t43t3nn3y-blog · 7 years
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T43 H3LPS qUesly PULL H1S H41R 0UT 0F H1S F4CE
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cockworkknight-blog · 7 years
A bit about myself
Anon, be the coolkid ==>
Your name is DAVE. It is a PREDITBALY NICE DAY in the NEW UNIVERSE you and YOUR FRIENDS have conjured. As the ELEGID KNIGHT OF TIME you really just been FLOATING AROUND and toiling with your GODLY TRACKS on your DECKED OUT TURNTABLES. You have a variety of INTERESTS which include only the ILLEST OF RHYMES, that you can all up and REPRESENT if a PHAT BEAT is dropped. You are also into PALEONTOLOGY, or in other words, the STUDY OF DEADSHIT. You do indulge yourself in a bit of PHOTOGRAPHY, but your a NOVICE wether you’d admit it or not. No matter what the case, you wear your AVIATORS on PRINCIABLE. Because honestly these sweet specs make you look HELLA FLY. Despite all these INTERESTS to strive for, you still somehow find time to HANG OUT with your VARIED FRIEND GROUP of both TROLLS AND HUMANS ALIKE.
What will you do?
Dave, be the Admin ==>
Woah you fuck, you just broke the forth wall. I just fixed that thing….
This boy was probably as straight as a slinky slowing falling down the stairway of gay as a child watches in awe. How can a single man be so gay, the child will thinks. Something scientists nation have been trying to figure out for years. Okay, that was kind of an overreaction. 
Yo. So I’m an interesting person I suppose, I like to draw a shit ton, and writing. I tend to be a VERY descriptive roleplayer, so if your coming for script… Well I guess nothing really changes. I just like para lol. Anyways I also have an MSPARP account, and I’m the founder of Entity Stuck. Alot of my friends say I’m the living embodyment of Dave Strider, but that’s all up to your opinion.
I have a FUCK ton of fandom that I’m currently in. Too many to count so you might as well just ask me or something. I like to make music via shitty traktor, mix some shit up on my turntables. Making small raps and poems, attempts freestyle, but fails terribly at it. And I tend to brutally honest, with high notes of sarcasm. So if you can’t take the truth I suggest you leave. Also takes a shit ton of shitty selfies in Dave cosplay, so if you can’t handle shitty selfies then you should probably leave also.
♡: Davekat, Rosemary, Scourge Sisters (lowkey), and JadeXDavesprite(maybe Davepetasprite?), DirkJake (fEELZ), Solradia
◇:Davekat (lol), Scourge Sisters (highkey), PJ, JohnDave (Strictly, usually cause I stick to John being a ‘no homo’), KanKat (lowkey), Equinep
♤:Davekat (Double lol), EriSol, Johnrezi, Karkat Selfcest (lol jk jk)
♧:KanayaXEVERYTHING Prtty much
OTP: Stridercest
Okay that was a lie, lmao that ship is terrible
OTP: Davekat
Now, I dont care what you ship. I’m sure your a pretty chill person, and whatever the fuck you ship, fine. You do you boo, and keep on with us bad self. But if you hatebash people for ships, I will not respect you.
I do have a few ships that I STRONGLY dislike (lol equius) but keep in mind they are only disliked for either being incest or abuse. Since I have both an older and a younger brother I do not appreciate incest, please no. And abuse, well there shouldn’t be anything to say on that matter besides the obvious.
Dave Strider (Main)
Karkat Vantas (More often than most)
Rose Lalonde
Kanaya Maryam
Vriska Serket
Terezi Pyrope(barely)
Sober!Gamzee Makara (I’m told I’m good at it)
Calliope (Last resort)
Davepetasprite^2 (In progress)
》Quadrants 《
♡: Kawaii Snuggle Bug (( gay lol))
◇:Shy Potato- mun
♧: N/A
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aimlysinlove · 9 years
Always remember you are my friend and I am always here for you! 🐼🐯
aw luz you too Candace!
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“Okay but hear me out-”
No stop.
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kyttikatz · 9 years
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t43t3nn3y-blog · 7 years
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TH1S 1S qUesly. H3’S 4N 4SS.
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