benayoung · 24 days
* ❁┆ team building
there's some tension on her team for the finale. she feels like that's an understatement, too. for one, ren hates two members of the team. he's managed to keep it together, but nayoung knows him and knows he's barely holding it together. siwoo and jay also seem to be good friends whose powers combined may lead to disaster if not handled properly. she's pretty sure luciel and siwoo still have some sort of beef, too. all in all, it's a mess, and it shows in their performance. it's a total lack of synergy, and nayoung has little patience for it all. so she does what she usually does: tries to solve the problem as soon as possible.
nayoung knows it won't be easy, and doesn't expect her idea to fix everything. she just hopes it helps. she knows there's a possibility that it'll backfire, but nayoung is also aware that sometimes confrontation is necessary to work through any negative feelings toward one another. if this activity ends up starting a fight, it's probably a fight that needs to happen to clear the air and let the group as a whole move on and focus more effectively.
naturally, not everyone was happy about the exercise, but they ended up relenting and agreeing to participate. she had them draw pieces of paper numbered 1-7 to determine the order they sit in in the circle.
fate would have it be that some of the team members with the biggest problems with each other are seated together. luciel is seated on her left, and siwoo next to him, followed by inho. next is jay, then ren, and seira rounds out their circle, seated on nayoung's right.
"okay, let's go left in the circle. say something nice about the person to your left, and share something you're proud of yourself for related to next gen," she reminds everyone. "i'll start."
"i'm proud that i was able to help two teams take first place this season," she says, and she hopes it doesn't sound like she's bragging, or taking all the credit for it. "and of the team members, of course," she adds for good measure.
next, she has to say something nice about luciel - or jihyun, as she should probably call him. "i like that jihyun is good at handling criticism and applying it quickly, even if it's hard to hear." she's talking about her calling him forgettable. he certainly took what she said to heart, and earned praise from the judges last episode.
"okay, your turn," she smiles at him, and it might actually be uncharacteristically warm.
THE MOST AMBITIOUS CROSSOVER IN CINEMATIC HISTORY with @lucielxbe @besiwoo @inhobe @bejaeyoung @renxbe @beseira
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studiodelta · 2 days
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SONG JAEYOUNG has joined studio delta as of JUNE 5, 2024.
he is on a full contract which expires JUNE 5, 2025.
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lucielxbe · 17 days
the final performance is creeping up on them. ‘bang’ is a pretty catchy song; it’s confident, a little conceited even, and that is conveyed aggressively. it reminded luciel of don’t call me.
compared to the previous, they weren’t given much creative liberties this time around. so luciel has to somehow express his performance in the way that it doesn’t deters too much from the original, but still give a unique flavour to it enough to stand out. in puzzle, he was praised and had finally managed to take the spotlight. he doesn’t lets it get to him that much though, but he’s grateful that now he has a more solid idea of how to express himself in a performance.
luciel had noticed that @bejaeyoung seemed really… hyper. he’s outspoken and a temper. he doesn’t knows what relationship does he has with siwoo, but they have something going on. and then there’s also something with coach ren… this team is, safe to say, chaotic.
he is surprised when jay casually comes up to him asking about what happened between him and siwoo. at that, he just laughs it off. “it’s not a big deal. it’s just that maybe siwoo doesn’t knows me that well… and I was… say, sarcastic perhaps? so he didn’t take it too nicely, hahaha.”
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beseira · 24 days
do you know me
though seira hasn’t been in a group with every next gen participant, by now she knows everyone’s names. a lot of people she's been in a group with, a lot of her fellow participants has helped her come this far, and though she hasn’t been in a group with everyone, she’s seen the other’s perform, get scolded or praised for their performances. seira doesn’t think she’ll walk out of this with being everyone’s friend, but she hopes that some of the friendships she’s made while in the show will stay.
for now though, she can’t focus on friendships, she needs to focus on her performance, because no matter how hard seira worked, she’s still placed last. some of her group members she’s asked for help for before, but she’s interested in the advice of someone she’s barely had any interactions with yet. so even though jaeyoung and seira haven’t spoken much, she walks up to him, “hi jaeyoung!” the young girl gives a smile to the other along with her words.
sending it to... @bejaeyoung
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jueunbe · 2 months
✦ . ˚ — @bejaeyoung
admittedly, jueun was a little upset that she didn't end up with the center position for their mcountdown performance, but she was relieved to find that she hadn't slipped in rankings. that had to be a good sign, right?
while the contestants have now been split up into groups for the next evaluation, they still had the mcountdown stage to prepare for, whicih meant they were all stuck around one another for now. she had just finished going through her new positions for the group stage when a familiar face caught her sight. although she wasn't there to hear exactly what the judges had to say to jaeyoung, she had overheard that they said something about his attitude.
approaching the other, she offered him a water bottle like last time, except she wasn't expecting him to spin it this time around. "have you ever thought about smiling a little more? maybe the judges will like you a little more if you do," she says a little jokingly before offering him a softer smile.
"i'm just teasing you, but i do think it'd help you in the long run if you loosened up a little, and i don't mean to slack off but just, you know, really loosen up," she said while shaking her arms to show him that sometimes he had to show that he was having fun on the show.
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besiwoo · 3 months
good tv starter for @bejaeyoung
siwoo isn’t a very good dancer. he isn’t terrible either. at least, he doesn’t think so. he can pick up a few steps when need be, and it isn’t like dancing is that hard. he’s just never really had any formal training, and has never really found any reason to do so. that is of course, until next gen. next gen. what a stupid name, siwoo thinks. he doesn’t agree with his father very often, but he thinks he has to give this one to him.
he sighs as he slumps against the mirror, tired from having repeated the steps over and over. his throat doesn’t seem to be listening to him, and neither are his feet. he checks the time on his watch ( smart watch now. he’s decided to leave his cartier at home. a simple apple watch should do just fine. though of course, the strap is the hermes edition ), and it reads ass o clock, essentially. siwoo’s spent hours dancing. no wonder his legs are giving way.
a short break should be just fine. anymore dancing and his muscles might grow to hate him. he takes in a deep breath, and pulls his bag close to fish for something to snack on, when jay enters. immediately, his face lightens up. him and jay – both of them on an idol survival show. who would’ve thought.
“jay, it’s nice to see you. it was nicer when i didn’t though,” he laughs. it is good to see jay though. it's nice to see his best friend around, even if the both of them have a tendency to bring the worst out of each other. he throws a chocolate bar at the boy, and whether jay can catch it or not – he doesn’t really care. “i was just about to text you, but it looks like you came here to bother me first,” he sits up straight, and pulls out a chocolate bar for himself. “how’s practice going? your legs sore yet?” he has to quickly stop himself from saying – your legs fuck you over yet – this isn’t the place for swearing, even if it’s how he usually speaks with jay. he moves a little, making space for jay. 
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jiwonbe · 5 months
the strongest track 001 featuring @bejaeyoung
the christmas market was introduced to him by the nice, old ahjumma who lived next door to his apartment. apparently she had felt worried that he wasn't getting out enough because she kept coming by to give him ideas on what to do as well as bringing him homemade kimchi and other dishes.
jiwon has a feeling that she probably thinks either he's lonely or that he reminds her of her son or grandson or something. either way, he doesn't mind too much. free kimchi was free kimchi. and it was good too.
but to not disappoint her—because apparently she had wormed her way into his life in a way that he was already calling her grandma—he headed to the christmas market to look around at least. there's an abundance of stalls and he takes his time looking around, headphones over his ears because even if he's kind of in a festive mood, he doesn't really want to hear multiple different remixes of christmas songs all day. he would literally go insane.
so he misses any deals being called out, but he gets to listen to his own music. not ideal, but better than having to listen to sleigh bells ringing in the background.
it's fun though, and he finds himself snacking on some ddeokbokki and odeng as he wonders what else he should do, glancing around to see if there's a direction that he should go in as he eats the last ricecake on his dish, washing it down with a gulp of the soup before thanking the lady selling it and paying.
he hums to himself, feeling rather at peace with everything for now since he has a few months to relax before the new semester. maybe he'll even set up a small christmas tree in his apartment's living room and send a picture to his parents—
he stops in his tracks, eyes following movement before it leaves his sight just from the sheer amount of people there were here. he turns his head, craning his neck before shaking his head. he's seeing things.
there's no way that was ... him.
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bejoomi · 1 day
* ♪ – day one
joomi is very excited about the new additions to studio delta. for one: stevie. no explanation needed there. he was also interested to meet jiayi and jaeyoung, though - especially the latter, who he was keeping a close eye on throughout next gen. he worked on an interesting remix for one of the rounds, and he also fought with ren. for that reason, maybe joomi should be wary of him, but he's actually not. if anything, it makes him more curious.
he found jay early in the day, offered to show him around, and their tour of the building has been successful so far.
until now, anyway.
"here we're coming up on the recording studios--" he begins, looking over his shoulder to jay-- who is not there. he's just gone. joomi just stands there for a moment, and looks around the hallway. where the fuck did he go?
"jay...?" he calls aloud. maybe he had to go to the bathroom? but wouldn't he just ask joomi where they were? who knows. he does seem kind of strange.
joomi retraces his steps, looking around the corner they last turned since he's nowhere to be seen in the current hallway. he doesn't seem him there either, though. he opens one of the practice room doors to see if he managed to slip in there somehow, but no luck there either.
he already sort of understands ren's exasperation. it's kind of funny though, really. how does jay manage to be a pain in the ass within the first hour of them meeting?
"jay??" he tries calling again. after a few seconds of no one appearing, he decides to yell, very loudly, "SONG JAEYOUNG?????"
"if you don't come back here to finish this tour i'm leaving you behind and going to take a nap!" he adds, not quite as loudly, but shouting enough for jay to hear him. probably. unless he's suddenly descended into the depths of hell or something. might be kind of hard to hear him down there.
–– @bejaeyoung
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be-points · 3 months
Moodboard/Edit: +3 singing [ link to thread ]
Playlist: +3 rapping [ link to thread ]
Solo/Headcanon 1: +3 dancing [ link to thread ]
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bejingren · 2 months
you again?
to say he hadn't gotten that well acquainted with the artists would be the truth, but jingren thinks he has been able to get along with people he crossed paths with in the competition. and @bejaeyoung was also there the last time to give him some friendly encouragement, which- after his performance and review, jingren did feel decent about his own execution- he still had a lot to learn. there was barely a hiccup or hop before they were on to the next assignment already.
however, with the roundout of the groups, jingren was overthinking ( as per usual ), worried that he'd do too little in contrast to his members and fall behind the expectations- would he fit in? would the coach be alright with him? what if nobody wanted to talk to him- -- only to be faced with the familiar name. which dispelled all of the nervous feelings within him. the song concept was lingering in one corner of his mind, but this time, jingren was the one to pounce on jay this time around. "you again! my lucky day," he all but yelps as he pokes the other on the arm, relief seeping through his body. this eases his concerns which can only mean one thing: that jingren can actually focus on the concept of their song and cooperating with the group. "hope you're glad to see me too otherwise now i'll know you were lying when you were hyping me up last time around."
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be-events · 5 days
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if you have not yet read the episode, please wait to read this post as it contains spoilers for the results.
congratulations to the winners of next gen! the final rankings and results can be found on this spreadsheet.
for appearing in the fifth episode and finale of NEXT GEN, all wannabes who submitted their participation may collect points as outlined on this spreadsheet. points were awarded based on the writing requirements submitted and the optional extra threads. no verification is required; you may link back to this post on your spreadsheets.
all trainees signed through next gen are able to skip the probationary contract phase and move directly into a full trainee contract. each company’s contract can be found here:
lime entertainment
sr media
studio delta
the trainee point system can be found here.
the contestants who finished in the top three ranks ( @bexstevie, @arabe, @hangyeolbe ) have the option to choose to sign to any one of the three companies. please review the contracts and training schedules for each company before making your decision. once you have selected the company that your muse is choosing to sign with, please submit the following to the company blog:
if your muse does not want to sign any contract, please message the event blog to confirm that you are abstaining from signing at this time.
LIME ENTERTAINMENT has offered a contract to the following muses:
should you choose to accept the contract, please send the following for to the lime entertainment blog:
SR MEDIA has offered a contract to the following muses:
should you choose to accept the contract, please send the following for to the sr media blog:
STUDIO DELTA has offered a contract to the following muses:
should you choose to accept the contract, please send the following for to the studio delta blog:
all contract decisions are due no later than wednesday, june 19th, at 11:59pm. contracts that have not been submitted will be considered rejected.
congratulations again to all of the winners and thank you for your patience with the delay on the finale! we hope everyone had fun during the second season of next gen!
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inhobe · 1 month
@bejaeyoung helps inho connect with his youthful side
teen crush wasn't the worst choice, but it wasn't the best either. inho was curious how the judges had evaluated him since the beginning to believe he fit best in this idea. or maybe they wanted to challenge him to step away from his slightly more confident and arrogant presentation and try something new.
at least he wasn't in the cute and bright group.
but, as sarang had kindly joked about, inho was the eldest of the group and occasionally acted like he was 40 years old instead of still being early into his 22nd year of life. with their concept of all the boys portraying high school nerds, it was time he learned to be youthful and a little nerdy (while still being flirty).
honestly, inho was both a little nervous but intrigued by whatever jay would suggest. "do you consider yourself a nerd?" inho asked, amused, as the younger had asked if he would consider himself one. the answer was no, even if some of his school grades suggested otherwise. he managed his computer engineering program well.
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betouma · 3 months
hai... it's velvet (beyuwol & bejaeyoung) again. LMAO. who would've thought! today i'm here with asakura touma, a rather impulsive app... even though he's been in my head for weeks... so as you can tell i'm woefully underprepared but i'm happy to introduce you to him!
under the cut is a short rundown of his background and some plot/connection ideas! here is his profile (the only presentable page lmao). please LIKE THIS POST if you'd like me to slide into your ims. i also have discord/twitter upon request (and i'm definitely better at responding there... for the most part).
born in osaka, japan
has a messy family, grew up listening to a lot of fighting between his parents so he learned to take care of himself so he doesn't bother his already busy & stressed parents
eventually his parents divorced when he was in middle school, and he moved with his mother. his mother remarried, and touma now has a step brother who is significantly younger
unfortunately, his mother and his step-father also fight. but this time, not wanting his brother to go through what he did, ended up being the peacekeeper and the mediator. he learned how to analyze/observe his parents behaviours and traits and tries to get ahead before things blow up out of proportion (they start yelling at him too, it gets really bad every month, and he learns to tune it out somehow)
was always an artistic kid, he started graffiti art as a way to vent his frustrations because he has nowhere else to dump then. he ended up connecting with music for that same reason too
he can play the bass and the drums, was in a band in school for a while just for fun
loves dancing, fell in love with choreographing in general. he thinks it's a beautiful way to express yourself, he would make up random dances to trending songs that he can do with his brother
his mother and step-father started relying too much on him to communicate and the stress is becoming a lot to bear. graduation rolls around and they were too busy arguing with each other to come to the ceremony
he finally wants out, and he enrolls in a university in korea. his mother is hesitant at first because he'd be staying with his biological father who moved to korea, but she relents when he mentions that he got a scholarship
it still kills him to leave his brother though, and he doesn't want to but he feels like he'll start losing himself the longer he stays
ironically, he decides to major in psychology
also became a freelance dog walker bc to him that's his free therapy
friends from japan! he'd be happy to see people from back home. he's always welcoming and it's easy to talk to him, so he'd also approach anyone simply because of this one thing they share
someone for him to take care of that reminds him of his younger brother
maybe he... walks your dog sometimes! touma thinks he does a good job at it, but maybe your dog got scared of something that's out of his control and now it won't leave his house
inevitable... exes. someone that came from japan, or a summer roamnce when your muse was in japan, that he ended up meeting here too. he's also been here since at least 2-3 years ago, so a more recent ex can work too! he can be dense and 'too friendly', might've acted more like a friend than a partner. would've coddled instead of treating his partner like a proper equal because he's not used to being taken care of instead lol
dancing friends! someone he would dance with, share choreos with, film tiktoks with... things like that
someone who scared him when he was doing graffiti art somewhere and in reflex he sprayed you with his paint... woops
uni friends, fellow artistic friends, friends who can teach him how to sing, composing friends that he thinks are inspirational
an almost fwb situation except he thought he was genuinely going to your home to see your pet and to eat actual ramyeon. he did not get the hint!
someone who noticed that he gets a little too involved when there's an argument happening around him which is... a bit! worrying! maybe!
someone that can use a 'therapist friend' except he's actually a psych major and it kind of just happens
anything and everything! i love talking about dynamics and whatnot B)
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bexcam · 4 months
Let’s goooo | bejaeyoung
Camera: aha you’ve convinced me…
Jay hasn’t even messaged Cam today. Cam is being delusional. Cam wants a break and he knows the way to get that is to go out with Jay. The guy is reliable in the way that he’s always up to do something, especially if it’s kind of sneaky.
Honestly, Cam doesn’t care where they go or what they do. He hasn’t been doing anything other than going to training and going to sleep; arguably a smart move for a new and tired trainee. But, considering he just officially secured a proper trainee contract, he thinks it should be okay to celebrate a bit- whether it’s hitting up a pc room to play some pvp with Jay or get some chicken somewhere.
camera: I know you’re free
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beseira · 3 months
nice landing
seira wonders what in her made her sign up for next gen, singing and dance would be included, which she sucked at, and she still wasn’t sure if she’d try out the idol path again. it’s a faint memory, she barely remembers auditioning, she just remembers she’s suddenly made it onto the show. and now her old enemy has returned into her life: dance. seira was never the quickest nor best when it came to dance, and it definitely didn’t help she hasn’t been dancing for almost half a year now. she wonders if she has enough time to learn this dance, and if she does learn it, she hopes she doesn’t look stupid.
she goes over the moves slowly before going over them at the normal speed, just to make sure she remembers the moves. and when she feels ready to switch to the real tempo, she does so, just to fall within five seconds. bam, she’s on her butt.
sending it to... @bejaeyoung
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jueunbe · 3 months
✦ . ˚ — @bejaeyoung
while jueun was pretty satisfied with her current ranking, she couldn't seem to shake the thought that she wanted to rank even higher the next round. even more so, she wanted that center position pretty badly. that's why she had stuck around after the initial lesson, trying her best to get the choreograph fully memorized in time for the next group lesson. the last thing she needed was looking like she was falling behind.
looking up at the clock, she didn't realize it had gotten so late. there were a couple of others still around, and she couldn't help but catch eye of one particular participant. word has gotten around about all the special skills people have shown, but jueun was most fascinated by jaeyoung's—that was his name, right?—and she sort of wanted to see it in person.
taking a sip from her water bottle, she slowly approached the other before giving him a slight nudge on the arm. "i heard you're good at spinning things. can you spin this?" she asked before handing him her water bottle, offering him a friendly smile to assure him that she wasn't doing this to psych him or anything.
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