shurisneakers · 2 years
The Farhan Akhtar Situation is a Hate Crime how dare Marvel do this to us I cannOT with episode 4
i was farhan baited
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dira333 · 3 months
Fic Rec (from the Archive) - November 2019
Voltron, Legendary Defender
Early Morning Proposals - Shiro x Reader - by @avengerdragoness
Snuggles - Shiro x Reader - by @nerd--writing
Shiro x Pidge - Quench, verb - by @keylimepidge-blog
Shiro x Pidge - videogames - by @keylimepidge-blog
Lance and Pidge - first kiss - by @mistyhollowpro
Five Minutes with Steve - by @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse
A Quiet Place - Steve Rogers x Reader - by @avengerscompound
"You should sleep" - Bucky x Reader - by @heli0s-writes
"Do you believe in soulmates?" - Bucky x Reader - by @heli0s-writes
Weak - Bucky x Reader - by @barnesandco
Star Trek Enterprise
I don't fit in - Malcolm Reed x Reader - by @starfleetimagines
Star Trek AOS
Equally Matched - Spock x Reader - by @mybullshitsensesaretingling
A Different Reaction - Chekov x Reader by @mybullshitsensesaretingling
Call Waiting - Chekov x Reader - by @mybullshitsensesaretingling
Notorious - Jim Kirk x Reader - @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse
Considering - Jim Kirk x Reader - by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord
Failure to Set-Up - Jim Kirk x Reader - by @samingtonwilson
Cheers - McCoy x Reader - by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord
Whats a Few Lightyears Between Friends - McCoy x Reader - by @mybullshitsensesaretingling
White Knight - McCoy x Reader - by @annathewitch
Bound together - McCoy x Reader - by @below-average-fangirl
Soulmates - McCoy x Reader - by @youre-on-a-starship
I Found - McCoy x Reader - by @samingtonwilson
Scaredy Cat - McCoy x Reader - by @samingtonwilson
An Apple A Day - McCoy x Reader - by @annathewitch
Long Days in Med Bay - McCoy x Reader - by @marvelouslytrekking
Universe - McCoy x Reader - by @triptuckers
Things that go bump in the night - McCoy x Reader - by @annathewitch
Standard procedure part 1, part 2, part 3 - McCoy X Reader - by @eufeme
The Fencing Incident part 1, part 2 - McCoy x Reader - by @eufeme
This Could Be the Start of a Plant-less Relationship - McCoy x Reader by @goingknowherewastaken
Bad Attitude - McCoy x Reader - by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord
Green-Blooded Matchmaker - McCoy x Reader - by @musikat18
Rescuing Bones - McCoy x Reader - by @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse
The Wooing Of Leonard McCoy 1 - McCoy x Reader - by @janeykath318
Almost Human
Explosion - John Kennex x Reader - by @firemedicdiaz
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barnesandco · 5 months
okay barnesandco I see you
shurisneakers i am mortified but your blog is like serotonin central right now i can only apologizing for looking like an attention seeking wh*re. here is your compensation for my nonsense: https://youtu.be/vK5E_aeBGYA?t=183
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heli0s-writes · 3 years
civil war bucky wearing 40s clothing suspenders over his white dress shirt stretching across his shoulders with the sleeves rolled up over those forearms and tight slacks with long hair poofy but pushed back and this is genuinely not a request of any kind the image just hit me while studying for my maths final and I had to share it with you I'm so sorryyyyy
omg why would you-- the dress shirt.. hair pushed back!? you know how he stands with one hip out-- the thighs in those slacks. oh my god-- AYESHA WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS
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captain-kelli · 3 years
Not to be a copycat (or a copyCait!! Ha!!) but I'm never going to miss out on a chance to pester ppl with Steven Grant Rogers so....
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Look what you’ve started, @nacho-bucky
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sebbytrash · 3 years
Thank you so much for your lovely and kind praise, I’ll never not be surprised at how amazing you are!!
And yeah, anytime I do the whole masterlist reblogging when I’m MIA for a bit, I usually come back to a few gripes about it but as a rule I do not post them and will absolutely not stop doing it. 
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redgillan · 4 years
"Memory bathtub" is the best thing I have read all week but unfortunately not the correct term, which, being a lot more boring, is Pensieve. It's called a Pensieve. But thank you for the tags on that post, Maisie
Ahahah! I remembered the French term (pensine) but I thought the English word was something super crazy lol thanks it actually sounds quite similar.
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b-n-a-o · 4 years
Hello, can I ask these: (26) Favourite Tumblr Blog? (39) Is There Anything Pink Within 10 Feet Of You? (47) If I Handed You A Concert Ticket Right Now, Who Would You Want The Performer To Be? I hope you have a wonderful week!!!
hi :)
26) i have no favourite tumblr blog but i have some really nice people with good blogs... @st-eve-barnes @enchantedbyhiddles @mrsaugustwalker and many others!
39) nope
47) Dir en Grey
i hope you have a wonderful week, too ♥
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buckyland · 3 years
Canned aerosol cheese might be the worst thing I have ever heard of, Kat. I'm sorry but like. No. How do you even? What thought process went into that invention?? I want to know why someone thought to make it, Kat. Help me UNDERSTAND YOUR AMERICAN WAYS
i can’t say if i don’t see them in the groceries bc they’re rarely sold or bc i don’t acknowledge them 😂
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shurisneakers · 2 years
❤️❤️❤️hope you're having a good day❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️take care of yourself❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️drink water❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️get enough rest❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️be kind to you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️anyway bye have a good weeeeek❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
ayesha i am plucking flowers to put in your hair as we speak
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opalsandlacemain · 4 years
You are one of my favorite mutuals and I cannot tell you how much your presence makes me happy
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Who gave you the right to hit me right in the feels 😭 Ayesha, you are one of my absolute faves on this mess of a site. I always love everything you write. You’re so thoughtful and caring and eloquent and just—I don’t have enough words!
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barnesandco · 5 months
Ayesha barnesandco i come to you with another series idea
Lay it on me babay
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heli0s-writes · 3 years
I, too, have been wondering when Seb is going to go back to floral button ups because:
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HONESTLY. STICK WITH WHAT WORKS, SEB. Sometimes he makes fashion choices that haunt me, but the floral button ups.... those go in my spank bank 😍
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wordywarriorwrites · 4 years
barnesandco reblogged Chapter 11: Feeling Good and added:
I’m so happy to be rereading these chapters after a while of not doing so. This story is as wonderful as ever, and I recommend that everyone read it.
It was wonderful to see them finally get a break from the harsh circumstances that have made it so hard for them to be together and I really enjoyed seeing their joy and playfulness (and the smut. Wow, the smut)
You have an incredible skill with scene setting, and the reader can see every detail so clearly and get fully lost in the environment you’ve built. Then you ground those details in Katherine’s emotions, and root her analysis of the apartment in her feelings that are swelling, day by day. -but the family photos had been framed, and placed on a high shelf well out of reach. It was almost as if Bucky didn’t want them to be touched or even looked at, and her heart ached for him because she understood exactly how he felt.- This was such a wonderful piece of writing.
The way you’ve threaded the magnitude of their happiness with humor, and made it light and let them joke also shows the beautiful evolution they’ve undergone as a couple to be so comfortable with each other. This was another lovely chapter, and I look forward to the next.
Chapter 12: Bespoke & Besotted:
Aaaaaaaaaa. Okay, okay, look. It’s only natural that after the respite they have from the real world, they have to step back into it and deal with everything it keeps throwing at them.
The way you portray conflict in this chapter is so realistic and true to both characters and what they’re experiencing. The dimension of scrutiny under the public eye is one that complicates their relationship, and brings forth more problems. You handled Bucky’s insecurities so sensitively and with so much care, and it really made my heart break for him.
You show both sides of the story, and both their struggle are valid and explained in such a clear manner. The emotions and issues relayed in this chapter and difficult and heavy, and you handle them which such ease. At the end of it all, it was great to see them communicate and come to and understanding, because ultimately, the relationship they’ve built and what they mean to each other is the most important thing for them.
Chapter 13: Heartfelt:
It is such a relief to see someone in Katherine’s life who is supporting her wholeheartedly and can be of good moral support when it comes to backing up her and Bucky. Wanda is a fantastic, exuberant character here, and I adore the charm and cheek with which you’ve written her.
Another highlight of this chapter was the new exploration of Bucky’s protective instinct, and I loved it. It further solidifies the growing, deepening feelings he has for Katherine, and the ones she returns for him. This was another wonderful chapter. Thank you for sharing!
Chapter 14: Fire & Ice:
Within the first few paragraphs, my blood is already boiling with rage. The unpleasantness of high society that you’ve depicted her which such eloquent candor is infuriating and I sympathize with Bucky and how out of place he feels. Even the way you’ve written that unpleasantness, in the descriptions of exactly how the elite men and women torment Katherine and Bucky is incredibly well done, it helps to drive home the feeling of rage and frustration at the situation our lead couple is faced with.
Of course, nobody can tolerate that forever, and the comments alongside the threat made by Charlotte – God I despise her – eventually lead to the inevitable blowout that you’ve written in that coatroom. Even under that simmering rage, your writing shows clearly that the reason why they are so, so angry, is because of the passionate, heartfelt nature of their relationship. They care about each other, but it seems that their surroundings are making that hard to show or to live with. I’m nervous about how it’ll play out, and I’m impressed with how you’ve tackled the emotional complexities in this series.
Chapter 15: Heavy Lies the Head:
Well. Actions speak louder than words, and Katherine’s actions of buying Bucky the land speaks volumes. It’s a tremendous gesture that shows how much Katherine cares for him, even after they’ve had to separate thanks to that awful ball.
There’s a keen sense of awareness of friendship and fierce protection in the way you’ve written Steve’s response. The fact that he’s angry and upset on Bucky’s behalf comes across clearly in his ferocious outrage, and you’ve characterized him so well here.
She must take some of that to heart, given the way tea time with her mother ends up going. I think it’s immensely touching, how Bucky has impacted her so deeply, not to change her for himself, but for her to seek the change that is good for her. The realization she seems to have in the wake of her arguments with Bucky, and how she finally refuses to be manipulated any longer is beautifully explosive, and I look forward to seeing her use her newly realized liberty for her own happiness.
Chapter 16: The Comedown:
Me @ how unfairly fantastic your writing is. AAAAAAAA. OKAY, Okay, it’s cool, I’m fine.
Now. I am an absolute sucker for mutual pining, and to see Bucky longing after her and having realizations of his own after Katherine’s revelations in the last chapter was such a beautiful mirror to reflect how much they both want and need each other. To give Bucky a physical pain, a bodily manifestation of his need for Katherine completely ruined me. It was a powerful way to really get across the hurt being done here, and you wrote it amazingly.
I can’t tell you how relieved I was when Katherine showed up at his door AND SHE SAID SHE LOVES HIM. YES. THANK YOU. The notion of her literally not even being able to stay away from him a moment after the full extent of her feelings has occured to her was a gorgeous sentiment, and to see Bucky respond in the way that he did was lovely. Elegant. Poetry. -Katherine was a calming presence in pearls, an assertive firebrand in red boots, and he knew deep down in his soul that he belonged with her.-
This was a beautiful chapter and I look forward to the conversation that obviously must take place. It’s a rollercoaster of a relationship, but it’s worth rooting for, and I love it so much.
Chapter 17: Liquid Courage:
This was a magnificent chapter. I don’t even really know what to say other than bravo. It was hot and sweet and emotional and I really, really loved it.
I liked the realism in the idea that while they have started to communicate properly and are coming to terms with being together again, they are also hesitant and gentle, because they’re scared of losing this love that means so much to them. You’ve done an amazing job of showing us that even after the confession of love, they’re worried that their love is fragile and they’re being cautious.
The smut was written so eloquently and so softly, and I especially love the way you laced the physical intimacy with that emotional tenderness. -As he rolled her onto her back and divested her of the rest of her clothes, she told him she’d missed him and ached for him so badly she could hardly breathe.-
There’s a different kind of intimacy, a more domestic one, in how she picked up his clothes and in the thoughts she was having while doing so. It’s such a wonderful gesture, that I just adored reading.
I’m almost all caught up, and I’m excited to see what happens next! Thank you for writing this series.
Chapter 18: Home:
ME AT CHARLOTTE RIGHT NOW^^^^^. I have to say, the consistency with which you’ve written her determined, if malicious, persona is remarkable. She isn’t just evil, she’s smart about it, and she’s incredibly resourceful and doing everything she can to protect the family interests. Cool motives, I still hate her.
But then Katherine obviously recognizes that and steps up, and what a step it is. MOVING IN TOGETHER.
I’M SO HAPPY FOR THEM. I’m so happy at how much they’ve progressed, and how they’ve climbed this enormous mountain, and how they’ve endured the two steps forward, one step back dance for the whole story. They’ve struggled and reformed to be together, and the bond you’ve written is a beautiful, special one. I hope it stays that way, but even if it doesn’t, I’m sure I’ll love reading what you have in store!
This is such a lovely story and I recommended that everyone read it. So much heart and soul has obviously gone into it, and every golden drop of your talent shines through here. A phenomenal story - I’m excited for the rest!
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@barnesandco​: I don’t think I have enough words to express how much your feedback means to me. I am humbled and flattered and so happy to know you’ve been enjoying Katherine and Bucky’s journey so far. I kind of got into a rut after Chapter 18 (trying to figure out which direction to go in) and your feedback inspires me to keep pushing until the journey/story ends. Thank you for being kind. Thank you for being gracious. Thank you for making me laugh and smile. And as always, thank you for rooting for Katherine and Bucky.
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captain-kelli · 4 years
Kelli, I got peer-pressured into watching the Conjuring by my cousins when I was like. 11 years old. It was my first horror movie and I spent the rest of that summer vacation terrified of empty rooms and checking every hiding place in every room I entered for ghosts and the like. Still traumatized. I feel for you, pal
Nothing could’ve prepared me
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sammylibrary · 2 years
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Compilation of all the Fluff fics that were rec'ed by everyone! Feel free to send in more!!
Support the writer by reblogging and leaving comments on their fics <3
Notes: I have kept smut and implies smut to the minimal. But respect the writer's wish if they are a Minor DNI blog.
Please read the warnings at the beginning of the fic. I'm not responsible for your media consumption.
Unconventional Date Night by @lovelyavengers
Little Spoon by @musingsinmoonlight
Sunday tiny drabble:) by @sammiesonyourleft
The vow by @scandinavianfairytale
Confessions by @bemine-bucky
I'll Make It Short by @kingbuckyx
Book Smart by @indyluckycharlie
Hurry Home by @jobean12-blog
Diamonds & Granola Bars by @suitofvibraniumarmor
Long Day by @self-indulgent-imagination
Dragon by @buckysknifecollection
im too lazy to write a fic so heres various headcanons about Sam Wilson and Relationships by @mayonnaise-and-anarchy
Prompt: I'm so proud of you by @barnestuff
you make my dreams come true by @samwlscns
Never Planned On You by @hellotvshowtrash
Sick by @mellowavengersstuff
Fluff!! by @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog
Take you home by @ginagrey
time can wait by @elysianrogers
Seen (angst with fluff. tw: depression) by @pinknerdpanda​
Bringing The Cheer by @amanda-teaches
Back To You by @bitchassbucky
In This House You Are Safe by @harrysweasleys
I'll Be Home for Christmas by @jbbarnesandnoble
caffeine kisses ☕️ by @jamalflanagan
Delirious by @xoxoavenger
3 am. Kisses by @beelicious-barnes
Just Another Day by @jewels2876
smooth talker by @shmaptainhotchner
lover by @roger-that-cap
Forward (DDLG themes) by @honeydulcewrites
‘till death blooms us art (angst with happy ending) by @divine-mistake
scary love
a christmas miracle
My Only Concern (angst/fluff)
Rough Couple of Days
I'm spilling wine in the bathtub, you kiss my face and we're both drunk
Light pink sky up on the roof // Sun sinks down, no curfew // Twenty questions, we tell the truth
Paper Thin
here we go again
Say Yes
Worth It
in a garden of wilted flowers (angst with happy ending)
there are many ways to say, i love you
A Touch of Normal
Come Stop Your Crying
fooled around and fell in love
easy living
Let Me Come Home
The Perfect Dress
What's the tune
Lazy Morning
A Reason To Come Home
Adventures In Babysitting Captain America & The Winter Soldier
First Date with Sam
Gentle Knight
Big Spoon (nightmares and fluff!)
Prompt was crafts
Pre-mission Jitters
Fall Tradition
Take A Ride With Me
Spooktacular Sight
Five Times Sam Kissed You First And One Time You Kissed Him First (A/N: I basically wanted to make it unbearably fluffy.)
The Massage (A/N:I just wanted to pamper Sam)
Samtember 10 Secret Admirer (A/N:Sam just deserves some flowers)
The Best Part of it All
Kiss Me Better
Let it Snow
Close Your Eyes and Kiss Me Now
Time for Love
Abhi Na Jao Chhod Kar
Dance For You
Blissed Out (A/N: 18+ but still really fluffy)
The Way You Look At Me
There She Is (hurt comfort)
The Wilsons' Residence
if you ever want to be in love (angst, fluff)
baby, i still see ya
i can't sleep until i feel your touch
you and i remain the same
(we can be like they are) come on, baby
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