#being better in this show isnt because you think your that great but because you understand how good the other is....
always-a-joyful-note · 3 months
I was just thinking again of Idolish7 and I think that the reason that the theme of legacy and carrying on the baton or becoming something better was done SO well was because it they approached it from that old adage about "paying it forward." It's like....yes, they are rivals and competing and doing this for themselves, but like Otoharu said in one of the story parts, the past isn't worthless because it gives us something to build off of and perhaps surpass (and it's good inspiration, too). And you can see that in addition to just being idols and creating music and making their own kinds of art for themselves, they're also doing this out of love for something from the past. Mitsuki with Zero, Sogo with his uncle, Tamaki for Aya, Iori for his brother, Riku because of his family and Tenn, Tenn for his family/Kujo, Momo and Yuki for the old Re:vale and Banri, Minami and Nagi for Sakura, also even Aya for the families that abandoned her and the new ones that gave her something, etc. Even people like Torao and Yamato, who kind of entered the industry purely out of "selfish" desires have an arc where they received kindness and now just want to pass it on.
To sum it up, by treating the past with respect and real appreciation, they can surpass it without trying to undermine its real impact and beauty.
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just-aro · 2 years
aphobes choose the weirdest shit to get mad at I swear
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timeisacephalopod · 1 year
I've kinda seen some pushback to the idea of representation in media and I don't necessarily think it's bad to point out actual rights are more important than Disney's thousandth first gay character that's fine, but I've had a LOT of people comment on my works about asexual characters and tell me what I wrote changed their life-and it's always that phrase- because they now have the language to describe what they feel. I've had people who ARENT ace or aro comment that what I wrote finally made a concept they didn't understand make sense, or that the way I explained things was interesting and enlightening and I'm kind of a mediocre writer who hasn't written anything in ages.
Like idk, if reading something from a writer who is fucking around and only somewhat talented can genuinely impact someone because they've not seen anything like them reflected back at them in life or media I don't think pushing for representation in media is as "needless" as some people seem to think and caring about that doesn't mean you don't care about more "important" (although if you think seeing people like you in media ISNT important it's because you already have that representation or are privileged enough to not care if you do, in which case maybe pipe down) stuff. Hell, I even got a Facebook message ages ago from someone who found a comment I left in an ace group about QPR's and what they meant to me and how I perceived them and the person no joke said what I wrote two years before they even found it changed their life forever because they finally knew what kind of relationship they actually wanted.
So like sure, of course there's always bigger fish to fry them diversity in media (you know, like diversity in real life lol) but I don't think it's as frivolous as some people are beginning to act like it is. At least not if you're an aspec person it's not, I STILL don't see ace characters almost ever and I'll bet my whole everything if I asked a writer of a show why they'd tell me that EVERYONE has to be in a sexual relationship and characters that aren't won't sell and are boring- I say this because in film school I had a teacher TELL ME every character needed to basically be sex obsessed and when I pointed out a GREAT MANY CHARACTERS are not revolved around sex (Supernatural stars two brothers, I pointed out) and when she asked if I had love interests I was like ??? That doesn't matter- using my aforementioned supernatural example almost all their love interests die or get mind wiped because at the end of the day that's not what the story was about. So actually I think writers who act like that teacher need like 50 reality checks, and representation in stories isn't unimportant and also support indie writers you'll probably find more funky shit there then Disney anyway lmao.
And also even the asexual characters I DO see in media don't remind me at all of myself even if I appreciate the effort, but they never feel real or genuine and their sexuality doesn't get a lot of exploration so 🤷🏻‍♀️ I actually could use more media focused on characters that I can genuinely see my sexuality reflected in in a meaningful and narratively impactful way because I've got nothing.
#winters ramblings#todd from bojack horseman im sure is SOMEONES version of asexuality but i dont see ANYTHING of myself in him#great character dont get me wrong but not relatable to me on any level including our shared sexuality#sex ed got a bit closer with their brief ace character although maybe she got more exploration in season three or four??#the latest one i havent watched lmao. but being closer and having a moment wjere shes told shes not broken#while DEEPLY vindicating isnt necessarily all im looking for either#like i wamt a REAL character thats ace or aro or both thats written by people who UNDERSTAND what theyre writting#not just well meaning people who dont know what theyre doing its kind of tiring#also idk why theres no dating shows with gay men because reality dating shows are ALL ABOUT who fucks who and who gets together#gay men would be hooking up ALL OVER THE PLACE and the DRAMA youd think reality tv freaks would be SALIVATING#but no none of that lmao. just ru pauls drag race and thats great it is like its not my bag but people love it#back on yrack though the weord blowback representation is getting is strange and its VERY clear to me#the people writing those posts havent gotten dozens on dozens of messages from people like them who found their writing#and haf their life altered forever for the better because someone who KNOWS what theyre talking about wrote a character like them#and it opened doors they never knew existed. doesnt even need to happen with fiction either i had a friend i had in toronto#tell me the info i sent to her on being aromantic changed her life- THAT'S the phrase i keep getting thats TELLING- because it describefld#described** how shes felt her whole life but didnt have words for. how frivolous IS representation if im getting these messages?#not very i dont think if some rsndom indie fic writer who hadnt written anything substantial in years can change someones life#REPEATEDLY might i add. ive been getting a LOT of messages like this lately and seeing this new bramd of discourse latetly too#like maybe YALL have enough that you dont care anymore but speak for your fucking selves
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snekdood · 1 year
Idrc if you wanna find the politics in every piece of media you consume but personally i dont really care to all the time like idk. Like idk sometimes i just wanna enjoy shit w/o constantly thinking about the underlying politics or whatever? Sometimes its hard to ignore if its super rw based but still, a lot of other shit i just feel like im investing more energy into this shit than was intended for most ppl like idk. The underlying political implications of spirited away. Idk i just dont really care lol
#its a movie about an emotional journey so uh thats kinda my focus there bud#also ngl it does feel like ppl bring up this argument so they can keep coming to conclusions abt what the creator meant by whatever#when sometimes its not for that reason or not that deep. idk. i do feel like some of yall are married to being paranoid that whatever ur#consuming will somehow make you take on entirely different politics?? idk. but ill be real consuming things w not perfect politics only#really solidifies in my head that im right when i *do* actually think its worth psychoanalyzing. or maybe i end up neing wrong#in my assumptions. either way. im ok w critical thinking and then also not feel this weird need to shit on the media constantly#like i loathe family guy. some of the jokes are funny. most of the show is horrible. i dont talk about it bc i dont care.#im sorry lol like. what do you want from me#ive already thought about what about the show i dont like. its politics etc. and i dont watch it. but thats bc its kinda hard to ignore#the constantly shitting on everyone energy of the show. w other shit like idk. dora or something like?? im not spending my time#looking for the political flaws really?? probably there to learn spanish lol#ig i personally find tearing apart media all the time and finding its flaws to be like. a hobby people engage in. but they seem to see it#like as... political action..? ig i can see that being good for something like harry potter or whatever. but sometimes its like idk what u#guys fuckin want from me. you want me to analyze every fucking thing i watch always and forever? because for me the problematic and#off putting politics come off bery obviously when they come up. but as far as a lot of childrens shows go? idk. ig id be more focused#on the plot than the politics..?#ig its bc i kinda feel like... this isnt political action to analyze media all the time.......#i think a better use of your time is learning what you can actually do to change peoples minds to be more progressive personally?#ig if you do that w a piece of media often co opted by rwingers or something like that then its cool but idk#ig i worry about shit like. 'spongebob is a fascist' type takes lol. ig i dont feel like this is like... a great way to move ppl to the#left. esp since the only ppl who are gonna read your media analysis on tumblr is other leftists who already agree with you :|
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mentos-or-mentoes · 3 months
Headcanons! Cult of the lamb
Leshy, Heket, Shamura, Kallamar, Narinder and The lamb.
(this will be in follower form for the bishops)
Dude is definetly not happy upon being indoctrinated into the cult.
Like first he gets killed by the lamb and NOW he has to follow their commands? Yeah to say the least he might be a bit annoyed at first.
When you first introduce yourself, he might be a little skeptical mainly because he was a bishop so what were you gonna do? Make fun of him? Pull a ''prank'' Just because you could?
Surprisingly, no! You were kind, just trying to get to know him better, and trying to get him to know the cult a little better.
He is forever greatful if you help him around the place.
If Leshy smells anything he thinks is something like a flower, then he might try and guide you towards them.
Mainly because it might be difficult picking them, when he cant see where the hell he's going.
9.5 / 10 hugs and you cant convince me otherwise.
He might be a bit moist because of all the stuff growing on him but he definetly smells nice. (or atleast i headcanon it as such).
He can and will be a living scarf if he REALLY craves your attention.
He will just snuggling up to you in the middle of whatever you were doing.
Heket was not the happiest when she awoke in the lambs cult to say the least.
Allthough she was hungry, (cant blame her tbh).
When you approached her and offered her a couple of berries as a little welcome gift you definetly became one of her favorites.
She probably didn't even want to try and care for someone that isn't her siblings, at this point.
She especially appreceates if you basically speak for her, mainly because you can get to the point (and the words) alot faster then her.
Heket will do absolutely anything to avoid you or anyone else finding out anything that embarrases her that isnt known, like her losing to the lamb.
She enjoys all meals with either you or her siblings.
If you pick her up in front of others for no reason you are getting the frog equivilent of a bitch slap.
She does still have a reputation to uphold to prevent the followers from being too cruel even as a member of the cult.
Okay but seriously, Heket is basically your knight in shining armor.
Someones bothering you? just tell Heket, and she will take care of it.
She loves it when you bring her snakcs while waiting for a meal to be done whenever you cook.
Can and will pass you notes of what she wants you to say to someone, if she's really annoyed bcause of something they did.
Might be dissapointed if you rephrase it, to not be as rude as what she wrote.
Them always seeking knowledge was definetly one of the things that allowed you to bond with them quickly.
You telling them about things they might find interesting, and them sharing some of the things they remember.
Shamura likes it when you remind them of small things they might forget.
They also like sharing stories of their past with you, or giving you small gifts.
Not that they cant defend themselves against other cult members who might be looking for payback (they probably can't).
But you talking some sense into the cultists heads definetly does not go unoticed.
Shamura probably does like cuddles, especially when comforting them.
Might forget that you gave them something and try to return it to you.
If you remind them, then well they'll probably feel a bit ashamed that they forgot one of your gifts.
Please comfort Shamura if this happens.
(sorry i couldn't come up with much for them Shamura fans).
Kallamar is a very nervous person so you showing them kindness was definetly unexpected.
you being nice? To him, and this quickly? You must be plotting something, he thought. but when you continuesly kept showing kindness and defended him from any rude cult members, he quickly realized that it wasn't the case.
he likes it alot when you reassure him that everythings gonna be fine. This man isn't much for standing up for himself. So if you do stand up for him, when other cultists come to do whatever they'd wanna do, he'll be very thankful.
If you went through the trouble of learning sign language just to communicate with him easilier his heart basically melts (not literally though).
He loves holding your hand. he likes the comfort of you being around.
expect him to be with you for a majority of the time.
will hug you whenever he feels nervous if he is allowed to (usually he is).
If he's trying to talk to you about something personal he'll usually use sign language with you when alone.
Kallamar spends so much time with you that half of his stuff is probably at your place.
He was not letting anyone even try and converse with him, after his indoctrination.
Not like people were gonna try anyway, considering what he tried to do.
But theres always someone different, and that just so happened to be you.
You kept trying to start a conversation, pestering him untill he finally tried to actually speak with you.
He wasn't very happy when he finally did start talking.
Despite that you just kept coming back.
Soon he actually started trying to engage the conversations, not really having much else to do.
Small conversation became a small friendship.
Soon Narinder found himself actively trying to spend time with you , and you were more then happy to do so.
Atleast the place wasn't as bad now for Narinder.
This dude is for close to anything but PDA (Public displays of affection).
Will purr if you hug him.
Narinder will never admit it but he's a total cuddle bug when in private.
Will do anything to prevent the lamb from finding out because he already knows he's gonna get teased for eternity the second they find out.
May or may not actively seek you out if he's getting really needy for some cuddles.
Will have orange cat level stupid behavior if he somehow gets his hands on catnip.
The lamb / Lambert.
upon first meeting you, for whatever reason you were wandering around the lands of the old faith, they immidietly asked if you wanted to become part of their cult.
Likes your dedication to the crown and the cult
If you're especially dedicated to the cult then they might read your mind (and might find out you're in love but who knows).
Definetly tries to become closer with you.
They might ask if you wanna go on walks to take a break from all the work.
If you have any problems then the lamb will be willing to do just about anything to help (not everything though).
The lamb definetly makes the first move.
They shower you in gifts, kisses and cuddles whenever they're not busy.
Will do a marriage ritiual as soon as you feel comfortable with it.
Will spend lots of time with you in their free time.
You're probably being put in charge of taking care of things whenever they go on crusades, mainly because they trust you the most.
Doesn't have alot of time when they're not working but they spend almost every second that they're not busy beside you
Expect surprise hugs.
Lots and lots of surprise hugs.
Alot of people are probably both jealous and happy for you because of you being with the lamb.
The lamb does not care because they got the most wonderful person in the world as their partner aka you <3.
(Hope you enjoyed my first ever headcannons)
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weebsinstash · 4 months
big big spoilers for the hazbin hotel finale below
-ok so I fucking. I fucking KNEW ADAM WORE A MASK. I KNEW it was weird that Lute had a human face, but, Adam is like a higher being, so, I wasn't sure? But sure enough it's a helmet
-not me having thoughts about shape-shifting playful goofy little Lucifer BRAGGING TO ADAM'S FACE ABOUT STEALING HIS GIRL AND EATING HER OUT AND HER LOVING IT. AND THEN? Would have ended his fucking life if Charlie hadn't stopped him and then he's like "How's mercy feel bitch" also demon form hot
-I feel like maybe Alastor has a contract with Eve instead of Lilith...
--I love how Emily is so excited and Sera looks EXHAUSTED SHE HATES THIS SHE HATES CHARLIE IS RIGHT
-Lilith though, you-you BITCH, you horrible mom and shit wife, what the fuck is this deal Lute is talking about? Did you vaguely sell out your family to vacation in Heaven with some sort of deal they don't kill them, but now that they're getting involved, Lilith needs to make them stop?
-either way, bitch. I'll take your husband off your hands then-- (I'm kinda suspicious why they didn't show her eyes but maybe it was just because she isnt speaking or anything yet....)
-- i agree with Vox honestly the other Vees should have been more hype but he really was doing a little Too Much. But also missed opportunity with all three of them. I'm thinking of a journalist kinda reader or blogger reader or whatever whos better at making informative videos and personal documentation of these events. Surprised Velvette wasn't blogging about it and I'm especially surprised Valentino didn't seem to care if anything happened to Angel? Also not enough Val singing :( it was too brief and kinda sucked and I've heard a little of Joel's other works and he can definitely sing
Either way what a great finale and I'm sad the show is over. I know a second season is confirmed but maybe we'll get a third after that? 🥺 or a spin off? Well have to see... I'm getting sleepy so the ideas and posting will have to wait for tomorrow
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WIBTA if I didn’t let my friend bring their partner to social events?
We are all in our 30s and all trans/NB/queer. My friend (B) and I have known each other nearly 20 years, and over those years they’ve had a rough dating history. They’ve had several emotionally and mentally abusive or neglectful partners, further details about that I won’t give here. I’ve met most of them and they’ve always disliked me for various reasons (usually they were just jealous of the place I held in their life).
Recently though, B seems to have found someone who makes them happy (we’ll call them T) and T treats them better than their previous partners. Which is great! I’m happy for B. But I find T insufferable.
Granted, I don’t have to see T very often, but when I do its always uncomfortable.
The first time I met T they trauma dumped immediately. In the first half hour I knew all about their horrible family but couldn’t tell you any hobby or interest they had. We were in a very public place and I didn’t feel it was the most appropriate topic to get to know someone, but I tried to relate with my own stories all the same. However, T always had to “one up” every story I told. it felt like a “whose childhood was worse” competition.
The second time we all hung out T ignored me completely, really only hanging around and talking to B. Since it was B’s birthday I didn’t really mind at all. Plus, we were at a beercade so everyone was kinda off doing their own thing. But even when we all sat down they just kinda threw looks my way but didnt say a word to me.
But most recently I had hosted a halloween party (it was only 8 folks so tiny party) where B and T both showed up. When T asked me how work was going I started with what I felt was a normal “Ah yeah, it sucks but—” and before I could say anything else they spoke over me to say
“Yeah you’ve mentioned you hate your job every time I’ve seen you so thats sort of my only impression of you :/ ”
(a possibly important side note: B and T are both doing things that they enjoy but have to hustle a bit to make ends meet whereas I have a full time retail job through which i have insurance so leaving isnt as easy for me since I have more tied up in my job than just a paycheck)
This really pissed me off, as not only is being interrupted a huge pet peeve, but there are aspects of my job I enjoy. I just never got to talk about them because the conversation would either divert or we would just stop talking altogether. Also the way they came across felt pretty judgmental.
T then proceeded to spend the rest of the evening talking about everything from the movie to the snacks with therapy speak and trauma processing. (ex: I think I’m locked into this movie because it might’ve been a safe haven for me during my childhood and I just dont remember watching it but I can feel its importance to me) And only ever to B, never engaging with anyone else.
(another note: they are not the only one at the party with anxiety. two of my other friends have severe social anxiety and while maybe a little awkward were still able to hold casual conversations. no one was a stranger to anyone at the party)
This also meant that I didn’t get to spend any time with B during the party either, which was a shame cause I see them so rarely.
I understand that trauma processing is important and its great if you have someone in your life that can help you. It does not need to happen every where all the time. And I’m worried that B might be getting taken advantage of like they have in the past (in the sense that they have to do all the emotional legwork in the relationship and get very little of that effort back).
I’m tired of catering to this attitude and I don’t enjoy being around them, so I no longer want to involve them in group events I host.
would that make me an asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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vhagarlovebot · 1 year
Hi!! I was wondering if you could write something for aegon along the lines of aemond and reader are married but bc aemond wants to give her space and “spare” her of his company and doesnt wanna scare her bc of his appearance and demeanor they dont talk at all and theyre like strangers, sort of like aemond thinks he’s doing the right thing by leaving her be but in reality she just wants to be loved by her husband and one day aegon finds her sobbing about aemond bc she just wants to be loved by him. Bc shes crying abt his “perfect” brother he feels better abt himself bc hes thinking “my brother isnt the perfect son” and so he decides to befriend her and they kind of bond over the fact that theyre both really lonely in kings landing. Ik this is probably rlly off for his character tbh so if you dont want to do it thats okay! Ik some ppl r really iffy abt writing abt aegon so if thats the case just ignore the ask im sorry to bother! But I love ur writing sm and hope u have a great day~
gwen’s note: i need to say this before writing your req because it is important to me. but i really think aegon, as well as many other characters from hotd, is very complex. however we can’t overlook the awful things he’s done, that’s why i think that the only way of writing him is by trying to understand from where it comes, why he is the way he is, etc. (but not defend him, never defend him for being a rapist) and diverge from his character. hotd writers made it really hard to sympathize with him given that the first scene they gave us of older aegon was THAT scene. and again, i would never defend aegon from what he did, that is inexcusable, it does not matter how much he suffered or how alone he feels, he should have never done that. that is why if i write aegon i would always try to get as close as possible to what i think of this complex character (just as i have been doing with aemond) and always have his feelings and experiences in mind, i will never minimize what he and everyone has been through. and bc in fanfic you can write whatever you want, i’ve been saying that since the beginning. aegon is not a good person but i believe that if they give him a chance, he would definitely try to be better. and i fully believe that aegon has a heart and deep down he cares, we see glimpses of that in the show. so after saying that, if i diverge from what the show has showed us about aegon or what YOU think about him, remember that everyone has their own opinions and if you don’t like them, be respectful and simply block me (this is not directed at you but to everyone in general). hope you enjoy! <3
crying in public was not a good idea, but being under the weirwood tree made you miss home.
“do you feel well?” a man’s voice startles you, and you are quick to wipe the tears still falling from your eyes, trying to pull yourself together before turning around.
you are surprised to see prince aegon standing a few feet away from you, genuine concern on his face.
you want very hard to say yes but you can’t say the words, so you just simply shake your head as more tears start falling from your eyes.
aegon doesn’t know what to do. he never knows what to do when someone cries in front of him, he’s not used to this kind of behavior. he can’t remember a time when someone from his family cried in front of him and he comforted them. or if they comforted him. because that never happened. so he doesn’t know if he should keep walking and leave you alone, or ask what’s happening. however, his legs are moving towards you before he can make a decision.
and you don’t know what to do. should you excuse yourself and run out of there? but your legs don’t move and your eyes can’t leave his face, lilac gaze studying your body, but not in a creepy and sexual way. it’s also the first time you and the prince are alone and you thought when that happened, you would feel uncomfortable, rumors fly fast inside and outside the red keep and prince aegon is the main protagonist in all of them. however you feel strangely calm.
“does this have to do with my brother?” aegon dares to ask. he knows your marriage is not an easy one, mostly because aemond is very cold towards you. he has seen you alone together just a couple of times and in all of them you’ve been looking sad and uncomfortable while his younger brother showed nothing with his expression.
it is sad to know prince aegon knows why you’re sad. does everyone in the red keep notice how unhappy you truly are?
aegon sits beside you, his hands on his lap as you move away making space for him on the little bench.
“i just feel so… alone.” you let your guard down, after all he is the one asking and you so desperately need someone to talk to, anyone, and if that person turns out to be the prince, then so be it.
aegon laughs bitterly, looking to his feet playing with a few leaves that had fallen from the tree. he knows that feeling too well, he has been feeling alone his whole life.
“and— and i can’t say anything to him because he doesn’t listen to me. it’s like i’m talking to a wall.” you sob, wiping your nose with the back of your hand.
prince aemond is your husband. but he’s also a total stranger too. you barely talk, he almost never looks at you and you haven’t consummate your marriage, something everyone is expecting for you to do. but how are you supposed to do it when he openly shows how much you bother him?
“i’m a burden to him!” you hide behind your palms, tears still falling from your eyes.
aegon feels a little better to know that his brother is stuck in a loveless marriage just like him. they might be very different but neither of them were able to escape from duty.
however, aegon feels something weird growing in his chest, something that doesn’t make him feel that much better. not while knowing that you’re hurting because of his brother.
aegon parts his lips, debating whether or not to say what he has not say to anyone. ever. because open up to someone is not something aegon targaryen has done before, he’s pretty good at hiding his feelings in a bottle of liquor. or a couple.
“i feel alone, too.” aegon looks for the right words but they don’t come to his mind and he feels very vulnerable. “i am a burden to everyone. my family. the servants. my own father doesn’t want anything to do with me.”
what the prince says is no surprise to you. you’ve heard the servants talking about the prince and how they wish to never be in the receiving end of one of his outbursts.
“see?” he says and you lift your gaze, turning to look at him, who is already looking with his lips curved in a small smile. “we have something in common! we’re not entirely alone.”
the kind gesture of prince aegon of trying to make you feel better is not something anyone would do, not in king’s landing at least, much less by saying something so personal. but it makes you smile through your tears.
it is strange, sitting on a bench with aegon targaryen, talking and being vulnerable. this definitely wasn’t on your list this morning when you woke up, but it is something you’re always going to remember.
“now,” aegon says, drawing out a handkerchief and holding it out to you. shyly, you accept it. “i am sure you miss home and i have nothing else to do… so why don’t you tell me everything i need to know about winterfell?”
your heart fills with pride and longing. and as you wipe your tears you start telling him about those cold and happy days of your childhood while prince aegon listens very closely.
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familyagrestefanblog · 8 months
Hot take: Toxinelle's design for the most part isnt as great as everyone makes it out to be, much less it being groundbreaking or the best emo design, since it's barely anything new at all:
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it's just her head that's amazingly designed and the fact that Ladybug's regular suit honestly couldn't set the bar any lower.
Griffe Noire on the other hand is actually punk through and through. Not giving a single shit what you think of his look and being the punkest bitch by even going with a feminine-coded name in the french original bc he doesn't care about your single-minded bs when you for some reason automatically think he MUST be female just because he has two "e"s in his name:
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One of these two got one hell of a save design where barely a single risk was taken so she remains universally pretty for every viewer
And the other one actually was allowed to embody a whole new fashion style and life style, that fits perfectly as an extension of his OG character, merely things went south.
In my opinion there is no competition who got the better character design.
It's the one that actually does something for the character besides looking pretty, cool and being inoffensively save.
I'll give you a hint: it ain't Toxinelle.
Just to clarify this, I'm not saying I fell out of love for Toxinelle's design to be a b*tch. I'm saying it from the stands of me wanting the show to put the same amount on effort into Marinette's designs as Adrien's.
Griffe Noire is allowed to be straight up punk and yet the most I can give Toxinelle is that her design is Gothic-INSPIRED:
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Again, her head is the most well designed part and especially the mask going underneath her chin, the amazing hair style and the conveniently fitting red-black color scheme works perfectly for Gothic.
As are her already incorporated gloves, the fact that she's wearing a mask in the first place and her dark makeup. Especially her vampire red eyes (like Monarque Bug, I love that detail) and I'll also give credit to how the upper red part of her body suit looks like a sleeveless dress and the little Ladybug symbol looking like a necklace.
All that combiened with her overall Gothic-elegance shows how AMAZING Toxinelle could have looked if they had for once taken an actual risk with her and prioritized what the fashion style is actually supposed to be over her looking universally pretty for every viewer.
I'm being nitpicky here because of how frustrating I find it that Griffe Noire has such a phenomenal character design, straight up one of the best in the show, and yet Marinette is still stuck with the same one-layer body suits a la "just this time the stripes go to the left"
Character design is not decided by if EVERYONE thinks they look great. The priority is what the character design does for the character. It's visual story telling.
I personally dress much more like Juleka or Emo Marinette in real life and yet in my opinion it's still crystal clear that Rose as Pigella has one of the best hero character designs because of how unapologetically ROSE it is:
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I personally don't have to want to wear it or even like it at all to think it's one of the best ones because of the simple fact that this design embodies Rose's PERSONALITY (as does her whole transformation) and tells me more about her.
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Especially in direct comparison with Griffe Noire, or even civilian emo Adrien probably wearing his dead mother's jacket while Adrien HAS TO keep dressing more low-key, Toxinelle barely tells me a thing about this Marinette's personality besides "slay Queen"
Because there IS no personality. The most you can get out of this is her being even more uptight and closed off because of how her collar directly blends into her mask, keeping her in a visual choke hold.
But that's mostly it. For Griffe Noire they explicitly went with punk fashion, meaning everything punk stands for can now be put into new context with Adrien.
But Toxinelle barely embodies a fashion style, she's just Gothic-INSPIRED (at most). And that's such a shame because Gothic, especially if you wanna use it in a darker way, was a PERFECT fashion style to utilize here.
The most common Gothic styles are inspired by Victorian funeral wear and give off an aura of authority, seriousness and melancholic detachment, being kept in the past (this is in no way meant as generalization, fashion is complex)
In what reality COULDN'T we have gone with that for Toxinelle? She would have been the perfect complimentary style for Griffe Noire by her side.
And we don't even need to go with a dress. Gothic women wear pants too:
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Can you imagine how amazing she could have looked as an actual goth? How much visual story telling through FASHION they could have put into her design when the evil Ladybug is a vampire goth whose fashion is inspired by funeral wear??
Yes, I AM pissed.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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burntb4bydoll · 1 year
can you please write hc’s of tom or bill having a volleyball girlfriend😭 i barely see anything w them and having a sporty partner💔
Yes i can!! Im sorry if this isnt super realistic, im definitely not very sporty😭 BUT i do love sporty and athletic people, i think being good at sports is pretty impressive💅🏻😇
Kaulitz twins with a volleyball player gf headcanons
Bill Kaulitz
•oh boy
•he does not understand how to play volleyball in the slightest
•after he gets the main idea of it he gets so excited to see you play!
•definitely makes the rest of the band come to watch your games too
•HE CHEERS SO LOUD FOR YOU🤭 and he gets a little embarrassed after when people around him start to stare, but he doesn’t stop because hes such a proud bf and wants you to hear his words of encouragement 😇
•hes probably more excited than you if you win a match
•imagine a middle aged mother trying to record their kids game…ya thats Bill. Half of the video is just his finger taking up half of the screen while hes swearing in German because he cant get the right angle 😭 HES TRYING HIS BEST OK?
•hes such a sweetheart if you lose tho:( he tells you that you did great even if you didn’t win, and reminds you need to lose a few times in order to get better
Tom Kaulitz
•he probably understands it a little bit
•secretly looks up the rules of volleyball to make it seem like he already knew how to play (you caught him looking it up, but hes unaware of that so dont tell him😭)
•definitely forces Bill to come with so that he can show off his “super hot girlfriend”
•he takes so many pictures of you while you play and shows his family how good you are at it
•it doesn’t matter if you win or lose, he always buys you flowers and ice cream after a match🤭 hes just so proud of you and buying you things is how he expressed that
•he watches you with the biggest smile on his face, only looking away if someone mentions the lovesick look on his face cuz he gets embarrassed😇
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tillthelandslide · 1 year
Unbelievably So - Matty Healy Fic
He lies on his bed, his bare back against the soft comforter she insisted they bought. His right arm is hooked around her shoulders, her head resting gently against his chest. Her fingers trace the tattoo under his rib, his caresses the part of her arm he can reach, pressing soft kisses to her head. A cigarette sits unsmoked on his bedside table, aside it a scented candle is alight, it was something sweet, Matty didn't care for them but they reminded him of her.
He sighs deeply and this alerts her, her head flicks upwards checking he's okay and it wasn't an unhappy sigh. He smiles down at her, knuckles find her cheek and smooth across the surface. Fingertips grip her chin, tugging her towards his awaiting lips, they merge and her sigh becomes his.
"You okay?" She murmurs against his lips once he pulls away, the kiss quenching his need for her for now.
"I'm happy" he says simply, his shoulders shrug and he lets out a laugh, as if the phrase was amusing. Her face lights up at this, it pleases her soul to know when he's with her he's happy. Truly happy. She doesn't speak yet, knowing he might want to rant for a bit, something she knows helps quiet his ever loud mind.
"For years I always put this pressure on finding what makes me happy. I thought 'making it', selling out shows, being successful would make it happy. And it did... Partly. But once it wasn't there anymore I felt shitty.... Whether I'm with you or not, I'm happy now, incredibly so. You've made my soul happy" he says and she smiles.
"I love you" she says simply and it's enough for him. He appreciates how she knew he didn't need her to say much, he needed her too listen, to understand and she did.
"And now everything else feels better. We're making great music and it's not about what it used to be about. We don't care if there's seats empty, or if some people don't like the songs. We like it and you like it. Right?" He asks and she nods.
"Yeah" he smiles, looking at the ceiling, her lips press against his chest, his fingers find her chin again, he gently presses against it, pushing her face upwards until her eyes meet his.
"You're happy right?" He asks, a slight, unsure frown resting against his lips.
"Unbelievably so" she says, she hesitates. He knows she's about to ask one of her infamous hard hitting questions. Another reason why he loved her. Most people wouldn't ask him the questions they knew he'd struggle to answer. They'd think he was too fragile to answer them. She pushed him and made him answer them and in turn it healed parts of him. At the beginning of their relationship, Matty would get annoyed, thinking she was being pushy, he soon realised he never answered them because he didn't want to have to admit certain things weren't right.
"What would happen if this was to end? You'd still be happy right? Your happiness isnt dependent on me right? She asks and he pauses for a few minutes, thinking about her question.
"Would you be happy if we broke up?" He asked, turning it back on her, something he sometimes does to deter from the question.
"I'd obviously be heart broken, I love you, truly and I never want it to end and it won't. But for the sake of the slim chance it does, purely hypothetically... My whole existence, my... I wouldn't die. I just don't want all your happiness to be dependent on me... Because mine isn't" her words seem harsh but he understands them and understands why she's asking this.
"I'd like to think I would still be happy in the end still.... But I love you so fucking much and I honestly think it would break me. I suppose my life wouldn't be totally fucked though... It wasn't just you and your presence in my life that made me happy... You were like this catalyst, you sparked this idea ... You made me realise that being negative about life is shit... You changed what I valued. You made me value the smaller things more, like the band and my mates and the beauty of the world... So I suppose, if you were to leave, that would hopefully remain and I would be happy... In the end" he explained and she nodded. He felt another wave of relief hit him, he loved the realisations you unfolded in him.
"In the end" she agreed. He pushes at her waist, turning her on her back as he moved to hover over her, his grip on her waist tighten slightly and she let out a little giggle.
"Yeah after months if not years of being depressed that I lost you" he jokes, her fingers push back the parts of his hair that flop in front of his face.
"God the guys would hate you, mopey Matty annoys them" she jokes and they both laugh. "They'd hate me more thoufh" she says seriously.
"They could never. And I could never'
"It's not going to happen though, you won't lose me" she says and he nods, they both truly believed it, leaning down to connect their lips. The kiss is sweet but firm and always passionate.
Their lips move like clockwork, each knowing the others like a map. His tongue makes a calculated swipe against her bottom lip and her mouth opens on instinct. His tongue finds hers and they mold together easily, moving naturally against one another. She sighs as his hand moves down from her waist, gripping her hip and pulling her upwards, her body arched, their cores flushed against each other. Matty groans into her mouth, breaking away for a breather. Her lips quickly find his neck and his hips move harshly against hers. Her sighs, moans and groans have him hardening to a painful extent.
'Im yours" she murmurs against his ear, something she knows he just thrives off of.
"Fuck, say it again" he murmurs, lips moving back to hers.
"I'm yours" she repeats, lips moving quickly against his again, not allowing much time to pass without them being connected.
"Your mine" he confirms. His lips smash against hers again.
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itgomyway · 9 months
former limiting beliefs i used to hold and how i let them go ♡
(disclaimer: these are based off of my own experience! share yours on your own blog 🥰)
“the 3d HAS to reflect the 4d just understand you have it in your 4d no matter what.” um there is no separation between the 3d and 4d when you are already 1 being (consciousness). theres no need to live in a separate entity known as imagination when its the same as the “3d” anyways. the concepts of “imagination” “physical world” or “3d” are just false forms of consciousness youve made up and personified it as real. they are not. only you are.
“the more you repeat your affirmations the more likely they will come” theres nothing to “do” or say that will bring me my desires since i am everything i already am my desires. the idea of “doing” anything to “get something” outside of me doesnt make sense when its all in me. affirmations can be used to “bring things to your awareness” but understand the affirmations themselves are STILL not bringing you anyway. just making you aware of things.
“dont check the 3d! you’ll be in a state of lack/showing yourself you dont have it!” PLS GIVE ME A BREAK?? why the fuck are you telling urself you are with someone but afraid to check their socials or for their notifications? either date someone u like or you dont think you have it. because lets be honest. if you really were in a relationship with your desired person the idea of “checking the 3d”- which u already claim IS your 4d- shouldnt be an issue. and if it is then something aint right but i wont judge!
“youre in a state of neutrality if you dont care ab not getting your desires and you dont have them” damn yall strict asf. you cant even be indifferent without it meaning something. you either have it or you dont. if im indifférent its bc i have it why stress? fucking decide already
“neville taught ab non dualism!” here we go. then why tf did you misinterpret his words like that and make it sound obnoxious? i believe he did, just like his teacher, teach non dualism (the power of awareness by him is great) but his teachings are a far cry from the nonsense most of you spew in his name. and dont even get me started on how neville used to refer to the law of assumption as the “law of consciousness” but i digress. if you separate yourself or any aspects of being then it isnt non dualism.*
going into my next point “you HAVE to read source to understand!!” i am so glad most of the law of assumption community is breaking free from this mindset cuz you infact do not HAVE to read anything. if you are the operant (main) power doesnt this mean you are your own source? oh i thought so…
“work on your self concept to manifest your sp if you dont have them your sc is shitty” well it wasnt shitty til you told me i had work to do 💀. once again there is NOTHING you need to do but “be”. working on your sc can help u feel better ab yourself for sure but its not required!
for supposedly limitless beings, a lot of yall are very limited. be careful who you get your advice from because personally i wouldnt take after someone whos too scared to text their sp- oops i mean significant other. (disclaimer: once again not bashing loa just the users who can’t decide that they believe and switch every other day. very common on law of assumption twitter!)
if you realize youve been limiting yourself this whole time and now youre like “what now-“ well as ive stated before, theres STILL nothing you need to do. youre not missing anything. this isnt a blog on why you dont have your desires, i cant tell you the answer im not your creator. (you also are everything so you in fact have your desires)
like non dualism, i hope to share this way of life with you as you’re not getting anything so theres no need for limitations. LIVE YOUR LIFE. if someone is advising you to fear your own power then ignore them cuz wtf! life is suppose to be fun not a rule book!
*disclaimer: i have nothing against neville goddard. i really like some of his teachings. however i would never go to one of his living students for advice, ESPECIALLY on twitter. not only do most parrot the same limiting beliefs he himself didnt hold, but most are obnoxious about the topic of the law of assumption. i don’t even “manifest” but if i were trying to and had them to go to I’d probably cry. if you really wish to read “source”, read The Power Of Awareness by Neville Goddard and Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle 💜 learn from the teachers themselves FIRST <3
© itgomyway
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flightfoot · 6 days
Ur a pretty fair voice in my opinion when it comes to the whole mess in miraculous. Would you mind telling me what your favorite things are about Marinettes appreciation of Chat Noir in Canon? Not fanon, CANON.
I'm still grieving LadyNoir and recently I'm feelin very down in life in general and now I don't have my comfort show and ship anymore the way I used to love them for.
The way Marinette treats Chat Noir in and outta her transformation never stops hurting my poor broken LadyNoir heart n as much as I wished I could love the potential of her love for him as I once did, it just feels so paper thin and shallow to me now after everythin this show did.
The show is clearly trying to have her feelings for him be smth now, but for me it never seems to go beyond her infamous vague heart eyes the show likes to hav her throw around for damage control & surface level appreciation of his presence when she has to. But if you'd tell me that she still has no real feelings for him, I would believe u, cause he as a person doesn't truly matter at any given moment her words have to MEAN something more than a vague "<3" she's never asked to back up with anything worthwhile (srry, I know you've heard that complaint a million times before. It's at least comforting to know that others feel the same)
Wasn even her taking any interest in Chat for his person in the first quarter of season 5 only caused by Marinette wantin to proof Alya wrong and that her love for him instead of Adrien is real and valid? That's so disheartening...
Going through the tags isnt helping either, cuz most i find it is either much more fanon than Canon, or it's in line with Chat prrty much being her servant now instead of her finally giving care back
Idk, I hope I'm not bein too much of a downer. So imma get back to my question now. Maybe u can help me see Canon in better light again.
Could you tell me what you like most bout Marinettes and Ladybug's connection with Chat Noir? Things she does for him, what she values in him and so on and so forth?
I like the times we see her getting upset when Chat's hurt, or when she comforts him when he's clearly not feeling good. I adored how angry and upset she got in Timebreaker when Chat was "killed" in front of her for the first time, how she suddenly became more vicious. She doesn't want to lose him.
Or like, for times when she's comforted Chat, I adore how calmly and patiently she spoke to Chat in Reverser, after his courage was taken away, how she gently coaxed him where he needed to go. I took great solace in that, the first time I rewatched that episode, since I'd been exposed to a lot of Saltinette at the time, and I needed the reminder that Marinette does, in fact, care about people, even when it's inconvenient.
While I wish that Marinette had really thought through Chat's potential reaction to someone new showing up with her Miraculous without warning, I DID love that Marinette had this long list of protips. I especially liked this one:
Marinette: (v.o) Protip 33: When Cat Noir tells a joke, try to laugh at it even if it isn't funny. It makes him happy.
Even in episodes where I have a problem with the way Marinette conceives of Chat Noir, I generally still like elements of it. Like even in Ephemeral, while I think it was very, very wrong for her to try to trick Chat the way she did, she WAS doing it because she didn't want to risk Su-Han taking Chat's Miraculous from him. Or in Kuro Neko, when she didn't want to give the miraculous back to Plagg to give to Chat Noir, because she was afraid they'd end up back in this same situation, and she didn't want to keep hurting him.
At her core, Marinette cares about Chat's feelings and wants him to feel good, to be happy. The issue comes from her not seeing things from his perspective, from being terrible at reading him. Marinette has a lot of compassion towards Chat Noir, she just doesn't understand him.
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safetycar-restart · 7 months
okay so all i can think about rn for corruption kink is like poly!vr46 like you and bezz teaching the omegas on how to get through their heats if you guys for some reason can’t be there. like you’re all curled up in the nest and one of the pups just starts grinding against you because he needs help and he’s just so horny and wants his alpha to fix it and make it better.
corruption kink also lowkey fits sub!oscar like he’s just so subby and doesn’t know what to do and he just wants his dom to help him but she’s far away for some reason so he facetimes her and is like help meeeeeee. so she teaches him how over the phone?
i don’t know it’s all just kinda brain rot atm but have a good day!
Listen if this is your idea of brainrot then please continue because oh my god this is great. I’m gonna discuss each of these ideas, because of course.
(For context, this is an au we discuss sometimes where Bez and reader are alphas and the rest of the academy are all omegas. You start off just dating Bez but slowly you and Bez kinda become the joint alphas for the entire academy)
So firstly, Bez would be SO into the idea of corrupting his cute omega pack mates. He LOVES wrecking them, isnt finished with them until they’re covered in cum and unable to remember their own names. So corruption kink? Absolutely.
I think it starts off pretty organically? Like you don’t plan it, but one day you and Bez are cuddling with Cele and discussing when Cele’s next heat is. You both realise that while you’ll try your best to get there, there’s a genuine chance Cele might have to spend the first day or two on his own.
And he is NOT pleased with this at all. Especially not because just the week before you and Bez had tagged teamed and fucked Pecco silly during his heat. Cele wants the same!!!
You try to reassure him that you’ll be there as soon as you can and remind him that he can look after himself. Bez pipes up then, telling Cele he can use dildos on himself and make himself cum over and over again.
Which of course gets Cele a little riled up and then suddenly you’ve got a whiney, pouty omega grinding against you and asking what he must do to himself. And Bez, the master of dirty talk, is more than happy to educate Cele on the things he can do, whispering absolute filth into his ear. While he does this, you move your hands to Cele’s hips and start directing his grinding, basically making him hump your thigh.
The poor thing leave a little puddle of slick on your thigh when he cums.
(And then a few days later you have all the other omegas demanding the same attention because they heard what you and Bez did to Cele)
Yeah he’s such a subby baby!! He gets into this headspace where he just feels completely useless and dumb? And then even though he’s rock hard and more than capable of jerking himself off, he can’t!!! He’s too subby for that, all he can do it whine and huff and spam message you until you give in and FaceTime him.
The moment he answers, you’re greeted by a very pouty Oscar. His hair is a mess and his lips are bright red from how he’s been biting them.
When you ask what’s wrong, he just mumbles “help me” and then unceremoniously flips the camera so you can see the bulge in his boxers. You get it then, he’s all subby and very unhappy there’s no one around to play with his cock.
You tell him that you’ll help him, that he can make himself feel good if he just listens to you. At first he’s uncertain, not liking the idea of doing any of it himself but you promise him that he just needs to listen to you, he won’t have to think at all.
You ‘teach’ him how to hump a pillow, which is something you’ve had him do so many times before but you know he’d get all whiney and unhappy if you didn’t give him precise instructions and act like he’s never done this before.
He sounds so shocked when he tries and it feels good? He babbles on and on about how good it feels and thanks you for showing him and promises he’s being a good boy.
(Arguably good boys don’t spam you until you call them and then show you their cock unprompted but oh well, at least he’s cute)
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Which of the creeps (that you write romantically for) be okay/like a bada$$ s/o? Like every1 is intimidated and every1 thinks that if you try to fight them you’re stupid? Have a great day!!
Creeps with a badass reader!
i actually really like this idea!! also im so so sorry it took me so long to get to this </3!! ive kinda been focusing on art these past few days, and when i havent been drawing ive kinda been. laying in my own. feelings. sleepy.... yk how it is!!
with that said! yeah! i wont be doing all the bare bones list of characters i usually do with non specified characters! to keep true with the prompt im going to stick with characters i feel would like this kind of S/O and/or compliment the readers fierce nature... also going to aim for a more comedic style
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LIST OF CHARACTERS: Laughing Jack, Eyeless Jack, Hoodie, Splendorman
CW; mentions of violence
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No because just think about it; a soft easy going cryptid with a strong and ready to fight partner
"he asked for no pickles" dynamic basically imo LMAO
he would rather you tone it down, or at least dont fight for him... he doesnt want you to get hurt, or in trouble..! mostly trouble, he knows you can handle yourself
he wont ever say it but hes internally swooning anytime you fight for him, though. like. "oh? they would do this for me just because someone said something vaguely mean about me?"... hes red in the face
tries to introduce you to new people to make potential friends since he kinda thinks part of your bloodlust(/j) is from loneliness, which in turn makes people see you as.. mean... so its a loop. he doesnt mean it in a bad way! he just cares about your well being!
overall he secretly thinks its hot but hed rather you stay out of trouble and hed try to find ways to make you less fierce...
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Laughing Jack;
like splendorman he thinks its hot but he WILL vocalize it
also he thinks its really funny whenever people try to antagonize you
pulls a bag of popcorn out of thin air and watches the show/hj
he will literally cheer for you from the sidelines and becomes the fights personal announcer
absolutely treats you when you win; showered in praise and love and gifts
hes flustered; depending on what color you think he blushes (personally i think he blushes a purpleish-grey), his entire face is that color when he watches it happen
again, hes really into it
smh ive been on a lj trip these past few days and i hardly got anything for him here god mfing damn!!!!
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ngl he probably throws himself into the fight and yall both kick the shit out of the person
basically think something like this scene (ive never seen jjba my friend showed me this) where he just joins you after watching for a few seconds (we can say the third person is masky/j)
anyways it wont let me move the gif up so pretend the gif is under the above bullet point instead of at the end of this segment
really yall are kinda the same but hoodie is more likely to sit back and access the situation before jumping in and fighting someone unless like. its an immediate life or death thing
now how does he feel about you being a proclaimed badass?
he respects it, and he knows that you can defend yourself when hes not around so it also puts him at ease
maybe you two will spar every now and then to get better at defense and offense stuff (he will not go easy on you btw, bro will give it his all)
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Eyeless Jack;
he doesnt really like the fighting since hes also likely the one who has to patch you up afterwards. like even if you win the fight youre still going to be hurt in some way, this applies to all the other characters too. ej is just the only one who has the knowledge when it comes to tending wounds...
with ej, in my au, he doesnt really. like conflict, especially since his own body is changing into something that isnt human; he already has enough on his plate already, doesnt need to go bury an extra body because he let his temper get the better of him
and every now and then, that mindset of avoiding conflict bleeds to how he views you and your attitude
hes happy that you can defend yourself, like hoodie he admires it; but at the same time he gets so scared that youre going to pick a fight with the wrong person or get hit in the wrong spot, and..
he does not pity those who are dumb enough to rile you up, though..
overall he worries for you and already has enough on his plate with himself ... but dont think that he sees tending to you as a burden! hell do it regardless of what caused your injury
possible idea for an angst post? ooo? maybe, if you guys want it
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luzwastaken · 1 month
some of these are inspired by other headcanons i've seen for her :)
also sorry if this is a little long i just have so many feeling about her LOL
headcanons mostly for younger regressors :3 (sense i am one lol)
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⭐️oh she is so fun ! she'd play any game with you ! think Bandit and Chilli like she doesn't care about making a fool of herself especially if it makes you happy !
⭐️speaking of Bandit and Chilli, Nemona would know all your favorite shows and movies and probably asked Penny to pirate them for her so you can watch them at any time
⭐️SPOILS YOU like so much, makes sure you have all the little gear you want, also, she doesn't like mooching off of her parents but she would if you gave her puppy eyes for a expensive toy
⭐️physical touch is her love language so lots and lots of hugs and cuddles :))
⭐️babies you and praises you so so much
⭐️would carry you and give you piggyback rides as long as she can, it's a great workout for her (as long as it isn't uphill !)
⭐️THE TYPE TO KISS YOUR BOO-BOOS <3 (honestly even if your not regressed too lol)
⭐️thinks it's adorable if you try to count the freckles on her face or shoulders (i hc that she has more freckles than her model shows)
⭐️definitely protective, but not in a bad way (IM LOOKING AT YOU WEIRDOS) she doesn't want you to get hurt or see something you don't wanna, especially when your in little space
⭐️this one has been done but pretend pokemon battles are so real, like with plushies or maybe you being the pokemon yourselves !
⭐️takes you to have cute picnics somewhere quiet, and plays with all of your pokemon together
⭐️if you like she doesn't mind having 'Ar-ben' and 'Pen-pen' over for some fun too :)
⭐️listens to music and would have little karaoke sessions with you
⭐️if you babble at her she would pretend to understand and have a conversation with you, and sometimes copy your babbles back at you
⭐️she's not the best at comforting, but if your having a rough time she'll try her best, she would hold you close if you'd like and say things like "i love you, mi tesoro" and "you're gonna be ok" over and over till you feel better :)
⭐️panics if your regression gets triggered in public, but she'll bring you to a quieter spot if she can to help you out if you need
⭐️she thinks being your caregiver is wonderful, always
⭐️would let you wear her clothes, sense she's pretty tall wearing her big clothes makes you feel tiny and safe
⭐️she takes being your caregiver very seriously, and tries her best to make sure she's the best she can be for you
⭐️SPANISH PET NAMES AHHHH (mi cariño, tesoro, pequeña/o, chiquita/o, amor, corazón, bebé, etc)
⭐️and if you don't know Paldean she would teach you like a parent teaching their kid how to talk LOL
⭐️she loves it when you give her any nicknames too, Nene, Mona, Mama, Sis, etc
⭐️if you'd like she would carry a paci or small comfort item in her bag just in case :)
⭐️if you make a drawing for her she would adore it, and maybe even frame it on her desk with photos of you two and your friends, or stick it on a wall by her desk :))
(pov: me trying so hard not to write her as the 'perfect' caregiver when she just pretty much is to me 😭😭 like i love her so much guys she's literally perfect 😭😭😭)
i had a hard time coming up with unique headcanons sense the ones people had already done where already so perfect !!!
(don't be surprised if i make a part two one day >:3)
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