buwheal · 4 months
Hey, Spamton!
Just wondering about something.... what's your relationship with the Addisons?
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snicketsleuth · 8 years
Do you think there will be another lemony snicket series?
Daniel Handler has openly addressed the topic:
Daily Texan: Where is Mr. Snicket now and is this the last of his world that we’ll be hearing about?Daniel Handler: I can’t imagine that it would be, but then of course something terrible could be happening to Mr. Snicket at any moment. Both Mr. Snicket and I are basically on our way to Austin, Texas and as you know terrible things can happen to you while you’re traveling, whether or not you’re afflicted with wanderlust. I know Mr. Snicket is preparing for another project and reading a great deal of old Chinese poetry, which is often difficult to understand — particularly if you’re neither old nor Chinese.[The Daily Texan - Q&A: Lemony Snicket representative discusses latest book, past misfortunes, October 16, 2015 (Link)]
This would allow any Snicket fan to exhibit a rare display of optimism. However Daniel Handler probably needs time to recharge his batteries after writing four Snicket books in four years, and to find new inspiration. We had to wait six years between “A Series Of Unfortunate Events” and “All The Wrong Questions”; hopefully the next opus set in the Snicket universe will come sooner. The world he’s created is vast and creative, so Daniel Handler shouldn’t get sick of it anytime soon. You can also expect more adult/teenage books from Daniel Handler himself and picture books written by Snicket and targeted at a younger audience. He seems to have a lot of fun with those.
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crise-s · 11 years
vc tem bem jeito de puta mesmo
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk’Eu ? puta ? o.kQue moral tu tem pra falar de mim ? Tu manda ask em ANÔNIMO xingando os outros. Cresce ! Quer me falar alguma coisa, faz cara a cara.Mais uma dica: EU SEI QUEM É, MANDA MAIS UMA ASK PRA VE SE EU NÃO FALO T-U-D-O O QUE EU SEI DA TUA VIDINHA. SÓ EXPERIMENTA.Esqueceu da coragem de manda logado antes de apertar o botão de enviar é ? Não tem problema, pq eu sei quem é. E nós vamos acertar nossas contas muito em breve (:
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oniongalaxy · 12 years
Space question. When we look as far as we possibly can we see galaxy's from the early universe, but they aren't like that NOW. They evolved over time to become the galaxies we see today. But if we see them today then how can we also see them in the past as well?
ASK #22
I don't know if I'm the right person to ask this question. But this is what I think it might be.
We see the galaxies from the early universe, the way they were a LONG time ago, even though they're no longer in that state.
Well, you know how they say that if the sun were to collapse upon itself, we wouldn't be able to see it for approximately 7 minutes?
Even though we would be very, very dead before we could see it, let's assume we were able to see it. It takes light approximately 7 minutes to get here to Earth from the sun; so we wouldn't be able to notice it until 7 minutes after it's collapse.
I would think of the galaxies in the same way.
All objects produce light, from the lowest spectrum to the highest spectrum. We even produce light, it's just... Very minimal in comparison to the space level. Some stars would be brighter, or less bright, than others; well, that's still light.
It took that light an inexplicable amount of time to reach the Earth. I think that's why we see them as they were in the past from here. But if you were able to go in some spaceship and go look at them, they would look very different from what they did from your location on the Earth.
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ask21 · 12 years
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