#beatles kink meme
Everytime someone fills a beatleskinkememe prompt a butterfly is born, a kitten yawns and an old lady gets helped across the street.
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crepesuzette2023 · 3 months
New fic: In John's Lap
Based on this prompt from @beatleskinkmeme: Early to mid 1960s. There aren’t enough seats at a party, so Paul sits on John’s lap, which results in John getting a boner...
"It was that Mike brought his girlfriend, a stunning German called Ursula, who expected a seat at their table. Or perhaps someone stole a chair while they tried to settle; the place was so crowded you couldn’t see across the room. Whatever the reason, Paul ended up sitting on John’s lap, the two of them squeezed into the corner, safe from elbows and skirmishes." Set in 1961, between the second Hamburg residency and 'Paris'.
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javelinbk · 4 months
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Merry Christmas, @notgrungybitchin!
You asked for sweet fics set in the touring years or 1967, and I've given you... a fic set in 1971. But don't worry, all is not as it seems!
Our Version of Events
1971, Tittenhurst Park, Ascot. John discovers that fans have been writing stories about him and Paul, and it changes everything that he thought he knew about their relationship.
I hope you enjoy it. And here is your accompanying playlist
Thank you to @theoldmixer and @heybulldogs for running yet another amazing @beatleskinkmeme Secret Santa event. And thank you to @scurator and @pauls1967moustache for reasons that will soon become clear!
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theoldmixer · 1 year
well how did i get here? 13 going on 30 AU
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
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erensfucker · 4 months
okay, so here i am, the last day i could as always because im a disaster, im really sorry.
i wrote a fic for @sleeper9
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i haven't fill any @beatleskinkmeme prompt, i hope you'll enjoy it anyway. <3 please let me know what you think about it!
posting the link again just in case: Why Don't We Do It In The Road? - slut4jaegers - The Beatles (Band) [Archive of Our Own]
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Hey, this is your secret Santa! I’d like to know more details on what you would like. Are there any prompts in the kink meme blog that interest you?
Hello and thank you writing a fic for me! In answer, yes there are! I mean almost any of the Mclennon ones really but here are a few that specially appealed. I generally operate on the ‘they were madly in love with each other but never talked about it’ level of Mclennon UST psychodrama, so anything that plays with that (and/or resolves it) would be amazing. That said, at the same time I also hold the position of ‘SURELY TO GOD they must’ve talked about it/consummated it/openly acknowledged it to each other because it would be just another aspect of their intimacy’. I know all that is fairly broad so here are a few of the prompts that appealed most. I hope this is helpful!
Someone in John’s staff sells his diaries to the press in the 70s. They’re printed in the papers. They contain his feelings about Paul. They are him pining over Paul. Paul reads them.
Would LOVE some proper Paul!whump where John’s super apologetic and tender. Dealer’s choice on the degree of hurt, anything from Paul being upset after John makes fun of Yesterday to something more serious like some whackjob taking HDYS to heart and attacking him
Something set around the time when John yelled “I wish I was back with Paul!” at Yoko and/or when he fucked that woman at the election night party within earshot of Yoko (and everyone else). He must have been thinking about Paul the whole time, right?
John/Paul telepathy - they accidentally start hearing each other’s thoughts at random
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adriansfrombrooklyn · 4 months
Fic: Look in My Direction
My @beatleskinkmeme Secret Santa 2023 gift for @paisanas
Happy New Year! I hope you like this smut with feelings!
Summary: At the close of 1963, Paul needs to feel sure that his connection with John is still strong. Also, he can't stop staring at John's hands.
Based on the kink meme prompt:
Paul wants to get fingered by John's nice hands so badly it makes him look stupid.
Thank you so much to @theoldmixer and @heybulldogs for organizing another wonderful gift exchange! It's been so much fun seeing everyone's contributions.
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ranageee · 3 months
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i-am-the-oyster · 6 months
Jan 21 1963: Beatle sandwich day
May 22 1963: all in one bed, joke on the chambermaid day
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pie-of-flames · 8 months
McLennon Fic: One Sweet Dream
For this prompt at the Beatles Kink Meme:
On tour, the boys have to share one room with two beds in it. John and Paul have to share. Paul has a dirty dream about John, and when he wakes up during the night, all hot and bothered, he convinces John to finish him off - but they have to be quiet, of course.
Paul jerks awake. Dripping with sweat, his pulse is racing, his rock-hard dick gripped in his hand. Curly pubic hair brushes against his fingers. Except for the soft snoring of Ringo in the other bed, the bedroom is dark and quiet. He takes a deep breath, trying to calm down.
Then his brain catches up. He was dreaming. About John. Having sex with him. In this bed.
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justlikedylansmrjones · 3 months
new day, new prompt filled by yours truly. i put dubious consent because i'm pretty sure Paul did not want to become a rent-boy for the night but he had to take one for the team.
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crepesuzette2023 · 4 months
Brian Manages (Sole Direction): Beatles Secret Santa 2023 Fic for @javelinbk
"Brian Lives"-AU/fix-it, based on this @beatleskinkmeme prompt (but from Brian's POV): 1968. paul is losing john to yoko. his relationship with jane (and seemingly everyone) is falling apart. he doesn’t know what to do or what went wrong. except, in this au, brian is still alive and does his job - keeping lennon and mccartney together.
happy ending. john/paul endgame. basically just wish fulfillment 🥲 I love fic where brian just KNOWS them and reads them both like a book and, well, manages them. Read it on AO3.
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(original photo via nothingbutpoison on tumblr) Dear javelin: you know how much I love your writing. Your "Stop All the Clocks" is such a beautiful story about John and Paul finding each other after Brian's death. I hope you will enjoy this story about them finding each other with Brian still around! (Also: I don't have your skill with graphics and gifs, but I'm hoping you appreciate this snapshot of young Brian Epstein wielding a classic symbol of secular Christmas.)
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javelinbk · 5 months
Me thinking about the wealth of great fics that Secret Santa will bring us, but knowing that it’s still two weeks away…
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theoldmixer · 2 months
are you still thinking of making a kinkmeme discord server?
Yes I am still planning on starting one! I have it mostly ready to go I just need to figure out a couple more things before I’ll start it. My goal is to have it up and running in March!
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beatleskinkmeme · 26 days
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Instead of a fic-a-thon this year, the Beatles Kink Meme will be hosting a low key Beatles Fanworks-a-Thon! Join us to kick off the summer season!
We will be using a03 and anyone can prompt! Prompts can be for fanfic, fan art, or fanvids.
Start thinking of prompts now! Prompting and claiming will start April 14th, along with more info!
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glowing-gold · 5 months
Fic Scenario that I dreamed up last night:
inspired by Beatles Kink Meme Prompt:
(needs to be a multi chapter slow burn but I wanted to get this down cause I’m insane)
This scenario takes place just before the lost weekend, right as Yoko and John are drifting apart. Paul shows up to the Dakota on a rare evening when John is alone. Yoko is out without John, John doesn’t know where she is. He’s pissed that she’s out doing whatever she likes, but he’s resigned to the idea that he might deserve it, especially after what he’d done to her at that birthday party, fucking that woman only a room away. Yelling that he’d rather be with Paul.
Paul arrives on a layover, guitar in hand, of course. John lets him in on the stipulation that they don’t play. Paul is a bit disappointed but just glad to be allowed in. He misses John desperately, so much it’s an all-consuming thing. Linda and the children have been a lovely new distraction, but he doesn’t feel any of it has any real meaning if he’s not sharing it with John. He keeps ending up on John’s door and doesn’t know why. He knows John doesn’t want him there, he’s turned him away more times than he’s let him in. He just can’t stay away. Can’t stop hoping they’ll write again, can’t stop wondering what John thinking of his music.
When Paul arrives, John’s in a dark place, he’s been drinking. Paul decides he should catch up and they drink quite a bit. Too much.
Both of them, drunk and sad and pathetic, end up slow dancing to a soppy Sinatra song in the middle of the living room. It starts as a joke, but slowly becomes deathly serious, the two of them clinging onto one another with white knuckles. They pull apart and in their sloppy, drunken haze, they kiss. Paul misses John so desperately that it’s enough for him to surrender to it, finally. After so long. But they’re drunk. Their movements are hurried, slurred, sloppy.
They stumble to the couch where Paul goes to remove John’s pants. But John is having trouble getting hard. Embarrassingly he keeps needing to toss himself off to get any stiffness going. He keeps apologizing, and Paul keeps reassuring him that it’s fine. But John begins to spiral with shame. All this time he’s waited for this, and he can’t even get it up? He fears he’s ruined his one chance, his one shot to finally have Paul. The first time he’s had Paul in a willing position and he can’t even get hard. He’s so fucking embarrassed. He pushes away from Paul and tells him it’s all a mistake. Paul seems to sober up at that and agree things got out of hand. John goes to sleep in the bedroom and Paul falls asleep on the couch.
In the morning John is gone. Paul calls Mal, Neil, even fucking Phil Spector to ask if they know where he could be. Mal tells Paul about May, then gives him her phone number. He calls her place, her roommate answers, says she got on a flight to LA with John that morning.
Paul is obviously confused, but understands that he must find John. He books a flight and takes a cab to the airport, the whole time uncertain what he’ll even do when he gets there. Where will he even find John? Does he have an address? What will he say? He has no clue. What does he even want from John? He doesn’t know.
He can’t stop thinking about their altercation the night before. How ashamed John seemed, but how shockingly easy it had felt for Paul. In fact, the ease confused him most. He doesn’t think he was queer, never found himself interested in blokes. But this was John, not some bloke. Did he love John? Yeah, of course. But how come he’d never said it? How come he hadn’t been able to say so all those years ago when John had so desperately needed him to say the words? Maybe because love wasn’t a big enough word. He more than loved John. The previous night had cracked something open in him, and he wasn’t going to lose John again.
He lands in LA and rents a car, starts driving around. He goes to the capitol records tower, not sure where else to start, doesn’t get much information. He wanders LA for the day, unsure what he’s doing there, considers heading home. Feels like he came here without a plan, which he definitely did. He looks into it and the only flight out to Scotland doesn’t leave until late the next day, so he decides to stay. He calls around asking folks he knows out here if anyone’s heard from John. They all say no, but they’ll call him back if they hear anything.
By the next morning, Paul’s feeling ready to book that flight home. He woke up feeling stupid. He feels guilty from betraying Linda, the kids. He picks up the phone to book the ticket, but something keeps him from calling the travel agency. He hangs up the phone. As soon as he does, it rings. Paul picks up. It’s Harry, says he has some news on John’s whereabouts. Gives Paul an address.
Paul runs out the door and drives over. He arrives and stays in his car for a while, not sure what he’ll say when he gets to the door. He’s not even sure John will be happy to see him. He’s considering his next move when John comes outside for a smoke. Paul quickly hides his face in a map, trying to spy from behind its giant folds. He’s not very good, because as he’s snooping, John seems to squint at him. Pauls still not used to John's reliable eyesight, forgot he could probably see him even from this far away.
John starts to approach the car, and Paul begins to Panic. He tries starting to car but has to let go of the map to do that, and John spots him. He calls his name “Paul?!” Paul considers peeling out, but thinks the better of it, it was just give him away- and wouldn’t it be more embarrassing if he’d flown all the way to Los Angeles, was staking out John’s house, and then left all without saying a word to him?
So he resigns himself to having been caught, and rolls down the window. John goes white in the face. “You’re here.” He says, terrified.
“Yep.” Paul is sheepish. They’re uncertain how to start, John fully aware he’d run away from Paul without a note. Paul, fully aware he’d stalked John across the country.
After some awkward explanations, John climbs into Paul’s car. They go for a drive through Beverly Hills. They talk. John says he shouldn’t have run. Paul agrees, says he didn’t need to. John explains he was embarrassed. Paul is understanding, says he gets it, but that John never needs to be embarrassed with him. John asks if Paul is mad at him for what he did. “About the kiss?” Paul asks. John squirms uncomfortably at the question. “Do you think I’d follow you 5,000 miles just cause I was cross?” Paul smiles and reaches a hand to squeeze John’s knee. He feels stupid as soon as he does it, pulls away.
John tells Paul to pull off the road somewhere, they follow a dirt road for a while until they’re secluded and alone. They chat here, Paul asks why John ran away. John explains that he just wants to do what he wants to do for once, beholden to no one. John explains he just wants to do what makes him happy. Paul asks if what they did the other night was a part of that, if he was doing what made him happy. John is silent, nods.
They’re both very shy and very uncertain at first, but they turn towards each other and kiss. Its sweet and slow and devastatingly sober. Paul can feel everything, smell everything, hear everything. He’s nervous. He’s never felt this nervous kissing anyone before. Not even Linda. But John is gentle and kind and he can feel himself begin to relax. Their kiss gets heated and John finally reaches into Paul’s lap. Paul freezes and pulls away. “Fifteen years you wait, and you want this to happen in the backseat of a rental car?” John just nods and says he’d had Paul anywhere anytime at all, with a wink. They toss each other off in the backseat. they drive home in silence.
Paul drops John off at his lawyer's house, John says he’ll call him later. Paul goes back to his hotel room. He sits there alone for hours, going over what happened in the car. He feels like a teenager, horny just from the memory. He has a luxurious wank in the shower. Breathless and disbelieving at what happened between them.
He’s getting ready for bed when John bangs on the door of his room. John comes in and starts making out with Paul so furiously, it’s almost violent. Paul is equally as ferocious, they’re both finally ready for this. They have sex, it’s intense and horny and they say beautiful, nasty things to one another. ETC ETC ETC FLUFFY ENDING ETC ETC
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