antvnger · 5 months
Vivian lands in a new timeline after a fight with a version of Kang and looks around, seeing advertisements that include the avengers on billboards and some in particular that include Scott Lang. "Well, if there's anyone I can trust in any timeline it's Mr Lang and Cassie..." She mutters to herself, connecting to local Wi-Fi and looking up his address. Once she's found it she immediately heads that way, catching the attention of local media outlets due to her speed
Scott just got back from X-Con with blueprints for the latest customer Luis successfully secured under his arm. He gets to the door and sets the key in the lock when he feels like a pair of eyes are on him.
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Hobie had been saying his goodbyes and had his hand on Peggy's shoulder when Howard activated the portal too soon and his gut reaction was to use his spider grip on anything and everything he was holding, which included the mask he'd yet to put back on but also Peggy
Peggy yelps. “Bloody Nora! Don’t crush my shoulder…”
She stumbles forward onto him.
“Pardon me…” she pulls away and straightens her suit jacket.
“Ah- well… bloody hell…” she says taking in the surroundings.
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did-he-freeze · 4 months
Namor carries the suitcases into the hotel room, absolutely refusing to let Shuri carry anything, wanting this to be a time of relaxation for her since he's not sure if she only married him for political reasons or not. Much like an elementary schooler carrying all the chairs he can, Namor wanted to impress her
Shuri smiles a bit at him.
“You know I’m not as fragile as I look.” She argues. “Or have you forgotten you married the black panther?”
She crosses her arms leaning against the wall. Trying to break the tension with a joke.
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lady-beatrice-hardy · 5 months
Hobie swings through the multiverse, just exploring the possibilities, when he finds a fairytale world. They tend to be his favorite so he perches on a tower without much thought to observe the world he's found himself in
Beatrice is working on her needlepoint by candlelight.
“I believe I’ll just retire after this row. Thank you ladies but I’ll put myself to bed tonight. You may be dismissed.” She smiles.
Her ladies maids after a great deal of goodnights leave. And she drops the needlepoint and locks the door after them grabbing a box and disappearing behind a screen to change.
“Peter… is that you? Or is there perhaps a large bird on my roof?” She asks playfully. From behind the screen.
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Gwen swings back into Ivy's universe with her punk friend being dragged along with her. "C'mon, keep up! I know you're old but you gotta be faster than that!" She teases as she leads the way to Ivy's web
“Old?! That’s a load of tosh!” Hobie exclaims.
“You ain’t no spring chicken either Gwenny.” He seems slightly miffed. “So you finally found another Spidergal?” He asks shoving his hands into his vest pockets.
Meanwhile Ivy sits reading crosslegged on the steps to the gazebo. Listening to Onyx moving around inside.
Ivy looks up as they approach.
“Gwen!” She beams. “How are you?!”
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Loki sits in a booth at a space bar not really paying attention to their surroundings, braiding their hair out of their eyes so that when they inevitably reach the point of black out drunk later they won't have to deal with their hair after. They had decided to try bar hopping earlier in the night but wanted to start somewhere there was food to try and get ahead of the horrible hangover and settled on a new place that had good reviews
Samus walked into the bar and began looking for her target. For once, not wearing her power suit, instead wearing a trench coat that hides her Zero Suit, and a large angled sun hat to hide her face. “Now where are you?” She asked herself still looking around the bar.
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Vivian wakes up, her circuitry feeling like it's on fire, though her internal temperature is where it should be. She holds her hand up a bit and sees that she looks human and not robotic, but doesn't know why. She sits up slowly, looking around at her darkened but brightly colored surroundings. She does her best to stay quiet, unsure if she's in danger or not, knowing she needs to figure out where her family is though. She looks around and spots a computer station, stands up and starts towards it as quietly as possible
Heather roller skates around the entrance to the daycare. She can hear Moon chattering to himself as she goes.
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Steve wore a warm sweater and some sweat pants as the agents took him somewhere new, freshly thawed out and the world explained to him as best they can right now, he's as prepared as he can be for this big change and his new home. He was still a bit cold from the ice so even with the sweater and sweat pants he was shivering
Tony was in the Helicarrior installing updates to some of their hardware, along with overseeing the installation of the new arc reactor as their power generator and fuel tank, when he looked up from his papers and saw…Steve Rogers. Tony sat there staring in disbelief.
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sigynofficial · 9 days
Loki enters the village, initially wanting to cause trouble but his plans were always flexible if he found something more interesting
Sigyn was down at the brook washing some clothes. She looked up at the man as he entered the village. Sitting back on her legs.
“Can I help you stranger?” She asked. It was clear he was a nobleman. Though of what sort she couldn’t tell.
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Tommy runs through the hall in the large rich person home that Wanga had dropped them off at while she had to work, exploring every nook and cranny he could as fast as he could. Billy brought one of his spellbooks and was practicing something that looked a little demonic and odd but really was just a combination of old Norse and Latin that Loki had let him borrow, sitting cross legged in the middle of the floor. Vivian quietly stares at a painting by a Sakovian artist, more interested in the culture than her brothers but unsure how to approach the subject in a respectful manner
Zemo walks over to join Vivian looking at the painting.
“It’s beautiful is it not? One of the oldest paintings in my collection. It was also my wife’s favorite. Though I think that’s because it’s got a romantic story to it.” He remarks.
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stephanie-strange · 1 year
America wanders into the Sanctum, humming softly. "Hey, Strange, you busy? I'm bored!"
Stephanie is singing somewhat offkey.
“Money money money. Always sunny in a rich man’s world- AHHH!”
We’re it not for the cloak of Levitation’s quick reflexes there would be a sorceress on the floor.
She takes off her headphones, going a bit red.
“Hey kid what’s up?” She asks casually.
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antvnger · 2 months
Loki walks in with a big bag full of rubber ducks. "So the modern pagans are figuring out they can ask their deities what they want on their alters through various methods and I forgot information spreads faster these days..."
(based on this TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLknpPs8/
Scott watches Loki walk in with the biggest bag of rubber ducks he’s ever seen and asks, “They all want rubber ducks?”
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Steve was almost fully thawed when his vitals spiked and he started shivering, waking up groggy and full of adrenaline from the events just before he froze. His eyes open wide, he sits bolt upright, and he looks ready to fight, but hesitates because he can barely make out the figures in front of him. Being frozen for almost a century isn't good for the eyes
“Is he… alive?” A British accented woman asks.
Peggy resists the urge to reach out and touch him.
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ask-spider-men · 1 year
Gwen is swinging through universes, mostly exploring, when she Miles and Peter at a food truck and decides to drop down right behind them. "Hey, mind if I join?"
Both Peter and Miles stared at Gwen in surprise, shocked at the appearance of another spider-person. “Uh…yeah.” Miles said slowly.
“One more hotdog Frank.” Pete said recovering quickly, only in New York after all.
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Loki uses magic to get into Jane's place without knocking or a key. "Jane? You home? Darcy seemed pretty panicked when I asked her about you"
Jane shrieks and throws a book at Loki’s head. Though about halfway through the air it looses velocity and hits the ground rather pathetically.
“Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!” She huffs. Adjusting the scarf on her head.
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wanda-chaos-witch · 1 year
Loki follows the twins and Vivian through the front door, coming back from a mission. "Hey, Wanda, I need a bit of advice, you got a moment?" He asks, minding the carpet and taking off his boots, by the door
Wanda turns around.
“Yes, what is it Draga?” She asks dusting her floury hands off on her apron as she tucks a sheet of cookies into the oven.
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