" and people just do, without even trying to find evidence that the OP really is.
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feelslikegold · 8 months
ngl with the whole h****h tweet thing, i feel like some people are acting like it's 100% unprompted and missing a possible bit of context, so i am just gonna drop this here
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obv i'm not trying to say she's exempt from criticism bc she's said and done some very icky things (including getting with a man in a long-term relationship like girl? saying that bc it's more relevant to this than the other stuff), but i will say some of the hate does feel slightly misogynistic. like that tweet was unprompted and just gonna do more damage than good. the whole idea of "sleeping ur way to the top" is just icky, and if that tweet is gonna do anything, it's just gonna fuel a victim complex and let misogynistic ideas stay in circulation so genuinely can people just ignore her instead of making the whole situation worse if the only thing they can say will just make the situation worse?
oh no absolutely like it’s just a mix of. I think logging off would benefit her SO much bc her tweets are only gonna spawn more weirdos like that person bc that person is clearly unhinged and unwell to speak to ANYONE like that, especially to someone who the person they idolize clearly loves…..stan twitter as a whole is disgusting tbh 😭
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sixamite · 22 days
No like I know this is my Sims blog and not my fandom blog (I can't go there rn because of DW spoilers) but Benedict Bridgerton should have been bi, Penelope Featherington should have been lesbian or bi, Eloise Bridgerton should have been a lesbian, and Francesca Bridgerton could have been ace. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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