#baphomets workshop
mansnovembris · 6 months
The last package has arrived, and... oh my! 🦂 👀
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Skorpi from Baphomet's Workshop is. so. PRETTY!!! 🤍💛🩷💜 and this is WHY I refused to buy anything too colorful and rainbow adjacent, because my brain immediately fills up with ✨feel good chemicals✨ and it wants more!
it's so bright and pretty and has a good amount of squish to it. it's a bit glossy in finish and after squishing my new Zeke and Skorpi, I think I like a satiny soft squish of Zeke a little more than a glossy one. it's actually a little in between 0030 soft and 0050 medium... but less than a NC31, if that makes sense.
I am happy this checks a variety of boxes in my collection, as I don't have anything yet with a curve or bulbous. it was a tie between this model and Xenocatartifact Dagmar. Skorpi is an inch longer in useable length than Dagmar and a little under an inch larger in circumference. I think I will wait for the fully functioning ovipositor Dagmar to come out.
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The stinger looks like it will provide an easy glide in the form of a taper as opposed to a more blunt head in Dagmar, which I'm finding I have to work harder around. The tip also curves in a way that I'm hoping it won't stab my cervix.
and... the reason I went and caved with this model and color scheme, other than the really good BF deal...
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it works so well with my Claudettes!!! my happy little neon family.
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Chonk snek source needed! Does anywhere know where the shop (Baphomet's workshop) advertises tsuchinoko as a packer?
It must be a statement from the shop to qualify for my rules! I've just had multiple people reach out and I want to have my list as accurate as possible
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littlemistit · 4 months
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"Squill" by Baphomet's Workshop! 18+
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bunniisock · 2 years
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Dong of the day!
Medium/Soft Xenom from Baphomet's Workshop
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citrineaura · 4 months
Beta Wally....?
Now before I start, I know I said this would be posted specifically before 2024, but due to me having a bad habit of procrasination, it just never happened. I'll try not to let my bad habit win the next time I try to post something!
As I said in my update, I wanted to talk about Beta Wally; the Wally before our current Wally. This current version of Welcome Home is extremely creative, with all of the voicelines, easter eggs, the restoration team, the holiday updates- just the intelliigence of it all is amazing.
However, I wish I could've seen, alternatively, how the website would be like with Beta Wally. I tend to ponder on that sometimes because Beta Wally was an...interesting character.
Well, the man was evil. I think we can agree on that. So had Clown decided to go with his former version of Wally, it would probably be a lot more scarier. Our current Welcome Home is a horror project likely because of the company PlayFellow Workshop itself, but I think if we had Beta Wally, it would be a horror project because of WALLY.
From what we know, Wally was a dark character in the non-canon version. He supposedly created Barnaby- my guess is it was an act of rebellion, "I know I'm a puppet, but I can take one of you puppeteers and reverse our roles; how about that?" is the vibes I got, personally.
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Then there was the picture where he asks,
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When he asked, from what was once daytime outside his window became pitch black. If that event, according to that storyline, happened after he created Barnaby which I'm sure it is- then he just asked that question to be morbid. So now we know Beta Wally also liked dark humor.
We all know that famous picture of Wally doing the baphomet pose. I, and many others, have thought this to be that he likes being "The Most" to a point where he desires to be in control. Worship if you will. I guess that's what happens when you're the prey, you'd just prefer being the predator.
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There was also a very important character named Sunny. If my memory serves me correctly, he was a bird similar to Poppy. Sunny seemed to be the "Frank" in that storyline. What I mean by that is, our Frank is usually the first to act accordingly, and is a very logical puppet that wants the best for his friends- that is how Sunny is in the old storyline.
There is a photo of Wally's hand reaching towards Sunny's head in a threatening manner:
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The "We're all going to get rid of it for good!" being repeated in a cult-like manner, is the result of mental manipulation by Wally I reckon. I just don't think Sunny was about to put up with him, even if it meant he had to be dismantled.
And if you remember Frank laying down in a pile of discarded puppet pieces, there's a similar vibe going on except neither Wally or Home is the villain in our current storyline.
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This is the creepiness I'm talking about. Somehow his eyes in the old artwork is a lot scarier! And the puppeteer forcefully putting flowers on his head? Wally is charmed and yet not. His eyes looks like he wants to praise the puppeteer for gracing him with beauty but also unalive him at the same time.
And generally, Beta Wally just seemed like a sassy character. Despite his venomous nature, I'm sure he would've been hilarious.
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Yes, you definitely ring alarm bells that alerts us of how much of a danger you are, Wally dear. Even your shirt has the same colors as a vintage TV that's in error!
Anyways, that's all I really wanted to talk about. I just like pondering on what could've been.
If you've made it this far, you're the most! Ha. Ha. Ha.
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Hi! I am real new to Welcome Home and was piecing together all the stuff on the site until I realized, someone already did it!!! So thank you for this excellent collection of information! However, there was one thing I noticed that I did not see mentioned anywhere, and I am not entirely sure it is relevant but I wanted to get peoples thoughts.
The "About Us" page mentions that Ronald Dorelaine is likely the creator of the show (or Playfellow, or both?). Dorelaine is an interesting surname and I couldn't find any information about it ever having been used as a surname. I messed around with anagrams and found "R. Dorelaine" is an anagram for "Ed Lorraine", which are the first names of the famous American demonologists Ed and Lorraine Warren - specifically, their collective career is responsible for a LOT of American horror, especiallg that which seems to share some themes with Welcome Home. Most notably IMO is Poltergeist, Amityville Horror, and Annabelle.
The Warrens were Roman Catholic and often participated in cases where they were tasked with assisting in investigating and/or exorcising some kind of demon or malevolent spirit from a house that, in its own metaphysical way, has "come alive". Considering the use of some demonology references (Baphomet/Tarot/"as above so below") as well as christian imagery (the cufflinks), and the obscure nature of Home's intelligence, I wondered if this was unintentional or maybe something more!! :)
It could be totally grasping at straws, but I thought it was a cool coincidence nonetheless and was curious what people (who've been familiar with the source material longer than I, lol) might think!
OHHH - this is more in the realm of speculation, i think, but that is a REALLY interesting find... my personal theory for the time being is that "dorelaine" was chosen as a surname for ol' ronnie bc of its similarity to "darling," (or in-universe, the other way around) i don't think i can really confirm whether or not either of these are intentional yet, though - both because so much of welcome home is still either under wraps or in development, and because as much as i fantasize about being a proofreader some day, i'm not the one writing welcome home. i also wanna reiterate that the cross cufflinks were scrapped, like, Right before the website first went live, and any cross imagery seems to have been relegated to home himself - although that's still significant in this context, given the third paragraph.
also! to answer your question of "so is dorelaine or the playfellow workshop the creator of the show?" - older versions of the "what's welcome home" page listed both as the show's creator interchangeably, but after the january 14th update, it only lists the playfellow workshop as the producer/creator, meanwhile ronald dorelaine's name is relegated to the "about us" page, and with more ambiguous phrasing to boot (i.e. "he must be the creator [of welcome home and/or the playfellow workshop" rather than "he is the creator.")
tl;dr: is it intentional? i have no idea. is it a really neat observation regardless though? absolutely yes.
this whole thing, though, does get me thinking about the concept of haunted objects/locations in the context of welcome home. ever since the january 14th update, the website itself seems to be acting as a prologue to the rest of the story, and so far has been playing out as a much more typical horror story than one would expect - there's a plucky everyman research team, mysterious lost media with an even more mysterious creator, and a strange puppet (or at least, the most prominent of the bunch) seemingly haunting their website for reasons yet unknown. i believe this is intentional, though - from the way clown himself describes the project on his website, welcome home seems much more interested in the puppets' perspective than anyone else's. the question is no longer "wouldn't it be fucked up if puppets killed you?" but "wouldn't it be fucked up to be a puppet?" in that sense, i think it's strangely appropriate that our introduction to this project - to these characters - is filtered through others' perceptions of them. even wally, who you'd think would be the obvious exception, seems hesitant to reveal too much right off the bat (or equally likely, he's being as straightforward as he can be, and there's something very very important he isn't taking into account.)
i don't think welcome home is a Literal ghost/posession story, if it is such a story at all - i feel that would be too easy, almost, to have everything be explained by "a ghost/demon did it" - but i have to wonder, if we frame the events of welcome home (or what we've glimpsed of them so far) as a haunting Of Some Sort: are the neighbors doing the haunting, desperate for communication but unable to leave the town that was built for them even after it stopped being of any use to its creators? or are they themselves being haunted, their existence both sustained and horribly limited by human interference, shaped by ideals they barely even comprehend? is it both? "as above, so below" - commonly understood to be talking about celestial mechanics's effects on terrestrial happenings (the seasons, the tide, etc.) i have seen it also summarized as "what happens in a higher realm or plane of existence also happens in a lower realm and vice versa," and that is interesting, isn't it? i cannot speak to the presence of demonology in welcome home proper, as the baphomet imagery seems exclusive to some relatively Ancient concept art for a version of welcome home that has long since been scrapped, but the fact that "as above so below" seems to have survived in some form is very. smiles wide showing my teeth and gums.
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wayystey · 1 year
The City of Hellsville, a metropolis where anything but good resides, being the mirror contrast of Townsville. Ranging from the lowly Worms to the feared Baphomets, the very essence of evil kept this place alive. The roads and homes were bustling with celebration, for the spirit of Hellzmas was alive in every villain's twisted hearts. Inside His Workshop, macabrous carols were sang constantly, and the monarch known as Him was giving out presents to the unscrupulous and naughty fiends that waited in a long line. He was dressed in what normal people would call "Santa's outfit", but He made the plump and kind gift giver look thin like a demonic tree. In general, He is Satan Claws of His town. Two devil-like aides flanked his chair, and a demon in the form of a child sat on his lap.
"Hello there, precious Beelzebub! Care to share with me on one thing you have done this whole year?" He spoke in his usual echo induced voice, asking the little demon.
"I bit my uncle's ear for 5 days!" he exclaimed excitedly, the wings on its back buzzed like a bee.
"That is well enough to be in the naughty category! Now here's your present!" a spider-like boomerang appeared on the hands of Beelzebub.
"Wheeee! Now I can hit my whole family with this for a bajillion Wednesdays!" The little demon chuckled and vanished off.
"Hah, kids will always be evil." He chuckled at the bad seed's euphoria.
The process of giving out gifts to the malignant children continued. Inside the ruler's grand chamber, His close associates were immersed in a party that they deserved. Fuzzy Lumpkins, the pink hillbilly monster was playing his Banjo, singing a "hell-fied" version of "Season's Greetings" song out loud.
Mojo Jojo, an ape with ingenious intellect was also present at the hullabaloo. Despite being invited to the party, he was dabbled in his usual insidious research to get rid of the Powerpuff Girls.
"I, Mojo Jojo, will find the canker that will cause the Powerpuff's downfall. Holiday or not, I, Mojo Jojo, shall focus on nothing but this plan, and make sure it is foolproof!"
"Oh Mojo, would you lighten up and have fun already? It's Hellzmas for crying out loud!" Princess Morbucks, a haughty spoiled brat, was nearby the oblivious simian. She took a moneybag from the base of the Hellzmas tree, and kissed it like it was her own precious pet.
On the Powerpunk's and Rowdyruff's side, Brick chased Berserk around the room in an attempt to kiss her under the mistletoe. Boomer and Bubbles were pulling each other's hairs and making funny faces to pass their fun time, while Brute and Butch were engaged in an arm-wrestling competition.
However, one principal agent of evil was missing from the scene, and she happened to be bedridden. Sedusa, the Queen of Hellsville, was feeling weak and out-of-the-holiday-spirits all month long. She was dressed in a red nightgown, and her black hair was static instead of her usual snake-esque tresses. The cause of her long-term ailment was because she was pregnant for 9 months, and the eve of Hellzmas was her time to give birth to a hellspawn. Her significant other sat on a chair by her bedside, taking care of her every minute. It seemed that He left a duplicate of His that attended to the important Hellzmas duty as being Satan Claws.
"Darling, don't worry about me, I'll be just fine." Sedusa breathed out faintly, looking straight at His green eyes.
"I have no intention of worrying, because I am quite sure you can handle yourself well, my dear Empress of Hell." He kissed her bloodless hand affectionately, praying that the birth of his heir will be a success.
"And it is quite…." Sedusa paused for a moment, for her kind hardly ever utters the pair of pending words.
"….nice and selfless that you decided to leave a duplicate to manage the Hellzmas gift-giving, and stay by my side." the bedded demoness finished her statement.
"Sacrifices are to be made on occasions, you know." He replied.
"So what do you think it'll be? A boy? A girl? A Sweet Transvestite?" the snake-mistress added jokingly, making the circles on His cheek flash brightly.
"It's only a matter of time." He looked at the clock above them, waiting in rapt anticipation. The excitement in his blood began to fluctuate, unable to keep his patience alive.
Berserk, who was flying away from Brick, happened to pass by their door, and she could not help, but eavesdrop at their conversation.
"Whoa! Sedusa never told us that they were to have their baby today! I must go tell the others!" Berserk thought, and flew towards the other villains, whilst Brick continued to chase after her.
"Guys! Berserk called out. The villains stopped doing whatever they were immersed in, and turned their attention to Blossom's malevolent contemporary.
"You won't believe on what I've just heard! Sedusa's knocked up, and….."
"Yea, yea, Satan Claws told us months ago, wiseass!" Brute interrupted and narrowed her green eyes.
"Oho! You said His name! You're gonna be in trouble!" Boomer and Butch jeered.
"Um, incase you haven't noticed, it's Hellzmas, and that means I can say his name whenever I want to only at this time!" Brute rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue in retaliation.
"No, silly! She's giving birth today!" Berserk clarified to her green-dressed sister.
"Really?" Brat gasped.
"Say it ain't so!" Fuzzy exclaimed.
The villainous gang stormed into His private quarters, startling (more like annoying) the rulers of the town.
"Him! I, Mojo Jojo, have heard this tremendous news of your seed of evil being born today!" Mojo brighteningly explained.
"Guess you don't have to waste your income in helping your wife go through labor, eh?" Princess smirked.
He had His back turned on them the whole time, and finally spoke in a soft, yet cold tone.
"Denizens of Hellsville. In case you haven't noticed……" He turned around and faced them at last, a psychotic expression alive on his magma hued face.
"SEDUSA NEEDS ROOM TO BREATHE AND YOU WHELPS ARE CLOGGING UP THE SPACE SHE NEEDS!" He yelled out in his aggressive masculine tone, sending a bolt of fear in everyone's spines, and the room began to quake momentarily. No one dared to utter a single word during the terse atmosphere.
"Chillax, pops!" Boomer replied, breaking the prolonging silence.
"Temper Temper, Fluffy. These wonderful darlings are just here to witness the seed blooming out of my unholy womb!" Sedusa reassured Him calmly.
"Yeah, what 'Dusa said." Fuzzy quickly added.
"Right…." He calmed down, and sighed. "So, who here wants to aid our beloved patient in delivering her progeny?"
"Ew!" Princess Morbucks, The Powerpunks and Rowdyruffs exclaimed immaturely.
"I NEVER ASKED YOU CHILDREN TO VOLUNTEER, SO SHUT IT!" He irritatingly yelled at the evil kids, who immediately went mum out of fright.
"Now, as I was saying……"
"I do!" Fuzzy loyally raised his furry pink hand.
"Fuzzy, did you ever take Gynecology?" Mojo narrowed his eyes
"Um, I dunno….." the mutant shrugged.
"I believe, that I, Mojo Jojo, am the perfect doctor for this job!" Mojo volunteered confidently.
"Oh, is that so? If you fail to deliver my future son/daughter, you have to feast ten flames on my chalice!" He smirked, raising the stakes for the monkey's task.
A drop of sweat slid down from Mojo's face, as he prepared to kneel before Sedusa's womb.
"Here goes nothing….." Mojo took a deep breath, and prepared for the operating process.
"Don't let me down." the pale woman whispered.
The simian's gloves reached for the patient's womb. Overwhelming pressure seemed to increase in his giant brain, and his inner conscience warned him that he was no man for such a task.
"I….. I can't!" Mojo gulped, and backed off. The demon king face-palmed His forehead, and was frustrated at the fact that the monkey made nothing but fair-weather boasts.
"Are you really a bright monkey? Because you just showed the symptoms of a cowardly chicken. And you call yourself a doctor? How dissapointing." He rolled his eyes, wondering why he would associate with such hubris induced fools.
"Must I do everything MYSELF?" He muttered to Himself, and took the initiative on delivering their unborn child into the realm of the living.
"Stand back." He warned the villains, and they backed off in order to give them the required space for the process to be done.
He raised his crab-like claws, and made Sedusa levitate up in the air like an imposing banshee. Her skin illuminated by a blinding flash, and her husband continued the process by chanting an arcane spell.
"Raef reverof lliw dlrow eht taht nomed lufrewop gnivil eht emoceb dna, rebmuls lanrete ruoy pu ekaw, Nwaps Nrobnu!"
Sedusa let out a pained wail, and a red slithering stream of energy was let out from the would-be matriarch's womb. It landed on the floor and went ablaze.
"Here I thought babies were delivered by storks!" Princess whispered in Brute's ears, who nodded back, since she too shared the perception that the birth system was conducted that way.
Out of the burning pyre, two identical twinspawns crawled out on all fours, making the villains gasp out in amazement. He then lowered his hand, making Sedusa gravitate down gently.
"Whoa!" The Rowdyruffs and the Powerpunks had their bug-like eyes set on the advancing newborns.
"Simply Ingenious!" Mojo exclaimed while triumphantly pointing his index finger up.
"They produced twins? Cute!" Fuzzy and Princess Morbucks said in unison, the latter clapped her hands with glee.
One of the demonic babies had the identical appearance of his father, though lacking the eccentric clothes, the pink frill and the goatee. The other one appeared to be a female, and her head already was crowned with tiny hissing black snakes, and she looked very much akin to her mother, complete with pale skin and jade eyes.
He bent down and took His two new children on his arms, and teleported near Sedusa's side.
"Attention, you lowly despicable villains! I now present to you the future generation of evil! But one cannot be complete without a name, and I hereby christen my new hellspawns: Lucifer, and Desdemona! May they both commit memorable wrongdoings that shall be known to everyone's, be they good or evil, ears!" He roared out in triumph, and raised the two demonlings high up in the air, making the villains cheer with excitement.
He then entrusted the twins to Sedusa's arms, who cradled them in her arms, overwhelmed by their adorable features.
"Aren't they the best products of all that is wicked?" the haughty criminal cooed at Him.
"Indeed, my love!"
In the nearby party hall, a portal materialized out of thin air and out from it emerged the GanGreen Gang.
"Party's over already?" Lil' Arturo asked his boss.
"Nah, it can't be over yet. We're just three hours late!" Ace reassured the Hispanic youth.
"I hope Him and Ssssssssedussssssa won't be mad!" Snake replied nervously.
"Gah? Wat's goin' on now?" Big Billy heard the noises from the ruler's chamber.
Grubber let out his usual raspberry, suggesting his crew that they should check what was happening in there.
"Wait till those miserable Powerpuffs cross paths with..."
The Satan's sentence was interrupted, because they GanGreen Gang came rushing in and joined the villainous crowd.
"Sorry we're late, Creeps. Took a detour to another portal by accident." Ace coolly explained.
"We ended up in some kind of Ghost Zone." Arturo added.
"And there was thisssss pretty ghosssssst rocker that knows how to ssssssing good!" Snake sighed, and daydreamed about the incident when he and his gang encountered a certain Ember McLain.
"Yeah, a pretty hot diva, right guys?" Ace smirked.
The whole gang nodded appraisingly.
"Never mind about that! You're just in time to witness the birth of my new children!" He let out a triumphant laugh, and the gang moved in closer to inspect the newborn twins.
"Looks totally like you." Arturo commented when he made eye contact with Lucifer.
Snake smirked approvingly as he got closer to Desdemona, and felt her serpentine tresses, but the snake heads bit his scaly fingers, making Snake yelp.
"A handful of darlings, aren't they?" Sedusa giggled dotingly.
"Yaaah!" Big Billy nodded, and Grubber let out another raspberry that Lucifer began to mimic for a couple of seconds.
"Can we play with them! They are sooooo cute!" Brat grinned, and she and her sisters flew around the babies
"Certainly! They just livened up this holiday!" He cheerfully replied, remained proud on what he and Sedusa had to work through to create such a worthwhile set of spawns.
"Just don't come crying to me if they spoil your fun." the devil added spitefully, and all the villains in the room laughed out loud. Raising the new twins would be a whole new adventure for the inseparable demonic couple.
6 Days Later:
There was a party once again in the same location of Hellsville. Except this time, they were concluding their one week celebration of Hellzmas with a new-years-eve party. The same group of villains was present during the celebrations, with the addition of Femme Fatale, Roach Coach, the Boogyman and his monstrous crew, the Amoeba Boys, the devious Cat, Mandark's Lab Duck Quackor, Mr. Mime (no longer Rainbow the Clown again) and many others miscellaneous monsters. Sedusa looked nothing like her weakened state any longer. She was back to her usual lingerie-wearing self, and her hair was healthily snakelike once again. The snake-haired demoness was apparently dancing near a pole like a stripper would do, flanked by two devil-like demonesses; and they gave Him, Fuzzy, the GanGreen Gang and the Rowdyruff boys quite the show. The Powerpunk girls gave the Rowdyruffs what appears to be the jealous look, and Mojo Jojo was still engaged in his usual Powerpuff-destroying plot cookings.
"Your Sedusa still is sexy, even after becoming a mommy!" Fuzzy clapped at the demoness trio's dancings.
"Don't get any ideas, Fuzzy." He gave the mutant a serious and leery look.
"Right, boss." Fuzzy nodded, and suppressed his laugh.
"Hey Mojo! Don't you wanna take a look at today's great show?" Ace called out the simian.
"Not now, juvenile fool! I, Mojo Jojo am still busy on thinking of diabolical plots to eliminate the Powerpuff Girls!"
"I beg to differ, Mojo. My kids are well qualified for the job, so why don't you cease your meaningless endeavors, and come join in the fun?" He thought otherwise, and offered the simian busybody.
"Meaningless?" Mojo exclaimed, and stormed towards the devil while fuming.
"I, Mojo Jojo, have wasted ten billion brain cells in thinking of such plans to get rid of my nemeses! And YOU are telling me that it is all for nothing?! Why, I'll see to it that….." Mojo stopped speaking, and his attention was now focused on the dancing she-devils.
"Mmmm, enthralling!"
"I knew that this would make you stop toiling in your meaningless plots." He smugly grinned.
Mr. Mime approached the cot where the twinspawns were playing with their dolls which their father manifested as their gifts; and made weird faces to entertain them.
"Aren't they just evilicous?" Junior and Slim said together.
"Indeed that the little girl is the precise apple of Sedusa's eye!" Femme Fatale admired Desdemona's hairstyle.
Big Billy poked the babies out of fun, but Lucifer belched out flames, which singed the cyclops' face.
"Fiesty lil' tyke!"
Amid the laughter and pomp, three shady looking criminals were apparently plotting something behind the rulers' back.
"…..so if we gleap the babies, we'll earn loads of cash, right boss?" the two henchmen greedily asked about their boss' ambitious, but foolish plan.
"You got that right! Now Doe darlin', you serve as the distraction, while Moe and I try to make off with those two little brats!" their boss Gruum instructed.
"Right!" Doe ran near the entertainment corner where Him and his posse were still enjoying Sedusa's pole dance. She went up with the three dancing wenches, and began to perform a loud vocal performance which attracted most of the villains' attentions. While they were all distracted, Moe and Gruum snuck near the twin demon babies, and snatched them away from the cot. They kept their hands over the infants' mouth to mute out their cries, as to avoid any unnecessary exposures.
"Why in hell did she make an unscripted appearance in our performance?" Sedusa paused dancing, and arched a brow. The answer came suddenly to her, when she took a glance at Moe and Gruum fleeing with her children. Sedusa went to Him, and whispered a few words in His pointy ears. An angered expression suddenly appeared on his face, then He nodded in agreement and went with Sedusa to thwart the foolish thieves.
Just when the two thieves were about to exit the Party Hall, the demonic couple teleported near the door; the cross expressions still showing bold on their faces.
"And just where do you think you're going?" Sedusa crossed her hands, now grinning scornfully at the thieves.
"Um, we…we were just uh….." Moe began to stutter.
"We are just playing with the newborns, that's all!" Gruum sheepishly answered.
"Spare us the excuses! YOU THINK WE WERE JUST BORN YESTERDAY?" He yelled at the thieves.
"PLEASE, SPARE US, YOUR HIGHNESS!" the thieves began to whine for their lives, for death seemed clearly inevitable just now.
"Oh we won't hurt you!" Sedusa cooed at their pleaders.
"You, you won't?" Moe asked, relieved.
"They shall be the one to determine your final judgement!" Sedusa haughtily pointed at the babies still held on the thieves' hands.
Desdemona and Lucifer began to transform into slithering red snakes, and they sprang out of the thieves' grasp, hissing at them viciously. The two fool-headed criminals let out a high-pitched scream.
"Think twice before you mess with OUR family!" the Satan laughed, as he and Sedusa witnessed their children devouring the two thieves whole as their dinner for New Years, and then reverted back to their original infant forms, belching loudly after a few seconds.
The whole villain crowd cheered at Desdemona and Lucifer's spectacle, and they earned the sight of a benign smile that were visible on their cute little faces.
"Wait, something's still amiss!"
The crowd suddenly fell silence.
Sedusa suddenly took another glance at Doe, who was about to flee for her life. The asp-queen took no second thoughts, and lashed out her snake hair at the fleer's direction, coiling her tight.
"No one upstages me and steals the show!"
Sedusa raised up the long lock that coiled Doe tight, and threw her into a nearby lava pit. The criminal let out a agonizing screech, and fell down to the engulfing flaming liquid.
"Dang, she got wasted!" Ace sneered.
"Guess we better be careful about stealing the demon kids!" Boomer and his brothers stifled a giggle.
"Real mature, Rowdyruffs." Brute, Berserk and Brat rolled their eyes, and Brick and Butch suddenly stopped laughing. At Brick's serious nod, Butch kicked the stomach of Boomer.
"Hey, I was just joking, guys!" the blond Rowdyruff clasped his stomach in pain.
"Kids….." Sedusa grinned, and looked at her Husband.
"Aren't they powerful already?" she commented on the crawling twins near the base of the demonic couple's feet.
"Of course! To be blunt, I was already over-the-top since I was only five days old!" He replied smugly.
"But alas, no words are coming from their mouth!" Sedusa contemplated the lack of language that the babies exhibited.
"Relax, Sedusa. In due time, their speech shall psychologically destroy their unfortunate prey!" He laughed, and pulled Sedusa closer to lock her lips in a tongue twirling kiss.
Half of the villains "Ooooh'd" in admiration, while the other half (consisting of minors) looked away with the usual "Ew!" remark. As both demons' finished their kiss, Sedusa picked up their pair of progenies, and placed them back in their cot.
"Guys! Since January 2008 shall start soon….." Fuzzy began to express his idea, but Ace apparently thought the same idea, and immediately finished his statement.
"….we should raise hell in Townsville!"
"Hmm, sounds like a nice way to spend the New Year's Eve, boy! What's better is that those insignificant Townsville fools shall begin their year BADLY BY OUR ARRIVAL!" He raised his crab-like claws and laughed maliciously, while the other villains did the same.
Sedusa bent over to the cot, and stroked the locks of baby Desdemona's hair.
"Now kids, Mommy and Daddy will be gone with friends for a while. Don't worry about any protection lax, some babysitters shall keep a good eye on you devils until our return!"
He nodded, and summoned a pair of Devil Guardians to watch over His children, and waved his claws to cleanse off the party mess from the whole residence.
"Now let's go and start the New Year OUR WAY!" Him roared and the entire group of villains (minus Desdemona, Lucifer and the demon babysitters) disappeared from the hall.
Enter, The City of Townsville.
11:59 AM
Every citizens were waiting in rapt anticipation for New Years to begin, especially the Powerpuff Girls.
"And now New Years shall start in a matter of seconds. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6….."
Everyone roared with excitement, as they watch the Powerpuff-style rocket (which Prof. Utonium created during the whole month of December) was about to take off in the skies to make great fireworks.
"5, 4, 3, 2….."
Suddenly, the countdown was interrupted, and a red hole appeared on the night sky. Numerous armies of villains (now enlarged as giants) dropped down from the skies, led by the monstrous Him and Sedusa.
"Uh oh, we've got trouble!" Blossom gasped at the sight of monsters everywhere.
"Why couldn't we have fun in the beginning of the year?" Bubbles dismayingly exclaimed.
"Who cares? It'll be fun getting rid of those creeps!" Buttercup cocked a grin, and the girls flew up towards the gargantuan villains. Even though the favor was against them, and were outnumbered, it was worth taking a chance to beat them up at the dawn of 2008.
(A/N: Hah, like those girls will even win against the bajillion amounts (written on purpose) of baddies! Unfortunatly, I have drained all my energies in writing this fic, so I'll have to stop writing here. Well, not really, since I have a few more writing juice left in me to add a few little plot teasers.)
Back in the Hellsville Grand Chamber, the twin hellspawns were busy playing with their toys, while the babysitters were still looking after them.
"We sure did keep up our appearances, eh?" Lucifer apparently can demonstrate language abilities at this age, and his voice was echoic just like his Father.
"Yeah. Mommy and Daddy have barely any idea that our intellect is as great as their's!" Desdemona cackled, her voice sounded similar to Sedusa's but with the echoic reverb added.
"It's boring in here. Playing with our toys and staying at home while we could also be having fun with Popsie and Mumsie! Why can't we fucking go kill some loser, Dessy?" Lucifer threw his rattle at Desdemona, her snake hair caught it in the nick of time.
(A/N: LMAO, Lucifer sweared! xD)
"Bleh, they think that we'll get hurt or something, dear brother." Desdemona reassured her twin.
"Wanna go explore the town, sis?" Lucifer eyed the window mischievously.
"I thought you'd never ask, Lucy! That way, our reputation can automatically attain its importance, instead of mother and father automatically making it for us!"
"Sounds like a great idea! Wait, hey! Don't call me that!" her brother pouted, earning a sly raspberry from her sister.
"But first….." Desdemona snapped her fingers, and two clones of theirs' appeared in the cot.
"Now we can get the hell out of here, Lucy!"
"Shush! The babysitters might suspect something. Let's go!"
The twins exchanged devious glances and teleported away in a puff of red smoke that disappeared as quickly as it materialized.
"Did you hear something?" The androgynous babysitter asked its also-ambiguously gendered partner.
"Uh, no. We should probably feed them worms now!" The other babysitter replied, and they went to the cot to pick up the decoys.
And so once again, the day shall be doomed, thanks to Desdemona, Lucifer, and the rest of Hellsville
The End
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devilmaycamera · 5 years
Scene Guide
Looking for a particular scene? I’ve started tagging all my screenshots with Scene Reference tags so it’s easy to find all the shots from a particular scene! :D
Prologue -  16th May 08:06pm
Prologue: Morrison looking at the Qliphoth
Scene 1: Dante fights Urizen as Nero and V enter the Qliphoth
Scene 2: Empusa Intro
Scene 3: Green Empusa Intro
Scene 4: V waiting for Nero, Griffon intro.
Scene 5: Nero jumps off a little ledge and continues
Scene 6: DMC Crew is downed as Nero arrives and challenges Urizen.
Scene 7: Nero is downed. V is worried, but Dante gets up. V and Nero retreat. The Rebellion is shattered and Dante is defeated again.
Scene 8: V and Nero escape via Nightmare the Qliphoth, explaining to Morrison.
Mission 1 (Nero) -  15th June 4:24am
The loading screen for some reason says 520am, but the cutscene says 5:02am mmid way through before mission start so I’m going with that.
Opening: Nero and Nico drive through Red Grave. Slow-Mo battle sequence with opening credits. 
Scene 1: (15th June, 5:02am) Soldiers fighting Empusa. Nico and Nero save them by the van and Nero tests the new Devil Breakers.
Scene 2: Nero continues fighting the demons while Nico talks to the Soldier.
Scene 3: Red Empusa Intro
Scene 4: Qliphoth Roots Boss intro
Scene 5: Roots defeated, Nico and Nero continue on in the van.
Scene 6: Flashback - Nero and Nico working on the van. Vergil comes and steals back the Yamato, removing Nero's arm.
Scene 7: Nero and Nico plan continue by van, planning to meet up with V.
Mission 2 (Nero) -  15th June 5:32am
Scene 1: Nico gives Nero letters from Morrison
Scene 2: Nero and Nico in the van, introducing Nico’s workshop.
Scene 3: Empusa fall off a building
Scene 4: Nero flips, Hell Caina Intro
Scene 5: Nero sees V and familiars battling
Scene 6: In a pit, Hell Antenora Intro
Scene 7: Nero calls Nico for support.
Scene 8: Nero encounters Goliath and asks about V before they fight.
Scene 9: Nero defeats Goliath and reunites with V.
Mission 3 (Nero) -  15th June 6:26am
Scene 1: Party decided to split. Nico presents a new Breaker. She then gloats to Griffon. V leaves. Nico can’t read minds and the workshop is cool
Scene 2: Nero leaves the van. Nico sleeps. 
Scene 3: Pyrobat Intro
Scene 4: Death Scissors Intro
Scene 5: Nero calls Nico, Van drops through the ceiling.
Scene 6: Nero encounters Artemis.
Scene 7: Nero saves Lady. Nico teases Nero about Kyrie.
Mission 4 (V) -  15th June 6:35am
Scene 1: V and Griffon discuss Nero.
Scene 2: V and familiars encounter Empusa.
Scene 3: V and Familars encounter Pyrobats
Scene 4: V snaps his finger and hair turns white.
Scene 5: Bridge collapse. V is saved by Griffon.
Scene 6: V Calls Nico. V stops the van with familiars.
Scene 7:  Nidhogg boss intro. Griffon and V both taunt him heavily.
Scene 8:  Nidhogg is defeated and a Qliphoth root crumbles revealing a bigger foe, Gilgamesh. It notices V however and begins to attack. They fall underground.
Mission 5 (V) - 15th June 7:27am
Scene 1: V and his familiars survive the fall. They see more roots.
Scene 2: Empusa Queen Intro
Scene 3: V phones Nico. He and Shadow nap, the Van bursts through the ground.
Scene 4: V spots Malphas instructing  Cavalier Angelo astride Elder Geryon Knight. He confronts them.
Scene 5: Cavalier Angelo flees after the fight  as the Geryon disintegrates. V and Griffon continue on. V picks up a piece of the Geryon to give to Nico.
Mission 6 (Nero) - 15th June 7:25 am
Scene 1: Nico hits on the unconscious Lady. Nero goes to deal with Gilgamesh.
Scene 2: A weak spot is revealed atop Gilgamesh as it jumps down.
Scene 3: V is revealed to be helping from below. V stops Griffon calling Nero’s mother a bitch. Nero is left to finish the fight. 
Scene 4: Gilgamesh crumbles, revealed to be a Qliphoth root. Nico arrives, informing Nero that Lady is awake and has him pick up more Demon parts.
Mission 7 (Nero & V) - 15th June 8:57am
Scene 1: Lady is awake and explains what happened to Nero as far as she knows. V joins them and expresses his relief Lady is okay, and gives Nico what he found earlier. Lady and Nero express concern over V’s trustworthiness. V and Nero leave.
Scene 2: Nico instructs Lady to dig. She is still naked.
Scene 3, Nero: Riot Intro  (Same thing just different exit to below.)
Scene 3, V: Riot Intro (Same thing just different exit to above)
Scene 4, V: V calls Nico, she crashes through the subway.
Scene 5, Nero: Nero arrives in the theatre area with V. (Alt Angle to below)
Scene 5, V: V arrives in the theatre area with Nero.  (Alt Angle to above)
Scene 6: Proto Angelo and Scudo Angelo intro. Nero teases them while V expresses extreme disdain to them. The area begins to slide.
Scene 7: The theatre keeps sliding.
Scene 8: They leap from the landslide and land in the playground. V explains he recognises this place, from an attack when he was a child. He points out the Sparda family house, and they part ways. Nero expresses his suspicion of V in private.
Mission 8 (Nero) - 15th June 9:56am
Scene 1: Nico arrives and doesn’t kill Nero by some miracle.
Scene 2: Nero is sealed inside part of the Qliphoth as it closes itself up behind him.
Scene 3: Baphomet Intro
Scene 4: Nero calls Nico, finding Dante’s magazine. He takes a nap with the mag before falling and sorting himself as Nico arrives.
Scene 5: Nero returns to Urizen. They exchange words before fighting.
Scene 6: Nero managed to slice Urizen’s hand before being knocked back. Urizen taunts him before rising in aggrivation. His hand heals, fighting Nero again.
Scene 7: Nero is knocked back again, and as the tentacles grab Nero, Urizen gloats. Nero is saved by someone in Sin Devil trigger. Nero blacks out.
Mission 9 (V) - Mission opens with Flashback
Scene 1: (3rd May 8:08 pm) Flashback, Morrison visits Dante’s office with a job from V.
Scene 2: (15th June 10:06am) In the town ruins, Griffon finds Nobodies dancing. They continue onward to the Sword.
Scene 3: Behemoth Intro
Scene 4: V calls Nico, Griffon steals the cane.
Scene 5: Nobody Intro, and the Devil Sword Sparda found.
Scene 6: V defeats the last enemy.
Scene 7: V Retrieves the Sparda, then finds Dante. He struggles internally but doesn’t kill him. Dante wakes up just in time.
Mission 10 (Dante) - Mission opens with Flashback
Scene 1: (Dante’s Childhood) Flashback, Eva saving Dante as a child then looking for Vergil.
Scene 2: (15th June 10:37am)  Dante awakes and finds out from V it’s been a month. They discuss V’s involving Nero. 
Scene 3: (15th May 4:44pm) Flashback, The DMC Crew first enters the Qliphoth with V. V leaves to fetch Nero as backup. Trish and Lady banter.
Scene 4: Dante looks ahead at Lady and Trish headed to the throne room.
Scene 5: Chaos Intro & Shaving
Scene 6: Hellbat Intro
Scene 7: Dante enters the throne room to see Lady and Trish defeated. He initiates combat against Urizen after taunting.
Scene 8: Continuing the fight, running along the tentacles and using his guns, Dante is eventually knocked down as Nero arrives.
Mission 11 (Dante) - 15th June 11:02am
Scene 1: V begins to summarize the events of a month ago to Dante.
Scene 2: (16th May 8:37pm) Flashback: The crew’s first confrontation with Urizen. after Dante is knocked out of his Devil Trigger, Trish saves him from tentacles, throwing him the Sparda. Another failed attack leads to Dante, along with the Sparda and Rebellion, being thrown into the town’s ruins. Lady and Trish are both taken for Urizen’s purposes. 
Scene 3: (15th June 11:11am) Dante leaves V to continue the mission. V begins to desintigrate. 
Scene 4: Hell Judecca Intro
Scene 5: Cavaliere Angelo boss battle opening
Scene 6: Dante saves Trish from Cavaliere Angelo. He receives the Cavaliere, and leaves as V arrives, charging Trish to his care. V and Trish begin to talk.
Mission 12 (Dante) - Mission opens with Flashback
Scene 1: Flashback, Vergil dividing himself
Scene 2: (15th June 11:47am) V finishes his story for Trish. They continue after Dante.
Scene 3: Dante riding Caraliere mowing down demons.
Scene 4: Fury Intro
Scene 5: Dante stabs himself with Rebellion and unlocks his Sin Devil Trigger.
Scene 6: Picking up from Dante saving Nero. Griffon lifts Nero out of the way. 
Scene 7: (15th June 12pm) Dante and Urizen finish fighting, but are interrupted by the Qliphoth.
Scene 8: The Qlipoth gets is fully revealed.
Scene 9:  The ground is shaking and Lady is in the van with jumpsuit.
Scene 10:  The ground is collapsing. Trish saves V.
Scene 11: Urizen leaves the confrontation with Dante to retrieve the fruit.
Mission 13 (Dante, Nero & V) -  15th June 12:36pm
Scene 1: The crew is reunited in full. Dr Faust hat dance. The three boys continue on.
Scene 2: Lusachia Intro
Scene 3: The trio land in the starting area.
Scene 4: The Trio continue onward, but the ground breaks under them.
Mission 14 (V) - 15th June, 1:13 pm
Scene 1: V and Griffon crash into Malphas’s lair.
Scene 2: V’s familiars are taken.
Scene 3: V locates Malphas, is almost attacked but saved by Nero.
Mission 15 (Nero) - 15th June, 1:13 pm
Scene 1: Nero needs more arms. Lady and Nico turn up with the van.
Scene 2: Nero finds Malphas and initiates battle.
Scene 3: Nero defeats Malphas. V is saved, and he convinces Nero to take him to Urizen. 
Mission 16 (Dante) - 15th June, 1:13pm
Scene 1: Dante lands in an area.
Scene 2: Dante taunts the King Puppy.
Scene 3: Dante toys with his new weapon, Cerberus.
Mission 17 (Dante) - 15th June 2:01pm
Scene 1: Nero aids the ailing V onwards. V explains some of his plight. Dante lands in the illusion.
Scene 2: Dante find Urizen contemplating the fruit. Urizen eats it and they fight.
Scene 3: Dante defeats Urizen. Nero and V arrive and V takes to finish Vergil. He returns to Vergil.
Mission 18 (Dante) - 15th June 3:06pm
Scene 1: Vergil takes V’s book. He and Dante clash. Vergil expresses his desire to fight Dante on equal terms, that he should go heal up. Vergil leaves by portal, thanking Nero for his assistance. Nero is confused by V’s disappearance. Dante tells Nero to go home despite Nero’s insistance on joining him. Dante reveals that Vergil is Nero’s father. Nero is shocked, and Dante leaves to deal with Vergil alone.
Scene 2: The Qliphoth unfurls and Vergil contemplates an alternative existence as he waits for Dante.
Scene 3: Lady, Trish and Nico run for the Van as Dante arrives, explaining Vergil’s return. Nico tosses Dante Lady’s new launcher. The van leaves
Scene 4: Dante encounters V’s familiars. Griffon explains their origins.
Scene 5: Griffon retreats.
Scene 6: Shadow retreats.
Scene 7: Griffon retreats a second time.
Scene 8: Shadow retreats a second time.
Scene 9: Griffon and Shadow retreat.
Scene 10: The familiars are defeated. Griffon and Dante speak. Griffon clues Dante in to his brother’s fears.
Scene 11: As part of the Qliphoth crumbles, Nero runs down as the Van careens past. Trish hauls him in and Nero expresses his frustration reguarding Vergil. They council against killing Vergil. He leaps from the vehicle alone.
Mission 19 (Dante) - 15th June 4:04pm
Scene 1: Dante asks for the Yamato. After banter, they fight.
Scene 2: Dante reveals to Vergil Nero is his son as they continue to fight. They are interrupted by Nero in his new Devil Trigger.
Mission 20 (Nero) - 15th June 4:27pm
Scene 1: Nero finds a phone and talks to Kyrie, then goes to save his family.
Scene 2: Nero interrupts the fight and makes his demands for peace. Vergil challenges him.
Scene 3: Vergil relents and the twins leave to the demon world. Nero remains to protect the human world.
Scene 1: Nico and Nero driving discuss his arm. Kyrie calls Nero. Demons ahead and he has to clean up.
Scene 2: Nero finishes fighting and the Qliphoth is collapsing.
Scene 3: In the Demon World, Dante and Vergil head for the Qlipoth's roots but are ambushed. They fight.
Scene 4: (24th July 9:24pm) Lady and Trish eat Pizza, Morrison ropes them into a job.
Scene 5: In the Demon World, with the Qliphoth dealt with, Dante & Vergil duel for fun. Then fight demons.
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mansnovembris · 4 days
Yesterday I was thinking of what the perfect dong would look like if I had to build my own, and if there are any that fit my vision out there or if I already have it.
i like humanoid shapes with a bit of *flair*. i have tried to venture outside that box and I have a few different shapes, but I am drawn to the classics, I guess. As long as there is something about it that doesn't make it too realistic. it could be ridges, knots, spikes, or just the coloration, but if it's too realistic looking, it's a nope for me.
foreskin. i, apparently, really like foreskin. doesn't need it, but it gives it that 'umf'.
squishy balls are nice too, as long as they don't look like cartoon feet. I don't know how to go into deeper detail than that.
it would need to be between 4.5-5.25 inches in useable length and between 5-5.3 inches in girth. longer than that and it's hitting cervix and it hurts. girthier than that and I can use it up to a certain point, but it takes a lot of work.
Soft or super soft firmness. Medium is a bit too much and unless the girth is under 5 and there's no texture, I can't do it. Speaking of which...
I'm not big into a lot of texture, and I don't like anything too smooth, so I like prominent veins, like, a lot. bumps work well, too. and a swell. and a little upward curve.
Now, with all that said, do I have any with all of these preferences?
OwOToyz Zeke checks all the boxes, though the girth is a bit more than preferred. That's the only reason why I don't reach for this as much as I'd like to.
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Ones I don't have that check most, if not all are Thunder from Dread the Empire. Except for the foreskin part, everything in a small size is pretty spot on.
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And Pip from Colorful Cook / Alchemist Echidna. They recently did redo the sizes and a small size is perfect, but medium is manageable, which is a vast improvement from the previous size, which, at a small was still too large. No foreskin, but it's whatever.
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And honorable mention of a yet to be released, but previewed model from Baphomet's Workshop. No idea what the sizes would be, and Baphomet's does a lot of One size only models, but ugh... just look at it!
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I will be surprised if Tumblr doesn't do it's thing with this post. 😭
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nihlisticalchemist · 4 years
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I'm ready for my players this weekend. #q-workshop #vampire #vampires #rpgs #roleplayinggames #chronicle #vamily #vampirethemasquerade #v5 #vtm #hplovecraft #eldersign #dicecup #diceroller #baphomet #storyteller https://www.instagram.com/p/B9ko4hTpYsk/?igshid=ag8kkabfdtw7
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popculturespiritwow · 6 years
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While Issue 23 is in a sense a prelude to the arc proper, magazine-style profiles of our Pantheon post-Blood Blister-Ananke-Pop!, one of the great elements of the issue is how it lays out the new status quo within interviews that are the fruit entirely of online role play between Kieron and the interviewers. In other words, the interviewers didn’t have a sense of the story goals, they were just approaching their subjects the way they would in real life, and it was up to Kieron to improvise in a couple key notes – Baal as now Responsible Father Figure/Super Hero who is Going to Stop the Great Darkness and Wear Suits**; Laura as Maybe Actually the Destroyer After All Tho; Morrigan receding into the Undeworld with Baphomet; Ammy’s continued insistence that everything is going to turn out super great for everybody; Woden making a machine to “mimic” people’s powers (see: things that will also work out super great for everybody); oh, and everybody’s still going to die, tick tock. 
It’s all a pretty big gamble and it works really really well.
**Just realizing, the guy who makes it his mission in Imperial Phase to protect Minerva is simultaneously quietly killing children. Wow I don’t know how to feel about any of that.
What is this thing we’re reading, issue #23? Is it a comic book recreating itself for an issue as a magazine in order to do something fun and different and also expand the whole “gods viewed as celebrities” concept, show us how the Pantheon are viewed by the wider world?
Certainly that’s how it presents itself. And I dare you to find an issue of another book that does that as well, from layout to shot selection to the kinds of narratives it weaves. And other than the Chris Eliopolis-style three panel strip that ends the issue, and maybe Jamie’s four panels depicting Ananke’s death, there’s not a lot about what goes on within the issue that seems to resemble the storytelling methods of a comic.
But its cover is 100% comic book. We’re given an issue number, the title of the comic, the creative team, the production company. The page dimension are also those of every other issue of the series. And the cover design, Baal against the white background, as though having escaped the comic book frame which now hangs over his shoulder, is the design for the Imperial Phase run of issues.
The back cover fronts (backs?) the magazine vibe, replacing the series’ normal quote from within the book with an advertisement for a Persephone-branded phone. (I have to believe in a world where the ring tone is “Persephone is in Hell.”)  But even there, if you want to be picky, you’ve got the bar code and comic book rating in the bottom right. 
So it’s a comic book, right, doing celebrity rag really well and why am I wasting your time debating about this. But then there’s this... even if it’s not in a way like pretty much any comic book the art of the issue does generate story, in the way that magazines of its variety do, costume plus setting plus pose revealing character and plotline.
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And not only that but the fullness of the story being told in each article and the issue as a whole is a result precisely as a result of the interactions between art and text. Indeed, the very choice of photos first to take and then to use emerges out of both the text of the story and the pre-interview idea for the story that the writer or editor brought. 
Clearly issue 23 is the band we love at the top of their game innovating even further and making us think that much more. But maybe it’s also a way of highlighting not that a comic can be a magazine, but that in the way they deliver story, magazines are actually a kind of comic books themselves.
Kevin Wada’s art is just fantastic, both spot on for the kind of magazine the issue is trying to present and also with just the perfect shot selection for the characters.
That two page spread of Baal or the crazy shot of Woden. Wow.
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But for me the gold of the issue is the fresh insights the article authors bring to the characters.
“It’s why fans love her,” Leigh Alexander writes of the Morrigan. “She creates spaces where it all feels inevitable, and therefore okay. Or definitely, assuredly not okay, so you can stop pretending, You can stop struggling. Or you can only struggle. Either way it’s a relief.” The blessing of the Morrigan, yes it’s a nightmare, you’re right, and with that truth, an easing of the pain. (I love all the articles, but Alexander’s is particularly wonderful. The feeling she has for the Morrigan gives the piece such pathos.)
Or here’s Dorian Lynskey, writing about Baal. “This, then, is Baal’s spin for the day: there will be a plan. We mortals might not know what it is, it may not even be decided yet, but there will be one. DO I believe it? I’m not sure. But I believe that Baal believes it. After so much blood and chaos, he needs to believe it.”
(Did Lynskey have any idea of the secrets Baal was hiding? I don’t think so. And yet knowing what we know not, could his piece be any more dead on?)
In her profile of Woden, author Laurie Penny says “He takes women and turns them into videogame cheesecake. He takes women and turns them into something less than human, something comprehensible and controllable, with clear win conditions.”
She also kids that his workshop is like the Batcave, and follows with another incredibly prescient remark: “’Where’s Alfred? Or...no, hang on. You’re Alfred.”   
Mary HK Choi’s insistence on often calling Lucifer by her birth name, which at first works as a refusal to take the claims of godhood as anything more than as millennial celebrity publicity stunt; but then becomes part of insisting on Luci’s innocence and vulnerability: “Lucifer if perfect right now – vibrant and happy. And while there is a humane aspect to  the fatalistic branding, the finite relevance that is the reality of the celebrity industrial complex in the age of social media, it’s still super sad.
“When she’s skipping to the mall, shudder at how her parents (unrepentant Beatles fans) conceived her on the night of a Blur gig...she is very much a kid. A kid swaggering to impress you and thousands of people for whom everything is performance.”
(Also, we get that great quote from Kieron, “Being the devil is knowing you’re lost.” Rather than Purveyor of Lies, Lucifer once again as the one who understands the lie within it all.)
Lastly, here’s Ezekiel Kweku, after hearing Ammy explain away Ananke’s death: “She looks preternaturally serene, godlike once more. For some reason, this makes me even sadder.”
(“She doesn’t want you to see in her a deconstructed divinity, she wants to appear as whole and uncomplicated as an undivided beam of light,” is so perfect as sentences go I would be filled with a jealous rage if I could stop enjoying it.)
I do this newsletter on pop culture and spirituality called Pop Culture Spirit Wow. (Join us and we can rule the galaxy forever.) And the week  Avengers: Infinity War came out I did a whole thing on the history of the Avengers, including some of their most iconic storylines.
And in doing research, I stumbled upon this post from former Avengers writer Jim Shooter, who insists that Hank Pym “was not a wife-beater”. The famous moment where Pym hits Janet van Dyne, he said was actually the mistake of the artist. “In that story (issue 213, I think),” Shooter writes, “there is a scene in which Hank is supposed to have accidentally struck Jan while throwing his hands up in despair and frustration—making a sort of ‘get away from me’ gesture while not looking at her.  Bob Hall, who had been taught by John Buscema to always go for the most extreme action, turned that into a right cross!” And it was too late to fix it, so they had to go with it. 
Years later, Bob Hall responded, saying Shooter “had never said he didn’t like the slap panel”, but that he could believe he’d made a mistake, because he was young and didn’t know what he was doing.
But I don’t know, this is a pretty different from an “accidental slap”:
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Also, what precipitates this terrible moment is Pym on trial for having seemingly shot a woman in the back (turns out she was a robot) and feeling a lot of pressure. The issue features Tigra worrying about Jan and wondering why she stays with him. “Don’t you see you’re worth ten of him?” she asks.
And after his “accidental slap” he flips out in court, ultimately sending in a robot to save him.
So I don’t know, actually an accidental slap feels a lot less likely than what was drawn. (Actually it feels exactly like what someone who just hit a woman says to try and get away with it.)
Once it “happened”, Shooter and Marvel were “stuck” with it (#TheRealVictims), and Shooter had to rethink where he was headed with the characters. Jan files for divorce next issue, in fact.
If you look at the history of comics, you won’t find many moments like this, at least not at the Big Two. Men do not hit women.
Unless they have powers, that is. Then it’s kind of all fair, or at least occasionally permissible. And it never comes up in later conversation. It’s just the way things are. She was super strong, she hit me first, of course it’s okay. 
In both the Morrigan and Baal pieces the characters talk about Baal having hit her. That attack happened twelve issues ago (when you include the 1831 special), and it’s still considered a significant ongoing story point for both characters.
Once again, WicDiv making us consider things that the world kind of ignores. (Or even enjoys.)
The very last beat of this issue, the wacky cartoon, is maybe the hardest hitting punch of all.
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They’ve been through all this craziness, they’ve found out they were being manipulated all this time, and they just straight murdered someone. So what do they do now?
What else? They party.
It’s like the Danger Laura Wilson warning of the first two arcs, but now applied to the whole group, and just as firmly ignored. The only one who really seems to understand at all it is Luci, and she’s dead, er, a living head stuck in a cave we won’t know about for another year of issues.
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banji-effect · 7 years
I was tagged by the lovely @joycecarolnotes on a writing thing--thank you! I have a few minutes before I need to get on a conference call, so...
1) How many works in progress do you currently have? Two. Their progress has been pretty infinitesimal recently, but I still hope to finish them.
2) Do you/would you write fanfiction? This is the first year I’ve really delved into writing fanfic! I’ve been a serious reader since, like, childhood basically. I think I’ve written about this on my blog before now, but the closest I had previously come to writing fic was back many years ago when I participated in a TrekSmut University multi-person collaborative joint. This was way back when alt.startrek.creative.erotica.moderated was still a thing.
3) Do you prefer paper books or ebooks? Paper books (although I’ve been suuuuper lazy about finishing books this year).
4) When did you start writing? As a child, at some point. My mother is a poet and I’ve always had an interest in reading and writing.
5) Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with? I sometimes send (bad) poems to my bestie Skeet, and have been known to send fanfic drafts to anyone who seems like they might need 8,000 words worth of nasty yet gentle service topping. (The offer remains open.)
6) Where is your favorite place to write? On the train, or outside, or in a cafe. I get distracted too easily when I try to write at home.
7) Favorite childhood book? Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There, Lewis Carroll.
8) Writing for fun or publication? “Fun”? I think not? Writing for myself, more like. However, it’s been really nice this year to be part of a small fandom (with so many great writers and artists!) where any new fic feels worth celebrating--it feels more like a ladies’ sewing circle than like, just tossing something into the wilds of AO3.
9) Pen and paper or computer? On my phone or computer, mostly. Sometimes I write poetry longhand.
10) Have you ever taken any writing classes? Yeah, and I feel very fortunate to have had some good instructors. Most recently: I took a poetry workshop with Afaa Michael Weaver last fall.
11) What inspires you to write? Nature, the moon, night breezes, animals, people inspire me to write poetry. I’ve been greatly inspired by the excellent people in the SV fandom to write fic this year! 
I’ve been thinking about this a bit, and I sort of consider my “project” in writing slash ~erotica~ to be creating a means for myself to think about men/men’s bodies/male sexuality in feminine terms. I’ll have to think about that more until I actually understand what I’m trying to say, ha. Basically, I think it’s sort of like... taking this preexisting cultural material, which has a very overt focus on hetero-masculinity, and transmuting it into something that is relatable in a queer-female context via the magick of erotics. It’s definitely something occult. Maybe I can consider it as an offering to the Divine Androgyne, my gworl Baphomet, who you know is down with all sorts of nasty slash fic. 
Anyway, if you feel like reading more of what I occasionally write, I have a couple of sideblogs (since I don’t want to unduly pollute y’all’s dashboards if you’re following me for like... I don’t know, gay fashion updates):
@thesocraticstare is where I house my tributes to Zach Woods’ butthole @itsaskingquestions is my (sometimes overly-serious) poetry blog, mostly other people’s but sometimes my own
I’m not sure who all has already done this vs. who might still like to do this so I’m going to tag an assortment of people who write poetry, academic articles, fic, what have you... @skeetshoot @psychodelicategirl @pussy-strut @partypeacock @resilientpigeon and whoever else feels moved to do the dang thing
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vicegrips-fr · 7 years
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As I’ve mentioned before I plan on re-writing lore and with that, there have been a few changes. So, because of this and because it’s high time that both myself and @majestyrising got on with the next stages of our lore, I’ve decided to write up a brief summary of what takes place between the time of Arduin's arrival and his older brother Bastion escaping with Rho. There are quite a few details that are missing from this in order to get to the point, so I’ll be going over those (and all of the changes that have been made) in another post. Warning: mentions of blood, abuse, torture, lots of unpleasantness, etc.
@jollyroger-fr @majestyrising @fusefr @archaic-fr @jadedragons @kattafr @clockworktophat-fr @almaren-fr @webwing-alpha @unicorndust-fr @froststrix-fr _____________________________________
Arduin, fresh-faced and setting out on his own from the Bloodborn for the first time, stumbles into the Undermurk (the swamp and bog lands that rest in Mordecai’s territory) and is captured by his men. He’s taken straight to Mordecai where he boldly informs their violent leader that he is, in fact, a prince. Surprised but not at all put off by the news, Mordecai orders that he be held in the cells until he can ‘figure out what to do with him’. Up to this point, Mordecai and his warriors had mostly kept to raiding and looting small-time towns and villages, little dots on a map that no one gave a shit about. Sometimes they would take people back with them by force if the mood struck, but most of the time those who were brought back to the Wormwood Gorge had chosen to follow after seeing what Mordecai could do. They’d clearly heard the rumors and now they believed them. Eldawrath, Mordecai’s right-hand man, and deputy, as it were, is hesitant to keep him around. He fears that if the boy is telling the truth they’ll have an army at their door before they know it. ‘All that boy is gonna do is bring us trouble, Mordecai, and you know it.’ When the time comes, Arduin is brought before the Blight Touched people to be sacrificed to the pit. Just as Mordecai had done when his father ‘tested’ him, Arduin survives and walks away with a very interesting mutation. It would turn out that his ‘gift’ is more of a curse, transforming him into a large, feral bogsneak-creature that Mordecai abuses, and later, uses as an attack dog. There is a silver-lining, or as much of one that someone could hope for considering his circumstances; he does not remain in this form forever but changes back and forth. What triggers these transformations are currently unknown, but he certainly doesn’t have control of them. About a month passes and Arduin is still at the mercy of Mordecai, kept beneath his house in a cellar referred to as ‘the workshop’. Here he is tortured and abused, mostly for Mordecai’s amusement, and slowly grows detached from his former self and life. He is given the nickname Vile. Around this time another prince wanders into the Undermurk and he too is captured and brought before the leader of the gorge. His name is Bastion and it’s quickly discovered that not only is he a prince as well, but the brother of the prince he’d captured a month before. Again Mordecai shows no signs of being perturbed (why should he? nothing happened before. this is the middle of nowhere) and has him brought to the workshop for a little family reunion. Eldawrath voices his concerns like before, and this time their argument ends with both men walking away with busted lips. In the workshop, Bastion is forced to get a taste of the abuse and torture his little brother has endured. The tension building among Mordecai, Eldawrath, and now his people (as well as the timely visit from a certain ridgeback stranger) has the Blight Touched leader on edge; naturally, this is taken out on the brothers. He even goes so far as forcing Arduin to tear out his own brother's left eye. Two weeks pass and another stranger arrives, this one with a snowstorm at his heels and claiming to be a king; his name is Rho. After a scuffle between him and a witch living in the swamp that goes by Wurdalak, Mordecai arrives and the two exchange barbs before Rho is knocked out by Mordecai and carried back to the cells.  Eldawrath, finding out about the newest addition to the ever-growing herd of runaway royals, goes to confront Mordecai. This is the final straw and he’s not about to let Mordecai ruin the good thing they all got going. So what if people believe that Mordecai is blessed? He believed that too but now he’s starting to wonder. Hell! Mordecai doesn’t even know if that’s true! What Eldawrath doesn’t know, however, is that Mordecai is also growing a little worried. After all, three is a curse. Seeking answers Mordecai tries questioning Rho who, not surprisingly, keeps his lips sealed save for insults. Annoyed and frustrated, Mordecai dumps a pale of Wyrmwound ooze on Rho is hopes that that’ll get him to talk and is disappointed to find out that it doesn’t. At least he got to enjoy the show. After, Mordecai made his way over to see Dirge hoping that the blood mage could teach him a thing or two. He did put a roof over his head and food in his belly, the Ridgeback owes him for that. Dirge agrees but Mordecai doesn’t walk away feeling any better. On his way home Mordecai notices that the streets are relatively empty and the lights in many of the ramshackle houses out. There are voices, however, up ahead in the town square. With Baphomet and Azazel in tow, Mordecai picks up his pace and when he reaches the center of town finds none other than Eldawrath waiting for him with a mob of people behind him. He should have spoken with Dirge sooner. The town is divided; some standing with Eldawrath and the rest remaining loyal to their ‘blessed’ leader. The two exchange words and to no one’s surprise, they are at an impasse- meaning they’ll settle this in blood. A civil war breaks out among the clan with Mordecai and Eldawrath at its center. All around them is chaos; prisoners being freed, kin killing kin, and the sounds of weapons- weapons ranging from swords to kitchen forks and rusty spoons- clanging and gouging and slicing into flesh and bone. In the cellar beneath Mordecai’s floorboards, the brothers hear the battle raging above them and Arduin dares to hope that his mother has found them. Someone has, but not the Bloodborn Queen. The cellar door rattles violently on its hinges and Arduin shrinks back into the shadows- someone is trying to yank it open from the outside. The wood eventually gives way and the already cold, damp workshop’s temperature drops severely, enough that he can see his breath coming out in plumes. Next is the sound of footsteps on the stairs; pained, measured steps that move with determination regardless. Arduin blinks into the dark as the man finally appears at the bottom of the stairs. He doesn’t recognize this man with white-blue eyes, but Rho has found them. (We’re leaving.) With those two simple words, Rho strides over and bends to sling Bastion up over his shoulder. It’s a strain, the effort required to manage the task a lot to ask given his drained state; but by miracle or pure adrenaline, he manages.  Arduin takes a single step to follow and stops, paralyzed by the fear that grips his heart when he thinks about walking up those stairs. He can hear its irregular rhythm beating in his eardrums and his throat closes up- He’s changing into that thing again. ‘Not now! Not now!’
Rho has already turned and is heading for the stairs, there’s no telling how long this battle will last and he can make use of the chaos in order to get Bastion to safety unnoticed- but they have to go now. He cannot wait for Bastion’s brother to follow and he isn’t strong enough right now to carry the both of them. He makes a decision and heads up the stairs, trying his damnedest to block out Bastion’s mournful screams of protest. It isn’t until minutes later that Arduin manages to crawl up the stairs, his body twisting and twitching, morphing into the vile beast. Across the floor he drags himself on one arm towards the door- still open! He glimpses the carnage outside and stops, staggering and swaying to his feet. Ramshackle homes that have been set ablaze light the streets and shine a light on bodies laying in muddy, bloody puddles. Most with terrified or angry expressions frozen on their cold dead faces. Others are missing body parts and the truly unlucky lay gutted and bloated with swarms of flies laying eggs inside their corpses. ‘Bastion!’ Arduin moans in a distorted- disturbing- voice. ‘Wait! Don’t go! Don’t leave me here-’ But it’s too late, they’re gone and he’s run out of time. CRACK! Arduin’s spine grows and snaps, arching up and out, the notches of his vertebrae visible and moving beneath his skin. He goes to his knees, mouth agape in a silent scream of agony. There is fighting all around and the sounds of it ring in his ears- too loud! too loud! The pain eventually ceases and a long forked tongue slides out from between his wet lips, tasting the air. His large head swivels in the direction he smells the most blood and his thick body follows.
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graphicpolicy · 7 years
Six Things at C2E2 I'm Most Excited About
Six Things at #C2E2 I'm Most Excited About. Find out @MidnighterBae's picks!
I love C2E2, not just because it’s located in the great city of Chicago, home of the best pizza, rappers, and (As of this writing.) basketball team in the world. C2E2 one of the few big time cons that still focuses on comic books and their creators, not just celebrities and movie trailers. It’s also the first comic book convention that I attended many moons ago in 2013 when I strode into the…
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blablapret · 7 years
#NHW3: Rumah sebagai awal peradaban
Untuk yang sudah menikah, pernah ga sih berpikir bahwa Allah menakdirkan seorang istri dan suami dijadikan berjodoh dan diikat dalam tali pernikahan karena Allah ingin menitipkan misi rahasia pada pasangan berkeluarga itu. "Misi rahasia" atau "peran spesifik keluarga" ini harus ditelusuri untuk ditemukan jawabannya. Dan hanya pasangan itu yang bisa menjawab; peran spesifik apa yang Allah tetapkan untuk keluarganya. Tidak orang lain.
Kenapa? Karena hanya pasangan itu yang memahami benar keadaan mereka, kelemahan dan kelebihan masing-masing. Apa yang membuat mereka so powerful jika mereka menyatukan kekuatan? Apa yang membuat mereka lemah?
Mungkin bagi yang ingin mengurai teka-teki ini bisa terbantu dengan menjawab beberapa pertanyaan berikut;
[Bagi yang sudah menikah] Apa keunikan /personal branding saya? Apa keunikan pasangan saya? Apa yang membuat saya mencintai dia hingga saat ini? Apa yg menyebabkan saya mantap mau berkeluarga dgn suami Kenapa kita dipertemukan? Allah punya rencana apa sebenrnya dgn menyatukan kita?
[Jika sudah punya anak] Apa keunikan anak saya? Kenapa anak ini yang Allah titipkan kepada rahim saya? Kepada keluarga kami?
[Pertanyaan terakhir] Apa peran unik keluarga kami di muka bumi ini? Apa yang bisa keluarga kami kontribusikan untuk membuat lingkungan sekitar menjadi lebih baik?
Lalu hasil jawaban dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini adalah untuk menjawab kurikulum apa yang paling tepat untuk dijadikan acuan membangun keluarga kita berdasarkan potensi keunikannya. Visi tiap keluarga bisa banyak yang sama, misalnya masuk surga sekeluarga. Tapi misi lah yang ga bisa dicopy paste. Misi keluarga harus mengikuti karakter masing-masing penghuni keluarga kalau mau berjalan efesien. Karena setiap karakter orang itu unik, maka misi masing-masing keluarga itu super unik. 
Oke, saya akan mencoba mengurai pertanyaan itu satu persatu
Our Superpower: Memetakan Potensi Keluarga
Saya vs Suami
Alhamdulillah saya dan suami pernah ikut tes Strength Typologi 30 (ST30) yang dibantu oleh kang Muvti dalam menginterpretasikan hasilnya. Tanda merah adalah kekuatan/potensi diri. Kuning adalah pendukung kekuatan diri. Sedangkan hitam adalah kelemahan atau keterbatasan diri, dan abu adalah pendukung kelemahan diri.
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Hasil assesment st 30 di atas saya himpun ke dalam kurva sederhana, ditambah juga dengan observasi saya pribadi, wawancara orang terdekat, dan juga hasil ngobrol dari waktu ke waktu.
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Yang jika ditelaah lebih lanjut, ternyata banyak sifat kami yang saling beririsan. 
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Dan berikut adalah irisan atau persamaan kami yang bersifat potensial;
IDEATION; menyukai kegiatan brainstormingterkait teori, analisis permasalahan, ide-ide Inovatif, dan solusi.
SYNTHESIZER: mengintegrasikan ide dan informasi, kemudian mengkombinasikan berbagai ide dan informasi tersebut menjadi sesuatu hal yang baru.
CREATOR; senang menciptakan sesuatu.
DESIGNER; dapat membayangkan bagaimana sesuatu dibuat, dan menggambar rancangan hal tersebut
INTERPRETER & COMMUNICATOR; mampu mengomunikasikan suatu hal, informasi atau apa yang dirasakan dengan baik. Baik dalam bentuk lisan maupun tulisan.
CONNECTEDNESS; senang mengaitkan peristiwa yang satu dengan peristiwa lainnya dan lebih percaya bahwa setiap kejadian pasti memiliki alasan/sebab daripada kebetulan. Penuh pertimbangan, penuh perhatian, dan mudah menerima; Yakin bahwa segala sesuatu yang terjadi pasti ada sebabnya, karena dalam pikirannya semua saling berkaitan.
CONTEXT; menikmati mempelajari sesuatu melalui riset dan studi tentang sebab-akibat. Baginya, masa lalu merupakan cetak biru dari sebab dan akibat. Apa yang telah terjadi merupakan pegangan untuk mengerti apa yang terjadi sekarang.
FUTURISTIC; senang berangan-angan, membayangkan masa depan seakan-akan tergambar pada dinding dan dapat memberikan inspirasi pada rekan lainnya dengan visinya mengenai masa depan
INPUT; memiliki hasrat untuk mengetahui lebih jauh dan lebih banyak serta senang mengumpulkan atau mengkoleksi segala macam informasi.
LEARNER; senang mempelajari sesuatu, pergi ke majelis ilmu, mengikuti seminar/workshop terkait dengan skill yang disukai, membaca buku, googling sana-sini terkait tema yang diminati
Sifat kami yang saling melengkapi:
Saya bukan commander & negosiator yang baik. Paling ga bisa nyuruh-nyuruh atau mendelegasikan sesuatu ke orang, jadi semua cenderung dikerjain sendiri. Sedangkan suami kuat di command. 
Trus saya bukan operator/safekeeper yang bisa diandalkan. Tidak bisa menggunakan mesin/alat secara sustain. Apapun yg saya pegang pasti ancur, atau minimal cepet rusak, haha. Bukan pemelihara yang baik. Sedangkan kebalikannya, suami telaten dalam merawat benda dan senang mengulik. Saya tidak teliti akan hal detail, kebalikannya suami sangat detail.
Saya lemah di selling & marketing, suami bisa backup
Suami lemah di planning dan kurang sistematis. Sedangkan saya kuat di visionary & suka membuat perencanaan jangka panjang. Suami lemah di evaluasi, saya mampu menganalisis dan membuat kesimpulan mengenai sesuatu dengan baik. 
Suami lemah di journalist, saya suka mendokumentasikan hal penting dalam bentuk tulisan dan interpreter yang baik.
Kelemahan kami:
Disiplin: kurang nyaman dengan keteraturan yang strict karena pada dasarnya kami mudah bosan
Lemah di Administrasi & Mengelola keuangan
Lemah di Arranger: mengorganisir sumberdaya yang dimiliki
Bukan tipikal Activator/Eksekutor. Kami suka banyak pertimbangan sebelum melakukan sesuatu. Atau bahkan karena kami terlalu perfeksionis dan terlalu berpikir konseptual. Akhirnya dalam mengeksekusi suatu hal cenderung lelet :|
Restorative: tidak ahli dalam memperbaiki kekacauan atau kerusakan. Kurang bisa mengembalikan segala sesuatu menjadi berfungsi dengan baik kembali
Self assurance yang rendah. Karena kita sama-sama suka minderan. ihihik
Anak: Tabina Izzatunnisa (19mo)
Banyak kebaikan yang kami dapatkan ketika Allah menganugerahkan Tabina kepada kami. Salah satunya, kami semakin mengupgrade kualitas diri sebagai pribadi dan sebagai orangtua, agar bisa memberikan yang terbaik kepada anak.
Saya mencatat hal-hal yang bisa membuat mata tabina berbinar-binar: yaitu pada saat ia melihat hewan baik dalam bentuk nyata maupun gambar/boneka. Dia memiliki empati yang tinggi, ramah terhadap sesama anak kecil, tapi uniknya Tabina lebih senang bermain dengan anak yang lebih tua daripada anak yang lebih muda/sebayanya.
Ada bakat caretaker; Jika ia memiliki mainan atau boneka baru, maka ia akan menggendong boneka itu kemana-mana, menyuapinya, memberinya minum, dan juga memandikannya Ada minat di Visual. Senang jika diajak menggambar Ada bakat di Audio: Pintar meniru Irama/nada Ceria, super aktif, kekeuh, Hard willed child, agak grumpy dan sensitif
Kami vs anak 
Kami masih belajar cara bagaimana mendidik tauhid & aqidah yg benar. Tanpa meninggalkan persepsi bahwa beragama atau beribadah itu lekat dgn paksaan, larangan dan kungkungan. Baik saya dan suami memiliki innerchild yang mendalam. Kami sering sharing tentang itu. Alhamdulillah banyak yang bisa dijadikan pelajaran berharga agar kami tidak mengulangi kesalahan yang sama pada anak-anak kami.
Kami vs lingkungan
Kami tinggal di lingkungan yang rata-rata manganut cara berpikir liberal dan tidak terlalu dekat dengan ajaran agama Islam. Walaupun saya dan suami pun pernah mengalami gaya hidup liberal di masa lalu, namun Allah masih sayang kepada kami. Kami diberikan hidayah, diberikan teman-teman baru yang shalih/shalihah, seiring waku kami juga nyaman pergi ke majelis-majelis ilmu. Kini kami memiliki prinsip agar the way of life keluarga kami berpedoman pada Al-Quran dan Sunnah. 
Kami ingin berbagi cinta, khususnya pada keluarga besar kami. Bahwa hijrah itu indah, islam itu tentram. Kami sering berpikir mungkin Allah ingin kami berdakwah dan menjadi pencerah bagi keluarga ini. Tapi semakin kami bersuara malah semakin banyak tentangan yang kami dapatkan. Memang sudah qadarullah ya, amar makruf oke, tapi ketika kami bernahi munkar, waduh ampun deh. Ya mungkin kami yang harus belajar lebih dalam soal fikih dakwah, atau memang audience kami sudah susah diajak berubah. Hehe. Akhirnya untuk rencana jangka panjang, kami ingin memperbaiki generasi muda dari keluarga besar ini. Ingin mengajak anak dan cucu-cucunya agar mau belajar islam, mengajari tahsin, iqra, dan halaqah untuk para adik, sepupu, dan keponakan.
Kami vs dunia
Dengan potensi-potensi yang sudah Allah titipkan kepada kami yaitu bakat IDEATION & DESIGN, kami berkomitmen ingin berkarya di jalan dakwah. Sudah ada 2 project yang berjalan, yaitu @MuslimDept (retail street wear yang mengusung tema islami) dan juga @the_Reminder_ID, khusus menjual islamic merchandise. Saya sebagai desainer, dan suami sebagai production yang berhubungan dengan vendor-vendor. Selanjutnya kami berdua sama-sama menjadi seller & marketer bagi brand kami. 
Latar belakang kami membangun muslim wear & merchandise adalah karena kemirisan kami melihat fenomena saat ini. Ditengah-tengah maraknya slogan-slogan yang mempropagandakan pemikiran liberalisme, hedonisme dan materialisme, membuat masyarakat lupa akan hakikat hidup ini. Kok orang bangga ya memakai brand-brand bergambar baphomet, jack daniels/beer, GAP/gay and proud. Ya kami ingin memberikan solusi. Kami menjadikan street wear sebagai media campaign untuk menyebarkan dan menanamkan pesan-pesan Islam. We don’t do fashion, it’s survive from Ghawzul Fikr.
Oh ya, sebagai tambahan tentang visi keluarga kami, saya sudah pernah mengulasnya di Family Strategic Planning kami -->  http://blablapret.tumblr.com/post/117769302720/my-dream-your-dream-our-dream
Doakan kami selalu ya, agar istiqamah di jalan ini :)
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hong--zhi--zhu · 3 years
Picked up a Xenom from Basphomet's Workshop entirely because of your adult toy post and even though the USPS tried their hardest to keep me from getting it (3 months in customs, thanks) it's finally here and it's SO PRETTY. Many thanks for that post. Monster mouth makes brain go brrrrrrr.
Three months?! I would've been so stressed out. 😭
I'm so delighted that my post helped you discover Xenom!
(I love that Baphomet's Workshop usually does a beautiful swirly design on the bottom.) 🥰
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