#because he speaks for the trees
steggymus · 1 year
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ronan lynch = the lorax
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ghostdrinkssoup · 2 years
tried to type “eating people’s organs” in relation to hannibal but organs autocorrected to oranges so anyway hannibal au where everything is the exact same except hannibal can’t stop eating people’s oranges. he’s a local menace, breaking into backyards in the middle of the night and wreaking havoc because he picks all the citrus trees until there’s Nothing Left. one time he broke into someone’s kitchen and stole all their oranges AND orange marmalade. it’s fucked up and he doesn’t even care. he feeds people their own stolen oranges and they don’t even Know. he’s still a psychopath and he still gets imprisoned and in twotl will gets covered in orange juice and realises this is who he really is
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ashiistired · 5 months
John’s pronouns are he, not him, because he’ll never be him
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ofrabjousnight · 2 years
fantasy authors get so lazy about explaining why the bad guy is actually bad. like “this creature looks evil and wants to set things on fire” that describes me and half my friends
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that-guy-sleepy-miles · 6 months
Bullfrog: You are tossing and turning, mon ami. What's wrong?
Rayman: This is so not a tree branch...
Bullfrog: This is... eh, so not mud at the bottom of a lake...?
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eyesteeth · 4 months
the fact that it's specifically stated that faulkner lied when he said no one else knew about the house is so funny to me because
a) im used to things specifically mentioned in writing coming back and the idea of carpenter being like "well i know a place we can crash at" and her and hayward walking into the cabin and seeing faulkner n rane just standing there is unquestionably hilarious but also
b) it means that faulkner had to have told her about his past at some point and that means that when he asked to be her brother she had fully acknowledged the fact that faulkner killed one of his brothers in a traumatic misunderstanding he's reconstructed in his mind as a good thing As Well As the fact that her last brother died in an act of religious self-sacrifice, and said yes. with her little caveat. just mentally grabbing him by the collar like "listen. i don't want you to kill yourself for your god. and i hope you don't want to kill me for your god. and if either happens i am going to kick your ass in hell when both of us get there"
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saphira-approves · 10 months
So I’m watching the Star Trek: Picard show and uh
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PLEASE tell me she’s gotten calls from the Eragon tv show casting director, look at her and tell me that isn’t just our dearly beloved Arya Svit-Kona in space—
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the-eldritch-it-gay · 11 months
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Jasmin just aged up to elder (this sc taken shortly before that) and also became a 4 star celebrity. Career-wise she got to the highest level of Socal Media/Public Relations, which started her step into the spotlight. She then pivoted and became a chef which she again, managed to get to the top level of. She's also been a renowned archeologist since she was a young adult. And she has 4 children. And her parents died when she was a teen so she had to raise her younger siblings. She's sure come a long way and become an overachiever lmao.
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^ A slightly younger Jasmin and Ahmed in Selvadorada, where they've spent many of their years and regularly visit with their children.
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unproduciblesmackdown · 6 months
shake your hand in character ft. flashback joe iconis, cyril von miserthorpe, krampus, the fancy tree, mister macabee, quince, little evalina, debra neezer jolie, flashback joe jr., flashback mama, poinsettia, hot candy, clouds, santa, aunt lorette, rufus?
#bass boosting & blurring visuals as i go Aunt Lorette....what's next a rare peenie w/o the islanders jacket orange glasses#listening intently under the [clouds] handshake like his beloved aunt lorett(e) it does sure sound like. uncle giuseppino#who has to reveal the uncle peenie nickname b/c present tense joe finds his toddler self's mispronunciation embarrassing or what have you#opposite of posts like ''it must be so hard to be 70 yrs old a toddler calls you peepaw & that's your name for the rest of your life''#anyways maybe i misheard it Once & have been aunt lorettaing ever since lmao#haven't technically heard that many actual auditory uncle peenie aunt lorette/a intros#in fact sure could be spelling it like uncle pini or such the whole time but a) peenie's funnier; relevant; more obvious outside context#& b) it's like a toddler's mispronunciation so that justifies a like artistic / poetic translation choice there lol#joe iconis christmas extravaganza#cyril von miserthorpe#will roland#i was also wondering why giovanny's costume looked so similar to flashback joe abf's....well because he is flashback joe junior!!#whose flashback daddy was Not killed by flashback mama#ft. many others....thrown by [clouds? thought that was the personification of Hope] but other things are new/unknown to me ofc!#little evalina is the role who does not speak until singing all i want for christmas is you btw. last time ft. george as little evalino#or referenced in the extensively phyllidia krampus fancy tree featuring video there as The Silent Child whom will be made a Quiet Stew#hang in there rufus#quince not bringing up the eternal onehandedness ft. carrying it around lol....#oh hang on i bet i know what happened re: [was it aunt lorette the whole time] w/pertinent grammatical choices here already#hearing them introduced & outroduced as Aunt Lorette And Uncle Peenie & rebracketing Lorette And into LorettaAnd
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fagtainsparklez · 6 months
my mom’s been really into digging through our family tree and apparently we may be related to some like. super important founders of my home state?? she’s only found this info in one place so i’m encouraging her to do more research but. interesting if true
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thychesters · 1 year
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#wipwednesday! some zoro pov pining but not realizing acknowledging he is until he finally goes “oh. oh lmao.” or sanji kicks him in the head. whichever happens first. (this part is set right at the end of alabasta!)
there’s an awful lot of chest touching in this fic. a lot of “bro. you got a new scar bro. bro, u hurt bro. will it ever heal or will you carry this forever?” and chopper screaming “of course it’s not going to heal if you keep touching it!”
also called “the pine trees fic” because he’s PINING and an entire forest will grow before zoro admits anything. | text under the cut:
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” he says, voice barely above a murmur.
“S’okay,” Luffy says. “Whrrya doin’?”
“Said,” he tries to sit up a little, though it’s accompanied by a groan and Zoro gently nudging him to lie back down again, a small spark of panic shooting through his veins. He’s seen the wound for himself and knows it will haunt him for a while still: the bloody mess of Luffy’s body, the (commendable) knowledge that he fought in that condition, and that he wasn’t there. “Ah, what’re you doin’?”
“Came to check on you.”
“Oh. Okay. Yeah, I’m here,” Luffy says, eyes already slipping shut again. For a split second he thinks he’s fallen asleep, right up under a cool hand reaches for his own, fingers looping around his wrist. Luffy’s gaze is half-lidded as he looks up at him, somehow stern even on the cusp of unconsciousness. The same hand he drags toward his chest, toward the upper part of where the bandages lay, where his skin is warm to the touch and alive.
He’s met with a surprising amount of resistance, instead of the usual give in his flesh. As tactile a person he may be, he knows Luffy doesn’t like being touched. But now he finds he wants to pry as much as he can, wants to digs his fingers in and see how far his ribs bend, with a sick, twisted feeling that coils in his gut, like part of him wants to burrow himself into his chest, and all Luffy does is watch him with bleary eyes, blinking himself awake.
There is a reassurance in there he didn’t know he was looking for, and his next breath is smoother, though there’s a shakiness to the beginning of his inhale.
Luffy tugs again, a little more insistently this time, and so Zoro follows to settle down beside him. The mattress dips under his weight and his movements are awkward because Luffy refuses to let go of him, but he lies at his side, Luffy rolling his head on his pillow to face him and holding his hand against his chest.
Zoro can feel the rise and fall of it, the thump of his heart if he lets his fingertips press against the flesh a little more. Luffy’s asleep, snoring loudly in the next instant, but Zoro remains awake for a little while longer. With the cool desert breeze rolling in he could almost imagine them on a dinghy again, Luffy asleep beside him and limbs entangled as he keeps watch. He watches him longer still, even as his breathing evens out and he drools onto his pillow, and something hot and angry, scorching the back of his neck in the desert sun, crawls up the back of his ears, threatening to dig its nails into his hair and yank his head back to leave the column of throat exposed like a fool.
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kedreeva · 2 years
it always makes me sad when eddie scares the one girl in the cafeteria and is nice to the cheerleaders walking passed it seems he's only a gentlemen to pretty girls :/
That's a bit of a malicious reading, isn't it? The woman he purposely scares is old (or at least, older, a clear adult woman, not a student), and most likely a teacher or other authority figure- part of the Institution/System that Eddie is against and feels oppressed/hurt by. The girls he allows past with a small bow a second later are teens, and arguably victims of the same system as Eddie in a different way. At the very least, they are his peers, not one of his perceived oppressors.
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braveburned · 26 days
anyways this is the daily reminder that ggy is written from the perspective of a know-it-all tween detective trying to piece together a story he does NOT have all the parts for
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gayemeralds · 2 years
here's the thing about shadow: his role, as the protector/savior of the world, is already being utilized. there's someone else filling his role. sonic.
shadow fulfilling his goal of protecting the world would have been fine as a one off thing. shadow being the protector and dying valiantly thus fulfilled what gerald and maria originally intended for him. he kept his promise to maria, even at the ultimate cost.
but by bringing him back from the dead, sega brought about a very big question- what do we do with him now? the role he wants is already being filled. there's not really a need for him. so what's left for him?
i don't think sega honestly has a concrete answer. the route they seem to take is that shadow's trying to let go of his past but also keep maria's promise. but i think, for both fans and sega, that they put far too much emphasis on maria's promise. i don't think it's a satisfying arc for shadow to save the world just because he feels he has to, just because he promised he would, just because he was intended to do so. shadow 05 was all about a deep exploration into morality and identity. what is shadow, now that maria and gerald are no longer in his life? what is shadow, now that someone is already fulfilling the role of the hero?
personally, if i had been in charge, i would have put him on team chaotix. having shadow align with g.u.n. is frankly a bad move- the very same branch of government that literally killed shadow's family and is filled to the brim with corruption? i don't see shadow joining, not willingly. and i definitely don't see him joining as an alternative to being a hero. the commander and him still have a lot of unresolved conflict and there's the fact that g.u.n. KILLED maria and EXECUTED gerald.
i think him being a part of team chaotix would be a good compromise. shadow's allowed to let go of his past, to no longer live up to the expectations of others. he's not just fulfilling a role, he's not just doing what he was always originally intended to do- he's carving out his own path and his own identity but he's still able to keep maria's promise, just on a smaller scale. he helps the chaotix with smaller level cases, helps keep people smiling and happy, becomes a hero to the little people.
the chaotix could definitely help him loosen up and learn to create his own identity without worrying about other people's perception. shadow fufills his promise without compromising the idea of giving him a life separate to the one gerald and gun intended for him. he's not a weapon or a cure or a saviour or whatever. he can just be shadow.
#there is something quite lovely to me in the idea of weapon of revenge shadow the hedgehog#ends up being some guy that helps old ladies cross the street or gets cats out of trees#its about the choice of living a peaceful life after seeing so much hate and tragedy#its about being able to choose mundanity#its not about surviving or fighting or whatever#its about thriving#sega official speaks#i don't know#like im fond of the idea that shadow wants to keep his promise but i always HATE how much like..... spotlight/focus is on that aspect#i think its counterintuitive to have him only be a hero because of maria#i honestly don't think thats particualry canon#or at least wasn't the direction they were going with him until they jsut gutted his character into edgy sonic rival#in my mind he'd more of a bonus back up character#like he's plan b if something goes wrong with sonic#but he wouldn't be a part of the main cast#also i don't necessarily mind team dark as a family but i just don't really think they would be able to#and i stress#HEALTHILY give shadow a sense of identity while fufilling maria's promise#omega can teach shadow how to live beyond what his creators wanted from him#and rouge can teach him the value of selfishness#the value of your own life#but ultimately i don't think they would give him the color he's looking for#the two of them live VERY exciting lives too#and i think it would be nice for shadow to end up being a bit more mundane. still here to help but in his own way.#after years of thinking youre just a weapon or you just need to dish out revenge#years of straggling and uncertainty. i think he deserves a bit of peace. like emerl/gemerl did.#etc etc etc etc also i think it would be funny for shadow and charmy to be on the same team. thank you for your time
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pea-brained-idiot · 2 years
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moral orel au where orel accidentally crawls his way to his grandad's farm and he takes care of him and lets him stay in there to recover and to never return to moralton ever again and clay wakes up to raccoons stealing all of his equipment and food and he gets lost in the forest forever and gets mauled by a rabid bear and the vultures feast on his remains <3
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sockdooe · 2 months
Does anyone wanna talk about Shance aus or headcanons with me ;-;
Please I’ve been dying
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