#bad future zay
danksy-ns · 8 months
Raph just being the huge turtle he is
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hopelessdazai · 10 months
I just read your latest post and I honestly love it so much
Can I request a Dazai x fem reader and they have a little bar date…? And maybe Dazai gets a lil jealous somehow..? I don’t want to make it too specific for you!!! So ofc do what you will!! 💕
hi anon! I hope this is what you were looking for. it's a liiiittle off subject but I hope you enjoy nonetheless!!
At least you were his.
contents ; dazai x reader, fem reader, slight harassment, jealouszai, reader is called a slut, kinda bad writing idk.
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Dazai had never been too good with getting anywhere on time. today wasn't much of a difference. though, you did have his card with you today, so you could treat yourself without him here yet.
you sigh, tracing the rim of your glass with your index. you'd been waiting pretty patiently, as much as he'd been sending you the occasional message as a check up. he wouldn't stand you up, you knew that much. but it was still arguably embarrassing to wait.
you finish your drink, sliding it forward so the staff can take it easily for a refill. just as a guy sits next to you at your right. not your boyfriend.
"hey beautiful." He slips you a smile, you grimace a little, smiling back awkwardly as to not be rude.
"drink on me? you're here alone aren't you? such a shame. would've thought a pretty girl like you would've been carried off and married up by now." He chuckled, you didn't respond. dazai had always told you to just ignore rather then playing into them.
the man frowns at the lack of response, shrugging a little as he orders himself a drink. you feel a hand on your other shoulder, looking over.
"hey sweetheart, sorry I'm late." your boyfriends voice was smooth, as he sits down at your left. a small smile plays at your lips, dazai's hand tracing down to rest on your thigh as he orders himself something to drink.
the man to your right scoffs, gently rubbing your arm. you tug your arm away a little, though he doesn't seem to pick up the hint.
"hey, babe. who's this then?" the guy on your right whispers close to you. and you can practically feel dazai's glare on the two of you, his grip on your thigh slightly tightening as he watches the scene between you.
"my boyfriend, please don't call me that." you respond, digging through your purse to hand dazai's card back to him.
"boyfriend, huh?" the guy looks between you two, a chuckle leaving his throat. "so like, you're still not married? there's still a chance for you to change your mind, dollface."
you scoff, feeling dazai lift you up slightly. he brings you onto his lap and weaves his hands around your waist.
"no chance." you mumble, adjusting how you're sat and looking up at dazai for a moment. he looks pissed, glaring at the other man as he holds you tight. you were sure that if he still went by his old ways, there'd be crime tape already scattering the bar.
the guy scoffs, standing up and mumbling something about you being a slut under his breath as he wanders away. you exhale slowly, leaning back into your boyfriend and taking a sip of your drink.
"who was that?" He looks down at you, gently trailing a hand under to your stomach and rubbing your abdomen with affection. you shrug.
"no idea. I admire his confidence though." you reply, offering dazai a drink from your glass to try. his hands brush yours as he takes it and drinks a swig.
"hm." He hums, shrugging and resting his head on your shoulder. "least he's gone now." you giggle, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
"you seemed like you were ready to kill him," you smile, dazai grumbles something, burying his face into your neck.
"I was." He replies, gently kissing the area his mouth was. you close your eyes for a moment, getting comfortable on his lap still.
"jealous?" you tease, he rolls his eyes. at least you were his, that's all he cared about.
I'll do a potential rewrite if it's not up to your standards ! but I hope you enjoy anyway :) for future future requestees, check my pinned post for details on what I do !! - zai
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richincolor · 8 months
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New Releases - Week of Oct. 9, 2023
We have history, fantasy, a contemporary rom-com, a memoir, and a retelling this week. It's quite a range in just four books. Does anything catch your eye?
Brooms by Jasmine Walls Levine Querido
It’s 1930s Mississippi. Magic is permitted only in certain circumstances, and by certain people. Unsanctioned broom racing is banned. But for those who need the money, or the thrills…it’s there to be found.
Meet Billie Mae, captain of the Night Storms racing team, and Loretta, her best friend and second-in-command. They’re determined to make enough money to move out west to a state that allows Black folks to legally use magic and take part in national races.
Cheng-Kwan – doing her best to handle the delicate and dangerous double act of being the perfect “son” to her parents, and being true to herself while racing.
Mattie and Emma — Choctaw and Black — the youngest of the group and trying to dodge government officials who want to send them and their newly-surfaced powers away to boarding school.
And Luella, in love with Billie Mae. Her powers were sealed away years ago after she fought back against the government. She’ll do anything to prevent the same fate for her cousins.
Brooms is a queer, witchy Fast and the Furious that shines light on history not often told – it’s everything you’d ever want to read in a graphic novel.
The Fall of Whit Rivera by Crystal Maldonado Holiday House
Frenemies Whit and Zay have been at odds for years (ever since he broke up with her in, like, the most embarrassing way imaginable), so when they’re forced to organize the fall formal together, it’s a literal disaster. Sparks fly as Whitney—type-A, passionate, a perfectionist, and a certified sweater-weather fanatic—butts heads with Zay, a dry, relaxed skater boy who takes everything in stride. But not all of those sparks are bad. . . .
Has their feud been a big misunderstanding all along?
Blisteringly funny and profoundly well-observed, The Fall of Whit Rivera is a snug and cozy autumn romcom that also tackles weightier topics like PCOS, chronic illness, sexuality, fatphobia, Latine identity, and class. Funny, honest, insightful, romantic, and poignant, it is classic Crystal Maldonado—and it will have her legion of fans absolutely swooning.
Huda F Cares by Huda Fahmy Dial Books
Huda and her sisters can’t believe it when her parents announce that they’re actually taking a vacation this summer . . . to DISNEY WORLD! But it’s not quite as perfect as it seems. First Huda has to survive a 24-hour road trip from Michigan to Florida, with her sisters annoying her all the way. And then she can’t help but notice the people staring at her and her family when they pray in public. Back home in Dearborn she and her family blend right in because there are so many other Muslim families, but not so much in Florida and along the way.
It’s a vacation of forced (but unexpectly successful?) sisterly bonding, a complicated new friendship, a bit more independence, and some mixed feelings about her family’s public prayers. Huda is proud of her religion and who she is, but she still sure wishes she didn’t care so much what other people thought.
Realm of Wonders (The Queen’s Council #3) by Alexandra Monir Disney Hyperion 
Jasmine thought that she had earned her happily ever after when she and Aladdin defeated Jafar. Then her beloved father dies and, overnight, all her plans for the future change. Instead of her wedding, she’s now planning a funeral and a coronation—her coronation, to become the first woman to rule Agrabah. Jasmine has always been headstrong, but for the first time in her life, she finds herself faltering.
Then from beyond the grave, her father seems to pass along a message: Someone is coming. She must find the book. Before Jasmine can figure out what that means, her claim to the throne is called into question.
Her father’s old counsellors decree that the best way to determine the true ruler is a tournament; a series of tests, each one increasing in difficulty—and danger. Now, with help from the mystical Queen’s Council, Jasmine must assemble her own team of advisers, win the tournament, and uncover the mystery of her father’s last message, so she can prove to her people—and herself—that she deserves to rule Agrabah.
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aarcanechaoss · 2 months
Hey :)
Ty soo much for the part 2.If your still up for it..then a part 3?
The ada and pm are on a mission together..Suddenly Mai comes running up(aparently there was a field trip that day abd she got seperated from her clasz).They recognize her as higuchi's daughter and bring her back to her class.Higuchi appears and scolds her but hugs her.
Some of the members get touched seeing such a motherly display and some feel kinda conflicted wondering if they'll ever be able to have a family
(Can you zoom in on kunikida,chuya,louisa,atsushi,hirotsu(people who wish to have a family someday) )
Eyy back for more ha-ha- you should def write some of your own Fics too these ideas are great. I didn't add Louisa since she's a Guild member and had no clue how to put her in this lol and I changed up how Higuchi finds her LOL.
Higuchi in mama bear mode
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Atsushi had expected a few things while he was out and about with a select group of ADA and PM members.
He expected arguments, to want to pull out his hair and even a few complaints. What he hadn't expected was the young teary-eyed girl who had slammed into his legs.
Atsushi was quick to crouch down, hands gentle as he grabbed her shoulders and moved her out of the walkway.
"Hi are you okay?" He'd asked, focused solely on the young girl.
She sniffled and shook her head. "Lost."
"Alright, I can help you I'm a-"
"'You a 'tective." The girl looked up at him and suddenly it was like he'd been struck with vague familiarity. "Kitty."
He's certain his face just turned bright red.
"Mai." Hirotsu appeared behind him, now crouching alongside the weretiger. "Hello Mai, I'm a friend of your mother's."
"Mum?" Her brown eyes widened in surprise before she tucked herself against Atsushi's side- yes, he absolutely was confused. "Hir'tsu?"
Hirotsu laughed, pulling out his mobile. "Yes, I'm Hirotsu shall I call your mother?"
Mai just nodded before turning back to Atsushi. Her little arms raised up, gripping Atsushi by the neck as she looked at the people behind him and so he craned his neck around too. Kunikida, Chuuya and Dazai were just watching them while Hirotsu stepped away to call Mai's mother.
"Up." And so he did.
"He knows her mother?" Chuuya asked, looking at Mai as if trying to figure out who she could belong to.
"Oh!" Dazai exclaimed, purposefully elbowing Kunikida as he did. "Higuchi's daughter."
Oh, that's why she looked familiar.
"Dazai!" Kunikida growled.
"Na'hara!" Mai grinned at the Chuuya, her little arm reaching out to him.
"How do you know me.... wait Higuchi?" The executive was confused. Atsushi's eyes widened a bit- oh he hadn't been there at the park that day.
"Mum keeps pictures of safe people in case of 'mergen 'emegen... bad things." Mai pouted. "Auntie knows too."
"What about me?" Dazai waved at the little girl who's nose scrunched up.
"She don't like you Zai."
Dazai stumbled back, mouth agape.
"You're so smart." Atsushi cooed and his mind wandered for a second- would his future kids be this cute or smart? He hopes so.
"Mai!" A blonde woman rushes around the corner chest heaving as she makes her way to the group. Higuchi.
"Mum!" The girl wiggles from Atsushi's arms- who is quick to place her on the ground- to run to Ichiyo.
"Thank you for finding her- and calling me." Higuchi says, hugging the young girl tight. "Never do that again Mai."
"How'd you lose her?" Dazai said, still pouting.
"We were on an excursion and she just vanished..." Higuchi states still holding Mai tight. "You nearly gave me a heart attack sweetie."
"Sorry mum. Didn't mean to." Mai sniffled again. "I ran into Kitty and stayed like you said 'n look Mr Na'hara is here too."
Atsushi's face flushed again and seemingly so did Higuchi's.
"She likes cats." Is what she offered, before spotting her superior. "Hello sir."
"Higuchi." Chuuya greeted. "How old?"
"Four!" The girl giggled.
"Cute." He replied. "Guess I know who to look to whenever I have kids huh?"
Higuchi's face turned a vibrant shade of red.
"Yes, you do seem to be a loving mother any suggestions would be wonderful." Kunikida already had his notebook in hand as he stared down the Commander.
"Oh please... some days I don't even know what I'm doing just doing what I can."
"You're doing great. I wish I had settled down and had my own children." Hirotsu admitted. "In our line of work it's hard."
She just nods.
"Thank you again. For keeping her safe." She lifts the girl up so her arms are under her little legs. "Best be off and back to the school trip."
"Okay. Bye Kitty bye Mr Na'hara, bye Hir'tsu." She waved, Higuchi following suit before hurrying back down the street.
"Why were none of you surprised she had a kid?" Chuuya grumbled.
"We saw them a few weeks ago on that bonding trip." Atsushi supplies. Nakahara just grunts before turning on his heel.
"C'mon let's get back to the mission."
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beautifult999 · 20 days
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anthonybialy · 8 months
Bugger of a Result for Buffalo Bills
Bollocks.  Do you typically sleep until noon Eastern on Sunday?  The Bills did despite playing in the European future.  The Buffalo Prince Williams coasted like royalty.  But American standings reveal they’re not entitled to a crown.  Zay Jones scored?  Europe is the worst country ever.  
Depriving another nation of the chance to see proficient play irked Roger Goodell, but that’s small comfort for the more underwhelming side.  It’s traditional for first quarters to end 11-0 in case British viewers were confused.  We then don cowboy hats before driving Cadillacs to McDonald’s for the fireworks show.  Rugby doesn’t feature as much kicking as Sam Martin executed.  Boot it away in the World Cup’s honor.
An allegedly unstoppable offense stopped itself.  Dawson Knox was Buffalo’s worst defender.  Drops prevented a few first downs that would’ve let teammates convalesce for a few minutes.  Oh, and they might’ve led to scores, too.  On a day when the depleted defense need a break and points, their teammates couldn’t manage to move the ball a few meters.  Wankers put forth the metric of performances.
Can any British people play defense?  Pulling someone out of the crowd to compete would’ve truly made attendance magical.  I wish the figurative lottery wasn’t in response to injuries at every turn.  Trying to win without Matt Milano was a bleak struggle this club will have to learn to do every week.  Meanwhile, the defense had to and didn’t replace Tre White.  Put bust Kaiir Elam in the British Museum.  An undeserved position based on unearned status makes him Buffalo’s Charles III.
Micah Hyde was one of the few starters left and played like a sub.  The failure to keep pace wasn’t entirely his fault.  Blame a baffling scheme that put an aging satety in single coverage on Calvin Ridley.  The head coach should fire whoever it is that calls the defense.
You get flagged for playing defense in Britain, too.  Jordan Poyer got punished for performing a job task.  I am sorry to new attendees who heard this sport permitted legal contact between humans.  Penalties for obeying rules are an American tradition that’s the equivalent taking the lift then the lorry to the high street for an eel pie under a bowler.
Londonvon had an understandably limited impact.  Seeing Von Miller venture past the sideline was fantastic even if it was during a very far away home game.  His play limit kept him from manning middle linebacker and cornerback simultaneously.  Coaches were tempted.
A bit after sunrise is a very convenient time to be frustrated.  Fans got the rest of the day to watch games while stewing about an underwhelming voyage.  Thank the league once again for caring so much about their fans.  Use deadpan sarcasm in Britain’s honor.  The play was as bad as a Thursday night game.  A tendency for one side to look unprepared in gimmick games is even worse when it’s your side.
The need to compete remains after hoopla subsides.  Oh, right: there was a game.  The Bills looked surprised.  Wasn’t this a vacation to see the birthplace of Benny Hill?  A matchup that was not a must-win but a shouldn’t-lose was lost during an event-style outing.
You’d think they might want more time on their trip.  Looking uninspired inspired questions about whether they should have arrived a few days earlier.  Another day or two would have allowed them to get in more practice and pub time.
London is the only place farther from Buffalo than Orchard Park.  A smallish stadium to host an NFL game is regrettable enough for a one-time stunt and particularly unfortunate considering it’s been cited as a design inspiration for Orchard Park’s newest example of old bad urban planning.  I wonder if the owner of whatever a Tottenham Hotspur is suckered taxpayers into coerced funding.
Losing to the Jaguars in a vexatious game in London despite a tease of a futile comeback is nothing new.  That’s quite a specific precedent.  This franchise’s outlook is certainly better than when EJ Manuel traveled abroad and showed why he should have been left there.  But the same type of maddening result feels even worse with higher expectations than were provided by a reach of a quarterback.  Jacksonville is a London borough.  The Tube doesn’t reach Duval County, yet.
A Sunday night game seems commonplace by comparison to one across an ocean.  The Bills could commemorate a return to semi-normal by getting back to whatever routine allowed both aspects to flourish.  The novelty of an outing has a huge effect on standings.  A second loss this soon into the season’s second month isn’t assuaging pessimists who spent the offseason fretting that the window was closing.  If you’re also sick of that phrase, know the team is the only one who can squash the notion.
Worrying if decline is setting in remains.  A depleted defense couldn’t cover or tackle while the most amazing offense ever had one touchdown seven-eighths of the way through.  Confiscating a home game wasn’t enough of a slight.
Playing in that manner would’ve disappointed attendees in their regular venue, too.  The NFL is trying to show British people that their sport is superior to kicky football, and the Bills come in and barely score above nil. 
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xaviergalatis · 11 months
Said that hoe can not be mad at her
Makes me sad
Take that lil bitch in a date
They tryna copy my style watch how i jump in the crowd
All that matters is you the one feelin it
Pull up with the drake let the blow hit him
How the fuck im flexong like this
When/while I land
Better hide yo bitch before zaza hit that
I just dropped a pill mom don't vacuume
Now every time I press a ecstasy
And now he living in a mental home
Ganging new fans no new hit record
Florida water
If 12 come kicking in my door today, I'll sit in a cell
Cuz' they gon find seven different drugs, and weed in the scale
Sometimes I think that I should quit but I know that's a never
I might go I'm
Herd your
Fuckin n that butch n gettin money
You done for soft
Only rapper from my city riding with switches on em
The AMG outside
These bullets got his head like John f Kennedy
I'm BeastMode, you don't know Mav
You're man is a goofy
He can get touched
Looking like I rob banks
I was looking at the gra! I don't even like likes
This is not mumble rap. This is murder rap
Headaches a migraine
I pop percs n
I put Louie on my beanie
Smoking on Skittles
You going broke trying keep up with me
My new chain is taller then johnny dang
Neighborhood dealer
Never gave a fuck that's how I got rich
See you in pictures with too many opps
These racks be the reason I walk with a limp
Chrome heart
The outside white the inside brown like Michael Jack
!maybe in 4 5 minutes
The rest of the plan got scrapped when I land
Life sweet when you know the cost
Mary denim
these little rapper bois
Maybach truck
Awful records
Brush teeth
This ain't mumble rap this murder rap
Young skinny nigga with my dick in my hand
!y wrist a surgeon
I been popping seals
Smoking exotic
Shoot from the neck up
Pull up with a stick let it hit
You can't match my energy
He don't even stop to get gas
Stand on that
You can get smoked trying to lil bro me
Group chat
Fire arms on fire arms
With the chainsaw took his brains off
Eat the cake anime
We only shoot from the vest up
Fear of God
You know people gone be talking about us weekly
Lil Uzi but I'm nice now
Barely open up the curtains to the rooms I work in
I'm in the booth with a strap on me right now
My fico score is amazing though
Financial freedom my only hope
Voice inside my head said wet then if they test you
Heat your home like southern California gas
I bought a phone just to Snapchat pics of that wet ass pussy
They didn't see me cuz I was in my other Benz
I heard you stay in a metropolitans home
Who knew would do so much damage the internet wouldn't have the bandwith
I rewrite history I don't care about yesterday
Colosseum floors
At the air port they check all through my bag tell me that it's random
Should have been signed twice
Fuck you pay me
Yeezys on I don't slip
She swallow my kids
Big chop knock a nigga out zapatos
Put my kids on her titty
We only shoot from the neck up
I'm wit lil maceee If I catch a opp I cannot catch a Casey
in the hills like a pop star
Oh she thinks she funny bitch I'm halirous
I got the bad bitch doing !y dance
Fuckin with the mob shit get too scary
Why you rap like that if you ain't been up on a mission
Trigger happy quick to knock em down if he slipping
Eating crepe
You know we do shit out of spite
Future looking bright imma need some Ray-Bans
23 have the game in a gift wrap
Diamonds hit no light
Way befor I thought I get a deal
I hit it once then I hit the dash
My diamonds is wet just like the pool
I didn't even need to use the AK
I really mean it I'm just not recording
Like Mike
No new friends
I don't check the price
Make my own money so I spent it how I like
Pimp hand
The game
No numbers all apps this an encrypted phone
I keep the bread tied
Throwing C's
Said she USD to model for American apparel
Lil mama
Slave ship
I feel like snapping today
Finna hit racks
I know she want to kickki it with me uh huhhh
Red flag
better keep it in your lap if you at that light
Spanish bitch
Nothing less then an FN
Government name
In the home town riding rentals
Carrier woods on my face that's 8 bracket
Fake friends
Running man
Another six months, I'll be unknown
Remember the time that I spilled the cup
Of apple juice in the hall
The i8 I'm in, ain't came with no keys
If I spend money imma go back and work it off
Flipped a one to a five flipped a five to a ten
Get off my dick little bitch
I need somebody and always
The webs from all the spiders
Uh, I don't like no Swisher, I like Grabba Leaf, lil' nigga
I never conquered, rarely came
Sixteen just held such better days
I got little hitters on the block now
Call my Glock the seatbelt the way I click it
I just be shippin' that Za', shippin' that somebody farted,
Drakes ghost writer
This ARP got a red sight
Starts in the roof
Glocks on me and they lethal
Hop in srts and do fruity loops
He can't play big bank
Higher then God
Popped a 10 mg by myself had to relapse
Top friends
Oh, we on that shit too, I used to hit licks too
I see that boy gotta clap em
That one that you love sucks the whole squad
Sippin on muddy everything kid Cudi
Ride around the 212 with the stick on me
Choppa hit his ass make em do flips
I'm in Toronto like I'm cool with the drake
Sup syrup
Cutter on me
Hell cat
One mic
I fuckk with Souljah boy
Shoot the shot long range
Try me and get swept
Doing numbers on the phone alone
She need ID she can't get in with out it
Move it to my place
Been a couple years since my child had a job
I ain't trippin', let 'em rest in peace
Ride around the city I don't need a wear a vest
Up pockets sitting in the trap
Fucked with a sick bitch now I got a cold
I'm faded than a hoe
Jump out
I really had them grams before you had a gram
How does it feel when you got no food
I swear these bitches !y mini-mes
Call me John Madden, fuck her in the Aston
Martin dropped the top bitch you know what's happening
I ain't gonna stop smoking on that Mary Jane
Look !e in the eye
Really bout that life
I am not a clone
10 toes
Straight top shelf shit
District the gang end up missing
Smoking hits off tinfoil again
I'm smoking dope in the v
I fuck your hoe for a week
Bitch as hella fat need a ass shot
I always keep a hoe I keep some
My feen bout to nodd off
Ain't gotta lie about schemes
AP on my left wrist
Was it the Kush or the cologne forgot what I put on
Might as well record every thing I say on this
All I do is push the beat I don't write shit
Look how I walk on the beat
It's hard to tell my smoker no when he got 3 ones
We ain't here to make friends
Homie calling asking for visits
Susan bake both caught bodies
How your homie wear a vest but don't stay wit a strap
I beat the boss then text him you gotta eat the loss
My bro said he alright then killed himself why you lie to me
When your man got smoked that was my best blunt
Got the bread let it go like a hostage
I was in the park spray-painting on the platform
Half a mill to perform, I can’t let them fuck that shit up
Plus I love the way my middle name looks when it’s lit up
My psychiatrist got kids that I inspired
Some days I'm in my Yeezys, some days I'm in my Vans
If I knew y'all made plans, I wouldn't have popped the Xans
feel like Pablo when I see me on the news my
She keep pushin' me back, good dick'll do that
I keep a clip
Keep calling my phone bout his bitch
The industry
About to go back in
Coulda ran off the plug
But I kept it real and I showed him love
Bro just jumped out the ride with a mask on, face like he dodging COVID
If we go uptown, gotta hold that (Whoosh)
Wanna fly Dubai tonight? Lastminute.com, I'll book that flight
They gon turn up the AC then charge you for the blankets
Some paid 4-5 serious
it's July, shots get hot like summer heat
Body armor on, warmer in my palm
New project I let dram do it
The lights hit
Black President
How can you call me bro he's not my bro he breaking the code
She cheat I cheat we even
Good hair good body good face
I'm up in all the stores
Braid my wig ASAP tat on my ribs
It seems like r Kelly wet dreams I kept six teens
Countin' up in the Polo socks
Tommy Hilfiger my waistband, ayy I'm fire, I'm fuego (Fuego)
Ferragamo on my belt
Bitch mob
Went to jail for like 500 days
I know lil b he fucked !y bitch too
I might take I case I'm not living straight
I'ma keep selling that crack in
Them females plan on doing me wrong so I grab the thumb out the trojan pack
Met somebody baby mama inside of the VIP
I live fast die young, never take it slow Tell your girl to tell a friend that it's time to go
Yes sir
am nothing like these other niggas coming out this year"
So well spoken man I should have went to Cambridge
Please comprehend I am a Surf Club general
You don’t want be caught in the middle like a center fold
I'm calling your bluff don’t act like you can’t see me dialing
I waited four days, nigga, where y'all at?
I keep my noes as clean as I can
360 Yeezy boosts these ain't Roches
I'm tryna bust down a rollie
You make assumptions again
Middle fingers up
Middle of the function wanna gimme hug
Sippin suryp
MacBook on my arm I ain't got no dell
0 notes
ambitionsource · 11 months
AMBITION “Reassessment” [ 4.09 ]♮PART 1, half 1
Over a series of shots from the partially animated and fully bananas “The Other Side” dance sequence:
Vanessa, voiceover: Previously, on AMBITION…
Our ensemble took on a cinematic slant as they tackled some major ground on ongoing storylines -- Isa finally flew out to Los Angeles and connected with their estranged biological father, Zachary, or better known as Z.D. Roman. Yindra braved the journey back to L.A. to meet with the producer who has interest in her; Jade began her new job as a seamstress and designer at the local upstart Pinhead Threads. Despite an… interesting start with some new experiences at a party, Jade felt optimistic for the road ahead with this new role, as well as grateful for the cohort of friends she already has.
Jade: I’m lucky to know some pretty cool people.
At the same time, Lucas and Charlie endeavored to uncover the seedy underside of the school board elections, ultimately exposing the corruption of conservative members Yancy and Graham -- though not without some action-packed thrills of their own (suffice to say, if we had a nickel for every time Lucas went speed racing around Manhattan in a car that wasn’t his with a companion gay in the passenger seat that led to trouble, we’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice).
Charlie: WHAT. THE. FUCK?!
The good news is that through the corruption, the bad publicity was just enough to hand Jack victory in the elections, which means ideally positive change for the district for many years to come. Riley also helped another friend find personal victory, helping Nigel rediscover himself and grasp for a new outlook on what he wants his future to be.
But not everything is so peachy, as long-awaited challenges loom on the horizon. The Turner transfer audition is just around the corner, and it’s having a palpable effect on Vanessa and Zay’s relationship -- in a desperate maneuver to preserve their romance from the friction, they decided to take some distance from one another until the auditions are done.
Zay: Vanessa. [ a beat ] Good luck. Vanessa: Ditto.
On the flip side, Farkle only seems to dig himself deeper into his unpopular romance with Jordan, so determined to hold on despite the naysayers (including his own doubts) that he may just lose everyone (including himself) to keep it.
Above all, time keeps marching on, and it waits for no one. Opening night of Ghost: The Musical is right around the corner, keeping Riley plenty busy. The Turner audition shadow only grows larger. And despite how much we’d like to look away and pretend it’s not there, deterioration and decay creeps up on us in all facets of life.
The question is, what’s resilient and healthy enough to persevere -- and what’s destined to wilt into nothing? 
Guess we’ll find out soon enough. As the curtain rises on another episode…
End of recap.
We start close on ROSARIO GAO, her expression detached and scrutinizing as always.
Rosario: Welcome to the penultimate.
She doesn’t have to explain what that means. For the Turner transfers, they already know. They’ve lived it all year long, and now they’re finally here -- the last week of preparation before their auditions. The countdown to judgment day. We listen to Gao continue to lecture as the camera pans across the remaining transfer hopefuls, viewing them from behind. A faceless cohort, rather than individuals each with their own deep desires for being there.
That’s how Gao has to see them. Before long, not many of them will still be in her world.
Rosario: I should hope it goes without saying, but this week should not only be about rehearsal and refinement. More importantly, I hope each of you will take this final week to seriously consider where you are today. To take a deep, reflective evaluation of where you are, and where you’ve come from.
At his desk, CHARLIE GARDNER finishes updating his agenda. He’s jotted down times for his audition slots and interviews at his transfer choices, his gap year dwindling to a close.
Rosario, voiceover: To think about where you want to go…
RILEY MATTHEWS is in the dressing room, finishing wiping off her make-up from another run-through. She reaches up and uses a pen to cross off the dates on the mini-calendar pinned to the mirror.
Opening night is just a few days away.
Rosario, voiceover: And whether you’re prepared for what that entails.
Back front and center, Gao finishes her point with the bulletin that she’ll be doing a mandatory check-in with each of them throughout the week, intending to assess their progress and address any questions they may have before auditions. Don’t want to wait on a question that might cost you your chance until it’s too late. She also hopes they take this meeting seriously -- they may gain invaluable insight if they come prepared to engage at a mature, authentic level.
But mostly, they’re all bracing themselves for what comes next. The moment of truth, when they put it all on the line and take their shot.
Rosario: I hope, for all of your sakes, that you’re ready to face it.
With that, they’re dismissed. At the front of the pack, ZAY BABINEAUX and VANESSA JOHNSON keep their chins high, not willing to show even a flicker of weakness so close to the end. That includes with each other -- it seems their stance from the end of last episode hasn’t changed.
When they leave, they pass one another without acknowledgement, marching off to face the music alone.
Cue title sequence.
The tests of fate may be right around the corner, but for now, Riley is soaking up as much tranquility as she can get. It’s the weekend before the opening night week for Ghost, so the days to come are packed full of dress rehearsals, which on top of her school schedule means she’s going to be busier than ever.
Even so, she’s taking her sweet time this morning… in fact, she doesn’t seem at all keen to go off running into rehearsal mania. Instead, she’s having breakfast with LUCAS JAMES FRIAR, the two of them sharing a plate of pancakes and fruit on the couch.
Apparently, she’s not the only one loitering later than she should.
Lucas: [ without urgency ] I really have to go. Riley: I know, I know. [ hedging ] But not without finishing your breakfast. Lucas: There’s like one bite left. Riley: Yes, and it’s yours.
She insists, spearing the last piece with her fork and pointing it in his direction. He rolls his eyes, but obliges, allowing her to feed it to him. A bit of syrup drips off and lingers on the corner of his mouth, which Riley happily takes the opportunity to lean forward and briskly kiss away for good measure.
While Riley gets up to put the dishes in the sink, Lucas starts to throw his backpack together. Speaking of the time, he remarks that he really shouldn’t be pushing his luck.
Lucas: Given everything I pulled last month, it’s honestly shocking I’m still employed. Riley: Oh, please. There’s no proof. All the GoFundMes still have you listed as that anonymous good samaritan. Lucas: Yeah, and I wonder who set up all of those… Riley, innocently: Crazy, right? I guess the world just can’t help but fall for your unique, iridescent charm. Lucas: More like I managed to charm one person who happens to have a scarily good instinct for public organizing. [ off her coy shrug ] Anyway, yeah there’s not a ton of proof to a normie, but anyone who actually knows the school board staff would be able to figure it out in like five seconds. There’s no way Evelyn doesn’t know it was me.
Maybe so, but it hasn’t come back to bite him yet. Riley encourages him to try not to wait for the other shoe to drop, and just keep doing what he’s doing. Which is to say, all good things.
Even if their increasingly busy schedules aren’t doing them any favors. Riley laments the fact that she’s so booked up as she crosses back over to join him, considering it makes mornings like this basically the only time she can really spare with him.
Lucas: I thought you liked being busy. You were amped up a couple weeks ago, and you were even busier then with Jack’s flailing election. Riley: Flailing, successful election, thank you very much.
But Riley concedes his point. She comfortably settles onto his lap and makes herself at home, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. Yes, she was busy before, but it was a different kind. It was a balance of stuff, and the campaign nonsense energized her like nothing else because it was about something.
Riley: Now it’s just musical stuff and the occasional school project. And it’s not that I don’t enjoy that, but it’s a different pace. Different kind of busy, different demands.
And with opening night in sight, way less balance. Doing a musical is fun, and everything, but where is her time to volunteer with the shelter… spend time with her friends…
Riley: Appreciate my uniquely iridescent boyfriend?
She touches his jaw and leans in for a soft kiss, slow and teasing. Lucas doesn’t have any complaints -- or he might have one, along the lines of the whole late-for-work thing, but she’s not the only one with a partner with irresistible charm -- though he does interrupt their next kiss to comment.
Lucas: More like your uniquely unpleasant, soon-to-be unemployed boyfriend. Riley: Unpleasant, successful soon-to-be unemployed boyfriend, thank you very much.
She takes his self-deprecation in stride, because for once, it doesn’t feel grounded in disdain. Things are good, all things considered, and his mood reflects that. It’s a far cry from how things felt at the start of the school year -- it feels stable.
That is, except that there’s not enough time to appreciate it… Riley accepts another long kiss from him with a smile, obviously in no rush to go to rehearsal.
Lucky for both of them, the universe intervenes, in the form of one Charlie Gardner. He emerges from his bedroom and walks in on them sharing another kiss, immediately throwing up his hands to cover his eyes and apologizing.
Charlie: Oh, shoot. Sorry, sorry, sorry --
Riley and Lucas pull apart, the latter characteristically embarrassed while the former just looks amused. They shake their heads at Charlie’s profuse condolences as he tries to navigate the room without looking at them, nearly tripping over the arm of the couch in the process.
Charlie: It’s like I’m not even here! Riley: [ with laughter ] Charlie! Chill. Lucas: Yeah, don’t break your neck over it.
It’s really not that deep. Charlie relents, holding his hands up in surrender before dropping them at his sides. Based on the smile on his face, though, it’s unclear how much of his reaction was just to pick on them.
Now that he can see them, they ask what’s up with him this week. Apparently, it’s packed for him too.
Charlie: I’ve got some family stuff going on that I anticipate is going to take up a lot of my free hours, because otherwise, I’ve got a couple of college auditions lined up. Lucas: Auditions? Are you doing a performing thing? Charlie: Gosh, no. No, no majors, but I’ve marked an interest in minoring at both Columbia and Pace, so the admissions folks asked if I’d be open to coming in. More of a friendly assessment than anything, I think.
That’s on top of a couple of traditional interviews he has for other schools, so the process is picking up fast. He seems in good spirits about it, though, and far more invested than last year. Riley beams.
Charlie: But in spite of my schedule, Riley, I promise you that come hell or high water, I will be there for opening night. On my honor.
She waves him off, but it’s clear she appreciates the reassurance.
Opening night is also penned in on Zay’s calendar on his bulletin board, showing he’s got it locked in as well. That’s not his focus at the moment, though -- Zay is on his bed, looking through his emails. He’s dressed like he was off to go choreograph in the garage, but something has him sidetracked.
It doesn’t take long to discover what. The email he has open on his phone is from the producing team of the Jagged Little Pill touring production, one of those offhand auditions Zay went to with Yindra. After a couple weeks of open call, they’re digging into callbacks, and they’re interested in seeing him again.
This isn’t the first line Zay has caught from that audition run either. He’s nabbed two or three callbacks, all slated for the coming week.
The prospect is exciting and all too tempting. Sure, he probably won’t get it, and he’s gunning for transfer anyway, but what’s the harm in showing up? All experience is good experience, isn’t it? But said Turner audition is on the horizon too…
And it’s what he should be working on right now. So he tables the offers for now, popping in his headphones and dutifully heading for the garage.
Vanessa is equally pressed about auditions, but with none of the exciting prospects. She’s further along in her choreography, as she’s been working it to death, but she doesn’t seem more confident. If anything, she’s even more stressed, sweaty and obsessing over the smallest details.
Isolation doesn’t help. With her and Zay taking their “space,” it’s like her social life is in limbo. There’s no boyfriend to distract her, and no new friends to pal around with, so all she’s got is the grind. Somehow, it’s not as comforting as it was before.
After a misstep in her routine, she cusses in frustration, kicking at the floor and descending into a sitting position. She takes a deep breath and hides her head in her knees. When she lifts her gaze again, she looks at her reflection in the mirror, then frowns.
She instinctively reaches for her phone. Part of her wants to text Zay. Not for comfort, or romantic distraction, but because he knows what she’s talking about. He gets it. They get each other, to some degree, even if their shared competitive edge is threatening to burn the world down with it.
But she can’t. She doesn’t need the help. They’re taking space, and she doesn’t want to be the thing that rushes the ruin. She doesn’t want it all to go up in flames -- their dynamic, her transfer prospects. Herself.
She’s on her own.
Not so for JACK HUNTER, who is enjoying a warm welcome into his transition as the brand new school board member. He’s got his very own office to show for it, which he’s finally finished unpacking and decorating. He puts the finishing touch on it by placing a framed photograph of the family picture taken during Thanksgiving on his desk -- all his favorite people together, happy, and all smiles.
He mirrors that smile now, then looks up at satisfaction at his new digs. There’s shades of the former principal’s office in it, the odd item here and there that was transplanted directly from it, but it’s fresh too. It’s bigger, and better, and full of new promise. All the hopes he has for what change he can make in this new position.
He emerges from his office and walks a few steps to the assistant cubes, greeting Lucas with a grin. Here they both are! Once they discuss Jack’s move into his office, Lucas makes a face.
Lucas: Honestly, this is kinda weird. Working in the same place. Jack: Whatever do you mean? It’s just like we’re back at Adams. Lucas: That’s something I decidedly never asked for.
Big talk, Lucas. Jack rolls his eyes, and is about to retort, but they’re interrupted by another big move going on down the hall. In this case, it’s people leaving office spaces -- JEFFERSON DAVIS GRAHAM and HARRISON YANCY are clearing out theirs, after formally resigning from their positions amidst the controversies.
Suffice to say, they won’t be missed. They glance down the hall with their arms full of boxes and spot Jack and Lucas, who can’t help but smile. They both offer pithy waves, totally unbothered. Buh-bye!
Graham and Yancy scowl, before continuing their march towards the elevators.
Mm, this schadenfreude and karma combo is so tasty… Jack waits until they’re out of earshot, then offers a comment of his own.
Jack: Looks like we’ll be filling two more open seats. Maybe Riley should take on the campaigns -- she had a lot of luck with the last one.
You ain’t wrong, Jack! Off Lucas’s smirk --
As much genuine fun as Riley would probably have in that endeavor, she’s fully booked at the present moment. Right now, she’s spending her last vestiges of freedom before dress rehearsals eat her to have lunch with NIGEL CHEY. They’re discussing their current course work and how the hell Riley is balancing it with all the dress rehearsal stuff.
Riley: I suppose that just comes with the territory. But I’ll admit, I don’t love how I have zero time in the coming week. Nigel: Honestly, I wish that were my problem. Not that like, I had a role specifically -- I’m over that, I promise. More the whole having so much acting to do. Rather than literally any other problem I have.
Which namely, right now, is his dance class this semester. His major requires an introductory movement course, similar to Farkle’s from last semester, which Nigel begrudges having to take since he spent four years doing dance curriculum at Adams.
Riley: So it should be okay, right? Easy-peasy. Nigel: God, you’d think! But no, our professor is insane and decided this introductory “movement” class is like auditioning for the damn Metropolitan ballet.
Riley laughs. As Nigel continues to grouse, the diner door opens, Vanessa stepping inside. She quickly scans the room as she approaches the counter, noticing Riley and Nigel in their booth just a few feet away. At first, she instinctively starts to say something in greeting, but then she second-guesses herself.
Is she even supposed to be talking to them right now? Would they want her to? How much has Zay told them about what’s going on with them, if at all? If she’s not talking to him -- for strategic, stabilizing reasons -- does that apply to them too? Where does the line between their worlds overlap, and how opaque does it have to be?
Just when she’s convinced herself that it would be a mistake to try to engage, Riley spots her when she glances over her shoulder. From that moment on, the choice is no longer Vanessa’s -- Riley smiles and waves her over without a second thought, as if nothing is out of the ordinary.
Well, here we go then. Vanessa manages a smile that’s only slightly awkward, slowly approaching their table and saying hello. Riley eagerly invites her to sit down with them, patting the booth seat next to her. After a beat, Vanessa obliges.
Riley: How are things? How goes your audition prep?
Okay, so Zay clearly hasn’t talked to her about it. At least he’s spared her that much. Vanessa shrugs.
Vanessa: Oh, you know. It’s… going.
Indeed. The conversation quickly shifts back to Nigel’s dance class woes, as whatever progress she’s making on her elite dance audition is probably leagues better than him struggling to learn the routine for his midterm -- although with his egomaniac professor, they’re probably about the same intensity.
Riley: Is there anyone you could get to tutor you, like a T.A.? Or have you asked Zay for help? Nigel: [ with a snort ] Are you kidding me? No way. I love Zay, but he is the absolute worst teacher ever. There’s a reason I never partnered with him for assignments. We tried to do a duet one time in Angela’s class sophomore year, and he tried to teach me this X-mode level choreography and then was all “come on, Nigel, you’re not even trying” when I didn’t pick it up in five seconds. I love him, and he’s got a gift, but I would never voluntarily put myself under his tutelage again.
Yeah, sounds about right. What else can you expect, he’s a fire sign! So that’s off the table. And it seems like that’s the only option he has, until Vanessa finds herself opening her mouth.
Vanessa: I could help you.
Oop. Where did that come from? Talk about ignoring the boundaries set up between their worlds. She’s just about to take it back, but Nigel’s eyes are wide as he considers the offer.
Nigel: Are you serious? Like, you’d really help me pick it up? Vanessa: Um… Riley: That would be awesome. Surely, you’ve got the skill set. Nigel: And there’s no way you could be as drill sergeant as Zay. That would legit be incredible. But like, no pressure or anything. I know you have a lot going on too. I don’t want to take up your time.
There’s the easy out, if she wants it… but Vanessa finds herself shrugging it off. Oddly enough, she thinks she might want to help him out.
Vanessa: Sure. It’s fine. Honestly, I think the distraction might be nice…
Nigel beams, already thanking her profusely. Maybe his chances of surviving this course aren’t dead yet! Riley mirrors his smile, offering one to Vanessa that she delicately returns.
ELEANOR GARDNER is in the kitchen, deep in concentration as she finishes up decorating some mini cakes for a church event this weekend. Charlie enters the room and perks up when he finds her there, greeting her and claiming she’s exactly who he wanted to see.
Tellingly, as she’s been basically since he got home, Eleanor is less receptive to his friendliness. Not averse to it, more just… awkward. Unsure. Not clear on how to act around her only son, now that he’s gone off on his own and left the nest once before. Now that she isn’t so sure she knows him like the back of her hand.
Charlie senses all of this, at least her change in demeanor, and that’s precisely why he’s turning up the charm. If a bit more effort is what it takes to get their relationship back on track, less stilted and off, then he’s more than willing to put in the work.
Charlie: I was thinking we could spend some time together this weekend. We haven’t had much of a chance to since I got back, with the holidays and everything. You know, do some more mother-and-son bonding stuff, like we used to do when I was little. [ going for humor ] Though I doubt we could do much of the same stuff. I don’t think the Kiddie Cuts hair salon would still let me in at this point. Eleanor: You don’t seem much interested in cutting your hair these days anyway.
Oh… the comment wasn’t intended to come off as brusque as it did. It definitely leaves a gap in the conversation, neither of them quite sure how to respond or move on from it. Eleanor clears her throat and goes back to decorating a cake; Charlie tries not to take it personally, subconsciously running a hand through said hair. She always has been finicky about it…
Eleanor: Anyway, it’s a sweet idea, Charlie, but I just don’t have the time this weekend. I’ve got so much to do to prepare for the bake-a-thon event on Sunday. [ gesturing to the cakes ] As you can see. Charlie: [ not giving up ] Well, how about next week? Aside from my auditions -- Eleanor: I have quite a few obligations that I can’t simply drop last-minute. Errands, organizing, and the like. Charlie: I could come with you then. Help out. See what goes into all that volunteering you do.
Eleanor hesitates, eyeing him uncertainly. He really seems sincere about this…
Eleanor: You wouldn’t want to spend a whole week dragging your feet around town with your mother. Charlie: And I’m telling you, I do. It’ll be nice to immerse back in the community. And we’ll get to spend some time together, which is all I’m looking for.
He seriously doesn’t have lofty aspirations here -- he just wants to make sure the two of them are okay. Although she still seems skeptical, Eleanor cautiously agrees, claiming he can join her starting tomorrow on some of her usual runs around the community. So long as it’s really how he wants to spend his time…
Based on his smile, he couldn’t be more keen.
Meanwhile, things are going a bit more smoothly at the MacNamara home. With a couple more weeks under their belt, ISA DE LA CRUZ is settling into the new environment and routine, finding an uncertain but optimistic footing with the family. This growing ease is on display as they join the clan for breakfast, arriving a bit later as the brothers are just about finished with their food.
Although LOUIS MACNAMARA doesn’t seem enthused by their presence, everyone else greets them cheerfully. As they discuss their plans for the week and what’s on their plates, ZACHARY MACNAMARA mentions some important meetings he has with his management team for upcoming projects, as well as a callback audition or two. Based on his busy schedule, Louis gets defensive.
Louis: Are you going to have time for my field trip? Milo: Trip? Are we taking a trip? Zachary, hesitantly: I don’t remember you mentioning -- Louis: My homework field assignment. With local museums? You promised you would come with me to the Academy Museum. Milo: I wanna go! Zachary: I’ll double-check my schedule. I’m sorry, Lou, I didn’t remember you saying -- Louis: I told you like a hundred times! At least, I did before someone showed up --
Oop. Isa isn’t sure how to react, focusing on timidly filling their plate instead. RUBY MACNAMARA skillfully intervenes, defusing the pre-teen meltdown by insisting Zachary will look at his schedule like he said, and if there’s a problem, they’ll figure out a solution as they always do. No need to get all worked up before school.
Louis isn’t satisfied with this, but he stuffs it for now. Speaking of, it’s time for them to get rolling. Ruby tells Isa not to rush, and enjoy their breakfast. As MILO MACNAMARA gets up from the table, he cheerfully informs Isa of part of why he’s excited to get to school today.
Milo: Everyone is so jealous that I got a brand new sibling. Like magic! I’ve been telling all my friends and teachers how cool you are.
Aw. How sweet. Isa smiles. After Milo and Louis depart to grab their backpacks, Ruby pulls on that same thread. In the vein of integrating Isa into their worlds and proudly showing them off, she was hoping Isa would consider joining them at their church this weekend for regular service. A kind suggestion, though Isa seems reserved.
Isa: Oh. That’s… really nice. I’m not exactly… religious, though -- Ruby: Oh, don’t worry, hon. Half the folks at our church aren’t either. It’s more the habit of the thing. Zachary: Hollywood is a mixed bag of devotion. Ruby: But everyone is nice enough regardless. It’s non-denominational, very welcoming. I’m a gal of faith, but we more so go for the sense of community than anything else. It can be hard to find safe, comfortable circles of all ages and stripes in this town, and this has been a God send in that regard. No pun intended.
It’s also no stranger to celebrity congregants, so they’re very particular about security and privacy -- something Zachary greatly appreciates. All in all, it’s like extended family to them, and they’d love for them to get the chance to meet Isa. But of course, only if Isa is comfortable with it.
They think on it for a moment… then they shrug, agreeing. Things are going well enough, and it’s not like Isa takes a strong stance on religion one way or the other. If it’ll make Ruby happy, that seems like a fair trade.
And it does. She claps cheerfully and assures Isa it’ll be a lovely time, and she’ll make sure all the folks are prepped for their grand arrival. Her excitement is palpable as she goes to gather the boys and herd them off to school. Zachary mirrors the smiles, quietly nodding to Isa and thanking them for humoring her.
Zachary: She gets these ideas, and then gets all excited about them. Especially when community building is involved. Isa: Trust me, I get it. I’ve got one of those myself.
And they have to think Riley would be so proud. In fact, given how well they’re maintaining stability and good vibes these past few weeks, Isa probably couldn’t make her any prouder. They hardly have any reason to complain.
Though not everything is quite how they’d like it… when Zachary goes back to eating, they take the chance to look at their phone.
No new messages -- and pulling up their thread with Farkle, it’s clear that is who they’re waiting to hear from. Antsy about the silence, they quickly craft another text.
It comes through, lighting up Farkle’s phone on the nightstand. He reaches for it, opening up the text.
“Hey just wanted to say sorry again for the stuff we argued about the other week… I know you said it’s whatever but it doesn’t really feel like it and I want to do anything I can to make this work. We just got out of being shitty and I really want to keep it that way, esp while I’m in town”
“So ig just let me know what else I can do if you’re still mad, seriously I’ll do anything. I just want us to be good again. For the long haul”
It’s a nice sentiment, and clearly meant, since Isa is not one for being so vulnerable unless absolutely necessary -- let alone in written form.
And FARKLE MINKUS knows that. Based on the bittersweet expression on his face, he knows exactly how sincere Isa is being, and it means something to him. It’s what he wants too. 
But it feels dangerous. Letting them in. Maybe because they’ve been so out of practice, or because of whatever weird volcanic activity seemed to bubble up when they last argued. But more than anything, because Isa’s voice is just one of many rattling around in his brain highlighting the potential flaws in his relationship, and he’s desperate to hold on to it with everything he’s got.
Much like the forgotten birthday, the best thing he can do to hold it all together is ignore everything else. Including, it seems, Isa De La Cruz.
So he doesn’t respond this time, putting his phone away.
The sun rises on another day in Manhattan, Charlie and Eleanor starting their Saturday bright and early. It’s the beginning of her busy weekend, before an equally busy week, so there’s no time to waste.
They head towards Charlie’s car, Eleanor commenting that she’s grateful to not be driving for a change.
Charlie slides into the driver’s seat, turning the keys in the ignition… and then he remembers a very important detail. The information for his Fall Out Boy mix CD pops up on the display, so he lightly curses to himself and hits the eject button. He acts fast while his mother is climbing into the car, retrieving the CD from the player and stuffing it into the pocket behind the driver’s seat.
By the time Eleanor is settled in, door closed behind her, Charlie has pulled off his heist. He gives her a bright smile as if nothing is out of the ordinary, asking her where they’re off to first.
As he pulls out of the driveway, Eleanor remarks how quiet it is and suggests they put on some music. Charlie directs her to the glove compartment to retrieve his CD sleeve (of not punk rock selection), which she flips through idly. She pauses on the couple of One Direction discs, but doesn’t comment, instead lighting up at the next sleeve.
Eleanor: Oh, Josh Groban! You know, I just love his voice. Charlie: I know you do. We listened to it often enough growing up. Eleanor: I dare say, “You Raise Me Up” might just be my favorite song. The way it speaks to that sense of faith… [ with a shudder ] Chills, every time. [ putting the CD in the player ] But you know, it was actually your father who was the fan before me. Charlie: Really? Eleanor: Oh, yes. He was following him from his first release. I hadn’t even heard of him until he was touring for his sophomore album -- what was it -- Charlie: Closer. Eleanor: Yes, Closer! We went and saw that together. You won’t remember that, of course, you were just a baby. But when I heard that song for the first time…
The rest is history. Charlie smiles. He doesn’t remember his parents going to a concert, no, but he claims he can remember listening to these first couple albums all the time as a toddler.
Charlie: I absorbed it like osmosis. It’s part of my DNA now. [ off her laughter ] Seriously, it’s your fault that I have his debut like, memorized, and all of my friends make fun of me for it.
Eleanor continues to chuckle, shaking her head lightly. It feels good, reminiscing like this -- to be able to find that easy rapport again. It’s always been a good sign to make his mother laugh.
There are other topics at hand to discuss, though, namely what their agenda for the coming week is. They’ve got their errands for today, obviously, mainly small favors for folks in the church community and gathering any last supplies for her baking event. But what else is to come? Eleanor rattles off some of the commitments she has -- church events, food bank volunteering…
Eleanor: And my United For Life branch has our weekly brunch on Wednesday -- oh, it would be so wonderful if you could come to that. I’m sure some of the women would be so heartened to see a young man like yourself advocating for the unborn. Charlie: Um… you said Wednesday? [ swiftly ] Shoot, you know, I think that’s the same time as my Pace audition…
And if it isn’t, he sure is about to pretend it is. The pro-life activism he’ll do without, but the rest of her plans sound reasonable. Either way, should be an interesting and lively week.
Farkle and JORDAN NELSON have met up on campus for a study date, at the same cafe they usually hang out at together. Things aren’t as cozy as they once were, though -- rather than cramming together into one oversized armchair and cuddling close, they’re sharing one of the leather couches, with a decent amount of space between them. That’s because Jordan is more focused on the shooting script he’s editing than Farkle, clearly more in study mode than date mode.
Which is not Farkle’s preference at the moment. Not right now, when it already feels like the rose-colored hue is starting to fade from their world. Jordan’s stolen attention feels like barbed wire, and Farkle doesn’t know when it got put up. He isn’t convinced about whether this is a new disinterest he’s suddenly earned from his boyfriend… or if it’s always been this way, if he’s always been reaching for scraps, and he’s just seeing it now. Lately, he doesn’t know what to believe.
But he knows it’s been good. It is good, he thinks. He just has to keep working on it -- relationships are all about effort after all. He clears his throat, delicately nudging his shoe against Jordan’s knee to get his attention. At first, Jordan instinctively swats him away, mildly irritated, but then once he realizes the gesture was meant to be playful, he gives him a second of his time, offering him a smile.
Jordan: Yes? Farkle: Nothing. Just thinking… about how happy I am to be here. With you. Jordan: Aw. So sweet.
Jordan leans over and gives him a brisk kiss, which seems like all Farkle could’ve wanted. But it ebbs away just as fast, Jordan going back to his laptop a moment later… Farkle scrambles to hold on, nudging the conversation along.
Farkle: It’s good to see you. And just be chill, like this. I know things have been busy, with classes and the show and stuff. Jordan: Yeah. Totally. Farkle: … I noticed you haven’t come to the show again yet. I’ve been told it’s getting better every night. Maybe you could come to the one tonight? I could get you a free ticket.
As if Jordan can’t afford to pay. Regardless, he dismisses the offer, claiming he’s too busy. Midterms, and all that. Like what he’s working on right now.
Jordan: Of course, I’d love to see you. I’m sure you’re killing it. Farkle: Right. Jordan: But bigger fish to fry right now. [ patting his cheek ] Just keep making me proud, Minkus.
He’s trying. That’s all he’s trying to do. Farkle searches for another route, bringing up an idea he’s been ruminating on as if he’s just thought of it.
Farkle: You know what I was thinking? Jordan, playfully: That you really need to be quiet so that Jordan can work on his edit? Farkle: No. With your film festival thing coming up -- Jordan: It’s not a film festival “thing.” It’s the Young Directors Summit. Where my short film was selected out of hundreds of entries. Farkle: Right. Yes. That. Sorry, I forgot the name. I know the Summit is a big deal, so I was thinking I could do something special to celebrate it. I thought maybe I could cook dinner, and you could come by the apartment. Sort of lowkey, but… special, you know? Intimate.
A situation where he can’t be distracted by something else. Jordan contemplates this, not opposed to the idea, but he warns Farkle that he doesn’t know what his schedule might be like through the week. So he’ll soft commit, but no promises.
What a sweet response… Farkle tries to hold onto hope, taking that as a yes. It’s better than a no, at least. Now he just needs to figure out what to make… Jordan shifts to discussing the Summit more in detail, reminding Farkle of the date of the event and that he’s going to be his plus one. It’s a pretty classy event, so they want to get there early and show up right. He’ll text him some ensemble ideas so Farkle knows what to wear.
Farkle: I mean, I can imagine. I did grow up with a millionaire CEO for a father. I’m no stranger to fancy events. Jordan: Of course. I just know your taste can be a bit… quirky, and I want to make the right impression. You know how these older Hollywood folks can be. No imagination. [ with a smile ] Just want both of us to come out looking just right.
Sure… hard to argue with that. Farkle drops it, just content with being included in Jordan’s very important plans.
Zay, pre-lap: I know you’re hella busy, but I’m just looking for some opinions.
Riley is at NYU for weekend rehearsal, already in costume and make-up for the first act of Ghost. She’s been there all day, and it’s just the start of a long, long week to opening night. Zay has come by to visit and ask for her advice on his Turner audition concept, following her through the auditorium towards the stage.
Riley: I get that, and I wish I could be more help. Seriously, if I could drop everything and just spend all week helping you craft the perfect Zay routine, you know I would in a heartbeat. Zay: I know you would. Which is crazy, but appreciated. Riley: But I am just so swamped right now. I barely have time for my classes around all of this, to say nothing of my free time. I don’t know how much help I’m going to be.
She doesn’t want to let him down, or the production by getting too distracted. Zay waves off her reservations, assuring her it’s not that serious. He just wants a once-over, honest opinion on the direction, then she’ll be free to go. As they make it to center stage, Riley relents, holding out her hands.
Zay grins, handing her the scribbled choreo and concept sheet he drafted up. She starts to skim it.
Riley: Have you asked Vanessa? I’m sure her dance perspective would be much more helpful than mine. Zay: Uh… no. No, we’re not really doing that right now.
That’s got her attention. Riley is far more concerned with that answer and the tone of his voice than anything he could’ve written on that sheet of paper.
Riley: What does that mean? Is everything okay? Zay: Chill. It’s not -- everything is fine. Riley: I’m chill. I’m calm. But you’re not doing what, exactly?
Well, anything, at this point. Zay sighs and briefly explains the situation, the agreement he and Vanessa reached to keep things from imploding. With the stakes so high for auditions, they’re taking a clean, silent break from one another so they can focus their energies on their routines and not get in each other’s heads. So pointedly, asking for advice would be out of the question.
Despite the genius move Zay seems to think they’ve made here, Riley doesn’t look impressed.
Riley: You’d rather not just… talk about it? Zay: [ with a snort ] Fuck no. That never ends well.
Talking hasn’t exactly been their strong suit. With things so heated right now just by nature of competition, they’re doing everything in their power to avoid anything that could spark another flash argument. That feels like the greatest obvious risk.
Zay: But it’s all good. This is good. We’ve got it so that we give each other space now, get through the bullshit without sacrificing either of our chances. And no matter what happens, we won’t have the opportunity to misplace blame on each other, since we definitely weren’t a possible factor in distracting the other before the audition. So we get through this, let what happens happen, and then bam. Back to normal, crisis averted.
There’s about seventeen things in that plan Riley takes issue with, but knowing Zay, she doesn’t think it’s worth it to argue. Once he has an idea in his head, it’s hard to convince him otherwise… not to mention she straight up doesn’t have time. Maintaining her own relationships is task enough right now.
So she moves on, directing her focus instead to the choreography and continuing to read.
Meanwhile, a brief montage showcases how Eleanor and Charlie spend most of their day, stopping by church members’ homes to bring home-cooked meals for those that are sick, provide supplies and groceries for the elderly, pick up mail for community drop off.
Everyone seems grateful for the help and more than tickled to see Charlie helping out. Many of them remark how nice it is to see more of him, since he was away for so long. While the sentiment is positive, and Charlie always insists he’s glad to be back, Eleanor usually clams up at the mention of his absence.
It reopens a bit of the cold space between them, the mysterious chill that Charlie is working to thaw. He just needs to figure out why.
After that full day of work, Charlie is more than ready for dinner with his family that evening. AMBROSE GARDNER took the burden of cooking tonight, and DAISY GARDNER and ROSIE GARDNER are both dutifully in attendance. Charlie takes a peek around the table as Eleanor wraps up saying grace, enjoying the reality of getting to be sharing a meal with his parents and younger sisters again. It feels familiar; it feels normal.
No matter how things change or how long he goes away, he figures he can always come back to some form of this.
As they begin to idly chat, Eleanor reminds the family that tomorrow is a very special day at church with her bake-a-thon. She’s spent a lot of time organizing it, and she wants it to go off without a hitch. So they’ll likely need to head out a bit early tomorrow for service.
One thing that has changed, without a doubt, is Rosie’s willingness to throw curveballs. After a beat, she claims she wasn’t planning on going to service tomorrow.
This goes about as well as you’d expect. An uncertain quiet settles over the table, all eyes looking in her direction. Eleanor blinks, taking a moment to process that.
Ambrose: You didn’t, uh, mention this to us earlier, Rose. Rosie: Sorry. I guess I forgot. Eleanor: What gave you the idea that it was okay to change your plans? Rosie: Um… not being eleven years old anymore? I don’t get what the big deal is. I go to service literally every week. Eleanor: The big deal is that I have a very important event that I’ve been planning for weeks, and I would like my family to be there in support. I’ve been very clear about the timeline for this. What else could you possibly have planned? Rosie: Whatever, nothing. Something else just came up. Ambrose: I think we would’ve appreciated a bit more advanced notice -- Eleanor: “Something.” What else is “something?” Rosie: Okay, if you have to know! One of my friends from school is having a birthday party, and I really want to be there for it. Eleanor: [ with a scoff ] A birthday party -- Rosie: It’s their sweet sixteen! It’s a big deal! Eleanor: Oh, so that is a big deal to you? But not Sunday service with your family. Rosie: This is so ridiculous! Daisy gets to skip tomorrow!
Daisy shoots her a glare, not appreciating being dragged into it.
Daisy: I have the science fair! Rosie: I just think it’s dumb to act like you’re mad because of this one event, when we all know that no matter what week it was, you’d be mad at me for not wanting to go. Like, as if I could ever have another life outside of church. Eleanor: That is absolutely not true. I don’t appreciate your attitude. If that’s how you really feel, then maybe you shouldn’t -- Charlie: [ cutting in ] I’ll go. Tomorrow. I can tap in for Rosie.
All of them stare at him, effectively halting the back and forth.
Ambrose: That’s a nice offer, bud. Eleanor: That isn’t exactly the point. But I’m sure you have other things -- Rosie: [ under her breath ] So it’s fine when he does… Charlie: Really, I’m happy to go. It’ll be nice, actually, to go more consistently. I haven’t been great about reestablishing the habit since I got back, with all the moving and everything.
This way, Rosie can go to her party, but Eleanor will have one kid in attendance to rep the clan. Everyone wins. And next time, they all can be there together for a change. Wouldn’t that be nice?
For now, it’ll have to do… and at least it stops the arguing. No one quite won, but greater eruption is averted for now. Daisy shrugs, unbothered. As long as she gets to go to the science fair, not her problem. Eleanor frowns lightly to herself, stabbing at her dinner.
Eleanor: Why they would schedule that on a Sunday is beyond me…
Nice to have the peacemaker back in full force. Ambrose gives Charlie a grateful smile and subtle nod, which he lightly returns.
Lucas swings by the old apartment for the first time in a while, bringing leftovers from the diner after a shift. He starts to head for the kitchen but is startled by KENNETH FRIAR reclined on the couch, plaintively watching TV.
It’s stunning not just because he’s not used to Kenneth being around so consistently, but more so because he looks so… small. So unlike himself. His formerly athletic and bulky frame has thinned from chemotherapy and fatigue. His usually tan skin from all those hours outside coaching has grown sallow. Even though he’s at rest at the moment, his breathing is fragile in subtle ways, like the work of raising his chest takes much more effort than before. If the room were quiet, you may be able to hear the air rattle through his lungs.
Considering he hasn’t visited in a bit, it’s obvious Kenneth is surprised to see Lucas, too. Surprised, and somewhat embarrassed by the state he’s discovered him in. Immediately, he pushes himself upright and tries to regain more presence, clearing his throat and asking why he’s stopped by.
Lucas: … finished my shift and we had leftovers. Thought you all could use them. [ a beat ] Mama especially likes the pie, so. Kenneth: Ah. Yeah. [ with a nod ] That’s nice. She’ll like that.
Yeah… Lucas awkwardly continues towards the kitchen, letting that be that. Only he’s startled again when Kenneth coughs, loudly, a violent reflex that sounds about as brutal as it probably feels at this point. Lucas winces, unprepared for the reality check.
It only grows worse as Kenneth settles into a coughing fit. He tries to fight it, not wanting to hack up a lung in front of him, but that only makes the spasm worse. He starts to wheeze, and in his effort to straighten up and ease airflow he knocks the remote off the arm rest and onto the ground, cursing angrily at his own clumsiness. He starts to get up and reach for it --
And that’s when he starts to tumble. His legs aren’t what they used to be, and before he knows it he’s losing his balance, beginning to crumple towards the carpet.
Lucas moves without thinking, placing the Chubbies bag on the floor and rushing over to help. He kneels down and stabilizes Kenneth so he doesn’t completely collapse, trying to help him back upright towards to the couch. For a moment, he allows it, too off-balance to think of anything but regaining alignment.
Then once he realizes what’s happened, and the humiliation sets in, so do his instincts. Like he has to prove he doesn’t need him, that any pity or superiority he might feel is misguided. In a flash, Kenneth rejects Lucas’s aid, shoving him away.
It all happens in seconds. A perfect presentation of old habits burned in deep, leaving Kenneth flushed in the face and Lucas sprawled on the floor.
For a second, neither of them move, unable to look at each other. Both uncertain how to react; both humiliated in different ways.
GRACE FRIAR comes in moments later, taking in the scene and dreading the worst. She cautiously asks if everything is okay -- already knowing the answer -- breaking the spell of paralysis. Lucas swallows his emotion and gets back to his feet without a word, allowing Kenneth to speak for the both of them as he claims they’re fine. Just dropped the remote.
In that same quiet tread, Grace approaches and steps in the middle, retrieving the remote from the ground and handing it to Kenneth. He takes it sheepishly, letting a nod substitute for actual thanks. He tries to push past the episode, aiming for nonchalant.
Kenneth: Lucas brought food. Should do you the favor of having to keep me alive for a couple more days.
That comes off more macabre than intended. Grace eyes the food bag on the floor, then Lucas, silently trying to figure him out.
Then she gracefully takes the food and leads the way to the kitchen, correctly assuming Lucas will follow. They leave Kenneth alone, solemn and pale in the glow of the television screen.
Grace delicately transfers all the leftovers Lucas brought into airtight containers, the only noise coming from the low din of news in the living room. Lucas leans against the counter, arms crossed and staring at the floor, expression knit into a frown. The figure left out of the conversation may no longer be so large, but he still casts a long shadow…
Lucas: Why didn’t you tell me it was getting this bad?
She knew he would say something eventually. She pauses, closing her eyes for a moment, then she sighs.
Grace: You want the truth? [ turning to face him ] It never crossed my mind.
Living with it so constantly, watching him deteriorate, it’s like she’s become numb to it. The evidence of it is more shocking to Lucas, who has been able to walk away for chunks of time. It’s been subtle to her, almost imperceptible.
Not to mention, what good would it have done to tell him? Other than stating the obvious? What would either of them gain if she had? Lucas shrugs, searching for the answer.
Lucas: I could help more. I can come by more often. Do more… chores, or something. I don’t know. If he needs help, then -- Grace: Based on how well that went?
She didn’t see it happen, but she can fill in the blanks. Kenneth was prideful to begin with, and no longer having the same ability and discipline is hard enough on him. Having to ask for help from Lucas would make it ten times worse, and probably bring out the worst in both of them. They already got a glimpse of it, with how he pushed him aside -- it’s not the same as being knocked around on purpose, no, but the actions hurt just as much. The scars sting the same.
Still, Lucas feels guilty. Grace is here dealing with all of it, having to carry the weight for all of them, and he’s just off doing whatever.
Grace: He’s my husband. [ with weak humor ] That’s part of the job description, isn’t it? In sickness and in health.
The way they’ve got it right now is what’s best for everyone. Less friction this way; less pain. Lucas has so many things to be focused on in his own life -- good things, the stuff she wants him to be investing his time and energy into.
Grace: You have your own life to live. I don’t want to mess with that. You don’t need to become a caretaker… least of all for someone who didn’t necessarily return the favor.
It’s one of the first times Grace has openly acknowledged the less-than-stellar hell the two of them have endured, rather than leaving it unspoken. The subtle admission is enough to stall Lucas’s complaints for now, though no one seems particularly satisfied with the situation.
However, with the Friar family, that’s not exactly out of the ordinary.
Isa arrives at the usual church with the MacNamara clan, shy but doing their best not to retreat into themselves. Milo hardly lets them anyway, sticking by their side and eagerly pointing out all of the people they pass and things he likes about their church like their personal tour guide.
As they approach the doors, where cheerful ushers are greeting them, they take a deep breath. No turning back now.
The congregation is milling about and chatting while they wait for service to begin, and everyone is more than friendly when the MacNamaras arrive. They’re clearly well-liked members of the community, due in no small part to Ruby’s bubbly charm, and they mesh into the social scene easily.
Except Isa. They’re not sure how to comport themselves, although Ruby does their best to integrate them. They pull out all the stops while introducing them around, praising Isa’s creativity and gushing about how wonderful it’s been to have them join the family.
Even though everyone is kind enough, it’s still a bit awkward. Suppose there was no way it couldn’t be, a new family member appearing out of the blue, but Isa doesn’t help matters much with their natural lack of social charisma. They try their damnedest, doing everything they can to channel Riley and Dylan or mimic Ruby’s natural ease, but it just doesn’t land right. They keep saying the wrong thing, or causing awkward bumps in the conversation. When one churchgoer calls them MacNamara by default, they correct with “De La Cruz,” but then don’t even get why they felt the need to fill in.
Churchgoer: Oh, of course. My bad, dear. [ with sympathy ] We know all about your late mother.
Yeah, figures. Who doesn’t? They know Ruby told the congregation about Isa’s connection, so it’s no surprise people here would know. Somehow, the known feeling doesn’t make Isa feel better though -- it makes them feel even more like a sore thumb, an intruder with the MacNamara clan rather than a member.
Even so, Ruby tells them they’re doing fine. As she goes to find the boys and direct them to their pew, she promises Isa that this has gone swimmingly so far. Everyone is going to love them, no doubt about it.
While they wait for the others to return and head towards the pew, they hang back, checking their phone. They’ve got messages from Riley and Dylan, both encouraging them to just be themselves and stay out of their own head. They’ve got this! What’s not to love?
It’s not love Isa is concerned about. It’s feeling a part of things -- feeling like they belong.
Other churchgoers pass by Isa without comment now, no Ruby magnetism to draw their attention. No identification key to prove they should be there. As the world slows down around them, Isa does their best to keep their polite smile on.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Waiting On A Miracle” as performed by Encanto Original Movie Cast || Performed by Isa De La Cruz
They start the song trying to convince themselves it’s fine, that they’re doing great. Echoing the kind sentiments of their half-mother and friends in their head. They’re part of the family. They’re part of the community. It’s fine, totally fine.
But it’s not. This thing they’ve found with Zachary, with the whole family, is so fragile. So important, and they’re so terrified of fucking it up. They want it to be easy -- they want to effortlessly fit into their world.
Always walking alone Always wanting for more Like I'm still at that door longing to shine
These nerves are what motivate the performance as it unfolds, the world growing dark around Isa as a theoretical spotlight shines on them. They begin to move through the church and the pews, fittingly singing about miracles and grace from the universe in the house of whispered prayers. All they need is a chance -- they’re giving this everything they’ve got. They will not mess it up.
Their singing grows more pronounced as they make it to the front of the pews, now in front of the entire congregation. Their focus is on the MacNamaras, though, Ruby and the boys frozen in their seats. Isa implores them to not give up on them, to give them a fair chance, even though they can’t hear the prayer.
I would heal what's broken Show this family something new Who I am inside, so what can I do? I'm sick of waiting on a miracle, so here I go
They then bound through the center aisle through the rest of the number. Declaring their readiness, determined not to mess this one up. All they need is a blessing, a miracle that’ll let this opportunity be different from the rest. They land back at the far end of the church, throwing their head back and belting out the last line as the stained glass window of Jesus above them glows down on them.
Then the music and lights fade away, returning the scenery to normal as Isa murmurs the last sentiment to themselves.
Isa: Am I too late for a miracle?
Moments later, Zachary comes to join them, nodding towards the pews where Ruby and the boys are waiting.
Zachary: Ready?
They hope so, Zachary. They want to believe it. Isa manages a smile, then follows him down the aisle. 
This time, it’s Farkle who is left hanging out in the apartment alone. He’s trying to do a reading for class, but is having trouble focusing. He keeps going back to his phone, waiting for new messages that aren’t coming -- or more accurately, rereading the last one he received and hoping it’ll be different.
“Got held up in the edit studio, sorry Minkus. Next time”
Which would be fine, a totally normal and understandable change of plans, if every action Jordan took these days didn’t feel like a nod to how rapidly Farkle is losing his shine.
He perks up when he hears the key in the apartment door, grateful to not be alone with his thoughts anymore. But it’s much more than that -- MAYA HART returns, yes, but she’s also got friends. In this case, JADE BEAMON and YINDRA AMINO, all three of them engaged in opinionated chatter about something or other. They’re just coming back from a Sunday brunch.
Without him. Not that Farkle would’ve expected to be invited, but somehow, seeing all of his peers together right in front of him makes his absence feel even more pointed.
They all seem surprised to find him there on the couch, greeting him cheerfully. Maya is most surprised of them all.
Maya: I didn’t realize you were home. Farkle: Yeah. You know, just, last-minute change of plans. [ a beat ] I did have something else going on, but -- Yindra: Sorry, Mink. If we’d known you were free, you could’ve tagged along.
They just assumed, given his very busy schedule, that he wouldn’t be. It honestly didn’t even occur to Maya to ask him. Farkle swallows his disappointment, waving off their concern with a tight smile. No worries.
Everything is fine.
As service is wrapping up for the afternoon, the MacNamara clan gathers by the front to say goodbye. Ruby is clearly well-established in the community, receiving warm hugs and exchanging kind farewells with basically everyone who passes them on their exit. Zachary always receives a handshake or nod, and Milo may as well be the belle of the ball with how everyone loves him.
Some people remember to acknowledge Isa; fewer actually remember their name. Most don’t think anything of it, so enmeshed in their usual routines that it's like they mentally skip over them. It’s probably not personal. Isa tries to convince themselves that it's not on them. Change takes time; they’re doing the best they can.
Ruby turns to give all of them a smile, asking if they’re ready to head out. She makes sure to give Isa an affectionate squeeze on the arm, a small but tender gesture signaling how glad she is that they joined them this morning. Isa smiles.
Louis leads the way out of the church, more than ready to be done with the socializing for the day.
Boy, is he in for a nasty surprise. The instant that Zachary steps out behind him into the sunshine, Isa not far behind, it’s like the wolves descend. Somehow, the paparazzi have gotten wind of their presence and their brand new relationship, because they’re staked outside the church like vultures.
And when they see their prey, it only takes a second for them to swoop in for the kill.
Paparazzi: There they are! Paparazzi 2: Quick, quick, get the shot!
Cameras start clicking and tabloid reporters rush forward to meet them on the sidewalk, completely catching them all off-guard. One of them basically shoves Louis to the side to get a microphone in Zachary’s face, nearly sending him to the ground. Ruby scrambles forward to help him, sending a scowling Mama Bear glare in their direction.
It’s all happening so fast, so suddenly, that none of them have the proper preparation to react.
Reporter: Z.D. Roman, are the rumors true? You’re the father of the late Valerie De La Cruz’s illegitimate love child? Zachary: I -- uh -- Reporter 2: Isadora! How does it feel to finally know your father? Does it feel like too little, too late? Reporter 3: Do you feel like Valerie hid something from you? Is it a betrayal that it took so long? Reporter 2: Z.D., how does it feel to be a baby daddy? Reporter: Is it true that you hid the truth about the paternity because you didn’t want it to disrupt your career? Is that really more important than fatherhood? Zachary: No. No -- I didn’t know -- Reporter: Isadora, do you feel -- Isa, numbly: It’s Isa.
That’s all their brain can manage at the moment. It’s quickly shutting down, overwhelmed by all the chaos and unexpected third degree. Louis and Milo seem equally overwhelmed, not used to such public accosting. Despite their well-regarded father, Ruby and Zachary have always done a good job of keeping things lowkey and maintaining their privacy. Suffice to say, they’ve never had microphones shoved in their face like this before.
Reporter: [ to Milo ] How does it feel knowing your dad had another child? Do you feel replaced? Milo, confused: I love having Isa here? Ruby: Shh, baby, you don’t have to say anything to these people. [ to the reporter ] Shame on you. God bless your damn heart.
Zachary finally gets his wits back, helping Ruby to usher their family towards the car. Other churchgoers are staring, disturbed and unsettled by the sudden immense attention being drawn to their tight-knit community. More than a little judgment is being shot Isa’s way as they’re shepherded into the back of the MacNamara car.
More than a little shaken, the family initially start their drive home in silence. Then, as if a dam has burst, emotions come flooding out of both Louis and Milo. Louis starts cussing out (without any actual curse words) the paparazzi for shoving him around, claiming that they could’ve killed him; Milo starts blubbering tears, overwhelmed and unsure how to deal with this new experience. 
Next to the two boys in the back, Isa remains silent. They take in the intense emotions from their half-brothers, and Ruby as she turns around in her seat to try and calm them. Isa shrinks into their seat.
They can still hear the shouts of the paparazzi, see the flashes of the camera, feel the judgmental eyes on them. Memories of similar experiences past press down on them, leaving no space to breathe. It’s all happening all at once, stuck on replay, the sounds of Milo’s cries and Louis’s shouts merging in with the sounds of their memories. 
Eventually, one sound cuts through the rest. It starts out quiet, but slowly comes into focus.
Zachary: Isa. Isa, we’re home.
Isa blinks, coming back to the present. The car is parked, Ruby already unlocking the front door with Milo and Louis close behind her. Only Zachary and Isa remain in the car. He watches them, concerned.
Zachary: Are you okay?
Isa can’t open their mouth. It’s glued shut. They shake their head, tears pricking their eyes. Unsure what to do, Zachary tells Isa that they can retreat to their room and spend as much time as they need there; he’ll make sure that they’re left undisturbed.
Isa manages a small nod. They carefully get out of the car, movements small and gentle, as if making too big of a move will injure them. 
Inside the house, Isa heads towards the stairs. Ruby opens her mouth to say something as they pass, but from behind them, Zachary shakes his head to signal that Isa should be left alone. Ruby accepts this and shifts her attention back to the two boys, who she’s consoling with the promise of ice cream in the garden. 
After bounding up the stairs, Isa rushes into their room and shuts the door. It’s been a while since they’ve had a shut down like this -- but it’s also been a while since they were triggered that way. 
And now, everyone else had to deal with it too. They slump down on the floor, tears slipping down their cheeks.
Sydney, pre-lap: I don’t understand how this happened. 
That evening, the family gathers together to discuss what the hell happened. SYDNEY NGUYEN has joined them, keeping tabs on how the story is breaking on their phone and clearly displeased with this turn of events. Zachary is trending, but for all the wrong reasons.
She can join the club. Zachary is still recovering from the surprise of the day, not quite himself and even more shy than usual; Ruby is downright livid, matching Sydney’s pacing as they try to figure out what the hell happened. Isa has come back around enough to be present, but much like their father, they’re not contributing much to the conversation.
Sydney: We go a whole two weeks with no leaks, not one word, and all of a sudden it explodes like this? Zachary, resigned: Welcome to Hollywood. Sydney: This was never OK’d. We didn’t even discuss how we wanted to break it, if at all. I would’ve gone through People if we’d had the choice -- now we’re stuck with the muckrakers. [ with dread ] God, you know Leticia is going to be fucking furious about this. Zachary: [ to Isa, helpfully ] My publicist. Ruby: I swear -- God forgive me for this -- but I swear if someone in that church did this, it will be the last thing they ever do. I hope it wasn’t, but --
But you just don’t know. In Hollywood, it feels impossible to know who’s truly a friend.
Isa, on the other hand, thinks they’ve got the blame all figured out.
Isa: This is my fault. Zachary: No. Ruby: Isa, honey, don’t -- Isa: It is. It’s nice of you to act like it isn’t, but it is. Before I got here, you all never had a problem like this. If Louis didn’t already hate me, he sure as hell does now. Ruby: He doesn’t hate you. Isa: I ruined everything. I’m -- I’m sorry.
Despite their certainty, Zachary and Ruby refuse to accept their apology. This is part of fame, for better or worse, and Isa isn’t the one to blame for it getting out. There was always this potential, they all knew it. Now, they just have to figure out how to handle it.
Sydney looks as though she’s more inclined to agree with Isa -- her job was much more calm before they showed up. But there’s nothing to be done about it now. Ruby assures them all that they’ll find a way to work through this as a family.
Isa does their best to believe her, but it feels like a hard sell.
Of course, the news is out there though, and everyone else will be responding whether they like it or not. Maya is currently seeing the evidence of that on their social media, Isa suddenly popping up everywhere with the tabloid photographs from church.
It’s more than apparent how uncomfortable Isa is. Maya can recognize it, the discomfort and tension in the features of the best friend she used to know so well.
So she does what she can from her corner of the interwebs. She deflects attention from the media fire, taking the time to call out some users for not minding their own business and distracting others by posting new content to her socials. Might seem selfish on the surface, but if she can divert any of the clicks from one article to something else, that’s one less pair of prying eyes.
It’s all she can do. As the camera pans…
Across the empty living area, to the opposite side of the apartment, through the walls into another bedroom…
Farkle is also scrolling through the storm, obviously not happy with what he’s seeing. He knows how sensitive Isa is about this topic, how private they’ve always wanted their family stuff to be. Something they never truly got, given their mother, but a wish all the same.
Farkle doesn’t have the same media influence as Maya, so him keyboard warrior-ing on Isa’s behalf wouldn’t do much. He’s less concerned about the external people reacting anyway, thinking more about Isa on their own. He can see the signs in their posture too, the shutting down written all over their expression in some of the photos (that, of course, lazy tabloid writers are asserting is bad attitude).
He wants to be there for them. To be able to stand by their side, be a body to lean on -- or fall asleep on, if past experiences are any prologue. It actually surprises him how strong the desire to be close to them is. Like he so desperately want to help, however he can, that he’ll give anything he has to offer even if that’s just his bony shoulders.
But he doesn’t know how. Things have been so weird between them, especially with how he keeps leaving them on read right now. How shitty would it be for him to respond now, only after their life has been flipped upside down again? Not to mention, Farkle has the nagging feeling that Jordan would not take kindly to him letting Isa snuggle up close if that’s what they needed.
Still, he has to do something. So he finally opens their message thread again.
If this catastrophe is good for anything, maybe it’ll be this. Isa sits up on their elbow when they see their phone glow with a new message.
“Sorry I’ve been so shitty about responding. I agree with everything you said, even though we’re so bad at actually making it happen. Guess that’s the curse of being us”
“I saw the stuff in the tabloids -- it’s fucked up. My track record this week doesn’t speak for itself, but if you need anything, let me know. I’m here for you”
The renewed contact is salve enough, cursed as they may be. Isa smiles at the messages, letting them give them the slightest bit of comfort.
Before they can respond, there’s a light knock on their door. So light they almost wonder if they imagined it, but they cautiously sit up and invite curiosity in anyway.
Isa: [ in a whisper ] Come in?
There’s a long beat of quiet… and then moments later, their door cracks open. Milo pokes his head inside.
Isa: What are you doing up? You’re supposed to be asleep. Milo: I couldn’t sleep. 
He sniffs, holding a teddy bear tightly. Isa shifts on their bed and invites Milo into the room. He shuffles over to the bed and perches on the end of it. For a moment, neither say anything. Feeling awkward, Isa does their best to make conversation.
Isa: What’s your bear called? Milo: Mr. Cuddles. Momma got him for me to hug whenever I feel upset or scared. Isa: Do you still feel upset about the paparazzi at church?
Milo gives a little nod, and guilt washes over Isa. As if sensing this, Milo turns and crawls closer to Isa.
Milo: You don’t have a Mr. Cuddles, so you can hug me if you want. I’m very cuddly.
Caught off guard, Isa laughs. They accept the offer of a hug and squeeze Milo tight for a moment. When they separate, Milo beams up at them.
Milo: If you feel scared again, you can hug me.  Isa: Thank you, Milo. You are very cuddly. 
Milo’s chest inflates, proud of himself. Isa pauses, unsure how to broach the topic on their mind. 
Isa: Sometimes I don’t really like hugging, especially if I feel overwhelmed. But it doesn’t mean that I don’t appreciate the offer. Milo: Because of your autism, right?
Isa is a little surprised he knows. Clearly Zachary and Ruby prepared their children well. 
Milo: Dad said that’s why you needed to be alone this afternoon, too. I wanted to bring you some ice cream.
Milo pouts, making Isa chuckle again. They ruffle Milo’s hair and tell him that they’re grateful to have such a thoughtful little brother. 
Milo, curious: Why did your autism make you want to be alone?  Isa: [ contemplating a moment ] When I feel big emotions, I either shut down or melt down. Shut down means that my emotions are big and scary inside my head, but on the outside, I might seem quiet. Or numb. Melt down is the opposite, when I express the emotions outward. Milo: Like crying? Isa: It’s… a bit more than just crying. One time I threw stuff around in my room and broke everything. 
Milo gasps, imagining the amount of trouble he’d get into if he did that. 
Isa: I haven’t done anything like that for a while, though. I’ve learned better ways to deal with big emotions. Today, though… [ a beat ] it was very unexpected. It brought back other memories like that from the past, so I shut down. When I get like that, I find it difficult to talk, and need time alone to deal with all my emotions. 
Milo takes all of this in and nods solemnly. 
Milo: Thank you for telling me.  Isa, amused: Thank you for listening. If you have any other questions about autism, you can always ask me.  Milo: I have one more! Isa: Shoot. Milo: Can I hug you again?
Smiling, Isa nods and opens their arms. Milo grins and hugs them again before jumping down from the bed and bidding them goodnight. Isa’s smile remains even once alone.
By Monday morning, the tabloid fodder has reached the wider news ecosystem, so Isa’s father reveal is all over the internet. It even has a spot or two in some of the papers, in the entertainment section, which ERIC MATTHEWS is disdainfully flipping through as he finishes his morning coffee. He wants to do something, to make it stop, but he feels powerless. Especially with Isa so far away.
Eric: I should’ve known this would happen. Jack: Careful, you’re starting to sound like Isa and Lucas. You’re meant to be the optimist in this little arrangement. Eric: I should’ve known. I should’ve gone with them -- Jack: And done what? Tackled a reporter like their personal bodyguard? That would’ve made a more entertaining news story, I admit. “High school principal body-checks paparazzi leaving Sunday morning service. Amen.”
Eric rolls his eyes, but even he can admit it sounds ridiculous. His parental instinct is strong, but the reality is he couldn’t have changed this outcome. If it was going to happen, it would’ve with or without him there to play protector.
That doesn’t mean he has to be happy about it. Jack settles down in the chair next to him, leaning forward to take his hands and pull them away from the newspaper.
Jack: You want to help them. I get it. That’s who you are, and it’s one of the things I love most about you. Eric: Didn’t used to always feel that way… Jack: [ ignoring that ] But Isa’s not a kid anymore. And they’ve been dealing with this a lot longer than either of us have. In all honesty, they’ve always had pretty good instincts about how to handle it, when to bite back and when to reel it in. I was impressed by them because of that. I’m sure the same instincts will apply here.
Of course, they’ll always be there for them. But this development, unwelcome as it may be, might be the perfect chance for Isa to practice flying out of the nest. They have support here and there, but it might be time for them to pick these battles on their own.
Eric doesn’t look pleased about that, but they know Jack is probably right. He begrudgingly accepts a kiss.
Otherwise, life goes on. Vanessa arrives with Nigel at one of the practice studios he booked on campus, about to embark on their tutoring journey. Vanessa gets a good look around while Nigel wanders further in, getting some of the equipment set up.
Nigel: Probably not as sleek and elite as you’re used to. Vanessa: Please, NYU isn’t short on resources. Turner’s are more polished, yeah, but this isn’t bad. And don’t forget I’m coming from Quincy High. We didn’t even have dance studios. I’m not going to shit on a decent set-up.
Fair enough. Once there’s no more small talk to bother with, the awkwardness sets in, neither of them quite sure how to act without Zay there as the buffer. Nigel turns away to retrieve his assignment packet from his backpack, which contains the choreography sheets.
Nigel: Before we get started, I just want to make clear that I promise, I’m not a bad dancer. I’m no Zay Babineaux, but I’m not without rhythm. Despite what you’re about to see from me, I’m normally not this whack. Vanessa: No worries, I believe you. [ holding out her hand ] Can I see?
Nigel hands over the sheets, allowing Vanessa to flip through them. Her eyebrows shoot up.
Vanessa: Wow. You said this was intro to movement? Nigel: Unfortunately, yes. I don’t know that my prof got the memo. Vanessa: No joke. Like, this is doable, but I wouldn’t call it novice material. Especially for a midterm. Nigel: [ genuinely grateful ] Thank you for the vindication.
She offers him a light smile. She finishes flipping through it, then assures him they’ll be able to work through it within the week. They can get him in shape to pass.
Nigel: From your lips to God’s ears. Just -- again, I know you have stuff going on too. Zay talks about it enough. So if you need to bail or whatever, don’t risk it on my account. I get it. Vanessa: All good. It’s… nice, to be somewhere else for a bit. Nice change of pace.
Getting out of her audition head will probably do her more good than harm at this point.
Yindra is looking particularly groovy this morning, impatiently waiting in the modern offices of a talent agency in West Hollywood. She taps her feet against the floor, trying to keep her nerves from showing.
After another moment where she considers running for the hills, REESE DALTON-KING emerges from the hall, gifting her a warm smile as he spots her waiting there. She immediately jumps to her feet, returning his smile and accepting the handshake he offers.
Reese: Great to see you again. I’m so glad you could make it in. Yindra: You too. Thanks for seeing me. And your patience. Reese: Of course. Come on, let’s head back to my office.
Reese thanks the receptionist as they go, leading the way back down the hall past other agents’ doors.
Reese steps back to let Yindra in first, stepping into his personal office. It’s smartly decorated, inhabited without being gauche. While there’s accolades on the wall to show off -- platinum record certifications, a Grammy sitting up top on a shelf -- there’s touches of personality too, like the vintage concert posters he has from his youth or the Aaron Burr Funko Pop he has on his filing cabinet from Hamilton.
He gestures for Yindra to take the seat across the desk while he settles onto the adjacent couch, setting them up for an easygoing conversation. He asks if she wants water, which she accepts, before they dive into discussion. He reiterates that he’s happy they’re finally getting the chance to follow up after the Haunt, despite the time it took on both ends.
Reese: Again, I’m so sorry to hear about your grandparents. Losing both grandfathers back to back… that couldn’t have been easy. Yindra: Huh? Oh, yeah… [ faux touched ] Thanks.
But now they’re both here, which means they can finally talk business. Reese did mean it when he said he saw potential in her at the Haunt, and that’s only grown with time. He’s listened back to her performance a few times, and he first wants to commend her phenomenal talent. She has pipes, there’s no doubt about that. Pipes, and a lot of potential.
Reese: I believe you’ve got the stuff. There’s a path for you here to find real success, we just have to work together to find it -- if you decide to trust me with that honor.
With that in mind, he does have an opening pitch that he thinks could be a strong first move.
Reese: The label I do a lot of business with, Jupiter Music, is working on putting together a new powerhouse project. Yindra: Oh? Reese: With Fifth Harmony’s decline in the last couple years, and rumors that Little Mix will be announcing a hiatus soon -- and we all know how “hiatuses” end -- there’s about to be a big gap in the market. It’s been a while since we’ve had a competent, showstopping new girl group on the scene, and we think the time could be right to introduce a brand new sisterhood into the world. One that, I’m thinking, includes you. Yindra: A girl group?
That’s not what she was anticipating. For all her excitement about her potential career, and daydreams she had as a kid -- even with her love of Destiny’s Child -- somehow the concept of being part of a group never featured in her imagination. It’s a break from expectation, so it takes her a long moment to process it.
Reese: You have the vocal chops without a doubt. You have the right look. Based on what I’ve seen, you have charisma, which always comes in handy. It’s also a great way to get your name and face in front of audiences, get them familiar with your talent, before you make your eventual breakout. You know, there’s no guarantee we’d know who Beyoncé or Camila are without their roots in a group.
Maybe, but for every Beyoncé, there’s a Kelly. For every girl group breakout star, there’s three or four women who fade into obscurity for most of the general population. Yindra doesn’t know how she feels about that prospect.
Reese: Not to mention, it can be really nice to have a group of gals to navigate the industry with when you’re starting out. Keeps you from being stranded on your own, for there to be folks to commiserate with. Whatever happens, you’re weathering it together. And who knows, you just might make some life-long friends out of the deal.
The point is, he fully believes if she threw her hat in the ring, she’d have a great chance of being selected for the group. He’s willing to put some stake in it. Yindra isn’t totally opposed, but she’s not outright sold either, so she wonders if she could have a day or two to think about it.
Reese agrees, but he warns that in this case, they can’t afford to wait weeks again for forward momentum. Yindra takes that caution seriously, nodding. She knows she’s pushed her luck enough.
With the major pitch out of the way, Reese changes tracks, asking her to tell him more about her. Who is Yindra Amino -- and who does she want Yindra Amino to be?
Maya, pre-lap: I can see it now. The future is bright, bright, bright -- and this is going to be big.
Maya is having her weekly meeting with her own management, energetically pacing the floor opposite the desk where JUSTIN MILLER and MELISSA SUZUKI are seated. She’s got a binder in her hands, where she’s fleshed out ideas and concepts for her debut EP. She’s eager to start working on it, even though it hasn’t formally been greenlit by the label yet.
But she’s convinced if they pull from her bucket of unfinished demos, they’ll have to say yes. She thinks she’s got some really good material just waiting to be mined in there -- in case they haven’t had the chance yet, she shared a Google Drive folder with them a couple weeks ago. She wrote some pretty good base material over the holidays, and she’s confident if they beef one of those up into pop perfection, there’s no way Global Beat will say no.
Her enthusiasm is infectious, and Melissa and Justin are obviously endeared by it. They tell her so, asking that she keep that energy up. It does them all good.
Justin: Seriously, you are adorable. And I’m with you, babe, the future is bright as neon.
Maya beams, glad they’re on the same page. However, Melissa hits the brakes a bit, albeit gently. She informs Maya that they also have confidence about the EP being greenlit, but they have a different strategy as to how to approach it.
Maya: Oh. Okay, well, let’s hear it. I’m listening. Melissa: So. Totally agree that we think with one more smash onto the scene, it would be braindead for Global not to take you on with a debut. Like, we’re so close we can basically taste it. We just wanna make sure we knock this last banger out of the park. Maya: One-hundred percent. I think I’ve got -- Justin: And we lucked out in this case, because we’ve got just the thing. The label has a track from the songwriting vault that they’ve been wanting to get out there for months, but they haven’t had the right vehicle for it. Nothing was hitting right. Melissa: But they’ve given us a shot at workshopping it. We think you might be just the right fit.
It’s in the same vein as “O.M.G.” and “LolliPop” sound wise, so they already know she can deliver the vocals. They’ll have a bigger budget for a video too if they can show the label that they have the track crafted well, which is precisely what they think they need. If they can blow up the scene with one more bombastic, colorful spectacle, there’s little doubt in their minds that Global Beat will basically be on their knees begging for an EP. If they can make magic with one of their thus-far abandoned gems, too, then even better.
Maya can see the logic in this approach, but she’s slightly disappointed by the trajectory. She was hoping for something that might show off more of her range -- especially since the lyrics she toyed around with over break were deeper cuts. She wasn’t necessarily keen to do another “O.M.G.”
But Justin and Melissa seem confident in it, and she does know she can deliver. If she can break through with this and nab that EP, then the time will come to show what she’s made of. All part of the game.
So she smiles and agrees, taking the info sheet on the vault track from them and getting a look for herself.
JOSH MATTHEWS is having a client meeting of his own, back to working with ERNEST FLOYD. The fella is quite excited, because today, they’re finally discussing how to launch his debut into the actual musician ecosystem beyond occasional snippets, cheerful social media presence, and manifestations.
They’re going to drop a single. Floyd convinced Josh it was worth a stab after Maya’s immense success with it, and Josh figured it wasn’t worth the effort (or pain) to explain how different the situations are. Floyd’s enthusiasm is too darling to kill, and there’s not really a harm in letting him drop a standalone track. Soundcloud artists get their start that way all the time. And so long as Josh has his hand in mixing it, chances are it’ll be salvageable.
At least, he feels that way until Floyd declares what track he wants to use.
Floyd: We have to use my cover of “Feelin’ Good!”
That’s just about the worst thing he could’ve said. Josh is so stunned by it he’s speechless for a long moment, blinking as he tries to process this turn of events. Not only is it definitively out of Floyd’s range -- not a high bar -- but it’s been covered by people vastly more known and vastly more capable than him. He’s basically setting himself up for cringe failure right from the get-go.
Josh: Um -- Floyd: I think if we want to showcase my star power, it’s the obvious move. You said so yourself, I sound like I’ve got spunk on it. You can tell how much I like singing. It’s undeniably charming, right? That’s what you said after we tabled it for a bit. Josh: … I may have used… similar words… Floyd: Well, I think the time to un-table it has come. This is it, Josh. There’s no better way for me to break onto the scene than this.
He’s gonna break something, all right, namely any prospects of success he might have. They’re flimsy enough as it is. Josh opens his mouth to say as much, to caution him, but the excitement in his big blue eyes is hard to shoot down. 
Josh: Are you sure you want to go with that? We could revisit some of your original material, you were excited about those -- Floyd, positive: Nope. This is the one. I have a good feeling. [ with a laugh ] I guess you could say I’m feeling good, ha ha ha!
Ha ha. Josh manages to laugh along, but the smile doesn’t reach his eyes. He doubts saying anything will make much of a difference, though -- Floyd seems to have his mind made up. He’s ecstatic and energized and ready to rock and roll.
Which means Josh better figure out how to make the track remotely decent, or figure out how to get this sinking ship to change course. 
It’s the only boat he has left.
That’s not the only looming tragedy one could see coming a mile away… EVELYN RAND steps out of her office, quickly getting Lucas’s attention.
Evelyn: Lucas. Will you come chat with me for a minute?
Oh boy… Lucas nods and cautiously gets to his feet. His fellow assistants watch him go, exchanging knowing looks. By now, the rumor mill has done its job in the ranks of the school board, and there’s little to no mystery as to who may have obtained or passed along the evidence to get Yancy and Graham booted. There’s little to no proof, either, but that doesn’t stop people from making their judgments.
Lucas follows Evelyn into her office, asking if there’s something he can do for her or a task she needs done. She waves off his polite offer, sitting down in her chair behind her desk and gesturing for him to take the one opposite.
Evelyn: And close the door, would you? Our colleagues are nosy enough -- don’t need to give them any incentive.
Playful as the remark is, the request confirms for Lucas what he already knows. He knows what this conversation is going to be. He gently shuts the door and then takes the seat across from her as directed, patiently waiting for her to speak. He does a decent job of schooling his features, but the prim way he’s seated gives away his apprehension.
Evelyn can sense it. She gives him a subtle head tilt.
Evelyn: I have the feeling you know why I called you in here. Lucas: … I might have a theory or two. Evelyn: That’s one reason I like you, you know. You’re smart. Clever, but not arrogant. Detail-oriented, good at picking up patterns. All things that make you a decent assistant, but that’ll surely serve you in any job you choose in the future. Lucas: How soon do you define “the future?”
He doesn’t beat around the bush either, albeit with a classic hint of cheek… Evelyn smiles, though the moment is bittersweet.
Evelyn: I’m sure you’re aware of the rumors that you were involved in the exposé job that took down Graham and Yancy. Many reports seem to think you were an inside source. Lucas: No one’s said so to my face. [ a beat ] Do you believe them? Evelyn, diplomatically: I rarely accept rumors at face value. I prefer facts and evidence to gossip and hunches. However, I wouldn’t be entirely truthful if I claimed I didn’t have my own theories…
Unsurprisingly, she’s not an idiot. Working as closely with Lucas as she did -- and he, her -- it doesn’t take much imagination to make the pieces fit together. Especially with all the oddness these last couple weeks…
Evelyn: Regardless, it doesn’t matter what I believe. The impression of it is enough, and we know how much people in the political sphere care about impressions. After the resignations, trust has eroded enough in the board as it is.
So it doesn’t matter whether Evelyn thinks he stole from the board or not. It doesn’t matter if she thinks it was for a good reason, or if the actions were justified. What matters above all is how it looks, and understandably, having her assistant be responsible for the takedown of two fellow members and their corruption without investigative authority is not a good one.
Lucas: So, are you going to fire me, or should I follow suit and resign? Evelyn: It’s funny you should ask. Because I do happen to have the approved write-up for a nifty little severance package we’re willing to offer you, should you decide to resign quietly and without fanfare effective immediately…
She picks up the print out with the details and hands it to him across the table, then offers a wink. Getting a payout for packing up is better than nothing -- and it seems like Evelyn is far from disappointed with his performance, all things considered. Resigning will look better than being let go, too.
Lucas: I’m sure employers aren’t going to be too impressed with how short my stint was on my resume. Evelyn: I wouldn’t be too concerned about that. The rumors aren’t confirmed, but the corruption was public news. It’s more than believable you’d want to protect your identity, as a whistleblower of sorts -- all you need to do, should they decide to care, is pull up an article or two to send their way. Or simply omit the months on your resume, and let the years vaguely speak for themselves.
Resume building is all about artful fudging, after all. Lucas nods, keeping his eyes on the paper she handed him. To clarify any misconception of judgment, Evelyn clears her throat and waits for him to meet her eyes, then offers another light smile.
Evelyn: I’m not worried about your prospects, Lucas. You work hard. You have ambition. I have very little doubt that you have a very bright future ahead of you, just maybe not within the realm of administration. [ a beat ] Besides, the timing works rather well, doesn’t it? This’ll free you up before you inevitably jet off to California in a few months.
Lucas absorbs that. Sure, Jack has told him similar sentiments, and his friends are always puffing him up. But hearing it come from someone objective, someone high-powered and hard-working in their own right, who didn’t have any ulterior motive to give him the time of day… that hits. It means something, and definitely lessens the blow of termination.
Lucas: Well, thanks. For taking a chance on me. Not sure I gave you a return on investment, but… Evelyn: I think you did exactly what was needed. The district is undoubtedly better for it.
That’s about all they can say on the record on the matter. Lucas manages a smile, then claims he guesses he better go pack his things. Before he steps out of the office, Evelyn calls him back one more time. She has a message she’d like him to pass along.
Evelyn: Please tell your roommate Mister Gardner that he’s a terrible liar. I’ve had enough discussions with his mother on the state of the district to know where he got his talking points. [ with a grin ] He gave it a decent effort, but it just didn’t ring true coming from him.
Yeah, she was onto them the whole time. Somehow, that amuses Lucas more than anything else. Biting back a smile, he promises her he’ll pass the message on.
With that, she nods and lets him go, giving him one final dismissal as his boss.
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stellas-bnha-ocs · 1 year
Character Master List (WIP)
These characters are all students at New City Academy, a school for aspiring pro heroes in New York City
Anna "Annie" Beck / "Placebo Effect" - A shy, quiet creative writer. Has a very unique quirk- able to take on the quirk of the last person she touched. Struggles to understand the people around her, and often writes them into her stories to help make sense of them. Lesbian/questioning, 17 years old.
Mina Vasquez / "Soul-Heart" - A sweet, upbeat girl. Optimistic and always looking on the positive side, but can get caught up in the past. Quirk is being able to convert intense feelings into physical power, and she has a hard time controlling this quirk when she is feeling upset or otherwise impassioned. Bisexual, 18 years old.
Celia Yen / "Pitch-Black Knight" - The cold, mysterious star hero of NCA. Has a soft spot for animals. There are many rumors surrounding her and her family's history. The love interest of Annie Beck. Quirk is being made of metal, and having strong defensive and offensive stats because of that. Lesbian, 18 years old.
Molly Levine / "Poser" - A girl who is obsessed with being cool. Formerly Mina's best friend. Quirk is being able to stretch her limbs to great lengths. Bisexual, 18 years old.
Isaiah "Zay" Marcus / "Two-Time" - A former friend of Annie, Mina, and Celia's. Concerned with being popular, and often crushed on by both the boys and girls of NCA. Quirk is shapeshifting. No one knows their sexuality (but totally gay XD), 18 years old.
Lillian Barclay / "Cassandra" - The queen bee of NCA, tough and dismissive but hiding a lonelier side. Her quirk is being able to see 5 minutes into the future. Bisexual? Lesbian?, 18 years old.
Ella Khatri / "Rule of Threes" - Lillian's best friend. Likes cute things, and often feels envious of Lillan's relationship with Sam. Quirk is being able to become invincible to all physical forms of attack for three minutes, with a nine-minute cooldown before she can use it again. Straight, 18 years old.
Samuel "Sam" Dahill / "Strikeout" - Lillian's boyfriend. A personable and laid-back athletic type, who has a difficult time asserting himself. Used to be a lot blunter. Quirk is being able to run at great speeds. Bisexual, 18 years old.
Lee Neely-Marcus / "Truth Serum" - Zay's half-sibling. While not initially training to be a hero, and instead planning to use their abilities in other ways, they were switched over to the hero track due to how often they’ve been able to use their quirk against villains. Their quirk is the ability to make those in their presence incapable of telling lies. Bisexual (?), 18 years old.
Asher Donato / "White Lie" - A very emo student. Often nervous and sad, but has a tendency to hit people where it hurts when he's angry. Annie's ex-boyfriend, currently dating Lee and acts a team with them. Quirk is the ability to make people believe anything he says, as long as he has been talking to them for at least 5 minutes beforehand. Gay, 18 years old.
Sean Funes / "Curveball" - A kind boy-next door type, he’s always willing to help out his classmates, despite a lack of confidence in his own abilities. He prefers to work in a group than by himself. His quirk is the ability to change the direction of projectiles, making him a valuable defensive asset. Bisexual, 17 years old.
Juliet Okampo / "Sighthound" - Although she’s not the strongest hero at NCA, she’s probably the most enthusiastic. Not quite a great standalone hero, she often acts as support. Her quirk is transforming individual parts of her body into that of other animals. Has a crush on Lillian. Lesbian, 18 years old.
Abi Abelton / "Trick Dice" - A nerdy type of student. Somewhat judgy but generally nice. Their quirk is being able to shoot a blast of energy, the power of which is determined by rolling a D20. Bisexual, 17 years old.
Ursula Sayigh / "Magic Mushroom" - The main party girl of Class of 2023. Warm, welcoming, and free-spirited, but bad at keeping secrets. Quirk is inducing hallucinations. Bisexual, 18 years old.
Raphael Engel / "Seraph" - A fashionable yet kind boy with a flair for the audacious. Quirk is having angel wings, with feathers that have healing properties. Gay, 18 years old.
Rosemary Anest - The new girl at NCA. Kind of morbid, friends with Asher. I haven't really written much about her yet lol I just came up with her
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Fei Ren Zai end of Season 1
Fei Ren Zai's season system is the weirdest ever seen. Now one knows if there's two, four or even eight. So since I'm in charge of the Wiki/Fandom but also the Fan Server, I did the work for you and looked into it further (and well, I also needed the release dates for the first 48 episodes).
So here's the thing. I don't know either.
What I know, however, is the fact that they decided to cut in several parts. Each part is made of 12 episodes, and between the releases, there are around 2-3 months of wait for the next batch of 12 episodes, and the next release date is always announced.
If you take a look at the wiki you can notice it right away:
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June-August 2018: 1 and 1/2 month October-December 2018: 1 and 1/2 month February-April 2019: 1 and 1/2 month July 2019-January 2020: 6 months??
Boom, here we have it. By digging on the Weibo, it turns out that at the end of Chapter 2 part 2, the donghua is made of 48 parts, with the weibo considering it a milestone. But why??
We fast-forward 6 months and arrive finally at a release date given on the 1st of January for the 8th. Thing to also remember is the fact that a pandemic started, so stopping in early-2019 to wait a bit for it to lower for around 6 months is a wise choice.
We also can notice that the time of release between the batch of 12 episodes is lengthened by at least a month, making it logical once more with the pandemic situation.
Finally, by waiting for a while, we arrived towards the end, and more precisely episode 95, where the weibo says that this episode will have easter eggs and that the episode after this one (in other words: episode 96) will be the last.
In the announcement of the end, they talk about the "end of the season", meaning that in itself, all 96 episodes could count as on season, released by batch of 12 in order to respect the worker's rights, to palliate to the pandemic problem but also the release of All Saints Street (1st of April 2020) and the work on the You Shou Yan donghua.
At this moment, people kind of freak out because what does end of season means? What do they mean by it's over?
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So here we are again, digging around the dirt like archaeologists, and we notice this comment. The comment roughly translate as "Urge for the next season" (frankly, it's through mtl so haha) to which the official account answers "We also hope there will be a second season".
Alright. So as stated, it's the end of the donghua, but it might not be the end end of it, considering the fact that the same day the HR of Fei Ren Zai/Fenz made a post talking about the classes of 2022.
So long story short: all 96 episodes most likely are part of a contract with Tencent or whatever else sponsor or services they need, taking in account the fact that there is an annual announcement of upcoming donghuas and they were part of it last year or something (I don't remember the details and not motivated to look for it right now).
Here are only my thoughts, take them with a grain of salt: So, contract of 12 episodes by 12 episodes (which fits with the contract Fenz and HMCH have for All Saints Street), which is continued again and again until oh no, pandemic. A good bunch of episodes are already made, the contracts are already signed, the demand is still as strong; it would be bad for business to stop the donghua right now (Or they already decided to go for a batch of 48 episodes, saw it was working well (they posted a stat after episode 48 so,, maybe) and then continued it for 48 more) (or even wilder, they decided to go for a batch of 96 (but unlikely, you don't adventure yourself so far in the future like that if you don't know if it will work)). Either way, they arrived at the end of the contract or something, Fenz is working on other donghuas like All Saints Street (that they half gave to another animation team than themselves, pandemic reasons? HMCH had great ideas for it? who knows) and You Shou Yan (the author is trash) (animation-wise it's similar to Fei Ren Zai so maybe it's the same team working on it with a slight change of style?).
Lucky us is that 1) Fenz would love to continue the donghua. 2) the manhua is far from over, which means that they can still dig in it for the episodes (they're like,,, halfway through the chapters to this date??) so we're good on this part. and 3) the fucking rate people, so many views, likes, sharings, and that's the case on both the manhua and the donghua.
So yeah, end of season 1? absolutely. End of the donghua? for now yes, but maybe later there will be more. What is the season system? I STILL HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA.
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danksy-ns · 7 months
Making Raph a robot is not to Zay's liking, and he wants to stop Donnie from doing it.
> Click for better quality !
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amor-immortalem · 3 years
My Adoring Fan chapter 7
Chapter 6
Warnings: Racism, use of a slur (the term half-breed, not an actual real world slur)
A/N: a little insight in to how Azalea lost her eye and the situation that caused it. Plus a reason for why she acts out in the way she does.
Among the last to enter among the students was Max, just barely in time for the bell to ring. She took a seat at the same table as Aurelius and Persephone just behind the table Zulima was seated at. Already, the future Avatar of Lust was chatting up her friends from the prior term excitedly.
“Hey, Golden Boy, how was your week on house arrest with your parents?” She teased him with the nickname Azalea often called him by- a riff on the translation of his name from Latin.
“It was fine. Lots of babysitting when my parents or Cyrus weren’t home which I don’t mind since it’s not like they can call on ‘Zay to watch our little brother- she won’t do it.”
“Really, I thought she was getting better about Mahlon?”
“Well, kinda... At least she can tolerate being in the same room as him now...which sucks because all he really wants is her attention.”
“Baby steps, I guess.” Max hummed as she noticed Persephone. “There you are! How are you doing after you tripped?”
“I’m well, thanks for asking.” The succubus smiles.
“That’s good. I’m sorry about what Azalea said to you earlier. It doesn’t excuse how she acted, but sometimes she can get so worked up over the little things...”
“No, that’s alright. I was kind of expecting something like that. I’ve... heard somethings about her at the House of Sorrow.”
“Most of its slander,” Aurelius says as he leans back in his chair. “I’ll let you in on a little secret. Her behavior here at school is just a front. When we’re outside of school and with our family, she’s an absolute dork. And sure, she’s not afraid to throw down, but it’s all for a just cause. Most of the fights she gets into here are with the same guy because he’s an absolute creep and makes most of the girls uncomfortable and they're all afraid of him since he towers above them, so she stands up for them. Unfortunately, none of the other students won’t stick up for her when a teacher shows up and she gets blamed for throwing the first punch.”
“That seems a little unfair. Why doesn’t your sister ever say anything?”
“Well, our dad’s unfortunately a very busy demon. He doesn't have as much time for us as he would like to have like he did when we were little so she at some point in a bid to get him to give her the attention needed to satisfy her greed, got it in her head that if she gets into trouble on a regular basis, he would have to give her the attention she craves. It works but it’s been straining their relationship big time because he gets frustrated with her since he knows what a good kid she actually is... They used to fight three or four times a week about it.”
“That must’ve been tough on her...”
“She’s been on a good streak lately though,” Max offered. “As silly as it is, we actually have a white board up in the kitchen that lists the number of days it's been since her last fight. We have a reward system to go with it. It’s been three months already.”
“That long already?” The half-demon asks.
“Yep. She’s been on her best behavior ever since losing her eye.”
“Wait, your sister lost an eye?” The former idol asks in shock. “How did that happen?”
Aurelius and Max looked between each other with a frown. “A group of lower demons with an axe to grind against my dad abducted her and essentially tortured her for three months. They tried to hit him where it would hurt him the most by taking away his only daughter. For as much as they used to fight when she’d get in trouble, she has a special place in his heart. Out of the four of us kids, Azalea’s the one who’s most closely bonded with our father. It was four days before any of us noticed that she was missing... Our parents feel especially bad about it...”
Persephone was about to say something when the teacher entered and called for the class's attention.
By the time Azalea managed to make it to homeroom, the class had already started a half hour ago. As she strolled in, the teacher called her out on her late arrival.
“Well, well, well. So nice of you to join us at your leisure, Morningstar. You’d better have a good reason for being late.”
“Didn’t wanna come ‘n have ta listen ta yer annoyin’ voice for an hour.” The girl responds, openly taunting her teacher. “Got better things ta do than listen ta you call me a worthless half-breed.”
“Well, you’re still as much of a brat as ever. Maybe if you put as much care into arriving to your homeroom hour as you did into your other classes, I wouldn’t have such a problem with you. Now go sit down and try to behave yourself in my class. Or can you not even manage that?”
“I dunno. Can you actually manage ta properly teach a single one of yer classes?” She sneered.
“Go sit down before I give you detention, you spoiled delinquent.” She grumbled. “I swear, not even your father was this disrespectful towards me when he was a student here.”
Azalea only rolled an eye as she headed toward the back of the class were her brother and Max were seated.
“Where do you think you’re going, half-breed?”
“To do what ya said and sit down,” Her grip on her cane tightened, the slur a trigger word for her. “Or do ya just want me ta hold up the class?”
A couple of students snickered amongst themselves.
“According to this educational plan your parents and uncle have written up for you, you have to sit up front where I can keep eyes on you and there are no distractions. Or are you so stupid and forgetful that you don’t remember signing this yourself? Also, I want that cane that you have after you sit down. You’re not allowed weapons on school premises.”
“No. I ain’t givin’ it to ya and it ain’t a damn weapon. I need it ta see where I’m fuckin’ goin’ on the right side. Get over it, teach.”
The teacher only let out a frustrated growl. “You know what, I don’t have to deal with this. Get out of my classroom. Off with you to the headmaster’s office. Your referral will be up momentarily.”
“Hey, that’s not fair!” Aurelius stood from his table abruptly.
“Yeah,” Zulima piped up as well. “You’re the one who copped an attitude with her in the first place.”
“And you’ve been insulting her and you called her a slur. You’re the one in the wrong here.” Max spoke up.
“Would the three of you like to join her then? I can write anything about you all on here and it’ll be your word against mine. Now sit down, all three of you. I don’t want to hear a single word out of the three of you unless spoken to for the rest of the class.”
“Don’t talk to my family and my friend like that, ya hag!”
“I fucking dare you,” Aurelius growled as he moved to stand beside his older sister. “I fucking dare you to write the four of us up. It’ll be the last thing you do.”
The rest of the class was dead silent as they all looked between their teacher, Azalea, and Aurelius.
“I will. Now the four of you get out of my sight. It’s ridiculous that Lord Diavolo would allow trash such as you abominations into our fine establishment of a school in the first place. This is a school for demons, not half-breeds and a lowly human.”
“We’re not trash or abominations. Unlike you, we’re nobility of the highest degree.” Zulima glared at the teacher as she gathered her things and went to join the twins by the door. “Our Uncle will hear about this exchange. Plan on looking for another job in the near future- if you even survive, that is.”
“You claim it’s your word against ours but you do know that our word holds so much more weight than yours ever will, right?” Max joined the three half-demons by the door before they all headed out.
“Sorry I got ya guys kicked outta class with me...” Azalea sighs as the four of them head toward Lord Diavolo’s office.
“Eh, small price to pay for standing up for you.” Aurelius shrugs. “That teacher’s always had a stick up her ass anyway.”
“I hope she gets fired at the very least,” Zulima nodded. “She nearly failed me last term in World Language. All because she couldn’t believe that I could write a college-level thesis in Latin. Told me an airhead like myself could never be capable of writing such a competent paper and that I must have plagiarized it or cheated in some fashion.
“I almost failed her Potions class as well last term,” Max hummed. “And she set me up on it too. I know she did. I don’t get how a teacher can have her hands in so many subjects at the same time and still be a shit teacher.”
“All teachers here at RAD have an all-around degree in education,” Azalea explained. “I get why she would have it out for me, but the three of you- what did y’all do to her?”
“Other than daring to exist? Nothing actually,” Aurelius sighs, “And that’s the infuriating part of it all. We’ve done nothing wrong and yet we still get put down.”
“And it’s not like we just cruised past the entrance exams because the headmaster is a close family friend...” the silver-haired girl wiped at her eyes. “We all worked our butts off to study and ace the entrance exams... I lost so many nights of beauty sleep while we studied under Uncle Satan- especially when we didn’t have too.”
“So, you all could have gotten in without the entrance exams?” The human asks, ice-blue eyes shining curiously.
“Lord Diavolo told us whether we did well on the entrance exams or not, a place in RAD was assured for us because he’d seen our grades in primary school and middle school and knew we would do great things as a part of the student body.” the green-eyed teen nodded. “But we all wanted to prove to everyone without a doubt that we belonged here.”
“It’s still like that.” Azalea smiled sadly. “That’s why I pushed myself ta make it inta the advanced studies programme in the first place and why I shoot for the top spot in the end of term exams. We’re so heavily criticized by everyone outside of our family that I told myself I’d make my grades so perfect that they wouldn’t have room ta talk trash about my intelligence and when they called me weak, I started getting inta fights ta prove my power and strength as the daughter of one of the strongest demons in the devildom so no one would dare to question it again- well that was part of the reason anyway.”
“Imagine what it’ll look like when Meli gets here next year,” Zulima chuckles, “If that teacher doesn’t get fired, Meli might actually kill her in a rage. If there’s anyone who hates being called a half-breed more than us, it’s her.”
“RIP to her then. Maybe Meli might knock that hag down a peg and I hope she does.” Aurelius laughed as they finally made it to their destination.
“Ready everyone? If they don’t believe us- which is highly unlikely- I have audio of the way she talked to us.” Max says as she opens the door.
The four of them are greeted by the secretary who greeted them kindly. “Hello, children. I already know what Azalea is here for but what about the rest of you? You should all be in class.”
“We got kicked out for standing up for ‘Zay.” Zulima sighed. “So the teacher sent us up to the headmaster’s office.”
“That’s unfortunate.” The demon frowned. “Lord Diavolo is in an all-day meeting with the Avatars. You four can just go back to your dorm and you’ll meet with him tomorrow at 6 am. Sound good?”
The teens nodded at that and Azalea pulled out her D.D.D.
“What are you doing?” Max asks, arms slung around her girlfriend's shoulders.
“Callin’ Mum ta see if she’ll come pick us up. I don’t really wanna walk all the way back home and I’d rather be there than at the House of Lamentation. Plus, you’ve never seen our house before and I wanna show ya what it looks like since whenever we had a break ya always went ta stay with Zulima.”
“Also, I don’t think our parents would appreciate me not going straight home after getting sent home early. I don’t want them to think that I’m breaking the rules of my punishment.”
“That sounds great!” Zulima smiled. “We’ll be able to explain what happened easier if we’re all in one place. I don’t think Uncle Lucifer would take to kindly to having to go to two separate places just to hear the same story twice.”
“Yeah, sounds ‘bout right.” The white- and black-haired girl placed the phone up to her ear as she waited for her mother to pick up.
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mikauzoran · 3 years
Lukadrien: Your Hands Hold Home: Chapter Twenty-Nine
Read it on AO3: Your Hands Hold Home: Chapter Twenty-Nine:  “What About Me?” “Anything for You.”
“Ah!” Rose squealed, eyes going as round as her mouth as she scooped the sparkling pink unicorn hooded scarf out of the wrapping paper she had just shredded. “Adrien, I love it!”
She launched herself over Juleka to tackle-hug her future brother-in-law. “You’re the best!”
“I’m really glad you like it,” Adrien chuckled, trying to keep himself from falling over into Luka.
“I love it!” Rose reiterated, giving Adrien a fierce nuzzle.
“It even has mittens attached,” Juleka snickered, picking up the scarf-hat combo to inspect it. She laughed, amused, as she flopped around the gloves at the end of the scarf.
“Marinette outdid herself,” Luka observed, pleased.
“She did,” Juleka agreed before turning her attention to Adrien. “So, whatcha get me?”
Adrien extracted one arm from Rose’s embrace to grab the little package off of the coffee table and hand it to Juleka. “Gloomy Bear hair clips.”
A wide, mischievous grin spread across Juleka’s lips as she tore away the paper to reveal hair clips featuring a pink cartoon bear with blood on his mouth and claws.
“I also talked to some of my industry contacts who haven’t cancelled me, and, if you want, there’s a spot for you to model in some upcoming spring line photoshoots for a couple small boutiques,” Adrien informed sheepishly. “I mean, they’re small, and you’d practically be working for free, but at least it’s getting your name out there and providing you with some experience to put on your resume.”
Juleka clambered over Rose to wrap Adrien in the most crushing hug.
“Thanks, Dri,” she whispered weakly, overcome with emotion.
“You’re welcome,” Adrien replied with a smile, resting his head against hers. “Merry Christmas, Juliet.”
Luka smiled warmly as he watched the exchange and noted how seamlessly Adrien had slipped into the Couffaine family.
“Now I want to see what my Christmas present is,” Luka hummed impishly, waggling his eyebrows.
Adrien’s face instantly flushed, and he looked away bashfully. “I’ll have to give it to you later.”
“Give it to him now,” Rose urged. “We’re not doing anything as a family until lunch. You guys have time.”
Luka arched an eyebrow. “What exactly am I getting?”
Juleka smirked. “Adrien’s got a private concert planned for you as soon as he gets you alone in your bedroom.”
A raging blush stained Luka’s pale skin crimson as he attempted to swallow and find some kind of response. “O-Oh?”
“It’s not like that!” Adrien protested, beginning to squirm. “I just… I wrote a song for you. That’s all.”
Luka inhaled sharply in surprise. “You wrote a song for me?”
With a shy smile, Adrien nodded. “It’s not very good.”
“It’s the sweetest thing,” Rose interjected.
Juleka nodded in agreement. “You’re going to love it, Luc.”
Luka turned back to Adrien. “Show me? …Please?”
Adrien gave a tentative nod. “Okay. If you’re sure you want to hear it.”
Luka slipped his hand into Adrien’s and gave it a squeeze. “P5, I’d love to hear your song.”
Slowly, a hopeful smile filtered onto Adrien’s lips. “Okay.”
“Ow-ow!” Juleka cheered as they got up and headed for Luka’s room.
Luka ignored his sister, but Adrien shot her a pouty glare.
Giggling, Rose admonished her girlfriend, smacking her playfully on the arm before climbing onto Juleka’s lap to snuggle.
That shut Juleka up.
 “Like I said, it’s not very good,” Adrien reiterated as he shut the door behind them and went over to grab the black acoustic guitar he’d been practicing on over the past six months.
Luka rolled his eyes, taking a seat on his bed. “Adrien…your self-esteem issues are as bad as ever, aren’t they?”
“No,” Adrien grumbled defensively, sitting down beside Luka. “I’m just not good at guitar or composition, so…I don’t make music like you and Zay. I just play piano, but I thought it would mean something to you if I composed something on guitar and played it.”
Luka reached out to give Adrien’s arm a reassuring squeeze. “You were absolutely right. I am ecstatic that you put the time and energy into doing this for me. That’s what really counts.”
Blushing, Adrien looked down at his fingers.
“I kind of stole the idea from Xavier-Yves,” he mumbled. “When I heard him play the song he’d written for you, I was kicking myself, wondering why I’d never thought to serenade you, so I hope you don’t mind my lack of originality when it comes to romantic gestures.”
Luka clicked his tongue. “Adrien, you’re speaking my love language. It doesn’t matter if someone else wrote a song for me too. I want to hear what you wrote. I want to hear what’s in your heart.”
Adrien gave a breathy chuckle and shook his head. “I don’t think this song does what’s in my heart justice, but…I guess it’s something, at least.”
Luka nodded in agreement. “I’m going to love it.”
Adrien’s uncertain expression morphed into a warm, affectionate grin. “Yeah. You are, aren’t you?”
“Yep,” Luka encouraged.
Adrien’s grin turned puckish. “…Could you show me how to play F?”
A tiny crease formed on Luka’s brow, but he carefully positioned Adrien’s fingers anyway. “You know where F is.”
Adrien nodded, unashamed at being caught out.
“I just wanted you to touch me,” he admitted. “After my mom disappeared, no one really touched me anymore. That’s why I’m so clingy. Sorry for deceiving you all this time.”
“You dork,” Luka sighed, ruffling Adrien’s hair. “You could have just asked for a hug.”
A bark of laughter caught Adrien by surprise. “I would have been plastered against you constantly.”
“Who says I would have minded?” Luka snorted, a flirtatious note slipping into his voice.
Adrien looked away with a giddy smile. “I did not need to be any more of a hopeless mess over you than I already was. I’m trying to be a well-adjusted, functional adult here.”
Luka gently stroked Adrien’s cheek with a knuckle, whispering, “Love you.”
Adrien chuckled, self-consciously echoing, “Love you too.”
Luka gave Adrien’s thigh a pat and scooted back to give Adrien some space. “Will you play your song for me? Please? I’d love to hear it.”
Adrien nodded and took a couple slow breaths, mentally preparing himself. “This is called Memories of You.”
He swallowed and began to play.
At first, the melody was soft and dreamlike, like skimming along the surface of a pond made of clouds. It was gentle and warm, evoking feelings of safety and reassurance.
A wide grin spread across Luka’s lips at the thought that he made Adrien feel like that.
Gradually, the beat picked up, and the melody became more energetic, bouncing along with passion like running through a field of lavender and spinning in circles with your arms flung wide to embrace life.
The notes spoke of good times full of laughter and fun, but they touched on the hard times as well. The tears and anguish and struggles were all in the music. Longing and comfort were there too.
Luka could hear the times he’d held Adrien in his arms while Adrien cried and the times Luka had calmed Adrien down after a nightmare. There were the times when they’d snuggled and the times when they’d gazed up at the stars…the times when they’d fought and the times they’d made each other crazy. The whole breadth of their relationship was there in the music.
Luka closed his eyes and let it wash over him as he relived each of the memories.
He was surprised to find that, mixed in with the rest, there was a sense of yearning. It took a while for Luka to place, but he eventually identified it as Adrien’s desire to be an equal partner in their relationship. Adrien wanted to be there for Luka, to support him just as Luka had always been there for Adrien.
It nearly took Luka’s breath away.
He wasn’t used to being cherished. People didn’t normally want to protect Luka. Usually, it was Luka taking care of everyone else, putting himself on the backburner so that he could give his all to others.
It was so touching that there was finally someone who wanted to look after Luka.
Silent tears started to stream down Luka’s cheeks as the song gently faded out into the relative silence of the bedroom.
Adrien looked searchingly at Luka, waiting for the verdict.
Luka’s expression was so full of gratitude and desire as he reached up to cup Adrien’s cheek. “I told you I was going to love it.”
Adrien drew in a sharp breath. “Yeah? You did? You liked it?”
Luka nodded. “It means so much to me how much time and hard work you put into making me feel loved. Thank you, Perfect Fifth.”
“Of course,” Adrien chuckled, setting the guitar aside. “I’d do anything to make sure you knew how much you mean to me.”
“Adrien,” Luka breathed, eyes drifting closed as he leaned in.
Adrien gulped, utterly conflicted. “Luka, I…I don’t know if I should…I’m not—”
“—Adrien,” Luka cut him off firmly, hunger in his half-lidded, dark eyes. “Kiss me.”
Adrien knew he ought to say no. He was still a mess. He was worlds better than he had been four months before when they’d last discussed dating, but Adrien wasn’t ready to be in a relationship yet. He couldn’t be there for Luka and support him the way Adrien wanted to be able to. Adrien still relied on Luka for so much, and it wasn’t fair. Adrien didn’t want to be the needy one in this relationship. He wanted to be Luka’s equal.
“Adrien,” Luka whimpered. “We’re already practically dating. What difference would it actually make?”
“A big one,” Adrien protested, pulling away.
With a sigh, he grabbed the guitar and went to put it back on its stand.
When he turned back around, Luka was gazing at him with something akin to despair.
Adrien’s heart broke for the boy he loved, and he inevitably gave in.
“Okay. Just because it’s Christmas. For one day only,” he stressed, placing one knee on the bed and lowering his face to Luka’s. “One kiss only.”
Luka knew that he was manipulating Adrien, but, for once, he decided to be selfish. He’d been good for four long months—six if you counted the time before Adrien had confessed his feelings. Luka couldn’t help but feel like one kiss wasn’t such a grave sin.
Their lips met, and it was like a jolt of electricity.
Luka didn’t hold back. His arms wrapped around Adrien, and he arched up, moaning into the kiss.
Adrien was easy to entice, and one kiss became two became four until they all blurred together and Luka and Adrien lost track.
The burning assertiveness gradually faded into curious exploration before slowly devolving into a sloppy mess of languid pleasure.
Adrien completely disheveled Luka’s hair. Meanwhile, Luka’s hands cautiously meandered down south until he finally achieved his longstanding dream of touching Adrien’s butt.
Adrien gave a little squeak of surprise but was back to kissing Luka before Luka could even ask if he needed to move his hands.
Half an hour slipped by unmarked before Adrien raised his head to look down at Luka beneath him.
“That…was more than one kiss,” Adrien observed.
“Yeah,” Luka agreed, voice husky and pupils blown wide, need evident.
Blushing furiously, Adrien scrambled off of Luka, throwing his legs over the side of the bed and pointedly not looking at Luka.
“I’m not ready for this,” Adrien informed flatly. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to lead you on. I didn’t—”
Luka extracted his brain from his pants and pushed himself up onto his elbow, reaching out to run gentle fingertips up and down Adrien’s spine. “—Shhhh. Perfect Fifth, it’s fine. You weren’t leading me on. I know I guilted you into that kiss in the first place. I’m not expecting anything more from you, so just relax, okay?”
Adrien anxiously peeked back over his shoulder. “You’re not? Expecting anything? Physically, I mean?”
Luka shook his head. “The fact that I’ve slept with previous partners doesn’t have anything to do with our relationship. We go at our own speed. Whatever’s right for us. Okay?”
Adrien blew out a sigh of relief. “Okay. All right. Good.”
He bit his lip and turned to face Luka. “Because I’m not ready to be in a relationship with you yet.”
A cloudy expression drifted onto Luka’s features.
“I’m not ready,” Adrien repeated before Luka could protest. “I’m sorry. I just—Aren’t things okay as they are? I don’t want anything to change. I don’t want to mess up what we have.”
Luka took a deep breath and placed his hand over Adrien’s. “You don’t have to be afraid, P5. It’s going to be okay. Like I said before, we’re already practically dating. Not a whole lot will change once we make it official. I know you’re scared, but I promise you everything’s going to be fine.”
Adrien still didn’t look convinced.
Luka gave Adrien’s hand a squeeze. “Will you give me the chance to prove to you that everything’s going to be all right?”
Adrien worried his bottom lip between his teeth. “…Let me think about it?”
Luka nodded, willing to take whatever he could get. It was a step in the right direction at least. “Okay. Sure. Absolutely. …Thank you.”
A small smile graced Adrien’s lips as he laid down on the bed with a sigh. “Thank you. For being patient with me. I know I’m driving you crazy.”
Luka winced. “It’s not that bad.”
Adrien arched an eyebrow, calling Luka’s bluff.
Luka sighed, lying down in defeat. “Okay. Yeah. Pining like this is hard, but…I get that you want to be healthy going into a relationship. I appreciate that you’re taking this so seriously and trying to do it right.”
Adrien leaned in and pressed a grateful peck to Luka’s jaw. “Because I love you.”
“You’re killing me,” Luka groaned through a grin.
Adrien snickered. “You a masochist or something?”
“A little,” Luka chuckled. “—Oh. That reminds me.”
Adrien looked skeptical. “Of what exactly?”
“Your present.” Luka sat up and leaned over Adrien to get at the bedside table drawer. Out of it he produced a small present the size of a necklace box.
Adrien frowned as he carefully slid his finger underneath the edges of the wrapping paper and pealed back the tape.
Inside of the box he found a soft, velvety black ribbon made to look like a belt with a silver buckle, a metal tip on the end, and tiny holes to approximate a real belt.
“It’s…my Chat Noir belt…in miniature,” Adrien realized without understanding why he was receiving such a gift.
Luka smiled sheepishly. “Do you remember that one time you told me you thought you might like it if someone tied you up with your belt and chose to use that power over you to take care of you?”
Adrien’s entire face went red as he burst out laughing. “Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Are you serious?”
Luka nodded.
Adrien hugged the ribbon to his chest and laughed harder. “I can’t even… I love you so much. You have no idea. This is just… Thank you.”
“I did look into bondage after that,” Luka confessed. “I asked around a little and did some research, but I came to the conclusion that I’m never going to feel comfortable actually tying you up. I did, however, come up with a compromise. May I?”
He held out his hand for the ribbon, and Adrien readily complied.
“Hold out your wrists?” Luka requested, and Adrien did.
Luka looped the ribbon around Adrien’s wrists, tying it loosely so that it didn’t chafe and Adrien could easily slip his hands out.
“You’re on the honor system to stay tied up,” Luka informed with a wink, making Adrien giggle. “It’s more symbolic bondage than anything, but I thought maybe you’d like it.”
“I do,” Adrien verified, giving Luka’s cheek another kiss. “Thank you, Luka. I appreciate you looking into this for me and the miniature belt and—Did Marinette make this?” he thought to ask.
“I didn’t tell her what it was for,” Luka assured.
“Okay. Good,” Adrien sighed. “…Can I tie you up with my belt sometimes, or is that weird?”
Luka shrugged, holding out his wrists. “I’m good so long as you’re happy.”
Adrien transferred the ribbon from his own wrists to Luka’s and grinned at the effect.
Luka smirked. “What are you going to do to me now that you have me at your mercy?”
Adrien’s smile turned soft and warm. “Love and protect you.”
Luka’s cheeks suddenly felt unbearably hot. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” Adrien confirmed, eyes all adoration.
Luka gulped. “I’d really like that, actually.”
Adrien looked at Luka hard before promising resolutely, “…I’m going to become someone who can take care of you.”
Luka shook his head. “You already are, Adrien.”
Adrien didn’t look like he believed it.
Luka slipped his hands out of the ribbon and patted Adrien on the head. “You are. I promise. …Come on. Let’s make ourselves presentable so we can help Rose and Juleka with lunch.”
Adrien pressed one last kiss to Luka’s cheek before complying.
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freddieslater · 3 years
for the wip game: 2, 17, & 35?
Ahh, good choices!! So, “Sex Education Goes Camping” is... kind of exactly what it sounds like. The students of Moordale High are going on one last school trip before their school is closed down for good. Organized and supervised by Colin and Emily, of course. But there’s more than just the tension of the inevitable goodbye they’ll all have to say at the end of it; Adam and Eric haven’t talked since they broke up. Ruby is completely avoiding Otis, who feels terrible about hurting her. Maeve is leaving for America the moment they get back, and doesn’t want to make the goodbye any harder by letting Otis try and convince her to stay. Aimee and Steve have just broken up, but they’re working on being friends. 
Jackson's eyebrows furrow. Maeve frowns. Otis and Eric share another confused look, as do a lot of others.
Spreading his arms, Mr Hendricks loudly says, "You are all utterly fucked! As am I, and so is Miss Sands! Well, I mean we can obviously find other teaching jobs, but it's not exactly easy, so, technically speaking, we are all very much fucked, you're right, Jackson."
Jackson just raises an eyebrow, then looks away. Miss Sands quickly joins Mr Hendricks on the stage as the students chattering gets louder around the room.
"What Mr Hendricks means to say--" Miss Sands shoots him a quick glare as she leans into the microphone, making him take a few steps back from it (and her) "--is that it doesn't have to be all bad!"
"No offence, Miss," Ruby interrupts, "but you're not the one about to have your entire future turned to shit without your consent." 
Miss Sands nods, and says, "No, you're right. I'm only losing a job, but you are all losing the chance to finish your education comfortably -- or maybe at all. And I am... so incredibly sorry about that. I truly wish this wasn't happening to any of us. But it is. And we have to deal with that."
"We have to make the most of the time we have left together," Mr Hendricks chimes back in, taking a cautious step towards the podium. "Which is why us teachers and some of your parents/guardians have banded together to give you lot one last Moordale High experience!" 
More murmuring. Eric and Maeve are already groaning, while Otis looks cautiously hopeful. Many more of them are apprehensive, including the likes of Adam and Ola, but they're sitting up a bit straighter in their seats, waiting to find out the rest. 
They've all experienced many things at Moordale High, not all of them good, but not all of them awful, either. Some of them have been the best time of their lives, like the performance they put on just a few weeks ago to rid themselves of Hope. And some have an utter disaster like their trip to France.
Most of them are assuming it's going to be leaning more towards the latter. And it feels as though their fears are confirmed when Mr Hendricks excitedly, and dramatically, yells, "We're going camping!" 
I completely forgot I hastily named it “Uncle Shawn the Icon” for this asjkdhajksh okay so. Auggie starts experimenting with feminine clothes, something that Cory, Topanga, and Riley are more than supportive of. But, unfortunately, people at his school aren’t as supportive. When he starts acting different (like Riley in that one episode where she was being bullied), they know something is up, and Cory happens to mention it to Shawn. Uncle Shawn who, after spending that week as “Veronica” realized he actually liked presenting as a girl sometimes, and came out as genderfluid. He comes over to have a proper talk with Auggie, and let him see that it doesn’t matter what other people say about them. Bonus: Riley mentions it to her friends because she’s worried about Auggie, and most of them jump to Auggie’s defence. 
"Auggie's being bullied."
Maya blinks. Farkle sits back in his seat. Stunned into silence. Lucas is shaking his head, and Zay and Smackle share a confused glance at each other.
Then comes the eruption.
"Give me names and addresses," Maya demands, voice like sharp ice and scalding lava at the same time, retracting her hand from Riley's arm. Ready to storm out right now to track them down.
That's exactly why Riley doesn't answer her, but she does look at her like she's crazy, and she says, "Maya! They're kids!"
"I'm going to kill them, what do I care if they're twelve?"
Riley's about to tell her she should very much care, because when they were twelve, they benefited much more from being talked to rather than killed. At the same time, they never did anything even remotely like the kids bullying Auggie.
"Did he tell you why they're bullying him?" Lucas asks, sounding like he can't think of a reason why anyone would want to.
"We already had an idea, and Ava told us this morning. He wants to wear skirts. Not just that, but more feminine clothing in general." She drops her head back onto her arms. "He was so excited to wear one of my old skirts on the first day of school yesterday, and now he won't even come out of his room. I don't know how to help him because he won't talk to any of us."
"Those little b--"
"Language," Riley says flatly, not even having the heart to really care if she finishes her sentence or not. Honestly, she feels like doing it for her. "I know, Maya, I'm mad too. I just don't know what to do about it."
"Say something," Farkle says.
Riley lifts her head and turns in her seat to look at him curiously.
"Your parents could say something to the school," he suggests. "I can't guarantee it would stop them, but if we were vocal enough about it--"
"We?" Riley asks, eyebrows raising.
Farkle looks at her seriously, and says, "My dad could make the loudest noise, and I know he would do it if I asked him to. It's Auggie, Riley. Of course I'm not just going to stand by."
"Yeah, and besides, no one should be bullied for what they wear," Maya adds, throwing Farkle a small smile that he gratefully returns. Then she turns back to Riley. "Seriously, Riles, your parents should say something to the school."
Riley agrees with them. It had crossed her mind this morning, and she's sure her parents are already thinking the same thing. She looks to Lucas, Zay, and Smackle.
Without a question asked, Smackle is nodding immediately, and firmly, a look similar to Farkle's on her face.
"They're right," she says matter-of-factly. Then, with a softer note, adds, "It's unfair for them to get away with trying to stop him from expressing himself. People don't like different and it's..."
"It's wrong," Zay finishes for her. "Auggie doesn't deserve that. Going to the school about it might not help but at least it'll make some noise, right? That would do something good, make people aware that it's unfair the way he's getting treated."
Riley's heart is ready to burst from how apparant their support for Auggie is, and just how serious they are about wanting to help. She smiles at Zay, and he smiles back, reaching forward to pat her hand on the top of her chair.
Her eyes slide to Lucas. He hasn't said anything yet.
I really need to hurry up and finish “Clash of the European Boyfriends”, I feel like I’ve been writing it for years. I feel like I’ve summarised it before, but I’ll give another quick one just in case -- There’s a dinner party being hosted at the Salvatore household, set up by Stefan, Elijah, and Lexi. It was more a way of forcing Damon, Enzo, Klaus, and Stefan to get along, but also a good way to get Hope more familiar with the house for the longterm future. Some awkwardness and tension ensures because you just can’t have those four in a house together and not expect something to go wrong. I would love to be able to give a snippet for this but I’ve been rewriting it so much that I can’t decide on anything that might actually make it into the finished fic, so I’m going to skip this one if that’s okay. Hopefully I’ll actually decide where it’s going and what I’m doing with it soon. 
Thank you for sending these, I’m really having so much fun with it!! 
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beautifult999 · 4 months
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thecrazyanimegirl · 4 years
Spring anime 2020
There was really a small amount of stuff we watched this seasons alongside continuations like kaguya sama, furuba or ascendance of a bookworm. A somehow empty season, but still, have what we watched and our thoughts (a mostly personal review).
{ Winter ‘18 }  { Spring ‘18 }  { Summer ‘18 }  { Fall ‘18 }  { Winter ‘19 } { Spring ‘19 }  { Summer ‘19 }  { Fall ‘19 }  { Winter ‘20 }
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It’s about a girl who wants to be an artist in a time that doesn’t accept female artists. She is determined, hard working and cheerful, so it’s a good show if you need to relax and catch some good feelings, but it’s not really a must see story or anything. 
BNA  (Brand New Animal) 
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A true gem this season! Not a totally furry anime like Beastars, but if you watched it and also love Trigger’s animation style, this one is for you. BNA tells the story about two species, beasts that live in Animacity and humans who don’t like them that much. The story has the perfect pace and leaves you on the edge of your chair after each episode, also every character has a good backstory and development. Akidearest said that it is really predictable, and even though that’s mostly true, the progress of the story is satisfying and the characters make up for the predictability.
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Looked cool, sounded cool but the overall experience is kinda... meh? The premise and plot idea are really good and the possible plot twists are also promising but it just leaves you thirsty for something else/more. The fights are okay-ish but tend to go really badly animated (one fight is an exception). The music is pretty good and has that dark vibe (kinda like Future Diaries) but there just isn’t anything going on that makes you shiver, tense or worry for the characters while you watch. We found some comments that imply that the manga is way better so it would be maybe wiser to try that instead. 
Great Pretender
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This one came as a nice surprise at the end of this season. An original anime made by Wit Studio centers around con artists and their ventures around the world. The engaging plot has a nice pace and makes you guess what is going to happen next, although it gets kinda predictable. It has action, humor, semi tragic backstories, drugs and races. The animation and music are really beautiful and an additional plus goes to the cats in the ending song. All in all, I would recommend it to anyone who searches for something fresh.
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When I first read the synopsis where a gag ero mangaka tries to hide his job from his daughter, I was skeptical I have to admit, and expected inappropriate jokes and such. But it really proved me wrong! And ended up being this sweetest softest story! It’s not plot heavy, but the character interactions are filled with emotions, it even brought tears to my eyes and the whole overall feeling is soft and loving! Definitely would recommend if you want some warm family atmosphere, but also have a laugh ^^
My Next Life as a Villainess
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Mc dies and is born again into the last otome that she played but as the villain character, the main rival girl, and she tries to improve her relationship with the characters to avoid her doom. Don’t expect too deep of a story since she will REALLY easily convince and befriend everyone without any hurdles. Exactly what you’d expect, it’s not going to blow you off your feet, especially plot wise, but the story is well executed, the humor is on point and the characters are typically good. If you like this type of stories or just want to relax, this one is pretty well done ~
Sing Yesterday for Me
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Not really my type of plot, too much awkwardness and drama, but I just really had to finish it haha I found it somehow fascinating how many edges a love polygon can have and how many unrequited loves they could fit in one anime. But if you love a slow paced romance type of story, that focuses more on each persons view and their struggles as they learn to love, flirt but also how to move on, you might like it. 
Tower of God
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Yes, the favorite of the season! A really good webcomic turned into an anime! If you haven’t heard about it already, go watch it, or better yet read it. The characters, even though they are numerous, are lovable and interesting, the plot builds well (especially in the later chapters of the webtoon, the first season of the anime is basically just the prologue). I’ve seen a lot of bad comments about the execution of the anime, but somehow I’m just really happy it even got animated and got such good voice actors! Yes, some scenes were done differently, and some scenes were cut that were important, but there’s no way to animate absolutely every scene, and they stuck to the story pretty well. The music was also good, the opening and ending are done by a korean band, Stray Kids, which means that it doesn’t have the typical shounen anime feel to it, but it’s still great ^^ A good anime and an even better webtoon! 
Wave, Listen to Me!
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A woman starts working as a radio host after a bad relationship. I know, I know, it doesn’t sound great and probably a lot of people will skip this instantly, just like the other two mods of this blog, BUT! I really enjoyed it. It was somehow refreshing actually having an adult main character, not only kids and teens. Maybe it’s not plot heavy, but there are a lot of relatable or hilarious scenes. Also the voice actors did a really good job I think. The story is basically based on her monologues that get pretty lengthy. I know that the first episode I was like, wow that woman can talk! Well, it’s up to you whether you want to give it a shot, but if you need something a bit different, try it.
Looking forward to in the next season because they got moved from this one: Appare Ranman (an engineer and a samurai accidentally end up in america and decide to join the cross country car race haha, the visuals are cool so far, the story and pacing is okay, not something that blew us off our feet, but it’s funny and seems promising), The Millionaire Detective (ooh definitely looking forward to this one! James Bond and the local cop save the day, or something like that, the story isn’t groundbreaking, but it makes up with humor and characters so far), RE:ZERO it’s been yearssss
Some donghua’s that we ran into: All Saints Street (very shot, but is actually great, funny and cute, has the same vibe as Non-human/Fei Ren Zai, that one was also awesome), Antidote (shounen ai with a gangster and a sheltered rich boy, also there’s a cat, so far - cute)
Dropped:  Woodpecker Detective's Office (we’ll never find out who the killer is),  Bungou to Alchemist: Shinpan no Haguruma (its cool that is has japanese writers, but the story wasn’t that engrossing), Listeners (sorry mappa) 
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