#at4w inspired
g0atfac3 · 11 months
The G0ATFAC3 Corner: BLACK & WHITE, Part 1: The Let's Play Saga
Howdy, Internet! This is G0ATFAC3! I've been asked time and time again to compile episodes of The G0ATFAC3 Corner into more easily-viewable chunks for the folks at home, and I'm finally here to deliver! For your viewing pleasure, enjoy the first seven-or-so episodes of The G0ATFAC3 Corner's first season, officially referred to as THE LET'S PLAY SAGA. I hope you enjoy! A;
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atopfourthwall · 6 months
Since Dr. Linksano is in the Atop the Fourth Wall movie for a moment, and he's canonically pan and poly, you could also say that the AT4W movie was more representative of the queer community than any movie James Somerton made.
But seriously, this has made me realize how much I appreciate your videos and community specifically because you emphasize how important it is to reach out and how you will find people who you can trust and talk to and nerd out with. I never feel alone when I watch at4w, not as a comic book nerd, not as a queer enby, not as an ND person, not for any of it. And it's because you talk about your friendships and your community and how they build you up and make you better. I've seen many comments about how James saw the people he was plagiarizing as his competiton- but I really admire how you see them as your community instead. Thank you.
I could, but that seems like a stretch, especially since his pan and poly nature was not really established at that point. XD Still, thank you for the very kind words! And yes, other content creators are my colleagues. There are certainly creators out there that I don't like, but fellow creative people are INSPIRING - they make me want to better myself, to learn from them and be friends with them and share in their interests and knowledge; to be excited about their triumphs and supportive in their hardships. It's one of the many reasons why James' actions are so disgusting - exploitation and theft of people he could have been friends with but only saw them as a way to profit off of their hard work.
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quixoticrobotic · 5 months
Question entirely on a whim - classpect the comicrew, go!
i also have jaeris, joanna, erin, and allen bc sburb aus delight me i also have chumhandles, i can share those if you like
also i assume you want reasoning
Linkara: Knight of Mind. Hes such a knight of my god like insisting your fine when you arent? absolute knight behavior. i chose mind because one of my favorite aspects of linkara is hes like. the kind of character who needs to have a plan for everything which is usually a bad guy trait and is a trait you see in a lot of neurodivergent ppl so its nice to see in The Hero
but yeah a knight of mind would use logic and thinking as a weapon which linkara really enjoys doing
90s Dude: Mage of Hope
hope players represent! (im seer of hope!) but yeah hope is a broad term bc like lots of things can inspire it, hope plays typically have something they're really passionate about, something that sparks that ability to believe and like i dont have to say what 90's dude's is. he wears his passions on his sleeves, he gave us "more radical, less sadicle", the stuff that hes passionate about is his strength. mages are kinda like seers except less direct? instead of sharing knowledge to help the team they have this very personal, intuitive understanding of their aspect and how to wield it. fits the sleepwalker arc p damn well
Harvey: Prince of Time
every time i have to make a character i love a prince like i know you'd hate these pants im sorry
but ok i knew harvey would be a time player bc time is associated with music and death, two things that are very relevant to harvey as a character. i think i settled on this bc i saw a quote on pintrest "not living, just killin time" and harvey was the character i was fixated on that week. princes destroy their aspect/are destroyed by their aspect/destroy with their aspect. so if you wanna put a less gloomy spin on this you can go with "making up for lost time"
also i rarely get to have a session that has both a time and space player and thus isn't automatically doomed, which brings me to
Linksano: Seer of Space
multiverse and green. also seer fit since his official job on the team is science consultant like, he uses his knowledge of the multiverse to help his friends
Jaeris: Thief of Void
THIS IS ANOTHER MEAN ONE like thief bc of him stealing magic weapons BUT ALSO thief's tend to have a "my way is definitely the correct way of accomplishing this goal" and it bites them in the ass. i saw a theory i take whith a grain of salt but its basically void players tend to have their perspective skewed by some personal bias
and meanest of all
jaeris gets nothing. thieves take their aspect for themself. void is nothing. jaeris gained nothing. im so sorry space cowboy u make it too easy
Joanna: Witch of Doom
so doom is destiny, fate that cannot be changed. but this often represented by computer code/coding (which fits so neatly into the at4w 'verse tbh)
witches manipulate their aspect
now of course we know joanna sees the tapestry of fate and pulls out a seam ripper
but i also headcanon joanna is a cool gamer hacker babe who likes computers/ai/robots/ect. she and jaeris are a steampunk/cyberpunk power couple. also i like to think think by giving her one of the most OP classpects i'm making up for her lack of screen time
Erin: Rouge of Light
rouges allocate their aspect to help the team, light is luck, fortune, and fate that can be changed. fits Miss "Technically I was always your friend. Just in very weird and roundabout ways." who was introduced stealing the magic coin
Allen: Page of Life
im not gonna lie allen is mostly here so we have an even number of players. im sorry allen fans
i dont actually have a gt for mark bc linkara needs a strife specibus
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thedreadvampy · 4 years
sometimes I feel like the only person who thinks Jim Lee's at isn't very good
he does all these creepily written comics full of cheesecake and everyone's like BUT THERE'S NO DENYING THAT THE ART IS BEAUTIFUL and I'm like THERE IS! THERE IS SOME DENYING THAT! I'M DOING IT RIGHT NOW!
like I'm rewatching the AT4W reviews of all Star Batman & Robin and Linkara is constantly complimenting the art but like. like ok it's very worked through and carefully put together but the facial proportions are all out of whack, the expressions are...derpy I think is the best I can come up with in like half the closeup panels, and a lot of his possess look really static and awkward. like it's not TERRIBLE but he's not someone whose art Inspires and Delights and yet he's always talked about as one of the Undeniable Greats?
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flame2ashes · 5 years
I know AT4W is mainly more sci-fi but I honestly just wanna draw Linkara more in fantastical situations
This might be partially inspired by listening to the Studio Ghibli soundtrack but still
Just drop Linkara in the Howl's Moving Castle world. Draw him staring up at giant flying whales and airships. Draw him flying oN A DRAGON-
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nuttersincorporated · 7 years
Moarte and Margaret
I wrote this because Moarte and Margaret are friends in the @ateptehfurthwhale comics. It’s my headcanons about how Moarte and Margaret met and their friendship. I might write this as a proper fanfic one day.
Moarte has been around a lot longer than people realise. The Longbox of the Damned doesn’t just hold comics. It has the answers to many questions and can tell many stories. One day, it started whispering vague and cryptic things to Moarte about a magic gun and he went to investigate. When he got closer, he could sense the power of the gun. Moarte could see Margaret the first time he saw the gun. This was long before Linkara or anyone else knew about Margaret.
Understandably, they were very wary of each other at first. Despite liking and having a soft spot for children, Moarte had been around long enough to know that just because something looks like a child that doesn’t mean it isn’t dangerous. He could also smell the echoes of the dark magic that had been used to create the magic gun.
For her part, Margaret hadn’t spoken to anyone since killing her parents. Until Moarte arrived, nobody had even realised that Margaret was there. She was still having trust issues about being used by Linkara. Making friends with an undead ghoul was not something she’d been planning on.
After a while, they learnt to trust each other a little and eventually they became friends. It took a long time but Margaret now always looks forward to Moarte’s visits.
Neither knows everything about the other but that’s okay. Moarte knows that Margaret was an innocent who suffered something terrible and whose soul is now fused with the magic gun. Moarte accepts there are things he doesn’t know about her. He’s made it clear that she can tell him what happened if she ever wants to but she’s under no pressure to talk about it.
Margaret’s full story is somewhere in the Longbox of the Dammed or at least it would be if Moarte ever wanted to read it. Now he knows about her, he’d be able to ask the Longbox the right questions to find out everything.
Though he’s been tempted, Moarte won’t read Margaret’s story. It would be an invasion of her privacy and a betrayal of her trust. She’s one of the few people that he considers a friend and he won’t risk that even if it meant understanding why Margaret used to flinch when he still called her, “My child.” Moarte doesn’t say that to her anymore and always uses her name.
Margaret knows that, for all his laughter and love of the dark and creepy, Moarte is someone who carries a great burden. Moarte is the willing guardian of the Longbox of the Damned but it is a responsibility that weighs heavy on him and that has and will continue to cost him a lot.
Margaret tries to lighten Moarte’s load in her own way, by asking him to tell her stories. He loves sharing spooky stories with her from the Longbox of the Damned. However, he always takes care to only tell her stories that come from comics and are safe to listen to. Some of the tales in the Longbox are far more dangerous. Sharing stories with Margaret and learning about AT4W through her is what first inspired Moarte to make the Longbox of the Damned video series.
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wavemaker9 · 7 years
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theinsanecrayonbox · 7 years
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The Eraserz team is on the run! Cut off from their home in the Nexxus of all realities thanks to the evil Eliminatorz team taking out the ‘Show Runner’, and then scattering them through various realities. After fighting their way to join back up, the band of mismatched teens from all dimensions have to go and forge an alliance with an even greater enemy to save the multiverse. Only one type of creature could move freely through reality, but the Eraserz already defeated them all...all save for one...can the Eraserz convince the last Editor to help them save the Nexxus, or have the Eliminatorz finally won?
sorry for the super late cover, but let’s go back and check in on the Eraserz sin ewe haven’t done that in forever. thanks to watching some At4W i had inspiration. basically, the Eliminatorz disabled the guy that was pulling the strings for the Eraserz (the Show Runner, who is possibly an Editor, most certainly resembles Dr Rip Studwell lol) and shot all the Eraserz into different realities. they lack the regular method of reality hopping, but tony used his magic, and Mikey can run through realities barriers (but both do cause them trouble because realities don’t like to be broken). but yes, they need the help of Shirley, the last Editor who was banished by his fellows after causing the Amalgam event where the Primeverse fought with and merged with the N*Men universe. will Shirley help them? will his help be enough to stop the evil Elimintorz? tune in next time and maybe you’ll find out.
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atopfourthwall · 3 years
Hi, Mr. Lovhaug! I just wanted to tell you that you have inspired me to start watching Mystery Science Theatre 3000. I never thought too much of it in the past (I'm 20 years old and Argentine, so I didn't watch it back when it aired and it doesn't really have a following down here), but once I started watching Atop the Fourth Wall, I got curious about the show that inspired AT4W and many of your contemporaries. Now I'm totally in love with MTS3K and its characters, and I think your show is the perfect spiritual successor to the misadventures of the Satellite of Love. I wanted to thank you for introducing me and many other fans to this fantastic show, and for building on its formula to create an awesome webseries yourself. Keep up the good work!
Thank you so much for the very kind words! =)
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atopfourthwall · 4 years
how has being a reviewer changed in the past few years? I've been interested in reviewing different forms of media, inspired by several people including yourself, and it's definitely been shoved aside for video games and "lifestyle" channels. Do you think there's a way to get good revenue these days as a reviewer if you haven't been on here for years?
Yes, but it’s harder. Back when I started, the internet was VERY hungry for AVGN-style content - negative reviews talking about terrible media in an over the top manner, particularly because frustration can be funny and a lot of people hadn’t heard of a lot of the terrible movies of the past or present (or if they did, it was at least always fun to have a new perspective on it). It’s why we all tended to follow the same basic model - play-by-play of the movie/comic/game/etc., clip of the thing in question, then cut to us for pithy or sarcastic remark. However, like with any trend, audience tastes end up shifting. Even back in the day, people wanted me to talk more about good comics. Part of that was because a lot of my audience WEREN’T comic fans but wanted to get into them, while others were getting bored by the constant barrage of hate. Even creators themselves were getting burnt out on it - assuming you’re not genuinely annoyed at the thing you’re talking about (and truth be told, even when we’re looking at something we genuinely dislike, anger takes up a lot of energy, so it makes it that much harder to get that across so there’s a degree of acting required so that it doesn’t sound like you’re just bored or mildly annoyed), performing the same similar thing for years can wear down on ya, especially if you’re a creative person who wants some variety in the things you’re doing. As such, with a combination of people who were of DOING the same old thing combined with an audience who WANTED something different, you’ve got the rise of video essayists, less scripted content, or people being willing to do videos on media they actually enjoy. And because the longer-form content of video essays and the like requires a lot more time and research rather than just riffing, people tend to gravitate towards those more these days because it’s entertaining material that looks at media in ways that the mainstream doesn’t really do. You’re not seeing 40-minute deconstructions of Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and how it relates to complicated relationships with abusive family on NBC or the like. The advantage of an independent Youtube/New Media channel is that they usually have zero oversight - no one you have to seek approval of to cover a subject. You just do what you want to do. Now, that of course has its flipside that sometimes someone needs to tell you “No, this is a terrible idea,” but that’s a risk even if you DID have some oversight if they don’t recognize potential issues. Now, reviewers of course are still around. Some newer ones, some older ones like me. The formula still exists and still works, but of course because it’s been around for over a decade the problem that exists with starting a new one now is standing out in the crowd. A lot of it comes down to genuine talent - express opinions and jokes that are unique (or at least uniquely presented), well-executed, and just have a good eye for material that people WANT to see talked about (or at least something no one else is doing that makes you different from anyone else) and you’ve got a leg-up. The downside of course is that the algorithm favors the predictable, samey type of stuff which is why you have entire channels devoted exclusively to a single franchise (or in my case, why History of Power Rangers is more popular than AT4W despite AT4W being my regular content) so you might not get the promotion you need. There is no surefire trick to BEING successful at this, I’m sorry to say. I lucked out in getting in at a good time when there were less people doing this (and very few doing comic books) and getting promoted on a very popular site, but you won’t necessarily have that advantage. It’s why when you start, you’ve got to do it more because you enjoy doing it rather than simply going for the money, because there’s no guarantee you’ll make it. Hell, even after 12 years of this, while I make more than enough to live on (and that’s with both Youtube AND Patreon), I’m not exactly living the high life.
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atopfourthwall · 6 years
Hi Linkara. I am a newer fan (only started watching in 2015) and I really enjoy your work. Your way of analyzing comic book plots and mixing reviews and storylines has always impressed and entertained me. In fact, it is because of you that I got into comics. Thank you very much for making a show that I look forward to every week. With that said, I do have a question for you. What has been your inspiration/reason for making some of your characters like Harvey, Ninja Style Dancer, or Lord Vyce?
I actually got into that a lot more in the first DVD, but I can give some quick inspirations for ‘em! ^_^
Harvey: I’m a big Sinatra fan, particularly that era of crooner music, so Harvey imitating that style is fun, although the direct inspiration for the performance is Phil Hartman on Saturday Night Live in a one-off sketch callled “The Sinatra Group,” which parodied a political commentary show called “The McLaughlin Group.” In this case it was Frank Sinatra and a bunch of other singers talking about then-current events and I loved it. Anytime I need to get into character for Harvey, I just quote from that.
Ninja-Style Dancer: The Ninja-Style Dancer heralds from the Nightcat #1 comic. It wasn’t really SUPPOSED to be a recurring character, just a one-off joke because the comic featured “Ninja-style dancers” as part of the title character’s performance on stage. But it became a good recurring gag and a character in their own right. And I like the idea of this Ninja who goes on adventures away from the AT4W crew while going on tour as a background dancer.
Lord Vyce: After the Mechakara arc concluded, Will, Amethyst (the voice of Nimue), and I all got together and decided to figure out who the next storyline villain would be. We came up with the idea that it should be a bigger threat. The “Lord” idea came from Lord Zedd and I wanted to follow on from that with a single-syllable name. IIRC, we used a fantasy-name generator and got Vice, which we added the y to to give it its own unique flavor (because poor literacy yadda yadda). The idea of him conquering to protect things didn’t come about until later - initially he was just straight up interdimensional conqueror. We reverse-engineered his backstory and some of the mythos of AT4W basically starting from “Why does an interdimensional conqueror give a crap about an internet reviewer?” and came up with the Champions idea, moving on to why would he be conquering at all, to the basic idea of the Entity. Hyping up Vyce meant hyping up the Entity, as well, which is why my original idea of just fighting the Entity in a Power Rangers fight would have been so disappointing for people and things just went on from there. ^_^
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atopfourthwall · 7 years
What parts of the CA anniversary specials did you hate/continue to hate?
Doug writes everybody to be assholes in the movies. And to adegree we play that up sometimes in our own videos, but sometimes it goes overthe top. As I've stated a few times, one of the inspirations for the "Gunand Sorcery" arc is how in Suburban Knights we start mocking the witch,going in circles around her and teasing her like we were friggin' cartoonishbullies. We're all adults. Why would we do that? We're just being jerks for nogood reason to this person who, while saying she's there to stop us, isotherwise being polite and not at all threatening or mean.
To Boldly Flee, despite having a lot of things that I feelare good, powerful moments, has events and things occurring that are justwrong, partially because of Doug's lack of desire to study the characters(assuming the reviewer HAS a character) and how to incorporate those into themovies. I get it - he's a busy guy and can't watch all of our stuff, but evenjust asking us "Hey, give me three videos that you think best exemplifyhow you portray yourself in your videos" would go a long way. Forinstance, framing the Lupa/Todd/Nostalgia Chick relationship as a "lovetriangle" and not "Todd is creepy and stalkerish to Lupa despitebeing repeatedly told to go away." There's also the oft-repeated bit abouthow Mechakara assimilating the Nostalgia Chick has connotations of sexualassault - both in the script and partially as presented in the film. Theeffects are indeed lessened in the finished product, but it ends up being moreconfusing because of his insistence on keeping the bit with Film Brain thinkingthe two are having sex despite no real reason to do so. These were things webrought up with him and he shrugged them off.
His lack of checking on other people's material goes backall the way to the Brawl. He thought my catchphrase was "It's magic,bitch!" despite that not even being a thing I had ever said in my show (orif I did, it was maybe once whereas "I am a Man *Punch*" had clearlyarisen as the thing viewers loved and referenced, even to this day. His style of Mechakara in the original version of the script To Boldly Flee had him speaking in a stereotypical robot way, saying “Affirmative” or the like. I’ve criticized this before on my own show - if you’re going to be writing a character you don’t normally use, maybe actually RESEARCH what you’re doing?
The Judge Dredd sequence in To Boldly Flee makes no sense.Why is he dressing up like Judge Dredd? Why are we having a farcical,self-indulgent slapstick sequence eating up so much screentime? It's especiallyclear that we all have very different opinions about this stuff when you listento Doug's commentary for the bit vs EVERYBODY ELSE'S. Everyone else criticizes it - he’s laughing hysterically. While there are indeed hilarious gags in there, the sequence does nothing to advance the plot, obviously required a lot of time and effort to be shot and edited, but is completely superfluous. And hey, it’s his movie, but we’re critics and we point this stuff out.
There’s other little stuff here and there, too. Some of it is just bad in hindsight, other stuff because I disagreed with the creative choices made here or there, but overall I’m happy with the movies and I took the lessons I learned from them when creating the AT4W Movie... and most people seem pretty happy about how that one turned out, cast included. =)
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quixoticrobotic · 6 years
headcanon in the at4w universe the house margaret and her parent’s used to live in is infamous and theres been at least 2 (two) shitty horror movies about it and theres all kinds of theories about what went down inside that house and theres probably a buzzfeed unsolved ep about it because its said to be super haunted and meanwhile the only actual ghost is all the way in another state*, enjoying the afterlife and hangin out with her partnerfriend * I headcanon Margaret was born and died in Pennsylvania because thats where Centralia, the town that inspired Silent Hill is
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atopfourthwall · 7 years
Hey Linkara! I was wondering if you could provide a list of the DVDs you currently have availabile at the moment, and what content is on them. I was thinking about buying the lot, and I want to make sure I get them all!
Volume 1: Secret origin
-Three Atop the Fourth Wall episodes (Daredevil Battles Hitler, Amazing Ghost Stories #14, Captain Flash #1)
-A Making-Of Featurette on how I made Atop the Fourth Wall
-A 35-minute rambling vlog where I talk about the various characters of the show, what inspired them, etc.
 Volume 2: Editorial Mandate
-Two Atop the Fourth Wall episodes (The Avenger #1, All-Romances #6)
-Three Longbox of the Damned episodes (Amazing Ghost Stories #16, Nightmare #3, Haunted Thrills #3)
-Two Riffs (Printed Poison, Safety In Danger Out of Doors)
 Volume 2.5: Special Holiday Issue
-One Atop the Fourth Wall episode (Frosty the Snowman #435)
-Two Longbox of the Damned episodes (Woolworth's Christmas Storybook 1953, Woolworth's Christmas Storybook 1954)
-One New Riff (Play in the Snow)
-The Previously-released online Scrooge Riff with new intro and ending.
 The Back-Issues Collection
-Everything from volumes 1-2.5 on one disc except for the Scrooge Riff
-Available on Amazon.com
 Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie
-The Atop the Fourth Wall movie
-Three commentary tracks (Directors, Caelestis Crew, Fat Grandma)
-The Making of AT4W: The Movie
-Atop the Fourth Wall review of the Bloodgunn comic
-Bloopers and Outtakes
-Caelestis Featurette
-Bloopers from the Caelestis Featurette
-The Story So Far: An 8-minute recap of the AT4W Storyline-Available on Amazon.com
 Volume 3: Character Reboot
-Two Atop the Fourth Wall episodes (Daredevil Comics #2, Blue Beetle #20)
-Three Longbox of the Damned episodes (The Thing #1, Dark Shadows #1, Ghost Rider #1)
-The Nostalgia Critic review of the AT4W Movie
-Two Riffs (A Ride for Cinderella, What Makes a Good Party?)
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atopfourthwall · 7 years
In your intro, there's been this logo for Linkara that's been a part of the show ever since the original intro premiered; a faceless head with glasses and a hat. With the AT4W logo, a similar figure is part of the logo, (with a more full body as well as a gun), which is also featured on the main site. However, as far as I can tell, the Linkara logo/icon itself isn't featured anywhere else besides the intro. Any particular reason for this? Just curious.
It was a logo created by a fan a looooooong time ago, so much so that I don't even think their youtube channel where it originated is still up. I always liked it, so I incorporated it into the theme song, but that's as far as it ever went. ^_^  The one on the ACTUAL Atop the Fourth Wall logo was made a few years ago by Fabio Fontes (his DA is here: http://fontesmakua.deviantart.com/) and I don't know if he took direct inspiration from that, but it definitely works really dang well in the show. ^_^
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flame2ashes · 6 years
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I’ve been going through my AT4W tag from the beginning and I got inspired to re-draw some AT4WQuest panels
The left one is from this, and the right one from this
I gotta say....the way the style’s changed is pretty  👌 👌 👌 👌 👌 👌
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