#as well as how they got descised as “Fun entertainment”
Hearing about the Hunger games continuation and thinking about all the Story continuations/prologues I wish we could get for The Underland Chronicles
Gregor's dad
I want To know what Gregor's dad (Who I want a name for... Steve, Lee, Heidi... What is his name? ) first trip to the underland was like. How was he found and brought to Regalia? We know he met Vikus and Luxa's Parents, SO what did he think of them? The Books say he stayed in Regila for two weeks (During which time he was very worried about his pregnant wife, children, and mother) and that he took a BB gun from the Museum. So I am guessing he knew about the war with the rats, but his family was in hell and he felt he had to get back soon. What happened during his capture.
I don't really want to know about his torturous time with the rats, but I would like some on how he was able to keep both hope and his humanity, the interesting relationship he is hinted to have had with Ripred in book 3 (He says Ripred used to feed him sometimes. He also was not scared of Ripred, Even though he was a rat and was "pretending" to attack his son). And lastly I want to know what coming home felt like for him and why, unlike his wife, the experiences did not make him fear or hate the underland.
Speeking of Ripred I want All of his backstory, being a pup and growing up with his litter mates. Going into battle and finding out he is a Rager. How this made him famous all around the Underland, but also made him hated by enemies, and feared by allies, unless they needed him. What was going on when He tried to "Take over the fount with an army of Lobsters"? Seriously the Rat's don't even want The Fount. It is surrounded by rapids and sea monsters! What did was your interest Buddy?
Also I want to see his Mate, their family, and how their loss first broke him then made him change his stance on the war. Him building his relationship with the human side. Going up to the Overland to visit Libraries. His view of his relationships with Gregor and Lizzie and how it feels to him to being taking care of kids again after so long.
Up Next is Hamnet. Solovet and Vikus son, the beloved twin brother to the wife of the King/Queen, Brother in Law to the King (recently reread has me thinking they had more of a business relationship than a familiar one), the Regalian Army's most skilled soldier, and for a long time he was Solovet's heir to becoming captain of the Army, because everyone thought he was just like his mother. This is what everyone thought, but they thought wrong. Unlike Solovet Hamnet felt guilt. Guilt that drove him to speak against his mother in a war meeting to which she locked him in the dungeon for a month. When he was finally let out he went back to being obedient to her and buried his grief down, let it eat away at him, until one last horrible act (As a solider) destroyed him.
But give me Hamnet's complete story. Show him being a ruthless soldier and a fearsome killer on the field of battle, then coming home to be a loyal son, good friend, loving brother, and doting Uncle; becasue that is how many soldiers have to be. Show me him not being Okay but doing his best to hide that because that is all he could do. Then show me when everything went to far, and when he decided to leave Regalia, everything he knew and loved and run to a place that he and all his allies feared, for good reasons. Show me him missing his former friends and family. But also show me him meeting Frill and her deciding to take a chance and help him, him also taking chance and letting her (The books generally imply he wanted to leave his old life but did not expect to make anew one). Give me him learning about life in the jungle. How the animals there do not attack each other and instead employ a method of survival where first you hide, then you try to give a warning, then run. fight last. Show me him finding an overland women lost in the jungle and helping her. With the pair eventually forming a relationship and going on to have a child. Why did she never return to the Overland? Hamnet is a good father to Hazard, but you cannot tell me that he wasn't terrified during the entire pregnancy. Anything about Hamnet has to end where he ended. Having to once again fight in a pointless battle on behalf of Reglia, that the city once again brought on itself and got nothing out of. Our tragic beauty
Speaking again of Tragic Beauties I want Ares to. What kind of Stuff did he get up to to earn the reputation of a reckless, rule breaking, ...thrill seeker?...strength tester? To where he bonded with Henry to be able to get away with more. What were things like in the time HE and Henry were together. I don't think it was all bad. The Books clearly state that what hurt Luxa, Ares, Aurora, Nerissa the most was that they had loved Henry and could remember good things about him. Things that no longer felt the same after he betrayed them, and things they struggled with only becoming memories in the wake of his death. But the also show me his side of his and Gregor's bond, of him coming to love Gregor like he once loved Henry, and how their friendship helped him move on from the Trauma Henry put him through.
This last one will never happen because its not really Susanna Collins style, but since none of this will happen, I want more Nerissa. What is it like for her loving her family and people so much, but knowing with her frailty and the Kingdom consistently being on the brink of war she cannot protect them. Show me what her visions are like for her. Note whatever we learned about Sandwhich I do believe Nerissa is an actual visionary. Her Visions of a bad and mysterious fate happening to Henry, Hamnet living for 10 years and building a diverse family, and Gregor being secretly being hidden away in the dungeon by Solovet...all came through.
Knowing that I have another question: Did she know suspect that Sandwhich was a fraud? Nerissa spends more time in the Prophecy room, analysis them than any other character. Many of the "misunderstood translations" are later "explained" by Nerissa. She got Gregor and the other questors off death row by replacing Boots with the Bane as the aforementioned "Baby" in the prohpecy and telling everyone: "they actually did complete the prophecy, you are are safe from the imaginary threats Sandwhich illueded to. Let them go and let's get back what's actually going wrong." When Greogor sobs about not understanding what the point of the journey to the jungle was (It had no point) and how him fulfilling the prophecy did not make everything better, Nerissa twist the prophecy to being about a war for the cure and reminds Gregor that because of what they discovered in the Jungle the council was forced to give the Gnawers the cure instead. Lastly she loves the one Prophecy that suggest hope for peace, even though its title is the only suggestion of it. On the day of the surrender she knowing her cousin will want to make the wrong choice about how to end this. So when she see's Ripred marked himself with an X (If Gregor and Luxa knew he did it himself there was no way Nerissa did not, she was always smarter than the pair of then) she decided to lend him a hand in getting everyone to believe he is the peacemaker, and they need to have peace. I really love the theory that Nerissa had realized what Sandwhich and the prophecies were and spent the books studying them, so she could try and mitigate the damages they caused.
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Warnings: Self-depriciation, loneliness.
Pairing: Zuko x f!Reader
Characters: adult!Zuko, Avatar (mentioned).
Requested: No.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, nor the gif. Credit to the owners.
Summary: Zuko is so caught up in his work that he begins to neglect his wife, which leads to a drastic descision.
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You'd known him to be many things. A waiter in a tea shop. A teacher to the Avatar. A banned prince. But since Zuko became the Fire Lord of the Nation, everything had turned upside down.
A few years back when the both of you traveled with the Avatar, you'd seen the positive changes he went through and the passion that grew inside him. He truly wanted to be good. And he was. The differences he had made in himself and in those around him were astounding. And he kept detecting more and more sides of him, that he never knew he had. Around the same time he also discovered another passion. You. The one person apart from his uncle that kept him going then, and kept him going still. Although now that you'd reached adulthood and reigned over thousands of citizens, there was still something missing... time.
Two weeks had gone by in Ba Sing Se until political issues had been settled with the Earth Kingdom. A relieved sigh left your mouth, as you settled into the carriage that would bring you back home. Back to Zuko. It was rare that you left the Nation without him, but this time he'd needed to stay because of negotiations with the Southern Water Tribe. It had been important, but so was the Earth King, so he sent the person that was most capable. Unfortunately that also meant spending a lot of time apart. Of course there was still the possibility to converse through the lovely letters you'd send each other. But in all honesty, they couldn't compete with the quiet moments you shared in person. Needless to say that it hadn't taken long for the distance to tug at your heartstrings. You yearned to hear his voice in the mornings, still raspy from the sleep. The touch of his calloused hands on the small of your back, when he guided you through the halls and the warmth of his hugs. But most of all? You missed his kisses. Even the smallest of pecks still managed to make your heart flutter and you felt yourself grow more desperate with each day to feel it again. So when the carriage finally arrived at the palace, you were ecstatic.
Usually Zuko would wait for you in front of the two large double doors that lead inside, but now the place was empty apart from a few guards who greeted you on your way. Still, the giddy feeling in your chest didn't subside. He must be waiting in our chambers, you thought. Your pace grew faster and faster as you neared your bedroom until you burst through the door with a large grin on your face. What greeted you were the the closed curtains hiding the sunlight, the smell of jasmine tea and the untouched satin sheets. Just like the entrance before, they were empty. You registered footsteps coming up behind you, but they did't match up with those you were hoping for. The guards proceeded to bring your luggage. "Can you tell me where my husband is?" The man pointed over his shoulder towards the door. "The Fire Lord is still in the middle of  negotiations with the Water Tribe, my Lady," your shoulders dropped slightly, but not all of your good spirits were broken. As you nodded the guard left with a traditional bow, before you sighed and sat onto the sheets.
Once again the Nation overruled it all. The days were filled with countless appointments, paperwork and concepts, while the nights were met with insomnia and bad dreams. You'd tried your best to help, but love and affection couldn't keep the paranoid thoughts at bay. They came with the attempts to take your lives, and they were here to stay. The amount of guards in the halls had been doubled and the kyoshi warriors now resided in your home. At first you'd tried not to let it get to you. Focusing all your attention on Zuko's comfort and the social matters of the Nation had been your way of dealing with things. But slowly... it crept up on you. The doubts and the fears that clouded your mind had always been relieved by Zuko's presence. But lately the time spend together shrunk to a minimum.
You shook your head, banning the dark thoughts from your mind. Instead you decided to spend the time unpacking your luggage, until your spouse would be out of his meeting. While you sorted your clothes back where they belonged, slowly but surely the sun went down, leaving a reddish sky in its wake, until it disappeared. Just like Zuko, it had left you standing alone in the dark. You decided to dress down into your nightgown. The air was chilly, making goosebumps rise on your skin, so you quickly slid under the warm sheets. The plan was to stay awake until Zuko finally arrived, but sometime in the midnight hours, you must've succumbed to your sleep.
When you blinked your eyes open the next morning, something had changed. A yawn passed your lips, as you moved to stretch your arms, bumping against something that hadn't been there before. Or rather, someone. Your eyes, still barely open, travelled up a defined chest and finally landed on a beautiful face, marked with a red burn. "Good morning, (Y/N)," Zuko said, his lips curling into a lovely smile. "Did you sleep well?" You hummed, snuggling into him. "I did," he was warm. He always was. The man had fire woven into his skin and ashes in his veins. "Just sad i couldn't get to see you yesterday," you confessed, lowering your gaze. "I'm sorry," he said. "The negotiations took longer than we thought. I couldn't leave. But... I'm here now," You lifted your head to look at him once again. This was it. This was what you'd missed the past few weeks. And now that you had it, you couldn't get enough. Not enough of his warmth, not enough of words, not enough of the pure sight of him. "You are," you confirmed, a smile spreading out on your face. You felt him leaning closer, so you craned your neck, desperate for his lips and then- knock, knock,
You drifted apart, a bitter taste left in your mouth. "Yes?" Zuko answered, pulling the blanket up to cover you both. You didn't need to turn your head, the rattle of armour exposing the intruder as a guard. "You have visitors, My Lord," the woman stated. You could hear your lover grumble under his breath. "Showing up unannounced," then he sighed. "Who?" You didn't care who it was. You didn't want to know. All you wanted was to have Zuko to yourself. You knew this was not the way a Fire Lady should think. It was selfish. But right now the need to spend some time with him was so great, that his next answer knocked the air out of your lungs. "Entertain them for me?" He rubbed his forehead. "I'll be right out," A sense of defeat came over you. One of you would need to leave. Again. "Do you really have to?" you asked, your tone sounding awfully thin. His eyes expressed genuine regret, even more so with the dark circles under his eyes. But still he gently lifted you off of him. "I'm sorry, love. I have to go, it's important,"  Then what am i? you thought, lips twitching into a frown. Though one second later the sentiment was gone. You couldn't expect him to put your needs above of the whole Fire Nation, could you? It wouldn't be fair. You were the Fire Lasy. You had to be ready to give everything and more for your homeland. So you gave him a small nod. "Of course," you managed a slight grin, but you couldn't quite hide the sadness in your voice. Zuko planted a quick peck on your forehead, before he got dressed and put the traditional Fire Lord headpiece into his bun. "I promise i'll make it up to you. How about dinner? tonight? by the turtleduck pond?" he proposed and tilted his head, which eared him a true smile. Sometimes he was still so adorably awkward. Just like when you'd first met. "Yes, i'll be there," You agreed and gave a small wave as he left you with a smirk in the large bedroom, all on your own.
It was clear that you wouldn't get so much as a glimpse of your husband until the promised dinner was in order. So you tried to spend the time getting pampered by the staff of the palace. A bath that lasted for hours, a carefully selected dress and a traditional Fire Nation hairstyle. Luckily you got to have a lot of fun with the maids at the same time. The good connections to the common people had come in handy in and out of the palace. It was needless to say that you treated especially the girls under your wing with special care. They rewarded you by trying to cheer you up with pointless gossip they'd heard in the halls. And for some time, it certainly worked. Before you knew it, the time for your date had come. And by now you were as excited as your maids. "You look beautiful, My Lady," Lizzy said as she fixed the last strand of hair into place. "Thank you," you breathed as the rest of them nodded eagerly. They granted you a few minutes to yourself, before it was time to go to the gardens. You looked at yourself one last time. The girls had truly done a formidable job. The dress was out of this world. The perfekt shade of red, decorated with beads of gold and emboidered dragons. A perfect fit for a Fire Lady. With a deep breath, your marched through the halls, two of the guards following you discreetly until you saw the pond.
The evening was chilly, but not cold enough to bother you. The smell of roses wafted through the air and the turtleducks quacked quietly. It was peaceful. Beautiful. You discovered a small table for two at your favorite spot. A single candle was lit atop of it and two plates of your favorite dish were in place. The only thing missing was your husband. "The Fire Lord will be here shortly," you jumped, shameful that you hadn't noticed the messenger earlier. "Of course, thank you," you replied, sitting down. The delicious smell of the food dared you to take a bite, but despite your grumbling stomach you decided to wait. This was supposed to be a perfect night. After a while you propped an elbow on the desk and rested your chin in your hand. The turtleducks had completely settled down and the food begann to grow cold. You had lost count of how often your stomach had demanded to be filled. And eventually the sun denied you her light. The meal in front of you was cool and goosebumps graced your skin. You tried your best to ignore the pityfull looks of the guards, when you'd grown sick of waiting. Even the hunger had disappeared. Not long after the messenger reappeared. “I’m sorry, my Lady, the Fire Lord won’t make it to dinner tonight,”
Soon you found yourself in front of the mirror again. The one you'd laughed and twirled in front, with the maids. But now you saw something else. Someone who wasn't enough.
At times you wondered it things would really be different of Zuko wasn't the Fire Lord, or if that was only wishfull thinking. All this time you'd blamed your titles for the lack of quality time between you. But what if it was something more? Something you'd denied acknowledging. Could Zuko have fallen out of love with you? Weren't you important to him anymore? Right now you didn't know. Didn't even care. All you wanted was to get rid of your loneliness.
The next month passed by in a flash. Almost unnoticed. Zuko was so caught up in his duties, that you often wondered if he even entered the bedroom at night. You hadn't seen him in weeks. But you'd realised an important fact about yourself. You were worthy to be loved, worthy to be held and your feelings were valid. The Fire Lady would no longer be treated this way. Not even by the Fire Lord. And the descision was final. "I need to speak to the Fire Lord," you stated repeadiately, as the guards stood in your way. "I'm afraid he's handling negociations right now, i'm sorry, my Lady, we can't let you through," With furrowed brows you pursed your lips. "Who am i?" you hissed. "Excuse me?" the guard said, rasing his brows. "Who am i?" you asked with more force, placing your hands on your hips. "...the Fire Lady," he answered reluctantly. "Right. I am. So you will follow my command. Let. Me. Through," you growled, which seemed to convince them. Zuko's voice reached your ears as you burst through the doors. "Of course we'd have to- (Y/N) ?" Your gaze was glued to him, paying no mind to the generals and war heroes around him. "I need to talk to my husband. Alone. Immediately," You declared, leading the assembly to turn and look at the Fire Lord. To your relief, he nodded, getting all the men to leave. When the two of you were alone for the first time in what felt like ages, he rounded the table until he reached you.
"What's wrong, my love?" he asked softly. He looked tired. Exhausted. The rings under his eyes had grown larger and his appearance was more dishelved as usual. Hairstrands were tumbling out of his bun, his speech sounded empty and his clothes were wrinkled. The molten gold in his eyes almost made you reconsider. "I can't-," your voice broke before you could continue. Unshed tears clouded your vision and you bit your lip harshly before they had a chance to escape. You lowered you head. You couldn't look at him. "I can't do this anymore, Zuko," It was silent for a few minutes. You didn't dare to get a glimpse of his expression. "Look at me," You couldn't. "Look at me," he repeated. And when you finally did, the tears flowed freely. All you could see was a broken man, trying to put himself back into a whole piece anew every day. Broken vows, broken promises and broken hearts. The pain had gotten to strong to bear. To strong for one poor soul to hold alone. There once was a time were you had held it together, but those times were over. They wouldn't come back. And you owed it to yourself to let them go. "What are you saying?" His eyes seemed clouded by fear, his hands shaking at his sides. Before you didn't stand Fire Lord Zuko, adored and feared by many. Instead you recognized the teenage boy, he'd once been. Full of fear to make a loss and burdened with the curse to save the world. "I want to end our marrige, Zuko. It's over."
A/N: This was my first x reader on here ever, so i hope you liked it! Thank you so much for taking the time to read it!
find part two here!
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brites · 7 years
Can I please have precious lil Kenma getting seasick but being too shy to tell anyone else on the team and then everyone freaking out and comforting him when he's sick
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Wow so I made a weird descision for a topic for my final paper.
during this class we have touched on pretty much every one of the broader topics in animation, and I felt very set on doing something about digital animation.
well I had to narrow it down from all of digital animation so… I guess I chose machinima? specifically machinima made in the smash bros series…
my reseaarch for this has been leading me all over the place for this, I got a couple cute little scholarly articles about the begining of machinima. these writers hold machinima in high regard, as an emerging artform that turns a player into a performer, and questions ownership of the creators of the games.
then I have a plethora of smash machinima which could give no less shits about these papers, and are just totally awful.
so heres the deal: people making smash machinima are fan-laborers. they love the game, and they are a part of the culture around the fans of the game; as such, they share similar humor. Most of the creators are 30 > years old, came from a family who would buy them any game they want, white boys.
this is such a special niche, because they cater to the interest and humor of specifically the crowd they come from.
the papers I read praise machinima as something very populist, evoking the demo scene, and talking about politically inspired machinima
these smash machinima honestly couldn’t give a shit less about that. Humor is a way for a group of people to socially police eqch other, it tells us whats okay, and whats not okay (or who in many cases.) and the white boys who brought you these 1&½ - 3 min segments of gaming fun, they go out of their way to show how lame, uncool, or dumb anyone who isn’t specifically like themselves is.
well its not like I don’t enjoy watching them thouh. It is entertaining to me in a way, and with my deep knowledge of the game, and game feanchises involved, most of the not bigoted jokes make me giggle. but I mean still, I came from a family that bought me every game I wanted. so even though I’m queer and an ally to anyone society shuns, I’m still a privileged white boy, and I’m in enough on the joke to get it.
huuuuuh yeah, exclusion.
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