#beth yells
ohbeffinitely · 10 months
Favorite 2 am food
Cereal. Bonus if it's Old Man Flavored (Total, Cracklin' Oat Bran, Grape Nuts)
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daenerys-targaryen · 5 months
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KELLY REILLY as BETH DUTTON 🌪 Yellowstone: 4x10 “Grass on the Streets and Weeds on the Rooftops"
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
Two girls named Beth were fighting and they kept yelling, “I'm THE Beth!”
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itsallgooodman · 6 months
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an appreciation post for the women in camp because i love them and they deserve it.
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totalswagisland · 1 month
i love thw auditions that are just them being weird goofy kids who kind of suck at their hobbies. worlds silliest lamest band
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and of course tyler sending in an audition tape that is just him sucking at sports
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sorrelpaws · 2 years
to be honest i think i will always hate rick’s backstory
its just. it kinda sucks in my opinion. rewatching older episodes also makes it pretty clear that this was noott the original plan. you have rick potion nr9, where rick says that “he couldn’t make marriage work”. and okay i’ll admit this line is kind of vague, but in context it implies divorce or something along those lines. s3′s premiere also just feels like such a meme to me. like the fucking breaking bad house ??? the very cheesy, “feel bad for me :(” backstory, it just. i think purely with season3′s context it’s SUCH a good twist. it not only fools that federation bug but also the audience. you get invested in seeing rick’s backstory, because HOLY SHIT, RICK’S BACKSTORY, only for the rug to be pulled out from under you. IT’S SO GOOD and in my opinion season 5 kind of completely fucks that reveal over. it just feels lazy to me. it’s disappointing!!!!! and it puts rick in a spot where his actions feel, maybe not justified, but definitely like... excusable? understandable? like oh yeah of course he’d become an alcoholic because of this, of course he’d kill thousands of people, of course he’d be a terrible person. idk. i hope this isn’t some deluded fever dream, but i swear i saw one of those “fun r&m facts you didn’t know!” videos that said that rick’s backstory would never be revealed. and i wish that had been the case!!!!! or like, i dont know. at least that it would’ve been something ANYTHING else. it also sucks because it completely strips diane of any character besides rick’s hot dead wife. like the writers had this whole unexplored character who could be Anything, and they just flush her down the drain for like. No Reason except to give rick his “crybaby backstory.” DIVORCE ARC could have been so much more interesting. or like, a cooler twist. instead of just, idk, killing people just for the lolz. and hey!! beth development!! because imagine your dad just disappears after your mom and him get divorced. like that could totally fuel beth’s angsty teenage hatred or whatever. its just. SUCH an unopened goldmine to me. i get this wouldn’t work with prime rick’s whole fiasco/the current plot but ugh i dont know. i just hate rick’s backstory. like just. imagine getting divorced and being so petty that you figure out space travel and become and intergalactic whore. AND DIANE COULD STILL EXIST AS WELL. imagine the christmases! the thanksgivings! “you look like shit”, “at least i don’t smell of sweat and ethanol” UGGHHHHH
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donnas-dollface · 8 months
modern troubles;
Mary-Beth: Okay, so hypothetically, who would you swipe right for? Kieran or Sean?
Karen, taking a swig of her whiskey: Neither, I would delete the app.
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tempting-andromeda · 9 months
I love all the women in rdr like honestly. I’m a women apologist but Grimshaw is something I can’t completely understand.
Like my personal opinion about her is that she probably had a really rough upbringing and it’s an “abused becomes the abuser” situation that she doesn’t realize she’s continuing.
The way she yells at the girls is kinda just weird. Like she’s filled with resentment and she doesn’t want them to be foolish but I genuinely can’t see how people are like “she’s a big ole softy who loves everyone”
I want to hear more opinions about her
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notquiteaghost · 6 months
hi welcome to [location] [store]! excited to work with you! i'm [redacted] and if you don't date rotate the fridge i will Fucking Bite You :)
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ohbeffinitely · 10 months
What are this week's d4 oc/canon daydreams about? :3
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Spoiler: i stood in the dungeon while the timer ran out to draw these
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daenerys-targaryen · 3 months
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Oh, Beth... You would have made one hell of a cowboy.
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leverage-ot3 · 7 months
okay leverage buddies I have a quest for anyone who knows computers/hacking
does anyone know how to access a deleted youtube video that hasn’t been captured on the wayback machine?
not to go too deep into my Lore but when I was like 17 and in the twd fandom this popular youtuber made a hate video about me for asking him to stop posting his anti stuff in the tags
it wasn’t emotionally damaging or anything, I actually found it funny and would really like to be able to watch it again and to have evidence it actually happened lmao
here’s the link and his account was rayonisrayon
anyways if you are able to access it I’ll love u forever 💖💖💖 genuinely you’d make my year if you could recover it
edit: here was the thumbnail if that helps
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ange-la-ange-ootd · 1 year
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Beth Visual Prison inspired outfit. Anime vampires wear burando.
Gaard dress - Unif Nebula top & Damiana stockings - Killstar Bunny Hooded Fur Blouson - Liz Lisa boots - Demonia eyelet ring beret (not pictured) - Listen Flavor choker - Creepyyeha
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[ID: A casual streetwear outfit with gothic elements inspired by the character Beth from the anime Visual Prison. The main outfit colors are black, pastel pink, and a pink-toned beige. The main pieces are a a sleeveless beige dress layered over a black cold shoulder long sleeved top with an oversized fluffy pink coat worn off the shoulders. These items are paired with black over the knee socks with gothic embroidery, platform boots, and a spiked heart choker.
Included with the outfit post is an animated gif of Beth talking excitedly to the protagonist who is in the foreground.]
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skiploom · 2 years
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lieutenant columbo and his wife.. mrs. columbo 🌹 💝 
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riosnecktattoo · 2 years
What would your dream s5 of good girls look like? Like what would you want for brio?
for brio? just lots of this
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but honestly to quote Sharpay and Ryan Evans in High School Musical 3: I want it all.
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marklikely · 2 years
we need to give anthony's wife more credit for convincing him to make mr. mustache / scam revive himself instead of ron in deck picks. funniest decision in the entire podcast
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