#the light hits * jaeyoung
beseira · 24 days
do you know me
though seira hasn’t been in a group with every next gen participant, by now she knows everyone’s names. a lot of people she's been in a group with, a lot of her fellow participants has helped her come this far, and though she hasn’t been in a group with everyone, she’s seen the other’s perform, get scolded or praised for their performances. seira doesn’t think she’ll walk out of this with being everyone’s friend, but she hopes that some of the friendships she’s made while in the show will stay.
for now though, she can’t focus on friendships, she needs to focus on her performance, because no matter how hard seira worked, she’s still placed last. some of her group members she’s asked for help for before, but she’s interested in the advice of someone she’s barely had any interactions with yet. so even though jaeyoung and seira haven’t spoken much, she walks up to him, “hi jaeyoung!” the young girl gives a smile to the other along with her words.
sending it to... @bejaeyoung
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absolutebl · 2 years
I loved your beautiful ode to A Beautiful Man. (Even as someone pretty new to BL and unfamiliar with Yaoi I felt the power of that show.)
In it you wrote in passing, "Semantic Error is about perfection and ignoring all ugliness." If you have further thoughts on that I'm curious to hear them.
Semantic Error vs Utsukushii Kare how two BL’s tell us A LOT about Korean vs Japanese approaches to cinema 
"Semantic Error is about perfection and ignoring all ugliness." (from this post) 
Ah I was referring to the KBL inclination to create a perfect bubble in which being queer is not just irrelevant and unspoken, but ironically untouchable.
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As characters, JaeYoung and SangWoo can only exist within this bubble. 
It renders their perfection unmoored and somewhat etherial feeling to viewers. As if they are the gods on pedestals that Hira is trying to turn Kiyoi into. There is no attempt to address the impossible nature of their existence. JaeYoung and SangWoo aren’t meant to be REAL in any way, they are meant to be fantastical - almost like mythical caricatures. 
I say this not as criticism, Semantic Error is one of my favorite BLs of all time. But it is almost too perfect, as if we are watching the fae perform for us - ageless and immortal. It has no real grounding, no tether at all to reality. It is the ultimate escapism.
This is fine, I watch BL for the escapism. It’s why it got a 10/10 from me. But it’s also why it’s never whipped me into a verbal frenzy. It’s exactly as perfect as I always expected Korean BL to get to. It is the pinnacle of the mountain they have been climbing - but they never faltered on that path to perfection. They were always gonna make it. It’s what Hallyu does. They did it with music (Kpop). They did it with horror (Parasite, Squid Games). They’re doing it with romance.
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But Semantic Error’s innately KBL nature renders it, in a strange way, almost the polar opposite to something like My Beautiful Man, for all they share some really stunning visual similarities in filming techniques, manga framing and staging, uses of color and light, etc... 
The very perfect beauty of Semantic Error (both in visuals, execution, production, script, story arc, tropes and archetypes) is like the BL on the pedestal that A Beautiful Man is challenging within itself. 
Ironically of course, My Beautiful Man, is about the harsh honest ugliness of really loving someone, Semantic Error not only has no thought to address this, by it’s very nature it could never do so, since it sits on that pedestal with nothing to tip it off (yet) and nothing to pull it down to ground (yet) because KBL is still (mostly) at the pedestal state of it’s BL journey. 
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Korea is focused on producing perfect BL. Which I might argue they did with Semantic Error. But as nothing more than a perfect BL. Classic. Typical. The opposite of challenging. Easy. Easily enthralling and riveting.
Utsukushii Kare is work. Work to watch. Work to tolerate. Work to understand. But it’s work I enjoy. 
Japan has always farted around with that kind of thing. Japan doesn't have anything to prove. But Japan has also always been one to use film to examine itself, it’s that uncompromising point of view thing I talk about and the reason people get frustrated with Japanese cinema. It’s not about anyone but Japan. 
Korea is a the opposite, it’s producing its pop culture these days explicitly with an expansion agenda. It’s all about how perfectly can they hit it so they can GET us. Like, capture us. Make us watch. Make us happy. Dazzle us with their brilliance and beauty. Lure us into the fae realm, under the green hill where time passes differently. 
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Often I think Japan wants us to be uncomfortable. Ironically, that’s why I have such faith and confidence in them. 
But that’s also how they can surprise so beautifully. (Old Fashion Cupcake. Minato’s Laundromat. Gah.) They stay BL without shying away from difficult content, sometimes I think they stay BL so they can directly tackle it. 
Korea is doing everything they can to keep themselves safe and idealized, or to keep up the appearance of that. It comes off as disingenuous at worse, unfixed and fantastical at best. Semantic Error was all this, but correct, almost mathematical. I admire the precision art of it and the targeted intent. 
They are both master manipulators and I like watching manipulators at work. 
But with Korea there’s always a part of me that’s like, “I see you doing it. I see what you did there. Very good.” I’m noticing how good they are.
And with Japan, occasionally, I forget to notice. I’m still surprised. Even knowing what they are capable of. Even living in the shadow of 15 years of BLs. They can still surprise. 
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secretxxpaladaiseu · 7 months
It had been a while since Jaeyoung could say she had been blackout drunk. In fact, she couldn't remember being that drunk since she was a teenager. Not that long ago, but still long enough.
The sun coming through the hotel suite's window made her yell out, throwing a pillow in the direction of the blinding light with no care if it broke the glass or not. Of course, her actions only brought out even more problems. What the light had started, her own yelling made worse. A terrible headache made itself well known, almost immediately causing her to start crying from the pain as she rolled onto her stomach. "Fuck I'm dying...Oh why is it so painful?" Her limbs began flailing in a tantrum that started to bring out a round of nausea, hitting whatever, and whoever, was within reach.
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127squ4d · 3 years
ᴇʟʟᴇ’s ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴsʜɪᴘs ᴡɪᴛʜ 127
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TAGLIST (hmu to join !) : @bigbrainenergytingz
taeil (taelle)
-> so. much. love.
-> one of the most popular elle ships , romantic and otherwise
-> no one cheers her up / makes her smile n laugh more than taeil
-> all the members seem to love a skinship with mr moon , but elle is on hyuck’s level w it LMAO
-> and taeil is so so fond of her. and he hypes tf outta her too
taelle things !
-> long talks and quiet times together
-> taeil trying to get jaeyoung to use her beautiful voice more and hyping her singing as much as they hype her rapping
-> dates galore !! they’re seen together a lot
-> taeil helps her every time she’s having panic attacks and knows exactly how to help her (along w taeyong)
taeyong (elleyong)
-> s o f t
-> taeyong is her comfort and vice versa
-> her shoulder to cry on and one of her closest confidants
-> he is very present in her life and was her first friend out of the neos AND all of the trainees. she always admired him and his skill
-> she is just as loving and caring as he is to her , as well. she can’t stand him getting hate because she genuinely regards him as one of the very best people she knows
elleyong things !
-> late studio nights / practicing together / writing music together
-> sleepovers with takeout and meaningful talks
-> taeyong being super caring and jaeyoung being able to get through to him when he needs to rest or relax
-> each other’s go to when it comes to hate and rumors because they’re both the most scrutinized members
johnny (johnelle)
-> super duper close tbfh theyre such buds
-> they understand each other well being the only members raised in the states
-> but johnny is part of nct’s “fluster jaeyoung” line .. and he will flirt JUST to see her not know what to do
-> scary duo and they could probably beat up the whole of nct at once if they really wanted to
-> pure comedians. they should have a sitcom
johnelle things !
-> shopping trips
-> always texting n speaking english
-> johnny teasing the HELL out of her and jaeyoung hitting his arm in response
-> c o n s t a n t s a s s
yuta (yutelle)
-> leader of nct’s “fluster jaeyoung” line and hes such a lil shit about it .. he is so shameless
-> may or may not be actually into her . who knows
-> she shows lots of skinship with the members in general , but we know yuta is touchy feely and she reciprocates it
-> edgy kids in need of love
yutelle things !
-> the members saesangs are scared of
-> yuta fawning over her the way he does with mark
-> feeding each other
-> yuta winking and jaeyoung looking away at the speed of light
doyoung (doelle)
-> yeah he knows she actually has braincells and is relieved he doesnt have to nag another kid
-> vocal king doyoung says jaeyoung sings like an angel. yup
-> both big homebodies so they will hang out. at home
-> everyone clowns doyo but she does it more .. subtle. but the members love when she clowns him they just find it hilarious
-> he’s v v protective of her
doelle things !
-> netflix marathons w/ doyoung’s projector
-> doyoung making sure she gets in the spotlight as much as the other’s
-> doyoung being SO SUPPORTIVE OF HER SEXUALITY. lgbtq+ lovebots
-> harmonizing together n it’s so cute
jaehyun (jaejae)
-> a lowkey member of the “fluster jaeyoung” line and tbh it’s funnier when he does it because she just looks shocked at him
-> silly cuties they are another very soft duo they just turn into dorks together and he is second funniest member in her opinion
-> they do lots of skinship but in private because they cause a ruckus among czennies n knetz when it’s public
-> they had dating rumors so sometimes they’ll bite back at knetz by calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend and the skinship they have often is his arm around her
-> johnjaejae is an iconic duo theyre (technically for jaehyun) america line and they’ll wild out sometimes
jaejae things !
-> hand holding
-> hyping each other up especially while filming things
-> jaehyun somehow flustering her when he BREATHS
-> dates at home because they don’t wanna be recognized together alone
jungwoo (ellewoo)
-> gay LMAO
-> they hug each other n show skinship lots it’s so sweet
-> but they’re also the lowkey savage members n look like they’re judging everyone sometimes
-> he babies her even tho they’re the same age but she doesn’t mind because everyone simps for jungwoo’s affection
-> she smokes too so they take smoke breaks together LMAOO she was actually caught smoking WITH him oops
ellewoo things !
-> czennies think they have an alliance because they often side with each other or pick each other for things
-> they all have zero tolerance for jaeyoung slander but jungwoo makes faces at comments on live and will say stuff
-> each other’s biggest fans
-> lunch dates
mark (markelle)
-> it .. would be hard for anyone not to clown mark and she def does but she also is super sweet and helpful and caring to him
-> the two biggest workaholics and they also spend lots of time practicing and writing together / in the studio
-> mark really looks up to her and she thinks that’s ridiculous because he is probably the most talented kid she’s ever met and always has been
-> she’s always on him about resting and hyping him and she’s been on his case since they were trainees
-> he loves his noona to death and she loves her baby brother so much
markelle things !
-> late nights w lots of takeout and rapping .. sometimes elle will fall asleep on those nights and he lets her because her insomnia is so bad that she needs it
-> scheduling days where they chill together
-> the softest hugs and jaeyoung leans on him lots
haechan (ellehyuck)
-> like father like son because he takes after his dad johnny and teases her
-> but he also loves her and will show SO. MUCH. AFFECTION. it’s always one or the other
-> tbh she loves to hear him sing and hypes him so much because she L O V E S his voice
-> lowkey a tom and jerry relationship because she will coddle him but also she wants to beat his ass sometimes
ellehyuck things !
-> doing each other’s makeup
-> cuddles
-> dinner dates n shopping trips
-> hyuck goes to her to talk about his concerns because she makes him feel so safe and listened to
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onf-headcanons · 3 years
ONF reacts to : You unconsciously tries to cover their eyes during interactions
A/N : Since I am imagining the dialogue in Korean so this will be a quick drabble and apologies in advance should this is messy. Also I might integrate ideas written here into other oneshots/hcs. So you can see this as some character establishments or even teaser. 
(He is your neighbour and also your crush. Should we link this to university /senpai AU)
You wearing something that is different from your usual fashion. Its prom night and he is picking you up. The moment he saw you, his face lighten up immediately. He could not stop looking at you and he did not hide his expressions either. Grinning non stop with his smiley eyes.
You are not used to the clothes you are wearing and you thought he is teasing you. So you raised your hand to cover his eyes while saying : “Keuman Bwa!/ Stop staring!”
His reflex is good and he keep trying to dodge your palm from landing in front of his eyes. And he even lowkey complained : “Wae? Yeppujana!/ Why? You look good in it!”
(You two are quite loud people thought you two are having a fight but actually you are not. Its normal interaction.)
You gave in and stop your attempt to cover his eyes as you heard him praising you.
He grabs your hand and looks at you lovingly. And he says, “Come on, let’s hit the dance floor.”
You and Changyoon are having meal outside, maybe it is your favorite place. (Could be right after pandemic)
You are so happy about your food and you are happily enjoying it.
“Y/N-ah, Mashiseo? / Is it good?” Changyoon ask when he sees your delighted glimmering eyes
You nod as reply and munching while giving out happy squeals
Changyoon only smiles and looks at you He could not help but stare at you. At first it was mixed with he could not believe why and how you would love the taste (this is a bonus should you are imagining yourself as foreigner partner).
You later only notice his gaze, your mood quickly change from delight to nervous, you swallowed what is in you mouth and put down spoon/fork/food in you hand. Then you lift up you hand to block his view.
“Ah, mwoya?/ What?” Changyoon questioned while laugh at you actions wearily. He finds it cute tho.
“I did not know you have a hobby of watching mukbang tho.” You pouted
“I only watch mukbang by you. Come on, once you are done lets go get some ice cream.“ Changyoon offered and continued watching you eat.
You are the easily nervous type and you somehow agreed with Seungjun that you two would play a who blinks who lose game.
You somehow fails at the game so much, Seungjun tried to jump scare you, tickles you and you still blinks.
Then Seungjun moves closer to you and grabs the side of your neck. You wondered why he did that and then he says,“Ne nun bwa./Look into my eyes.” as he leans closer to you.
“Kaman isseo/Stay still (he means your eyes).” he added
You could not push him away because he is looking at you affectionately. But then later, you could feel at that your cheeks are flushing.
He definitely notices it, and he is smirking.
You could not stand it anymore and then you lift both of your hands to cover his hands.
Seungjun adored your reaction and he could not help but laughed. While at it he places his hands on yours and say,“Y/N-ah, an boyeo~~~./ I cant see~~~” 
Maybe doable for office au Jaeyoung? Or maybe the au where Jaeyoung is with partner with scars on their body?
Could be you are having a bad day and you are just casually ranting *(not in a toxic way)
While you are talking about your day while listening to you, Jaeyoung went into a “Aww..”mode and just stares at you. (Bonus on this if you rarely rant./shows this side of you in front of him)
You stops for a bit because he was not responding as usual so you wonder if he is actually listening. 
You turned to face him, only to find him looking at you affectionately. That successfully wash away all your upsets. Then reality hits your are embarrassed that you kind off showed a weak side of yours towards him, ans he is weirdly enjoying it.
Your cheeks flushed red and you hurried to in front of him and covered his eyes with your hands. “Bwojima/Dont look.”
“Ani, wae? / Why?” Jaeyoung did not attempt to take your hands away from covering his eyes, but he just pouted.
“Gwenchana/It is alright. It is not something to be embarrassed of, in fact I am happy that you trust me.” Jaeyoung assured you while you lowered you hands
MINKYUN (teaser)
You and Minkyun are making out casually on the couch. You break off the kiss to get some air. And you noticed Minkyun is staring at you
He looks worried if he gone too far and he kisses the back of your hand while waiting for you catch your breath
 You caught the sensual vibe from his gaze and out of embarrassment you tried to cover his eyes using the free hand of yours.
“Bwojima/ Don’t look.” you murmured, while trying to free your hand which Minkyun is squeezing tightly.
“Aah, Wae??” Minkyun questioned by aegyoed, he also let out his usual giggles as he lowering your hand that covering his eyes.
He knows you are trying to cover his eyes again with another hand, so he grasps both of your wrists and settling them at the sides of your head, lightly presses them on the couch.
“Sorry, I just.. its embarrassing” you replied him.
Before you could finish, Minkyun leans down to give as light kiss on your cheek. “Now that’s very cute of you Y/N’ah.”
You are an art student or hobbyist artist. And your next project would be portrait. Maybe you kind of challenge yourself to draw in realistic style so you would need reference
Yuto agreed and he becomes your model. It was simple, there is 2 sessions, Yuto only need to stay still for 10 minutes for each session and you will need to work on your sketch.
To get better facial details, you sit in front of Yuto as you sketch. As Yuto could not move much his pupil keep wandering here and there. You chuckle and tell him to stay still, even his pupils. And so he did,then every time you lifted your eyes, both of your eyes meet precisely.
You felt something was off as his gaze got intentional and you clearly can see him smirking a bit. That smirk clearly broke your focus and you raised your sketchbook to form a wall, blocking Yuto’s gaze.
“Ya, na jibjunghaeya dwae!/ Hey. I need to focus!” You lightly smack on Yuto’s knee while hiding your beet red face behind your sketchbook.
He immediately break into his signature laughter while apologizing. And then tries to have a glimpse of your beet red face. It then escalates to you and Yuto having a mini wrestling because you are trying hard to cover your own face this time. 
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pocket-scenarios · 5 years
Lovely - Wyatt (m)
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(Admin: Sxng)
This contains mature content
You wake up to the light feeling of fingers tracing along your jawline before trailing to the underside of your jaw. His hand cups your cheek his thumb rubbing gently against your lips when you finally decide to open your eyes meeting your boyfriend Jaeyoung’s own. He smiles shifting a bit moving his other arm that your head has been comfortable propped on for most of the night.
“Good morning,” Jaeyoung says softly.
You return his words resting your own hand on his cheek making him smile softly. You run the pad of your thumb along his skin tracing over his features in your mind. You shift closer to him giving him the opportunity to move his arm from under your head. He pulls his hand away from your cheek resting it on your side instead.
“Morning,” you return.
You wrap your arm around his side as well pressing the top of your head against his chest. Jaeyoung trails his hand towards the middle of your back running it along your spine. The light seeping through the window illuminated his features enough to where you can trace them over with your eyes. Jaeyoung’s hand slowly creeps under the loose fabric of your tank top. Jaeyoung shifts his weight pressing one of his legs into your own pushing your hips to the bed.
“Why do you look so beautiful?” Jaeyoung mumbles.
He pushes your head back his hand resting on your forehead to hold it against the pillows. His hand stroking through your hair while his eyes scan over your frame. You shift further to where your back is completely on the mattress your hand still resting on his side. You grip loosely at the fabric of his shirt waiting for his next action. He leans down resting his head in the crook of your neck, you let out a small laugh his hair tickling the side of your neck.
“It tickles,” you say with a laugh squirming.
Jaeyoung returns your laugh pressing light kisses to your neck. You wrap your arm around his neck your hand playing with his hair loosely. He nips your neck lightly before leaving open-mouthed kisses on your skin. You cock your head to the opposite side closing your eyes loosely. Jaeyoung trails his hand down your side before rubbing the pad of his thumb in circles against your skin.
He tugs your tank top up slipping down further on your body. You slip your arms out of your tank top pulling it off with ease. Jaeyoung quirks an eyebrow at you letting out a small laugh smiling up at you from where his head was now at (the middle of your stomach). Jaeyoung presses open-mouthed kisses to your stomach moving upward slightly both of his hands resting gently on your hips, his weight settling between your legs on his knees. He trails down further tugging at your shorts.
His eyes flicker up towards your own before he continues to tug at your shorts. You lift your hips up allowing him to tug them off, his fingers lace under the waistband of your panties as well pulling them both down. He pulls them completely off of your legs before pushing your legs apart again settling his weight between them once more. Jaeyoung slides his hands up from your knees resting him on your hips again while he lowers his face to eye level with your core. You have to turn your head away from him your cheeks burning red from embarrassment.
Jaeyoung lets out a small laugh noticing your embarrassment. He presses light kisses to your inner thigh before his lips meet your lower ones. You sink your teeth into your bottom lip to keep yourself quiet. Jaeyoung’s tongue darts out of his mouth lapping inside of you. Jaeyoung flattens his tongue inside of you lapping your insides slowly. You grip your hand into Jaeyoung’s hair lifting your hips up to push his tongue further inside of you. You tighten your grip in Jaeyoung’s hair earning a groan from him that vibrates inside of you.
Jaeyoung’s tongue circles your clit one of his fingers slipping inside of you where his tongue had previously been. He curls his finger upward pumping it slowly inside of you while he hums against your clit. Your legs tense slightly lifting upward pushing him further against you. He adds a second digit inside of you quickening the pumps of his fingers inside of you still curling them upward sending jolts of pleasure through you when he hits near your g-spot.
“Please don’t stop,” you breath out, closing your eyes.
You press your cheek firmly against the pillow trying to not squirm while he does as you requested staying at the same pace and continuing the same motions. You arch your back slightly your walls clenching onto his fingers. You grip tighter onto his hair pushing him closer to you again. He adds a third digit inside of you slowing back to a slow pace that feels unbearable to you by this point. You let out a small plead for him to speed up.
Jaeyoung complies speeding up the thrusts of his fingers before he starts to just curl them against your g-spot. Jaeyoung pulls his lips away from your clit using his other hand to circle the sensitive nerves instead, Your back arches off of the bed one of your arms pressing against your eyes the other gripping into the sheet tightly. You release against his hand him continuing to slowly pump his digits and circle your clit to help you ride down your orgasm before he pulls his fingers from inside of you letting out a small laugh.
“Sorry, I have to leave for work so early,” Jaeyoung says with a heavy sigh, “I’ll see you when I get home though.”
You let out a hum, your throat dry and you are unsure whether your voice will come out at the moment or not. He lets out a heavy sigh pressing a quick kiss to your forehead before using a towel to clean off his hand as well as you. He grabs his clothes from the closet before saying another quick goodbye before leaving to the bathroom to get ready for work.
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h4rin · 7 years
prompt ; Hi Love can I can #19 "It isn't important" with Vav's St. Van? Angsty fluff please 💛 tysm -- @aesthedick-cheol​
word count ; 2,033 oh my god
im sorry that this is so bad omg i’m so tired but i couldn’t stop writing but im so TIRED
This was not your week. You weren’t entirely sure as to how it had started going south, but Jesus shit, it just wouldn’t stop.
It wasn’t even just filled with terrible things, the world wasn’t ending, but the general mood of everyone you knew was too depressing for you to be even mildly happy. As a matter of fact, you had woken up on Monday happy! It was your two year anniversary with Geumhyuk, and, despite not being able to see him face to face until Friday, you were still able to Skype and text and such. At least the two of you had been able to talk for a few hours, him apologizing profusely for not being there.
“It’s okay,” you said, “I’ll get to see you on Friday, and that’s all that matters.”
Your friend, however, had not had such a great Monday. Around six in the evening, she called you, sobbing horribly. “Listen, [Y/N],” she started, “Jaeyoung broke up with me, and I am drunk. I need you to pick me up, and fair warning, I am most likely going to throw up in your car.”
Already on the way to your car, ignoring your slowly burning dinner, you asked, “Because you’re sad, or because you’re drunk beyond belief?”
A vague vomiting sound came through your phone, making you cringe. “Both,” she heaved. You groaned, very audibly. “Is Geumhyuk there?”
“No,” you responded through a sigh as you started the car. “He’s on tour. He’s gonna be back on Friday, though.”
“I’m sorry, babes,” she replied, words slurring together much more. “When will you be here?” She had to repeat herself six times in order for you to understand it.
“Eh, five minutes?” Your statement came out as a question. “Are you outside?”
“I’m nodding!” her answer came a minute later, in the form of a yell. “Whoops,” she whispered, “yeah, I am. I’m nodding.”
You managed to keep her on the line until you were able to pick her up, and the ride back to your apartment wasn’t exciting, but it wasn’t boring, either. You had music harsher than she usually listened to playing, but softer than you usually listened to it. The two of you talked about whatever you could to keep her awake. You knew she wasn’t in danger, but you really didn’t want to be alone.
She didn’t throw up during the car ride, but once she got out, she promptly turned around, threw up in your car, then stumbled off towards your apartment building. You groaned quietly, locking your car and following the stumbling mess that was your best friend up the staircase. Once you were sure that she would be safe, asleep in the pullout bed from your couch, a giant bottle of water right next to her face, you trudged back outside, a bucket of various cleaning supplies in your hand.
The sun was up before you were even half-sure that the vomit was going to be out of the car’s carpet. You groaned again, eyelids falling on themselves. You rubbed your eyes, yawning hugely, as you realized that, oh, shit, you have work. You had a few hours, but you had other shit that you had to do that day.
You walked up to your apartment, immensely salty that you had gotten a home so far up, and once you opened your door, you were hit by the groans of you insanely hungover friend. “Close the door,” she moaned. “I’m a vampire, the light…”
“Water’s a foot from your face.” She pulled the blanket further over her head, covering her eyes, and slid the water bottle up the makeshift fort. One minute and a lot of crinkling plastic later, the giant water bottle was empty, twisted up and outside of the blanket. She was breathing heavily as you shut the curtains around the giant windows that you had worked so hard to get. Oh, that was why you had gotten a home up so far. “I’ll make bacon.” A grunt of appreciation came from on top of the couch.
Half an hour of cooking later, your friend was much better. She’d taken some pain medication as well, helping her killer headache. “Thank you,” she broke the silence through a mouthful of hangover cure. “I owe you my life. Don’t you have work, though?” “Not until noon,” you muttered over a half-assed cup of coffee. You were clinging onto it like it was giving you life, which, at that point, it was. Not sleeping the entire night had caught up with you, the smell of vomit clinging to you.
“...It’s like, ten til.” Your eyes shot open.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit,” you whispered to yourself, practically slamming your mug on the small table. You raced to your room, yanking your uniform out of your closet and grabbing the small bag of emergency supplies. It was filled with face wipes, travel deodorant, and dry shampoo, as well as a phone charger, which you wouldn’t have even thought of. Even though you weren’t on it for the majority of the night, it was still almost entirely drained. “I’ll see you later, go home!”
“No promises!” she yelled back. Your car, thankfully, smelled less like vomit than you did. Sadly, that meant that you absolutely smelled live vomit. You most likely broke a few laws racing to work, and barely made it on time.
The rest of your Tuesday was a blur. Your friend was still in your apartment when you got home, which ended up being a good thing. “I still have work tomorrow,” you muttered into the pillow that you had immediately crashed into. “I’m gonna die.”
“No, you’re not,” she responded, gently rubbing your back. “I’ll do some laundry, go take a shower.”
“I’m too tired to move.” You were already falling asleep on the crappy bed. “I’ll shower,” you yawned, “later.”
Your friend crinkled her nose. “That’s gross, but you definitely need to sleep. I’ll wake you up later.”
“I will end you.” That was the last thing you remember from that night. By the time you woke up the next morning, it was already eight. You had fallen asleep at six in the evening. You did, however, feel great, and your friend woke up right before you, or so she claimed.
“Clothes.” Was all she said. You did as she asked, changing into pajamas that she’d put in your dryer for a minute. The soft feeling of fluffy fabric gave you hope that your week could get better, even before Geumhyuk got home.
That feeling, of course, disappeared as soon as your brother called.
“I got kicked out,” was all he said, the unrecognized number easily traced to a payphone. Those still exist? Wednesday already sucked ass. He called back twenty minutes later, however, all he said being, “Nevermind.” Your family was complicated.
Your friend came back a few minutes later, around eleven in the morning, with clean and dry laundry. “There was an issue,” she muttered, barely willing to make eye contact with you. “It’s clean and everything, but…” she fished a piece of paper, slightly crinkled, out of the filled laundry basket. You pulled it from her grasp as quickly as you could.
“Oh my god,” you murmured, your heart coming back down to a normal pace just as quickly as it had gone up. “It’s literally just twenty dollars.”
“Wait, you’re not mad?”
“Dude, this week started off shit. It’s what, Wednesday? My days are still going to hell, but they’re slowly getting less awful. I would have died to have this be the worst thing this week. You know I smelled like boozy vomit during the entire time I was at work yesterday, right? I work at a bookstore.”
Your friend grimaced. “Oh. Yikes.”
“Yeah, it’s pretty yikes. Oh well, can you put those away for me? I’ll go pay.”
Your friend nodded enthusiastically. “You know who collects it, right?” You nodded in return, walking straight towards the door. You smiled to yourself, your week was finally getting better. You weren’t sure why the past few days had been such a roller coaster, but hopefully the rest of the week would be somewhat more calm.
The only other thing worth mentioning that happened that day was you falling down the last few stairs, in front of the neighbor that you’d yet to meet. Again, pretty yikes. At least he’d offered to take you out for coffee, so that he wouldn’t know you as the weird neighbor that had fallen down some stairs, all while wearing fuzzy pajamas.
Thursday was completely and utterly uninteresting. You had work for a few hours, showing up early to make up for showing up not quite late on Tuesday. You were fully rested, your uniform was clean, you had even eaten breakfast for once. You got to stock the books, and, due to that, you got first dibs on any that you found interesting. You got a new book about astronomy, one that also talked about astrology, so you were actually fairly excited.
Friday, you woke up just like you had on Monday, excited for the day. It wasn’t your two years with Geumhyuk anymore, but you would be able to see him. You were determined to make the day successful, and through what you were sure was pure spite, you managed to achieve it. By the time you were able to see Hyuk, around four in the afternoon, you were glowing, if not from the day going well, then from surviving the week.
You were honestly bored out of your mind, watching something that you’d found randomly on Netflix, searching through everything that they had to offer, when a knock sounded sharply on your door. You had sent your friend home for the last time about an hour ago, telling her that Geumhyuk would be there at any point, and she had willingly left, for once. “Hyuk?” you called, not wanting to move if it wasn’t him.
His faint voice filled your ears. “Why don’t you come find out?” You practically screamed as you scrambled off of the couch. Despite your fuzzy socks, you managed to get to the door in about a second, flinging it open and wrapping your arms around you. “Woah,” he laughed, “did you miss me?”
“I’ve had a sort of...not so good week,” you responded, burying your face into his chest.
“Woah, what happened?” he asked, voice only that of worry.
“It isn’t important,” you muttered, enjoying the scent of his sweatshirt, the feeling of being deprived of him finally hitting you. “I’m just glad that you’re here.”
“Hey,” he mumbled, lifting your chin from his chest with his finger. His voice was soft, but his eyes, full of concern, were softer. “If it hurts you, it’s important. What’s bothering you?”
You groaned slightly, flipping yourself so that you were laying on his lap, facing up, eyes boring into yours. “Where do I start?”
“The beginning, I’d assume.”
You closed your eyes. “So, Monday wasn’t bad, at first. Actually, it was kind of amazing. It was our two years, and the four hour long phone call really helped me.”
“Again, I’m so sorry I couldn’t be here. I’ll be with you for all the rest, okay?”
“Hyuk, that doesn’t matter to me. You’re in my heart, even if you’re not with me physically.” He grinned, an amazing sight to open your eyes to. “Anyway, it was pretty great, until Jaeyoung made a dumbass decision.”
“Oh god, was she -”
“Drunk.” He shut his eyes in frustration.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t be here for you.”
“Stop being a nerd,” you murmured, starting to fall asleep, properly, for the first time that week. “Just sleep with me, this week is over. Everything is okay.” Geumhyuk muttered something you couldn’t quite decipher in agreement, his lack of sleep catching up with him, as well.
For once in your lives, the two of you were able to sleep through the night. If only every night could be like that. But, since it wasn’t, it just made the ones that the two of you shared even more special.
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beseira · 3 months
nice landing
seira wonders what in her made her sign up for next gen, singing and dance would be included, which she sucked at, and she still wasn’t sure if she’d try out the idol path again. it’s a faint memory, she barely remembers auditioning, she just remembers she’s suddenly made it onto the show. and now her old enemy has returned into her life: dance. seira was never the quickest nor best when it came to dance, and it definitely didn’t help she hasn’t been dancing for almost half a year now. she wonders if she has enough time to learn this dance, and if she does learn it, she hopes she doesn’t look stupid.
she goes over the moves slowly before going over them at the normal speed, just to make sure she remembers the moves. and when she feels ready to switch to the real tempo, she does so, just to fall within five seconds. bam, she’s on her butt.
sending it to... @bejaeyoung
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absolutebl · 2 years
400 BLs, My 40 Favorite Moments
So the spreadsheet of doom (which I use to track all the BLs I’ve watched or attempted to) just officially tipped into the 400 BLs mark. 
In honor of this momentous event (in my life):
Here are my...  
40 Favorite BL Moments!  
in no particular order, with no rhyme no reason, and I didn’t allow myself to pick all kisses (but I probubly could). 
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1. We Best Love’s drunk make out desperation scene in season 2. I know others have issues with the dub-con in this scene, I am not one of those people. I also love their first kiss, the bits with the mother, and the hand in the wrist. But this drunk desperation moment is one of my all time favorite scenes ever filmed. 
2. Gu Hai’s OBEY sweatshirt in Addicted (closely followed by the casual robe- flashing scene, the pull-up scene, and also the kicking mom out of the apartment scene). Look, I love this show, okay? OBEY (I want that shirt SO MUCH.)
3. The hands on the color wheel in Color Rush. THE HANDS, OMG. 
4. Semantic Error, the dart scene. THE DART SCENE. Also the bit where JaeYoung freaks out because he thinks SangWoo is injured when he’s actually the one hurt. Oh and the bit where JaeYoung peeks over the wooden divider, like a cat. Oh and “subscription service.” And “don’t eat lettuce.” And... 
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5. Nice Sword in World of Honor. Also the bottle caress and the “I will kill whoever hurt you.” 
6. Until We Meet Again the scene where Dean publicly claims dating Pharm and drives Alec off. (I also like it when he does it with Pharm’s brother over the ipad. And when he owns up to dating a boy to his grandmother. In fact anytime Dean is proud to claim Pharm, I’m happy.) 
7. King handing Ram the flower in My Engineer. 
8. Adachi saves the business deal with Mont Blanc in Cherry Magic. 
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9. The confession realization scene in Seven Days. Also when Yuzuru shuts up the hecklers in archery class. 
10. The cameo guest appearance of HaoTing XiGu (from HIStory 3) watching the Northern lights in Life: Love on the Line, alive and well and still together. Ironic that it took Japan to give these characters an HEA. 
11. Ae punching Trump in Love By Chance. Another one where there are a lot of iconic scenes but Ae stoping the punch and then hitting back, just wonderful. 
12. 2 Moons Kit: “I’ll kick your ass.” Ming: “Can you reach, Phi?”
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13. The hands on the train in Make it Right. 
14. HaeBom hop-hugging TaeSung in Cherry Blossoms After Winter. 
15. Touch flirting with Daisy in the noodle stall in Secret Crush On You. 
16. ShinWoo’s confession in Light On Me. “I will continue thinking about you.” 
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17. Sucking the blood off the finger because he just can’t help himself. HOTEST THING EVER. Utsukushii Kare of course. 
18. Fixing the dangerous edge of the shelf in the kitchen for clumsy seme in My Sweet Dear. 
19. Removing the mask in Gameboys. 
20. Tine and his single celled organisms (friends) drunk in Still 2gether. 
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21. Aoki gets inside trash bag in Kieta Hatsukoi, the meme generator to end all meme generators. 
22. Taking care of baby’s knee during volleyball away camp in HIStory 2: Crossing the Line. 
23. Forth & Beam in the pickup truck in 2 Moons 2. 
24. The belt in My Day the series. Oh did you miss that bit? 
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25. I didn’t pick many kisses because I pick my favorites every year, but this is a special one for me. The blood spattered post fight kiss in Long Time No See. 
26. The kitchen make out scene in Cutie Pie. 
27. PeteKao and Pete’s dad scenes in general in the Kiss series and Dark Blue Kiss. 
28. The dorm sleep-over puppy pile in Nitiman. 
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29. The pride sequence in Not Me. 
30. “I’ll come to you” in To My Star. 
31. "I nearly threw a sauce bottle at your phi’s head” in Tharntype. 
32. Pitch claiming Bank in front of the girls in Golden Blood. 
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33. There’s only one bed but they end up sleeping together on the floor together anyway in Be Loved In House: I Do. 
34. Na’s sunglasses in Tonhon Chonlatee. 
35. Arthit’s arm claim with friends at the party in SOTUS. Also the girl with the crush on Kong realizing he’s taken and by whom in SOTUS S (drunk at the beach get away). 
36. Solo’s voice in Oxygen, just yeah, when he lowers it to talk to Gui. 
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37. The dance product placement offering scene in Gen Y. 
38. That coming out sequence in the gym in He’s Coming to Me. 
39. “You can kiss me, hyung” in Some More. 
40. The hands letting go in Love Sick. 
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Honorable Mention (BL action in “non” BL shows):
“I love you so damn much” in Puppy Honey 2. 
OuWen & Mark’s sex scene in the hotel in Love is Science? 
K.O. in the suit scene in Love 020. 
Advance Bravely playing phone games in bed. 
The bomb flirt in Devil Judge. 
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absolutebl · 2 years
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quick pitch (well, maybe not *quick*) 
Semantic Error (Korea 2022) 
Main Tropes: opposites attract, enemies to lovers, bully romance, sunshine/tsundere, teasing & pranks
Ya’ll ready for this? 
Maybe you are, but I’m not sure I am. 
I don’t think I’m going to go quite so crazy as I did with My Beautiful Man but I make no promises.  
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Okay look, I said when I reviewed Light on Me, that Korea was giving us an honest to goodness high school set BL with some classic old school yaoi tropes almost as if they were doing a bit of a, “now that we’ve hit our stride, let’s perfect the vanilla sheet cake BL style.” It was great, of course, but very refined and elegant which some found off putting. 
I feel like they did it again with Semantic Error. Only maybe even a little better? Okay maybe not better but DIFFERENT. 
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Everything that Korea always does right, they did right with this show. 
Spot on and pretty pretty casting of mature actors who can handle the content. 
High quality production values with beautiful filming and flawless sound quality. 
Great wardrobe, lighting, staging, editing, and everything else pre and post production being well chosen and executed. 
Great friendship group and support characters. 
Strategic use (but not overuse) of tropes. 
This was an absolutely pitch perfect university set BL, just very very Korean about it. It had all the hallmarks of old school traditional yaoi, linear filming and framing techniques combined with classic archetypes including a strong seme/uke dynamic. But it was so pleasingly pristine and tailored about its approach. 
I particularly loved that it used old school yaoi storyboarding, probubly because bits are (quite rightly) cribbed directly from the manhwa. But just look at this shot, plus added color blocking? LOOK AT IT!!! GAH! 
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If Light On Me was a fluffy delicious vanilla sheet cake, Semantic Error is the perfectly baked moist and decadent red velvet cupcake. 
A little richer, a little more depth, that creamy cheesy frosting. Maybe not the most innovative, maybe not as complex as we might like, but so well executed it was like classical french cooking... you can’t argue with perfection you can only gobble it down and then be sad you ate so fast. 
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Semantic Error is a webtoon (also anime) adaptation, in which Korea entered Thailand’s terf for the first time with college set battle of the geeks. The anime has no plot so I was a little worried. Silly me. I should just trust WATCHA (Light On Me) at this point. 
Yes WATCHA, you have ALL the techniques. Yes, you have all the skills. And you know what, sometimes that’s all we really need in a BL. 
We are so grateful. 
What elevates Semantic Error is that Korea did things right with this one that they usually fuck up. 
They got the pacing spot on for the shorter length. It never felt rushed. 
They managed a tight *complete* story with nothing confusing about intent, purpose, or character motivation.
And we got actual amazingly good chemistry and kisses. 
They left us with a smile and a chuckle and a pair of the cutest boys ever to grace the screen. 
This is probubly going to be my favorite BL of 2022. And yes, for all the reasons stated above but also THE CHARACTERS. 
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Jaeyoung + Sangwoo FOREVER 
The plot:
Talented graphic artist Jaeyoung (emotional agro older seme) discovers Sangwoo has outed him as a slacker which means he’s not graduating this year. He sets out to find out who Sangwoo is and get revenge, accidentally develops a big o’crush. Sangwoo is a morally grounded strict routine based reserved programmer (logical uke) who’s world is entirely shaken by the chaos that is Jaeyoung. I love “the only one who can bully him is me” trope especially when said bully melts into all over whipped for his boy. 
Emotional seme versus logical uke is a favorite of mine, plus it goes way back to some Gilgamesh shit of ego versus id. I also love “the only one who can bully him is me” trope. Also I adore it when an agro seme (bratty fucker) develops a big o’ crush, commences pining, and goes all over whipped for his boy. 
Jaeyoung pined like a master. Like Park Seo Ham took lessons from Sam Lin. And Sangwoo crumbles into complete submission like he’s been waiting for Jaeyoung his whole life. It’s an absolute pleasure to watch these two on screen together. 
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And it wasn’t just him, For those of us who waited patiently for Sangwoo to soften, boy did he ever. What a marshmallow moment! Poor baby went into deep crush and had NO IDEA what to do about it. 
Moot pining, yes! 
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There were even moments that made me hoot with laughter (the lettuce incident). 
This is it. 
Semantic Error has put the sugar rose on top of Korea’s intent to dominate BL. After the flop ending of Kissable Lips and the lingering trauma of Peach of Time, we all thought we were back on shaky ground with KBL, but nope Korea’s taking the gold. 
So yeah, maybe this is a little tame and calm of a review from me. But their ducks were all in a row on this one, and I kinda expected them to stick the landing. (Ooo, mixed metaphors. Now I’m imagining s duck doing gymnastics.) How do I really feel?
Shaken & stirred, thank you very much. 
You want me to freak out? Yeah. Okay. Fine. 
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Flipping heck. 
Welcome to the very limited table of 10 gold stars from this mad obsessive fan. 
Semantic Error gets a 10/10 from me. 
I love this show so hard. And it is going into hard rotation. Completely rewatchable from start to finish. We have been blessed. Thank you Korea. 
*deep breath*
In brief: 
Korea hits it entirely out of the Parks (pun on the actors’ last names intended) by doing a university set BL with everything we might expect done exactly right, their signature quality executed perfectly, and added bonus good story, great pacing, and fantastic chemistry. You cannot ask for more from a BL, let alone a KBL. 
(Because I got asked, my 7 top 10/10s are now: Seven Days, Color Rush, Light On Me, To My Star, Semantic Error, We Best Love, Until We Meet Again... (Both Absolute BLs got a 10/10 too but I consider that a parody not an actual BL.) 
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