benayoung · 18 days
* ❁┆ team building
there's some tension on her team for the finale. she feels like that's an understatement, too. for one, ren hates two members of the team. he's managed to keep it together, but nayoung knows him and knows he's barely holding it together. siwoo and jay also seem to be good friends whose powers combined may lead to disaster if not handled properly. she's pretty sure luciel and siwoo still have some sort of beef, too. all in all, it's a mess, and it shows in their performance. it's a total lack of synergy, and nayoung has little patience for it all. so she does what she usually does: tries to solve the problem as soon as possible.
nayoung knows it won't be easy, and doesn't expect her idea to fix everything. she just hopes it helps. she knows there's a possibility that it'll backfire, but nayoung is also aware that sometimes confrontation is necessary to work through any negative feelings toward one another. if this activity ends up starting a fight, it's probably a fight that needs to happen to clear the air and let the group as a whole move on and focus more effectively.
naturally, not everyone was happy about the exercise, but they ended up relenting and agreeing to participate. she had them draw pieces of paper numbered 1-7 to determine the order they sit in in the circle.
fate would have it be that some of the team members with the biggest problems with each other are seated together. luciel is seated on her left, and siwoo next to him, followed by inho. next is jay, then ren, and seira rounds out their circle, seated on nayoung's right.
"okay, let's go left in the circle. say something nice about the person to your left, and share something you're proud of yourself for related to next gen," she reminds everyone. "i'll start."
"i'm proud that i was able to help two teams take first place this season," she says, and she hopes it doesn't sound like she's bragging, or taking all the credit for it. "and of the team members, of course," she adds for good measure.
next, she has to say something nice about luciel - or jihyun, as she should probably call him. "i like that jihyun is good at handling criticism and applying it quickly, even if it's hard to hear." she's talking about her calling him forgettable. he certainly took what she said to heart, and earned praise from the judges last episode.
"okay, your turn," she smiles at him, and it might actually be uncharacteristically warm.
THE MOST AMBITIOUS CROSSOVER IN CINEMATIC HISTORY with @lucielxbe @besiwoo @inhobe @bejaeyoung @renxbe @beseira
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be-events · 20 days
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congrats on surviving episode four of next gen! updated rankings can be found here.
for appearing in the fourth episode of NEXT GEN, all wannabes who submitted their participation may collect points as outlined on this spreadsheet. points were awarded based on the writing requirements submitted and the optional extra threads. no verification is required; you may link back to this post on your spreadsheets.
for the final episode of NEXT GEN, participants were once gain split into three teams to perform original songs in wannabe canon. just like last year, members were voted into each team by the audience in-character. the finale will be a live event broadcasted on television in real time while a live audience enjoys the performances at a small to medium-sized concert hall.
the live audience will vote on their favorite performances once the final group has finished. a combination of the judges’ evaluation and the audience votes will determine the final winners of the competition. the top three finalists will be offered a ‘universal’ contract and the option to sign to any of the three companies that they desire. runner-ups will be offered contracts from one company, depending on the judges’ discretion and if there are contestants that they feel will suit their company’s training program and future plans well.
once again, coaches are not to inform the creative process but to leave those decisions up to the contestants they’re advising. instead, they should act as mentors and answer questions and provide guidance in shaping the contestants’ visions. coaches will NOT be performing alongside the contestants.
the teams and performances for episode five are as follows:
STARRY DREAM line distribution
coaches: lee seojun and yeom sarang
stevie park
asakura touma
han jueun
jang hyunki
choi hangyeol
ANTI-HERO line distribution
coaches: park dohyun and lee chaerin
han yuwol
kim ara
song jiayi
hwang yejun
BANG! line distribution
coaches: zhou renyi and lee nayoung
ito seira
song jaeyoung
ryu inho
ryu siwoo
ryeo jihyun
NOTE: line distributions have been added!
this event is for next gen participants and coaches only. part 5 will run until may 25 at 11:59pm. any solos posted after the deadline will not be considered. please send in your submission before this deadline. the final episode will be shared on june 2, at around 9PM EST.
please use the hashtag #BE:NGS2P5 for all posts relating to this part of the event.
please write at least one 4-post thread with another participant or coach in your team preparing for the mission. NOTE: this task may be completed multiple times.
please write a 300+ word solo about your muse’s performance in front of the three judges and the live audience
OPTIONAL: please write a 200+ word solo about your muse reflecting on their preparation and their performance in front of the judges, as well as the entire season of the show. this should be treated as a verbal interview. what was the greatest challenge during this mission? how do they feel about their participation in next gen? are they hoping to be signed alongside another hopeful? etc. 
please keep in mind that all threads and solos should be written with the assumption that cameras are on the participants at all times.
when you’ve completed these tasks, please send the following form to our events blog:
preparation: link to thread *may be completed multiple times; please include multiple links if so
performance: link to solo 
reflection: link to solo *optional
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behyunki · 16 days
hyunki and @bexstevie work on dancing and chat about their dreams
when hyunki got into next gen, he didn't know many other contestants. of course, he knew sarang, that was his best friend, but he was a coach. he knew stevie though, from school, but he hadn't gotten to work with the fellow california-native in the competition. it was nice having a familiar face, one he'd spent time dancing with before.
the pair weren't super close by any means, but enough to know of similarities. hyunki knew that when he moved to itaewon at 12, he didn't know how life would go. he'd been so focused once on going home as soon as possible, maybe attend university back in los angelas, but that didn't happen. he stuck around.
"did you ever think when you moved that this is where you'd end up?" hyunki asked curiously as they took a brief break from the dancing.
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beseira · 9 days
one step, two steps
seira was aware she needed to work even harder this time, sure she’d come this far, but the judges had been good at pointing out her every mistake. it felt a bit like no matter what she did, they weren’t fully satisfied with it. seira deeply wishes she could bring a performance that would get her something else than scolding, and hopefully a contract to a company. when her group disbanded, she was unsure if she wanted to attempt the idol path again, but when she saw the next gen ad, she found herself signing up without giving it much thought, it was clear to her, she didn’t want her idol days to be over just yet.
her team is nice, and willing to help her. seira isn’t the worst dancer on her team, but she’s surely also not their best. she finds herself confident in her rap, and mainly practices her lines by herself, but when it comes to dance, she’s open to advice. whether it’s just dancing with someone and pointing out each other’s mistakes, or it’s dancing alone in front of someone and have them give you advice. she finds herself with renyi, someone she finds quite talented “hello renyi” she shows the other a smile “are you busy right now?”.
sending it to... @renxbe
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besiwoo · 10 days
jar starter for @inhobe
a jar.
in the middle of the practice room sits a fucking jar. usually siwoo would question this, probably pick up the jar and place it outside because the sight of it makes his eyes look sore. but there's a reason it's there, placed in the practice room.
and the reason is well ... siwoo can't help but think that he may be part of the reason for it. the no filter jar. siwoo's gotten a lot better at not swearing in front of the cameras, still he's having trouble filtering out his thoughts.
( 'i sound like a dying goat.' 'who came up with the name next gen?' )
but he can't help it. he sighs as he walks towards the jar and pulls out his wallet. maybe he'll place 10,000 won in advance. the rule is to put money after you've said something out of place, but siwoo thinks it's a waste to walk back and forth in the middle of practice.
he turns to inho. "i'm putting this in here, because i don't want to waste my time walking back and forth when i could spend it focusing on practice," he explains – a little for inho, and a little for the cameras. "better safe than sorry," he laughs. "are you going to put any in advance?"
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bexstevie · 11 days
dream in a dream.
< w. @hangyeolbe >
everytime stevie's given a song, he knocks out the choreography first and foremost. it comes the easiest to him, and it's better to lay the groundwork so stevie can make adjustments according to vocal heavy portions.
though out of the whole choreography, stevie does think there's one portion that is pretty exciting. while as a whole it is pretty simple, and not really as exciting as other dances he's done so far. but it's nice and whimsical in a sense, refreshing. but then there's the lift at the start of the bridge that stevie finds probably the most memorable part.
"it's kind of exciting," stevie comments, going over the choreography with hangyeol. "it's giving trustfall energy a little." it's not that big of a lift, but it's still one none the less. it's attention grabbing and adds to the build up to the bridge, stevie is learning to find. "and then we all lift our hands up at the same moment," he makes the motion as he says them, humming the tune. "i think that's pretty nice."
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lucielxbe · 11 days
both luciel and @inhobe had the most lines in the team, so it’s natural that the two came together to practice eventually. inho is a good singer and holds his notes well, and due to the line distribution, it’s decided that the high note goes to him. they held a mini competition for the high note at first, which was kinda fun even though he didn’t get it in the end. luciel thought it was fair and wasn’t deterred by it, he could comfortably do his adlibs meanwhile and still stand out that way.
“you sing well, inho,” luciel throws in a compliment after they had a round of practice together one time. “i’m glad i got the opportunity to sing with you in this team, i thought you sang well in the performance for adrenaline.” he’s also noting down the way inho sings and how he incorporates his style into the song. chemistry is important after all. whenever he takes over or vice versa, it has to appear seamless. the rest of the team seems to be in a bit of the mess (even he himself had something with siwoo too…) otherwise, so he’s thankful that this time it isn’t all too bad with inho.
“it’s a little harder to sing this time,” he glances back at the sheet in his hand. he’s found out that he’s more comfortable in lower pitch, but there’s certain parts of the song where he has to go higher. “we have to follow what we’re given, but also make the song ours… even though it’s our finale performance, it’s never easy. but practice makes perfect, right?” he ends it with a chuckle to lighten things up.
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arabe · 12 days
as if its your last
its leading up to the finale. gone is the focus on the creativity but on their performance as a whole. there are three groups left, and the groups were so much smaller. this is it. alongside choreography and dance, yuwol and ara had found themselves also working out in general. they were here, doing the worst of the worst - burpees. a burpee challenge of all things. stamina, let's go. somehow a tiktok reel had spurned the pair into... these 'gains' attempts. is that what they call it?
"so a series of burpees and then a quick rest period, and repeat. somehow it sounds easy, but i think it'll be anything but," ara says, as she ties on her shoelace tightly before getting into position beside yuwol. "should we do this together or alternate...?" there's more than enough space - it's just that running a lap is easier compared to doing a series of burpees. but its too late to back down, especially when they'd egged each other on already.
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jueunbe · 13 days
✦ . ˚ — @sarangbe
while jueun was ecstatic about getting to perform an original song, she was struggling to figure out the concept of it. starry dream sounded a bit on the slower side, and it definitely had a dreamy vibe to it. however, she wasn't sure if that's the concept she should be portraying on stage.
thankfully, she had sarang as her mentor this time around, and she knew he'd be the upmost help when it came to figuring out facial expressions and presence on stage. she had been practicing in front of the mirror but found herself hitting a deadend when she spotted sarang in the practice room.
"i'm trying to figure out how i want to deliver the message of the song. the overall sound is very dreamy, but i feel like the lyrics portray a different story, like it's supposed to be more hopeful. am i making sense?" with pursed lips, she glanced up at sarang, hoping he could answer the questions she had.
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bechaerin · 16 days
✦ * · ˚ @bejiayi
"you're both the opening and ending of this song, jiayi!" chaerin noted before looking down at the lyric sheet in her hand. she wondered if the other felt any pressure about being given such an important task because if chaerin was in her shoes, she think she'd be pretty nervous.
"the lines aren't much, but they are pretty important," she explained with a nod before singing out the opening line herself to show jiayi what she was talking about. her intention wasn't to put so much pressure on jiayi, but she knew how the opening and ending lines of any song could really make or break the performance.
it's not that she had no faith in jiayi, but she wanted the other to continue to prove to the judges that she had the star quality that they were looking for. or, at least, that's what chaerin believed whenever she saw jiayi on stage. "i'm sure you'll do find, but just make sure to keep that in mind."
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bejaeyoung · 16 days
"oh, great."
jay's eyes are particularly focused on a certain jar, intricately placed in the middle of the practice room. he knows what it's for, he also knows who put it there. at first, he didn't think it would happen for real, just a vague suggestion. maybe even a metaphorical one. but, no. apparently not.
there really is a swear jar right in front of them.
"i didn't think she'd actually do it," jay says to @inhobe, who might be as puzzled as jay is. he should've known, nayoung did look serious when she was talking about administering the swear jar. "i mean, i don't really swear as much as you and siwoo probably do. but it's also a filter jar? i have no idea how that's supposed to work."
he blinks, stepping closer to inspect the mysterious jar which is currently still empty. for now. who knows how long it'll take until someone cracks, it could be anyone. "i wonder how weird this must look to the curious viewers back home," jay comments aloud, humming. then, he turns back to inho. "do you think we can last a day without putting anything in this jar?"
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betouma · 16 days
touma is usually optimistic, full of positive energy and always trying to see the silver line. this time around though, he thinks it's a little hard to have that mindset right now. as much as he wants to stay hopeful—and he does want to do good, if only to not hold back his team—he believes reality is finally dawning on him. he's made it to the finale, so he should be proud of himself, at least a little bit.
he isn't though, not really.
it's frustrating—but there's no use in stewing those feelings. the only thing he can do now, is to keep working hard. keep himself afloat ( after all, maybe he really can only be passable, for now ). he doesn't want the dash of negativity in his mind to seep through his expressions, so he tries to smile as @sarangbe is mentoring him. if anything, he hopes to be a reliable team member.
"i think... my stage presence is kind of lacking, right now." he says, honest, admitting his faults. "changing that so late in the game significantly doesn't feel realistic, but i don't want to drag my team down either. i'd hope to at least... match them? be balanced?"
touma scratches the back of his head, kind of sheepish. his smile feels strained—it's been a while since he felt that. "apparently, my expressions were only believable when i'm bouncing off of someone's energy." or maybe not, it could just be because back then it was jihyun, someone he's really familiar with.
"i want to at least be able to stand alone so my teammates don't have to worry about me." he doesn't think he'd get signed from this show, at this point.
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sarangbe · 18 days
CAKE & CANDY 염사랑 → 장현기
sarang and hyunki have so much colorful history together, and when he learned that the two of them would be working together for this leg of the competition, sarang was so, so glad. the two of them met shortly after he moved to the city, and the instant they ran into one another in itaewon, it's almost as if they knew they were destined to be thick as thieves. it was a kindred connection unlike any other, one that sarang had never fully experienced before, and if not for hyunki, he doesn't think he'd've settled into his new surroundings as easily, or as quickly, as he did. suffice it to say, sarang has a lot to be thankful for when it comes to his friendship with hyunki, and he hopes that he can assist him in becoming the winner of this season.
for now though, the pair of them are standing in front of the mirror of their rehearsal space; inspecting their reflections much like how they would before they went out for a night of clubbing. there are other contestants behind them who are working on vocals or dance, but sarang felt it necessary to take a second to check in on his hair, makeup, and outfit. it's midday, and he wants to ensure that his visuals are kept up until it's time to go back home. his appearance and personality are all he has to offer to the masses anyway, so ensuring that he's as striking as usual is of utmost importance.
turning to hyunki, he offers him a cheek smile, then gestures him to come closer. "here, you have a hair that's not falling into place..." he starts, then reaches his hand toward his comrade's head; laying down the strands that broke free. "mmm, you smell good. is that a new scent you're wearing? can i have some?" he asks, then drops his palms back to his side. "i'm running low on my bottle of apricot privée, and i'm like, devastated... i haven't had the time to go buy more!" a playful frown etches across his lips, followed by a sigh.
"after i get a spritz or two from you, if you have your scent on you, we can dive into how to make sure you're extra bright and beautiful on that stage! this song isn't extremely huge and eye-catching, but i think that can be used to your advantage, to be honest. i have ideas."
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behyunki · 16 days
hyunki and @betouma work on the "starry dream" dance
now on the fifth episode and third team, hyunki had lost track of who had all been in his groups and who hadn't, but he knew he and touma were together for "puzzle." genuinely he was ready for the show to be over with. it didn't mean he wasn't giving it his all and coming into the finale with the same attitude he had after finding out where he ranked in auditions: determined and focused.
touma seemed to get somewhat similar comments hyunki had during the initial episode. they thought touma's dancing was to methodical, he was just following the motions. "you're not a bad dancer at all," hyunki complimented the other male after a run through of the song together. "but you look like you regret all of your life decisions while doing this."
hyunki knew what it was like to get told you facial expressions and presence on stage sucked.
"even if you happen to hate everything about this song, you can't let the audience know that." hyunki didn't mind the song, luckily, and that made his life easier in practice, the facial expressions didn't need to be rehearsed as much as something he hated. "there's seniors who had admitted to be being the biggest fans of some of their own songs, right? but you can't tell when they perform. we just have to find a way to get you there, or at least working towards that."
the other stood for a moment, thinking. "what's something to makes you happy, but won't distract you too much?"
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beseira · 11 days
let me see your moves
seira is happy with this time’s concept, it’s a concept she feels confident and secure in, and she hopes she can give a performance the judges will finally be satisfied with. joining the show, seira was aware she wasn’t the most skilled, especially in dance and signing, yet she hadn’t expected this much scolding to come her way. seira had never been scolded like this before, so safe to say, she was unaware how to react. she was proud of herself for not having cried (in front of the cameras) so far, and she’d never worked as hard as she’s done now.
seira feels confident in practicing her rap alone by herself so she has time to focus on dance while she’s with her team and coaches. she wouldn’t say she’s the worst dancer on the team, but she’s also definitely not the best. she finds herself with team member luciel, them both quiet until seira decides to break the silence, “would you wanna practice the dance together?” she asks with a smile.
sending it to... @lucielxbe
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besiwoo · 12 days
starter for @lucielxbe
it's him and luciel again. it's him and luciel in another team again. just the thought of it pisses siwoo off. there's always been something about luciel that siwoo couldn't quite accept, and perhaps it had something to do with the fact that luciel was very much, to siwoo, someone that reminded him of himself. except a lot less of an asshole, and a lot more likeable. fuck that guy, siwoo thinks. he hates him.
well, maybe he doesn't hate luciel. to be fair there hadn't really been anything that luciel's ever done to justify any sort of hatred towards him. it was simply his existence alone that made siwoo feel .... small. seriously, fuck that guy, siwoo thinks again.
but there's something terrible that he has to admit. something that... kills him ( a little ). siwoo's pretty sure that both him and luciel make a good visual combination. that any team that has both of them on it, can leverage on that. and his own fucking annoyance is holding the team back.
fuck me for being a team player i guess, siwoo sighs as he approaches the boy. he has to make an effort, even if he feels bile in his throat. "jihyun," he says, approaching the boy. they have to... get along. "let's watch a movie together when you're free. i think... it'd be nice to get to know each other," he holds out his phone, the screen showing a list of movies currently showing in nearby cinemas.
kill me. kill me. fucking kill me already.
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