#ask schnoogles
schnoogles · 2 years
67 and 78 for spotify wrapped!
yayayyy tyty for the ask my friend! :D
Song #67: Vampqueen by Joseph Dubay Song #78: Fix You by Coldplay
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raviposting · 2 years
Now, I’m curious, what’s your spotify # 76 and 87?👀
Oooh yes let’s see:
76. World’s Smallest Violin - AJR
87. With You By My Side - Tangled cast. This comes from Tangled the Series and it’s a cute little song and May I say? Convinced me that Rapunzel is dating them both just a cute trio song xoxo
spotify wrapped is HERE! send me a number 1-100 and I’ll tell you the song it corresponds with on my top 100 playlist!
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Other Ways to do Fic Archive Metadata
AO3′s cool and all, but one thing we lose when we have just one big archive, or even a herd of them all using nearly identical efiction setups, is diversity in conceptual design, and I think that’s a pity.
I have a lot of meta thoughts about how one would design an archive either with the knowledge we have now from AO3 that we didn’t have available in the past or for purposes AO3 wasn’t aiming for so much.
Ideas that occur to me include:
Structuring an RPF archive in a way that does not privilege “fandom” over character so much
Maybe this would be less important for, say, kpop RPF, but for a lot of actor RPF, the way AO3 sets things up is not really how fans think about their fandoms. The ‘crossover’ feature as implemented on AO3 is basically irrelevant and broken from an RPF standpoint, especially since kpop groups are in a kpop tag tree.
Structuring a plotty fic-centric archive by genre like FFN while still including tropes like AO3
This could be a gen archive or just a more plot-centric one. I think this would be an excellent way to design metadata for something like FictionAlley’s schnoogle archive where a megafandom has enough longfic for its own space.
Building character-centric tagging in at a high level
This would be great for a single-fandom archive for a big fandom where lots of characters always get tagged. If it were a more focused archive, I think you could train people to tag which character the fic was actually about from the beginning, even if you didn’t restrict this to one or two selections.
Structuring by ships, but the primary way of searching is by character
In other words, make a native “X/anyone” feature that’s easy to use, like that other ask was talking about. If you want to search for A/B, you put in A and B and check some ‘only them’ box. This kind of archive could also make it easy to search for all A/B/? OT3s.
Structuring by continuity or era of canon
This is useful in single-franchise archives where that franchise has many fandoms, but it can also be hard to decide exactly where the boundaries between fandoms lie.
Allow fandom sorting by tags associated with the fandoms
So in this case, you could look for all fandoms that are “kdrama”, not just those that are “TV”, but you could also search for tentacles or casefic or some other trope tag, but only in anime fandoms or only in video game fandoms. AO3 only allows you to look at a fandom list by metadata. There’s no way to add media type or other fandom characteristics to your more complex, filtered fic search.
What about you guys? What alternate ways of structuring fic metadata can you think of?
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not-poignant · 11 months
19 and 20!
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
Oh this is... this will be long and it's 12.13am and I don't want to write long, so I'm going to shorthand it:
Started writing as a kid, liked it, pure escapism and needed that shit because real life sucked. Enjoyed reading and though 'I could do that' before anyone told me no. Wrote several novels as a 10 year old before I realised actually you're supposed to learn how to do it first. I still like those stories. Finished my first epic fantasy trilogy by the age of 12/13.
Lots of bumps, including some creative writing at university which killed all my passion to write. The long and short of it is that I could write award-winning short stories and poems, but I hated all of it and judged and edited everything I wrote to the point where I...stopped.
Stopped all writing. For many years. Became pro-artist. Occasionally write very short fanfics that only ever got posted on Livejournal or Schnoogle. Never liked any of it.
Quit art, had a mental breakdown, needed that good good pure escapism again. Read a lot of fanfiction. Made a fandom Tumblr. Watched Rise of the Guardians, went to town on AO3, wrote literally whatever the fuck I wanted even though I was sure people would hate it and hate me. Some folks said 'hey these OCs are alright' and I went 'sure okay.'
Here we are. :)
20. If a witch offered you the choice between eternal happiness with your one true love and the ability to finally finish, perfect, and publish your dearest, darlingest, most precious WIP in exactly the way you've always imagined it — which would you choose? You can’t have both sorry, life’s a bitch
I don't want both. I don't want either. Fuck monogamy, lmao. (For me! Not for anyone else reading this! I am a walking caveat!!!)
I don't want perfection. I don't have a 'most precious WIP.' Stories are easy to come by, and they're all fun. Characters are easy to come by, and you can hurt/comfort nearly all of them. There is no 'dearest, darlingest, most precious WIP' like damn.
I also...don't want eternal happiness. Like Arden, in FFS, I do not believe that the goal of life is eternal happiness. That's literally not the way our brains are built. Emotions are meant to transform. The good news is - that means all the ones that make you feel like shit. The bad news is - that means all the ones that make you feel good. That's why it's so important to learn how to tolerate and sit with all your emotions free from judgement, because the sooner you do that, the more often you'll feel happiness in general.
We're not made, as a species, to feel happy all the time. You ever see people shaking their indoor plants to mimic wind because otherwise they grow all weak and shit and die early because they had no challenges? Yeah.
And yes, I've had challenges, and I'm also not an indoor plant, I just don't believe eternal happiness is the goal here.
Also I'm polyamorous so this whole 'one true love' thing can fuck right off. This question just reads a little like 'u have one true love story and u have one true love person' and folks can live like that but a bitch could never (it's me, I'm bitch)
From the Weird Writing Asks meme!
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patritxi · 2 years
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Tagged by @ladyalayne (thanks! 🤗) to post 9 of my favourite films. Always difficult to choose from the many, many faves I've got, so this is sort of a default list for when I'm asked 😋.
Tagging @tentacruels , @radiantsansa , @woodswit , @schnoogles and @cellsshapedlikestars . No pressure! Chao 😉
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Bugs: I hear congratulations are in order.
I.M. Schnoogle: So all this is your fault?
Bugs: Nah. I only told them I knew a guy.
Schnoogle: And y-you didn’t want to ask me first?
Bugs: Oh — you weren’t the guy.
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funkyfrogwhore · 3 years
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i’m just seeing this i’m🥺 i luv u kitty
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mkstrigidae · 4 years
hellooo, just dropping by to say i just spent the last 14ish hours on an off reading A Past Worth Having LOL and damn was it incredible! I've had it bookmarked for AGES but i finally moved it up on my reading list because i came across the companion piece (the other woman) and fell in love with the world you built 😍 anyways just thought i'd say thank for writing and sharing on tumblr as well! hope you have a lovely day and take care💕💕
Hey friend!!!! How does it feel to be the single largest contributor of serotonin to my brain this week?! (School is absolutely kicking my ass so this was lovely to hear💕). Your comments absolutely made my LIFE, and I am genuinely amazed that you sat down and read APWH in like one sitting, because I’m not sure that *I* can sit down for fourteen hours and read my own work- hats off to you!! 💕💕💕
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danurso · 3 years
Poltergeist AU
Team RWBY is peacefully enjoying their time in the dorm, everything seemed nice and quiet until Nora happened.
Nora: *kicks door open* GIRLS!!! EMERGENCY!!! CODE RED!!!
Weiss: *sighs, massaging her temples* How many times do we have to ask you to not kick the door open like that?
Ruby: what's the emergency this time? Did you run out of pancake dough again?
Nora: NO!! That one is emergency code fluffy!!
Ruby: Then, what happened this time?
Blake: *covering her cat ears* Can you please stop yelling?
Weiss: don't tell me you still believe in something stupid like ghosts.
Nora: IT WAS REAL!!! I SAW IT!!!
Weiss: *rubbing her temples* I can't believe it. How can you, a huntress-in-training, admitted by one of the four great Huntsman academies still believe in something so childish like ghosts?
Weiss: Of course you did, just like ruby saw santa claus invading her house to leave her presents when she was still a child.
Weiss: *rolls her eyes* of course you did ruby.
Ren: *walks in* She's telling the truth.
RWBY: what?
Ren: As hard as it is to believe, I saw it too.
Nora: HA!!
Yang: Wait, wait, so you two saw the ghost?
Weiss: Are you sure you two didn't just hallucinate or something of the kind?
Ren: We both saw the exact same thing, jaune was walking on the corridor carrying some books, and there was a nearly transparent girl following him.
Weiss: This is ridiculous, ghosts aren't real.
Ren: or at least just the one haunting jaune.
Nora: WORKS TOO!!!
Blake: even if this ghost is real-
Weiss: which it isn't.
Blake: how do you plan to destroy it?
Nora: that's easy!
Nora bolts out of the room, leaving the confused group behind, and not even five seconds later she's back dressed up as a priest, with a cross in one hand and the bible on the other.
Nora: We're gonna exorcise that evil spirit from the realm of the living!!
Blake: Do you even know how to conduct an exorcism?
Nora: Of course I do!
Blake: how?
Nora: *pulls out her scroll* I found a tutorial on schnoogle.
RWBY: *deadpans*
Nora: Let's go my fellow ghostbusters! We have paranormal legs to break! *bolts out of the room*
Weiss: this is so stupid.
Yang: Yeah, but I don't have anything better to do soo. *puts on a ghostbusters jacket* GHOSTBUSTERS!!!
Ruby: where did you get that jacket?
Yang: *bolting out of the room* WAIT FOR ME NORA!!
Ruby: . . .i guess we're going on a ghost hunt.
Weiss: OR, instead of wasting our precious time, we could study for oobleck's te-
Ruby: ghost hunt it is!!
Weiss: *sighs* Of course, why do I still bother?
*At the courtyard*
Nora: *hiding behind a pillar with RWBYR and whispering* there he is.
Jaune: *sleeping under a tree with a book on his chest*
Weiss: All i can see is an idiot who enjoys wasting time, where is the so-called ghost?
Nora: shshshsh! Wait for it. . .
Ruby: . . .
Weiss: . . .
Blake: . . .
Yang: . . .
Ren: . . .
Weiss: i still can't-
Nora: there it is!
As Nora said that, they all noticed what seemed like a girl approaching jaune, she was transparent like ren and nora said, but they could notice that she was wearing a white dress and had long red hair.
Yang: what the. . .
Ruby: is that. . .
Nora: I said I wasn't seeing things. Whatcha think ice queen?
Weiss: *rubbing her eyes* that can't be a ghost.
Blake: *eyes wide* it looks like one.
???: *kneels in front of jaune, picking up the book and placing on the floor*
Ruby: what is it doing?
???: *slowly reaching out to him*
Nora: she's gonna possess him!! Ghostbusters!! Pull out your crosses!!
Weiss: what cro-
R_BY/_N_R: *pulls out a cross*
Weiss: *deadpans* of course you all brought crosses
Nora: Ghostbusters!! Attaaaaack!!
RWBY/_N_R: *charges at the ghost* RRAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!
Nora: Get away from our fearless leader, you evil spirit!! *pulls out a vial of holy water and throws it at the ghost*
The spirit hissed in pain as the holy water made contact.
Nora: bullseye!!!
Yang: nice nora!
Ruby: *holding up the cross* Get away from him you monster!
They all cheered and the ghost seemed to fall down defeated, but it didn't disappear, instead it seemed to get bigger and bigger.
Blake: err. . . .nora?
Weiss: W-what's going on?
Nora: I think. . . .i should have brought more holy water.
It let out a deafening screech, turning to them and revealing its deformed face.
They screamed in panic at the sight of the creature and bolted as fast as they could, leaving jaune behind with the monster that slowly shrunk back to its normal size.
Jaune: *groaning* ugh. . . .what's with the noise.
???: Oww. . .
Jaune: *sits up, seeing an beautiful redhead ghost sitting next to him and rubbing her shoulder*
???: Oww, oww. . .it hurts. . .
Jaune: Pyrrha? What happened to you?
Pyrrha: Your friends, they threw holy water on me, and it burns.
Jaune: Oh no. are you okay!?
Pyrrha: Yes, but I accidentally let them see me angry and scared them. I'm so sorry jaune.
Jaune: *relieved sigh* No no, it's okay, I should've known this would happen. if i had told them about you they wouldn't have done that.
Pyrrha: It was my fault, I showed myself in the open.
Jaune: but why?
Pyrrha: *red* i. . .i just wanted to look at you, you look cute when you're sleeping. . .m-maybe lay down a bit too.
Jaune: *pink* I see, well, just try to be more careful next time, okay?
Pyrrha: okay.
Jaune: *hugs her* I don't wanna risk losing my girlfriend to a random exorcist out there.
Pyrrha: *hugs him back* you won't, i promise.
Jaune: thank you.
Pyrrha: You're welcome, but. . . .
Jaune: what?
Pyrrha: I don't think there's anyone left around so. . . *Red* can we stay like this a little bit more.
Jaune: *chuckles, resting his head on hers* you're really cute, do you know that?
Pyrrha: *redder* y-you say it too much.
Jaune: because it's true. . .and it makes me love you even more.
Pyrrha: *even redder* y-you're going to make me die aga-
Jaune: *silences her with a kiss*
Pyrrha: *melts on it and kisses him back*
Cardin: *at distance, watching arc making out with the air*
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schnoogles · 1 year
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(˘︶˘)♡♡♡ THANK YOU LOVELY!!🥹💕💕
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didyoutrydynamite · 2 years
Legit the first time in the...I think three years of having this app, and I'm using it to tell out just how much I love "The Hunter's Dream", I binge read it in a couple days. Gotta say it's a little jarring not seeing "Schnee" plastered onto every brand's name, which everyone seems to do...odd. Though I'll admit Schnoogle is fun to say. Can you tell I'm nervous actually sending an ask? Anyway, love your work, hope your day amazing.
Thankyou! Although I'm not sure whether or not you're complimenting me because you believe that I wrote "The Hunter’s Dream." If that is this case, then all credit goes to Alexanderstormbringer, who I can happily say was one of my earliest supporters for JNRZ. I can also happily say I enjoy his works as well, very well written and such an interesting take on world building Remnant.
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jonsadreamofspring · 3 years
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Thank you so much to everyone who participated and created so much lovely content for our event! And thank you to everyone who’s reblogged these creators’ posts!
Under the cut, you can find the masterlist of entries, sorted by day!
Thank you, Jonsa Fam! 💖💖💖
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Day 1: soulmates / rebirth / reincarnation
You and I collide - a Jonsa story by @wildflower-daydreamer
Soulmate edit by @sweetaprilbutterfly
a song incomplete by @vivilove-jonsa
Seasons of Us by @schnoogles
The Art of the Con by @amymel86​
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Day 2: rainy day / picnic / campfire
rainy day edit by @patritxi
The Picnic Proposal by @vivilove-jonsa
rainy day by @part-timewonders
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Day 3: crow and little bird / king and queen / stone and snow
The Wolf Queen and her Crow Prince by @gingerdsnapped
edit by @sweetaprilbutterfly
Rickon’s Crown & Keep by @vivilove-jonsa
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Day 4: flowers / colours / leaves
flowers edit by @sweetaprilbutterfly
colours edit by @esther-dot
leaves edit by @patritxi
A Flower for My Love by @estherruth-jonsatrash
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Day 5: songs / reunions / crossroads
nothing sacred, all things wild by @chispas-and-broken-bindings
reunions and crossroads by @esther-dot
Made into Songs by @thewolvescalledmehome
still on that tightrope by @part-timewonders
I had me a girl by @vivilove-jonsa
crossroads edit by @patritxi
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Day 6: spring fever / stars / autumn sadness
Set Our Course by the Stars by @gingerdsnapped
spring fever edit by @esther-dot
stars edit by @patritxi
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Day 7: butterflies / first frost / free day
vampire edit by @sweetaprilbutterfly
You Look Different in Firelight and Starlight by @thewolvescalledmehome
butterflies edit by @patritxi
You can also find most fics written for the event in this AO3 collection!
There were a couple of fics we only found on AO3. If there was also a Tumblr version of them, something must have gone wrong, because, well, it’s Tumblr. If this is the case for any of your fics, or if you don’t see your creation on this list, feel free to send us a link through ask or dm so we can add it!
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x-amount-verbs · 2 years
fanfic asks 44 and 49!! go gogo
44. What is your all time favourite fanfic?:: This feels incredibly mean 😅 I hate to pick favorites, I have different ones for every fandom and ship. Overall, though, @sarsaparillia ’s jonalex (Oxenfree) fic Once More With Feeling (also on tumblr) always gives me soooo many emotions. Absolutely poetic. Amazing.
(Some of my fave quotes from that fic:)
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49. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?:: I’m betting I followed a link on whatever that old hp fan site was in 2001. Muggle something? Mugglenet? I don’t remember. And I probably followed a link to schnoogle or fiction alley or something. Idk, I was like 9 xD
Fanfiction Questions
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so I was tagged by @schnoogles for this game and I actually remember being tagged in it the last time around. I think the rules were that you list your WIPs and people can ask you to elaborate on them if they’re curious.
The thing is, the last time I played, I had no WIPs. I tend to focus on one story at a time and hadn’t written anything that I wasn’t already posting. It was a boring answer.
I’ve decided I’ll play again because... uh... it turns out I do have WIPs now (and I haven't looked at some of these in quite a while). So here are the documents sitting in my writing folder, and yes, this is actually what these are labeled, because I’m terrible at file names.
1. alt soldier
2. baking
3. bathroom engagement
4. BIP AU because I’m disgusting
5. bodyguard meh
6. brandon son
7. christmas
8. dreams
9. fall cabin thing
10. on the bound 3
11. regency meh
12. romance novel
13. salty teens
14. scooby doo
15. squib 2
16. WOW
So yeah, if you wanna ask me anything, go ahead! I can probably also tell you the likelihood of me actually writing/finishing them lmao
Also, will not be tagging anyone because it stresses me out, but if you’d like to do this, then please take this as me tagging you!
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dearmrsawyer · 7 years
B, E, X
B:  What was the first fandom you read fic in?  Which was the first you wrote fic for?
Like many people my age, Harry Potter was the gateway. My first fanfic experiences happened on Schnoogle, which was a HP fansite way back in like 2002. I used to live on that website!!! I tried my hand at writing a few HP fics too, although i can’t remember if i ever published any of them. I feel like i didn’t, i just wanted to write them for myself. My first published fics were for Lost lol. 
E: What character do you identify with most?  Is there a certain fic of yours that captures these qualities particularly well?
Tbh with you, i think i identify most with Niall. Particularly in fics where Niall is in the main pair, i feel i relate more to him than any of the otheres. That isn’t always reflected in my fics, namely because i’m the worst at actually having all the boys in my fics (i think i’ve only managed it once). So i haven’t written Niall as an extension of my own qualities yet, but maybe i will in future.
X: How would you categorize your fanfic reading?  Are you a voracious reader?  Do you carefully pick and choose?  Something in between?
It depends on what ship i’m reading. With Larry i’m VERY picky because most of them are either Bad or Tinhat Central so, i toss more than i finish. But with all my other ships i’m pretty voracious. Mostly because i’m starved for them D: 
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hoaryoldbitch · 3 years
happy birthday to me
Jonsa Drabbles Day 3 Traditions  @jonsadungeonsanddrabbles​
For @schnoogles
Jon tossed his mask in the trash, washed his hands and put away the groceries. It was past noon, and Sansa was nowhere to be seen. It was her birthday today, so if this were any other year, he would assume she'd gone out with friends, but since there was no place she could have gone to, as everything was closed, her continued absence most definitely struck him as odd.
He walked over to her bedroom door and gave it a soft knock. "Sansa? You in there?" He got no response. "Sansa?" he called out a little louder.
"In here!" the answer came from behind him. He turned around and faced the bathroom door. "You can come in."
Okay then. Getting invited into the bathroom was unusual to say the least, but he decided to go with it.
When he entered, he found Sansa sitting on the shower floor, back resting against the tiled wall. She was wearing a yellow sundress, her hair was more shiny than normal, and he was pretty sure she was wearing make-up. In her lap was a plate with half a slice of what he believed to be lemon cake.
His mouth fell open as he took in the sight in front of him. "Sansa, what the hell are you doing?"
"It's tradition," she answered, rolling her eyes at him. "I always eat lemon cake on my birthday."
Jon scratched the back of his neck, his eyes flitting around the bathroom. "True," he said slowly. "But why are you eating lemon cake in the shower?"
"S as good a place as any," she answered around a mouthful of cake.
He closed the distance between them and sat down next to her, leaning back against the cold tiles. From this close up, he could see greyish streaks and tiny black flakes on her cheeks. Her eyes looked red and puffy.
"Have you been crying?" he blurted out.
"No." He would think the way she pouted was cute, if he wasn't as concerned about her mental wellbeing as he was right now. 
Suddenly her head dropped to his shoulder and she sobbed, "Yes!"
He lifted an awkward arm to wrap it around her and patted her upper arm, trying to make shushing sounds to comfort her. "What's the matter?" he asked her.
"I've never been all alone on my birthday before," she wailed suddenly. "All of my friends and family are back in Winterfell and I am down here!"
He remembered now. Sansa had wanted to go back North for her birthday, but she couldn't do that because of travel restrictions. She was wrong though. She was not all alone, and loath as he was to appear as if he was making this all about himself, he did feel a slight pang at the thought that to Sansa, he was apparently not included in all of her friends and family.
Partly because he couldn't resist expressing his dismay, and partly to distract her, he huffed, "What does that make me, chopped liver?"
As she lifted her head from his shoulder, her lips parted and her eyes grew wide as she reached for his hand. "Oh no!" she exclaimed, but he was too distracted by the feel of her soft skin against his to focus on her words. 
"Jon, are you listening?"
He shook his head. "No, I'm, err, I'm sorry. I wasn't."
She bit her lip. "I didn't mean it like that! Of course I appreciate you being here, but..."
"But what?"
She shrugged. "It's not the same," she mumbled, letting her hair fall between them like a curtain as she pulled away. "I know you'll spend the day with me, because you're a nice person, and you know I don't have anyone else. But it's not the same as spending it with my friends who really want to be around me."
For the second time in a very short period of time, Jon's mouth fell open. Sansa thought he was just being nice? That he didn't want to be around her?
"Okay, I think that's actually worse."
She lifted her head and tucked her hair behind her ear. "What do you mean?"
"Yeah, you thinking you don't mean anything to me," he clarified. "I know we weren't close before, but I like spending time with you, and I do want to be around you."
A watery smile lit up her face.
Here goes nothing. "I want to be around you all the time."
"Oh," she muttered, her eyes widening again.
He cleared his throat, scratching the back of his neck. "Yeah, oh."
"I'd like that," she whispered, beaming at him.
He grinned back and leaned in to press a kiss to the corner of her mouth. "Happy birthday, Sansa." 
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